
2020-03-02 16:28:39 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

旅客列车乘务员实用英语 列车长服务用语



英文:Hello.Which coach are you in? The No.** coach please go ahead/backward.2.(遇有领导)“**领导您好!我是***次列车长,欢迎您检查指导工作。同时双目注视领导,“请您随我来,您请上车。”引导手势。

英文:I am the conductor of the Train No.**.Welcome for inspecting and guiding our work! This way please.


英文:hello.Would you please smoke in ***? Thank you for your cooperation.4.(遇有旅客询问)“您好!请问您有什么事情需要我帮忙吗?” 英文:Hello.What can I do for you? 5.(列车进站台)列车长整队并站在队伍中间位置,右手提包口中要有口号,使队伍整齐统一。




总体要求做到:面带微笑,用规范的手势 用语,组织旅客 乘车,妥善安排重点旅客,耐心解答旅客问讯,语言轻柔亲切,队有需要的旅客主动帮扶。重点旅客上车时(外宾,领导)亲自陪同安排。




英文:Good evening ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to take our train and it’s our pleasure to provide service for you.Wish you a pleasant trip! Thank you.


清理茶桌语言:“对不起,打扰您了,我清理一下,谢谢。” 英文:Excuse me.May I do some cleaning please? 包房旅客订餐时语言:“您好,是需要定餐吗?请把需要的饭菜告诉我,我来帮您联系。”

英文:Excuse me.Do you need the reservation service? Please tell me the dishes you like and I will contact for you.


英文:Hello.Please take your seat.Here is the menu.What would you like to order? 上菜时语言:“这是您点的××××,您点的菜齐了,您请慢用。” 英文:Here are the dishes you have ordered.Please enjoy yourself.餐后告别语言:“您吃好了,您请慢走,欢迎您再次光临。” 英文:Thanks for your drawing in and welcome to come again. 车内售饭语言:“您好,您需要套餐吗?(如不要)对不起打扰了!”

英文:Excuse me! Would you like a package meal? Sorry for interrupting you.2




主要内容:欢迎词、列车运行区间介绍、担当乘务组介绍、安全卫生提示、服务项目介绍、途中运行时刻及停站介绍、祝词。 范例:

中文:旅客朋友你好,欢迎乘坐由***站开往***站的***次列车, ***铁路局***列车段××车队×组的同志将竭诚为您提供服务。

上车后请您对号入座,并将随身携带的行李物品安置好。列车设有大件行李存放处,贵重物品请妥善保存。旅客朋友们,为了我们大家的安全,请不要携带易燃烧或爆炸的物品乘车。 有吸烟的旅客请到*号吸烟车厢 ,并将烟蒂熄灭后放进烟盒内。带小孩的旅客,请照看好您的小孩,注意安全。

为了更好地为您服务,每个座位都配有列车服务指南,请您仔细阅读。 英文:Good morning/afternoon/evening! Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard train*** from *** station to *** station! The crew members of team*, Train number** , **paenger train depot, ***Railway Administration will be sincerely at your service!

You are expected to take your seat in accordance with the ticket and well deposit your luggage and items.Bulky luggage storage is available on the train.Please leave your valuables under attendance.To ensure your safety, please do not bring inflammable or explosive articles on board.Smoking is only allowed in the smoking coach No.* and cigarette stub should be put into the ashtray after being extinguished.Please take care of your children.The train Service Guidebook is available at your seat for your reference.Please read it carefully.

( 送餐及旅客信息采集按规定宣传)

本次列车全程运行××千米,×小时×分,中途停车站有:***、…、***,请 3


列车运行前方停车站***站,到站时间***。 旅客朋友们,预祝大家旅途愉快!

英文:The total length of our journey is **km and will take *hours and *minutes to destination, paing by the ***station, ***station.Please be attentive to the broadcast for arrival announcements.The next station is ***.The arrival time is ***.Wish you a pleasant trip!

