
2020-07-15 来源:主持词收藏下载本文



Beginning: 开场

Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.


This cla will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and I\'m your host.my name is,Today,we’ll be witneing a brilliant debate

这里是展示你雄辩的舞台,我是主持人—— ,今天我们将亲眼目睹一场非常精彩的辩论赛,

I think you all have known the topic today\"\"众所周知,我们今天的辩题是:“”

So first,it\'s my honor to present today\'s chief judge:mi wu.首先呢,由我非常荣幸的向大家介绍本次辩论赛的主裁判官 吴小姐

now , there are two sides ,theaffirmative side and the negative side,theaffirmative side’s opinion is we should make friend on line, the negative side’s opinion is we shouldn’t make friend on line.it’s the time for debaters’self introduction..affirmative first..it’s you turn negative side…

first,please allow me to introducethe rules of debate.

The competition is divided into five rounds, before each round begings,I will briefly introduce the competition rules.So our debaters

need to listen carefully.本次比赛分五个板块,在每个部分开始之前,我都会简单的介绍比赛规则,所以辩论选手们可要认真听哟!

The first part is presentation time, first it’s the introduction of the first affirmative debater, within 5 minutes……same to the negativeThe 2 part is free debating, first, affirmative presentation and questioning, then is the negative both of sides fifty minutes

The 3 part is question time for the audience, there are six quotas, the debater answer each question shouldn’t over 2mins

The 4 part is conclusion time, first, affirmative conclude, and then is negative

The last part isthe comment and judge time for the judges

Whose argument is more persuasive, we’ll soon find out.I now declare open the Debate.Now it’s your show time ,We’ll begin with the first round, We’ll start with the affirmative,let’s begin the first part, lets welcome affirmative…Thank you.Proposition for your opening arguments.Let’s listen to how the negative make their argument.If you please.

Thank you.Now that we’ve listened to the exciting opening arguments from both sides, we’ll move into the next round-free debate and rebuttal., let’s follow me to the excited free debating part.remember, free debating part totally 50ty minutes , each of you

have 25 mins.be attention to the time ,come on

affirmative first,Time is up.Thank you, affirmative.Let’s now hear the negative’s arguments and rebuttal.

Both sides have shown great debating ability in today\'s fierce competition.

Now,it’s the question time for the audience,there are six quotas,you can’t mi it

This round is quite exciting, but our debaters cannot relax.The conclusion round is also important.Well,is conclusion time now,affirmative first,Thank you.Let us now hear the negative’s conclusion

Now,I’d like to invite our cute mi sb to give comment and judge for this debating ,mi sb please

I\'m sure we\'re all deeply impreed by the intelligent debaters.Thanks for your hard work and let\'s give ourselves a big round of applause.我敢肯定的是机智的辩手们给我们留下了深刻的印象,谢谢你们出色的表现,大家来给他们热烈的掌声。

推荐第2篇:主持词 辩论


首先请允许我来介绍到场的各位评委 及媒体朋友他们分别是:************大众网、水母网。

让我们再次以热烈的掌声对评委及媒体朋友的到来表示衷心的感谢。 首先请狄主任致开幕词。

2下面介绍一下今天的辩题,今天正方辩题是:网络对学生的影响利大于弊,反方辩题是:网络对学生的影响弊大于利,坐在我右手边的正方: 高二级部代表队。坐在我左手边的是反方:国际部代表队。

下面有请双方辩手进行自我介绍。 首先有请正方高二级部代表队介绍 下面有请反方国际部代表队介绍












现在有请正方三辩 计时开始。。。。。时间到





感谢各位对本次辩论赛的支持,以及所有辩手精彩的表现,下面我将公布: 获胜队为。。。。。




主持:主持词:Good morning everyone, today, we will bring you a small but brilliant debate.I hope all of you would enjoy the time.(介绍来宾)The judges of today\'s debate are our teacher and everybody here! Welcome! The topic for our debate today is \"whether the preure of men is more than women?\" First please let me introduce the contestants of both sides.Those on the pros are Liu Junyi and me.Those on the cons are Gao Tianli and Lei Feiyan.As everybody is ready now, here starts the debate.The first seion: Statement of their arguments: ----the For-side, please 正方一辩:我方观点是当今社会男人的压力比女人的压力大。在当今社会事实是男人承受的压力远大于女人的压力,不仅从社会角度,从工作角度,从家庭角度都对男人有更多的要求,男人被要求能够很好的处理社会交际,能够出色的工作,能够赚取更多的钱,能够很好的照顾家庭和孩子。因此,在当代社会,男人承受了比女人更多的心理压力。

Our view is that the preure of men is more than women in today\'s society.The fact is that the men’s preure is far greater than women, not only from a social point of view, from the working point of view, from the families point of view , the society has more demands on men, men are required to have good social communication, excellent work, to earn more money, to take care of their families.Therefore, in contemporary society, men suffer more psychological preure than women.

主持----the Against-side, please


Our view is that the preure of women is more than men in today\'s society。With the development of society, the role of women in society greatly changes.In original ,women only need to aist their husbands and educate the children , Nowadays.A woman not only to take care of the family, and also bear the tremendous preure from society.Therefore, we detected that in today\'s society, women suffer greater preure.主持:After the excellent arguments presentation from both side, now we move on to free debate seion.Let me first! 自由辩论

正方二辩: 当今社会对男人的要求比女人的要求高很多,在如今如此大的竞争压力下,男人为了家庭不得不寻求一份稳定的工作,努力赚取养家的资本,哪怕在工作中不如意,也只能默默承受。因为一旦男人失去了工作,整个家庭将陷入严重的危机,这使得男人承受了巨大压力的同时也不敢轻易更换不如意的工作。因此,当代社会男人承受比女人更大的压力。

In today\'s society, requirements on men is much higher than women\'s, under so much competitive preures, The man have to find a stable job for the family, to earn more money to support his families.Even if he is unhappy at work, he must endure.The reason is once the men lose their jobs, the whole family will be plunged into serious trouble, which makes the man under great preure, while also not easy to replace unsatisfactory work.Therefore, men suffer greater preure than women in contemporary society.反方二辩:正如正方所言社会对我们给了我们更多的要求以及更大的压力。仅仅工作一项就使得我们难以喘息,更何况当代社会女人不仅自己要努力工作,承担社会给予的巨大压力,而且更多地要承担几乎整个家庭生活所给的压力。每天要做饭,洗衣服,照顾丈夫孩子,这些事已经使得女人忙得黑白颠倒,再加上工作上的巨大压力,使得当代女人超额承受着巨大的压力。

As you said the society has given us more demands and greater preure.Just work making us difficult to breathe , moreover modern women not only to work hard, bear enormous social preure , but also have to undertake almost the entire preure from family and life.Cooking, washing, taking care of her husband and child every day have made women day and night reversed , combined with the enormous preure at work, so the modern women under great preure.正方一辩:当然,你说得非常有道理,但是所有的前提是女人自己来选择。如果女人感到压力大,她可以从二中选一,可以回归家庭来减轻自身压力,而男人别无选择,他们即使遇到这种超额的压力,唯一的选择就是忍受、承担,从而使之承受了不仅是工作的压力,而且还有很大的心理负担。

Of course, what you said is very reasonable, but premise is must choose by women themselves.If the women were feeling exceive preure, they can pick one from two.They were able to return home to relieve their stre, while men have no choice, even if they bear exceive preure, the only choice who can make is to endure, to bear, thus making it not only to withstand the preure of work, but also a great psychological burden.反方一辩:像你方所说的,的确没错,可是在当代社会中,事实是女人几乎都做出了不仅顾家而且在外工作的选择。在家庭方面,日常烦琐的小事,抚养孩子健康成长,照顾好自己的老公。在工作方面,工作的压力,同事竞争的压力,人际关系的处理,每个也使得女人疲惫不堪。因此我方认为当代的女人压力大于男人的压力。

Just like you have said, that’s right, but in contemporary society, the fact is that almost all women have made the choice ,while not only care about their families and work outside.In the family, the daily trivial things, raising the children, taking good care of husband.At work, the preure from itself , the preure of competition among colleagues, the interpersonal relationship, each one makes woman exhausted.Therefore we think that women‘s preure is greater than man in the modern society.

主持:Now with such a brilliant debate contribution from both sides, we all have some understanding of the arguments.I think everyone has their own views about it.Thank you again!




