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School__ Number3 Middle School____

Junior or Senior Section _Junior__ Cla ____3____

Grade _1_______ Size ______45__


Date __2009-12-28____ Materials __Go for it______

Type of leon _reading ____ Contents: 1.Vocabulary: Some nouns about furniture and some daily use things: table, bed, dreer, bookcase, sofa, chair, backpack, books, keys, baseball, drawer, plant.Some prepositions of place: on, in, under

2.Structure: Where is (Where’s)…?

It is (It’s) in/on/under…

Where are…?

They are (They’re) in/on/under…


I don’t know.Is it /are they on/in/under… ? No, it isn’t./They aren’t./ Yes, it is./they are.

3.1) Dialogue: Where’s the bag?

I don’t know.

Is it on the dreer? No, it isn’t.

Where are my books?

I don’t know.Are they on the bed? No, they’re not.2)Writing: ask, gue and write


1.Instructional objectives (language knowledge and language skills)

1) To promote students’ vocabulary development (table, bed, dreer, bookcase, sofa, chair, backpack, books, keys, baseball, drawer, plant.…)

2) To promote students’ reading skills

a) prediction

b) skimming

3) To promote students’ oral English

4) To develop students’ writing skill

2.Educational objectives (affect, learning strategy and cultural awarene)

1) To develop students’ ability to communicate with others to get information

2) To build students’ confidence

3) To make students learn to cooperate with others

3.Personal objectives: 1) To develop teacher’s ability of claroom management

Focal points: a: the nouns.b: prepositions of place

c: Where- question and d: answers to “Is the… in/on/under the …?”;

Difficult points: a: use the prepositions to describe position of things b: use the where-question and Is it-/Are they -question to ask things’


Aids: PPT, blackboard, chalk … Procedures and Time Allotment 1.Getting students ready for learning

( mins)

1) Greetings: Good morning everyone! 2) Routine task: duty report

2.Revision: Use some pictures to review the vocabulary ( table, bed, dreer, bookcase, sofa, chair, backpack, books, keys, baseball, drawer, plant, on, in, under) and sentence structure:

Where is (Where’s)…? It is (It’s) in/on/under Where are…? They are (They’re) in/on/under… 3.Pre-reading : Step1: vocabulary and some phrases learning

Task: Look at the conversation between them and gue the meaning of the sentences in red.( using the conversation between Liu Qian and A Xin to show those phrases to the students in order to learn them by the context; because the sentence structure in the conversation is those they have learnt)

(… mins)

此步骤包括词汇、语法教学等 4.While-reading 5.Post-reading

(… mins)

1) Oral work

2) Written work 6.Aigning homework 1) Conclusion: a: vocabulary

b: sentence patterns: Where is (Where’s)…?

It is (It’s) in/on/under… Where are…?

They are (They’re) in/on/under… Where’s/where’re…?

I don’t know.Is it /are they on/in/under… ? No, it isn’t./They aren’t./ Yes, it is./they are.2) Homework: Ask, gue and write Let your partner to ask as well as gue where your things are in your room.Write down your conversation by using the following sentence patterns: A: where’s/where’re your…? B: You can gue.A: I don’t know.Is it /are they on/in/under… ? B: No, it isn’t./They aren’t.Yes, it is./they are.


推荐第2篇:英语听说课程 教案

English Listening and Speaking Course

Instructor:Yolanda Leon 1 Part 1:生活英语口语

第1 课:我的一天

常用词汇 wake up 睡醒 get up 起床 go to the bathroom 去浴室 have a shower 淋浴

brush my teeth 刷牙 wash my face 洗脸 get dreed 穿衣服 listen to the CDs/MP3 听CD/MP3 read the newspaper 看报纸 have breakfast 吃早餐 go to school 去学校 go to work 去上班

have lunch 吃午饭 go home 回家 make dinner 做晚饭 phone a friend 打电话给朋友

get on line 上网 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 often 经常 usually 通常 sometimes 有时 never 决不

常用句子 I usually get up at 7 o\'clock.我一般7 点起床。

Today I got up at 8:30.Because it\'s Sunday.因为是星期天,所以我8:30 起床。

I normally wash my face and brush my teeth at 7:15 a.m.我一般在早晨7:15 洗脸刷牙。

I usually eat breakfast at 7:30.我一般上午7:30 吃早餐。

I usually have an egg, milk and orange for breakfast.我经常吃1 个鸡蛋,牛奶和桔子。

I go to work/school by bus.我搭巴士上班/上学。

I often drive to work.我经常开车去上班。

I like to have a sleep after lunch.午饭后我喜欢小睡一会儿。

Sometimes I just do nothing.有时候我什么也不做。

I really like cooking.我真的很喜欢烹饪。

I often listen to CDs when I am relaxing.我放松休息的时候经常听CD。

I go for a walk every evening.我每天晚上都去散步。

I watch CCTV news report every evening.我每天晚上看中央电视台新闻报道。

I read the computer magazine every weekend.每周末我都看电脑杂志。 I take a shower at 9 o\'clock.我晚上9 点洗澡。

I read some news on the internet.我上网看新闻。

I go to bed at 10 o\'clock in the evening.我晚上10 点睡觉。

Part 2:Listening exercise 1a09 017.At what time will the speakers meet tomorrow morning? A.11:15.B.3:30.C.10:45.018.When would Thomas and Lily like to leave? A.Tomorrow.B.Next Monday or Tuesday.C.This Tuesday. 2a08 015.When did the man see Jim? A.At 3 o\'clock.B.At 4 o\'clock.C.At 5 o\'clock. 016.What time will the game be finished? A.4:20 p.m.B.4:00 p.m.C.3:00 p.m.3a07 013.When will the two speakers leave if they get cheaper tickets? A.On Tuesday.B.On Thursday.C.On Friday.014.When should the woman go to the zoo according to the man? A.On Sunday afternoon.B.On Saturday afternoon.C.On a week day.

Part 3:Reading Don’t you think books are the best thing in the world? I can’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t reading a book.I still have memories of being in my school library when I was about five years old.I have been a bit of a bookworm since then.You’ll usually see me with my head buried in a book.I love all kinds of books.Novels are great for getting to know other worlds and cultures.A good book is one where you never want the story to end.I also like autobiographies because I think it’s interesting to read about people’s lives.Encyclopedias are cool too – you can learn everything about everything in these.I still prefer books to the Internet.Books need to be in your hand and made of paper.Part 4: Discuion 1.Do you like reading books? Which kind of book do you like most? And try to explain why you like it so much.






语言是有声的语言,如果开始就忽视听力的训练,会给学生进一步学习带来较大的困难,就会使学生不能在口头上和对方交流,而且也会影响学生读、写的能力的提高。听是四种能力中最难的一种。因为在说和写的时候,学生可以控制所用的单词、词组和句子来表达自己的思想,而且还可以边想边说,或边想边写,速度也由自己来控制。但是听的人既不能控制讲话人的语速,也不能控制对方使用的语言,对听的内容也不能预先估计。这就是说要求听的人不经过任何准备能一次性听懂对方所讲的内容。那么,怎样才能培养听的能力呢? 首先学会辨音。如对于我们中国的学生来说,学习这些单词如bit和 built, teach和teacher.......时,只有一个音不同,所以极易听错。教师在放录音时,应提醒学生,这样反复操练,学生就会克服听的误区,准确无误地听出所听到的内容。

其次是,听句子时,可采用多媒体课件和投影仪,让学生在轻松愉快的环境中充分理解句子的意义。也可采用按老师的话去做的方法。比如,教师可对学生说:“Fly your kite”学生就会做出放风筝的样子,既活跃了课堂气氛,学生也在不知不觉中掌握了所听的内容而且增强了信心。另外也可采用多做练习的方法。练习做多了,熟能生巧,还能以不变应万变。现在有一项,要求选出与所听句子意思最相近的选项。这要求既能听懂原句,还要将其与四个选项进行比较,才能选正确。对于听短文,应采取循序渐进的方法,逐句地听。不应该力求听懂每个词,而应抓住重点和主要情节,这样才能准确无误地听懂原文。

对于课堂上说的能力的训练,我认为可以利用现代化的教学手段。 多媒体教学是英语教学发展的趋势,它与传统的教学模式有着本质的不同。以往教师是一支粉笔、一本书就去上课,强调通过教师的最佳教法收到最佳的效果。而现在每节课都要使用录音机、投影仪、电脑等现代化教学手段,学生经常去语音室上课,通过教学内容、教学过程和计算机的有机结合,求得最佳学习效果。对于英语学科来讲,如何使用多媒体手段来化难为易,解释难点,这并不重要,关键是呈现精美的画面,播放悦耳的音乐,展示电脑的神奇,利用学生的好奇心激发其学习的兴趣和开口说的欲望,为学生创设良好的语境。

Main task: Speak up: Dialogue:初中生喜欢在比赛中学习,更喜欢在语言实践中证实自己的能力。我们将班级分成若干个4人左右的固定小组,对小组活动进行评价,学生通过Main task: Speak up: Dialogue中的表现。教师进行实事求是的给小组和个人进行评价。半学期对成绩综合评价一次,这样,不仅创造了良好的语言学习氛围,也培养了学生的合作学习精神。对表演的评价包括表演和口语两部分,也可由学生评价,给出等级。









在课堂教学中,精心设计课堂教学语言,以“尽量使用英语,适当利用母语”为原则,努力营造良好的英语学习氛围。在进行“五步”教学过程中,我尽可能用学生学过的英语知识介绍将要学习的新语言,学生开始听的有些吃力,我就辅之以表情、动作等,帮助他们理解;用演示图片、实物等方法缩短学生与教材内容之间的距离。如在教“look out of the window”时,教师向窗外望同时说“I am looking out of the window”这时学生对这个词的意义、用法就一目了然了。在组织“现在进行时”的操练时,既可借助动作,也可借助简笔画进行教学,效果较好。另外,要多提供给学生自我表现的机会,增强学生说的勇气,提高他们说的自信心。经过一段时间的坚持训练,师生之间基本可以达到配合默契的程度。与此同时,每节课前,我都要利用几分钟时间让学生上讲台作值日汇报 。报告内容有浅入深,如初一年级学生摄取的语言信息量少,他们除了完成日常的报告内容外,还可请别人回答问题及讲一些简单的故事等,这样既活跃了课堂气氛,又提高了学生的听力和口语表达能力。此外,充分利用现代教育手段和教具,让学生在“身临其境”中活跃、主动地学习,也可有效地提高学生的英语听说水平。






经常性的开展丰富多彩、形式多样的英语课外活动,加强学生的语言实践 开辟英语角,在学校图书室里安排一个特定的地方,学生到这个地方,要用英语会话。介绍书籍、借阅书刊杂志、介绍自我、全部使用英语。



第五章 幼儿英语课堂教学



2.了解幼儿英语教学法的基本的流派;知道各个流派的特点,优缺点;能够学会在适当的条件下采用不同的教学方法。 3.理解并掌握幼儿英语新授课的教学过程。

4.知道幼儿英语课堂教学的步骤;并能在教学活动中运用所学的步骤。 教学方法:讲授示范法、课堂讨论法、范例引导法、案例分析法 活动准备:实物、图片、手偶、模型、头饰、多媒体课件 课时安排: 10 教学过程:




第一节 幼儿英语教育活动的意义


所谓双语教育(bilingual education)是指在同一教育机构中,让教育者用两种语言作为教学媒介语,从而使学习者同时学习和使用两种语言并通过两种语言去学习其他知识。