2、中途通告用语(范例) (1)通告站名 到站前:


英文: Ladies and gentlemen, the next station is *** and the train will arrive at ***, stopping for *minutes.Paengers to get off at ***station, please pack up your luggage, wait by the door and get off in proper order after the train’s complete stabilization.(paengers to get off at ***station, please pack up your luggage and get off by the * door after the train’s complete stabilization.) 开车后:


英文:Good morning/afternoon/evening! Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard! The next station is *** and the arrival time is ***.


中文:旅客朋友你好,用餐时间到了,列车将为大家提供免费(早、午、晚)餐 ,请您及时回到自己的座位上等候,把小桌打开准备就餐。(用餐后请将餐盒放入垃圾袋内,不要放在地板上,谢谢您的合作) 如您有特殊就餐或购物需求欢迎前往*号车厢选购。

英文:Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for meal.The catering service on the train is free.Please wait by your seat and put down the tray table in front of you.(After your meal, please put the snack box in the rubbish bag instead of on the floor, thank you.) You are also welcomed to choose your favorite food and do some shopping in coach No.*.

3.终到站前 :(范例)

中文:旅客朋友你好,列车运行前方是本次列车终点站××车站,到达××车站的时间是×点×分,请您整理好行李物品,准备下车。 感谢您一路上对我们工作的支持与协作,下次旅行再会!

英文:The next station is the terminus of our journey: the *** station.The train will arrive at ***.Please pack up your luggage and prepare for getting off.Thank you for your support and cooperation during the journey.See you next time!


范例: 1.广播找人


英文:Attention please! Mr./Mrs./Mi/Ms.*** who got on the train at *** station leaving for ***.Please go to coach No.*.Some one is waiting for you there.


中文:旅客朋友请注意,刚才有位旅客( 乘务员)拾到××,是哪位旅客丢失的,请到××去认领。

英文:Attention please! Anyone who has lost a *** please go to *** for claim.



英文:Attention please! A ×-year-old boy/girl is looking for his/her parents.The boy/girl is wearing a ×× and is now in coach No.*.Parents please come here soon.




英文:Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please? There is an emergency here.(A pregnant paenger on board this train is going to give birth to a baby very soon.) Because the train’s medical staff is not available, could anyone who happens to be a medical doctor please come to the No.× coach to help the patient (the baby delivery)? Thank you very much.(Ladies and Gentlemen, there is an emergency here.An ill paenger on board this train has been identified by the doctor and he needs medical treatment with ××medicine now, could anyone who is taking this medicine with you please offer help? Thank you very much.) 5.临时停车

中文:旅客朋友,列车现在是临时停车,还没有到站,请大家不要下车。 英文:Ladies and Gentlemen, the train is making a temporary stop now and has not arrived at the station, so please don’t get off the train.


中文:旅客朋友请注意:由于……(说明原因),有关部门正在组织抢修。列车在车站要停留×个小时左右(列车要暂时在本站停留,开车时间还没有确定)。列车停留期间,大家的吃饭、喝水等生活问题,我们会妥善安排,请旅客们放心;希望大家保管好自己的行李物品,防止丢失或被别人拿错;同时,希望旅客之间要发扬团结友爱的精神,照顾好老年人和小朋友;下车散步的旅客,要注意车站开车通告,请不要远离车厢,更不能穿越轨道或钻车底,以免发生意外 。请各位旅客协助我们维持好车内秩序。

英文:Ladies and Gentlemen, because …, the department concerned is organizing a rush repair now.Therefore the train will stay at this station for about × hours.(The train will temporarily stay at this station, and the departure time has not been fixed yet.) During the stay period, we will provide catering to you.Everyone please keep an eye on your baggage in case of being lost or mistaken by others.Meanwhile, we hope you take good care of each other, especially the old people and children.The paengers who get off train for a walk please notice the train departure announcement at the station.Please don’t leave far away from the coach, and don’t walk acro the track or go under the train for fear of accidents.Everyone please help us to keep order in train.



