
2022-05-18 来源:台词收藏下载本文


《Memorable Quotes for Bridge to Terabithia》 (仙境之桥/通往特雷比西之桥 的经典台词)

Leslie Burke: Just close your eyes and keep your mind wide open.

Scott Hoager: So I gue you\'re the fastest kid in school now, huh?

[Jee makes a fist at him]

Scott Hoager: It was a joke, dude!

[punches him hard into a wall]

Scott Hoager: Are you nuts?

Leslie Burke, May Belle Aarons, Little Kids: [chanting] Free to pee! Free to pee! Free to pee!

Jee Aarons: Leslie Burke told me to keep my mind wide open.Ms.Edmonds: And she\'s right.With a mind like yours wide open, you could create a whole new world.

Leslie Burke: I seriously do not think God goes around damning people to hell.

Jee Aarons: Why not?

Leslie Burke: He\'s too busy making all this!

Bill Burke: She loved you, you know that?

Leslie Burke: We rule Terabithia, and nothing crushes us!May Belle Aarons: I want my Twinkies, Janice Avery!

Janice Avery: What Twinkies, Twinkie?

Leslie Burke: What if you don\'t have a TV?

All: [laughing]

Leslie Burke: My dad says that TV destroys brain cells.

Scott Hoager: Your dad doesn\'t know anything.We watch TV like every day!

Leslie Burke: I rest my case.

Mrs.Myers: Well then Leslie, you could write a report on something else.

Scott Hoager: Yeah, like how to live in a cave!

Jack Aarons: Your friend Leslie\'s dead.

Jee Aarons: Next time, we should invite Leslie.She\'d like that.

Leslie Burke: [seeing Jee smiling at Ms.Edmonds, bends down] Why don\'t you take a picture, it\'ll last longer.

Jee Aarons: [crying] Is it like the Bible says? Is she going to Hell?

Jack Aarons: I don\'t know everything about God, but I do know he\'s not going to send that little girl to Hell.

Jee Aarons: [sobs] Then I\'m going to Hell, because it\'s all my fault.

Jack Aarons: Don\'t you think that, even for a minute.

Leslie Burke: You are who you areTeddy Roosevelt.

Jack Aarons: She brought you something special when she came here, didn\'t she? That\'s what you hold onto.That\'s how you keep her alive.

Jee Aarons: It\'s just that you\'re a good builder...for a girl.Leslie Burke: Yeah, well, you\'re pretty good at art...for a boy!Jee Aarons: Okay, okay, truce.

Leslie Burke: [Je tries to hand Leslie the fake letter to Janice Avery] You have to write it.No offense but boys\' handwriting sucks!

[last lines]

May Belle Aarons:Terabithia!

Leslie Burke:I\'ll call you Prince Terrian, P.T.for short.May Belle Aarons: Hey, look! I got some Twinkies!

Jee Aarons: I\'d be quiet about those Twinkies, May Belle.May Belle Aarons: You\'re just jealous cause I got some and you didn\'t.

Jee Aarons: Whatever.Just don\'t come running to me when you lose them.

May Belle Aarons: I\'m gonna eat em, not lose em.

Jee Aarons: [squogres come] Where are the Terabithian warriors when you need em?

Leslie Burke: I don\'t know!

Jee Aarons: [Terabithian warrior comes] Great! Now there\'s three of us!

Gary Fulcher: Dead meat.

Leslie Burke: [speaking about the Bible] You have to believe it, and you hate it.I don\'t have to believe it, and I think it\'s beautiful.

Mrs.Myers: When my husband died, people kept telling me not to cry.People kept trying to help me to forget.But I didn\'t want to forget...So I realize, that if it\'s hard for me, how much harder it must be for you.

Mrs.Myers: If any of you try to download an eay off of the internet, you will be downloaded into detention.

Leslie Burke: ...I check my air.I don\'t have as much time as I need to see everything, but that is what makes it so special.Jee Aarons: [to Leslie about going into the bathroom to talk to Janice Avery] What\'s the matter? A girl who can stand up to a

giant troll is afraid of some dumb eighth grader?

Jee Aarons: Oh, no, look: the Scrogere and the Hairy Vulture.Leslie Burke: And the guy who can stand up to a Scrogere...is afraid of a Hoagar?

Jee Aarons: [pauses, then walks up to Ms.Edmunds\'s car] Ms.Edmunds?

Ms.Edmonds: [gasps] He speaks!

May Belle Aarons: Je, Je! I called you three times - it\'s your girlfriend.



A painting is more than the sum of its parts.A cow by itself is just a cow.A meadow by itself is just gra, flowers.And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light.But you put them all together and it can be magic.一幅画不是众多物件简单拼凑而成的。牛只是一头牛,草地也只有青草和鲜花,而穿过树枝的阳光也仅仅只是一束光,但如果将它们放到一起,就会产生魔一般的魅力。

The higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view.


Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink.And some days they were a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds on the horizon.It was during one of those sunsets that my father\'s idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart.


Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road.有时起初的隐忍可以避免一路的疼痛。

Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in glo.But every once in a while you find someone who\'s iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.



The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped.It was those eyes, something in those dazzling eyes.见到布莱斯·罗斯基的第一天,我心动了。他的双眸有种魔力让我如痴如醉。

The next thing I know, he\'s holding my hand and looking right into my eyes.My heart stopped.Was this it? Would this be my first ki?


Sherry Stalls was nothing but a whiny, goipy, backstabbing flirt.All hair and no substance.And there she was holding hands with Bryce.My Bryce.The one who was walking around with my first ki.


- And she\'s been stalking me since the second grade.

- Well, a girl like that doesn\'t live next door to everyone.

- 她从二年级起就老是缠着我。

- 这种女孩可是可遇不可求的。

One’s character is set at an early age.I\'d hate to see you swim out so far you can\'t swim back.从小看到老,我可不愿看到你做边城浪子回不了头。

The way she talked about what it felt like to be up in that tree to be held above the earth, brushed by the wind.Who in junior high talks like that? This weird feeling started taking over in the pit of my stomach and I didn\'t like it.


The apple doesn\'t fall far from the tree.


And I realized Garrett was right about one thing: I had flipped.Completely.





Selected Scene 1


Rose: Hello, Jack.I changed my mind, Theysaid you might be up here.


Jack: Xu, Give me your hand.Now close youreyes, go on! Now step up.Now, hold on to the railing.keep your eyes closed.Don\'t peak.


Rose: I\'m not.


Jack: Step up onto the railing.Hold on,hold on.keep your eyes closed.Do you trust me?


Rosa: I trust you.


Jack: All right, open your eyes.


Rose: I\'m flying.Jack.


Jack guides Rose to the front of the ship,where he has her stand on the bow of the ship with her hands outstretched.Shefeels like she is flying.Jack puts her arms around her and they ki for thefirst time.



The music plays:


Every night in my dreams,


I see you, I feel you.


That is how I know you go on.


Far acro the distance and spaces betweenus.

越过千山, 涉过万水,

You have come to show you go on.


Near, far, wherever you are,


I believe that the heart does go on.


Once more, you open the door,


And you\'re here in my heart,


And my heart will go on and on.


Love can touch us one time and last for alifetime


And never let go till we\'re gone.


Love was when I loved you,


One true time I hold to.


In my life we\'ll always go on.


Selected Scene 2


Jack and Rose drift in the black water.Jack is clinging to the piece of wood that Rose is lying on.


Rose: It\'s getting quiet.


Jack: It\'s going to take\'em a couple ofminutes to get the boats organized..I don\'t know about you, but I intend towrite a strongly worded letter to the White Star Line about all this.


Rose: I love you, Jack.


Jack: No...Don\'t you do that.Don\'t sayyour good-byes.Not yet.Do you understand me?


Rose: I\'m so cold.


Jack: Listen, Rose.You\'re going to get outof here.You\'re going to go on and you\'re going to make lots of babies andyou\'re going to watch them grow and you\'re going to die an old lady, warm inyour bed.Not here.Not this night.Not like this.Do you understand me?


Rose: I can\'t feel my body.



Mrs.Bingley: Lady Bathurst is redecorating her ballroom in the French style.A little unpatriotic don’t you think?

Footman: Mi Elizabeth Bennet.

B: Good lord, Mi Elizabeth, did you walk here?

Elizabeth: I did.I’m so sorry.How is my sister?

D: She’s upstairs.

Elizabeth: Thank you.

B: My goodne, did you see her hem? Six inches deep in mud.She looked positively in mediaeval.

Jane: I feel such a terrible imposition.They’re being so kind to me.

Elizabeth: I don’t know who is more pleased at your being here, Mama or Mr.Bingley.(knocking…) Thank you for tending to my sister so diligently.She is far better comfort than at home.

C: It’s a pleasure.I mean, it’s not a pleasure that she’s ill.Of course not.It’s pleasure that she’s here, being ill.

E’s dad: Not going to be famous, our pig.Black on the back, but not related to the learned pig of Norwich.Now that pig is…

E’s mum: Mr.Bennet.It’s all going to plan.He’s half in love with her already.

E’s dad: Who is, bloom?

E’s mum: Mr.Bingley.He doesn’t mind that she hasn’t a penny.He has more than enough for the two of them.

E’s sister: How will we meet them? Easy.

E’s mum: Wait for me.

E’s sister: You drop something.They pick it up.And then you’re introduced.Officer.

B: You write uncommonly fast, Mr.Darcy.

Mr.Darcy: You are mistaken.I write rather slowly.

Mrs.Bingley: How many letters you must have occasion to write, Mr.Darcy.Letters of busine too.How odious I should think them.D: It is fortunate, then, they fall to my lot and not yours.

B: Do tell your sister I long to see her.

D: I’ve already told her once by her desire.

B: I do dote on her.I was quite in raptures at her beautiful little design for a table.

D: Perhaps you will give me leave to defer your raptures till I write again.Present I have not room enough to do them justice.C: What I think it’s amazing you young ladies have the patience be so accomplished.

B: What do you mean, Charles.

C: You paint tables, play the piano and embroider cushions.I never heard of a young lady, but people say she’s accomplished.The word is indeed applied too liberally.I cannot boast of knowing more than half a dozen women that are truly accomplished.

B: Nor I.Could be sure.

Elizabeth: Goodne, you must comprehend a great deal in the idea.

D: I do

B: Absolutely.She must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing and the modern languages to deserve the word.And something in her air and manner of walking.

D: And she of course must improve her mind by extensive reading.

Elizabeth: I’m no longer surprised at your knowing only six accomplished women.I rather wonder at you knowing any.

D: Are you so severe on your own sex?

Elizabeth: I never saw such a woman.She would certainly be a fearsome thing to behold.

C: hahahhahaha

B: Mi Elizabeth, let us take a turn about the room.It’s refreshing, is it not, after sitting so long in one attitude.

Elizabeth: It is a small kind of accomplishment, I suppose.

B: Will you not join us, Mr.Darcy

D: You can only have two motives, Caroline, and I would interfere with either.

B: What can he mean?

Elizabeth: The surest way to disappoint him would be to ask him nothing about it.

B: Do tell us, Mir Darcy.

Mir Darcy: Either you are in each other’s confidence, and you have secret affairs to discu or you are conscious that your figures, appear to the greatest advantage by walking.In the first, I should get in your way, if the second, I can admire you much better from here.B: shocking.How shall we punish him for such a speech?

Elizabeth: We could laugh at him.

B: Oh no, Mr.Darcy is not to be teased.

Elizabeth: Are you too proud, Mr.Darcy? And would you consider pride a fault or a virtue?

D: That I couldn’t say.

Elizabeth: Cause we are doing our best to find a fault in you.

D: Maybe I find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others or their offences against me.My good opinion, once lost, is lost forever Elizabeth: Oh dear, I cannot tease you about that.What a shame, for I dearly love to laugh.

B: A family trait I think.

Footman:A Mrs.Bennet, a mi Bennet, a mi Bennet and a mi Bennet, Sir.

B: Are we to receive every Bennet in the country?

E’s sister: What an excellent room you have, sir.

E’s mum: Such expensive furnishings, I do hope you intend to stay here, Mr.Bingley

C: Absolutely, I find the country very diverting, don’t you agree, Darcy?

DARCY: I find it perfectly adequate, even if society is a little le varied than in town.

MRS BENNET: Le varied? Not at all! We dine with four and twenty families of all shapes and sizes.Sir William Lucas, for instance, is a very agreeable man.A good deal le self-important than some people of half his rank.

Lydia: Mr.Bingley, is it true that you have promised to hold a ball here at Nether field?

C: A ball?

Lydia: It would be an excellent way to meet new friends.You could invite the militia.They are excellent company.

Kitty: Oh, do hold a ball.

Elizabeth: Kitty!

C: When your sister has recovered you shall name the day.

Mary: I think a Ball is a perfectly irrational way to gain new acquaintance.It would be better if conversation instead of dancing were the order of the day.

B: Indeed much more rational but rather le like a ball.

Elizabeth: Thank you, Mary.

E’s m: What a fine imposing place to be sure, is it not, my dears? There\'s no house to equal it in the county.

Jane Bennet: Mr Darcy.

Mr Darcy: Mi Bennet.

E’s m: There she is.

Jane Bennet: Mr.Bennet, I don\'t know how to thank you.

C: You\'re welcome any time you feel the least bit poorly.

Elizabeth Bennet: Thank you for your stimulating company.It has been most instructive.

Mi Bingley: Not at all.The pleasure is all mine.

Mi Bingley: Mr.Darcy.

Mr Darcy: Mi Elizabeth.

Lydia Bennet: And then there was one with great long lashes, like a cow.Did you see you.

Mrs Bennet: Ask Mrs Hill to order us a sirloin, Betsy.Just the one, mind.We\'re not made of money.

Mr.Bennet: I hope, my dear, you\'ve ordered a good dinner today.I\'ve reason to expect an addition to our family party.

Elizabeth: His name\'s Mr.Collins, the dreaded cousin.

Mi Lucas: Who is to inherit?

Elizabeth: indeed everything.

Mary: Even my piano stool belongs to Mr Collins.

Mi Lucas: When?

Elizabeth: He may turn us out of the house as soon as he pleases.

Mi Lucas: but why?

Elizabeth: Cause the estate paes directly to him and not to us poor females.


Welcome Party for Seminar on Tropical Fruit and Vegetable Planting and Proceing Technology for Developing Countries

F: Distinguished leaders, honourable guests and dear friends, good evening. W: Good evening.F: First of all, welcome all of you to China, a nation which always welcome friends from near and afar.W: Yes, Welcome all of you to Hainan, a province which is the southernmost, the most beautiful and the only tropical province in China.

F: To the countries of our distinguished guests here today, the climate, the soil and the agricultural products are quite the same with them in Hainan.Right? So, we have a lot to communicate, to learn and to exchange.W: Yes, I think your stay here must will be fruitful and meaningful.(F: Then, let\'s welcome **, *****, to deliver a welcome speech to our distinguished guests. W: Welcome.F: Thank you **.W: Thanks for your warm and sincere speech.) F: No more words, I think our friends can\'t wait to see the programmes.W: Ok, It is party time.Please welcome our first two performers, they bring us with a dance \"The Wondrous Night of a puppet\".F: Let\'s welcome. 1-2 F: Wonderful.It\'s not only a wondrous night of a puppet, but also a wondrous night of all of us today.W: Yes, my friends, speak of Chinese Kung fu, who would you think of? F-Bruce Lee? W-Yes, Bruce is definitely a kung fu master.(imitate) F- Bruce Lee has a unique weapon, you know that? W- His Fists? F- No, it’s a weapon made of two sticks.We call it Nunchaku.W- So next, why don’t we invite our own kung fu master here to give everybody a Nunchaku performance?

*W-Is anybody excited about this Nunchaku? Does anybody want to have a try? F-We have an excellent teacher here to teach you some easy tricks.

W-Come on, anybody want to be Bruce Lee? 2-3 W: Have you ever been to Mongolia or Inner Mongolia in China?

F: No, I haven\'t.But I would like to go there.I like the graland, running horses, blue sky and their elegant dance.

W: Oh, I think you will like next programme because it\'s a Mongolia dance \"Scent of

Milk\" F: Ok.I can\'t wait to see that.Please welcome our performers.

3-4 F: Just like what you said.I like the dance very much.I am sure our guest here like it too.Right?The next performance will be very Chinese.It combines Chinese traditional music, Taichi and calligraphy.I think it will be a feast for you eyes.W: Ok, please welcome our performers with applause. 4-5 W: Do you like it, ladies and gentlemen? F: Does anyone who want to learn Chinese calligraphy and Taichi? Our masters can teach you for free.

F-Hey, Wance, do you know the four quinteence of Chinese culture?

W-You mean the four most important and symbolic things in our culture?

F-Yes, and you have just enjoyed two of them. W-Chinese kung fu and caligraphy?

F-Yes, and what about the other two?

W-Oh, I know, they are traditional chinese medicine and the Peking Opera.

F-Correct.It\'s hard for us to present Chinese medicine to our friends here, but we have this W-wonderful peking opera show tonight.

F-Brilliant!So let\'s welcome *** to bring us a famous piece of Peking Opera!

6.W–Tonight, we’ve enjoyed performances by our talented singers, dancers and musical instrument players.However, I find it difficult to call our next performers singers.

F-Because they don’t actually sing.They make sound of musical instrument without using any actual equipment.All the magic is done by their mouths.

W-It sounds pretty cool.So let’s welcome Feng Zonghao and Fu Shiru to give us a B-Box show.

7.W -Well, fantastic.I can\'t believe that our mouth can give so many kinds of music.

F- Yes.It\'s really amazing.After this, Let’s now appreciate an exotic dance from India.W- Let’s welcome our beautiful performers to give us this magic Indian dance.

8.W–It’s a lovely night indeed.

F- Our friends, do you enjoy tonight’s show?

W-Do you love Hainan?

F -So let us extend our warm welcome to you again by presenting this song with Hainan features.

W- Please welcome Liu Xiaosong and Yu He, and let’s engjoy the song “Welcome to Hainan”!

F- May I invite all our fiends here to come up stage and enjoy the song and dance together?

结束:W-What a nice evening, and what lovely friends we’ve got here.F- Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m afraid we have to say goodbye tonight, but our friendship will last forever! W- We hope you enjoy every minute of your stay in Hainan and bring home with you happy memories.

F- Goodbye and goodnight!

附:节目单 中文


主持人:邵天天 王梦斌







三、蒙古舞《乳香飘》 Mongolia Dance “Scent of Milk”



表演者:白瑶 朱婷 甘武源 王安德等


五、京剧《智取威虎山》 Peking Opera “Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy”







表演者:杨泽琳 徐爱娟 林芳蝶等

八、歌曲《请到天涯海角来》 表演者:刘晓颂



Hosts: Flora & Wance

1.Dance “Wondrous Night of a Puppet”

Performers: Hu Rong, Gao Dan

2.Song “Nothing in the World”

Performers: Shao Yao, Song Zhizhu

3.Monocycle Performance

Performer: Xu Chuanhao

4.The charm of Chinese music, Taichi and calligraphy Performers: Bai Yao, Zhu Ting, Gan Wuyuan, Wang Ande

5.Indian Dance “Magic”

Performers: Yang Zelin, Xu Aijuan, Lin Fangdie


Performers: Feng Zonghao, Fu Shiru

7.Nunchaku Performance Performer: Liu Lingyu

8.Claical Dance “The Admiration” Performer: Huang Ting

9.Song “Welcome to Hainan”

Performers: Liu Xiaosong, Yu He

Troupe of Art, Hainan Universit


Welcome Party for Seminar on Tropical Fruit and Vegetable Planting and

Proceing Technology for Developing Countries

F: Distinguished leaders, honourable guests and dear friends, good evening.W: Good evening.

F: First of all, welcome all of you to China, a nation which always welcome friends from near and afar.

W: Yes, Welcome all of you to Hainan, a province which is the southernmost, the most beautiful and the only tropical province in China.

F: To the countries of our distinguished guests here today, the climate, the soil and the agricultural products are quite the same with them in Hainan.Right? So, we have a lot to communicate, to learn and to exchange.

W: Yes, I think your stay here must will be fruitful and meaningful.

(F: Then, let\'s welcome **, *****, to deliver a welcome speech to our distinguished guests.W: Welcome.

F: Thank you **.

W: Thanks for your warm and sincere speech.)

F: No more words, I think our friends can\'t wait to see the programmes.

W: Ok, It is party time.Please welcome our first two performers, they bring us with a dance \"The Wondrous Night of a puppet\".

F: Let\'s welcome.


2F: Wonderful.It\'s not only a wondrous night of a puppet, but also a wondrous night of all of us today.

W: Yes, my friends, speak of Chinese Kung fu, who would you think of?

F-Bruce Lee?

W-Yes, Bruce is definitely a kung fu master.(imitate)

F- Bruce Lee has a unique weapon, you know that?

W- His Fists?

F- No, it’s a weapon made of two sticks.We call it Nunchaku.

W- So next, why don’t we invite our own kung fu master here to give everybody a Nunchaku performance?

*W-Is anybody excited about this Nunchaku? Does anybody want to have a try?

F-We have an excellent teacher here to teach you some easy tricks.

W-Come on, anybody want to be Bruce Lee?


3W: Have you ever been to Mongolia or Inner Mongolia in China?

F: No, I haven\'t.But I would like to go there.I like the graland, running horses, blue sky and their elegant dance.

W: Oh, I think you will like next programme because it\'s a Mongolia dance \"Scent of


F: Ok.I can\'t wait to see that.Please welcome our performers.


4F: Just like what you said.I like the dance very much.I am sure our guest here like it too.Right?The next performance will be very Chinese.It combines Chinese traditional music, Taichi and calligraphy.I think it will be a feast for you eyes.

W: Ok, please welcome our performers with applause.


5W: Do you like it, ladies and gentlemen?

F: Does anyone who want to learn Chinese calligraphy and Taichi? Our masters can teach you for free.

F-Hey, Wance, do you know the four quinteence of Chinese culture?

W-You mean the four most important and symbolic things in our culture?

F-Yes, and you have just enjoyed two of them.

W-Chinese kung fu and caligraphy?

F-Yes, and what about the other two?

W-Oh, I know, they are traditional chinese medicine and the Peking Opera.

F-Correct.It\'s hard for us to present Chinese medicine to our friends here, but we have this W-wonderful peking opera show tonight.

F-Brilliant!So let\'s welcome *** to bring us a famous piece of Peking Opera!

6.W–Tonight, we’ve enjoyed performances by our talented singers, dancers and musical instrument players.However, I find it difficult to call our next performers singers.

F-Because they don’t actually sing.They make sound of musical instrument without using any actual equipment.All the magic is done by their mouths.

W-It sounds pretty cool.So let’s welcome Feng Zonghao and Fu Shiru to give us a B-Box show.

7.W -Well, fantastic.I can\'t believe that our mouth can give so many kinds of music.

F- Yes.It\'s really amazing.After this, Let’s now appreciate an exotic dance from India.W- Let’s welcome our beautiful performers to give us this magic Indian dance.

8.W–It’s a lovely night indeed.

F- Our friends, do you enjoy tonight’s show?

W-Do you love Hainan?

F -So let us extend our warm welcome to you again by presenting this song with Hainan features.

W- Please welcome Liu Xiaosong and Yu He, and let’s engjoy the song “Welcome to Hainan”!

F- May I invite all our fiends here to come up stage and enjoy the song and dance together?

结束:W-What a nice evening, and what lovely friends we’ve got here.

F- Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m afraid we have to say goodbye tonight, but our friendship will last forever!

W- We hope you enjoy every minute of your stay in Hainan and bring home with you happy memories.F- Goodbye and goodnight!





主持人:邵天天 王梦斌






三、蒙古舞《乳香飘》 Mongolia Dance “Scent of Milk”



表演者:白瑶 朱婷 甘武源 王安德等


五、京剧《智取威虎山》 Peking Opera “Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy”






表演者:杨泽琳 徐爱娟 林芳蝶等




Hosts: Flora & Wance

1.Dance “Wondrous Night of a Puppet”

Performers: Hu Rong, Gao Dan

2.Song “Nothing in the World”

Performers: Shao Yao, Song Zhizhu

3.Monocycle Performance

Performer: Xu Chuanhao

4.The charm of Chinese music, Taichi and calligraphy

Performers: Bai Yao, Zhu Ting, Gan Wuyuan, Wang Ande

5.Indian Dance “Magic”

Performers: Yang Zelin, Xu Aijuan, Lin Fangdie


Performers: Feng Zonghao, Fu Shiru

7.Nunchaku Performance

Performer: Liu Lingyu

8.Claical Dance “The Admiration”

Performer: Huang Ting

9.Song “Welcome to Hainan”

Performers: Liu Xiaosong, Yu He

Troupe of Art, Hainan Universit


1.一个人一生可以爱上很多的人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白以前的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。——《分手信》 2.《最強囍事》經典台詞:1.你問我愛你值唔值得,其實你應該知道,愛就係唔問值得與唔值得。2.愛一個人就係相信自己可以比佢最大既幸福!3.我要你知道,係呢個世界上總有一個人係等緊你既,無論咩時候,無論係咩地方,反正你知道,總有呢一個人。只有你可以比我任性。4.愛情無高唔高攀得起,只有愛同唔愛 3.有时候根本无法选择自己去做一个什么样的人。——《黑暗边缘 . 4.我恋爱了,我很痛苦,但我想一直痛苦下去。我以前喜欢你,将来也喜欢你。——《向左爱 向右爱》 5.我本来以为很了解自己。有些东西可以培养,靠时间拉近。现在发现,时间可以把人拉近,也可以把人推得更远。好感不能代替一切?——《非诚勿扰2》 6.do what you love, fuck the rest.做你最想做的,其他都是扯蛋!——《阳光小美女》 7.真正的吃惊表情转瞬即逝,超过一秒钟便是假装的。——《别对我说谎》 8.世界上最远的距离,不是生与死;也不是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你;而是明明彼此相爱,却不能够在一起。 ——《情癫大圣》 9.我们还是不要在一起了,但这并不代表我不爱你。im sorry , but i love you .——《暹罗之恋》 10.俺们狐狸爸爸有超强的组织能力,计划能力,协调能力,领导能力,演说能力,侦查能力,文字表达能力,还有超酷的运动天赋和浪漫因子,最牛的是随机应变能力和执行力。你说是不是很了不起?!《了不起的狐狸爸爸》篇二:经典英语台词 one is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music.then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone. 《飞屋环游记》 love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow.when the lamp is off, you will find the shadow everywhere.friend is who can give you strength at last. 《剪刀手爱德华》

i love you not for who you are, but for who i am with you. 《恋夏500天》

love makes man grow up or sink down. 《如果能再爱一次》 if you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down, its called burden-bearing.pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love. 《廊桥遗梦》 we all live in the past.we take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone. 《泰坦尼克号》 one may fall in love with many people during the lifetime.when you finally get your own happine, you will understand the previous sadne is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love. 《初恋50次》 《单身公寓》



don’t forget the things you once you owned.treasure the things you can’t get.dont give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory. 《西雅图夜未眠》 i love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things.only in this way can i know what will not be abandoned by time.for example, when you love someone, changes are all around.then i step backward and watching it silently, then i see the true feelings. 《两小无猜》 good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person. 《冷山》

《天使爱美丽》 is there anyone who hasnt suffered for the secret love? we always think that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing in the world.but one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize that its always light, light.we all thought love was very deep, but in fact its very thin.the deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time. 《附注我爱你》

in this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happine. 《英国病人》 an unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgetting.a badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding. 《返老还童》 i know someone in the world is waiting for me, although ive no idea of who he is.but i feel happy every day for this. 《恋恋笔记本》


《看得见风景的房间》 when you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop.please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us.if the sky is still vast, clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesnt take away the world that belongs to you.篇三:读书报告 分手信英文 the silent love dear john is one of the representative books written by the famous american author whose name is nicholas sparks, and this novel has been adapted to a film.the novel?s main line is the love between the hero john and the heroine savannah, going with its happening and miing.as another invisible line in novel, john?s father?s figure is changing and developing cricro in john?s eyes.and it?s all about love.what i will discu is john?s father?s love to his son. once on the bus, i occasionally saw an old man working hard for this city under the flyover, looking poor.time has left layers of wrinkles on his face and the burning sun makes his skin dark.it really stroke my heart .the man is old enough to live out their life in retirement, but he still work on the bottom of society for his family.all we can see, on the way to the urbanization, so many old people sacrifice their sunset in life while many sons and daughters are not responsible to support the whole family.the city will be empty without the love between parents and children. 经典台词 1.一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的音乐,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本是费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。------《蓝莓之夜》 2.幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。------《飞屋环游记》 3.爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。------《当哈利遇见莎莉》 4.我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。------《剪刀手爱德华》 5.爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。------《恋夏500天》 6.举得起放得下叫举重,举得起放不下叫负重。可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。------《如果能再爱一次》 7.我们每个人都生活在各自的过去中,人们会用一分钟的时间去认识一个人,用一个小时的时间去喜欢一个人,再用一天的时间去爱上一个人,到最后呢,

却要用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。------《廊桥遗梦》 8.一个人一生可以爱上很多人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白一起的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。------《泰坦尼克号》 9.年轻的时候会想要谈很多次恋爱,但是随着年龄的增长,终于领悟到爱一个人,就算用一辈子的时间,还会嫌不够。慢慢地去了解这个人,体谅这个人,直到爱上为止,是需要有非常宽大的胸襟才行。------《初恋50次》 10.当明天变成了今天成为了昨天,最后成为记忆里不再重要的某一天,我们突然发现自己在不知不觉中已被时间推着向前走,这不是静止火车里,与相邻列车交错时,仿佛自己在前进的错觉,而是我们真实的在成长,在这件事里成了另一个自己。------《单身公寓》 11.离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。------《分手信》 12.曾经拥有的,不要忘记。不能得到的,更要珍惜。属于自己的,不要放弃,已经失去的,留作回忆。------《曾经》 13.我喜欢并习惯了对变化的东西保持距离,这样 才会知道什么是最不会被时间抛弃的准则。比如爱一个人,充满变数,我于是后退一步,静静的看着,直到看见真诚的感情。------《西雅图夜未眠》 14.好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是为了一个人舍弃世界。------《两小无猜》 15.在自己面前,应该一直留有一个地方,独自留在那里。然后去爱,不知道是什么,不知道是谁,不知道如何去爱,也不知道可以爱多久。只是等待一次爱情,也许永远都没有人。可是,这种等待,就是爱情本身。------《冷山》 16.有谁不曾为那暗恋而痛苦?我们总以为那份痴情很重,很重,是世上最重的重量。有一天,蓦然回首,我们才发现,它一直都是很轻,很轻的。我们以为爱的很深,很深,来日岁月,会让你知道,它不过很浅,很浅。最深和最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。------《天使爱美丽》

17.在这个世界上,只有真正快乐的男人,才能带给女人真正的快乐。-------《附注我爱你》 18.一段不被接受的爱情,需要的不是伤心,而是时间,一段可以用来遗忘的时间。一颗被深深伤了的心,需要的不是同情,而是明白。------《英国病人》 19.我知道这世上有人在等我,尽管我不知道我在 等谁。但是因为这样,我每天都非常快乐。------《返老还童》 20.一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求在我最美丽的年华里,遇见你。------《恋恋笔记本》 21.我不觉得人的心智成熟是越来越宽容涵盖,什么都可以接受。相反,我觉得那应该是一个逐渐剔除的过程,知道自己最重要的是什么,知道不重要的东西是什么。而后,做一个纯朴简单的人。------《阿甘正传》 22.当你的心真的在痛,眼泪快要流下来的时候,那就赶快抬头看看,这片曾经属于我们的天空;当天依旧是那么的广阔,云依旧那么的潇洒,不应该哭,因为我的离去,并没有带走你的世界。------《看得见风景的房间》 23.血气战胜了理智,万一有啥闪失,就成了旧恨未消又加新辱了。要用文字杀人,杀人不见血。知识才是硬道理。




1、Today,I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.现在,我想我是这个世界上最幸运的人。(《扬基的骄傲》1942)

2、I\'m king of the world!


