
2020-04-05 来源:欢迎词收藏下载本文












导游词欢迎词 三篇

导游词>欢迎词 (一)









导游词欢迎词 (二)






导游词欢迎词 (三)





























Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen !

First let me introduce myself.My name is Mina ,a student from Nanjing Audit University .I\'m honored to have this opportunity to welcome dear guests from Skema Busine School .

An old chinese saying may expre our hospitality:“Here come friends afar, exceedingly how happy we are!”Your visit makes our campus full of fragrance and paion despite of the extremely cold weather.This also marks the friendship between Skema Busine School and Nanjing Audit University is just like a ship which is advancing through the huge waves and winds.The communication will promote the Internationalization proce between the two schools.Therefore, please allow me to expre the sincere greetings and warm welcome to our honorable guests on behalf of all the teachers and students of our school.To all of you who just arrive at our school , I know there are a lot of things new to you.You may be excited, may be amazed by the differences and even a bit confused.It is totally understandable and expected.But there is one thing we want you to know that you are all welcomed here with warm arms and hearts!There is no doubt we are totally two different cultures and there are a lots of differences.However, the fact that you are sitting here today tells us that you are willing to take

initiatives to learn more aboutour schools, our country and our culture.As we all know, culture is not what runs in your blood, but how you participate.

Since you have lived in Suzhou for a long time ,I suppose that you are familiar withNanjing to some degree.Located in the eastern part of China, Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province which is developed in economy and an important central city on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.Nowadays, Nanjing has developed into a multiple-producing industrial base in eastern China, an important hub of transportation and communication center.

Nanjing is very rich in natural and artificial landscapes.It is one of the first 24 well-known historic and cultural cities announced by the state.Dr.Sun Yat-Sen\'s Mausoleum, the Ming Tomb,the ancient city wall of Nanjing, the stone carvings of Southern Tang Dynasty,the Rain Flower Terrace and other places are the main scenic spots and historic sites.The Eastern Suburbs Scenic Area, the Qixia Mountain, the Xuanwu Lake, the Mochou Lake, the Qinhuai River Scenic Belt and other scenic areas are well-known far and near.Among them, Dr.Sun Yat-Sen\'s Mausoleum and the Qinhuai River Scenic Belt are among 40 best tourist scenic spots in China.

Today, we build a new cooperation platform, and we will make a new contribution to the friendship and communication between the two countries.

May the friendship between Skema and NAU live forever.May the two schools make great progre together.

We sincerely hope our noble French guests will have a good trip in Nanjing.Thank you very much!


Good morning ladies and gentlemen!

First let me introduce myself.My name is Ye Le, from Department of Electrical Engineering.As moderator of the conference, I would like to expre my thanks to all of you.It’s an honor for me to have the opportunity to host this conference and make a welcome speech.

There is something unique about the conference which sponsored by Mi Yu, and organized by all of you, It may be not very formal.It is really a Special platform for us communication.

The conference will cover a wide range of science and technology, because our members are from two different departments and do research in different fields

The purpose of this conference is to share our experiences and knowledge in regard to the theory, new developments, and poible applications of different techniques.In my judgment, a conference like this one is not only a platform for communication, but also an opportunity to enrich ourselves, such as learn to exchange academic ideas.

Ladies and gentlemen, our conference’s succe depends on all of you here in the room---your wisdom, your experience.I would like all of you to feel at home and make a difference!

Thank you!


Hello,my friends,

Welcome to Changchun, I am very glad to be your tour guide during your trip in Changchun, on behalf of our travel agency and myself to show our warm welcome, I think all of Changchun people will do the same, of course, if they know you are coming here.

Ok, now please allow me to introduce myself, I am Christle, or you can call me Mi.Yang.

I believe you had a good time in Baicheng, the hometown of the cranes, you may be close to nature and become the friends of birds, and it is really an interesting thing for us.You know, my hometown is also Baicheng, and I live nearby Momoge National Nature Reserve, xianghai is also an interesting place ,now let me to touch some attractive things about natural, cultural and historical atmosphere.

When you travel in Changchun, I will try my best to make our journey go smoothly.I hope you would have a pleasant and rewarding experience here.As a Chinese saying goes,"Nothing is more delightful than to meet friends from afar.”And I highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

We are on the way to our hotel, the hotel is located in a convenient area, there is an airport near the hotel, and there are beautiful scenery surrounding it, and we can appreciate the scenery just in our hotel building.

My friends, you need to remember the number of our coach-jiA258222, please remember, jiA258222.

Changchun is the provincial capital of jilin province, it is famous for its history and culture.We will visit some tourist sites: the Puppet Manchukuo Relic, To know history and Manchurian culture; Changchun Movie Wonderland, travel in an tragic place; Changchun Jingyue National Forest Park,be close to nature easily, and so on.

Now, I would like to repeat some important point, please remember our hotel namexxx, the number of the coachjiA258222,jiA258888,our gathering time is at 7:00 o’clock tomorrow, please do not be late, I’ll thank you very much for your support.I shall do all I can to make everything easy for you, I am sure you are gonging to enjoy your trip, and have an unforgettable experience in china.

Thank for your attention!
























Reference Number案号


Inside Addre 封内名称及地址

Particular Addre 特定收信人名称住址


Letter Subject信件事由


Complimentary Close 结尾敬语


Reference Notation经办人




英文函件中的称呼(Salutation )相当于我国书信中的\"先生\"这一礼貌称呼,公司等商业书信的尊称以Sirs,DearSirs,Gentlemen最为常见。Sirs是较为正式的礼貌称呼,通常用于公文中。

Dear Sirs──用于称呼公司。英国人习惯上比较喜欢用Dear Sirs,而且Dear Sirs后用逗号。
























日前我们有机会参观了广交会上贵公司的产品展览,对贵公司产品的高品质及低价格留下了深刻的印象。作为一家贸易公司,我们极愿提供我们的服务。在贸易方面,本公司有着良好的关系,对产品进口业务也有丰富的经验。除此之外,本公司拥有自己的广告公司,能够极为有效地运用最新的市场销售方式。如果您愿意让我们在本国代售您的产品,贵公司的 营业额必可大幅度增加。










复 函







在此我们谈及有关不锈钢型餐具的169号/SPL订单。我方代理人现已 收到发货,货物符合你方发货通知中的说明。遗憾的是,你方只发送了1873 把餐叉,少于我方订量。按我方指示另行包装的2000把餐刀完好无损。但由 于短缺127把餐叉,这些餐刀对我们也就无多大用处了。到埠装箱单和你方发票明显不符。不是中途被窃,就是劳合社代理人过失,他们目前正在调查此事。由于我方必须按期发货给我方顾客,因此我们必须请求你方立即安排失踪餐叉的裣货物的发送。



复 函










复 函











复 函




推荐第8篇:欢迎词 英文




Dear friends:

In such a fruitful and bleing day, the website of Shanghai Sing Horn finally comes out.Here, on behalf of all the company staff, I’d like to expre our most sincere gratitude and respect to friends from all walks of life that offer great concern and help to the development of Shanghai Sing Horn.Your support is our continuous forward confidence and motivation!