英文:Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome on board.I’m the chief conductor of the train.Our train will arrive at ××station, and the arriving time is ×:× by the timetable.However, the train will be × hours and × minutes late.On behalf of the railway department, I apologize to you for the inconvenience of being late.Our train crew will make great efforts to provide services to you and hope for your understanding.(heavy fog, flood disaster, sandstorm, interruption on track, snow, equipment breakdown) 8.组织赶点


英文:Ladies and Gentlemen, our train will shorten the stopping time at stations in order to restore punctuality.Paengers who get off the train at ××station please get ready to wait at the train door, and who decide to get off the train for a walk or to buy some food please don’t leave the coach far away.Please pay your attention to the ring of departure, and get on the train as soon as the bell rings.



(1)如您到前方终止旅行,请您到**车站(终止旅行站)办理退票手续。 (2)如您愿意返回发站,可以免费送回,并在发站退还有效车票的票价;如您返回中途站要求停止旅行 ,退还己收车票票价与发站至停止旅行站的车票票价差额。


英文:Ladies and Gentlemen, there is some breakdown on the front line, so the train will stop running when it arrives at ×station.Now, I’d like to introduce to you the rules of train suspension: (1) If you decide to cancel your trip when the train stops, you can return your ticket at the ** station (suspension station) and get your immediate full refund.

(2) If you decide to go back to the departure station, we will send you back for free, and refund your ticket fare at the departure station.If you decide to go back and get off the train at a midway station, the price difference between your original ticket fare and the new ticket fare charged from the departure station to the midway station will be refunded to you.

(3) If you decide to continue your trip at the departure station, the suspension station,

or the midway station back to the departure station, please pay attention to the station announcement.Your original ticket can be used within 10 days after the train’s reopening to traffic.

That’s all for the rules of train suspension. 10.绕道运行

中文:旅客朋友你好,由于前方线路发生故障,不能通行,本次列车需要变更经由 ××等站开往本次列车终点站××车站。


(1)到××站下车的旅客请注意,由于列车绕道运行,前方不再经过这些车站,如您愿意等候继续旅行 ,请注意车站公告;如您要停止旅行,请到车站办理退票手续;如您要返回原发站,铁路将免费送回,并在原发站退还有效车票栗价。


(3)绕道运行中,旅客不能中途下车。 以上向大家介绍的是列车绕道运行的有关规定。

英文:Ladies and Gentlemen, there is some breakdown on the front line and the train cannot pa through.Therefore our train needs to change to pa by the stations of ×× to the terminal station of ××.

Now, I’d like to introduce to you the rules of train detouring: (1) Paengers who would get off the train at ××station please pay attention that the train will not go through these stations anymore.If you decide to wait and continue your trip, please notice the announcement at the station.If you decide not to travel, you can return your ticket at the station, and we will give you an immediate full refund.If you decide to go back to the original departure station, we will send you back for free, and refund your ticket fare at the original departure station.

(2) Paengers who would get off the train at ××station can still use the original ticket and will arrive at the destination station after a detour, no refund for any

overpayment and no supplemental payment for any deficiency.During the train detouring, the ticket cannot be returned.

(3) During the detouring, no one is allowed to get off the train.


(1)请您看管好自己的行李物品,贵重物品请随身携带。 英文:Please keep your luggage well, and take valuables with you.(2)为了您和他人的健康,请不要在列车上吸烟。

英文:For the sake of yours and other people’s health, please don’t smoke in the train.(3)本次列车是动力快速列车,运行速度比较快,您在车内行走时请注意安全。 英文:This train is the power fast-speed train with fast running speed, so please watch out while you are walking in the train.(4)为保持铁路沿线的卫生,这趟新型客车的厕所采用真空集便器,这里特别要提醒大家不要把杂物扔到便器里,以保证设备的正常使用,谢谢。(根据列车设备的实际情况)

英文:Vacuum toilet is applied in this train in order to keep sanitation along the railway line.Please don’t litter into the toilet, so as to ensure the normal use of the equipment.Thank you.(According to the actual situation of the train equipments) (5)当您出入车厢、厕所、开关车门时,请注意不要把手扶在门缝处,以防把手挤伤。

英文: When walking through the coaches or entering the toilet, please pay attention not to get your hands shut in the door and get hurt.