3、I\'ll have what she\'s having.我会拥有她所拥有的。(《当哈里遇上萨莉》1989)

4、I have always depended on the kindne of strangers.


5、Fasten your seatbelts.It\'s going to be a bumpy night.系紧你的安全带,这将是一个颠簸的夜晚。(《彗星美人》1950)

6、Toto,I\'ve got a feeling we\'re not in Kansas anymore.


7、Play it,Sam.Play\'As Time Goes By\'.弹这首,山姆,就弹“时光流逝”.(《卡萨布兰卡》1942)

8、Show me the money!


9、life was like a box a chocolates, never know what you\'re gonna get.生活就像一盒巧克力:你永远不知道你会得到什么。(《阿甘正传》1994 )

10、All right,Mr.DeMille,I\'m ready for my close-up.


11、As God is my witne,I\'ll never be hungry again.上帝为我作证,我不会再让自己挨饿了。(《乱世佳人》1939)

12、You can\'t handle the truth!


13、After all,tomorrow is another day!


14、It\'s not the men in your life that counts, it\'s the life in your men.并不是你生活中的男人有价值,而是你与男人在一起的生活。 (《我不是天使》1933 )

15、You talking\'to me?

你在跟我说话吗? (《出租汽车司机》1976 )

16、You\'ve got to ask yourself one question:″Do I feel lucky?″Well,do ya,punk?


17、Well,nobody\'s perfect.人无完人。(《热情似火》1959)

18、Wait a minute,wait a minute.You ain\'t heard nothin\'yet!


19、We\'ll always have Paris.我们永远都怀念巴黎(那段美好的时光)。(《卡萨布兰卡》1942)

20、I am big!It\'s the pictures that got small.


21、I feel the need-the need for speed!


22、You talking to me?


23、Gif me a visky, ginger ale on the side, and don\'be stingy, baby.给我一杯威士忌,里面兑一些姜味汽水。宝贝儿,别太吝啬了。(《安娜·克里斯蒂》1930 )

24、Bond.James Bond.


25、Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable?


26、Here\'s looking at you,kid.就看你的了,孩子。(《卡萨布兰卡》1942)

27、Made it,Ma!Top of the world!


28、You had me at″hello.″


29、Frankly,my dear,I don\'t give a damn.坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。(《乱世佳人》1939)

30、Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine.


31、I could dance with you\'til the cows come home.On second thought, I\'d rather dance with the cows until you came home.我可以和你一起跳舞直到母牛回家。如果再想想,我宁愿和母牛一起跳舞直到你回家。 (《容易事》1933 )

32、Love means never having to say you\'re sorry.



Fantastic.I\'m trapped here.

Now I know how your daughter feels.

Timeout? I\'m a grown man! Ah…

- That is cool.

- Awesomene.


17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.

36 up! A…Hahahaha Woo haaaa O hahaha O….24 up!

Where\'d you go, grandpa?

Ahaha…Eat my dust, gray fangs!

That\'s how we do it! Half-pipe, baby! Eh...Hold that.

Do you have a location on Quasimodo?

1.Yes, sir.They\'re heading through the lobby, kitchen.

2.Yes, quite.We are on it.

3.Quasimodo Wilson, you are coming with us.

4.Oh…Why did that hurt me?

towards the




初级:That\'s cool。


高级:That was pretty hardcore。

这三个说法在这一集里都有出现哦。其中,cool“太酷了”大家都会说;awesome“很好很强大”在《功夫熊猫》第一部里头已经被阿宝用得频 率非常高了。而这一集里,hardcore这个俚语多次出现,它在影片中有双重的意思。其一,单独作为一个形容词的话,它等同于awesome;其二,如 果说某个人很hardcore,就是说ta很严肃,坚韧不拔,不会轻易放弃,有点“硬汉”的意思。阿宝就多次说悍娇虎是hardcore铁娘子。


It was the worst day of my life.By far nothing else came close.It was the worst, most painful, mind-destroyed, horrible moment I have ever experienced。


It was the worst day of my life.我们平时最多就说到这一层了吧。为了加强语气,你还能加上和过去碰到的事情作比较:无事能及啊。最后再用一串的形容词修饰,简直是悲催得没话讲了。这样的 表达,才够给力哦。不过,师父对阿宝这么说,还真是有不给面子的哈!


- I found your stupidity mildly amusing。


- Thank you, but I found your evilne is extremely annoying。谢谢哦,不过我觉得你坏得灰常讨厌。

- Who do you think you are, panda?


- Who do you think I am, peacock?


用和对方一样的句式回应,把关键的词句替换得巧妙,注意stupidity对应evilne,amusing对应 annoying,mildly就对应程度很深的extremely咯。这段斗嘴大亮诶!被坏人囚禁还能有心情跟人耍嘴皮子的,恐怕也只有阿宝这样心理素 质的神龙大侠了吧?(其实也就是没心没肺而已„„)


Your story may not have a such happy begining, but that doesn\'t make who you are.It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be。


也许我们还记得《功夫熊猫》第一部中乌龟大师说得那一句:Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.That is why it is called the \"present\"。第二部山羊大师这一句同样打动阿宝、打动观众。


- How did you find peace? I took away your parents, everything.I scared you for life。


- Scars heel。


- No, they don\'t, wounds heel。


- Oh, yeah.What Scars do? They fade I gue?


- I don\'t care what scars do。


- You should.You gotta let go that stuff from the past, cause it doesn\'t matter.The only thing it matters, is what you choose to be now。


伤口是总会愈合的,伤痕也会慢慢消退。真是一个非常好非常到位的比喻,你平时用英文表述的时候也要记得这样生动的方法哦。不过更难能可贵的是,为 了保持阿宝耍宝的傻傻的个性,就算这一段特别正经的讲道理环节,也还是留了一个包袱给他耍,保持了人物角色统一,很好哦。

第11篇:怦然心动_电影台词 英文对照

怦然心动_电影台词 英文对照

怦然心动_电影台词 英文对照

Bryce Loski

All ever I wanted was for Juli Baker to leave me alone.It all began in the summer of 1957,before the start of second grade.

-Here we are.–haha –What do you guys think? –I like this place.–It’s cool.

–Uh,what color is my room? -Just you wait.-Let’s see what’s inside.

–Hey, come on, buddy Bryce.Why don’t, uh, you and I go help unload the van„and the womenfolk here can get in the kitchen and start setting up.–Okay.Dad.

For me, it was the beginning of what would be more than half a decade of strategic avoidance and social discomfort.-Hi, I’m Juli Baker.

–Hey, hey, what are you doing? –Don’t you want some help?

–No.there’s some valuable things in there. –How about this one? –No, no, no.Run home, your mother’s probably wondering where you are.–Oh, no,my mom knows where I am.She said it’s fine.

It didn’t take long to realize this girl could not take a hint. –It’s crowded in here with three people. –I don’t mind. Of any kind.–You wanna push this one together? –Bryce, isn’t it time for you to go help your mother? –Huh? Oh, yeah.

I mean, nothing would stop her.I was about to tell her to get lost when the weirdest thing happened.I couldn’t believe it.There I was holding hands with this strange girl.How did I get into this me?

怦然心动_电影台词 英文对照

–Well, hello.I see you’ve met my son.–Uh-huh.Finally, I did the only manly thing available when you’re 7 years old.However, my troubles were far from over..The minute I walked into Mi Yelson’s claroom„

-Bryce? You’re here.It was clear, school would not be a sanctuary.–Hey, Bryce, where’s your girlfriend? I was branded for life.–Hey, Bryce,why don’t you ask her to marry you? –Bryce and Juli sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. My first year in town was a disaster.And the next three weren’t much better.But finally, in the sixth grade, I took action.I hatched the plan.–Sherry.Sherry, wait up.–Hi, Bryce.

Heh.I asked out Sherry Stalls (I was wondering if you wanted to go„).To full appreciate the brilliance of this plan„you have to understand that Juli always hated Sherry Stalls„though I never understood why.Sherry was nice, friendly and she had a lot of hair.-At first, my mother wouldn’t let me get my ears pierced, but I begged„ The idea was that Sherry would eat with me maybe we’d walk around together, and hopefully Juli would lost interest.–But I still can’t get the hoops till I’m 16. –Oh, that’s a shame.

–So Melanie wanted to get her ears pierced, but of course her mother said no.So she threw a fit and smashed her Johnny Mathis Greatest Hits album and she got grounded, so now she can’t come to my pajama sleepover party.

Things were unfolding quite nicely.

-What are you doing for your science project? That is, until my supposed best friend, Garrett Einbinder took an interest in Sherry himself.-I was thinking of showing how split ends react with different hair conditioners.–That’s fascinating.

怦然心动_电影台词 英文对照

Loyalty gave way to dedire and Garrett, the turncoat told Sherry what I was up to.She didn’t take it well.Word got back to Juli, and pretty soon she started up with the goo-goo eyes again.Only this time it was worse.She started sniffing me.That’s right, sniffing me.What’s that all about? My only consolation was that next year would be different.Junior high, bigger school.Maybe we’d be in different claes and it would finally, finally be over.

Juli Baker

The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped.It was those eyes, something in those dazzling eyes.-You wanna push this one together?

His family had just moved into the neighborhood and I’d gone to help them.I’d been in the van all of two minutes when his dad sent him off to help his mom.I could see he didn’t wanna go.So I chased after him to see if we could play a little before he got trapped inside.The next thing I know, he’s holdidng my hand and looking right into my eyes.My heart stopped.Was this it? Would this be my first ki? But then his mother came out.–Well, hello.

And he was so embarraed, his cheeks turned completely red.I went to bed that night thinking of the ki that might have been.I mean, it was clear he has feelings for me, but he was just too shy to show them.My mother said boys were like that.So I decided to help him out.–Bryce? You’re here.

I would give him plenty of opportunity to get over his shyne.By the sixth grade, I’d learned to control myself.Then Sherry Stalls entered the picture.Sherry Stalls was nothing but a whiny, goipy, backstabbing flirt.All hair and no substance.And she was holding hands with Bryce.My Bryce.The one who was walking around with my first ki.My solution was to ignore her.I knew a boy of Bryce’s caliber would eventually see through a shallow conniver like Sherry Stalls.It took all of a week.Then broke up at rece.She didn’t take it well.Now that Bryce was out of Sherry’s evil clutches, he started being nicer to me.–Hi, Juli. 3

怦然心动_电影台词 英文对照

–Hi, Bryce.

He was so shy and so cute and his hair, it smelled like watermelon.I couldn’t get enough of it.I spent the whole year secretly sniffing watermelon and wondering if I was ever going to get my ki.

Bryce Loski

Seventh grade brought changes, all right.But the biggest one didn’t happen at school.It happened at home.My grandfather came to live with us.Mom said he stared like that because he mied Grandma.That was not something Grandpa would ever talk about with me.As a matter of fact, he never talked about much of anything with me.That is, until Juli appeared in the local newspaper.

-Oh, Bryce.My I speak with you? –What? –Have a seat, son.–Tell me about your friend Juli Baker.–Juli.She’s not exactly my friend. –Oh.Why’s that?

–Why do you wanna know?

Now, Juli Baker did not wind up in The Mayfield Times for being an eighth-grade Einstein.No, she got front-page coverage because she refused to climb out of a sycamore tree.Juli Baker and that stupid sycamore tree.She always thought it was God’s gift to our little corner of the universe.

–Hey, Bryce.Wanna come climb the tree with me and my brothers? –No, thanks.–Bryce.Come up here.It’s fun.You can see everything. –I can’t.My dad needs me to help him fix„a thing.

That’s all I needed.Climb up a tree with Juli Baker.I’d be dragged right back into the second grade.Bryce and Juli sitting in a tree.Why don’t you just make me eat lima beans for the rest of my life.

–It’s three blocks away.Two blocks.One block away. –Like that’s valuable information.

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–I hate it when she does that.I like to think there’s at least a chance the bus won’t show.

-I think the tree looks particularly beautiful in this light.Don’t you? –If by “beautiful” you mean “unbeliebably ugly”, then, yes.I would agree.–You’re just visually challenged.I feel sorry for you.

“Visually challenged”? “Visually challenged”? This from the girl who lived in a house that was the joke of the neighborhood? They had bushes growing over windows and weeds all over the place.It bugged my dad bigtime.

–Oh, there he is.The bricklayer who thinks he’s a painter.That truck’s not ugly enough in real life? He’s gotta make a painting of it? –No, he does landscapes.Sells them at the county fair.People say they’re beautiful.–Landscapes? Let me tell you something.The world would have more beauty in it if he’d do a little landscaping on that piece of crap he calls a yard.–I feel bad for his wife.She married a dreamer.Because of that, one of the two of them will always be unhappy.–Yeah, fine.But why do we have to be unhappy? As annoying sa the yard was to my dad it was nothing compared to how annoying Juli Baker was in that tree.“Three blocks away.” Every morning we had to listen to the sound of her blow-by-blow traffic report.“Two blocks.” There you go.-Why do they call it The Three Stooges? –I mean, there’s five of them. –What? –Well, yeah, there’s Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp and Curly Joe.Yeah, but they only have three at a time.–Yeah.–You know, I hate Curly Joe.I mean, he shouldn’t even be a Stooge.

-Listen, girl.I’m this close to calling the police.You are trespaing and obstructing progre on a contracted job.–What’s going on? –Either you come down or we’re gonna cut you down.-Bryce.You guys, come up here with me.They won’t cut it down if we’re all up here. 5

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–Bus, bus, bus.Juli was frantic.They wanted to cut down the tree.I couldn’t understand why that mutant tangle of gnarly branches meant so much to her.-Bryce, please.I felt bad for her.–Leave her.But I wasn’t about to cut school over it. –Come on, bros.

-Why isn’t she your friend, Bryce? –You’d have to know Juli.–Well, I’d like to. –Why? –That girl has an iron backbone.Why don’t you invite her over sometime? –An iron backbone? She’s just stubborn and she’s pushy beyond belief.–Is that so? –And she’s been stalking me since the second grade.

–Well, a girl like that doesn’t live next door to everyone. –Lucky them.–Read this.Without prejudice. Like I needed to know anything more about Juli Baker.Juli wasn’t at the bus stop the next morning.Or the morning after that.She was at school, but you’d never know it.–Little Joe? He’s got so much makeup on„ -He doesn’t age. I told myself I should be glad about it.I mean, isn’t that what I’d always wanted? But still, I felt bad for her.I was gonna tell her I was sorry, but then I thought, hey, no„Juli Baker thinking I mied her.

Juli Baker

I see why you like to come out here.-Would you mind explaining it to your mother? I loved to watch my father paint.Or really, I loved to hear him talk while he painted.I learned a lot about my dad that way.He told me all sorts of things like how he got his first job delivering hay and how he\'d wished he\'d finished college.Then one day he surprised me.-What\'s going on with you and, uh, Bryce Loski? -What do you mean? Nothing. 6

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-Oh, okay.My mistake.-Why would you even think that? -No reason.Just that youtalk about him all the time.-I do?I don\'t know.I gue it\'s something about his eyes.Or maybe his smile.-But what about him? -What? - You have to look at the whole landscape.-What does that mean? -A painting is more than the sum of its parts.A cow by itself is just a cow.A meadow by itself is just gra, flowers.And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light.But you put them all together and it can be magic.I didn\'t really understand what he was saying until one afternoon when I was up in the sycamore tree.I was rescuing a kite.It was a long way up, higher than I\'d ever been.And the higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view.I began to notice how wonderful the breeze smelled.Like sunshine and wild gra.I couldn\'t stop breathing it in .filling my lungs with the sweetest smell I\'d ever known.-Hey, you found my kite.-Bryce, you should come up here.It\'s so beautiful.-I can\'t.I sprained my, um,I have a rash.From that moment on, that became my spot.I could sit there for hours, just looking out at the world.Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink.And some days they were a blazing orange,setting fire to the clouds on the horizon.It was during one of those sunsets that my father\'s idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart.Some days I would get there extra early to watch the sunrise.One morning I was making mental notes of how the streaks of light were cutting through the clouds so I could tell my dad when I heard a noise below.

-Excuse me.Excuse me.I\'m sorry, but you can\'t park there.That\'s a bus stop.-Hey, what are you doing up there?You can\'t be up there, we\'re gonna take this thing down.-The tree? -Yeah.Now come on down.-But who told you, you could cut it down? -The owner. 7

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-Why? -He\'s gonna build a house, and this tree\'s in the way.So come on, girl, we got work to do.-You can\'t cut it down.You just can\'t.-Listen, girl.I\'m this close to calling the police.You are trespaing and obstructing progre on a contracted job.Now either you come down, or we\'re gonna cut you down.-Go ahead.Cut me down.I\'m not coming down.I\'m never coming down.Bryce.You guys, come up here with me.They won\'t cut it down if we\'re all up here.Bryce, please don\'t let them do this.Come on, you guys.Bryce, please.You don\'t have to come up this high.Just a little ways.Bryce, please.Please.

What happened after that was a blur.It seemed like the whole town was there.But still I wouldn\'t move.Then my father showed up.He talked a fireman into letting him come up to where I was.-Sweetie, it\'s time to come down.-Daddy, please don\'t let them do this.-Sweetie -Daddy, look.You can see everything.You can see the whole world from here.-No view is worth my daughter\'s safety.Now, come on.-I can\'t.-Julianna, it\'s time to come down now.-Please, Daddy.-It\'s time.And that was it.I must\'ve cried for two weeks straight.Oh, sure, I went to school and did the best I could but nothing seemed to matter.-Juli? -Huh? -Do you know the answer? -Uh, the Peloponnesian War? -I\'m sure that\'s the answer to something but I was looking for the area of a rhomboid.Somehow, rhomboids and isosceles right triangles didn\'t seem so important.I rode my bike so I wouldn\'t have to pa by the stump that used to be the earth\'s most magnificent sycamore tree.But no matter what I did, I couldn\'t stop thinking about it.-Are you okay? -It was just a tree. 8

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-No, it wasn\'t just a tree.I never want you to forget how you felt when you were up there.-Thanks, Dad.It was the first thing I saw every morning and the last thing I saw before I went to sleep.And once I could look at it without crying I saw more than the tree and what being up there meant to me.I saw the day that my view of things around me started changing.And I wondered, did I still feel the same things about Bryce?

Bryce Loski

I\'ve never been a huge fan of eggs.I mean, I could always just take them or leave them.That is, until one day in Skyler Brown\'s garagewhen my feelings about eggs were solidified.-Hey, hey, hey.Guys.Edna\'s found her breakfast.I mean, if a slimy reptile found them appetizing there was certainly no place for them in my diet.-Oh, man, that\'s so cool.-She doesn\'t even have to chew.I mean, think of all the time you\'d save.I could\'ve gone my whole life not knowing that snakes eat eggs raw if it hadn\'t been for Lynetta.She had a major-league thing for Skyler Brown.-I think it\'s gro.He and Juli\'s brothers, Matt and Mark, had formed a band.And Lynetta would watch them practice.-That is so neat.-How about that, huh, Bryce? -Yeah.Neat.-So, Brycie, how do you think he\'s gonna digest that? -Stomach acid? -You\'d like to think that.-Wait, everybody quiet.Here he goes.-Eggs over easy.-Gro.Gro, gro, gro.-Wait, wait.You haven\'t seen the best part.-Gro.I tried to be casual about it, but it didn\'t take.I started having bad dreams.I\'d be trapped inside a huge egg and this monster would open his jaws and start to devour me.I\'d wake up just in time.Then the real nightmare began. 9

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-Hi, Bryce.I brought these over for you and your family.My chickens are laying eggs.-What? -You remember Abby and Bonnie and Clyde and Dexter and Eunice and Florence? The ones I hatched for the science fair.-How could I forget? It was claic Juli Baker.She totally dominated the fair.And get this, her project was all about watching boring eggs hatch.I mean, here I had a live-action erupting volcano and all anyone cared about was Juli\'s boring chicks breaking out of their boring shells.Oh, I think the last one\'s hatching.It\'s hatching.Oh, it\'s hatching.Kids, come over here.But hey, she won.I lost.I\'ve never been one to dwell.Here it comes.But that didn\'t mean I had to eat her lousy eggs.I think it was very sweet of Juli to bring us those eggs.I don\'t care.I\'m still having cereal tomorrow.Yeah, how do we know there\'s no chicks in one of those eggs? I used to eat farm-fresh eggs when I was a kid.They were delicious.Yeah, well, that\'s all well and good but what if we crack one open and a dead chick falls out? Do they have a rooster? If they don\'t have a rooster the eggs can\'t be fertile.And if they had a rooster, we\'d know.The whole neighborhood would know.Maybe they got it de-yodeled.\"De-yodeled\"? You know.De-cock-a-doodle-doo\'d.What the hell are you talking about? Like they de-bark dogs.Bryce, why don\'t you just ask Juli? I don\'t think that What? You afraid to talk to her? I\'m not afraid to talk to her.I know you are, but what am I? Okay.Just talk to her and find out.Bryce.How do you tell if one\'s a rooster? 10

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Well, a rooster\'s bigger.Longer feathers.They\'ve got that red stuff growing out of their head.And around their neck too.That shouldn\'t be too hard to spot.Although, come to think of it, chickens have the rubbery red stuff too.Just not as much.Garrett\'s expertise in roosters was the cornerstone of our plan to avoid contact with Juli Baker.The balance of which involved spying over her back fence.Come on, come on.Shh.Shh.Over here.I can\'t see the stupid chickens.We gotta get them out of the coop.Is that a rooster? No, it looks like a chicken.How can you tell? It just does.See what I mean? Expertise.Shh, shh! What? Juli.Here, guys.Go on, there you go.Here, guys.Go on.Yeah, they\'re all chickens.There\'s no rooster? What did I just say? How can you tell? Well, none of them are strutting.Here, come on.Roosters strut? Come on, guys.What did I just say? Here.Plus, hardly any of them have any rubbery red stuff.What are you doing? Yeah.They\'re definitely all chickens.They\'re all chickens.I\'m proud of you, Bryce.You overcame your fear.Huh? You talked to her.Oh, heh.Yeah.It\'s no big deal.That\'s what she told you? They\'re all chickens? Yeah.She\'s a genius.You\'re both genius Of course they\'re all chickens.A rooster\'s a chicken.The question is: 11

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Is one of them a rooster or are they all hens? Hens? Who said anything about hens? Then it hit me.Garrett didn\'t know jack shit about chickens.Do roosters strut? Yes, they do.What does that have to do with anything? They\'re all hens.Well, the main thing is the eggs are okay.It\'s all settled.Not for me.There was no way I was ever gonna eat anything that had anything to do with Juli Baker.I\'m not eating them.Well, why not? Have you seen their yard? It\'s There\'s not even any gra.It\'s all mud and chicken turds.Ew.Gro.Salmonella.Do you suppose they could have salmonella? It\'s not very likely.Why take the risk? What do we do with the eggs? Give them back.Give them back? To Juli? Sure.You talked to her before, right? It didn\'t kill you.Well, what do I say? Tell her we don\'t eat eggs.Uh, we\'re allergic to them or something.Come on, use your brains.It didn\'t feel right to lie.Besides, even a seventh grader would know that entire families aren\'t allergic to eggs.But I didn\'t wanna hurt her feelings either.So that left me with only one option.And thus another near-death experience in my ongoing saga with Juli Baker had been succefully avoided.Until one week later.Hi, Bryce.Brought you some more eggs.Wow.Thanks.Did your family like the first batch? 12

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Do you even have to ask? Great.See you at school.What I hoped would be a one-time event was just the beginning of a life consumed with lies, intrigue and deception.Every morning I\'d be on the lookout for Juli so if she happened to come, I could whip the door open before she knocked.Thanks.Then I\'d dump the eggs before anyone noticed.And why? Why couldn\'t I just face her? Why couldn\'t I just say: \"No, thanks.Don\'t want them.Don\'t need them.Give them to the snake\"? Was I really afraid of hurting her feelings or was I just afraid of her? Now, you wanna make sure you get it When Mrs.Brubeck first suggested hatching eggs as my science project I was le than excited.That is, until I saw my first sign of life.Is that it? That\'s the embryo.Heh.Wow.It looks like a bean.It does.Let\'s try the other ones.Suddenly it felt real.All the eggs were alive.There were, like, little bean babies inside every one.On the day of the fair, all six chicks hatched.What are the odds? This year\'s top prize goes to Juli Baker for her wonderful project: \"A Chicken is Born.\" I won first place.And that was cool, but all I really cared about were my chicks.There you go.There you go, guys.My mom wasn\'t crazy about us raising chickens.But I begged and pleaded.I told her I would take care of everything.And I did.Where\'s Clyde? 13

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Clyde? Hey, Clyde.What\'s the matter? Are you okay? Aren\'t you hungry? Come on.Come here.What\'s wrong, baby? Come here.Hey, you\'re not Clyde.You\'re Clydette.Mom! As it turned out, my hens laid more eggs than we could eat.At first we tried to keep up but after a month of boiling, frying and deviling like that movie The Blob, we were being overtaken by eggs.Then opportunity in the form of our neighbor, Mrs.Steuby, knocked.Hello, dear.If you ever have any extra, I\'d be happy to buy them from you.Really? Certainly.And I happen to know that Mrs.Helms would be interested as well.Great.Nothing like fresh eggs.Thanks, Mrs.Steuby.You bet, dear.Bye.Between Mrs.Steuby and Mrs.Helms, my egg overflow problem was solved.Then I realized that Mrs.Loski deserved eggs too.But I didn\'t think it would be right to charge her.She had been such a good neighbor, lending us supplies when we ran out giving my mother a ride when our car wouldn\'t start it was the least I could do.Besides, if I happened to run into Bryce, that wouldn\'t be the end of the world.Hi, Bryce.By the third time I brought eggs over to the Loskis I realized Bryce was waiting for me.Waiting to pull open the door and say, \"Thanks, Juli.See you at school.\" And in return, I got a few moments alone with the world\'s most dazzling eyes.Thanks, Juli.See you at school.It was a bargain.Until the day it wasn\'t. 14

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It was two weeks after the sycamore tree was cut down and I was just starting to feel normal again.Hey, Juli.Right on schedule.Yeah, well, neither rain nor sleet.Huh? You know, the mailman thing? Oh.Right.So, um, will you start riding the bus again? I don\'t know.I haven\'t been up there since It doesn\'t look so bad anymore.It\'s all cleared away.Well, um, I better get ready for school.Gue I\'ll see you there.See you.Maybe Bryce was right.Maybe it was time I started riding the bus again.After all, didn\'t he just tell me he wanted me to? Could it be that Bryce Loski actually mies me? Juli? What are you still doing here? I was just thinking.It\'s pickup day.The cans are in front.I know.You need some help? No.Maybe I\'ll do it later.Are those my eggs? Yeah.Yeah, I dropped them.They\'re not broken.Why are you throwing them away? Don\'t you want them? It wasn\'t me.My dad didn\'t think it was worth the risk.Risk? What risk? Salmonella.What? He\'s afraid of being poisoned? Well, Juli, I mean, look at your back yard.It\'s a complete me.It\'s, like, covered in turds.That\'s not true.I clean up after my girls every day.We just didn\'t wanna hurt your feelings.Have you always thrown them away? You know, Mrs.Steuby and Mrs.Helms pay me for my eggs.They do? They pay me cents a dozen.I didn\'t know. 15

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How could you? I\'m sorry.No, you\'re not.It didn\'t take me long to realize that I\'d traded in my old problems with Juli Baker for a whole set of new ones.It was actually worse having her mad at me than having her annoy me.The way she ignored me was a constant reminder that I\'d been a jerk.Then one day I was coming home from playing basketball with Garrett and things got weird.Don\'t be so timid.Come on, you won\'t hurt them.Like this? Yeah, that\'s it.My grandfather.All I ever saw him wear was slippers.Now, where did he get those work boots? I couldn\'t stop looking over there.And the more I looked, the madder I got.My grandfather had already said more to Juli in one hour than he\'d said to me in the whole time he\'d been living with us.I was pretty sure I\'d never seen him laugh.And what was his deal with Juli Baker? Hi, Grandpa.Juli told me about the eggs.You know, Bryce one\'s character is set at an early age.I\'d hate to see you swim out so far you can\'t swim back.Sir? It\'s about honesty, son.Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road.When it came to holding a grudge, Juli Baker was truly impreive.All week I tried to approach her at school.She\'d always find some way to duck me.And whenever she was in her yard, Grandpa was always there with her.Finally, one Saturday I saw my opening.My grandfather had gone into town to buy some Bengay.I gue the yard work was starting to get to him. 16

