
2021-03-09 来源:教案模板收藏下载本文


What is the matter? 1.The analysis of teaching material: For eight grade students, we should based on the knowledge students already studied.I use all kinds of targets to teach and let them master the words of diseases.I forced students do a roll play who imitating the procedure of seeing a doctor.With this , can raise students interest and make students lead the cla.

2.The Analysis of the Students: In this period students are lively, active and have strong curiosity, so they are eager to expre in English.Their ability to imitate and remember is particularly strong.3.Teaching objectives 3.1 Knowledge Objectives:

1) Be able to master the pronunciation, meaning and spelling of the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, sore back; stomachache, headache, toothache, cold, cough;

2) Be able to learn the expreions of giving advice: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, take this medicine;

3) Be able to talk about health problems by using “What’s the matter? I have a…” and give advice by using “You should…You shouldn’t…”

3.2 Ability Objectives:

1) Be able to talk about one’s health problems and give advice fluently;

2) Be able to role play doctor and patient; 3.3 Moral Objectives:

1) Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work and role playing

2) Care more about yourself and your family members’ health.

4.Teaching focus and difficult points: students should master the words about diseases and can give considerable advises.The teaching Focus

1.Master the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, sore back; stomachache, headache, toothache, cold, cough;

2.Can give some considerable advises: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, take this medicine;

2.Talk about health problems by using “What’s the matter? I have a…”and give advice by using “You should… You shouldn’t…”

The Teaching Difficulties

1.Students may find it difficult to remember all the target new words in the cla; 2.Students may find it difficult to give considerable advice to the certain disease because of their limited life experience.5.Teaching methods: Communicative language teaching.6 .Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, chalk, eraser and so on.7 .Teaching procedures.Step1: Warming up:

1.First greet students and start the cla.2.Presentation of pictures about medical instruments(ward, sickbed, operating room).3.Let students recognize these pictures and ask them:” Where they can see these medical instruments?” and students will say:”in hospital”.Step2: Presentation of pictures about diseases 1.Then get students to gue the diseases..When I do an action, ask students: “What’s the matter?” For example, when I put my finger on the stomach, ask students: “What’s the matter with me?” Help students say: “I’m not feeling well.I have a stomachache.” Then teach the other target words: fever, sore throat, toothache, sore back in the following way: Put my finger on the other part of body and get students to ask: What’s the matter? Then get other students to gue the problem.

2.Use body language to guide students to gue another two names of diseases: cold, cough.3.Show students pictures of diseases half hidden, and get students to gue the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, toothache, sore back, cold, cough.Design Description: use pictures, can arouse the curiosity of students to actively participate in teaching activities, the teaching of word mode is simple and intuitive, easy to be accepted by students.Grade eight students love speculation activities, so using the half cover images allows students to consolidate the learned words.Step3: Pair workLet students talk to their desk-mate and use question and answer.

Put finger on the part of a student’s body and ask: “What’s matter?” and guide him to use the pattern: I’m not feeling well.I have a… Then ask students to work in pairs and talk about health problems by using the target language: What’s the matter? I’m not feeling well.I have a …

Design notes: pairs practice can stimulate student participation, expand participation, and enable more students to speak English.Step4 Presentation of expreions of giving advice.Tell students that I have a cold/cough, ask them: What should I do? Students may give different answers, collect their answers and help them to use: You should/shouldn’t do… Then show some pictures of other diseases mentioned before and ask them to give advice to each

problem by using target language: You should/shouldn’t do… During this activity, some phrases will be learned: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, drink lots of water, take some medicine.

Design Description: to show students pictures about the disease, it can not only help students to review the new knowledge, but also can naturally introduce a new topic for disease advice.Then, through between male and female disease to carry out said matching game recommendations, stimulate the enthusiasm of students, and consolidate the sentence.At the same time.The student growth related knowledge, strengthen the awarene of health.Step5 Group work

Ask students to make a five -people group, one of them is a doctor, one is doctor aistant, the rest of them are patients.Ask the students to role play the dialogue above.Then ask several groups to perform before the cla by using some tools: bandage, a uniform, a stethoscope.Ask other students. 8.Homework: Let students recite these words and the text.




一、Background information

Teacher: Mi Qin

Students: 40


Age: 13-14 years old

Leon duration:40mins Teaching contents: unit1, what are you going to do at the weekend? Module 3

student’s book 2


1、教材内容:本模块围绕 计划 这个话题展开的,从同学们的周边环境入手,从而达到可以计划自己要做什么事情

2、本节课为本模块的第一单元,教学内容包括教材14—15页的 speaking and listening.学生在老师的引导学习下知道一些重要的单词,短语。和能够自然地运用这些短语进行对话。能够计划短期的行程



四、teaching aims;

1、knowledge aims ⑴ New words:


revise picnic

test ⑵New phrases:

check email

revise for

have a picnic ⑶Structures:

be going to+动词原形表达一般将来时 2 Ability aims: be able to use the structures to make a dialogue

五、Teaching strategies: communication approach, audio-lingual approach

六、teaching aids: PPT



七、teaching procedures Step 1:Lead in T:Cla begin

S: Stand up.Good morning, Mi Qin T: Good morning, cla.Thank you, sit down, please, look, these are my friends, we usually have a picnic at the weekend.Do you know “have a picnic”? S:No T:OK, please look at the picture, have a picnic means we can eat and drink in outside, anywhere, and you can smell flowers…now, do you know? S: Yes T: Ok, what are you usually to do at the weekend? You, please S: I usually play computer games at the weekend T: Ok, it is relaxing, what about you? S:I usually do my homework T:Yean; you are a good student, what about you? S: I usually visit my grandparents T: Good, I think you like you grandparents very much, ok, weekend is coming.This weekend, what is my plan at the weekend, do you know plan? S: Yes T: Yean, plan plan, read it, you can gue what is my plan at the weekend, can you gue? You can gue in this way.You are going to…maybe you are going to…

S: Maybe you are going to have a picnic T: Ok, what about you? S: Maybe you are going to have o party T: En it is a good idea S: Maybe you are going to go shopping T: Yean yean, I like go shopping …

T: Look ,this is my plan , read it ,louder Ok ,what is your plan at the weekend, you can answer in this way, I am going to…what are you going to do at the weekend S; I am going to get up early T: Ok.This is a good habit.You? S: I am going to… …

T: please ask and answer the question in pair, what are you going to do at the weekend? I am going to…what about you? I am going to…yean, now please do it T: Louder please, so that everyone can hear you….thank you, look at me who like do it, please two boys S: T; Thank you so much, S: T: Ok, that girl, what is your name? S: Nancy T: Nancy, you like read books right, I like read books very much, so we are friends T; So you see , my friend Nancy is going to read some books, and that is his plan, what is the plan of your friend, you can ask your friends about their plans, you should answer it use “my friend/friends is/are… he/they is/are going to…we /they are going to…OK? Ok, go do it T: You, please S: My friend is Lucy; she is going to have a piano leon on Saturday morning.We are going to have a piano on Saturday afternoon T: Ok.Who is Lucy? Ok your weekend is very interesting, what about you? S: my friends are lily and joy; they are going to have a party.T: en, first, we are going to listen the tape, and you can finish this blanks, ok? S: ok T: are you finished it? Ok, check your answer T: look at the screen again, who can read this question? who can ..just try, ok S: …

T: Good, you can read it confidently, now we can listen it and then answer question


: Check you answer, second listen it again and choose the correct answer….check your answer.Look at the page 15, listen again and finished, then I want to choose some students to answer it T: are you finished it? Ok, check it, you? S; …

T: good, right answer, next …

T: we are finished it, ok, do you think Betty and Daming’s weekend are very great? S: Yes T:Now, please, play a role with your partner

T:this group, can you? Ss:…



we have learn much about the structure and some important phrases, please work with your partner to make your own dialogue like page 14, if you have any questions, please hands up, begin ,go go go T:Who want to show your dialogue? Ok please …

T :Any one else, this group, can you? T :You are very good today .now we will review together, look at the picture, do you know what’s this? S:Clock T:Good, first, he is going to get up early, and then he is going to revise for his test.then he is going to buy some clothes, then he(ask students to answer it)

Homework Write down your own dialogue about how to spend your weekend


一、听说课的目标、结构与课堂管理 不同的课型会表现出不同的目标倾向。不同的课型中教学目标的特点和焦点不同,如在操练课中,焦点是主题的文化内容与主题相关的语言知识点等,以帮助学生为新知识学习做准备;而在听说课中,“技能”与“策略”可能成为更主要的目标。而教学目标的改变同时会影响课程的结构与课堂管理的特点。

二、教学设计“八大”注意事项 通过对课型特点和课型要求的分析,这里为大家总结了在设计听说的教学设计时应注意以下八个方面的内容: (一)课前准备:





通过听前活动使学生感知听力课文中出现的新语言知识如核心词汇句型,这样不仅能降低听力理解的难度,还能增加新知识学习的层次与复现率,使学习过程更系统、更扎实。 3.听前活动所占时间不宜过长,且内容紧扣听力材料。 (二)分析选用听力材料:




分析听力课文的另一个目的是定位教学的重点和难点。一篇听力语料的教学重点与难点的确定不只是根据听力语料确定,而要建立在分析学情的基础上,要根据学生的实际水平、认知特点和需求确定教学重点和难点。教师不能绕着难点走,学生只有在一个学段中突破一些听力难点,学生的“听力技能”才会有所发展。3.分析并有效使用教材中的任务活动 各个版本教材都围绕听力课文设计了各种练习任务,为教师的教学设计提供了大量可用的练习活动资源。教师要根据自己学生的特点,分析和选择性地使用这些练习。教师要全面、整体分析教材中围绕听力课文所设计的活动,明晰每一项活动要达到的目的,选择使用适宜的活动及活动的顺序,并要设计如何开展活动。而活动开展的过程应是培养听力策略的过程,教师要注意培养学生有效开展听力活动的策略及完成听力任务的策略。