从心理发展自身的特点来看,儿童早期学习双语具有一些有利因素: 1.听觉能力灵敏优势:幼儿听觉能力远高于成人,对声音的分辨能力极强,实验得知,出生四周的婴儿能分辨大约四十个辅音之间的区别,这种分辨能力是与生俱有的,他们能分辨的辅音比其父母本民族语言中所用的辅音数目还要多。例如:英语只有24个辅音,可是英国的婴儿却能对日语的某些辅音进行分辨,但随着年龄的增长,孩子的这种分辨能力就会慢慢消失。











第四、有利于儿童社会性的发展。早期双语教育使儿童掌握两种语言作为交际工具,极大地扩大了交往范围,激发交往的积极性,更增加了儿童的亲社会行为。 第



第二节 全息全感幼儿英语教学法

一. 全息全感幼儿英语教学法的理论基础

全息全感幼儿英语教学法的理论基础是Krashen的第二语言习得理论,具体包括 (一)习得-学得假说

习得/ 学得假说认为,有两个不同的发展第二语言能力的系统——习得和学得。习得是指潜意识的语言学习过程,在所有重要方面都与儿童习得母语的过程相同;学得是指有意识的学习语法知识的过程,其结果是获得关于语言的知识。两个系统获得的知识储存于大脑的不同区域。当第二语言学习者处于一个“language –

rich environment”时,大脑中的语言器官就会像人的其他器官一样, 自动开动起来。有意识学得的语法知识不能转化为习得而被无意识地使用。Krashen 认为第二语言习得在所有重要方面都与母语习得相同。 (二)输入假设

Krashen (1985)强调人类只有通过理解信息或者接受“可理解的输入”(Comprehensible Input) 的方式习得语言。我们从i( 代表我们现有的语言水平) 开始, 向i+1(1 代表新输入的内容) 移动。通过理解i+1 输入内容, 我们的习得达到更高一级水平, 这就是Krashen 的Input Hypothesis 他认为该假设是“当今”第二语言习得中最重要的概念。因为它回答了我们怎样习得语言的关键性问题(Krashen, 1982) 输入假设对外语教学也有一定启发, 它提醒教师在课堂教学中时要注意幼儿现有语言水平。在输入难度上, 要考虑幼儿的可接受程度不同。如果输入难度是i+1 阶段幼儿就易接受, 若输入难度总是i 或i+

5、i+6 阶段学生习得水平就难以提高。

二. 全息全感幼儿英语教学法的内容

(一)采用多种手段 “多种教学手段”包括:

1.多种直观教具:实物、替代物、图片、头饰、手偶、多媒体软件等。2.体态语:表情、音调、动作等。如动作Pull up,手势 3.情景创设:Good morning 手偶kitty和手偶 Bunny 早上起来,伸个懒腰,互相见面后说Good Morning.“多种教学方法”包括:




举例:Magic Bag游戏,教师准备一个magic bag里边一个硬币,让幼儿猜里边是什么?从而制造了交际动机。



听觉、视觉、味觉、嗅觉、触觉、运动觉(watermelon) “情境参与”: 幼儿对情境的理解力比对语言的理解力更强,要让幼儿投入到情境中去,成为主人公,尝试各种体验。




例如: 游戏老狼老狼几点了?What time is it?

三、全息全感幼儿英语教学法的特点 1.听说领先,忽略读写。

2.注重各种教学手段的运用,创设类似习得母语的语言情境。3.注重研究幼儿的心理特点,擅长利用幼儿心理的优势。 4.强调语言的功能,强调语言练习的真实有效。


观摩fruit 这节课,分析如何运用全息全感幼儿英语教学法进行授课的

第三节 幼儿英语教学法流派

一、翻译法(Translation Method)

在外语教学中运用翻译作为教学手段已有几千年的历史。又名古典法、旧式法。 定义:用母语来教授外语的一种方法。 特点:
















二、直接法 (Direct Method) 定义:

直接法也叫自然法。它就是直接教英语的方法。 举例1:

举例2: I’m standing up.I’m going to the door.I’m opening the door.I’m going out

I’m coming in.I’m coming back.I’m sitting down.特点:


2、强调模仿。主张用儿童学习母语的方法 ,通过学说话来学习外语,不断模仿,反复练习,直到养成语言习惯。

3、句本位。教外语应当以句子为单位,整句学,整句教。(注意单词的教法)如:It’s black.—black




3、语言是一种习惯(habits)。而习惯的养成,主要靠大量的重复练习和模仿。 “ 一种行为重复21次,就成了一种习惯。”


5、从语言文学产生发展的历史来看,先有口语后有文字。因此要从口语入手。 优点:








三、听说法 (Audio-Lingual Approach) 定义:

强调把教学重点直接放在发展学生的听说能力上,先用耳听后用口论,通过反复的口头操练最终达到掌握口语的目的。 典型代表:English 900 特点:





5、及时纠错,培养正确的语言习惯 理论基础:




人们在进行言语活动时只知道说什么,并不知道为什么这样说。学习说外语也是养成新习惯的过程,这也应该像学习母语那样,需要持久模仿,反复操练,大量实践。 运用实例:

Step1: 带领儿童读一段对话,并使儿童明白其意思。 A:What color do you like? B:I like red.How about you? What color do you like? A:I like blue.Step2: 儿童齐声念,分组念,角色扮演念。教师随时纠正其发音。 Step3: 教师教本课句型“I like颜色”及相关单字。

Step4: 儿童做代换练习,加强句型。 T: Red S: I like red.T: pink.S: I like pink.

四、视听法(Audio-visual Approach) 定义:

视听法顾名思义,是视觉感觉和听觉感觉相结合的方法。主张广泛利用幻灯,电影等电化设备创造情景,组成听说操练,把听觉形象和视觉形象结合进来,因为主张听说训练必须同一定的情景相结合,在某一情景基础上进行,所以又叫情景法(situational approach)。 典型代表:New Concept English 视听法来源于直接法和听说法,吸收了它们的长处,如通过实物、图片、手势等直观手段,直接用外语教外语;如口语领先原则;如句本位原则;如重视口语训练句型等原则。

简言之,视听法是用实物、幻灯等创造情景配合同步录音的一种方法体系。 特点:

1、培养听说读写言语习惯。这些习惯的形成最根本的条件是积极模仿和反复操 练。另外,要学习在实际生活环境中有用的和合乎情理的英语,如:I have a nose。 Have you a nose? / Is this my foot?教材要避免这种课本式的英语。




5、排除母语和文字为中介。视听教学法通过各种图像和讲话人的动作、体态、手势、表情以及语调、节奏等语言直观手段,直接用外语进行释义和练习。 优点:






五、肢体反应教学法(Total Physical Response Method) 特点:


2、教授的语言形式以祈使句为主,以指令性语言为主。Have a seat here, please.This way, please.Wash your hands.Look at me.理论基础:


六、三文治故事教学法 例子(故事视频) 特点:





第四节 幼儿英语新授活动的教学过程







听 创 设情景,展示语言材料

说 设 计机械训练的活动

用 设 计交际训练的活动









幼儿的学习过程分为三个阶段,与之相对应的教 师的 教授过程也呈现出三个阶段。这三个阶段体现在幼儿身上,可归纳为三个字:听、说、用。在“全息全感幼儿英语教学法”中,这三个字,不只是单纯的语音信息的输入和输出,而是“全息”的输入和“全感”的输出。所以说,教师的“全息教法”和幼儿的“全感学法”共同体现在课堂教学的三个阶段。





第五节 幼儿英语教学活动的步骤











































5.教学手段使用的是否恰当?目的是否明确?是否达到效果? 作业:


2.传统的外语教学法有哪些?如何在学前儿童英语教学中运用这些教学法? 3.幼儿学习外语包括哪几个过程? 4.完整的一堂幼儿英语课包括哪些环节?


Unit 5 Do you like candies? Warming up: 1.Sing a song 《Apple Tree》.2.Look and say.(Review the words about food and drinks).Presentation and practice: 1.Present the new words and sentences: banana, grape Do you like …? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.T: I like apples.I like oranges.They are fruits.Now, I will give you two riddles.Let’s gue what fruits they are.a.They are yellow.They are sweet.The monkeys like them very much.What are they? b.They are purple.They are nice.We eat them in summer.What are they? (Teach the new words: banana, grape) T: I like grapes.Do you like grapes? 2.Teach the new words: candy, candies.T: (在黑板上画简笔画) Look, what’s this? Ss: It’s a candy.T: Look, what are these? Ss: They’re candies.3.Teach the new words: bread, cookie, cake.T: Look, what’s this? S1: It’s bread.T: What’s this? S2: It’s a cookie.…

4.Present the new word: tea.T: I’m thirsty.I want to drink something.I like water.Do you like water? Do you like tea? 5.Game: a.Bomb.T: Look, it’s a bomb.When there is a bomb near the word, don’t read it.b.Yes or No.T: There are some word cards in my hand.If I say correctly, you should say “ Yes”.If I’m wrong, you should say “No”.6.Chant.a.Read the chant together.b.Make a new chant.Work in pairs.c.Show themselves.7.Practice the sentences:

Does…like…? Yes, she/he does.


No, she/he doesn’t.Teaching Proce: 1.Listen and answer the questions: a.Does Wu Chen like candies? b.Does the monkey like bananas? c.Does it like ice-creams? 2.Listen and repeat.3.Try to read together.4.Read in roles.5.Make a new dialogue.Development: Happy Big Wheel.


We have new friends

08英本7班 谢芷静 04b10740841 Cla Type:New Teaching Context:PEP Grade:Five

1、Preparation 1) Analysis of the context It’s the final cla of the unit,designed to consolidate what they learned before.That’s why I lay much emphasis on practicing sentence patterns.The content is about other people’s appearances and characteristics.

2) Anlysis of the students The five-grade pupil have approached to English and accumulated certain amount of knowledge towards it.

2、Teaching objectives 1) Knowledge to enable students’s abilities to speak,read and listen to the words and phrases: “clever,quiet,pretty,Carl,Cathy,Carla” “…hiar,…eyes,a…nose,a…mouth” “She’s cute./He’s clever./….”

to let them be able to listen to,speak,read and write the following words and senteces: “her,his,eyes,nose,mmouth”

“What’s her name?Her name is Zhou Pei.What’s his name?His name is Peter” .2) Emotion to further stimulate students’s paion towards English learning and encourage them to take part in the course activities energetically,creating situations and speaking to their partners actively with the words and patterns they learned.

3) Learning strategy to strengthen their focus on the cla and improve their capability of observing people’s appearances and characteristics.

4) Culture

to get to know the expreion of foreign descriptions of people appearances and characteristics.

3、Teaching Strategy On the premise of task-based approach,I combine various teaching methods together,such as Happy Teaching ,Situation Teaching and TPR.I take advantage of multimedia like PPT to help me illustrate the language point and get myself understood.In addition to that,the adopt of multimedia can also make the cla more vividly so that students won’t be bored but excited during the learning proce.

4、Teaching Procedure 1) Warm up a、Sing the song Head and shoulders knees and toes together.the teacher leads students to touch correct body parts with the music to review the expreion of that part to prepare students for the next study of human charcteristics.

b、Play a touching game.Choose one student from each group,ask them to stand in a line in front of the cla.First,the teacher gives the order,”touch your…”,the students do as the teacher says.Who is wrong will be out.Then the order students can give the order too.The pupil who stands through the game could win his group and himself a ★ as the price.Because of the competion,the whole cla’s attention could be drawed to the game.During the game,I’ll write the key words on the blackboard and practice them vocally in the game.They are”eyes,nose,mouth.