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It\'s looking real good.Thanks.Chet did most of it.I\'m sorry for what I did.I just don\'t get it, Bryce.Why didn\'t you just tell me? I don\'t know.It was dumb.And I shouldn\'t have said anything about your yard, either.It wasn\'t right.Maybe it\'s all for the best.I mean, look, I learned so much from Chet, it\'s amazing.You\'re lucky.I don\'t even have grandparents anymore.I feel sorry for him.He mies your grandma.Can you believe it? He says I remind him of her.What? I know.That\'s what I said.But he meant it in a nice way.Something about her spirit.Yeah.Good luck with the gra.I\'m sure it\'ll come up great.Thanks.I gue I\'ll see you around.I gue so.While Juli\'s acceptance of my apology was not all that I\'d hoped for at least the eggs thing was finally behind me.The first time in months I could truly enjoy Bonanza.Where you going and why you dreed like that? Skyler\'s.Matt and Mark are bringing over recording stuff and they\'re gonna make a demo.Demo? Like they know how to make a demo.You don\'t even know them.I don\'t have to.I know the type.You don\'t know anything.Don\'t talk to me like that.I\'m late.Be back by .Yep.Everything was back to normal.Is that girl working you too hard? That girl\'s name is Juli.And, no, she isn\'t working me too hard.You\'ve developed quite a soft spot for her, huh? Steven. 17

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No, Patsy.Just wanna find out why your father has the energy to befriend a complete stranger when he won\'t throw a baseball around with his own grandson.It\'s okay, Dad.No, it\'s not okay.Juli reminds him of Grandma.Of Renee? Heh.That\'s ridiculous.You know why the Bakers haven\'t fixed their yard? Yeah, because he\'s too busy with his paint-by-numbers kit.If you had a brother with a severe handicap, what would you do? What the hell does that have to do with anything? Juli\'s father has a retarded brother.So what? He\'s not the gardener, is he? Heh.Steven.It was a joke.You know, other people have family troubles and they manage to mow their own lawns.I don\'t know where their pride in ownership is.They don\'t own that house.The landlord\'s supposed to maintain it.Mr.Baker puts every extra penny he has into caring for his brother.Don\'t they have government facilities for that sort of thing? Maybe they thought that a private facility would be better for him.Either way, it\'s not our fault that their family has some chromosomal abnormality.It has nothing to do with chromosomes.When Juli\'s uncle was born, he had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck.If he\'d had enough oxygen, he would\'ve been a perfect little baby, just like your son.Goddamn it, Chet.Patsy? Patsy? Leave me alone! Sorry about that.Why is Mom so upset? Because but for the grace of God your mother could be standing in Mr.Baker\'s shoes.Did her brother have the cord wrapped around his neck too? 18

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You did.Luckily, the doctor who delivered you was on the ball and got it untangled but it easily could\'ve gone the other way.Wanna go for a walk? Huh? I find it helps clear the mind.What would they have done with me? You can\'t dwell on something that might\'ve been, Bryce.The way my dad was talking, sounds like he would\'ve thrown me in a nuthouse.No, no.Now, that\'s not fair.You can\'t condemn him for something he hasn\'t done.This is where that tree was, wasn\'t it? Yeah.Must\'ve been a spectacular view.She\'s quite a girl.Some of us get dipped in flat some in satin some in glo.But every once in a while you find someone who\'s iridescent.And when you do nothing will ever compare.Flat, gloy, iridescent? What the hell did that mean? Juli Baker had always just seemed plain to me.Until now.And the way she talked about what it felt like to be up in that tree to be held above the earth, brushed by the wind.Who in junior high talks like that? This weird feeling started taking over in the pit of my stomach and I didn\'t like it.I was slipping, man.And it was time to get a grip.I\'d never been embarraed by where we lived before.I also never really thought about money.I knew we weren\'t rich, but I didn\'t feel like we were miing anything.That is, until Bryce Loski called our home a complete me. 19

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* What\'s your name? * * What\'s your name? * * Is it Mary or Sue? * * What\'s your name? * * Do I stand a chance with you? * * It\'s so hard to find a personality * * With charms like yours for me * I had to do something and I knew what it was.* What\'s your name? * Oh, you\'re sounding really good.We\'ll record it in Skyler\'s garage.That\'s a wonderful project.Speaking of projects, I was thinking it might be cool to fix up the yard.What? I mean, how much can gra seed cost? I could plant a lawn, maybe some flowers.I could even put up a fence.Honey, that\'s a major undertaking.I could pay for it with my egg money.No.That\'s your money.The landlord should be the one taking care of all this.But he doesn\'t.And we live here.And it looks so bad.Jules.What\'s going on? Nothing, Dad.It\'s okay, sweetheart.You can tell us.The Loskis have been throwing away my eggs because they\'re afraid of salmonella.Because our yard is such a me.Did Patsy say that? No.Bryce did.But it must have been a family discuion.A boy doesn\'t come up with that on his own.Who cares what they think? Yeah, who cares? I care.Trina.Let\'s not get into this. 20

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No, I\'m tired of living like this, Richard.I\'m tired of having to take temp jobs just to make ends meet.I\'m tired of having to push a chair up against the washing machine just to keep the door shut.I\'m tired of having to borrow Mrs.Steuby\'s vacuum cleaner every time ours breaks down.Do you think this is the life I pictured for us? Sometimes you have to sacrifice to do the right thing.We always end up agreeing that Devonhurst is the right thing for Daniel.Well, maybe we should start thinking about what\'s right for us.Our daughter is suffering because we won\'t fix up our own yard.It\'s not our yard.How can you say that, Richard? How? We\'ve lived here for years and for years we\'ve been saying it\'s temporary, but it\'s not.This is our home.Is it wrong to wanna live somewhere you can be proud of? To have enough to send your kids to college? Maybe it\'s time we considered government care.We are not moving my brother.He\'s more important than your own children? Dad! How dare you! Stop it, Dad! Please, just stop.I\'m sorry.Julianna, this is not your fault.We\'ll work this out, I promise.That was the first time I ever heard my parents really yell at each other.I\'m sorry about tonight.That night they each came into my room.My father talked about his brother and how much he loved him and how he promised his parents he\'d always take care of him.My mother talked about how much she loved my father for his strength and kind heart.When she kied me good night she whispered that of all her many bleings, I was her best.I felt sorry for my father.I felt sorry for my mother.But most of all, I felt lucky for me that they were mine. 21

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I wanted to think the reason I started working on my yard had nothing to do with Bryce.It was about making our house better.After what he did with the eggs, why should I care what he thought? But I did.Are you pruning that or trying to hack it to death? Hi.I\'m Chet Duncan, Bryce\'s grandfather.Sorry it\'s taken me so long to come over and introduce myself.Nice to meet you.So are you trimming all these to the same height? Well, yeah, that\'s what I was thinking, but I don\'t know.Do you think it would look better to take them out? Oh, these are Hicksii shrubs.These will prune up nicely.Listen, Mr.Duncan.Call me Chet.Chet.If you\'re here because of what Bryce said I don\'t need your help.Read about you in the paper.Renee would\'ve sat up in that tree with you.She would\'ve sat up there all night.Renee? My wife.You remind me a lot of her.We worked on the yard for weeks.And the whole time we worked, we talked.Right there? Perfect, yeah.He wanted to know more about the sycamore tree.He knew exactly what it meant about the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.He said it was the same with people but sometimes with people, the whole could be le.I thought that was pretty interesting.I started looking at people I\'d known since elementary school trying to figure out if they were more or le than the sum of their parts.Chet was right.A lot of them were le. 22

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Of all my clamates, the one person I couldn\'t seem to place was Bryce.Until recently, I would\'ve said with absolute certainty that he was greater, far greater, than the sum of his parts.But now I wasn\'t so sure.It\'s looking good, Juli.Nice job.Thanks.Chet did most of it.I\'m sorry for what I did.I just don\'t get it, Bryce.Why didn\'t you just tell me? Was he really sorry? Or was he just saying these things to make himself feel better? Then I thought maybe I just wanted him to be more than the sum of his parts.But as I looked into his eyes those dazzling eyes for the first time I was pretty sure that Bryce Loski was le.We\'re going to invite the Bakers over for dinner.What? I don\'t know, Mom.I think that\'s a marvelous idea.Patsy, what purpose does this serve? Trina Baker is a very nice person.And Matt and Mark are really cool.I hate cool.Something we should\'ve done years ago.Yeah, but we didn\'t.And now we can\'t.The statute of limitations has run out.We\'re having the Bakers over for dinner.If this is about what I said last night, I\'m sorry, okay? But, you know, having them over for dinner is not gonna fix his brother.It\'s going to be a sit-down dinner.And I expect everyone to dre accordingly.Oh, God.Can\'t we just have a barbecue? It\'s going to be a sit-down dinner.Just shoot me now.Careful what you wish for.So that was it.A dre-up, sit-down dinner with Juli Baker was in my immediate future.And that made seeing Juli at school more uncomfortable. 23

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I found myself staring at her in cla.And the way her hair fell back over her shoulders she looked just like the picture in the newspaper.Dana Treler caught me watching.If I didn\'t do something fast, this could spread like wildfire.There was a bee in her hair.See, there it goes.There\'s no bee.It flew out the window.I convinced myself I\'d dodged a bullet.I had to put Juli out of my mind.Keep the focus on the important stuff like schoolwork.My weakne was unnerving.I need your sharpener.You ever heard of knocking? Hey, what you got there? Dad\'s Playboy? None of your busine.Give my best to Mi October.Get out.Or should I say your best? Ha, ha.You\'re disgusting.Another disaster avoided.My life had become a minefield.Hey, man.Hey.What\'s this? It\'s not what you think.Okay, it is what you think, but I can explain.Okay, I can\'t explain.Can we just talk about it later? Whatever you say.I had to talk to someone.Why not Garrett? Maybe he could help me get back on track.Garrett was surprisingly sensitive in matters of the heart.Are you freaking mental? Juli Baker.You hate her.That\'s what\'s weird.I don\'t think I do.I can\'t stop thinking about her.You got it bad, man.Well, what do I do? Well, you gotta nip this in the bud.These aren\'t real emotions.They\'re not? You feel guilty because of the egg thing.Yeah, and I insulted her yard. 24

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Exactly.Of course, the place is a dump anyways.It\'s not her fault.Her dad\'s got a retarded brother and all their money goes to helping him.A retard? Well, shoot, that ought to tell you something.About what? About Juli.What are you saying? The apple doesn\'t fall far from the tree.I couldn\'t believe it.I wanted to yell at him.Tell him that he didn\'t know Juli like I did.But all that came out was: Heh, oh.Right.Yeah.Right.Um, I\'ll talk to you later.I was supposed to go to Garrett\'s after school but I couldn\'t be around him.He\'d croed the line.And standing right next to him acro that line was my father.I didn\'t care what they thought.I liked Juli Baker.Sunday mornings are peaceful in our house.My dad lets himself sleep in.My mother lets herself not fix breakfast.If my brothers have been out late playing with their band you won\'t even know they\'re around till noon.But this Sunday, I woke up feeling weird.I had to do something to shake off the confused feelings about Bryce that were starting to creep back in.You really did it, didn\'t you? Heh.Proud of you.Thanks, Dad.Where you going? To see Daniel.It\'s his birthday.I wanna come with you.Oh, honey, just enjoy the morning, stay with your mom.No, Dad.I wanna come.Sweetheart, listen.Sometimes, with Daniel...I\'m coming, Dad.Okay.We\'d better leave a note for your mother. 25

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In all the years, I\'d never visited my Uncle Daniel.I don\'t know why.It was always something my dad did alone.We didn\'t say much to each other on the drive to Devonhurst, but I didn\'t care.I just liked being with my dad.Somehow the silence seemed to connect us in a way that words never could.The residents tend to the grounds as part of their therapy.It takes some getting used to.They\'re good people, though.Daniel? Daniel.Richard! You\'re here! Richard for my birthday.Who? Richard, who? Who? Who? Who? Richard, who? Who? Daniel, Daniel, it\'s Julianna.It\'s my daughter.Your niece.Julianna.Ha, Julianna.Happy birthday, Uncle Daniel.Ha-ha-ha.Richard.It\'s my birthday.I have your pictures, Julianna.I have your pictures.We have a present for you.A puzzle? A puzzle, Richard? Not just a puzzle.A puzzle and a pinwheel.A pinwheel! Thank you, Richard.Yes.Orange.Outside? Outside, Richard? You wanna go outside? All right, we\'ll go to, uh, McEIliot\'s.We\'ll walk out there for an ice cream.Ice cream! Oh, no.No, no, we can\'t.Daniel doesn\'t like ice cream.I do like ice cream, Richard.I\'m only kidding.I know you like ice cream.Ahh! You love ice cream.All right, come on.Here you go.Got it? Ah! Here you go. 26

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It\'s my birthday.Lollipop.It\'s my birthday.You like it? Oh! All right, Daniel.Okay, wait, wait.Ice cream.Ice cream.My ice cream.My ice cream.Ugh! It\'s okay.Daniel.Daniel! Daniel! Leave it, I\'ll get y...Ice cream on the floor.Ice cream on the floor.Would you go get him another cone? Yeah.I need ice cream, Richard! It\'s my birthday, Richard.It\'s my birthday! Ice cream, Richard! Ice cream, Richard! Stop! Stop it! I need it! Stop it! Stop it! Here we go.Ice cream! Richard! Okay, okay.I\'ve got some ice cream.Birthday ice cream.That\'s good, Richard.I\'m so sorry.He hasn\'t done anything like that I\'d often heard my father talk about how difficult life was for Daniel.But I never really understood it until now.Yeah, there you go.Heh.Orange.On the walk back, Daniel acted like nothing had happened.Other way.Other way.On the ride home, my dad told me that Uncle Daniel used to live with him and Mom before we were born.But after a while, it became too difficult.When we got home, everything looked the same.But it wasn\'t.Before today, Daniel had always been just a name to me.Now he was part of the family.Hey.Hey.How\'d it go? I\'m glad I went.I\'m glad you went too.Trina, it\'s Sunday.What are you doing mopping the floor? Patty Loski invited us over for dinner Friday night.Shouldn\'t she be mopping her floor? Or did she ask to borrow ours? 27

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Nervous energy.Did she invite all of us? Yes, she did.Even our friend Sal Monella? Richard.Why, after all these years? Well, she said she felt really bad that they hadn\'t invited us before and apparently they want to get to know us better.And you wanna go? Well, she insisted.And I think it would be really nice.All right.We\'ll go.I wasn\'t too thrilled about dinner with the Loskis but I could see it meant a lot to my mother.At school the next day, I couldn\'t seem to concentrate.My thoughts kept running back to Daniel.I wondered what my grandparents had gone through having a son like him when reality interrupted.Bryce Loski likes you.What? He\'s got a big crush on you.What are you talking about? Bryce Loski does not have a crush on me.Oh, yeah? In science, I caught him staring at you.He said it was because there was a bee in your hair.Is that the lamest cover-up or what? Maybe there was a bee.The only bee you\'re attracting is B-R-Y-C-E.I\'m telling you, that boy is lost in love land.Come on.Where? I saw him sneaking off with Garrett.Come on.Are you freaking mental? Juli Baker.You hate her.That\'s what\'s so weird.I don\'t think I do.I can\'t stop thinking about her.You got it bad, man.What do I do? You gotta nip this in the bud.These aren\'t real emotions.They\'re not? You feel guilty because of the egg thing.Yeah, and I insulted her yard. 28

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Exactly.The place is a dump anyways.It\'s not her fault.Her dad\'s got a retarded brother and all their money goes to helping him.A retard? Well, that ought to tell you something.About what? About Juli.What are you saying? The apple doesn\'t fall far from the tree, my friend.Oh, heh.Yeah.Right.Yeah.I\'ll talk to you later.Okay.I\'m sorry.I thought...It\'s okay.It\'s fine.And it was.Because now my confusion was gone.I was sure I no longer liked Bryce Loski.Mom, are you trying to make the Bakers feel totally worthle? I want it to be nice.And why aren\'t you dreed? I\'m going.I wanted to look good for Juli.But I didn\'t want her to think that I wanted to look good for her.It was a fine line.A very fine line.Bryce, they\'re here.Come on down.Coming! Hey, come on in.Come in, come in.I\'m glad you could make it.Lynetta, Steven, company\'s here.Coming! What is this? Homemade pie? Yes, it\'s pecan and blueberry cheesecake.Let\'s take them to the kitchen.Hi, guys.Hey, looking good.This is my dad.Hi, I\'m Lynetta.Hi, nice to finally meet you.Nice to meet you too.My boys are telling me that...Hey, big guy.Hey, Steven.How are you? We should\'ve done this a long time ago.Come on in.This is a cool place. 29

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Yeah, it\'s all right.Come on, I\'ll show you my room.You gotta hear this new song we wrote.It\'s so good.Hi.You look nice.I heard you and Garrett making fun of my uncle in the library.And I don\'t wanna speak to you.Not now, not ever.And I say you can.But what you\'re proposing would require a perpetual-motion machine, so it\'s not poible.If you had two opposite charged poles with a neutral conductor Perpetual motion? Here I was, dying inside, and they were talking about perpetual motion.And how did Juli know about all that stuff? Come on, everybody, dinner\'s ready.Lynetta! Dinner! Juli, can I talk to you? It was wrong, what Garrett said.I know it.Did you know it was wrong when he said it? Yeah.I wanted to punch him.But we were in the library.So instead you just agreed with him and laughed.Yeah.Then that makes you a coward.I had to sit acro from Juli for an entire dinner.My dad was right.We should have barbecued.I just want to say how wonderful it is to have you share a meal with us.May it be the first of many.Wrong pipe.Well, we couldn\'t be happier.We are just all so thrilled to be here.Juli, you did a really nice job on your yard.Thanks.Chet was a big help.Yeah, I know.You gotta tell me your secret. I can\'t get him to do a thing around here.Steven.I kid. 30

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I\'m telling you, the neighborhood is really coming to life.I mean, that new house is taking shape.Which one? You know, the one where they cut down that big ugly tree.I wanted to say that a lot of people liked that tree, but I didn\'t.I didn\'t want to go against my dad.Some people thought that tree was the jewel of the neighborhood.Yeah, well, there\'s no accounting for taste.So, Matt, Mark, Mark, Matt You guys are, uh, gonna be graduating soon, huh? Yeah, thank God.You don\'t like high school? You kidding? No.High school was the best time of my life.Not for us, no.Yeah, we\'ve had enough of that scene.So college is probably out of the question, huh? No, it\'s a poibility.They\'ve actually been accepted at several places already.Yes, they have.Really? Well, that\'s good.But, um, we\'re gonna give music a shot first.Really? Oh, they are very talented.Oh, their band is really bo.They did a bunch of demos and they\'re really cool.Thanks, Lyn.When Steven and I first met, he was playing in a band.You played in a band? He was a wonderful saxophone player.Cool.You still play? Well, I...Well, if you want, you can come jam out with us sometime.Uh, you...No, I mean Heh.That\'s not me anymore.Have you boys ever performed in front of an audience? A lot of times.The more Matt and Mark talked about their musical exploits the quieter my dad got. 31

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He tried to plaster on a smile now and then but underneath he seemed really sad.But my parents didn\'t like him at first.Republicans fought like crazy against the New Deal.The rest of the evening was painle enough.But through it all, Juli didn\'t say a word to me.Never even looked at me.Until she was about to leave.I\'m sorry I was so angry when we first came in.I think everyone had a good time.Your mom was really nice to invite us.See you.Her apology made things worse.Hey, wait for me.I knew I wasn\'t forgiven.It was like I wasn\'t even important enough to hold a grudge against.Well, I think they\'re a delightful family.Those boys were nothing like I expected.I thought they were very nice young men.Hoodlums.What? How you think they can afford all that recording gear? Steven, please.You can\'t just make an accusation like that.Don\'t be so naive, Patsy.Do you know how expensive it is to record a demo? They\'re probably stealing hubcaps, for chriake.You are such an ahole.What is the matter with you? Go to hell.Don\'t you talk to me like that.Steven, stop! Nobody talks to me like that in my own house! Stop! I\'d seen my father angry before, but this was different.As I lay in bed that night I thought about how my dad always looked down on the Bakers.And how he\'d called them trash and made fun of Mr.Baker\'s paintings.And now I realized he was just mad at himself.But why? Juli called me a coward. 32

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Was it poible my dad was a coward too? I didn\'t know.What difference did it make? Juli Baker was out of my life.Or, more accurately I was out of hers.As I was getting dreed for the Loskis\' dinner party I found myself staring at the painting my father had given me and became furious all over again.Bryce had never been a friend to me, ever.He hadn\'t taken my side about the tree he\'d thrown away my eggs and he made fun of me at my uncle\'s expense.When my mother called that it was time to go...Juli, let\'s go, we\'re late! I went out with every intention of telling her that I wasn\'t going to the Loskis.Please hold these.I need to check my hair really quickly one more time.Your hair is perfect.Really? But she looked so happy and she\'d gone to so much trouble over the pies that I couldn\'t.Ooh! Oh, my gosh.Oh, God, what a disaster.Okay.Here, hold one, and you hold this.I don\'t wanna hold it.I won\'t have you hold it.Let\'s go, boys.But that didn\'t mean I had to be nice to Bryce.And I don\'t wanna speak to you.Not now, not ever.It felt good to take charge.I felt strong, in control.I told Bryce what I thought and I was determined not to talk to him for the rest of the evening.At dinner it struck me that we were sharing a meal with a group of strangers.We\'d lived acro the street from the Loskis for years but except for Chet, I didn\'t know these people at all.Mr.Loski was clean and smooth on the outside but it seemed like there was something rotten buried just beneath the surface. 33

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By the end of the evening, all I felt was detached, neutral.No fireworks, no leftover anger no flutters, nothing.See you.I went to bed that night feeling peaceful.You okay? Yeah.I was grateful that I had the family I had.And it felt good to no longer care about Bryce Loski.The dinner with the Bakers had taken its toll on me.Then the annual school fundraiser arrived and I found myself with a whole new set of problems.I was a Basketboy.To fully appreciate the humiliation of being a Basketboy you need to know that the chosen few are auctioned off in front of the student body to the highest-bidding females.Yes, technically, each of us comes with a lunch in a basket but let\'s not kid ourselves.This was a beefcake parade.There he is, my idol.One word, you\'re a dead man.No, man, I\'m serious.Listen, you won\'t believe this.What? Two of the hottest chicks are fighting over you.What are you talking about? Sherry is breaking up with Mitch.She and Melanie are having a bidding war over you.I don\'t care.Are you nuts? Sherry dumped Mitch because of you.You\'re my idol.As comforting as it was to be Garrett\'s idol it didn\'t diminish the horror of being Basketboy number nine.And my only hope was that a giant tornado would destroy the school before the event.It was a long shot.Welcome, everyone to this year\'s Mayfield Boosters Club Auction.Once again we are pleased to present of Mayfield\'s finest young men Bryce, Bryce.Bryce. 34

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What are you doing here? Juli\'s in the third row.So? So she\'s got a wad of cash.Bullshit.Bull-true.I saw her counting it by her locker.And now please give a big Mayfield School welcome to your Basketboys.Juli with cash? What did this mean? Was it poible she was gonna bid on me? First up, we have Raymond Hughes.Raymond\'s on the che team and his hobbies include stamp collecting and the yo-yo.Remember, when you bid you\'ll not only be getting the handsome Mr.Hughes you\'ll also be enjoying a lovely chicken-salad sandwich and what looks to be a tasty bean dip, and Oh.Excuse me, onion dip.And a big slice of cherry pie.Okay, who will start the bidding at $? Thus began the bidding.Anybody? Or in Raymond Hughes\' case, the lack of bidding.Very good, here we go.Five.Sold.Ten dollars.Sold.Fifteen.Sold.Come on.Do I hear ? Ten.Ten.Ten.Peanut-butter-and-banana sandwich.Fifteen.Sold for $.Number eight is Eddie Trulock.Eddie is a member of the debate team.Now only Eddie Trulock stood between me and the auction block.I wasn\'t interested in his hobbies or what was in his basket.Let\'s start the bidding at $.All I could think of was Juli.Anybody? What if she did bid on me? 35

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What if she got in a bidding war with Sherry and Melanie and lost out? No bidders? I was contemplating the horrors of this senario when Eight dollars.There you go.Eight dollars, that\'s more like it.Do I hear ? Juli Baker was bidding on Eddie Trulock? Okay, going once.How could she bid on Eddie? Eight going twice.How could she bid on anyone? Sold to Juli Baker.Next is Basketboy number nine, Bryce Loski.I knew I was supposed to step forward, but I couldn\'t move.Step up, Bryce, don\'t be shy.Better late than never.Ha, ha.Bryce likes to play baseball.Five dollars.Oh, well, wait until l Ten.Oh.Well, it appears the bidding is underway.Fifteen.Twenty.Twenty-five.Thirty.Thirty-five.Forty.Fifty.Oh, my.Fifty dollars.Wh Fifty going once.Fifty going twice.Sold to Mi Sherry Stalls for $.An all-time record.Oh, the boosters will be very grateful for such a generous donation.It\'s strange.Here I was, having lunch with the hottest girl in school and I was miserable.We\'re going up to the lake.My dad has a cabin there and you get the most outrageous tan.Because le than feet away from me was Juli.My Juli with Eddie Trulock.She\'s laughing.What was she laughing about? How could she sit there and laugh and look so beautiful? Bryce, are you all right? 36

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What? What are you staring at? Nothing.Lunch is really delicious, Bryce.Bryce, did you hear me? This is a really delicious lunch.Can we not talk about tans or food? Well, what do you wanna talk about? I don\'t know, perpetual motion? Do you know anything about that? Perpetual what? I don\'t know what came over me.It was like I was poeed or something.Juli, I gotta talk to you.What? What\'s going on, Bryce? What are you doing? Bryce, stop it.Bryce, you didn\'t even make it to first base.I\'ll ki you.Ha, ha.Juli! Juli! Juli, wait.Can we talk? Juli! What\'s the matter with you? Leave me alone, Garrett.You get a date with the finest girl on campus and you blow it for Juli.You wouldn\'t understand! I completely don\'t understand! We\'re talking about Juli Baker here.Nightmare neighbor, know-it-all nuisance.The coop-poop babe.Shut up! Hey, have you flipped? What\'s the matter with you? You know what, if you\'re gonna be like this, I don\'t need the aociation.Well, good, because neither do I.Yeah, neither do I! As I walked home with the dirty dishes clanking inside my picnic basket all I could think of was Juli.And I realized Garrett was right about one thing: I had flipped.Completely.Hello? Oh, heh.Hi, Mrs.Baker.Is Juli there? 37

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Oh.I\'m sorry, Bryce.Juli doesn\'t wanna talk.Please, Mrs.Baker.I gotta see her.I\'m sorry, Bryce.But I\'m afraid she\'s locked herself in her room.I tried to go to bed early that night but I couldn\'t sleep.I watched her house from my window for hours.I had to find a way to show her how I felt.Monday morning, as I made my way into school I was deciding which of the Everly Brothers I\'d rather marry when Dana Treler forced Bryce back into my brain.Juli.The list is out.There he is, number nine, your main dish.Bryce Loski\'s not my main dish.Oh, you\'re sticking to your diet.It\'s not a diet, Dana.I\'m over him, okay? I\'m glad to hear it.Because rumor has it Sherry\'s already staking her claim on him.Sherry? Sherry Stalls? Oh, Liz.Macy.The list is up.That afternoon, I found myself obseing about the Basketboy auction.I could feel myself backsliding about Bryce.But why should I care if Sherry liked him? I shouldn\'t even be thinking about him.I had to rise above this.Bryce Loski was no longer in my life.On the morning of the auction, I was on edge.I found myself, without even knowing how it happened, staring at my egg money.I needed a strategy.It was simple.If I left my money at home, I\'d leave temptation with it.My strategy suffered a setback when I ran into Mrs.Steuby.Julianna.Julianna.Hello, dear.I\'m so sorry it\'s taken me so long to get this to you but I keep miing you in the morning. 38

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Mrs.Steuby, I don\'t want that.You don\'t have to...Don\'t be ridiculous.I\'m gonna pay you.I\'m going to pay you.I don\'t want that.I don\'t want it.Yeah, I want you to go out and buy yourself something festive.Pedal pushers.Ha, ha.Mrs.Steuby.Bye, dear.Mrs.Steuby, I don\'t want pedal pushers.No, no.You\'ll look great.It\'s okay.It\'s okay.No big deal.Just pretend like I don\'t have it.I hear you\'re planning to bid on Bryce.What? Who told you that? No, I\'m not.Someone saw you with a wad of cash this morning.How much do you have? It\'s none of your busine.And I\'m not bidding, okay? I don\'t even like him anymore.Oh, that\'ll be the day.It\'s true.Go ahead, waste your money on him.I don\'t care.And now, will you all give a big Mayfield School welcome to your Basketboys.I could say I didn\'t care all I wanted but seeing Bryce walk out in his jacket and tie holding that picnic basket set my head spinning again.Fifteen going once.The auction seemed to fly by.Fifteen going twice.Sold to Macy Taylor for $.Before I knew it, Eddie Trulock was called.Number eight is Eddie Trulock.Which meant Bryce was next.Eddie is a member of the debate team.And his hobbies include fishing and model-airplane building.Who will give me $? Why isn\'t anyone bidding? He\'s so nice.Exactly.Nobody? Eight dollars.Sold to Juli Baker for $.How did this happen? 39

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Was it because I felt bad for Eddie? Or was it because I couldn\'t trust myself with Bryce? As I made my way to the multi-purpose room I contemplated the startling turn of events.Here I was, about to have lunch with Eddie Trulock while the boy I mooned over for half my life was going to share a meal with my mortal enemy.I wanna thank you for bidding on me.It was touch-and-go there for a while.No, I wanted to.This will be fun.I hear you like building model airplanes.Yeah.My father and I just finished a Ruian MiG-.It was made in .MiG\'s first supersonic fighter.Little tricky because the cockpit was receed I tried to give Eddie my full attention.But it was difficult, because Bryce was right behind him.Eddie was saying something about intake valves when out of nowhere, Bryce stood up and marched straight towards me.Hey, Juli, I gotta talk to you.What are you doing? He was going to ki me.To ki me.All my life I\'ve been waiting for that ki.But not like this.Not this way.I pedaled home so hard, I thought my lungs would burst.Julianna? Julianna.Honey? What\'s wrong? I can\'t.Sweetheart you can tell me.Bryce tried to ki me.He did? In school.In front of everybody.Mom, please don\'t get it.It\'s probably him. 40

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Sweetheart maybe you should talk to him.I can\'t.I can\'t.Bryce wouldn\'t leave me alone.He kept calling on the phone.And knocking on the door.He even snuck around the house and tapped on my window.Juli! Please, I gotta see you! Come on out, just for a minute! Why didn\'t he understand that I just wanted to be left alone? Please! After two days, Bryce stopped.And I thought it was finally over.Then, one afternoon, I was coming into the front room to read when I heard a noise in the yard.Hey, what\'s he doing? Juli, calm down.I gave him permiion.Permiion? Permiion for what? He\'s digging a hole.I told him he could.But why? I told him he could.It was torture seeing him dig up my gra.How could my father let him do this? Bryce knew I was there too.He\'s gone.A tree? He\'s planting a tree? Is it a? I didn\'t really need to ask.I could tell from the shape of the leaves and the texture of the trunk.It was a sycamore tree.When she walked out of the door, I thought back to the first time I saw her.How could anybody, ever, have wanted to run away from Juli Baker? He looked at me with those eyes.Those once again dazzling eyes. 41

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And I knew that Bryce Loski was still walking around with my first ki.But he wouldn\'t be for long.As we stood there, I realized that all these years we never really talked.Do you need some help? Yeah.But that day, we started.And I knew we\'d be talking for a long time.



