
2020-03-04 00:03:07 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Mother’s Hands Night after night, she came to tuck me in, even long after my childhood years.Following her longstanding custom, she’d lean down and push my long hair out of the way, then ki my forehead.

I don’t remember when it first started annoying me-her hands pushing my hair that way. But it did annoy me, for they felt work-worn and rough against my young skin.Finally, one night, I shouted out at her, “Don’t do that anymore-your hands are too rough!” She didn’t say anything in reply.But never again did my mother close out my day with that familiar expreion of her love.

Time after time, with the paing years, my thoughts returned to that night.By then I mied my mother’s hands, mied her goodnight ki on my forehead.Sometimes the incident seemed very close, sometimes far away.But always it lurked in the back of my mind.

Well, the years have paed, and I’m not a little girl anymore.Mom is in her mid-seventies, and those hands I once thought to be so rough are still doing things for me and my family.She’s been our doctor, reaching into a medicine cabinet for the remedy to calm a young girl’s stomach or soothe the boy’s scraped knees.She cooks the best fried chicken in the world and gets stains out of blue jeans like I never could…

Now, my own children are grown and gone.Mom no longer has Dad, and on special occasions, I find myself drawn next door to spend the night with her.So it was late on Thanksgiving Eve, as I slept in the bedroom of my youth, a familiar hand hesitantly run acro my face to brush the hair from my forehead.Then a ki, ever so gently, touched my brow.

In my memory, for the thousandth time, I recalled the night my young voice complained, “Don’t do that anymore-your hands are too rough!” Catching Mom’s hand in hand, I blurted out how sorry I was for that night.I thought she’d remember, as I did.But Mom didn’t know what I was talking about.She had forgotten-and forgiven-long ago.

That night, I fell asleep with a new appreciation for my gentle mother and her caring hands. And the guilt that I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found.









Are You Cold, Mother?

On a heavy snowy day in winter, the two men walked along a valley.After trudging for one whole day, they came to a grave.

The grave was covered with the thick snow, the tombstone looking very simple.The older man said to the young man, “This is your mother’s grave...” The young man knelt down on the snow.

The story took place in 1952.In order to save the Korean War from losing, the “UN forces” reinforced a group of soldiers, among whom Wilson was.At that time the most intense fighting occurred here.

The strong offensive of the People’s Army made the “UN forces” retreat in defeat succeively. On the way to retreat, Wilson was farther and farther away from the troops.At this moment, he suddenly heard a baby’s cry, which came from the snow hole.Wilson instinctively dug up the snow, immediately shocked by what he saw.

In a mother’s arms, the infant was crying aloud.What was even more shocking was the mother was naked.It turned out that when the mother carried her baby on the back to take refuge, they were trapped in this valley, for it started snowing heavily.In order to save her baby, the mother gave all her clothes to her child and then tightly held the baby in her arms.Though the naked mother had been dead, the baby in her arms survived.

Wilson was deeply moved by such an unexpected scene.He dug a pit with the field-operation tools in the frozen snow, buried the mother and then held the crying baby to pursue the troops.

After the war, he adopted this child and took him to the United States to bring up.When the child grew up slowly, Wilson told him what happened that year and took him to the valley to look for his mother.

The young man kneeling at the grave burst into tears.

After a while, the young man got to his feet and started to clean the snow on the grave.After cleaning the snow around, he undreed his clothes, covered the grave, then threw himself on the grave and spoke out the words concealed in his heart for long, “Mom, how cold you are for so many years!”











The Potential of Love

On the way home, when she would be home immediately, a young woman looked at her balcony on the fourth floor while her lovely son was also expecting her mother to come back on the balcony.When he saw his mother, his son started waving his hand.At this moment the young woman was also consciously waving her hand.Suddenly, she realized this might be dangerous, but it was already late because her son wanted to greet her, leaned forward, suddenly lost his balance and turned over from the balcony.Then the people in the room were so shocked that all of them rushed to the balcony shouting.When finding her son falling down, she dashed ahead regardle of her safety to save her son.Perhaps God was moved; the son was met by his mother and unharmed.People found it very strange how a young woman ran so fast and could catch her son because according to her running speed she should have broken the 100-meter world record.