Not striving to be the biggest but the strongest; not striving to be the best but the better

Today’s Shanghai Sing Horn knows how to cherish the bleing and expre the gratitude.We take each day as a new beginning and adhere to constant struggle and innovation.In the endle social care, Shanghai Sing Horn gradually becomes mature in continuous exceeding with flushing paion and miracles.Being earnest and down-to-earth as well as unremitting pursuit is our belief in entrepreneurship; quality first and reputation first is the basis for us to win the market; people-oriented, fair, just and open is our reliable guarantee to build a first-cla team!

Mutual-benefit, cooperative win-win situation and honest service are from Sing Horn

In face of the 21st century full of hope and opportunities, Shanghai Sing Horn will continue to carry on the operation concept of “jointly seek common development, create wealth, win the market share and enjoy future”, try the best to achieve “aure the customer in terms of quality, satisfy the customer in terms of price and save the customer’s worries in terms of service”.Create bright future hand in hand with people from all walks of life in mutually beneficial cooperation! At the same time of making strategic adjustment in latter development, Shanghai Sing Horn looks forward to receiving your support and understanding.Meet you is a kind a fate, hope we could cherish each other and wish our acquaintance will be the best memories in your life!



各位先生,女生,兄弟姐妹大家好!我是你们的导游,我叫何莉,何仙姑的何,单名一个茉莉花的莉! 我虽然长得不是闭月羞花、沉鱼落雁,但起码对得起各位的火眼金睛,所以请大家记下我的电话号码,有什么事可随时与我联系!

接下来我代表我们旅行社的老板,老板娘以及全体员工对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎! 请鼓起您的金掌、银掌、仙人掌,我为大家介绍一位重要人物,那就是兢兢业业、勤勤恳恳为我们保驾护航的司机,王师傅。王傅可牛了,他呀,有两个老婆,大老婆默默在家为他操持家务,他则带着宠爱的小老婆一起走南闯北。今天小老婆自然也在这儿,是谁呢?就是我们这辆车了,所以请大家要像爱护小老婆一样的爱护她,保持车内的清洁。








各位朋友,大家好,首先欢迎各位来到扬州参观游览。我是本次行程的导游员XX,坐在我身边的这位呢,是我们的司机王师傅。在未来的两天里,将由我和王师傅一起为大家服务。希望各位可以把安心交给王师傅,把放心交给XX,我们会一起努力把开心还给您。 在此,预祝各位可以在扬州玩的开心,吃的顺心,行的放心,住的舒心,在我们扬州旅游集团全体员工的一片热心中开开心心,事事顺心。














早在1200年前,诗仙李白就长叹道“蜀道难,难于上青天。”新中国成立以后,国家领导人为了不再让后人继续感叹蜀道的艰险,在二十世纪中后期在成都双流县,也就是我们现在这里,修建了这座双流机场,双流机场它是位于成都双流县境内,因而因县命名,机场距成都市区距离大约是15公里,按我们现在的行车速度,大约30分钟就可到达成都市区。这在全国各大省会城市中,成都的双流机场算是与市区距离较近的一个,这与上海的虹桥机场是相似的。如今的双流机场已成为全国年旅客吞吐量排命第五的大型机场,因此它也成了四川喜迎海内外宾客的第一站了。 各位朋友,我们现在正驶向成都市区,外来的游客来咱们成都大多是冲着四川的“三美”来的: 这第一美则是冲着我们四川美丽的风景名胜来的,从古到今一直都有四句话来形容四川的美景,“九寨天下奇,峨眉天下秀,青城天下幽,剑门天下险”。四川的旅游资源就像一张向外扩张的蜘蛛网,而成都就正好位于网心,所以成都历来都是外来游客们非常理想的中转站! 第二美便是冲着四川的美食来的。曾经是“吃在广东”,如今可以说是吃在四川了,四川人很讲究吃,也很喜欢吃,外来的朋友一来到成都,准会被热情好客的成都人拉到街上去吃东西,都说成都是美食天堂,那成都到底有啥好吃的?成都有一菜一格,百菜百味的川菜,以及大街小巷都能吃到的成都火锅,当然还有驰名中外的成都小吃了。

第三美便是冲着咱们成都的美女来的,有句话是这样讲的,到了北京知道自己官小,到了广州知道自己钱少,到了海南知道自己身体不好,然而到了成都才发现自己结婚太早。四川自古就是个盛产美女的地方,比如:唐朝的杨玉环(杨贵妃),女皇武则天,著名的女诗人薛涛,以及司马相如的爱妻卓文君等等,她们可算是绝代佳人了吧。四川省会成都历来被人们称之为是“中国第一粉城”,这个粉就是漂亮的意思了。成都的美女也是被亲切的称之为“粉子”。去年湖南卫视举办的超级女生,全国上下一片炒的是一片沸腾,其实超女最热的地方还是属于成都。这前五名里的李宇春,张靓影,何洁她们都是来自成都,不知道咱们车上有没有朋友是它们玉米、凉粉、盒饭?所以呢成都还不光是出美女,也有才女啊。那么入乡随俗,小曾在这里教大家一句成都话,打望!什么意思呢,这打望在成都就是偷看美女的意思了。在成都有个很奇怪的现象,不光是女人喜欢逛街,相比之下,尤其像小曾这种单身男士更喜欢逛街,那么逛街的目的是什么,就是打望美女了,所谓爱美之心,人皆有之有嘛。换句话说如果你生活在一座城市里,一出门见到都是帅哥美女是不是心情都要好很多?这机场高速路收费站可谓是咱们成都的窗口之一,这里的收费小姐都是按照空姐的标准选的。好了,各位,趁着我们张师傅在停车交费的时候,大家赶紧“打望”一下我们成都的美女吧。是不是很漂亮呢,当然,每个人的审美标准不一样,或许你眼中的成都美女也并不是很漂亮,但是女孩子皮肤白这可是大家有目共睹的,俗话说一白遮百丑,成都女孩子的皮肤白跟咱们成都的天气是有着密切关系的。 我们坐在车上环视左右,细心的朋友可能已经发现成都周围都有高山环抱,而且天空有一种灰蒙蒙的感觉。这是因为四川是一块盆地,而成都又地处盆地的底部,空气自然就不流畅,积热不易散发,因此成都的天气是比较潮湿的,由于积云多,成都这里日照时间很短,一年不过300小时。也就是因为这个原因,自古便有一句形容四川气候的一句成语,跟四川有关的,大家猜猜这个成语是什么?对了,就是“蜀犬吠日”。这“蜀犬吠日”讲的就是刚刚出生在四川的小狗,自打娘胎出来就没见过太阳,突然有一天这太阳突然出来了,小狗因为从来没见过什么是太阳,于是就感到害怕,那么考考大家,狗害怕了还会干什么呢?对了,就是对着太阳汪汪直叫了,所以呢,后人就经常用蜀犬吠日来讽刺人们的少见多怪,但也从中形象的道出了四川天气气候的特征,那就是在四川阳光明媚的日子却是不多。所以在四川,除了夏季,一出太阳,人们就像过节一样的兴奋,“太阳出来了,嘿,喜洋洋哦了嘿”,因为成都日照少,空气潮湿,所以成都女孩子有两样护肤品是基本不用的,那就是,防晒爽和水分保湿爽了。成都美女的皮肤好就是这样来的。但是老年人可就得受罪了,在四川,风湿病可以不算病,就像跟上海的甲肝一样。因为太流行了。湿气太重,怎么办?吃辣椒!四川人吃辣在全国都是出了名的,这火锅,川菜,那一样少得了辣椒?而且四川人也特爱喝酒,剑南春,五粮液,泸洲老窖,这些家喻户晓的名酒都是出自于我们四川。