(四)教学过程中设计需要注意的问题 1.听力理解活动要充分


2.避免先看录音原文,再听录音 3.不要一边听一边看听力原文 (五)听力材料中生词的处理:

认知生词应该是听力之前的准备活动之一,目的是要帮助学生扫除一些听力障碍。 1.对生词要进行分析,分层次处理。不提倡在听力活动前将所有生词都挑出来进行认知。这样做,能使学生在听力活动中精神更集中。











(八)听说课作业设计应该注意: 学生“听力技能”的提高只靠课上有限的时间是不够的。教师要调动学生的学习积极性,采用多种作业形式和监控方法,使学生能够在课下进行听说练习。教师可以就听力留作业:跟读录音、做部分听写等。教师还要拓展作业的范围,使学生能接触更广泛、更丰富的听力语料。如电视、电影、讲座、采访、歌曲、故事、讲笑话等。这些听力材料都可以用于训练和培养学生的听力技能,提高他们的听力水平。光盘不但可以为学生提供声音,而且还可以提供帮助学生理解说话人所在的场景,说话人的动作表情。由于青少年喜欢听、唱歌曲,因此,英语歌曲也是训练学生听力的一种很好的听力材料来源。很具灵活性的作业,教师很难检查和监督学生完成的情况。有的教师采用家长签字协助监督的方法:要求学生每日10分钟听、读(或把自己读的内容录音),内容是课文,或是课外内容,这些听说作业都会收到较好的效果




•teaching objectives •teaching contents

•key and difficult points

•major steps and justifications 教学时间:45分钟

学生概况:某城镇普通中学七年级(初中一年级)学生,班级人数40人,并且已经达到《义务教育英语课程标准(2011版)》二级水平,学生课堂参与积极性一般。 语言素材 【参考设计】

Teaching Type:Listening and Speaking Teaching Contents: Unit 7 How much are these pants? (Section A 1a-2c) Teaching Objectives: Knowledge Objectives: 1.Students can talk about the color and price of clothing.2.Students can discu their likes about clothing and know how to use polite words when they shop.Ability Objectives:

1.Through practices students can improve their speaking skills.

2.Students can improve their listening skills.

Emotional Objectives:

1.Students will know how to give their thanks to others when getting help or praise.

2.Students’ initiative and learning interests will get motivated.

Teaching Key Points: Learning the important sentence patterns and grammar:

How much is this T-shirt? It’s seven dollars.

How much are these socks? They are two dollars.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to develop students’ speaking skills and listening skills

Teaching Aids:

Some pictures related to clothing, PPT or some real things like bagsor hats.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1:Pre-listening(5 minutes)


The teacher teaches some words related to clothing, then shows students a bag with the following sentences:

T: I have a bag.I like it very much.It’s ten dollars.

Then change other things or pictures with the following questions:

T: What’s this? What are these? How much is/are…?


Step 2:While-listening(15 minutes)

①Play the listening materials of 1b, and lead students to circle the clothing names that they heard.

(设计意图:通过让学生圈出在听力中听到的服装来训练学生在听力过程中获取特定信息的能力) ②Play the listening materials of 2a, lead students to circle the words related to colors or some other objectives like long, short, big and small.Replay the contents of 2a, ask students to fill in the price tags, and finish the teaching task of 2b in order to let students grasp the sentence pattern of how much…? (设计意图:通过让学生获取特定的信息来训练学生的听力技能,并让学生学习到新的形容词) Step 3:Post-listening(15 minutes) Pair-work ①Divide students into several pairs, and lead them to finish the teaching task of 1c by using the following sentence patterns: How much is/are…? It’s/They’re…

Then let students make conversationsby themselves.(设计意图:采用师生互动带动生生互动的交流方式,让学生运用how much进行价格与应答的口语交际练习,培养学生口语交际能力;通过让学生自编对话的进行操练,可以达到巩固所学词汇和句型的目的) ②Lead them to finish the teaching task of 1c by using the following sentence patterns: How much is/are…? It’s/They’re…

Then let students make conversationsby themselves, and give the answers according to their research.(设计意图:采用师生互动带动生生互动的交流方式,让学生就1a部分中的服装进行对话练习,巩固how much问句的构成和应答,学生可以根据自己所调查的实际情况作出回答,以达到培养学生独立思考,自主学习的能力) Step 4:Consolidation(8 minutes) Repeating:

The Memory Game: Ask each students to repeat the same sentence one after another talking about the prices and colors of clothing.(设计意图:通过重复前面同学所说的句子巩固所学的目标词汇并锻炼学生的听力和记忆力) Step 5:Homework(2 minutes) 用how much和how many相关句式完成下列表格

KEY: 1.How much 2.How much 3.How much; It’s 4.are; They’re 5.How many 6.How much Cla Reflection: Blackboard design:

Unit 7 How much are these pants? Section A





1.教学新单词。听说课不同于阅读课,它重点在于培养学生的听说技能,所以在真正听说之前要教会学生掌握新单词及一些重要的短语,特别是它们的发音。(此部分也可结合2 “听前活动”一起进行)。


听前指听前准备阶段。即该阶段师生所进行的活动。其目的是介绍听说语篇的主题,文体或听力的目的,使学生对该语篇有所感知,这样学生就可以有备而听。而且可教学部分重要的新单词、词组。如初二上半学期,以莎老师在教Module4 Unit1时,通过一段与学生的free talk“Who is your good friend?”等问题自然引出like the same thing 和get on well with等短语,在教新单词的同时也对课文内容有所了解。有时我们也可以给出主题,让学生猜测将会听到什么内容。当然,我们也可通过图片、录像、录音、有关话题、引导性的问题等介绍课文有关的文化背景知识或设置与课文有关的情景,引出课文中的生词、句型及内容。








Report Outline

 Purpose of report:explore notions about love and marriage of contemporary college students

 Aumption of Conclusion:Contemporary College students lack the sense of love responsibility and the confidence of marriage

 Investigation time:Nov.16.2013~Nov.26,2013

 Location:Inner Mongolia University Of Technology

 The crowd:all of the newly enrolled postgraduate students  Team members:cao yu long;liu xiao(survey team No.1)

Bai zi mo;zhang jian ying(survey team No,2)duan lei;xin ji le fu(Statistics team)

 Team leader:xin ji le fu

 Survey content:Age and sex;

Whether you are in love or ever have love;Ever think about marriage with each other;Whether you have a plan of marriage or love;How many times you think it could get the love toMarried;

Which is more important about substances and lovein marriage;

whether to have children if get married;




贵州省贵阳市息烽县第二中学:钟险峰 一,五步三环模式的产生与构建。

2014年3月,我校才刚刚启动课改,经过几个月的摸爬滚打,在我校换位课堂模式的基础上,经过无数次的探索与体验,我总结出了本校英语听说课教学的基本模式——五步评价教学模式,该模式的建立是依据新课程教育理念,创造性地设计贴近学生实际的教学活动。 引导学生积极主动参与整个教学过程,充分发挥学生的主体性,使学生学会主动探索、主动思考和主动实践,让学生在教学的五个步骤中,通过思考、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语,提高学生其综合运用语言的能力,以实现以读带听,以听促读。 二,五步评价教学模式的操作过程。


这一步骤大概需要1-2分钟。教师可根据本节课需要采用不同的导入方法,比如:游戏、歌曲、图片、看视频等。此环节以教师导学为主,为学生创设学习情境,明确学习目标,激发学生学习兴趣,使学生快速进入课堂学习情境。良好的开端是成功的一半,新课开始,教师能否在较短的时间里调动起学生的积极性,吸引学生的注意力,使学生思维进入兴奋状态,迅速进入学习轨道,是教学成功与否的关键。 2,呈现新知,反复操练。


老师把带有英标的单词或句型呈现,学生先自己试读,把自己不会的用笔标注出来,向组员寻求帮助,然后接对子互相操练,小组长再逐一一检查,帮助困难学生。老师可以鼓励同学们逐步向更高等级发展,激发他们的学习兴趣。 3,交流展示,突破疑难。

这一过程大概需要8分钟左右老师找几个组展示他们的操练成果,其他组的同学可以进行简单的点评,然后组与组之间交流他们在操练过程中遇到的困难,互相帮着解决,最后都不能解决的老师再进行帮助、点拨。 4,当堂测试,互批互查。

我们的测试包括听力和笔试,大约需要10分钟。传统的听力都是作为语言输入的一个部分,在这里我们把他当做了检查学生语言操练的一个手段,真正体现了以读带听。做完听力之后,要求学生完成学案中的自我测评题目,尽可能限定时间,让学生独立思考作答,以训练学生的书面表达能力和独立思考解决问题的能力,实现当堂达标、当堂反馈、当堂矫正,提高课堂效率。教师要根据本课的重点、难点、易错点、易混点、提升点紧密结合当前时事和学生生活实际设计题目,让学生尝试运用所学知识解决身边的问题,把课本上的知识迁移到生活中加以应用,真正让学生感受到学习的实效性和有用性。完成任务后,让小组成员互换批改,并相互评价,完善答案。教师巡回检查学生的作答情况,对先答完的学生及时面批,掌握学生易出错的地方,然后进行针对性的讲评点拨。 5,评价总结,课后提升。

