what should we do before help arrives翻转课堂教学设计

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词汇:能在语境下理解、辨认并运用单词suddenly, pink, pocket, field等。 语法:能理解过去进行时表达方法。 2.语言技能目标

能读懂包含过去进行时的童话故事,了解故事中主要事件的先后顺序。 3.学习策略目标:


② .能合理利用课本及老师提供的学习资源,从中汲取信息,扩充知识。


④.能融入到情境创设之中,学会自主学习,独立思考。 ⑤能够寻找童话故事、寓言故事等进行自主阅读训练。 4.情感态度价值观:

①.能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。 ② 能够与故事中的人物共情,在欣赏故事的同时培养移情能力。

③ 通过尝试阅读一些英文童话故事,了解世界不同地方的风俗习惯,从而拓展视野,感受英语学习的乐趣,并乐于通过其他资源获取更多简单的英语故事,从而进一步习得语言的能力。 评论(0) 2学情分析

初二学生对于故事很感兴趣,本模块以讲故事为话题,《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》开头部分是比较经典的一段情节,该话题为学生所熟知,学生学习积极性很高。 评论(0) 3重点难点



4.1 第一学时

教学活动 评论(0) 活动1【活动】I.Experience (感知体验)

Step 1.复习Unit 1的内容,导入本课的话题。

T: Last leon, we talked about a story.What’s the name of the story? And What do you know about the story? S: Alice’s adventures in Wonderland….

T: Today we go on learning about the story.Unit 2 She is thinking about her cat.[设计意图] 通过对Unit1的内容的简单复习,迅速让学生回忆起本模块话题:A famous story,同时导入本单元课题,让学生对本单元话题进行感知,激发学生的学习兴趣。

Step 2.教师通过Activity1的图片引导学生进行小组合作讨论:What is strange? T: What can you see in this picture? S: A rabbit.T: Is it strange? Work in groups and talk about what is strange? [设计意图] 通过同学对于图片的描述引出本单元的重点单词:pink, pocket, field, suddenly等。

Step 3.用所给词填空。在这一环节中,教师设置一段有关图片描述的语篇,让学生用所给的词将语篇填完整。


Step 4.整体把握文章的内容。让学生在所学故事中找到when, where, who, what.T: When we tell a story what do you want to tell us? S:when,where,who,what T: Can you find the four elements in this famous story? [设计意图] 引导学生从整体上把握文章,抓住主要信息,学生通过从文中找Where的过程中,老师引出mind-map的阅读策略,通过对于找What过程中,引出书上Activity 3。

Step 5.让学生完成Activity 3 T: These are events happened in the story.Read the paage again and finish Activity 3.[设计意图]通过对活动三的完成,可以使同学了解故事中主要事件的先后顺序

评论(0) 活动2【活动】II.Practise(语言实践)

Step 6.教师引导学生阅读文章第一段,完成思维导图。

T: Read para 1 and finish the mind map for para1.[设计意图]通过教师对学生的引导,让学生感知思维导图阅读策略的用法,并通过完成此思维导图了解和掌握第一段中的细节信息以及句子之间的逻辑关系。

Step 7.根据思维导图复述第一段。

T: Let’s retell para1 according to the mind map

[设计意图] 理解后进行语言输出的过程,在复述中加深理解,让学生在使用语言的过程中学习语言,拓展运用所学知识。

Step 8.让学生为2,3段制作思维导图。有问题的时候可以进行小组讨论。引导学生介绍和展示自己的思维导图。 学案内容:

Task A: Read and make your own mind-map.

Task B: Read and finish your own mind-map according to the questions.1.What was Alice doing acro the field? And why? 2.What was Alice doing down a deep hole? And how did she feel? 3.What was Alice’s action on some dry leaves?