第二多便是车多,我们进城才一会就堵了两次车,我不说车多也不行了,成都是中国私家车拥有量第三的城市同时和首都北京一样也是中国自行车最多的城市。为什么这么多车呢?其一是因为成都是平原,市区很广,路很宽。其二便是成都人好玩,周末和节假时大多数成都人是不呆家里的,他们有汽车的开汽车到城市周边玩,成都周边有着太多的旅游景点;除了,峨眉山,乐山大佛,著名的还有都江堰,青城山,西岭雪山,剑门关等等以及隔一百米就有一家的农家乐,这个农家乐是什么呢?这里有两种解释,一就是城里人跑到农村里去找乐子,因为农村里有着都市里没有的清闲和安静,而且这里吃到的东西都是正宗的无污染绿色食品。第二种解释就是,以前农村里的人需要把种好的蔬菜瓜果很辛苦的运到城里去卖,现在倒好了,城里人自己跑到家门口来消费,不仅给剩了运费,还加收什么加工费,服务费。农村里的人一想到这里就偷着乐,所以也就叫农家乐了。那么这是有车一族的消遣方式了。那么没汽车的骑自行车也要出来逛逛市区。市区逛的也不少,武侯祠、杜甫草堂、文殊院、青羊宫,望江楼公园等等以及可以跟上海的南京路相媲美的购物街春熙路,这春熙路还是成都美女聚集的地方哦。总之在家根本呆不住。如果大家仔细观察可以发现,在街上跑的很多汽车都是档次较普通的小汽车,这并不是因为成都人没钱,而是因为成都人比较懂生活,有点钱马上想到的就是如何花掉它,而不是存银行,买股票。如果拿成都人跟广州人比挣钱的工夫,成都人是比不上的,但是如果比谁更会享受生活,广州人就只有拜下风了,辛苦工作努力挣钱的目的是什么?不就是为了好好生活吗?这一点我们成都人是有先见之明的。 第三多则是成都的茶馆特别多。据说世界上第一家茶馆就是开在四川,然而四川的第一家茶馆就是开在成都了。所以便有“四川茶馆甲天下,成都茶馆甲四川”之说。在成都无论是上等的茶楼,还是街边的茶馆,可以说是随处可见。成都人的主要休闲场所也就是茶馆了。有机会在坐的各位也可以去感受一下成都的这种茶文化。你可以坐在茶馆里慢悠悠的喝着盖碗茶,看着太阳从头顶下滑下去,也可以跟朋友一起打打麻将,斗斗地主。看看川剧。再不然就跟大伙一起摆龙门阵,前提是你得学点成都话。这便是成都的三多:闲人多,车多,茶馆多了。




岳麓书院英文导游词 2009-2-12 9:30 页面功能 【字体:大 中 小】【打印】【关闭】 Good morning! ladies and gentlemen: Today we will go and visit the yuelu academy! yuelu academy is one of the four famous academies in china, and it was established by zhudong, magistrate of tanzhou prefecture in 976a.d at the time of northern song dynasty.the academy accepted disciples throughout the song, yuan, ming and qing dynasties.it was only in 1903 that the academy was transformed from a school of traditional confucian learning to an insitute of higher learning and in 1926 it was officially named hunan university.Early in 1015, emperor zhen zong of the song dynasty awarded the academy hid majesty\"s own handwriting \"yuelu academy\" on a tablet.form then on many famous scholars and great thinkers gave lectures here, among them were zhangshi, zhuxi and wangyangming, thus making a great impact on the province\"s culture and education.most of the existing buildings here were constructions of the ming and qing dynasties, and the bulk of the engraved stone plates and inscribed tablets have all been kept intact, in 1956 the academy was listed as a historical site at the provincial level and later, in 1988 it became a historical site at the state level.the last restoration project started in 1981 and the major part was completed in 1987.Now, here we are at the \"he xi platform\", \"he xi\" means the \"the splendour of the sunrise\", it was named by zhuxi, a great idealist philosopher of the confucian school during the song dynasty, the platform was first built on the top of yuelu hill, by zhanshi, and later in 1528, a pavilion was built on it, but it became deserted with the paing time.in 1790 luodian, the master of the academy, built a platform at the present site, in 1820, the succeeding master, ouyang houjun, renamed it \"he xi platform\" in order to memory zhuxi and zhanshi.it was restored in 1868.On the inner walls of the platform are two big chinese characters \"fu\" and \"shuo\", which mean \"bleing\" and \"longevity\" respectively.legend has it that the character \"shuo \"was written with a broom soaked in yellow mud by a taoist master at the time master luodian was attending a banquet in honour of the examination officials and those dispels who had paed the civil exam hence it has been regarded as having \"celestial touch\" the character \"fu\" was written by luodian, the master himself.This gate in front of us is the main gate, the gate was formerly built at the time of the song dynasty, and was then called \"central gate\".the main gate underwent both destruction and reconstruction in the course of time.the present structure was once thoroughly renovated in 1868.The characters \"yuelu academy\" on the horizontal tablet were inscribed by emperor zhen zong of the song dynasty.it was presented as an award to zhoushi, the master of the academy, when he was summoned to the emperor\"s presence.on both door posts are couplets which read \"