Later, people asked the 100-meter world champion to do a test: whether he could meet the object with the same weight falling from the balcony in the same distance.The result was he couldn’t make it anyway.Let the young woman test again, but the result was that she couldn’t break the 100-meter world record.Finally, people summarized: the power of love is great.

This story illustrates that love can also inspire the potential.


一位少妇在回家的路上,马上要到家时,习惯地看了一下4楼自家的阳台, 可爱的儿子也正在阳台上期待着妈妈回来。当看到妈妈时,儿子开始招手,这时少妇也有意识地招手,突然她意识到这样可能会有危险,但已经晚了。因为儿子要迎妈妈,所以身体前倾,突然失去平衡,从阳台上坠了下来。这时,房间里的 人惊呆了,纷纷跑到阳台上呼叫。。妈妈发现儿子掉下来,就奋不顾身地去救儿子,也许是感动了上帝,儿子被妈妈接住了,并且安然无恙。人们都觉得很奇怪,一个少妇怎么跑得那样快,并能接住自己的儿子,因为按当时少妇跑的速度应该已打破了百米世界记录。



A Rose for Her Mother

A gentleman stopped his car at the door of a flower shop.He wanted to order a bunch of flowers and asked them to deliver them to his mother who was far in his hometown.

He saw a girl crying on the road when he was about to enter the shop.The gentleman walked to the little girl and asked her, “Little girl, why are you crying?”

“I want to buy a rose for my mother, but I haven’t enough money.” said the girl.

Hearing that, the gentleman felt sympathetic to the girl.“It was so.....” Then he grasped the girl’s hand and entered the flower shop.He first ordered the bouquet for his mother and bought a rose for the girl.

Walking out of the shop, the gentleman proposed driving the girl home.

“Would you really drive me home?”

“Of course!”

“Then drive me to my mother.But uncle, the place where my mother lives is very far from here.”

Following the way the girl showed, the gentleman drove out of the urban district along the winding mountain road and finally came to the cemetery.

The little girl put the flower close to a new grave.In order to present a rose to her mother who just paed away a month ago, she took a long journey.

The gentleman drove the girl to her home, then he return to the flower shop.He cancelled the flower bunch to her mother but bought a big bunch of fresh flower instead.He drove directly to his mother’s home, five-hour drive from here.He would present the flower to his mother in person.













A Daughter’s Love for Her Mother

Dear Mom,

I haven’t written many letters to you before, as we’ve almost always been able to just pick up the phone and have a chat, so it’s hard to know how to start.

Of course, all the usual things apply-we all mi you and hope you’re all right wherever you are.

When you left us, it took a little for it to sink in that I would never see you again.I gue I was a bit like you being away on a trip or those times when we didn’t find the time to even speak on the phone for a week or so.

I realize now there are too many things left unsaid and too many questions unasked.

Dad is finding life difficult without you and his loneline is almost unbearable to me, as there’s so little I can do to help him.I think in time he’ll find some interests and make a new kind of life.But at the moment he seems only to look forward to the time when he can join you again.

Emily and I are feeling a little better each day and, in a way, your going has brought us closer together.We seem to understand each other better at the moment and maybe eventually we’ll have the sort of relationship that really close sisters enjoy.

We’ve both found strengths in each other over the past weeks, and these are a huge comfort.Perhaps we never needed to look for them before because we had you to be strong for us.

I gue I’m lucky to have my own children to keep me so busy.I don’t have much time to dwell on my sadne but sometimes I crave the peace to just have a private think about you.