这一过程大致需要2-3分钟,学生根据前面所有的评价内容给自己一个总体评价,然后自我总结。各小组根据个人评价再做一个小组评价,对没有达到要求的学生,课后去巩固,小组成员再帮扶,争取达到目标。 三,评价体系。

在我们的前四个个步骤中我们都有一个评价等级,具体评定如下: 第一步:Ⅰ级,了解本课学习目标。Π级,能记住学习目标。




老师可以鼓励同学们逐步向更高等级发展,激发他们的学习兴趣。 四,五步评价教学模式的使用要求。












离开了师生的默契配合,任何模式的课堂都是空谈,所以我们一定要建立起良好的师生关系,只有这样,我们才会打造出具有自己特色的课堂。那么,如何建立良好的师生关系呢? 第一,我们要做学生的知心朋友。只有建立了朋友式的师生关系,我们才能知学生之所想,知学生之所需。只有解决了学生的思想问题,他们才会把心思放在学习上。









教学过程: 一 课程导入:

同学们大家好,我有个问题,你需要什么?需要钱 需要男朋友 需要食物 需要睡觉 需要上厕所~(3分钟) 二 课文部分:




首先听第一遍录音一。着重听一下这一家人都需要什么。(4分钟) B (听完录音后)是不是有些生词?看一下录音的生词部分:(15分钟) 1.临(介)挨着,靠近。在„„之前,在即将„„的时候,临走前、临睡前、临别












时髦。小红想要一件新潮连衣裙。这双鞋子很新潮。 8.坡跟儿 图示法或实物法



镶红边儿 10.尊敬(动)尊敬的老师


袖珍手机/词典/相机 12.汇报(动)向女儿汇报 13.香肠(名)


C 好,我们听第二遍录音(4分钟) D 回答问题(“对了”用法):(8分钟)

女儿需要什么?新潮连衣裙(镶金边儿或镶粉边儿)、袖珍相机、洋娃娃 妈妈需要什么?皮凉鞋(坡跟儿的、比25小半号)、广东香肠 爸爸需要什么?一分钟安静

“对了,爸爸,我还想要个洋娃娃„„”口语中,说话人突然想起别的话题,或对前面说的事情有所补充。讲解课本例句。 E 课本68页练习一(2分钟)

F 读一下练习二题目,听第三遍录音,回答练习二问题。(10分钟) G 完成句子:先做练习(15分钟) 第二课时:


让同学起来回答练习三。(15分钟) 录音二



做题。(2分钟)讲解为什么(2分钟) C 练习2(10分钟)


初中英语听说课教案《Unit 5 Could you please tell me where the》

上传: 张爱萍 更新时间:2012-5-21 10:55:23


unit 5 could you please tell me where the



1、知识目标: 学习使 用 uncrowded, safe, fascinating, inexpensive, delicious, convenient 等形容词描述介绍各种场所。能力目标:

2、能力目标: 1)能够听懂询问信息的句型并会用英语提供帮助。 2)学会准确描述地理位置,并给他人指路,提供帮助。 教法 情感目标:


1) 视听法:主要通过多媒体课 件展示、图片展示、老师提问、学生回答等方式提供让学生看、听、说的练习机会 2)问答法:展示各种图片,让 学生利用这些图片进行交流, 互 学法 相问答, 让学生在做中学, 在实 践中获得信息,习得英语。 3) 实施情境教学法 4) 采用 任务型语言教学 多媒体 录音机 学具 师生活动设计

1)学生课前预习法 2)小组合作探究法 3)情感激励法

教具 教学程序设计 教材处理设计


一、谈图片, 谈图片, 复习热身

step1 warming up :复习热身 greet the cla.look at the pictures.【出示 section a 中 2a 的图片, 让学生思考, 准备介绍分别可以在哪买到 book,shoes, shampoo 等物品,如何找到该地方。 复习前 面学过的句型,为本课的顺利进行,尤其是 听力的顺利展开打好基础。 …… 】

老师出示一些商业店铺的图片,学生两人一组练习: 该在哪里买到相应物品?如何到达目的地?即练习问路的表达 法和如何指路的表达法。复习where, how 引导的宾语从句。为 本节课的听力做好铺垫。

二、看图片, 看图片, 导入新课

step2 free talk:各抒己见 1)老师提出问题

1)老师提出问题: t: do you like the restaurant

1) 提问题, 导入新课


t: what do you think the restaurant should be like (多媒体出示餐馆图片) let talk about this question.启发学生使用 clean, beautiful, delicious…… 等形容词来修饰表达。 教 师 出 示 更 多 图 片 ,( museum, restaurant, park, subway, mall )开始本节课话题,带出任 务,组织学生进行交流,学生通过思考和谈论 引入新课题 ,让学生根据所提出的问题,总 结自己的答案。 2)let read 1b.然后同桌谈论我们镇的一 些地点,参考用 1a 中所给词汇练习。 step 3 :listening 1)听力内容听两遍。 在 听 之 前 告 诉 学 生 : you’ll hear three different conversations.in all three, the family members are talking to the man in the information booth.listen to the recorder and write what place they ask about in each conversation.第一遍,听对话,捕捉所听信息,完成 2a。 第二遍,再听对话,检查所写内容是否正确。 answers: conversation 1: restaurants conversation 2: restrooms conversation 3: museums 2)listen again.fill in the miing words.听两 遍,完成 2b.2b 的听力难度比 2a 要大,因此在处理时, 采用漏词填空形式,将听力材料打印出来,

s: yes, we do.t: but what do you think the restaurant should be like s1: clean s2: beautiful …… 学生同桌谈论,提示使用课本 1a 左边所给的形容词,先写出最 重要的形容词,可用多个形容词修饰。让学生说出自己的答案。

2)老师可先给出一个范例。 如:a: the mall is really crowded.b: yes, and it’s convenient,too.学生两人一组以 mall, park, restaurant 为话题自由交谈。

三、打开耳朵, 打开耳朵, 听录音 1)听力训练 1 完成 2a

(1)在听之前老师向学生介绍,一个家庭在 sunville 渡假时,家庭中各个成员正在向人咨询的场景。提醒学生注意听好他们 询问的是有关什么地方?

(2) check the answers with the cla.听完后让学生说出他们所写 的答案,与全班一起校对。 这时应该边听边校对,便于学生发现自己存在的问题,找出错 误的原因。

(1)老师将听力材料打印好分发到同学手中,给学生一分钟的 时间快速浏览一遍。 (2)老师放录音两遍,学生听并完成漏词填空。

2)听力训练 2 完成 2b

漏掉关键词语,让学生边听边填。设置的填 (3)师生对照大屏幕一起校对答案。 空既要考虑难易适中,又要照顾本课重点。不能让学生听不懂,失去信心。我们应该让 学生觉得“我行” ,而不是“我不行” 。然后 师再放录音,生对照手中听力材料跟录音读,规范学生的语音 将含有答案的听力材料展示在大屏幕上。语调,练习朗读,为后面的语言交流做准备。 3)第三遍让学生根据手中的听力原文,跟录 音读,进行朗读训练,主要是让学生能学习到纯正的语音、语调,弥补了教材朗读材料 的不足。 step 4 :practice 2c role play the conversations between the man and the tourists.引导学生自己说出 2c 中的句型,写在黑板上, 然后根据这个简单的对话,利用听力 2a, 2b 中的信息完成一个新的对话。这个环节主要是 培养学生自主学习的能力。 step 5:exercise 大屏幕显示练习: 1.can you tell me _______________________ (哪儿有好吃的地方) 2.do you know _________________________ (这周围有公厕吗?) 3.could you please tell me _____________(在 sunville 是否有好的博物馆吗?) 4.the fine arts museum is really ________.(又 漂亮又有趣) 5.the mall is ___________________.(又方便

四、动动嘴巴, 动动嘴巴, 练对话

t: now work in pairs, role play conversations using the information from 2a,2b 两人一组进行练习,用 can you tell me where there is …….句型。这样设计对话,一是复习了听力中的目标语言,二是为下节课内容的展开做了良好的铺垫。

五、笔头巩固, 笔头巩固, 做练习知识点练习

学生独立完成练习。 教师可以让不同层次的学生到黑板做,然后针对学生所作的情 况,加以讲解,这样教师只是对部分易错的题进行讲解,节省 了大量讲的时间,给学生更多练习的时间.1.教师出示练习在大屏幕上让学生练习,巩固知识点。 2.教师让不同层次的学生到黑板上做题 3.老师讲解错题,学生巩固知识点。


又不拥挤) 老师先给出一个例子:i like the bookstore best.because there are step 6: homework 以 my favorite place 为题, 让学生介绍写下一 many books that i like in it.i can learn a lot from the book.but the air isn’t fresh……学生相互讨论喜欢的地点,及优缺点,为下一 个自己最喜欢的地方(如:综合大超市、商 步的写做好准备。 场、公园、书店、图书馆等等) 。并说明它的方位以及它的优点和缺点。

板 书 设 计 unit 5 could you please tell me where the restrooms are

1、inexpensive (= cheap)

2、both delicious and inexpensive

3、a good place to eat

4、a good place to hang out

5、there are a lot of fun things for children there.