2)Presentation a、Do the dialogue with the students.T: What’s your name? S: My name is…

T: What’s his/her name

S2: His/Her name is…(Board writing: ”What’s her name? Her name is…What’s his name?His name is…”)

b、The students practice in groups of four.

c、The students act out the dialogues in groups.The teacher gives them proper aement,and give the best three groups ★.Then teaches the new words(clever,quiet,pretty) in chant:Clever,clever,he is clever.Quiet,quiet,she is quiet.Pretty,pretty,she is pretty.Through T-S and S-S practices,the new words and patterns could be reinforced with the fomer learned words and sentences.The form of Chant can help students remember the words.

d、Ask a student to come to the front. T:What’s her/his name? Ss:Her/His name is…

T:Look,she/he has…hair…eyes,a…nose,and a…mouth.She/He is…

e、Play a gueing game.Use the computer to show the features of the famous athletes of the 29th Olympic Games,and ask the students to gue what’s her/his name? By relating the newly learned knowledge to the Olympic winners,the teacher could rouse students study interests and patriotism at the same time.

3) Practice a、Books open.The students listen to the tape and repeat.

b、Describe yourself: My name is…I have… hair…eyes, a…nose, and a…mouth.I ’m clever….I can…I’m interested in…

Picturing themselves help them to apply the knowledge into reality.

4) Play a gueing game.a、Describe your friend and let your clamates find hin or her.E g: I have a good friend.She is quiet.She has short hair.She has a moon face.Her eyes are big and her mouth is small.She’s very tall.What’s her name? Her name is…

b、Describe a famous people or a cartoon character(an actor, an actre, a singer, an athlete etc.)and let your clamates to gue what her or his name is.

c、Let’s chant.Look at the screen and chant with the tape to consolidate the pronunciation/k/.

5) Aement a、The teacher makes a short summary to go over the cla and make comments on students performance. b、Praise the winner groups and encourage the other groups to motivate the students to join in the activities and increase their interests in English.


牛津英语8A unit4全英文教案




Warm-up activities 1 Create an interest in the iue of sharing the limited natural resources.Depending on therest of the cla, choose one of the following situations: * A group of students are stranded on an island.There is not enough food available for urvive.* Astronauts are stranded in space.They do not have enough oxygen for everyone to sur2 Make a list of people involved in the situation, a list of the resources available (e.g., fwater, etc.) and a list of how long everyone is able to survive.Ss have to decide whether thtogether sharing what they have or they are going to occupy all the resources for their own s3 Ss study the pictures and read the conversation first on their own, then in pairs.Ask tw students to role-play the conversation.Presentation 1 Ss complete Part A.Encourage them to do the task without any pre-teaching of keywoswers orally with the whole cla.2 Divide Ss into pairs and ask them to do the survey in Part B1 3 Encourage them to discu in pairs why they like or do not like the animals.Ask themwn their ideas.Language points Look delicious, If you eat my food, I won‟t talk to you., no one, in danger, a report on Homework 1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.43 3 Preview the Reading Part.Revision 1 Review key vocabulary according to the general ability of the cla.Presentation (Readi1 On the Bb, write the following list of sentences on the Bb: * Xi Wang is the name of a baby giant panda.* Baby giant panda s are very small when they were born.* They grow very quickly.* Xi Wang has to find her own food when she is 20 months old.* Hunters kill giant pandas and sell their fur.2 Divide the cla into three groups and allocate one part to each group.While students on their own, ask them to underline the words they do not know.Then go through the worave underlined.Ask students to explain briefly how they know that the sentences on the Bb entifying and listing key facts in the text.Presentation (Reading B& C) 1 Ask Ss to draw a parallel between the growth of the baby giant panda and a human bhey know what happens to people while they grow up.Write the following words/phrases on Adult old person teenager baby middle-aged person Young adult child toddler Draw a timeline and encourage Ss to come forward and write each word at the correct pmeline.Ask them to draw a more creative growth chart.2 Ask students to do a birth chart of themselves.Tell them to add their photos to the chPresentation (Reading D) 1 Revise the words listed in the box in Part D.2 Ask students to complete Part D.Then ask some Ss to read the sentences aloud to chece of words.3 If they show interest, ask them to practice the text for a presentation for 2-3 minutes.Presentation (Reading E) 1 Ask Ss to read the conversation in Part E in pairs to check if there are any words thew.Then ask Ss to complete the sentences individually.2 Ask six Ss to read the conversation while the rest of the cla check their answers.Language points (Part A) The story of Xi Wang, only 10 days old, it means…, was born, weigh just 100 grams, as, for the first time, eight months later, not…any more, grow into, at the very beginning, up a day, bamboo shoots, have to look after herself, have another baby, It is adj.(for sb.) to doe problems, kill it for its fur, nowhere to live, on their own, need help, in danger, take the fons to do, protect giant pandas, make giant panda reserves bigger, encourage sb.to do, there Language points (Part B& C) Keep sb./sth.Safe from danger, large areas of land with trees, special areas for wild anime Homework 1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.44-45 3 Preview the Vocabulary Part.Presentation (Vocabulary) 1 Creat an interest in animals.Try to extend the context by asking Ss if they would likeanimal and , if they do, which one they would choose.2Use the task to check Ss‟ knowledge of name of animals.Ask Ss to gue the names inst and then compare with a partner.3 Check answers with the whole cla.Read all the words under the pictures and ask Ss itions.Language points Polar bear---North Pole, wolf----wolves Homework 1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.46 3 Preview the Grammar Part.Presentation (Grammar Part A) 1 Try to elicit the conditional structure by asking questions such as What will happen if school lats? What will happen if you break your favourite toy? Try to think of sentences whs‟ own experience.Write the most interesting answers on the Bb.Ask Ss to include the “If”-l.Read all the sentences again and ask more able Ss to elicit the rule.2 Write some more open “If”-clauses on the Bb and ask Ss to finish the sentences with as.Help Ss reformulate their ideas into correct sentences and write them on the Bb.3 Ask Ss to match the sentences on their own and then compare answers with a partner.e able student to read the sentences aloud for the rest of the cla to check answers.4 For Part A2, Ask Ss to complete the sentences on their own and then compare answerner.Check answers with the whole cla.5 Ask Ss to complete “Work out the rule” at the bottom of page 61.Presentation (Grammar Part B) 1 Ask Ss to read through the rules and the sample sentences on their own.Then check uby asking them to think of other examples.2 Write several “If”-clauses on the Bb and ask more able Ss to complete them with theirRemind them to write about repeated and predictable situations instead of poible results.3 Explain the context of Part B1.Revise the words in the box.4 Ask students to complete the sentences individually.5 Ask Ss to read the conversation with a partner checking the accuracy of their sentences answers with the cla.Presentation (Grammar Part B2) 1 Try to creat interest in learning interesting things about wild animals.Tell them that Antroduces new information about tigers and wolves.2 Explain the context of writing a report.Revise the structure of conditional sentences.3 Ask Ss to read the report on their own to make sure that there are no unfamiliar wordomplete the sentences individually and compare them with a partner.Check answers with the Language points Grow more bamboo, run the other way, go to North Africa, walk through a rainforest, leut wild animals, arrive at noon, see the feeding of animals, get enough information for my clack people, spit poison, step on them, male wolves Homework 1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.47-48 3 Preview the Integrated skills Part.Presentation (Integrated skills A) 1 Invite students to talk about what they like about tigers and wolves.Brainstorm any inf general knowledge about the two animals.2 Ask Ss to study the two fact files in pairs.Check the meaning of some of the words.3 Help Ss focus on the general context by asking general questions they may be able to listening for the first time.Write them on the Bb: * What is the name of the largest living cat? * What is Millie‟s favourite animal?

Play the recording.Students listen carefully for keywords to answer the questions.4 Play the recording for again and ask students to find out the miing facts in the fact he tape for the third time for Ss to check the answers.5 Ask Ss to read the letter in pairs and discu any words they do not understand.Comp without looking at the fact sheetson page 64.Then ask them to look at the fact sheets to chers and make corrections if neceary.6 Ask more able Ss to read aloud the letter.Presentation (Integrated skills B) 1 Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs and then change roles.Identify any wses they do not know.2 Ask students to create their own conversation using information from the fact sheets.Language points Live as a family, good at hunting other animals, make medicine, friendly towards each otiving areas, make medicine from their bones, buy clothes made of animal fur, look lovely one‟s life, someone else,

Homework 1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.49 3 Preview the Pronunciation, Main task & Check out Part.Presentation (Pronunciation) 1 Remind Ss of communicative purpose of conditional sentences.2 Play the recording for Part A and ask Ss to listen carefully.Ss imitating the rising and patterns.3 Ask students to read Simon‟s presentation with correct the rising and falling voices.4 Ask students to read Millie‟s presentation in Part B quietly on their own.Play the recoSs to listen carefully and mark where Millie‟s voice rises and falls with the correct arrows.5 Tell students to read them again, and answer the „Wh-„questions.Students work in pairLanguage points (Pronunciation) Peaceful animals, live in family groups, continue to build roads, have suitable homes, makand, make a lot of money, sell elephants‟ tusks, train them,

Presentation(Main task) 1 Talk to Ss about the purpose of writing reports.Elicit from the different reports.Explaorts, we do not normally say „I feel…‟ or „I like…‟ and do not include personal comments.2 Read the title of the report in Part A.Create an interest in the topic by asking what thnt about giant panda in this unit.3 Ask students to skim through the report quickly and give each paragraph.4 Ss complete Simon‟s report in Part C on their own.Ask more able Ss to read it aloud answers.Language points (Main task) Spend a lot of time drinking their mums‟ milk, at a time, get smaller and smaller, becomkeep taking the land, what action can the club take? Sharp paws, walk upright Presentation (Checkout) 1 Set a time limit for reading the sentences in Part A and for filling the blanks.Ask Ss the task on their own.2 Ask students to Proceed to Part B after completing Part A.3 Ss complete Part B on their own and then compare answers in pairs.Language points (Checkout) Climbing, what about playing football?, a friend like Alan, answer questions correctly Homework 1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.50-52 3 Preview the Unit 5


I.Teaching Aims And Demands The teaching aim is established建立,确定 according to the New Curriculum of Primary School English.1.Knowledge objects (1)To enable the students to understand and speak five new words and two sentence patterns: wear, shirt, T-shirt, dre, skirt.He’s wearing a… She’s wearing a… (2)To be able to describe someone else more freely.(3)To enlarge the Ss’ vocabulary. 2.Ability objects (1)To develop the Ss’ speaking strategy.

(2)To develop the Ss’ vocabulary strategy.(word gueing etc.) (3)To encourage the students cooperation amongst处于。。。中 in their studies.3.Moral objects To arouse唤醒 the students’ interest of learning English and to have them participate actively in language communication.To stimulate刺激 the students’ creativity .II.Teaching Key And Difficult Points The teaching key and difficult points are based on the aims and demands.Teaching Key Points : To grasp领悟 the five new words and two sentence patterns. Teaching Difficulties: 1.Improve Ss’s speaking ability to describe others more freely 2.Develop their lateral侧面的 thinking through games .III.Teaching Aids A Computer IV .Teaching Methods 1.Student-centered teaching 2.Task-based learning任务型教学方法

3.Communication through learning

4.Situational teaching method情境教学法 V.Studying Ways

Activity-based learning(individual 个别的work; pair work; group work; cla work) VI.Teaching Procedure Step 1 warm up

to arouse Ss’ interest ,play a “colour song” on the computer, let the students become familiar with the phrase “ Who’s wearing…”

Step 2 Lead-in To introduce the new words and sentences ,I create a situation here, Sam and Amy are Australian children , they decide to buy some summer clothes because it’s getting hotter in their county.What will they buy?

