
2020-03-01 21:25:49 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文




他们中,有年届古稀的老艺术家,也有富于朝气的中青年艺术家。其中有一位年轻人,尤其让人眼睛一亮。他叫方侃源,1998年出生的他今年才刚满20岁,一幅《廉洁向党》的作品,赢得了观众和评委的诸多好评。然而,这位年轻人心中有个更大的?粝搿?―建立一个中国非物质文化遗产剪纸体验馆,让更多的人感受剪纸艺术的魅力。 传承:埋下种子






“小时候,父母都在外地工作,所以我跟着奶奶比较多。当时看着奶奶剪纸,一双巧手在剪刀和红纸之间翻飞,觉得特别有意思,就央求奶奶教我。”方侃源说,虽然父母对他学剪纸这件事比较反对,认为这是“女孩子玩的”,但还是敌不过他的热情和奶奶的宠爱。于是,一颗剪纸的种子就此埋下。 发展:四处为师



上大学后,方侃源选择了环境艺术设计专业,这门包含了建筑设计、室内设计、公共艺术设计、景观设计等内容的学科,“本质上与剪纸中的空间设计、平面设计相同,这也算是剪纸带给我的人生选择。” 远航:赋予新生








Traditional Art in Youthful Hands

By Qi Yongye, our special reporter

In May 2006, paper-cutting was inscribed on China’s first list of national intangible cultural heritage, iued by the State Council.When the news reached Jiande, a small city in the distant southwestern suburb of Hangzhou, many old paper-cutting artists in Jiande became excited.Ye Xiangnan, then 72 years old, recalled, “At last! Here is the day my favorite art is acknowledged by the state!” He was not alone when he said this.Ye is a member of Zhejiang Artists Aociation and member of the Zhejiang Paper-cutting Art Study Society.

Paper-cutting in Jiande goes back to ancient times.The art has been carried on by graroots enthusiasts.Ye retired in 2000 and started teaching a paper-cutting course at the city’s school for senior citizens.The course attracted many local people.

In early July 2018, Hangzhou held a paper-cutting art exhibition featuring the theme of anti-corruption and honest government.Fang Kanyuan, a native of Jiande, presented his paper-cutting artwork at the exhibition.The artwork was perfect, but more eye-catching was the young paper-cut artist.Born in 1998, he is just 20 years old.

His grandmother took care of him in his childhood as his parents worked away from home.The grandmother is a paper-cutter artist.The kid marveled at a paper-cutting artwork image emerging through his grandmother’s amazing fingers and sciors.Hooked by the magic art, he asked his grandmother to teach him.His parents objected, citing paper-cutting was only for girls.But the grandmother loved the boy and taught him anyway.

When he was old enough for school, he learned art systematically.He won a few top prizes at primary school.He began to take leons from Ye Xiangnan, one of the best paper-cutting artists in Jiande.In the summer of 2014, he came to Hangzhou and took a paper-cutting course at a children’s center.During the summer vacation of 2017 before his college years started, he worked in Hangzhou for a while as an aistant to a fashion designer in a creative busine.He studies environmental art and design at college.He thinks his capabilities in paper-cutting help him a great deal in his college studies.“After all, these subjects are similar to spatial design and graphic design in paper-cutting,“ commented Fang.“I owe this opportunity to paper-cutting.”

Fang has long been a celebrity in schools and in his village.He dedicates his spare time to the art and to online research for raw material and inspiration.When he finds something interesting, he makes a drawing and then makes a paper-cutting.He subscribes to profeional journals to advance his skills and perception.Paper-cutting plays a big part in his life.

As he is becoming a more advanced paper-cutting artist, he has joined a group of paper-cutting enthusiasts through an internet social platform.In February, the first winter break in his college studies, Fang came to an art studio and held paper-cutting activities.In 2017, a grandfather in his village asked him to draw a portrait of Confucius.The portrait was intended to be a centerpiece in the sitting room of the house.The young artist wondered about a paper-cutting portrait.He thought it was a good idea.Eventually he created a portrait of Confucius in a paper-cutting that measures 1.3 meters long and wide.The portrait on the wall in the gracious sitting room caused a sensation in the village.Residents flocked to take a look.

Fang is going to start the second year in college this upcoming September.And he has made a busine plan to further promote paper-cutting as intangible cultural heritage.He plans to introduce paper-cutting into fashion and develop paper-cutting souvenirs for tourists.However, his key interest is to set up a hands-on paper-cutting studio in the third college year and hopes to make it a succe when he graduates from college.The studio will serve as a training center for people to see how paper-cutting is done and try their hands at making a paper-cutting piece.

When asked why he picks paper-cutting as his future career, Fang said he likes traditional theater and all other traditional arts.Paper-cutting is closely aociated with embroidery and theater.“I believe these traditional arts will be carried on to the future and will get a new life through the hands of young people,” he said.










