
2020-03-01 18:32:06 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

迎接挑战 Meeting the Challenge

This world changes everyday.This world is in constant readjustment of itself.Change is the most popular word today.We are in the proce of changing from the industrial society to a service and information society

Likewise, China is changing and readjusting itself.China is in the proce of reforming itself, establishing and improving a socialist market economy.The Chinese society is changing in the proce of reforming and reforming in the proce of change.During this proce, many problems have been resolved and meanwhile new problems have surfaced, among which the following four problems, in particular, are exerting the heaviest impact on China today and poibly on China tomorrow.

1.The aging of the population.The population of the old and very old citizens is climbing, while the proportion of children particularly urban children in the whole Chinese population is declining.This will obstruct the development of our national economy, and threaten the sound development of our health care system, retirement system and other benefits systems.

2.Threatened employment.The continuous industrial restructuring places a

stricter requirement on the entry into new jobs as well as on employees\' vocational qualifications.The growth of the service sector, the increasing demand for skilled workers,the preure resulting from the intensifying competition at home and abroad, the problems resulting from the rural population migrating into cities, all pose a grave threat to the employment prospects at present and in the future, as well as to an overall improvement of the lives of the people.

3.Problems threatening families and children.The relative growth of divorce rate, a whole generation of youngsters growing up with the\" one-child-family background, people\'s frequent changes of their jobs and residence, etc.all these combine to pose problems for families and children.

4.Challenges to traditional social values.The phenomenon of money worship and obseion in our society, a growing concern with self interests and neglect of public welfare exert negative impact on people\'s attitude towards many Chinese traditional virtues.

These problems merit the immediate attention and concern of every one, because they will affect the life of each of us.Arising from the changed economic and social conditions, these problems have nationwide and even world-wide consequences.During the proce of urbanization and modernization, these problems are inevitable and there\'s no way for us to avoid any contact with them.The only way out of the worsening situation is for us to learn to deal with them.

On the other hand, the perpetually changing society brings us not just problems, but opportunities as well.Change can be viewed as something that constantly generates challenge and crises, and challenge, in our view, is the opportunity to build a better society.The word of crisis in Chinese is one with two characters, weiji and meaning respectively danger and opportunity.Thus, weiji entails opportunities.Social changes in China create problems for the society and meanwhile more opportunities for the people.In the economic globalization today, let us meet challenges, embrace opportunities shoulder responsibilities and work together to make tomorrow a better day.














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