
2020-04-18 来源:教学工作总结收藏下载本文




通过训练学生的听、说、读、写,使学生掌握最基本的语言知识和语言技能,从而培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力;寓教于乐,使学生养成良好的外语学习习惯,为将来的学习打下坚实的基础。 以教材为载体,密切结合教材,在课堂上努力创设各种情景夯实语言知识及语言技能,从而激发学生主动学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的记忆、观察、思维及想象能力,为学生的终身学习奠定基础。












(一)、继续培养学习习惯。外研版版英语教材是针对7-9年级英语学习者的特点而编写,起点为零。话题环环相扣,因此单词、句型再现率特别高,使学生的词汇量和语言知识像滚雪球一样不断循环滚动,逐渐增大,学生的英语水平呈螺旋式逐步提高。从七年级开始便着手培养学生的听、说、读、写四方面的能力,由于教材好教易学,这使得培养学生学习英语的良好习惯不太困难。如:要求学生把每天所学的单词、句型当天记好,第二天再进行听写, 并及时批改。每学完一个单元进行一次测验,并及时批改和评讲。狠抓课堂、作业和测试, 要求学生整理作业或测验中的错题,还要求他们在每次测验练习后写自我评价,总结其中的得与失。在课堂教学中,,让学生在紧张有序、轻松愉悦的课堂氛围中表现自己,听说读写能力也随之得到了提高。并对他们的课堂活动加以评价,适时表扬,帮助他们树立起信心,保持对英语浓厚的兴趣。


⑴ 抓好早读,强调学生背诵重点的句型、对话和段落。

⑵ 课堂上多创设让学生多听、多开口说英语的机会。收集一些相关的课外资料,图片或音像等,找一些适合的话题,让学生用英语聊天。特别关注发生在学生身边的事,鼓励他们用英语说话。







1、单词、词组过关。利用自修时间、早读时间,让学生代表带读,并抽时间在课堂让学生听写单词. 并把学过的词组归纳,帮助学生记忆的同时还要用词组造句 2、句型过关。组织学生结对子,一有空就你问我答,营造学习氛围,同时加强笔头的练习,使学生能熟能生巧





















第一周(9月7日—12日) Module1 Wonders of the world 第二周 (9月14日—19日)Module2 Public holidays 第三周 (9月21日—26日)Module3 Heroes 第四周 (9月28日—10月2日)Module4 Home alone 第五周 (10月4日—9日)M odule5 Museums 第六周 (10月12日—16日)Module6 Problems 第七周 (10月19—23日)Module1-6 Revision moduleA 第八周 (10月26日—30日) 期中考试 第九周 (11月2日—6日)Module7 Great books 第十周(11月9日—13日) Module8 Sports life 第十一周 (11月16日—20日)Module9 Great inventions 第十二周(11月23日—27日) Module10 Australia 第十三周 (11月30日—12月4日)Module11 Photos 第十四周 (12月14日—18日)Module12 Save our world 第十五周 (12月21日—25日)Module6-12 Revision module B 第十六周(12月28日—1月1日)总复习第十六周(1月4日—8日)期末考试



Module 1 Wonders of the world

Unit 2I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon.说课稿





本文是谈论作者一次去科罗拉多大峡谷的旅游经历和对大峡谷的介绍。词汇量还是较多的。这篇文章是以游记形式的日记,所以,整篇文章的阅读是以时间轴为主线的。 接下来我按照我自己教学的设计稍微作一个解释。

课前播放的图片是2007年新选出来的7大奇迹,学生通过图片可以对世界奇迹有一些了解。Warming up部分是以长城为载体,讨论为什么长城是世界奇迹之一,随之呈现一些新词汇,( wonder, ancient, man-made, disappear)为接下来的阅读减轻了负担。也激起了学生的自豪感。

Pre-reading 部分是直接用大峡谷的图片来导入,让学生就大峡谷有一点了解,也解决了一部分新词汇(edge, ottom, canyon, )。


第一部分(on the way),主要是信息的提取,其中还有一个猜词 “replay”,这一个题型我在以前不够重视,是上次我们学校校本教研活动时,王老师给我们学校的老师评课时讲到了我们平时阅读课上,可以适当练习一些考试题型,其中猜词就是很好的一个训练,我觉得在课堂上的不知不觉的渗透比讲解考卷时更有效。

第二部分(on the edge),有信息的提取,但是更关注写作中的描写,可以说是细节描写吧。让学生用几个句子自己去体会,并引导学生从事实中去判断作者的观点和情感,也为读后的写作提供一些模仿的依据吧。

第三部分(after the travelling),主要是分析作者对大峡谷的看法,旨在告诉学生在写作过程中也要善于表达情感或观点。


最后输出部分,是设想自己曾经去过一个奇迹之地,先合作讨论,最后独立写作。 我经验不够,见识浅薄,还望各位多多指教。



金传郁 2013-9-

1一 学情分析

今年我任教九年级一二两班英语。从整体情况来看,学生普遍英语基础较差,兴趣不高,甚至有部分学生的听说读写能力还不及 小学三年级水平,所以在课堂教学时,出现有学生不守课堂规则,不愿听课、睡觉或是做与课堂无关事情的现象,难以形成英语学习氛围。也有少部分学生基础较好,自制能力较强,能认真听课,按老师要求完成各项任务。总的来说,这两个班的英语教学具有挑战性,需要耗费不少时间和精力。

二 教材分析


1 本书共12个模块(两个复习模块除外),每个模块有3个单元,第一单元侧重听说能力培养,第二单元为阅读写作课,第三单元为复习单元,侧重语法运用。

2 该书.要使学生受到听、说、读、写的基本技能训练,掌握最基础的语言知识和语言技能以及培养初步英语交际的能力;养成良好的外语学习习惯,掌握学习外语的基本方法;为进一步学习和运用英语打下扎实的基

3 该书主要语法是被动语态及定语从句。

三 教学安排





第1周Module 1Wonders of the world

第2周Module 1andModule 2 Great books

第3周Module 2andModule 3Sporting life

第4周Module 3 and a test

第5周National holiday

第6周Module 4 Great inventions

第7周Module 5 Museums

第8周Module 6Save our world

第9周Module 6 and a test

第10周Module 7 Australia

第11周Module 8Photos

第12周Module 9 Carton stories

第13周Module 10Fitne

第14周Module 10 and a test

第15周Module 11 Population

第16周Module 12Summer in LA

第17周Module 12 and a test

第18-20周Revision for the final examination

四 教学措施




4、要因材施教 ,要进行分层次教学。对于好的学生要加大知识的容量,拓展知识的层面,使好学生成绩更上一层楼;对于差生要因势利导,因材施教,使差生在原有的基础上有所提高。




wondern.奇迹vt.想知道,对...好奇 bandn.乐队 reviewn.评论

ancienta.远古的,古老的 compositionn.作文 graden.成绩;年级 pyramidn.金字塔 pupiln.学生 meetingn.会议 listen up注意听

callvt.叫做,名为;打电话 eventn.事件;比赛项目 naturala.天然的;自然的get out of从...内出来,离开 lighta.明亮的 n.光线;灯 replyvi.回答

clearv.散开;打扫干净 a.清晰的 risevi.升起 groundn.地面

belowprep.在…下面 edgen.边,边缘

on the edge of处于...的边缘 bottomn.底部

at the bottom of在...的底部 canyonn.峡谷 siden.边,面,侧 disappearvi.消失 distancen.距离 hugea.巨大的

facev.面对,面临 n.脸 sightn.景象,景观 heightn.高度 liftn.电梯 viewn.景色 attractvt.吸引 descriptionn.描述 locationn.地点,位置


workn.(常复)作品 influencevt.影响 respectvt.尊敬,尊重 thinkern.思想家 wisea.睿智的

as far as就…来说;至于 not...any more不再...

monthlya.每月一次的,每月的 literaturen.文学 millions of数百万的 behaviourn.行为,举止 caven.山洞,洞穴 freedomn.自由 funeraln.葬礼

outsidern.局外人,外来人 sociala.社会的 themen.主题

treasuren.宝藏,财宝 clevera.聪明的

run awayv.潜逃,逃跑 deada.死的

for a timeadv.暂时, 一度 pleaseda.高兴的 alivea.活着的

grow up成长,长大成人 talk about谈论 southerna.南方的 staten.州,邦;状态 versionn.版本 historicala.历史的 editorn.编辑

publishern.出版者,出版社 reviewern.评论家


sportinga.有关体育运动的 allowvt.允许 defeatvt.打败

seasonn.赛季;季节 stand for代表;象征

againstprep.与...相对,相反;靠,依 tougha.艰苦的;强硬的 encouragev.鼓励 medaln.奖章,奖牌

overnighta.突如其来的,持续整夜的 recordn.最高记录vt.记录

setvt.设置;制定set up建立;创立 yearbookn.年鉴 first of all首先

representvt.代表,象征 advertisementn.广告 coachn.教练


sportsmann.运动员,男运动员 hurdlen.栏架 v.跨栏赛跑 hurdlingn.跨栏赛跑 sportswomann.女运动员 racevi.比赛

discuionn.讨论 awardv.授予

finishing line终点线 marathonn.马拉松 turnn.跑道

taekwondo跆拳道 beltn.带子



advantagen.优点,优势 digitala.数码的

digital camera数码相机 batteryn.电池 chargevt.充电

favourn.帮助;喜爱 publishvt.出版 iuen.(报刊)期

ordinarya.平常的,普通的,平凡的 agen.时期,时代;年龄 replacevt.代替 see to负责,注意 producevt.生产

inventionn.发明 look through浏览 createv.创造 cottonn.棉花 woodn.木材 at a time一次 by hand用手工 inkn.墨水


at the beginning of在...的开始 knowledgen.知识 spreadvt.散播,传播 introductionn.传入;介绍 rather than而不是...CD-ROM只读光盘 one day某天 feathern.羽毛

dryv.(使)干燥,使(变干) a.干的,干燥的sharpenvt.磨快,削尖 steeln.钢,钢铁

fountain pen自来水笔,钢笔 popularityn.普及,流行 ballpoint penn.圆珠笔



photographyn.摄影 familiara.熟悉的 attentionn.注意力

pay attention to集中注意力于

upstairsad.在楼上,向楼上 n.楼上 guardn.保卫 signn.标志 as well也

downstairsad.在楼下;向楼下 sculpturen.雕像

eitheradj.两者之一的 experimentn.实验 exhibitn.展品


work out设法弄懂,计算出 try out试用,试验,检验 Launch Pad起飞坪;发射台 Physicsn.物理 fallinga.下降中的 sandn.沙子 truckn.卡车 wheeln.轮子 positionn.位置 rocketn.火箭

travelvi.旅行 n.旅行 humann.人类 a.人类的 speedn.速度 obeyv.遵守 above all首先 drop in顺便走访 as...as同…一样

communicationn.交流,沟通 courtn.球场 storev.储存

cloakroomn.衣帽间 toiletn.厕所

inventorn.发明家 cafen.咖啡厅


wasten.浪费 v.浪费 wastefula.浪费的

throw away扔掉,抛弃 metaln.金属 energyn.能量 pollutionn.污染


environmentala.环境的 reusablea.可重新使用的 hopelea.希望渺茫的 reducevt.减少,减小 reusevt.重新利用 necearya.有必要的 plastica.塑料制的 n.塑料

repairev.修复 chinan.陶瓷

carev.在意,关心;担心 fashionn.风尚 insteadprep.代替

instead of代替, 而不是… air conditioningn.空调 clothn.布 sortv.挑拣 harmn.伤害

do harm to对...造成伤害 differencen.差别,差异

make a difference to对...产生重大影响/很重要

productn.产品 materialn.材料 bottlen.瓶子

boilv.煮沸,烧开 wildlifen.野生动植物

REVISION MODULE A accidentn.事故 put up张贴,挂起

joinvt.参加;连接;加入 networkn.网络

businepeoplen.商人 scientifica.科学的 multimedian.多媒体 hardwaren.硬件

communicatev.交流,沟通 softwaren.软件

(be) made up of组成,构成 a number of许多

normala.常规的;正常的 snailn.蜗牛



sharkn.鲨鱼 handn.协助;手

have a look at看...一眼

alongsideprep.在…的旁边,沿着… detailn.细节 grapen.葡萄 hamn.火腿 lambn.小羊肉 outbackn.内陆

relativen.家人,亲戚 sheepn.绵羊

spiritn.灵魂;神灵 surfingn.冲浪 winen.(葡萄)酒 helicoptern.直升机 purplen.紫色a.紫色的 similara.相似的,类似的 similar to同...相似 ourspron.我们的 cricketn.板球(运动) rugbyn.橄榄球 sunshinen.阳光

expreionn.短语,表达方式 maten.同伴 tempern.脾气

lifestylen.生活方式 water sports水上运动 greyn./a.灰色(的) ancestorn.祖先,先人


on the left在左边 on the right在右边 troublen.麻烦 shotn.照片 kidv.开玩笑 expectv.盼望 pick up接;拣起

historica.有历史意义的 even though即使 sizen.规模


categoryn.类别,种类 movementn.运动,动作 featuren.以...为特点 includevt.包括

richa.富有的;丰富的 congratulationn.祝贺 photographern.摄影师 presentvt.授予 n.礼物 ceremonyn.典礼




flashn.闪光;闪光灯 drawingn.图画 over there那边 wordn.言语

have a word with和某人说几句话 cuteadj.逗人喜爱的,漂亮的 heavenn.天堂,天国 lovablea.可爱的 men.混乱;杂乱 monstern.怪物

privatea.私人的;秘密的 heartn.心脏,心

win the heart of赢得...的心

everywheread.在各个地方;处处 handbagn.手提包

favouriten.喜爱的东西(或人) a.特别喜欢的

leadv.领导 rulen.统治 peachn.桃子

commona.常用的 bon.老板,雇主 surfacen.表面

ever since从...开始

Belgiana.比利时的 n.比利时人 cartoonistn.漫画家,卡通画家 seriesn.系列

experiencev.&n.经历,体验 creatorn.创造者 latea.逝世的;迟的 singlea.单一的

MODULE 10 fitnen.健康 achev.&n.疼,痛 exercisen.锻炼,练习runningn.跑步 weightn.重量 weight lifting举重 give up放弃

unlikelya.不太可能的 bumpv.碰,撞击 bump intov.碰见

interestv.感兴趣 n.兴趣 junk food垃圾食品 sugarn.糖

tastya.美味的,好吃的 menun.菜单 chipn.薯条 behavev.表现

pastan.意大利面食 persuadevt.说服 cookingn.烹饪 banvt.禁止 educatevt.教育 typicala.典型的 disadvantagen.缺点 dietn.日常饮食



populationn.人口 crowdn.人群 increasev.增加

smoken.烟,烟雾 v.吸烟 increasinga.增长的 along with与…一起


percentn.百分之一 appointmentn.约会 thanks to由于 crimen.犯罪 flatn.(英)公寓 lawn.法律 rubbishn.垃圾

suburbn.城郊住宅区 taxn.税

visionn.景象,幻影 addv.增加

add to向...增加 faultn.错误 policen.警察



accommodationn.住处 shortsn.短裤

sunglaesn.太阳镜 trousersn.裤子 guestn.客人 coursen.课程 hostn.主人

paagen.一段,一节 well-trained训练有素的 experiencedadj.经验丰富的 progren.进步

make progre取得进步 arrangev.安排 variousa.不同的 organizevt.组织

place of interest旅游胜地 fill in填写

applicationn.申请 formn.表格 addren.地址 lengthn.长度

bookn.书 vt.预定

check in(在旅馆)登记入住;(在机场)办理登机手续


stationn.(澳大利亚或新西兰的)大牧场 woodena.木制的 extraa.额外的



M1假设你在巴黎旅游,参观了the Eiffel Tower.请根据下列提示写一篇英语短文介绍这一景点。


2.历史:埃菲尔铁塔得名于它的设计师(designer)Gustave Eiffel,1887年起建,1889年建成。 3.建筑特点 塔分为三层:

一、二层设有餐厅;第三层建有观景台(viewing platform) 4.其他信息:每年有大量的游客来参观;它是法国文化的象征。





M3为了让学生们了解不同领域的一些英雄人物,学习他们的宝贵精神,你校开展了以My hero为题的英语演讲比赛。请根据以下提示写一篇演讲稿。




范例一 刘伟,无臂钢琴演奏者。他十岁时在一次意外中失去双臂,但他并没有放弃成为一名钢琴家的梦想。经过用脚刻苦练习弹琴,他最终在《中国达人秀》的舞台中实现了自己的梦想。请根据以上内容写一篇英语短文。要求:1.简要描述刘伟的经历 2.谈谈从他的经历中你得到的启示。 范例二

每个人心中都有英雄。请根据下列信息介绍一下中国的“两弹元勋” (The hero of two bombs)邓稼先。要求书写工整,卷面整洁,80词左右,可适当发挥。

1.伟大的科学家, 研究(research)和发展了中国的核武器(nuclear weapon).

2.1924年生于安徽。1941-1945在西南联合大学(Southwest United University)学习,1948年到美国留学。

3.1950年回中国,开始研究原子核理论(nuclear theory )。60年代,造出原子弹(A-bomb)和氢弹(super bomb)。

4.1987年死于直肠癌(rectal cancer)。


现在许多人都拥有了QQ号,但你知道它的发明者是谁吗?请根据以下提示写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍它的发明者马化腾。 提示:


2、学习努力,1993年毕业于深圳大学(Shenzhen University)

3、毕业后在深圳一家公司担任(work as)程序员(Programmer),五年后自己开了一家公司(company), 经过努力,发明了QQ;


天下最伟大的爱就是母爱。假设你是李静,母亲节就要到了,你们班将举办以What will you do for Mum?为题的英语演讲比赛。请你准备一篇80词左右的演讲稿参加比赛。

M 1

The Eiffel Tower is very famous around the world.It is in Paris, the capital of France.It got its name from its designer Gustave Eiffel.The building of the tower began in 1887 and it took two years.The Eiffel Tower has three floors.On the first and second floors, there are dining rooms.And you can have a great view of Paris on the viewing platform of the third floor.A great number of tourists come to visit the Eiffel Tower every year.It is the symbol of French culture.


Dear Jim,, How are you? I’m really glad that you are interested in the Spring Festival.I’d like to introduce it to you.The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China.It usually lasts for 15 days.

Before the Festival, people usually clean their houses.They think it can sweep away bad luck.On the eve of the festival, family members get together and have a big meal.As they eat, they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV.At midnight, they set off fireworks to welcome the New Year.During the festival, people visti the relatives and friends.They wish each other a happy year and good luck.Best wishes! Yours, Wang Bo M3 范例一

Liu Wei, an armle piano player, has a very special experience.He lost his arms in an accdent when he was 10, but he didn’t give up his dream of being a pianist.He tried to pracitse playing the piano with his feet.Finally he realised his dream in “China’s Got Talent”.

As a student, I’ve learnt a lot from his story.We may meet a lot of difficulties in our future life, but we should believe that our dream will come true by working hard.No matter how hard life is, we won’t fail unle we give up our hope.

Hello, cla.I’m Li Jing.Mother’s Day is coming.I’m going to do something for my mum on that day.My mum likes flowers, so I’ll buy some beautiful ones for her.I’ll cook a delicious dinner after school.Our family will get together and have dinner happily.Also, I’ll send my mum a card and say “Happy Mother’s Day” to her.

I love my mum very much and I’ll study hard to make her proud of me one day.Thanks for your attention. M3 贝多芬, 著名作曲家(composer), 生于1770年德国波恩(Bonn), 1792年搬到奥地利(Austria)的维也纳(Vienna), 向约瑟夫·海顿学习作曲, 很快他就能自己谱曲。但是他成功后便失聪了, 但他仍旧坚持谱曲。

1827年, 在维也纳去世。

I like the famous composer Beethoven very much.Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany, in 1770.In 1792, he moved to Vienna, Austria to study with Austrian composer Joseph Haydn.Soon Beethoven could play music that he wrote himself.But just as he was becoming succeful, he started to lose his hearing.But he kept writing music.The music he wrote became even better.In 1827, he died in Vienna.I was deeply moved by Beethoven himself and his music.