Task C: Read and finish the teacher’s mind-map.T: It’s time for you to make your own mind map.Read para 2,3 carefully, choose one of the tasks that you can do. [设计意图] 培养学生运用思维导图策略去理解和分析文章的结构和细节,选其一完成,体现出分层教学。

Step 9.根据老师设计的2,3段的思维导图,学生进行复述。 T: Now Let’s retell the para 2,3 together.[设计意图] 阅读后的语言输出过程,在复述中加深理解,让学生在使用语言的过程中学习语言,拓展运用所学知识。

Step 10.让学生大声齐读课文。


评论(0) 活动3【活动】III.Use (真实运用)

Step 11.小组活动,根据语篇中的故事情节进行表演。 T: Would you like to act the story out? Let’s do it.

[设计意图] 本环节采用小组活动的形式展开,通过这种形式激发培养学生合作意识,让学生人人参与学习的全过程,通过表演,学生对文中所掌握的信息进行重新整合。此外,教师在小组活动时充分发挥指导者和促进者的作用。在开展小组活动之前,教师对学生在语言、肢体、表情各方面给予指导,让学生把朗读的技巧熟练在胸,融会贯通于小组表演之中。同时教师对活动中表现突出的同学进行即时鼓励评价,使学生体会到合作学习的快乐,使学生产生自信、自我肯定等一系列良好的情绪情感体验,同时在表演中使学生能够与故事中的人物共情,同时培养移情能力,对自己的新角色有了新体验,使学生的主动性、创造性得到充分的发挥。

Step 12.让学生谈一谈对于本故事的看法,以及对于故事主人公Alice 的观点。升华主题。

T: What do you think of the story? What do you think of Alice.? [设计意图]本环节的设计重在升华情感,引导学生思索阅读后的所得,树立正确积极的人生观念: 想象力比知识更重要。知识是有限的,想象力却能容纳整个世界。新奇的追求带来美妙的经历。

翻转课堂教学设计 Module12 Unit1 2014-2015学年度第一学期 学 科: 英 语 年 级: 八年级 任课教师: 于国林


天津市宝坻区大钟庄镇初级中学翻转课堂教学设计 主备人:课题

Grade 8(上) Module 12 Unit 1 第 1 课时(总第 3课时) 课型

Listening and speaking 教学媒体:多媒体课件、单机版网络教学光盘 语言知识目标 功能

能够谈论安全和急救方面的话题 语法

于国林 使用情态动词must、can、could表示推测;使用祈使句表示建议和指导。 词汇

broken; gla; stairs; aid; first aid; medical; imagine; bottom; at the bottom of; wrong; What’s wrong with···?trouble; lift; lift up; harmful; drop; training; make sure; cover 语音

能够辨认和掌握句子中的重读。 语言技能目标 听

能够听懂谈论急救话题的听力材料。 说

能够谈论突发事故以及应该采取的相应措施;能够在教师的指导下参加角色扮演活动。 读

能够读懂关于意外事故及其应对措施的文字材料,理解文章大意,掌握细节信息。 写

以地震中如何进行自我保护为主题写出文段。 运用

能够说出校园里有可能发生的意外事故以及应该采取的急救措施。 学习策略 自学

观察并归纳must,can,could表示推测的用法以及祈使句的肯定式和否定式的用法。 合作

能够关心他人,为他人着想;在意外事故出现时,能够运用学习到的急救知识提出解决办法。 文化意识

了解世界各地应对突发事故和灾难的方法和措施,增强防范意识和能力 情感态度

培养学生在灾难中的自我保护意识和应对突发事件的能力。 任务

制作一张预防校园意外事故的海报。 教材分析

本模块第一单元的对话是关于如何急救的。对话中营造的场景很自然地导入了must、can、could表示推测的用法以及祈使句的肯定式和否定式。 教学重点

To listen and understand the conversation about first aid.To listen for specific information.教学难点

