
2020-03-02 10:30:06 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


The proce

opening remark my honorable teachers, good morning! I am Liu Qiao, from cla 7, grade 2010,majoring in busine English and my thesis topic is : Under the careful guidance of my mentor Ms Fan,i finally finished my eay succefully and today, in here, my deepest gratitude goes to my mentor Ms Fan。Again, I expre my sincere and heartfelt thanks to all of you ,my respectful teachers,for your tirele participation in my thesis defense.In the coming few minutes, i will report the aim and the main contents of my eay to my honorable teachers and i implore you to criticize and guide my eay and offer me some valuable advice.Thank you!



To begin with, i would like to talk with you the objective and significance of my graduation thesis.

Language is a reflection of society.As a society problem, there has been gender discrimination for quite a long period of time.Most of Gender discrimination is manifested in discrimination against women.It exists in almost every language, leading to a lot of vocabulary and expreions with injustice to women, reflecting social prejudice and discrimination against women.Women are often seen as appendages of men.Up to now, Many existing derogatory Chinese words such as\"rape\", \"greed\" and so on, so Sexism in English is very commonly found, especially in vocabulary and proverbs in English language.

With the rise of the women\'s movement liberation in the twentieth century, how to eliminate discrimination against women has drawn maive attention and some progre has been made.On this basis, combining academic researches at home and abroad, the paper firstly specifically defines both culture, interprets the causes of gender discrimination and thus explains gender discrimination embodied in the English and methods of eliminating gender discrimination and the progre that has been made.


Then , i am about to talk about the structure and the main contents of the eay.本文分成三个部分.Basically, It is divided into six parts.第一部分是+【主旨句】

The first part mainly talks about the background of gender discrimination in the English language.

the paper streed that women are in a position of being ruled and dominated in society.due to the slow changes in language and the rooted influence of traditional concepts, discrimination still abounds in English language and can be reflected in all aspects of the language levels, including all aspects of vocabulary, proverbs, appellations and so on.

第二部分是+【主旨句】 详细阐述

The second mainly talks about the definitions and mutual relationship of culture and language.

Language refers to the expreion of specific meanings only for humans, the exchange tools of ideas, a certain interlocking system involved in pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar.In a broad sense, culture refers to the sum of material and spiritual wealth men has created in his social and historical proce of practice.On the contrary, narrowly speaking, culture means the ideology of society and social systems and organizations it well matches.

Language and cultural are mutually interdependent and affected.As the most important carrier of culture, language is not only a exceptional cultural phenomenon, but also an important reflection of culture.Language and cultural are mutually interdependent and affected. 第三部分是+【主旨句】 详细阐述

The third part mainly talks about the definition and causes of gender discrimination in the English language.

Sex Discrimination refers to unequal treatment of members of one gender against those of the other gender, especially men’s unequal treatment of women.

Briefly, there are numerous causes attributing to gender discrimination, not only physically and psychologically, but culturally and socially.here the main reasons focus on cultural and social reasons.

Culturally, in Western culture, men has long been considered creative.In the Bible, the Lord created the world for men, but Adam the Lord created is also a man, while Eve just a derivant from a rib.

In terms of Society, the roots of gender discrimination can be traced back to gender roles played by men and women with muscular body, men were mainly engaged in laboring and creating wealth, while women mainly kept house, thus forming the traditional concept.that men went out to work while women looked after the house.

The fourth part mainly talks about the three aspects of gender discrimination.

Gender Discrimination in the Vocabulary,

Gender Discrimination in the Proverbs,

Gender Discrimination in Addre Terms

The fifth part mainly proposes some practical ways of reforming gender discrimination in the English language.

Improve the Awarene of Gender Discrimination,

Transform the Words of Gender Discrimination,

Disable to Use Female Words As the Core of Abusive Words

The last part draws a conclusion.

That language reflects society has undergone a long proce.However, although old gender discrimination has been eliminated, the newly-appearing gender discrimination will still be reflected in the new language.Therefore, we have to consider the history and culture it reflects as well as its social effect when we really launch the eliminating of gender discrimination.

三.ending remark

Finally, i also wanna discu the shortcomings of the eay.

Unavoidably, my limited ideological level makes the eay lack of some more detailed schemes and measures on the basis of the theoretical study and insufficient practical experience.Hopefully, in the future to learn and i will work to further improve and perfect.谢谢! Thanks!

四、老师提问 question 答辩的准备工作学生可以从下列问题(第4~10题)中,根据自己实际,选取二三个问题,作好汇报准备,(第1~3题必选)。时间一般不超过10分钟。内容最好烂熟于心中,不看稿纸,语言简明流畅。

1.为什么选择这个课题(或题目),研究、写作它有什么学术价值或现实意义。 2.说明这个课题的历史和现状,即前人做过哪些研究,取得哪些成果,有哪些问题没有解决,自己有什么新的看法,提出并解决了哪些问题。 3.文章的基本观点和立论的基本依据。

4.学术界和社会上对某些问题的具体争论,自己的倾向性观点。 5.重要引文的具体出处。



8.定稿交出后,自己重读审查新发现的缺陷。 9.写作毕业论文(作业)的体会。

10.本文的优缺点。总之,要作好口头表述的准备。不是宣读论文,也不是宣读写作提纲和朗读内容提要。 学生答辩注意事项

1.带上自己的论文、资料和笔记本。 2.注意开场白、结束语的礼仪。




6.对提出的疑问,要审慎地回答,对有把握的疑问要回答或辩解、申明理由;对拿不准的问题,可不进行辩解,而实事求是地回答,态度要谦虚。 7.回答问题要注意的几点:

(1)正确、准确。正面回答问题,不转换论题,更不要答非所问。 (2)重点突出。抓住主题、要领,抓住关键词语,言简意赅。 (3)清晰明白。开门见山,直接入题,不绕圈子。