M4 某英文报社正就青少年与父母关系这一话题开展题为“How to keep a good relationship with parents”的征文活动。请你根据以下要点, 写一篇80个词左右的英语短文参加此次活动:

1.父母规矩太多, 过于强调学习成绩, 不理解自己等问题; 2.你对这些问题的看法;


How to keep a good relationship with parents In my opinion, I have too many rules at home.My parents never allow me to go out with my friends at night.They don’t allow me to choose my own clothes, either.And they pay too much attention to my exam results.I think my parents don’t quite understand me.

However, I try my best to understand them.Although they don’t allow me to make my own decisions and give me too much preure, I know that it is because they really love me and want me to have a bright future.

In order to keep a good relationship with my parents, I study hard, listen to them, talk to them as friends, tell them my troubles, and help them do more housework.

M5 假如你陪你的外籍老师去某音乐厅, 在门口的布告栏上看见一张观众须知, 内容如下:

1.一人一票, 凭票入场。


史密斯先生不懂中文, 他很想知道布告栏上写的是什么。现在, 请你把观众须知的内容用英文告诉史密斯先生, 并把要讲的话写下来。

Mr Smith, it is a notice to the audience.It says that we should enter the concert hall 30 minutes earlier before the concert starts.Entrance to the hall is by ticket only, each one each ticket.As a rule, food or drinks should not be taken into the hall.Of course, smoking is not allowed in the hall, either.Please don’t take your digital camera with you because no photos can be taken during the concert.And what is more, mobile phones must be kept off during the concert.

M6.上周学校举行了初三年级家长会, 家长、学生和老师进行了面对面的交流, Betty代表同学们说出了困惑, 表达了决心:

1.因为经常考试, 她时常有些压力, 有时感到心烦意乱; 2.作业多, 没有时间; 不知如何平衡学习与自己的业余爱好; 3.老师告诉她放松的方法有很多: (1)多与父母或朋友交流(2)……

4.现在她知道了时间的重要性, 能按时交作业, 已经取得了很大的进步。

Last week our school held a parents’meeting.Parents, students and teachers sat together and talked a lot.Betty says she has a lot of problems.She often suffers from stre and feels disturbed at times because of exams.She has too much homework, so she doesn’t have time for her hobbies.She also doesn’t know how to keep a balance between work and hobbies.Her teacher often tells her there are many ways to relax.She can often talk to her parents and friends.She can also read some great books by famous writers.Now she knows it’s important to save time.She can hand in her homework on time.She has made great progre in study.

M7.请以“My Favourite Great Book”为题, 根据下面的问题写一篇80个词左右的短文, 注意适当表达自己的看法。

1.Who is the writer of the great book? 2.What is the main idea of the book? 3.Who are the important characters? 4.What’s the title of the story?

My Favourite Great Book

My favourite great book is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.Tom Sawyer is a lively and clever boy.He lives with his aunt Polly.His aunt is strict with him, so he runs to an island in the middle of the Miiippi River with two friends, Huck and Joe.With Huck, he goes looking for treasure; with Becky, he gets lost in a cave.And finally Tom and Huck find a box of gold.Tom is the hero of the story, but there are other important characters.Becky is pretty with fair hair.Huck is Tom’s best friend, and Injun Joe is the bad man of the story.

The theme of the story is to do with children growing up and becoming more serious.



Module 1

(一)假如你是王红,你的朋友马丽将来你这里度假,请你给她介绍一下你市北海滩的情况。Dear Ma LI, I’m very glad to hear that you will travel to my city.Now let me tell you something about my city.My city is famous for Beihai Beach.The Beihai Beach is in the north of my city, about 8 kilometres away.It’s one of the best beaches in our city.The sand is fine, soft and clean.The water is clear with small waves.It’s suitable for swimming and playing beach volleyball.Many people come here to spend their holidays.Everyone says it’s a beautifully place to travel.The people here are very friendly.I think you will have a good time here.I’m looking forward to your coming.

Yours, Wang Hong


提示:1.下一站到哪个城市参观; 2.那个城市的自然景观; 3.有哪些地方值得浏览。 Ladies and gentlemen, I’m your guide today.We are going to visit Guilin.First, I’d like to tell you something about Guilin before we arrive.Guilin is in the north of Guangxi.The population of the city is six hundred thousand. Guilin is famous for its beautiful scenery in the world.The hills are green and the water is clear.The environment here is clean and tidy.Every year a lot of tourists come to visit it.You can see the scenes of the Li River by boat.You can also see the scenic spots in the city on free buses. I hope you will enjoy yourselves in Guilin.

Module 2

(一)假设你叫李岩,你的美国朋友Ted想向你了解一下中国人是如何庆祝中秋节的,请你给他写一封信介绍一下。要求70词左右,信的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。 提示词语:a harvest festival, enjoy the moonlight, eat moon cakes Dear Ted, How are you? You said that you wanted to know something about Mid-Autumn Festival.I am very glad to tell you something about it.Mid-Autumn Festival is a harvest festival.Farmers begin to harvest fruit and vegetables.It is a big time for families and friends to get together.On that evening, the moon looks brighter and rounder.Many families sit around a table and enjoy the beautiful moonlight.We always have a big dinner.We also eat moon cakes and fruit.I hope you can come and celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with us next year.Best wishes to you! Yours, Li Yan


Dear Tom, I’m glad to tell you something about Chinese Spring Festival.The Spring Festival is very important in my country.It usually come in January or February. It’s time to say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new.We usually clean and decorate our

I house carefully before it comes.As soon as the Spring Festival comes, we put on chunlian on the door and chuanghua on the window.It means the start of the celebration. We celebrate the Spring Festival by eating a traditional dinner in the evening before the Spring Festival.There’s so much delicious food.We eat jiaozi— a kind of dumpling.After the dinner, we usually watch a special programme on TV. We always visit the relatives and friends and say “Happy New Year” to each other.When kids greet their grandparents, they can get lucky money.The celebration lasts until Yuan Xiaojie comes.Yours, Li Lei

Module 3

(一)成龙是国内外著名的电影演员,他出演的很多电影都深受人们的喜爱。请以My Favourite Hero为题介绍成龙的文章。 My Favourite Hero Jackie Chan is my favourite hero.He is one of the most famous film stars in China and in the world. Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong in 1954.His family was poor when he was young.He studied in a drama school in Hong Kong for ten years.Later, he became an actor.He makes action films more interesting and makes the world pay more attention to Chinese film today.He also likes to help others and he has helped lots of poor the sick people in the world.He loves life and he is a hard-working man.His films make him a hero. I think he is one of the most succeful men in the world.

(二)刘伟,无臂(armle)钢琴演奏者。他十岁时在一次意外事故中失去双臂,但他并没有放弃成为一名钢琴家的梦想。经过刻苦用脚练习弹琴,他最终在“中国达人秀”(China’s Got Talent)的舞台上实现了自己的梦想。请根据以上内容写篇英语短文。


Liu Wei, an armle piano player, has a very special experience.He lost his arms in an accident when he was 10, but he didn’t give up his dream of being a pianist.He tried to practice playing the piano with his feet.Finally he realized his dream in “China Got Talent”. As a student, I’ve learnt a lot from his story.We may meet a lot of difficulties in our future life, but we should believe that our dream will come true by working hard.No matter how hard life is, we won’t fail unle we give up our hope.

Module 4

一、某英文报社正就青少年与父母关系这一话题开展题为“How to Keep Good Relationship with Parents”的征文活动。请你根据以下要点,写一篇80词左右的英语短文参加此次活动;

要点提示:1.父母规矩太多,过于强调学习成绩、不理解自己等问题。2.你对这些问题的看法。 3.你与父母保持良好关系的做法。

How to Keep Good Relationship with Parents In my opinion, I have too many rules at home.My parents never allow me to go out with my friends at nights.They don’t allow me to choose my own clothes, either.And they pay too much attention to my exam results.I don’t think my parents quite understand me.However, I try my best to understand them.Although they don’t allow me to make my own decisions and give me too much preure, I know that it is because they really love me and want me to have a bright future.In order to keep good relationship with my parents, I study hard, listen to them, talk to them as friends, tell them my troubles , and help them do more housework.

二、暑假就要到了,你和你的同学们正在讨论暑假计划,你也提出了自己的打算。请你根据以下提示内容以My Summer Holiday为题,介绍你暑假打算怎么过。

II 提示:1.坚持锻炼身体;2.根据个人兴趣和需要安排学习; 3.帮助家人做家务。 要求:暑假生活除必须写以上3项内容外,其他活动(1-2项)可适当发挥。

My Summer Holiday The summer holiday is coming at once.During the holiday, the first thing I’ll do is to get relaxed after the exams.I’ll go on doing morning exercises every day.In the afternoon I’ll go fishing if I’m free.I like playing the computer so much that I’m going to surf the Internet and try to find some useful information.I’d like to spend some time reading books because I like reading .Because my Chinese is a little weak, I’m going to read more books on Chinese than on any other subject.On the other hand I’ll help my parents do some housework as much as poible.I’d like to visit some of my friends and relatives as well. I’m sure I will have a good time this summer.



规定:1.不要把包带进图书馆 ; 2.看书时保持安静,不要大声喧哗,到处跑动。 3.馆内禁止吸烟; 4.每次可借四本书;不能将书转借给别人;按时还书; 5.下午六点前离开图书馆,图书馆六点关门。 There is a big library near my home.It is very good and I often go there to do some reading.There are all kinds of books in it.When you read in the library, you should follow these rules: Don’t take your bags into the library.You must keep quiet while you are reading.There is no shouting or running around in it.You mustn’t smoke in the library.You can borrow four boobs at a time, but you mustn’t lend them to others.Remember to return the books on time.You’d better leave the library before 6:00 pm, because it closes at 6:00 pm. Follow the rules and you’ll enjoy yourself in it.

Module 6

一、The Way to Keep Healthy Health has become a very important part of our life.There are many ways to keep healthy.First, you can eat more fruits and vegetables, and you’d better drink more warm water.Next, you have to do lots of exercise, and have at least 8 hours’ sleep every night.Remember not to drink coffee or tea before before you go to bed.Don’t eat too much sugar and don’t work or study too late because it will make you very tired.If you care about yourself, it’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle.


邮件内容包括: 1.你是否遇到过这样的问题; 2.该借给她钱还是不借给她钱; 3.若她忘记归还该怎么办。 注意:1.恰当运用条件状语从句,句子结构要完整; 2.词数:80左右。 Dear Liu Ming, Hi! I’m so sad.Angela is a close friend of mine.This morning she wanted to borrow some money from me.If I lend her the money, I’m afraid she won’t pay me back.I don’t know what to do.Do you have the same problem? I need your help.I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours, Alice

Dear Alice, I’m glad to hear from you.Yes, I sometimes have the same problem.I think if she really needs the money, you’d better

III lend it to her.You don’t need to worry too much.She’ll probably pay you back when she has money.If you don’t lend her the money, I’m afraid you may lose the friend.If she really forgets about the money, you can remind her in a polite way.For example, you can ask her if the money helped her at that time.I think everyone may have trouble in life and we should help each other.So when my friends need money, I will try my best to help her.Maybe I’ll get it back, or maybe I won’t.I hope what I said can help you.Yours, Liu Ming

Module 7

一、目前中学生学习任务重、压力大。而广泛的阅读有利于开阔视野,调节身心。在课业学习和业余生活中,你喜欢阅读吗?你读名著吗?或许有些名著给你留下了深刻的印象,对你有一定的影响。请就这个话题谈一谈。 I love reading.I spend some time reading every day, though I have too much everyday homework.I especially enjoy reading some great works.I have read Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, one of the greatest American writers.It describes people’s lives in the southern states of America at that time.It tells how young people grow.It influences me a lot.I learn how people love each other.By reading it , I also know how bad people pay for their actions .It is thought to be one of the greatest American stories.

二、My Favourite Newspaper Century Weekly is my favourite newspaper.It is an English newspaper.It is published in Beijing each week.There are plenty of beautiful pictures and interesting articles in it.I enjoy reading the paper.I read it to improve my English.I have learnt a lot of new words and useful expreions.Besides, I can get information about different things, from politics to sports and music.Century weekly is very popular with students and English learners.I really love it.Module 8

一、Let’s Do Exercise Together It’s very important for us to do exercise.Doing exercise can not only help us keep healthy, but also help to train a person’s character.What’s more, doing exercise helps us to study better.We can do exercise whenever we want.It is good for us to go to school on foot or by bike.In PE claes, we can do all kinds of exercise, such as running , jumping, playing basketball and so on.On weekends, we can climb mountains or go swimming with our friends.Also, we can go hiking during the vacations.Let’s do exercise and have a healthy lifestyle together!

二、My Favourite Player Fu Mingxia is a famous diver.She was born in 1978.When she was four years old, she started diving.Though she was young, she trained very hard and make great progre.At the age of 12, she won her first world diving champion.Fu Mingxia won her first Olympic gold medal at the Barcelona Olympic Games.In Barcelona, she became China’s youngest Olympic gold medalist when she was 14.Fu Mingxia had the best gift for her fourteenth birthday.She won the Olympic gold medal so she became famous all over the world.Module 9

一、the Computer One of the most important inventions if the computer.It has changed the world and people’s lives.The first computer was as large as a room.Today’s computers have become smaller and smaller.Computers are very useful.First, they can save large amounts of information in their memory chips.

IV Second, computers can work very fast, and they never get tired.Third, more and more machines are built with the help of computers.There are computer clarooms in many schools.Students learn a lot from computers.Students can learn a foreign language on computers.They can also make friends with others around the world on the computer.


1.世界上原本没有纸,以前人们不得不在石头或布上写字;2.中国的蔡伦发明了纸; 3.今天,人们将蔡伦的方法加以改进,制造出了很多其他种类的纸,人们会记住这位发明者。

Many years ago, there was no paper in the world.People had to write on the stones and cloth.It was a waste of time.And it was really difficult.Then Chinese inventor Cai Lun invented paper.It was not only very convenient but also very useful.Today, people improve the paper that was invented by Cai Lun.And we make a lot of different kinds of paper.I think it is one of the most helpful inventions in the world.People in the world will forever remember this great inventor—Cai Lun.Module 10

一、暑假就要到了,假设你们学校的外籍教师Mi Green要到海南岛去度假,她向你(Zhang Ming)了解情况。请你为她写一段简要的介绍,内容包括: 1.海南岛的地理位置、自然条件; 2.告诉她海南岛度假的活动内容:钓鱼、潜水、冲浪、游览亚热带风光等; 3.提示她带上度假必备物品:太阳镜、伞、太阳帽等。 Dear Mi Green, A trip to Hainan is the best choice for your summer holiday.Hainan lies in the south of China.Everything is quite different from here in Guangxi.The weather there is often changeable, sunny or rainy.No matter what weather it is, it’s very hot there.You can go fishing, swimming, diving surfing every day.If you want to relax yourself quietly, you can stay on the beach.The beach is very beautiful. I hope what I have written will be helpful to you.Enjoy yourself.Zhang Ming Module 11

My Favourite Phote Hello, everyone! This is my favourite photo.It was taken when I first took part in school table tennis competition.In the picture, I’m getting ready to play.I look very careful.To tell the truth, I liked playing table tennis, but I was afraid to play in the competition.My friends encouraged me to have a try.At last, I agreed.I practiced so hard for the competition that I won the first prize in the end.From the experience I learn that nothing is impoible if you put your heart into it.Module 12


请你以Protect Wild Animals为题,写一篇短文。谈谈我们为什么要保护野生动物,应该采取措施保护野生动物。

Protect Wild Animals Why should we protect wild animals? Do you know any of endangered animals? Why are they in danger? I think there are many endangered animals in the world, such as tigers and pandas.When farmers cut down trees, tigers can’t hide or hunt.Many tigers are killed by people who want to sell their fur for money.And there are few places where pandas can live. We human beings could not live without all the plants and animals around us.So Protecting wild

V animals is very important.We must take measures to keep plants from being destroyed and stop animals from being killed.If each of us can plant a tree and build a birdhouse, the world will be more beautiful. VI



Module 1

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Module 3

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Module 6

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Module 8

Module 9

Module 10

Module 11

Module 12

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Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

Module 5

Module 6

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Module 12

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Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

Module 5

Module 6

Revision module A

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Module 8

Module 9

Module 10

Module 11

Module 12

Revision module B

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Module 1

(一)假如你是王红,你的朋友马丽将来你这里度假,请你给她介绍一下你市北海滩的情况。Dear Ma LI, I’m very glad to hear that you will travel to my city.Now let me tell you something about my city.My city is famous for Beihai Beach.The Beihai Beach is in the north of my city, about 8 kilometres away.It’s one of the best beaches in our city.The sand is fine, soft and clean.The water is clear with small waves.It’s suitable for swimming and playing beach volleyball.Many people come here to spend their holidays.Everyone says it’s a beautifully place to travel.The people here are very friendly.I think you will have a good time here.I’m looking forward to your coming.Yours, Wang Hong




3.有哪些地方值得浏览。Ladies and gentlemen, I’m your guide today.We are going to visit Guilin.First, I’d like to tell you something about Guilin before we arrive.Guilin is in the north of Guangxi.The population of the city is six hundred thousand. Guilin is famous for its beautiful scenery in the world.The hills are green and the water is clear.The environment here is clean and tidy.Every year a lot of tourists come to visit it.You can see the scenes of the Li River by boat.You can also see the scenic spots in the city on free buses.

I hope you will enjoy yourselves in Guilin.Module 2


提示词语:a harvest festival, enjoy the moonlight, eat moon cakes Dear Ted, How are you? You said that you wanted to know something about Mid-Autumn Festival.I am very glad to tell you something about it.Mid-Autumn Festival is a harvest festival.Farmers begin to harvest fruit and vegetables.It is a big time for families and friends to get together.On that evening, the moon looks brighter and rounder.Many families sit around a table and enjoy the beautiful moonlight.We always have a big dinner.We also eat moon cakes and fruit.I hope you can come and celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with us next year.

Best wishes to you!

Yours, 1

Li Yan

(二)假如你是李磊,你的美国朋友Tom对各个国家的节日文化很感兴趣。请用英语给他介绍一个中国传统节日。 Dear Tom, I’m glad to tell you something about Chinese Spring Festival.The Spring Festival is very important in my country.It usually come in January or February. It’s time to say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new.We usually clean and decorate our house carefully before it comes.As soon as the Spring Festival comes, we put on chunlian on the door and chuanghua on the window.It means the start of the celebration. We celebrate the Spring Festival by eating a traditional dinner in the evening before the Spring Festival.There’s so much delicious food.We eat jiaozi— a kind of dumpling.After the dinner, we usually watch a special programme on TV. We always visit the relatives and friends and say “Happy New Year” to each other.When kids greet their grandparents, they can get lucky money.The celebration lasts until Yuan Xiaojie comes.Yours, Li Lei

Module 3

(一)成龙是国内外著名的电影演员,他出演的很多电影都深受人们的喜爱。请以My Favourite Hero为题介绍成龙的文章。

My Favourite Hero

Jackie Chan is my favourite hero.He is one of the most famous film stars in China and in the world.

Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong in 1954.His family was poor when he was young.He studied in a drama school in Hong Kong for ten years.Later, he became an actor.He makes action films more interesting and makes the world pay more attention to Chinese film today.He also likes to help others and he has helped lots of poor the sick people in the world.He loves life and he is a hard-working man.His films make him a hero.

I think he is one of the most succeful men in the world.