6、learn about……

教 学 反 思

本节课以听说为主, 首先为学生创设一个与生活密切 相关的问路、指路的生活情景, 学习礼貌地向他人询问 信息,从而练习where, how, if 引导的宾语从句。 再一个就是处理听力部分的时候我注意到: 先让学生 熟悉背景材料, 然后开始放录音;且在放第二遍录音后 让学生自己检查或验证答案; 最后, 教师与学生一起校 正答案, 并将听力中的难点句子板书在黑板上, 便于学 生很好的理解。 当然本节课的不足之处也是听力,听力练习一向是学生 的薄弱环节, 以后应加强学生听力训练。 小组讨论环节, 部分差生不能积极参与。

推荐第9篇:大学汉语听说 教案

第一课 购物消费














教学学时:一周 6学时,一课上8 学时。 组织教学:问好,点名。








1.(×) 2.(×) 3.(×) 4.( √ ) 5.( √ ) 6.( √ ) 7.(×) 8.( √ )

二、听句子,回答问题 1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C

三、听录音,回答问题: 1.男的为什么又买了一双鞋? 路过专卖店,正好碰上他们在搞店庆活动,新款都打八折,就买了一双。 2.女的为什么觉得那双鞋便宜不了? 因为经常在电视上看到他们的广告。 3.要是男的告诉女的鞋的价格,女的可能是什么态度?


4.女的对男的花钱有什么看法? 花钱总是大手大脚的。

5.男的跟他爸爸花钱的习惯一样吗? 一样。



7.男的说要改变自己的花钱习惯.女的相信吗? 不信,因为他说话没算过数。


1.你觉得你是花钱节省的人还是花钱大手大脚的人? 2.如果你买了—个比较贵的东西,你会告诉父母真实的价格吗? 3.你在家里有没有遇到过类似的问题?你是怎么解决的?


听前提示: 1.你们那里有电子市场吗?



一、听录音,选择正确答案 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.A

二、听句子,回答问题 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A

三、听录音,回答问题 1.女的找阿里木做什么?

陪她去电子市场。 2.阿里木觉得自己行吗?

不行,应该找个懂行的。 3.女的朋友中谁是电脑高手?

王老师。 4.王老师为什么不能帮忙? 他正在外地出差呢,下个星期回来。 5.阿里木建议女的怎么做? 明天先去电子市场逛逛,记下他们感兴趣的品牌和型号,然后上网查查网友们对这种产品的评价,等王老师回来以后向他咨询一下再决定。








对话3 买手机






1.(×) 2.(×) 3.( √ ) 4.(×) 5.( √ ) 6.(×) 7.( √ ) 8.(×) 9.(×) 10.(×)

二、听句子,回答问题 1.A 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.C

三、听录音,回答问题 l.女的要买个什么样的手机? 一般的,功能不用太多,国产的、白色的。 2.男的为什么建议买个国产手机? 只要是正规厂家生产的,质量都过关,况且这还能体现爱国心。 3.“山寨版”的手机有什么特点? 质量没保证,价格便宜、功能多、外观也不错。 4.男的为什么不同意买白色的手机? 白色刚开始用还挺好看的,时间一长,容易显旧,就不好看了。 5.女的向男的保证什么? 她保证用个几年再换。

6.男的为什么很积极地给女的买手机? 他打了好几个电话都联系不上,太不方便。


1.男的不同意女的买白色的手机,你觉得有道理吗? 2.如果你要换手机,你会买—个什么样的?为什么? 3.人们常说“便宜没好货,好货不便宜”,对这个问题你有什么看法?








1.(√) 2.(×) 3.(×) 4.(√) 5.(×) 6.(√) 7.(×) 8.(√) 9.(×)10.(×) 11.(√)


l.提到购物,人们不由自主会想到商店、超市或者街头小摊儿,但目前有一种新的购物方式,正悄悄地改变着我们的生活。 2.春节前,已过而立之年的徐女士坐在了电脑前买年货。




三、听录音,回答问题 1.什么是“网上购物”? 只要坐在家中敲敲键盘,点点鼠标,就能从网上的各种“商店”和“超市”里买到自己想要的商品,方便实惠。 2.网上购物有什么风险? 上当受骗和不易调换、退货的风险。 3.徐女士觉得网上购物有什么优点和缺点? 缺点是失去了实地购物的乐趣,优点是品种丰富、节省时间、比较自由、不受时间限制。 4.王女士在网上购物时,遇到了什么事? 她下了订单后,但过一个月,仍然没收到货物,再找卖家,早已人去楼空。 5.小李在网上购物时的经历是什么?

网购了一双鞋,货到一看,才发现尺码不对,穿上太大,再联系卖家,却迟迟没有回音。 6.网上购物要特别注意什么?





1.你觉得网上购物和去商店购物相比,有哪些优缺点? 2.如果你的朋友想在网上买一件衣服,你会给她哪些建议? 3.说说你的一次购物经历。(网购或者去商店购物都可以)

短文2 买车



2、如果打算买车,你会买什么样的车? 一.听录音,判断正误

1.(√) 2.(×) 3.(×) 4.(√) 5.(×) 6.(×) 7.(×) 8.(×) 9.(√)10.(×) 11.(√) 12.(×) 二.听句子,回答问题 1.B 2.B 3.B 4.A

三、听录音,回答问题 l.小王为什么要买车? 小王家住郊外,公司在市中心。每天挤地铁上班挺麻烦的,所以想买车。 2.朋友为什么不同意小王买桑塔纳? 桑塔纳满街都是,加上两三万可以买更好的。 3.导购小姐是怎么对小王进行游说的? 什么空调如果是自动的,驾驶的时候会感到更舒适;座椅如果是真皮的,车看起来会更有档次。



后来是能不开就不开,省点油钱。每个月养车需要1000多元,家里没有了余钱。 5.买车以后小王有什么忧虑?

每个月养车需要1000多元,家里没有了余钱。,心里空落落的。 6.小王现在有什么想法? 折价卖车。


1.根据听到的内容,假设你是小王,给大家说一说买车的经过。2.如果你遇到小王的问题,你会怎么办,为什么? 3.生活中你有没有遇到过类似小王这样的事情?讲给大家听听。

第2部分 口语表达练习


四、根据课文内容补全下面这段对话 ,并试着复述

阿依古丽刚买了一条牛仔裤 ,让克里木看看 。克里木觉得颜色、款式都不错。前两天他刚买了一条裤子,也是这个牌子。听老板说,这是很享受年轻人青睐的一个品牌。

阿依古丽很奇怪 ,像克里木这么节省的人 ,怎么也舍得花这么多钱打扮自己 。后来她才知道 ,原来克里木实在她们公司旁边的那个批发市场买的 。跟老板砍了半天价,才花了八十多块钱。阿依古丽的裤子是在大商场买的 ,华了两百多块钱 。克里木觉得一条裤子这么贵太不值了 。

阿依古丽觉得在大商场买东西 ,质量有保证 ,穿着放心 。批发市场的东西,便宜是便宜 ,可是一来不能保证东西是真的 ,二来也没有什么售后服务 。真要是出了点儿问题 ,找不到人负责 。

可是克里木觉得一条裤子随便穿穿,不用那么讲究 。就算质量不好 ,因为价钱便宜 ,还可以经常换新裤子。

她们俩在这个问题上没有共同语言 ,说不到一块儿去 。

第3部分 泛听练习



1.外国老太太和中国老太太都是怎么消费的 ? 2.“新贫族”是什么意思 ? 3.“新贫族”主张怎么花钱 ? 4.介绍一下王小姐的生活情况 。




Book I Unit 1 Listening and Speaking: Click Here for Language Learning

I 复习旧课Revision (5’)

Revise the language points in Section B.play a role: be involved in doing sth.and have an effect on it

it is critical that后使用虚拟语气

feel comfortable doing sth.: have no difficulty in doing sth.speak up

a) say sth., esp to expre an opinion说出意见或看法 b)speak louder大声说

be finished with: finish doing sth.allow for: consider sth.when making a plan考虑到, 为……留出余地

on sb’s part/on the part of sb.done or experienced by sb.某人所做的,就某人而言 be/get there: used for saying that someone has achieved or is going to achieve succe II 讲授新课Unit 1 Listening and Speaking: Click Here for Language Learning (80’)

Warming up Now you will hear a talk about an online learning cla called Click here for language learning.Answer the following questions with the information you hear.Answer: 1.The home of live, natural online language learning.2.To help you feel confident in your ability to use English.3.On CD-ROM or online.4.As naturally as learning your first language.Listening Understanding Short Conversations New words and expreions: 1.minimal a.最少的,极小的,极少的 同义词:minimum a.&n.2.convenient a.方便的,实用的 2.have no idea 不知道,不了解

1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.D Understanding a Long Conversation New words and expreions: scare v.使….惊恐,惊吓,受惊吓 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.A Understanding a Paage 1.A 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D Understanding a Movie Speech New words and expreions: be honored to do sth.很荣幸










10.importantly Speaking

Useful expreions of greetings and responses, farewells and responses Model Dialogs

Conversation activity Interview Bingo, a game widely used by teachers in America in situations where students meet for the first time.Students will stand up and move around as they greet, interview, thank and say goodbye to their fellow students.They will fill in the boxes of a grid with signatures, and try to win a small prize.Pair Work The purpose of this activity is to give the students opportunities to talk about their own English learning experience and to give the teacher opportunities to understand their students more deeply.Listening and Speaking: Story-retelling New word and expreions 1.eay n.小品文 2.furiously ad.飞快地 3.ignore v.不顾,忽视

Task 1

1.hand in their test papers

2.ten minutes later, accept the test paper 3.I don’t care 4.who I am 5.threw the papers Task 2

Retell the story III 课堂总结Summary (4’)

Summarize what the students have learned in these two periods.Greetings and Responses Farewells and Responses IV 布置作业Homework (1’) Oral work