To talk about safety and first aid.学情分析 知识掌握如何 学习方法掌握 学习兴趣如何 产生哪些问题 如何解决难点

教学对象是农村八年级的学生,他们抽象思维能力较低,形象思维能力强。他们对英语还保持着较浓厚的兴趣,但有很大不稳定性。他们具有强烈的竞争欲和表现欲,喜欢将新学到的知识表达出来。他们具备一定的自主学习能力和语言综合运用能力。但是有的学生学习习惯不好,学习缺乏主动性、积极性和持久性,作业比较拖拉,上课注意力分散,不能做到认真听讲。我准备从以下几个方面引导学生:1.从兴趣提升和自信心的建立去引导学生想学;2.从习惯培养开始引导学生怎么去学;3.做好知识的补救和衔接工作,对于基础知识的过关做到紧盯到人,大力提倡小组合作学习,发挥小组长的作用,负责每组组员基础过关的检查。 教学策略

教学活动力求以学生为主体,以话题为线索,以活动为中心,让学生通过做事、思考、合作来体验语言,体验生活,体验学习的过程与快乐。本课在Task-Based Language Teaching任务型教学法的指引下,采用功能交际法和bottom-up阅读法,让学生在亲身体验中发展英语思维能力和提高语言运用能力。 教学方法


TOP-DOWN的意思是说从上到下,从整体到细节。以阅读为例,也就是先理解文章的主旨大意再进行语言细节。BOTTOM-UP正好相反,先语言细节,再到主旨大意、作者语气、态度等的分析。因此,我们在处理文章的时候,要遵循这样的步骤:先“top-down”,首先定位于语篇的解读(read for information),从整体(top)下来,有助于学生在随后理解文章时将新旧信息联系起来,并建立信息链(information chain),进而深入对语篇的认识并加强整体意识。随后bottom-up,活动依次是read for skill和read for language,在指导学生掌握略读、扫读、跳读和猜词等阅读技巧的同时,让学生学习文章中的语言知识。最后,着眼于文章寓意的分析,回到全篇,扩大学生的知识面(包括文化知识),发展其思辨、想像等能力,使其获得全面发展,也就是“read for critical thinking”。 教学思路

本单元为听说课,通过听力专门技能的单项训练,培养学生的快速反应、准确辨别、分析推理及记录和记忆等能力,使学生通过一定量关于口语练习,逐步培养和提高学生用英语进行口头交际的能力。在听力训练结束之后,要进行对话表演等,从而加强学生口语练习。我的基本教学思路是:“引入——听前——听中+说——听后+说——延伸说”。在听前阶段,我设计的活动有:词汇学习、关键词解读、实物引入、头脑风暴、看标题猜测等等。在听的过程中,我有机地设置了听力的五种微观技能(听主旨、听细节、推论、选听和预测)训练活动:选择、填空、match、填表等。在听后阶段,我采取的活动:问答、朗读、复读、看图说话、讨论汇报、pairwork、分组调查、结构汇报等等。 翻转课堂 教学过程与方法

(导入-准备-呈现-练习-应用-评价) 设计意图 课前学习自学热身

一、学习目标: 1.识记本模块的新单词。 2.了解对话大意。


broken; gla; stairs; aid; first aid; medical; imagine; bottom; at the bottom of; wrong; What’s wrong with···?trouble; lift; lift up; harmful; drop; training; make sure; cover


碎玻璃broken gla; 急救 first aid;医疗帮助medical help; 在···底部at the bottom of;处于疼痛之中in pain; 首先first of all; 查明find out; ···怎么了?What’s wrong with···? 做某事有困难have trouble doing sth.( have trouble hearing) 抬起,提起lift up; 对某人/某物有害的be harmful to sb./sth.(Smoking is harmful to your health.)确保;确认make sure; 用···盖上···cover···with···;如此···以至于···such···that

三、新句型: 祈使句

1.Let’s imagine an accident.2.Make him comfortable.3.Cover him with a coat.情态动词can、must、could表示推测 1.What can we do to help him? 2.But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you.3.What should we do before help arrives? 4.How can we do that? 5.That could be harmful! 6.You could drop him and hurt him even more.7.Betty, you must know.8.That’s such good advice that you could be a doctor,Betty! 自学导入