(二)刘伟,无臂(armle)钢琴演奏者。他十岁时在一次意外事故中失去双臂,但他并没有放弃成为一名钢琴家的梦想。经过刻苦用脚练习弹琴,他最终在“中国达人秀”(China’s Got Talent)的舞台上实现了自己的梦想。请根据以上内容写篇英语短文。


Liu Wei, an armle piano player, has a very special experience.He lost his arms in an accident when he was 10, but he didn’t give up his dream of being a pianist.He tried to practice playing the piano with his feet.Finally he realized his dream in “China Got Talent”.

As a student, I’ve learnt a lot from his story.We may meet a lot of difficulties in our future life, but we should believe that our dream will come true by working hard.No matter how hard life is, we won’t fail unle we give up our hope.2

Module 4

一、某英文报社正就青少年与父母关系这一话题开展题为“How to Keep Good Relationship with Parents”的征文活动。请你根据以下要点,写一篇80词左右的英语短文参加此次活动;




How to Keep Good Relationship with Parents

In my opinion, I have too many rules at home.My parents never allow me to go out with my friends at nights.They don’t allow me to choose my own clothes, either.And they pay too much attention to my exam results.I don’t think my parents quite understand me.

However, I try my best to understand them.Although they don’t allow me to make my own decisions and give me too much preure, I know that it is because they really love me and want me to have a bright future.

In order to keep good relationship with my parents, I study hard, listen to them, talk to them as friends, tell them my troubles , and help them do more housework.

二、暑假就要到了,你和你的同学们正在讨论暑假计划,你也提出了自己的打算。请你根据以下提示内容以My Summer Holiday为题,介绍你暑假打算怎么过。





My Summer Holiday

The summer holiday is coming at once.During the holiday, the first thing I’ll do is to get relaxed after the exams.I’ll go on doing morning exercises every day.In the afternoon I’ll go fishing if I’m free.I like playing the computer so much that I’m going to surf the Internet and try to find some useful information.I’d like to spend some time reading books because I like reading .Because my Chinese is a little weak, I’m going to read more books on Chinese than on any other subject.On the other hand I’ll help my parents do some housework as much as poible.I’d like to visit some of my friends and relatives as well.I’m sure I will have a good time this summer.Module5 你家附近有个大图书馆,馆内有许多书,请你将这个图书馆的要求介绍给你的同学,以便他们去那儿看书时能遵守这些规定。 规定:1.不要把包带进图书馆 ;




There is a big library near my home.It is very good and I often go there to do some reading.There are all kinds of books in it.When you read in the library, 3

you should follow these rules: Don’t take your bags into the library.You must keep quiet while you are reading.There is no shouting or running around in it.You mustn’t smoke in the library.You can borrow four boobs at a time, but you mustn’t lend them to others.Remember to return the books on time.You’d better leave the library before 6:00 pm, because it closes at 6:00 pm.Follow the rules and you’ll enjoy yourself in it.Module 6


The Way to Keep Healthy

Health has become a very important part of our life.There are many ways to keep healthy.

First, you can eat more fruits and vegetables, and you’d better drink more warm water.Next, you have to do lots of exercise, and have at least 8 hours’ sleep every night.Remember not to drink coffee or tea before before you go to bed.Don’t eat too much sugar and don’t work or study too late because it will make you very tired.If you care about yourself, it’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle.







2.词数:80左右。Dear Liu Ming, Hi! I’m so sad.Angela is a close friend of mine.This morning she wanted to borrow some money from me.If I lend her the money, I’m afraid she won’t pay me back.I don’t know what to do.Do you have the same problem? I need your help.I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours, Alice

Dear Alice,

I’m glad to hear from you.

Yes, I sometimes have the same problem.I think if she really needs the money, you’d better lend it to her.You don’t need to worry too much.She’ll probably pay you back when she has money.If you don’t lend her the money, I’m afraid you may lose the friend.If she really forgets about the money, you can remind her in a polite way.For example, you can ask her if the money helped her at that time. I think everyone may have trouble in life and we should help each other.So 4

when my friends need money, I will try my best to help her.Maybe I’ll get it back, or maybe I won’t.

I hope what I said can help you.Yours, Liu Ming

Module 7


I love reading.I spend some time reading every day, though I have too much everyday homework.I especially enjoy reading some great works.I have read Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, one of the greatest American writers.It describes people’s lives in the southern states of America at that time.It tells how young people grow.It influences me a lot.I learn how people love each other.By reading it , I also know how bad people pay for their actions .It is thought to be one of the greatest American stories.


My Favourite Newspaper

Century Weekly is my favourite newspaper.

It is an English newspaper.It is published in Beijing each week.There are plenty of beautiful pictures and interesting articles in it.I enjoy reading the paper.I read it to improve my English.I have learnt a lot of new words and useful expreions.Besides, I can get information about different things, from politics to sports and music.Century weekly is very popular with students and English learners.I really love it.

Module 8


Let’s Do Exercise Together

It’s very important for us to do exercise.Doing exercise can not only help us keep healthy, but also help to train a person’s character.What’s more, doing exercise helps us to study better.

We can do exercise whenever we want.It is good for us to go to school on foot or by bike.In PE claes, we can do all kinds of exercise, such as running , jumping, playing basketball and so on.On weekends, we can climb mountains or go swimming with our friends.Also, we can go hiking during the vacations.

Let’s do exercise and have a healthy lifestyle together!


My Favourite Player

Fu Mingxia is a famous diver.She was born in 1978.When she was four years old, she started diving.Though she was young, she trained very hard and make great progre.At the age of 12, she won her first world diving champion.

Fu Mingxia won her first Olympic gold medal at the Barcelona Olympic 5

Games.In Barcelona, she became China’s youngest Olympic gold medalist when she was 14.Fu Mingxia had the best gift for her fourteenth birthday.She won the Olympic gold medal so she became famous all over the world.

Module 9


the Computer

One of the most important inventions if the computer.It has changed the world and people’s lives.The first computer was as large as a room.Today’s computers have become smaller and smaller.Computers are very useful.First, they can save large amounts of information in their memory chips.Second, computers can work very fast, and they never get tired.Third, more and more machines are built with the help of computers.There are computer clarooms in many schools.Students learn a lot from computers.Students can learn a foreign language on computers.They can also make friends with others around the world on the computer.





Many years ago, there was no paper in the world.People had to write on the stones and cloth.It was a waste of time.And it was really difficult.

Then Chinese inventor Cai Lun invented paper.It was not only very convenient but also very useful.Today, people improve the paper that was invented by Cai Lun.And we make a lot of different kinds of paper.

I think it is one of the most helpful inventions in the world.People in the world will forever remember this great inventor—Cai Lun.

Module 10

一、暑假就要到了,假设你们学校的外籍教师Mi Green要到海南岛去度假,她向你(Zhang Ming)了解情况。请你为她写一段简要的介绍,内容包括:



3.提示她带上度假必备物品:太阳镜、伞、太阳帽等。Dear Mi Green, A trip to Hainan is the best choice for your summer holiday. Hainan lies in the south of China.Everything is quite different from here in Guangxi.The weather there is often changeable, sunny or rainy.No matter what weather it is, it’s very hot there.You can go fishing, swimming, diving surfing every day.If you want to relax yourself quietly, you can stay on the beach.The beach is very beautiful.

I hope what I have written will be helpful to you.6

Enjoy yourself.

Zhang Ming

Module 11

My Favourite Phote

Hello, everyone! This is my favourite photo.It was taken when I first took part in school table tennis competition.In the picture, I’m getting ready to play.I look very careful.

To tell the truth, I liked playing table tennis, but I was afraid to play in the competition.My friends encouraged me to have a try.At last, I agreed.I practiced so hard for the competition that I won the first prize in the end.From the experience I learn that nothing is impoible if you put your heart into it.

Module 12


请你以Protect Wild Animals为题,写一篇短文。谈谈我们为什么要保护野生动物,应该采取措施保护野生动物。

Protect Wild Animals

Why should we protect wild animals? Do you know any of endangered animals? Why are they in danger?

I think there are many endangered animals in the world, such as tigers and pandas.When farmers cut down trees, tigers can’t hide or hunt.Many tigers are killed by people who want to sell their fur for money.And there are few places where pandas can live.

We human beings could not live without all the plants and animals around us.So Protecting wild animals is very important.We must take measures to keep plants from being destroyed and stop animals from being killed.If each of us can plant a tree and build a birdhouse, the world will be more beautiful.





第 5 册

Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1

What is a wonder of the world? 上课教师 学生年级

时 教

计 课

型 Listening and speaking 教材分析 This unit aims to review the learnt tenses so far and help students to be able to present some important and creative ideas about writing a school magazine. 教学目标 To learn and understand the topic words through talking and listening.To know something about the pyramids and the Grand Canyon.To understand the conversation about starting a school magazine involving different tenses.知识与能力 1.Vocabulary and expreions: ancient, club, composition, pupil, meeting, call, event, listen up.That’s news to me.Anyone else? 2.To enable the Ss to expre in different tenses according to the set situations.3.To learn to give ideas on writing a school magazine.过程与方法 1.Top-down approach, enabling Ss to understand and talk about writing a school magazine.2.To learn by listening, speaking and discuing.情感、态度 与价值观 To help students enlarge their vision on wonders of the world and help to know more about writing a school magazine of their own.


教学步骤 教师活动



Step 1 Lead-in Start the leon by showing groups of pictures about the wonders of the world on the screen including the ancient pyramids.Ask students to talk about the picture on Page 2.T: Where can you see the pictures and the brief introduction probably? (Newspaper / the Internet / Magazine…)

T: Yes, magazines like Crazy English / National Geography…

Who started…? Learn the new vocabulary.(ancient, pyramid, review, wonder…)

Have a talk about the picture using the words in Activity 1.Learn a bit about magazines.Get the Ss to be attentive and focus on the theme of the leon.(Magazine) Step 2 Listening & Vocabulary Play the tape and check the words.Listen to the tape again.Make up poible questions according to the answers.Give examples.

Listen and check the words.Make up questions according to the given answers.( Wh-questions) Practise listening and get specific information.Check their understanding by making questions.三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


第 5 册

Step 3.

Listen & read Play the tape for the 1st time.Ask Ss questions. T: What are the children doing?

Is there a school magazine in

Da Ming’s school? the 1st time.

Play the tape again and ask students to decide T OR F.① Crazy feet is a band.② Becky Wang started a school magazine.③ Da Ming watched the interview on TV yesterday ④ Tony is writing a composition.

Listen more carefully for the 2nd time.Decide whether they are true or false.Check the answers with the cla.Listen for the specific information and understand the details of the conversation. Step 4. Read Play the tape again and get Ss to practise the conversation.Check the language points. Focus on everyday English and useful expreions.(Listen up, Anyone else? do some review, do an interview, on=about, get better grades) Get Ss to make a list of the articles in magazines.Check the answers in Activity 4.Read the conversation aloud, and read in role.Answer the questions in Activity 4. Practise reading and go over how to give suggestions when in discuion.Learn more about writing a school magazine.

Step 5. Pair work Go through the five questions and highlight the key words.Ask for more answers on Question 3.Ss take turns to answer the questions.Consolidate the key words and transit to the next step by Question 3. Step 6.Discuion Tell the Ss: If your school decides to start a magazine, what are you going to write about? And why? They can make up lists and take Activity 3 as an example.Report their discuion.Work out the lists and talk about their plans to write the magazine.Beginning: Our school will start a magazine.What articles are you going to write...Learn

to Listen to the tape and get the answers.Listen to get a general idea for discu in the way as the children do.Check Ss’ creativity.作业 布置 Collect information about the seven wonders of the world.(Pictures and brief introductions) 板书 设计 Unit 1 What is a wonder of the world?

school magazine

That’s news to me!

a wonder

What’s it about?

ancient pyramids

listen up

write a composition

Any more ideas?/ Anyone else?

do some reviews about…


do an interview with 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


第 5 册

Unit 2

Iwas on the edge of the Grand Canyon.

上课教师 学生年级

时 教

计 课型 教材 分析 Reading and writing By example this unit presents a good way to describe what one sees and feels after a journey.It can help students to know more about the Grand Canyon, and inspire Ss to love and explore the natural wonders. 教学 目标 To get information from the reading material about the Grand Canyon; To learn the way of writing about what you see and your feelings when traveling;

知识与能力 1.Vocabulary and expreions: waterfall, stranger, rock, ground, canyon, reply, rise, face, get out of, look over, disappear into, look (acro) to„light-dark, clear, huge, beside, below, at the bottom of, reach the top. „too„to„

2.To enable the Ss to expre in different tenses according to the set situations.3.To love the wonders of the natural world and give facts and opinions.过程方法 1.Interactive approach.2.To improve Ss reading skills and get them to talk and practise writing by imitating.

情感、态度与价值观 To help students enlarge their vision on wonders of the world and help to write a description of a wonder that they have seen or visited.


教学步骤 教师活动



Step 1 Lead-in Ask Ss to show information about the seven natural wonders.(The teacher can get the related pictures ready beforehand) Present words in Activity 1.Talk and give facts about the wonders.Encourage Ss to describe with the words given.Check up Ss’ homework and start the new topic.(Wonders) Step 2.

Ask and answer Ask Ss to make questions about facts of the natural wonders.Demonstrate and get Ss to follow.Ask and answer.How tall/deep… is it? It’s…meters tall/deep.Practise asking about detailed information and learn the sentence pattern.三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


第 5 册

Step 3.

Read (Skimming)

Tell Ss to read the paage in Activity 2.Find out the name of the wonder and its facts.T: Where did the writer visit?

How deep/wide/long is it? Read the paage and answer the questions.Find out the facts and write them down in Activity 5.Practise reading skills and get specific information. Step 4 Read

and match Play the tape and get Ss to follow silently.Find out the main idea of each paragraph.Present the five topic sentences on the screen (Bb).A.The writer arrived there on the rainy

morning; B.The first impreion/sight of the

Grand Canyon.C.The Grand Canyon is the greatest

wonder in his opinion.D.Details about the Grand Canyon.E.After minutes’ walk, he came to it.Ss follow the lines and match the topic sentences to the paragraphs.(or they can conclude the main idea by themselves if poible) Read for the main idea of each paragraph.Learn to sum up and help to understand the whole paage. Step 5 Read aloud Get Ss to read aloud after the tape and find the details about the trip.① When did he get to the Grand

Canyon? ② Why was there nothing to see? ③ Where was he facing on the edge of

the Grand Canyon? ④ How did he feel about the Canyon? Read aloud and answer questions in Activity 3.Ask for help if they have any problems. Practise reading and learn about the details, check their understanding. Step 6.

Focus Now get Ss’ attention to those phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases.Try to check by a gap-filling exercise.(get out of, go through, look over, fall away, on the edge of, look down/acro to, at the bottom of, 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


第 5 册

disappear into, ask oneself ) Learn the verbs and phrases.Practising using them with the help of the gap-filling.Focus on the phrasal verbs and prepositions.

Step 7. Match Activity 4 Ask Ss to find these words in the paage and gue their meaning within the sentence.Underline the words and match the English meaning. Practise gueing the meaning of words in the context. Step 8.Writing Tell Ss to imagine they have seen (some of them did see) one of the wonders of the world.Write sentences describing how they felt.Remind them of the four keywords: saw, size, happened, felt.

First get them to work in pairs and then report the sentences or paage if poible.

Write sentences according to the given beginning.Report their answers and try to make them

into a paage.Practise writing and using the language on the basis of imaging and personal experience.作业 布置 Finish writing the description of one of the wonders of the world, trying to collect some details and take the text as a model.板书 设计 Unit 2 I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon The seven natural wonders of the world How tall/wide/deep is it? It’s…tall/wide/tall.

get out of

on the edge of

ask oneself go through

look down/acro to

huge=very very big look over

at the bottom of

the greatest wonder fall away

disappear into

Unit 3 Language in use


学生年级 教

计 课型 Revision and application 教材 分析 This unit serves to give a review and summary towards the language points learnt in U1&.2.

And it helps to clarify the exact differences among tenses.教学 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


第 5 册

目标 To review and check the words learned in this module; To summarise and consolidate tenses learnt before; 知识 与 能力 1.Vocabulary and expreions: height, lift, view, attract, description, location, design

2.To enable the Ss to differ the tenses learned in situations.3.To make a poster of a wonder of the world/ one’s hometown.过程

方法 1.Formal and interactive practice, task-based.2.Comprehensive ways of practising and consolidating.情感、态度与

价值观 To help students enlarge their vision on wonders of the world; To make a poster of a wonder of the world or his hometown and help to love one’s motherland. 教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 活动目的


Step 1 Revision Ask Ss to watch and listen to the MV Chinese by Andy Lau.Get them to find out the wonder in it.

Encourage Ss to describe what they see in it , e.g. The Great Wall is a great wonder. Andy Lau went to the Great Wall. He was singing on it. He has sung many popular songs. … Watch and talk about things appear in the MV.Learn to tell the differences among the tenses.Help to establish the concepts of tenses in situations. Step 2.

Grammar focus 1.Read through the sentences in the box with the whole cla.Call back ideas about the structure highlighted from the students.2.Give hand-out to Ss and ask them to match the exact meaning with the corresponding sentence.(Activity 1) Check the answers right after that.1.Read aloud the seven sentences.And tell the making-up of each tense.2.Read through the 5 pairs of sentences in different tenses and match.Practise telling the differences and meanings. Step 3. Writing

1.Go back to the picture of the Great Wall.Give examples by matching the three parts.The Great Wall + is + about 6,700 km long. Give Ss tips on how to decide.2.Encourage Ss to observe and decide the forms of verbs in different tenses. 1.Observe the 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


第 5 册

subjects and the adverbial or even the phrasal verbs.Match the three parts to make poible sentences.2.Read through the uncompleted paage and try to give the correct forms of verbs in the situations. Learn to observe and practise language in different tenses. Step 4 Speaking 1.Show up the photo of visiting the Great Wall.Get Ss to ask the teacher questions in Activity 4.(Example) Get Ss to work in pairs, and ask and answer the questions.2.Present wonders in the local area. Get Ss to talk about them.1.Ss follow the teacher and make up their own conversations.

Perform in front of the cla.2.Learn the example in Activity 5 and make a similar introduction to the wonders in local area.Practise speaking and enable Ss to use the language and understand its meaning.

Step 5 Vocabulary Game Present nine pictures about wonders of the world, each of which links an exercise in Activity 6/8.Get Ss to finish them first and check in forms of game.Elaborate on the Pyramids in Egypt.(More related photos)

Finish the multiple- choices exercises and choose the pictures they’re interested in to check the answers. With the help of games, Ss can review the phrasal verbs and concepts of tenses. Step 6.

Listening Present the three photos in Activity 7 Ask about facts about any one of them.Play the tape for Ss to learn more.

Listen and match the notes with the photos.Check the answers after listening and report about the three wonders with the help of the table. Learn more about the three wonders, practising describing. Step 7.

Around the world Get Ss to look at the picture and read silently through the introduction.Give questions to check their understanding. Read and decide, trying to grasp the main information.Learn about another wonder of the world. Step 8.Module task Tell Ss to work in groups of 4.Read through the instructions.Help them to decide what to write about.Hold up a show-and-tell seion where Ss can display and discu.Work in groups of 4 and write about one wonder they like.Collect sufficient information and make the poster.Take part in the show-and-tell seion.

Take this task as an extensive learning activity to get Ss to learn more about the wonders.作业 布置 Finish off the poster after cla and get ready for the show at the back wall of the claroom.Prepare the show-and-tell seion in groups of four.三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


第 5 册

板书 设计 Unit 3 Language in use

Structures of different tenses


The Great Wall is a wonder…



Andy Lau went to the Great Wall.


He was singing on it

height—What’s the height of…?

We are listening to him now.

on the journey of…

He has sung many pop songs.

because / because of He will visit it some other day.