《Harry Potter》 Made by_Nicole Dumbledore: It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.邓布利多:人不能活在梦里而忘了现实。

Dumbledore : To Mi Hermione Granger,for the cool use of intellect while others were in grave peril,50 points 邓布利多:赫敏·格兰杰小姐,当别人身陷险境,她沉着巧妙地发挥才智,50分。

Second,to Mr.Ronald Weasley, for the best-played game of che that Hogwarts has seen these many years,50points.第二项颁给罗恩·韦斯莱先生,他展现了高超的棋艺是霍格沃茨多年来最为出色的,奖50分。 And third,to Mr.Harry Potter,for pure nerve and outstanding courage。 第三项,颁给哈利·波特,表彰他的胆魄,和他超凡的勇气。

Finally,it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies,but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.最后,对敌人坚持原则,奋力抵抗,需要勇气。而对朋友坚持原则更需要勇气。

Sirius:The ones that love us never really leave us.And you can always find them in here.[puts his hand to Harry’s heart.] 天狼星:爱我们的那些人从来都不会真正离开我们,你总能在这里找到他们。[将手放到哈利心口]

Dumbledore:Dark and difficult times lie ahead.Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.But remember this: You have friends here.You are not alone.邓布利多:黑暗和磨难摆在眼前,很快我们都要在正确的事和轻松的事之间做出选择。不过记住:在这里你有很多朋友,你不是一个人在战斗。

Harry:Working hard is important, but there’s something else that’s even more important: Believing in yourself.Look at this way: every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than we are now——students.If they can do it,why not us? 哈利:努力很重要,但有一件事更重要,那就是相信自己。想想看,史上每一位伟大的巫师都跟我们一样,一开始也是学生。如果他们做得到,我们也能。

Harry:This connection between me and Voldemort…… 哈利:我跟伏地魔之间的这种联系……

what if the reason for it is that I am becoming more like him? 会不会是因为我变得越来越像他了才产生的? I just feel so angry, all the time.我无时无刻不感到愤怒。

What if after everything that I’ve been through, something’s gone wrong inside me? What if I’m becoming bad?

要是经历过这一切之后我走上岔路怎么办?要是我变坏了怎么办? Sirius:I want you to listen to me very carefully.天狼星:我要你仔细听我说,哈利。

You’re not a bad person.You’re a very good person, who bad things have happened to.你不是坏人,你是一个非常好的人,只是遇到些不好的事。

Besides, the world isn’t split into good person and Death Eaters.况且,世上不是只有好人和食死徒。 We’ve all got both light and dark inside us.我们内心都同时具有光明的一面和黑暗的一面。

What matters is the part we choose to act on.That’s who we really are.关键在于我们想展示出哪一面。那才是真正的我们。

Harry:[to Voldemort] You are the weak one.And you will never know love, or friendship.And I feel sorry for you.哈利:[对伏地魔] 才懦弱,你永远都不会了解爱和友谊。我为你感到遗憾。

Luna: My mom always said things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end.Only not always in the way we expect.卢娜:我妈总说,失去的东西总会以某种方式回到我们身边的。只是有时以我们意想不到的方式回来。

Harry: Even though we’ve got a fight ahead of us.We’ve got one thing that Voldemort doesn’t have.哈利:虽然我们必须面对一场战斗,但我们拥有伏地魔没有的东西。 Ron:Yeah? 罗恩:是什么?

Harry:Something worth fighting for.哈利:值得捍卫的东西。


dwell on 总是惦记,不能释怀

[It doesn’t do to dwell over much on one’s painful memories.过分沉溺于自己的痛苦回忆中是不行的。] intellect n.智力;知识分子;智商高的人 [human intellect人的理智] intelligent adj.聪明的

grave adj.重大的;严肃的 n.坟墓

[They used to visit her grave twice a year.他们以前每年给她上两次坟。] Pure


pure water纯净水 outstanding adj.杰出的;显著的

[Liu Xiang is an outstanding athlete.刘翔是位杰出的运动员。] Courage


keep up one’s courage 不泄气,不气馁 lose courage 灰心 stand up 坚持





have no choice别无选择

make a choice 做选择 between…and 在……之间 important


[important meeting重要会议

important choice 重要的选择] connection n.连接;联系;关系 [cut the connection割断联系] inside



feel sorry for 对…表示同情/遗憾/难过

[Feel sorry for this。对此而感到遗憾。 Feel free 随意做某事;请便

[Feel free to go where you like。你想去哪儿就可以到哪去。



1、in love folly is always sweet.恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。

2、thousand of time i have thought of you .my heart is going high into the air and flying with my bleing towards you i don’t care loneline.i am satisfied when you are happy and i am happy when i think of you! 千万个思念,在空气中凝固。扬起风吹向你,带着我的祝福,寂寞我不在乎,你快乐我就满足,想你是我的幸福!

3、one is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music.then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本是费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。

4、the road to a lover’s house is never long.通往爱人家里的路总不会漫长。

5、he has made his weapons his gods.when his weapons win he is defeated himself.他把他的刀剑当作他的上帝。当他的刀剑胜利的时候他自己却失败了。

6、the worst way to mi someone is to be sitting right beside them knowingyou can‘t have them.失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

7、to the world you may be just one person.to the person you may be the world.对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。

8、to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

9、·don’t wait for pain, to believe in prayer.不要等到受伤了,才相信愿意祈祷。

10、in this world, there is no accident, but some certainty that pretends to be accident.偶尔要回头看看,否则永远都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了什么。

11、within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again.有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

12、i don’t know what to say...i was just thinking of her a lot at that moment.我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在那一刻很想念她。

13、why do the good girls, always want the bad boys 为何好女孩总喜欢坏男孩?

14、life is apure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us.生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在。

15、every day without you is like a book without pages.没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书


17、no man or woman is worth your tears and the one who is,won’t make your cry.没人值得你为他流泪,真正爱你的人不会让你哭泣。

18、i love you not for whom you are, but who i am when i ’m by your side.我爱你并不是因为你是谁,而是因为我在你身边的时候我是谁。

19、love you not because of who you are,but because of who i am when i am with you.我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 20、first impreion of you is most lasting.对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。

21、life is apure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us.生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在。

22、no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

23、the worst way to mi someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can’t have them.失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁却犹如远在天边。

24、in the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair.哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。

25、you had me at hello.在第一次见面时你就拥有了我。

26、sometimes, the everlasting hate have no unique period 天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期

27、why do we love the ones who ignore us, and ignore the ones who love us为什么我们总是爱上无视我们存在的人,又总是无视那些爱我们的人呢?

28、your tears, they mean nothing to me.你的泪水,对我已经毫无意。

29、never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

30、if you are not with the person whom you love ...........love the person who is with you! 如果你没能和你爱的人在一起,那就爱那个和你在一起的人吧! no one indebted for others,while many people don’t know how to cherish others.永远不是一种距离,而是一种决定。

32、what a loveiy world it well be with you away.没有了你。这个世界多么寂寞。

33、life without love like a tree without bloom or fruit.缺少爱的生命,就像未开花结果的枯树。

34、\"love is the beauty of the soul.\"爱是灵魂至萃.\"

35、if i know what love is, it is because of you.因为你,我懂得了爱。

36、don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有

37、just because someone doesn’t love you as you wish,it doesn’t mean you’re not loved with all his/her being.只因为某人不如你所愿爱你,并不意味着你不被别人所爱。

38、it is never too late to fall in love.爱永远不会嫌晚。

39、acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best revenge.it’s all for myself to live better.若无其事,原来是最狠的报复。

40、don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

41、to sweetheart or friend,words can mean much.valentine heart to heart,conveys a loving touch.给我的愛人或是朋友,一句话可以代表许多意思,让我們传递著情人节的讯息,也传送出愛的感觉。

42、·you are my soul mate;the one who could set my heart on fire with just one look.你是那用一个眼神就可以点燃我心火的灵魂伴侣!

43、i dropped a tear in the ocean, and when i find it thats the day i will stop loving you.我的一颗眼泪掉进了海洋,当我找到它的那一天就是我停止爱你的那一天。

44、to the world you may be just one person.to the person you may be the world.对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。

45、to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

推荐栏目: 唯美爱情句子 伤感古风句子 祝福语大全 优美爱情句子

not only in the ability to persist, but the ability to start over.坚持需要勇气,重新来过更是如此。

47、there is only one person who can define succe in your life and that’s you.只有一个人能界定你一生的成就 – 那就是你自己。

48、no man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is,won’t make you cry.没有男人或女人值得你流泪,值得的那位不会让你哭泣。

49、if you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。

50、i know that love shall not be compared, but i still used to complaining what he is lack of.我知道感情不能拿来比较,但无意中还是习惯抱怨他所缺少的。

51、let her know…my heart…is beating with hers 让她知道 -我的心 -为她而存

52、i’ll think of you every step of the way.我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

53、it is never too late to fall in love.爱永远不会嫌晚。

54、at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

55、maybe god wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。

56、tell me you are mine.i’ll be yours through all the years, till the end of time.请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。

57、if you were a teardrop,in my eye,for fear of losing you,i would never cry.and if the golden sun,should cease to shine its light,just one smile from you,would make my whole world bright.hannah jo kee 如果你是我眼里的,一滴泪,为了不失去你,我将永不哭泣。如果金色的阳光,停止了它耀眼的光芒,你的一个微笑,将照亮我的整个世界。

58、身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通 the body has no colourful feng sf wing, mind acts upon mind

59、thousand of time i have thought of you .my heart is going high into the air and flying with my bleing towards you i don’t care loneline.i am satisfied when you are happy and i am happy when i think of you!千万个思念,在空气中凝固。扬起风吹向你,带着 的祝福,寂寞 不在乎,你快乐 就满足,想你是 的幸福! 60、love is when you take away the feeling, the paion, the romance, and you find out you still care for that person.爱情是:当感觉、热情和浪漫统统拿掉之後,你仍然珍惜对方。

1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。

2.There is something inside ,that they can\'t get to , that they can\'t touch.That\'s yours.那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。

3.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things.And no good thing ever dies.希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。

4.Fear can hold you prisoner.Hope can set you free.恐惧让你沦为囚犯。希望可以感受自由。

5.Get busy living or get busy dieing.要么忙于活着,要么忙于死去。

6.It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人。

7.forget that there are … place … in the world that are not made out of stone, there is something … inside … that they can not get to … that is hope . 不要忘了,这个世界穿透一切高墙的东西,它就在我们的内心深处,他们无法达到,也接触不到,那就是希望.


1.lasagna:意大利烤宽面条(ps: how to make lasagna.) 2.macaroni 意大利空心面,通心粉 3.--john: you are starting to make me a little neverous. --savannah: why am i starting to make you nervous? ---john: because i am starting to think you might be too good of a person for me, ---savannah: i am not that good of a person. 4.sneak off to do sth.偷偷做某事 5.filthy 污秽的,肮脏的 6.retarded n.智障 v.推迟,阻塞 :(retard) 7.autistic n.孤独症患者 adj.孤独的,自闭的 8.leftover n.残余物,剩下的饭菜 adj.残留的

道歉的话: sorry.i didn’t mean to make you feel that..i have no idea what i was talking about. 9 reenlist v.延长服役篇2:经典-电影-台词 1.一个人一生可以爱上很多的人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白以前的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。——《分手信》 2.《最強囍事》經典台詞:1.你問我愛你值唔值得,其實你應該知道,愛就係唔問值得與唔值得。2.愛一個人就係相信自己可以比佢最大既幸福!3.我要你知道,係呢個世界上總有一個人係等緊你既,無論咩時候,無論係咩地方,反正你知道,總有呢一個人。只有你可以比我任性。4.愛情無高唔高攀得起,只有愛同唔愛 3.有时候根本无法选择自己去做一个什么样的人。——《黑暗边缘 . 4.我恋爱了,我很痛苦,但我想一直痛苦下去。我以前喜欢你,将来也喜欢你。——《向左爱 向右爱》 5.我本来以为很了解自己。有些东西可以培养,靠时间拉近。现在发现,时间可以把人拉近,也可以把人推得更远。好感不能代替一切?——《非诚勿扰2》 6.do what you love, fuck the rest.做你最想做的,其他都是扯蛋!——《阳光小美女》 7.真正的吃惊表情转瞬即逝,超过一秒钟便是假装的。——《别对我说谎》 8.世界上最远的距离,不是生与死;也不是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你;而是明明彼此相爱,却不能够在一起。 ——《情癫大圣》 9.我们还是不要在一起了,但这并不代表我不爱你。im sorry , but i love you .——《暹罗之恋》 10.俺们狐狸爸爸有超强的组织能力,计划能力,协调能力,领导能力,演说能力,侦查能力,文字表达能力,还有超酷的运动天赋和浪漫因子,最牛的是随机应变能力和执行力。你说是不是很了不起?!《了不起的狐狸爸爸》篇3:分手经典语录


















19、生活中有很多东西,不是得到就是失去。也许我失去的很多,但必有所得! 20、活着的意义,不是说:“对不起”,而是说:“没关系”。









29、生活的真正意义是:生下来,活下去。 30、年龄不是差距,身高不是距离。












编后语:当繁华落尽时间破碎,我在落败的残花前看见了一地忧伤。所有海誓山盟终不及命运的一夕。转变繁华尽头皆是残缺。是谁为谁守望天涯?是谁为谁望断归路,又是谁为谁繁锦成花,散落成雨?我轻吟在心中不敢忘,在轮回之前最后许愿,是否有人用一分钟的等待,换得我一生的期许。这些话,你听到了吗篇4:经典英语台词 one is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music.then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone. 《飞屋环游记》 love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow.when the lamp is off, you will find the shadow everywhere.friend is who can give you strength at last. 《剪刀手爱德华》

i love you not for who you are, but for who i am with you. 《恋夏500天》

love makes man grow up or sink down. 《如果能再爱一次》 if you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down, its called burden-bearing.pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love. 《廊桥遗梦》 we all live in the past.we take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone. 《泰坦尼克号》 one may fall in love with many people during the lifetime.when you finally get your own happine, you will understand the previous sadne is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love. 《初恋50次》 when you are young, you may want several love experiences.but as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough.you need time to know, to forgive and to love.all this needs a very big mind. 《单身公寓》



don’t forget the things you once you owned.treasure the things you can’t get.dont give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory. 《西雅图夜未眠》 i love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things.only in this way can i know what will not be abandoned by time.for example, when you love someone, changes are all around.then i step backward and watching it silently, then i see the true feelings. 《两小无猜》 good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person. 《冷山》

《天使爱美丽》 is there anyone who hasnt suffered for the secret love? we always think that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing in the world.but one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize that its always light, light.we all thought love was very deep, but in fact its very thin.the deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time. 《附注我爱你》

in this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happine. 《英国病人》 an unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgetting.a badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding. 《返老还童》 i know someone in the world is waiting for me, although ive no idea of who he is.but i feel happy every day for this. 《恋恋笔记本》


《看得见风景的房间》 when you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop.please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us.if the sky is still vast, clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesnt take away the world that belongs to you.篇5:万物理论经典台词整理收集英文

万物理论经典台词整理收集英文 jane:you havent said why you dont believe in god. 简:你还没说自己为什么不信上帝。 stephen:a physicist cant allow his calculations to be muddled by a belief in a supernatural creator. 斯蒂文:物理学家的研究不能受超自然的创世主影响。 jane:i want us to be together,for as long as weve got,and if thats not very long then,well,thats just how it is...itll have to do. 简:我要和你在一起,有多久就是多久,时间不长的话,也没事,两年也够。 stephen:how many years?


jane:they said two.youve had so many. 简:他们说只有两年,已经许多年了。 it is clear that we are just an advanced breed of primates,on a minor planet orbiting around a very average star,in the outer suburb of one among a hundred billion galaxies.but,ever since the dawn of civilization,people have craved for an understanding of the underlying order of the world.there ought to be something very special about the boundary conditions of the universe.and what can be more special than that there is no boundary? and there should be no boundary to human endeavor.we are all different.however bad life may seem,there is always something you can do,and succeed at.while there is life,there is hope.() 我们人类也不过是高级灵长类动物,生活在一颗小星球上,绕着一颗普通的恒星转动,我们生活的银河系之外还有上亿个星系,然而,自人类文明诞生以来,人们就没有停止过对世界根本规律的探索,宇宙的边界是什么,肯定有个特别的答案,但是还有比没有边界更特别的答案吗?同样,人类的潜力也不会有边界,我们都是与众不同的,无论生活多么艰辛,你总会有自己的方式发光。生命不息,希望不止。


斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金21岁时被确诊患运动神经元病,医生宣布,他只剩两年的时间。绝望的他想和女友简·王尔德分手,但简却坚定地要和他结婚。 上周霍金度过了他的73岁生日。




此时,简已心有他属,而霍金不久之后也将另娶他人。 这样的感情难理解吗?用世俗的伦理道德去理解,确实不容易。最初,他们是牛津剑桥里的金童玉女,后来他们是患难夫妻,再后来,他们有了三个孩子,而霍金则成为知名度堪比摇滚巨星的世界级物理学家,《时间简史》持续畅销,霍金名利双收。一切都在变好,蒸蒸日上日趋完美——除了霍金的身体。不过,全世界都已经熟悉霍金的形象,照顾霍金30年的简焉有不习惯的道理?最难的时候都过来了,人间重晚晴,晚节必须保;少年夫妻老来伴,举案齐眉白头偕老,伟人背后的隐忍付出„„这才是符合大众认知的爱情佳话的路数啊。



霍金和简定情那夜,简说:“起初有天地,地是空虚混沌,渊面黑暗(in the beginning was the heaven and the earth ,and the earth was without form.and darkne was upon the face of the deep)。”而《圣经·创世纪》的 这句话本来应该是:“起初,神创造天地。地是空虚混沌,渊面黑暗(in the beginning when god created the heavens and the earth , the earth was a formle void and darkne covered the face of the deep)。” 为了这个追问世界起源的物理学家霍金,虔诚的基督徒简偷偷篡改了“创世纪”,去掉了其中的“god”。他不用再问,便知道她爱他。 30年后,简在霍金的《时间简史》手稿里看见这样的话:“我们是谁?我们为什么在这儿?如果我们弄明白这些,这将是人类理性的终极胜利。到那时,我们会知道上帝的想法。”简惊喜的跑去问霍金:“这真的是你的意思吗?”“是的。当然。”





伟大的简,伟大的一切,伟大的爱,最后的插曲来自《红色翅膀:火烈鸟的故事》 while there is life,there is hope. 生命不息,希望不止。

人类的努力应该是没有边界的,我们千差万别,不管生活看上去有多糟糕,总有你能够做的事情,并且能够成功。有生命的地方,就有希望。 我们只是灵长类动物的高级品种,生活在一个很小的星球上,它在绕着一个很普通的恒星公转,而它只是亿万个星系中的一个。自文明诞生以来,人类一直渴望了解世界潜在的自然法则,关于宇宙的边界情况应该很特别。还有什么比没有边界更特别的吗?人的努力应该是没有边界的。


我不再爱你,不代表我恨你。我陪你度过了最艰难的日子,然后才走开。 we are all different, however bad life may seem, there is always something you can do,and succeed at. while there is life,there is hope. there should be no boundaries to human endeavor.we are all different.however bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at.while theres life, there is hope. 霍金:“how many years?” 简:“the doctor said you had two, but now we had so many„”








I know you\'ll never forgive me.And I don\'t blame you.I wouldn\'t forgive me either.I was ignorant and irresponsible and small-minded.But predators shouldn\'t suffer because of my mistakes.

And after we\'re done, you can hate me, and that\'ll be fine, because I was a horrible friend, and I hurt you.And you can walk away knowing you were right all along.I really am just a dumb bunny.

I really am just a dumb bunny.I really am just a dumb bunny.









I really am just a dumb bunny.


The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.


Whatever you do,do not let go!


All right, get in here.You bunnies, so emotional.


Everyone comes to Zootopia, thinking they could be anything they want.But you can\'t.You can only be what you are.Sly fox.Dumb bunny.And that is not wet cement.


Life\'s a little bit mey.We all make mistakes.No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you.


Nick: I know you love me

Judy: I do?Yes I do!



Chief Bogo: It\'s not about how badly you want something.It\'s about what you are capable of!





本片段剧情:气球销售员弗雷德里克不甘被送入养老院的命运,决心搭乘“飞屋”去南美的“天堂瀑布”,完成妻子的遗愿。不料飞屋升空后,却发现同行的还有一位不速之客---小探险家拉塞尔。这个小胖墩喋喋不休的叫嚷让弗雷德里克真想把他从飞屋扔下去。但此时爷俩却遇到了暴风雨。他们的飞屋能抵御风暴,平安到达“天堂瀑布”吗? 影片对白:

Fredricksen: Good morning, gentlemen.

Man: Good morning, mr.Fredricksen.You\'re ready to go?

Fredricksen: Ready as I\'ll ever be.Would you do me the favour and take this? I\'ll meet you in the van in just a minute.I...wanna say one last goodbye to the old place.

Man: Sure.Take all the time you need, sir.That\'s typical.He\'s probably going to the bathroom for the 80th time.You\'d think he\'d take better care of his house.

Fredricksen: So long, boys! I\'ll send you a postcard from Paradise Falls! We are on our way, Ellie.

Ruell: Hi, mr.Fredricksen.It\'s me, Ruell.

Fredricksen: What are you doing out here, kid?

Ruell: I found the snipe and I followed it under your porch.But this snipe had a long tail and looked more like a large mouse.Please, let me in.

Fredricksen: No.Aw, all right.You can...come...in.

Ruell: I\'ve never been in a floating house before.Goggles...Look at this stuff! Are you going on a trip? \"Paradise Falls, a land lost in time\".Are you going to South America, mr.Fredricksen?

Fredricksen: Don\'t touch that! You\'ll soil it.

Ruell: You know, most people take a plane.But you\'re smart, because you have your TV, clocks and stuff.Ooo, is this how you steer your house? Does it really work? This makes it turn right and that way is left.Hey, look! Buildings! That building\'s so close, I can almost touch it! Wow, this is great! You should try this, mr.Fredricksen.Look, there\'s a bus that could take me home two blocks away! Hey, I can see your house from here!

Fredricksen: Don\'t jerk around so much, kid! Well, that\'s not gonna work.

Ruell: I know that cloud, it\'s a \"cumulonimbus\".Did you know that a cumulonimbus...

Fredricksen: Aaa, I stayed up all night blowing up ballons...for what? That\'s nice, kid.What are you doing over there? Ruell: Look! See? Cumulonimbus.精讲之二


本片段剧情:对面就是天堂瀑布了,弗雷德里克森激动不已,但爷俩必须翻山绕路才能抵达,而糟糕的是,飞屋却在这时漂不起来了。于是拉塞尔建议拖着飞屋往前走。再过三天,给飞屋做动力的气球就要泄气了,而且这时,一群不友好的猎狗也循声而至,想打败爷俩。爷俩能顺利抵达天堂瀑布吗? 精彩对白

Fredricksen: There it is! Ellie, it\'s so beautiful! We made it! Ruell, we can float right over there.Climb up, climb up!

Ruell: Do you mean...aist you?

Fredricksen: Yeah, whatever.

Ruell: Ok, I\'ll climb up!

Fredricksen: Watch it!

Ruell: Sorry.

Fredricksen: Now when you get up there, go ahead and hoist me up.Got it? Are you on the porch yet? What? That\'s it? I came all this way here to get stuck on the wrong end of this rock pile?

Ruell: Ah...great.Hey, if I could aist you over there...would you sign up for my badge?

Fredricksen: What are you talking about?

Ruell: We could walk your house to the fall.

Fredricksen: Walk it?

Ruell: Yeah.After all we weigh it down, we could walk it right over there.Like a parade balloon.

Fredricksen: Now, we\'ll walk to the falls quickly and quietly, with no rap music or flash dancing.We have three days at best till the helium leaks out of those balloons.And if we are not at the falls when that happens, we\'re not getting to the falls.

Ruell: There...I found sand!

Fredricksen: Don\'t you worry, Ellie.We\'ll get our house over there.

Ruell: It is fun already, isn\'t it? By the time we get there, you\'re gonna feel so aisted.Oh, mr.Fredricksen, if we happen to get separated, use the wilderne explorer call.Wait, why are we going to Paradise Falls, again?

Fredricksen: Hey, let\'s play a game.It\'s called: \"See who can be quiet the longest\".

Ruell: Cool! My mom loves that game!

Fredricksen: Darn thing.Come on, Ruell, hurry it up.

Ruell: Ah, I\'m tired.My knee hurts.

Fredricksen: Which knee?

Ruell: My elbow hurts and I have to go to the bathroom.

Fredricksen: I asked you about that five minutes ago.

Ruell: I didn\'t have to go then! I don\'t wanna walk anymore.Please, stop.

Fredricksen: Ruell, if you don\'t hurry up, the tigers will eat you.

Ruell: There are no tigers in South America.Zoology.

Fredricksen: Ah, for the love of Pete...Go on into the bushes and do your busine.

Ruell: Ok.Here! Hold my stuff! 精讲之三


本片段剧情:拉塞尔路遇小狗Dug和南美鸟Kevin,一再坚持带它们一起上路,但没想到狗群领队Alfa却带着手下Beta和Delta寻踪而至,小狗Dug到底是敌是友呢?爷俩能摆脱狗群的追击吗? 精彩对白

Beta: Oh, here it is! I picked up the bird\'s scent!

Delta: Wait a minute, wait a minute.What is this? Chocolate.I smell chocolate.

Beta: I\'m getting prunes and ginger cream.Who are they?

Delta: Oh, man, the master will not be pleased.We\'d better tell him someone took the bird, right, Alfa?

Beta: No.

Alfa: Soon enough the bird will be ours again.Find the scent, my compadres, and you, too, shall have much rewarding from the master for the toil that you did.

Delta: Hey, Alfa, I think there\'s something wrong with your collar.You must have broken it.

Beta:Yeah.Your voice sounds funny.

Alfa: Beta, Delta! Perhaps you desire...Squirrel! Perhaps you desire to challenge the right that I have been aigned by my strength and cunning.

Delta: No, no.No.But maybe Dug would.You might wanna ask him.

Beta: I wonder if he\'s found the bird on his \"very special miion\".

Alfa: Do not mention Dug to me at this time.His fool\'s errand will keep him most occupied...Most occupied, indeed.Do you not agree with that which I\'m saying to you now?

Beta: Sure.

Delta: But the second the master finds out that you sent Dug out by himself, none of us will get a treat.

Alfa: You\'re unwise, my trusted lieutenant.This is Alfa.Calling Dug.Come in, Dug.

Dug: Hi, Alfa.Your voice sounds funny.

Alfa: I know, I know! Have you seen the bird?

Dug: Oh, yes.The bird is my prisoner now.

Beta: Yeah, right.

Alfa: Impoible.Where are you?

Dug: I am here with the bird and I will bring it back, and then you like me.Oh, gotta go.

Ruel: Dug, who are you talking to?

Delta: Wait, wait! - What is Dug doing?

Beta: Why is he with the small mailman? Where are they?

Alfa: There he is.Come on! 精讲之四


本片段剧情:拉塞尔执意带着的小狗Dug和大鸟Kevin拖慢了行程,还导致飞屋被撞坏了。弗雷德里克森为了甩掉它们,想出了很多办法,但一不留神,它俩又出现在了爷俩面前。晚上,爷俩搭帐篷时的闲谈,才让弗雷德里克明白,拉塞尔是个爹不疼娘不爱的可怜孩儿,他参加探险队、得勋章都是为了有机会让爸爸来参加自己的授勋仪式…… 精彩对白

Dug: Please, oh, please, be my prisoner.

Ruel: Dug, stop bothering Kevin!

Dug: That man over there says I can take the bird.And I love that man there like he is my master.

Fredricksen: I am not your master!

Dug: I am warning you once again, bird!

Ruel: Hey, quit it!

Dug: I am jumping on you now, bird!

Fredricksen: At this rate we will never get to the falls! I am nobody\'s master, got it? I don\'t want you here and I don\'t want you here! I\'m stuck with you! If you two don\'t clear out of here by the time I count to three...

Dug: A ball! Oh, boy, oh, boy, a ball!

Fredricksen: Ball? You want a ball?

Dug: Yes, I do! I ever so want the ball!

Fredricksen: Go get it!

Dug: Oh, boy, I will get it and then bring it back!

Fredricksen: Quick, Ruell, give me some chocolate.

Ruell: Why?

Fredricksen: Just give to me! Bird! Bird! Come on, Ruell.

Ruell: Wait! Wait, mr.Fredricksen! What are you doing? Hey, we\'re pretty far now.Kevin\'s gonna mi.

Fredricksen: I think that did the trick.

Dug: Hi, master.

Fredricksen: Afternoon.Well, thanks for keeping us dry, anyway, Ellie.

Ruell: Which one is the front?

Fredricksen: Well, boy...

Ruell: Is this step three or step five? There.All done.That\'s for you.Well, tents are hard.

Fredricksen: Wait, aren\'t you super wilderne guy with the GPS and the badges?

Ruell: Yeah, but...Can I tell you a secret?

Fredricksen: No.

Ruell: All right.Here it goes.I never actually built a tent before.There! I said it.

Fredricksen: You\'ve been camping before, haven\'t you?

Ruell: Well, never outside...

Fredricksen: Well, why didn\'t you ask your dad how to build a tent?

Ruell: I don\'t think he wants to talk about this stuff.

Fredricksen: Try him sometime, maybe he\'ll surprise you.

Ruell: He\'s away a lot, I don\'t see him much.

Fredricksen: He\'s gotta be home sometime.

Ruell: I call, but Phyllis told me I bug him too much.

Fredricksen: Phyllis? You call your own mother by her first name?

Ruell: Phyllis isn\'t my mom.

Fredricksen: Oh!