英文:Please take care of your children and don’t allow them to run around in the coach or play at the door.(7)珍爱环境,举手之劳,请您将吃剩下的果皮、快餐盒放在垃圾袋内,以保持


英文:Please keep environment clean, and do not litter anywhere outside the refuse bag.



(ladies and gentlemen)Welcome to board our train.2.请出示您的车票。

Good afternoon.Would you please shout your ticket? 3.谢谢,请上车。 Thank you, please get on.4.请问您的车票呢?谢谢。请这边走。到了。这是您的座位。

Your ticket, please? Thank you.This way, please.Here it is.This one is yours.5.(在列车上)对不起,列车马上就要开车了。持站台票的人,请马上下车。谢谢。

Excuse me, we are leaving right away.Persons with platform tickets are requested to leave the train at once.Thank you.6.(对话)客:对不起,请问离开车还有多少时间? Execuse me,but how long is it departure,please? 乘:让我看一下,…女士(先生),还有5分钟。

Let me see ( look at his watch)…you have five minutes to spare,madam.7.客:您好!请问列车规定在什么时候到达天津?

Hello,what time is the train due to arrive in Tianjin,please? 乘:天津吗?今天上午10点钟 Tianjin ?At 10 p.m.today.8.(在站台上)女士们,先生们:开车铃响了,请大家上车,列车马上就要开车了。

(On the platform) ladies and gentlemen.This in the final boarding call.All paengers are requested to be on board.We will be leaving immediately.


The toilet is at each end of the coach.10.如果您有事,请随时跟我们说。

Please, Do not hesitate to let me know if you need any help.11.祝您旅途愉快。

We hope you have a pleasant journey.12.先生(女士),我能为您做点什么?

Is there anything I can do for you, sir(madam)? 13.客:对不起,请问哪里可以找到列车长?

Execuse me,but where can I find the chief conductor,please? 14.乘:列车长吗?通常可以在服务台找到他,让我领您去吧。请这边走。 The chief conductor?Usully you can find him at the Serve Counter.Let me show you to.Come this way ,please.15.乘:下午好,这位先生要见您,(转向旅客)这是列车长陈先生。

Good afternoon.This gentleman has come to see you.This is chief conductor Mr.Chen.16.列车长:您好!有什么事需要我效劳吗?

How do you do !Is there anything I can do for you ? 17.您需要我帮忙吗? Can I help you? 18.您有什么不舒服吗? Are you all right? 19.您有什么麻烦事吗? Is there anything the matter? 20.您好,你是不是需要加点食物? Hello, would you like more food? 21.请用茶,先生。 Enjoy your tea, sir.22.别客气。 Not at all .

23.不客气,这是我的份内事。 You are welcome.This is my duty.24.对不起,能占用您一点时间吗?

Excuse me, but could you spare me a moment? 25.女士,请您再说一遍好吗? Please pardon, madam? 26.您哪儿不舒服吗? Are you all right? 27.当然可以。我去给您拿止痛片来。给您药。最好马上就服用以便好得快一点。您看,我们快到一个有名的风景区了。

Yes, by all means.Let me fetch you a pain-killer.Here’s the medicine.You’d better take it right away to get a speedy recovery.You see, we’re approaching a well-known scenic spot.28.是免费的。 It’s free.29.真遗憾,车上没有随车医生。但是我试着通过广播在旅客中找一位医生。 Sorry, there isn’t a train-doctor.But I’ll try to spot a doctor in the paengers over the audio system.30.这位是吴医生。碰巧今天他乘坐我们的列车。让他给您检查一下。 This is Dr.Wu.He happens to be aboard our train today.Let him check you.31.您看用不用请个医生看看? Do you feel like seeing a doctor? 32.好,我就去安排。

All right.I’ll make the arrangements.33.您发烧吗?