the kingdom of chu, unique home of the talents, the academy of yuelu, the very cradle of all \".it was composed in the qing dynasty by the master of the academy, yuan jiangang and his disciple zhang renjie.This gate was the second gate, it was first built in 1527 during the ming dynasty.it underwent repairs and restoration many times .it was completely devastated during the anti-japanese war .in 1984, the gate was restored to its former state.This is the lecture hall, where the students had leons here, it was first built at the time of the song dynasty and was once named \"jing yi hall\".now, it has a more elaborate name \"the hall of the loyalty, filiality honesty and integrity\", because on the inner walls of the hall are engraved four big chinese characters:\" loyalty, filiality, honesty and integrity.they were handwriting by the great scholar, zhuxi, who once lectured here.others, such as the school regulations, the administrations and way to read were masterpieces of the masters of the academy.on the two horizontal tablets hanging on top were written: \"Learn before you can probe the infinitene of the universe.\" \"The doctrines taught here in the south are genuine confucian doctrines.\" They were inscribed by the emperor kangxi and qianlong respectively during the qing dynasty.The building in front of us is the yushu library, \"yushu\" literally means \"imperial books\", so yushu library ,built in 999a.d in the early song dynasty, was a place to keep imperial books.books were continuously sent here during the succeeding dynasties.the library was first named \"claics treasuring house\" in the song dynasty, \"claic venerating house\" in the yuan and ming dynasties, and finally \"yushu library\" in the qing dynasty,.it had been repaired and expanded many times, and now it has a collection of over twenty thousand chinese claics.this building was rebuilt on its original site in 1986.The two small pavilions xi quan and ni lan , built during the song and ming dynasties, were restored to the right and left of the compound galleries in order to display cultural relics.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to KM, a beautiful city of eternal spring.My name is Tom, and I am pleased to be your tour guide.An old Chinese saying goes like this: friends should come from afar, isn’t this delightful? So I am very delighted to have this chance to serve you, to show you the most beautiful of KM and YN, to feed you the most delicious local food, to introduce to you the most precious local specialties.In one word, I’ll try my best to help you have a happy and gainful tour here.

Now, you must want to know some general info about this city.Situated at the center of YN-GZH Plateau, KM has a history of over 2400 years and now serves as the capital of YN Province.It features pleasant climate all the year round and various natural sceneries as well as places of historical interest.

A poem portraits KM like this:

the weather is like April constantly,

flowers bloom for four seasons.

Hence its name ‘city of eternal spring’.It’s neither hot in summer nor cold in winter.The average temperature in summer is about 23℃ while that in winter is about 9℃, and the average temperature year round is approximately 15℃.There are two distinct seasons here: the dry season and the rainy season.The rainy season is from May to Oct.when the humid air from the Indian Ocean brings rich rainfall.The other months are the dry season with very few rains.

So ladies and gentlemen, now you must have a question in your mind: why is the climate like this? The geographical location of KM is about at the same latitude with Guilin, Xiamen and Taipei.But these places are much hotter in summer and colder in winter.The reason mainly lies in the topography and landscape of KM.The city is located on the plateau area with an altitude of over 1800 m.So it’s not very hot in summer.In winter, the high mountains to the north of KM block the cold air from Siberia.Therefore, the affect of the cold air to the weather of KM is not as strong as other areas in China.Consequently, KM enjoys a pleasant climate all the year round.

KM’s history goes back over 2000 years to the Waring States Period of ancient China.In BC 279, a general of Chu Kingdom in the area of today’s Hunan and Hubei provinces came here with his troops and settled down near Dianchi Lake which is a large lake adjoining the southwest edge of today’s KM city.In AD 109, during the reign of emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, the city of \"Kunzhou\" was established to the southeast of present day Kunming.Towards the end of the Yuan Dynasty, which was about 600 years ago, this area became known as KM County.In 1832, a traditional city with high wall was erected, which became Kunming municipality in 1928.

In the book Guide to China the author says that if your time is limited while visiting China and you could only afford to travel around one place, the best choice is YN Province, because it is the most ethnically diverse province in China with various landscapes.It’s absolutely true.26 ethnic groups inhabit different areas of YN Province.During the long course of history, each ethnic group has developed their own unique culture and diverse customs.In different ethnic communities we can see different architectures, costumes, and taste local foods of various flavor, of which the most famous one is Acro Bridge Rice Noodle whose name originated from an ancient legend.Most of the ethnic groups are good at singing and dancing and they also have their own traditional festivals, such as the Torch Festival of the Yi people, the Splashing Water Festival of the Dai people.Their marital customs are also different, among which the most amazing one is that of Muosuo people who is a branch of Naxi ethnic group and lives in Shangri-la.They actually don’t get married all their life.I’ll explain to you the details during our tour later.

Now we’ve arrived at our hotel.Please gather your belongings and follow me.


Introduction for the Fashui Tianmu Hotspring Hello,everyone here.Welcome to Fashui Tianmu Hotspring.It\'s my honor to be your guide and i\'m so glad to service for you.Wish you have a perfect time with me .We are located in Fashui village Zixi town of Fuzhou,near to the 316 national road.The resort is about 20 kilometers far away from Zixi town,70 kilometers from Mount Longhu and 170 kilometers from Mount Wuyi.On entering into our company,you can know the whole resort was picture perfect.First of all,we\'ll know about the basic information together.The resort was made to the national AAAA tourist hotel.The total planning land area is 6000 acres.Construction planning area is about 300000 square meters.And the total investment of Projects is 600 million yuan.As you see,the resort is surrounded by mountains which are with fresh air and elegant environment.according to researchs,percentage of the greenery coverage is over ninety-two percent in all over the resort.So it is considered as a natural oxygen bar. Then let\'s know about the structure of the resort.It is divided into Forest resources exploration area,Hot spring bath area,Fitne recuperate area,Sports competitive area,and VIP(short for Very Important Person) functional areas.As for sales production,it mainly includes hotspring,Room Division,food and beverage department,conference,and it relies on the Taoism culture.In total,it gives priority to us with fresh and natural feelings,must be an idea place for tourism,relaxation,various Busine Transactions ,trainings and meetings. Next we\'ll visit from hotspring,Room Division,food and beverage department to conference.The first site is hotspring center which is our Featured Products.It contains indoor area and outdoor area.There are swimming pool, Hot spring fish recuperating,lounge hall,maage rooms,billiard saloon ,aromatherapy house and so on indoors.Outdoors there are many hotspring pools with various functions and characteristics.Those are Nine characteristics area,water park which includes Python slide and wave pool,Four beauties area,Five Elements zone,SPA(short for Solus Par Agula)area and Taoist Culture area.By enjoying them,it not only makes us escape from strain and dust,but also help us keep healthy and beautiful.



各位游客大家好!欢迎来到毛泽东故居参观.现在大家面前的这栋古朴的农舍叫“上屋场”.1893年12月26日,中国人民的伟大领袖毛泽东同志就诞生在这里.大家可以看到毛泽东同志的故居是一栋坐南朝北土木结构的典型的南方农舍,它面临绿水,背依青山,成凹字形结构,这里的老百姓称它为“一担柴”.当年这里居住着两户人家,东边13间小青瓦房是毛泽东家里的;而西边四间茅草屋则是他邻居家的,中间的堂屋为两家共用.Hello, everyone! Welcome to the former resident of Mao ZeDong”.Now, we are facing a simple and unsophisticated farmhouse .we call it Shangchangwu.And our great chairman Mao Zedong was born in this place on December 26th, 1893.Although it is a quite common farmhouse with U-shape construction in South China, it poees beautiful views with limpid water and green mountains.Once, here lived two families, Mao’s family and their next door neighbor.And the thirteen and a half rooms on the left hand belong to Mao’s family.