观看完微视频后,完成以下练习: 1.Where is the boy lying? 2.Do they lift him up? 3.Could he have trouble hearing or speaking? 4.Is it good idea to shout for help or call 120? 5.How does Betty cover the boy? Key:1.He is lying at the bottom of the stairs.2.No, they don’t.3.Yes, he could.4.Yes, it is.5.She covers him with a coat.自测卡


1.Look at the young lady in red.Is it Mrs.King? No.It ___ be her.She is wearing a white dre today.A.can B.can’t

2.___ late for school next time.Sorry, I won’t.A.Don’t be B.Don’t

3.The magazine ___ be Lily’s, for we can find her name on the cover.A.might B.must 4.You should ___ .The boxes aren’t too heavy.A.lift up them B.lift them up 5.What’s ___ with you, Tom? I have a cold.A.wrong B.the wrong 6.I have trouble __ out the math problem.A.work B.working 7.We will wait for you __ the bottom of the mountain.A.at B.to 8.The streets were covered __ snow.A.for B.with 9.The polluted air is __ to our health.A.harm B.harmful 10.When is the tennis ____? It’s on Monday.A.train B.training Key:

一、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.B 微视频设计


(一)学习目标 识记单词 听懂对话

(二)学习过程 观看视频 知识点讲解


编写一个关于 first aid 的对话,字数不少于50字。


(一)逐个出示如下词汇,并播放录音 broken; gla; stairs; aid; first aid; medical; imagine; bottom; at the bottom of; wrong; What’s wrong with···?trouble; lift; lift up; harmful; drop; training; make sure; cover


碎玻璃broken gla; 急救 first aid;医疗帮助medical help; 在···底部at the bottom of;处于疼痛之中in pain; 首先first of all; 查明find out; ···怎么了?What’s wrong with···? 做某事有困难have trouble doing sth.( have trouble hearing) 抬起,提起lift up; 对某人/某物有害的be harmful to sb./sth.(Smoking is harmful to your health.)确保;确认make sure; 用···盖上···cover···with···;如此···以至于···such···that




1.A boy is lying at the bottom of the stairs. at the bottom of 表示“在…...的底部”。

e.g.A village lies at the bottom of the hill.2.He is in pain. in pain 的意思是“处在疼痛之中”。

e.g.Are you still in pain? 3.First of all, find out what’s wrong with him.first of all 表示“首先”。

e.g.First of all, let me tell you the news. find out 表示“弄明白,搞清楚,查明......”。

e.g.Did the teacher find out who broke the door? What’s wrong with …? 表示“…...怎么了?”

e.g.-- What’s wrong with the boy? -- He broke his leg.4.But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you. 句中的could表示推测。

e.g.You could be right. have trouble doing sth.的意思是“做…...有困难”。

e.g.Maria has trouble finding a job and is still staying at home.5.Lift him up and sit him on a chair? lift up 表示“抬起,提起”。要把代词 放在中间。

e.g.We’ll have to lift up the car to get her out.6.Make sure he’s warm.

make sure 的意思是“确保,保证”。

e.g.Make sure you turn off all the lights before you go out.7.That’s such good advice that you could be a doctor, Betty!

such ...that ...这个句型表达“如此......以至于......”的意思,such后面接名词,名词前可以有形容词修饰。如果只有形容词或副词,则要使用 so ...that ...这一句型。

e.g.It is such a tiny kitchen that only one person can cook in it. They are such nice people that we all like them. He was so weak that he could hardly stand up. Everything happened so quickly that I hadn’t time to think.

(三)根据对话内容提问 1.Where is the boy lying? 2.Do they lift him up? 3.Could he have trouble hearing or speaking? 4.Is it good idea to shout for help or call 120? 5.How does Betty cover the boy? Key:1.He is lying at the bottom of the stairs.2.No, they don’t.3.Yes, he could.4.Yes, it is.5.She covers him with a coat.


