
2020-03-03 08:48:22 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Being master ofYour future

This is a blank paper, meaningle, right? However, if you paint a beautiful picture, it will become wonderful; and if you fold it, it may become a work of art.The same is true with our life- the future is created by your courage, sweating and sticking it out.

Man is the master of his own fate:

Do you ever stop to notice that the dreams we used to dream were all gone? So why? For lack of paion? For lack of persistence? Or for lack of luck? Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental English, used to fail in English tests.But he did not believe in fate and just worked like a snail, step by step.Finally, he reached the top of pyramid.The future is not set.There is no fate but what we make for us.Going your own ways:

Life set its deadlines.We could not decide the length of life, but we can determine the quality of life.

It is never too late for anyone to accomplish their hopes and desires.It is never too late to be an advanced achiever.Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice, is a fantastic example of a people who has never stopped going forward.He is eighty three years old now, but still working.So concentrate on what you want and believe that the future is in your hands.Then, go your own ways.

Taking a leap of faith:

The iron lady, Margaret Thatcher, is British’s first and only female Prime Minister.“One’s life must matter,” she said, “Watch your thoughts, for they become words; Watch your words, for they become actions; Watch your actions, for they become habits; Watch your habits, for they become character; Watch your character, for it becomes destiny.What we think, we become.” Mrs.Thatcher thought she can, so she became Prime Minister.This is not the result of luck.It is the result of taking a leap of faith.So do you want to take a leap of faith or become an old man, filled with regret waiting to die alone?

From my standpoint, that is what future is all about.

Man is the master of his own fate.Going your own ways.Taking a leap of faith.Then get up and go for it.