大家抬头看大门顶端挂着的这块“毛泽东同志故居”的金字红木匾,是邓小平同志在1983年4月2日亲笔题写的.现在请大家和我一起进堂屋参观.这里就是前面提到的两家共用的堂屋,它在南方是摆酒席和宴请客人的地方,大家看到这里的方桌和板凳都是原物.这个呢叫做神龛,它是用来神佛和祖宗用的.毛泽东小的时候经常在这个地方帮助父母劳动,用水桶挑水,大家看到的这个大水桶就是当年的原物.Look up! There hangs a red tablet inscribed with golden characters “The former resident of Mao Zedong”.The inscription was written by Chairman Deng Xiaoping on April 2nd, 1983.Now, let’s enter into the central room.It’s a place for Mao’s family and their neighbors enjoying together to entertain guests.The old fashioned table and chairs here are settled as they were many years ago.Please look at this! It is called Shenkan, which is a family area of worship of God and ancestors.When chairman Mao as a child, he often helped his parents doing some housework in this place.And the big buckets here are the original items in those years.

这里是厨房,请大家来看这口炉灶,过去农家的灶多用泥砖砌成.这口灶呢是在故居复原陈列的时候,根据老人的回忆复制的.这里是火堂.南方农家一般都会有这间冬天架柴烧火取暖的房子,你们看这上面还有个挂钩,俗称“炉膛钩”,它是用来挂壶烧水的,当然也可以用来煮饭,冬天全家团团围坐边吃边聊,那可是热气腾腾的呢!1921年的春天,毛泽东在筹建共产党的过程中,回到韶山,他邀弟妹们围炉烤火、拉家常.弟弟毛泽民一口气讲了这几年遭受的灾难.毛泽东说:“是的,这些不只是我们一家发生的事,天下大多数人都这样,就叫乱民不得安生,所以我们要舍小家为大家,出去做一些有利于大多数人的工作”.后来,在毛泽东的谆谆教导下,全家人相继离开家乡走上革命道路.在长期的革命斗争中毛泽东一家先后有6位亲人英勇献身.Here we come to the kitchen.Please look at that cooking range.It is made from mud bricks according to the memory of the old people when recovering the exhibition.There is a big Brazier put in the middle of the room.The southern peasant families usually have a room to keep warm by firing wood in winter.And there is an iron hook hung above it.It is called “Lutanggou” and it was used to boll water and rice.It is really a lively atmosphere when the whole family gets together and sits around the brazier to warm themselves and chat together.In the spring of 1921.It’s around this brazier that Mao Zedong persuaded his relatives to join the revolution.After hearing his brother Mao Zenmin’s suffering in that troubled times, Mao Zedong said that: “yes, it is not happen on only us, but all of us in the whole country! We can’t live without fighting against the evil.So we should do some benefit things for our society in spite of the safety of ourselves.” Afterwards, by the guiding of Mao Zedong, all his families devoted themselves to the revolutionary career.And there are 6 families sacrificed in the war.我们现在进入的是毛泽东父母卧室.1893年12月26日,毛泽东同志就诞生在这间房子里,墙上挂的是毛泽东同志父母的遗照.他的父亲毛顺生生于1870年10月,是一位非常勤劳俭朴、精明能干的农民,不幸的是在1920年因患有急性伤寒病儿取胜,享年50岁.应该说父亲的勤劳节俭和善于持家理财为早年毛泽东外出读书提供了一定的经济基础.这是他的母亲文氏,他的母亲生于1867年,她是一位勤劳善良的、聪明贤惠的农家妇女.她性情温和,富有爱心,经常接济周围的乡亲.父母亲所具有的劳动人民的优良品德对少年时代的毛泽东影响很大.1959年毛泽东看到母亲这张照片时还说:“我还是挺像我母亲的”.大家现在看到的这张陈旧木床也是当年的原物.Now we come into the bedroom of Mao’s parents and Mao was born just in this room on December 26th, 1893.There are portraits of Mao’s parents on the wall.His father—Mao Shunsheng was born in October, 1870 and was a very simple and diligent farmer.But unfortunately he died from acute febrile in his fifty in 1920.we should say that it is the father’s industry and good housekeeping management that supported Mao Zedong out learning in his early years.This lady was Mao’s mother—Wenshi.She was born in1867 and was not only diligent but also intelligent.This farm woman was so warm-hearted that she was always helping other neighbors.The good moral character of the parents gave a deep impreion upon the great man.When Mao Zedong watched the portrait of his mother in 1959, he signed: “I’m really looks like my mother.” And yes, this old wooden bed in front of us is also an original one..

这里是毛泽东的卧室.墙上的这张照片是毛泽东和母亲及两个弟弟与1919年春天在长沙的合影.当时毛泽东同志在长沙工作,小弟毛泽覃在长沙读书.因母亲病重,大弟毛泽民送母亲去省城治病,所以他们母子四人才有机会留下这唯一的一张合影,也就是这年10月毛泽东的母亲去世了,这张珍贵的照片由于在毛泽东外婆家珍藏而幸存下来.这里是毛泽东小时候学习的地方,当年,毛泽东晚上读书就是用的这盏小油灯.毛泽东他天资聪颖,又酷爱读书,夏天的晚上蚊子特别多,他就在床边放一条凳,凳上放一盏灯,人躲到蚊帐里面,将他头伸到外面来看书.冬天,他常常躺在被子里读书到深夜.甚至在他13至15岁停学在家劳动的时候,他也刻苦攻读.This is Mao’s bedroom.The portrait on the wall was the group photo of Mao’s mother, Mao’s two brothers and himself in spring 1919 in Changsha.That year, Mao worked in Changsha and his little brother also studied in the city.Because his elder brother sent their badly sick mother to see a doctor in the provincial capital, the families had the chance to leave the memory.Also in this year’s October, his mother died.And the cherish photo was carefully collected by Mao’s mother’s family.The bedroom is also the study of Mao Zedong.Look, this is the oil lamp accompanied by Mao reading in his childhood.In summer nights, there were many mosquitoes.So he put up a mosquito net and only left his head outside to read.And in winter, he often stayed up to read books with this oil lamp.Even when he dropped out of school in his 13 to 15, he still read as many books as he could get 请大家抬头看,可能大家没有注意在这间房的上方有个小阁楼,也就是在这个小阁楼上建立了中共韶山支部.请大家跟我继续参观,这里是毛泽东家放农具的地方,毛泽东从6岁开始参加劳动.13岁到15岁,因家里缺乏劳动力,他便休学在家从事农业劳动.所以说毛泽东还正式当过两年农民呢.这里放的水车、石墨等都是他当年用过的原物.好了,我的讲解就到这里了,希望毛泽东故居的参观能给你留下美好的回忆

Your attention, please! Otherwise you’ll mi an attic in this room.And it is in this room that the ShaoShan Branch of the Chinese Communist Party was set up.Ok, follow me please.Here is the site where MaoZedong placed his farm tools.He began his work at the age of six.From the age 13 to 15, because of lack of physical labor, he dropped out of school to work on the farm.Therefore, he was a profeional farmer for two years.The water wheels and graphite here are stuff used by MaoZedong.Ok, so much for today.Hopefully, you shall have pleasant and unforgettable memories of the resident.