首先让我们掌声有请经贸商务系党总支书记…为本场辩论赛致辞: 感谢孟书记的精彩发言


我们今天决赛辩题是“未来时代是知识驾驭资本还是资本驾驭知识”,在我左手边的是正方辩手,她们辩论立场是“未来时代资本将驾驭知识”在我右手边的是反方辩手,她们的辩论立场是“未来时代知识将驾驭资本”, 接下来有请正反双方辩手进行自我介绍












双方时间各为6分钟 首先请正方发言









(一)开篇立论 (每方用时3分钟,共6分钟)






(三)攻辩环节 (每轮用时2分钟,共四轮,8分钟)










(四)攻辩小结 (每轮用时2分钟,共4分钟)




(五)自由辩论 (每方累计用时4分钟,共8分钟)





(六)总结陈词 (每方用时3分钟,共6分钟)






(八)评委点评、宣布结果 注意事项:












。。。。对不起,时间到。 下面有请反方一辩阐述本方立场,时间为3分钟

。。。。对不起,时间到。 谢谢两位的精彩陈词,下面进入:






。。。。。对不起,时间到。②下面有请反方向正方提问,由正方被提问辩手作答。请: 。。。。。对不起,时间到。③下面有请正方向反方提问,由反方被提问辩手作答。请:









。。。。。对不起,时间到。有请正方四辩做总结性陈述。。。。。对不起,时间到。 感谢各位辩手精彩的辩论,至此,我们本场比赛的主题部分已宣告结束。精彩的总结陈词将比赛推向白热化,不知评委们是否也有了自己的看法。下面,现在就让我们进入场上辩手与评委的互动环节:评委提问环节。在本环节中,评委可以向正反双方分别提出一个问题,由正反方辩手分别作答。当某方的辩手回答不充分时,本方辩手可以进行补充。计时1分30秒。首先请评委代表向正方辩手进行提问,请:









Firstly, from the money view , after some people meet the food and clothing, in order to prove its ability to get more recognition ,they make more money ; this pursuit become an inertial of am an, but they won\'t fill emptine inside.

Secondly, from the human relations, When people cannot derive enough satisfaction from interpersonal, he will have a special frenzy to compensate for the lack of love。 But they forget, no matter how much of money can not buy the real love.

The third, from the social and historical perspective, our parents lived a tightened life, so we also exist \"afraid poor\" psychology.This kind of social environment lead us to pursue the economic wealth, and may also cause people to make money but still afraid of being lost , therefore, human life would become the \"the slave of money \", back a heavy chains.

Finally, from the psychology perspective, psychologist Maslow says, the person has five basic needs - physiological needs, safety requirements,love and belongingne need,respect needs, self realization needs.The money can satisfy people not only physiological needs, but also endowed with security, respect, love and self-actualization meaning, it is \"universal\".Hence, hold this idea easily become a workaholic, they\'re busy to destination, have no time to enjoy really life.幸福,不是靠钱创造的,钱只能满足人一时的愿望,并不能得到永恒的满足。在我国当今社会被钱欲熏心的人还大有人在,他们最终东窗事发,被法律惩罚,王宝森、陈希同不就是很好的例子吗?结果他们得到了幸福没有呢?




Happine is not create by money, it only to satisfy the desire temporary, and can\'t get eternal satisfied.There are many people captivated by money ,and they had published by the legal finally.Wangbaosen and Chenxitong are the best examples.As a result, did they get the happine?

The nature of man decided people\'s desire is endle, rich wants more.More will be more tired.I feel a sentence is very good: \"happine is the cat ate fish, dog ate meat, Oatman beat a small monster.Happine is all around us, but we didn\'t find it in fact.

Someone says: in fact, happine is 10 years old wear the new clothes in the new year, 20 years old with several buddies talking extensively, 30 years old with own lover walked along red carpet, 40 watching my children in front of the mirror, then over her dre than her old mama was also beautiful.50 walking with your child, people say you are brothers, Age 60 Chinese a large family getting together in the new year, Age 70 holding the hand of his wife walking in the park...

So I think happine is to have enough money to spend, a lot of family love, friendship love, have time to do things you like, and have a healthy body.


Debate topic: Should college students be allowed to bring the cell phone or not? Positive side: should Negative side: should not

Debate topic: Which is more important for hunting a job, the personal ability or interpersonal relationships? Positive side: the personal ability

Negative side: interpersonal relationship

Debate topic: Can money buy happine? Positive side: can Negative side: cannot

Debate topic: Are pets good or bad for mankind? Positive side: good Negative side: bad

Debate topic: Is it neceary to pa CET4 or CET6 in the university? Positive side: neceary Negative side: unneceary

Debate topic: Is it good for people to grow up in adverse circumstances.Positive side: good Negative side: bad

Debate topic: Should different cultures merge into each other or maintain their unique features? Positive side: should Negative side: should not

Debate topic: Is it good to fall in love as a college student? Positive side: good Negative side: bad

Debate topic: What does work mean to people? Work to live or live to work? Positive side: work to live Negative side: live to work

Debate topic: Should we learn English well? Positive side: should Negative side: should not


(!)Euthanasia is to kill people.Life is so important for every one.People don’t only live for themselves, but they also live for their families and the society.If they choose to leave the world, they are not responsible for themselves, their families and the society.Euthanasia is disparagement of life.Life is so precious.Patients should cherish their life.They should try their best to prevail incurable disease.Everyone should show basic respect for life.No matter what happens, we should face up to the facts, we should live on with great courage, we should believe in wonder.Nothing is impoible.so we view that Euthanasia should not be legeled(!) Euthanasia stops the medicine developing.If the patients require using euthanasia, doctors won’t try their best to save patients.The medicine will stop progre.If making euthanasia is made legal, patients who use euthanasia will be protected by law.The doctors’ right will be obvious.Doctors are given too much power, and can be wrong or unethical.Patients put their faith and trust in the opinions of their doctor.people abuse euthanasia when it is legalized, it can harm people lives.In the name of euthanasia, carry out committing suicide.Miracle cures or recoveries can occur.You can never underestimate the power of the human spirit.It demeans the value of human life.In this country, human life means something.It could open the floodgates to non-critical patient suicides and other abuses.Any loosening of the aisted-suicide laws could eventually lead to abuses of the privilege.Many religions prohibit suicide and the intentional killing of others.The most basic commandment is \"You shall not kill\".Insurance companies may put undue preure on doctors to avoid heroic measures or recommend the aisted-suicide procedure.Health insurance providers are under tremendous preure to keep premiums down.Euthanasia can become a means of health care cost containment..Physicians and other medical care people should not be involved in directly causing death.Mercy killing is morally incorrect and should be forbidden by law.It\'s a homicide and murdering another human cannot be rationalized under any circumstances.Human life deserves exceptional security and protection.Advanced medical technology has made it poible to enhance human life span and quality of life.Palliative care and rehabilitation centers are better alternatives to help disabled or patients approaching death live a pain-free and better life.Family members influencing the patient\'s decision into euthanasia for personal gains like wealth inheritance is another iue.There is no way you can be really sure if the decision towards aisted suicide is voluntary or forced by others.Mercy killing would cause decline in medical care and cause victimization of the most vulnerable society.Would mercy killing transform itself from the \"right to die\" to \"right to kill\"? How would one ae whether a disorder of mental nature qualifies mercy killing? What if the pain threshold is below optimum and the patient perceives the circumstances to be not worthy of living? How would one know whether the wish to die is the result of unbalanced thought proce or a logical decision in mentally ill patients? What if the individual chooses aisted suicide as an option and the family wouldn\'t agree? As to face the parting, helplene, lo of self-control, fear of death and sorrow and so the majority of patients will experience mental suffering.In this psychological requirement under the \"Euthanasia\", we can say that he is reasonable? \"According to the study of suicide, suicide and treatable mental illne is intrinsically related, but not the fatal disease, a study found that in 44 patients with advanced cancer, only three thought about suicide, but are there is a serious depreion.Another study shows that 85 suicides, only one person suffering from terminal illne, and 90-100% of the suicides were suffering from obvious mental illne.Undeniably, the modern medical practice slow death proce, often cited the lo of personal characteristics of patients Mei, dignity, independence and autonomy.However, the expreion of active euthanasia as acts of personal autonomy, it is wrong.Reasons: (a) Since active euthanasia need help, then it is not an individual matter, but the open or in the public thing.(B) under the public recognition to self-defense, capital punishment and justice in the form of war, murder, only to defend the life for everyone, not to the benefit of those killed.So, even if death is painful relief, can not be lightly taken away the right to life committed to personal.(C) even if the person\'s self-determination recognized the right to choose to die, that does not mean the right to ask others to kill themselves, does not include the right to authorize self to kill others.(D) autonomy, including the right of slavery has never been their own, in other words, the right to freedom does not mean the right not to freedom.So to maintain the autonomy, the need to protect life, to give others their right to life is not trampling the principle of maintaining independence.Therefore, individual autonomy and social need and public objectives and values to be consistent.