Module 2 Great books



二、学情分析 谈论书、作家、思想家等是学生感兴趣的话题。本模块的学习是通过该话题的讨论,学习并掌握一般现在时被动语态的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。


1、语言知识目标: ● 功能:谈论书、作家、思想家等。

● 词汇:1)能正确使用下列单词:work,influence,respect,wise,literature, behaviour,cave,freedom,funeral,social,theme,treasure,clever,dead,

pleased, alive, southern, state.

2) 理解下列单词:thinker, monthly, outsider, version, historical,

editor, publisher, reviewer.

3)能准确理解并使用下列词组;as far as,not„any more,millions of,

run away, grow up, talk about, be known as/for ● 语法:一般现在时被动语态。




读:能读懂对书、作家、思想家等作介绍的文章,能掌握从文章到表格 的信息转移。





第 5 册


重点:key vocabulary___work, influence,wise,clever,behaviour,dead,alive,treasure

theme, southern,as far as,not…any more,millions of,run away,grow up,talk

about, be known as/for 难点:被动语态的构成和用法,主动语态如何改为被动语态。

五、课时安排 第一课时:Unit 1 第二课时;Unit 2 第三课时:Unit 3 第

四、五课时:Review and workbook

Unit 1 Confucius’ works are read by many people Teaching aims :Learn the use of present simple paive.Key points: work, influence, thought, wise, copy, as far as, not…any more, millions of, be known as/for Difficult sentences: Shakespeare’s works are seen by millions of people every year.Mark Twain was an important writer, but he isn’t known as a great thinker like Confucius.

Step 1 Warming up& leading in 1.Ask the students some questions.Do you like reading books? What’s your favourite book?Who’s your favourite writer?

2.Show three pictures about Confucius, Shakespeare and Mark Twain.Let them gue who they are.Can you say something about them? Teach the words : work, influence, play, poem, respect, thinker, thought, wise, writer.Confucius: He was a great thinker in China.He is known for his wise thought.We are

still influenced by his thought.He is respected by us.Shakespeare: He was a writer of plays and poems.Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.He was born in 1564 in England.His plays are seen by millions of people every year.Mark Twain: He was a famous American writer.He wrote a lot of stories.His books are still popular.For example ,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.3.Do Activity 5.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.Step 2 Listening (Act.1&2) 1.First read the words in the box .Then match the words in the box with the people in the pictures.(Act.1) 2.Listen and check your answer to Act.1.(Act.2) step 3 Listening and reading(Act.3、4) 1.Listen and answer .Where are the speakers? What are they talking about? 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


第 5 册

2 .Read and answer the questions.(Act.4) 3.Everyday English and language points. What’s up? Go on! Sounds like a good idea.as far as, not …any more, millions of ,be known as/for 4.Read the conversation in two groups.Step 4 Grammar practice 1.Underline the sentences in the conversation that have the pattern of paive voice.2.Read the sentences aloud.3.Do WB Exercise 1 on p116 Step 5 Speaking and writing 1.Do Act.8 Work in groups of three and look at the opinions in the table.Report ideas of your group to the whole cla.2.Do Act.6 Talk about your favourite play/poem/thinker/writer/story.Homework 1.write your favourite play/poem/thinker/writer/story.2.Listen and read the conversation.

3.Search the internet about the book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Unit 2 It’s still read and loved

Teaching aims practice reading skills.Try to write a paage about your favourite great book.Key points run away, get lost, be surprised/pleased to do ,grow up, do with, die/dead/death Difficult sentences 1.The themes of the story are to do with children growing up and becoming more serious 2.It’s thought to be one of the greatest books.

Step 1 Warming up & leading in 1.Read the conversation you learned yesterday with your partner.Then answer the questions according to the conversation.What did Betty suggest at the end of the conversation in Unit 1? What’s Mr.Jackson’s favourite book?

2.Ask the students if they have read the book before.What happens in the book? What are the main ideas of the book? Show some pictures of the book and tell the story..

Teach the new words: behaviour, cave,freedom,funeral,outsider,pretty,social,theme,

treasure, nineteen century Step 2 Reading 1.Read the paage quickly and answer the questions.Where can you read the paage? Why does Mr.Jackson like the book? 2.Read the paage again and complete the table with the information about it.(Act.3) 3.Read and answer the questions.(Act.4) Step 3 Read aloud and language points

1.Play the tape for the students to listen and read.2.Get the students to read each paragraph and discu the useful words and expreions.

run away, get lost, be surprised/pleased to do ,grow up, do with, die/dead/death

It’s thought to be one of the greatest books.Step 4 Writing 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


第 5 册

1.Work in pairs .Would you like to read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ? Why/ Why not? 2.Think of your favourite great book you have read .Complete the table in Act.3 3.Write a paage about your favourite great book .

My favourite great book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K.Rowling.It’s a story about a young boy… Home work 1.Listen to the tape and practice reading the paage aloud.2.Write a paage about your favourite great book.

Unit 3 Language in use Teaching aims Language practice Key points Seeing a play is more interesting than seeing a film.First…then…,next…,after that…,finally… Difficult points The use of paive voice.

Step1 Revision 1.Read the paage in Unit 2 2.Show the paage about your favourite great book.Step 2 Vocabulary (Act.5&8) 1.Read through the words or phrases in the box with the whole cla.2.Ask the students to complete the paages, then check them.Step 3 Grammar 1.Ask the students to read the sentences in the box.2.Grammar teaching The teacher helps students understand the paive voice 1) 被动语态的构成:be +过去分词

时态在be 体现:am /is /are +done, was / were + done, have/has been +done 被动语态的句型:

肯定句:主语+be +过去分词+(by ~)

否定句:主语+be not +过去分词+(by ~) 一般疑问句:Be+主语+过去分词+(by ~)

特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ be+主语+过去分词+(by ~)

2) 被动语态的用法:

I.要表达“被„”、”受„”、“遭„”、“让„”之类的语义。如: 教师很受尊敬—The teachers are well respected.


他远近闻名—He is known far and wide.


房子每天都有人打扫__The room is cleaned every day.3) 主动语态如何改为被动语态:



these songs

主动语态 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


第 5 册

These songs

are loved

by children

被动语态 3.Practice Do Act.1,2,3,4 and WB P117 Ex.4&5 Step 4 Listening and speaking(Act.6&7) 1.Ask the students to go through the table.2.Listen and check the statements about Betty and Daming agree with.3.Work in pairs .Ask and say which statements you agree with, and why._ __Do you think that modern books are great books? __Yes, I do .I think …/No, I don’t .I think…

Step 5 Reading

Read ―Around the world ‖ on P17 and answer the questions.

When and where did Plato live? What was he? Where did he travel? What did he do when he returned to Athens? What are his works called? Step 6 Module task Discuion: Are we more influenced by films than by books? 1.Decide on your point of view.2.Think of some examples of films or books you have seen or read.How did they influence you? Homework: 1.Do Ex.2&3 on WB P116 2.Revise Module 2

Review of Module 7 and workbook Step 1 Revision 1.Revise the words and expreions you learned in the module.2.Do self-aement on P119.3.Do Ex 6,7,8 to check their vocabulary.Step 2 Listening and pronunciation.1.Listen and check the true sentences.(Ex 9 on P118) 2.Listen and repeat .(Ex 10 on P118) Step 3 Reading 1.Read and answer the questions.(Ex 11 on P118) 2.Listen and read it again.Let the students ask more questions about Dickens.Then answer them.Step 4 Grammar 1.Check Ex 2&3 on P116 to revise the paive voice.2.Do some more exercises about it.

Module 3 Sporting life




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赛(Unit 1),介绍刘翔的成长历程(Unit 2)及奥运会(Unit 3)展开教学。要求掌握一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态;学习与体育运动相关的词汇及日常用语等。通过学习,放眼时事,体会体育明星光环背后所付出的勤奋与努力。





语言知识目标: (1)词汇:allow/defeat/stand for/against/tough/encourage/medal/record/set up/ first of all/represent/advertisement/coach/regularly/race (2)日常用语:You’ve got no chance!/What do you reckon?/Don’t let them get to you!/Nice work! (3)语法:一般过去时与一般将来时的被动语态。






写:作一份关于班级内同学参加体育运动或观看体育比赛的调查报告。写一篇关于体育明星成长历程的简单报道。 情感态度目标:






五、课时安排: Period 1: Unit 1 Period 2: Unit 1-2 Period 3: Unit 2 Period 4: Unit 3 Period 5: Unit 3 Unit 1 When will the match be held? ⅠTeaching model Listening and speaking 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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ⅡTeaching method Communicative approach ⅢTeaching aims Key words: allow, defeat, train, tough, chance, reckon, mad Key Phrases: stand for, get to Everyday English: a tough match You’ve got no chance! What do you reckon? Don’t let them get to you!

Nice work! ⅣTeaching aids Tape recorder, OHP, pictures, handouts ⅤTeaching Steps Step1 Warming-up and listening

1.Look at the pictures and talk something about sports.2.Look at the photos and describe them.You can use some of the words in the box to help you. 3.Listen and check the words you hear in Activity 2.Step 2 Listen and read 1.Listen to the tape carefully.

2.Ask the students to read through the conversation individually.3.Play the tape and have them read and follow.4.Act it out.5.Learn Everyday English.Step 3 Do Exercises 1.Complete the table in Activity 4.2.Listen again and check.3.Complete the sentences in Activity 5.Step 4 Work in pairs

Read the sentences from the conversation.Say who the underlined words refer to in Activity 6.Step 5 Explain the important and difficult points

Don’t let them get to you, Tony! 不要让他们影响你,托尼!

get to sb.意思是to make someone feel upset or angry,即"让某人感到烦恼,困扰"。如: The heat was beginning to get to me so I went indoors.天气很热,让我开始感到烦躁,所以我回到了屋内。

The smell of her old book really gets to me after a while! 过了一会儿,她的旧书散发出的气味实在让我不舒服。

Step 6 Pronunciation and speaking 1.Listen and repeat.Make sure you pause between each sense group in Activity 7.2.Say the sentence in Activity 8.3.Work in pairs.Talk about your favourite sports team or sports star this season.Step 7 Homework Finish the exercises in the workbook Ex.1, 2, 3, 4&5.Unit 2 Liu Xiang was trained for gold.ⅠTeaching model Reading and writing ⅡTeaching method Bottom-up approach ⅢTeaching aims 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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Key vocabulary : encourage , medal , set , set up , yearbook , represent , advertisement , coach , sportsman , overnight , skill , hurdling , sportswoman , race Grammar : 一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态 ⅣTeaching aids OHP, tape recorder ⅤTeaching Steps Step 1 Warming-up 1.Gueing game: The Chinese champions in the Olympic Games.2.Talk something about Liu Xiang.3.Show some pictures .Look at the pictures and the title of the paage.Say what you know about Liu Xiang and how he became a sporting hero. 4.Introduce the new words.Step 2 Reading 1.Read the paage in Activity 2.2.Play the tape and have them read and follow.3.Read the paage again.Step 3 Do exercises 1.Read the paage and choose the sentence which best exprees the main idea.Liu Xiang____.a) was helped by his sports school to become a gold medal winner b)will be encouraged to be a star and not a sporting hero c) has trained for many years , and will continue to win medals 2.Complete the time line with the notes in Activity 3.3.Answer the questions in Activity 4.

1) As a symbol, what does Liu Xiang represent? 2) Why isn’t Liu Xiang an overnight succe? 3) What was Liu Xiang advised to do in 1998? 4) What was the special programme set up in 2001? 5) What will he be encouraged to do in the future? Step 4 Explain the important and difficult points

1.And now that he's well known all over the world, Liu Xiang will also be asked to appear in advertisements and films, and even to record music.


now that 常常用为一种新的情况或状况做出解释,表示"既然;由于"。如: Now that Mr Liu has arrived , we can begin our meeting.既然刘先生已经到了,我们就开会吧。 2.Liu was encouraged at first to train as a high jumper.起初,教练支持刘翔练跳高。

encourage sb.to do sth.表示"鼓励某人做某事"。在本句中,encourage一词用于被动语态,表示刘翔是"被鼓励"去某事,而不是他"鼓励"别的人去做某事。如: Ms Wang always encourages us to speak English in cla.王老师总是鼓励我们课


We were encouraged to learn foreign languages at school.学校鼓励我们学习外语。 3.It was set up in 2001 to help young sportsmen and sportswomen.它(特殊项目)建立于2001年,用来帮助年轻运动员。

set up表示"建立,设立;创办(组织,企业);制定(计划等)如:

She plans to set up her own busine.她计划企业办自己的企业。 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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We need to set a meeting to discu the plan.我们需要开个会来讨论这个计划。 4.Grammar : 一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态

英语的语态是通过动词形式的变化表现出来的。英语中有两种语态:主动语 态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。例如: Many people speak Chinese.谓语:speak的动作是由主语many people来执行的。

被动语态表示主语是动作的接受者,即行为动作的对象。例如: Chinese is spoken by many people.主语Chinese是动词speak的接受者。 1)一般过去时的被动语态构成: was/were+p.p.(过去分词)eg: Liu Xiang was helped by a special programme.Liu Xiang’s races were recorded. 2)一般将来的被动语态构成: shall/will be+p.p.(过去分词)eg: Liu Xiang will be encouraged to go for more medals for China.Will he be encouraged to spend more time away from sport? 5.Learning to learn Step 5 Writing 1.Rewrite the notes in Activity 3 in full sentences. 2.Look at the sentences in Activity 6. A special programme helped Liu Xiang.

Liu Xiang was helped by a special programme.

His skill at hurdling was noticed by his coach Sun Haiping. His coach Sun Haiping noticed his skill at hurdling. 3.Write sentences about Zhang Yining's training.

4.Join the sentences you wrote in Activity 6 to write a paragraph about Zhang Yining .Use and, although and because. Step6 Homework Finish the exercises in the workbook Ex.6, 7, 8&9.Unit 3 Language in use ⅠTeaching model Revision and application ⅡTeaching method

Formal and interactive practice ⅢTeaching aims 1.Key vocabulary: finishing line, award, marathon, Italian, turn, so far, champion, taekwondo, belt

2.Grammar : 一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态 ⅣTeaching aids Tape recorder, OHP, handouts ⅤTeaching Steps Step 1 Revision Review the text of Unit 2 Step 2 Language practice 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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1.Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole cla.2.Grammar : 小结一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态 Step 3 Work in pairs.

1.Ask and answer the questions in Activity 1.2.Complete the paage with the correct form of the words in Activity 2.3.Look at the pictures and put them in the correct order in Activity 3.Step 4 Do exercises 1.Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in the box in Activity 4. 2.Choose the best answer in Activity 5. 3.Listening:

1) Listen and check the true statements in Activity 6.2) Listen again and choose the correct answer in Activity 7.4.Put the sentences in the correct order to complete the conversation in Activity 8.Step 5 Around the world: The Paralympics Games Step 6 Module task: Module task: Making a cla sports survey

1.Work in groups.Write questions to find out about the sport people like to watch and do.

* What sports do you like?

* How often...?

* Do you like to...or...? 2.Carry out your survey.

* Ask as many students as you can to answer your questions. 3.Write the results of your survey.

1) Say how many students you asked the questions were.

We asked...student ―What...?‖

2) Compare their answers.

… students said ...and ...students said ... Step 7 Homework Finish the exercises in the workbook Ex.10, 11, 12&13.

Module 4 Great inventions

Unit 1 Paper and printing have been used for ages 教 学 目 标

德育目标:To know something about the history of paper inventing 知识目标:To get information about the history of paper inventing from the conversation 能力目标:To talk about the advantages of some inventions To practise the paive voice of the future tense, perfect tense and modal verbs. 重点 Vocabulary advantage, battery , borrow , camera, charge lend look after, online, photo, promise, same, turn off, turn on 难点

the paive voice of the future tense, perfect tense, and modal verbs. 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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Listening and speaking 教法

PWP approach Teaching Procedures: Step one: Revision 1)Talk about some great invention, recall the words of inventions: TV, computer, watch, radios, camera, digital camera, photo, mobile phone, internet.Teach: online magazine 2) Recall what we have learned in the last Module Step two: Listening and vocabulary

1.Talking: What's the advantage of an online magazine 2.Listen and check the words

3.Listen and read ⑴ Play the tape to let the Students get the answer: Can the digital camera be borrowed from Tony's Dad

⑵Do Activity 4.Get the students to show their answers.⑶Listen and repeat.Notes:Everyday English Can I ask a favour 帮忙,赏光 Anyway„谈点别的,另外 Here it is.给你,在这儿 It doesn't matter.没关系

I'll see to that.我会处理的.Is that clear 清楚吗 懂了吗 Promise! 我一定! language Points

1) Paper and printing have been used for ages.for ages ---- for (many) years好多年了.类似短语: for hours/ days/months 等.2) The battery hasn't been charged for a couple of months.a couple of --- several 几个

3) I'll see to it.我来处理.see to sb./ sth.= look after, deal with "处理, 照顾, 关照" 4.) You must promise that it won't be….

promise to do/ that..= make a promise to do/that 答应, 许诺作某事 Promise!= I promise to do that.我答应! 5) turn on ----打开 turn off ----关闭 turn up -----开大 turn down ---关小

eg.Don't forget to ___________the light when you leave the room.Please ___________the TV, the football is beginning.

Would you please ________it ______ a little I can't hear it clearly.The baby is sleeping.Please _____________ the radio a little.

4.Read the summary of the conversation.Underline the wrong information 5.Answer the questions Ask Ss to say their answers and check them together.6.Find the sentences in the conversation which mean Grammar Points

Will (won't_) + be +动词的过去分词为一般将来时的被动语态 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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have/has (not) been + 动词的过去分词为现在完成时的被动语态 情态动词+ be + 动词的过去分词为情态动词的被动语态 Summary: 各种时态的被动语态构成 一般现在时:S+ am/is /are + done 一般过去时:S+ was/were + done 一般将来时:S+ will + be + done

情态动词:S+can/may/must/should+be+done 现在进行时: S+ am/ is/ are + being+ done 过去进行时: S+ was/were + being+ done 现在完成时:S+ have/has + been+ done Pronunciation and Speaking Listen to the sentences and repeat.Homework: Finish work book 1-3 附加练习: 中英互译: I'll see to that._______________ 帮个忙________________ Promise.________________ 照相________________ look after________________ 好几个________________ turn off________________ 几年________________ Here it is.________________ 由„.代替________________ 改为被动语态句子

1.They have published two iues of this magazine.2.Betty has kept my watch for two days.3.I'll charge the battery for your MP3 players.4.I could not find my bag anywhere. 课题

Module 4 Great Inventions

Unit 2 Books could be produced more quickly and cheaply.教 学 目 标

德育目标:To research science and love science 知识目标: To understand paages involving present perfect perfect tense 能力目标:To learn a reading skill ----- Scanning To know the history about paper inventing 重点

Vocabulary Create, produce, ink, against, knowledge, spread, introduction, receive, 难点

Phrase:made of, at a time, by hand, at the beginning of, in a way, rather than, one day 课型

Reading and writing 教法

PWP approach Teaching Procedures: 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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Step I: Revision Have/has been + done This book/ discu/ on telephone It/ buy/by thousands of people Children/tell to read this book The book/ print/ again and again Other books /write /about this book Must/can/may be done 1.a) All students must read this book.

b) This book _____________by all students.2.a) Everyone can understand his ideas.b) His ideas ________________by everyone.3.a)I could not fine her books anywhere.b) Her books ________________anywhere.4.a) For a long time, many people could not use computers.b) Computers__________________by many 5.a) We can do the work now if you want.b) The work _____________now if you want.6.a) You must not take these magazines from the library.b) These magazines _________________from the library .Reading and vocabulary 1.Talk in pairs What are the advantages of both book and computers Can books be replaced by computers

2.Read and get the main ideas of the paragraphs P1 c.Life on paper and in print P2 a.The world before books P3.b.The invention of printing P4.d.Technology and books

P5.e.Can books be replaced by computers Language Points

1.looks through 浏览,温习2.with– without 带有„ / 没有„

3.be made of ---- be made from--- be made up of --- be made in------ be made by— be made into –-- 4.write words on-- make a book -- in those days -- at a time -- by hand --- as a result ---- 5.put„ against 将„放进/刻进 hold„ against 将„贴到

6.at the beginning of 在„初/ 开始时 7.after that 然后,之后 in a way 以„方式

8.compare„.with„.与„.相比 , 与„.相媲美

9.rather than 胜过,而不愿 prefer to do„ rather than do„ 情愿„而不.. be replaced by 被„.所替代 be read online 在网上阅读

3.Make notes to complete the timeline.三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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4.Answer the questions 1.Why were books expensive and rare before the invention of printing 2.Why did ideas spread more quickly when books became cheaper 3.What can we use instead of books to get information Homework

Finish the workbook exercises 课题

Module 4 Great Inventions Unit 3 Language practice 教学目标

德育目标:To know about some great inventions 知识目标: To practice the use of paive voice 能力目标:To complete a task about "How to improve inventions" 重点

被动语态: 情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词(not)+ be +过去分词 现在完成时—— have/has +been+动词的过去分词 难点

情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词(not)+ be +过去分词 现在完成时—— have/has +been+动词的过去分词 课型

Revision and application 教法

Formal and interactive practices Part I: Revision Language practice 现在完成时的被动语态: have/has(not) been +过去分词 情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词(not)+ be +过去分词 Conclusion

被动语态的构成:be +动词的过去分词

一般现在时—— am/is / are +动词的过去分词

一般过去时—— was/were +动词的过去分词

情态动词—— aux.v.(must/can/could/may„)+ be +动词的过去分词 现在进行时—— be(am,is,are)+being +动词的过去分词 一般将来时—— will be/be going to be +动词的过去分词 现在完成时—— have/has +been+动词的过去分词 主动语态改成被动语态的步骤及注意事项 1.主动语态的宾语改成被动语态的主语.2.主动语态的谓语动词改成被动语态的谓语动词.do----be done 3.注意保持时态和人称的一致.

