
2020-10-28 来源:台词收藏下载本文



1:The Pursuit of Happine ①Chris Gardner:You have a dream, you got to protect it.


②Chris Gardner:People can\'t do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you cannot do it.


③Chris Gardner:You want something.Go get it!


④Martin Frohm: What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say?


Chris Gardner: He must have had on some really nice pants.


⑤There is an I in \"happine\", There is no Y in \"happine\", It\'s an I


⑥I\'m the type of person, if you ask me a question, and I don\'t know the answer, I\'m gonna to tell you that I don\'t know.But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I\'ll find the answer.

我是这样的人,如果你问的问题我不知道答案,我会直接告诉你“我不知道”。但我向你保证:我知道如何寻找答案,而且我一定会找出答案的。 ⑦Don\'t ever let somebody tell you you can\'t do something, not even me.


⑧You got a dream, you gotta protect it.People can\'t do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can\'t do it.If you want something, go get it.Period.


⑨We\'re gonna come out of this.Everything is gonna be fine, all right?


2:Hugo ①Everything has a purpose, even machines.Clocks tell the time and trains take you place.They do what they mean to do.Maybe that\'s why broken machines make me so sad.They can\'t do what they meant to do.Maybe it\'s the same with people.If you lose your purpose, it\'s like you are broken.


②Right after my father died, I would come up here a lot.I\'d imagine the whole world was one big machine.Machines never come with any extra parts, you know.They always come with the exact amount they need.So I figure if the entire world was one big machine, I couldn\'t be an extra part.I had to be here for some reason.And that means you have to be here for some reason, too.


3:My Blueberry Nights ①Goodbye doesn’t always mean the end, sometimes it means a new beginning.分开不代表说再见,或许是更好的去面对将来 ② E: Or maybe one of them runs off with someone else.J: Maybe the feelings just run away.E:\"或许是其中的一个人跟随其他人走开了\" J:\"或许是感觉走开了\" ③One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music.Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.

一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本是费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。 ④How do you say goodbye to someone you can\'t imagine living without? I didn\'t say goodbye.I don\'t say anything.I just walk away.At the end of that night, I learned the longest way to pa the street.


Just like this pies and cakes.At the end of every night, Cheese cakes and the apple pies are always completely gone.The peach pies and chocolate Moue cakes are nearly finished.But, there\'s always a whole blue berry pie left untouched.

So what\'s wrong with the blueberry pie?

It\'s nothing wrong with the blueberry pie.Just people make other choices, you can\'t blame the blueberry pies.Just no one wants it.就像这些派和蛋糕。每天打样的时候,芝士蛋糕和苹果派总是卖完,蜜桃派和巧克力慕斯也总是卖得差不多了,但是,总是有一个完整的蓝莓派没有人动过。



⑥When you\'re gone, all that left behind are memories created in other people\'s lives, or just couple items on the bills.

人一旦离开就只剩下为别人制造的回忆,或者说,就像账单上的几道餐点。 ⑦I always have the feeling I can say anything to you, enclosed with the bills I created for you, in memory of our time together.I wonder how you remember me.As a girl who like blueberry pies? or the girl with a broken heart?


⑧ Cause you can\'t always win.You can beat players, but you can\'t beat luck.Sometimes you read them off.You read person right, but you still did the wrong thing. Because you trust them? Because you can\'t even trust yourself.你不可能永远赢的,你能够击败所有人,但你不能击败运气。有时,运势不佳,看透别人依旧会输。

因为相信他们? 因为你不相信自己。

⑨It took me nearly a year to get here.It wasn\'t so hard to cro that street after all.It all depends on who\'s waiting for you on the other side.


⑩“Why didn\'t you go looking for her?”

“She said if I ever got lost, I just stay one place, so she\'ll find me.”


她曾经说过 如果有一天我走丢了,就在原地等着,她会来找我。 ⑪E: Gue I\'m just looking for a reason

J: For my observations, sometimes it\'s better of not knowing.And other times there\'s no reason to be found


我看来„有些时候不知道也许会更好 还有些时候 根本就没有理由

4:Charlotte\'s Web ①One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it .往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇。

②Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.


③True warrior, but do not surrender.真正的武士绝不放弃。

5: Front of Cla ①Father will never understand my optimism 父亲永远不了解我的乐观。

②So simple a few words, busy I opened another window.这样简单的几句话,帮我开启了另一扇窗。 ③If I give up, is to the wrong people look at me.如果我放弃,就是向那些错看我的人屈服。 ④The only hurt me is that he never accept me 唯一让我受伤的是他从来不接受我。

⑤And as usual, my friend warned me not to cherish too big hope, but it is very difficult to do.和往常一样,我的朋友提醒我不要抱太大希望,但是这点很难做到。 ⑥I accepted it, don\'t let it dominate my life.我接受了它,也不会让它主宰我的生命。

⑦I will not abandon you, I will not let you give up on yourself 我不会放弃你的,我也不会让你放弃自己。

⑧Tourette syndrome taught me the most is the never let anything stop you from pursuing your dreams.妥瑞氏症教给我最重要的是绝不要让任何事阻止你追求你的梦想。 ⑨Children see the world look and adults are not the same, they will say \" I do\" instead of \"I can\'t do anything\", so I also like this.孩子们看世界的眼光会和大人们不一样,他们会说“我要做什么”而不是“我不能做什么”,所以我也是这样的。 ⑩Don\'t ever let anything affect your life.永远不要让任何事影响你的人生。

⑪Never let anything stop you from chasing your dream! 千万不要让任何事阻止你去追逐梦想。

6: The Shawshank Redemption I gue it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying.生命可以归结为一种简单的选择:要么忙于生存,要么赶着去死。

②These walls are kind of funny like that.First you hate them, then you get used to them.Enough time paed, get so you depend on them.


③Fear can hold you prisoner.Hope can set you free.A strong man can save himself.A great man can save another.懦怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以感受自由。强者自救,圣者渡人。

④Remember, Red, hope is good thing, maybe the best of things.And no good thing ever dies.希望是件美丽的东西,也许是最好的东西。美好的东西是永远不会死的。 ⑤I find I’m so excited.I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head.I think it the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain.I hope I can make it acro the border.I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand.I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams.I hope.我发现自己是如此的激动,以至于不能静静地坐下来思考。我想只有那些重获自由即将踏上新征程的人们才能感受到这种即将揭开未来神秘面纱的激动心情。我希望跨越千山万水握住朋友的手,我希望太平洋的海水如同梦中的一样蓝:我希望。

⑥I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about.Truth is, I don’t want to know.Some things are better left unsaid.I’d like to think they were singing about something so beautiful, it can\" t expreed in words, and it makes your heart ache because of it.I tell you; those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a great place dares to dream.It was as if some beautiful bird had flapped into our drab little cage and made these walls diolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man is Shawshank felt free.到今天我还不知道那两个意大利娘们在唱些什么,其实,我也不想知道。有 些东西还是留着不说为妙。我像她们该是在唱一些非常美妙动人的故事,美妙得难以用言语来表达,美妙的让你心痛。告诉你吧,这些声音直插云霄,飞得比任何一个人敢想的梦 还要遥远。就像一些美丽的鸟儿扑扇着翅膀来到我们褐色牢笼,让那些墙壁消失得无影无踪。就在那一刹那,鲨堡监狱的每一个人都感到了自由。

⑦Here’s where it makes the most sense.You need it so you don’t forget.Forget that there are place in the world that aren’t made out of stone that there’s a---there’s a---there’s something inside that’s yours, that they can’t touch.这就是意义所在。你需要它,就好像自己不要忘记。忘记世上还有不是用石 头围起来的地方。忘记自己的内心还有你自己的东西,他们碰不到的东西。 ⑧That’s the beauty of music.They can’t take that away from you. 这就是音乐的美丽。他们无法把这种美丽从你那里夺去。

⑨I have to remind myself that some birds don’t meant to be caged .Their feathers are just too bright.And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up.Still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they’re gone.I gue I just mi my friend.我得经常同自己说,有些鸟儿是关不住的。他们的羽毛太鲜亮了。当它们飞走的时候,你心底里知道把他们关起来是一种罪恶,你会因此而振奋。不过,他们一走,你住的地方也就更加灰暗空虚。我觉得我真是怀念我的朋友。

⑩Let me tell you something my friend: Hope is a dangerous thing.Hope can drive a man insane.听我说,朋友,希望是件危险的事。希望能叫人发疯。

⑪We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders and felt like freemen.We could have been tarring the roof of one of our own houses.We were the lords of all creation.As for Andy—he spent that breaks hunkered in the shade, a strange little smile on his face, watching us drink his beer.


7.3 idiots①From birth we were taught, life is a race, run fast or you\'ll be trampled.

Even to be born, one had to race 300 million sperms 从出生我们就被灌输,生存就是赛跑,全速前进,否则你就会被践踏,甚至包括出生,你也得和另外3亿精子赛跑。 ②All is well.一切皆好。

③Their life begins with murder.That\'s nature.Compete or die.它们的生命以谋杀别人为开端,这就是大自然,竞争或死亡。

④For school you don\'t need tuition money, just a uniform.Pick a school, buy the uniform, slip into cla.In that sea of kids, no one will notice.上学你不需要交学费,只要一件校服,选一所学校,买套校服,溜进课堂 ⑤ However big the problem, tell your heart ,\"all is well.Pal.\" 无论问题有多大,告诉你的心,“一切皆好,朋友。”

⑥ The chicken\'s cluele about the egg\'s fate.Will it hatch or become an omelette.No one knows what the future holds.So let your lips roll And whistle away the toll,all is well.母鸡无法预测鸡蛋的命运,能否孵化,还是成煎蛋饼,没人知道,将来会怎样。所以嘟起嘴,吹口哨。

⑦Even a circus lion learns to sit on a chair in fear of the whip, But you call such a lion \" well trained\", not \" well educated.\"

就处是马戏团的狮子,在的威慑下也能学会坐在凳子上,但你会称这只狮子 是受过“良好训练”还是“良好教育呢”?

⑧Follow excellent, and succe will chase you, pants down.追求优秀,成功就追求你,向你脱裤子。

⑨Why publicize someone\'s flaws? If your iron count is low, will the doctor prescribe tonic or air your report on TV?


⑩With such fear of tomorrow, how\'ll you live today? How\'ll you focus on studies? 对明天如此恐惧,你今天又怎么能过好呢?你怎么可能违心学习呢? ⑪Dad, what\'ll happen if I become a photographer? I\'ll earn le, I\'ll have a smaller house, a smaller car.But I\'ll be happy.I would be really happy. 爸,我做一句摄影家又会怎样呢?挣得少一点,房子小一点,车小一点,但我会很快乐。

8: The Truman Show No way, mister.You\'re going to the top of this mountain, broken legs and all.你不能放弃,就算跛着脚也要爬上高峰.②All right.Promise me one thing, though.lf l die before the summit, use me as an alternative source of food.答应我一件事,我如果在半途不幸身亡,你要把我当作粮食.③Full of laughter, love, pain, sadne, but ultimately, redemption.充满欢笑泪水、悲欢离合,分享艾毕一家的甜酸苦辣.④You don\'t have to leave home to discover what the world is about.We learn that no one is poor who has friends.不必出门就能知天下事,有朋友相伴便不寂寞.⑤l\'ve been your best friend since we were seven.We got through school by cheating off each other\'s test papers.Jesus, they were identical.我们从七岁起就是好朋友,互相抄袭才完成学业,考卷一模一样.⑥Who hasn\'t sat in the john and had an imaginary interview on TV? Who hasn\'t wanted To be somebody? 大家都想要上电视,每个人都想成名.⑦But l always felt safe knowing that.Because whatever the answer was, we were right or wrong together.不过我只知道,不管正确答案是什么,不管对错我们都一起承担.⑧Things haven\'t worked out for us like we used to dream they would.l know what that feeling\'s like.Everything is slipping away.You don\'t want to believe it, so you look for answers somewhere else.我知道我们的生活都不如意,所有的理想都悄然逝去,你不想承认,于是另求出路。

⑨And as he grew, so did the technology.A human life, recorded on a network of hidden cameras and broadcast live.科技日新月异,隐藏式摄影机记录他的一生。

⑩What a week! l was on pins and needles the entire time.好紧张的一周,简直如坐针毡。

⑪What right do you have to turn a baby\'s life into a mockery.你无权把一个生命,当成一场秀。

⑫lf his was more than a vague ambition, if he was determined, to discover the truth, there\'s no way we could prevent him.他如果决心要查出真相,谁也阻止不了他。 ⑬ l gue what l\'m saying is that life is fragile.我想说的是生命很脆弱。

⑭But the point is, l\'d gladly walk in front of traffic for you.重点是,我甘愿为你牺牲。

⑮We accept the reality of the world with which we\'re presented. 每个人都会接受眼前的现实。

9: 17 again When you\'re young, everything feels like the end of the world.It’s not, it’s just the beginning.I mean you might have to meet a few more jerks.One day, you\'re gonna meet a boy who treats you the way you deserve to be treated.Like the sun rises and sets with you.

当你年轻的时候,每件事都像世界末日, 其实不是的, 只是开端而已, 你也许会遇见更多的坏蛋, 当有一天你会遇见一个男孩, 会如珍宝般待你, 就像日升日落,都陪着你。

②It\'s that first moment when you hold your baby girl, and you didn\'t know that anything could be so small or so delicate.And you feel that tiny heart beat,and you know that you couldn\'t love anything more in the whole world.And you hope that you can do right by that little girl, and always be there to catch her when she falls, and that nothing ever hurts her.Not a broken arm, or a bad dream or a broken heart.当你第一次捧着小婴儿,想不到它会如此的小小娇弱。感觉到那小小心脏的跳动,你知道它是你的至爱。 希望自己能够好好照顾她。当她要摔倒时,在她身边扶着她,保护她不受任何伤害。 不会摔断胳膊,不会做恶梦,也不会心碎。

③Then you whisper that you loved me at the homecoming dance.And I felt so peaceful and safe.Because I knew that no matter what happened from that day on, nothing could ever be that bad, because I had you.


④And then I grew up and I lost my way.And I blamed you for my failures.And I know that you think you have to do this today.I don’t want you to.But I gue if I love you, I should let you move on.然后我长大了,迷失了方向,将自己的失败归于你身上。我知道你认为自己今天必须这么做,但是我不想你这么做。但我猜,要是我爱你,我就应该放手让你继续新的生活。

10:Midnight in Paris

①if you stay here, and this becomes your present, then, pretty soon, you\'ll startimagining another time was really yours, you know, was really the golden time.That\'s what the presents.That it\'s a little unsatisfying, because life\'s a little unsatisfying.


②The artist\'s job is not to succumb to despair, but to find an antidote for the emptine of existence.

艺术家要做的事情并不是向绝望屈服,而是要找到一剂排遣精神空虚的解药。 ③There\'s nothing fine and noble about dying in the mud, and then it\'s not only noble, but brave.在泥泞中倒下,你只有死得从容,那样不仅尊贵,而且充满勇气。 ④You\'ll never write well if you\'re afraid of dying.如果你怕死,就永远写不出好作品。

⑤I believe that love that is true and real creates a respite from death.All cowardice comes from not loving, or not loving well, which is the same thing.And when the man who is brave and true looks Death squarely in the face like some thino-hunters I know, or Belmonte, who\'s truly brave.It is because they love with sufficient paion, to push death of their minds, until it returns, as it does, to all men.And then you must make really good loves again.我相信真实单纯的爱情,能够产生一个纾解死亡的阶段,所有的懦弱都出自 于没有爱或爱得不彻底,这两者一样,勇敢而真诚的人能够直面死神,就像我见过的一些犀牛猎手一样,或是像贝尔蒙蒂一样,具有真正的勇气。正是因为它们的爱拥有足够的激情,可以将死神从他们脑中驱逐,直至它的下一次回归,就像对我们所有人一样,到那时,你就必须再真正的做一次爱了。

11: Homele to Harvard ①I\'d give it back, all of it, if I could have my family back.如果可能,我愿意放弃我所有的一切,来换取我家庭的完整。

②I will use my every potential to do that.I just always knew that I need to get out.I have to do it.I have no choice.如果我不顾一切发挥每一点潜能去做会怎样? 我必须做到,我别无选择。 ③I think people just get frustrated without harsh, life can be.So they\'re spending their time dwelling on that frustration we calling it anger.Keep their eyes shut to the wholene of the situation.我觉得有些人只对生活的艰苦灰心丧气,因此把时间都浪费在灰心丧气里,我们称之为愤怒,对事物的整体视而不见,对于所有能够成功的微小元素视而不见。

④The world is changing while you\'re just a stardust.The earth turns around with

or without you.Reality doesn\'t change according to your will.世界在转动,你只是一粒尘埃,没有你地球照样在转。现实是不会按照你的意志去改变的,因为别人的意志会比你的更强。

⑤The world moves you just suspect.It could not happen without you.Situations are not conduced to what you want for yourself.Someone else\'s needs, someone else\'s plate is going to be stronger than yours is.你会怀疑地球是否在转动,即使你不在也照样如此,情况不能像你希望的一样,有些人的需求,有些人的信念会比你的更强烈。

⑥Keep their eyes shut to the wholene of the situation.All those tinny things that have come together make it, what it is.生活的残酷会让人不知所措,于是有人终日沉浸在彷徨迷茫之中,不愿睁大双眼去看清形势,不愿去想是哪些细小的因素累积在一起造成了这种局面。 ⑦Don\'t close your eyes, rise again after you fall, you need to get out.请不要闭眼,机会就在下一秒出现。残酷的现实面前你应勇往直前。

⑧Because I was turned so inward by mom and dad, I got chance to see how all the

little tiny things come together to make the final product.So I was never inclined to

wonder why this or why that.I knew why.Not that I was happy about it, in fact I was

really sad about it, some of the time.But I was very excepting, I was very excepting.I just always knew that I need to get out.因为我的父母迫使我向深处里观察,我有幸看到所有的微小事务是如何最终聚集在一起最终形成产物的,所以我从来不问为什么这样,为什么那样,我知道为什么,这样并不能让我高兴,很多时候倒让我觉得很难过,但是我总是勇于接受,我总是勇于接受事实,我知道我总想离开我的环境。

⑨Sometimes I feel like there is skin upon the world.And those of us who are born under it, can see threw it.We just can\'t get thrown it.有时候我觉得世界外有一层外壳,我们所有人都生在这层外壳之下,你能从外壳里看到外面,但是你却出不去。

⑩I knew at that moment I had to make a choice.I could submit to everything that was happening and live a life of excuses…or I could push myself.I could push myself and make my life good.就在那一刻,我明白了,我得做出选择。我可以为自己寻找各种借口对生活低头,也可以迫使自己更好地生活。

⑪I\'m smart.I know I can succeed.I just need a chance.A chance to climb out of this place I\'ve born in.Everyone I know is angry and tired.They\'re trying to survive.But I know that there is a world out there that is better, that\'s better developed.And I want to live in it.我真的很聪明,我会成功的,我只是需要机会而已,是的,是这样的,我需要机会脱离我出生的环境,我认识的人全都充满了怨气,他们活着只是为了生存,但是我相信有比那更好的地方,那里更发达,我要活在那种地方,就是这样。

⑫I feel that I got lucky because any sense of security was polled out from me, so I was forced to look forward; I had to, and was no going back.And I reach the point, where I just thought, “All right, I\'d got to work as hard as I poibly can , and see what happens”.我觉得我自己很幸运,因为对我来说从来就没有任何安全感,于是我只能被迫向前走,我必须这样做。世上没有回头路,当我意识到这点我就想,那么好吧,我要尽我的所能努力奋斗,看看究竟会怎样。

⑬Now I can lay it out and burn it done, put it in the rest, then I can go on.放下负担,让它过去,这样才能继续前进。

⑭I was 15 when I went out in the world.What\'s a home anyway? A roof? A bed? A place where when you go there, they have to take you? If so, then I was 15 when I became homele.什么是家?一个屋顶? 床?必须接纳你的地方?如果那样的话,15岁我开始无家可归。


GERTIE: What are you going as for Halloween? ELLIOTT: I\'m not going to stupid Halloween.MIKE: Why don\'t you go as a goblin? ELLIOTT: Shut up.

