教学设计Unit10 Can you play the guitar

2020-03-02 08:18:23 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

教学设计Unit10 Can you play the guitar? Section A


Unit10 Can you play the guitar? Section A的第一课时,本课主要是情态动词can的用法以及What club do you want to join?的问答。can和want to, 学生们在前几单元学过,.本课主要从学生兴趣出发,通过多种活动,让学生自己去学,体现“以学生为中心”和“以人为本”的教学思想,坚持“以学生为主体、以任务为主线,以教师为主导、以能力培养为重点”的教学策略。

二、教学目标 1.知识目标

(1)正确朗读、书写单词sing, dance, paint, swim, che。

(2)句型:Can you dance? Yes, I can.No, I can’t.What club do you want to join? I want to join the music club.What can you do? I can play the piano.

(3) 复习已学句型:Do you like„? I like„.I don’t like„.Let’s …. 2.能力目标



(3)能够表达自己参加俱乐部的意愿和理由 3. 德育目标 通过互相调查采访同学之间的兴趣爱好以及喜欢参加的俱乐部,培养了学生学习英语的兴趣,去关注他人,建立团队意识和合作精神,能够相互配合完成老师的任务。




1、重点: Can you dance? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t. Can he paint? Yes, he can./No, he can’t.

Can she speak English? Yes, she can./ No, she can’t. Can you speak English? Yes, we can./ No, we can’t.

What club do you want to join? We want to join the che club. I want to join the basketball club.

2、难点:What club does he/she want to join? He/She wants to join„

五、教学方法 (1)p pt (2)直观教学法、情景教学、任务型教学法 Teaching steps Step One: Greet and lead in

Cla begins, all the students say “I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky.I like English and you” Ask students: Can you fly? Can you touch the sky? Now, can you tell me the title of this unit, together: “Can you play the guitar?”

I’m your teacher, I can speak and write English.What can you do ? Step Two: Warm up Game :

Some students may be onerous.Now Let’s play a small game to relax and review something have learnt.Answer this question: What can you do? I can…

I can….If you know, answer it as quickly as you can.At last .Let’s see which group can answer the most sentences in one minuet.Group one, two, three .Let’s begin.计时,计分 Step Three:New content

I am very happy to know that you can do so many things! But there are still lots of things we can’t do.For example, I can’t swim.I can’t play tennis and so on.I will show some pictures for you.Let’s see who are they?

For example, who is he? He is ….The student stands up.Ask the student : What can you do? I can….,but I can’t… Ask other students ; What can he do? He can… but he can’t… 进行几组。(人称的倒换,活跃了学生的思维,也活跃了课堂气氛) Task 1 Precise in pairs Ask and answer: ---What can you do? ---I can…, but I can’t… Try again: ---What can you do? ---I can…and…, but I can’t…or… Step Four Develop and practice We have a lot of hobbies.Some of them we can do ,but some of them we can’t do.Do you want to join the clubs? What club do you want to join? In our school, we have a lot of clubs.Now let’s see the clubs together.Pair work What club do you want to join? I want to join……

Task 2 Now let’s do a survey.

Three students in a group.Ask “What can you do? What club do you want to join? Then fill in the card.One of them to report to the cla.Step Five Listening 1.This time you know a lot of clubs.Now let’s how many clubs in the listening ? What are they? 2.In this listening marital, David and Lisa want to join the club.What club do they want to join? Then listen again and then complete the dialogue Step Six: Group work Now we have four clubs in our cla.Let’s see what club? What club do you want to join? Three students in a group , make up your dialog .And then act it out.Step Seven: Summary Step Eight: Homework 采访你的家人,了解他们能做什么,不能做什么?他们想加入什么俱乐部提高自己?













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教学设计Unit10 Can you play the guitar