
2020-03-03 07:11:04 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


崔永元: 您好„„大叔您好„„请坐~~~ 请坐大叔

Hello, uncle, aunt .please sit down.Sit down, uncle.

赵本山: 恩 en

宋丹丹: 恩~~~ 咳~~~ en.(咳咳„) (稍微有一点紧张) (A little nervous表现出来)

崔永元: 稍微有一点紧张。大叔大妈呀,是第一次到电视台的演播室吧.It seems that uncle and aunt are a little nervous.Is it the first time that you attend a TV show?

赵本山: 第一次。The first time

宋丹丹: 恩,是~~~ En ,yes

崔永元: 刚来这个演播室啊,都会有一点紧张。你看有这么多摄象机,这么多观众,一会咱们谈着谈着就能放松。咱们先来个自我介绍。It is normal for everyone.Look, so much audiences.You’ll be relaxed after a while.Ok, you can introduce yourselves now.

崔永元: 按您家里的习惯。Just according to your habits.

宋丹丹: 那我先说呗~~~ ok.I’m the first.(下面2人的介绍都是一站一坐)

崔永元: 好okay

宋丹丹: 我叫白云 I’m Bai Yun

赵本山: 我叫黑土 I’m Hei Hu.

宋丹丹: 我今年七十一 I’m 71 years old now.

赵本山: 我今年七十五 I’m 75 years old now.

宋丹丹: 我属鸡 I was born in a chicken year.

赵本山: 我属虎 I was born in a tiger year.

宋丹丹: 这是我老公 This is my husband.

赵本山: 这是我老母This is my mother.

宋丹丹: en?(表情动作)

赵本山: 我老伴儿Oh, my wife.

崔永元: 请坐请坐。大叔大妈呀,太紧张了,别紧张。我跟您说这个谈话节目吧,它有话题,咱一谈话题它就不紧张了。Don’t be nervous.Sit down please.it is a talk show.It has its topic.When we talk about the topic, you’ll feel better.

宋丹丹:啥话题?What’s the topic?

崔永元:今天的话题是“昨天,今天,明天”。我看咱改改规矩,这回大叔您先。We are going to talk about yesterday, today, tomorrow.Let’s make a change.Uncle you can answer first.

赵本山: 昨天,在家准备一宿;今天,上这儿来了;明天,回去,谢谢!挺简单 Yesterday, I had been prepared for today\'s program all day along.Today, I’m here.Tomorrow, I will go back.Thank you.Yeah~~(手势).It is so easy

崔永元: 不是,大叔我不是让您说这个昨天,我是让您往前说,No, I mean you can talk about things earlier.

宋丹丹: 前天,前天俺们俩得到的乡里通知,谢谢。The day before yesterday, we are informed to come here.

崔永元: 大叔大妈呀,我说的这个昨天、今天、明天呀,不是~~~昨天、今天、明天 It’s not the day before yesterday.Uncle and aunt, what I said yesterday, today, tomorrow is not the real yesterday, today, tomorrow.

赵本山: 是后天?So it is the day after today?

崔永元: 不是后天No, I didn’t mean the day after today .

宋丹丹: 那是哪一天呢?Well, which day is that day?

崔永元 (无奈):都不是,大叔大妈知道我们这个节目吗?Okay, we won’t talk about any days .Have you ever seen our program before?

宋丹丹: 你不叫崔永元么? Aren’t you named Cui Yongyuan?

崔永元(笑容): 对Yes.

宋丹丹: 俺们村人可喜欢你了 We villagers like you very much.

崔永元: 真的啊? Oh, I am flattered. 宋丹丹: 都夸你呢,说你主持那节目可好了.We think that you are among the best hosts.

崔永元: 这么说的呀!How do they talk about me?

宋丹丹: 就是人长的坷碜点.They just say you looks very horrible.

赵本山: 你咋这样呢! How can you say like that!

宋丹丹: 说实话么I am just telling the truth.

赵本山: 你瞎说啥实话~~~ 对不起,她那不是这个意思,我老伴说那意思是都喜欢你主持那节目,哎呀,全村最爱看呐,那家伙说你主持的有特点,说一笑像哭似的。 You are not being honest .Sorry, she did mean that,she means that we villagers like you because your smile looks like crying.


赵本山: 不是,一哭像笑似的~~~ No, no ,I mean when you cry ,it looks like smiling.

崔永元: 原来他们村都这么夸人啊.Oh, you will compliment people in that way.

宋丹丹: 还说你—— And they also say——

崔永元: 行了行了~~~我们继续下一个话题。大叔要么您说,您现在最想干的事儿是什么?Please stop, En, well, now let’s move on to the next topic.Uncle, what do you want to do now?

赵本山: 我觉着我们俩现在生活好了,越来越老了,余下的时间也越来越少了。过去论天过,现在就应该论秒了,下一步我准备领她出去旅旅游,走一走比较大的城市,去趟铁岭,度度蜜月。I think our life is better and better.The rest time is le and le.So next I want to go traveling with her.Go to some big cities, climb some mountains and spend a honeymoon.

宋丹丹: 我就寻思度蜜月之前我得先美美容But before the honeymoon, I would like to beautify my face first .

崔永元:其实我听得出来,大妈呀,是想永远年轻,永远和大叔在一起,那就让我们祝福他们! I think aunt just want to be young and stay with uncle forever.Let’s ble them.

崔永元: 在我们这次节目结束的时候,按照惯例,我们要请每一位佳宾,每个人用一句话,再总结一下自己的内心感受。大妈先来? Ok.At last, uncle and aunt can you use one sentence to finish our topic? 宋丹丹: 就剩,一句啦?What? Just one sentence?

崔永元: 一句话。 Yes

宋丹丹: 发自肺腑的呀? To say from the bottom of my heart?

崔永元: 对,发自肺腑的。 Yes

宋丹丹: 我十分想见赵忠祥。I just want to see Zhao Zhongxiang.

赵本山: 拉倒吧!干啥玩意儿! Come on, it is just a daydream.

崔永元: 大叔要么您说,一句话。 Then, uncle, what will you say?

赵本山: 我也只剩一句啦?Is there also only one sentence for me?

崔永元: 啊,一句话,对。Ah , yes ,only one.

赵本山: 来钱儿的火车票谁给报了 Well, can you apply for reimbursement?

崔永元: 感谢现场和电视机前的观众朋友们,咱们下周实话实说,再见! En, of course.Ok our talk show is over, thanks for watching.See you next time.

(完)the end O(∩_∩)O~




昨天 今天 明天