结尾active euthanasia may gradually lose its spontaneity, and thus out of (i) \"secret euthanasia\", meaning that without their own consent, to be a doctor euthanized.(Ii) \"forced euthanasia\", meaning patients suffering from terminal illne would be coercion to lure choose euthanasia to relieve their families in the economic and psychological preures, and save limited resources of society, the patients chose to die, do not feel life is a burden or tired of life, but he felt the burden of someone else, and that others dislike.(Iii) \"Deputy euthanasia\" means to allow patients who lack capacity to self-determination by the people \"proxy decision\" to euthanasia.(Iv) \"Discrimination against euthanasia,\" the crisis is the number of types of patients such as the poverty stricken or belonging to ethnic minorities, may be \"clever\" to force that \"euthanasia\" requirement, the mercy of others.Made ill patients caught in the dilemma of both the opposition between the yield, resulting in additional unneceary fear and anxiety.The information may be heard: \"Death is terrible! Your best choice of euthanasia.\" of the slip waves, is once the \"euthanasia\" is legalized, its use will inevitably extend to other types of patients but not the dying, if not cure patients, but not incurable disease, then the risk of Alzheimer\'s disease or brain degradation, even those born with severe disabilities Down syndrome baby..And so on.So, if this argument, once established, will only create panic and fear that they will be forcibly sent to \"euthanasia\" in the ranks.Therefore, I agree Frasen say, \"human life, merely the poibility of error, is enough to completely reject the\" euthanasia.\" \" Euthanasia is humane because it helps to hasten the death of terminally ill patient.Death, as natural as birth, is sometimes a hard proce that requires aistance, and euthanasia is part of such aistance.People have the right to die.It is unneceary to maintain life artificially beyond the point when people will never regain consciousne.Extending an incurably ill patient’s life means the same as aggravating his pain.Efforts should not be made to perpetuate what has become a meaningle existence. Euthanasia can bring mental and physical release to the patient and his family when he is terminally ill and has no prospect of recovering.Mercy killing is motivated by nothing but love and sympathy for the dying patient.Most of the terminally ill patients themselves want to die with dignity and peace instead of agony and degradation.Medical treatment for a comatose patient cause great burden economically for the hospital and the patient’s family.

It is inhumane to perform euthanasia no matter how painle the proce is.Anyone who voluntarily, knowingly or premeditatedly takes the life of another, even one minute prior to death, is a killer.Euthanasia is a criminal offense because it involves the killing of a person.Legalized euthanasia will invite abuse of human life because any form of murder many be conveniently dubbed “mercy killing ”by unscrupulous people.

Euthanasia raises many moral iues since it implies that active measures are taken to terminate human life.

Doctors and nurses should do everything they can to save dying patients instead of hastening their death by active measures.The instinct for self-preservation is the strongest instinct that human beings poe.It is untrue that any patient himself should want to die.Doctors and nurses involved in euthanasia have discredited their profeion, for euthanasia is a violation of the fundamental medical principle to save human life.Mercy killing is one of the most controversial iues in the world of medicine.As the picture given above depicts, A late sick mother desperately ill son request for euthanasia.But the son was cut for this。 feeling helple because he is at a lo what to do about it.

The picture really sets me thinking.It implies that people differ in their attitudes towards the mercy killing .Some people think it is right.but others dont think so.now let us listen to everyone\'s different opinions 安乐死是医学界最有争议的问题之一。正如上面所示的视频所描绘的,一位晚期患病母亲病入膏肓,请求儿子实施安乐死。但儿子且为此获罪,感到无能为力,因为他们不知道该怎么办。这幅画确实发人深省。它暗示,人们在对待安乐死上看法不一致。有些人认为他是对的,但其他的不这样认为,现在让我们听听大家的不同观点


1.If a person loses the survivability of the community has not contributed to lose the meaning of life.reduce reliance on others and a burden on society.如果一个人失去了生存能力,对社会没有了贡献,也就失去了生命的意义,减少对别人的倚赖和对社会的负担。

2.the complete elimination of euthanasia patients can be painful diseases, mental stre and depreion thinking exists.安乐死可以彻底消除病人的疾病痛苦,精神压力和思想懮愁

3.a person bound to die sooner or later die; One hundred dead, the living dead are free, patients and relatives reflex happy 人总难免一死,早晚都是死;一死百了,死人活人都解脱,患者与亲朋皆大欢

4.the lives of their own people, individuals have the right to end their lives, which is opposed to the human rights and personal freedom.人的生命属于自己,个人有权结束生命,这是个人自由和独享的人权

5.we believe that euthanasia is a form of respect for life.安乐死是尊重生命的一种方式。

6.首先,从主观方面来讲,安乐死对于病人自身,是一种减少生命痛苦的方式。人,总是趋利避害的,没有人会说“我要去寻找痛苦,我要去远离快乐”。当一个人处于精神和躯体的极端痛苦之下,当生命的存在已成为一场噩梦,我们难道还要 提及道德和伦理吗?生存这个基本的“长度”都已经不能够维持,还要来谈及生命的宽度,还要去顾及伦理的重量吗?

First,from a subjective point of view.Euthanasia for the patients themselves, is a way to reduce human suffering.People always seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and no one would say, \"I am going to look painful, I had to go far from happy.\"When a person is under extreme suffering in the body and the spirit, when the very existence of life has become a nightmare.Should we mention the moral and ethical?The basic survival of the \"length\" are not able to maintain, but also to talk about the breadth of life,we still have to take into account the weight of ethics?

7.We feel this suffering, we have come with this then you have no choice in the circumstances, we have chosen euthanasia.This is not contempt for life, nor is it moral decline.Instead, it was a time in the lives of torment and suffering to the loved ones around us to the people we love.more acceptable alternative to the road.Therefore, we believe that euthanasia is a form of respect for life.我们感受着这种痛苦,我们体会着这个中滋味,在无法选择的情况下,我们选择了安乐死。这不是对生命的藐视,也不是道德的沦丧。反而,这是一种



1.Euthanasia is a rejection of the importance and value of human life 安乐死是拒绝了人类生活的意义和价值

2,\"euthanasia\" if legal form confirm down, may be some people use to depriving the life of others.In addition, to the understanding of the disease in humans is still very limited circumstances, without legal license and others end life, contrary to the right to live moral principles.“安乐死”如果以法律形式确认下来,可能会被一些人利用,用以非法剥夺他人的生命。另外,在人类对疾病的认识还十分有限的情况下,未经法律许可而结束他人生命,有悖于生存权利的道德准则。

3.Oppose euthanasia people have argued that the euthanasia is a violation of the laws of nature and death against natural behavior, weaken the human overcome the disaster of the strength and courage.反对安乐死合法化的人士则认为,安乐死是违反生老病死自然规律的反自然行为,削弱了人类战胜灾难的力量和勇气。

4.Euthanasia is disguised violations of the right to life 安乐死是变相侵害生命权



Hello, everyone ! With the progre of the society, more and more women friends think that housework is no longer their vocation.However the man still insist that “man, the bread winners while women inside”.The theme of this debate is “who should do more housework ,husband or wife ?” NowThe competition is beginning, first , welcome the NO.1 of square . 正方一辩

Thank you for the host ,hello everyone ,I am wucailing.the NO.1 square.we think that husband should do more housework.“man, the bread winners while women inside” is the feudal ideology.In today\'s society, the preure of women is very great.So the man in his spare time can and should help his wife with the housework。Instead of at home with nothing to do, It is better to be a model husband.反一:

I am the lerder of opposition.lichanglin ,as the other party debate the preure of women is very great.We still think that wife should do more hoyusework.men are now under great preure, but also to earn money to support their families, but also work hard to support the whole family, and home from work, and men do housework, this fair? traditional Chinese are \"men, the bread winners while women inside.\"

主持人Now enter the questions ,please the NO.2 of oppsition

反二:I would like to ask No.2.Men home, which is coming from the Western cultural heritage, traditional Chinese are \"men, the bread winners while women inside.\" Now both men are outside and inside the main.Why? 正二Female should not only work, but also to procreate, serve her husband, why should we bear all the housework? 自由辩论

男 We worked hard to earn money to support the family, and earned more than you, so we should rest at home.女一we work outside make almost the same contribution.男The fact is that men still earn more than women 女 Even if a man earn more, women have to Give birth to a child.and raise him .? Women are more tired than men 主持人

Home is made by men and women together, they should understand each other, a man should do more housework when wife is occupied, a woman should Tolerant,when her husband is busy.if so, our family will be more harmonious and happy。

Thanks to the Great Debaters debate and audience participation



Good morning everyone, welcome to the English Debating Competition.I\'m honored to be nominated the monitor for today\'s debating contest.The topic for our debate today is “Can man triumph over nature?”First ,please let me introduce the judge and the contestants of both sides.The judge and staff is 。。。。

Those on the pros are 。。。。。。。.They feels justified in holding the belief that the man can conqur nature.Those on the cons are 。。。。。。。.They argues that forces of nature are irresistible.Ok, let\'s give our debaters this argument.There are four phases in this debate, making a point , asking and replying questions , free debate, last summary.

1、Now,let’s come to the first stage, the opening statement.During this stage, debater number 1of both sides should give an opening statement.Each debater has 2 minutes.When time is up, our staff will show you by a whistle.

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Debater number 1of affirmative side, are you ready? Time begins.some people think that man can conquer nature .just at now ,humans can predict the weather forecast ,when the drought in some areas , we can use the artificial rainfall to reduce loes .The more great is humans can survive in extremely bad enviroment , such as the polar regions.

Time is up, thank you.Debater number 1of negative side, are you ready? Time begins.

Thank you! Nowadays nature disasters really bring a great damage to human beings, however, how can we leave it as it is! First, we should fighting in the face of nature disasters as we fighting with our enemies.Second, most of the disasters have their signs, so we can complete the defensive preparation work before they come.Third, sometimes the disasters are inevitable, but we can do the most we can to reduce the loes.Forth, now science and technology become so advanced that we can make great achievements both in disaster prevention and reconstruction after the disaster.Fifth, as we know, many nature disaster have already been well controlled with the developing of science and technology, so we believe that we can conquer and change nature based on science and technology.

