
2020-03-02 00:40:29 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


福建省石狮一中 余信路

Day 17 根据提示完成下列句子(carpenter---centre) 1.Every teacher should ________________(履行) their duty.When students have trouble, they should help them to __________________(使渡过难关) it.It is important for the teachers to ________________________(坚持下去) the teaching plan until they succeed.2.It is 10 __________________(摄氏度)._________________(万一) rain, put on more clothes.3.____________________(绝不) will I cause trouble to others.4.______________________________(这是常见的事), we _________________________(举行庆祝会) when we win the game.5.____________________(无论如何), we should ___________________(赶上) others.6.___________________(为了庆祝) the famous poet’s birthday, I was invited to the _____________(庆祝会) and honored to meet with so many ______________(名人).7.Mother ____________________________(抓住我的手臂), saying, “The hay ________________(着火).We should play _______________(慎重).” 8.Do you know the __________( 原因) of the fire? 9.The cowboy raises ________________(十匹马) and _________________________(十头牛).10.China ____________(中央) Television Station lie in the _________(中心) of Beijing.

Day 18 根据提示完成下列句子(century---cheek) 1.Young people should do their best ___________________________________(在21世纪中).2.On June 10, __________________________________ (毕业典礼) of our school _____________________________(被举行) in our school.3.I’m _____________(确定) that he is ___________ (诚实的), that is, I’m _____________________(确定) his ___________(诚实).4.---Can you clearly ___________________(确定) that he is hardworking?

---I think he works hard __________________(确定地).He will be ___________(确定地) succeful one day.You needn’t have any _______________(不确定性).5.Generally speaking, in summer ______________________(一系列的…chain...) disasters will take place in China, so we Chinese have to _______________________(迎接挑战) fighting against them.Droughts, floods or landslides are really _________________(具有挑战性的).6.Can you fetch me some _________(粉笔)? Here are only ___________________(两段粉笔).7.Li Na was the _________________(冠军) in the French Open.She was worth the _____________(冠军称号).8.There is ________________(可能chance) that everybody will be admitted into a key university.Don’t _______________________(投机) and never _____________(作弊) in the exams.Instead, just work hard.Even you fail _________________(意外地), you can stand up and do it again.That will ________________________(培养品性).I hope all of you can be ________________________________(品质优良的人).9.While travelling, visitors often buy something in particular.If you are not satisfied, you can _________________________________(把它们换成) some others.Prepare some ___________(零钱) for tips.Besides, the weather in the mountainous areas in Yunnan is _______________(易变的).So _____________(检查) if you bring a raincoat with you.10.__________________________(网络聊天) is __________(便宜的), or nearly ____________________(免费的).But you are ____________________________(在掌管之下) the government.Don’t paste(粘贴) some _____________(欺骗人的) information.Otherwise, you will be __________________(指控) what you have done.

Day 19 根据提示完成下列句子(cheer---claify) 1.These football fans have been___________________(为……加油) China Football Team.When a game is lost, they still try to _________________ (使振作起来) the team members.2.As someone says, one ___________(中国人) is powerful like a ___________(中国) dragon, while two ______________(中国人) together are more powerle like a worm.Actually, ________________________(中国人) are a hardworking and brave people.3.Finally, the Japanese army couldn’t _________________(别无选择只能) give up.Once they ____________________(作出选择) to start the war, they were sure to fail.They had ________________(别无选择只能) to feel guilty for what they had done to the whole world.4.Today it’s __________________________(圣诞节).I’ll ___________________(去做礼拜) soon.Are you ____________________(在教堂) now? 5.Many smokers smoke one and a half _____________(包) cigarette a day.What’s worse, they often throw away ___________________(烟蒂) carelely.6.__________________________(决不) will I quit cla.I ______________(上课) every day.7.___________________________(在任何情况下) all the _____________(公民) have their __________(公民的) rights and duties.8.The plane was _____________(盘旋) for an hour before receiving permiion to land.9.After the speech, all the ______________(孩子) __________________________(拍手).10.We enjoy our __________________(文明) and have a really ______________(快活的) life.

Day 20 根据提示完成下列句子(clamate---collision) 1.All the clamates are _____________________________(大扫除) in the claroom.They are required to ________________(整理书桌) their desks and to _____________(归类) all the books according to subject.2.Some ___________(职员) are _______________(擅长于) _____________(收集) papers 3.I’ll go on a busine trip.What’s the ____________(天气) like today? Cathy, what’s the ______________(气候) in your hometown?

4.Nowadays, __________(布) industry brings me a lot while the __________(服装) industry is earning le.It’s ___________________(渐渐变冷).Please put on more___________(衣服).5.Try to ____________________(靠近) the guy and ________________________(严密监视).6._____________________________________________(凡事都有两面coin…).7.---__________(咖啡) or _________(可乐)? ---Two black ___________(清咖啡).8.I met him ____________________(碰巧) in a ship ____________________(在近海的海上).9.Some ______________(同事) are so ______________(冷淡) me that I’m ______________________ (和……冲突) them sometimes.10.I _____________________________(上医学院) in 2006.______________(在大学期间), I had a _____________(收集) of medical cases from __________(诊所) and hospitals.高考3500必备词汇巩固系列练习(5)答案

Key to Day 17 1.carry out, carry through, carry on with 2.degrees centigrade, In case of 3.In no case 4.As is often the case, hold a celebration 5.In any case, catch up with

6.In celebration of, celebration, celebrities 7.caught me by the arm, catches fire, with caution 8.cause 9.ten horses, ten head of cattle 10.Central, centre

Key to Day 18 1.in the 21st century

2.the graduation ceremony, was held

3.certain, honest, certain of/about, honesty

4.make certain/sure, for certain/sure, certainly, uncertainty

5.a chain of meet the challenge of, challenging

6.chalk, two pieces/sticks of chalk

7.champion, championship

8.a chance, take your chance, cheat, by chance, build up your character, a man of good character

9.change them for, changes, changeable, check up 10.Network chat/Online chatting, cheap, free of charge, in the charge of, cheating, charged with

Key to Day 19 1.cheering on, cheer up

2.Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, The Chinese 3.choose but, made the choice, no choice but 4.Christmas Day, go to church, in the church 5.packs of, cigarette end 6.Under no circumstances, attend cla 7.In/Under any circumstances, citizens, civil 8.circling 9.children, clapped their hands 10.civilization, cheerful

Key to Day 20 1.doing a thorough cleaning, clear up, clarify 2.clerks, clever at, collecting 3.weather, climate 4.cloth, clothing, getting cold, clothes 5.get close to, keep a close watch 6.Every coin has two side 7.coffee, coke, coffees 8.by coincidence, off the coast 9.colleagues, cold to, in collision with 10.went to a medical college, At college, collection, clinics