For a couple of weeks after you died, my brain seemed to go crazy, searching through its memory banks for something I could keep in my heart which was special to you and me.One day it came to me-the tour we made of some special garden.

Remember the day it poured with rain the whole time but we were determined to make the most of it? I enjoyed just being with you by myself, without the children clamoring for your attention.The gardens were beautiful despite the rain and you bought me a rose I’d admired for my own garden.

For a while after your death, I expected to feel your presence around me as Dad and Emily seem to do with such ease.When I was out walking, I would look at the sky and wonder whether you could see me, or whether you were with me.At night I wondered whether you’d become a star, as some people believe.

But as time paes, I think I’m closer to finding the truth.You’re with me every time I comfort one of the children or try to find the right words to gently chastise them.I listen for your words of wisdom and they come from within me because your greatest gift to me was teaching me how to be a good mother to my own children.

And although you’re no longer here with us, I know in times of sadne or pain the children feel your arms around them just as I sense that I feel your arms around me, too.In years to come I hope your gift to me will be paed to my own children’s children.And I know it’s your voice telling me in these changing times the best thing we can give our children is love, because love is eternal and love doesn’t die.So long for now, and thank you from all of us.Happy Mother’s Day, mom.

Love Carol











在您去世后的两三周里,我的大脑好像发了疯似的,拼命在记忆库里寻找珍藏在我心里的某件事——某件对您我二人都特别亲密的事情。有一天,我终于想起来了—— 一个特别花园进行的那次游览。还记得那天一直大雨倾盆,但我们打定主意要尽情玩玩一下的情景吗?我就喜欢单独和您在一起,没有孩子们大声吵闹使您分心。尽管下着雨,但花园很美:您给我买了一枝玫瑰,我曾希望自己的花园种有这种玫瑰。您去世后的一段时间,我期望能感到您就在我身边,因为爸爸和埃米莉好像轻松自如就能感受到。我在外面散步时,常常仰望天空,想知道您是不是能看到我,或者您是不是和我在一起。夜里,我常常想,您是不是就像有些人相信的那样变成了一颗星星。






The Hair in the Box Meal In those years of poverty, many clamates often couldn’t bring decent box meal to school, so did my deskmate.His meal was always the black fermented soybean while mine was often ham and fried egg, completely different from his. Moreover, every time my clamate would first pick the hair from his box meal and eat it as if nothing had happened. This discomfortable discovery continued all along.

“Obviously his mother is so lousy that even her hair drops in the meal.” My clamates talked about it secretly. I felt it was too dirty but I couldn’t show that for the sake of his self-respect. So my impreion on him began to decline greatly.

One day after school, he called me and said,“Would you like to go to my home if you’re free?”

Though reluctant, I found it awkward to refuse because this was his first invitation since we were in the same cla.Following my friend, we arrived at a poor village located at the Seoul’s steepest place.

“ Mum, I bring my friend home.”

Hearing my clamate’s excited voice, his aged mother opened the door and appeared.“My son’s friend comes. Let me have a look.” But his mother, who had walked out of the door, was only touching the door’s beam column with her hands. It turned out that she was blind.

I felt sad without a word.My clamate’s box meal was as usual the fermented soybean every day, but it was his blind mother who carefully prepared for him.It was not only a lunch. But also a mother’s brimming love, and even the hair mixed in it was the mother’s love.



“可见他妈妈有多邋遢,竟然每天饭里都有头发。”同学们私下议论着。为 了顾及同学自尊,又不能表表现;现出来,总觉得好好脏,因此对这同学的印象也开始大打折扣。


虽然心中不太愿意,但自从同班以来,他第一次开口邀请我到家里玩,所以 我不好意思拒绝,就随朋友来到了位于汉城最陡峭地形的某个贫民村。


听到同学兴奋的声音后,他年迈的母亲打开了房门,出现在了门口。“我儿 子的朋友来啦,让我看看。”可是,走出房门的同学母亲只是用手摸着房门外的 梁柱。原来她是盲人。

我感到一阵心酸,一句话都说不出来。同学的午饭菜虽然每天如常都是豆 豉,却是眼睛看不到的母亲小心翼翼帮他装的,那不只是一顿午餐,更是母亲满 满的爱心,甚至连掺杂在里面的头发也一样是母亲的爱。