编写一个关于 first aid 的对话,字数不少于50字。 课堂操练 Step1cla Report Step2.微视频作业检查

编写一个关于 first aid 的对话,字数不少于50字。 Step3.看图说话 Step4.listen and read



(三)回答问题 1.Where is the boy lying? 2.Do they lift him up? 3.Could he have trouble hearing or speaking? 4.Is it good idea to shout for help or call 120? 5.How does Betty cover the boy? Key:1.He is lying at the bottom of the stairs.2.No, they don’t.3.Yes, he could.4.Yes, it is.5.She covers him with a coat.Step5.课本练习

Now read these first aid suggestions and decide if they are good ideas or bad ideas.Complete the paage with the words in the box Listen and underline the words the speaker strees.Step6.写的练习

编写一个关于 first aid 的对话,字数不少于50字。 Step8.翻转课堂达标检测


1.I can’t imagine __ your here.A.to meet B.meeting 2.Lily is __ a lovely girl __ we all like her.A.so; that B.such; that 3.I have trouble __ out the math proble.A.work B.working 4.It is too cold.I want to cover me ___ your coat.A.by B.with 5.Must I get up early tomorrow? No, ___.A.you mustn’t B.I don’t think you have to


6.What’s wrong with Mr.Smith?(同义句改写) What’s ____ ____ with Mr.Smith? 7.It’s difficult for him to finish the work in two days.(同义句转换) He __ ____ _____ the work in two days.8.Danny is such a clever girl that she can solve the question.(同义句改写) Danny is ___ ____ that she can solve the question.9.It is harmful to your health to drink too much.(同义句改写) It’s ___ ____ your health to drink too much.10.不要用厚衣服盖着她。 ___ ____ her ___ thick clothes.11.在救助到来之前我们应该怎么做? What should we do ___ ____ ____ .12.我学数学有困难。 I ____ _____ _____ math.Key:1.B 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.the matter; 7.has trouble finishing 8.so clever 9.bad for 10.Don’t cover with 11.before help arrives 12.have trouble learning 学生初步掌握本单元的词汇和基本句型,为对话的学习打好基础。 课后反思






天津市宝坻区大钟庄镇初级中学翻转课堂(任务单)导学案 Module12 unit1导学案 自学热身




broken; gla; stairs; aid; first aid; medical; imagine; bottom; at the bottom of; wrong; What’s wrong with···?trouble; lift; lift up; harmful; drop; training; make sure; cover

二、新词组 碎玻璃broken gla; 急救 first aid;医疗帮助medical help; 在···底部at the bottom of;处于疼痛之中in pain; 首先first of all; 查明find out; ···怎么了?What’s wrong with···? 做某事有困难have trouble doing sth.( have trouble hearing) 抬起,提起lift up; 对某人/某物有害的be harmful to sb./sth.(Smoking is harmful to your health.)确保;确认make sure; 用···盖上···cover···with···;如此···以至于···such···that

三、新句型: 祈使句

1.Let’s imagine an accident.2.Make him comfortable.3.Cover him with a coat.情态动词can、must、could表示推测

1.What can we do to help him? 2.But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you.3.What should we do before help arrives? 4.How can we do that? 5.That could be harmful! 6.You could drop him and hurt him even more.7.Betty, you must know.8.That’s such good advice that you could be a doctor,Betty! 自学导入

观看完微视频后,完成以下练习: 1.Where is the boy lying? 2.Do they lift him up? 3.Could he have trouble hearing or speaking? 4.Is it good idea to shout for help or call 120? 5.How does Betty cover the boy? 自测卡

1.Look at the young lady in red.Is it Mrs.King? No.It ___ be her.She is wearing a white dre today.A.can B.can’t