4.带双宾的谓语动词有两种改法.当把直接宾语改成主语时,谓语动词后必须加适当的介词: to / for.如:give-- be given to 此类动词还有:pa show send„

再如:buy--- be bought for此类动词还有:make draw cook mend„



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注:1.不及物动词(vi.)不用被动语态.如:happen,take place ,appear disappear„没有被动形式.**几种特殊结构

1.My uncle gave me a gift on my birthday.---- I was given a gift on my birthday.A gift was given to me on my birthday.2.We often hear him play the guitar.He is often heard to play the guitar 注意:see, watch, hear, notice, feel, make, listen to, look at等动词/短语后作宾语补语的不定式都不带to;但改成被动语态后必须带to.Part II: Language Practice Read though the sentences with the students and talk about the highlighted structures.

Exercises: Activities 1~8 Finish the exx with the students according to the highlighted words of every activity.Check the answers.Homework: Finish off the workbook exercises

Module 5 Museums

The Teaching Plan for Unit1 You mustn't touch it! Topic You mustn't touch it! Type of leon New leon Period(s) Two

Teaching Aims Ⅰ.Aims of basic knowledge: To know something about the signs around you and obey the rules.Ⅱ.Aims of emotion: More interests and better attitude to learn English.Ⅲ.Learning abilities & strategies: To talk about the signs with "mustn't, can't, Don't… No…." And Word Formation --Compound words Ⅳ.Aims of culture: To get information about the signs Teaching Aids Tape, recorder, pictures, exercise paper, small blackboard Strategies for teaching difficulties 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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key points Teaching difficulties & key points: 1.The new words and phrases.2.The listening material of Activity 3.Special Strategies: 1.Give some time to the students to remember the new words.2.Talk something related with listening material before listening.Personal adjustment Teaching procedure Teaching

Procedure Step1: Greeting and revision have/has been + 过去分词; 情态动词+be+过去分词 Step2: Talking: The signs around you (draw some pictures on the blackboard about sighs, ask students to gue) Step3: Listening and vocabulary 1.Match the pictures with the phrases 2.Listen and underline the correct word in each sentence 1) Read the words together and try to understand their meanings.2) Listen and check.3.Listen and read 1) Close the book and listen to the tape, then answer the question: What are they doing 2) Check the answer and listen again then finish part 5.3) Ask some students to check the answers.4) Listen and repeat.Language points: 1) look forward to 与pay attention to 中的to都是介词,后面应跟名词,代词或动名词,如: I'm looking forward to meeting you.You must pay attention to the spelling in your writing.2) Hang on a minute! 等一下! 3) on one's own 单独的 4) take a photo 拍张照片

5) against 反对 be against doing sth.反对做某事

6) 几种表示禁止的表达方式: Don't+动词原形 No+名词/动名词 can't mustn't be not allowed to 7) No, you can't take a photo, either.Either在此用作副词,要与否定词连用,意思是"也不".如, I don't like coffee either.我也不喜欢咖啡.Step 4: Pronunciation and speaking 1.Listen and repeat.2.Pairwork: Talk about the rules you can or can't do in libraries or museums.Homework 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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Copy the new words and recite the useful phrases.Blackboard Writing Design Language points and exercises: 完成句子.1.禁止喧哗,它违反规定.No shouting! It's against the rules.2.好,让我们下楼吧! Well, let's go downstairs.3.不要碰,禁止你碰它.Don't touch! You mustn't touch it.4.不,你也不能拍照.No, you can't take a photo, either.5.赶快!否则我们将迟到了.Hurry up, or we'll be late for school.Self- reflection The Teaching Plan for Unit2 There's no shouting and no running.Designed by: Yang Lijian Date: Sep.29 Topic Type of leon New leon Period(s) Two Teaching Aims Ⅰ.Aims of basic knowledge: 1.To know something about the Science Museum in London.2.Useful important phrases.Ⅱ.Aims of emotion: More interests about the Science Museum.Ⅲ.Learning abilities & strategies: 1.To get information about the Science Museum in London. 2.To understand paages involving Compound word.Ⅳ.Aims of culture: To get information about the Science Museum in London.Teaching Aids Tape, recorder, pictures, exercise paper, small blackboard Strategies for teaching difficulties &

key points Teaching difficulties & key points: Phrases and Compound word.Special Strategies: Give some time to the students to remember the new words.Personal adjustment Teaching 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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procedure Teaching Procedure Step1 Revision

Use "mustn't, can't, Don't No." to make more sentences about the rules for museums or libraries.(Tips: game or competition.) Step2 Reading and vocabulary 1.Read the words and talk about the pictures.2.Read the paage and answer the questions.3.Check the answers and listen to the tape.4.Complete the table and check 5.Language points: 1) allow doing sth.允许做某事.如, They don't allow smoking in the museum.他们不允许在博物馆吸烟.allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事.如, My parents don't allow me to read in the bed.我父母不允许我躺在床上看书.be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事.如, Students are not allowed to smoke.学生们不准吸烟.2) work out 计算出 3) try out 检验,试用

4) fill„with„ 用......填充......She filled the bottle with water.她用水装满了瓶子.区别:be filled with 表示"充满",强调动作; be full of 表示"装满,盛满",表示状态.Hs heart was filled with gratitude.他内心充满了感激之情.The basket was full of flowers.篮子里盛满了花.5) compare„with 与......作比较

6) drop in 顺便走访,也可用于drop in on sb.顺便走访某人.7) Above all "首先,最重要的是" 8) as long as so/as+adj./adv.+as 像......一样

Step 3 Writing Complete the paage then check the answers.Homework

Finish the workbook exercises.Blackboard Writing Design Language points and exercises: 单项选择.1.A: Hellow! Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight B: I'm sorry, I can't.Father won't B me to go out in the evening.A.let B.allow C.offer D.help 2.We won't allow C n museum.But you are allowed _____ in the rest room.A.smoking; smoking B.smoke; smoking C.smoking; to smoke D.to smoke; to smoke 3.Be careful! The bowl C hot water.三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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A.full of B.fill with C.is filled with D.is fulled of Self- reflection The Teaching Plan for Module5/Unit3 Language in use Topic Type of leon Revision Period(s) Two Teaching Aims Ⅰ.Aims of basic knowledge: 1.Master the key words and structure.2.To practice the use of Compound word.Ⅱ.Aims of emotion: Talk about you can or can't do something Ⅲ.Learning abilities & strategies: 1.To talk about the rules with "mustn't, can't, Don't… No…." Ⅳ.Aims of culture: To get information about the Science Museum in London.Teaching Aids Tape, recorder, pictures, exercise paper, small blackboard.Strategies for teaching difficulties &

key points Teaching difficulties & key points: Use the structure "allow or not allow doing sth." To explain the rules.Special Strategies: Give some time to the students to remember the structures.Personal adjustment Teaching procedure Teaching Procedure Step 1: Revision 1.Finish part 1 and 2.2.Check the answers and read the sentences in language practice.3.Review:

1)No+v.-ing! 如: No smoking! 不许吸烟! No joking! 不要开玩笑! 2)祈使句 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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否定的祈使句同样可以用来表示"禁止".如: Don't shout.不要喊叫.Don't make any noise.不要吵闹.3) You mustn't…

情态动词mustn't 可以表达"禁止"的概念.如: You mustn't take photographs of the exhibits in museums.博物馆中不得给展品拍照.You mustn't tell it to anyone.你决不可以告诉任何人.4)You can't…

can't 可以表示"能力","可能性",也可以表示"不允许".因此可以用来制止某人做某事.如: In most museums you can't make any noise.在大多数博物馆里不能吵闹.5) You aren't allowed to…

本句型用来制止对方做某事.如: You are not allowed to touch the exhibits.不要触摸展品.Step 2 Finish the all exercises then check it.Step 3 Compound words (见书本P179) Exercises: Make new words using the words in Box A and Box B.A

bed cla down home post up wet B card room site stairs work mate load sick Homework Finish off the workbook exercises Review the language points in this module.Blackboard Writing Design 1)No+v.-ing! 2)祈使句

否定的祈使句同样可以用来表示"禁止".如: Don't shout.不要喊叫.3) You mustn't… 4)You can't…

can't 可以表示"能力","可能性",也可以表示"不允许".因此可以用来制止某人做某事.5) You aren't allowed to… Self- reflection

Module 6 Save our world 教案设计 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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通过两年的学习,学生已能用英语熟练地表达自己的看法和意见。本模块的话题是环境、资源,这是学生很熟悉也较感兴趣的话题, 但同时对学生的知识储备要求较高。首先要求学生通过多种途径了解地球环境、资源的现状。其次在教师预设的任务中,要使学生有话可说,但是这个话题涉及较多的知识,学生掌握的难度较大, 如果材料处理不当,会导致学生有话想说,却无法用英语表达的尴尬场面。因此在具体安排教学内容时,可由简到难,适当降低难度与要求,让学生更好地运用课本知识,达到提高综合运用语言能力的目的。


1.语言知识目标 词汇 waste、energy、pollution、recvcle、reusable、reduce、reuse、repair、environmental、hopele、neceary、plastic、sort、harm、material 词组句型 instead of、do harm to、make a difference to、It’s+adj+to、stop from 语法 前缀、后缀构词法 功能 话题 表达如何杜绝浪费,保护环境,拯救地球



听 听懂有关不同保护环境方法的对话,提高学生实际应用能力

说 能用本模块的生词、短语开展对话、讨论,介绍各自生活中保护环境的方法

读 了解地球环境的现状, 通过阅读掌握reduce,reuse,recycle的含义和重要性,进行简单的阅读技能训练

写 1.能用核心词汇写出简短的、表达观点的句子


演示与表达 能向全班做有关生存现状和保护措施的发言与展示



认知策略 调控策略 联系,归纳,推测等技能。


交际策略 学习运用恰当句子表达自己的观点。 资源策略 能利用多种途径及学习资源查找信息,用所学内容进行真实交际。 自学策略 能借助词汇图掌握单词,形成话题联想的习惯,培养学生的阅读能力技巧。 合作学习策略 关心周围的生存现状和保护措施, 交流并分享各自的观点并形成最终观点。

4.文化意识目标 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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(2)培养学生热爱生活、热爱自然界,培养保护环境的意识和关爱地球之心。 同时也积极鼓励学生参与社会实践活动。




重点话题:How to be green 2.教学难点


(2)能用恰当地道的英语表达对保护环境的看法。 3.突破途径









Period One: Unit 1 It’s wasteful to throw away paper and metal.

Period Two: Unit 2 Remember three words: Reduce, reuse and recycle.Period Three: Unit 3 Language in use (1) Period Four: Unit 3 Language in use (2)


Period One: Unit 1 It’s wasteful to throw away paper and metal.

Step 1: Warming-up According to the words, let the students say something about our world and describe it.设计意图: 从学生所了解的世界入手,利用学生已有的认知水平进行头脑风暴,主要为下一步世界中最主要的环境问题的引出做准备工作。

Step 2: Lead-in 1.Watch a video about our world.

2.Discu: What problems did you see?

3.Work in pairs.Say what you should do about these problems.三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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视频让学生更直观地了解到我们的地球所面临的日趋严重的环境问题。通过观看,思考和讨论,给学生提供一个运用英语的机会,培养了学生注意的能力和主题理解能力,更激发了学生保护环境的意识。 Step 3: Listening

1.Look at the photos.Describe and check them.(Activities 1 and 2)

2.Listen and read.Then do Activties 6 and 7.

3.Discu: Look at Activity 5.Choose one of them and answer it. 设计意图:


Step 4: Speaking

1.Watch a video.

2.Disu: Think of some ways of environmental protection.Complete the table with the ways.设计意图:


Homework: 1.Review Unit One.

2.Workbook: Page 133 Vocabulary and Listening.3.Choose one of the two and finish it.

(1) Think of more ways of environmental protection.

(2) Find out some problems around you and think how to solve them.Then write it down. Period Two: Unit Two Remember three words: Reduce, reuse and recycle.Step 1: Warming-up

1.Check the homework.

2.Introduce some environmental groups.

3.Do a questionnaire.设计意图:


Step 2: Lead-in

Look at the pictures.Say which things are better for the environment and why.设计意图:

利用学生最熟悉的生活用品比较,在一定的语境中进行讨论和学习词汇。小组讨论可以集思广益,加深对课文的理解。而进行有意义的交流是词汇学习的上上策,培养学生词不离句学语言的好习惯。并且让学生从自身的感受和生活的经验来判断, 激发学生热爱生活、关心生活和保护环境的意识。 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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Step 3: Reading

1.Read the paage.

2.Work in pairs and answer the questions.(Activity 6)

3.Read the paage again and check the things you should do.Then give reasons for what you should or shouldn’t do.(Activities 4 and 5) 设计意图:


Step 4: Writing

1.Work in pairs.Make some lists of things.

2.Make suggestions about how to be green.Give reasons,please.设计意图:





1.Review Unit Two.

2.Workbook: Page 134 Reading and writing.

3.Choose one of the two and finish it.

(1) Make suggestions about how to be green and give reasons.

(2) Make a list of things that you have done something to help our environment.

Period Three: Unit three Language in use (1) Step 1: Warming-up

1.Check the homework.

2.Watch a video.设计意图:

通过观看视频,让学生了解本堂课的主题是利用我们所学到的知识去讨论问题,解决问题。最重要的是如何从身边的小事开始,从我做起去保护环境,爱护环境,以达到学习和生活紧密联系。 Step 2: Practice

1.Complete the conversation with the correct form of the phrases in the box.(Activity 9)

2.Read the ideas on protecting the environment.Then practise and answer the questions.(Activities 6 and 7)

3.Work in pairs.Discu the question.(Activity 8) 设计意图:

练习经过重组,难度有简到难,逐步深入,让学生自然地接受,消化。练习8又为下一步的讨论打下基础。 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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Step 3: Discu

Work in pairs and talk about the picture.设计意图:


Step 4: Module task

1.Discu what you can do about pollution.

(1) Decide what type of pollution you want to talk about.It could be water pollutiong, air pollution, waste, cutting down forests, etc.

(2) Discu your topic.Say what you think about the problem and what can be done.



2.Make a poster to tell others to protect the environment. 设计意图:



1.Review Language in use (1).

2.Finish the module task.

Period Four: Unit three Language in use (2) Step 1: Word games

1.Make new words.According as the word, make new words as many as you can.

2.Make new words.Join the words in Box A with the parts of words in Box B.Step 2: Practice

1.Do Activities 2, 3 and 4.

2.Workbook: Grammar and vocabulary.设计意图:



1.Review Language in use (2).

2.Finish the module work.三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


第 5 册

Module 7 Australia教学设计

Unit 1 I’m looking for the photos that you took in Australia!

Teaching Aims and Demands: 1.Language Knowledge Key vocabulary: crocodile, shark, hand, have a look at, alongside, detail Key structure: The attributive clause with that

2.Listening skill: To understand conversations involving the Attributive Clause in listening.Improve the students’ listening ability.

Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP) Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Lead in Divide the cla into several groups and each group has two, three or more students.One student acts as a travel agent, the other students want to travel.The agent will recommend some cities or countries to the others.设计意图: 复习七八年级所学过的关于城市和国家的知识,自然的过渡到本单元的关于澳大利亚的重点对话。并且可以培养同学之间的合作与交流,提高会话能力。

Step 2 Presentation Show students a picture of Sydney Opera House and tell them ―Tony’s father has been to Australia.He visited Sydney Opera House.‖ Then get them to listen to the dialogue and answer two questions: 1.Where else did he visit? 2.What animals did he see? 设计意图: 因为是一篇较长的对话,所以让同学们带着问题去听,第一遍不要求逐字逐句听懂,但要能回答出简单的问题。 Step 3 Read and repeat Get the cla to read the dialogue.Then ask them to read in pairs.Step 4 Complete the table After the students are familiar to the dialogue, ask them to complete the table in Activity 4.设计意图: 在这一步骤中,让学生从说转移到写上,并且让同学们在完成表格的同时更加熟悉课文。

Step 5 Answer questions Get students to answer questions about the dialogue.Step 6 Grammar Show students several sentences involving The Attributive Clause in this unit.Ask them to think of the use of the word ―that‖.

设计意图: 在本单元只是呈现一下定语从句的概念,让同学们对此有一个印象,而不必强调如何去改写定语从句。在以后的两个单元的逐步练习中再让同学们慢慢地对此语法熟悉起来。

Step 7 Homework

1.Read the words and the dialogue frequently.Try to recite part of the dialogue.2.Finish some exercises in workbook Module 7.

Unit 2 The camel that I rode had a bad temper. 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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Teaching Aims and Demands: 1.Language Knowledge Key vocabulary: grape, ham, lamb, outback, relative, sheep, spir, surfing, wine, helicopter, purple, similar, ours, cricket, rugby, sunshine, expreion, mate, temper, lifestyle Key structure: 1.The restrictive attributive clause with that 2.Reading skill: The students can read the long paage and can write some notes about it.Improve the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP) Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Play a game Get the whole cla to play a game called ―I describe, you gue‖. 设计意图: 由游戏开始上课,同学们会比较感兴趣,尤其是九年级的同学。通过游戏的形式让同学们能够较轻松地读懂并理解带定语从句的句子。 因为老师出的题目有限,所以在全班做完之后,若时间允许,还可以分小组做。

Step 2 Read and check Get the students to read the paage once or twice quickly, and after that ask them to find the information about some numbers.Then check the true sentences.设计意图: 第二单元编排了一篇长课文,教师可以把它当成阅读课来上。所以先让同学们快速阅读,然后找出一些关键句,并能够判断句子的正误。能够做到以上两点就可以了。 Step 3 Read again and write notes.Get the cla to read the paage again, but this time read it more slowly.Then ask them to take some notes for Tony.The students can finish this job individually or they can discu with their partners.设计意图: 通过做笔记,能够使同学们加深对课文的理解,并且加强同学们的归纳理解能力。 Step 4 Read and repeat After the students are familiar to the paage, ask them to read the paage after the tape.Then they can read by themselves.Step 5 Explain some useful expreions.