MARY: (CHUCKLES) It\'s not that we don\'t believe you, honey.ELLIOTT: Well, it was real.I swear.MARY: What are you going as, Gert? GERTIE: I\'m going as a cowgirl.ELLIOTT: So what else is new? MIKE: Maybe it was an iguana. ELLIOTT: It was no iguana.MIKE: Maybe a...A...You know how they say there are alligators in the sewers? GERTIE: Alligators in the sewers.MARY: All we\'re trying to say is, maybe you just probably imagined it.ELLIOTT: I couldn\'t have imagined it.

MIKE: Maybe it was a pervert or a deformed kid or something. GERTIE: A deformed kid.MIKE: Maybe an elf or a leprechaun.

ELLIOTT: It was nothing like that, penis breath! MARY: Elliott! Sit down.ELLIOTT: Dad would believe me.MARY: Maybe you ought to call your father and tell him about it.ELLIOTT: I can\'t.He\'s in Mexico with Sally.GERTIE: Where\'s Mexico? MARY: Excuse me.MIKE: (WHISPERING) I\'m going to kill you.MARY: (SHAKILY) If you ever see it again, whatever it is, don\'t touch it.Just call me.And we\'ll have somebody come and take it away.GERTIE: Like the dogcatcher?

ELLIOTT: They\'ll give it a lobotomy or do experiments on it or something.MARY: It\'s your turn to do the dishes, fellas.ELLIOTT: I set and cleared.I set and cleared.MIKE: I did breakfast. GERTIE: I did breakfast.MIKE: What\'s the matter, Mom? MARY: He hates Mexico.MIKE: Damn it! Why don\'t you grow up? Think how other people feel for a change.



C: Well, I\'ll see that you get some material.Today, if poible.Now, Fraulein……er……

The New Governe(In front of the Von Trapps\' house, Maria wonders at its grandeur.She knocks at the door.A man appears.)

M: Hello, here I am! I\'m from the convent.I\'m the new governe, Captain.

Franz: And I\'m your butler, Fraulein.


M: Oh, well, how do you do? Hmm.


Franz: Wait here, please.


(While waiting, Maria enters a hall.It is such a magnificent hall, that she can\'t help dancing.The Captain appears.)

Captain (Short for C): Why do you stare at me that way?

M: Well, you don\'t look at all like a sea captain, sir.

C: I\'m afraid you don\'t look much like a governe.Turn around, please.

M: What?


C: Turn.Hat off.It\'s the dre.You have to put on another one before you meet the children.

M: But I don\'t have another one.When we enter the abbey, our worldly clothes are given to the poor.

C: What about this one?


M: The poor didn\'t want this one.


C: Hmm.


M: I would have made myself a new dre but there wasn\'t time.I can make my own clothes.












M: Maria.

C: Fraulein Maria, I don\'t know how much the Mother has told you?

M: Not much.

C: You\'re the twelfth in a long line of governees, who have come to look after my children since their mother died.I trust that you will be an improvement on the last one.She stayed only two hours.

M: What\'s wrong with the children, sir?

C: There was nothing wrong with the children, only the governees.They were completely unable to maintain discipline.Without it, the house cannot be properly run.Please remember that, Fraulein.

M: Yes, Sir.

C: Every morning you will drill the children in their studies.I will not permit them to dream away their summer holidays.Each afternoon they will march about the ground, breathing deeply.Bedtime is to be strictly observed.No exceptions.

M: Excuse me, sir.When do they play?

C: You\'ll see to that they conduct themselves at all time with the utmost orderline and decorum, I\'m placing you in command.

M: Yes, sir.

(Captain blows his whistle.After slamming of doors, the children appear on the terrace in a line, and then walk down one by one.)

C: Now, this is your new governe, Fraulein Maria.As I sound your signals, you will step forward and give your name.You, Fraulein, will listen









上校:孩子没怎么,只怪家庭教师。她们完全不能维持规章制度。没这些纪律,这个家就没法正确无误地管理。请记住这一点,小姐。 carefully.Learn their signal so you can call them when you want them.








M: Well, pink is my favorite color, too.Yes,


you please tell me what are your names again and how old you are?

Liesl: I\'m Liesl.I\'m sixteen years old and I don\'t need a governe.

M: Well, I\'m glad you told me, Liesl.We\'ll just be good friends.

Frederick: I\'m Frederick.I\'m fourteen.I\'m impoible.

M: Really? Who told you that, Frederick?


Frederick: Fraulein Josephine.Four governees ago.

Louisa: I\'m Bargitta.


M: You didn\'t tell me how old you are, Louisa.


Bargitta: I\'m Bargitta, she\'s Louisa.She\'s thirteen years old and you\'re smart.I\'m ten and I think your dre is the ugliest one I ever saw.

Kurt: Bargitta, you shouldn\'t say that.


Bargitta: Why not? Don\'t you think it\'s ugly?


Kurt: Of course, but Fraulein Helder\'s was ugliest.I\'m Kurt.I\'m eleven.I\'m incorrigible.

M: Congratulations!


Kurt: What\'s incorrigible?


M: I think it means you won\'t be treated like a boy.







M: Good evening.Good evening, children.玛:我也最喜欢粉红色。哦,你是格里塔了,五岁了吗?天,你真是小淑女。现在我要告诉你们一个秘密,

M: Ha Ha.

I\'ve never been a governe before.


Louisa: You mean you don\'t know anything about being a governe?

M: Nothing.I\'ll need lots of advice.


Louisa: Well, the best way to start is to be sure to tell father to mind his own busine.

Frederick: You must never come to dinner on time.

Bargitta: Never eat your soup quietly.

Kurt: And during deert always blow your nose.

Gretl: Don\'t believe a word they say, Fraulein Maria.

M: Why not?

Gretl: Because I like you.


Frau Schmidt: All right now, children! Outside for your walk.Father\'s orders.Now, hurry up! Hurry up! Quick, Quick…… Fraulein Maria, I\'m Frau Schmidt, the housekeeper.

M: How do you do!

Frau Schmidt: How do you do! I\'ll show you to your room.Follow me.

(On the way to her room, Maria feels something strange in her pocket.It is a toad.She cries out and throws it away.The children watch this and












Children: Good evening, Frauen Maria.leave in laughter.Later the dinner is served, Maria is late.)



C: Frauen, is it to be at every meal or merely a



(Without noticing a pinecone on her chair, Maria sits on it, jumps up with pain and immediately.)


C: Enchanting little tune.Something you learned at the abbey?

M: No, erm…… it\'s eh…… rheumatism.(Sits down again) Excuse me, Captain, haven\'t we forgotten to thank the Lord? For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful.Amen.

C: Amen.

M: I\'d like to thank each and every one of you for the precious gift you left in my pocket earlier today.

C: Erm…… What gift?

M: It\'s meant to be a secret Captain, between the children and me.

C: Aha.Then I suggest that you keep it and let us eat.

M: Knowing how nervous I must have been.A stranger in the new household.Knowing how important it was for me to feel accepted.It was so kind and thoughtful of you to make my first moments here so warm and happy and pleasant.

(Marta crying.)

C: What Is the matter, Marta?

Marta: Nothing.





上校:好吧,我建议你保密,我们来吃饭。 上校:什么礼物?





玛:不,呃,是……我的风湿病。(重新坐下)对不起,上校,我们忘了感谢上帝了吧。感谢上帝所赐,愿上帝让我们心怀感激之情,阿门! dinnertime that you intend to lead us all to this rare and wonderful new world of indigestion?

M: They\'re all right, Captain.They\'re just happy.


(The children burst into tears one by one)





Louisa: To visit the Barone Schneider again?

Rolfe and Liesl(Outside the house, Rolfe knocks at the door.)

Franz: Ah, Rolfe.Good evening.

Rolfe: Good evening, Franz.I trust everything is under control?

Franz: Yes, yes.


Rolfe: Good.


Franz: Are there any developments?


Rolfe: Perhaps.Is the captain at home?


Franz: He\'s at dinner.


Rolfe: With the family?


Franz: Yes.


Rolfe: Please give him this telegram at once.


Franz: Certainly.


(Inside, Franz gives the telegram to the captain.He reads it.)

Liesl: Franz, who delivered it?

Franz: That young lad Rolfe, of course.


Liesl: Father, may I be excused?


C: Hmm.Children, in the morning I shall be going to Vienna.







Children: Not again, father!

Gretl: How long will you be gone this time, papa?

C: I\'m not sure, Gretl.I\'m not sure.




Liesl: Oh, that\'s a lovely thought.Why don\'t


Rolfe: But I\'m here.


Frederick: Mind your own busine.


C: As a matter of fact, yes, Louisa.


Marta: Why can\'t we ever get to see the Barone?

Louisa: Why would she want to see you?

C: It just so happens that you are going to see the Barone.I\'m bringing her back with me to visit us all.

Children: Good!

C: And uncle Max.


Children: Uncle Max!!


(Liesl goes out to the yard)


Liesl: Rolfe! Oh, Rolfe!


Rolfe: No, Liesl.We mustn\'t.


Liesl: Why not, silly?


Rolfe: I don\'t know.It\'s just……


Liesl: Isn\'t this why you\'re here waiting for me?

Rolfe: Yes, of course.I\'ve mied you, Liesl.

Liesl: You have? How much?







露:她为什么要见你? you? Right now.

Rolfe: So much that I even thought of sending you a telegram, just so that I\'d be able to deliver it here.




Liesl: Don\'t worry about father.He\'s a big naval


Rolfe: I know.I don\'t worry about him.But I do

Liesl: Please Rolfe.Send me a telegram.I\'ll start it for you.Dear Liesl.

Rolfe: Dear Liesl, I\'d like to be able to tell you how I feel about you.Stop.Unfortunately this wire is already too expensive.Sincerely, Rolfe.

Liesl: Sincerely?

Rolfe: Cordially.

Liesl: Cordially?

Rolfe: Affectionately.

Liesl: Hmmm……

Rolfe: Will there be any reply?

Liesl: Dear Rolfe, Stop.Don\'t stop.Your Liesl.If only we didn\'t always have to wait for someone to send father a telegram.How do I know when I\'ll see you again?

Rolfe: Well, let\'s see.I could come here by mistake.With a telegram for Colonel Schneider.He\'s here from Berlin staying with the…… No one is supposed to know he\'s here.Don\'t tell your father, now.

Liesl: Why not?

Rolfe: Well, your father is so…… so Austrian.

Liesl: We\'re all Austrian.




worry about his daughter.










罗:哦,让我想想。我可以装着送错电报,把施奈德上校的电报送到这里来。他从柏林来,正呆在……没有人知道他在这儿,别告诉你父亲。 hero.He was even decorated by the Emperor.

Rolfe: Well, some people think we ought to be German.And they\'re very mad at those who don\'t think so.They\'re getting ready to…… Well, let\'s hope your father doesn\'t get into trouble.





You need someone older and wiser,


Liesl: Me? Why?

Rolfe: Well, you\'re so……

Liesl: What?

Rolfe: Well, you\'re such a baby!

Liesl: I\'m sixteen, what\'s such a baby about that?

Rolfe (singing): You wait, little girl, on an empty stage, for fate to turn the light on.

Your life.Little girl, is an empty page,

That men will want to write on.

Liesl (singing): To write on?

Rolfe (singing): You are sixteen, going on seventeen.

Baby, it\'s time to think,

Better beware, be canny and careful.

Baby, you\'re on the brink.

You are sixteen, going on seventeen.

Fellows will fall in line.

Eager young lads and Ruez and Kaz will offer you food and wine.








小姑娘,你的生活还是一张白纸, 个个男子都想在此书写。



Telling you what to do.






Totally unprepared are you, to face a world of men.

Timid and shy and scared are you,

Things beyond your kin.



I\'ll depend on you.





I am seventeen, going on eighteen.

I\'ll take care of you!

(It begins to rain, Liesl and Rolfe run into a pavilion for shelter.)

Liesl (singing): I am sixteen, going on seventeen.

I know that I\'m naive.

Fellows I meet may tell me I\'m sweet,

And willingly I believe,

I am sixteen, going on seventeen.

Innocent as a rose.

Bachelor of dandy\'s, drinkers of brandy\'s.

What do I know of those?

Totally unprepared am I,

To face a world of men.

Timid and shy and scared am I,

Of things beyond my kin.

I need someone older and wiser,

Telling me what to do.



















You are seventeen, going on eighteen.




M: Oh but I really don\'t need them.

Frau Schmidt: Good night, now.

M: Frau Schmidt, do you think if I asked the

The Night of Thunderstorm M: Come in.Frau Schmidt.

Frau Schmidt (showing the material): For your new drees, Fraulein Maria.The Captain had these sent out from town.

M: Oh, how lovely.I\'m sure these will make the prettiest clothes I\'ve ever had.Tell me, do you think the Captain would get me some more material if I asked him?

Frau Schmidt: How many drees does a governe need?

M: Not for me, for the children.I want to make them some plainclothes.

Frau Schmidt: The Von Trap children don\'t play, they march.

M: Surely you don\'t approve of that?

Frau Schmidt: Ever since the Captain lost his poor wife he runs this house as if he were on some of his ships again.Whistles, orders.No more music, no more laughing.Nothing that reminds him of her.Even the children.

M: It\'s so wrong.

Frau Schmidt: Ah, well.How do you like your room? There\'ll be new drapes at the windows.







施:一个女家庭教师会需要多少套衣服? Captain tomorrow about the material……





M: New drapes? But these are fine.

Frau Schmidt: Neverthele new ones have been ordered.






Liesl: I was out taking a walk and somebody


Frau Schmidt: He\'s leaving for Vienna in the morning.

M: Oh, yes, of course.Well, how long will he be gone?

Frau Schmidt: It all depends.The last time he visited the Barone he stayed for a month.I shouldn\'t be saying this, not to you, I mean I don\'t know you that well.But if you ask me, the Captain is thinking very seriously of marrying the woman before the summer is over.

M: That\'d be wonderful.The children will have a mother again.

Frau Schmidt: Yes.Well, good night.

M: Good night.

(Maria is praying.)

M: Dear Father, now I know why you sent me here.To help these children prepare themselves for a new mother.And I pray that this family will become a happy family in my sight.God ble the Captain.God ble Liesl and Frederick.God ble Louisa, Bargitta, Marta and little Gretl.And…… oh I forgot the other boy, what\'s his name.Well, God ble what\'s his name? God ble the Reverend Mother and sister Margarita and everybody at Mamburg Abbey.Now, dear God.About Liesl.Help her to know that I\'m her friend.And help her to tell me what she\'s been up to.





玛:那太好了,孩子们又会有妈妈了。 史:看情况,上次他去看男爵夫人时呆了一个月。我不该说这个,不该跟你说。我是说我还不太了解你,但是如果你问我的话,我可以跟你说,上校正在认真考虑夏天结束之前同那个女人结婚。

玛:噢,是的,当然。那他去多久呢? locked the doors earlier than usual and I didn\'t want to wake everybody up so when I saw 史:他明天一早就动身去维也纳。

(Liesl climbs in from the window)

Liesl: Are you going to tell on me?

M: Shhh…… Help me to be understanding so that I may guide her footsteps.In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen.




Liesl: You won\'t see them, boys are brave.



your window open…… You\'re not going to tell father, are you?

M: Hmm.How in the world did you climb up here?

Liesl: How we always got up to this room to play tricks on the governe.Louisa can make it with a whole jar of spiders in her hand!

M: Spiders?! Oh, Liesl, were you out walking all by yourself? You know, if we would wash out that dre tonight nobody would notice it tomorrow.You could put this on.Take your dre in there, put it to soak in the bathtub.And come back here and sit on the bed.We\'ll have a talk.

Liesl: I told you today I didn\'t need a governe.Well, maybe I do.

(Outside are thunders and lightening.Gretl runs in.)

M: Gretl, are you scared? You\'re not frightened by the storm, are you? You just stay right here with me.Where are the others?

Gretl: They\'re asleep.They\'re not scared.

(Other girls also appear at the door)

M: Oh, no? Look.All right, everybody, up here on the bed.

Children: Really?









丽:过去常常爬进这间屋子,捉弄家庭教师。露易莎能拿一整罐蜘蛛爬进来。 玛:你究竟怎么爬上来的?


(Frederick and Kurt turn up too.)

M: You boys weren\'t scared too, were you?

M: Well, just this once, come on! Now all we have to do is wait for the boys.



Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels,


Doorbells and sleigh bells schnitzel with




Frederick: Oh no.We just wanted to be sure that you weren\'t.


M: That was very thoughtful of you, Frederick.


Frederick: It wasn\'t my idea.It was Kurt\'s.


M: Kurt.That\'s the one I left out.God ble Kurt.


Gretl: Why does it do that?


M: Well, the lightning says something to the thunder and the thunder answers back.

Gretl: The lightning must be nasty.


M: Not really.


Gretl: Why does the thunder get so angry? It makes me want to cry.


M: Well, when anything bothers me and I\'m feeling unhappy, I just try and think of nice things.


Children: What kind of things?


M: Uh, well, let me see.Nice things.Daffodils.Green meadows.Skies full of stars.Raindrops on roses.And whiskers on kittens.


(Singing) Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,

Brown paper packages tied up with strings,



就努力想着美好的事情。 哭。

格:闪电一定是很讨厌。 特。 害怕。 noodles,

Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings,

These are a few of my favorite things.






These are a few of my favorite things.

Girls in white drees with blue satin sashes,

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes.

Silver white winters that melt into springs,

These are a few of my favorite things.

When the dog bites,

When the bee stings, when I\'m feeling sad.

I simply remember my favorite things,

And then I don\'t feel so bad.

Louisa: Does it really work?

M: Of course it does! You try it.What things do you like?

Marta: ……Puy Wallop!

Gretl: Christmas!

Kurt: Bunny rabbits!

Frederick: No school!

Louisa: Pillow fight!

Liesl: Telegram!

Bargitta: Birthday present!








Kurt: Any present!

Marta: Achoo!!

M: Gesundheit! See what fun it is!

(Singing) Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,

bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.






当小狗咬, 蜜蜂蛰,不快乐,








C: Do you or do you not have difficulty




Liesl: Yes, father?

Brown paper packages tied up with strings.


These are a few of my favorite things.


Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels,


Doorbells and sleigh bells schnitzel with noodles,

Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings,

These are a few of my favorite things.

(Oh, together!)


Girls in white drees with blue satin sashes,


Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes.


Silver white winters that melt into springs,


These are a few of my favorite things.


When the dog bites……


(While Maria and the children are enjoying themselves, the Captain comes in.)

M: Well…… hello.

C: Fraulein, did I not tell you that bedtime is to be strictly observed in this house?






我最喜爱的远不止这些; remembering such simple instructions?

M: Only during thunderstorms, sir.

C: Liesl?

