
2020-03-03 15:09:36 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

1/- Identity 基本信息: Surname 姓: …………………………..First name 名: …………………………… date of birth 出生日期:……………………

2/-Purpose of travel (please check the appropriate box) 旅行目的 (请选择相应选项): Private visit to friends 访友 Family visit 探亲 Busine visit 公务 Individual tourism 旅游 Other (please specify) 其它,请加以说明 ……………………………………………………………………..3/- Profeion and financial resources in China 在中国的职业和经济来源: 3.1 What is your current profeional status? 当前的职业状况? Employee 工薪人员 retired 退休 unemployed 无业 student 学生 house wife 家庭妇女 other 其它 3.2 If other, please specify: 如是其它, 请加以说明 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3.3 If you are employee, please specify the name and addre of your employer 如您是工薪人员,请填写您雇主姓名和地址


Telephone number: 电话号码………………..…… Fax number: 传真号码…………………………… Email: 电子信箱…………………………

3.4 How long have you been working for your employer? 您从什么时候开始为该雇主服务? ………………………………………………………..3.5 What is the activity of your company? 您所在企业经营哪方面的业务? ……………………………………………………………………………………..3.6 What is your profeion/job? 您的职务和工作性质…………………………………………………………………………………………..3.7 Your monthly income (RMB) 月收入 (人民币:元):Retirement pension 退休金 - Rental income 出租所收租金

- Other income (spouse, parents, scholarship) 其它收入(伴侣、父母、股市) 3.8 Have you been granted leave? 您赴法期间是否是休假? Yes 是 no 不是If you have answered yes, is it a paid leave? 如是,是否带薪? Yes 是 no 不是

4/- Family status 家庭状况: 4.1 What is the nationality of your spouse? 您伴侣的国籍是?………………………………………………………………………………………… 4.2 Do you have any children? 是否有子女? yes 有 no 没有

4.3 If you have answered yes, how many? : 如有, 几个?………………………………….4.4 If you have answered yes, do they travel with you? 如有,他们此次是否和您一起旅行? yes 是 no 不是

4.5 Where do they live? 子女的定居地点为? China 中国 France or in a Schengen state 法国或另一个申根国家

Other foreign country 其它国家 ………………………………………………………… 5/- Your housing in China 您在中国的住所: 5.1 Are you owner? 您是否房主? Yes 是 no 不是 tenant? 是否承租人? Yes 是 no 不是

5.2 Since when do you live at this addre? 您从什么时间开始在这个地址居住? …………………………………………………………

6/- Your stay in the Schengen Space countries 您此次去申根国家:

6.1 You are travelling 您此次旅行是: alone 独自 with family or friends 和亲人或朋友一起 with colleagues 和同事一起

6.2 Do you have family or friends in the Schengen Space? 您在法国或其它申根国家是否有亲人或朋友? Yes 有 no 没有

6.3 What will be your itinerary in the Schengen Space? 您在申根国家的旅行线路是? ……………………………………………………………

6.4 Do you speak foreign languages? 您是否讲外语? Yes 是 no 不是

If you have answered yes, which ones? 如是, 您可以讲哪几国语言 ……………………………………………………………………………….……….6.5 When do you plan to leave? 您预计出发的时间为?…………………………………………………………………………………………

I declare that to the best of my knowledge all particulars supplied by me are correct and complete.I am aware that any false statement will lead to my application being rejected or to the annulment of a visa already granted and may also render me liable to prosecution under the law of the Schengen state which deals with the application.我保证我所提供的信息都是正确和全面的。我知道虚假信息将导致我的

申请被拒绝;如果签证已发放给我,将会被取消并会追究我的刑事责任。 Place: 申请地点 Date: 申请时间 年 月 日 Signature (签名) :