Ruell: But he promised he\'d come to my Explorers Ceremony to pin on my \"Aisting the elderly badge\".So he can show me how about the tent then, right?

Fredricksen: Hey, why don\'t you get some sleep? We don\'t want to wake the travelling flea circus.

Ruell: Dle Fredricksen, Dug says he wants to take Kevin prisoner.We have to protect him.Can Kevin go with us?

Fredricksen: All right, he can come.

Ruell: Promise you won\'t leave him?

Fredricksen: Yeah.

Ruell: Cro your heart?

Fredricksen: Cro my heart.What have I got myself into, Ellie? 精讲之五


本片段剧情:穆兹摆下鸿门宴,明为宴请爷俩,实则打听大鸟Kevin的下落,想捉住它。饭桌上,不谙世事的小家伙拉塞尔说漏了嘴,暴露了Kevin的行踪。穆兹发现了Kevin,还放狗出去追爷俩。爷俩和Kevin最终能够摆脱穆兹的魔爪吗? 精彩对白:

Muntz: Epsilon, you\'ve done it again!

Ruell: Yeah! Hey! Hey!

Mr.Fredricksen: My Ellie would have loved all these.You know, because of you she had this dream to come down here and live by the fall.

Muntz: I\'m honored.And now you\'ve made it.

Mr.Fredricksen: You sure we\'re not a bother? I\'d hate to impose.

Muntz: No, no, it\'s a pleasure to have guests.A real treat.

Dogs: Treat? Where\'s my treat? I want my treat!

Muntz: I shouldn\'t have used that word.Having guests is a delight! More often I get thieves trying to steal what is rightfully mine.

Mr.Fredricksen: No...

Muntz: They called me a fraud, those...But once I bring back this creature, my name will be cleared.Beautiful, isn\'t it? Oh, I\'ve spent a lifetime tracking it.Sometimes, years go by between seeings.I\'ve tried to smoke it out of that death land where it lives.Can\'t go in after it.Once in, there\'s no way out.I lost so many dogs.Here they come those bandits who think the bird is theirs to take! But they soon found that this mountain is a very dangerous place.

Ruell: Hey, that looks like Kevin!

Muntz: Kevin?

Ruell: Yeah, that\'s my new giant pet bird! I trained it to follow us.

Muntz: Follow you? Impoible.How?

Ruell: She likes chocolate.

Muntz: Chocolate?

Ruell: Yeah.I gave her some of my chocolate.She goes wild about it.

Mr.Fredricksen: But it ran off.Let\'s go now.

Muntz: You know, Carl...these people who pa through here they all tell pretty good stories.A surveyor making a map...a botanist cataloguing plants...an old man taking his house to Paradise Falls.That\'s the best one yet, I can\'t wait to hear how it ends.

Mr.Fredricksen: Well, it\'s been a wonderful evening, but we\'d better be going.

Muntz: You\'re not leaving.

Mr.Fredricksen: We don\'t want to take advantage of your hospitality.Come on, Ruell.

Ruell: But we haven\'t even had deert yet.

Muntz: Oh, the boy is right.You haven\'t had deert.Epsilon here makes a delicious cherries jubilee.You really must stay! I insist! We have so much more to talk about!

Ruell: Kevin?

Muntz: It\'s near.Get them! 精讲之六


本片段剧情:弗雷德里克森和小拉塞尔联手与穆兹展开激战,小狗Dug也帮了不小的忙。就在爷俩准备带着Dug和Kevin乘飞屋离开时,阴险狡猾的穆兹一枪打爆了飞屋升起用的气球。他们能成功逃脱穆兹的魔爪,平安离开吗? 精彩对白

Muntz: Does anybody know where they are? Raid leaders! Take down that house!

Dogs: Raid leader! Checking in! Raid two, checking in.Raid three, checking in.Target sighted.

Mr.Fredricksen: Come on, Kevin.

Dug: Hi.

Muntz: Any last words, Fredricksen? Come on, spit it out!

Mr.Fredricksen Come on!

Muntz: Enough! You cannot leave this place alive! You\'re dead!

Mr.Fredricksen: Come on, Kevin.

Alfa: I\'ll have plenty of enjoyment for what I\'m about to do to you.

Dogs: He wears the cone of shame!

Alfa: Not just continue sitting! Attack! No! No! Stop your laughing!

Dug: Listen, you, dog, sit!

Dogs: Yes, Alfa.

Dug: Alfa? I am not Alfa, he is...

Ruell: Oh! I can\'t do it.

Mr.Fredricksen: Ruell...Run! Ruell...Run!

Ruell: You leave mr.Fredricksen alone! Hey! Squirrel!

Dogs: Squrrel? Where? I hate squirrels!

Mr.Fredricksen: Dug!

Dug: Master!

Mr.Fredricksen: Ruell, over here! Let\'s go!

Ruell: Mr.Fredricksen!

Mr.Fredricksen: Come on, Kevin.No! Ruell, get out of there! Leave them alone! Ruell, hang on to Kevin! Don\'t let go! Grab on to him! Kevin! Cihcolate!

Ruell: That was cool! Don\'t jerk around so much, kid.Easy, Ruell.

Dug: Oh, I am ready to not be up high.

Ruell: Sorry about your house, Mr.Fredricksen.

Mr.Fredricksen: You know...It\'s just a house.


1.I’d give it back, all of it, if I could have my family back.

2.I was 15 when I went out in the world.What’s a home anyway? A roof? A bed? A place where when you go there, they have to take you? If so, then I was 15 when I became homele.

3.But I still didn’t know how to be in school.I still didn’t know how to be normal.

4.I knew at that moment I had to make a choice.I could submit to everything that was happening and live a life of excuses...or I could push myself.I could push myself and make my life good.

5.Sometimes I feel like there is skin upon the world.And those of us who are born under it, can see threw it.We just can’t

get threw it.

6.I’m smart.I know I can succeed.I just need a chance.A chance to climb out of this place I’ve born in.Everyone I know are angry and tired.They’re trying to survive.But I know that there is a world out there that is better, that’s better developed.And I want to live in it.


Liz Murray: I love you, dad.

Peter: That’s a waste of energy.


Liz Murray: My mother was dying.My father was gone.But I had to believe that their road would rise up to meet me.


Chris: I don’t want to go to school.I don’t belong there and neither do you.Liz Murray: Yes, I do.

Chris: You think they let people like us in to Harvard?


Lisa: I loved going to school so much.You never went to school.Why would they gave you a scholarship?

Liz Murray: Because I’m homele and I’m doing really well on school.

Lisa: You’re not homele, Liz.You could stay here.Liz Murray: No, I couldn’t.


Jean Murray: Lisa said you stopped going to school.Liz Murray: I am going to go back.

Jean Murray: When?

Liz Murray: When you get better



看生活大爆炸学英语The Big Bang Theory第二季 11集:The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis

-Sheldon: Your argument is lacking, in all scientific merit.你的论点完全缺乏科学论证。

argument: 论点 lack: 缺乏 scientific: 科学的 merit: 价值

It is well established Superman cleans his, uniform by flying into Earth's yellow sun, establish: 确定 Superman: 虚构的超级英雄,美国漫画中的经典人物,诞生于1938年6月,出现在DC漫画公司的多种书籍中,还被改编成动画、电影、电视剧、舞台剧,影响深远 uniform: 制服

十分肯定的是,超人飞到地球的黄色恒星,可以清洁他的超人服。 which incinerates any contaminate matter incinerate: 烧成灰 contaminate: 受到污染的 matter: 物质 任何污染物都可以烧掉。

and leaves t invulnerable Kryptonian, fabric unharmed and daisy fresh.invulnerable: 不会受伤害的 Kryptonia: 克里普顿星,超人出生地 fabric: 纤维织物unharmed: 没有受伤的 daisy: 极好的【非常的】 fresh: 新鲜的【干净的】 只留下不可摧毁的氪星球纤维布,完全无害,超级干净。

-Wolowitz: What if he gets something, Kryptonian on it? 要是又染上啥氪星球的东西怎么办? -Sheldon:Like what? 比如什么呢? -Wolowitz: I don't know.Kryptonian mustard.mustard: 芥末


-Sheldon: I think we can safely aume that all, Kryptonian condiments were destroyed aume: 假定 condiment: 调味品 destroy: 毁坏

我觉得我们完全可以设想,所有氪星球调味品都被毁灭掉了。 when the planet Krypton exploded.planet: 星球 explode: 爆炸


-Raj: Or it turned into mustard Kryptonite, turn into: 变成


the only way to destroy a rogue, Kryptonian hotdog threatening Earth.rogue: 劣质的 hotdog: 热狗 threaten: 威胁 这是消灭威胁地球的,劣质氪星热狗的唯一办法。 -Leonard: Raj, please, let's stay serious here.serious: 严肃的


Superman's body is Kryptonian, therefore, his sweat is Kryptonian.therefore: 因此 sweat: 汗 超人的身体来自氪星,他的汗水也是。

-Wolowitz: Yeah, what about Kryptonian pit stains? pit: 痕迹 stain: 污点 对,还有氪星的汗渍呢?

-Sheldon: Superman doesn't sweat on Earth.超人在地球不会出汗。

-Wolowitz: Okay, he's invited for dinner, in the Bottle City of Kandor.invite: 邀请 dinner: 宴会 Bottle City of Kandor: Kandor瓶子城(超人家乡,氪星爆炸后被保存在瓶子里) 好吧,他到Kandor瓶子城里赴宴。

He miniaturizes himself, enters the, city where he loses his superpowers.miniaturize: 使„小型化 lose: 遗失 superpower: 超能力


Now, before dinner, his host says, Who's up for a little Kryptonian tetherball? host: 主人 tetherball: 绳球

宴会开始前,主人问,谁想来玩玩氪星绳球? Superman says "Sure," works up a sweat, comes back to Earth, 超人说"当然愿意",自然他就出了汗水,带回了地球。

his uniform now stained with, indestructible Kryptonian perspiration.indestructible: 不可毁灭的 perspiration: 汗液 他的超人服就这样,被不可摧毁的氪汗水污染了。

-Raj: Boo ya.boo ya: 我赞成 没招了吧你。

-Sheldon: Superman would have taken his uniform to a, Kandorian dry cleaner before he left the Bottle.dry cleaner: 干洗店

离开瓶子前,超人会去Kandor城干洗店,洗超人服。 -Raj: Kandorian dry cl...I give up.give up: 放弃


You can't have a rational, argument with this man.rational: 合理的 这家伙蛮不讲理。

-Wolowitz: Hey, isn't that the guy who won the, MacArthur genius grant last year? 嘿,那不是去年麦克阿瑟天才奖的得主吗? MacArthur genius grant: 麦克阿瑟天才基金奖。麦克阿瑟天才基金奖是创立于1981年,为纪念银行生命灾难公司的。麦克阿瑟基金会总部设在芝加哥,麦克阿瑟基金奖颁给在各个领域内有创意的优秀人才,奖金50万美元,获奖者可自由支配。 genius: 天才 grant:补助金 No, not all at once.别,不要一起看。 -Raj: Then how? 那怎么看? -Wolowitz: Leonard Leonard.Now, Raj.该你了,Raj。 Now, Sheldon.现在Sheldon。

-Raj: I didn't get a good, look.Can I go again? 我没看清楚,我可以再看看吗? -Wolowitz: No.不行。

-Leonard: It's David Underhill.So what? 是David Underhill 那又怎样? -Sheldon: So what? 那又怎样? His observation of high-energy positrons, has provided the first conclusive evidence observation: 观察 high-energy: 高能的 positron: 正电子 provide: 提供conclusive: 决定性的 evidence: 证据


for the existence of, galactic dark matter.existence: 存在 galactic: 银河的 dark matter: 暗物质


-Leonard: I have two words for you.The, first is "big," the other's "whoop." whoop: 欢呼声

送你两个词,第一个是"大声",第二个是 "叫哇"。 -Sheldon: It is a big whoop.是该大声叫哇 (大肆宣扬)。

It made almost all the work you've done, since you've been here completely usele.completely: 完全地 usele: 无用的 几乎让你来这之后的一切研究都没了意义。 -Leonard: Did not., 才不是。

-Wolpwitz: Did, too.的确是。

-Leonard: Did...Okay, maybe some of it, but...不...好吧,可能有些是吧,但...Look, the guy was just in the right place, at the right time 他不过是适时适地,

with the right paradigm-shifting, reinterpretation of the universe.paradigm-shifting: 转换示例 paradigm: 示例 shift: 转换 reinterpretation: 重新解释 universe: 宇宙

适当地给出了阐释宇宙的转换示例, He got lucky.lucky: 幸运的 走运而已。

-Raj: In more ways than one.可不止那样。

He's a very handsome man.handsome: 英俊的 他还是个帅哥呢。

-Wolowitz: Doesn't do anything for me.我那么帅,又有啥用。

If I was gonna go that way, I'm, more of a Zac Ephron kinda guy.gonna: =going to Zac Ephron: 迪士尼电影《歌舞青春》男主角扮演者 kinda: 有几分

要是我成名了,我也是Zac Ephron那种类型的。

-Raj: Oh, yeah, like you have a shot with Zac Ephron.说的好像你跟Zac谈过朋友啊。

-David: Excuse me...Are you Leonard Hofstadter? 请问..你是Leonard Hofstadter吗? -Lenord: yeah., 是我。

-David: I'm David Underhill.我是David Underhill。 -Leonard: y-yeah.你好~ -David: Yeah, Dr.Gablehauser said if I wanted to set something up in the photomultiplier lab, photomultiplier: 光电倍增管 lab: 实验室

Gablehauser博士告诉我,要在光电实验室做实验的话。 that you'd be able to give me a hand? give a hand: 帮助„ 你可以帮到我? -Leonard: You want to work with me? 你想和我一起工作? -David: Well, if you have a little time, yeah.如果你有时间的话,是的。

-Leonard: Y-yeah, sure.Yeah, no problem.哇哦,是,当然有,没问题。

Here's my home number.Here's, my cell.Here's my office.cell: 手机

这是我家的号码,我的手机,我办公室的。 Here's my parents', number up in New Jersey.New Jersey: 美国新泽西州 这是我新泽西父母家的号码。 They always know how to reach me.他们知道我的一切行踪。

-David: So..., Okay.所以...好的。

-Leonard: Congratulations on the MacArthur, Grant, by the way.Big fan.congratulation: 恭喜 fan: 粉丝

顺便恭喜你得到麦克阿瑟奖,我很粉你的。 -David: Thanks.I'll call you.谢谢,我会联系你的。

-Leonard: Okay.Bye-bye! 好的。拜-拜!

What are you looking at? You've, never seen a hypocrite before? hypocrite: 伪君子

看什么看? 以前没看到过伪君子吗?

(Sheldon, Wolowitz and Raj are playing Wii bowling)

-Raj: Trailing badly, Wolowitz needs a strike if he, has any hopes of catching up with Sheldon Cooper, trail: 拖曳 strike: 全中 catch up with: 追赶上

拖曳步不到位,Wolowitz需要一投全倒,才能追赶上Sheldon Cooper。 who is dominating in the ninth, frame with a career-best 68.dominate: 占优势 frame: 有成功希望

后者第九格打出职业生涯最高的68分,优势无人撼动。 -Leonard: Hey, guys! 嘿,兄弟们! -Wolowitz: That doesn't count.Do over! Do over! count: 计算 do over: 重做 这个不算,重来!重来! -Sheldon: There are no do-overs in Wii bowling.Will bowing: 由日本任天堂公司制作的适用于Wii游戏机的电子游戏 Wii保龄球不许反悔。

-Wolowitz: There are always do-overs, when my people play sports.我们运动的时候都有重来的。

-Sheldon: Where were you that's more, important than Wii bowling night? important: 重要的

你有啥事,能比Wii保龄之夜还重要? Actually, I was..., - It's a rhetorical question.actually: 实际上 rhetorical: 修辞的


There is nothing more important, than Wii bowling night.不会有比Wii保龄之夜还重要的事。

-Leonard: Come on, it's just a video game.video: 视频的

得了吧,不就是个视频游戏。 And we suck at it.suck: 差劲


-Sheldon: Nice motivational speech, from the team captain.motivational: 激发性的 speech: 演讲 captain: 队长 队长的讲话多么激励人呀。 -Wolowitz: Where were you? 你去哪儿了? -Leonard: I was working with Dave Underhill.我和Dave Underhill在一起工作呢。

-Wolowitz: Ooh, "Dave." Sounds like, Leonard's got a new BFF.BFF: best friend forever 呀,"Dave" 听着好像Leonard有新死党了。 -Leonard: Actually, he's pretty cool.他的确相当的酷。

I mean, not only is he, a brilliant scientist, brilliant: 有才气的 scientist: 科学家 不仅仅因为他是个天才的科学家,

but it turns out he's, a Black Diamond skier.turn out: 结果是 diamond: 钻石 skier: 滑雪者


He collects vintage motorcycles, He plays in a rock band.collect: 收集 vintage: 古老的 motorcycle: 摩托车 rock: 摇滚 band: 乐队 他收集老爷摩托车,他还玩摇滚乐队。 -Wolowitz: So? We're in a rock band.又怎样? 我们也玩摇滚的。

-Leonard: No...We play Rock Band on our X-Box.X-Box: 游戏机


-Sheldon: Nice motivational speech, from our lead guitarist.lead: 带头的 guitarist: 吉他手 我们的主音吉他手真会鼓励大家呀。 -Leonard: He's funny, too.他也很幽默。

He does this hysterical impersonation, of Stephen Hawking having phone sex.hysterical: 异常兴奋的 impersonation: 模仿 Stephen Hawking: 英国著名物理学家,以研究黑洞论而惊动当前的天文物理学界及相关领域 他模仿斯蒂芬霍金电话做爱,笑死人了。 What are you wearing? wear: 穿着 你-穿得-什么-呀? That's not...He does it better.不是这样的...他模仿得好多了。

Anyway, he said he was gonna take me to the gym tomorrow, anyway: 总之 gym: 体育馆


so I'm gonna go practice my situps.practice: 练习situp: 仰卧起坐 所以我得去练练仰卧起坐。

-Raj: Humongous man crush, dude.humongous: 巨大无比的 crush: 迷恋 dude: 伙计 大丈夫惺惺相惜呀。

-Wolowitz: Yeah.It's officially a bro-mance.officially: 正式地 bro-mance: 哥俩好 对呀,正式进入"哥俩好"阶段。

-Penny: Hey, Sheldon, are you and Leonard, putting up a Christmas tree? put up: 支起 Christmas: 圣诞节

Sheldon,你和Leonard准备好圣诞树了吗? -Sheldon: No, because we don't celebrate the, ancient pagan festival of Saturnalia.celebrate: 庆祝 ancient: 古代的 pagan: 异教徒的 festival: 节日 Saturnalia: (古罗马)农神节(十二月中旬)

没,因为我们不庆祝古代异教徒的农神节。 -Penny: Saturnalia? 农神节? -Wolowitz: Gather round, kids, it's time for, Sheldon's beloved Christmas special.gather: 聚集 kid: 孩子 beloved: 心爱的


-Sheldon: In the pre-Christian era, as the winter, solstice approached and the plants died, era: 年代 winter: 冬天 solstice: 至日 approach: 接近plant: 植物 在基督教以前的年代里,随着冬至的来到,植物死去,

pagans brought evergreen boughs into, their homes as an act of sympathetic magic, evergreen: 常绿的 bough: 大树枝 sympathetic: 有同情心的 magic: 魔法 异教徒们把绿树枝带回家里,作为一种感应巫术,

intended to guard the life, eences of the plants until spring.intend: 意指 guard: 守护 eence: 精华 spring: 春天 意在守护植物的生命精华,直到春天到来。

This custom was later, appropriated by Northern Europeans, custom: 传统 appropriate: 恰当的 Northern European: 北欧的,北欧人 这个传统后来被北欧人沿用,

and eventually it becomes, the so-called Christmas tree.eventually: 最终地 so-called: 所谓的


-Wolowitz: And that, Charlie Brown, is, what boredom is all about.Charlie Brown: 是美国著名漫画家查尔斯.舒尔茨给小朋友画的漫画《花生(Peanuts)》中的形象。这部漫画里更为中国人熟知的形象是查理布朗的狗,无所不能的史努比 boredom:无聊

我跟你说,Charlie Brown无聊的最高境界也就是这样了。 -Penny: Okay, well, thank you for that, but I got, you and Leonard a few silly neighbor gifts, silly: 傻的 neighbor: 邻居 gift: 礼物

好了,谢谢你的解释,但我给你和Leonard都买了傻傻的小礼物, so I'll just put them under my tree., 放我圣诞树下好了。 -Sheldon: Wait! 等等! You bought me a present? present: 礼物 你给我买了礼物? Why would you do such a thing? 为什么呢? -Penny: I don't know.Because it's Christmas? 不知道,因为圣诞吧? -Sheldon: Oh, Penny.Penny。

I know you think you're being generous, but, the foundation of gift-giving is reciprocity.generous: 大方的 foundation: 基础 reciprocity: 利益互惠

我明白,你这么做觉得自己很大方,但赠送礼物的基础原则是礼尚往来。 You haven't given me a gift.你不是给我一份礼物。

You've given me an obligation.obligation: 责任


-Wolowitz: Don't feel bad, Penny, it's, a claic rookie mistake.claic: 经典的 rookie: 新手 mistake: 错误 别太郁闷,Penny,一般新手都会犯这个错误。

My first Hanukah with Sheldon, he, yelled at me for eight nights.Hanukah: 光明节,源自犹太人的节日 yell: 大叫


-Penny: Now, hey, it's okay.You don't, have to get me anything in return.in return: 作为回报

没事的,你用不着回赠礼物的。 -Sheldon: Of course I do.我当然得回赠了。

The eence of the custom is that I now have to go, out and purchase for you a gift of commensurate value purchase: 购买 commensurate: 同量的 value: 价值 风俗的精髓就在于我得去给你买份价值相当的礼物。

and representing the same perceived level of friendship, as that represented by the gift you've given me.represent: 代表 perceive: 感知 level: 同高的 friendship: 友谊 才能够代表你的礼物所表达的相同的情意。

It's no wonder suicide rates, skyrocket this time of year.wonder: 惊奇 suicide: 自杀的 rate: 比率 skyrocket: 飞涨 怪不得每年这个时候自杀率狂飙呀。 -Penny: Okay, you know what? Forget it., I'm not giving you a present.忘了这事吧,我不会送你礼物了。

-Sheldon: No, it's too late.I see it.不,太迟了,我看见了。

That elf sticker says, "To Sheldon." elf: 精灵 sticker: 贴纸

那个精灵贴纸上写着"赠Sheldon"。 The die has been cast.die: 骰子 cast: 掷 骰子已经掷出,

The moving finger has writ, Hannibal has croed the alps.finger: 手指 cro: 渡过 alps: 阿尔卑斯山

魔手已经伸出 (阿加莎小说"魔手"),汉尼拔已经越过了阿尔卑斯山(汉尼拔率军巧过山,击溃罗马军)。 -Wolowitz: I know.It's funny when, it's not happening to us.就是啊,看别人热闹最乐呵。

-Penny: Sheldon, I am very, very sorry.Sheldon 我真的非常抱歉。

-Sheldon: No.No, I brought this on myself by being such, an endearing and important part of your life.endearing: 可爱的

不,我自找的,谁叫我出现在你生命里,又那么可爱,那么举足轻重呢。 I'm going to need a ride to the mall.mall: 购物商场


-Wolowitz: It's happening to us.风水轮流转,我们该倒霉了。 -David: Are you gonna make it? 你能行吗?, -Leonard: Yeah, I gue.嗯,没问题吧。

-David: All right.行。

-Leonard: Thanks for letting me, try out your motorcycle.谢谢让我试骑你的摩托车。 -David: No problem.不用。

-Leonard: I had no idea it was so heavy.heavy: 重的


The thing just fell right, over on me, didn't it? 它实实地压住我了,对吧? -David: Yeah.Lucky for you it wasn't moving.是呀,走运的是它还没启动。 -Penny: Oh, hey, Leonard.Ooh, are you okay? 嘿,Leonard,哎呀,你没事吧? -Leonard: Oh, yeah.It's just a, little motorcycle accident.accident: 事故


-Penny: My God, how fast were you going? 天啦,你开得多快呀? -Leonard: I don't know.It's all such a blur.blur: 变模糊


-David: Good one.He couldn't, even get it started.真幽默,他甚至没点着火。 Hi, Dave., 你好,我是Dave。 -Penny: Hi, Penny.你好,我是Penny。 So it's your motorcycle? 那他骑的是你的摩托车了? Is it okay? 车子还好吗? -Leonard: Lucky for the bike it landed on my leg.leg: 腿


-David: you mind giving me a hand with speed racer here? racer: 赛车手

能帮我扶下这位急速飞车手吗? -Penny: Oh, yeah.Yeah, sure.当然愿意。

So, um, Dave, how do you know Leonard? Dave,你怎么认识Sheldon的? -David: I'm a physicist.physicist: 物理学家 我是物理学家。

-Penny: No, you're not.你不是吧。

-David: Why is that so surprising? 有那么吃惊吗? -Penny: Uh, well, it's just that the physicists, I know are indoorsy and pale.indoorsy: 常在室内的 pale: 皮肤发白的 反正我认识的物理学家都很宅,皮肤也都可白了。 -Leonard: I'm not indoorsy.我哪里宅了。

I just wear the appropriate sun block, because I don't take melanoma lightly.appropriate: 适当的 block: 阻止 melanoma: 黑素瘤 我涂防晒霜,因为不想引起黑素瘤嘛。

-Penny: So, are you and Leonard working, on an experiment together? experiment: 实验

你和Leonard一起做实验的? -David: Yeah, actually we are.对,我们是。

-Leonard: Yeah, we're examining the radiation levels of, photomultiplier tubes for a new dark matter detector.examine: 检测 radiation: 辐射 photomultiplier: 光电倍增管 tube: 管 detector: 检测器

对,我们在检测一种新暗物质探测器的光电倍增管的辐射等级。 -Penny: Uh, sweetie, sweetie, Dave was talking.sweetie: 亲爱的

亲爱的,亲爱的,Dave还没说完呢。 You know, I love science.science: 科学

知道不,我很热爱科学哒。 -Leonard: Since when? 啥时候的事儿? -Penny: Since always.一直都是嘛。

Call me a geek, but I am just nuts for the whole subatomic, particle thing.geek: 呆子 nut: 难对付的人 subatomic: 亚原子的 particle: 微粒 你说我书呆子也罢,但我对什么亚原子微粒真的很狂热。

-David: The last thing I would, ever call you is a geek.哪会想到你是书呆子呐。

-Penny: Well, that's what I, am-- queen of the nerds.queen: 女王 nerd: 呆子 我就是啊,我是书呆呆女王。

-David: Well, if you like, I could show, you the lab we're working in.要是你愿意,去看看我们的实验室吧。

We've got some cool toys, you, know-- lasers and stuff.toy: 工具 laser: 激光 stuff: 东西 那儿设备很不错,激光器啥的。

-Penny: You know, I have always wanted, to see a big science lab.哎呀,我一直好想参观科学实验室。 -Leonard: Since when?, 啥时候的事儿? -Penny: Since always.一直都是嘛。

-David: Leonard, Are you okay here?, Leonard送到这儿你没问题了吧? -Leonard: yeah.I gue.对,没问题。 -David: How about we go see it now? 那咱现在就去? Maybe afterwards we take the bike up the, coast, We grab a little bite to eat...afterwards: 以后 coast: 海岸 grab: 抓住 bite: 一口【一点】 之后可以去海边飚飚车,再吃点什么。

-Penny: Yeah.Yeah, that sounds great.Let me just get my jacket.jacket: 外套

好呀,很好玩的样子,我去穿件外套。 -David: Boy, she'll do, huh? 她行的吧? -Leonard: Yeah, if you like that type.type: 类型

对,如果你喜欢那种型的。 -David: So, you and her...那么,你和她...-Leonard: No, just neighbors.没啦,普通邻居而已。 -David: Really.真的? I don't know how you live next door to, that without doing something about it.隔壁住着这样的妞儿,怎么都不行动啊。 -Leonard: Actually...science is my lady.其实...科学才是我的女神。 -Penny: Okay.Let's go., 好了,走吧。 -David: All right.好。

See you tomorrow, Leonard., 明天见,Leonard。 -Leonard: See ya.ya: =you 回见。

Bye, Penny.Have fun.拜,Penny,玩的开心啊。 -Sheldon: Yes? 谁啊? Did you forget your key? 忘带钥匙了? I don't see anything in, here a woman would want.这儿的东西女孩都不会喜欢啊。

-Wolowitz: You're kidding.You've got lotions and bath oils and soaps.otion: 润肤露 bath oil: 精油 soap: 香皂 开啥玩笑,这儿有润肤露,精油,香皂。 I mean, that's the estrogen hat trick.estrogen: 雌性激素 trick: 花招


-Sheldon: What it is is a cacophonous aault of, eucalyptus, bayberry, cinnamon and vanilla.cacophonous: 粗腔横调的 aault: 攻击 eucalyptus: 桉树 bayberry: 月桂果cinnamon: 肉桂 vanilla: 香草


It's as if my head were trapped, in the pajamas of a sultan.as if: 好比 trap: 陷在„ pajamas: 睡衣 sultan: 苏丹 就好比我的头卡在苏丹睡衣里似的。

-Raj: Sheldon, if you don't like this stuff, let's just go next door and build her a bear.要是你受不了这些东西,咱就去隔壁,给她搭个玩具熊。 -Sheldon: I told you before, bears are terrifying.terrify: 吓人的


-Wolowitz: Come on, bath stuff.It's perfect! perfect: 完美的


You got a scented, candle, a cleansing buff, scented: 加过香料的 candle: 蜡烛 cleansing: 清洁用的 buff: 手巾 薰香蜡烛,沐浴手巾。

spearmint and green tea scented, bath oil, promotes relaxation.spearmint: 荷兰薄荷 promote: 促进 relaxation: 放松 荷兰薄荷加绿茶味精油,有助放松。

-Sheldon: That presupposes Penny is tense.presupposes: 以„为先决条件 tense: 紧张的


-Penny: She knows you.She's tense, We all are.Buy a basket! basket: 篮

她了解你,她会压力很大的,咱不都是嘛,快买礼品篮吧! -Wolowitz: Excuse me, we're ready.你好,我们选好了。

-Sheldon: No, we're not.没选好。

Let's say for a moment that I, accept the bath item gift hypothesis, moment: 时刻 item: 项目 hypothesis: 假设