Time is up, thank you.Thanks for debater number 1of both sides.

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2、Asking and replying questions: (Each debater has 1minutes) Now, let’s come to the second stage.During this stage, debater number 2 of both sides can raise questions concerning to each other’s opening statement.Each debater has 2 minutes.Debater number 2 of affirmative side, are you ready? Time begins.

Time is up, thank you.Debater number 2 of negative side, are you ready? Time begins.

Time is up, thank you.Thanks for debater number 2 of both sides.

3、free debate.It is time for us to enter the most exciting part, free debate.During this stage, time is 4 minutes.Debaters of both sides can raise questions to the other’s statement.Each side has2minutes. If your time’s up, you can not answer questions or ask questions any more.Our staff will show you by a whistle when your

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time’s up. Debaters of affirmative side, are you ready? Time begins.

Time is up, thank you.

4、Last summary: After the fierce free debate, we are coming to the last stage, closing statement.In this part, one of both sides can summarize your own opinion.Each debater has 1 minutes.When time is up, our staff will show you by a whistle.

Let’s begin with debater of negative side, are you ready? Time begins.

Time is up, thank you.Debater of affirmative side, are you ready? Time begins.

Time is up, thank you.Thank every debater ! Their views all sound very nice, right? And I think you all have been well-prepared to defeat the other side.Now let’s listen to

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the judge’s comment.ever since humanbeings come into being, we had never stopped the action to put our feet on each inch of land we can find.we fight against nature, at first, for survival.our nation buildup the reservoir for not only preventing flood but also generating electricity.this well proved that we can conquer nature and make it serve us better.secondly, some people taking fighting against nature as a challenge of life, a way to gain honor.the climbing of everest will be an exact instance here.however, nature has never give up trying to give man a leon now and then.the earthquake of tang shan china in 1976 and the ground sea of india in 2004, nature reminded us of her unconquerable power by unanswerable facts.

now, as you can see, we have the problem, it seems that we have never triumph over nature as nature did to us.when it is hard to draw a conclusion, dialectic is in favor of us.contradictory evidence requires us think about the question dialectic.then we get it.neither man or nature can triumph over each other.if we go our own way shortsightedly, we will finally reap as we have sown: worse crisis of resource, worse pollution of invironment.

so brightly future just depends on a harmonious

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relationship with nature.

All the contestants have shown great debating ability in today\'s fierce competition.I\'m sure we\'re all deeply impreed by the intelligent debaters.Thanks for your hard work and let\'s give ourselves a big round of applause.Now it\'s time for the result.Which contestants will win this wonderful debate? And who will be the best debater today? I am sure it is going to be very close.And I think all contestants need to be congratulated for their outstanding efforts.

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Good morning,boys and girls.We are at our cla debate of尊敬的老师、敬爱的同学们,大家上午好!这里是英语班

by private car or by public transportation


I\'m quyuanjing and it’shonored for me and my partner我是XXX,非常的荣幸能与我的组员XXX XXX

litingting taocailian zhengyuqito be nominated the XXX一起成为此次辩论赛的主席

chairpersons of this debate.Thank youyou’re your


2.Today,we’ll be witneing [\'wɪtnɪs]a brilliant debate 今天将会呈现出一场激烈而又精彩的辩论

And the competition is divided into five rounds,before each本次比赛共分为五个环节

round begings,I will briefly introduce the competition因此也希望在每个环节开始前,

rules.So our debaters need to listen carefully.


1 Now let’s meet the two teams and their debaters.On my下面,就让我们一起来认识下本场辩论的双方同学,在我右手边的是right are 4 debaters ,they are yutian,qiuchuanqi chenjunjie 正方代表队,他们分别是一辩XX,二辩XXX,三遍XXX和四辨XXX

and luodongxian ,we welcome the four debaters.


2Likewise,we’d like to welcome the opposite on my left.同样的,在我右手边的是正方代表队

They are xiaoyachi xuqingchun xiaoguoning and xiaoyachi 同样欢迎他们

Welcome the four debaters too.

1.now that we’ve met the 8debaters.and then I will announced that our teacher mrs liu is the judge for today.


With the rapidly developed of our economic,the level of our life has got a great improved,so more and more family have bought their own car ,because the think its very convinent and

feion ,but with the quickly increased of private car ,some ofpeople are puzzled about to buying a private car ,so what’s your opinion about it “by private car or by public transportation”

So the topic for our debate today is “by private car or by public transportation”

And Whose argument is more persuasive,we’ll soon find out.到底那方更有说服力,我们稍后见分晓

1.now I will declare open the Debate.We’ll begin with the

现在,我宣布,本场辩论赛正式开始!首先进行第一阶段:陈词阶段 first round-presenting of arguments.In this round, both teams首先请正方一辩陈述己方观点,时间3分钟;计时开始。

can send the first debater to establish its arguments.We’ll start with the team on my right hand,and the time will allowed with le then 3 minites ,if you please.

2.Thank you for your opening arguments.Let’s listen to how感谢正方一辩的精彩陈述

the opposite group make their argument.and the time will allowed with le then 3 minites ,If you please.


1.Thank you.Now that we’ve listened to the exciting

感谢双方一辩的精彩陈述,接下来我们将进入本场比赛的第二个环节 opening arguments from both sides,we’ll move into the next——反向陈述环节

round- Reverse statement反向陈述 .

2.In this round,the second debater of each group will givetheir opinion of the disadveantages about their opponent’s


who t speadid nok earlier will present.The presenting debater can rebut [rɪ\'bʌt]反驳 their opponent对手’s views and also further develop their own.

1.We’ll start with the group on my right hand, and the time will allowed with le then 3 minites ,if you please.

2.Thank you, Let’s now hear the opinion about the opposite goroup,welcome, and the time will allowed with le then 3 minites ,if you please.

1.Thank you the second debater’s excited decelar of each group , We now move into the cro- rebuttal [rɪ\'bʌt!]举例反驳round

2.In this round ,only three questions allowed for the third debater of each group to the every debateris of their opposite group .

1.Let’s start with my right hand group ,and the time will allowed with le then 3 minites ,if you please.

2.the time is up,Let’s now invite the third debater of next group , and the time will allowed with le then 3 minites ,if you please.

Thank’s for the brilliant精彩的 refutation [,rɛfju\'teʃən]辩驳 of each groups, now let’s move into the last round-- Summary statement(总结陈词)

And in this round the fourth debater of each group will make a summary with their group,

And the same ,we will begin with the group on my right hand,

the time will allowed with le then 3 minites ,if you please.

The time is up,thank you,welcome the opposite group,and the time will till le then 3 minites ,if you please.Time is up.,now both teams’conclusion bring today’s

competition to a close.Both sides have shown great bedating ability in today\'s fierce competition.I\'m sure we\'re all deeply impreed by the intelligent debaters.Thanks for your hard work and let\'s give ourselves a big round of applause.

And before announce the result,I’d like to invite the teacher Mrs liu.to critique the teams’ performance today.Mrs liu,please.

That\'s all for today! Thank you for being co-oprotive.Enjoy your rest of the day.\"


Do you think our fate is linked to our attitude rather than pre-determined?



To begin with, I would like to greet the chairperson and my fellow debaters.I am debater 1; this is debater 2, 3, 4.We think that attitude is the major factor that influences our fate.

With the growth of age, I am increasingly aware of the powerful influence of attitude to life.As an old saying goes “Attitude determines fate.” It means that no matter what happens, attitude decides everything and the attitude can influent our fate.

Moreover, the key to solve problem is our attitude.Only we have a positive attitude towards our problem can we have the courage to overcome these problems and do it much better.For example, Helen Keller, who is blind when she was young, becomes a famous writer and educator because she chooses a positive attitude towards her fate and it helps her overcome the blindne.So we stand on the point of “our fate is linked to our attitude rather than pre-determined.”


Good morning, everyone.I am debater 1; this is debater 2, 3, 4.Today we are stand on the part of “our fate is linked to pre-determine rather than attitude”.Reasons are as follows.Firstly, destiny now is called fate because it is an objective fact and cannot be changed, if fate can be changed, it is also called the \"fate\"? Visible, change \"fate\" is a kind of stultify oneself.No matter what you do, you are guided by a series of rules to do that.Secondly, a person\'s innate features can determine his work, the NBA no one height is low, and the Olympic champion, their talents are very good.And every scientist was born very clever.All of these are pre-determined rather than attitude.Lastly, a good pre-determined fate plays a important role in their succe.Of course, we cannot deny that some people make succe on their own.But we also cannot deny that many people get succe easily because their fathers are very rich so as to they have a good fate.So, we say that our fate is linked to pre-determine.

正方二辩向反方一辩提问:If fate is pre-determined, why we need to work hard? We needn’t do anything because everything is determined.反方一辩答: The opposite debaters may not understand the meaning of “fate”.The fate is so uncertain that we cannot know all the viciitudes of our fortunes and what we can do is change now.So we have to work hard for a living or change family life.