M: Well, the children were upset by the storms so I thought that if I…… You did sir.







C: I don\'t recall seeing you anywhere after dinner.

Liesl: Oh really? Well, as a matter of fact……

C: Yes?

Liesl: Well, I was……

M: What she would like to say Captain is that er…… she and I had been better acquainted tonight.But it\'s much too late now to go into all that.Come along children, you heard your father, go back to bed immediately.

C: Fraulein, you have managed to remember that I am leaving in the morning.Is it also poible that you remember that the first rule in this house is discipline? Now, I trust that before I return you will have acquired some.

M: Captain.Er…… I wonder if before you go I could talk to you about some clothes for the children.

C: Fraulein Maria……

M: But if I could just have some material……

C: There are obviously many things not the least of which is repetitious.

M: But the children!









Frederick: We don\'t know any songs.

M: Not any?

Marta: We don\'t even know how to sing.


Kurt: Father doesn\'t like us to sing.

M: Well, perhaps we can change his mind.Now, what songs do you know?

Sing the Song(Maria makes the children\'s play clothes out of the drapes and takes the children out to enjoy the out-door activities.)

Louisa: Fraulein Maria, can we do this every day?




M: Don\'t you think you\'d soon get tired of it, Louisa?

Louisa: I suppose so.Every other day?


Kurt: I haven\'t had so much fun since the day we put glue on Fraulein Josephine\'s toothbrush.


M: I can\'t understand how children as nice as you manage to play such awful tricks on people.


Bargitta: Oh, it\'s easy.


M: But why do it?


Liesl: How else could we get father\'s attention?


Bargitta: Yes.


M: Oh, I see.Well, we\'ll have to think about that one.All right everybody, over here.


Liesl: What are we going to do?


M: Let\'s think of something to sing for the Barone when she comes.


好吧,大家都过来。 呢?







That will bring us back to Doe, oh, oh, oh.




Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do! So, Do!


Bargitta: No.


M: Well, let\'s not lose any time.You must learn.

Liesl: But how?

M: (singing) Let\'s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.

When you read you begin with?


Gretl: ABC.


M: When you sing you begin with Do Re Mi.


Children: Do Re Mi.


M: Do Re Mi, the first three notes just happen to be: Do Re Mi.

Children: Do Re Mi.


M: Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti.Let\'s see if I can make it easier.

Doe, a deer, a female deer.

“哆” 是一只小母鹿,

Ray, a drop of golden sun.

“来” 是一束金色的阳光,

Me, a name I call myself.


Far, a long, long way to run.

“发” 是道路远又长,

Sew, a needle pulling thread.








La, a note to follow Sew.

Tea, a drink with jam and bread.



“唏” 是饮料与茶点,





M: Now children, Do Re Mi Fa So, and so on are only the tools we use to build a song.Once you have these notes in your heads you can sing a million different tunes by mixing them up. Like this: So Do La Fa Mi Do Re.You do that?

Children: So Do La Fa Mi Do Re.

M: So Do La Ti Do Re Do.

Children: So Do La Ti Do Re Do.

M: Now, put it all together.

Children: So Do La Fa Mi Do Re, So Do La Ti Do Re Do.

M: Good!

Frederick: But it doesn\'t mean anything.

M: So we put in words.One word for every note.

Like this: (singing) When you know the notes to sing, you can sing almost anything.Together!

Children (singing): When you know the notes to sing, you can sing almost anything.

Doe, a deer, a female deer,

Ray, a drop of golden sun,









孩子们:嗖, 哆, 啦, 发, 咪, 哆, 来。

玛:嗖, 哆, 啦, 唏, 哆, 来,哆。

孩子们:嗖, 哆, 啦, 唏, 哆, 来,哆。


孩子们:嗖, 哆, 啦, 发, 咪, 哆, 来;嗖, 哆, 啦, 唏, 哆, 来,哆。

就象这样:嗖, 哆, 啦, 发, 咪, 哆, 来。你们会吗?

Me a name I call myself,

Far, a long, long way to run,

Sew, a needle pulling thread,

La, A note to follow Sew……





“啦” 是音符跟着“嗖”………

Barone: More or le, yes.


C: Yes, it was rather, wasn\'t it? More at home here than in Vienna.In all your glittering salons.Goiping gaily with balls I detest, soaking myself in Champagne.Stumbling about the Waltzes by Strau.I can\'t even remember.Is that what you\'re trying to say?

See Captain Again(Captain returns with the Barone and uncle Max.On their way home, Captain sees his children climbing the trees.)

Barone: This really is exciting for me, George, being here with you.




C: Trees, lakes, mountains, when you\'ve seen one you\'ve seen them all.



Barone: That is not what I mean and you know it.

C: Ah, you mean me.I\'m exciting.


Barone: Is that so impoible?


C: No, just…… er…… highly improbable.


Barone: There you go, running yourself down again.

C: Well, I\'m a dangerous driver.


Barone: You know, you\'re much le of a riddle when I see you here, George.


C: In my natural habitat?

男爵夫人: 是的,正是。

Barone: Yes, exactly.


C: Are you trying to say that I\'m more at home here, among the birds and the flowers and the wind that moves through the trees like a restle sea.


Barone: How poetic!

湃海洋的地方,我无拘无束,更容易亲近吧。 就已经不再是个难解的迷了。





Barone: But take all that away and you have


C: Now, whatever gave you that idea?

Barone: How I do like it here, George.So lovely and peaceful.How can you leave it as often as you do?

C: Oh, pretending to be madly active, I suppose.Activity suggests a life filled with purpose.

Barone: Could it be running away from memories?

C: Or perhaps just searching for a reason to stay.

Barone: Oh, I hope that\'s why you\'ve been coming to Vienna so often.Or were there other distractions there?

C: Oh, I\'d hardly call you a mere distraction, darling.

Barone: Well, what would you call me, George?

C: Lovely, charming, witty, graceful.The perfect hoste.And…… er…… you\'re going to hate me for this: in a way, my savior.

Barone: Oh, how unromantic!

C: Well, I would be an ungrateful wretch if I didn\'t tell you at least once that it was you who brought some meaning back into my life.

Barone: Oh, I am amusing I suppose.And I do have the finest couturier in Vienna.And the most






男爵夫人:我希望这就是你常去维也纳的原因;或者你在维也纳还有其他分心的事? 上校:哦,我想,假装着非常活跃,行动暗示着充满目的的生活。


上校:或许只是在找个理由好留下来。 just wealthy unattached little me.Searching just like you.



C: Oh, yes.

glittering circle of friends.I do give some rather gay parties.



M: Plainclothes.



(Maria and the children are rowing a boat along.Seeing the Captain, the children are too excited to balance the boat.All fall into water.)

M: Oh, Captain, you\'re home!

C: Come out of that water at once!!

M: Oh, you must be Barone Schneider.

C: Straight line! This is Barone Schneider.And these are my children.


Barone: How do you do.

C: All right, go inside, dry off, change your clothes, and report back here.Immediately! Fraulein, you will stay here, please.

Barone: I …… er…… think I\'d better go see what Max is up to.

C: Now, Fraulein.I want a truthful answer from you.


M: Yes, Captain?

C: Is it poible, or could I have just imagined it.Have my children by any chance been climbing trees today?

M: Yes, captain.





上校:好了,都进去,擦干水,换好衣服回来向我报告,马上去!小姐,请你留下。 些是我的孩子。






C: Oh, is that what you call them?

M: I made them.From the drapes that used to hang in my bedroom.

C: Drapes?

C: I see.And where, may I ask, did they get these…… er…… these…… er……





M: She\'s not a child anymore.One of these days



M: They still have plenty of wear left.The children have been everywhere in them.

C: Do you mean to tell me that my children have been roaming about Salzburg dreed up in nothing but some old drapes?!

M: Hmm-mm, and having a marvelous time.

C: They have uniforms.

M: Straitjackets, if you\'ll forgive me.

C: I will not forgive you for that!

M: Children cannot do all the things they\'re supposed to if they have to worry about spoiling their precious clothes.

C: I haven \'t heard a complaint yet!

M: Well, they wouldn\'t dare! They love you too much.They fear you too much.

C: I don\'t wish you todiscu my children in this manner.

M: Oh, you\'ve got to hear from someone! You\'re never home long enough to know them.

C: I said I don\'t want to hear any more from you about my children.











you\'re going to wake up and find she\'s a woman.You won\'t even know her.And Frederick.He\'s a boy but he wants to be a man, like you, and there\'s no one to show him how!

C: Don\'t you dare tell me about my son!



M: I know you don\'t, but you\'ve got to! Now, take Liesl.

C: You will not say one word about Liesl, Frauen.



M: The children.


C: The children?



M: Bargitta could tell you, if you\'d let her get close to you.She notices everything.


C: Fraulein……

M: And Kurt pretends he\'s tough not to show how hurt he is when you brush him aside……


C: That will do.

M: The way you do all of them.Louisa I don\'t know about……


C: I said that will do!

M: But someone has to find out about her, and the little ones just want to be loved! Oh, please, Captain.Love them.Love them all!

C: I don\'t care to hear anything further from you about my children!


M: I am not finished yet, Captain!

C: Oh, yes you are, Captain Fraulein.Now, you will pace your things this minute and return to the abbey.(Hearing somebody singing.) What\'s that?

M: It\'s singing.





玛:但是总得有人了解她,还有那些小的,他们只想被人爱护。上校,请爱他们吧,爱他们所有的人! 不了解……

上校:我说了,就该这样。 伤害。

上校:就该这样。 她什么都注意到了。


(The Captain hurries into the house to see children singing to the Barone.He smiles and joins them; Maria paes the door when the Captain stops her.)

C: Fraulein.I behaved badly.I apologize.

M: I taught them something to sing for the Barone.

C: Yes, I realize it\'s singing, but who is singing?







She yodeled back to the lonely goatherd,


M: No, I\'m far too outspoken.It\'s one of my worst faults.

C: You were right.I don\'t know my children.

M: There\'s still time, captain.They want so much to be close to you.

C: You\'ve brought music back into the house.I\'d forgotten.Fraulein, I want you to stay.I ask you to stay.

M: If I could be of any help,。

C: You have already.More than you know.

(Maria stays happily with the family.She is leading the children in performing an excellent puppet show.)

M: Curtain!

M plus Children (singing): High on a hill was a lonely goatherd,

Loud was the voice of the lonely goatherd,

Folks in a town that was quite remote heard,











Soon her mama with a gleaming gloat heard,


One little girl in a pale pink coat heard,

A prince on the bridge of a castle moat heard,

Men on the road with a load to tote heard,

Men in the midst of a table d\'hote heard,

Men drinking beer with the foam afloat heard,

Lusty and clear from the goat-herd\'s throat heard,



桥上的王子听到 路上的人们听得到,



C: You are Max.Expensive, but very funny.


Max: But you heard there will be a sensation.


C: No, Max.


Max: It\'s a wonderful idea.Fresh, original……

What a duet for a girl and goatherd.




Happy are they,


Soon the duet will become a trio.


(The Captain highly praises the puppet show and thanks Maria)

Max: Attention, attention, everyone.I have an announcement to make.Surprise, surprise.Today, after a long and desperate search I have finally found a most exciting entry for the Salzburg Festival.

C: Congratulations, Max.Who will you be exploiting this time.Haha!

Barone: The St.Ignites Choir?


Max: Gue again.


C: …… er…… Let me see now.The Glockmann Choir?

Max: No, no, no, no.


麦克斯:不,不, 不,不。




Children: Tell us.

Max: A singing group all in one family.You\'ll never gue, George.

C: A charming idea! Whose family?

Max: Yours.They\'ll be the talk of the festival.What\'s so funny?





C (singing): Edelwei, edelwei,






C: Max! My children do not sing in public.Well, I can\'t blame you for trying.

M: children, who shall we hear from next?

(Children gather around Maria.Maria comes up, presents the guitar to the Captain.)

M: Yes.The vote is unanimous! You, Captain.

C: Me? I don\'t understand.

M: Please.

C: Ahaa…… No, no, no, no.

M: I\'m told that a long time ago you were quite good.

C: Well, that was a very, very, very long time ago.

Louisa: I remember, father.

Marta: Play us something we know, please.

C: Well.




上校:那,那可是很久、很久、很久以前了。 上校:我?我不懂。




Every morning you greet me.

Small and white,

Clean and bright……

Max: Any time you say the word, George, you can be part of my new act.The Von Trapp family singers.





Barone: Why didn\'t you tell me?

Max: What?

Barone: To bring along my harmonica.




Kurt: Silly, only grown up men are scared of




小而白, 清而亮……


Bargitta: Oh, yes you are.

Barone: I have a wonderful idea, George.Let\'s really fill this house with music.You must give a grand and glorious party for me when I\'m here.

C: A party?


Barone: Yes.Yes, I think it\'s high time I met all your friends here in Salzburg and they met me, don\'t you agree?

C: I see what you mean.


M: It\'s time to go to bed.Now, say goodnight.


Children: Goodnight, father.


C: Goodnight.


Gretl: It\'d be my first time, father!








(Captain comes out, watching)


C (to Kurt): Erm…… Do allow me, will



Frederick: May I have this dance?

Liesl: I\'d be delighted, young man.

(Maria coming up)

M: Why didn\'t you children tell me you could dance?


Kurt: We were afraid you were going to make us all dance together.The Von Trapp family dancers!

Gretl: What\'s that they\'re playing?

M: It\'s the Lendler, it\'s an Austrian folk dance.

Kurt: Show me.

M: Oh, Kurt, I haven \'t danced that since I was a little girl.


Kurt: Oh, you remember.Please?

M: Well……

Kurt: Please?







库:跳给我看看吧。 you?

M: Hmm-mm.




Kurt: Like this?

M: Fine! Now we go for a little walk.This way.One, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, step together.Now, step hop, step hop.Nod to another.Not quite! This way, hop step, hop, and under.Kurt, we\'ll have to practice.

M: All right.Come on over here.Now you bow, and I curtsy.





Barone: Not at all.




M: In love with him?

M: But I\'ve never done a thing to……

Barone: You don\'t have to, my dear.There is nothing more irresistible to a man than a woman who is in love with him.

M: Barone, I hope you\'re joking.

Barone: There\'s no need to feel so defensive, Maria You are quite attractive, you know.The captain would hardly be a man if he didn\'t notice you.

M: The captain notices everyone and everything.

Leave alone(Maria dances with Captain.They stare at each other closely.The barone happens to come out and sees all this.Later, Maria get the children perform before the guests.It wins applause.Maria is asked to stay and she goes upstairs to change dre.Barone offers to help Maria and follows her into the bedroom.)

M: It\'s very kind of you to offer to help me, Barone.

Barone: I am delighted to do.

M: I really don\'t think I do have anything that would be appropriate.

Barone: Now, where is that lovely little thing you were wearing the other evening? When the captain couldn\'t keep his eyes off you.

M: Couldn\'t keep his eyes off me?

Barone: Come, my dear.We are women.Let\'s not pretend we don\'t know when a man notices us.Here we are.











Brigitta: Uncle Max, where\'s father?


Max: I think he\'s in the house.What\'s the matter





Max: Let\'s make believe that we\'re standing on

Barone: Of course.What makes it so nice is, he thinks he\'s in love with you.


M: But that\'s not true!

Barone: Surely you\'ve noticed the way he looks into your eyes.And you know…… er …… you blushed in his arms when you were dancing just now.Don\'t take it too hard.He\'ll get over it soon enough, I should think.Men, do you know?

M: Then I should go…… I mustn\'t stay here.

Barone: If there\'s something I can do to help……


M: No, nothing.Yes, please don\'t say a word about this to the captain.

Barone: No, No.I wouldn\'t dream of it.Good-bye, Maria.I\'m sure you\'ll make a very fine nun.


玛:不,没事。对了,请不要跟上校提起此事。 玛:那我应该离开……决不能呆在这儿。

男爵夫人:你肯定注意到他看你的眼神了。而且你知道,呃……刚才你和他跳舞时,你在他臂弯中满脸绯红。别太认真了,我想他很快就把这忘了。你知道,男人啊。 认为自己爱上了你。

玛:但这不是真的! the stage at the festival.

with all you gloomy puies?

Bargitta: Nothing……

Max: I know what we\'ll do; let\'s have a rehearsal.

Bargitta: What for?

(Maria leaves a note and starts to the Abbey immediately.After Maria has left, the children become very unhappy.No more music, no more laughter fill the house.Barone tries to please the children by playing ball with them.The monotony and her insincerity fails the children.They stop the game.)



Max: They just wanted to sing to me, bleed


C: It\'s lovely, lovely.Don\'t stop.




C: Yes, Bargitta?


Bargitta: Is it true Fraulein Maria isn\'t coming


C: Fraulein Maria? Yes, I suppose it\'s true,

Bargitta: I don\'t feel like singing, not without Fraulen Maria.

Max: Liesl, get the guitar.Come on.Marta.Everybody in the group.You know your places in the group.Get in your places, that\'s right.Now be cheerful.Right.Give us the key, Liesl.Now, impre me.Frederick, Gretl why don\'t you sing?

Gretl: I can\'t.I\'ve got a sore finger.

Max: But you sang so beautifully the night of the party.Come on, all of you.Sing something, try something you know.Enjoy it.Be cheerful.All right, Liesl.

(Singing): The hills are alive, with the sound of music.

With songs they have sung, for a thousand years.


(唱)音乐之声,让群山充满生机; 麦克斯:丽莎,你去拿吉它,来,玛塔,大家组成一个小组。你们都知道自己在队中的位置了。各就各位,好了,来,高兴起来,好,丽莎,定个调子。现在可要感动我,弗雷德里克,格里塔,你们怎么不唱?



yes.(to Barone) What have we got here?

布:玛丽亚小姐不在,我不想唱歌。 back?

Barone: Something long and cool, George?

C: No, thank you darling.

Bargitta: Father? old heart.

(Captain comes out and hears their unhappying, frowning.)

The hills fill my heart, with the sound of music……





Gretl: Father?





Children: We\'re not?


C: No, You\'re going to have a new mother.


Liesl: A new mother?


C: We talked about it last night.It\'s all settled.


B: Pink lemonade.


Max: Least with the lemonade.


Bargitta: I don\'t believe it, father.


C: Hmm? Don\'t believe what, darling?


Bargitta: About Fraulein Maria.


C: Oh, Fraulein Maria? Didn\'t I tell you what her note said? Oh, I was sure I did.She said she mied her life at the abbey too much.She had to leave us.And that\'s all there is to it.I think I\'m brave enough to try some of that.

Bargitta: She didn\'t even say Good-bye.

C: She did in her note.




(The children come to the Abbey to see Maria.Sister Margarita answers their bell.) And we\'re all going to be very happy.

C: Hmm?

Gretl: Who is our new governe going to be?

C: Well…… You\'re not going to have a governe, any more.

Bargitta: That isn\'t the same thing.

Barone: Not too sweet, not too sour.

Max: Just too…… pink.





Bargitta: She\'s our governe!


Liesl: We want her back!


Bargitta: She didn\'t even say Good-bye!


Frederick: It\'s very important.


Liesl; All we want to do is talk to her.



Kurt: She\'ll see us, I know she will.


Gretl: I want to show her my finger.



Margarita: Yes, my children?

Liesl: My name is Liesl.

Margarita: Yes, Liesl?

Liesl: We-my brothers and sisters-we want to see Fraulein Maria.

Margarita: Fraulein Maria? Oh, Maria! Come in please.Wait here.

(She went, and later……)

Margarita: I\'m Sister Margarita.I understand you\'ve been inquiring about Maria.

