
2020-03-03 08:33:35 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

The feeling after reading Little Women

Little Women is a novel published in 1868 and written by American author Louisa May Alcott.Little women is a book with the nature of the family autobiography novel.

This book mainly wrote March family from four different characters through its own kind of girl hardworking and found the story of their happine.The novel the plot of the ups and downs no fall rock, not spectacular suspense, but the author USES simple language describes the march of the love of the family home.Their kindne, love and affection loyalty to the desire to deeply touched me.The author describes the only life very ordinary detail, but everywhere to show love, for a better life in the future.

The little woman is about a family decline due to march, and have a poor life, while their father also because his patriotic heart went to war, the father\'s away and make their lives more difficult, but they did not because of the poverty of the real life and give up their efforts to chance, but is everyone with their own efforts to return for a little living expenses to contribute to the family, more rare place is they didn\'t because of his poor and not to help the poor more than they.

March of the house as the girl home the poor, but they managed to anything positive and optimistic attitude.The emphasis on the individual character of their novel and dignity, also show their self constraint, and to

become more independent is the four girl\'s common features.

In their opinion, the home is the growth of their land; it is sacred places of refuge.They will listen carefully to the mother\'s instruction; will do their hands, intelligent nimble brain invented a creative mind can beautification again at the same time the game.

From their poeion, I learned to strong, learn to know content but can\'t meet; I learned to always full of hope for the future, and to chasing the dream\'s optimism; I also learned to double treasures have, don\'t wait to die only lost know their commendable.