(purpose: To present the new words and increase students geographical knowledge at the same time) Step 3 practice After presentating the new words, the students need some activities to practice them.Students greatly welcome games.They can create a cheerful and light-hearted environment and arouse students’ interest in learning English.Games are considered one of the most effective ways to improve efficiency in language learning.So in this part, I will use a power point I prepared to play some games with the students: 1.Let them try to memorize how many models are wearing a T- shirt/ shirt/ dre/skirt?

2.How many models they can introduce by using the sentence in a limit time: He’s /She’s wearing a … 3.And the third game is to try to answer some questions according to the shadow pictures. 阴影图片 Step 4 extension

(to develop their creativity and speaking ability) Organize Ss into groups of four and discu “ how can you help them to find “the miing person(situation: a little child is lost in a shopping mall and he/she is trying to find his parent) Step 5 Homework Design a T-shirt , or some other clothes that you like.Blackboard Design Topic sentences and key words are written to help Ss know the main content of this cla.


English Listening and Speaking Course

Instructor:Yolanda Leon 3 Part 1:生活英语口语

第3 课:我的校园生活 【常用单词】 school 学校 ; primary school 小学; secondary school 中学 college 学院; university 大学 ; term 学期 campus校园; principal 校长; teacher 教师 English 英语; Chinese 汉语 math 数学 history 历史; music 音乐; biology 生物 computer 计算机; claroom 教室; textbook 教科书,课本 pen 笔 ; piece of paper 纸张; blackboard 黑板 rubber 橡皮; desk 桌子; chair 椅子 ruler 直尺; dictionary 字典; exam 考试 quiz 测验; mark 分数; homework 家庭作业 review 复习; page 页; repeat 重复,反复 lecture 演讲; library 图书馆

【常用句子1】 I\'m still studying.我还在念书。 I have some questions.我有问题要问。

After school,I do my homework.放学后,我做家庭作业。 I don\'t want to fail my exams.我不想考试不及格。 I forgot my homework.我忘了写作业。 Could I use your ruler?我可以用你的尺子吗?

It\'s my freshman year.我是新生。 I failed my history mid-term.期中考试我历史考砸了。

Can I borrow your textbook?可以借你的书用下吗? I get a degree.我拿到了学位。

Do you have Chinese this afternoon?你下午有语文课吗? Can you say it again,please?请你再说一遍好吗?

【常用句子2】 Cla begins.开始上课。 It\'s your turn.轮到你了。 Well done.做的不错。 Time\'s up.时间到。 Nobody?Anyone?No one?Anybody else?没人?还有别的人吗? Speak loudly.说大声点。 What do you think about that? 你的看法是? Stand up!起立! Go to the board.到黑板前来。

Write your name.写下你的名字。 Sit down.坐好。 Open your book.打开课本。 Turn to page six.翻到第六页。 Read page six.朗读第六页。 Colse your book.把书合起来。 Put away your book.把书收起来。 Listen to the question.听问题。 Raise your hand.举手。 Give the answer.给出答案。

Answer the questions.回答问题。 Work in groups.小组讨论。 Help each other.互相帮助。

Do your homework.做你的家庭作业。 Bring in your homework.带上你的家庭作业。

Check the answers.检查答案。 Hand in your homework.交家庭作业。 Take out a piece of paper.拿出一张纸。 Turn off the lights.关掉灯。 Turn on the projector.打开放映机。 Take notes.做笔记。

Part 2:Listening exercise a1 1.When can the book be borrowed from the library? A.In June.B.In July.C.In September.

2.When will Mr.Addison return? A.On Thursday night.B.On Monday night.C.On Friday morning. a2 3.When will the woman return? A.On November 28.B.On December 10.C.On December 12.

4.When should the woman hand in the project? A.Today.B.Yesterday.C.The day before yesterday a3 5.When did the lecture probably begin? A.At 8:15.B.At 8:50.C.At 8:05.6.When does the first bus leave the campus on Saturday? A.At 2:00 p.m.B.At 6:30 a.m.C.At 7:00 a.m.

Part 3:Reading

Bullying I’ve never understood bullying.Why do people have to make the life of another person so miserable? Why do they think they have the right to punch and kick someone they think is weaker than them.I was bullied when I was a child.It was a living hell.I was really afraid to go to school, for many, many years.I knew I was not safe during break times.It was always a group of bullies that got me in the corridors, or on the playing fields.They made me hate school.I know they also changed me for life.I have no confidence now.I’m 32 years old but I’m afraid to speak up for myself.The school bullies took away my belief in myself.They didn’t know that they would scar me for life.The physical scars have gone but not the emotional ones.Part 4: Discuion 1.Have you experienced bullying when you are in school? Did you see some people bullying others? How do you feel about that? What do you think should the school, society and parents do to prevent bullying?

推荐第10篇:小学英语《Look at》 me 全英文教案.

Topic: Unit 2 Look at me

Teaching Content: 1.Vocabulary: eye, ear, nose, mouth, face.2.Sentence pattern: This is my eye/ear…

Teaching Aims: 1.Can listen, speak, read and write the eye, ear, nose, mouth, face about body part, and can introduce these parts of themselves body in English.

2.Understand to instruction terms of expreing touch, can listen clear, and do appropriate action according to instruct.

3.Get the correct pronunciation of new words and sentences.

Teaching Important Points: Learn words about eye, ear, nose, mouth, face.

Teaching Difficult Points: 1.The pronounce of “mouth” is more difficult, teacher can remind students appropriately, pay attention to pronounce of “th”.

2.Master the new words and sentences correctly.

Teaching Aids: 1.A sheep and about pictures of eye, ear, nose, mouth, face.2.Body language.

Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greetings (1 minutes)

T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, teacher.T: Long time no see.S: Long time no see, too.T: How are you, today? S: I\'m fine, thank you.And you? T: I’m fine, too, thank you.

Step 2 Revision (4 minutes) Review content of last leon orally.T: Last leon, what did we learn? Do you remember?

Page 1 S: Yes, I do.T: Ok, now, you say it and I write down.S: pig, cat, tiger, sheep.T: Well down.Now, read the words, you together, one two begin.S: Read all words.T: Very good.

Step 3 Warming-up and Leading-in (3 minutes)

T: Everyone, pay attention to me, what’s this in English? S: It’s a sheep.T:Yes, it’s a sheep, a beautiful sheep.Now, if I were a sheep, I will introduce my body parts, listen to me carefully.This is my …? S: Eye.T: Yes, eye, this is my eye.Ok, today, let’s learn new content about body parts.Step 4 Presentation (15 minutes) 1.The teacher uses picture to introduce new words: eye, ear, nose, face, mouth.And lead to new words: eye,ear,nose,mouth , face.Let students learn about words fist step.2.Teach and read words: eye,ear,nose, mouth , face.Notice: The pronounce of “mouth” is more difficult, teacher can remind student, pay attention to pronounce of “th”.3.All students read words together aloud.4.Listen and touch:

According to the instruct of teacher, the teacher say: touch your eye, touch your ear… the students do action.Be quickly.5.Play a game: when the teacher says, touch your eye, ear, face…you don’t do any action, but sheep says, touch your eye, ear, face…you must do action.6.4 students come to the platform, play the game, show themselves to everyone.If someone is wrong, he or she will go back their seat, the last one is winner, the teacher will give he or she a candy bar, after cla, and clap hands for them.Step 5 Practice

(10 minutes)

1.The teacher points at myself: Good morning.I\'m Mi Liao.Look at me.I introduce my body parts.Point at myself body parts and say: This is my eye.Use same method introduce: ear, nose, mouth, face.

2.Let students follow me, read and touch themselves body parts. 3.Group activity: listen and point.

Page 2 The teacher lets students practice by themselves, pair-work, and then, exchange.

4.The teacher lets some students come to the platform introduce themselves body parts.And give them encourage.5.Practice news and the sentence pattern together use body language.Step 6 Consolidation (7 minutes) Games: the teacher divides students into two groups, the teacher says sentence, one student of a group run to platform quickly and write it down on the blackboard and read it aloud.So, he or she winner, after that, exchange other student.Like this, five times.Finally, the winner will won a award(a beautiful star),and give encourage to failure.

Step 7 Summary ( 3 minutes) All students read new words and sentence aloud.The teacher make a summery, repeat content of this leon.

Step 8 Homework (2 minutes) Copy the new words and sentence pattern three times.

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Teaching Reflections 小学开设英语课是当代社会发展的需要,可以有效地提高我国英语水平。小学生模仿力、记忆力、可塑性强,具有许多成年人甚至中学生不具备的优越条件,小学开设英语可以发挥他们学习语言的潜力。小学开设英语课可以使小学生了解其他国家和民族的优秀文化传统,开阔眼界,扩展他们的知识,提高他们的思想品德修养,树立国际意识。因此,我市已经从小学三年级开始开设英语课,采用的是PEP教材。这套教材把语言功能、结构、话题、任务有机结合,采用了多种教学方法,并注意利用多种媒体。

本堂课中间主要还采用了课前运动,分组比赛,分组演练,游戏活动,等一系列形式来进行这节课的教学,其主要目的在于培养三年级学生对英语产生浓郁的学习兴趣。俗话说:“兴趣是最好的老师”。我要说,兴趣也是学习好英语的前提,当然任何事物都是这样。除此之外,逐步认知身体部位的新授单词以及本课的重点句型 “This is my…”。 因为每一个环节的紧凑安排,合理的分散重,难点等环节,使学生不自觉的在欢快的氛围当中已经做到了学以致用,这也是我的目的所在。不过,我觉得在一些细节操作上仍然有所欠缺。在小组练习句型游戏时,学生对新句型掌握不太牢固,因而有些学生说出来的时候不是那么准确。在以后的教学中,我会努力加强个人文化知识的学习以及让学生有效及时地掌握理解新知识,巩固旧知识,让课堂变得更加生动形象有趣。

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初中英语阅读教学既是教学重点,也是教学难点,培养和提高学生的阅读理解能力是阅读课的主要目的。阅读一篇文章不是单纯为解决某个语言或是回答几个问题而进行的,最终目的是为利用所获取的信息知识进行交流,这种交流不是被动地掌握语言形式或语言结构,而是有交际愿望和交际目的的。 在英语教学和学习中,阅读一直占据着相当重要的地位。阅读不仅能帮助学生获取信息、开阔视野、丰富语言文化知识,还能促进听、说、写等其他语言能力积极地发展;而且,阅读在培养学生的思维能力、分析能力和理解能力等方面有着不可替代的作用。
























通过听课,我觉得在教育教学方面收获很多。虽然老师们的水平不一,风格各异,但每一节课都有很多值得我学习借鉴的东西。这次听课,让我明白了努力方向。我们英语老师不仅要 “传道授业”,还要注重学生道德与情感的教育,培养出思想健康的学生。同时,在听课的过程中,也发现了一些问题。如老师在上课时一定要注意课堂纪律的管理,要观察到每一位学生,让他们都有机会参与英语课堂中,以免出现一些学生扰乱课堂纪律的情况.上课要注意循序渐进.不能为了教学任务而放弃一些学生. 通过学习,我可以更加理性地反思自己的课堂教学。另外,我对自己也提出了一些问题去思考,怎样让孩子更喜欢上英语课?怎样培养孩子的能力?相信通过不断努力,一定能拉近距离,不断进步。






































《中学英语教学大纲》明确提出 “培养学生听说能力是英语教学的重要目的一,英语教学要重视听说训练和口语能力的培养”。随着教学改革的不断深入,我国的教育模式也发生了根本的变化。人们越来越注重培养学生的英语交际应用能力,提高初中英语听说课的教学效率,给广大学生创造良好的英语学习环境,对提高学生英语实际的应用能力具有重要的影响。以下,根据自己的教学,谈谈初中英语听说课的实践与反思。




例如:有的同学的英语发音不够标准,有的同学英语的语法掌握不够准确,还有些同学不愿意在课堂上朗诵英语等等,这个时候,教师应该多多鼓励学生、肯定学生,给他们一个鼓励的眼神,一个鼓励的动作,告诉他们“ very good! wonderful! excellent! ”这样在鼓励中,学生才会对自己充满自信,才会在学习中找到自我,学习的劲头更足。在这种和谐的课堂学习氛围中,不仅提高了课堂教学效率,更重要的是学生掌握了英语知识。



例如,在教授人教版七年级下册unit 4iwant to be an actor这节课时,根据教学内容,设置了这样的教学情境:让同学们以小组为单位,在课堂上利用1.what do you do? 2.where do you work? 3.what does he do?