第11篇:大学英语听说第三版第四册110 教案

College English

Focus Listening and Speaking IV

(Third Edition)


第 四 册




1 Unit One Announcements

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects; 2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes; 3.Question and retell the listening materials. II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Understanding Airport and Railway Station Announcements Making Announcements 1.Communicative Funtion: Making Announcements Drawing Audience’s Attention / Making an Announcement / Closing an Announcement 2.Retelling 3.Discuion III.Time Allotment: One Period (40 mins) 1.Part A Micro-listening (10 mins) 2.Part B Macro-listening Announcement 1 (15 mins) Announcement 2 (15 mins) IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: Flight Number: 191, 810, 153, 17, 74; Gate Number: 16, 2, 10, 8, 24) 2.Exercise 2 Listen and do Exercise 2, then check the answers.(Answers: At 17:00, The one to Chicago, The 9:25 train to Oxford, Platform 3, At 10:30)

B.Part B Macro-listening 1.Announcement 1 Explain the new words and expreions;

2 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: a flight announcement: Before the plane takes off, an announcement is usually made about safety in flying, e.g.how to fasten the seat belt, what to do in case of an emergency.

a direct flight: a flight from one city to another city directly or without any stop.

a duty-free bar: a place on the plane where cigarettes and liquor can be bought with no payment of tax

(Answers: 1.c, a, c, d

2.Air China, New York, 13.5, 1:30 p.m.) 2.Announcement 2 Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: Big Apple: a nickname for the city of New York sand painting: a ceremonial art form of certain groups of American Indians who make paintings by sticking colored sand on a template.(Answers: 1.d, b, c, a

2.Two basketball, Skiing, the Big Apple Band, Mostly $10 tickets but a very few $5 seats still on sale, rock, mineral, early people, pottery, sand painting, Free)

C.Aignments: 1.Oral Practice: Communicative Function: Making Announcements / Retelling / Discuion; 2.Part D: Home Listening.

3 Unit Two Celebrities

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects; 2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes; 3.Question and retell the listening materials. II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Listening for Important Details Interview with a Celebrity 1.Pair Work 2.Retelling 3.Discuion III.Time Allotment: One Period (40 mins) 1.Part A Micro-listening (10 mins) 2.Part B Macro-listening Conversation 1 (15 mins) Conversation 2 (15 mins) IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: 1954, Chinese Opera Research Institute, exciting, dangerous acts, 1978, comedy, dangerous stunts) 2.Exercise 2 Listen and do Exercise 2, then check the answers.(Answers: public figures, chief, is admired for doing something, noble or brave, is admired for the accomplishment, enduring efforts, great courage, confidence in oneself, fills people’s minds with respect, entertainment or busine circles, may sometimes inspire envy)

B.Part B Macro-listening 1.Conversation 1

4 Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: Steven Hawking: One of the world’s leading theoretical physicists, known for his theory of exploding black holes which drew upon both relativity theory and quantum mechanics.

A Brief History of Time: Steven Hawking’s bestseller.The book addrees questions like “Was there a beginning of time? Will there be an end? Is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries?”

(Answers: 1.d, a, d, b

2.a profeor, fighting motor neurone disease, he was about 20, A Brief History of Time, average person, bestseller, twice, three, grandchild, a computer, eating, speaking, writing) 2.Conversation 2 Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: the need to take a break so you can recharge your batteries: The urge to take some time off from what you are doing so as to regain your strength and energy, and to improve yourself.I feel a lot of personal responsibility because of how much I’ve been bleed: The superstar thinks he is really fortunate to be so succeful and he feels he has the personal responsibility to do something for society in return.He would like to give back some of what he has received.(Answers: 1.c, c, d, d

2.normal life, happy, responsible people, personal responsibility, volunteer, fund-raising events, creating opportunities, outdoor, traveling, amazing places, reading, fast reader, learn, recharge his batteries)

C.Aignments: 1.Oral Practice: Pair Work / Retelling / Discuion; 2.Part D: Home Listening.

VI.Teaching Evaluation

5 Unit Three Advertising

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects; 2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes; 3.Question and retell the listening materials. II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Listening for Key Words The Pros and Cons of Advertising 1.Communicative Function: Talking about the Pros and Cons of Advertising 2.Retelling 3.Discuion III.Time Allotment: One Period (40 mins) 1.Part A Micro-listening (10 mins) 2.Part B Macro-listening A Paage (15 mins) A Conversation (15 mins) IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: A95, simple, true color, terrific quality, beautiful pictures, more experienced users) 2.Exercise 2 Listen and do Exercise 2, then check the answers.(Answers: Advertising is a way of informing people of something.This can range from telling them a product for sale, or a service, or urging them to do something, or even making someone’s name known to the public./ Advertising is intended to appeal to consumers to buy a certain product, but it does not force them to buy the product.Consumers still control the final buying decision.)


B.Part B Macro-listening 1.A Paage Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: an intended audience targeted for their meages: The meage in an advertisement are aimed at a particular group of people who are chosen because they may be potential buyers.

take a certain action: begin to do something that the advertisement says you should do.

(Answers: 1.c, b, d, d

2.men, women, children of specific ages, various ethnic groups, certain interests / what benefit customers will get, buying, doing, thinking / seriously, it is designed to appeal) 2.Conversation 2 Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: track and field: sports events played on a running track and sports field, such as running, high jumping, disc throwing.“You’re born to run.And we were born to HELP YOU DO IT BETTER”: An Adidas advertisement which means “You poe the fine qualities of a fast runner and Adidas shoes were invented to make you run even faster.”

(Answers: 1.b, a, d, c

2.sports shoes / in making sports shoes over fifty-five years ago / running shoes / football, soccer, basketball and tennis players / workmanship and quality / comfortable, expensive)

C.Aignments: 1.Oral Practice: Communicative Function: Talking about the Pros and Cons of Advertising / Retelling / Discuion; 2.Part D: Home Listening.


Unit Four Culture

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects; 2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes; 3.Question and retell the listening materials. II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Listening for Specific Information What are good manners? 1.Pair Work 2.Retelling 3.Discuion III.Time Allotment: One Period (40 mins) 1.Part A Micro-listening (10 mins) 2.Part B Macro-listening Conversation 1 (15 mins) Conversation 2 (15 mins) IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: b, b, d) 2.Exercise 2 Listen and do Exercise 2, then check the answers.(Answers: both hands, later in private / Open it right away / Refuse it)

B.Part B Macro-listening 1.Paage 1 Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers;

8 Explain some language and cultural points: an oriental: A person from East and Southeast Asia.Asian is now preferred by some in place of Oriental for persons native to Asia or descended from an Asian people.

… he never lights his cigarette before getting the permiion from people around them: It is polite for a person to be sure that people around him don’t mind if he smokes.

(Answers: 1.b, d, a, d

2.laugh at people / animals, with kindne / push to the front, waiting for a bus / the old, disabled / they are “losing weight” / women, their age, weight / time, getting permiion from people around / Please, Thank you / a lady or an older person, the other is seated) 2.Paage 2 Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: tea set: a set of cups and sauces of the same design mostly made of high quality china for drinking tea at a tea party or tea ceremony.at / in one go: (To drink the tea up) in a single gulp instead of sipping it bit by bit to appreciate its taste.(Answers: 1.b, c, b, d

2.(tick) 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 / (tick) 1, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14)

C.Aignments: 1.Oral Practice: Pair Work / Retelling / Discuion; 2.Part D: Home Listening.

VI.Teaching Evaluation

9 Unit Five Opinions

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects; 2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes; 3.Question and retell the listening materials. II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Asking for and Giving Opinions 1.Communicative Function: Asking for and Giving Opinions Asking for Opinions / Giving Opinions / Expreing Agreement / Expreing Partial Agreement or Disagreement 2.Retelling 3.Discuion III.Time Allotment: One Period (40 mins) 1.Part A Micro-listening (10 mins) 2.Part B Macro-listening Conversation 1 (15 mins) Conversation 2 (15 mins) IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: She thought it was terrible./ He thought it was great./ He thinks it is superficial./ She thinks it is quite well-written.) 2.Exercise 2 Listen and do Exercise 2, then check the answers.(Answers: violent / advertising / bad for children’s eyes / not creative)

B.Part B Macro-listening 1.Paage 1 Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers;

10 Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: a law student: a student who is studying to be a lawyer.

women’s liberation movement: The old-fashioned idea of a woman’s role was wife and mother.However, with the development of society, more and more women have other interests in addition to their home.They believe they should have the same chances for succe as men.

(Answers: 1.a, c, a, c, d

2.to study law / they’re too emotional / have a succeful career and to be a good mother at the same time / men’s work, women’s work, stop interfering / housework is a woman’s job) 2.Paage 2 Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: Gun control in some Western countries: As gun crime increase, gun control has become a big iue in the Western world.However, the laws regarding gun control vary greatly from country to country.e.g.Japan and Britain have a tight control over gun poeion; But gun control is a controversial iue in the United States.(Answers: 1.d, a, d 2.Guns should be outlawed immediately / be allowed to own guns to protect themselves and their families / be allowed to own guns / No one except the police should carry guns)

C.Aignments: 1.Oral Practice: Communicative Function: Asking for and Giving Opinions / Retelling / Discuion; 2.Part D: Home Listening.