凤凰古城Phoenix Ancient City (蔡隽翻译)


Hello, everyone! Welcome to Phoenix Ancient City.Phoenix Ancient City not only boasts clear water and green mountains but also has many places of historic interest.It is always the tourism holy-land for people.There are some ancient gate towers and old courtyards in Ming or Qing dynasty and the flagstone walking streets in the town.There also has Nanhua national forest park and Huangsiqiao ancient town in Tang dynasty out of the town.And all of these relics \' elegance still remain as before.凤凰不但风景秀美,而且人杰地灵。中华民国第一任内阁总理熊希龄、著名作家沈从文和著名画家黄永玉都是凤凰人。《边城》、《湘女萧萧》、《湘西剿匪记》等十多部影视剧也都是在这里拍摄。

Phoenix Ancient City is a glorious place that has nurtured outstanding people, especially in modern times.Xiong Xiling (Prime Minister of the Republic of China), Shen Congwen (a literary giant), Huang Yongyu (a famous painter)are all from Phoenix Ancient City.The remote town, Girl from Hunan, Exterminate the banditi in Western Hunan province and other more than ten films and Tvs were taken in this old town.好了,我们现在到的这个地方就是我国著名作家和考古学家沈从文先生的故居。沈从文故居是他的祖父沈洪富于清朝同治元年所建。1902年12月28日,沈从文先生就诞生在这座具有明清建筑风格的四合院里,并在这里度过了他的童年和少年时期。1919年,沈先生只身来到北京。开始了他从文的艰苦生涯。创作了《边城》、《湘西》等一系列文学作品,不久就蜚声中国文坛,几乎与年长他20多岁的鲁迅先生同名。20世纪50年代之后,沈先生潜心于中国古代服饰的研究,写出了惊世之作《中国古代服饰研究》。沈从文的作品与人品表现出了强烈的一致:自然、厚朴、谦逊、勤奋、博大而凝重。沈先生一生所创作的500多万字的作品,是世界的文学瑰宝,给后人研究旧中国和旧湘西留下了宝贵的历史资料。 Ok, now we come to the former residence of Shen Congwen.Mr.Shen was a famous writer and archaeological in China.The courtyard was built by his grandfather Shen Hongfu in the first year of Reign of Qing Emperor Tongzhi.Mr.Shen was born in this place on December 28th,1902 and he also spent his childhood and boyhood here.He left for Beijing to persue his literary dream in1919.He soon won a reputation for himself as high as Luxun by his famous literary woks:The remote town, The Western of Hunan province。After 1950, Mr.Shen devoted himself into the study of China ancient dre and wrote out his staggerings The Study of China Ancient Dre.Natural,simple,modest,diligent, profound and dignified are the characters of Mr.Shen .He wrote about more than five millions words in his life.And his famous literary woks not only are art treasure for the whole world but also the valuable materials for people to study the old China and old western Hunan province.这里是中华民国第一任内阁总理熊希龄先生的故居。1870年7月23日,熊希龄先生就出生在这间小平房里。熊先生少年时期就具有忧国忧民之心,9岁的时候,他的私塾教师出了一副上联:“栽数盆花,探春秋消息”。熊先生立即对出下联:“凿一池水,窥天地盈虚”。一时传为佳话。熊先生成名后,积极主张维新变法,曾经创办《湘报》、时务学堂和常德西路师范学校,是湖南与谭嗣同齐名的维新派中坚。后来,熊先生又出任东三省财政监理官、热河都统、财政总长等职务,1913年就任中华民国第一任政府总理,当时的这一任政府被舆论界称为‘才子内阁’。后开,因为熊先生反对袁世凯独裁,被袁世凯逼迫解散内阁,辞去了总理职务。1937年12月5日,熊希龄先生病故于香港,享年67岁。

This is a former residence of XiongXiling, who was the first prime minister of the Republic of China.On July 23, 1870, XiongXiling was born in this flat.Mr.Xiong was concerned about the destiny of country and people in his boyhood.When he was 9 years old, his private teacher gave the first line of his couplet: “planting flowers discovers the changes of seasons.” Mr.Xiong gave the second line of his couplet immediately: “digging wells uncovers the contents of Earth.” When Mr.Xiong became famous, he was active to promote WeiXin Reform.He set up XiangBao newspaper, ShiWu school and ChangDeXiLu Normal school.He was one of the backbones of WeiXin Reformists as TanSitong.Later, Mr.Xiong aumed the financial supervisor in the three northeastern provinces, ReHe commander, financial General and so on.In 1913, he was the first Prime Minister of the Republic of China.At that time, this group of cabinet was name “talent cabinet”.Later, because Mr.Xiong objected the dictator-YuanShikai, this cabinet was dismied and Mr.Xiong resigned his position from the government.On December 5 ,1937 Mr.Xiong was past away in Hongkong at the age of 67.现在大家看到的是虹桥,这座桥始建于明朝洪武年间,清朝康熙九年又经过加修,桥面上原有的吊脚楼亭,1956年修公路的时候,原来的楼亭和两侧的牌坊均被拆除,就成了现在这个样子。桥下大家可以看到有一排百年历史的旧吊脚楼。吊脚楼下是凤凰传统体育节目——赛龙舟的地方。

Now this is HongQiao, which was built in HongWu period of Ming Dynasty.In the ninth year of KangXi in Qing Dynasty, it was renovated.In 1956, the pavilions and towers and arches were torn down.Under the bridge, there are lines of ancient stilt-houses at the age of 100 years.Under the stilt houses, there is a place for dragon boat competition, which is FengHuang\'s traditional sport.大家沿着当年管道,到达的是沈从文的墓地。这里看到的是黄永玉先生为纪念表叔沈从文而题写的铭文:“一个士兵要不战死沙场,便是回到故乡。”大家看到沈先生的墓地没有隆起的土堆,只有一块原始状态的五色石耸立其间,这里没有雕栏玉砌的装饰物,只有一条放牧,打菜的石板小路横贯期间,这象征着沈从文先生永远与普通民众在一起。沈先生的骨灰一半撒在面前这条沱江里,一半就葬在这快五色石下,他就像面前的这条沱江,发源于大地又回归大地,他像陪伴他的这块五色石,来源于大地又回归大地!作为墓碑的五色石正面刻写着沈先生的手迹:“照我思索,能理解我;照我思索,可认识人。”是的,正是这样的一种信念,使沈先生舍弃升官发财的从军道路,选择了清苦的从文生涯。正是这样一种信念,使沈先生挥动了他那如椽巨笔,将他认识的湘西人介绍给全世界。在墓碑背面,刻写着沈先生妻妹张允和女士的铭文:“不折不从,星斗其文;亦慈亦让,赤子其人。”这四句话,简明扼要地总结了沈先生的一生。

Along with this lines, we can reach to the grave \\tomb of ShengCongwen.HuangYongyu inscribed: “A soldier died in the war field or in his hometown.” The grave of Mr.Sheng has no bump earth.Only a primitive five-color stone stands on the top of the grave.There are no Carved balustrades and marble steps, only a small bluestone road goes through it.It symbolizes that ShengCongwen will stay with common people together forever.Half of his bone ashes had been thrown into the TuoJiang River and the rest of it has been buried into the five-color stones.It symbolizes that he is like the TuoJiang River and five-color stones which originate from the earth and returned to the earth at the end.In the very front of the grave, there are inscriptions of Mr.Sheng: “with my thought, you comprehend me; with my thought, you recognize human beings.” Yes, because of this belief, Mr.Sheng gave up power and money through joining army.He chose the poor and pure literature career.Because of his fantastic writing, the XiangXi has been introduced to the whole world.At the back of his grave, his sister-in-law inscribed: “Never give up his belief, never gave up his writing; hold kindne and humblene forever, hold love and charity forever.” These words reflects the whole life of ShengCongwen.好了,我的讲解就到这了,希望凤凰能给大家留下一个美好的印象,有机会我们再相聚凤凰,谢谢大家!