4、where does he work? 5.what do you want to be ? 6.what does he want to be? 等问题创设一个求职的场景,假设自己是某个公司的招聘者,在讲台上举办招聘会,与扮演求职者的学生生进行交流。




例如,在教授人教版七年级英语上册 unit 6do you like bananas ? 这节课时,课堂伊始我就利用多媒体展现了一些同学们熟悉的食物的图片,如:apple, orange, meat, rice 等,然后通过用“what’s this in english ?” 句型问学生这些食物的英文名称。通过这样的方法复习前面学过的句型以及让学生通过直观回忆以前所学过的食物名称,为本课的顺利进行,尤其是听力的顺利展开打好基础。

接着,我又让学生看p31—1b的对话,听录音, 跟读对话,以小组为单位朗读对话。最后,让学生两人一组进行对话操练:do you like ? ? yes, i do、/ no, i don’t.学生可以更改有关的食物名词,编出自己的对话。这样学生在练习对话的过程中,不但练习了英语的口语,还增进了学生之间的相互了解。








2、在英语的听说课堂教学中,学生的英语发音不够纯正,这是因为学生只有在课堂教学中才进行英语的听说训练,在课堂之外就几乎没有这样的条件了。但是学生听说能力的提高只靠课上有限的时间是不够的。因此,教师要调动学生的学习积极性,采用多种作业形式,使学生能够在课下进行听说练习。我们可以举办一些英语活动,比如:英语角,英语口语比赛等,给学生创造更多听英语,说英语的机会。教师还可以就听说留些适当的回家作业,比如:跟读录音、做部分听写等。同时要拓展作业的范围,使学生能接触更广泛、更丰富的听力材料。如电视、电影、讲座、采访、歌曲、故事、讲笑话。 这些听力材料都可以用于训练和培养学生的听说技能 , 提高他们的听说水平。


4、在平时的听力训练中,教师要引导学生捕捉听力材料中出现的某些关健词和一些中心句, 因为关健词、中心句正是反映听力材料的主要内容,只要很好的把握住了材料中的关键词与中心句,学生就能较快较好的理解听力材料。另外,教师要让学生养成边听边记的良好习惯,并对所听信息进行适当的恰当的,从而提高学生捕捉听力材料信息的能力。



农村初中的学生英语听说能力相对较弱,授课采用较深的全英教学,同学们还不能适应。另一方面,同学虽然比较活跃,上课气氛积极,但个体与个体差别比较大。因此,讲得太深,没有照顾到整体。由此可以看出,了解及分析学生实际情况,实事求是,具体问题具体分析,做到因材施教,对授课效果有直接影响。这就是教育学中提到的备教法的同时要备学生。这一理论在我的教学实践中得到了验证。教学中,备课是一个必不可少,十分重要的环节,备学生,又要备教法。备课不充分或者备得不好,会严重影响课堂气氛和积极性,记得一位优秀的老师曾说过:备课备不好,倒不如不上课,否则就是白费心机。我明白到备课的重要性,因此,每天我都花费大量的时间在备课之上,认认真真钻研教材和教法,不满意就不收工。虽然辛苦,但事实证明是值得的。一堂准备充分的课,会令学生和老师都获益不浅。例如我在教授完成时态的时候,这课的主题是语法,教学难度比较大。如果照本宣科地讲授,学生会感到困难和沉闷。为了上好这堂课,我认真研究了课文,找出了重点,难点,还从网络资源找到动画,准备有针对性地讲。当讲到延续和非延续性动词的区别时,我通过动画,加以充分形象的讲解和说明。这样学生就形象地明白了他们之间的区别。学生听懂了,也就显得颇有积极性。因此在练习句型时,学生特别用功,教学效果也十分理想。可见,认真备课对教学十分重要。特别是对英语这门学生不甚熟悉并感到困难的外语来说至关重要。听课也是提高自身教学能力的一个好方法,新老师只有多听课才能够逐渐 积累经验。所以对每一次听课的机会我都十分珍惜。听课的主要对象是我们组的优秀老师的课,同时也听其他老师的课。本学期,我听了二十多节课,我的收获很大,逐步掌握了一些驾驭课堂的技巧。听完课之后,把教师们上课时讲到的记在听课记录上,然后对我自己的备课教案进行修改,将他们很多优点和长处应用到我的课堂教学当中去,取得了较好的效果。















二、词汇训练,强化巩固 巩固的训练又注重读音的,也有注重词义的。

注重读音一般采取师友两人互相读,教师采取点名学友读,可用开火车,一个接一个的读。 注重理解,采用词语和图片匹配的方式。





























































在我刚接手我这两个班没几天,我就发现在我班上大多数的学生是男生,他们好动,缺乏耐心,而且基础都比较差,我想如果按照书上的内容和他们读完练,练完讲,这样他们对英语肯定没兴趣指挥越来越差。所以刚开始在课堂上,我尽量用英语组织课堂,给他们讲一些书本外有意思的事,可是很多学生听不懂,后来我讲课语速适当再放慢,而且采用边讲边解释的方法,并加上夸张的动作配合,慢慢的越来越多学生对我用英语发出的指令性动作能做出响应,部分学生还能试着用英语和我交流交流。这让我有了小小的成就感,原想这样的安排真是很完美的,听力得到锻炼了,口语也兼顾到了。就算要我每次备课都辛苦点,要多想些有意思的话题,要多创设更多不同的情境,但是只要能看到他们的进步 ,我也觉得这样就很值得。可是我发现了一个很现实的问题,这样一来,我原本一节课能完成的内容,由于在课上要不断重复以及解释各种指令,我要用一节半甚至两节课才能上完。每次备课组活动时,我一般都是进度最慢的一个。加上我还要让尽量多的学生能在课上回答问题,课上给他们多些机会开口说英语,没想到到期中考试时,紧赶慢赶终于把新授课结束却没来得及复习,很多学生都比开学初退步了,这个残酷的事实逼得我不得不面对现实,原先我的预感是对的,只是我一直得意着我那微不足道的成果,心存侥幸一直没有去正视它,痛定思痛之后,我又尝试了新的方法,不管发生什么情况,一定确保先完成每节课的教学目标,还是鼓励他们大胆开口说英语,但是现在我不要求每位学生都开口,而且允许一本分学生先“富”起来,让愿意说的这部分学生经常开口说,而对于他们我是极其看重的,别的学生看在眼里,我相信对他们也是有鼓励作用的。








本节课是北师大版高一必修Module 2 Unit 6的第二课时,即Leon 2 Great Buildings, 是一节听说课。它要求学生听3段关于外国的几个great buildings的录音, 然后做若干道听力练习,最后分组讨论学生身边的great buildings。课本上的练习都是填空题,比较单一,根据听力内容和学生实际,我又增加了选择、判断和问答3种题型。

三、教学目标: 1.知识目标:

(1)让学生掌握本节课的一些重要词汇和短语:castle, marble, feature, statue, architect, fairytale, cafe, sort of ... (2)让学生了解国内外几处great buildings 的相关知识。 2.能力目标:


(2)培养学生说的能力。 3.情感目标:

让学生认识到这些great buildings 的经济价值和文化价值,从自己的日常生活中去保护这些great buildings。

四、教学重点和难点: 1.教学重点:


(2)如何从听力录音中获取有效信息。 2.教学难点:

如何让学生运用所学的词汇和短语去描述和讨论自己身边的一些great buildings。

六、教学过程: StepⅠRevision Review the words, phrases and language points studied the day before. [设计说明] 通过每节课课前对上一节课所学单词、短语和语言点的复习,不仅可以使学生在较短的时间内进入学习状态,提高课堂效率,而且可以巩固所学知识,培养学生课前复习的良好习惯。 StepⅡLead-in Show the Ss four pictures about our country’s great buildings and then ask them two questions. Q1: Do you know the name of the great buildings in our country? Q2: Have you visited them? (Key: 图1 — Great Hall of the People, 图2 — the Great Wall, 图3 — Oriental Pearl, 图4 — the Temple of Heaven.)

五、教学重点和难点: 1.教学重点:


(2)如何从听力录音中获取有效信息。 2.教学难点:

如何让学生运用所学的词汇和短语去描述和讨论自己身边的一些great buildings。

五、教学过程: StepⅠRevision Review the words, phrases and language points studied the day before. [设计说明] 通过每节课课前对上一节课所学单词、短语和语言点的复习,不仅可以使学生在较短的时间内进入学习状态,提高课堂效率,而且可以巩固所学知识,培养学生课前复习的良好习惯。 StepⅡLead-in Show the Ss four pictures about our country’s great buildings and then ask them two questions. Q1: Do you know the name of the great buildings in our country? Q2: Have you visited them? (Key: 图1 — Great Hall of the People, 图2 — the Great Wall, 图3 — Oriental Pearl, 图4 — the Temple of Heaven.) [设计说明] 通过4张我国伟大建筑物图片的展示,激发学生的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,使学生明白本节课听力内容的大致范围。同时在后面与外国伟大建筑物的比较中,增强对本民族建筑物的自豪感。

Step Ⅲ New Words and phrases Ask the Ss to finish the two tasks below. Task 1: Ask the Ss to read the new words and phrases on page 104 after me. Task 2: Explain the following several words and phrases to the Ss. [设计说明] 新单词和短语的学习是语言学习的前提。本节听力课的内容是关于伟大建筑物的材料、风格、样式、名称、地点等,有大量的生单词,不在听前学习,听力便无从谈起。我采取的方法是:先领读,然后让学生自己读,最后教师讲解重要单词和短语。

Step Ⅳ Pre-listening Show the Ss four photos of great buildings in foreign countries about Listening Materials and ask them to finish Task 1 and Task 2. Task 1: Observe the photos above and try matching the buildings in the photos with the names.