Mom Charged Zero Dollar Texas has a law : any 14-year-old children must share the household chores for the parents, such as washing dishes, scrubbing the floor and mowing the lawns.One Sunday night, smart Tom wrote a bill to his mother:

Tom helped Mom buy the food in the supermarket.So Mom should pay five dollars; Tom got up and folded his quilt, so Mom should pay two dollars; Tom scrubbed the floor, so Mom should pay three dollars; Tom is an obedient good boy, so Mom should pay 10 dollars.

The total is 20 dollars.

After that, Tom preed the note on the table and went to bed.When his mother saw it, she smiled tolerantly, added a few lines on it and put it beside Tom’s pillows.

Hen Tom woke up, he saw such a bill:

Mom was pregnant with Tom for l0 months, so Tom should pay 0 dollar; Mom taught Tom to speak and walk, so Tom should pay 0 dollar;

Mom made good food for Tom every day, so Tom should pay 0 dollar;

Mom accompanied Tom to the children’s playground every weekend, so Tom should pay 0 dollar.Mom prays for Tom every day, hoping he becomes an angelic lovely little boy, so Tom should pay 0 dollar. The is total is 0 dollar.

Now this note is still treasured by Tom.It tells Tom that the real love can’t be measured by money.

Other is so generous because she loves too genuinely; Mother is so tolerant because she loves too deeply. When we have such a genuine and deep love in our hearts as Mother, we won’t ask for reward, either.


克萨斯州有一条法律:凡年满14岁的孩子必须为父母分担家务,比如洗 碟子、擦地板和剪草坪。 一个星期天的晚上,聪明的汤姆给妈妈写下了一份账单 : 汤姆帮妈妈到超级市场买食品,妈妈应付5美元;

汤姆自己起床叠被,妈妈应付2美元; 汤姆擦地板,妈妈应付3美元;



写完后,汤姆把纸条压在餐桌上,便上床睡觉去了。妈妈看到这张纸条后, 宽容地笑了笑,随手在上面添了几行字,放到汤姆的枕边。









冯妈为什么如此慷慨,因为她爱得太真;妈妈为什么如此宽容,因为她爱得 太深。等我们心中有了妈妈那样真那样深的爱时,我们们也会不图报酬。

Prayer for My Mother

Now that I am no longer young, I have friends whose mothers have paed way.I have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers until it was too late to tell them.

I am bleed with the dear mother who is still alive. I appreciate her more each day. My mother doesn’t change, but I do.As I grow older and wiser, I realize what an extraordinary person she is. How sad that I am unable to speak these words in her presence.But they flow easily from my pen.

How does a daughter begin to thank her mother for life itself? For the love, patience and just plain hard work that go into raising a child? For running after a toddler, for understanding a moody teenager, for tolerating a college student who knows everything? For waiting for the day when a daughter realizes her mother really is?

I don’t know how, dear God, except to ble her as richly as she deserves and o help me live up to the example she has set. I pray that I will look as good in the eyes of my children as my mother looks in mine.


不再年轻,一些朋友的母亲已经去世了。我曾听这些子女们说过,他们从 没有向自己的母亲充分表示过感激之情,直到想告诉她们时为时已晚。

我庆幸自己亲爱的母亲仍然健在。我对她的感激与日俱增。母亲没有变,但 我却变了。随着年龄的增长,我越来越懂事,我认识到她是一个多么非凡的人。 我对自己在她面前说不出这些话感到难过,但这些话却能轻松地流诸笔端。

一个女儿如何开口感谢她的母亲给予的生命呢?是感谢她在抚养孩子时付出 爱、耐心和平常的辛劳?是感谢她跟在蹒跚学步的孩子身后奔跑,对喜怒无常 少女的理解和对一个自以为是的大学生的宽容?还是感谢她等待女儿认识到她 是一位真正母亲的这一天?