Ok ,that\'s all today.Hope Phoenix Ancient town can leave you a deep and beautiful impreion.May we get together some day in this beautiful place.Thank you !

Langshan Mountain Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to Langshan Mountain for sightseeing.Very pleased to be your tour guide.Lang Shan Mountain is a national geologic park as well as a national key scenic area.It is located in Xining county, southwest part of Hunan province.Legend has it that emperor shun made a stop here and was astonished at the fantastic natural beauty here, saying “this mountain looks good, so we may name it Lang Shan mountain”.That’s how the mountain got its name.Lang Shan Mountain is famous for its unique Danxia landform, composed of red stone forest, peek cluster and deep gorge .According to scientific research, a few million years ago, here was an inland lake, due to the movements of earth’s crust, the land here appeared out of the deep water, which formed the structure of the red sandy conglomerate Danxia landform.Dear friends, here we are at the Ox Nose Castle [\'kɑ:sl].Isn’t it a strange name? The fact was that ox –nose-shaped holes were seen in pair on the right side of a giant stone in the southeast.The giant stone was, therefore, locally known as hill of ox nose.During the late Qing dynasty, shidaka, one leader of the Taiping Uprising, led his army here. In memory of the historical event, the place was renamed as Ox Nose Castle.Looking up, you can spot several huge characters “天下第一巷”, which means No.1 lane in Chinese.They were written by profeor Chen Guoda, a famous Chinese geologist and academician of Chinese academy of science, when he made a visit here in 1993.The lane is 0.8 m at its widest point and 0.3m at its narrowest point.Walking through the lane, you shall have a special experience.Cannot wait, let’s go!

Now we can enjoy the spot of Bajiao Stronghold, which lies in the border between Hunan and Guangxi.Bajiao means octagon in Chinese.The fact lies in that 8 peaks on the top of mountain are closely connected, resembling octagonal lotus.Ladies and gentlemen, can you see a camel-shaped peak? It’s the camel peak, composed of four stone summits.Each stone represents camel\'s head, body, ridge [ridʒ] and tail respectively.Seeing far away, it is like a huge camel galloping in the wild field.This is the chili peak .it is the most marvelous [\'mɑ:viləs] peak in Langshan Mountain.It is 180 meters in height, the top is big and the bottom is small.Its shape is exactly like a mature Chili.In 2002, French Spiderman Alain Robert succefully challenged the Chili Peak, barehanded.Now we are at the Zixia cave scenic area.Zixia Cave is actually not a really cave, but a canyon

[\'kænjən] surrounded by high red cliffs.There is one entrance to enter the canyon.It was said that the Zixia Cave is a mysterious allure [ə\'ljuə] .When the sunset shines on the red cliffs, it reflects thousands of rosy [\'rəuzi] cloud.The whole canyon is full of purple rays and mystery.Hence the name of Zixia Cave (Rosy Cloud Cave).After entering Zixia Cave you can hear brook [bruk] murmuring, bird singing happily and see splashing [splæʃ] waterfalls, green bamboo and blooming wild flowers.It was said that the True Man (Immortal[I’mɔ:təl] Man) of Zixia cultivated Taoism here.After enjoying the greatne of Langshan Mountain, now it’s time to enjoy the gentlene of Fuyi River.Originated from Cat mountain in Guangxi province, the Fuyi River gets through the whole Langshan Scenic Area.It is the mother river of Xinning county.The water of Fuyi River is so clean that you can see fish and sand under it.The sand in the beach is pure and white.The two sides are green bamboo and steep crags [kræg].

Now we can see the general-like rock in the distance, one the six scenic wonders of Langshan Mountain.It used to be a peak and turned into a pillar during the late stage of Danxia landform development.It stands 400m in height,40m in circumference [sə\'kʌmfərəns],still visible when you are 5km away.Hopefully, you shall have pleasant and unforgettable memories of the mountain.Welcome you back to Langshan Mountain for another sightseeing tour at your convenience.Thank you very much!



下面是导游Mi Gao为某国外旅游团队作的欢迎词,她准备带游客到旅游点附近的宾馆入住。大家细心地体会一下她的这篇欢迎词是如何表达的.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.【称呼语】

Welcome to Panyu.


Please sit down and relax.Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus, so you don\'t haveto worry about it. 【稳定游客情绪】

Let me introduce my team first.Mr.Zhang is our driver.He has 25 years of driving.My name is Gao Xiaoming, your tour guide, you may just call me Mi Gao, which is my surname.We\'re from the China International Travel Service(CITS), Panyu Branch.On behalf of CITS Panyu and my colleagues, I\'d like to welcome to you all.【略作介绍,再表欢迎】

During your stay in our city, we\'ll do everything poible to make your visit a happy experience.If you have any problems or requests, please don\'t hesitate to let me know.【提出建议】

You\'re going to stay at Panyu Hotel, a luxurious, five-star hotel.The hotel is in downtown, it is easy acce to many places of interests in Panyu.And you\'ll be staying our city for two and a half days.【提醒入住地点和时间】

There is one thing I must warn you against.You must remember the number of our bus.The number is 84645555.let me repeat: 84645555.【提醒游巴电话】

I hope you\'ll enjoy your stay in our city!

英文导游欢迎词 Good xxx, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to CHINA, Welcome to SHENZHEN

Please sit back and relax, Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you do not have to worry about it.

Let me introduce my team first.Mr x is our driver,He has 20years of driving underhis belt, so we are in very safe hands.I always call my English name is xxx,my Chinese name is xxxx,you may call me xxxx or Mrxx, which is my family name.we are from SHENZHEN OVERSEAS INTERNATIONAL TRAVE SERVICE,On behalf of xxxand my colleagues, I ’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all. During your stay in our city, I will be you local guide, I will do everything poible to make your visit a pleasant experience.If you have any problems or requests,Pls do not hesitate to let me know.

you are going to stay at the Crown plaza hotel, a luxurious ,five star hotel, Althouth the hotel is not exactly in downtown SHENZHEN, it is strategically located with easy acce to many tourist attractions.As you will be staying in our city for two days, you will do well to remember the number of our bus and my Phone NO., the bus NO.is xxx ,my phone NO.isxxxx.let me repeat....