Task 2: Check the meaning of the Key Words in Table 1 in a dictionary.

[设计说明] 由于听力材料较难,并且里面有许多学生比较陌生的词汇,所以先让学生观察相关图片,得到直观印象;然后指导学生在初读生词的基础上,通过词典弄明白表1中其余单词的意思。这样不仅可以培养学生通过查阅工具书解决疑问的能力,而且为下一步的听奠定了基础。 Step Ⅴ While-listening Ask the Ss to listen to Tape 1, Tape 2, Tape 3 and then complete several tasks after listening. Tape 1 Ask the Ss to listen to the radio programme twice and complete the following two tasks. Task 1: Make a choice according to what you hear. Task 2: Fill in Table 2 with the Key Words in Table 1. Table 2: The information about four great buildings. (表内的斜体部分为答案) [设计说明] Tape 1的内容较多,又是一个radio programme,语速较快,学生不容易记下表2所需的全部信息。因此我在表2前设计了5个相对简单的选择题,使学生做题由易到难,循序渐进,既符合认知规律,又提高了听力效率。 Tape 2 Ask the Ss to listen to someone describing her favorite building once and finish the following three tasks. Task 3: Which of the buildings in the photos does she choose? Why? Eilean Dodan castle.She likes it because it is really beautiful, like something from a fairytale. (斜体部分为答案)

Task 4: Listen to the description again and fill in the following blanks. Task 5: According to what you heard just now, decide which one is true and which one is false among the sentences below. [设计说明] 我给这段听力材料增加了判断题,目的是想让学生关注细节,特别是一些长句,它们往往是听力题的出题点。另外,由于这段材料比较全面地介绍了城堡的location、style / material、feature、inside 4个方面,所以我设计了3个任务,便于学生全面了解城堡,后面容易模仿、讨论自己身边的great buildings。 Tape 3 Ask the Ss to listen to Tape 3 and then complete one task. Task 6: Ask the Ss to listen to the sentences about Hyde Park in London and then write as many words as they can that give new information and are streed. [设计说明] 这是一个创新题型,目的是想引导学生注意听力材料中出现的频率较高的词语、给出新信息的词语和通过语音语调等形式强调的词语,所有这些词语累加起来就是材料的主要意思。 Step Ⅵ Post-listening Ask the Ss to finish two tasks. Task 1: Ask every student to choose a great building he or she likes in his or her area and then fill in Table 3 according to the requirements given. Table 3: The information about the great building you like. Task 2: According to what you heard in Tape 1, Tape 2 and based on Table 3 you fill in, work in groups.Describe your building to the others, but don’t say its name.See if they can gue which building it is. [设计说明] 这是两项较高层次的任务,要求学生在听的基础上说出自己身边的great buildings, 旨在锻炼学生的语言表达能力,同时培养学生的小组团结、合作精神。 Step Ⅶ Homework Ask the Ss to write an article after cla about the great building in his / her area according to the results of the discuion above.Words: within 150. [设计说明] 该环节旨在培养学生的书面表达能力和英语综合运用能力。通过前面几个环节,学生学习了单词和短语,听了3段录音,完成了一些听力练习,获得了一定的语言输入,这为语言输出作好了准备,此时进行写



本节课是北师大版高一必修Module 2 Unit 6的第二课时,即Leon 2 Great Buildings, 是一节听说课。它要求学生听3段关于外国的几个great buildings的录音, 然后做若干道听力练习,最后分组讨论学生身边的great buildings。课本上的练习都是填空题,比较单一,根据听力内容和学生实际,我又增加了选择、判断和问答3种题型。

三、教学目标: 1.知识目标:

(1)让学生掌握本节课的一些重要词汇和短语:castle, marble, feature, statue, architect, fairytale, cafe, sort of ... (2)让学生了解国内外几处great buildings 的相关知识。 2.能力目标:


(2)培养学生说的能力。 3.情感目标:

让学生认识到这些great buildings 的经济价值和文化价值,从自己的日常生活中去保护这些great buildings。

四、教学重点和难点: 1.教学重点:


(2)如何从听力录音中获取有效信息。 2.教学难点:

如何让学生运用所学的词汇和短语去描述和讨论自己身边的一些great buildings。

六、教学过程: StepⅠRevision Review the words, phrases and language points studied the day before. [设计说明] 通过每节课课前对上一节课所学单词、短语和语言点的复习,不仅可以使学生在较短的时间内进入学习状态,提高课堂效率,而且可以巩固所学知识,培养学生课前复习的良好习惯。 StepⅡLead-in Show the Ss four pictures about our country’s great buildings and then ask them two questions. Q1: Do you know the name of the great buildings in our country? Q2: Have you visited them? (Key: 图1 — Great Hall of the People, 图2 — the Great Wall, 图3 — Oriental Pearl, 图4 — the Temple of Heaven.)

五、教学重点和难点: 1.教学重点: (1)掌握本节课的重要词汇和短语。

(2)如何从听力录音中获取有效信息。 2.教学难点:

如何让学生运用所学的词汇和短语去描述和讨论自己身边的一些great buildings。

五、教学过程: StepⅠRevision Review the words, phrases and language points studied the day before. [设计说明] 通过每节课课前对上一节课所学单词、短语和语言点的复习,不仅可以使学生在较短的时间内进入学习状态,提高课堂效率,而且可以巩固所学知识,培养学生课前复习的良好习惯。 StepⅡLead-in Show the Ss four pictures about our country’s great buildings and then ask them two questions. Q1: Do you know the name of the great buildings in our country? Q2: Have you visited them? (Key: 图1 — Great Hall of the People, 图2 — the Great Wall, 图3 — Oriental Pearl, 图4 — the Temple of Heaven.) [设计说明] 通过4张我国伟大建筑物图片的展示,激发学生的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,使学生明白本节课听力内容的大致范围。同时在后面与外国伟大建筑物的比较中,增强对本民族建筑物的自豪感。

Step Ⅲ New Words and phrases Ask the Ss to finish the two tasks below. Task 1: Ask the Ss to read the new words and phrases on page 104 after me. Task 2: Explain the following several words and phrases to the Ss. [设计说明] 新单词和短语的学习是语言学习的前提。本节听力课的内容是关于伟大建筑物的材料、风格、样式、名称、地点等,有大量的生单词,不在听前学习,听力便无从谈起。我采取的方法是:先领读,然后让学生自己读,最后教师讲解重要单词和短语。

Step Ⅳ Pre-listening Show the Ss four photos of great buildings in foreign countries about Listening Materials and ask them to finish Task 1 and Task 2. Task 1: Observe the photos above and try matching the buildings in the photos with the names.

Task 2: Check the meaning of the Key Words in Table 1 in a dictionary.

[设计说明] 由于听力材料较难,并且里面有许多学生比较陌生的词汇,所以先让学生观察相关图片,得到直观印象;然后指导学生在初读生词的基础上,通过词典弄明白表1中其余单词的意思。这样不仅可以培养学生通过查阅工具书解决疑问的能力,而且为下一步的听奠定了基础。 Step Ⅴ While-listening Ask the Ss to listen to Tape 1, Tape 2, Tape 3 and then complete several tasks after listening. Tape 1 Ask the Ss to listen to the radio programme twice and complete the following two tasks. Task 1: Make a choice according to what you hear. Task 2: Fill in Table 2 with the Key Words in Table 1. Table 2: The information about four great buildings. (表内的斜体部分为答案) [设计说明] Tape 1的内容较多,又是一个radio programme,语速较快,学生不容易记下表2所需的全部信息。因此我在表2前设计了5个相对简单的选择题,使学生做题由易到难,循序渐进,既符合认知规律,又提高了听力效率。 Tape 2 Ask the Ss to listen to someone describing her favorite building once and finish the following three tasks. Task 3: Which of the buildings in the photos does she choose? Why? Eilean Dodan castle.She likes it because it is really beautiful, like something from a fairytale. (斜体部分为答案)

Task 4: Listen to the description again and fill in the following blanks. Task 5: According to what you heard just now, decide which one is true and which one is false among the sentences below. [设计说明] 我给这段听力材料增加了判断题,目的是想让学生关注细节,特别是一些长句,它们往往是听力题的出题点。另外,由于这段材料比较全面地介绍了城堡的location、style / material、feature、inside 4个方面,所以我设计了3个任务,便于学生全面了解城堡,后面容易模仿、讨论自己身边的great buildings。 Tape 3 Ask the Ss to listen to Tape 3 and then complete one task. Task 6: Ask the Ss to listen to the sentences about Hyde Park in London and then write as many words as they can that give new information and are streed. [设计说明] 这是一个创新题型,目的是想引导学生注意听力材料中出现的频率较高的词语、给出新信息的词语和通过语音语调等形式强调的词语,所有这些词语累加起来就是材料的主要意思。 Step Ⅵ Post-listening Ask the Ss to finish two tasks. Task 1: Ask every student to choose a great building he or she likes in his or her area and then fill in Table 3 according to the requirements given. Table 3: The information about the great building you like. Task 2: According to what you heard in Tape 1, Tape 2 and based on Table 3 you fill in, work in groups.Describe your building to the others, but don’t say its name.See if they can gue which building it is. [设计说明] 这是两项较高层次的任务,要求学生在听的基础上说出自己身边的great buildings, 旨在锻炼学生的语言表达能力,同时培养学生的小组团结、合作精神。 Step Ⅶ Homework Ask the Ss to write an article after cla about the great building in his / her area according to the results of the discuion above.Words: within 150. [设计说明] 该环节旨在培养学生的书面表达能力和英语综合运用能力。通过前面几个环节,学生学习了单词和短语,听了3段录音,完成了一些听力练习,获得了一定的语言输入,这为语言输出作好了准备,此时进行写作训练水到渠成。而且语言输出能在一定程度上反映出本节课的效果如何,也是有效的教学评价手段之一。



2010111405 江瑶佳 1006班

Good morning, everybody! I’m glad to share my teaching with you .It includes five parts in my teaching.I.Contents:

Firstly, I talk about my contents.Today I’m going to talk about Phonetics.This leon includes two parts: Let’s talk and let’s practice.In section 1, it mainly deals with the dialogue about “What’s your name?” , “How are you?”and the answers.And in section 2, I play some games with students.

II.Teaching aims

Secondly, I talk about teaching aims.1.Aims on the knowledge (1) To enable the Students to understand what phonetics are: “They are like pinyin in Chinese you, they make up English words.” Make sure that Students can understand the meaning and functions of phonetics. (2) To help Students to know about the 48 phonetics.(3) Let Students know how to pronounce the 48 phonetics.2.Aims on the abilities (1) To develop Ss’ abilities of listening and reading..(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in groups.

(3) To foster Ss’ abilities of communication and their innovation.(4) To develop Ss’ abilities of reading phonetics and words correctly.3.Aims on the emotion (1)To foster Ss’ consciousne of good co-operation and proper competition.(2) To lead Ss to show their loveline to the poor.

III.Key-points of this leon (1) To help Ss read the 48 phonetics correctly.(2) To let Ss read words correctly by themselves.(2) To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully. (3) To develop Ss’ interest in English.

IV.Difficult points (1) To help the Ss learn and read the 48 phonetics (2) To make sure they can read the phonetics and words correctly.

V.Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing. I’ll finish this leon in five steps.Step 1.Warm-up and preview 1.Free talk between T and Ss about things in the claroom.2.Sing the song together: A,B,C songs 3.Do some TPR, for example: Show me your English book.Show me your crayon.4.Review the numbers by asking: “How many crayons do you have?”