Liesl: We have to see her.Will you tell her we\'re here, please?

Liesl: We have to see her!









Margarita: Oh, some other time, dear.I\'ll tell her that you were here.It was good of you to call.

Margarita: I\'m very sorry, children.But Maria is in seclusion.She hasn\'t been seeing anyone.

Margarita: I am afraid I can\'t do that.

Liesl: Oh, but you\'ve got to, we have to see her.




Reverend Mother: Poor child.



Reverend Mother: Perhaps I have been wrong in



Margarita: Yes, Reverend Mother.


(Maria goes into Reverend Mother\'s room.)



M: Reverend Mother.


Reverend Mother: Why did they send you back


M: They didn\'t send me back Mother, I left.丽:我们一定要见她。

Margarita: Go along, children.Going along.Go along home!

Liesl: Sister Margarita, please!

Margarita: Good-bye, children.


(The children unwillingly go away.Reverend Mother happens to see it.)

Reverend Mother: What was that about, Sister Margarita?

Margarita: The Von Trapp children, Reverend Mother.They want to see Maria.

Reverend Mother: Has she spoken yet? Has she told you anything?






丽:求你了,玛格丽塔修女。 to us?

Reverend Mother: You\'ve been unhappy.I\'m sorry.

leaving her alone so long.I think you\'d better bring her to me, even if she\'s not yet ready.

Margarita: It\'s strange.She seems happy to be back here, and yet, and yet she\'s unhappy, too.

Margarita: She doesn\'t say a word, Reverend Mother.Except in prayer.




M: I don\'t know.I don\'t know.I …… The



Reverend Mother: Did you let him see how you


M: If I did, I didn\'t know it.That\'s what\'s been






Reverend Mother: Sit down, Maria.Tell me what happened.

M: Well, I…… I was frightened.

Reverend Mother: Frightened? Were they unkind to you?


M: Oh, no! No, I was confused.I felt…… I\'ve never felt that way before.I couldn\'t stay.I knew that here I\'d be away from it.I\'d be safe.

Reverend Mother: Maria, our abbey is not to be used as an escape.What is it you can\'t face?


M: I can\'t face him again.



玛:噢 ,不,不是。我很困惑,我觉得……我从未有过这种感觉。我实在呆不下去,我知道在这儿我远离它,我就会得到安全。 玛:我……我害怕。

torturing me; I was there on God\'s errand.To have asked for his love would have been wrong.Oh, I couldn\'t stay.I just couldn\'t.I am ready this moment to take my vows.Please help me.

Reverend Mother: Maria.The love of the man and the woman is holy too.You have a great capacity to love.What you must find out is how God wants you to spend your love.

M: But I pledged my life to God, I …… I pledged my life to his service.

嬷:玛丽亚,坐下。告诉我发生什么事? felt?

barone and I …… She said he was in love with me, but I didn\'t want to believe it.Oh, there were times when we would look at each other…… Oh Mother, I could hardly breathe.

Reverend Mother: Him? Thank you, Sister Margarita.

(Sister Margarita goes out)

Captain Von Trapp? Are you in love with him?


嬷:他?谢谢你了,玛格丽塔修女。 (玛格丽塔修女退下。)








Reverend Mother: My daughter, if you love this man it doesn\'t mean you love God le.No, you must find out.You must go back.


M: Oh Mother, you can\'t ask me to do that! Please let me stay, I beg you.


Reverend Mother: Maria, these walls were not built to shut out problems.You have to face them.You have to live the life you were born to live.

外面的。你必须正视他们,你必须按照你天生注定的生活来生活。 留下来吧,我求您了。



(Captain says nothing.Marta can\'t help

C: I forgot.You were berry picking.

Children: Yes.

C: All afternoon?


C: Aha, Marta!

Marta: Yes, father?

C: You tell me.

Marta: Frederick told you father.We were berry picking.

C: All right.Now who\'s going to be the first one to tell me the truth? Frederick? Bargitta? Liesl?

Louisa: Where do you think we were, father?

C: Hmm? Well ……

Louisa: Well, if you don\'t believe us, you must have some idea where you think we were.8 expre his love(At the Von Trapps.The children return from the abbey but are late for dinner.Captain is asking them where they\'ve gone.)

C: Now, it\'s not like my children to be secretive.

Louisa: We\'re not being secretive, father.





C: Hmm-mm.And it\'s not like my children to be late for dinner.

Frederick: We lost track of the time.


C: Ah.I see.


Children: Yes.





Children: Erm…… We…… well……


C: Show me the berries you picked.Come on.







Liesl: Yes, they were so good.


C: Very well.Since you\'ve obviously stuffed



Louisa: We picked thousands of them.


C: Thousands of them.Really?


Children: Yes, yes! They\'re all over the place.


C: What kind of berries?


Frederick: Er…… blueberries, sir.


C: Blueberries! Hmmm! It\'s too early for Blueberries.

Frederick: They were strawberries!

C: Strawberries?




yourself full of thousands of delicious berries you can\'t be hungry anymore so I\'ll …… er…… just simply tell Frau Schmidt to …… er …… skip your dinner.

Louisa: We…… we…… we ate them!

C: You ate them?!

Children: Yes, yes!

C: All of them?

Kurt: We don\'t have them anymore.

C: You don\'t have them anymore.Well, what happened to them?

Frederick: It\'s been so cold lately they turned blue.

C: Ahh…… Very well.Show me the berries.





Gretl: I feel awful.


Bargitta: When Fraulein Maria wanted to feel




(Singing) Raindrops on roses.And whiskers on






snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes.

(Captain goes into the room, laughing.The Children are a little blue.)

Kurt (to Frederick): It\'s all your fault! We should have told him the truth!

Frederick: And made him boiling mad at us?


Kurt: It\'s better than starving to death.


Bargitta: We didn\'t do anything wrong.We just wanted to see her.

Kurt: My stomach\'s making noises.





(Singing) Girls in white drees with blue satin sashes, kittens.

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.

Brown paper packages tied up with strings.

These are a few of my favorite things.

Gretl: Why don\'t I feel better?

better, she used to sing that song, remember?

Children: Yes!

Liesl: Let\'s try it.

Kurt (Looking at gra): I wonder what gra tastes like.

Marta: The least they could have done was to let us say hello.









Gretl: It got caught.





Liesl: None at all, Fraulein.But I\'m learning to



Silver white winters that melt into springs.


These are a few of my favorite things.


(Another voice joins in.The children are surprised to see Maria and they all jump up to greet her.)

Children: You\'re back! You\'re back!

(Singing) When the dog bites, when the bee stings,

When I\'m feeling sad,




孩子们:你回来啦!回来了! accept it.I\'ll be glad when school begins.

M: Oh, Liesl.You can\'t use school to escape your problems, you have to face them! Oh, I have so much to tell you all.

M: Caught in what?

Gretl: Frederick\'s tea! (All laughing)

M: Many telegrams\'re been delivered here lately?

M: Oh, children, I\'m so glad to see you!

Louisa: We mied you.

M: I mied you! (to Kurt) Kurt, how are you?

Kurt: Hungry.

M (stooping to Gretl): Gretl, what happened to your finger?

I simply remember my favorite things.

And then I don\'t feel so bad.




M: Good evening, Captain.


C: Good evening.All right! Everyone inside,



(The children run to the house, leaving Captain



C: You left without saying good-bye.Even to


M: But it was wrong of me.


Forgive me.


C: Why did you?


M: Please don\'t ask me.Anyway, the reason



Louisa: We have things to tell you too.

M: I\'m sure you do.

Bargitta: The most important thing is that father is going to be married.

M: Married?

Louisa: Yes, to Barone Schneider.

M: Oh, I see.

(Captain comes out of the house)








Barone: Fraulein Maria! You\'ve returned.(To Captain) Isn\'t it wonderful, George? no longer exists.the children.

and Maria facing each other.Captain walks down to Maria.)

go and get your dinner!

Children: Dinner!

Children: Oh, father, look! Fraulein Maria! Fraulein Maria has come back from the abbey!



(They two stand on the terrace.She sees Maria.)


Barone: I really must speak the cook about 上校:晚上好。好啦,都进去吃饭。


C: Undoubtedly the wine.







Barone: And where to go on our honeymoon.



M: May I wish you every happine, Barone.And you too, Captain.The children tell me you are to be married.

Barone: Thank you, my dear.(Maria paes by.)

C: You are back to…… stay?

M: Only until arrangements can be made for another governe.

(In the evening, Maria wanders alone in front of the house.Captain sees Maria from the terrace, lost in thought.Barone comes out.)

Now that is a real problem.I thought a trip around the world would be lovely.Realize that I don\'t know that there must be some place better to go.And don\'t worry darling……






Barone: You have no idea what kind of trouble I\'m having trying to decide what to give you for a wedding present.Oh, I know, I\'m enough.But I do want you to have some little trifle for the occasion.At first I thought of a fountain pen, but you\'ve already got one.And then I thought, perhaps a villa in the south of France.But they are so difficult to gift-wrap.Oh, George, how do you feel about yachts? A long sleek one for the Mediterranean or a tiny one for your bathtub?

C: Elsa……

Wiener Schnitzel.It is entirely too delicious for my figure.And it makes you much to quit at the dinner table.Was it the wine?

Barone: There you are.






M: Is there something you wanted? (Standing




C: Elsa……


Barone: Yes, George.


C: It\'s no use.You and …… I\'m being dishonest, to both of us.And utterly unfair to you.When two people talk of marriage……

Barone: No, don\'t …… don\'t say another word, George.Please.You see…… er…… there are other things that I have been thinking of.Fond as I am of you, I really don\'t think you are the right man for me.You\'re much too independent.And I …… I need someone who needs me desperately.Or at least needs my money desperately.I\'ve enjoyed every moment we\'ve had together.I do thank you for that.Now, if



C: Yes.Only the children?

M: No.Yes! Isn\'t it right I should have mied them?

C: Is that all?

M: And I mied the children.

C: No, no, no, sit down please.Please.Er…… May I? (Sitting down) You know I was thinking, I was wondering two things.Why did you run away to the abbey, and what was it that made you come back.

M: Well, I had an obligation to fulfill and I came back to fulfill it.up)

(In the yard, Maria is sitting on a bench.Captain walks to her.)

C: Hello.I thought I just might find you here.you\'ll forgive me.I\'ll go inside, pack my little bags and return to Vienna where I belong.And somewhere out there is a young lady, who I think…… will never be a nun.



C: No.

M: I don\'t understand.





M: Oh, can this be happening to me?



But somewhere in my wicked miserable past,


There must have been a moment of truth.


For here you are, standing there,


loving me, whether or not you should.

C: Oh, yes, yes of course.I was only hoping that perhaps you…… perhaps you might…… er……

M: Yes?


C: Well…… er…… nothing was the same when you were away.And it\'ll be all-wrong again after you leave.And I just thought that perhaps you might…… er…… change your mind?

M: I\'m sure the barone will be able to make things fine for you.

C: Maria, there isn\'t going to be any barone.





(Singing): Perhaps I had a wicked childhood.

Perhaps I had a miserable youth.

C: Yes.You can\'t marry someone when you\'re in love with someone else, can you? I love you.

C: Well, we\'ve…… er……called off our engagement, you see and…… er……

M: Oh, I\'m sorry.

C: Yes…… You are?

M: You did?

M: There isn\'t?




C: Oh, my love.


(Singing) For here you are, standing there,






So somewhere in my youth or childhood,


I must have done something good.








So somewhere in my youth or childhood,


I must have done something good.


Nothing comes from nothing.


Nothing ever could.


So somewhere in my youth or childhood,


I must have done something good.


C: Do you know when I first started loving you? That night at the dinner table when you sat on the ridiculous pinecone.

天晚上吃饭你坐到那个可笑的松果上的时候。 loving me, whether or not you should.

M: (Singing) So somewhere in my youth or childhood,

I must have done something good.

(Chorus) Nothing comes from nothing.

Nothing ever could.

M: What? I knew the first time you blew that silly whistle.




Max: (hesitating) Heil Hitler!

Zeller: I have just come from the house of Captain Von Trap.Incidentally the only one in the


neighborhood not flying the flag of the Third Reich 不管你应不应该。


我一定做了好事。 (合):不会无中生有

Zeller: We want to know when the captain will 从来不曾如此



Zeller: Are you asking me to believe that the

captain has not communicated with his children in over a month?

Max: Herr Zeller, how many men do you know who communicate with their children while on their honeymoon?

Zeller: When he does return he will be expected to fill his proper position in the New Order.




西:你可能还没听说, be returning.

Max: Well, he\'s on his honeymoon trip…… er…… He\'s not been in touch with us.

Max: What kind of information are you looking for?

since the Anschlu.But we have dealt with that situation.The housekeeper told me that I would find you here.It was the only information the woman would give me.

I\'m now the guiltier, Heil Hitler!

Confliction(They get married.Afterwards they go to Europe on their honeymoon.At this time, Nazi Germany annexes Austria.The shadow of war is hovering over the country.Everywhere flutters the Nazi Flag and goes the military force.The children are rehearsing with uncle Max when Zeller comes to them.)

Zeller: Get right on! Heil Hitler!

Max: Good afternoon, Herr Zeller.

Zeller: Perhaps you\'ve not Heard.








Bargitta: Uncle Max, are you sure father will approve of our singing in public?

Gretl: Oooh……

names: Liesl, Frederick, Louisa, Bargitta, Kurt, Marta and Gretl.

Gretl: Why am I always last? whole lot of people tonight?

everybody.I want you all to remember that tonight at the concert.

Max: He doesn\'t have to be.

Louisa: Is father going to be in trouble?

Max: Everybody is cro these days, darling.

Marta: Maybe the flag with the black spider on it makes people nervous.

推荐第4篇:怦然心动_电影台词 英文对照

怦然心动_电影台词 英文对照

怦然心动_电影台词 英文对照

Bryce Loski

All ever I wanted was for Juli Baker to leave me alone.It all began in the summer of 1957,before the start of second grade.

-Here we are.–haha –What do you guys think? –I like this place.–It’s cool.

–Uh,what color is my room? -Just you wait.-Let’s see what’s inside.

–Hey, come on, buddy Bryce.Why don’t, uh, you and I go help unload the van„and the womenfolk here can get in the kitchen and start setting up.–Okay.Dad.

For me, it was the beginning of what would be more than half a decade of strategic avoidance and social discomfort.-Hi, I’m Juli Baker.

–Hey, hey, what are you doing? –Don’t you want some help?

–No.there’s some valuable things in there. –How about this one? –No, no, no.Run home, your mother’s probably wondering where you are.–Oh, no,my mom knows where I am.She said it’s fine.

It didn’t take long to realize this girl could not take a hint. –It’s crowded in here with three people. –I don’t mind. Of any kind.–You wanna push this one together? –Bryce, isn’t it time for you to go help your mother? –Huh? Oh, yeah.

I mean, nothing would stop her.I was about to tell her to get lost when the weirdest thing happened.I couldn’t believe it.There I was holding hands with this strange girl.How did I get into this me?

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–Well, hello.I see you’ve met my son.–Uh-huh.Finally, I did the only manly thing available when you’re 7 years old.However, my troubles were far from over..The minute I walked into Mi Yelson’s claroom„

-Bryce? You’re here.It was clear, school would not be a sanctuary.–Hey, Bryce, where’s your girlfriend? I was branded for life.–Hey, Bryce,why don’t you ask her to marry you? –Bryce and Juli sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. My first year in town was a disaster.And the next three weren’t much better.But finally, in the sixth grade, I took action.I hatched the plan.–Sherry.Sherry, wait up.–Hi, Bryce.

Heh.I asked out Sherry Stalls (I was wondering if you wanted to go„).To full appreciate the brilliance of this plan„you have to understand that Juli always hated Sherry Stalls„though I never understood why.Sherry was nice, friendly and she had a lot of hair.-At first, my mother wouldn’t let me get my ears pierced, but I begged„ The idea was that Sherry would eat with me maybe we’d walk around together, and hopefully Juli would lost interest.–But I still can’t get the hoops till I’m 16. –Oh, that’s a shame.

–So Melanie wanted to get her ears pierced, but of course her mother said no.So she threw a fit and smashed her Johnny Mathis Greatest Hits album and she got grounded, so now she can’t come to my pajama sleepover party.

Things were unfolding quite nicely.

-What are you doing for your science project? That is, until my supposed best friend, Garrett Einbinder took an interest in Sherry himself.-I was thinking of showing how split ends react with different hair conditioners.–That’s fascinating.

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Loyalty gave way to dedire and Garrett, the turncoat told Sherry what I was up to.She didn’t take it well.Word got back to Juli, and pretty soon she started up with the goo-goo eyes again.Only this time it was worse.She started sniffing me.That’s right, sniffing me.What’s that all about? My only consolation was that next year would be different.Junior high, bigger school.Maybe we’d be in different claes and it would finally, finally be over.

Juli Baker

The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped.It was those eyes, something in those dazzling eyes.-You wanna push this one together?

His family had just moved into the neighborhood and I’d gone to help them.I’d been in the van all of two minutes when his dad sent him off to help his mom.I could see he didn’t wanna go.So I chased after him to see if we could play a little before he got trapped inside.The next thing I know, he’s holdidng my hand and looking right into my eyes.My heart stopped.Was this it? Would this be my first ki? But then his mother came out.–Well, hello.

And he was so embarraed, his cheeks turned completely red.I went to bed that night thinking of the ki that might have been.I mean, it was clear he has feelings for me, but he was just too shy to show them.My mother said boys were like that.So I decided to help him out.–Bryce? You’re here.

I would give him plenty of opportunity to get over his shyne.By the sixth grade, I’d learned to control myself.Then Sherry Stalls entered the picture.Sherry Stalls was nothing but a whiny, goipy, backstabbing flirt.All hair and no substance.And she was holding hands with Bryce.My Bryce.The one who was walking around with my first ki.My solution was to ignore her.I knew a boy of Bryce’s caliber would eventually see through a shallow conniver like Sherry Stalls.It took all of a week.Then broke up at rece.She didn’t take it well.Now that Bryce was out of Sherry’s evil clutches, he started being nicer to me.–Hi, Juli. 3

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–Hi, Bryce.

He was so shy and so cute and his hair, it smelled like watermelon.I couldn’t get enough of it.I spent the whole year secretly sniffing watermelon and wondering if I was ever going to get my ki.

Bryce Loski

Seventh grade brought changes, all right.But the biggest one didn’t happen at school.It happened at home.My grandfather came to live with us.Mom said he stared like that because he mied Grandma.That was not something Grandpa would ever talk about with me.As a matter of fact, he never talked about much of anything with me.That is, until Juli appeared in the local newspaper.

-Oh, Bryce.My I speak with you? –What? –Have a seat, son.–Tell me about your friend Juli Baker.–Juli.She’s not exactly my friend. –Oh.Why’s that?

–Why do you wanna know?

Now, Juli Baker did not wind up in The Mayfield Times for being an eighth-grade Einstein.No, she got front-page coverage because she refused to climb out of a sycamore tree.Juli Baker and that stupid sycamore tree.She always thought it was God’s gift to our little corner of the universe.

–Hey, Bryce.Wanna come climb the tree with me and my brothers? –No, thanks.–Bryce.Come up here.It’s fun.You can see everything. –I can’t.My dad needs me to help him fix„a thing.

That’s all I needed.Climb up a tree with Juli Baker.I’d be dragged right back into the second grade.Bryce and Juli sitting in a tree.Why don’t you just make me eat lima beans for the rest of my life.