All I Am I Owe to My Mother All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother.I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.

My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw.All I am I owe to my other.I attribute all my succe in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.

There never was a woman like her. She was gentle as a dove and brave as a lione...The memory of my mother and her teachings were, after all, the only capital I had to start life with.And on that capital I have made my way.

A good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters.

Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall. A mother’s secret hope outlives them all. God couldn’t be everywhere and therefore he made mothers.

The heart of a mother is a deep aby at the bottom of which you will always find forgivene. He most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

In all my efforts to learn to read, my mother shared fully my ambition and sympathize with me and aided me in every way she could. If I have done anything n life worth attention, I feel sure that I inherited the disposition from my mother.

Seems to me that my mother was the most splendid woman I ever knew...I have met a lot of people knocking around the world since,, but I have never met a more thoroughly refined woman than my mother. If I have amounted to anything, it will be due to her.



我;的母亲是我见过的最漂亮的女人。我所有的一切都归功于我的母亲。我一 中所有的成就怒归功于我从她那里得到的德智体的教育。

来没有一个女人像她那样。她像鸽子一样温柔,像母狮一样勇敢„„毕 ,对母亲的记忆和她的教诲是我人生起步的唯一资本,并奠定了我的人生之路。


春易逝,爱情会枯,友谊的绿叶会掉落。母亲内心的希望却比它们都要 长久。





帮助我。如果我一生中做了什么值得关注的事情,那一定是因为我继承了母亲的 气质。

我来说,我的母亲是我认识的优秀的女人„—我遇到过很多世人,但从未 遇上比母亲更优雅的女人。如果我有所成就的话,这要归功于她。

Think of My Mother Far-off My mother doesn’t read a word, but she would read each of my letters for several times, even in the middle of the night.My mother is at pains to read her son’s days away from home.My mother would worry about my each voice for coughing that she couldn’t eat or sleep for three days and three nights; and she would worry about one of my cold for an entire winter.

As I grow up day by day, my mother would speak le and le. All the days and nights are elongating the distance between mother and me.When I speak, she would listen to me quietly by the side; when I change my clothes, she would take it to wash quietly; hen the wind blows, she would get up in the moonlight, close the doors and windows carefully and walk on tiptoe out of my room; when it is cold, she would put one of my clothes on my bed silently.

But I once ignored my mother’s existence. Until one day I knew my mother sitting on the threshold far-off and listenin9ig to my news, rain or sunshine. Mother, please don’t release your hand, for in front of you I’m a child who will never grow up. On the road to a long journey, I still have too much confusion and hesitation, so I need your hands to guide me.

Since then, when I fall silent, I would think of my mother.


母亲不认识一个字,但我的每一封信她都要看几遍, 甚至在半夜,母亲是用 心去阅读儿子在外的日子。母亲会为我的一声咳嗽担心得三天三夜吃不下、睡不着,会为我的一次感冒担心整整一个冬季。

随着我的日益长大,母亲的话越来越少,所有的日日夜夜都在拉长我和母亲 之间的距离。我说话,她就在一旁默默地听;我换下衣服,她就默默地拿去洗;起风了,她就会摸着月色爬起来,小心翼翼地关好门窗,然后蹑手蹑脚地走出我 房间;天冷了,她就会拿一件衣服默默地放在我的床边。

而我却一度忽略了母亲的存在,直到有一天才知道,远方有我的母亲坐在门 上夕从风里雨里聆听我的消息,母亲,请你不要松开你的手,在你面前,我是一夸永遗长不大的孩子,远行的路上,我还有太多的迷惘与彷徨, 要你的双手牵引。


Mother’s Strength There were two warring tribes in the Andes, one that lived in the lowlands and the other high in the mountains. One day the mountain people invaded the lowlanders, and as part of their plundering of the people, they kidnapped a baby of one of the lowlander families and took the infant with them back up into the mountains.

