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Book 4 Unit 6 It’s 3:15! 1.知识目标

① 掌握并能运用短语:get up ,get dreed,brush my teeth,go to school,get home,do my homework,eat dinner,go to bed及句型What time is it? It’s 7:10.It’s time to get dreed.Brush your teeth,Jenny! What time do you go to school? I go to school at 7:30.② 认读并理解课文句子“Wake up,Tony!” 2.能力目标

能运用所学的语言知识在创设的情境中进行熟练的交际,并在此基础上能将其应用于日常生活之中。 3.情感目标

激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立学好英语的信心,增强学生的参与意识,引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习中的乐趣。 教学重、难点

1、教学重点:使学生掌握短语:get up ,get dreed,brush my teeth,go to school,get home,do my homework,eat dinner,go to bed。

2、教学难点:1.学生对不是整点时间的表述,如:8:15,2:34……。 2.区分以下数字:thirteen和thirty, fifteen和 fifty 。 3.在时间前要加介词:at 。 教具准备:

本课的单词图片;录音机;磁带;大时钟; CAI课件。 教学步骤:


(Vocabulary and target)

I.Warm-up/Revision: 1.Sing a song: What time is it? 2.Revision: count the numbers from one to sixty 教师展示不同的时间,学生用英语表述。如:9:00, 7:00,10:00, 7:10, 6:15, 8:20

II.New material(1): 1.(show pictures) T: This is Gogo’s daily life.Look! What’s this? It’s a clock.然后指着7:10说:What time is it? It’s 7:10.It’s time to get up.(do action) Read after T: get up Chant: Get up, It’s time to get up.It’s 7:00.It’s time to get up.2.(show time: 7:15) T: What time is it? S1: It’s 7:15.( Ss gue: It’s time to…) 引出: get dreed Read after T: get dreed ( To teach brush my/your/his/her teeth, go to home in the same way) III.Practice:

1.教师将教具钟上的时针拨到不同的时间,提问学生:What time is it? 鼓励同座的两名学生进行比赛看谁做出快速反应。

2.教师拿出生词图卡,出示图的一小部分,让学生通过观察判断图上画的是什么,并说出相应的单词或词组。 Ⅳ.New material(2): T: It’s 5:00.It’s time to get home.(出示卡片) Read after T: get home Write down.T: I get home at 5:00.What time do you get home? Read after T: What time do you get home? Ss ask T : What time do you get home? T: At 5:00.I get home at 5:00.Ss Read the sentence: I get home at 5:00.Ss read the dialogue.Game: 找出搭配合适的事件和时间,就可以获得奖品。 ( T shows a picture: do my homework) T: What’s he doing? He’s doing his homework.Read after T: homework, do his/my/your/her homework What time do you do your homework? Ss read the sentence and ask.T: I do my homework at 7:;00。 Ss read the dialogue.Pair work: What time do you do your homework? I do my homework at..T: Now I finish my homework.It’s time to eat dinner.Read after T: dinner eat dinner Ask Ss try to say out the sentence: What time do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at… Pair work.Game: 老师用多媒体快速闪过一些时间,让小组比赛,看那个组能回答正确。

4.To teach go to bed in the same way.Ⅴ.Add-activities

1.和同桌一起玩“画画、写写”的游戏。根据本人实际情况用钟的形式画出自己的活动时间,并和同桌一起进行问答练习。 2.根据课本对话,小组活动表演对话。 Ⅵ.Practice:

一、补充完整下列单词: 1._o to bed 2._ _t dinner 3._ _t home 4._o my homework 5.go to sch_ _l 6.bru_ _ my teeth 7.get dre_ _ed 8.g_ _ up


1.A: What ____ do you ____ ____ ____ ? B: At 9:00.2.It’s 8:30.It’s time to ____ my ____ .3.A: What time do they ____ ____ ? B: They ____ ____ at 5:45.4.A: What time do you ____ ____ ? B: I ____ ____ ____ 5:00.Ⅶ Summery: Read the content on the board.思想教育: 珍惜时间,做时间的主人。 Ⅷ.Homework: 1.Read P30.2.Copy the words and sentences.Ⅸ.Writing on the board:

6.It’s 3:15! It’s 7:10.It’s time to get up.What time is it? It’s 7:15.It’s time to get dreed. It’s 7:25.It’s time to brush my teeth. It’s 7:30.It’s time to go to school.

get home ? get home at 5:00.

do my homework? do my homework at 7:00.What time do you eat dinner ? I eat dinner at 8:00.

go to bed? Go to bed at 10:00.


BOOK6 Unit 7 What’s the matter?

一、教学内容( Period 1 )

1、Vocabulary:headache,toothache,cold,fever,stomachache,take some medicine,see the dentist,stay in bed,earache,sore throat

2、Sentences: (1) What’s the matter with you?I have a stomachache.You should take some medicine.(2) What’s the matter with you?I have a cold.You should stay in bed.(3) What’s the matter with you?I hurt my foot.Be careful next time.