–It’s three blocks away.Two blocks.One block away. –Like that’s valuable information.

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–I hate it when she does that.I like to think there’s at least a chance the bus won’t show.

-I think the tree looks particularly beautiful in this light.Don’t you? –If by “beautiful” you mean “unbeliebably ugly”, then, yes.I would agree.–You’re just visually challenged.I feel sorry for you.

“Visually challenged”? “Visually challenged”? This from the girl who lived in a house that was the joke of the neighborhood? They had bushes growing over windows and weeds all over the place.It bugged my dad bigtime.

–Oh, there he is.The bricklayer who thinks he’s a painter.That truck’s not ugly enough in real life? He’s gotta make a painting of it? –No, he does landscapes.Sells them at the county fair.People say they’re beautiful.–Landscapes? Let me tell you something.The world would have more beauty in it if he’d do a little landscaping on that piece of crap he calls a yard.–I feel bad for his wife.She married a dreamer.Because of that, one of the two of them will always be unhappy.–Yeah, fine.But why do we have to be unhappy? As annoying sa the yard was to my dad it was nothing compared to how annoying Juli Baker was in that tree.“Three blocks away.” Every morning we had to listen to the sound of her blow-by-blow traffic report.“Two blocks.” There you go.-Why do they call it The Three Stooges? –I mean, there’s five of them. –What? –Well, yeah, there’s Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp and Curly Joe.Yeah, but they only have three at a time.–Yeah.–You know, I hate Curly Joe.I mean, he shouldn’t even be a Stooge.

-Listen, girl.I’m this close to calling the police.You are trespaing and obstructing progre on a contracted job.–What’s going on? –Either you come down or we’re gonna cut you down.-Bryce.You guys, come up here with me.They won’t cut it down if we’re all up here. 5

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–Bus, bus, bus.Juli was frantic.They wanted to cut down the tree.I couldn’t understand why that mutant tangle of gnarly branches meant so much to her.-Bryce, please.I felt bad for her.–Leave her.But I wasn’t about to cut school over it. –Come on, bros.

-Why isn’t she your friend, Bryce? –You’d have to know Juli.–Well, I’d like to. –Why? –That girl has an iron backbone.Why don’t you invite her over sometime? –An iron backbone? She’s just stubborn and she’s pushy beyond belief.–Is that so? –And she’s been stalking me since the second grade.

–Well, a girl like that doesn’t live next door to everyone. –Lucky them.–Read this.Without prejudice. Like I needed to know anything more about Juli Baker.Juli wasn’t at the bus stop the next morning.Or the morning after that.She was at school, but you’d never know it.–Little Joe? He’s got so much makeup on„ -He doesn’t age. I told myself I should be glad about it.I mean, isn’t that what I’d always wanted? But still, I felt bad for her.I was gonna tell her I was sorry, but then I thought, hey, no„Juli Baker thinking I mied her.

Juli Baker

I see why you like to come out here.-Would you mind explaining it to your mother? I loved to watch my father paint.Or really, I loved to hear him talk while he painted.I learned a lot about my dad that way.He told me all sorts of things like how he got his first job delivering hay and how he\'d wished he\'d finished college.Then one day he surprised me.-What\'s going on with you and, uh, Bryce Loski? -What do you mean? Nothing. 6

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-Oh, okay.My mistake.-Why would you even think that? -No reason.Just that youtalk about him all the time.-I do?I don\'t know.I gue it\'s something about his eyes.Or maybe his smile.-But what about him? -What? - You have to look at the whole landscape.-What does that mean? -A painting is more than the sum of its parts.A cow by itself is just a cow.A meadow by itself is just gra, flowers.And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light.But you put them all together and it can be magic.I didn\'t really understand what he was saying until one afternoon when I was up in the sycamore tree.I was rescuing a kite.It was a long way up, higher than I\'d ever been.And the higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view.I began to notice how wonderful the breeze smelled.Like sunshine and wild gra.I couldn\'t stop breathing it in .filling my lungs with the sweetest smell I\'d ever known.-Hey, you found my kite.-Bryce, you should come up here.It\'s so beautiful.-I can\'t.I sprained my, um,I have a rash.From that moment on, that became my spot.I could sit there for hours, just looking out at the world.Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink.And some days they were a blazing orange,setting fire to the clouds on the horizon.It was during one of those sunsets that my father\'s idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart.Some days I would get there extra early to watch the sunrise.One morning I was making mental notes of how the streaks of light were cutting through the clouds so I could tell my dad when I heard a noise below.

-Excuse me.Excuse me.I\'m sorry, but you can\'t park there.That\'s a bus stop.-Hey, what are you doing up there?You can\'t be up there, we\'re gonna take this thing down.-The tree? -Yeah.Now come on down.-But who told you, you could cut it down? -The owner. 7

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-Why? -He\'s gonna build a house, and this tree\'s in the way.So come on, girl, we got work to do.-You can\'t cut it down.You just can\'t.-Listen, girl.I\'m this close to calling the police.You are trespaing and obstructing progre on a contracted job.Now either you come down, or we\'re gonna cut you down.-Go ahead.Cut me down.I\'m not coming down.I\'m never coming down.Bryce.You guys, come up here with me.They won\'t cut it down if we\'re all up here.Bryce, please don\'t let them do this.Come on, you guys.Bryce, please.You don\'t have to come up this high.Just a little ways.Bryce, please.Please.

What happened after that was a blur.It seemed like the whole town was there.But still I wouldn\'t move.Then my father showed up.He talked a fireman into letting him come up to where I was.-Sweetie, it\'s time to come down.-Daddy, please don\'t let them do this.-Sweetie -Daddy, look.You can see everything.You can see the whole world from here.-No view is worth my daughter\'s safety.Now, come on.-I can\'t.-Julianna, it\'s time to come down now.-Please, Daddy.-It\'s time.And that was it.I must\'ve cried for two weeks straight.Oh, sure, I went to school and did the best I could but nothing seemed to matter.-Juli? -Huh? -Do you know the answer? -Uh, the Peloponnesian War? -I\'m sure that\'s the answer to something but I was looking for the area of a rhomboid.Somehow, rhomboids and isosceles right triangles didn\'t seem so important.I rode my bike so I wouldn\'t have to pa by the stump that used to be the earth\'s most magnificent sycamore tree.But no matter what I did, I couldn\'t stop thinking about it.-Are you okay? -It was just a tree. 8

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-No, it wasn\'t just a tree.I never want you to forget how you felt when you were up there.-Thanks, Dad.It was the first thing I saw every morning and the last thing I saw before I went to sleep.And once I could look at it without crying I saw more than the tree and what being up there meant to me.I saw the day that my view of things around me started changing.And I wondered, did I still feel the same things about Bryce?

Bryce Loski

I\'ve never been a huge fan of eggs.I mean, I could always just take them or leave them.That is, until one day in Skyler Brown\'s garagewhen my feelings about eggs were solidified.-Hey, hey, hey.Guys.Edna\'s found her breakfast.I mean, if a slimy reptile found them appetizing there was certainly no place for them in my diet.-Oh, man, that\'s so cool.-She doesn\'t even have to chew.I mean, think of all the time you\'d save.I could\'ve gone my whole life not knowing that snakes eat eggs raw if it hadn\'t been for Lynetta.She had a major-league thing for Skyler Brown.-I think it\'s gro.He and Juli\'s brothers, Matt and Mark, had formed a band.And Lynetta would watch them practice.-That is so neat.-How about that, huh, Bryce? -Yeah.Neat.-So, Brycie, how do you think he\'s gonna digest that? -Stomach acid? -You\'d like to think that.-Wait, everybody quiet.Here he goes.-Eggs over easy.-Gro.Gro, gro, gro.-Wait, wait.You haven\'t seen the best part.-Gro.I tried to be casual about it, but it didn\'t take.I started having bad dreams.I\'d be trapped inside a huge egg and this monster would open his jaws and start to devour me.I\'d wake up just in time.Then the real nightmare began. 9

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-Hi, Bryce.I brought these over for you and your family.My chickens are laying eggs.-What? -You remember Abby and Bonnie and Clyde and Dexter and Eunice and Florence? The ones I hatched for the science fair.-How could I forget? It was claic Juli Baker.She totally dominated the fair.And get this, her project was all about watching boring eggs hatch.I mean, here I had a live-action erupting volcano and all anyone cared about was Juli\'s boring chicks breaking out of their boring shells.Oh, I think the last one\'s hatching.It\'s hatching.Oh, it\'s hatching.Kids, come over here.But hey, she won.I lost.I\'ve never been one to dwell.Here it comes.But that didn\'t mean I had to eat her lousy eggs.I think it was very sweet of Juli to bring us those eggs.I don\'t care.I\'m still having cereal tomorrow.Yeah, how do we know there\'s no chicks in one of those eggs? I used to eat farm-fresh eggs when I was a kid.They were delicious.Yeah, well, that\'s all well and good but what if we crack one open and a dead chick falls out? Do they have a rooster? If they don\'t have a rooster the eggs can\'t be fertile.And if they had a rooster, we\'d know.The whole neighborhood would know.Maybe they got it de-yodeled.\"De-yodeled\"? You know.De-cock-a-doodle-doo\'d.What the hell are you talking about? Like they de-bark dogs.Bryce, why don\'t you just ask Juli? I don\'t think that What? You afraid to talk to her? I\'m not afraid to talk to her.I know you are, but what am I? Okay.Just talk to her and find out.Bryce.How do you tell if one\'s a rooster? 10

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Well, a rooster\'s bigger.Longer feathers.They\'ve got that red stuff growing out of their head.And around their neck too.That shouldn\'t be too hard to spot.Although, come to think of it, chickens have the rubbery red stuff too.Just not as much.Garrett\'s expertise in roosters was the cornerstone of our plan to avoid contact with Juli Baker.The balance of which involved spying over her back fence.Come on, come on.Shh.Shh.Over here.I can\'t see the stupid chickens.We gotta get them out of the coop.Is that a rooster? No, it looks like a chicken.How can you tell? It just does.See what I mean? Expertise.Shh, shh! What? Juli.Here, guys.Go on, there you go.Here, guys.Go on.Yeah, they\'re all chickens.There\'s no rooster? What did I just say? How can you tell? Well, none of them are strutting.Here, come on.Roosters strut? Come on, guys.What did I just say? Here.Plus, hardly any of them have any rubbery red stuff.What are you doing? Yeah.They\'re definitely all chickens.They\'re all chickens.I\'m proud of you, Bryce.You overcame your fear.Huh? You talked to her.Oh, heh.Yeah.It\'s no big deal.That\'s what she told you? They\'re all chickens? Yeah.She\'s a genius.You\'re both genius Of course they\'re all chickens.A rooster\'s a chicken.The question is: 11

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Is one of them a rooster or are they all hens? Hens? Who said anything about hens? Then it hit me.Garrett didn\'t know jack shit about chickens.Do roosters strut? Yes, they do.What does that have to do with anything? They\'re all hens.Well, the main thing is the eggs are okay.It\'s all settled.Not for me.There was no way I was ever gonna eat anything that had anything to do with Juli Baker.I\'m not eating them.Well, why not? Have you seen their yard? It\'s There\'s not even any gra.It\'s all mud and chicken turds.Ew.Gro.Salmonella.Do you suppose they could have salmonella? It\'s not very likely.Why take the risk? What do we do with the eggs? Give them back.Give them back? To Juli? Sure.You talked to her before, right? It didn\'t kill you.Well, what do I say? Tell her we don\'t eat eggs.Uh, we\'re allergic to them or something.Come on, use your brains.It didn\'t feel right to lie.Besides, even a seventh grader would know that entire families aren\'t allergic to eggs.But I didn\'t wanna hurt her feelings either.So that left me with only one option.And thus another near-death experience in my ongoing saga with Juli Baker had been succefully avoided.Until one week later.Hi, Bryce.Brought you some more eggs.Wow.Thanks.Did your family like the first batch? 12

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Do you even have to ask? Great.See you at school.What I hoped would be a one-time event was just the beginning of a life consumed with lies, intrigue and deception.Every morning I\'d be on the lookout for Juli so if she happened to come, I could whip the door open before she knocked.Thanks.Then I\'d dump the eggs before anyone noticed.And why? Why couldn\'t I just face her? Why couldn\'t I just say: \"No, thanks.Don\'t want them.Don\'t need them.Give them to the snake\"? Was I really afraid of hurting her feelings or was I just afraid of her? Now, you wanna make sure you get it When Mrs.Brubeck first suggested hatching eggs as my science project I was le than excited.That is, until I saw my first sign of life.Is that it? That\'s the embryo.Heh.Wow.It looks like a bean.It does.Let\'s try the other ones.Suddenly it felt real.All the eggs were alive.There were, like, little bean babies inside every one.On the day of the fair, all six chicks hatched.What are the odds? This year\'s top prize goes to Juli Baker for her wonderful project: \"A Chicken is Born.\" I won first place.And that was cool, but all I really cared about were my chicks.There you go.There you go, guys.My mom wasn\'t crazy about us raising chickens.But I begged and pleaded.I told her I would take care of everything.And I did.Where\'s Clyde? 13

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Clyde? Hey, Clyde.What\'s the matter? Are you okay? Aren\'t you hungry? Come on.Come here.What\'s wrong, baby? Come here.Hey, you\'re not Clyde.You\'re Clydette.Mom! As it turned out, my hens laid more eggs than we could eat.At first we tried to keep up but after a month of boiling, frying and deviling like that movie The Blob, we were being overtaken by eggs.Then opportunity in the form of our neighbor, Mrs.Steuby, knocked.Hello, dear.If you ever have any extra, I\'d be happy to buy them from you.Really? Certainly.And I happen to know that Mrs.Helms would be interested as well.Great.Nothing like fresh eggs.Thanks, Mrs.Steuby.You bet, dear.Bye.Between Mrs.Steuby and Mrs.Helms, my egg overflow problem was solved.Then I realized that Mrs.Loski deserved eggs too.But I didn\'t think it would be right to charge her.She had been such a good neighbor, lending us supplies when we ran out giving my mother a ride when our car wouldn\'t start it was the least I could do.Besides, if I happened to run into Bryce, that wouldn\'t be the end of the world.Hi, Bryce.By the third time I brought eggs over to the Loskis I realized Bryce was waiting for me.Waiting to pull open the door and say, \"Thanks, Juli.See you at school.\" And in return, I got a few moments alone with the world\'s most dazzling eyes.Thanks, Juli.See you at school.It was a bargain.Until the day it wasn\'t. 14

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It was two weeks after the sycamore tree was cut down and I was just starting to feel normal again.Hey, Juli.Right on schedule.Yeah, well, neither rain nor sleet.Huh? You know, the mailman thing? Oh.Right.So, um, will you start riding the bus again? I don\'t know.I haven\'t been up there since It doesn\'t look so bad anymore.It\'s all cleared away.Well, um, I better get ready for school.Gue I\'ll see you there.See you.Maybe Bryce was right.Maybe it was time I started riding the bus again.After all, didn\'t he just tell me he wanted me to? Could it be that Bryce Loski actually mies me? Juli? What are you still doing here? I was just thinking.It\'s pickup day.The cans are in front.I know.You need some help? No.Maybe I\'ll do it later.Are those my eggs? Yeah.Yeah, I dropped them.They\'re not broken.Why are you throwing them away? Don\'t you want them? It wasn\'t me.My dad didn\'t think it was worth the risk.Risk? What risk? Salmonella.What? He\'s afraid of being poisoned? Well, Juli, I mean, look at your back yard.It\'s a complete me.It\'s, like, covered in turds.That\'s not true.I clean up after my girls every day.We just didn\'t wanna hurt your feelings.Have you always thrown them away? You know, Mrs.Steuby and Mrs.Helms pay me for my eggs.They do? They pay me cents a dozen.I didn\'t know. 15

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How could you? I\'m sorry.No, you\'re not.It didn\'t take me long to realize that I\'d traded in my old problems with Juli Baker for a whole set of new ones.It was actually worse having her mad at me than having her annoy me.The way she ignored me was a constant reminder that I\'d been a jerk.Then one day I was coming home from playing basketball with Garrett and things got weird.Don\'t be so timid.Come on, you won\'t hurt them.Like this? Yeah, that\'s it.My grandfather.All I ever saw him wear was slippers.Now, where did he get those work boots? I couldn\'t stop looking over there.And the more I looked, the madder I got.My grandfather had already said more to Juli in one hour than he\'d said to me in the whole time he\'d been living with us.I was pretty sure I\'d never seen him laugh.And what was his deal with Juli Baker? Hi, Grandpa.Juli told me about the eggs.You know, Bryce one\'s character is set at an early age.I\'d hate to see you swim out so far you can\'t swim back.Sir? It\'s about honesty, son.Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road.When it came to holding a grudge, Juli Baker was truly impreive.All week I tried to approach her at school.She\'d always find some way to duck me.And whenever she was in her yard, Grandpa was always there with her.Finally, one Saturday I saw my opening.My grandfather had gone into town to buy some Bengay.I gue the yard work was starting to get to him. 16

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It\'s looking real good.Thanks.Chet did most of it.I\'m sorry for what I did.I just don\'t get it, Bryce.Why didn\'t you just tell me? I don\'t know.It was dumb.And I shouldn\'t have said anything about your yard, either.It wasn\'t right.Maybe it\'s all for the best.I mean, look, I learned so much from Chet, it\'s amazing.You\'re lucky.I don\'t even have grandparents anymore.I feel sorry for him.He mies your grandma.Can you believe it? He says I remind him of her.What? I know.That\'s what I said.But he meant it in a nice way.Something about her spirit.Yeah.Good luck with the gra.I\'m sure it\'ll come up great.Thanks.I gue I\'ll see you around.I gue so.While Juli\'s acceptance of my apology was not all that I\'d hoped for at least the eggs thing was finally behind me.The first time in months I could truly enjoy Bonanza.Where you going and why you dreed like that? Skyler\'s.Matt and Mark are bringing over recording stuff and they\'re gonna make a demo.Demo? Like they know how to make a demo.You don\'t even know them.I don\'t have to.I know the type.You don\'t know anything.Don\'t talk to me like that.I\'m late.Be back by .Yep.Everything was back to normal.Is that girl working you too hard? That girl\'s name is Juli.And, no, she isn\'t working me too hard.You\'ve developed quite a soft spot for her, huh? Steven. 17

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No, Patsy.Just wanna find out why your father has the energy to befriend a complete stranger when he won\'t throw a baseball around with his own grandson.It\'s okay, Dad.No, it\'s not okay.Juli reminds him of Grandma.Of Renee? Heh.That\'s ridiculous.You know why the Bakers haven\'t fixed their yard? Yeah, because he\'s too busy with his paint-by-numbers kit.If you had a brother with a severe handicap, what would you do? What the hell does that have to do with anything? Juli\'s father has a retarded brother.So what? He\'s not the gardener, is he? Heh.Steven.It was a joke.You know, other people have family troubles and they manage to mow their own lawns.I don\'t know where their pride in ownership is.They don\'t own that house.The landlord\'s supposed to maintain it.Mr.Baker puts every extra penny he has into caring for his brother.Don\'t they have government facilities for that sort of thing? Maybe they thought that a private facility would be better for him.Either way, it\'s not our fault that their family has some chromosomal abnormality.It has nothing to do with chromosomes.When Juli\'s uncle was born, he had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck.If he\'d had enough oxygen, he would\'ve been a perfect little baby, just like your son.Goddamn it, Chet.Patsy? Patsy? Leave me alone! Sorry about that.Why is Mom so upset? Because but for the grace of God your mother could be standing in Mr.Baker\'s shoes.Did her brother have the cord wrapped around his neck too? 18