正方二辩向反方三辩提问:As is known to all, there are many people achieve succe because they have a positive attitude in the world but they are from a poor family.How to explain this situation? 反方三辩答:This situation just shows that fate is unpredictable and has nothing to do with attitude.No matter we have a good or bad fate, we cannot know until it happens.And we also don’t know whether they would be succeful until they achieve succe or die.

反方二辩向正方一辩提问:The opposite debaters say that fate is linked to attitude, that is to say if you have a positive attitude, you will have a bright fate? 正方一辩答:We never say a positive attitude must give people a good fate but no one can deny that having a good fate need a positive attitude .

反方二辩向正方三辩提问:In Britain, they have the Prince and Prince.What do you think of the prince and prince; they are born with good fate, aren’t they? 正方三辩答:They just have a good birth, but not a good fate.In ancient China, a lot of prince even kings have a bad fate.


At this part, the opposite debaters state that a positive attitude can lead to a good fate but now we argue about the relationship between the fate and attitude or pro-determine.We must understand truly what the fate mean.It is not controlled by people and full of variables.Nothing can influent fate include people’s attitudes whether positive or not.So we still believe that our fate is link to pro-determine.

正方二辩小结: First, a positive attitude promotes a good fate and a negative promotes a bad.It shows the relationship between fate and attitude.Second, the human development is the objective course of changing fate from the “history” to “future”.No matter you have a good birth or not, the fate is in your hand and it is determined your attitude.


正方二辩问: As is well known, Beethoven is deaf but he also creates many famous songs because he clutches at the throat of fate through his positive attitude.What do you think of it? 反方三辩答: It just shows Beethoven have an ear for music and it is pre-determined so as to he can become a famous musician.

正方三辩问:Can he achieve succe only by having gift? 反方二辩答:Of course not but talent is the most important.As Edison said that genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration, but the more important is the one percent.

反方三辩问:How do you think of genius? Isn’t their fate linked to pre-determine.正方四辩答:Genius has a good talent but they may not have a good fate.Many people performance well in their childhood but they don’t have a good future when they grow into adult.

反方四辩问:But their good performance when they are young is the reflection of our opinion, isn’t it? After all, children don\'t know what is attitude.正方三辩答:So what? It is just a piece of life and their future is doubtful.There is no doubt that their fate is linked to their attitude.



As a wise man says “Life is a difficult journey which we cannot choose the beginning but can choose the ending”.We must believe that we change our fate when we have a positive attitude towards it.No matter you are from rich or poor, you can achieve succe in any fields just as Fleming and Churchill, a poor chemist and a wealthy politician.Furthermore, attitude makes a difference in problem even illne.Previous research has shown that a positive attitude help to cure illne even slow death, which means it change our fate.All in all, we think the fate is linked to attitude.


First of all, fate is pre-determined and irreversible.We cannot know what will happen in future.Secondly, there is no doubt that people who have good background achieve succe easily compared with the poor.It is pre-determined and no one can change it.Last but not least, many jobs need people’s talent such as sport.A good talent can make it easier to get job and this is also pre-determined.So we support for fate is pre-determined.


Are interpersonal relationships more important than one’s practical ability to a succeful career?


正方:Good morning, everyone we are the objective part.I am debater 1 I am debater 2 。。。。 .I am debater 3 。。。。 .I am debater4 。。。。 .反方:We are the negative part.I am debater 1 。。。

I am debater 2 。。。。

.I am debater 3 。。。。 .I am debater4 。。。。 .


正方立论Hello everybody! As is known to all , The 21st century is the century of talents’ outbreak.It is a highly competitive age.but if you want to obtaina succeful career, it relays on not only the practical ability of outstanding individuals, but also good relationships.Therefore, our view is that relationship is more important than the practical ability for a succeful career.In the enterprise, a top staff should know how to handle interpersonal relationships, and has harmonious relations with colleagues, if he have not good interpersonal relationships, I don’t think he will be able to improve his ability or achieve succe.So that our sides insist on that relationships are more important for succe.

反方立论: Hello everyone! Today\'s opportunity to come to grips with so many friends and this undoubtedly superiorpersonal quality and ability is a promotion of opportunity.We think that an individual career succe, personal ability is more important than relationships.We think: an individual career succe, by strength, no strength, interpersonal and how? Strength by himself, interpersonal relations also rely on yourself.Interpersonal relationship just for one person to provide a ready a shortcutto succe.Only oneself to have true ability really ability to overcome everything.To sum up, we think that an individual career succe personal ability is more important than relationships.

反方二辩提问(3min):Would I ask the second debater a question :

Edison had said: \"genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Isn\'t the personal ability so important?

正方二辩回答:As the debate ,ninety-nine percent perspiration plus one inspiration was a succe, a person is required to pay 99 sweat, but the team of ten people only should spend 50 sweats and 50 inspirations to gain the succe , Everybody can find which relationship is better meet the efficiency of modern society demands? It is clear that good relationships will be more than infinitely expand your horizons, so you do not have to take so many detours.

反:Thanks for the second debater.And now, I want to ask the third debater a question:‘Each person is in his own succeway’.Doesn’t it mean that personal ability more important.What do you think about it? 正方三辩回答:Also known as interpersonal relationships, is a basic concept of sociology, its meaning is between people, the proce of interaction, through the thoughts, feelings, behavior of the mutual exchange and interaction generated.People as social animals, even with a more tenacious survival skills, from social interaction, and can not have more development, because he is a man in combat.We are a group of people in the struggle.So that our sides insist on that relationships are more important for succe

正方三辩提问(2min):Would I ask the debater 3 a question : if you think what a CEO needs most is a practical ability, so why will he hear so much about interpersonal relationship lecture? 反方三辩回答:They attend the lecture interpersonal relationship is in order to increase the ability of individuals with their own personal ability of interpersonal relations to succeed in his career, rather than using interpersonal relationship.正方三辩辩提问:Would I ask the debater 2 a question: practical ability is IQ and interpersonal relationship is EQ, succe come from 20% of IQ and 80% of EQ, what do you think of it? 反方二辩回答:Myfellowdebater,youmustbemisunderstandwhatisinterpersonalrelationship.Youshouldn’t putinterpersonalrelationshipequal toEQ.It’sobviouslywrong.Besides,myfellowdebater,haven’tyouheardofEdison’s sayings :99% perspiration plus 1% inspiration equal succe ? I think my fellow debater did’t understand what is interpersonal relationship ? And,if interpersonal relationship is important, I think interpersonal relationship also belongs to a part of one’s practical ability, So our sides insist that one’s practical ability is more important.


正:According to a Harvard Busine School Survey: people in the great achievements in their career, 26 percents rely on the ability to work, 5 percents on the family background, and interpersonal relationships accounted for 69 percents.How can you explain this?

反:Isn’t good relationship the performance of individual capability? 正:We think it’s not true.Capacity can be trained compared with interpersonal relationships.That is to say: it is the difference between life and work, do you think so?

反:So that ,what you learn is to do a good job in interpersonal relationships in the school, rather than a personal capacity?

正:Of course not, we said that if you have not a good relationship you won’t get succe.Your personal ability is important, but Interpersonal relationships are more important.

反:Perhaps you think that if you have good interpersonal relations, you will be promoted.But if you have not the ability to work, nobody will support you.

正:Ok, you have strong ability and do the job very good, but without good human relations, who will support you?And now many students have high IQ but low EQ.They often don’t know how to get along with others.My fellow debaters, please tell me, how many guys who has high IQ but low EQ have gained the succe???

反:My fellow debater, I think you still misunderstand what’s the interpersonal relationship.You should look our debate topic better.Don’t my fellow debater know the internal cause is more important than external conditions? Personal ability is the internal cause.obviously, it is more useful to our succe, isn’t it?

正:My fellow debaters are obviously evading our question.Swift horses cover a thousand miles in a single day.Yet if there are no talent scouts,

can the swift horses develop their abilities? Aren’t they still in the old stables?

反:This is a can not be judged facts.I think personal ability including interpersonal relationship, you how explanation?

正:If the relationship between the practical ability and interpersonal relationship is that of including and included, our debate will have no meaning now, because the argument itself has become unequal.My fellow debaters , please explain the meaning of practical ability clearly.

反:My fellow debater, We emphasize individual ability is broad not narrow.In our view, interpersonal relations can become part of personal ability.Excuse me my fellow debater, You think only relationships can leads to succe?

.正:Debater, we never deny the importance of personal ability, and we also admit the influence of personal ability to succe, but we insist that interpersonal relationship is more important.Without ability we can live well, while we will be abandoned by the world, if we do not have interpersonal relationship.

反:my fellow debater, Obviously misinterpret our view.We have not denied interpersonal relationships, but think one aspect of a man ability.But you overstating the ability of interpersonal relationship.


正方:Interpersonal relationship is a very good platform to improve one’s practical ability, people can learn more from this platform, in order to improve their ability.In modern society, people live in groups all over the world.If you do not have interpersonal relationship, others will not know your ability .Such as advertising, no matter how good the commodity is, if others do not know that, and don\'t use it, the commodity will be a waste product.For another example, if a CEO only have ability but can not deal with various kinds of busine relationship, this company will close down.No matter how strong one’s practical ability is, he could not separate himself from the whole society and exists, and he must learn to work with others to be succeful, as 80% of EQ lead to succe.Practical ability would not make you starve to death in the society, but the relationship can make a better life for you.