Purpose: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by singing and doing some total physical response and at the same time it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.

Step 2.Presentation Now I’ll mainly talk about this step.

1.Ask Ss questions: “What is pinyin?” “What’s the functions of pinyin?” “What are phonetics?” “How many phonetics are there in English?”

(1) Tell them the function of phonetics just like the function of pinyin in Chinese.Make sure they can understand.(2) Let Ss retell the meaning and function of phonetics.

2.Play a gueing game.Use the magic scior to divide the whole cla into two groups to have a competition.Let them gue: How many phonetics in English? Purpose: To present the key structures one by one is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings.Proper competition can arouse the Ss’ interests in English learning.3.Let each group pick a presenter to play the game: write 26 small English letters on the blackboard.The group who write the letters quicker and correct can win the game and win a smiling face for the group.4.Learn the 17 consonant firstly.

(1).delete five vowel phonetics: a, e,i,o,u .Remember skill: Aunt likes to eat fish.(2).delete “q”.It is fake when p is looking itself in the mirror.Remember skill: 3.15 against fake.(3).delete “c”.It is a playboy, it has two pronounces in word“ice-cream”

(4).delete “y”.It is a worse playboy, it has three pronounces in words: snowy, sky, yes (5).delete “x”.It seldom plays with others.5.Do a summary.We delete 9 letters from 26 letters.The left are the 17 consonants we learn today.6.Invite Ss to put clothes “ | | ” on 17 letters, then they are the phonetics.7.Teach Ss how to read phonetics.|b|&|p|

book&pig, just like this, put the phonetics into the word they learned.

Step 3.Practice Let Ss read the phonetics I pick group by group.

Purpose: To check the knowledge Ss have learned in this period.

Step 4.Homework 1.Practice the pronounces of 17 consonant phonetics, find a word to match each phonetics 2.Recite and dictation the 17 consonant phonetics.

Purpose: Revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as they as in cla or after cla.It is neceary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises after cla to consolidate the knowledge they learned.


• 1.这本书有什么问题?

• What’s the problem of the book?

• 2.你和你的室友相处得如何?

• How do you get along with your roommates? 3.你的老师的建议是什么? What are your teacher’s suggestions? /What is your teacher’s advice? 4.我为什么不能与朋友们一起开车? Why can’t I drive with my friends? 5.我真的需要这些规则吗? Do I really need these rules? / Are these rules neceary for me? 6.这些规则有什么用处? What are these rules for? / What’s the use of these rules? 7.这本书有什么问题?What’s the problem of the book? 8.为什么你认为情节难以相信?

• Why do you think the plot is hard to believe/ unbelievable?

• 9.报纸怎么评论这本书?

• How do the newspapers comment on/upon this book?/ What are the newspapers’

comments on this book?

• 1.James像你一样热爱音乐吗?

• Does James love/like music like you?/Is James interested in music like you? • 2.James 小时候对什么感兴趣?

• What was James interested in when he was a child?

• What was James’interest when he was young?

• What was James fond of when he was young?

• 3.谁给你们的影响最大?

• Who had the greatest influence on you?/ Who had an effect on you most? 4.你说的学习风格是什么意思? What do you mean by “learning styles”?/What does “Learning style”mean? 5.你是如何学习外语的?

• How do you learn a foreign language?

• 6.那么我该做些什么呢?

• What should I do then/next?

• 7.我还有什么需要注意的?

• Is there anything else that I need to pay attention to?

• Do I need to pay attention to something else?

• 8.你觉得我需要吃药吗?

• Do you think that I need to take some medicine?

• 9.你的什么意思?

• What do you mean?

• 10.英国人不太在乎穿什么衣服,对吗?

• The British people care little about clothes, do they?

• 11.你的意思是什么?

• What do you mean?

• 12 你是怎么为舞蹈比赛做参赛准备的?

• 1.How do you prepare for the dancing contest?

• 13 你喜欢俱乐部里的老师吗?

•2.Do you like the teachers in the club / here?

• 14 我怎样才能成为这个俱乐部的成员呢?

• 3.How can I become a member of this club?/ How can I join?

• 15.你能把那个小偷描述一下么?

•15.Can you describe the thief?

• 16.他怎么能这么快把车偷走呢?

•16.How did he steal it so quickly?

• 17.能告诉我你的姓名和电话号码吗?

•17.Could I have your name and phone number, please?

• 18 你想过搬到一个干净点的地方吗?

•18.Have you ever thought about moving somewhere cleaner?

• 19.我在哪能买到西班牙语的书呢?

•19.Where can I buy books in Spanish?

• 20这里的日本人口有多少?

•20.What is the Japanese population here?

• 21: 你喜欢穿什么颜色的衣服?

•21.What colours do you prefer to wear?

• 22.你有没有自己为妻子买过衣服?

• 22.Have you ever bought clothes for your wife?

• 23.你花在衣服上的钱是否比花在食物上多?

•23.Do you spend more on clothes than on food? 2011听说一模 A卷 1) 你是怎么为舞蹈比赛做参赛准备的?

•1.How do you prepare for the dancing contest?

• 2) 你喜欢俱乐部里的老师吗?

•2.Do you like the teachers in the club / here?

• 3) 我怎样才能成为这个俱乐部的成员呢?

• 3.How can I become a member of this club?/ How can I join?


• 1.你能把那个小偷描述一下么?

• 1.Can you describe the thief?

• 2.他怎么能这么快把车偷走呢?

• 2.How did he steal it so quickly?

• 3.能告诉我你的姓名和电话号码吗?

•3.Could I have your name and phone number, please?

• *2011听说一模系统测试题

• Test1

• 1: 你想过搬到一个干净点的地方吗?

•1.Have you ever thought about moving somewhere cleaner?

• 2.有什么快速解决问题的办法吗?

•2.Is there any quick solution to this problem?

• Do you have any ways to solve this problem?

• 3.你觉得我们普通人在环保方面能做些什么呢?

•3.What do you think we ordinary people can do to protect the environment? • Test2

• 1.我在哪能买到西班牙语的书呢?

•1.Where can I buy books in Spanish?

• 2.这里的日本人口有多少?

•2.What is the Japanese population here?

• 3.大部分的美国城市都有如此多的不同种类的人吗?

•3.Do most American cities have so many different kinds of people? • Test3

• 1: 你喜欢穿什么颜色的衣服?

•1.What colours do you prefer to wear?

• 2.你有没有自己为妻子买过衣服?

•2.Have you ever bought clothes for your wife?

• 3.你花在衣服上的钱是否比花在食物上多?

•3.Do you spend more on clothes than on food? *2012听说一模 A卷 门票贵吗?

• 1.Are the tickets expensive?

• 在这次节日活动中表演什么种类的音乐?

•2.What stlye /kind of music is there at the Festival?

• 这次节日里你最欣赏什么?

•3.What did you enjoy most at the Festival?


The trouble of fame/the meaning of a good fame A:Doyouknow?Wenzhang famous again!

B: Yes,He betrayed Ma Yili.Almost everyone knew.

A:yes.Actually,I want to say:do you want to be famous?B:sure,

A: en,Do you think what are the advantages of fame?

B:let me see, there are too many benefits.if I become famous,I will get


fromfans and praise from peers .and I have much money I can go to wherever I want to go.A:That\'s right.But fame also bring about trouble.such as,if you are an artist,you cannot remain idle,when you become bored,your works begins to show a lack ofits appeal and it becomes difficult to sustain the attention of the public.

B:you are right.

A:in addition,fame’s spotlighttakes you out of yourself:you must be what the publicthinks you are,not what you really are or could be.B:so I think I will be remains true to myself.one drop of fame won’t contaminate the entire well of my soul,

A:right,if you be well- known,you should sustain a good fame.B:The meaning of a good name is the person who achieves succe that it doesmore good than harm,try to be happywith who you are and what you do .try to do work that you can be proud of.maybe you won’t be famous in your own lifetime,but you may create better art.

An original person in my life/why being original is important A: you look upset!What\'s the matter with you?

B:the resultof My spoken language test is worse.

ACheer up,you should face it for positive attitude.

B:I havetried,but,,, A:then next step is ,…Seriously think aboutyourself,if Learning method is correct.Maybe you can try something new and unique way


A: I\'d like to introduce a person to you, she is my teacher

B:your teacher? A:yes,My teacher, she is a original andunique person, she always use a different kind of way to teach, you know, almost everyone likes to hear the story,, no matter how boringtheory is , she would be in the form of story to tell us .it can bring the students\' interest, and can let studentsremember easily.


A :She told me, originality is very important we should learn to build ourselvis own originality.She put the theory into a very attract people\'s story, then teach her students .B: Yes, originality is important, it can make themselves stand out from all kinds of game with many players, it also allows you to create their own wealth.But how can I do the originality, how can I let me win from this game? 独创性重要,它能使自己从各种比赛中和众多选手中脱颖而出,它也能让你创造出属于自己的财富。但是我该怎么样才能做到独创性,我要怎样才能让我从这比赛中胜出呢。

A: thereare a first name in your life, what do you think they are very succeful?, learn about their way of learning, learn their originality B:yes ,there are many person who are my an examples.

A:Perhaps, you can start practice oral English, for example, to

participate in the morning reading, communicate with clamates andteachersin English, ensure their various pronunciation is correct, then select a unique speech, such as touching story也许,你可以从练习口语开始,比如,参加晨读,多与同学老师用英语交流,保证自己的各种发音正确,然后,选择一篇独特的演讲稿,比如感人故事

B:maybe you are rightI will try my best to do.

A:good luck to you


1,Mention at least three reasons people get angry.What can we do to control our anger?

People tend to get angry when treated unfairly.Specifically, we may fly into a rage when we realize we were betrayed by a close friend or tricked by a clerk into buying something unneceary at a high price.When people treat us with contempt, or deliberately ignore us, we may get annoyed.Also, the sight of injustice often fills us with indignation.For instance, when we see a child being bullied by a group of hoodlums, it makes our blood boil.To overcome our anger, we have two options: to fight or to run.In the case of a small offense, it\'s better to walk away and calm down.It is not neceary to explode at a slight provocation.However, when confronted with a gro injustice or a serious crime, we need to stand up for ourselves and speak our mind.After venting our anger, we may feel better.If we keep negative feelings to ourselves, we will probably feel miserable for a long time and regret not taking action.

2,Why do people get depreed? Is there any connection between depreion and bad luck? Can depreion be overcome?

People feel blue for a variety of reasons.They feel depreed after failing an exam or losing a job.They feel grief when someone dear to them, for example a close family member, paes away.Suffering from a serious disease with little hope of a complete recovery, one may feel dejected.There seems to be a relationship between depreion and bad luck.If your spirits are down and you show it, people might refrain from talking to you.Many good opportunities may slip away as a result.And you might be left wondering why your luck doesn\'t change.To cheer yourself up, you can study or work.Your mood might improve if you keep yourself busy and try to achieve goals.And if staying busy doesn\'t help, you can just wait for the sadne to go away.It is said that time heals all wounds.Finally, you might find solace in realizing.Your situation is not the worst.You can also choose to look at the bright side of things because every cloud has a silver lining.

3,What makes you happy? Are you happy when others are happy?