2.___ late for school next time.Sorry, I won’t.A.Don’t be B.Don’t 3.The magazine ___ be Lily’s, for we can find her name on the cover.A.might B.must 4.You should ___ .The boxes aren’t too heavy.A.lift up them B.lift them up 5.What’s ___ with you, Tom? I have a cold.A.wrong B.the wrong 6.I have trouble __ out the math problem.A.work B.working 7.We will wait for you __ the bottom of the mountain.A.at B.to 8.The streets were covered __ snow.A.for B.with 9.The polluted air is __ to our health.A.harm B.harmful 10.When is the tennis ____? It’s on Monday.A.train B.training 天津市宝坻区大钟庄镇初级中学英语翻转课堂达标检测 内容:Grade8 (上) Module 12 Unit 1 姓名:




1.I can’t imagine __ your here.A.to meet B.meeting 2.Lily is __ a lovely girl __ we all like her.A.so; that B.such; that 3.I have trouble __ out the math proble.A.work B.working 4.It is too cold.I want to cover me ___ your coat.A.by B.with 5.Must I get up early tomorrow? No, ___.A.you mustn’t B.I don’t think you have to


6.What’s wrong with Mr.Smith?(同义句改写) What’s ____ ____ with Mr.Smith?

7.It’s difficult for him to finish the work in two days.(同义句转换) He __ ____ _____ the work in two days.8.Danny is such a clever girl that she can solve the question.(同义句改写) Danny is ___ ____ that she can solve the question.9.It is harmful to your health to drink too much.(同义句改写) It’s ___ ____ your health to drink too much.10.不要用厚衣服盖着她。 ___ ____ her ___ thick clothes.11.在救助到来之前我们应该怎么做? What should we do ___ ____ ____ .12.我学数学有困难。 I ____ _____ _____ math.

评论(0) 2教学目标 语言知识目标 功能

能够谈论安全和急救方面的话题 语法

使用情态动词must、can、could表示推测;使用祈使句表示建议和指导。 词汇 broken; gla; stairs; aid; first aid; medical; imagine; bottom; at the bottom of; wrong; What’s wrong with···?trouble; lift; lift up; harmful; drop; training; make sure; cover 语音

能够辨认和掌握句子中的重读。 语言技能目标 听

能够听懂谈论急救话题的听力材料。 说

能够谈论突发事故以及应该采取的相应措施;能够在教师的指导下参加角色扮演活动。 读

能够读懂关于意外事故及其应对措施的文字材料,理解文章大意,掌握细节信息。 写

以地震中如何进行自我保护为主题写出文段。 运用

能够说出校园里有可能发生的意外事故以及应该采取的急救措施。 评论(0) 3学情分析

教学对象是农村八年级的学生,他们抽象思维能力较低,形象思维能力强。他们对英语还保持着较浓厚的兴趣,但有很大不稳定性。他们具有强烈的竞争欲和表现欲,喜欢将新学到的知识表达出来。他们具备一定的自主学习能力和语言综合运用能力。但是有的学生学习习惯不好,学习缺乏主动性、积极性和持久性,作业比较拖拉,上课注意力分散,不能做到认真听讲。我准备从以下几个方面引导学生:1.从兴趣提升和自信心的建立去引导学生想学;2.从习惯培养开始引导学生怎么去学;3.做好知识的补救和衔接工作,对于基础知识的过关做到紧盯到人,大力提倡小组合作学习,发挥小组长的作用,负责每组组员基础过关的检查。 评论(0) 4重点难点


To listen and understand the conversation about first aid.To listen for specific information.教学难点

To talk about safety and first aid.5教学过程

5.1 第一学时


评论(0) 活动1【导入】课前学习


一、学习目标: 1.识记本模块的新单词。 2.了解对话大意。


broken; gla; stairs; aid; first aid; medical; imagine; bottom; at the bottom of; wrong; What’s wrong with···?trouble; lift; lift up; harmful; drop; training; make sure; cover


碎玻璃broken gla; 急救 first aid;医疗帮助medical help; 在···底部at the bottom of;处于疼痛之中in pain; 首先first of all; 查明find out; ···怎么了?What’s wrong with···? 做某事有困难have trouble doing sth.( have trouble hearing) 抬起,提起lift up; 对某人/某物有害的be harmful to sb./sth.(Smoking is harmful to your health.)确保;确认make sure; 用···盖上···cover···with···;如此···以至于···such···that

