
2020-03-02 08:10:17 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


Good morning/afternoon girls and boys! ~ Nice to meet you …~ „Jenny how are you today?‟…~ “LiMing how are you today?”…~Ok, let‟s begin our cla.Now if I call your name ,you should say „here‟ ok? 开始点名。。。

Very good! You are all here! Good job! Everyone look at the blackboard ,this is group A and this is group B! And I will give you your number “number 1 ,number 2 …” ok now ,if I call your number ,you should say “here”,do you understand? Ok, “number 1 ”~ “number 2”……

2.Warm up Very good! Now,everyone stand up ,let‟s warn up,ok? Follow me ,let‟s go! “Hello hello how are you? Fine fine thank you! Hello hello how are you? No no ,just so so!”Ok, vere good! Now let‟s learn a new warm up,ok?..~ Everyone show me your hands,follow me “one two three four, clap your hands, two two three four, stamp your feet, three two three four, nod your head, four two three four, hands on knee.”Ok,very good.Now,let‟s go to the second time ok? Let‟s go! “one two three four, clap your hands, two two three four, stamp your feet, three two three four, nod your head, four two three four, hands on knee”! Perfect ! 3.导入

Ok,now,every student, look at my hand, this is a bag,do you know what‟s in my bag? (同学才袋子里装的是什么,然后让一个同学上来摸)。 This cla we will learn some fruits,do you know what is fruit? Ok , look at here(拿出一个苹果),this is fruit,and (拿出一个香蕉) this is fruit.


Now, look at here(拿出卡片), read after me (flash cards).5.逐个学习,叫号读单词,say here游戏

Ok,now, look at this one,read after me “apple ”..~,look at this one, read after me“banana”。。。~,(再拿出apple让同学读,接着反复领读这两个单词,然后叫号读单词,直到孩子们都能会读这两个单词),(接着拿出orange)ok,everyone,look at this one,read after me“orange”……~(叫号读),(再拿出apple banana 让孩子读)。 Ok ,now, let‟s play a game,(拿出苹果,香蕉,橙子的卡片各两张),this is an apple, this is a banana, and this is an orange, I will give them to you ,ok? Now, everyone close your eyes,(把六个卡片放在六个同学的桌子上) ,ok now open your eyes,(让孩子们找一找自己是否得到卡片)。Ok ,where is apple? please say here! Ok ,where is banana? …where is orange? Ok ,good job! Look at this one ,read after me “pear”…(再拿出前几个单词,领读),grapes,read after me 6.传水果篮游戏

Ok,now,let‟s play another game, look!(拿出水果袋),I will konck the blackboard,and you should pa it one by one, and when I stop, you should stop, and you should pick one fruit to read it.,if you read it right , I will take it away, and if you read it wrong, you should be a teacher to knock the blackboard.Do you understand? Ok ,let‟s go!(老师敲黑板,学生传水果袋,老师一停,拿着袋子的学生要从袋子中拿出一个水果并读出单词,读对了水果老师拿走,读错了由这个学生代替老师敲黑板)。



Now, let‟s play another game.(准备好这五张的单词卡片和模型,放在大家都能看到的桌子上,打乱顺序),look, this is apple,you should take it with the apple „s card together, and read the word quickly, who want play the game?(选一名同学来做这个游戏,其他同学来监督改错,然

后再叫另一组的一名同学来做,哪组的同学用的最少并且错误最少,哪组获胜) 8.point and say

Ok,look at here(拿出apple and banana),please point apple, please point banana,(再拿出另两个单词卡片,让孩子们指,再用已学的单词干扰),please point pear, point grapes(看同学是否能区分出来没有grapes这个单词),if no have the word ,you should put your hand down..(反复练习指单词,直到所有同学都能很快的指出正确的单词) 。 9.Read together Ok, you are so clever! Now, let‟s read words together! 10.复习上节课学的五个单词

Let‟s review these words.(flash cards) 11.句子导入

(拿出手偶)hi ,I‟m Jack , 老师说: “hi, Jack!” Ok , every student, say hello to Jack……(学生向玩偶问好),玩偶说: “wow…appple! I like apple,” 老师说,oh , you like apples.玩偶说:yes! 老师问学生:Jack like apple, yes or no? 学生回答。。。。。。老师拿着水果模型,问学生喜欢哪个,训练学生说 I like…句型 老师问玩偶:Do you like bananas? 玩偶答:No, I don‟t like bananas.老师问学生:Ok , Jack don‟t like bananas,yes or no? 学生回答:。。。。。。接着玩偶问老师 :Do you like bananas? 老师回答:Yes,I do! 玩偶问老师:Do you like peaches? 老师答:No ,I don‟t! 玩偶问座位的第一个学生:“do you like apples?”引导学生回答。再由这个学生问他邻座的学生:“do you like bananas?”一个接一个往下问,最后一个学生问老师。所有同学都会用这个句型的话,就领同学读黑板上的句子,然后叫号读。 12.魔力小法师

Now let‟s play a new game.(拿出五个单词卡片让同学看)now, I will pick one my like (放在背后),now ,you should gue what do I like? You should ask me “do you like …”if you want ask me ,you should hand up ok?,who gue right , I will give you one point.Now, who wants play the game? (找一个同学扮演老师的角色,并告诉他不能只叫自己组的同学回答)。(再找另一组的同学玩)

直到所有的同学都会运用这个句型。 Ok , let‟s read this sentence together! 13.a--e发音的学习

Ok, now is our magic phonics Time! Look at here,(grapes,make ,, game,) 你们看他们有什么共同点啊?。。。。。。那他们的发音都有什么共同点啊?。。。。。。他们都是a和e 中间加一个字母对吧,你们知道吗,e是一名警察,a 是一个罪犯,当a和e中间隔一个字母的时候,a 就不耍花招了,就老老实实的读自己的本音了,那e都是警察了,他有公务在身,就不参与读音啦,所以他就不发音。你们知道a怎么读吗?。。。恩,对,read after me“a”,ok,look at here,(写几个相对开音节的单词),直到所有同学都会认识并且会读这样的单词。