I now lay the following conundrum, at your feet: Which size? conundrum: 难题

接下来又有这样一个难题:买哪个大小的? -Wolowize: This one.Let's go.这个,付钱去吧。

-Sheldon: You put no thought into that.thought: 想法


-Wolowitz: I'm sorry.Uh...this one.Let's go! 不好意思,就这个! 快付钱去吧。

-Sheldon: I have insufficient data to proceed.insufficient: 不充分的 data: 数据 proceed: 着手 处理这一问题的数据尚不充分。 Excuse me, mi? 请问一下,小姐? -Shop aistant: Yes? 嗯? -Sheldon: If I were to give you this gift basket, based on that action alone and no other data, base on: 基于


infer and describe the hypothetical, relationship that exists between us.infer: 推断 describe: 描述 relationship: 关系 exist: 存在 请你推断并描述我俩之间可能的关系。 -Shop aistant: Excuse me? 什么意思? -Sheldon: Here.给你。

Now, are we friends? Colleagues? Lovers? colleague: 同事

你说,我俩是朋友呢? 同事呢? 还是恋人? Are you my grandmother? grandmother: 祖母

或者,你是我奶奶? -Shop aistant: I don't understand what you're talking about, and you're making me a little uncomfortable.uncomfortable: 不舒服的


-Wolowitz: See? Sounds just like you, and Penny.We'll take it.看到没? 简直是你和Penny的翻版嘛,我们就买这个。 -David: Hey, Leonard.Come, join us.嘿,Leonard,快过来,一起吧。

-Leonard: Oh, hey, Dave.And Penny, what a surprise.嘿,Dave,哇,Penny,好惊喜哦。

-Penny: Hey, Leonard.Dave was just, showing me around the university.university: 大学

嘿,Leonard,Dave刚带着我在校园里兜了兜。 You know, this place is unbelievable! unbelievable: 难以置信的 学校好漂亮啊! -Leonard: Yeah, I know.I've been offering to, show you around for a year and a half.我知道,我邀你参观,都邀了一年半了。 You always said you had yoga.yoga: 瑜伽,源自印度的健身运动 你每次都说要上瑜伽课。 -Penny: I never said that.我没说过吧。

-Leonard: Maybe I heard you wrong.大概我听错了。

A lot of words sound like "yoga." 好多词都跟"瑜伽"发音相近。

-David: This is an amazing woman, Leonard.amazing: 令人惊讶的


She has a curious and agile mind, not to mention, being curious and agile in other respects.curious: 好奇 agile: 机敏的 mention: 说起 respect: 方面 她充满求知欲,头脑机敏,更不用说其他方面也很敏捷很渴求。 -Penny: Oh, shut up! shut up: 住口 快别说了! -Leonard: Yes, please shut up.对啊,快别说了。

So, um, Dave, don't you think you, and I should get back to the lab? Dave,咱们是不是该回实验室了? You know, that dark matter, isn't going to detect itself.detect: 探测


-David: Actually, I was thinking, about taking the afternoon off take off: 离开


so I could work on another, experiment with Penny.好跟Penny做做另外一项实验。

-Penny: Really? We're going to do an experiment? 真的? 我们要做实验了? -David: We're going to explore the effects of, tequila shots on a gorgeous 22-year-old woman.explore: 探索 effect: 作用 tequila: 龙舌兰酒 gorgeous: 美丽的 我们将探索一下龙舌兰酒作用于芳龄22的美女身上有什么效果。

-Penny: It's not an experiment! You, saw what happened last night.这哪是什么实验呀! 你昨晚也看到结果了。 -David: you ready to go? 那我们走吧? -Penny: yeah.好。

Oh, can I drive the motorcycle? 喔,我能骑骑你的摩托车不? -David: Yeah, why not? You can't, do any worse than Leonard.当然,反正不会比Leonard逊。 -Leonard: That's funny.好好笑。

By the way, my leg is killing, me.Thanks for asking.顺便说句,我腿疼死啦,多谢你们关心。 -Sheldon: Mmm, great news, Leonard.大好消息啊,Leonard。

I've solved my Penny gift dilemma.solve: 解决 dilemma: 困境

要不要给Penny回礼的问题我已经解决了。 -Leonard: Yippee.yippee: 好啊


-Sheldon: You see, the danger was that I might under or over-reciprocate, reciprocate: 互换

你知道我回的礼可能太轻,也可能太重。 but I have devised a foolproof plan.devise: 想出 foolproof: 不会错的 但我想出了完美的计划。

See, I will open her gift to me, first and then excuse myself, 到时候我先拆开她送的礼物,然后借口失陪, feigning digestive distre.feign: 假装 digestive: 消化的 distre: 不舒服


Then I'll look up the price of her gift, online, choose the basket closest to that value, price: 价格 online: 在线


give it to her and then I'll, return the others for a full refund.return: 归还 refund: 退还

送给她之后再把其他礼篮都送去退掉。 -Leonard: Brilliant.brilliant: 有才气的 太聪明了。

-Sheldon: It is, isn't it? 当然了,敢说不是? Is it okay if I hide them in your room? hide: 藏

我把篮子藏你房间里成不? The smell makes me nauseated.smell: 味道 nauseat: 使恶心 那股味道哟,闻了就要吐。

-Leonard: Do whatever you want.随你怎么办吧。

Thank you, that's very gracious.gracious: 高尚的

谢谢,你真是品格高尚。 Gentlemen.先生们。

-Wolowitz: Why couldn't you have just done what, Leonard did and get Penny a new boyfriend? 你就不能学学Leonard? 给Penny找个男朋友不就行了?! -Leonard: My leg is killing me.Thanks for asking.腿要痛死了,谢谢大家关心。

Okay, I have just one question for you.好,我就问你一个问题。

While I am perfectly happy with, the way things are between us, 我对咱俩的关系状况非常满意,

you said that you didn't want to go out with me because I was too smart for you! smart: 聪明的

你那时说不愿意跟我约会是因为我太聪明了! Well, news flash, lady: David Underhill, is ten times smarter than me! 告诉你吧,姑娘: Dave Underhill比我聪明十倍! You'd have to drive a railroad spike into, his brain for me to beat him at checkers! railroad: 铁路 spike: 长钉 brain: 大脑 checker: 跳棋


Next to him, I'm like one of those sign-language, gorillas who knows how to ask for grapes! sign-language: 手语 gorilla: 大猩猩 grape: 葡萄

跟他比起来,我就像是只会做做手势的大猩猩,只知道怎么讨葡萄吃! So, my question is...所以,我要问的就是...What's up with that? 到底咋回事儿啊? -Penny: Why are you yelling at me? 你吼我干什么嘛

-Leonard: Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Never mind, we're cool.不好意思,对不起对不起,别往心里去,我没怪你。

-Penny: Dave is not smarter, than you.He's an idiot.idiot: 傻子


-Leonard: Really? Why would you say that? 真的? 为啥这么说呢? -Penny: Because a smart guy takes the nude, photos of his wife off his cell phone guy: 家伙 nude: 裸体的


before he tries to take nude photos of his girlfriend.都会先把老婆的裸照给删了! -Leonard: He tried to take nude photos of you? 他要给你拍裸照? -Penny: That's what you took from that? 你咋想到那儿去了? The guy is married! 那家伙都有老婆了! -Leonard: Oh, yeah.I'm so--, Oh, that's terrible.terrible: 已婚的


-Penny: And you, if you are so okay with, the way things are between us, 那你呢,既然你对咱俩的关系很满意。 why are you so jealous? jealous: 嫉妒的 你吃个什么醋啊? -Leonard: Well, uh...The important thing is he's, married and that's terrible! 关键是他已经结婚了! 太不厚道了呀! -Penny: Nice save, genius.genius: 天才 算你嘴巴灵。 Eggnog? eggnog: 蛋奶酒 要蛋奶酒不? -Leonard: Lactose.lactose: 乳糖[Leonard有不耐乳糖症] 我不耐乳糖。

-Penny: It's just rum.It stopped being, eggnog like half an hour ago.rum: 朗姆酒

只有朗姆酒啦,1小时前就不是蛋奶酒了。 -Leonard: Smooth.smooth:平滑的【醇香的】 好醇~~ -Penny: Smoother than you.是啊,比你好咧。

-Leonard: Come on, it's Christmas, just give me this one.都圣诞节了,你就迁就我一回呗。 -Penny: Okay, Merry Christmas.好吧,圣诞快乐。

-Leonard: By the way, my leg is killing, me.Thanks for asking.顺便说哇,我腿快疼死了,多谢关心。 -Penny: Merry Christmas., 圣诞快乐。

-Leonard: Merry Christmas.圣诞快乐。

-Penny: How's your leg? 你腿咋样了? -Leonard: Very good, thanks for asking.Come on in.好多了,谢谢关心,进来吧。

-Sheldon: Ah, good, Penny, you're, here to exchange gifts.exchange: 交换


You'll be pleased to know I'm prepared, for whatever you have to offer.你一定很高兴,因为我的回礼准备很周到哦。 -Penny: Okay, here.行~ 给你。

-Sheldon: I should note I'm having, some digestive distre, 先说一句,我的肠胃不太舒服,

so, if I excuse myself, abruptly, don't be alarmed.abruptly: 突然地 alarm: 惊慌

所以,要是我突然离开一阵,你可别慌。 Oh, a napkin.napkin: 餐巾


-Penny: Turn it over.turn over: 翻过来 翻过来瞧瞧。

-Sheldon: "To Sheldon, live long and prosper.Leonard Nimoy." prosper: 繁荣 Leonard Nimoy: Star Trek里Spock的扮演者,也是Sheldon的最爱 “献给Sheldon:愿你多寿多福。Leonard Nimoy敬上” -Penny: Yeah, he came into the restaurant.restaurant: 餐馆


Sorry the napkin is dirty.He wiped his mouth with it.dirty: 脏的 wipe: 擦 mouth: 嘴


-Sheldon: I poe the DNA of Leonard Nimoy?! poe: 持有

我拥有Leonard Nimoy的DNA了?! -Penny: Yeah, yeah.I gue, But look, he signed it.sign: 签名


-Sheldon: Do you realize what this means?! realize: 意识到

你知道这对我意味着什么吗?! All I need is a healthy ovum and, I can grow my own Leonard Nimoy! healthy: 健康的 ovum: 卵子

只需要一个健康的卵细胞,就可以培育属于我的Leonard Nimoy了! -Penny: Okay, all I'm giving you is the napkin, Sheldon.我能给你的,只有这块餐巾,Sheldonn。 -Sheldon: Be right back.等我一下下。

-Penny: Here.Open it.给你,打开瞧瞧。

-Leonard: Oh, a gift cerficate, for motorcycle leons.cerficate: 证 摩托车训练课礼品卡。 Very thoughtful.thoughtful: 体贴的 想的真周到。

-Penny: Yeah, and I checked.Not, letting the bike fall on you check: 检查 fall: 倒

我查过了哦,站立时,别让车子压到身上, while standing still is leon one.这是第一课呢。

-Leonard: Oh, then, I think you'll, appreciate what I got you.appreciate: 欣赏


-Penny: 101 Totally Cool Science, Experiments for Kids.totally: 完全地


-Leonard: You know, 'cause you're so into science.你知道的嘛,你多热爱科学哇。 -Penny: Sheldon! What did you do?! Sheldon 你这是干嘛?! -Sheldon: I know! 我知道啊! It's not enough, is it? 这点东西咋够呢? Here.这样好了。

-Penny: Leonard, look! Sheldon's hugging me.hug: 拥抱

Leonard,看啊!Sheldon拥抱我了诶。 -Leonard: It's a Saturnalia miracle.miracle: 奇迹

真是农神节的奇迹呀。 看生活大爆炸学英语第二季 1集 The Bad Fish Paradigm

-Leonard: So you see, what you are eating is not technically yogurt, because it doesn't have enough live acidophilus cultures.technically: 技术上的,学术上的 yogurt: 酸奶 acidophilus: 嗜酸的 你喝的不是酸奶,因为没有足够的乳酸菌,

It's really just ice milk with carrageenan added for thickne.carrageenan: 卡拉胶 thickne: 厚度 其实不过是用卡拉胶加稠的冻牛奶罢了。 -Penny: Oh, that's very interesting.真有趣啊。

-Leonard: It's also not pink and has no berries.berry: 浆果类


-Penny: Yeah, but it doesn't really answer my question.是,但你并没有正面回答我的问题。

-Leonard: What was your question again? 你问的啥? -Penny: Do you want some? 来点不? -Leonard: Oh...Right.No.I'm lactose intolerant.Right.So, gas.lactose: 乳糖 intolerant: 不能容忍的(偏执的) 对啊,还是算了我有乳糖不耐症是啊,遗憾啊。 -Penny: Yeah, got it.明白了。

-Leonard: Well...good night.好吧,晚安了。

-Penny: What are you doing? 你这是干吗?

-Leonard: Oh, there's a draft.这儿凉快

-Penny: I didn't feel a draft.我怎么没觉着。

-Leonard: Why don't we just go into, uh, your...我们何不去...你....-Penny: Oh.Yeah, you know what; maybe we should slow things down a little.slow down: 减速


-Leonard: No, no, I didn't mean to go into your apartment to go fast. apartment: 公寓


-Penny: No, I know.I know what you meant, it's just...this is only our first date. date: 约会 我知道,我明白你的意思,只是这才是我们第一次约会。

-Leonard: Yeah, okay, sure, no problem.Why don't we just figure out where we're going and when we want to get there? figure out: 算出,想出,理解

恩,好的,明白那我们不如想下接下来如何以及要用多久才可以到达。 And then rate of speed equals distance over time.Solve for R. distance: 距离

通过路程和时间计算出我们的速度。解决了。 -Penny: Or we could just wing it. wing: [美国俚语]临时准备;临时凑成 或者我们走一步看一步呢。 -Leonard: That might work, too.这样应该也行。

-Penny: Good night, Leonard.晚安,Leonard。

-Leonard: Good night.晚安。

-Raj: He's coming-- screensaver! screensaver: 屏幕保护动画


-Howard: Oh, hey, Leonard.How was your date? 嘿!Leonard,约会如何? -Leonard: Bite me.Sheldon, how could you just sit there Sheldon and let them spy on me? bite me : 去死了你(过来打我吧) spy: 暗中监视,暗中观察

关你鸟事。你怎么能坐在那里放纵他们窥视我呢? -Sheldon: They were clever, Leonard.They exploited my complete lack of interest in what you were doing. lack of: 缺乏


-Howard: You should thank us.When future generations try to determine why your relationship with Penny crashed and burned this right here is the black box. generation: 后代 determine: 决定,确定 crash and burn: 彻底失败;累垮


-Leonard: What are you talking about? The date went fine.你在说什么啊? 约会进行得很顺利

-Raj: Dude, she said she wants to slow things down.伙计,她可说了她想慢下来。

-Leonard: Okay, so she said she wants to slow things down.好吧,她说想把发展速度慢下来,

It's like saying, "I'm really enjoying this meal.I'm going to slow down and savor it." savor: 尽情享受 就像在说 "这顿饭太美妙了,我真想把时间停下尽情享受。" -Howard: No, it's like, "This fish tastes bad, so I'm gonna slow down and spit it out." gonna=going to spit out: 吐出

不,她是想说“这些臭鱼真难吃。我可得慢下来,吐个干净。” -Raj: You being the fish. 你就是那鱼。

-Leonard: I'm not the fish.我才不是。

-Howard: Oh, really? Did you make a second date? 真的吗? 那你约好下一次了吗? -Leonard: Well, no, we sort of decided to wing it. sort of: 有几分地(稍稍,到某种程度) wing it: 随机应变 恩,还没,我们决定走一步看一步。 -Sheldon: Oh, even I know that's lame. lame: 跛足的,僵痛的,不完全的

天,连我都知道那是个废话。 -Leonard: Okay, all right, let's aume your hypothesis.We went to dinner, we talked, we laughed, we kied. aume: 假定,设想 hypothesis: 假设


Where could I have poibly gone wrong? poibly: 可能地,也许 我能有哪里做得不对啊? -Howard: Think back, Leonard.The littlest things can set women off.Like, "Hey, the waitre is hot; set off: 引起;激起 waitre: 女服务员

再想想Leonard,最小的细节也能触动女人的,就像 "看这个服务员真辣阿 I bet we could get her to come home with us." I bet: 我确信;我敢打赌

我敢说咱们可以带上她一起回家。" Or, "How much does your mom weigh? I want to know what I'm getting into." weigh: 重量 get into: 进入

或者 "你妈妈多重? 我只是想进一步了解'未来的你'" -Leonard: I didn't say anything like that.我可没有这么说。

-Howard: Good, 'cause they don't work. ‘cause=because 好的,因为这些话一点用都没有。

-Raj: They also don't care for it.If you stare at them and hyperventilate.Sadly, that's my home run swing. stare at: 凝视 hyperventilate: 换气过度;强力呼吸

如果你死盯着她们大喘粗气也会令她们讨厌的,很遗憾我们全家都这个德行。 -Leonard: Look, everything went fine.I didn't even have to refer to my impromptu conversation starters.That woman acro the hall is into me.refer to: 涉及 impromptu: 即席的,即兴的 conversation: 对话 be into: 喜欢,被迷住 嘿!一切都很顺利的,我甚至都没有用上我的即兴开场白,走廊对面那个女孩子看上我了! -Howard: Let's go to the tape.Look at her reaction to the good night ki.reaction: 反应

我们还是看录像算了,瞧她对那个"我和你吻别在无人的夜" 的反应吧,

No change in respiration, pupils un-dilated, no flushing of the chest.respiration: 呼吸 pupil: 瞳孔 dilated: 加宽的, 扩大的 flush: 流溢,面红,旺盛 我呼吸无变化,瞳孔无放大,胸部无抖动。 -Raj: Nice close-up, by the way. close-up: 特写镜头


-Sheldon: Interesting.Her jaws are clenched, no tongue acce.Clearly a bad sign amongst mating humans. jaw: 咽喉 clench: 牢牢抓住,钉紧 tongue: 舌头 acce: 进入 mating: 交配 有趣啊,她咬紧牙关写着"打死我舌头也不让进",对交配期的人类来说无疑是个坏兆头。 -Leonard: That's not a bad sign.才不是你说的那样。

-Sheldon: Please, you might as well have been two iguanas with no dewlap enlargement. iguana: 美洲大蜥蜴 dewlap: 垂肉 enlargement: 扩大


-Raj: And the worst sign of all is you're here and not there.最糟糕的是,你现在在这里,而不是"那里。" -Leonard: I'm not there.Because I'm taking things slow, which, by the way, compared to you guys, approaches warp speed.And take down that camera. Compare to: 对比 approach: 途径,方法 warp: 弯,歪曲


-Raj: He was a lot more fun when he had no hope.他绝望的时候好玩多了。 -Howard: Give him time.给他点时间吧。 -Penny: Hi.嗨。

-Sheldon: Oh, hi, Penny.FYI, the hot water is inadequate on machine two so colors only, inadequate: 不够的


and four is still releasing the fabric softener too early in the cycle, so I'd avoid using that for your delicates.release: 释放 fabric: 织物,布,结构 softener: 软化剂,柔软剂 avoid: 避免 delicate: 雅致的,精致的

还有四号机仍然会提前流出柔顺剂,所以你那些好衣服就别用这一台洗了。 -Penny: Thanks.谢谢。

-Sheldon: Oh, good Lord...why don't you just take your clothes down to the river and beat them with a rock? 上帝啊,为什么你不直接把衣服脱掉,用河里的石头"敲"干净。 -Penny: Sheldon, can I ask you a question? Sheldon,能问你个事吗? -Sheldon: I would prefer that you not, but I won't go so far as to forbid it.forbid: 禁止,不准


-Penny: All right, I heard yes, so...Okay, here’s my question.Has Leonard ever dated, you know, a regular girl? regular: 正规的

好吧,那你是答应了;好的,我的问题是:Leonard是否曾经和一个正常的女孩约会过呢? -Sheldon: Well, I aume you're not referring to digestive regularity.Because I've come to learn that such inquiries are inappropriate. refer to: 涉及 digestive: 消化的 regularity: 有规则,匀整,调和 inquiry: 打听,询问 inappropriate: 不适当的

我想你不是指"消化正常"吧? 因为我觉得这样问不太合适。

-Penny: No, I meant, has he ever been involved with someone who wasn't a brainiac? involve with: 涉及 brainiac: 异常聪明的人

不,没有。我是说他有没有和一个不是"大脑发达"的女孩交往过? -Sheldon: Oh! Well, a few years ago, he did go out with a woman who had a PhD in French literature. PhD=Doctor of Philosophy 几年之前他倒是和一个法国文学女博士约会过。 -Penny: How is that not a brainiac? 那怎么能叫做"非大脑发达"?

-Sheldon: Well, for one thing, she was French.For another, it was literature. for one thing, for another: 首先,其次 literature: 文学


-Penny: So...do you think that if Leonard and I keep dating, he'll eventually get bored with me? eventually: 最后

那么...你觉得如果Leonard和我继续约会,最终他会对我失去兴趣吗? -Sheldon: That depends.那得看情况了。 -Penny: On what? 看什么? -Sheldon: Do you have a working knowledge of quantum physics? knowledge: 知识 quantum: 分配量,额,量 physics: 物理 你具备量子物理的知识吗? -Penny: No.不。 -Sheldon: Do you speak Klingon? 那你会说"克林贡语"吗? (星际迷航) -Penny: No.不会。

-Sheldon: You know any card tricks? trick: 恶作剧 会变扑克牌戏法吗? -Penny: Okay, you know what...I get it.好吧,我知道了。

Leonard has no busine being involved with a waitre-slash-actre who felt so insecure that she lied to him about finishing community college.slash: 斜线 insecure: 不安全的 community: 社区

Leonard和一个骗他说是社区大学毕业的,自我感觉不良好的服务员/演员没有任何共同点。 -Sheldon: Why would you lie about that? 这你干吗要撒谎啊?

-Penny: Well, he was going on and on about this college and that grad school, and I...I didn't want him to think I was some kind of stupid loser.grad school:研究生院,研究所

他不停地说这个大学,那个研究生院而我...我不想他把我看作一个失败的笨蛋。 -Sheldon: You thought the opposite of "stupid loser" was "community college graduate"? opposite: 反面的

你认为"失败的笨蛋"的反义词是,社区大学毕业? -Penny: You know, there are a lot of succeful people in this country who are community college graduates.我们国家有好多成功人士,都是社区大学毕业的。 -Sheldon: Yeah, but you are neither.是啊,但你以上皆不是啊。

-Penny: Right.Okay, look, this is between you and me.You cannot tell Leonard any of this.好吧,这次谈话你知我知,你千万不能跟Leonard说。 -Sheldon: You're asking me to keep a secret? 你在让我帮你保守秘密? -Penny: Yeah.是啊。

-Sheldon: Well, I'm sorry, but you would have had to expre that desire before revealing the secret, desire: 愿望,欲望 reveal: 显示,透露 我很抱歉,但...但是你应该先说清楚啊。

so that I could choose whether or not I wanted to accept the covenant of secret keeping.covenant: 盟约,契约


You can't impose a secret on an ex post facto basis.impose: 强加 ex post facto: 事后地, 追溯地 你不能事后再告诉人家这是秘密啊。

-Penny: What? 什么? -Sheldon: Secret keeping is a complicated endeavor.One has to be concerned not only about what one says, but about facial expreions, autonomic reflexes.complicated: 复杂的 endeavor: 努力,尽力 facial expreion: 面部表情 facial: 面部的 autonomic: 自治的,自律的 reflex: 反射

保密是个复杂的过程,保密的人不仅要注意自己的言辞,还要注意面部表情,下意识的反应。 When I try to deceive, I myself have more nervous tics than a Lyme disease research facility.It’s a joke.Deceive: 欺骗 facility: 设备

我撒谎的时候,身上紧张的”虱子” 要比一台莱姆病研究设备还多,这是个笑话。 It relies on the homonymic relationship between “tick,” the bloodsucking arachnid, and “tic,” the involuntary muscular contraction.rely on: 信赖,依靠 homonymic: 同音异义字的,同名的 bloodsucking: 吸血的 arachnid: 属于蜘蛛类的节肢动物 involuntary: 自然而然的 contraction: 收缩 只是同音不同义,tick是指吸血蜘蛛,而tic是肌肉自然的抽动, I made it up myself.make up: 编造


-Penny: Okay, look, if Leonard finds out that I lied, I will absolutely die of embarrament. absolutely: 绝对地 embarrament: 尴尬

如果Leonard发现我撒谎了,我会因尴尬而死的。 -Sheldon: Physiologically impoible. physiologically: 生理上 从生理上说,不可能的事情。

-Penny: Oh, Sheldon, please.Look, I am asking you as a friend.Sheldon 拜托了,我是在向你请求朋友的帮助。 -Sheldon: So you're saying that friendship contains within it an inherent obligation to maintain confidences? inherent: 内在的,固有的 obligation: 义务 那么你是说朋友之间就应该为彼此保密? -Penny: Well, yeah.对啊。

-Sheldon: Interesting.One more question, and perhaps I should have led with this.When did we become friends? 真有意思。还有一个问题,也许我应该这样问:我们啥时候成朋友了? -Sheldon: i.e., I couldn't become Green Lantern unle I was chosen by the Guardians of Oa, 也就是说,除非被OA星的守护者选中;否则我就不会成为"绿灯侠"。

but given enough start-up capital and an adequate research facility, I could be Batman.start-up: 启动 adequate: 足够的 research facility: 研究设备 但是拥有足够的资金和一些优良的设备,我就能当"蝙蝠侠"了。 -Leonard: You could be Batman? 你能当蝙蝠侠? -Sheldon: Sure.I'm Batman.See? 当然啦,我就是蝙-蝠-侠。怎么样? -Penny: Hi, guys.嘿,伙计们。 -Leonard: Hey. 嗨。

-Sheldon: Hi, Penny.你好,Penny。

-Leonard: Penny, if you're not doing anything Friday night, I thought maybe we could go to see a movie.Penny,如果这周五你没事的话,我们去看场电影如何? -Penny: Oh, um, you know, I think I have the dinner shift on Friday. shift: 移动,转变


-Leonard: Okay, what about Saturday? 好的,那周六呢? -Penny: You know, I'm not sure; the manager hasn't posted the schedule yet.How about let you know? schedule: 时间表


-Leonard: Great.Okay.So you just let me know when you know.Okay, so...Oh, God, I am the bad fish.你一知道就要告诉我啊。好吧,那...天哪,我就是那"臭鱼"。

-Leonard: What did I do wrong? 我做错了什么啊? -Sheldon: Why are you asking me? I have no information about your interactions with Penny other than what you have provided me, interaction: 相互作用,相互影响 other than: 除了

问我干什么?我可不知道任何你和Penny的事情;除了你自己告诉我的, nor do I have any method of learning such things.其他的我怎么可能知道?

-Leonard: What does that mean? 那是啥意思? -Sheldon: Nothing.You seem to be implying an informational back-channel between me and Penny where obviously none exists. imply: 暗示 obviously: 明显地


-Leonard: No, I didn't.I just think you need to be careful how you phrase things, sir.phrase: 表达,叙述 我可不是这么想的,我觉得你该注意自己的表达方式了,伙计。

-Leonard: What's going on with you? What's going on with you: 你怎么了?【口语常用语】 你到底怎么了? -Sheldon: I might ask you the same question.Why do you insist on attempting to drag me into matters which have nothing to do with me? insist on: 坚持 attempt to: 企图,试图 drag into: 把„„拉进

我还正想问你呢,你为什么不停的想把我拉下水,这些事跟我没有一点关系, but exist between you and Penny, a person to whom I barely speak? barely: 几乎不

都是你和Penny之间的事情,而我跟她都不怎么说话。 -Leonard: What's wrong with your face? 你的脸怎么了? -Sheldon: There's no reason to bring my looks into this.Good day, Leonard.没什么东西把我弄成"这样",祝你愉快,Leonard。 -Leonard: What? 啥? -Penny: I said, "Good day." 我说祝你愉快。 -Leonard: Good day? 祝你愉快? -Penny: Also today, we have a fresh-caught Alaska salmon, and that's served with a teriyaki glaze and sticky rice.Our soup of the day is... salmon: 三文鱼 teriyaki: 红烧的 glaze: 釉,覆罩的一层 sticky: 粘的,粘性的 今天我们还有新鲜的阿拉斯加三文鱼,淋上照烧酱配糯米饭,今天的汤是...-Sheldon: You must release me from my oath.release: 释放 oath: 誓言 你必须解除我的誓约。

-Penny: Sheldon, I'm working.Sheldon,我在工作。

-Sheldon: Why don't you take a minute to decide? 你们可以慢慢决定。 -Penny: Oh, my...天。

-Sheldon: I can't keep your secret, Penny.I'm going to fold like an energy-based de novo protein in conformational space.keep the/a secret: 保守秘密 fold: 折叠 protein: 蛋白质 de novo : (拉)重新;更始 conformational: 构造的

Penny,我没法帮你保密了我就快像构象空间里的内源蛋白一样折叠了, Like a Renaiance tryptich.Like a cheap suit.renaiance:文艺复兴

就像文艺复兴时期的三联画屏(折叠的) ,像套便宜西装。

-Penny: Look, why is it so hard for you to keep one little secret? 我说叫你保守一个小秘密就那么难吗? -Sheldon: I'm constitutionally incapable.That's why I was refused clearance for a very prestigious government research fellowship constitutionally: 本质地,天生,体质上 incapable: 本质地,天生,体质上 prestigious: 享有声望的 fellowship: 奖学金


at a secret military supercollider located beneath a fake agricultural station 12.5 miles southeast of Traverse City, Michigan, supercollider: 超对撞机 beneath: 在„下面 fake: 假的 agricultural: 农业的 隐藏在密歇根Traverse城东南面12.5英里处的农业中心地下的机密军用超级对撞机的项目。 which you did not hear about from me.你什么都没听到。

-Penny: Look, just forget I told you about me...not graduating from community college, okay? 听着,你就把我说过不是从社区大学毕业,这件事忘了不行吗? -Sheldon: Forget? You want me to forget? This mind does not forget.忘掉? 你要我忘掉? 这个脑袋不会忘记。

I haven't forgotten a single thing since the day my mother stopped breastfeeding me.It was a drizzly Tuesday. breastfeeding: 母乳喂养 drizzly: 下毛毛雨的


-Penny: Okay...Look, you promised me you would keep my secret, so you're just gonna have to figure out a way to do it.好了,听着,你答应会为我保密的,那你就得自己想办法做到这一点。 -Sheldon: Lenorad, I'm moving out.Lenorad,我要搬出去了。

-Leonard: what do you mean you're moving out? Why? 什么叫你要搬出去? 为什么? -Sheldon: There doesn't have to be a reason.这不需要什么理由。

-Leonard: Yeah, there kinda does. kinda=kind of 不,需要点什么的。

-Sheldon: Not necearily.This is a claic example of Munchausen's Trilemma.claic: 经典的 Trilemma: n.三难选择的窘境;三难困境;[逻]三难推理 没有那个必要,这是Munchausen三难问题的经典范例。

Either the reason is predicated on a series of sub-reasons leading to an infinite regreion, predict: 预知,预言,预报 series: 连续,系列 lead to: 导致infinite: 无限循的 regreion: 回归


or it tracks back to arbitrary axiomatic statements, or it's ultimately circular, i.e.I'm moving out because I'm moving out.arbitrary: 任意的 axiomatic: 公理的 ultimate: 最后的 circular: 循环的 要么就是一切逆向推理回到一个任意公理,要么一切根本就是一个循环。即:因为我要搬出去所以我要搬出去。

-Leonard: I'm still confused.confuse: 混乱,狼狈,困惑 我还是不明白。

-Sheldon: Leonard, I don't see how I could have made it any simpler.Leonard,我不知道怎么才能说得更简单了。 -Howard: Hey, qu'est que s'up? 嘿!你们好吗?