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You did.Luckily, the doctor who delivered you was on the ball and got it untangled but it easily could\'ve gone the other way.Wanna go for a walk? Huh? I find it helps clear the mind.What would they have done with me? You can\'t dwell on something that might\'ve been, Bryce.The way my dad was talking, sounds like he would\'ve thrown me in a nuthouse.No, no.Now, that\'s not fair.You can\'t condemn him for something he hasn\'t done.This is where that tree was, wasn\'t it? Yeah.Must\'ve been a spectacular view.She\'s quite a girl.Some of us get dipped in flat some in satin some in glo.But every once in a while you find someone who\'s iridescent.And when you do nothing will ever compare.Flat, gloy, iridescent? What the hell did that mean? Juli Baker had always just seemed plain to me.Until now.And the way she talked about what it felt like to be up in that tree to be held above the earth, brushed by the wind.Who in junior high talks like that? This weird feeling started taking over in the pit of my stomach and I didn\'t like it.I was slipping, man.And it was time to get a grip.I\'d never been embarraed by where we lived before.I also never really thought about money.I knew we weren\'t rich, but I didn\'t feel like we were miing anything.That is, until Bryce Loski called our home a complete me. 19

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* What\'s your name? * * What\'s your name? * * Is it Mary or Sue? * * What\'s your name? * * Do I stand a chance with you? * * It\'s so hard to find a personality * * With charms like yours for me * I had to do something and I knew what it was.* What\'s your name? * Oh, you\'re sounding really good.We\'ll record it in Skyler\'s garage.That\'s a wonderful project.Speaking of projects, I was thinking it might be cool to fix up the yard.What? I mean, how much can gra seed cost? I could plant a lawn, maybe some flowers.I could even put up a fence.Honey, that\'s a major undertaking.I could pay for it with my egg money.No.That\'s your money.The landlord should be the one taking care of all this.But he doesn\'t.And we live here.And it looks so bad.Jules.What\'s going on? Nothing, Dad.It\'s okay, sweetheart.You can tell us.The Loskis have been throwing away my eggs because they\'re afraid of salmonella.Because our yard is such a me.Did Patsy say that? No.Bryce did.But it must have been a family discuion.A boy doesn\'t come up with that on his own.Who cares what they think? Yeah, who cares? I care.Trina.Let\'s not get into this. 20

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No, I\'m tired of living like this, Richard.I\'m tired of having to take temp jobs just to make ends meet.I\'m tired of having to push a chair up against the washing machine just to keep the door shut.I\'m tired of having to borrow Mrs.Steuby\'s vacuum cleaner every time ours breaks down.Do you think this is the life I pictured for us? Sometimes you have to sacrifice to do the right thing.We always end up agreeing that Devonhurst is the right thing for Daniel.Well, maybe we should start thinking about what\'s right for us.Our daughter is suffering because we won\'t fix up our own yard.It\'s not our yard.How can you say that, Richard? How? We\'ve lived here for years and for years we\'ve been saying it\'s temporary, but it\'s not.This is our home.Is it wrong to wanna live somewhere you can be proud of? To have enough to send your kids to college? Maybe it\'s time we considered government care.We are not moving my brother.He\'s more important than your own children? Dad! How dare you! Stop it, Dad! Please, just stop.I\'m sorry.Julianna, this is not your fault.We\'ll work this out, I promise.That was the first time I ever heard my parents really yell at each other.I\'m sorry about tonight.That night they each came into my room.My father talked about his brother and how much he loved him and how he promised his parents he\'d always take care of him.My mother talked about how much she loved my father for his strength and kind heart.When she kied me good night she whispered that of all her many bleings, I was her best.I felt sorry for my father.I felt sorry for my mother.But most of all, I felt lucky for me that they were mine. 21

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I wanted to think the reason I started working on my yard had nothing to do with Bryce.It was about making our house better.After what he did with the eggs, why should I care what he thought? But I did.Are you pruning that or trying to hack it to death? Hi.I\'m Chet Duncan, Bryce\'s grandfather.Sorry it\'s taken me so long to come over and introduce myself.Nice to meet you.So are you trimming all these to the same height? Well, yeah, that\'s what I was thinking, but I don\'t know.Do you think it would look better to take them out? Oh, these are Hicksii shrubs.These will prune up nicely.Listen, Mr.Duncan.Call me Chet.Chet.If you\'re here because of what Bryce said I don\'t need your help.Read about you in the paper.Renee would\'ve sat up in that tree with you.She would\'ve sat up there all night.Renee? My wife.You remind me a lot of her.We worked on the yard for weeks.And the whole time we worked, we talked.Right there? Perfect, yeah.He wanted to know more about the sycamore tree.He knew exactly what it meant about the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.He said it was the same with people but sometimes with people, the whole could be le.I thought that was pretty interesting.I started looking at people I\'d known since elementary school trying to figure out if they were more or le than the sum of their parts.Chet was right.A lot of them were le. 22

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Of all my clamates, the one person I couldn\'t seem to place was Bryce.Until recently, I would\'ve said with absolute certainty that he was greater, far greater, than the sum of his parts.But now I wasn\'t so sure.It\'s looking good, Juli.Nice job.Thanks.Chet did most of it.I\'m sorry for what I did.I just don\'t get it, Bryce.Why didn\'t you just tell me? Was he really sorry? Or was he just saying these things to make himself feel better? Then I thought maybe I just wanted him to be more than the sum of his parts.But as I looked into his eyes those dazzling eyes for the first time I was pretty sure that Bryce Loski was le.We\'re going to invite the Bakers over for dinner.What? I don\'t know, Mom.I think that\'s a marvelous idea.Patsy, what purpose does this serve? Trina Baker is a very nice person.And Matt and Mark are really cool.I hate cool.Something we should\'ve done years ago.Yeah, but we didn\'t.And now we can\'t.The statute of limitations has run out.We\'re having the Bakers over for dinner.If this is about what I said last night, I\'m sorry, okay? But, you know, having them over for dinner is not gonna fix his brother.It\'s going to be a sit-down dinner.And I expect everyone to dre accordingly.Oh, God.Can\'t we just have a barbecue? It\'s going to be a sit-down dinner.Just shoot me now.Careful what you wish for.So that was it.A dre-up, sit-down dinner with Juli Baker was in my immediate future.And that made seeing Juli at school more uncomfortable. 23

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I found myself staring at her in cla.And the way her hair fell back over her shoulders she looked just like the picture in the newspaper.Dana Treler caught me watching.If I didn\'t do something fast, this could spread like wildfire.There was a bee in her hair.See, there it goes.There\'s no bee.It flew out the window.I convinced myself I\'d dodged a bullet.I had to put Juli out of my mind.Keep the focus on the important stuff like schoolwork.My weakne was unnerving.I need your sharpener.You ever heard of knocking? Hey, what you got there? Dad\'s Playboy? None of your busine.Give my best to Mi October.Get out.Or should I say your best? Ha, ha.You\'re disgusting.Another disaster avoided.My life had become a minefield.Hey, man.Hey.What\'s this? It\'s not what you think.Okay, it is what you think, but I can explain.Okay, I can\'t explain.Can we just talk about it later? Whatever you say.I had to talk to someone.Why not Garrett? Maybe he could help me get back on track.Garrett was surprisingly sensitive in matters of the heart.Are you freaking mental? Juli Baker.You hate her.That\'s what\'s weird.I don\'t think I do.I can\'t stop thinking about her.You got it bad, man.Well, what do I do? Well, you gotta nip this in the bud.These aren\'t real emotions.They\'re not? You feel guilty because of the egg thing.Yeah, and I insulted her yard. 24

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Exactly.Of course, the place is a dump anyways.It\'s not her fault.Her dad\'s got a retarded brother and all their money goes to helping him.A retard? Well, shoot, that ought to tell you something.About what? About Juli.What are you saying? The apple doesn\'t fall far from the tree.I couldn\'t believe it.I wanted to yell at him.Tell him that he didn\'t know Juli like I did.But all that came out was: Heh, oh.Right.Yeah.Right.Um, I\'ll talk to you later.I was supposed to go to Garrett\'s after school but I couldn\'t be around him.He\'d croed the line.And standing right next to him acro that line was my father.I didn\'t care what they thought.I liked Juli Baker.Sunday mornings are peaceful in our house.My dad lets himself sleep in.My mother lets herself not fix breakfast.If my brothers have been out late playing with their band you won\'t even know they\'re around till noon.But this Sunday, I woke up feeling weird.I had to do something to shake off the confused feelings about Bryce that were starting to creep back in.You really did it, didn\'t you? Heh.Proud of you.Thanks, Dad.Where you going? To see Daniel.It\'s his birthday.I wanna come with you.Oh, honey, just enjoy the morning, stay with your mom.No, Dad.I wanna come.Sweetheart, listen.Sometimes, with Daniel...I\'m coming, Dad.Okay.We\'d better leave a note for your mother. 25

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In all the years, I\'d never visited my Uncle Daniel.I don\'t know why.It was always something my dad did alone.We didn\'t say much to each other on the drive to Devonhurst, but I didn\'t care.I just liked being with my dad.Somehow the silence seemed to connect us in a way that words never could.The residents tend to the grounds as part of their therapy.It takes some getting used to.They\'re good people, though.Daniel? Daniel.Richard! You\'re here! Richard for my birthday.Who? Richard, who? Who? Who? Who? Richard, who? Who? Daniel, Daniel, it\'s Julianna.It\'s my daughter.Your niece.Julianna.Ha, Julianna.Happy birthday, Uncle Daniel.Ha-ha-ha.Richard.It\'s my birthday.I have your pictures, Julianna.I have your pictures.We have a present for you.A puzzle? A puzzle, Richard? Not just a puzzle.A puzzle and a pinwheel.A pinwheel! Thank you, Richard.Yes.Orange.Outside? Outside, Richard? You wanna go outside? All right, we\'ll go to, uh, McEIliot\'s.We\'ll walk out there for an ice cream.Ice cream! Oh, no.No, no, we can\'t.Daniel doesn\'t like ice cream.I do like ice cream, Richard.I\'m only kidding.I know you like ice cream.Ahh! You love ice cream.All right, come on.Here you go.Got it? Ah! Here you go. 26

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It\'s my birthday.Lollipop.It\'s my birthday.You like it? Oh! All right, Daniel.Okay, wait, wait.Ice cream.Ice cream.My ice cream.My ice cream.Ugh! It\'s okay.Daniel.Daniel! Daniel! Leave it, I\'ll get y...Ice cream on the floor.Ice cream on the floor.Would you go get him another cone? Yeah.I need ice cream, Richard! It\'s my birthday, Richard.It\'s my birthday! Ice cream, Richard! Ice cream, Richard! Stop! Stop it! I need it! Stop it! Stop it! Here we go.Ice cream! Richard! Okay, okay.I\'ve got some ice cream.Birthday ice cream.That\'s good, Richard.I\'m so sorry.He hasn\'t done anything like that I\'d often heard my father talk about how difficult life was for Daniel.But I never really understood it until now.Yeah, there you go.Heh.Orange.On the walk back, Daniel acted like nothing had happened.Other way.Other way.On the ride home, my dad told me that Uncle Daniel used to live with him and Mom before we were born.But after a while, it became too difficult.When we got home, everything looked the same.But it wasn\'t.Before today, Daniel had always been just a name to me.Now he was part of the family.Hey.Hey.How\'d it go? I\'m glad I went.I\'m glad you went too.Trina, it\'s Sunday.What are you doing mopping the floor? Patty Loski invited us over for dinner Friday night.Shouldn\'t she be mopping her floor? Or did she ask to borrow ours? 27

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Nervous energy.Did she invite all of us? Yes, she did.Even our friend Sal Monella? Richard.Why, after all these years? Well, she said she felt really bad that they hadn\'t invited us before and apparently they want to get to know us better.And you wanna go? Well, she insisted.And I think it would be really nice.All right.We\'ll go.I wasn\'t too thrilled about dinner with the Loskis but I could see it meant a lot to my mother.At school the next day, I couldn\'t seem to concentrate.My thoughts kept running back to Daniel.I wondered what my grandparents had gone through having a son like him when reality interrupted.Bryce Loski likes you.What? He\'s got a big crush on you.What are you talking about? Bryce Loski does not have a crush on me.Oh, yeah? In science, I caught him staring at you.He said it was because there was a bee in your hair.Is that the lamest cover-up or what? Maybe there was a bee.The only bee you\'re attracting is B-R-Y-C-E.I\'m telling you, that boy is lost in love land.Come on.Where? I saw him sneaking off with Garrett.Come on.Are you freaking mental? Juli Baker.You hate her.That\'s what\'s so weird.I don\'t think I do.I can\'t stop thinking about her.You got it bad, man.What do I do? You gotta nip this in the bud.These aren\'t real emotions.They\'re not? You feel guilty because of the egg thing.Yeah, and I insulted her yard. 28

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Exactly.The place is a dump anyways.It\'s not her fault.Her dad\'s got a retarded brother and all their money goes to helping him.A retard? Well, that ought to tell you something.About what? About Juli.What are you saying? The apple doesn\'t fall far from the tree, my friend.Oh, heh.Yeah.Right.Yeah.I\'ll talk to you later.Okay.I\'m sorry.I thought...It\'s okay.It\'s fine.And it was.Because now my confusion was gone.I was sure I no longer liked Bryce Loski.Mom, are you trying to make the Bakers feel totally worthle? I want it to be nice.And why aren\'t you dreed? I\'m going.I wanted to look good for Juli.But I didn\'t want her to think that I wanted to look good for her.It was a fine line.A very fine line.Bryce, they\'re here.Come on down.Coming! Hey, come on in.Come in, come in.I\'m glad you could make it.Lynetta, Steven, company\'s here.Coming! What is this? Homemade pie? Yes, it\'s pecan and blueberry cheesecake.Let\'s take them to the kitchen.Hi, guys.Hey, looking good.This is my dad.Hi, I\'m Lynetta.Hi, nice to finally meet you.Nice to meet you too.My boys are telling me that...Hey, big guy.Hey, Steven.How are you? We should\'ve done this a long time ago.Come on in.This is a cool place. 29

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Yeah, it\'s all right.Come on, I\'ll show you my room.You gotta hear this new song we wrote.It\'s so good.Hi.You look nice.I heard you and Garrett making fun of my uncle in the library.And I don\'t wanna speak to you.Not now, not ever.And I say you can.But what you\'re proposing would require a perpetual-motion machine, so it\'s not poible.If you had two opposite charged poles with a neutral conductor Perpetual motion? Here I was, dying inside, and they were talking about perpetual motion.And how did Juli know about all that stuff? Come on, everybody, dinner\'s ready.Lynetta! Dinner! Juli, can I talk to you? It was wrong, what Garrett said.I know it.Did you know it was wrong when he said it? Yeah.I wanted to punch him.But we were in the library.So instead you just agreed with him and laughed.Yeah.Then that makes you a coward.I had to sit acro from Juli for an entire dinner.My dad was right.We should have barbecued.I just want to say how wonderful it is to have you share a meal with us.May it be the first of many.Wrong pipe.Well, we couldn\'t be happier.We are just all so thrilled to be here.Juli, you did a really nice job on your yard.Thanks.Chet was a big help.Yeah, I know.You gotta tell me your secret. I can\'t get him to do a thing around here.Steven.I kid. 30

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I\'m telling you, the neighborhood is really coming to life.I mean, that new house is taking shape.Which one? You know, the one where they cut down that big ugly tree.I wanted to say that a lot of people liked that tree, but I didn\'t.I didn\'t want to go against my dad.Some people thought that tree was the jewel of the neighborhood.Yeah, well, there\'s no accounting for taste.So, Matt, Mark, Mark, Matt You guys are, uh, gonna be graduating soon, huh? Yeah, thank God.You don\'t like high school? You kidding? No.High school was the best time of my life.Not for us, no.Yeah, we\'ve had enough of that scene.So college is probably out of the question, huh? No, it\'s a poibility.They\'ve actually been accepted at several places already.Yes, they have.Really? Well, that\'s good.But, um, we\'re gonna give music a shot first.Really? Oh, they are very talented.Oh, their band is really bo.They did a bunch of demos and they\'re really cool.Thanks, Lyn.When Steven and I first met, he was playing in a band.You played in a band? He was a wonderful saxophone player.Cool.You still play? Well, I...Well, if you want, you can come jam out with us sometime.Uh, you...No, I mean Heh.That\'s not me anymore.Have you boys ever performed in front of an audience? A lot of times.The more Matt and Mark talked about their musical exploits the quieter my dad got. 31

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He tried to plaster on a smile now and then but underneath he seemed really sad.But my parents didn\'t like him at first.Republicans fought like crazy against the New Deal.The rest of the evening was painle enough.But through it all, Juli didn\'t say a word to me.Never even looked at me.Until she was about to leave.I\'m sorry I was so angry when we first came in.I think everyone had a good time.Your mom was really nice to invite us.See you.Her apology made things worse.Hey, wait for me.I knew I wasn\'t forgiven.It was like I wasn\'t even important enough to hold a grudge against.Well, I think they\'re a delightful family.Those boys were nothing like I expected.I thought they were very nice young men.Hoodlums.What? How you think they can afford all that recording gear? Steven, please.You can\'t just make an accusation like that.Don\'t be so naive, Patsy.Do you know how expensive it is to record a demo? They\'re probably stealing hubcaps, for chriake.You are such an ahole.What is the matter with you? Go to hell.Don\'t you talk to me like that.Steven, stop! Nobody talks to me like that in my own house! Stop! I\'d seen my father angry before, but this was different.As I lay in bed that night I thought about how my dad always looked down on the Bakers.And how he\'d called them trash and made fun of Mr.Baker\'s paintings.And now I realized he was just mad at himself.But why? Juli called me a coward. 32

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Was it poible my dad was a coward too? I didn\'t know.What difference did it make? Juli Baker was out of my life.Or, more accurately I was out of hers.As I was getting dreed for the Loskis\' dinner party I found myself staring at the painting my father had given me and became furious all over again.Bryce had never been a friend to me, ever.He hadn\'t taken my side about the tree he\'d thrown away my eggs and he made fun of me at my uncle\'s expense.When my mother called that it was time to go...Juli, let\'s go, we\'re late! I went out with every intention of telling her that I wasn\'t going to the Loskis.Please hold these.I need to check my hair really quickly one more time.Your hair is perfect.Really? But she looked so happy and she\'d gone to so much trouble over the pies that I couldn\'t.Ooh! Oh, my gosh.Oh, God, what a disaster.Okay.Here, hold one, and you hold this.I don\'t wanna hold it.I won\'t have you hold it.Let\'s go, boys.But that didn\'t mean I had to be nice to Bryce.And I don\'t wanna speak to you.Not now, not ever.It felt good to take charge.I felt strong, in control.I told Bryce what I thought and I was determined not to talk to him for the rest of the evening.At dinner it struck me that we were sharing a meal with a group of strangers.We\'d lived acro the street from the Loskis for years but except for Chet, I didn\'t know these people at all.Mr.Loski was clean and smooth on the outside but it seemed like there was something rotten buried just beneath the surface. 33