Unit Six Money

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects; 2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes; 3.Question and retell the listening materials. II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Summarizing Bank Services / What is money? 1.Pair Work 2.Retelling 3.Discuion III.Time Allotment: One Period (40 mins) 1.Part A Micro-listening (10 mins) 2.Part B Macro-listening Conversation 1 (15 mins) Conversation 2 (15 mins) IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: She thinks a lot of them are in financial difficulties./ She thinks the government should give them a monthly allowance./ He thinks it’s not a good idea because some of them would want to be students all their lives./ He thinks that the government can get those students an interest-free loan and let them pay back in ten years./ Yes.She also finds it a good idea.) 2.Exercise 2 Listen to the sayings and repeat.B.Part B Macro-listening 1.Paage 1 Explain the new words and expreions;

12 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: savings account: a type of bank account where you put money in regularly and which earns interest.

checking account: (US) a type of bank account on which you can write checks and from which money can be drawn without previous notices.In Britain, it is called a current account.… write a check against the funds in their accounts …: write a check to withdraw money to pay a bill from the funds they have deposited in their accounts.(The preposition “against” is often used here.) … you are a good risk …: … you are very likely able to pay back the loan to the bank.The opposite is “You are a bad risk”.(Answers: 1.b, b, b, c, d

2.go to the bank and make an application / examines your application / gives you the money after making sure that you are a good risk / repay the bank the amount of the loans plus interest over a period of time) 2.Paage 2 Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: a barter economy: a kind of economy where trade is carried out by exchanging goods or services for other goods or services without using money.Barter trade was common in primitive societies.Its opposite is “a money economy”.(Answers: 1.a, b, c, b, d

2.medium of exchange, payment for goods and services, settlement of debts / standards of value, relative worth / the exchange of goods and services, the specialization of production / keystone of modern economic life) C.Aignments: 1.Oral Practice: Pair Work / Retelling / Discuion; 2.Part D: Home Listening.

VI.Teaching Evaluation

13 Unit Seven Environment

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects; 2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes; 3.Question and retell the listening materials. II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Tables Environment and Environmental Protection 1.Communicative Function: Talking about the environment and its protection Talking about environmental problems / Talking about environmental protection 2.Retelling 3.Discuion III.Time Allotment: One Period (40 mins) 1.Part A Micro-listening (10 mins) 2.Part B Macro-listening Conversation 1 (15 mins) Conversation 2 (15 mins) IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: the other side / penholder / storage of foods / cookies, candies or chocolates / fresh) 2.Exercise 2 Listen and do Exercise 2, then check the answers.(Answers: noticeable / trip / results / typically / layers / exceive / effects / we should try to avoid exceive packaging wherever poible / to encourage consumer to bring their own bags and to choose products that involve le packaging / We should do away with the practice so as to

14 conserve resources and protect our environment.)

B.Part B Macro-listening 1.Paage 1 Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: seriousne and consequences of pollution: Pollution refers to the contamination of Earth’s environment with materials that harm human health, the quality of life, or upset ecosystems.There are different kinds of pollution, air, water, noise and light pollution.These types of pollution are all very serious nowadays.

(Answers: 1.d, c, c, d, b

2.Plastic bags, household waste, poisonous factory waste, etc./ They think the earth will forever take care of us no matter how we treat it in return./ The water, the food, the animals, and ourselves.) 2.Paage 2 Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: … no one will think twice to waste it: … no one will consider carefully the action of wasting paper before doing it.“Think twice” means to consider something carefully.scrap paper: loose sheets of paper, often already partly used, for writing note on (Answers: 1.d, d, a, a, d 2.Use scrap paper for notes / Reuse paper by making completely new paper from old paper/recycling old paper / Get rid of all our old usele books / Save space in our homes / Buy the books that we want at much lower prices / Raise money for charities)

C.Aignments: 1.Oral Practice: Communicative Function: Talking About the Environment and Its Protection / Retelling / Discuion; 2.Part D: Home Listening.

15 Unit Eight Story Time

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects; 2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes; 3.Question and retell the listening materials. II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Making Conclusions An Embarraing Experience / An Art Leon 1.Pair Work 2.Retelling 3.Discuion III.Time Allotment: One Period (40 mins) 3.Part A Micro-listening (10 mins) 4.Part B Macro-listening Conversation 1 (15 mins) Conversation 2 (15 mins) IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: d, c) 2.Exercise 2 Listen to the sayings and repeat.(Answers: c)

B.Part B Macro-listening 1.Paage 1 Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points:

16 shopping for the week: With the increasing use of refrigerators, people in many countries usually shop for groceries once a week.

the store detective: Some supermarkets employ special detectives to watch out for shoplifters (people who take goods from a store without paying for them).But most such shops have installed closed circuit TV to prevent theft.(Answers: 1.c, d, b, a, d

2.Near the wine section / On the handle of the trolley / She wanted to open it but she couldn’t and she got bored playing with it / At the exit of the supermarket / Go and talk to the manager of the supermarket) 2.Paage 2 Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: Art should be individual.Art should represent the individual artist’s perspective, which is different from that of the other artists.Bring on the fruit! Show me the paintings! As the paintings are a still life of an orange and some grapes, Sheila jokingly used the term to refer to them.… put their impreions on canvas: … present what they perceive of the fruit in their paintings.(Answers: 1.d, b, c, a, b

2.orange, some grapes / the surface, orange, minute detail / shapele, pleasing ma, perfect roundne, strange shapes, real / the fruit, different perspectives)

C.Aignments: 1.Oral Practice: Pair Work / Retelling / Discuion; 2.Part D: Home Listening.

VI.Teaching Evaluation

17 Unit Nine Food and Drinks

I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects; 2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes; 3.Question and retell the listening materials. II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Listening for Major Points Talking about Food 1.Communicative Function: Talking about Food 2.Retelling 3.Discuion III.Time Allotment: One Period (40 mins) 1.Part A Micro-listening (10 mins) 2.Part B Macro-listening Conversation 1 (15 mins) Conversation 2 (15 mins) IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: There are lots of vegetables in Chinese food.And the speaker loves vegetables./ A full English breakfast./ Go to the pub with friends from work and have a few beers, then go to an Indian restaurant.) 2.Exercise 2 Listen and do Exercise 2, then check the answers.(Answers: Mr.Davis is a big cheese in his company so you should be very nice to him./ We stayed up very late last night chewing the fat about our sightseeing during the summer vacation./ Don’t cry over spilt milk.The past is past and you can’t do anything to change it./ Going to the galleries is my cup of tea.I can spend a whole day there, looking at the paintings./ Recently Tom has been working very hard trying to bring

18 home the bacon.He has no time to do anything else.) B.Part B Macro-listening 1.Paage 1 Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: eaten raw: Western people like to have salads which are made of raw vegetables such as tomatoes, lettuces, and cucumbers seasoned with oil and vinegar.Uncooked vegetables are considered to be more nutritious than cooked ones.canned or frozen: Canned foods are foods preserved in an airtight sealed metal container.Frozen foods are foods stored at very low temperature.(Answers: 1.a, c, b, b

2.vegetables, a, d, f, g / Other vegetables, k, l m / Fruits, i, o, s / Meat, fish, eggs, b, c, e / Dairy, h, j, q, r / Bread, cereal, rice, n, p, t) 2.Paage 2 Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: Broiled chopped steak: steak that is grilled or barbecued and cut into cubes.making every substance count: making every ingredient important and significant even as food trends come and go: even though food fashions change constantly (Answers: 1.b, d, d, c, a 2.Some 38 billion / Great tasting, Basic, Can be adapted to suit various tastes / German immigrants / The 18th century / Refocusing efforts on the hamburger in its many varieties / Find a tatste that people will never get tired of) C.Aignments: 1.Oral Practice: Communicative Function: Talking About Food / Retelling / Discuion; 2.Part D: Home Listening.

Unit Ten Cities I.Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.Be familiar with the oral subjects; 2.Get to know speakers’ points and attitudes; 3.Question and retell the listening materials. II.The Focus and Difficult Points: Listening for Key Words A City of Light 1.Pair Work 2.Retelling 3.Discuion III.Time Allotment: One Period (40 mins) 1.Part A Micro-listening (10 mins) 2.Part B Macro-listening Conversation 1 (15 mins) Conversation 2 (15 mins) IV.Teaching Methods: Listening and speaking, Content-based instruction, Grammar-translation V.Teaching Procedures: A.Part A Micro-listening 1.Exercise 1 Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers.(Answers: wonderful, very traditional / young, friendly / small but pretty, lovely and warm-hearted, quiet but dull / noisy and crowded, hot and humid, very helpful) 2.Exercise 2 Listen to the sayings and repeat.(Answers: an ancient city with many famous historical places to visit / one of the world’s largest cities with a population of over 11 million, a beautiful city with its magnificent monuments and traditional and colorful architecture / a charming, quiet city with modern buildings / capital and largest city, many churches and towers, major tourist attraction of the country / capital, leading universities, museums, theaters, performing arts centers) B.Part B Macro-listening

20 1.Paage 1 Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: the London Eye: A huge observation wheel open to the public in 2000.It’s one of the new attractions in London.the Tate Modern: A world-famous gallery of international modern art at Bankside in the heart of London, which was opened to the public in May 2000.the Millenium Bridge: The first pedestrian river croing over the Thames in central London for more than a century.Bankside: The new heart of London along the South Bank of the Thames.(Answers: 1.a, b, d, b 2.a huge observation wheel, opened to the public, January 2000 / experience the excitement of seeing London from a bird’s eye view / opened to public, May 2000 / the world’s largest modern art gallery / over River Thames, February 2002 / 330m steel bridge, the City of London, the Tate Modern Gallery) 2.Paage 2 Explain the new words and expreions; Listen and do Exercise 1, then check the answers; Listen again and do Exercise 2, then check the answers; Explain some language and cultural points: Venus de Milo: a marble statue of the Greek godde of love.The Arc de Triomphe: The arch of triumph, a famous arch in Paris, commiioned by Napoleon in 1806 as a homage to his Grand Army and completed in 1836.(Answers: 1.a, b, c, d