So that our sides insist on that relationships are more important for succe.

反方:We can see that now people pay much attention to interpersonal relationships, but we still think one’s practical ability is more important than interpersonal relationships to a succeful career.Each person is in his own succe way, or shallow point in the way of job and work, we will face more challenges, we may have a good interpersonal relationship, we may be introduced to find a good job by friend, but when we truly work, we have no our workmate admitted, we also have no ability to truly achieve the company\'s demand, so in the end ,we will face ousted, we also have no the so-called succe.Your bo will not think much about your interpersonal relationships, he just thinks a lot about how much profit you can create for him.Only strong practical ability can make a succeful career.So,we insist on our viewpoint: one’s practical ability is more important than interpersonal relationships to career succe.



题目:男生和女生之间有纯洁的友谊。The pure friendship exit in boys and girls.


当然友谊不仅仅限制于同性之间,自古就有“红颜知己”、“蓝颜知己”、“莫逆之交”“忘年之交”,可以看出友谊的跨度之大,范围之广,更何况在更加多元、开放的现代社会呢?As the saying goes ,parents can help us in home,so does friends out home.one friend stand for a chance .All these tell the trues that same sex play an imporent role for development ourselves.Of course,it not only happen in samesex,there are ( ) ,( ),close friend ,friends between generation ,we can find its scope ,field is so broad, even in more pluralistic ,opend morden society ?

之所以一些人简单地认为没有,我认为是他们的预设或行动越过了友谊的界限,将奉献变为占有,将沟通变为投机,所以要想建立真正的友谊关键要端正态度,遏制贪欲,用宽广的胸襟拥抱友谊,我们要做的就是把握好这一火候。Some peole think it is not exist simplely, I think theire expect ,behaviour beyond the line of friendship .make sacrificial became occupy,communication became speculation , so if hope achieve pure friendship,we need to only to correct attitude,contain avarice,embrance friendship by broad mind and grasp the balance point .


与李小龙,成龙和金喜善,蔡依林与罗志祥,章子怡与苏毅。According to logical principle ,if negate subject ,we need to only provide a opposite subject .Obvious, there are many example , for example,

另外对方还犯了一个“绝对化的错误”,因为任何绝对化都是一个伪命题,绝对的事情事实上是根本不存在的。Otherside, the opposite party make a mistake about absolute ,because any absolute thing all is a false subject , in fact absolute things is not exist.


拒绝真诚的交流来维持安全感,相反那些自信且乐观的人,通过信任与坦诚更易建立起开放包容的心态并享受友谊带来的快乐。In psychological side, thoese people who think pure friendship is not exist,often display close ,selfish, horrible, keep height vigilant and refuse sinceres communication to maintain the sense of safe .Instend, these people who poe character of selfconfidience, optimistic ,build opend mind by trust and enjoy happy.


之间的交往更加频繁,传统意义上严格的性别观念意识也逐步解冻,人们更多地由工作上的关联聚集在一起,在这种合作互助的模式下,人们建立了纯洁的友谊。其次,通信网络的发达,人们兴趣爱好的多样化,因此出现了诸如俱乐部之类的交流活动组织,人们为了共同的目的带着热情与真诚走在一块儿,所以更容易建立起信任和友谊,当然这样的群体中不乏异性。再次,从性格方面考虑,男女由于性别的差异,两者在情感和心理方面具有互补性,也更倾向于接纳对方。最后,对方更多的是没有理解友谊、爱情二者之间的含义及区别,友谊更多的是理解与帮助,爱情更多的是依赖与占有。The development of socialprovid advantageous condition.First,the diverse of occupation, the update of concept ,the contact

from people to people ,became frequent , the strict traditional sex consciousne also thaw, people gather because works contact .Pure friendship is build in the middle of cooperate, help each other .Secondly, developed communication web , diverse interest lead to produce some communication organization, like club.These people build trust ,so friendship is build more easily.Of course it include opposite sex .Next ,because the difference of sex , they poe huge complement in emotional and psychological.In fact, one party accept the other party more easily .Last ,the opposite parety can not comprehension its intention and difference between friendship and love , friendship main display comprehention and help ,love main display rely and occupy.辩手五:综上所述,异性之间纯粹的友谊是肯定存在的,也是人类自身发展进程中所必须的。随着现代文明的发展,不仅在观

念上引导同时也为之提供了客观的条件,从实际效果看,纯洁的异性友谊呈现出规模与数量的同时上升。To sum up, the pure freidentship must be exist in opposite sex people ,also is eentitals in human developing proce with morden civilizations development ,not only lead in conscious ,but also provide objective condition .In fact, pure oppositesex friendship have huge rise in scale and quantity.

第15篇:安乐死 英语辩论

(!)Euthanasia is to kill people.Life is so important for every one.People don’t only live for themselves, but they also live for their families and the society.If they choose to leave the world, they are not responsible for themselves, their families and the society.Euthanasia is disparagement of life.Life is so precious.Patients should cherish their life.They should try their best to prevail incurable disease.Everyone should show basic respect for life.No matter what happens, we should face up to the facts, we should live on with great courage, we should believe in wonder.Nothing is impoible.so we view that Euthanasia should not be legeled(!) Euthanasia stops the medicine developing.If the patients require using euthanasia, doctors won’t try their best to save patients.The medicine will stop progre.If making euthanasia is made legal, patients who use euthanasia will be protected by law.The doctors’ right will be obvious.Doctors are given too much power, and can be wrong or unethical.Patients put their faith and trust in the opinions of their doctor.people abuse euthanasia when it is legalized, it can harm people lives.In the name of euthanasia, carry out committing suicide.Miracle cures or recoveries can occur.You can never underestimate the power of the human spirit.It demeans the value of human life.In this country, human life means something.It could open the floodgates to non-critical patient suicides and other abuses.Any loosening of the aisted-suicide laws could eventually lead to abuses of the privilege.Many religions prohibit suicide and the intentional killing of others.The most basic commandment is \"You shall not kill\".Insurance companies may put undue preure on doctors to avoid heroic measures or recommend the aisted-suicide procedure.Health insurance providers are under tremendous preure to keep premiums down.Euthanasia can become a means of health care cost containment..Physicians and other medical care people should not be involved in directly causing death.Mercy killing is morally incorrect and should be forbidden by law.It\'s a homicide and murdering another human cannot be rationalized under any circumstances.Human life deserves exceptional security and protection.Advanced medical technology has made it poible to enhance human life span and quality of life.Palliative care and rehabilitation centers are better alternatives to help disabled or patients approaching death live a pain-free and better life.Family members influencing the patient\'s decision into euthanasia for personal gains like wealth inheritance is another iue.There is no way you can be really sure if the decision towards aisted suicide is voluntary or forced by others.Mercy killing would cause decline in medical care and cause victimization of the most vulnerable society.Would mercy killing transform itself from the \"right to die\" to \"right to kill\"? How would one ae whether a disorder of mental nature qualifies mercy killing? What if the pain threshold is below optimum and the patient perceives the circumstances to be not worthy of living? How would one know whether the wish to die is the result of unbalanced thought proce or a logical decision in mentally ill patients? What if the individual chooses aisted suicide as an option and the family wouldn\'t agree? As to face the parting, helplene, lo of self-control, fear of death and sorrow and so the majority of patients will experience mental suffering.In this psychological requirement under the \"Euthanasia\", we can say that he is reasonable? \"According to the study of suicide, suicide and treatable mental illne is intrinsically related, but not the fatal disease, a study found that in 44 patients with advanced cancer, only three thought about suicide, but are there is a serious depreion.Another study shows that 85 suicides, only one person suffering from terminal illne, and 90-100% of the suicides were suffering from obvious mental illne.Undeniably, the modern medical practice slow death proce, often cited the lo of personal characteristics of patients Mei, dignity, independence and autonomy.However, the expreion of active euthanasia as acts of personal autonomy, it is wrong.Reasons: (a) Since active euthanasia need help, then it is not an individual matter, but the open or in the public thing.(B) under the public recognition to self-defense, capital punishment and justice in the form of war, murder, only to defend the life for everyone, not to the benefit of those killed.So, even if death is painful relief, can not be lightly taken away the right to life committed to personal.(C) even if the person\'s self-determination recognized the right to choose to die, that does not mean the right to ask others to kill themselves, does not include the right to authorize self to kill others.(D) autonomy, including the right of slavery has never been their own, in other words, the right to freedom does not mean the right not to freedom.So to maintain the autonomy, the need to protect life, to give others their right to life is not trampling the principle of maintaining independence.Therefore, individual autonomy and social need and public objectives and values to be consistent. 结尾active euthanasia may gradually lose its spontaneity, and thus out of (i) \"secret euthanasia\", meaning that without their own consent, to be a doctor euthanized.(Ii) \"forced euthanasia\", meaning patients suffering from terminal illne would be coercion to lure choose euthanasia to relieve their families in the economic and psychological preures, and save limited resources of society, the patients chose to die, do not feel life is a burden or tired of life, but he felt the burden of someone else, and that others dislike.(Iii) \"Deputy euthanasia\" means to allow patients who lack capacity to self-determination by the people \"proxy decision\" to euthanasia.(Iv) \"Discrimination against euthanasia,\" the crisis is the number of types of patients such as the poverty stricken or belonging to ethnic minorities, may be \"clever\" to force that \"euthanasia\" requirement, the mercy of others.Made ill patients caught in the dilemma of both the opposition between the yield, resulting in additional unneceary fear and anxiety.The information may be heard: \"Death is terrible! Your best choice of euthanasia.\" of the slip waves, is once the \"euthanasia\" is legalized, its use will inevitably extend to other types of patients but not the dying, if not cure patients, but not incurable disease, then the risk of Alzheimer\'s disease or brain degradation, even those born with severe disabilities Down syndrome baby..And so on.So, if this argument, once established, will only create panic and fear that they will be forcibly sent to \"euthanasia\" in the ranks.Therefore, I agree Frasen say, \"human life, merely the poibility of error, is enough to completely reject the\" euthanasia.\" \"


