
2020-03-03 19:15:41 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文



①Auditory Perspectives(透视) of Different Types of Music

②Yellow Fever‘s(黄热病) Effect on Transportation and Commerce

③The Single Community Concept: A Model for Adult Environmental Education

④A Qualitative / Quantitative Analysis of the Administrative Management Institute at Cornell University

⑤Populations: A Statistical Analysis


①Electromagnetic Fields Have Harmful Effects on Humans—→Harmful Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Humans

②How to Use Water Resources for Irrigation in Semiarid(半干旱) Land—→Using Water Resources for Irrigation in Semiarid Land

③Physics and Art: Conceptual Linkages Can Be Uncovered—→Physics and Art: Uncovering Conceptual Linkages

④Diamond Is Used for Electronic Devices—→Use of Diamond for Electric Devices

⑤Water Quality Can Be Protected Through the Succeful Integration of Research and Education—→Protecting Water Quality Through the Succeful Integration of Research and Education

⑥The Nature of Student Science Project Is Compared with Educational Goals for Science—→The Nature of Student Science Projects in Comparison to Educational Goals for Science

⑦The Americans With Disability Act and Its Applicability to the Mentally Ill, Human Immune-Deficiency Virus and Acquired(后天的) Immune Deficiency Syndrome(综合症)Populations: A Statistical Analysis —→The Americans With Disability Act and Its Applicability to the Mentally Ill, HIV and AIDS



Table 11 shows the number of years to complete a doctoral program for both U.S.and international students at a major research university.As can be seen, international students on average complete doctoral programs in le time than U.S.students in all divisions.The difference in years to completion ranges from a relatively low 0.3 years in physical sciences/engineering and humanities/ arts to a high of 2.8 years in individual departmental programs.


The consistent difference in time to degree is not fully understood at present.However, one key factor may be motivation.Many international students have considerable external preures, including sponsorship/scholarship restrictions, family obligations, and employer demands, which could influence the length of time it takes to earn a doctorate.

根据下列各段话的内容和语言特点,判断各段话分别摘自研究论文正文中的哪个部分 Method—方法:

Male red-winged blackbirds were recorded and observed.Analog tape-recordings of vocalizations were completed and territorial behaviors were monitored for each subject during three separate 30 minute observation periods.Females were observed in each subject\'s territory during recording.Individual territories and perching positions were mapped for each subject.


From the 41 responses received, only 5 were form schools whose students only completed team projects.32 responses were from school whose students completed only individual projects.This is reflected in the high frequency of disagree and strongly disagree responses to question 28 (see Table1).


A copy of the questionnaire can be seen in Fig.1.The questions were designed to match each of the eight goals and five methods for science as defined in this study.The questions were then examined by several profeional educators in the field of science.The viewers\' comments were used to develop questions for each goal.The experts\' opinions were in agreement that the final version of the questionnaire was worded appropriately and that the content of the questions matched these goals for science education.


Science projects were rated overwhelmingly and consistently positive on each of the eight educational goals for science.In the minds of the teachers, science projects are an effective way to addre the new educational goals.The rating frequencies show that teachers think science projects are especially effective in incorporating hands-on/minds-on science.


The analysis shows 52 % of the graduates used their exhibits at events in their county (Fig.4)。 Many graduates (64 % ) collected water samples in their county, 56 % established a water sample collection point in their county for transport to a water testing lab, and 48 % demonstrated sample collection.


The plants produce viable shoot sections, which are capable of growth and may serve as vegetative propagules (繁殖体)。 Development of new tiues is a clear sign of healthy, growing shoot sections and indicates that the sections could go on to produce mature plants if left undisturbed.Under our growth conditions, 80% of shoot sections could have matured into seed-producing plants.在下列句中增加或替换适当的词,以减弱句子的语气:

1.The experience of older students is not neceary to be more succeful with a science project.将划线部分改为 may not be

2.One explanation for these differences is that teachers who most strongly believe science projects are valuable encourage their students to work harder and encourage them to go to science fair.

将划线部分改为One poible explanation

3.However, additional training is needed in disinfection alternatives, iron and hydrogen sulfide removal, and proper well construction.

将划线部分改为 may be needed

4.Some fluctuation is inevitable, since only le than 20 students took the qualifying exam each year.

将划线部分改为is probably inevitable

5.As can be seen, the pa rate fluctuated quite widely.

将划线部分改为appeared/seemed to fluctuate

6.From 1989 until the end of the period covered, pa rates have steadily climbed.将划线部分改为appeared/seemed to have steadily climbed

7.Other factors are the amount of research funding, the quality of the students themselves, and the priority given to doctoral funding.

将划线部分改为Other poible factors

8.In fact, the pa rate is cyclical.

将划线部分改为 seems to be cyclical

9.Even so, the fact that 10 out of 15 students paed in 1985 caused the department to try and reduce its number of doctoral students the following year.

将划线部分改为 probably caused

10.The overall results prove that the Quality Water for Home and Farm correspondence program met the objectives set for the program and was an effective method to deliver water quality and management training.

将划线部分改为 indicate








Ladies and Gentlemen:

I feel very much honored to have a chance to get together with so many scholars in the field of……

A number of international conference on …… have been held previously.However……I am here expreing my sincere congratulations and best wishes for its ever succe and hope you all have a happy stay in ……


Ladies and Gentlemen:

In the closing seion I am on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Society to …… In this week we have covered so many important and complex problems in the field of ……It is our hope that the result of the conference will ……

In bidding farewell to you all, I take this opportunity to ……

As the General Secretary of the Conference, I on behalf of the Board of Directors expre our best regards and ……

Let’s meet again in ……

Title 标题(结构:名词词组(包括动名词)、名词词组+介词词组、介词词组、疑问句) Abstract 摘要(四要素:研究目的、方法、结果和结论)

Keywords 关键词

Table of contents 目录 Nomenclature 术语表 Introduction 引言 正文:Methods 方法Results 结果Discuion 讨论Conclusion 结论 Acknowledgement 致谢 Reference 参考文献 Appendix 附录