2.Symbol, Paris / over 100 / a restaurant, top platform, offers a splendid view, at night / collections of world-famous treasures, Mona Lisa / Greek statue, Venus / Napoleon, 15, his death / beautiful views, both banks) C.Aignments: 1.Oral Practice: Pair Work / Retelling / Discuion; 2.Part D: Home Listening.VI.Teaching Evaluation













通过听课,我觉得在教育教学方面收获很多。虽然老师们的水平不一,风格各异,但每一节课都有很多值得我学习借鉴的东西。这次听课,让我明白了努力方向。我们英语老师不仅要 “传道授业”,还要注重学生道德与情感的教育,培养出思想健康的学生。同时,在听课的过程中,也发现了一些问题。如老师在上课时一定要注意课堂纪律的管理,要观察到每一位学生,让他们都有机会参与英语课堂中,以免出现一些学生扰乱课堂纪律的情况.上课要注意循序渐进.不能为了教学任务而放弃一些学生.通过学习,我可以更加理性地反思自己的课堂教学。另外,我对自己也提出了一些问题去思考,怎样让孩子更喜欢上英语课?怎样培养孩子的能力?相信通过不断努力,一定能拉近距离,不断进步。





















初中英语阅读教学既是教学重点,也是教学难点,培养和提高学生的阅读理解能力是阅读课的主要目的。阅读一篇文章不是单纯为解决某个语言或是回答几个问题而进行的,最终目的是为利用所获取的信息知识进行交流,这种交流不是被动地掌握语言形式或语言结构,而是有交际愿望和交际目的的。 在英语教学和学习中,阅读一直占据着相当重要的地位。阅读不仅能帮助学生获取信息、开阔视野、丰富语言文化知识,还能促进听、说、写等其他语言能力积极地发展;而且,阅读在培养学生的思维能力、分析能力和理解能力等方面有着不可替代的作用。
























通过听课,我觉得在教育教学方面收获很多。虽然老师们的水平不一,风格各异,但每一节课都有很多值得我学习借鉴的东西。这次听课,让我明白了努力方向。我们英语老师不仅要 “传道授业”,还要注重学生道德与情感的教育,培养出思想健康的学生。同时,在听课的过程中,也发现了一些问题。如老师在上课时一定要注意课堂纪律的管理,要观察到每一位学生,让他们都有机会参与英语课堂中,以免出现一些学生扰乱课堂纪律的情况.上课要注意循序渐进.不能为了教学任务而放弃一些学生. 通过学习,我可以更加理性地反思自己的课堂教学。另外,我对自己也提出了一些问题去思考,怎样让孩子更喜欢上英语课?怎样培养孩子的能力?相信通过不断努力,一定能拉近距离,不断进步。






































《中学英语教学大纲》明确提出 “培养学生听说能力是英语教学的重要目的一,英语教学要重视听说训练和口语能力的培养”。随着教学改革的不断深入,我国的教育模式也发生了根本的变化。人们越来越注重培养学生的英语交际应用能力,提高初中英语听说课的教学效率,给广大学生创造良好的英语学习环境,对提高学生英语实际的应用能力具有重要的影响。以下,根据自己的教学,谈谈初中英语听说课的实践与反思。




例如:有的同学的英语发音不够标准,有的同学英语的语法掌握不够准确,还有些同学不愿意在课堂上朗诵英语等等,这个时候,教师应该多多鼓励学生、肯定学生,给他们一个鼓励的眼神,一个鼓励的动作,告诉他们“ very good! wonderful! excellent! ”这样在鼓励中,学生才会对自己充满自信,才会在学习中找到自我,学习的劲头更足。在这种和谐的课堂学习氛围中,不仅提高了课堂教学效率,更重要的是学生掌握了英语知识。



例如,在教授人教版七年级下册unit 4iwant to be an actor这节课时,根据教学内容,设置了这样的教学情境:让同学们以小组为单位,在课堂上利用1.what do you do? 2.where do you work? 3.what does he do?

4、where does he work? 5.what do you want to be ? 6.what does he want to be? 等问题创设一个求职的场景,假设自己是某个公司的招聘者,在讲台上举办招聘会,与扮演求职者的学生生进行交流。




例如,在教授人教版七年级英语上册 unit 6do you like bananas ? 这节课时,课堂伊始我就利用多媒体展现了一些同学们熟悉的食物的图片,如:apple, orange, meat, rice 等,然后通过用“what’s this in english ?” 句型问学生这些食物的英文名称。通过这样的方法复习前面学过的句型以及让学生通过直观回忆以前所学过的食物名称,为本课的顺利进行,尤其是听力的顺利展开打好基础。

接着,我又让学生看p31—1b的对话,听录音, 跟读对话,以小组为单位朗读对话。最后,让学生两人一组进行对话操练:do you like ? ? yes, i do、/ no, i don’t.学生可以更改有关的食物名词,编出自己的对话。这样学生在练习对话的过程中,不但练习了英语的口语,还增进了学生之间的相互了解。








2、在英语的听说课堂教学中,学生的英语发音不够纯正,这是因为学生只有在课堂教学中才进行英语的听说训练,在课堂之外就几乎没有这样的条件了。但是学生听说能力的提高只靠课上有限的时间是不够的。因此,教师要调动学生的学习积极性,采用多种作业形式,使学生能够在课下进行听说练习。我们可以举办一些英语活动,比如:英语角,英语口语比赛等,给学生创造更多听英语,说英语的机会。教师还可以就听说留些适当的回家作业,比如:跟读录音、做部分听写等。同时要拓展作业的范围,使学生能接触更广泛、更丰富的听力材料。如电视、电影、讲座、采访、歌曲、故事、讲笑话。 这些听力材料都可以用于训练和培养学生的听说技能 , 提高他们的听说水平。


4、在平时的听力训练中,教师要引导学生捕捉听力材料中出现的某些关健词和一些中心句, 因为关健词、中心句正是反映听力材料的主要内容,只要很好的把握住了材料中的关键词与中心句,学生就能较快较好的理解听力材料。另外,教师要让学生养成边听边记的良好习惯,并对所听信息进行适当的恰当的,从而提高学生捕捉听力材料信息的能力。



农村初中的学生英语听说能力相对较弱,授课采用较深的全英教学,同学们还不能适应。另一方面,同学虽然比较活跃,上课气氛积极,但个体与个体差别比较大。因此,讲得太深,没有照顾到整体。由此可以看出,了解及分析学生实际情况,实事求是,具体问题具体分析,做到因材施教,对授课效果有直接影响。这就是教育学中提到的备教法的同时要备学生。这一理论在我的教学实践中得到了验证。教学中,备课是一个必不可少,十分重要的环节,备学生,又要备教法。备课不充分或者备得不好,会严重影响课堂气氛和积极性,记得一位优秀的老师曾说过:备课备不好,倒不如不上课,否则就是白费心机。我明白到备课的重要性,因此,每天我都花费大量的时间在备课之上,认认真真钻研教材和教法,不满意就不收工。虽然辛苦,但事实证明是值得的。一堂准备充分的课,会令学生和老师都获益不浅。例如我在教授完成时态的时候,这课的主题是语法,教学难度比较大。如果照本宣科地讲授,学生会感到困难和沉闷。为了上好这堂课,我认真研究了课文,找出了重点,难点,还从网络资源找到动画,准备有针对性地讲。当讲到延续和非延续性动词的区别时,我通过动画,加以充分形象的讲解和说明。这样学生就形象地明白了他们之间的区别。学生听懂了,也就显得颇有积极性。因此在练习句型时,学生特别用功,教学效果也十分理想。可见,认真备课对教学十分重要。特别是对英语这门学生不甚熟悉并感到困难的外语来说至关重要。听课也是提高自身教学能力的一个好方法,新老师只有多听课才能够逐渐 积累经验。所以对每一次听课的机会我都十分珍惜。听课的主要对象是我们组的优秀老师的课,同时也听其他老师的课。本学期,我听了二十多节课,我的收获很大,逐步掌握了一些驾驭课堂的技巧。听完课之后,把教师们上课时讲到的记在听课记录上,然后对我自己的备课教案进行修改,将他们很多优点和长处应用到我的课堂教学当中去,取得了较好的效果。















二、词汇训练,强化巩固 巩固的训练又注重读音的,也有注重词义的。

注重读音一般采取师友两人互相读,教师采取点名学友读,可用开火车,一个接一个的读。 注重理解,采用词语和图片匹配的方式。





























课前学习和掌握课程标准的教学目标、教学的基本要求、教学内容的分析等等,从整体上把握学科的性质及教学的总体要求。还要对教材有整体的把握。教师要了解全册的教学内容和教学目标、教材编写的意图和特色、教学建议等,对全册教材形成完整的认识。在全册教材通研的基础上实施单元备课乃至本堂听说课。例如,人教七年级下册Unit8 I’d like some noodles.这个单元的第一节课为听说课,许多教师的教学目标定为:使用目标句型I’d like …来点餐,但是这是不够的,应该再加一点:复习巩固可数名词与不可数名词。