The greatest pleasures seem to come from hard-won achievements.For example, if after a lot of hard work, you paed an important examination, finished a big project, or got a promotion, you would feel incredibly happy, right? Human happine is not limited to one\'s good fortune or succe.If you help someone in need, you\'ll probably feel wonderful.This accounts for the succe of Project Hope, through which people volunteer time and donate money to help people in need.

4,Is there a relationship between reason and emotion? Which plays a bigger role in our lives?

Both reason and emotion are important in our lives.Although they are obviously different from each other, they complement each other just the same.Think about it, it is difficult to isolate reason from emotion and vice versa.When one is arguing, one is combining logic with feelings.When a speaker is advocating a principle, the feeling he puts into his voice reinforces his argument.When scientists conduct researches, they may choose an area that is interesting to them.Darwin studied science because he had been fascinated by plants and animals since his childhood.However, in some areas either reason or emotion may play a bigger role.Science students may need more logic than emotion to conduct experiments, while art students tend to rely more on their emotion for creativity.Within a family, people usually cherish the emotional ties between family members.Emotion could be more

important than reason when falling in love or trusting a member of one\'s family, whereas reason plays an important role when deciding how to educate a child.Together or separate, reason and emotion play critically important roles in our lives.What do you think? Or feel? 1,In what ways can people improve their appearance?

Some people just want to improve their looks in small ways.They may go on a diet to maintain a good figure, use makeup to improve their appearance, put a facial mask or a skin soother on their faces during the night, have their teeth straightened, or have their nails polished.Some others have a face-lift to change their nose or chin, make their single-fold eyelids double folded, and have their skin tightened to smooth out wrinkles and crow\'s feet.Some even inject botox (肉毒素) to remove wrinkles.More drastically, some people may have liposuction to remove fat.

2,Why do some people want to improve their appearance?

A love of beauty is part of human nature.People like to see beautiful scenery, flowers, and animals.It is not strange that they also want to look at good-looking humans and improve the way they look themselves.With improved features, one may find a better job, attract a more desirable spouse, and gain faster promotion.Some occupations attach great importance to appearance.Most actors, anchorpersons, and fashion models can be recognized by their looks.It is sometimes argued that by looking good, one tends to feel self-confident.With confidence, succe is more likely to follow in any undertaking.

3,What disadvantages are there in plastic surgery?

We should not attempt to change our physical appearance by cosmetic means.Such changes may bring unexpected disasters in the future.Some beautifying methods, if not properly applied, have dangerous side effects.People who receive botox injections to remove wrinkles may eventually ruin their skin.Some surgical operations that are intended to make single-fold eyelids double fold actually make them multi-folded -- not what the patient had in mind.

4,How can one strike a balance between buying clothes on a budget and yet having fashionable clothes to wear?

People who don\'t have much money can also make themselves look fashionable.There are many ways to buy fashionable clothes without spending much money.For example, people can buy clothes that are on sale or sold in discount stores.It\'s smart to buy winter clothes at the end of the winter.Clothes are cheaper at the end of a season and can be stored until the next season.Some people are good tailors, and they can alter their clothes to make them fashionable.They may even create original styles.

1,,Describe some superstitions in English-speaking countries.

English-speaking nations have a number of superstitions.For example, many people believe 13 to be an unlucky number, and do not want to live on the 13th floor or in Room 13.They say \"knock on wood\" or \"touch wood\" to avoid bad luck.To wish somebody good luck, they may say \"I\'ll cro my fingers for you.\" Superstitious people avoid walking under a ladder or opening an umbrella in doors.When they see a black cat run acro their path, they think it\'s a bad omen.Some people may hang a horseshoe over their door to ward off bad luck.If they happen to drop a mirror, they worry that they will have seven years\' bad luck.To ensure good luck, they may carry a charm of some kind, such as a lucky rabbit\'s foot!

2,What is the relationship between one\'s attitude to life and one\'s fate? Does the former determine the latter or is it the other way round?

Since the world is complex and mysterious, it is not easy to arrive at a definite conclusion.Some scholars, including a British psychologist, suggest that there exists a correlation between one\'s attitude to life and one\'s fate.But more research is needed before we can be sure of such a correlation.Moreover, the cause-and-effect relationship has not been clearly identified, and we are uncertain which causes which.In real life we can find counter examples: Some optimistic people are not very lucky, while some peimistic people are quite lucky.Perhaps we should try to find out which case is more frequent: optimistic people with good luck or optimistic people with bad luck.Judging from my personal observations, the former is more common.I can even supply the reason: Optimistic people have more self-confidence, which facilitates their succe in life.A survey involving many people is required to discover what most people think about this iue.

3.Do you believe there are extraterrestrial beings in outer space?

It is difficult to come to a definite conclusion on this iue.On the one hand, many people claim to have seen a UFO, and some even aert that they were abducted by aliens in their spaceships.Theoretically, it is difficult to prove that in the vast universe people on Earth are of the most advanced civilization and have the most advanced technology.If we cannot see ETs, it may be because they are far more advanced than we are.Similarly, if primitive people cannot detect radio waves, it does not mean more advanced civilizations do not exist.On the other hand, human beings have not collected solid evidence to prove the existence of ETs.Although some people claim to have witneed a UFO, it could be a visual mistake.A mirage is a case in point.When somebody claims to have seen a ghost, do you believe it? In my opinion, while mankind should continue to explore mysteries in the universe, they had better direct most of their time and energy toward pursuits that are more relevant to their present lives.

4,Do you think succe is due more to luck and opportunity or to diligence and perseverance? Why?

Sometimes a lucky person achieves great succe without making the corresponding efforts, while a person who has worked diligently on and on fails to accomplish anything.But on the whole, I am inclined to believe that succe is more closely related to diligence than to luck.It is true that in gambling, card-playing and some other games, luck plays a large role.But in most fields of endeavor, one has to study and work hard before one has a chance of succe.For example, all scientists, engineers, teachers, musicians and athletes must receive years of rigorous training before they can do their work properly and stand out from the rest.Without hard work, they have almost no hope of succe at all.After all, opportunity favors those who are well prepared.

1,Name at least ten recreational activities, including those requiring a lot of physical exertion and those that are more relaxing.

ome forms of recreation require a high level of physical activity.Here are some examples: football, basketball, badminton, tennis, and table tennis.Some people like climbing mountains, going bodysurfing, or going rafting.After those strenuous outings, they feel mentally relaxed.

On the other hand, some people prefer more sedentary (久坐的) activities.Instead of playing a ball game, they watch it.They go to a cinema, a theater, an opera house or a concert hall, or they simply sit at home watching TV.Some play various kinds of games on the computer, and others play che or cards.Even when they want to stay outdoors, they may choose peaceful pastimes like fishing.

2,What do you think about the computer and the Internet as sources of entertainment?

With the advent of the computer and the Internet, we can play all kinds of games in the virtual world; we can play che and cards with people we have never met, even a che master.We can travel to all parts of the world on the Net.We can send and receive e-mails, and chat with people online.Moreover, we can make use of the Net as a way of learning.But we should be careful not to get too much of a good thing.If we sit in front of a computer all day long, there will be many negative effects.Our eyes may get damaged.Long exposure to radiation from the computer may cause disease.Too much sedentary work is bad for our health.We may become physically weak and develop a weight problem.Worse still, if we get addicted to the computer, we may neglect human relationships and communication between one another.In the end we would rather talk to a computer than to a human.

3,Would you like to go on a tour during the vacation?

If I have enough money, I\'d like to visit a distant place during my vacation.After a term of hard work, I think I deserve a trip for relaxation.From the trip, I could gain useful geographical and historical knowledge about the place -- knowledge different from what we acquire from books.Furthermore, I would be refreshed from traveling, and then I could work more energetically in the next term.However, if I do not have enough money to travel, I can relax myself in many other ways.I can go to parks, or enjoy local scenic and historical sites.What\'s more, on the Internet I can visit remote places of the world.I can play computer games to kill time.Perhaps I will also do a lot of reading.If I arm myself with abundant knowledge, I may find a good job, which will offer me opportunities for traveling both at home and abroad

4,Stores are closed in the evenings and on Saturdays and Sundays in many Western countries, while they are normally open in China.Which system do you prefer? Why?

In my opinion, each system has its advantages and disadvantages.The weekend is meant for people to have a rest, and the employees at stores, post offices, government departments, schools and so on all deserve a rest.The two-day weekend was won after centuries of demands for workers\' rights.If one store breaks the rules and stays open on the weekend, it will do unusually good busine, but this is unfair competition.If people can enjoy proper rest over the weekends, they can work more vigorously during the weekdays.However, if all stores are closed, this can be inconvenient for many people, especially those in double-income households.If a small proportion of the population, that is those in the service industry, work on weekends, most people will enjoy their weekends even more.On the whole, I am in favor of the current Chinese system

1,What are the eential differences between the concepts of individualism and collectivism? Search the Internet for information.

Individualism aerts the primary importance of the individual and holds that an

individual\'s interests should be placed above the group\'s.Individuals are being given opportunities and freedom to develop character, interests, abilities, careers, etc.within the context of individualism.In addition, the collective culture respects and even values the initiatives of each reason.On the other hand, collectivism emphasizes the interests of the group over those of the individual.It is believed that if the group prospers, all its members prosper.If an individual works for the benefit of the group, he or she will benefit as well.Sometimes collectivism requires individuals to sacrifice their short-term interests to the group\'s long-term goals.Perhaps we should strike a balance between promoting team spirit and bringing individual initiative into play.

2,Should we follow the ethics of hard work or introduce fun into our work?

In my opinion, we can introduce fun into our work, but an industrious spirit is a more valuable element.It\'s true that people like to have fun, and that if learning involves fun, people tend to learn faster.Without fun, learning can be slow or even painful.This is illustrated by the popular saying, \"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.\" However, since many people do not study or work hard, I think it is neceary to stre diligence at the present stage in the nation\'s development.To attain advanced levels, we have to make greater efforts.If we all work hard, our offspring will be able to have more fun.Although fun plays a role in work and study, most human achievements are gained mainly through hard work.Most succeful people have worked diligently to achieve succe.After all, \"no pain, no gain.\"

3,Should different cultures integrate or keep their own characteristics?

A well-integrated nation is more capable of maintaining unity and stability.People in some countries dislike foreigners or ethnic minorities to behave differently from the norm.They prefer foreigners to aimilate into their culture.The saying, \"When in Rome, do as the Romans do,\" illustrates this point.The trend toward globalization promotes international exchanges and integration of different cultures.On the other hand, diversified cultures make our world more interesting and colorful.If all nations integrated into one, the world would be monotonous.Therefore, all ethnic groups should be allowed to keep their unique customs.The Chinese government has adopted favorable policies to allow the ethnic minorities to keep their traditions.All nations should be treated equally.Large nations should not pose their cultures on small nations.The world is composed of different countries and cultures.To achieve better development and cooperation, perhaps we should advocate multiculturalism while encouraging free exchanges between cultures.

4,Should we be punctual for cla, work or appointments? Why? What can you do to ensure punctuality?

In the past, Chinese did not attach much importance to punctuality.In an agricultural country punctuality was not very important.But nowadays, owing to the quickened pace of life and the influence of Western concepts of time, the Chinese seem to be paying more attention to punctuality.If somebody is twenty minutes late for an appointment, you may be annoyed because it is a waste of your time.To avoid being late, we should make adequate preparations.In case an emergency prevents us from arriving at the destination on time, we can call ahead to inform the person concerned of the delay.But for entertainment activities like a party, we may be a bit late, for that causes no inconvenience to others.