一辩陈词 自由辩: 二辩:纸质书比电子书更有利于身体健康.There is no doubt about the rapid development of the e-book , but we don’t think that paper-books will be replaced by e-books.Nowadays, people are paying more and more attention to health iues.It is important to realize that e-books are easy to cause damage of our eyes and vision lo; And there are other health risks using e-books.When we read e-books rather than paper-books for a long time, paper-books are more healthier to the readers.反方二辩:看纸质书看久了也会对视力不好

It is important to realize that paper-books are also easy to cause damage of our eyes and vision lo when we read for a long time.For example, Sushi(苏轼) is also a myopia man.一辩:纸质书给作者的版权保护更完整,更能保证收入,而且纸质书拥有的是所有权而电子书只是使用权

Another problem is the copyright.Despite the current paper-book rampant piracy problem, it can protect the benefits of the author’s better than e-books.E-books raises the popularity of piracy.Although people may need to pay for their downloading some e-books, but in more cases ,the user only need click his mouse.And the writer usually get le payment for their books.The pre often choose to publish real books and just provide a part of the book on the internet, thus we can be sure that paper-books give the pre and their writers much more return than e-books.反方三辩:现在的盗版书猖獗,一样没有版权 提问:电子书携带方便,传播方便,纸质书就做不到。

Now pirated books is also rampant, there is no copyright too.E- books can be easy to carry for reading anytime, e-books is far more convenient than paper-books.

二辩:纸质书也可以携带方便随时阅读,电子书没电了一样不能看 提问:纸质书可以标注,便于阅读理解,电子书功能不够完善 Paper books can also easy to carry for reading anytime,when E book is out of electricity,it also cannot read.When we are reading a real book, we can line a paragraph we are interested in conveniently, which helps us a lot in understanding and remembering the knowledge we need.But when reading e-books, we have to build a new file or use a notebook, it’s very inconvenient for us 反方一辩:电子书一样可以标注,很多文档软件都有标注功能,更多样化 提出:纸质书有环保问题

E-books can be annotated very convenient also , a lot of document software have this function, there are more diversified.Paper books may cause environmental problems.三辩:纸质书可以回收利用,环保问题可以解决,电子书所用的电子产品的制造和处理也同样存在污染问题,不好解决

Although paper-books have a pollution problem, the electric products that e-books use may cause more pollution problems than paper-making progre, when the electric products are made or abandoned, they may pollute the environment more badly 反方二辩:纸质书需要花钱,有的书看一遍就不看了,花销大

E-books save me much time and money.Thanks to the development of the internet and the wide use of personal computers, I can have acce to almost any book I want without spending much money.As I know, most websites providing e-books are free of charge, while some of them do ask for a little money, but that is nothing compared with that spent on paper-books.Also, I will not have to walk half an hour to a book store or library, especially in a hot summer day.All what I have to do is that open my laptop and type in the book name or key words, then the system will list relevant information on the screen at the same time, I can read remarks from other readers to see whether the book suits me well.二辩:电子书看上去便宜,但是真正有用的资源价格不菲,免费的只是网友的分享和一些没 什么营养的小说 提问:好的纸质书还可以收藏 It seems that e-books are cheaper than paper-books, but the resources that are really useful is far more expensive.The free e-books are usually uploaded by other person and some novels which have little help educating or inspiring people.Another ,paper book has the value of collection, For example,you could think about the hardcover, its significance and value is not only the contents of the book,but also the material carrier and the emotions of collectors.反方一辩: 电子书存在各种存储设备中更方便收藏且容量空间大占地微小,不像纸质书需要 弄个大书架收藏占空间 提问:电子书翻页操作什么方便,阅读背景和格式等都可以个性化选择,电子书还需 要手动翻页,且格式都固定好的,不易阅读

二辩: 看纸质书的过程本身是个享受墨香书香手动翻页的过程, 电子书完全没有了读书的感觉

Reading paper book is a proce of enjoying ink fragrance and elegant manual fliping , e-book lose the feeling of reading completely 反方二辩:我们并没有完全抹杀纸质书,我们只是强调电子书在诸多方面更先进快捷 三辩总结陈词

Dear teacher and opposite debaber, thanks to the opposite debaters\' statement, now , it is the time for me to do the summary addre.our debaters adhere to the view that \"e-book cannot completely replace the paper book\" from the beginning to the end, we listed the advantages of paper books in several aspects ,such as depth reading, inheriting civilization, publishing copyright and so on.And we found that the e-books have many shortcomings in reading habits limit, health keeping, electronic copyright chaos and so on.From the comparison, we can foresee that e-book cannot completely replace the paper books Besides.in the way of traditional reading, the development of electronic reading is not only an opportunity but also a challenge.Traditional books is not only the accumulation of visible tangible forms , but also the constant accumulation of knowledge, it is a real symbol of cultural heritage and spiritual transfer tool.E-book is just a supplement to traditional reading.And its development is obviously limited.The fast food culture eence of electronic books leading to that it can only undertake transferring informational material; On the other hand, for some serious or highly academic profeional readings, it is not appropriate to be the reading tool.Nowadays,e-book is popular, someone may choose e-books to read in daily time,but it is just the spice of traditional paper books for most people and it will not replace the traditional paper books in the future for a long time.That’s all,thank you.


正方四辩: 补充发言部分:

As we all know, interpersonal relationship , is a basic concept of sociology , its meaning is between people , the proce of interaction , through the thoughts , feelings , behavior of mutual exchange and interaction generated.People as social animals , even with a more tenacious survival skills , cannot have more development , because he is a man in combat.We are a group of people in the struggle.Interpersonal relationship provides the basis for learning practical abilities.Our learning relys on interpersonal relationships because teaching and being taught is a typical interpersonal relationship itself.Meanwhile , it can promote the improvement of people’s pratical abilities.自由辩论中问题:If a bo do not have good interpersonal relationships , how can he unite his employees and develop his career? 总结: To sum up, we insist our opinion that interpersonal relationship is more important .People embark on a new career relying on great opportunity , material and spiritual help offered by others.These all depend on your interpersonal relationgships.Good interpersonal relationship can make people have high spirits, much more confidence, and have optimistic attitude to career.Along with the expansion of information , people’s insatiable appetite for owing and using all kinds of information are continually growing.Through interpersonal communication, we can exchange information and results with each other, by which way we will enrich our knowledge, broaden our horizons, and have active thinking and inspired ideas.People’s active thinking and tentative ideas need very strong interpersonal communication to get approved and promoted during their career.In general, most people with good interpersonal can maintain a cheerful disposition and an enthusiasm optimistic quality to understand and treat a variety of practical problems correctly and settle the arguments in career .Conversely, without positive interpersonal relationships, we can not correctly treat ourselves and others, and become narrow-minded and short-sighted.It may also lead to failures in career.Because most work need relationship is the protection of people’s succe.Many people have high IQ, while their EQ is very low, who do not know how to get along or communicate with others, which is nowadays the most valued busine recruitment ability and quality.Morever , interpersonal relationships take decisive role in one’s career final succe.We can see that Liu Bang gained a lot from interpersonal relationships which contributes to his huge succe in history.Nowadays , interpersonal relationship is more important while team spirit is held in esteem.At last, let me repeat our opinion: interpersonal relationship is more important than one’s practical ability to a succeful career.