《新课程标准》指出,学生是课堂的主体。为了发挥学生的主体作用和教师的主导作用,教师必须充分了解学生才能设计出切实可行的教案。首先了解班上每位同学的英语基础水平,一般说来,尖子生喜欢拔高性教学,因为充满挑战;中等以及偏上的同学,力求完成教学目标,问题可以有挑战性但是不能把他们难倒,因为这会打击学生学习的积极性;学得慢的同学,主要是培养兴趣,让他们积极地把课堂上没完成的教学目标在课后通过提问同学或老师也能够完成,慢慢地赶上来。例如,人教八年级英语上Unit7 How do you make a banana milk shake? Period 1为听说课,呈现新单词时,教师可让尖子生读未教过的生词以及造句,中等以及偏上的同学跟读或读未教过的生词,而学得慢的就只能跟了,但是教师对他们鼓励要更多。其次了解学生的性格特征:文静,外向,诚实,调皮 …… 对待文静的同学要温柔,对待外向的同学要经常提问,对待调皮的同学要严格。初中生性格普遍比较叛逆,不能对待他们生硬。最后了解学生的兴趣爱好。例如,人教八年级英语下册Unit1 Will people have robots? period 1为听说课,我了解到班上有一位同学喜欢研究机器人,我便让他在完成听说任务之后做关于robots 的能力与预言报告,他的预测是那样的有说服力以至于赢得了全班同学的掌声,而我发现:从此,他学习英语的积极性明显有了提高。


教师要在听说前设计各项教学活动任务让学生有充分的语言支持与铺垫,让学生有备而来。例如,人教七年级下册Unit8 I’d like some noodles.这个单元的听说任务为:Listen and check which special the person orders.教师的教学设计可以在Lead-in 之后呈现新单词,接着Brainstorm可以在餐馆吃到的食物,然后再利用情景教学法营造餐馆的氛围让学生用目标句型点餐引出句型。设计这么多的铺垫知识,再让学生完成听说任务,学生肯定觉得容易多了。当然,有些教师总担心学生听说前的语言支持不够,于是花很长时间来呈现新词汇与句型,导致教学目标不清晰,本末倒置,也是不可取的。 其次,教学活动设计要具有趣味性和多样性。俗话说得好:“兴趣是最好的老师”,只有学生对所学的知识感兴趣,才能在课堂教学中挖掘出学生的最大潜能,使学生知识的掌握达到最佳效果。在这个教学环节中,教师可设计一些学生感兴趣的活动,如猜谜,竞赛,表演等活动,增强学生学习英语的兴趣.如,人教八年级英语上册Unit11 Could you please clean your living room? 第一课时教学中,我设计了这样的环节:让一个学生上讲台表演,例:do the dishes, sweep the floor, fold your clothes等等短语,其余学生根据表演猜猜词组,激发了学生的学习兴趣。

(二) 教学过程。













要想学好英语,如果学生只在课堂上学单词和句型课后不讲,那么长期以往,他们只会“哑巴”英语。所以英语作业当中应该有口头表达。例如,学过人教英语七年级Unit5 I’m watching TV.Period 1之后,教师的作业最好包括:教会父母表达正在做的事。学生不仅锻炼了口语,而且从中体验到了乐趣、增加自信。








































【摘要】 随着大学英语


【关键词】 听说能力;英语教学;教学方法

1 研究、探索“提高听说能力”的背景





2 研究英语听说能力新教学方法的目的和意义



3 提高听说能力的探索

3.1 提高听力能力



3.2 提高口语表达能力 口语能力的提高也是这次





[1] 文秋芳.英语学习策略[M].上海外语教育出版社,1995.

[2] 章兼中.外语教育学[M].外语教育出版社,1993.

[3] 胡春洞,王才仁.英语教学交际论[M].广西教育出版社,1999.

第19篇:大学英语听说unit 15

Unit 15

Part A

Excercises 1



Exercise 2


Part B

Paage 1

Exercise 1:


1.What happened on July 29, 2005 ?

2.What was Dr Brown’s reason to claify the newly discovered object as a

planet ?

3.Why were the two other astronomers unable to detect the motion of the new

planet when they first discovered it?

4.What have the scientists been doing in the last seven months?

5.What can you infer from the paage? Exercise2


scripts:the 10th planet?

On July 29,2005 Dr Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology announced the discovery of a new planet in the solar system.The planet, which hasn’t been officially named yet, was found by Brown and his colleagues in California.It is currently about 97 times farther from the sun than Earth.This places the new planet more or le in a dark realm beyond Neptune where thousands of small icy bodies orbit the sun.The planet appears to be typical of such objects — only much bigger.Its sheer size in relation to the nine known planets means that it can only be calified as a planet itself, Brown says.

The planet was also discovered by two other astronomers, Chad Trujillo in Hawaii, and David Rabinowitz of Yale University.They first photographed the new planet on October 31, 2003.

the object was so far away, however, that its motion was not detected until they reanalyzed the data in january of this year.In the last seven months, the scientists have been studying the planet to better estimate its size and its motions.

This new planet is the largest object found in orbit around the sun since the discovery of Neptune and its moon Triton in 1846.It is larger than Pluto, which was discovered in 1930.

The planet’s temporary name is 2003 UB 313.a permanent name has been proposed by the discovers to the International Astronomical Union, and they are waiting for the decision of this body before announcing the name.

Paage 2

Questions for Exercise 1

1.Why did the 5-year-long war between the Medes and the Lydians suddenly stop ?

2.What happened in 1991?

3.Why was the solar eclipse in 1991 called “the Eclipse of the Century”?

4.What interesting things happened during the 1991 eclipse?

5.What can you infer from the paage? Answers to Exercise 2

Scripts: a solar eclipse

On May 28 in 585 BC the Medes, who were from what is now northern Iran, were in battle with the Lydians who lived in what is now Turkey.To the horror of both sides, the sun disappeared.The war had been going on for five years, but the Meedes and Lydians were so frightened at this ill omen that they made peace.

Today, astronomers are able to explain such disappears of the sun.on its trip around the earth, if the moon paes directly between the sun and the earth, then it prevents rays of the sun from reaching the earth and causes a temporary darkening.This is what is known as a solar eclipse.A solar eclipse can last as long as seven and a half minutes.During the 20th century 228solar eclipses, mostly partial ones, have taken place.

In 1991, there was a total eclipse of the sun.because the moon paed directly in the line of sihgt between the sun and the earth, its shadows spread a path of darkne acro the land.This path extended from Hawaii to South America in what astronomers called “the Eclipse of the Century.”

Instead of being frightened by the eclipse as had ancient peoples, people flocked to Hawaii and Mexico to view the awesome sight.Scientists viewed the eclipse from an observatory on a volcanic peak in Hawaii.In the continental United States, however, only a partial eclipse occurred.Unfortunately, as a result of a cloud cover, this partial eclipse was barely visible.

Interesting things happened during the 1991 eclipse.For example, animals in a zoo in Mexico City headed into their dens when the eclipse began.When sun reappeared, roosters crowed as if it were morning.And light-sensitive lamps flickered on at the beginning of the eclipse and flickered off at the end.

Part D:

Paage 1: 1) 2) 3) 4) th

5) 1) 2) 3) 4) Paage 2:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)







小学:每单元分为Section A,B,C 三部分,每部分中let’s talk 和let’s learn 都可设计成听说课。其中let’s talk以教授语法为主,let’s learn以教授单词为主。

初中:每单元分为Section A,B两部分。Section A部分的1(a,b,c,d..)和2(a,b,c,d..)可设计成听说课;Section B 部分的1(a,b,c,d..)可设计成听说课。 高中:Using Language 部分可设计成听说课。

三、教学目标分析 英语是一门语言,语言交际分为口头语言和书面语言,通过听说读写四种形式将语音、词汇、语法、功能和语篇表达出来。 根据新课标规定,教学目标为三维目标,分别是知识目标,技能目标和情感态度价值观目标。 知识目标:语音、词汇、语法、功能和语篇 技能目标:听说读写



2.学生为行为动词的主体而不是主语,原因是英语中被动语态。例如:Students’ listening skill can be improved.




小学建议使用四部曲:warming up, presentation, consolidation , summery and homework.初高中:采用pwp 模式,即将presentation 分为pre-listening 和while-listening, 将consolidation 变为post-listening.教学活动可以按教材中的题目设计。

1.热身和导入(Warming up and lead in):移情,起兴,入题。 常用方法:温故知新法:课程复习法、作业复习法


教师语言示例:Good morning, I will introduce a man to you, listen to me carefully and gue who he is.He is a great man and enjoys a high popularity in the world.Can you gue who he is ? Now let me continue.He has made a great contribution to the freedom of the slaves.He has made a very famous speech called “I have a dream”.Now who is he? Great ! You know him.Today we are going to learn „.2.pre-listening:新课讲授的开始,进行新课内容的呈现。


3.while-listening: 对听力材料的初摄入。可分为 extensive listening 和intensive listening .extensive listening 部分:听前布置任务,让学生明白要听什么,比如听力材料的大意,主题,标题,其中一个或者两个信息的提取等。

intensive listening 部分:通过正误判断,填空,回答问题,连线,填表格等出题形式,引导学生完成对听力材料的细化,加深对材料的理解。


5.summary and homework: 对本节课话题抑或语言点的小结并留作业继续加深巩固或者为下节课做铺垫。


homework: 作业布置要具有可测性,有目的性,可操作性。1.常规性作业:做课后习题,抄句子短语,背词组等。2.实践性作业:根据本节课话题或者所学语言点布置表演,搜集材料,调查,讨论等。如初中英语有一节课是关于天气的,作业布置就可以是:After cla, you need to make a survey about the weather in the past week, and next cla I will ask some of you to give presentation in this way: A:How was the weather on __? B: It was __.


