
2020-03-03 08:14:07 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Impreion of the Te of the D’Urbervilles

In general, the book Te of the D’Urbervilles tells us a story about the life of the heroine named Te.We can say that Te’s life is greatly influence by two men: Alec D’Urbervilles who seduces her and Angel Clare with whom she really fall in love.The first person appearing in the book is Te’s father who happens to know from a parson that he is a direct descendant of the ancient and noble family of the D’Urbervilles.He is very happy and proud of his descent, despite that he is still very poor.And he wants Te to go to the house of a rich “relative” and want to get help from them.From this we can see the vanity of people and the social hierarchy.At first, Te does not want to do so.But after the only horse in their house died, she has no choice but to seek help from the relative.The situation is caused by the social environment at that time.In the first half of the 19th century, Britain experienced great changes in the politic and economic areas.The industrial revolution bringing up at the end of the 18th century was flourishing in the 1830s.In 1846, Repeal of the Corn Laws was carried out and it became the symbol of the decline of agricultural labor force and the increase of urban labor force.Te and her family are the representatives of rural labors.They work very hard to make a living, being exploited and oppreed.

Alec D’Urbervilles, the son of a rich merchant who buys the noble title of D’Urbervilles.He is attractive to Te at first sight and seduces Te afterward.When Te is sad about being seduced, Alec says to her , “well,you\'re very sad,Te,and you have no reason to be”.This sentence shows that men at that time do not pay respects to women.In other sense, if we say that Te is the representative of rural labors, Alec is the symbol of the right, power, evil, and wealth of the bourgeoisie.However he finally becomes a priest.To me, it seems so irony.From this , we can see the influence of the Bible.In Bible, Eve eats the apple coaxed by the Satan, and then she gives the apple to Adam.So people tend to think that women are more evil than men.

Angel Clare is the youngest son of the Reverend.He goes against what the family

had intended for him, a career in the ministry, like his father and brothers.Instead, Angel pursues a career that seems opposite of what his family would like for him----farming.In this sense, he can be considered as a free thinker, but his notions of morality turn out to be fairly conventional.He rejects Te on their wedding night when she confees that she isn’t a virgin, although like Te, Angel also has a past when he was nearly led into a relationship with a woman in London.This shows the inequality between the men and women.Why can Alec ask for forgivene from Te when he is not willing to do the same? The only reason I can find is the religious factor.In Bible, it is said that woman is made from man\'s rib.Maybe because of this, Alec thinks Te should only belong to him.So selfish a man he is!

Finally I want to say something about Te.Firstly, what imprees me most about her is her sacrifice for the family.She goes to Alec’s house just because the horse they need to supply the family died, which lead to her being seduced.However, after her dad died, for her family, she has to surrender to Alec which she would never do if there were other choices.Secondly, I admire her courage.After being seduced, she does not take it for her fate and she begins to resist.When Alec asks her to stay, she says“It\'s true.I have never loved you,and I never can Perhaps I should tell a lie and then I could lead a comfortable life.But I have enough honor not to tell that lie.If I loved you,I might have a very good reason to tell you so.But I don\'t.” She is so brave that she choose to face all the difficulties, even be a mother unmarried.Thirdly, Te is loyal to love.She does not love Alec, so she chooses to leave.Still, for love, she chooses to wait, no matter how long it will take for her husband to come back.Just as what Angel Clare finally perceives, “the Te he had first loved had separated her body from her soul.Her soul remained and would remain faithful to him for ever.But what happened to her body no longer interested her after he had rejected it.”At the end of the book, Te kills Alec.And after leading several happy days with her husband Clare, she is arrested by the police.“She stood up and went towards the waiting men.‘I am ready,’she said quietly.” Yeah, she is ready.When she chooses to kill Alec and follow Clare, she knows the ending, which she will never regret.



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