-Raj: We just got back from that exhibit of those plasticized human cadavers.exhibit: 展览品 plasticize: 增塑 cadaver: 尸体 我们刚从那个塑化的尸体模型展览回来。

-Howard: And some of those skinle chicks were Hot! 那边一些剥了皮的美女实在是性感极了!

-Sheldon: If you'll excuse me, I'm going to pack.你们不介意的话我去打包了。

-Howard: That's kind of an overreaction to a little harmle necrophilia. overreaction: 反应过度 harmle: 无害的 necrophilia: 恋尸癖 反应过度了吧,只不过是一点无害的恋尸癖而已。

-Leonard: It's not you, Howard.He says he's moving out.不是因为你。Howard,他说要搬出去。

-Raj: What did you do? Did you change the contrast or brightne settings on the television? contrast: 对比度 brightne: 亮度

你干了什么?重调了电视的亮度或者对比度? -Leonard: No.没有。

-Howard: Did you take a Band-Aid off in front of him? Band-Aid: n.[商标]邦迪创可贴 在他面前撕创可贴? -Leonard: No.没有。

-Howard: Did you buy generic ketchup, forget to rinse the sink, talk to him through the bathroom door? generic: 一般的,普通的,共有的 ketchup: 蕃茄酱等 rinse: 清洗 买了天然番茄酱,忘了刷水池,或者从浴室里和他说话? -Raj: Adjust the thermostat, cook with cilantro, pronounce the "t" in often? thermostat: 恒温计 cilantro: 芫荽叶

乱调温度计,烧饭用香菜,还是说often的时候发了"t"的音? -Leonard: No.没有。

-Howard: Did you make fun of trains? 你开火车的玩笑了? -Leonard: No, I didn't do anything.He's just gone insane. insane: 疯狂的,精神错乱的


-Raj: Well, we all knew this day was coming.哦,我们都知道总会有这一天的。 -Leonard: Well, that was fast.收拾这么快。

-Sheldon: It's my pre-packed disaster evacuation bag.It's recommended by the Department of Homeland Security.And Sarah Connor. evacuation: 撤离,疏散 recommend: 推荐 department: 部门

这是我事先准备的紧急疏散包,是国土安全部推荐过的,还有Sarah Connor(终结者女主角)。 -Leonard: Where are you going to live? 你准备去哪里住? -Sheldon: Until I find a permanent place, I will stay with friends. permanent: 固定的

我去朋友那里,直到找到固定住所为止。 -Howard: Bye.再见。

-Raj: Well...you can't stay with me.I have a teeny-tiny apartment.teeny: 极小的(微小的) apartment: 公寓


-Sheldon: Excuse me, but isn't hosting guests an aspect of "manushya yajna," one of the five central religious duties or sacrifices of the Hindu householder? aspect: 方面 religious: 宗教的 sacrifice: 牺牲 Hindu: 印度人(的) 不好意思, 热情待客难道不是manushya yajna的一个方面吗? 那不是印度教家庭的五大宗教戒律之一么?

-Raj: I hate trains.我讨厌火车。

-Sheldon: Don't be ridiculous, you love trains.ridiculous: 荒谬的,可笑的 少胡说八道,你喜欢火车的。

-Raj: Yes, I do.Come on.See you later, Leonard.好吧,是的来吧,回头见,Leonard。 -Leonard: This could work.这样也不错。

-Sheldon: This is a very old building.这栋建筑很老。

-Raj: 60 years.It used to be a watch factory.used to be: 过去,曾经是

有六十年了,这里曾经是个钟表厂。 -Sheldon: Uh-oh.糟糕。

-Raj: What? 怎么了? -Sheldon: Don't you worry about the residual radium from the luminous dials? residual: 残余的,剩余的 radium: 镭 luminous: 发光的,发亮的

你不担心制作荧光表盘的残余辐射吗? -Raj: Not until now! 留到现在?! -Sheldon: I can't believe I didn't bring my Geiger counter.I had it on my bed and I didn't pack it.Geiger counter: 盖格计数器(用于测量放射性)


-Raj: Well, if you're not comfortable staying here, Sheldon...comfortable: 舒服的


-Sheldon: I'm kidding, I packed it.It was a joke.I was subverting the conversational expectations.subvert: 推翻,颠覆 conversational: 对话的

开玩笑的,我带了。刚才是个笑话,我只是在转换对话的方向。 I believe they call that the, uh, ol' switcharoo.我相信这应该叫做ol' switcharoo(出其不意)。 -Raj: Terrific.好极了。

-Sheldon: Is that woman Aishwarya Rai? 那是 Aishwarya Rai? -Raj: Yes, isn't she an amazing actre? amazing: 令人惊异的


-Sheldon: Actually, I'd say she's a poor man's Madhuri Dixit.其实我觉得她就是可怜鬼心中的Madhuri Dixit.-Raj: How dare you! Aishwarya Rai is a godde.By comparison, Madhuri Dixit is a leprous prostitute. godde: 女神 comparison: 对比 leprous: 麻疯病的 prostitute: 妓女

你敢这么说! Aishwarya Rai是女神,和她比起来,Madhuri Dixit 就是个得了麻风病的妓女。

-Sheldon: Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.Obviously, you're not that familiar with Indian cinema. offend: 冒犯 obviously: 明显地 be familiar with: 对„熟悉 对不起,我没有冒犯的意思,可是显然你不了解印度电影 -Howard: Who is it? 谁? -Sheldon: Stripper-Gram! 脱衣舞女。

-Raj: Tag, you're it. tag: 标签


-Howard: Shouldn't you put him in a brown paper bag and set him on fire?! 你不是应该把他用油纸包起来烧掉吗? -Sheldon: I've never slept on an air mattre before.No lumbar support whatsoever. air mattre: 气垫,充气床 lumbar: 腰的 whatsoever: (用于否定句中以加强语气)任何 我从来没睡过充气垫,没有任何木支架。

-Howard: Maybe you'd be happier on a park bench. bench: 板凳


-Sheldon: I don't see any way to get a park bench in here.我不知道怎样才能弄一张长凳进来。 -Howard: Do you want to switch? switch: 交换 你要换吗? -Sheldon: No, that's fine.I'm perfectly comfortable sleeping on a bouncy castle. perfectly: 完美地 bouncy castle: 弹性城堡 bouncy: 跳跃的 不,没关系,我一点也不介意睡跳跳床。 -Howard: Get out of bed.We're switching.起来,我们换。怎么了? -Sheldon: Now, only if you want to.如果你真的想换。

-Howard: Just get in the bed! 你上床去就是了。

-Howard’s mother: What's going on? Are you boys roughhousing? roughhouse: 大吵大闹,骚乱,大打出手 你们想拆房子吗? -Howard: We're just talking, Ma! 妈,我们只是在聊天。

-Howard’s mother: If you don't settle down right now, I'm not going to let you have any more sleepovers! sleepover: 在别人家里过夜的人

你们给我马上老实下来,不然下次不许带朋友回来住。 -Howard: For God's sake, Ma, I'm 27 years old! And it's not even a school night! Comfy now? comfy=comfortable 舒服的,轻松的

看在上帝的份上,妈,我二十七岁了;更何况明天又不用上课! 现在舒服了? -Sheldon: Meh.That poster of Halle Berry is a little unnerving. unnerve: 使丧失勇气,使焦躁

恩,那张哈利-贝瑞的海报让我不舒服。 -Howard: So don't look at it.那就别看。

-Sheldon: She's like my fourth favorite Catwoman.她看起来像我第四喜欢的猫女。 -Howard: No kidding.别开玩笑。

-Sheldon: Yeah, Julie Newmar, Michelle Pfieffer, Eartha Kitt, and then her.真的,朱莉·纽玛,米歇尔·菲佛,艾萨·凯特,然后就是她。 -Howard: What about Lee Merriweather? 那李·玛丽维泽呢? -Sheldon: Oh, I forgot about Lee Merriweather.噢,我忘了李·玛丽维泽了。

-Howard: Well, I'm glad that's settled.settle: 安放,安顿 终于消停了。

-Sheldon: That makes Halle Berry my fifth favorite Catwoman.It's Julie Newmar, Michelle Pfieffer, Eartha Kitt, Lee Merriweather 那哈利-贝瑞就是我第五喜欢的猫女,朱莉·纽玛,米歇尔·菲佛,艾萨·凯特,还有李·玛丽维泽。

-Howard: Please, I'm begging you.Go to sleep.我求你了,快睡觉吧。

-Sheldon: I'm trying.I'm counting Catwomen.She did make a fine mutant in the X-Men movies, though.我在努力,我在数猫女,不过她在X战警里的变异人更好些。 -Howard: Oh, for God's sake.for God's sake: 看在上帝面上 天哪!

-Sheldon: She's not my favorite of the X-Men.In order that would be: Wolverine, Cyclops-- 她不是我最喜欢的X战警,按顺序是金钢狼,雷射眼等等,

Oh, wait, I forgot Profeor X.Profeor X, Wolverine, Cyclops, Iceman, then Storm, Angel, the Beast—

我忘了X教授;X教授金钢狼雷射眼,冰人,然后是暴风女,天使,还有野兽等等, No, wait, Nightcrawler.Profeor X, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Cyclops, ceman, then Storm, Angel...还有蓝魔,X教授,蓝魔人,金钢狼,雷射眼,冰人,然后是:暴风女,天使„ -Leonard: I'm coming! 来了! -Sheldon: Hey...There he is.The my old buddy bud bud.buddy:伙伴,好朋友;小男孩;[美口]密友 早....他来了,我的老...老...朋...朋友。 -Leonard: What's with him? 他怎么了? -Howard: Koothrappali dumped him on me, and he couldn't get to sleep, so I gave him a gla of warm milk with a handful of my mom's Valium in it...... Valium: 安定

Koothrappali把他扔给我,他睡不着,所以我给了他一杯热牛奶,里面放了一把我妈的安定..but he still wouldn't shut up, so tag, you're It.可他还是不肯闭嘴,所以接着交给你了。 -Sheldon: I'm ba-a-a-a-c-k.我回...回...来...了。

-Leonard: I still don't know why you left .我还是不知道你为什么搬走。 -Sheldon: I can't tell you.不能告诉你。

-Leonard: Why not? 为什么? -Sheldon: I promised Penny.我答应Penny了。

-Leonard: You promised Penny what? 你答应Penny什么? -Sheldon: I wouldn't tell you the secret.Shhhhh! 我答应不告诉你她的秘密,嘘!

-Leonard: What secret? Tell me the secret.什么秘密? 告诉我!

-Sheldon: Mom smokes in the car.Jesus is okay with it but we can't tell Dad.妈妈在车里抽烟;主会原谅的,但我们不能告诉爸爸的。 -Leonard: Not that secret.The other secret.不,不是那个,另一个。

-Sheldon: I'm Batman-- Shh! 我是蝙蝠侠,嘘!

-Leonard: Damn it! Sheldon! You said Penny told you a secret.What's the secret? 妈的!Sheldon,你说Penny告诉你一个秘密,什么秘密? -Sheldon: Okay, I'll tell you, but you can't tell Leonard.好吧,我告诉你,可是你不能告诉Leonard。 -Leonard: I promise.我保证。

-Sheldon: Penny lied about graduating from community college 'cause she's afraid she's not smart enough for Leonard.graduate: 毕业 community: 社区 smart: 聪明的

Penny说她从社区大学毕业是假的,她担心她不够聪明,配不上Leonard。 -Leonard: So it's nothing I did? It's her problem? 所以不是我做错了什么? 是她自己的问题? -Sheldon: I drank milk that tasted funny. funny: 搞笑的


-Leonard: Penny thinks I'm too smart for her.That's ridiculous. ridiculous: adj.可笑的;荒谬的 Penny觉得我太聪明了,她配不上,怎么会?

-Sheldon: I know.Most of your work is extremely derivative.And don't worry, that's not a secret.Everybody knows. extremely: 极其,非常 derivative: 引出的,系出的


-Penny: Hi. 嗨!

-Leonard: Yeah, hi.Listen, I know what's been bothering you about us and I have the answer. bother: 烦恼

我知道是什么让你烦恼了而且我已经有答案了。 -Penny: What are you talking about? 你在说什么? -Leonard: Okay, first, I want to say that it's not Sheldon's fault.He tried very hard to keep your secret. fault: 错误

首先,我要说的是这不是Sheldon的错,他确实尽力为你保密了。 If Howard didn't drugged him, he would've taken it to his grave.drug: 下药 grave: 坟墓

要不是Howard给他下了药,他会把秘密带进坟墓去的。 -Penny: He told you? 他说了? -Leonard: Yes, but it's okay.Now that we know what the problem is there's a simple solution.simple: 简单的 solution: 解答

对,但是没关系,现在我们知道问题出在哪里,有一个很简单的办法。 -Penny: Pasadena City College? Pasadena社区大学? -Leonard: A place for fun, a place for knowledge.See, this man here is playing hackey-sack, and this girl's gonna be a paralegal. knowledge: 知识 gonna=going to paralegal: 律师助理


-Penny: Oh, I get it.Because Dr.Leonard Hofstadter can't date a girl without a fancy college degree.哦,我明白了Leonard Hofstadter博士不能和一个没有好文凭的女孩子约会。 -Leonard: Well, it's really not that fancy.It's just a city college.其实并不算好,只是一个社区大学而已

-Penny: Right, but I have to have some sort of degree to date you? degree: 文凭

好吧,就是说和你约会我得有张文凭? -Leonard: That doesn't matter to me at all.不,我半点也没所谓。

-Penny: So it's fine with you if I'm not smart.所以你不介意我不够聪明? -Leonard: Absolutely.Okay, this time, I know where I went wrong.Oh...Bite me! 绝对不介意,好吧,这次我知道错在哪里了。噢,你咬我啊!


看LOST学英语 第五季11集:Whatever Happened, Happened

[Previously on Lost:] previously:以前,先前,预先 《迷失》前情提要

-Caidy:This is your daughter.Her name\'s Clementine.这是你的女儿。她叫Clementine。 -Man: Those are fake necklaces.fake:假的 necklace:项链 这些项链都是假的。

-Kate: I\'ll take the one on the end.末尾那条我要了。

-Caidy:Why\'d you help me? 为什么帮我? -Kate: Just one girl watching another girl\'s back, I gue.大家都是女人。

-Kate: Why are you telling me this? 为什么告诉我? -James: Just do it, freckles.freckles:雀斑 听话,雀斑女。

-Kate: I think we should say he\'s mine.我觉得我们该说他是我的。

-Jack: There\'s other ways to do this.总有其他办法的。

-Kate: After everyone we\'ve lost, I can\'t lose him, too.lose:失去【 lost为lose过去分词】


-Man: My client insists that we...handle the exchange of custody quietly.You are going to lose the boy.client:客户 insist: 坚持,坚持认为(常与that连用)

handle:处理 exchange:交换 custody:监护权 quietly:私下里,秘密地

我的客户坚持要求„我们秘密移交监护权,这个孩子不再是你的了。 -Jack: That’s Claire’s mother.是Claire的妈妈。

Everything that Kate and I have done, it was for Aaron.我和Kate做的一切都是为了Aaron。 -Littleton: Who’s...Aaron? Aaron是谁? -Benjamin: I\'m Ben.我是Ben。 -Sayid: It\'s nice to meet you, Ben.见到你很高兴Ben。

-Benjamin: If I let you out...will you take me with you to your people? let out:释放;放走;让„走出

如果我放了你„就带我去见你的人? -Sayid: That\'s why I\'m here.Jin? 这正是我的使命。Jin? -Jin: What are you doing here? 你怎么在这里? -Phil: Hello, Jin? Are you there? Jin? Can you hear me? 喂,Jin?你在吗?Jin?听见了吗? -Jin: Hello? 喂? -Phil: Jin? It’s Phil, man.Where have you been? Jin? 我是Phil 你去哪了? The hostile escaped.We\'re searching the east grid.hostile:敌人 escape:逃跑 search:搜索 grid:格栏 人质逃跑了,我们在搜查东边。 -Jin: He\'s headed north.head: 使朝„方向行进 north: 向北方 他朝北边去了。

-Phil: How the hell do you know that? the hell: [表示惊讶、不满、厌恶等]见鬼,混蛋 hell: 地狱 你怎么知道?

-Jin: Because he attacked me.attack:袭击


-Phil: What? Where are you? Jin? ! You still there? Jin? Jin! 什么?你在哪里?Jin?还在吗?Jin?Jin! -Benjamin: Please help.救命。

-Horce: Okay, everybody, listen up.We don\'t know yet if another attack is coming.listen up:听好了


So everybody needs to be ready for your security aignments, okay? be ready for:为„做好准备 security:保卫,安全 aignment:分配(或指定)的东西 请大家时刻准备认领各自的保卫工作。

Make sure you\'re in contact with your team leaders.make sure: 弄明白(查明白)

be in contact with:保持联系 contact: 接触,联系 leader: 领导者


Lafleur\'s got search parties out, but the hostile\'s got a good jump on us.search party:搜索救援组 hostile: 敌对分子

get the jump on:[俚语]抢在„之前,先发制人;对„占优势,胜过 Lafleur已经派人搜查但人质巧妙脱逃。

We\'re pretty sure he used this fire as a diversion in order to escape.diversion:转移 in order to: 为了 escape: 逃脱 我们很确定火灾是声东击西他借机逃跑。 -Hugo: Is he talking about Sayid? 他说的是Sayid吗? -Jack: If he was locked up, how could he start the fire? lock up:关押

他被关起来了怎么放火? -Horace: Who are you? 你是谁? -Jack: Jack Shephard.I\'m...I\'m new.Jack Shephard。我是„我新来的。

-Horace: Well, Jack, the way he started the fire is he had help, okay? Jack他能放火是因为有人帮他,懂吗?

Somebody torched that van, and then that somebody let him out of his cell.torch:(用火炬)点燃 van:货车 let out: 释放,放走 cell:牢房


And since the security cameras didn\'t pick up any hostiles croing the perimeter, since:由于 camera:摄像头 pick up: 捉到 cro: 横越,跨越

perimeter:边缘 由于监视摄像头没拍到有敌人穿越边界。 That means it was one of us.意味着是内奸干的。

Baxter, I want a full report on cleanup A.S.A.P.cleanup:清除 ASAP:as soon as poible尽快[其实口语中有时会采用这样的简写,还有FYI:=for your information: 供参考;SOB:=son of bitch,畜生,狗娘养的(骂人的文明说法)] Baxter 你立即清点人员。 -Baxter: You got it, Horace.马上办,Horace。

-Roger: Hey, you.Yeah, you.You\'re in the motor pool, right? motor pool:车辆调配场

嘿,你。对,就是你。你是车辆调配组的,对吗? -Kate: Uh, yeah.是的。

-Roger: Do you mind running that winch for me? run: (机器等)运转;开动;转动 winch:绞盘 帮忙转绞盘好吗?

You have no idea what I\'m talking about, do you? 你完全不懂我在讲什么,是吧? Okay, no worries.Just throw this lever.When I tell you to stop...just pull it up.lever:杠杆 pull up: 把„向上拉

好,别担心。扳动这根杠杆我说停,你就拉起来。 All right.See? Simple.Don\'t do it till I\'m ready.simple: 简单的 好的,懂了? 很简单。等我口令。 -Kate: Okay.好的。

-Roger: All right, crank her up.So they just stuck you in the motor pool when you got here? crank:用曲柄启动或转动 stick in:努力工作 好,扳下去。你一来他们就分配你管车辆调配? -Kate: Yeah, pretty much.pretty much :差不多 对,差不多。

-Roger: Yeah, same thing happened to me.我也差不多。

Wait, hold.Hold it there.That\'s good right there.That\'s good.hold: 使保持某种状态


I gue they couldn\'t sucker anybody into getting on that sub sucker: [美国俚语]欺骗,愚弄 sub:潜艇 估计没人会登上那艘潜艇的。

If they told us we were gonna be grease monkeys and janitors.grease monkey:汽车修理工 janitor:看门人 如果他们直说你们被派来做工人和看门的 -Kate: Well, you gotta start somewhere, right? 但总得从底层做起,对吗? -Roger: Yeah.What\'s your name? 对。你叫什么名字? -Kate: I\'m Kate.我叫Kate。

-Roger: Welcome aboard, Kate.I\'m Roger.Roger Linus.欢迎加入Kate我叫Roger„Roger Linus。 -Kate: It\'s nice to meet you, Roger.见到你很高兴,Roger。

-Roger: That’s my kid.That\'s my kid! 那是我的孩子。那是我的孩子!

-Kate: Hi, handsome.Did you have a good sleep? Yeah, that\'s my boy.嗨,帅哥。睡得好吗?对,这才是好孩子。 Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket falling star:流星 pocket:口袋 抓住流星放进口袋 never let it fade away fade away:消失 fade: 褪色,消失 永远闪光

catch a falling star and put it in your pocket 抓住流星,放进口袋 save it for a rainy day save: 保存 rainy:下雨天 下雨天再看看

-Caidy:Oh, my god! 噢,我的天! -Kate: Hi, Caidy.你好,Caidy。

-Caidy:Oh, my god! I saw you on the news! news: 新闻

我的天! 我在新闻里看见你了! I told all my friends, “I know that woman!” 我跟我朋友们说:“我认识那女的!” -Kate: This is Aaron.这是Aaron。

-Caidy:Hi, Aaron.你好,Aaron。 -Kate: Say hi.说“你好”。

-Caidy: You survived a plane crash.It\'s amazing.I never thought I\'d see you again.survive:活下来 crash:坠毁

你从飞机坠毁事件中活过来了。太厉害了。我以为再也见不到你了。 What are you doing here? 你来这里干什么? -Kate: Sawyer sent me.send: 打发,派遣,差遣,派„前去 Sawyer让我来的。

-Caidy: Sawyer.So that son of a bitch is still alive? alive:活着

Sawyer。这么说那个贱人还活着? -Kate: He was when I left.至少我走的时候还是。

-Caidy: And he asked you to come here and give me an envelope full of money? envelope:信封

然后他让你来给我一信封的钱? -Kate: Well, he told me where to find you, and...他告诉我去哪找你,而且„

Said to take care of Clementine...his daughter? take care of: 照顾

说要照顾好Clementine„他的女儿? -Caidy: Well, she\'s asleep in her crib right now.Want me to wake her up? asleep: 睡着的 crib:摇篮 wake up: 叫醒,弄醒 她现在还在摇篮里睡觉呢?想让我叫醒她么?

-Kate: I, uh, shouldn\'t have bothered you.I could\'ve sent it, and I probably should have.should not have: 不该【但事实上已经做了】 bother:打扰 probably: 或许

哦,我不该来打扰你。我本可以把钱寄过来的,也许我该那么做。 -Caidy: Why did you tell me all this? Why\'d you trust me? trust:相信


-Kate: Because I thought your daughter had a right to know that her father cared.right: 权利 care: 关心,在意


-Caidy: Why didn\'t he come back with the rest of you? rest: 其余的

他为什么不跟你们一起回来? -Kate: The helicopter that we were on was running out of gas, helicopter:直升机 run out of:用完 gas:油 我们坐的直升机快没油了,

so he jumped so that we could make it to the boat.so that:以便

于是他跳下去了,好让我们飞得到船上。 -Caidy: What a coward.coward:懦夫 真是个懦夫。

-Kate: He was trying to do the right thing.他只是想帮我们。

-Caidy: He was trying to get away from you.I told him he had a daughter.get away from:逃离

他想离开你们。我告诉过他,他有个女儿。 He never so much as lifted a finger to try to call her.so much as:甚至,连 lift:抬起 finger:指头 他连指头都懒得抬起打个电话给她

So now I\'m supposed to think he\'s a hero because he told you to come here and help us? be supposed to:应该 hero:英雄

现在因为他告诉你来帮我们,我就该把他当英雄看? Hell, I bet this money\'s not even his, is it? 死去吧,我猜这钱都不是他的是不是?

-Kate: They gave us a settlement after the crash, and I didn\'t need it all… settlement:赔偿金

他们给了我赔偿金我不需要那么多„ -Caidy: You don\'t have to explain it, Kate.你不用解释,Kate。

You got the same look on your face I did when he ditched me.ditch:抛弃

你的表情和我当初被他抛弃时一模一样。 All I have for you is sympathy.Is it his? sympathy: 同情

我真同情你。是他的么? -Kate: What? 什么?

-Caidy: Your son.Is it Sawyer\'s? 你儿子。是Sawyer的么?

-Kate: No.No, I was...pregnant before I met him.pregnant: 怀孕的

不是,不是,我„在遇见他之前就怀孕了。 -Caidy: That’s not your baby, is it? 那不是你孩子,是不是?

Kate, you just told me that you and your friends cooked a story for the whole world about what happened on that island.cook: 筹划

Kate 你眼神告诉我你和你朋友编了个故事来糊弄全世界。

So you tell me the truth about that? Why are you lying to me about him? lie: 撒谎

你刚才说的是真的?你为什么要替他撒谎? -Kate: Because I have to.因为我没办法。

-Kate: What happened? 发生了什么? -James: What the hell are you doing here? 你在这里做什么?

-Kate: That was Ben.That kid who was shot was Ben.Was it Sayid? Did he shoot him? shoot:开枪


-James: Here\'s what you need to do, Kate keep your mouth shut and stop asking questions.shut: 关闭的,合拢的


\'Cause putting any attention on yourself is the last thing I need right now.attention:注意


Now scram.I don\'t want you around here.scram:走开


-Kate: I just wanna know what\'s going on. 我只想知道发生什么了

-Horace: Lafleur.What...what, uh...what\'s she doing here? Lafleur。怎么„怎么她在这儿? -James: This is, uh...这是„

-Kate: I\'m Kate.Kate.She\'s new over at the motor pool.我叫Kate。Kate她是新来的,在汽车调配场工作。

I was seeing if she saw anything suspicious, but she didn\'t, so...suspicious:可疑的

我正问她看见什么可疑的,没但是她没看见。所以„ you can run along, thanks.你可以走了,谢谢。 -Horace: Have you checked out the hostile\'s cell yet? check out: 检验,检查 hostile:敌人 cell:牢房 你查关敌人的牢房了么?

-James: I was a little busy trying to keep the town from burning down, Horace.keep from: 阻止,防止 burn down: 烧毁 我忙着救火去了,Horace。

-Horace: Okay.Well, then let\'s do it.He didn\'t break out.Somebody let him out.break out: 突然逃跑,(使)脱逃,逃出(监狱),(使)逃走 那么,现在去看看吧。他不是越狱,有人放走他的。 -James: These are janitor\'s keys.janitor:看门人


-Horace: We\'ve only got three janitors.There\'s Roger, Willie and, uh, that new guy.只有三个看门人。有Roger Willie 还有„那个新来的。 I just met him.His name\'s jack.我刚见过他。他叫Jack。

-James: Yeah.I just brought him in from the sub.I\'ll go talk to him.sub:潜艇

对,那天是我把他从潜艇接来的我跟他谈谈去。 Miles, you wanna come with me? Miles 跟我一块去? -Miles: Yeah, sure, bo.bo:上司


-James: All right, I want you to find Jack and Hurley and Kate as quick as you can.你马上去找Jack Hurley还有Kate Put \'em in a house and sit on \'em.‘em:[口]=them 集中在一个屋里,看好他们。 -Miles: What for? 为什么? -James: \'Cause I don\'t want \'em talking to anybody else.因为我不想让他们跟其他人说话。

Things are starting to spin out of control here.spin out of control:【失去控制 spin out: [美国俚语](车辆)打滑失控】 这儿有点乱套了。 -Miles: All right, I got it.好的,没问题。 -James: All right, go.好的,去吧。

-Roger: Who did this? Do you know who did this to my son? 谁干的?你知道是谁伤害我儿子的么?

-James: Not yet, but we\'re working on it.How\'s he doing? 还没,我们正在查,他怎样了? -Roger: I don\'t know.Juliet told me to wait out here.不知道。Juliet让我在外面等。

-James: Let me see if I can get an update for ya.ya:=you: 你

我去看看能不能给你最新情况。 -Roger: Thanks, Jim.多谢Jim。 -James: Roger? Roger?

-Roger: Yeah? 嗯?

-James: You happen to have your keys with you? happen to:发生在„身上 你带着钥匙么? -Roger: Yeah.Why? What do you need? I must \'ve left them at...at the house.嗯,怎么了?你要干嘛用?我肯定是忘在家里了。 -Roger: It\'s all right.Don\'t worry about it.没事,别多想了。 -Juliet: More gauze.gauze:纱布。 再来点纱布。

-Nurse: Here\'s some gauze.给你纱布。

-Juliet: Yeah, right here.yeah.这里,对。

If we can\'t stop the hemorrhaging, we\'re just gonna have to pack the whole tract.hemorrhage:出血 pack: 【医学】(用裹布)包裹 tract:【解剖学、动物学】道;系统;(神经纤维的)一束

要是不能阻止出血,只能先全包扎起来。 -Nurse: Okay.好。

-James: Where\'s the doctor? 医生在哪?

-Juliet: At the looking gla station till Friday.station:站

在窥镜站,周五才能回来。 -James: How is he doing? 他怎么样了?