The teacher explains some useful expreions and grammar points.Step6 Homework

1.Read the words and the paage frequently. 2.Copy the words and expreions.3.Finish some exercises in workbook Module 7.

Unit 3 Language in use

Teaching Aims and Demands: 1.Language Knowledge Key vocabulary: water sports, grey, ancestor Speaking skill: To say sentences involving the attributive clause.Writing skill: To write sentences involving the attributive clause.Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP) Teaching Procedures: 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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Step 1 Play a game Play another ―I describe, you gue.‖

设计意图: 本单元是一个复习单元,以游戏引出话题,活跃课堂气氛,鼓励学生大胆表达。因为老师出的题目有限,所以在全班做完之后,若时间允许,还可以分小组做。(让同学们事先准备好图片)。在做这个游戏时,同学们能够很轻松地说出带定语从句的句子,能够在游戏当中掌握好本单元的语法重点。 Step 2 Read a dialogue Read a dialogue completed by the teacher and ask the students to make similar dialogues.Try to use the Attributive Clause.Read the conversation and pay attention to the underlined words .A: Do you want to see my photos? B: what photos? A: The photos that I took in Australia.

1.A: What surprised you most in Australia?

B: The thing that surprised me most was the weather! 2.A: What do you call that famous Australian animal? The one that can jump very high.

B: Oh, you mean a kangaroo.3.A: What’s the name of that dangerous animal?

B: The one that is green? That’s a crocodile.


Step 3 Join the sentences.

Ask the students to join the sentences with “that”.(句子见幻灯片)

Step 4 Finish Activity 1 Read the paage and underline all ― that‖ in the Attributive Clause.

设计意图:在第三和第四步中,着重点在写上。经过了前面两个单元的学习,本单元的重点是让同学们能够写出带定语从句的句子,这也是本模块的一个任务。 Step 5 Around the world Show students a picture of Australian athlete and hero.Ask students to learn from her.Step 6 Homework Finish the exercises in the workbook.

Module 8 Photos Teaching Plan


本模块以“摄影”为话题,借此让学生描述自己最理想的摄影作品。通过本模块的学习,学生进一步学习定语从句的用法。为学生提供了充足的语言实际运用的机会。学生可以围绕这一话题进行大量的听、说、读、写方面的语言实践活动,促使学生更有意识地自觉学习英语。语法难点仍是定语从句。教学中教师应随时随地灵活利用各种素材组织教学过程和内容,充分调动学生的积极性。 教学目标: 1)语言知识: 语音 能够准确掌握句子中的单词重读。 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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词汇 trouble,shot,kid,expect,historic,size,beauty,category,movement,feature,include,rich, congratulation, photographer, present, ceremony, frightened 词组 on the left/right, pick up, even though 语法 功能 能使用who, which 引导的定语从句。 Measuring; Describing people and things.话题 以“摄影”为话题。 2)语言技能:

听 Identifying photos from descriptions.说 Describing photos.读 Transferring information to a table.写 Writing a description of a photograph.演示与表达 能够向他人介绍自己的摄影作品。


学习一定程度形成自主学习,有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。 认知 联系,归纳,推测等技能。学习查词典,阅读报刊,上网等提高自学能力。 调控 从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误进行修改。 交际 资源 学习运用恰当词语介绍自己的摄影作品。


自学策略 能够根据自己的情况预习教材并进行拓展。 合作学习策略 能够根据小组内同学的特长分工合作, 积极参与讨论,互相学习,取长补短,注意从他人的演示中汲取经验,注意学习策略共享。





重点:1.通过谈论自己的摄影作品,训练学生的听、说、读、写能力; 2. who,which引导的定语从句。

难点: 掌握使用who,which引导的定语从句。




核心任务:能够收集、拍摄自己最喜欢的作品,并能运用所学句型结构谈论他们。 三个环节如下:


task –cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化使用who,which引导的定语从句来谈论摄影作品的表达能力,为完成任务做好铺垫。 post-task:达成任务,展示成果,反馈学习情况


根据学生学习英语的特点和规律,我们把本模块划分为4课时: 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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Period 1: Vocabulary and Listening &Pronunciation and Speaking Period 2: Reading

Period 3: Writing& Around the world &Module Task Period 4: Language in use 注:教学时应根据学生的学习水平、生活实际水平、接受程度及课堂出现的临时状况进行运用、调整及筛选。 『教学设计』


Module 8 Photos

Period 1: Vocabulary and Listening &Pronunciation and Speaking 1.Teaching Aims and Demands:

1) Key vocabulary: trouble,shot,kid,expect, on the left/right, pick up, 2) Listening skill: To understand conversations involving talking about photos.Improve the students’ listening ability.

3) Emotion &Attitudes:To help the students learn more about different lives in our daily life from different photos.2.Teaching difficult and key points:To let the students know something about the Blues band, and practise making dialogue about photos.3.Teaching approach: Communicative teaching

4.Learning strategies: Bottom –up approach and listening to the tape and do some exercises.5.Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP, Blackboard) 6.Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Revision

Task 1: Recall what we have learned in Module 7.

1.Label the pictures with the words and expreions.(1).Read through the words and expreions in the box and have the Ss.Repeat them after you.

(2).Ask them to label them in the pictures on the screen.

(3).List some words which are connected with Australia.Ask students to speak out as many as they can.2.Tell something about Australia.Ask students to speak out as much as they can.

Step 2 Lead in

Task 2: Show some photos about entertainment, sport, culture, nature beauty, and lead in the topic of photos.Then learn the new words of this unit.1.Get them to enjoy some photos about entertainment, sport, culture, nature beauty, 2.Show them a picture of a concert.Let Ss gue what it is and what’s happing in this photo, then introduce the new words.3.Discu the picture, using the words in the box in Activity 1.Step 3 Listen and read Task 3: Listen to the tape and finish Activity 2 .Then check and call back the answers. 1.Play the recording while they just listen and focus on the words in Activity 1.2.Have them check their answer with a partner and play the recording again.3.Check and call back the answer from the whole cla.Task 4: Listen to the tape again and do Activity 4,5 .Then check and call back the answers. 1 Show them the questions in Activity 4.2.Play the recording and have them listen to the recording and focus on the questions in Activity 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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4.3.Play the recording again and have them write down the answers, then check with a partner.4.Then call back the answers from the whole cla.5.Read the conversations in Activity 3.Make sure that Ss understand the conversation.6.Complete the sentences in their own words Activity 5.Then call back the answers from the whole cla.Task 5: Let the Ss finish the Activity 6 by themselves.Then check and call back the answers. 1.Show them the questions in Activity 6.2.Have them write down the answers, then check with a partner.3.Then check and call back the answers from the whole cla.Task 6: Read 1.Play the recording again and pause after each phrase, asking the Ss.to repeat chorally and individually.2.Put the Ss.into groups of 5 to practise the dialogue.

3.They should repeat it several times, changing the roles each time.Step 4 Pronunciation

Task7: Listen and repeat the sentences in Activity7 on page 65.Make sure that they stre the underlined words.

1.Ask the Ss to listen and repeat the sentences.

2.Play the recording again.Ask the Ss to pay particular attention to the word stre.3.Ask the Ss to listen and repeat chorally and individually.

Step 5 Speaking

Task 8: Work in pairs, choose a photo to talk about and finish Activity 8.Then check and call back the answers.

1.Get each of them to choose a photo.2.Ask them to work in pairs to share their descriptions.3.Call back some examples in a whole-cla setting, paying special attention to the use of the attributive clause guided by who \ which..Step 6 Homework

1.Do Exx7.8&9 in the Wb.2.Oral work: Read the conversation of Activity 3.3.Preview Unit2 in Module 8.

Period 2 : Reading 1.Teaching Aims and Demands: 1)Language knowledge: historic, size, beauty, category, movement, feature, include, rich, congratulation, photographer, present, ceremony, photographer, present, ceremony,even though 2) Reading skills: To detect and foster the students’ reading skills To get information from the reading material.

3) Emotion &Attitudes: To help the students learn more about different lives in our daily life from different photos.2.Teaching difficult and key points: To let the students know something about photo competition

and learn something about the differences among entertainment, sport, culture, nature beauty photos.三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


第 5 册

3.Learning strategies: Communicative approach.4.Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, OHP) 5.Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Revision Task1:Help students to revise what was learnt in Period1of this module.1.Show them some pictures about entertainment, sport, culture, nature beauty photos. 2.Have the Ss.talk about them. Step 2 Preparation Task2: Let the Ss preview the new words and make them build the conception of entertainment, sport, culture, nature beauty photos, then lead in the Activity 1.

1.Show them some pictures about entertainment, sport, culture, nature beauty photos. 2.Have the Ss.talk about them.

Task 3: Learn the new words, then label the pictures with the words.1.Read through the words on the screen.Have the Ss.Repeat them after you.

2.Read the words separately and have them remember them. 3.Make some sentences with the words. 4.Call back the answers from the whole cla Step 3 Scanning and Skimming Task 4: Scan this paage, according to the content , finish Activity 3.Then check and call back the answers.1.Get the Ss to read the paage as quickly as poible.2.Do Activity 3 .Complete the table and write notes 3.Call back the answers from the whole cla.Step 4 Reading Task5: Let the Ss read the paage by themselves in details, and do Activity 4.Then check and call back the answers.1.Read through the sentences in Activity 4.

2.Read the paage by themselves.And ask to finish the true or false exercises.3.Check the answers with the whole cla.Task6: Use the given words to find opposite words in each sentences, and finish Activity 5.Then check and call back the answers.1.Get the Ss to listen and repeat the paage simultaneously.2.Use the given words to find opposite words in each sentences, 3.Get the students to correct the sentences..4.Call back the answers from the whole cla.5.Language points in the paage.Task7: Finish Activity 6, Then check and call back the answers.1.Get the Ss to read the paage together loudly.2.Discu the following questions in groups.

1)―…read on to find out who the winners are.‖ where do you find who the winners are?

2)―…the fun which their fans are having.‖ Why are the fans having fun?

3) ―It succefully shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous..‖ Who or what shows the rich culture? 3.Share the ideas.三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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Step 5 Pairwork Task6:Finish Activity 7.Then check and call back the answers.1.Read through the table.2.Work in pairs.Ask and answer about the places.3.Get Ss to talk about the claroom.Step 6 Practice 1.Do Exercise 10 on page 142 in the WB.

2.Give the students some time to recall what they’ve learned in this cla.Step 7 Homework 1.Read the text.2.Retell the text.

Period 3: Writing & Around the world &Module Task 1.Teaching Aims and Demands: 1) Writing skill: To write something about a photo.Improve the students’ writing ability .

2) Reading skills: To get information from the reading material A famous photo.

3)Emotion &Attitudes:To help the students learn more about different lives in our daily life from different photos.2.Learning strategies:Top-down and Interactive approach and do some exercises.3.Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, OHP) 4.Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Revision Task1: Help students to revise what was learnt in the last cla.

1.Revise the words and phrases.2.Let the Ss.retell the text. Step 2 Writing.Task2: Write sentences about their favorite photograph.1.Ask the Ss run through the questions in Activity 8 on Page67 and w rite sentences about their favorite photograph..

2.Call back the answers from the whole cla, having individuals read their sentences. Task3: Write a short paage describing their favorite photograph 1.Ask the Ss to do this individually.2.They can exchange it with a partner for peer correction.3.Have some students read their paage out to the whole cla.Step 3 Around the world Task4: Learn something about a famous photo.1.Ask the Ss.to look at the photo about the space.Tell the Ss.some knowledge about it.2.Read the text and answer any questions the Ss have.Step 4 Module Task Task5: Making a photo show.1.Activity 10 on page 71.Ask the Ss.to write about their favorite photo, saying what /who it is and why it is important to them.2.Activity 11 on page 71.Show their photo to their group.And tell others why they like it and why it is important to them..Answer any questions their group may have.Listen to the other 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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members of their group talk about their photos.3.Activity12 on page 71.Put all the photos on the table and talk about them in groups.Step4 Recalling Recall what we have learned today.Step5 Homework 1.Do Ex.11 on page 143.

2.Do the Self-aement on page 143.

Period 4: Language in use

1.Teaching Aims and Demands: 1)To detect and foster the students’ understanding of grammar skills (skill) 2)To master the useful words and expreions(knowledge) 3)To help the students learn more about different lives in our daily life from different

photos(emotion) 2.Teaching difficult and key points:To let the students know how to use ―Which and Who ‖ to make attributive clause

3.Teaching approach: Communicative teaching

4.Learning strategies: Formal instruction and task-based approach and interactive practice.5.Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (recorder, OHP ) 6.Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Revision Help students to revise what is learnt in 3 periods of this module.Step 2 Listen and speak Task1:Look at the photos in Activity 8,then discu them. 1.Get Ss.to describe cameras in the photos.2.Say how you think cameras have changed since their earliest beginnings.Task2: Practise listening 1.Ask the Ss.to listen to the conversation and do Activity 9 on page 70 individually. 2.Listen again and check with their partners.3.Call the answers back from the cla.Step 2 Write Task 3: Complete the paage using the correct form of the words and expreions in the box.1.Ask the Ss.to complete the paage using the correct form of the words and expreions in the box in Activity 1 and Activity 7.

2.Call the answers back from some students.Step 3 Language practice Task4: To summarize and consolidate the attributive clause guided by who/which.1..Read through the examples with the Ss.and make sure that they are familiar with the use of the attributive clause guided by who/which.2.Ask the Ss.to repeat the sentences in the box.3.Ask―Can you make other similar examples?‖

4.Focus the Ss’ attention on the ways in which they are used: who/which.Task5: Do Activity2 and Activity 3 on page 68 individually. 1.Ask the Ss.to check with a partner.三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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2..Ask the Ss.to read out the sentences.

3.Summarize the use of the attributive clause guided by who/which.Task 6: Join the sentences with who or which. 1.Ask the Ss.to do Activity 4 on page 69 individually. 2.Call the answers back from some students.Task7: Use the knowledge of this module to make an instruction of Activity 5 . 1.talk about the two pictures.2.Then talk about the people in the two pictures.3.Now ask questions about the picture, and write down their answers. Step 4 Gue Task8: A gueing game

1.Look around the cla and describe something to their partner, using the knowledge of this module.2.Gue who/what I am describing. Step 5 Homework:

1.Finish all the exercises in the WB.2.Preview Module 9.

The Teaching Plan for Module 9 Cartoon stories Unit 1 We need someone like superman who can save Tony.Type of leon Listening and speaking Period 2 Teaching Aims Language goals:

To understand the conversation involving the use of the restrictive attributive clause; Emotional experience: To be able to retell Tony's experience and what his clamates did when Tony was in trouble .Learning abilities & strategies: 1.Improve students' listening and reading skills.2.To train students' ability of listening and speaking.Realization of culture: To ask and give information about one's favourite cartoon.Teaching aid Recorder, pictures, small blackboard Strategies for teaching difficulties & 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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key points Teaching difficulties & key points Special Strategies Personal adjustment 1.The new words and phrases.ending, flash, laughing, over there, word, have a word with 2.Master the structure of restrictive attributive clause with that, Which and who.1.Remember the new words of this unit.2.do some exercises by using them,and make more sentences.Teaching procedure Step1 Greeting and revision Say hello to everyone.Revise the grammar by doing some exercises The boys _______are playing football are from Cla One.Football is a game _______is liked by most boys.The school in _______he once studied is very famouse.We bought a book ________had lots of cartoons in it.Step2 Presentation 1).Remember the words in the box of activity 1 (with time limit--30s) 2).Complete the sentences with words what you have remembered A _______________is a person who plays a part in a story, and the _______is the person who plays the main part.A ___________cartoon is one which doesn't make you ________, such as a ____________of a news story.A cartoon in which the hero saves someone is a story with a happy___________.A ________is a story you tell to make people laugh.Step 3 Listen and read.1.Listen to the tape carefully.

2.Ask and answer in activity 4 1).What does Betty think the ending will be 2).Why is the situation no laughing matter 3).How do you think Superman can save Tony

4).When will Tony poibly find out that his friends have got the camera 5).Why does Betty says she'll be Superman 3.Explain the language points 1)This is serious.这是很严肃的.2)But it's no laughing matter.但这不是开玩笑的事情.3)to have a word with 和某人说句话 4)That's good news.那是好消息.5)Here you are.给你.6)in deep trouble 处于险境中

7)Oh dear!噢, 天啊! dear adj.①亲爱的, e.g.Dear Sir./ My dear.②昂贵的 (expensive) eg.That's a dear shop.三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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③int.(表示伤心,焦急, 惊奇等) 呵! 哎呀 eg.Oh dear! serious (adj.) 严肃的,认真的 --- seriously (adv.) eg.Are you kidding or are you serious 你是开玩笑还是认真的

Grandma is seriously ill.祖母病的很重.4.Translation the whole conversation by students.5.Work in pairs to complete the sentences in activity 5 in your own words.Step4.Pronunciation and speaking Listen and repeat the sentences.Step5.Homework Do the WB activity 1.Learn the conversation by heart.Blackboard Writing Design 1.But it's no laughing matter.但这不是什么可笑的事情.2.Have a word with sb.和某人说句话.比较:Have words with sb.与某人吵架.3.That's a smart idea!等于that's a good idea.4.Be in deep trouble.处于大麻烦/险境中.Self- reflection

Unit 2

There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin.Type of leon Reading and writing Period 2 Teaching Aims Language goals:

1.To get information from the reading material about cartoon stories.2.To learn some new vocabulary.Emotional experience: To learn more expreions of describing cartoon stories.Learning abilities & strategies: 1.Improve students' listening and reading skills.2.To train students' ability of listening and speaking.Realization of culture: 1.To know more about many cartoon of China and abroad; 2.To write about a cartoon.Teaching aid Recorder, pictures, small blackboard Strategies for 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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teaching difficulties & key points Teaching difficulties & key points Special Strategies Personal adjustment 1.To understand the paage, 2.To learn the restrictive attributive clause with that, who and which 1.To get the main idea of each paragraph.2.Find out the restrictive attributive clause in the paage and explain them.Teaching procedure Step1 Warming-up

1.Review the text of Unit 1

2.Let the students act out the dialogue in pairs. 3.Introduce the new words. Step 2: Reading 1.Talk about the following questions by groups.1).Do you like watching cartoons

2).What cartoons have you ever watched

3).Do you know the names of the following cartoon characters 4).Are they in recent cartoons or old cartoons

5).Use the words in the box to describe the cartoon characters.2.Listen to the paage to find out and check your answers.Name of cartoon Recent/Old Description Nemo Shrek the Monkey King Tintin Snoopy 3.Read the paage and find out the sentence which best summarizes the paage in activity 4.4.Listen to the paage again and choose the correct answer.1).The Monkey King is a cartoon character which_______.a) causes problems in heaven b) has travelled to the moon 2).Shrek is a monster who__________.a) falls in love with a prince b) was born from stone 3).Nemo is the name of a _________.a) fish which is caught by a diver b) big, fat cat which is very lazy 4).Snoopy is a lovable dog which was created by____. 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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a) Tintin

b) Charles Brown's 5.Work in pairs and answer the questions in activity5.Step 3.Key words and expreions 1.favourite n.喜欢的东西/人 adj.特别喜欢的 2.series n.系列(单复同形) 3.translate v.翻译 translation n.翻译, 转化 translator n.翻译者 4.Belgian n.比利时人 adj.比利时人的 Belgium n.比利时 5.create v.创造

creation n.创造

creative adj.有创造力的

6.orange-and-white 橘白相间的 black-and-white 黑白相间的

如果用表同一方面情况(如说明性质,颜色,物质)的两个或两个以上的形容词来作定语需用and连接.7.ever since 从„开始

从他退休以来,已经在这呆五年了.He has been here for 5 years, ever since he retired.8.But it is above all the jokes played by the monkey that people remember.it 引导的强调句用来对句中某一成分加以强调.结构:"It is (或was) +强调部分+ that (或who)„ Step 4.Homework 1.Writing: try to write a cartoon by yourself.2.Complete the activities 5~8 on P145 (WB) Blackboard Writing Design 1.fan club 影迷俱乐部