Are you running a temperature? 34.祝您早日康复。

I wish you a quick recovery.35.请稍等一会儿,我查一下登记表,看看有没有空着的座位。

Wait for a moment.I’ll check the seat to see if there’s a spare one.

36.有一个空着的座位,是19号 。我看,您得搬个家了。我来帮忙好吗? I’ve got a seat for you, that’s No.19.I think you have to move.Shall I help you? 37.请付差额票价21元。

Please pay the balance 21 Yuan, sir.38.这位小朋友需要补一张儿童票。

This little boy need mend a child’s fare.39.小孩票价按大人票价50%计算,卧铺票与大人相同。 The child’s fare is fifty percent of the adult’s fare.40.列车长吗?通常可以在服务台找到他。让我领您去吧,请这边走。 The chief conductor? Usually you can find him at the Service Counter.Let me take you there.Come this way, please? 41.您先请。 After you.42.对不起,请让我过去好吗? Excuse me, may I pa through? 43.对不起,我有点急事要处理,请让一让。谢谢。

Excuse me, have to deal with some emergency, please make a way for me.Thank you ? 44.厕所有人,请等一下。

The toilet is occupied, wait for a minute please.45.请问里面有人吗? Is there anybody in? 46.先生,对不起。车厢内不许吸烟。

Excuse me, sir ,but smoking is not allowed in the car.47.吸烟时,请您到吸烟车厢。

Please go to the smoke_car when you smoke.48.对不起,先生。我这就去调整空调机的温度。

I’m sorry, sir.I’ll have the air-conditioner regulated at once.49.空调没问题。如果您觉得太凉,我去把空调机的温度调高一点。

The air-conditioner is all right.If you feel too cold, I’ll set it for a higher temperature.50.女士们,先生们,现在我们要检查一次车票,请大家配合出示车票。 Ladies and Gentlemen, we are going to check the train tickets now, Please show your ticket, thank you for your cooperation.51.请问,我挪一下这东西行吗? May I move this? 52.车厢马上就要熄灯了,请整理好您的东西,祝您晚安。

The light in coach will be switched off soon, please put your stuff well.Good night.53.明天见。 See you tomorrow.54.餐车供应早餐的时间是6点。

The breakfast would be ready at 6:00 in our dining coach.55.餐车在列车中部9号车厢,您要就餐的话,请朝前(后)走。

The dining coach is the No.9 in the middle of the train, please go ahead (back) to it if you want to have some food.56.您好,欢迎来我们餐车用餐。

Good morning/afternoon/evening.Welcome to have your dining here.57.请进,请到这里就座

Please come in.You may have a seat here.58.我们餐车供应中餐、西餐,这是菜单。

Our dining coach supplies both Chinese food and western food? 59.您好,你想吃什么?是中餐还是西餐。

How do you do! Which would you like, Chinses food or western food? 60.西餐有面包、牛奶、煎鸡蛋、火腿、红肠。

For western foods, we have bread, milk, fried eggs, and ham and red sausage.61.您好,您要喝点什么? Hello, do you need some drink? 62.请问,还要点别的吗?

Excuse me, would you like anything else? 63.先生,早餐满意吗?

