
2020-03-02 21:52:04 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


A FOX one BCCDA BABBD A land free from ADBAC DCACA A very new, BBBDC CADAD Almost everyone ABDCB ABDCB Americans have always DABAB CCDCC As she walked DCCAB AACAC Before the 20th DBABB DAACB Children use their CDABB BCDAC Good busine ethics BADBC ABDAC In our daily life CDCAD BDBBA

In the USA, CABBD ACCDA It was getting dark BACCD ABDBA

It’s very interesting to study different BCAAB CCADD Jody was then years CBCABBCCAB Man has always CDCCA BBCBD Many people may fail CDBAB ACBDC Many teachers worry BCADB CCCAC Men usually want to ACABD ACBDA Michel is a DABBD BCBAA Monday is the ACDBB DCAAA Mr Black works ADCBC DABBC Mr Johnson was BDBCA CCABD Mr Smith was CABCA BACDA 词汇题集

No one is glad to hear t BCBCB There were once many sheiks BADCB A characteristic of American culture ABDAB A foreigner’s DBDAC

A foreigner’s first impreion of

CABCD Britain and France are separated DDADC By definition, heroes and heroines CDDCB Cars are lots of fun CACBB Community service is an important BCADB Computers can injure you.CBBAC Education in the ACABD Great changes have been made in BDCDC How man first DCDBA How men first learnt to invent words DCDBA

When someone CADBC ADCBB

New comers AACAB BCACD The main purpose BACBD BBDDC Many teachers worry BCADB CCCAC Rumor is the most ACBCA AABBC Susan Cleveland DBDCB CDCDC

Men usually want to ACABD ACBDA The birth rate in Europe ABACD BDDCB

The story happened in Paris CCDBA DABDC The hippopotamus(河马), DDBBA ACCAB There are more than forty BACDD CDDAC There are many people in the BABCD BBDBA The game of ABADC CBDCA The British love to ACADA ABCDB One day a young man CAADD AACDA On May 27,1995 CBACA DBBDA What is a museum DCBDC BCADA While I was waiting BDBAC CDBBA

What is it you want to do BADCB CDBCB Peter was CACBD BABBC

Of all the things DBAAD BDBAB Your bo has ABDCA BDBCB

People in different ACDCB BBCBA People used to say BAADA CDCCB

Pearl Carlson CDCBD

Foulsham House is a fine, DBADC Six people were traveling BBDBC

Very few people were coming to eat at CBADA As long as the sun shines DBCDA

Herman had worked for the bank BBADD Bill turned the key ADDBB When Mrs.Joseph CBBAD

When I begin to look back BCDBA Albert Einstein had CDCBC

The resources of the library DCDAD Look at the instructions DAACA Tom is a little boy CADBC We say that a person CCDAB I often dreamed DDCBD If you do not useBDBAC In Europe many DCBAD In the United States, BBBDB It has been reported that in colleges CCDCB Law have been written to govern ABDCB Look at the DAACA Many people who work in London BCBAC Most people imagine CBBDA Mr Perkin stood CABDA Mrs.Weeks was reading a newsp ACCCD Mrs.Jones’ telephone number DCBBD On Christmas DBACA Once an old CBCDC One day a man BDBCA Paper is one of the most important BAABC Places to stay in Britain ABDCB Pubs are supposed BCADD Shyne is the cause BABCB Sixteen-year old

DCCDA The aim of students CBBCA The French Revolution CBDDD There are three kinds of goals BDCCC There was once a large, DACBC What makes a person a scientist?...BCACD What must you DADBC When John and Victoria DCBBD When John and Victoria Falls arrived DCBBD

For several years, Americans have enjoye BCDAC Here is a story told about an American BDDBA

Pearl Carlson was shaken awake at 3:30a.m.CDBBD Nancy and Peter McCall like sports.CCDCD Pubs are supposed to be BCADD

A city of World---- Most people CBBDA Some of the notebooks DBCAD A young man who lived BACBD I or any Englishman CACAB Trees are useful to man DCCCB There are stories about two CDCDB If we were asked exactly DDDBA Almost every family CADCA

I often dreamed about Pisa DDCBD One silly question I simply DDCBD No one knows who made ACDAD Our child’s behavior CDBAC

I was due to take my driving BADCB Long long ago ABCAC

Let’s watch the weather forecast ADACB Dr.Harvey Gates BDCDC A guide dog is a dog ACDCA A man got into a train CBABC

How men first learnt to invent words DCDBA If you’ve been joining in chat DACBA Why was Bastille DADCD Until 1983 DCDAB

In 1939 two brothers DAACB










