The republic of Azerbaijan (英语系读书笔记)

2020-03-03 09:13:20 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

The republic of Azerbaijan

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The republic of Azerbaijan, whose short name is Azerbaijan;the location is very unique, which is a good advantage.You know that it is a country belongs to Asia, which is located in the southeast part of the WaiGaoJiaSuo that lies in the west Asia.Its east to the Caspian Sea, south neighbors Iran, and north depends on Ruia, west receives Georgia and Armenia.The last part is far away from its native land.

The country is very small and its area only covers 8.66 square km.The coastline is 800 km.compared with many otherAsia countries, the coastline is very flexible.Its official language is Azerbaijan language.National day is in the August 30th.Azerbaijan march is its national anthem and the national flag is quite beautiful horizontal rectangle made up of three parallel horizontal rectangles, the color from top to bottom is shallow blue, red and green.Thereare a month and aanise star set with in the flag.That looks very charming in the eyes of ours.And also, a hammer and several sickles were used into the national flag that stand for the peace and harmonyof the country.In terms of the national emblem, its shape is round which has three concentric circles.The color is shallow blue, red and green.There is a white anise star on its round face, some decorations in the star center.Under the circumference is set with the grain, cotton.As we all know, the grain is quite important for any nation, so we must take a notice of the security of the food.Looking back on the past, they had overcome a lot of difficulties on the way to succe, looking forward to the future, they are full of confidence.

To be honest, the land of the country is not big.But the population is rather small.So, the food they made can make their live.The amount of the nationalities is reach to 43 and the Azerbaijan take a large percentage of the people, which covers about 90.6 %.Precisely, the population of the Azerbaijan is up to 9 million, according to 2010.Many people who believe God thinking that Islam can bring good luck to them.

Baku is the Azerbaijan’s capital, which is a big port beside the Caspian Sea, forming the biggest city in Azerbaijan.Baku consists of 10 administrative regions and 46 towns.The average temperature is 4 degrees in January and 27.3 degrees in July.Baku is not only the political and cultural center, but also an important oil and economic center.In the early 10th century, there has already begun to mine the oil.From 20th century, Baku is famous for oil city, important industrial area and a port.It can hold a large number of ships and it is has 18 million tons throughout of a year.In the beginning of the 20th century, Baku was a city which can’t catch up with others because of its poor economy.

In old times, people in the country lived a kind of miserable life and starved to death.They even can’t raise their own children and can’t support their family.They were suffering for a long time until the coming of the revolution that broke out in Ruia firstly.The revolution brought hope and light for people who lived a bad life.Soon, the country took on a brand—new appearance and gradually became better for the whole country.The lower Cla firstly realized that they are equal to others.They require good job, good food, comfortable houses and other modern equipment.The government realized that and made effort to meet the increasing need of the poor people.Even though, The Baku made a large contrition, other cities are still working hard to achieve the goal to become independent and wealthy country.WaiGaoJiaSuo is located in the west bank at Aaron Peninsula in the south of Caspian Sea.Because of its many nature resources, its resources been sold outall over the world and made a sum of money from it.

If you have time and money, you should not lose the good chance to travel around the whole country.Baku tower is belongs to the top of the lists you should choose for the unforgettable history.Baku tower is located in the center of Baku near the Caspian Sea coast and there is a Well, the Well water cool and sweet around the season.The second scenery you should not mi is Gorbachev and nature reserve where has a large beautiful landscape and all kinds of rare animals, plants.In recent years, the government devoted much money on these beautiful sightseeing in the hope of gain economic and social benefits.Another famous attraction is MuGan plain which is located in the south of Azerbaijan.There are many rivers for irrigation, fertile oil and rich agricultural products.MuGan plain is also a place that the scenery there is beautiful and charming.

In the Diplomacy filed, it is rather open to other countries.The country mainly develops the relationship between the United States and other western countries.At the same time, it pays attention to strengthen cooperation with Asia and many other neighbor countries by using its oil resourcesand developing economic diplomacy actively.By 2003, the country has already set up the diplomacy relation with 141 countries.China is one of the countries which set relation with it.During the visiting, the leaders between the two countries exchange their views that how to deal with the tax of export production and reach a peace situation.Throughout these years, the two countries made some common improvement in terms of the communication of economy and culture.They will work hard together and put forward the progre of succe.

Nowadays, Azerbaijan is improved on all sides, which attracts so much importance to the development of agriculture and industry.The people in that country work hard in the hope of having a rich and happy life.I firmly believe that they can do better and the country will become more and more beautiful.

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The republic of Azerbaijan (英语系读书笔记)