Did you enjoy your breakfast, sir? 64.请对我们的饭菜多提宝贵意见。 Please give your comments on our foods.65.当然可以。很高兴为您效劳。 Yes, of course, with pleasure.66.谢谢光临,请走好。 Thanks for coming.Good Bye.67.别客气。 That’s all right.68.谢谢你的忠告。

Thanks for your kind advise.69.感谢你的帮助。 Thank for your help. 70.请问您需要什么? What would you like? 71.女士(先生)您好,我们准备了各种饮料(矿泉水、饮料)供您挑选。 Hello, Madam (sir), Here are different kinds of drinks (mineral water, soft drink) for your selection.72.对不起,下一站就是终点站北京站了。我可以把这些杯子和残余物品拿走吗? Excuse me; the next stop will be the terminus, Beijing Station.May I take the cups and the odds and ends away? 73.您好,上海(拉萨)很快就要到了。

Hello, we’ll get to Shanghai (Lasa) Railway Station soon.74.请您检查一下随身携带的行李物品,准备下车。 Please check your luggage and prepare for getting off.75.女士们先生们,列车已运行了 小时 分,大家即将平安到达终点站北京(拉萨)车站了,请允许我对各位的协助表示感谢。

Ladies and Gentlemen, our train has been running for hours and minters.

We’ll arrive at our destination Lasa (Shanghai) Railway Station.Please permit us to thank you for all your cooperation.76.欢迎您对我们的工作多提宝贵意见。

Your comments on our service are highly appreciated.77.谢谢您的夸奖。能为您服务,我很高兴。

It’s very kind of you to say so.It’s always a pleasure to be at your service.Come again, please.78.谢谢您的夸奖,我确实非常喜爱这礼品,但是我们的纪律不允许接受旅客的礼物。您的心意我领了。谢谢。

It’s very kind of you to say so.For sure I like it very much.But our regulation doesn’t allow us to accept any presents from paengers.Anyhow, thank you all the same.79.欢迎下次再来。

Welcome to board our train next time.80.请走好,欢迎下次旅行再乘坐本次列车。

Take care; welcome to take this train in your next trip.81.新年好。 Happy New Year.82.圣诞快乐。 Merry Christmas.83.生日快乐。 Happy Birthday.84.乘:先生,对不起。请问您是哪国人? Execuse me .What’s your nationality,please? 85.客:哦,我是英国人 Oh,I’m British.乘:谢谢!thank you.86.客:对不起,请问盥洗室在哪里?

Execuse me ,but where’s the toilet,please? 87.乘:盥洗室吗?车厢每头都有一间,就在门外。

Yes?There’s one at each end of the car just outside the doors over there and there .88.对不起,请问餐车怎么走?

Execuse me.Could you show me the way to the dining car,please? 89.好的,先生。一直超前走,过两个车厢就是餐车。我领您去好吗? Why,of course,sir.Just keep this way on,you’ll find the dining car after two cars.Shall I show you to ? 90.谢谢。不用了,我看我自己能行。

No,thank you.I think I can manage it myself.91.对不起,请问哪个方向可以到服务台?

Execuse me ,but which direction leads to the Reception/Service counter,please? 92.服务台吗?先生,这个方向。

The service counter?Yes,it’s in this direction,sir.93.(准备移动物品时)请注意一下,这是谁的箱子? Attention ,please.Whose case is it? 94.是我的,有什么问题吗?

Yes,it’s mine.Is there anything wrong? 95.哦,没什么。我想如果把它放在行李架上就更好了。

Oh,no,nothing important.But I think it would be better to put it on the Hand_luggage Case.96.好的。 Ok.谢谢。让我来帮忙。

Thank you .Let me help you.97.对不起,能不能给调一个靠窗的顺向座位?

Execuse me,but would it be poible to change a window seat facing/against the engine? 98.很抱歉,现在没有。因为空座已经予留给中途站了。幸而每趟车都有少数人不来。一有空座我就通知您。请问您是几号座位?

Sorry,not at the moment,as all spare seats have been reserved for the intermediate stops.But fortunately there often are a few no_shows on every trip.As soon as there’s one.I’ll let you know.Your seat number,please? 99.先生,告诉您一个好消息,我给您找到了一个靠窗的座位,是那头的56号。 Good news for you ,sir,I’ve got a window seat for you.It’s 56,over there.100.终点站快要到了,现在请您检查一下随身携带的行李物品准备下车。

We’re approaching the terminus soon.And now please check and have your hand-luggage ready for disembarkation arrival.