Interpersonal relationship or practical ability ability I am third debater Dai yue Answer zhang Nan: Firstly, I agree with the opposite debater’s partial opinion.Certainly, it is right that nowadays society is cooperative.Secondly, however, many people who work together base on everyone’s practical ability.Only in this way, can people who have practical ability make a difference in what they are looking forward to.Thirdly, even though people cooperate by their interpersonal relationship, they can not reach their goals when anyone of them has no practical ability.Have you heard the bucket theory? A bucket of water lies on the shortest board.Fourthly, meanwhile, I think practical ability include the interpersonal relationship.Dealing with others and having good interpersonal relationship show a practical ability.In a word, I think practical ability is more important.Answer Wang liping: Ok, in a company, maybe that person can not get along with other workers; they will not work with him.However, usually everyone’s work task is different from others.Even though that person has good interpersonal relationship, he can not make use of it to complete his own work task.He must do his work by himself with his practical ability.Answer li cang: Yes, Newton said that, but in fact, what he wanted to expre is that he looked further than others because he studied older generation’s knowledge and theory.What’s more, pay attention, the older had been dead.I do not think that Newton had a good relationship with them.Likewise, now, we study Newton’s theory, but we do not know him.We can not shake hands with him.We do not get along with him.He is far away from us.Because Newton studied great man’s knowledge with his own practical ability, he can succeed.Ask li cang: As we all know, liu bei, zhang fei and guan yu are sworn bothers.Zhang fei and guan yu are helpful to liu bei to build shu.But if liu bei has no practical ability, zhang fei and guan yu who are brilliant would not help him.What do you think? Answer zhang Nan: If a person has no good interpersonal relationship, maybe it will influence the practical ability to bring into play.Good interpersonal relationship can give one person a stage, but if that person has no ability, he can not show a good perform.So the practical ability is more important.Ask zhang Nan: Mr.Jobs who is Apple CEO said stay hungry, stay foolish.In fact, he stays hungry to own practical ability.Because of this, now we can use iphone and other high technological products.What do you think, my dear opponent?


英语辩论赛辩论词 正一:

Hello,everyone.We are glad to discu about \"money can our happine or not.\" Today, we firmly believe that money can buy happine.Actually, money isn’t everything, but we can achieve nothing without money.For example, when you are hungry,but have no money to buy any delicious food, will you be happy? Of course not.And the American 2006 general social survey found that more than 26 percent of people with low incomes described themselves as \"not too happy\", but there are only 2 percent of people with very high incomes choosing this.It show us a fact that more money, more happy.So we have the belief that money can buy happine.


Thank you for your speech, but we still think \"money can\'t buy happine.\" For the following reasons.First,there is other research that shows something completely different.A Princeton University study found that the wealthier people are, the more intense their negative emotions are.Second,as a family story have all of you heard, a man on the street, asked a millionaire, why don\'t you go home? Rich man said he didn’t have home.The guy with one finger, that\'s not your home? Rich answered, that\'s my house! Money even can buy the house, How Can money buy happine! So we firmly believe that money can\'t buy happine.

正二: Hello, if you buy one of your favorite things such as food, do you feel happy? 反二: I will have a great mood.正二: Ok, it prove that you feel happy because of buying food with money.so money can buy happine,do you agree? 反二: No! I feel good because I get what I like, not money.if someone gives it to me, I will still feel happy.反一: Nowadays, lots of rich men still feel unhappy, how do you explain this situation? 正一: We say that money can buy happine, but it don\'t mean money always buy happine.It\'s just like you can write, so you mean that you always write?

反二: There is an old saying that time is gold and it is difficult for one to use gold to get time.How can money buy youth? Of course not.so in my opinion,even though money is neceary to life, it can’t buy happine.Because money can\'t buy something which really make people feel happy such as love, friendship and time.One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied .Therefore, although money is neceary for a happy life, it can’t buy happine.


We still believe the truth: money can buy happine.We champion that this, but it doesn’t mean all happine can be bought by money.Though money, we can buy what we want to get which can bring happine to us.Some people say they don’t get happy with money, the main problem is not money, is that you are lack of the knowledge about how to spend money in right ways, I consider.So money can buy happine.









好的,接下来为大家介绍的是本场辩论赛的双方辩手,正方辩手是由高一年级的同学组成的代表队,他们分别是正方一辩郑文杰,正方二辩陈勖,正方三辩游文璇, 正方四辩邹运,他们所持的观点是:中学生在公交车上不让座是不道德的。

反方辩手是由高二年级同学组成的代表队,他们分别是反方一辩,反方二辩,反方三辩,反方四辩,他们所持的观点是: 中学生在公交车上不让座不是不道德的。

为了能让辩手以及观众快速的进入氛围,有效地开展辩论,我们遵循以下比赛规则: 第一环节,开场陈述(5\'),立论陈词,有双方一辩发言阐述本方观点,时间各为两分钟;









第三环节,自由辩论(8\') 由双方辩手自由提问和回答问题,自由辩论必须交替进行。当自由辩论开始时,先有正方任何一名队员起立发言。完毕后,反方的任何一位队员应立即发言,双方依次轮流发言,直到双方时间用完为止。

























Should people improve their appearance through plastic surgery


Good morning, everyone .we are the negative part.I am debater 1…...I am debater 2 zhangzhiming.I am debater 3 zhangwenyu.I am debater 4 zhulei.Today we are stand on the point “people should not improve their appearance through plastic surgery”.

正方一辩陈述观点 反方一辩陈述

The most beautiful of people is soul, not appearance.Who would afford a beautiful

appearance and inner ugly people? We should not satisfy with the beauty of appearance, instead we should improve the beauty of inner.It is not worth to spend too time and money on appearance.If cosmetic surgery can make people beauty, then everyone is beautiful, and there is no a beauty on the earth.The result of cosmetic surgery is

unpredictable, and it can make you beauty and also can make you ugly.Cosmetic surgery may trigger infection, so we are against cosmetic surgery.That’s all, thank you.反方二辩向对方


反:Plastic surgery is harmful, and there are many sequels.These are inevitable, why do you want to facelift? Those people who have failure plastic, they will not be resuming, and will leave an indelible psychological shadow in their heart.It is not neceary to hurt your body in order to be beauty.Do you think so? Thank you.正:We cannot give up the technical study just because it has some harmful sides, because it will bring more benefits than harm.Facts speak louder than words.Good appearance will give a better imagination to other people.And cosmetic surgery can make us become more beautiful.Isn’t it good? Thank you.

反:Please note that to a person not only impreed with the beautiful appearance, and other things like temperament.This shows that appearance is not very important.So there is not neceary to do cosmetic surgery.Thank you.

正:A love of beauty is a part of human’s nature.People like to see beautiful scenery, flowers, and animals.It is not strange that they also want to look at good-looking human and improve the way they look themselves.So we think we can understand that why people improve their appearance through plastic surgery!


反:Natual beauty is beautiful !We can\'t decide out innate face as we got from our parents ,.Also,inner charecter is more important than the only appearance when you are undering a interview.This shows that appearance is not the most important.So there is no neceary to do cosmetic surgery.Thank you.




Plastic surgery offers a world of poibilities for the young, old and those unhappy with their appearance.However, despite its potential to improve our life, plastic surgery is not a good choice in many cases.Firstly ,beauty is only skin-deep,virtue is moreimportant than appearance.As an old saying gose:Don’t judge a person by appearance.Secondly, succe and good job relie on one’s abilities instead of appearance.What’s worse,the result of plastic surgery is unpredictable.it can make you charming and also can make you ugly.people have to bear the risks of an unsucceful surgery which will be a lifelong pain.All in all, we are against cosmetic surgery.That’s all, thank you.



正:We cannot give up the technical study just because it has some harmful sides, because it will bring more benefits than harm.Facts speak louder than words.Good appearance will give a better imagination to other people.And plastic surgery can make us become more beautiful.Isn’t it good? Thank you.

反:Plastic surgery is harmful, and there are many side effects which are inevitable(不可避免的), why do you want to facelift ? It is not neceary to hurt your body in order to be beauty.Do you think so?Thank you.

正:If all people around you are ugly, will you have a happy life?

反Is no one around us who is born beautiful? Every people have their characteristics.It is their real beauty.Moreover, over the past several thousand years no one can do cosmetic surgery, but you can say they do not have happy lives?

正:It is because they do not have the technology nowadays, how did you know that they do not want to make themselves beautiful?

反:Do you means that there’s no one born beautiful around us?Every people have their characteristics.It is their real beauty.Moreover, in the past several

thousand years no one can do plastic surgery, then you dare to say they do not have a happy life? Do you think so ?thank you.

正:It is because they do not have the technology nowadays, how did you know that they do not want to make themselves beautiful? And, how can you be hardhearted enough to ignor the situation that peop who are accident victims and be born-defected.Surely that they will have a better life after they take a plastic surgery.

反: People like beautiful things which are nature.But we should not attempt to change our physical appearance by man-made.


反方:Friends on the other side have acknowledged the debate that the cosmetic surgery is dangerous.Light infected, worse the death.Why do you go to risk for appearance? The body and the skin are given by parents, not your personal property.You should consider about the feeling of your parents.Feet in short, a director-inch such deficiencies in other circumstances are probably the advantage.There is ugly, so exist beautiful.So we also should treasure ugly.We are against cosmetic surgery.Thank you.

正方:In the current level of technology, cosmetic surgery indeed has risks.One thing can not be rejected just because it has temporary risk.On the contrary, we should see its potential and the great benefit to the people.Cosmetic surgery can help people with physical defects find the self-confidence back.So they are no longer concerned about their physiological defects, and spent more efforts on work and life.If one kind of drug can make people beauty and who will not want to eat? Why do we not pursue the dual appearance and beautiful soul? So we support for the cosmetic surgery.Thank you.