2.orange-and-white 橙白相间的 black-and-white 黑白相间的 合成词作定语 3.win the heart of sb.赢得某人的心

4.in heaven 在天宫里

5.mke a me 搞得乱七八糟 see a me 看到狼籍一片 „„ Self- reflection

Unit 3 Langugage in use Type of leon Revision and application Period 2 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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Teaching Aims Language goals: To summarize and consolidate the language knowledge in this module.Emotional experience: To learn something about cartoons, to complete a task involving making a cartoon story Learning abilities & strategies: 1.Review the paive voices that students' have learned.2.To train students' ability of words and speaking.Realization of culture: Learn how to describe cartoon heroes, how to make a cartoon.Teaching aid Formal and interactive practice, task-based activities Strategies for teaching difficulties & key points Teaching difficulties & key points Special Strategies Personal adjustment To train students' ability of words and speaking.To be able to help each other in communication.Exercise method.Writing and Oral practicing method.Teaching

procedure Step 1.Greeting and revision 1.Review the text of Unit 2 2.Complete the sentences with which, who or that.1) The man_______we met was a cartoonist.2) He drew a dog___________had six legs.3) The cartoon and the cartoonist _________you're talking about is very famous.4) I know a teacher_______________is also a cartoonist.5) The picture____________I like best is the first one.6) Did the children watch a cartoon____________was drawn by Alice last Friday 3.Join the sentences with who, which or that.There's a Chinese artist.You must meet him.There's a Chinese artist (who) you must meet.Step 2 Language practice 1.Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole cla.2.Ask them what language point is demonstrated. Attributive Clauses (引导词的省略) Step4.Vocabulary 三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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1).Complete the paage with the correct words in activity 8.2).Complete the paage with the correct phrases in the box in activity 9.Step5.Grammar 1.Attributive Clauses

The cartoons (which / that) I like have lots of jokes.在英语中,如果定语从句的引导词在从句中作宾语就可以省略,无论从句修饰的是人还是物.eg.Did you go to the talk ○ the famous cartoonist gave at your school The cartoonist ○ we spoke to still uses pen and paper to make his drawings 在英语中,如果定语从句的引导词在从句中作主语就不能省略,否则会造成结构混乱,影响表达.I've got a camera which has got his name on it.Perhaps it'll be a cartoon which has a happy ending.It tells the story of a monkey who leads a group of monkeys.eg.I'd love to have a teacher who was a cartoonist.He could make leons that are usually boring more interesting.2.Exercises 1.Do the exercises 1.2.3 in WB.

2.多项选择.从下列ABCDE中选出符合题意的任意项.A.which B.that C./ D.who E.whom (见附表) Blackboard Writing Design Attributive Clauses

The cartoons (which / that) I like have lots of jokes.在英语中,如果定语从句的引导词在从句中作宾语就可以省略,无论从句修饰的是人还是物.eg.Did you go to the talk ○ the famous cartoonist gave at your school The cartoonist ○ we spoke to still uses pen and paper to make his drawings 在英语中,如果定语从句的引导词在从句中作主语就不能省略,否则会造成结构混乱,影响表达.eg.I'd love to have a teacher who was a cartoonist.He could make leons that are usually boring more interesting.Self- reflection Appendixes/Unit 1 1.But it's no laughing matter.但这不是开玩笑的事情.表示的否定强度比 Not a laughing matter.强得多.2.have a word with sb.和某人说句话.等于to talk to some one for a short time.a 与谈话中说了多少没有任何关系.比较:have words with sb.与某人吵架.3.That's a smart idea!等于That's a good idea.4.be in deep trouble.处于大麻烦/险境中.Exercises: 根据给出的汉语意思或首字母提示完成下列各题.The story has a happy ending (结局).三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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We feel that life is no laughing matter (开玩笑的事情).This isn't one of those cartoons (卡通)which make you laugh.Come here and I have a word with you.Did you have any trouble finding your way here You can imagine how surprised I was.Appendixes/Unit 2 1.fan club 影迷俱乐部

2.orange-and-white 橙白相间的 black-and-white 黑白相间的 合成词作定语 3.win the heart of sb.赢得某人的心 4.in heaven 在天宫里

5.make a me 搞得乱七八糟 see a me 看到狼籍一片 me 一般以单数形式出现, e.g.You are really a me! 你脏透了! What a me!真乱!

Your room is in a me! 你的房间乱七八糟的.6.favourite adj.喜爱的,n.特别喜欢的人或物 7.ever since 自从,从那时到现在,从„„开始

e.g.She has been rich, ever since she met a good man.8.translate into 翻译成„,translate sth.from a language into another language.9.a series of 一系列 series的单数复数一致

Appendixes/Unit 3 定语从句中引导词/关系词的省略问题.如果引导词/关系词在从句中作宾语成份可以省去引导词/关系词,无论从句修饰的是人还是物.但是作主语不可省,否则会造成结构混乱.which 指物可作主语和宾语,that 指人指物可作主语和宾语,who 指人在正式语体中只作主语,whom 指人做宾语,但在非正式语体里界who 也可作宾语.关系代词 先行词

在从句中的作用 who 指人 做主语 whom 指人 做宾语 that 指人或物 做主语或宾语 which 指物


The cartoons (that/which) I like have lots of jokes.I like the teacher who teaches me English this term.在日常口语中,在定语从句中作宾语的引导词往往被省略,但在较正式的文字中则较少省略.三岔口初级中学英语电子教案


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Exercises: 不定项选择.从下列ABCDE中选出符合题意的任意项.A.which B.that C./ D.who E.whom 1.It is the third time ______you have made the same mistake.2.The factory _______we'll visit next week is not far from here.3.Do you know the man ________ I spoke to

4.Can you lend me the book ______you talked about the other day 5.The engineer ________my father works with is about 50 years old.6.That is the office ______Lincoln once worked in.7.All the apples _______fell down from the tree were eaten up by the pigs.8.The place__________interested me most was the Children's Palace.9.The number of the people _______own cars is increasing.

Module 10 Fitne


1、语言知识目标 语音 词汇 朗读中停顿注意句群

ache exercise weight interest sugar tasty menu behave persuade ban educate typical


fitne running weight lifting unlikely chip pasta cooking disadvantage advertise 词组 give up

bump into

语法 功能 话题 whose引导的定语从句

能用whose定语从句来描述人 以“健康”为话题。


听 能听懂用包含所学的定语从句的口头表述,询问及其回应的听力材料。

说 能在语境中流利说出本模块的生词,能说一些有whose的定语从句 读 能读懂有关健康体育活动与饮食的短文,理解阅读材料中定语从句所表达的语义。进行一定阅读技能训练。

写 能写包含所学定语从句的句子,能结合实际写改善饮食的文章 演示与表达 能向同伴或全班讲述如何保持健康,并提出合理建议


自主学习、有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。 认知 调控 交际 资源 自学 策略 合作 学习策略 互相学习,取长补短,注意学习策略共享,将自己所搜集的信息与其他同学共享。 联系、归纳等技能。观察并归纳的有Whose的定语从句结构,提高自学能力。 从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及写作中的错误进行修改。 学习运用恰当词语,句子描述如何保持健康。






年级:九年级 学科:英语 姓名:张雪艳 时间2014年9月

Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1

What is a wonder of the world? 教

计 课

型 Listening and speaking 教材分析 This unit aims to review the learnt tenses so far and help students to be able to present some important and creative ideas about writing a school magazine. 教学目标 To learn and understand the topic words through talking and listening.To know something about the pyramids and the Grand Canyon.To understand the conversation about starting a school magazine involving different tenses.知识与能力 1.Vocabulary and expreions: ancient, club, composition, pupil, meeting, call, event, listen up.That’s news to me.Anyone else? 2.To enable the Ss to expre in different tenses according to the set situations.3.To learn to give ideas on writing a school magazine.过程与方法 1.Top-down approach, enabling Ss to understand and talk about writing a school magazine.2.To learn by listening, speaking and discuing.情感、态度与价值观 To help students enlarge their vision on wonders of the world and help to know more about writing a school magazine of their own.


教学步骤 教师活动



Step 1 Lead-in Start the leon by showing groups of pictures about the wonders of the world on the screen including the ancient pyramids.Ask students to talk about the picture on Page 2.T: Where can you see the pictures and the brief introduction probably? (Newspaper / the Internet / Magazine…)

T: Yes, magazines like Crazy English / National Geography…

Who started…? Learn the new vocabulary.(ancient, pyramid, review, wonder…)

Have a talk about the picture using the words in Activity 1.Learn a bit about magazines.Get the Ss to be attentive and focus on the theme of the leon.(Magazine) Step 2 Listening & Vocabulary Play the tape and check the words.Listen to the tape again.Make up poible questions according to the answers.Give examples.Listen and check the words.Make up questions according to the given answers.( Wh-questions) Practise listening and get specific information.Check their understanding by making questions. Step 3. Listen & read Play the tape for the 1st time.Ask Ss questions. T: What are the children doing?

Is there a school magazine in

Da Ming’s school? Listen to the tape and get the answers.Listen to get a general idea for the 1st time.

Play the tape again and ask students to decide T OR F.① Crazy feet is a band.② Becky Wang started a school magazine.③ Da Ming watched the interview on TV yesterday ④ Tony is writing a composition. Listen more carefully for the 2nd time.Decide whether they are true or false.Check the answers with the cla.Listen for the specific information and understand the details of the conversation. Step 4. Read Play the tape again and get Ss to practise the conversation.Check the language points. Focus on everyday English and useful expreions.(Listen up, Anyone else? do some review, do an interview, on=about, get better grades) Get Ss to make a list of the articles in magazines.Check the answers in Activity 4.Read the conversation aloud, and read in role.Answer the questions in Activity 4. Practise reading and go over how to give suggestions when in discuion.Learn more about writing a school magazine.

Step 5.

Pair work Go through the five questions and highlight the key words.Ask for more answers on Question 3.Ss take turns to answer the questions.Consolidate the key words and transit to the next step by Question 3. Step 6.Discuion Tell the Ss: If your school decides to start a magazine, what are you going to write about? And why? They can make up lists and take Activity 3 as an example.Report their discuion.Work out the lists and talk about their plans to write the magazine.Beginning: Our school will start a magazine.What articles are you going to write...Learn to discu in the way as the children do.Check Ss’ creativity.作业布置 Collect information about the seven wonders of the world.(Pictures and brief introductions) 板书设计 Unit 1 What is a wonder of the world?

school magazine

That’s news to me!

a wonder

What’s it about?

ancient pyramids

listen up

write a composition

Any more ideas?/ Anyone else?

do some reviews about…


do an interview with

Unit 2

Iwas on the edge of the Grand Canyon.

计 课型 教材 分析 Reading and writing By example this unit presents a good way to describe what one sees and feels after a journey.It can help students to know more about the Grand Canyon, and inspire Ss to love and explore the natural wonders. 教学目标 To get information from the reading material about the Grand Canyon; To learn the way of writing about what you see and your feelings when traveling; 知识与能力 1.Vocabulary and expreions: waterfall, stranger, rock, ground, canyon, reply, rise, face, get out of, look over, disappear into, look (acro) to„light-dark, clear, huge, beside, below, at the bottom of, reach the top. „too„to„

2.To enable the Ss to expre in different tenses according to the set situations.3.To love the wonders of the natural world and give facts and opinions.过程方法 1.Interactive approach.2.To improve Ss reading skills and get them to talk and practise writing by imitating.情感、态度与价值观 To help students enlarge their vision on wonders of the world and help to write a description of a wonder that they have seen or visited.


教学步骤 教师活动



Step 1 Lead-in Ask Ss to show information about the seven natural wonders.(The teacher can get the related pictures ready beforehand) Present words in Activity 1.Talk and give facts about the wonders.Encourage Ss to describe with the words given.Check up Ss’ homework and start the new topic.(Wonders) Step 2. Ask andanswer Ask Ss to make questions about facts of the natural wonders.Demonstrate and get Ss to follow.Ask andanswer.How tall/deep… is it?

It’s…meters tall/deep.Practise asking about detailed information and learn the sentence pattern. Step 3. Read(Skimming) Tell Ss to read the paage in Activity 2.Find out the name of the wonder and its facts.T: Where did the writer visit?

How deep/wide/long is it? Read the paage and

answer thequestions.Find out the facts and write them down in Activity 5.Practise reading skills and get specific information. Step 4 Read and match Play the tape and get Ss to follow silently.Find out the main idea of each paragraph.Present the five topic sentences on the screen (Bb).A.The writer arrived there on the rainy

morning; B.The first impreion/sight of the

Grand Canyon.C.The Grand Canyon is the greatest

wonder in his opinion.D.Details about the Grand Canyon.E.After minutes’ walk, he came to it.Ss follow the lines and match the topic sentences to the paragraphs.(or they can conclude the main idea by themselves if poible) Read for the main idea of each paragraph.Learn to sum up and help to understand the whole paage. Step 5 Read aloud Get Ss to read aloud after the tape and find the details about the trip.① When did he get to the Grand

Canyon? ② Why was there nothing to see? ③ Where was he facing on the edge of

the Grand Canyon? ④ How did he feel about the Canyon? Read aloud and answer questions in Activity 3.Ask for help if they have any problems. Practise reading and learn about the details, check their understanding. Step 6.

Focus Now get Ss’ attention to those phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases.Try to check by a gap-filling exercise.(get out of, go through, look over, fall away, on the edge of, look down/acro to, at the bottom of, disappear into, ask oneself ) Learn the verbs and phrases.Practising using them with the help of the gap-filling.Focus on the phrasal verbs and prepositions.

Step 7.

Match Activity 4 Ask Ss to find these words in the paage and gue their meaning within the sentence.Underline the words and match the English meaning. Practise gueing the meaning of words in the context. Step 8.Writing Tell Ss to imagine they have seen (some of them did see) one of the wonders of the world.Write sentences describing how they felt.Remind them of the four keywords: saw, size, happened, felt.

First get them to work in pairs and then report the sentences or paage if poible.

Write sentences according to the given beginning.Report their answers and tryto make them

into a paage.Practise writing and using the language on the basis of imaging and personal experience.作业布置 Finish writing the description of one of the wonders of the world, trying to collect some details and take the text as a model.板书设计 Unit 2 I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon The seven natural wonders of the world How tall/wide/deep is it? It’s…tall/wide/tall.

get out of

on the edge of

ask oneself go through

look down/acro to

huge=very very big look over

at the bottom of

the greatest wonder fall away

disappear into

Unit 3 Language in use

计 课型 Revision and application 教材分析 This unit serves to give a review and summary towards the language points learnt in U1&.2.

And it helps to clarify the exact differences among tenses.教学目标 To review and check the words learned in this module; To summarise and consolidate tenses learnt before; 知识与能力 1.Vocabulary and expreions: height, lift, view, attract, description, location, design 2.To enable the Ss to differ the tenses learned in situations.3.To make a poster of a wonder of the world/ one’s hometown.过程方法 1.Formal and interactive practice, task-based.2.Comprehensive ways of practising and consolidating.情感、态度与价值观 To help students enlarge their vision on wonders of the world; To make a poster of a wonder of the world or his hometown and help to love one’s motherland.教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 活动目的


Step 1 Revision Ask Ss to watch and listen to the MV Chinese by Andy Lau.Get them to find out the wonder in it.

Encourage Ss to describe what they see in it , e.g. The Great Wall is a great wonder. Andy Lau went to the Great Wall. He was singing on it. He has sung many popular songs. … Watch and talk about things appear in the MV.Learn to tell the differences among the tenses.Help to establish the concepts of tenses in situations. Step 2.

Grammar focus 1.Read through the sentences in the box with the whole cla.Call back ideas about the structure highlighted from the students.2.Give hand-out to Ss and ask them to match the exact meaning with the corresponding sentence.(Activity 1) Check the answers right after that.1.Read aloud the seven sentences.And tell the making-up of each tense.2.Read through the 5 pairs of sentences in different tenses and match.Practise telling the differences and meanings. Step 3. Writing 1.Go back to the picture of the Great Wall.Give examples by matching the three parts.The Great Wall + is + about 6,700 km long. Give Ss tips on how to decide.2.Encourage Ss to observe and decide the forms of verbs in different tenses. 1.Observe the subjects and the adverbial or even the phrasal verbs.Match the three parts to make poible sentences.2.Read through the uncompleted paage and try to give the correct forms of verbs in the situations. Learn to observe and practise language in different tenses. Step 4 Speaking 1.Show up the photo of visiting the Great Wall.Get Ss to ask the teacher questions in Activity 4.(Example) Get Ss to work in pairs, and ask and answer the questions.2.Present wonders in the local area. Get Ss to talk about them.1.Ss follow the teacher and make up their own conversations.

Perform in front of the cla.2.Learn the example in Activity 5 and make a similar introduction to the wonders in local area.Practise speaking and enable Ss to use the language and understand its meaning.

Step 5 Vocabulary Game Present nine pictures about wonders of the world, each of which links an exercise in Activity 6/8.Get Ss to finish them first and check in forms of game.Elaborate on the Pyramids in Egypt.(More related photos) Finish the multiple- choices exercises and choose the pictures they’re interested in to check the answers. With the help of games, Ss can review the phrasal verbs and concepts of tenses. Step 6.

Listening Present the three photos in Activity 7 Ask about facts about any one of them.Play the tape for Ss to learn more. Listen and match the notes with the photos.Check the answers after listening and report about the three wonders with the help of the table.Learn more about the three wonders, practising describing. Step 7.

Around the world Get Ss to look at the picture and read silently through the introduction.Give questions to check their understanding. Read and decide, trying to grasp the main information.Learn about another wonder of the world. Step 8.Module task Tell Ss to work in groups of 4.Read through the instructions.Help them to decide what to write about.Hold up a show-and-tell seion where Ss can display and discu.Work in groups of 4 and write about one wonder they like.Collect sufficient information and make the poster.Take part in the show-and-tell seion.

Take this task as an extensive learning activity to get Ss to learn more about the wonders.作业布置 Finish off the poster after cla and get ready for the show at the back wall of the claroom.Prepare the show-and-tell seion in groups of four.板书设计 Unit 3 Language in use

Structures of different tenses


The Great Wall is a wonder…



Andy Lau went to the Great Wall.


He was singing on it

height—What’s the height of…?

We are listening to him now.

on the journey of…

He has sung many pop songs.

because / because of He will visit it some other day.教学反思:

Module 2 Great books






1、语言知识目标: ● 功能:谈论书、作家、思想家等。

● 词汇:1)能正确使用下列单词:work,influence,respect,wise,literature, behaviour,cave,freedom,funeral,social,theme,treasure,clever,dead,

pleased, alive, southern, state.

2) 理解下列单词:thinker, monthly, outsider, version, historical,

editor, publisher, reviewer.