2.能运用会话中的句型,联系日常生活,进行扩展性的情景会话。 3.通过学习,培养学生热爱生活,关心生活大小事的情感,激发学生探索生活的兴趣。








Step 1.Greetings(1 minute)

T: Good morning, boys and girls.Glad to meet you.Step 2.Presentation (4minutes)

(1) Lead-in(展示洋娃娃,复习身体部位) T: I’m Mary.Hello,every one.Ss:Hello,Mary.T:Now,see,tell me,what’s this? Ss:This is a …….(nose,mouth,teeth,head,stomach,feet,ears) (2)Mary is unhappy today.(摆出布娃娃不高兴的样子)Do you know why?Because she feel sick today.What’s the matter with her?She has a headache.Step 3 Teaching words (10 minutes) 1.电教(图片导入)headache T:Headache,read after me,repeat.Ss:Headache,headache,h-e-a-d-a-c-h-e,headache.T:Show me a headache.(手抱头作头痛状)[学生模仿动作] Ss:Yes,I did.3.Let some of students do the actions,and others say the words.For exemple:S1 shows a headache,and others say the word as quickly as poible.(要求学生动作夸张) 4.cold,fever,sore throat (1)cold T:I have a cold.(接着教师拿出纸巾捏一下鼻子) (电教)cold,read after me,repeat.Ss:cold,cold,c-o-l-d,cold T:Show me a cold.(手捏鼻子)[学生模仿动作] T:Did you have a cold? (2)fever,sore throat(图片教学) 5.review the words (5 minutes) Let some of students do the actions,and others say the words.For exemple:S1 shows a headache,and others say the word as quickly as poible.(要求学生动作夸张) Step 4 Teaching sentences(8 minutes)

1.One student show a fever,then teacher asked: What’s the matter with you?I have a fever.T:What’s the matter with you? S:I have a fever.2.Look at the picture,and answer the questions.T:What’s the matter with her/him? S1:She/He has …….2.pair work: A:What’s the matter with you? B:I have…….Step 5 Pairwork(11 minutes) 1.Performence:One student act a doctor,the other act a patient.2.listen to the tape twice.Step 6 Summary(1 minutes)

without a little things Pay more attention to day by day.(生活无小事,日日多关注。) Step 7 Homework

1.Copy the new words and reside them.2.Make a dialogue with your partner.板书:

Unit7 What’s the matter?

- What’s the matter with you?You should take some medicine/see the dentist/stay in ded.

Life without a little things Pay more attention to day by day.


BOOK7 Unit6 The turtle is faster.第二课时

教学内容:Conversation ,Practice1, Practice2 ) 教学重点、难点:

Structures: 1.I’m fast .I’m faster.

2.Which is bigger, the hat or the head ?The head is bigger.Key: Which is bigger, the hat or the head ?

The head is bigger.教学目的:


2.通过Conversation的学习,让学生懂得“虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后”的道理。 Step 1 Warming-up 1.Play a game: use the pictures to read the words quickly.2.look at the pictures to make a sentence.3.课前练习:连词成句,并按实际情况回答问题。 1)slow / is / a / very / turtle / (?) 2) the / the / kangaroo / which / cat / faster / is / or / (?) 3) father / you / your / faster / are / than/ (?) Step 2 .Presentation 1.创设情景,运用“龟兔赛跑(Who is faster?)”的故事, 引入“果果和乌龟赛跑” (Who is faster?),讲述课文的内容。激发学生学习的兴趣。 2.学生带着问题,Who do you think is faster, Gogo or the turtle? 阅读课文3次,老师引导学生画出答案。

3.Let’s listen to the tape and read the story.4.Read the story again and repeat, then act it out .5.The students act Gogo and the turtle.6.Ask the students what can you learned from the story, and what’s you feeling? Step 3 .Drill Practice 1.Read, listen and check 1) Let’s the students to read the questions together.2) Invite 4 students come to the blackboard, write down the answers .3) Let’s listen to the tape and choose the right answers.4) Check the answers with the whole cla.Practice 2 ask and answer 1) Read the model sentences, read it together.2) Pair work.One act Gogo, another act Jenny, then make a dialogue 3) Show time.Step 4.Exercises 用所给的词的适当形式填空。

1.Which is (small) , (a) insect or (a) ant? 2.A hippo is

(big).But an elephant is (big).3.Who (eat) all my cookies yesterday? 4.The turtle isn’t (fast).Can he (win)? 5.Who is (slow), Tony or Jenny? Step 5 Summary

Modesty helps one to go forward Conceit makes one lag behind。 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后 Step6 Homework 1.Use the new words to make a dialogue.2.Writing is slower.is smaller. is bigger. is faster.


Unit6 The turtle is faster. Who is faster,Gogo or the turtle? Which is slower? Which is smaller? Which is bigger ? Which is faster?

Modesty helps one to go forward Conceit makes one lag behind。 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后