-Juliet: Not well.Hook him.He\'s still bleeding in there somewhere, and I can\'t fix it.hook:挂住 bleed:出血 fix:[美俚]处理

不乐观。扶着。还有地方在出血,我止不住。 -James: It\'s all right.没事。

-Juliet: No, it\'s not all right.不,有事。

Someone needs to get in there who can find the damage that bullet did and fix it.damage:损坏 bullet:子弹

需要能找到出血点的人来修复。 He needs a real surgeon.surgeon:外科医生


-Jack: You’re telling us we\'re under house arrest? under house arrest:在软禁中 arrest:监禁 你说我们被软禁了? -Miles: No, you\'re all free to leave whenever you want...but I\'ll shoot you in the leg.be free to: 随意(任意,不受拘束) 不,你们愿去哪儿去哪儿„但我会朝你们腿开枪。 -Jack: And whose idea was this? 这是谁的主意? -Miles: Who do you think? 你觉得呢? -Kate: Sawyer\'s just doing his job, Jack.Sawyer只不过在尽本分而已 Jack。 -Miles: What the hell are you doing, tubby? tubby:矮胖的

你这是干嘛,肥猪? -Hugo: Checking to see if I\'m disappearing.disappear:消失 看我消失了没有。 -Miles: What? 什么?

-Hugo: “Back to the future,” man.“回到未来”伙计。

We came back in time to the island and changed stuff.stuff:东西


So if little Ben dies, he\'ll never grow up to be big Ben, grow up: 长大,成长

如果小Ben死了他就不会长大成大Ben Who’s the one who made us come back here in the first place.in the first place: 起初,首先


Which means we can\'t be here.And therefore, dude? therefore:因此 dude:伙计

所以我们不可能在这儿。所以,伙计? We don\'t exist.exist: 存在 我们不存在。 -Miles: You\'re an idiot.idiot:笨蛋 你是个笨蛋。 -Hugo: Am I? 是么?

-Miles: Yeah.It doesn\'t work like that.You can\'t change anything.你是。不是那样的。什么都改变不了。

You\'re maniac Iraqi buddy shot Linus.That is what always happened.maniac:疯子 Iraqi:伊拉克

那个疯伊拉克人开枪打了Linus。这件事是肯定发生过的。 It\'s just...we never experienced how it all turns out.experience:经历 turn out: 成为,变成 只是我们没经历过其间的那段历史。 -Hugo: This is really confusing.confusing:难以理解 什么乱七八糟的。

-Miles: Yeah, well, get used to it.But the good news is that Linus didn\'t die, get used to:习惯于

习惯习惯吧。好消息是 Linus没死。

so that means the kid can\'t either.He\'ll be fine.either:也


-Kate: Didn\'t look like he was gonna be fine.What if you\'re wrong? 看起来可不像那样。要是你错了呢?

-Miles: Well, if I\'m wrong, then I gue we all stop existing, exist:存在

要是我错了,估计我们就不存在了吧。 And none of it matters anyway then, does it? none: 一点也不

那什么也无所谓了,对吧? -James: Doc, I need you to come with me.doc:医生


-Jack: Come with you where? 去哪儿? -James: Juliet said the kid\'s losing blood, and we ain\'t got none to put back in him.blood:血 ain’t:[口]=am not , are not, is not Juliet说孩子失血过多我们血液储备不够

So we need you to show us where he sprung a leak.spring:裂开 leak:漏洞 所以你要去找出血点。 -Jack: No.不。

-James: What? 什么?

-Jack: No, I\'m not coming with you.不,我不跟你去。

-James: If you don\'t come with me, Jack, that kid\'s gonna die.要是你不跟我来Jack,他会死的。 -James: Then he dies.死就死。

-Kate: What are you doing? 你干什么?

-Jack: Making some sandwiches.I figured everybody\'d be getting hungry by now.sandwich:三明治 figure:估计 hungry: 饥饿的 做三明治。我估计大家现在都饿了吧。

-Kate: He’s just a boy, Jack.You can’t just let him die.他只是个孩子。Jack,你不能见死不救。

-Jack: You heard Miles.We can\'t change what\'s already happened.Miles的话你也听见了,已经发生的事情无法改变。 This has nothing to do with me.这跟我没关系。

-Kate: Unle you\'re the one who\'s supposed to save him.unle:除非 be supposed to:应该


-Jack: 30 years from now, that boy\'s gonna be a man that locks me in a cage because he needs surgery.lock:关押 cage:笼子 surgery:外科手术


And then you\'re gonna come in and you\'re gonna beg me to operate on him beg to:请求 operate on:给„做手术 然后你会进来,求我给他做手术。

Because he\'s threatening to murder Sawyer.I\'ve already done this once.threat:威胁 murder:谋杀


I\'ve already saved Benjamin Linus, and I did it for you, Kate.我已经救过Benjamin Linus一次我是为你才这么做的 Kate I don\'t need to do it again.我不需要再重来一遍。

-Kate: This is our fault.We brought Sayid back.We caused this.fault:错误 cause:引起


-Jack: You know, when we were here before, I spent all of my time trying to fix things.上次我们在这儿的时候我一直在挽救。

But...did you ever think that maybe the island just wants to fix things itself? 但是„你想过么也许小岛想自己修复? And maybe I was just...getting in the way? get in the way:阻碍(妨碍) 而我却...挡了道? -Kate: You know, I don\'t like the new you.I liked the old you, 我不喜欢现在的你。我曾喜欢以前的你

who wouldn\'t just sit around and wait for things to happen.sit around:坐着没事干 不会坐视不管听天由命。

-Jack: You didn\'t like the old me, Kate.你不曾喜欢过以前的我,Kate。 -Miles: Where are you going? 你去哪儿?

-Juliet: Just relax.You\'re okay.relax:放松


-Nurse: I\'m sorry.Juliet? One of the new people is here.打扰下,Juliet?有个新人过来了。

She heard Ben needed blood, says she\'s a universal donor.universal donor:万能供血者 universal:通用的 donor:捐赠者 她听说我们需要血液,说她是个万能供血者。

-Juliet: This might hurt for a second.Good.Very brave.brave:勇敢


So James told me that Jack wouldn\'t help, but he didn\'t say why.James告诉我Jack不肯帮忙,但是他没说原因。

-Kate: If I understood why Jack does what he does, I sure as hell wouldn\'t be sitting here.understand:理解 as hell: [口语]很,非常,极其

要是我理解Jack为什么那么做,我就不会来了。 -Juliet: Off island, did something happen with you two? happen:发生

来岛前,你们俩之间发生过一些事? -Kate: We were engaged.Does that count? engage: 订婚 count:认为,视为 我们订过婚。这算么? -Roger: What\'s going on? 怎么样了?

-Juliet: Roger, I asked you to wait outside.outside:外面


-Roger: No, what\'s going on with my kid? 不,我孩子怎么样了?

-Juliet: Kate is giving us some fresh blood so we can transfuse Ben.fresh:新鲜 transfuse:输血

Kate正在献血,我们可以给Ben输血。 -Roger: Well, I\'m not waiting outside.我不要在外面等。 -Juliet: You know… 你知道„

-Kate: He could stay with me, and you could check on Ben, 他可以和我一起,你可以去看看Ben。

And…and Roger here could keep me company, make sure I don\'t pa out.keep company:陪伴某人 make sure:确保 pa out:昏厥 Roger可以给我作伴,确保我不会晕过去。 -Juliet: Okay.Roger, have a seat.好吧,Roger坐吧。

-Roger: Thanks.Sure.He stole my keys. 谢谢,不客气。他偷了我的钥匙。 -Kate: Sorry? 什么? -Roger: Lafleur asked me where my keys were.Lafleur问我我的钥匙在哪儿。

That bastard doesn\'t ask any questions he doesn\'t know the answers to...bastard:混蛋


which means my son stole my keys so he could bust that animal out of jail.bust:打破,打开 jail:监狱

也就是说我儿子偷了我的钥匙,放那个畜牲出去。 -Kate: Why…why would he do that? 他„他为什么会那么做?

-Roger: Because of me.You got kids? 因为我。你有孩子么? -Kate: No.没有。

-Roger: I thought I was gonna be the greatest father ever.You know? 我还以为我会是世界上最好的父亲。 I gue it didn\'t work out that way.work out: 发展 事与愿违哪。

-Kate: What about his mother? Is she still around? around:在周围


-Roger: No, she\'s dead.She died the day he was born.不,她过世了。他出生的那天死的。 -Kate: I\'m sorry.抱歉。

-Roger: Yeah, me, too.I tried to do what I thought she\'d want me to do, but...嗯。我也是。我尽力填补母亲的空缺,不过„ I gue a boy just needs his mother.What’s going on? gue:猜想

男孩子还是需要母亲。怎么了? He\'s going into hypoxic shock.hypoxic:缺氧 shock:休克 他要缺氧休克了。

-Roger: What does that mean? What\'s the matter with him? 什么意思?他怎么了?

-Juliet: He needs more oxygen.Roger, get out of here! oxygen:氧气

他需要氧气。Roger出去! What? 什么?

-Juliet: Get him out of here! 把他弄出去!

-Roger: Wait! What… what is… 等等! 什么„

-nurse: Please, Roger, just wait outside. 拜托,Roger到外面等。 -Roger: Wait a minute.等等。

-Hugo: Let me get this straight.All this already happened. get straight:了解,搞通

是不是这样。这一切都已经发生过。 -Miles: Yes.是的。

-Hugo: So this conversation we\'re having right now...we already had it.conversation:谈话

所以,这次谈话„已经发生过。 -Miles: Yes! 对! -Hugo: Then what am I gonna say next? 那接下来我要说什么? -Miles: I don\'t know.我不知道。

-Hugo: Then your theory is wrong! theory:理论 那你的理论错了! -Miles: For the thousandth time, you dingbat, the conversation already happened, dingbat:[美国、澳大利亚、新西兰俚语]怪人;傻瓜,笨蛋 说了多少次了,你个傻蛋,这次谈话已经发生了。

but not for you and me.For you and me, it\'s happening right now.但对你我还没。对你我是正在发生。

-Hugo: Okay, answer me this.If all this already happened to me, then...你说说这个。要是这已经发生过le„ Why don\'t I remember any of it? 为什么我什么都不记得? -Miles: Because once Ben turned that wheel, time isn\'t a straight line for us anymore.wheel:轮子 straight line:直线


Our experiences in the past and the future occurred before these experiences right now.experience:经历


我们过去和未来的历史,发生在现在这一刻之前。 -Hugo: Say that again.再说一遍。

-Miles: Shoot me.Please.Please? 开枪打我,打我啊。

-Hugo: I can\'t shoot you.Because if you die in 1977, 我不能打你。要是你1977年就死了,

then you\'ll never come back to the island on the freighter 30 years from now.freighter:货船


-Miles: I can die because I\'ve already come to the island on the freighter.我可以死!因为我已经坐货船回到岛上了。 Any of us can die because this is our present.我们所有人都可以死,因为对我们来说这才是现在。

-Hugo: But you said Ben couldn\'t die because he still has to grow up and become the leader of the others.leader:领袖

但是你说Ben不能死,因为他要长大成为其他人的领袖。 -Miles: Because this is his past.因为这是他的过去。

-Hugo: But when we first captured Ben, and Sayid, like tortured him, capture:俘获 torture:拷供


then why wouldn\'t he remember getting shot by that same guy when he was a kid? 他为什么不记得小时候被他伤过? -Hugo: I hadn\'t thought of that.我没想到这个。 -Roger: How is he? 他怎么样了? -Juliet: He\'s stable.stable:稳定的 稳定下来了。

-Roger: Is he gonna be okay? 他会好起来吗?

-Juliet: He\'s got some fresh blood running through him, which is a good thing.我们给他输了新鲜血液,对他来说是件好事。 Roger, I need you to go out to the medical station.medical station:医疗救护站 Roger,拜托你去一趟医疗站。 There are some supplies there that we don\'t have here.supplies:供给品


-Roger: Hey, I just wanna say, I...I wanna say thanks.我想说„我„我想说声谢谢。

I know that you\'re doing everything you can...to save him, and...我知道你正尽一切所能„去救他„ All right, I\'m…I\'m gonna go, okay? 好了,我得走了。 -Kate: Is he any better? 他好点没?

-Juliet: He is stable now.But I can\'t, um...I can\'t fix it.现在是稳定了。可我没法„治愈他。

-Kate: What about the sub? I mean, can we take him somewhere? sub:潜水艇

那潜水艇呢?我是说,要不带他出去? -Juliet: No.It\'s gone.It won\'t be back for a couple of months.a couple of: 两个,几个

不行,它离开了。2个月之内是不会回来的。 -Kate: But he can\'t die, right? 可他不会死的,对吧? -Juliet: He is going to die.He is in a medical situation that is not resolvable.situation:情况 resolvable:可解决的 他快死了。他的情况几乎无可逆转了。

-Kate: Okay, well, we can\'t just sit here and do nothing.那咱们总不能在这坐以待毙啊。

I mean, there\'s got to be someone who can help him.We have entire...entire:整个

一定有人能救他的。我们有整个„ What? 怎么了? -Juliet: Maybe there\'s something they can do.或许他们能帮上忙。 -Kate: “They”? “他们”?

-Juliet: The others.其他人。

-Juliet: You got him? 抱稳了? -Kate: Yeah.嗯。

-Juliet: Ready? 准备好了? -Kate: One, two, three, go.一二三,起。

-Juliet: Okay, let’s go.I\'m coming with you.好了,咱们走。我和你一起去。

-Kate: No, no, no, no.If something goes wrong or we get caught, 不不不。万一出了差错,咱们不幸被捕

It doesn\'t matter for me, but you\'ve got a whole life here.对我而言是无所谓。但对你来说,这里是你生活的全部。

And besides, if Sawyer knew that I got you involved in this, he\'d kill me.besides:还有 involve in:使陷入

还有,万一Sawyer知道我把你也牵扯进来,他会杀了我的。 -Juliet: How are you gonna manage? manage: 设法对付;应付 你自己能办到吗?

-Kate: I\'ll manage don\'t worry.我能行,别担心。

-Juliet: Kate, Sawyer’s gonna find out Ben’s gone, and when he does, Kate Sawyer肯定会发现Ben不见了,

I have to tell him what happened.But I\'ll give you as much of a head start as I can.head start: 先起动的优势;占先;领先(或有利)的开端

到那时我就得和盘托出了。但我会尽量为你多争取些时间。 Good luck.luck:运气 祝你好运。

-Benjamin: There’s someone...someone here in Los Angeles.Let me take you to them.有个人„就在洛杉矶有个人„让我带你们去见他们。 -Sun: Who? 谁?

-Benjamin: The same person that\'s gonna show us how to get back the island.就是那个将要告诉我们回岛方法的人。

-Kate: Is that what this is about? You knew about this.原来如此啊?你早就知道了。 -Jack: No, I was so… 不是,我„

-Kate: And that is why you were pretending to care about Aaron, to convince me to go back there? pretend:假装 convince:说服

所以你假装关心Aaron,就是为了说服我回去? -Jack: I wasn\'t pretending anything.我没有假装什么。

-Kate: This is insane.You guys are crazy.insane:疯狂的 guy:家伙 crazy:疯狂的 简直疯了,你们这群疯子。 -Jack: Kate Kate…

-Kate: Jack, don\'t! Jack不要! -Aaron: Mommy, I\'m thirsty.I need some milk.thirsty:口渴


-Kate: Do you want chocolate milk or regular milk? chocolate:巧克力 regular:正常的 你想喝巧克力味的还是原味的? -Aaron: Juice box.juice:果汁 果汁。

-Kate: You don\'t want milk anymore? 又不想喝牛奶了? -Aaron: Juice box.果汁。

-Kate: Excuse me.Where are you juice boxes? 请问一下。果汁在哪里? -Man A: Aisle 5.aisle:通道 5号过道。

-Kate: Thank you very much.Aaron? Um, excuse me.Have you seen my son? 非常感谢。Aaron? 不好意思,你有没有看到我儿子? -Man A: I\'m sorry? 什么?

-Kate: A little 3year old blond? Aaron? Aaron? Aaron? Aaron! blond:淡黄色的

一个三岁的金发男孩。Aaron? Aaron?Aaron?Aaron! Excuse me.I\'ve lost my son.He\'s 3.He\'s a little blond boy.劳驾,我找不到我儿子了。男孩,三岁,留着一头金发。 -Man B: Don\'t worry, ma\'am.I\'ll make an announcement.announcement:通知


-Kate: No, no, no.You have to seal off the store.You...Aaron? Hey, seal off: 封锁,封闭

不不,你得封锁这个商店。你„Aaron? 嘿。

-Woman: Is this your mommy? Honey, is this your mommy? I found him in the fruit section.fruit:水果 section:区

这是你妈妈吗?宝贝儿,这是你妈妈吗?我在水果摊前看到他的。 I…he looked lost I was getting ready to make an announcement.我„他好像迷路了,我正想去找人广播。

-Kate: Thank you.Thank you very much.It’s okay, honey.Mommy\'s got you.Mommy\'s got you.谢谢你,太感谢了。没事了,宝贝,妈妈来了。妈妈找到你了。 -Benjamin: Tell...tell my...告诉„告诉我„

-Kate: Try not to talk, okay? 尽量别说话,好吗?

-Benjamin: Tell my dad I\'m sorry I stole his keys.steal:偷窃


-Kate: I know you gotta stop me...but I can\'t just let that kid die.我知道你想阻止我„但我不会看着这孩子死的。

-James: Damn it, freckles.I ain\'t here to stop you.I\'m here to help you.freckles:雀斑

靠,雀斑女,我不是来阻止你的。我来帮你。 -Clementine: Hi, auntie Kate! 嗨,Kate阿姨!

-Kate: Hi, Clementine.Is your mommy home? 嗨,Clementine。你妈妈在家吗? -Clementine: Sure.I\'ll go get her.当然,我去叫她。

-Caidy: They’re going back? To the island? 他们要回去?回岛上去?

Why in god\'s name would they wanna do that? 我的天,他们干嘛要这么做?

-Kate: I don\'t know.Jack says that we weren\'t supposed to leave.我不知道。Jack说我们不该离开。

-Caidy: Well, Jack sounds like a piece of work.You look exhausted.Drink this.a piece of work: 【原意是“一项工作”,也可表达“讨厌的家伙”之意】 exhausted:疲惫的 Jack麻烦事儿特多。你看上去累坏了,把这个喝了。 Curl up on my bed.Take a nap.I\'ll watch your fella.curl up:蜷曲 nap:小睡 fella:小家伙

去我床上躺躺,小睡一会儿,我来照看你的小宝贝 -Kate: I lost him.我把他丢了。 -Caidy: What? 什么?

-Kate: I don\'t know what happened.We were in the supermarket, supermarket:超市


and I turned around for one second, and he was gone.turn around: 转身


And, you know, the crazy thing is, is that...as scared as I was...I wasn\'t surprised.crazy:疯狂的 scared:害怕 surprised:惊讶

还有,最荒谬的是„虽然当时我很害怕„但我并不感到惊讶。 All I could think was it\'s about time.Why would I feel that way? 我想到的是是时候了,我怎么会那么想? I mean, why would I expect him to be taken? expect:期望 我怎么会等着他被带走? -Caidy: Because you took him, Kate.因为你带走了他,Kate。

-Kate: No, I...Claire was gone.I mean, she left him.I had to take him.He needed me.不,我„Claire不在了。她扔下他。我必须要带上他。他需要我。

-Caidy: You needed him.Sawyer broke your heart.How else were you supposed to fix it? be supposed to:应该


-James: Figure out how you were gonna carry him out there by yourself? 想到如何独自扛走他了吗?

-Kate: Well, he line\'s just right over there, right? The others are on the other side.边界就是那条了,其他人就在那边。

-James: Well, they ain\'t right on the her side.We better get moving.他们不会总是在那边的。我们快走吧。

-Kate: Why are you doing this? Why are you helping me? 你为什么要这么做?为什么帮我?

-James: When I found out Ben was gone, and Juliet told me what you were up to, up to: 正在做


I asked that exact damn question...why are you helping Ben? And she said...exact:准确的 damn: 该死的,可恶的


No matter what he\'s gonna grow up to be, it\'s wrong to let a kid die.no matter:无论 grow up:长大

无论他长大后是怎么样,我们也不能让孩子死去。 So...that\'s why I\'m doing this.I\'m doing it for her.所以„我就来了。为了她。 -Juliet: Where\'s Jack? Jack呢?

-Miles: Uh, he…he\'s in the shower.I think.shower:洗澡 在洗澡吧。

-Hugo: Is he in trouble? trouble:麻烦 他有麻烦了?

-Juliet: I just need to talk to him.You two mind giving us some privacy? privacy:隐私


-Miles: Hey, ask me more questions about time travel.travel:旅行

继续问我关于时间穿梭的事吧。 -Juliet: I needed you.我要你帮忙。 -Jack: I\'m sorry? 什么?

-Juliet: That kid was bleeding out.You\'re a surgeon, and I needed you.surgeon:外科医生

那孩子血流不止。你是外科医生,我要你帮忙。 -Jack: That kid is Ben. 那孩子是Ben。

-Juliet: That\'s not Ben yet.He\'s just a kid.Ben还没成为Ben呢。他只是个孩子。 -Jack: Juliet, I’m sorry.I can\'t help you.Juliet抱歉。帮不了你。

-Juliet: I\'m not asking for your help, Jack.You made it pretty clear you weren\'t interested.我不是来向你求助的,Jack。很明显你并不在意。 It\'s up to Sawyer and Kate now.be up to: 由某人决定

那只能看Sawyer和Kate运气如何了。 -Jack: What? 什么?

-Juliet: She\'s trying to save him, and I sent James after her to help save:拯救

她正在救他,我让James去帮忙了。 Because they actually care.actually:确实


-Jack: I came back here because I care, Juliet.我回来是因为我在乎,Juliet。

I came back here because I was trying to save you.我回来是因为我要救你。

-Juliet: We didn\'t need saving! We\'ve been fine for three years.我们不需要你救!我们3年来生活的很好。 You came back here for you.你是为了自己而回来的

At least do me the courtesy of telling me why.at least:至少 courtesy:好意 你起码得回答我为什么。

-Jack: I came back...because I was supposed to.我回来„是因为我本该如此。 -Juliet: Supposed to do what? 本该什么?

-Jack: I don\'t know yet.我还不知道。

-Juliet: Well, you\'d better figure it out.figure out:明白 最好快弄清楚。

-Kate: You know, I can take him for a while.我也可以抱他一下的。 -James: Sure you can.当然。

-Kate: You know, his father said that you think Ben broke Sayid out.break out: 突然逃跑,(使)脱逃,逃出(监狱),(使)逃走 他爸爸说你认为是Ben放了Sayid。

-James: Kid\'ll do almost anything if he\'s pied off enough at his folks.be pied of:发怒 pi: [美国俚语]抱怨

folk:父母 孩子对亲人不满时什么事都做得出。

-Kate: Is that why you asked me to take care of your daughter? 那就是为什么你要我照顾好你女儿? -James: Did you? 照顾好了吗?

-Kate: Of course I did.Go ahead and tip his head back.tip:使倾斜

当然。把他头抬起来。 -James: What\'s she like? 她长什么样? -Kate: Clementine? Clementine? -James: Yeah.Clementine.嗯。Clementine。

-Kate: Oh, she\'s beautiful.Looks just like you when she smiles.她漂亮极了。笑起来的时候像你。

She\'s growing up fast.Already has a little attitude.attitude: [美国俚语、口语]敌视态度,不友好态度 她成长的很快。已经有点叛逆了。

-James: I bet you and Caidy had a lot to talk about.bet:肯定


-Kate: She had an interesting theory on why you jumped off the chopper.theory:见解 chopper:[美俚]直升机 她对你跳下直升机的事别有见解。 -James: Yeah? What\'s that? 什么?

-Kate: She thought you were worried about what would happen if you didn’t.她认为你会担心不跳下来会发生什么。

-James: You and me would\'ve never worked out, Kate.work out:产生结果


I wasn\'t any more fit to be your boyfriend than I am to be that little girl\'s father.fit to:相配

我做不了你男友,就像我做不了那孩子她爸一样。 -Kate: You seem to be doing all right with Juliet.seem:好像


-James: Yeah.I\'ve done a lot of growing up the past three years.是。过去3年来我成长不少。

-Man: Hands up! Do not move.I said don\'t move.This is a violation of the truce.You\'re over the line.violation:违反 truce:休战

举起手来!不许动,不许动。这违反了休战协定,你们过界了。 -James: We know.This kid\'s been shot.That\'s both of our problems.我知道。这孩子中枪了。我们双方都有责任

So unle you want to go to war, you\'re gonna take us to Richard Alpert, unle:除非

你是要开战还是带我们去找Richard Alpert, and you\'re gonna do it now.快决定。

-Kate: Mrs.Littleton, um, I’m Kate Austen.Littleton夫人,我是Kate Austen。 -Littleton: I know who you are.Come in.我知道你是谁。进来吧。 -Kate: Thank you.谢谢。

-Littleton: Your friend Dr.Shephard came here last night, 你朋友Shephard医生昨晚来过。

going on and on about some person named Aaron.一直在说一个叫Aaron的人。

When I asked him who that was, he ran out of here like the room was on fire.我问他那是谁,他发疯似的跑了出去。

-Kate: He\'s your grandson.And your daughter Claire...is alive.grandson:外孙 alive:活着


-Littleton: What are you talking about? Claire died in the plane crash.你说什么?Claire在坠机中身亡了。

-Kate: No, she survived.When we crashed, your daughter was eight months pregnant, survive:幸存 crash:坠毁 pregnant:怀孕的

不,她活下来了。我们坠机时,你女儿已经怀孕8个月„ and...she\'s the one who gave birth on the island, not me.give birth: 生孩子


We lied.There were other survivors, too.We just left them behind.survivor: 幸存者

leave behind: 把„丢在后面

我们说谎了。还有其他的幸存者,我们弃他们而去。 -Littleton: Why? Why would you leave her there? 为什么?你们为什么要抛下她?

-Kate: Because she disappeared, and she left the baby behind.disappear:消失


We looked everywhere, but...that\'s when I started taking care of Aaron.take care of: 照顾


And when we were rescued, we didn\'t …we had to decide what to do with him.rescue:营救 decide:决定


And I knew that she had wanted him to be adopted, but I couldn’t.adopt:领养

我知道她希望送他去领养,但我无法放手。 I had to protect him, so I said he was mine.protect:保护


-Littleton: Why did you lie? Why didn\'t you come to me in the first place? 你为啥撒谎?你为什么不早点找我? -Kate: Because I needed him.I\'m sorry.因为我需要他。对不起。

You’re gonna see that he\'s so sweet and kind and good.你看看他有多么乖巧可爱。 -Littleton: Where is he? 他在哪里?

-Kate: Um, I checked in two doors down.He\'s asleep.我在隔壁的隔壁开了间房。他在睡觉。 I know that this is a lot for you to handle.But...handle:应付


When you\'re ready, he\'s waiting for you.当你准备好,他在等着见你。

I told him that you\'re his grandmother, grandmother:祖母


that you\'ll take care of him while I\'m gone and that I\'ll be back soon.我离开时你会照顾他我很快会回来

-Littleton: Where are you going? I\'m going back to find your daughter.你要去哪里?我回去找你的女儿。 -Kate: Bye-bye, baby.拜拜,宝贝。

-James: Don\'t worry.We got \'em right where we want \'em.别担心,他们正带我们去该去的地方。 -Man: Shut up and keep moving.shut up:闭嘴


-James: What\'s it look like I\'m doing? 这不是在走嘛? -Richard: Hello there, James.你好啊,James。

-James: Where the hell did you come from? 你从哪冒出来的? -Richard: You asked my people to bring you to me.Here I am.Is that Benjamin Linus? 你叫我的人带你来见我。我就来了。这就是Benjamin Linus? -James: You two know each other? each other:彼此 你们互相认识?

-Richard: What happened to him? 他怎么了?

-Kate: He was shot.他中枪了。

-Richard: And who might you be? 你又是谁?

-James: She\'s with me.她跟我一起的。

-Richard: And why are you here? 那你为啥在这里?

-Kate: \'Cause we need you to save his life.Can you? 我们需要你救他一命。你可以做到吗?

-Richard: If I take him, he\'s not ever gonna be the same again.若我带走他,他将永远改变。 -Kate: What do you mean by that? 什么意思?

-Richard: What I mean is that...he\'ll forget this ever happened, and that...我的意思是„他会失忆,然后„

His innocence will be gone.He will always be one of us.You still want me to take him? innocence:单纯

他将不再单纯。他将永远成为我们一员。你还想我带走他吗? -Kate: Yes.是的。

-Man: Richard...you shouldn\'t do this without asking Ellie.And if Charles finds out Richard„没问过Ellie前,你不该行动。要是Charles得知„ .-Richard: Let him find out.I don\'t answer to either of them.就让他知道。我从不听他们指挥。 -Kate: Wh…where are you taking him? 你要把他带到哪里? -James: Come on.走吧。

-John: Hello, Ben.Welcome back to the land of the living.the land of the living:人世(现世) 你好,Ben欢迎回到人间。




1.I’d give it back, all of it, if I could have my family back.

2.I was 15 when I went out in the world.What’s a home anyway? A roof?

A bed? A place where when you go there, they have to take you? If so, then I was 15 when I became homele.

3.But I still didn’t know how to be in school.I still didn’t know how to be normal.

4.I knew at that moment I had to make a choice.I could submit to everything that was happening and live a life of excuses...or I could push myself.I could push myself and make my life good.

5.Sometimes I feel like there is skin upon the world.And those of us who are born under it, can see threw it.We just can’t

get threw it.

6.I’m smart.I know I can succeed.I just need a chance.A chance to climb out of this place I’ve born in.Everyone I know are angry and tired.They’re trying to survive.But I know that there is a world out there that is better, that’s better developed.And I want to live in it.


Liz Murray: I love you, dad.

Peter: That’s a waste of energy.


Liz Murray: My mother was dying.My father was gone.But I had to believe that their road would rise up to meet me.


Chris: I don’t want to go to school.I don’t belong there and neither do you.

Liz Murray: Yes, I do.

Chris: You think they let people like us in to Harvard?


Lisa: I loved going to school so much.You never went to school.Why would they gave you a scholarship?

Liz Murray: Because I’m homele and I’m doing really well on school.Lisa: You’re not homele, Liz.You could stay here.

Liz Murray: No, I couldn’t.


Jean Murray: Lisa said you stopped going to school.

Liz Murray: I am going to go back.

Jean Murray: When?

Liz Murray: When you get better