三、新句型: 祈使句

1.Let’s imagine an accident.2.Make him comfortable.3.Cover him with a coat.情态动词can、must、could表示推测 1.What can we do to help him? 2.But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you.3.What should we do before help arrives? 4.How can we do that? 5.That could be harmful! 6.You could drop him and hurt him even more.7.Betty, you must know.8.That’s such good advice that you could be a doctor,Betty! 自学导入

观看完微视频后,完成以下练习: 1.Where is the boy lying? 2.Do they lift him up? 3.Could he have trouble hearing or speaking? 4.Is it good idea to shout for help or call 120? 5.How does Betty cover the boy? Key:1.He is lying at the bottom of the stairs.2.No, they don’t.3.Yes, he could.4.Yes, it is.5.She covers him with a coat.自测卡


1.Look at the young lady in red.Is it Mrs.King? No.It ___ be her.She is wearing a white dre today.A.can B.can’t

2.___ late for school next time.Sorry, I won’t.A.Don’t be B.Don’t

3.The magazine ___ be Lily’s, for we can find her name on the cover.A.might B.must 4.You should ___ .The boxes aren’t too heavy.A.lift up them B.lift them up 5.What’s ___ with you, Tom? I have a cold.A.wrong B.the wrong 6.I have trouble __ out the math problem.A.work B.working 7.We will wait for you __ the bottom of the mountain.A.at B.to 8.The streets were covered __ snow.A.for B.with 9.The polluted air is __ to our health.A.harm B.harmful 10.When is the tennis ____? It’s on Monday.A.train B.training Key:

一、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.B 评论(0) 活动2【活动】课堂操练

Step1cla Report Step2.微视频作业检查

编写一个关于 first aid 的对话,字数不少于50字。 Step3.看图说话 Step4.listen and read



(三)回答问题 1.Where is the boy lying? 2.Do they lift him up? 3.Could he have trouble hearing or speaking? 4.Is it good idea to shout for help or call 120? 5.How does Betty cover the boy? Key:1.He is lying at the bottom of the stairs.2.No, they don’t.3.Yes, he could.4.Yes, it is.5.She covers him with a coat.Step5.课本练习

Now read these first aid suggestions and decide if they are good ideas or bad ideas.Complete the paage with the words in the box Listen and underline the words the speaker strees.Step6.写的练习

编写一个关于 first aid 的对话,字数不少于50字。

评论(0) 活动3【测试】翻转课堂达标检测



1.I can’t imagine __ your here.A.to meet B.meeting 2.Lily is __ a lovely girl __ we all like her.A.so; that B.such; that 3.I have trouble __ out the math proble.A.work B.working 4.It is too cold.I want to cover me ___ your coat.A.by B.with 5.Must I get up early tomorrow? No, ___.A.you mustn’t B.I don’t think you have to


6.What’s wrong with Mr.Smith?(同义句改写) What’s ____ ____ with Mr.Smith?

7.It’s difficult for him to finish the work in two days.(同义句转换) He __ ____ _____ the work in two days.8.Danny is such a clever girl that she can solve the question.(同义句改写)

Danny is ___ ____ that she can solve the question.9.It is harmful to your health to drink too much.(同义句改写) It’s ___ ____ your health to drink too much.10.不要用厚衣服盖着她。 ___ ____ her ___ thick clothes.11.在救助到来之前我们应该怎么做? What should we do ___ ____ ____ .12.我学数学有困难。 I ____ _____ _____ math.Key:1.B 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.the matter; 7.has trouble finishing 8.so clever 9.bad for 10.Don’t cover with 11.before help arrives 12.have trouble learning











《what should we do before help arrives翻转课堂教学设计.doc》
what should we do before help arrives翻转课堂教学设计