The lowlanders didn’t know how to climb the mountain. They didn’t know any clue of the path that the mountain people used, and they didn’t know where to find he mountain people or how to track them in the steep terrain.

Even so, they sent out their best party of fighting men to climb the mountain and bring the baby home. The men tried first one method of climbing and then another.After several days of efforts, however, they had climbed only a couple of hundred Feet.Feeling hopele and helple, the lowlanders decided that the cause was lost, and they prepared to return to their village below. As they were packing their gear for he descent, they saw the baby’s mother walking toward them. They realized that she was coming down the mountain that they hadn’t figured out how to climb. And they saw that she had the baby strapped to her back. How could that be?

One man greeted her and said,“We, the strongest and most able men in the village, couldn’t climb this mountain* How did you do this”

He mother shrugged her shoulders and said, “It isn’t your baby.” As long as you have love in your heart, no mountain you cannot climb.



有一天,山上部落侵略山下部落。在对山下部落抢劫中,他们绑架了一户人 家的婴儿,并把婴儿带上了山。


尽管如此,他们仍然派自己部落中最优秀、最勇敢的战士照上山,把孩子抢同来:,战十们尝试了一个又一个十方法。然而,努力了了好好几天之后,他们仅仅爬了几百英尺。山下部落的战十们感到绝望无助。认为没办法爬到山上去。准备回到 下的村庄。正当他们收拾丁具准备返回山下时,只见那个婴儿的母亲正朝他们 走来。他们意识到她下来的那座山山正是他们知道怎样爬的那座山。随后,他们 到她背着那个婴儿。这怎么可能呢?

一个战士跟她打招呼说:“我们是部落中最强壮、最能干的男人,都爬不上 山。你是怎么做到的呢?”



The Most Fragrant Smell of Medicine

That year I jobbed at a Chinese traditional medicine store whose busine was not bad and who decocted medicinal herbs for patients.So the store was filled with the heavy herbal smell, which made the paer-bys cover their noses. I found, without knowing from which day, a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old sat on the stairs before the store for a while every day, which l felt so unusual.

One day, I asked him, “Do you like the herbal smell? He said gently, “I grew up in this kind of smelll!”

He said his mother took herbal medicines year after year, so he was able to decoct herbs for his mother when he was very young. He decocted herbs with deep affection, hoping his mother would recover as soon as poible

I asked, “Is your mother fully recovered?”

He shook his head and said, “My mother paed away three years ago!” I felt depreed for a moment.

Gazing far away, he went on, “When I first paed by here and smelled the herbs, I suddenly thought of my mother.Thinking of those days when she was alive, I would feel warm in my heart. So I come here every day to sit for a moment.In such a smell, I would feel as if my mother were waiting for her medicine in her room! ”



不知从哪一天起,我发现有个十三四岁的少年每天都要在药铺前的台阶上坐 一会儿,这让我很奇怪。 有一天,我问他:“你很喜欢中药的味道吗?” 他轻轻地说:“我就是在这种气味中长大的!”他说他妈妈常年喝中药,他小小的年纪便能给妈妈熬中药了。他每天殷勤地熬药,希望妈妈能早日好起来。

我问:“你妈妈现在全好了吧?”他摇摇头说:“妈妈3年前去世了! ”我一 时黯然。 他看着远方,说:“第一次经过这里时,闻到熬药的味儿,我一下子就想起了妈妈,想起了她在世时的那些日子,心里就觉得暖暖的。于是,我每天来这里坐上一会儿,在这种气味里,我就觉得妈妈正在屋子里等着喝药呢!”