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By the end of the evening, all I felt was detached, neutral.No fireworks, no leftover anger no flutters, nothing.See you.I went to bed that night feeling peaceful.You okay? Yeah.I was grateful that I had the family I had.And it felt good to no longer care about Bryce Loski.The dinner with the Bakers had taken its toll on me.Then the annual school fundraiser arrived and I found myself with a whole new set of problems.I was a Basketboy.To fully appreciate the humiliation of being a Basketboy you need to know that the chosen few are auctioned off in front of the student body to the highest-bidding females.Yes, technically, each of us comes with a lunch in a basket but let\'s not kid ourselves.This was a beefcake parade.There he is, my idol.One word, you\'re a dead man.No, man, I\'m serious.Listen, you won\'t believe this.What? Two of the hottest chicks are fighting over you.What are you talking about? Sherry is breaking up with Mitch.She and Melanie are having a bidding war over you.I don\'t care.Are you nuts? Sherry dumped Mitch because of you.You\'re my idol.As comforting as it was to be Garrett\'s idol it didn\'t diminish the horror of being Basketboy number nine.And my only hope was that a giant tornado would destroy the school before the event.It was a long shot.Welcome, everyone to this year\'s Mayfield Boosters Club Auction.Once again we are pleased to present of Mayfield\'s finest young men Bryce, Bryce.Bryce. 34

怦然心动_电影台词 英文对照

What are you doing here? Juli\'s in the third row.So? So she\'s got a wad of cash.Bullshit.Bull-true.I saw her counting it by her locker.And now please give a big Mayfield School welcome to your Basketboys.Juli with cash? What did this mean? Was it poible she was gonna bid on me? First up, we have Raymond Hughes.Raymond\'s on the che team and his hobbies include stamp collecting and the yo-yo.Remember, when you bid you\'ll not only be getting the handsome Mr.Hughes you\'ll also be enjoying a lovely chicken-salad sandwich and what looks to be a tasty bean dip, and Oh.Excuse me, onion dip.And a big slice of cherry pie.Okay, who will start the bidding at $? Thus began the bidding.Anybody? Or in Raymond Hughes\' case, the lack of bidding.Very good, here we go.Five.Sold.Ten dollars.Sold.Fifteen.Sold.Come on.Do I hear ? Ten.Ten.Ten.Peanut-butter-and-banana sandwich.Fifteen.Sold for $.Number eight is Eddie Trulock.Eddie is a member of the debate team.Now only Eddie Trulock stood between me and the auction block.I wasn\'t interested in his hobbies or what was in his basket.Let\'s start the bidding at $.All I could think of was Juli.Anybody? What if she did bid on me? 35

怦然心动_电影台词 英文对照

What if she got in a bidding war with Sherry and Melanie and lost out? No bidders? I was contemplating the horrors of this senario when Eight dollars.There you go.Eight dollars, that\'s more like it.Do I hear ? Juli Baker was bidding on Eddie Trulock? Okay, going once.How could she bid on Eddie? Eight going twice.How could she bid on anyone? Sold to Juli Baker.Next is Basketboy number nine, Bryce Loski.I knew I was supposed to step forward, but I couldn\'t move.Step up, Bryce, don\'t be shy.Better late than never.Ha, ha.Bryce likes to play baseball.Five dollars.Oh, well, wait until l Ten.Oh.Well, it appears the bidding is underway.Fifteen.Twenty.Twenty-five.Thirty.Thirty-five.Forty.Fifty.Oh, my.Fifty dollars.Wh Fifty going once.Fifty going twice.Sold to Mi Sherry Stalls for $.An all-time record.Oh, the boosters will be very grateful for such a generous donation.It\'s strange.Here I was, having lunch with the hottest girl in school and I was miserable.We\'re going up to the lake.My dad has a cabin there and you get the most outrageous tan.Because le than feet away from me was Juli.My Juli with Eddie Trulock.She\'s laughing.What was she laughing about? How could she sit there and laugh and look so beautiful? Bryce, are you all right? 36

怦然心动_电影台词 英文对照

What? What are you staring at? Nothing.Lunch is really delicious, Bryce.Bryce, did you hear me? This is a really delicious lunch.Can we not talk about tans or food? Well, what do you wanna talk about? I don\'t know, perpetual motion? Do you know anything about that? Perpetual what? I don\'t know what came over me.It was like I was poeed or something.Juli, I gotta talk to you.What? What\'s going on, Bryce? What are you doing? Bryce, stop it.Bryce, you didn\'t even make it to first base.I\'ll ki you.Ha, ha.Juli! Juli! Juli, wait.Can we talk? Juli! What\'s the matter with you? Leave me alone, Garrett.You get a date with the finest girl on campus and you blow it for Juli.You wouldn\'t understand! I completely don\'t understand! We\'re talking about Juli Baker here.Nightmare neighbor, know-it-all nuisance.The coop-poop babe.Shut up! Hey, have you flipped? What\'s the matter with you? You know what, if you\'re gonna be like this, I don\'t need the aociation.Well, good, because neither do I.Yeah, neither do I! As I walked home with the dirty dishes clanking inside my picnic basket all I could think of was Juli.And I realized Garrett was right about one thing: I had flipped.Completely.Hello? Oh, heh.Hi, Mrs.Baker.Is Juli there? 37

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Oh.I\'m sorry, Bryce.Juli doesn\'t wanna talk.Please, Mrs.Baker.I gotta see her.I\'m sorry, Bryce.But I\'m afraid she\'s locked herself in her room.I tried to go to bed early that night but I couldn\'t sleep.I watched her house from my window for hours.I had to find a way to show her how I felt.Monday morning, as I made my way into school I was deciding which of the Everly Brothers I\'d rather marry when Dana Treler forced Bryce back into my brain.Juli.The list is out.There he is, number nine, your main dish.Bryce Loski\'s not my main dish.Oh, you\'re sticking to your diet.It\'s not a diet, Dana.I\'m over him, okay? I\'m glad to hear it.Because rumor has it Sherry\'s already staking her claim on him.Sherry? Sherry Stalls? Oh, Liz.Macy.The list is up.That afternoon, I found myself obseing about the Basketboy auction.I could feel myself backsliding about Bryce.But why should I care if Sherry liked him? I shouldn\'t even be thinking about him.I had to rise above this.Bryce Loski was no longer in my life.On the morning of the auction, I was on edge.I found myself, without even knowing how it happened, staring at my egg money.I needed a strategy.It was simple.If I left my money at home, I\'d leave temptation with it.My strategy suffered a setback when I ran into Mrs.Steuby.Julianna.Julianna.Hello, dear.I\'m so sorry it\'s taken me so long to get this to you but I keep miing you in the morning. 38

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Mrs.Steuby, I don\'t want that.You don\'t have to...Don\'t be ridiculous.I\'m gonna pay you.I\'m going to pay you.I don\'t want that.I don\'t want it.Yeah, I want you to go out and buy yourself something festive.Pedal pushers.Ha, ha.Mrs.Steuby.Bye, dear.Mrs.Steuby, I don\'t want pedal pushers.No, no.You\'ll look great.It\'s okay.It\'s okay.No big deal.Just pretend like I don\'t have it.I hear you\'re planning to bid on Bryce.What? Who told you that? No, I\'m not.Someone saw you with a wad of cash this morning.How much do you have? It\'s none of your busine.And I\'m not bidding, okay? I don\'t even like him anymore.Oh, that\'ll be the day.It\'s true.Go ahead, waste your money on him.I don\'t care.And now, will you all give a big Mayfield School welcome to your Basketboys.I could say I didn\'t care all I wanted but seeing Bryce walk out in his jacket and tie holding that picnic basket set my head spinning again.Fifteen going once.The auction seemed to fly by.Fifteen going twice.Sold to Macy Taylor for $.Before I knew it, Eddie Trulock was called.Number eight is Eddie Trulock.Which meant Bryce was next.Eddie is a member of the debate team.And his hobbies include fishing and model-airplane building.Who will give me $? Why isn\'t anyone bidding? He\'s so nice.Exactly.Nobody? Eight dollars.Sold to Juli Baker for $.How did this happen? 39

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Was it because I felt bad for Eddie? Or was it because I couldn\'t trust myself with Bryce? As I made my way to the multi-purpose room I contemplated the startling turn of events.Here I was, about to have lunch with Eddie Trulock while the boy I mooned over for half my life was going to share a meal with my mortal enemy.I wanna thank you for bidding on me.It was touch-and-go there for a while.No, I wanted to.This will be fun.I hear you like building model airplanes.Yeah.My father and I just finished a Ruian MiG-.It was made in .MiG\'s first supersonic fighter.Little tricky because the cockpit was receed I tried to give Eddie my full attention.But it was difficult, because Bryce was right behind him.Eddie was saying something about intake valves when out of nowhere, Bryce stood up and marched straight towards me.Hey, Juli, I gotta talk to you.What are you doing? He was going to ki me.To ki me.All my life I\'ve been waiting for that ki.But not like this.Not this way.I pedaled home so hard, I thought my lungs would burst.Julianna? Julianna.Honey? What\'s wrong? I can\'t.Sweetheart you can tell me.Bryce tried to ki me.He did? In school.In front of everybody.Mom, please don\'t get it.It\'s probably him. 40

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Sweetheart maybe you should talk to him.I can\'t.I can\'t.Bryce wouldn\'t leave me alone.He kept calling on the phone.And knocking on the door.He even snuck around the house and tapped on my window.Juli! Please, I gotta see you! Come on out, just for a minute! Why didn\'t he understand that I just wanted to be left alone? Please! After two days, Bryce stopped.And I thought it was finally over.Then, one afternoon, I was coming into the front room to read when I heard a noise in the yard.Hey, what\'s he doing? Juli, calm down.I gave him permiion.Permiion? Permiion for what? He\'s digging a hole.I told him he could.But why? I told him he could.It was torture seeing him dig up my gra.How could my father let him do this? Bryce knew I was there too.He\'s gone.A tree? He\'s planting a tree? Is it a? I didn\'t really need to ask.I could tell from the shape of the leaves and the texture of the trunk.It was a sycamore tree.When she walked out of the door, I thought back to the first time I saw her.How could anybody, ever, have wanted to run away from Juli Baker? He looked at me with those eyes.Those once again dazzling eyes. 41

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And I knew that Bryce Loski was still walking around with my first ki.But he wouldn\'t be for long.As we stood there, I realized that all these years we never really talked.Do you need some help? Yeah.But that day, we started.And I knew we\'d be talking for a long time.














14、《love story》(《爱情故事》):love means you don\'t have to say sorry!













10、we are too young too naive













51talk无忧英语 “平价英语培训”领跑者


福的伴郎致辞就不用多说了,还有其他非常经典的语句,大家可以欣赏一下。欢迎有更多补充,也欢迎大家提出自己的翻译想法~ the thrill of the chase, the blood pumping through your veins, just the two of us against the rest of the world. 追寻罪犯的快感令人血脉喷张,我们两人对阵整个世界。


marriage changes you as a person in ways that you cant imagine. 婚姻会用一种你无法想象的方式改变你。you are married, and then you just let your old friends slip away. 你结婚了,旧的友谊会慢慢淡去。most. 在他眼中那个对我来说最无足轻重的人,其实是对我最重要的人。

john, i am a ridiculous man.redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your 约翰,我是个荒谬的人,却被你的热情和对友谊的忠贞拯救了

(john to mary)

你的过去我不愿过问,那是你的事情;你的未来我希望参与,这是我的荣幸。 (楼主觉得这句实在是写得好。。。) to the very best of times, john. 致那些最好的时光,约翰

真人外教一对一 徐小平老师鼎力推荐篇2:《神探夏洛克》经典语录台词


















——《神探夏洛克》经典语录 爱的承诺,失去的苦楚,赎罪的欢愉。











你在撒谎,你的脉搏跳动速度在加快,你的瞳孔在张大。 ——《神探夏洛克》经典语录




——《神探夏洛克》经典语录 -我只有孤独作伴。孤独能保护我。 -不对,保护我们的是朋友。






别搞英雄崇拜,英雄从来都不存在,即使有,也不包括我。 ——《神探夏洛克》经典语录





1、the thrill of the chase, the blood pumping through your veins, just the two of us against the rest of the world. 追寻罪犯的快感令人血脉喷张,我们两人对阵整个世界。

2、every fairy tale nees a good old-fashioned villain. 每个童话都需要一个经典大反派。

3、you are married, and then you just let your old friends slip away. 你结婚了,旧的友谊会慢慢淡去。

4、in the light of this, these incidents are now being treated as linked. 据此,我们认为这些案件是相互关联起来的。

5、im a consulting detective.only one in the world, i invented the job.means when the police are out of their depth, which is always, they consult me. 我是个“咨询侦探” 世界唯一的。这工作是我发明的。每当警察找不到方向 他们经常都这样,他们会咨询我。

6、im a private detective, the last thing i need is a public image. 我是个私家侦探,我最不需要的就是公众形象。

7、brainy is the new sexy 智慧是性感的新潮流

8、most people? blunder round this city, and all they see are streets and shops and cars.when you walk with sherlock holmes, you see the battlefield. 这城市大多人都庸庸碌碌,眼中只有繁华街肆 车来人往。与夏洛克·福尔摩斯同行,你却能看到战场。

9、i cant turn it on and off like a tap. 聪明又没有龙头可开关。

10、anderson, dont talk out loud.you lower the iq of the whole street. 安德森,别大声说话,你拉低了整条街的智商

11、anderson, face the other way.you are putting me off. 安德森,转过脸去。你妨碍我(思考)了。

12、to the very best of times, john. 致那些最好的时光,约翰。

13、listen.this is my hard drive, and it only makes sense to put things in there that are useful.really useful. 听着,(大脑)这是我的硬盘,只有放入非常有用的东西才有意义。

14、do you know the big problem with a disguise,mr holmes? however hard you try, its always a self-portrait.i think youre damaged, delusional and believe in a higher power.in your case, its yourself. 你知道化装术的最大弱点在哪吗?不管多么努力都只能描绘出一幅自画像。我觉得你深受创伤妄自尊大,崇尚某种强力。对你来说,那就是你自己。

15、did he offer you money to spy on me?yes.did you take it? no.pity, we could have split the fee.think it through next time. 他有没出钱让你监视我?没错。收了吗?没有。真遗憾,我们本可以平分。下次想清楚点。

16、i wont insult your intelligence by explaining it to you. 如果给你解释,像是在侮辱你的智商吗?

17、marriage changes you as a person in ways that you cant imagine. 婚姻会用一种你无法想象的方式改变你。

18、well, your arch-enemy, according to him.do people have arch-enemies? 据他说,是你的宿敌。人真会有头号敌人?

19、the one person he thought didnt matter at all to me was the one person that mattered the most. 在他眼中那个对我来说最无足轻重的人,其实是对我最重要的人。

20、john, i am a ridiculous man.redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your friendship. 约翰,我是个荒谬的人,却被你的热情和对友谊的忠贞拯救了。

21、the problems of your past are your busine.the problems of your future are my privilege. 你的过去我不愿过问,那是你的事情;你的未来我希望参与,这是我的荣幸。

22、ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish.that makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters.do you see? 普通人让自己的脑中装满垃圾,所以学习有用的东西就很难。


Kitter 是个贱人。 Kitter is a bitch.Kitter:出什么事?

What happened? 宫洺:下午好,女士们先生们

Good afternoon , ladiers and gentlman


I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you


Joining us here today for


7ths annual shanghai fashion awards 林萧:怎么了?

What happened? Kitter:宫洺现在念的没有一句是我写的

Gong ming has not read anything I’d written 宫洺:在这场展示中,作为客人和亲历者见证了

As a host and witne to the amazing


Young talents in the show 南湘:司机大哥,后面还有送衣服的箱子吗?

Sir ,is there still a case of clothes in the back? 司机:没了,所有的衣服都在这儿了

No ,all the clothes are here 宫洺:

So without any further ado

I present to you the 7ths annual shanghai fashion awards


Thank you so much


I wanted the speech draft


Not a self-introduction Kitter:这就是你给宫先生的

This is what you’d given Mr.Gong


Lin xiao


Lin xiao


Lin xiao 林萧:南湘,你来干嘛呀你,第三个就上台了

Nan xiang ,What are you doing here, you’re third to go on 南湘:林萧,我的衣服不见了

Lin xiao ,my clothes are gone 林萧:什么意思啊,什么叫衣服不见了

What do you mean the clothes are gone 南湘:后台没有我的衣服

My clothes are not backstage


Lin xiao 顾源: 你电话里说衣服没了,是怎么回事

What do you mean on the phone, that the clothes are gone 南湘:我的衣服被遗忘在之前那个秀场没有带来

My clothes were left at the other stage and I’d forgotten to bring them over


How did this happen? lin xiao rushed out earlier, where did she go 顾里:林萧赶去之前秀场找南湘的衣服了

Lin xiao went to the other stage to look for Nan xiang’s clothes 唐宛如:可是她就是拿来也来不及了啊

But she’ll be back too late


Nan xiang’s up soon 顾里:喂

Hey 林萧:顾里,南湘的衣服我已经找到了

Lily, I’ve found nan xiang’s clothes


But you need to buy me some time 顾里:林萧说她找到了衣服,在赶回去的路上

Lin xiao said she’s found the clothes, and on her way back


I’m going to try to change the order of things


Ruby, wait at the front entrance for lin xiao


Cars can’t come through since the perimenter has been blocked 唐宛如:好

Okay 顾里:我还是跟你去吧,我不放心,但谁去把

I’ll go with you ,I’m worried, but who will 顾源:我去吧

I will go


I’ll go find kitter, and will try to push nan xiang’s order back 顾里:好

Okay 南湘:我跟你们一起去

I’ll go with you


Let’s go ,hurry 顾源:南湘的衣服出了点问题,能把她调到最后吗

There’s been an iue with nan xiang’s clothes ,could you switch her order to last 顾里:喂,林萧,你在哪儿?到了没

Hey ,lin xiao, where are you? here yet 林萧:师傅,还要多久啊

Master, how much longer 司机:小姑娘,前面堵车啦,动不了啦

Litter lidy,there’s a congestion up front,can’t move 林萧:过了这个路口就到了,马上就下高架了

We’ll arrive after this exit then we’ll off the highway 你想想办法把,我求求您了

Please think of something, I beg you


I can’t do anything even if you beg me, see for yourself, I have no other way 顾里:林萧

Lin xiao 林萧:顾里

Lily 顾里:先别哭,赶紧拿衣服走啦

Stop crying first , walk with the clothes 唐宛如:大的给我,你们拿不动

Give me the big one, you can’t carry it 林萧:你们怎么上得高架啊

You how will you get on the highway 顾里:先别废话,警察来了就走不了啦

Stop wasting your breath, we won’t be able to if the crops come 唐宛如:还等什么啊

What are you waiting for


Charge 林萧:快点 快点

Hurry Hurry 顾里:赶上了 赶上了

Made it made it 林萧:赶上了 赶上了

Made it , we made it


Hurry and change Kitter:最后一位设计师的模特已经走完台了

The last designer’s model has finished her appearance 设计师本人在台上谢幕

Get the clothes on the model 顾里:快让模特把衣服穿上

Get the clothes on the model


Hurry 呃


Eh ladies and gentleman ,please wait , please wait 在今天的最后 ,我们还为大家准备了一场神秘压轴大秀 We have prepared a special feature for the end of today’s show 在此之前 Before then 在这之前 Before this 我们有幸邀请到当红偶像作家

We are very lucky to have within us a writing sensation 周崇光先生来为即将登场的神秘演出致辞

Mr .Zhou Chong Guang to speak a few words for the upcoming future 请掌声热烈欢迎

Please give your ware applause 周崇光:说什么

What do I say 顾里:不知道

I don’t know 周崇光:我恨你

I hate you 顾里:不客气

You are welcome 周崇光:

我们活在浩瀚的宇宙里 We live in

universe 满天飘洒的宇宙尘埃和星河光尘 Stardust


We are existences smaller than these 你并不知道生活在什么时候就突然改变了方向

One does not know when life’s direction would change 陷入墨水一般浓稠的黑暗里去 Sunk into a thick darkne like ink 你被失望拖进深渊

Dragged into a deep aby by disappointment 被疾病拉进坟墓 Trapped into a grave by illne 你被挫折践踏得体无完肤

Trampled to pieces by frustration 你被嘲笑被讽刺被讨厌被怨恨被轻视被放弃

You are jeered、mocked、disliked、hated、patronized、abandoned 但我们却总在内心里保留着希望 But we preserved hope in our hearts 保留着不甘心放弃跳动的心

Kept a heart that would not give up beating 我们依然在大大的绝望里小小的努力着

We still make tiny efforts in the midst of great despair 而这种不想放弃的心情

And this feeling of not willing to give up 它成为无边黑暗里的小小星辰

It becomes the specks of starlight in the dark 顾里:周崇光 周崇光:


We’re all small specks of star light



Oh my gad ,there are three more pieces

林萧: 啊 Ah Kity: 南湘让我告诉你们这三件是给你们三个准备的

Nan xiang asked me to tell you these three were prepared for you three 南湘:


My inspiration comes from the girls around me 他们当中有的觉得自己一辈子只能穿上运动装

One amongst them felt that she would noly fit in a training suit 不会有机会穿上华丽的裙子

And never have chance to wear a glamorous skirt


Some girls seem cold on the outside 但却拥有火焰般的内心

But have a heart that burns like fire 他们拥有最精致的外表和最自信的魅力

They’re all exquisite in appearance and charming in their confidence 永远都是朋友最坚实的依靠

Forever , the sturdiest friends on which one could depend 而有的女孩虽然常常没有自信 All the girls may not always have confidence 但是她们任然朝着未来而努力

However, they continue their efforts toward the future 他们因为梦想而美丽,因为坚持而动人

They are beautiful for their dreams , and touches others with their perseverance 而有的女孩,虽然贫穷 Some girls may be poor 但是依然幻想着在这个残酷的现实中去完成那美丽的梦想

But still believe that they achieve their beautiful dream in the cruel reality 让每一个人都变得更美

This brings out the beauty in everyone 我想为这些女孩设计衣服

I wanted to design clothes for these girls 无论她们平凡或者美艳

Whether they’re ordinary or beautiful 贫穷或者富有 Poor or rich 我都希望她们能够看到,那个美丽的自己 I hope they can see their most beautiful selves 周崇光:

这个女孩很有天赋,我想你应该把她签下来 This girl has a lot of talent ,you should sign her


They still look like young girls 和高中的样子一模一样 Just as they were high school

不 No 他们是成长的更美好了 They are grow to be better







有人还说《小时代》这部影片颠倒了人们的价值观。很多网友就开始埋怨:从开始到结束,影片中的奢侈品层出不暇,限量adidas开场,chanel,LV,Prada,D&G, Burberry,Versace,Hermes闪现其中,限量nike收场。这样的场景,貌似不应该出现在高中时代和大学时代。然而,请大家仔细想想,这是以东方之珠——上海为背景,在到处都飘着铜臭味空气的地方,这些品牌又算什么,这只是社会使然。就像我生活的海滨城市,许多小学生都身着adidas,nike。这并不是他们的过错,只是为了促进经济的快速发展。前年,过年回外婆家——一座秦岭脚下依山傍水的小城,那里有最淳朴,最善良的人们,那里的人们把一些品牌赋予了自己的称呼。他们将nike的标志读作(勾),将特步的标志读作(叉)将adidas的标志读作(三角)将kappa的标志读作(背靠背),将chanel的标志读作(x)……偶尔一次去在天汉大道上闲逛,听着两个小朋友说我要穿nike的,因为它是(勾),不穿特步的,因为它是(叉),我只想要(勾),不要(叉)。曾然,在大山里淳朴的人们心中,这些品牌的标志只是单纯的图标,并不是用来展示地位和炫耀财富的躯壳。因此,我们没有必要在乎电影中的奢侈品品牌,如果你真的那么在乎,只能说明你是缺它们,如果你可以将这些奢侈品都收入囊中,你又怎么会对其评价。



















——题记 这是林萧说过的一句话。































【 现当代文学史作业】



作者: 杨晓音 | 发表时间:2013.07.01























此外,《小时代》的跨界植入式营销还体现在与苏宁易购、“色秀”选美网站,以及Only Lady女性时尚网站的合作等。

另外捆绑销售产品也有体现,在营销的同时发售电影票,而在发售电影票的同时,也实现了营销。 而与LV、七匹狼、汉堡王、一茶一坐等联合营销。和汉堡王的合作在全国70多家直营店配合嘉年华、乐摇活动,在店面派发40万份DM单宣传,提供特殊的优惠配合上映后的宣传。在全国114家一茶一坐,在店内包房台卡宣传,并提供一万份饮品六选一兑换码,凭票到店还可以享受优惠等等。








I will always mi you like a darling.读完三本书,果然我最想说的还是顾里 。


其实我错了。从来都冷静镇定的女王顾里,面对眼前末日般的沉重宣告,终于掉下了她滚烫的眼泪,就像是每天反复回放的如阳残血,黄昏薄暮。当她在父亲的墓地一把扯下自己的假发,露出秋季稀薄而疏黄的头发,流着眼泪对林萧说“我没有乱说”的时候,我终于哭了。尽管在读之前我就已经知道了最后的结局,那时对结局的悲伤,远远比不上我看完这个桥段后的绝望。我美丽的顾里,她把自己的光环一把扯下,露出自己的软弱、丑陋、无奈和绝望,这是我最不愿看到的。因为我会忍不住把我可耻的怜悯、同情给她。因为她是女王,她应该永远都那么容光焕发。 你疼吗?那种能够撕裂一切的炽热火焰,当它们对着你流露

出狂热而疯狂的笑容时,你鲜红的冰凉嘴角,是不是还能勾起一抹如血的微笑呢? 愿天使的柔软双翼,能够抚平你所有的伤痛。愿天国的圣洁荣光,能够成为你最后的纯白棉袍。






林萧。 小说中的女主角,故事以她的生活经历串联在一起。关于她不知道该怎样用语言去描绘,因为她真的太平凡了。

她跟现实中的普通人都有相似的地方,也确实是广大普通群众中的一员。她属于普通小康家庭中一员,没有顾里的高贵与华丽,没有唐宛如的天真活泼,没有南湘美艳的皮囊,它拥有寻常女生的经历和悲喜,拥有小女生的多愁善感,是许多女生青春时代的缩影。 但这些已经足够了,足够让她散发自己的光芒了。


这样的姐妹,也许她们没有顾里的奢侈南湘的美丽林萧的坚强唐宛如的可爱,但你能背得住她们的电话在难受的时候能靠着她们的肩膀哭泣,有能陪哭陪笑陪吵陪闹和随叫随到没有血缘却爱到骨子里的朋友 那么请你一定珍惜,最重要的事是友谊地久天长风风雨雨一起走过的姐妹真的不多这就是林萧 顾里 南湘 唐宛如 顾源 简溪 席城 宫洺 崇光 这就是小时代带给我们这个年龄最美丽的故事!




其中值得提到的是10月1日上午,奥地利维也纳大学法学院院长海因茨•迈耶(Heinz Mayer)、孔子学院院长李夏德(Richard Trappl)来国际学院(苏州研究院)访问考察。








由全国人大常委会法制法室,中国人民大学民研究中心、国际学院(苏东政法大学民法和知识法研究中心、罗马法和心主办,法国驻华大使银行给予支持。论坛由民商事法律科学研究中教授主持。 理论界的沟通,与多所大学广泛交流,尤其是与中国人民大学有着紧密的联系。他指出,人民大学的法学研究一个重要特色就是将学术研究与解决中国实际问题相结合,此次在国际学院召开的国际民法论坛对人格权的研讨也是遵循这一思路。

意大利罗马第一大学Sandro Schipani教授代表中外学者发言,认为此次论坛给各国学者提供了充分的交流机会,希望与会人员在人格权的法律保护方面有所贡献。



第三件事是2010中国人民大学第十届国际文化节的盛大开幕。10月17日,明德广场上洋充满着欢乐热烈的气氛。中国人民大学第十届“Share with you”国际文化节在这里隆重举行。








中国人民大学国际文化节自2001年创办以来已成功举办9届。今年的第十届国际文化节恰逢上海举办世博会,新中国接收外国留学生60周年,中国人民大学命名组建60周年以及人民大学 “十年腾飞”发展规划的提出,因而具有非常特殊的意义。 随着中国人民大学在不断发展中走向世界,国际文化节已成为我校国际性展示的品牌活动之一,受到了越来越多的关注。


中国产经新闻报7月4日报道 (本报记者 毛小北)6月27日,由郭敬明自编自导的电影《小时代》一上映就占据了院线排片榜。全国主要城市院线半小时一场,无论何时都有看不到尾的人在排队,上映首日就创造了排片率45%的新纪录。首日票房达到7300万,创下国内2D电影首日票房新纪录,而与夺人眼球的数据相对应的却是褒贬不一的口碑。






通过这部电影也发现了我们一些导演的浮躁情绪。最近上映的作品许多人看完均表示雷人度太高,或者根本看不明白导演想要表达的意思。 秦镭表示,导演创作时不应该一味迎合观众口味,而更应该在故事情节设计与拍摄手法上下功夫。不要看别人拍电影赚钱,那么我也拍或者靠雷人来博票房。最后当人们都看腻了,看恶心了,同一题材电影不再赚钱了的时候再去想我们是不是该拍些自己的东西了。




采写_ 本刊记者 刘倩




















































就算电影是更通向大众的艺术和商品,但跟文学相比,形态和历史属性大体上也不会相差太多,以电影《小时代》问世为标志,年轻畅销书作家趟过了娱乐圈的河水,但导演郭敬明不会超过作家郭敬明几步远的,他还是那个聪明得志又一次抓住赚钱机会的商人,且仅此而已。 文_朱白

人民日报系列评论评\"小时代\" :过度浮夸不接地气


在全球电影观众趋向“低龄化”的背景下,青年观众无疑会成为未来中国电影的主力观众。这样的受众势必会影响到电影的创作趋向,他们的观影需求值得关注、引导。我们刊登三篇立场不同的文章,对“大数据”时代的“小时代”现象进行辨析,希望有关电影的讨论能够回归理性,回归不断开放包容的中国电影的“大时代”。——编 者


刘 阳



2013年6月,中国社会科学院发布2013年《中国新媒体发展报告》称,截至2012年底,中国网民数量达到5.64亿人,青少年已经成为这个时代的绝对主体和最活跃的用户。与这些现象并行的是,美国人维克托·迈尔·舍恩伯格所著《大数据时代》一书在中国掀起了一场“大数据”讨论热潮,大数据成为人们思维方式、生产方式和生活方式的基础和依据。 依据《大数据时代》所说的思维逻辑——“大数据”改变了我们的思维方式,《小时代》就是“互联网时代的电影”。它的故事发生在互联网时代的主要用户群中,它在上映前就在网络上引发大讨论,而它的目标受众正是这些大讨论、点击率和数据流最主要的制造者——十几二十岁的青少年。在对这些数据进行充分分析的基础上,《小时代》获得了最精准的市场定位和制作、营销策略,这使它有效地避免了许多电影在面对市场时“眉毛胡子一把抓”的荒腔走板。或者说,它的生产制作和营销推广流程从一开始就是与绝大多数国产影片的做法倒置的,贯穿其中的理念也是与许多电影相左的,它活灵活现地演绎了一部电影在“大数据时代”的生存之道。




“炫”,九零后的青春表达 李智勇



姑且称之为“炫青春”。这是人类进入到消费时代,都市青少年掌握了一定的物质支配能力之后,在消费欲望、个体意识崛起、青春骚动的混合驱使下,展现出的青春形态。 何为“炫青春”?电影中借专栏作家的演讲点出来:世界是个浩渺的宇宙,我们是发出微弱的光的小星球。发光者,炫也。把自己的青春展现出来、表演出来、燃烧出来,把自己的个性喊出来!


用这种眼光看《小时代》,才能读懂:在都市中心纯用玻璃搭建出一座大房子,到处都是名牌走秀,带着墨镜的保镖烘托出又帅又酷的老板„„这些“大叔”们觉得幼稚、浅薄的构造,为何能打动少年的心,让他们热血沸腾。因为电影中,郭敬明给他了解的人群量身打造了他们理解甚至渴望的梦,这个梦,炫极了。这时候,一切浮夸、做作、浅薄似乎变成了可以接受的。 这种炫青春有没有问题?有问题。正视物欲,难免陷入拜物教;追求当下燃烧,忽略燃料沉积,其焰必弱„„但是,青春心态也是客观存在的反映,他们对炫青春的拥戴,用浅显的道德说教都无法消弭。我们只有用历史研究者“理解之同情”之法进乎其中,尊重少年的心理,跟着游,才能想办法给我们的炫子弟暗暗递上一些不炫、但关乎深远的养料。但这是下一步的事。第一步,是要挖掘炫的正价值,试着去欣赏“想唱就唱,我最闪亮”哲学。 商业包装的伪理想 任姗姗




罗马不是一天建成,《小时代》也非石头缝里蹦出来。尽管这是郭敬明的第一部导演作品,但当他选择用影像语言重构这一畅销青春文学时,就注定指向今天。就像当年很多文学评论家面对销量过百万册的《小时代1.0折纸时代》所评价的:“图书销量并不代表作品质量和文学含量”。放在电影里,这同样是一句真理,“票房当然不代表影片质量和艺术含量”。 但很多观众还是买账。因为《小时代》给了他们现实中喜欢或者追求的东西——华服、秀场、跑车、奢侈品以及不被束缚的自由叛逆。因而电影从一开始就是为这些消费者量身打造的。至于其他,根本不在讨好之列。因为这些观众大多属于青少年,电影才会引发关于价值观误导的争议。一部电影真能毁掉青年的价值观吗?假如,我们放眼望去,用浏览代替阅读,用拼贴代替叙事,用传播代替创作,用虚浮代替责任,用商业代替文化„„几乎蔓延成这个时代的通病。《小时代》是芸芸众生中的一个,它放大了吸引眼球的商业元素,而躲避了青年偶像的责任担当。《小时代》当然会成为一个经典的商业案例,但这又何尝不是对电影的另一种背负危险元素的超载?我的担心是,脱去了那件缀满所谓“理想、个性”的华丽外衣,《小时代》的“贴地飞行”能持续多久?随着粉丝们长大成人,“小时代”与粉丝的“喂养”关系还能持续多久?

中国电影产业的井喷,中国电影与世界文化的交融,必然带来生产方式、话语表达的转变。《小时代》走在了风口浪尖,它所引发的社会现象,值得我们反思。(《 人民日报 》2013年07月04日24 版))












9、《天堂电影院》:每天呆在这里,会把这里当成是全世界,不再追寻,不再拥有,你 得离开一阵子。

10、《闻香识女人》:如今我走到了人生的十字路口,我知道哪条路是对的,但我从不走, 为什么,因为妈的太苦了。

11、《辛德勒的名单》:什么是权力,当一个人犯了罪,法官依法判他死刑,这不叫权力, 这叫正义;而当一个人同样犯了罪,皇帝可以判他死刑,也可以不判他死刑,于是赦免 了他,这就叫做权力。

12、《英雄本色》:我等这个机会等了三年,不是为了证明我比别人强,只是要证明我失 去的东西,我一定要夺回来。

13、《云上的日子》:走得太快,把灵魂丢掉,应该停下来等一等,等灵魂追赶上我们的 步伐。


15、《江湖》:说了你又不听,听了你又不懂,懂了你又不做,做了你又做错,错了你又 不改,改了你又不服,不服你又不说











5、云上的日子 (苏菲玛索)

























第18篇:百万英镑 餐厅 里电影台词

Proprietor:That one\'s reserved.This way,please.Take this gentleman\'s order,Horace.Henry: I\'ll have some ham and eggs,and a nice big juice steak with all the trimmings ,and make it extra thick.Waiter:It\'ll cost a tidy bit.Henry:That\'s understood.And a long cool tankard of ale.Er ...Waiter,Same thing again ,please.Waiter:Again? Henry:That\'s right .And fill that up.Anything wroing? Waiter: No,No,sir.HE\'s asked for another portion.Ale and all.Proprietor: Do you think he can pay? Maggie:We\'ll have to chance it.Proprietor :Serve him,Horace.But don\'t spare the gristle.Waiter: Ham ,eggs,steak,potatoes,beans,carrots tiwce.Trifle,Cheese,Coffee.Two quarts of ale.Three and tenpence.Henry: Thank you .Would you mind waiting just a few minutes? Waiter: What\'s there to wait for? Proprietor:All right,Horace! Henry: That was a wonderful meal.You konw ,it\'s amazing how much pleasure you get out of simple things ...If have had to get along without them for a while .Proprietor: Very intresting .And now perhaps if you\'d pay the bill,I could attend to the other customers.Henry: That clock of yours ,is it correct ? Proprietor: If anything ,it\'s fast.Henry: It\'s fast? How fast? Customer:Two minutes.Henry: Oh ,thank you .Proprietor: Now ,I don\'t wish to be unpleasant,but would please settle the bill? Henry: I want to...But you see...Proprietor:The bill,please.Henry: Yes ,I konw ,the bill.Proprietor: Exactly.Henry: Well ,I don\'t suppose a couple of minutes will make any difference. Er...I\'m awfully sorry ,but I don\'t have anything smaller.Proprietor:Well ...Well....er.....er....just one moment .Maggie ,DO you think it\'s real? Maggie: Ask Mr.Clements.Proprietor: Mr.Clements...er....Mr.Clements.Mr.Clements: What\'s it ? Proprietor: Would you mind just looking at this ? Do you think it is genuine? Mr.Clements: Two notes of this denomination have been iued,but in any case it\'s hardly likely to be a forgery.Maggie: Why not ? Mr.Clements: It would draw too much attention to the owner .No forger want that .Maggie:But look at the owner ,Mr.Clements,he is in rags! Mr.Clements: I can only aume he\'s a eccentric millionaire.Proprietor: An eccentric millionaire! Maggie: ANd you put him at the back of the room.Go and attend to him at once.Proprietor: I\'m sorry ,sir,I cannot change the note.Henry: Oh, but it is all I have on me.Proprietor:All! Oh,please don\'t worry,sir.It\'s of no consequence.No consequence at all.We are most gratified you should so much as step foot inside our little establishment .Indeed, sir ,I trust you will come here whenever you are seeking peace and quiet .Henry: Well,that\'s very good of you.Proprietor: Good,sir?It\'s good of you ,sir.You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like.The mere honour of your presence is a reward in itself.Henry: I may not be paing this way for quite a while.Proprietor: It would be a very poor thing ,sir.If I couldn\'t trust a gentleman as rich as yourself,sir.Even if you do pay larks(joks)...upon the public in the matter of dre.As for the bill,sir.please forget it .It\'s of no consequence.No consequence at all.Henry: Thank you very much.That\'s very nice of you .Proprietor: Oh,it\'s for us to thank you ,sir.And I do ,sir...from the bottom of my heart...
































