There is one thing I must warn you against, You must not drink an tap water in the hotel, because un boiled water might make you ill.

I do hope you will enjoy your time in our city.


Good morning , Ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to Beijing.Please take a seat and relax.Let me introduce myself first.I am from Wuhan International Travel Service.My name is Azure Peng.I will be your guide during your stay in Wuhan.This is our driver, Mr.Chen.He has more than ten year’s experience in driving so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one.OK, now on behalf of my company, I would like to warmly welcome you again to China and Wuhan.For most of you, I suppose this is the first trip to Wuhan.So let me have a brief introduction of Wuhan which is called of East Chicago.Wuhan, referred to as the \"Han\", the capital city of Hubei province.Located in the eastern part of the Jianghan Plain, located in east longitude 113 ° 41 ′ -115 ° 05 ′, latitude 29 ° 58 ′ -31 ° 22 ′.The cities of wuchang, hankou and hanyang are oftenreferred to as wuhan.The third longest river in the world longest Yangtze Riverand Hanjiang river running through the urban area, theWuhan one divides into three, the formation of Wuchang,Hankou, Hanyang City, acro the river in tripartite confrontation pattern.Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai wrote in the \"Yellow Crane Tower in the Jade Flute, Jiangcheng in May fell plum\", so the Wuhan since ancient times, also known as the \"Jiangcheng\".Wuhan is one of the China 15 vice provincial city, one of the seven Center City, the city\'s resident population of 8580000 people.The largest city in Central China, central China financial center, transportation center, cultural center, the Yangtze River Extra large city.Wuhan city circle center city.InChinese in Wuhan Economic Geography circle, in the center of superiority is Chinese geography \"heart\", it was known as the \"thoroughfare of nine provinces\".Wuhan belongs to north subtropical monsoon climate (Shi Run), annual rainfall, rich in calories, with hot rainy season, drought and flood change, hot in summer and cold in winter, four seasons.In the summer the most about 130 days; in two seasons each about 60 days.Wuhan city civilization history can be traced back to 3500 years ago panlongcheng.This is the Yangtze River Basinunearthed the oldest city, is regarded as a breakthroughin the Yangtze River Basin and the Yellow River basincivilization civilization fusion.In 3500 years, because ofwater transportation developed, rich products, there is always a a hotly contested spot, and the military center for further development of regional political and Trade Center, Wuhan is therefore has combined advantage and characteristic of diverse cultures.Xin Hai revolutionShouyi cultural cast of Wuhan person dare be the world first humanistic spirit.A long history and culture, to this beautiful city left a richcultural and natural landscape.The city has 339 places of historic interest and scenic beauty, the national key cultural relics protection units have the panlongcheng site, site of the military government Xin Hai revolution andthe Communist Party of China \"eight seven\" meeting site3.Famous scenic spot of Wuhan Jiangnan floor of one of the three Yellow Crane Tower, Hong Lou, Wuchang uprising site of the military government of East Lake, the Guiyuan Buddhist Temple, guqin Taiwan, uprising door,the gourde temple, concept, including the Yellow Crane Tower and East Lake is the national 5A level scenic spots, Wuhan, clouds Yellow Crane\'s hometown, the plum bloom into place Jiangcheng, out from the distant history, positive towards the glorious future.


Welcome to my hometown Jilin city.And I am the tour guide of China National Tourism Administration you can call me Vera.or Mi Zhang , and on my left hand is our driver Mrs.Li he have more than 20 year driving experiences, he will keep our safe.There is a sentence in China as the saying goes regards: Construct such that the same boat spends for a century.Today we will be: Repair same car dealer\'s for a century.Everybody knows each other well from not being acquainted for to meeting in all of us being gone to from different place ride in in the same vehicle with a destination, this is really one kind of very marvellous and fine as well preordained relationship , lets us carry this fine preordained relationship through to the end so right away.That Little meng first here wish everybody trip to Dalian happy, hope we Dalian good mountain, good water, good tourist guide, good driver bring a portion to a portion good state of mind, make everybody with face to face Dalian expectation and long for but come with face to face Dalian satisfied and linger around but return to.Ble everybody Shu eating in Dalian finally中国有句俗话说的好:百年修得同船度。今天我们就是:百年修得同车行。我们大家由不同的地方走到同一个目的地,乘坐在同一辆车里,大家由不相识到相见相知,这真是一种很奇妙而又美好的缘分,那么就让我们将这个美好的缘分进行到底。那小王先在这里预祝大家大连之行愉快,希望我们大连的好山、好水、好导游、好司机给大家带来一份好的心情,使大家带着对大连的期待和憧憬而来带着对大连的满意和流连而归。最后祝大家在大连吃的舒心,玩的开心,住的爽心。


Ladies and gentlemen:

Welcome to ______!May I introduce my Chinese colleagues to you ? This is Mr ____ from (China International Travel Service).He will travel with you throughout the trip in China.This is Mr ____,our driver.His bus number is ***.My name is ______.I am from CITS.My job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare, try my best to answer your questions, and be your guide/interest during your stay in ______.If you have any special interest, please tell your tour leader and s/he will let us know.We`ll try our best to make your stay in ____ a pleasant one.We highly appreciate your understanding and co-operation.


On behal of...,I am delighted to welcome all of you to...我十分荣幸地欢迎大家来到„„

I\'m honored to have this opportunity to welcome all of you to ...我非常高兴地欢迎各位出席„„

It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you all to...It gives me great pleasure to welcome all of you to...我谨代表„„,对各位的到来表示热烈欢迎

It is my pleasant duty to extend to you a cordial welcome on behalf of...我们非常荣幸地欢迎大家出席„„

It is a real honor and privilege for us to welcome you to ...我代表„„,非常荣幸地欢迎大家的到来,尤其是来自„„的贵宾们

It is with a profound feeling of pleasure and privilege that,on behalf of...,I extend a heaty welcome to you all,especially to the distinguished guests from...作为本届研讨会的主席,我十分高兴和荣幸地欢迎各位出席今天的大会。

As the chairperson of this symposium,I have the pleasure and honor of welcoming all of you to this international meeting.欢迎各位参加„„

May I welcome all o you to...我代表„„,对前来参加„„的各位朋友表示热烈的欢迎

On behalf of...,I bid a warm welcome to you all gathered here to participatr...首先,我对各位朋友的到来表示欢迎 May I begin by welcoming you to... 各位团友,大家好啊!









Ladies and gentlemen:

May I begin by welcoming you to Dongguan !My name is XXX,My telephone number is XXX.I come from Dongguan ComfortInternational Travel Service.I will try my best to answer your questions,and be your guide during your stay in Dongguan.This is Mr Li,my colleague.He will travel with you throughout the trip in Dongguan.This is Mr Zhang, our driver.His bus number is 45623.If you have any special interest,please tell your tour leader and s/he will let us know.If you have anything to ask me.We do hope you will be satisfied with your Dongguan tour.I do hope you will enjoy your time in our city.


