
2020-03-02 18:12:26 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文




英语单词前缀ad的含义是“朝向,附近,增减为,变成( to ,towards,at ,near, into )”。以它开头的单词大都与趋向有关。

如adapt 适应,改编。add 增加 addict addre 寄给,对。。。。。。讲话。adequate 足够。adhere 粘附

adjacent 附近。 adjoin连接。 adjust调整。admire 佩服。admiion进入,许可。adopt采用 adventure 冒险。 advertise 登广告。advocate倡导者。

由于发音的需要,ad 还有许多变体。如ac,af,ag,al,an ,ap, ar, as和at。这些变体的含义与它相同,仍然是“朝向,附近,增减为,变成(to,towards,at,near,into )”。如 accede 同意。accelerate 加速。accent 重音,口音。accept接受。acce接近。accommodate适应,接待。accompany伴行。account 帐,报帐。accumulate 积累。accuracy 准确。accuse控告。accustom使习惯。acquaint使认识。acquire取得。affect影响。affirm肯定。afford 提供得出。aggravate加重。aggreive侵略的。allege断言。alleviate减轻。allot分配。ally结盟。announce宣布。annul取消。appendix附属物。appetite胃口applaud 鼓掌。appliance用具。apply申请。appoint指定。appreciate欣赏。approach 接近,方法。appropriate适当的。approve批准。approximate近似的。arrange安排。arrest逮捕。arrow箭。aemble集合,装配。ae估计。aign分配。aist帮助。aociate交往。aume 采取。aure使确信。attach附加。attain达到。attract吸引。attribute归因于。


1.acce to:means of entering or means or right of using,reaching or obtaining进入;入口;取得(接近)的方法。E.g.The only means of acce to the building is along a muddy track.进入这座建筑的唯一通道使一条泥泞的小路。

2.accustom to : to make used to使习惯。E.g.She tried to accustom herself to the new job.她努力使自己习惯于这项新工作。

3.adapt to something :to make or become suitable for new needs,different conditions.etc (使)适应。E.g.When we moved to France, the children adapted to the change very well.我们的家搬到法国去了之后,孩子们很容易适应了这个变化。

4.add something to something: to put together with something else so as to increase the number.增加,添加。E.g.Would you like add anything to what I’ve said? 请对我说的话做点补充,好吗? 5.addicted to:dependent on something esp.a drug; unable to stop having 有瘾的,上瘾的。E.g.My children are hopelely addicted to television.我的几个孩子都成电视迷,简直不可救药。

6.in addition to :as well as 除。。。。。。之外,另外。E.g.In addition to giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical experience.课程除了一般介绍电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会。

1 7.addre to somebody: to direct speech or writing to (a person) 向。。。。。。讲话,给。。。。。。写信E.g.She addreed her remarks particularly to the young people in the crowd.她特别把讲话讲给这群人中的青年人听。

8.adhere to: to continue to follow or remain loyal to (an idea, belief, etc.) 追随,依附:坚持E.g.They failed to adhere to our original agreement.他们未能遵守我们原定的协议。

9.adjacent to:very close;touching(another or each other)毗连的,靠近的。E.g.The building

are adjacent to the library.大楼就在图书馆旁边。

10.adjust to :to change slightly 调整,调节。E.g.He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.他很快就适应了这个国家的炎热气候。

11.admiion to : allowing or being allowed to enter or join a school ,club ,building ,etc允许进入,入学(入会,入场)许可。E.g.They campaigned for the admiion of women to the club.他们发起运动,使妇女也可以参加这个俱乐部。

12.allege somebody to do something: (在没有证据之前)指控或宣称某人做某事。E.g.He is alleged to have paed on secret information to a newspaper.据说他把秘密情报透露给了一家报纸。

13.allot to:to give as a share or set apart for a purpose 分配,拨出。E.g.Most of money has already been allotted to the refugees.给难民的大部分款项已经拨出。

14.appeal(n.)to :strong request for help, support ,kindne etc恳求;呼吁。E.g.His appeal for forgivene went unanswered.他恳求原谅,但没有得到答复。appeal(v) to: to make strong request for help, support, mercy etc 恳请,恳求。E.g.The police are appealing to the public for any information about the murder victim.警方呼吁公众提供有关被杀害者的情况。 15.append to:to add or join (esp something written or printed onto the end of a large piece of written material)(正式)附加,加上 增补。E.g.They appended their signatures to the statement他们在声明后签上了自己的名字。 16 applicable to:directed towards or concerning a particular person or group 适合于,适用于.E.g.The new law becomes applicable from Monday.新法律从星期一起生效

17.apply to :① to request something esp.officially and in writing.(正式以书面)提出的请求,申请。E.g.I’ll apply to the council for a home improvement grant我将向市政府申请改善住房的拨款。②To bring or put into use or operation 使用,应用,运用。E.g.Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial procees科学上的发明通常都应用于工业生产过程。

18.approach to:① a way of getting通路,入口。E.g.All approaches to the town were blocked所有的道路都被封锁了。② a method of doing something or dealing with a problem方法;步骤。E.g.They worked day and night to seek a new approach to SARS.他们夜以继日地工作,以期找到一种治疗非典的新方法。

19.approximate to :to come near (to ) in amount ,nature ,etc 接近,近似。 E.g.

Your story only approximated to the real fact你所说的仅仅接近事实真相。

20.attach to :① to cause to belong to (a group or organization),esp,for a limited period (尤指短期地)使参加,使属于(某团体)。E.g.During the war I was

2 attached to the naval college as a gunnery instructor 战争期间我被分配到海军军事学院当炮术教官。② to regard as having (special meaning or importance)重视,认为……有重要性。E.g.It would be unwise to attach too much significance to these opinion polls.把这些民意测验看得过重是不明智的。attachment to:① fondne or friendship for喜爱,爱慕,依恋。E.g.She had already formed a strong attachment to her baby brother.她对还在襁褓中的小弟弟已经有了感情。② the act of attaching or state of being attached 固定,加入。E.g.an officer on attachment to the drug squad 一个被派到缉毒小分队的警官。

21.attend to : ①to give one’s attention 注意,倾听E.g.Are you attending to what is being said?你有没有注意听别人的话?② to direct one’s efforts and interest towards ;deal with or look after料理;照顾;专心You’d better attend to the children firstthey need their breakfast.你最好还是先去照顾孩子他们要吃早餐。

22.attribute something to something /somebody: to believe something to be the result of work of 把(某事) 归因于,认为是……的结果E.g.He attributed his succe to his hard work /hard working他把自己的成功归因于努力工作。attributable to:The fall in the price is attributable to a sharp reduction in demand 价格下跌可归因于需求量的大幅度减少。