3)能准确理解并使用下列词组;as far as,not„any more,millions of,

run away, grow up, talk about, be known as/for ● 语法:一般现在时被动语态。




读:能读懂对书、作家、思想家等作介绍的文章,能掌握从文章到表格 的信息转移。





重点:key vocabulary___work, influence,wise,clever,behaviour,dead,alive,treasure

theme, southern,as far as,not…any more,millions of,run away,grow up,talk

about, be known as/for 难点:被动语态的构成和用法,主动语态如何改为被动语态。

五、课时安排 第一课时:Unit 1 第二课时;Unit 2 第三课时:Unit 3 第

四、五课时:Review and workbook Unit 1 Confucius’ works are read by many people Teaching aims :Learn the use of present simple paive.Key points: work, influence, thought, wise, copy, as far as, not…any more, millions of, be known as/for Difficult sentences: Shakespeare’s works are seen by millions of people every year.Mark Twain was an important writer, but he isn’t known as a great thinker like Confucius.

Step 1 Warming up& leading in 1.Ask the students some questions.Do you like reading books? What’s your favourite book?Who’s your favourite writer?

2.Show three pictures about Confucius, Shakespeare and Mark Twain.Let them gue who they are.Can you say something about them? Teach the words : work, influence, play, poem, respect, thinker, thought, wise, writer.Confucius: He was a great thinker in China.He is known for his wise thought.We are

still influenced by his thought.He is respected by us.Shakespeare: He was a writer of plays and poems.Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.He was born in 1564 in England.His plays are seen by millions of people every year.Mark Twain: He was a famous American writer.He wrote a lot of stories.His books are still popular.For example ,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.3.Do Activity 5.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.Step 2 Listening (Act.1&2) 1.First read the words in the box .Then match the words in the box with the people in the pictures.(Act.1) 2.Listen and check your answer to Act.1.(Act.2) step 3 Listening and reading(Act.3、4) 1.Listen and answer .Where are the speakers? What are they talking about? 2 .Read and answer the questions.(Act.4) 3.Everyday English and language points. What’s up? Go on! Sounds like a good idea.as far as, not …any more, millions of ,be known as/for 4.Read the conversation in two groups.Step 4 Grammar practice 1.Underline the sentences in the conversation that have the pattern of paive voice.2.Read the sentences aloud.3.Do WB Exercise 1 on p116 Step 5 Speaking and writing 1.Do Act.8 Work in groups of three and look at the opinions in the table.Report ideas of your group to the whole cla.2.Do Act.6 Talk about your favourite play/poem/thinker/writer/story.Homework 1.write your favourite play/poem/thinker/writer/story.2.Listen and read the conversation.

3.Search the internet about the book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Unit 2 It’s still read and loved Teaching aims practice reading skills.Try to write a paage about your favourite great book.Key points run away, get lost, be surprised/pleased to do ,grow up, do with, die/dead/death Difficult sentences 1.The themes of the story are to do with children growing up and becoming more serious 2.It’s thought to be one of the greatest books.

Step 1 Warming up & leading in 1.Read the conversation you learned yesterday with your partner.Then answer the questions according to the conversation.What did Betty suggest at the end of the conversation in Unit 1? What’s Mr.Jackson’s favourite book?

2.Ask the students if they have read the book before.What happens in the book? What are the main ideas of the book? Show some pictures of the book and tell the story..

Teach the new words: behaviour, cave,freedom,funeral,outsider,pretty,social,theme,

treasure, nineteen century Step 2 Reading 1.Read the paage quickly and answer the questions.Where can you read the paage? Why does Mr.Jackson like the book? 2.Read the paage again and complete the table with the information about it.(Act.3) 3.Read and answer the questions.(Act.4) Step 3 Read aloud and language points

1.Play the tape for the students to listen and read.2.Get the students to read each paragraph and discu the useful words and expreions.

run away, get lost, be surprised/pleased to do ,grow up, do with, die/dead/death

It’s thought to be one of the greatest books.Step 4 Writing

1.Work in pairs .Would you like to read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ? Why/ Why not? 2.Think of your favourite great book you have read .Complete the table in Act.3 3.Write a paage about your favourite great book .

My favourite great book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K.Rowling.It’s a story about a young boy… Home work 1.Listen to the tape and practice reading the paage aloud.2.Write a paage about your favourite great book.

Unit 3 Language in use Teaching aims Language practice Key points Seeing a play is more interesting than seeing a film.First…then…,next…,after that…,finally… Difficult points The use of paive voice.

Step1 Revision 1.Read the paage in Unit 2 2.Show the paage about your favourite great book.Step 2 Vocabulary (Act.5&8) 1.Read through the words or phrases in the box with the whole cla.2.Ask the students to complete the paages, then check them.Step 3 Grammar 1.Ask the students to read the sentences in the box.2.Grammar teaching The teacher helps students understand the paive voice 1) 被动语态的构成:be +过去分词

时态在be 体现:am /is /are +done, was / were + done, have/has been +done 被动语态的句型:

肯定句:主语+be +过去分词+(by ~) 否定句:主语+be not +过去分词+(by ~) 一般疑问句:Be+主语+过去分词+(by ~)

特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ be+主语+过去分词+(by ~) 2) 被动语态的用法:

I.要表达“被„”、”受„”、“遭„”、“让„”之类的语义。如: 教师很受尊敬—The teachers are well respected.


他远近闻名—He is known far and wide.


房子每天都有人打扫__The room is cleaned every day.3) 主动语态如何改为被动语态:



these songs

主动语态 These songs

are loved

by children

被动语态 3.Practice Do Act.1,2,3,4 and WB P117 Ex.4&5 Step 4 Listening and speaking(Act.6&7) 1.Ask the students to go through the table.2.Listen and check the statements about Betty and Daming agree with.3.Work in pairs .Ask and say which statements you agree with, and why._ __Do you think that modern books are great books? __Yes, I do .I think …/No, I don’t .I think… Step 5 Reading

Read ―Around the world ‖ on P17 and answer the questions.

When and where did Plato live? What was he? Where did he travel? What did he do when he returned to Athens? What are his works called? Step 6 Module task Discuion: Are we more influenced by films than by books? 1.Decide on your point of view.2.Think of some examples of films or books you have seen or read.How did they influence you? Homework: 1.Do Ex.2&3 on WB P116 2.Revise Module 2

Review of Module 7 and workbook Step 1 Revision 1.Revise the words and expreions you learned in the module.2.Do self-aement on P119.3.Do Ex 6,7,8 to check their vocabulary.Step 2 Listening and pronunciation.1.Listen and check the true sentences.(Ex 9 on P118) 2.Listen and repeat .(Ex 10 on P118) Step 3 Reading 1.Read and answer the questions.(Ex 11 on P118) 2.Listen and read it again.Let the students ask more questions about Dickens.Then answer them.Step 4 Grammar 1.Check Ex 2&3 on P116 to revise the paive voice.2.Do some more exercises about it.


Module 3 Sporting life


本模块以体育运动及奥运会为话题,通过谈论BIG与HAS间的前一次和下一次篮球比赛(Unit 1),介绍刘翔的成长历程(Unit 2)及奥运会(Unit 3)展开教学。要求掌握一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态;学习与体育运动相关的词汇及日常用语等。通过学习,放眼时事,体会体育明星光环背后所付出的勤奋与努力。





语言知识目标: (1)词汇:allow/defeat/stand for/against/tough/encourage/medal/record/set up/ first of all/represent/advertisement/coach/regularly/race (2)日常用语:You’ve got no chance!/What do you reckon?/Don’t let them get to you!/Nice work! (3)语法:一般过去时与一般将来时的被动语态。

(4)话题:讨论有关体育运动与奥运会的话题以及体育明星的成长历程。 语言技能目标:



读:提高阅读能力,掌握文本精髓。 写:作一份关于班级内同学参加体育运动或观看体育比赛的调查报告。写一篇关于体育明星成长历程的简单报道。 情感态度目标:






五、课时安排: Period 1: Unit 1 Period 2: Unit 1-2 Period 3: Unit 2 Period 4: Unit 3 Period 5: Unit 3 Unit 1 When will the match be held? ⅠTeaching model Listening and speaking ⅡTeaching method Communicative approach ⅢTeaching aims Key words: allow, defeat, train, tough, chance, reckon, mad Key Phrases: stand for, get to Everyday English: a tough match You’ve got no chance! What do you reckon? Don’t let them get to you!

Nice work! ⅣTeaching aids Tape recorder, OHP, pictures, handouts ⅤTeaching Steps Step1 Warming-up and listening

1.Look at the pictures and talk something about sports.2.Look at the photos and describe them.You can use some of the words in the box to help you. 3.Listen and check the words you hear in Activity 2.Step 2 Listen and read 1.Listen to the tape carefully.2.Ask the students to read through the conversation individually.3.Play the tape and have them read and follow.4.Act it out.5.Learn Everyday English.Step 3 Do Exercises 1.Complete the table in Activity 4.2.Listen again and check.3.Complete the sentences in Activity 5.Step 4 Work in pairs

Read the sentences from the conversation.Say who the underlined words refer to in Activity 6.Step 5 Explain the important and difficult points

Don’t let them get to you, Tony! 不要让他们影响你,托尼!

get to sb.意思是to make someone feel upset or angry,即\"让某人感到烦恼,困扰\"。如: The heat was beginning to get to me so I went indoors.天气很热,让我开始感到烦躁,所以我回到了屋内。

The smell of her old book really gets to me after a while! 过了一会儿,她的旧书散发出的气味实在让我不舒服。

Step 6 Pronunciation and speaking 1.Listen and repeat.Make sure you pause between each sense group in Activity 7.2.Say the sentence in Activity 8.3.Work in pairs.Talk about your favourite sports team or sports star this season.Step 7 Homework Finish the exercises in the workbook Ex.1, 2, 3, 4&5.Unit 2 Liu Xiang was trained for gold.ⅠTeaching model Reading and writing ⅡTeaching method Bottom-up approach ⅢTeaching aims Key vocabulary : encourage , medal , set , set up , yearbook , represent , advertisement , coach , sportsman , overnight , skill , hurdling , sportswoman , race Grammar : 一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态 ⅣTeaching aids OHP, tape recorder ⅤTeaching Steps Step 1 Warming-up 1.Gueing game: The Chinese champions in the Olympic Games.2.Talk something about Liu Xiang.3.Show some pictures .Look at the pictures and the title of the paage.Say what you know about Liu Xiang and how he became a sporting hero. 4.Introduce the new words.Step 2 Reading 1.Read the paage in Activity 2.2.Play the tape and have them read and follow.3.Read the paage again.Step 3 Do exercises 1.Read the paage and choose the sentence which best exprees the main idea.Liu Xiang____.a) was helped by his sports school to become a gold medal winner b)will be encouraged to be a star and not a sporting hero c) has trained for many years , and will continue to win medals 2.Complete the time line with the notes in Activity 3.3.Answer the questions in Activity 4.

1) As a symbol, what does Liu Xiang represent? 2) Why isn’t Liu Xiang an overnight succe? 3) What was Liu Xiang advised to do in 1998?

4) What was the special programme set up in 2001? 5) What will he be encouraged to do in the future? Step 4 Explain the important and difficult points

1.And now that he\'s well known all over the world, Liu Xiang will also be asked to appear in advertisements and films, and even to record music.


now that 常常用为一种新的情况或状况做出解释,表示\"既然;由于\"。如: Now that Mr Liu has arrived , we can begin our meeting.既然刘先生已经到了,我们就开会吧。 2.Liu was encouraged at first to train as a high jumper.起初,教练支持刘翔练跳高。

encourage sb.to do sth.表示\"鼓励某人做某事\"。在本句中,encourage一词用于被动语态,表示刘翔是\"被鼓励\"去某事,而不是他\"鼓励\"别的人去做某事。如: Ms Wang always encourages us to speak English in cla.王老师总是鼓励我们课


We were encouraged to learn foreign languages at school.学校鼓励我们学习外语。 3.It was set up in 2001 to help young sportsmen and sportswomen.它(特殊项目)建立于2001年,用来帮助年轻运动员。

set up表示\"建立,设立;创办(组织,企业);制定(计划等)如:

She plans to set up her own busine.她计划企业办自己的企业。

We need to set a meeting to discu the plan.我们需要开个会来讨论这个计划。 4.Grammar : 一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态

英语的语态是通过动词形式的变化表现出来的。英语中有两种语态:主动语 态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。例如:

Many people speak Chinese.谓语:speak的动作是由主语many people来执行的。


Chinese is spoken by many people.主语Chinese是动词speak的接受者。 1)一般过去时的被动语态构成: was/were+p.p.(过去分词)eg: Liu Xiang was helped by a special programme.Liu Xiang’s races were recorded. 2)一般将来的被动语态构成: shall/will be+p.p.(过去分词)eg: Liu Xiang will be encouraged to go for more medals for China.Will he be encouraged to spend more time away from sport? 5.Learning to learn Step 5 Writing 1.Rewrite the notes in Activity 3 in full sentences. 2.Look at the sentences in Activity 6. A special programme helped Liu Xiang.

Liu Xiang was helped by a special programme.

His skill at hurdling was noticed by his coach Sun Haiping. His coach Sun Haiping noticed his skill at hurdling. 3.Write sentences about Zhang Yining\'s training.

4.Join the sentences you wrote in Activity 6 to write a paragraph about Zhang Yining .Use and, although and because. Step6 Homework Finish the exercises in the workbook Ex.6, 7, 8&9.Unit 3 Language in use ⅠTeaching model Revision and application ⅡTeaching method

Formal and interactive practice ⅢTeaching aims 1.Key vocabulary: finishing line, award, marathon, Italian, turn, so far, champion, taekwondo, belt

2.Grammar : 一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态 ⅣTeaching aids Tape recorder, OHP, handouts ⅤTeaching Steps Step 1 Revision Review the text of Unit 2 Step 2 Language practice 1.Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole cla.2.Grammar : 小结一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态

Step 3 Work in pairs.

1.Ask and answer the questions in Activity 1.2.Complete the paage with the correct form of the words in Activity 2.3.Look at the pictures and put them in the correct order in Activity 3.Step 4 Do exercises 1.Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in the box in Activity 4. 2.Choose the best answer in Activity 5. 3.Listening:

1) Listen and check the true statements in Activity 6.2) Listen again and choose the correct answer in Activity 7.4.Put the sentences in the correct order to complete the conversation in Activity 8.Step 5 Around the world: The Paralympics Games Step 6 Module task: Module task: Making a cla sports survey

1.Work in groups.Write questions to find out about the sport people like to watch and do.

* What sports do you like?

* How often...?

* Do you like to...or...? 2.Carry out your survey.

* Ask as many students as you can to answer your questions. 3.Write the results of your survey.

1) Say how many students you asked the questions were.

We asked...student ―What...?‖

2) Compare their answers.

… students said ...and ...students said ... Step 7 Homework Finish the exercises in the workbook Ex.10, 11, 12&13.教学反思:

Module 4 Great inventions Unit 1 Paper and printing have been used for ages 教 学 目 标

德育目标:To know something about the history of paper inventing 知识目标:To get information about the history of paper inventing from the conversation 能力目标:To talk about the advantages of some inventions To practise the paive voice of the future tense, perfect tense and modal verbs. 重点

Vocabulary advantage, battery , borrow , camera, charge lend look after, online, photo, promise, same, turn off, turn on 难点

the paive voice of the future tense, perfect tense, and modal verbs. 课型

Listening and speaking 教法

PWP approach Teaching Procedures: Step one: Revision 1)Talk about some great invention, recall the words of inventions: TV, computer, watch, radios, camera, digital camera, photo, mobile phone, internet.Teach: online magazine 2) Recall what we have learned in the last Module Step two: Listening and vocabulary

1.Talking: What\'s the advantage of an online magazine 2.Listen and check the words 3.Listen and read ⑴ Play the tape to let the Students get the answer: Can the digital camera be borrowed from Tony\'s Dad

⑵Do Activity 4.Get the students to show their answers.⑶Listen and repeat.Notes:Everyday English Can I ask a favour 帮忙,赏光 Anyway„谈点别的,另外 Here it is.给你,在这儿 It doesn\'t matter.没关系

I\'ll see to that.我会处理的.Is that clear 清楚吗 懂了吗 Promise! 我一定! language Points

1) Paper and printing have been used for ages.for ages ---- for (many) years好多年了.类似短语: for hours/ days/months 等.2) The battery hasn\'t been charged for a couple of months.a couple of --- several 几个

3) I\'ll see to it.我来处理.see to sb./ sth.= look after, deal with \"处理, 照顾, 关照\" 4.) You must promise that it won\'t be….

promise to do/ that..= make a promise to do/that 答应, 许诺作某事 Promise!= I promise to do that.我答应! 5) turn on ----打开 turn off ----关闭 turn up -----开大 turn down ---关小

eg.Don\'t forget to ___________the light when you leave the room.Please ___________the TV, the football is beginning.Would you please ________it ______ a little I can\'t hear it clearly.The baby is sleeping.Please _____________ the radio a little.

4.Read the summary of the conversation.Underline the wrong information 5.Answer the questions Ask Ss to say their answers and check them together.6.Find the sentences in the conversation which mean Grammar Points

Will (won\'t_) + be +动词的过去分词为一般将来时的被动语态 have/has (not) been + 动词的过去分词为现在完成时的被动语态 情态动词+ be + 动词的过去分词为情态动词的被动语态 Summary: 各种时态的被动语态构成 一般现在时:S+ am/is /are + done 一般过去时:S+ was/were + done 一般将来时:S+ will + be + done

情态动词:S+can/may/must/should+be+done 现在进行时: S+ am/ is/ are + being+ done 过去进行时: S+ was/were + being+ done 现在完成时:S+ have/has + been+ done Pronunciation and Speaking Listen to the sentences and repeat.Homework: Finish work book 1-3 附加练习: 中英互译: I\'ll see to that._______________ 帮个忙________________ Promise.________________ 照相________________ look after________________ 好几个________________ turn off________________ 几年________________ Here it is.________________ 由„.代替________________ 改为被动语态句子

1.They have published two iues of this magazine.2.Betty has kept my watch for two days.3.I\'ll charge the battery for your MP3 players.4.I could not find my bag anywhere. 课题

Module 4 Great Inventions

Unit 2 Books could be produced more quickly and cheaply.教 学 目 标

德育目标:To research science and love science 知识目标: To understand paages involving present perfect perfect tense 能力目标:To learn a reading skill ----- Scanning To know the history about paper inventing 重点

Vocabulary Create, produce, ink, against, knowledge, spread, introduction, receive, 难点

Phrase:made of, at a time, by hand, at the beginning of, in a way, rather than, one day 课型

Reading and writing 教法

PWP approach Teaching Procedures: Step I: Revision Have/has been + done This book/ discu/ on telephone It/ buy/by thousands of people Children/tell to read this book The book/ print/ again and again Other books /write /about this book Must/can/may be done 1.a) All students must read this book.

b) This book _____________by all students.2.a) Everyone can understand his ideas.b) His ideas ________________by everyone.3.a)I could not fine her books anywhere.b) Her books ________________anywhere.4.a) For a long time, many people could not use computers.b) Computers__________________by many 5.a) We can do the work now if you want.b) The work _____________now if you want.6.a) You must not take these magazines from the library.b) These magazines _________________from the library .Reading and vocabulary 1.Talk in pairs What are the advantages of both book and computers Can books be replaced by computers

2.Read and get the main ideas of the paragraphs P1 c.Life on paper and in print P2 a.The world before books P3.b.The invention of printing P4.d.Technology and books P5.e.Can books be replaced by computers Language Points 1.looks through 浏览,温习

2.with– without 带有„ / 没有„

3.be made of ---- be made from--- be made up of --- be made in------ be made by— be made into –-- 4.write words on-- make a book -- in those days -- at a time -- by hand --- as a result ---- 5.put„ against 将„放进/刻进 hold„ against 将„贴到

6.at the beginning of 在„初/ 开始时 7.after that 然后,之后 in a way 以„方式

8.compare„.with„.与„.相比 , 与„.相媲美

9.rather than 胜过,而不愿 prefer to do„ rather than do„ 情愿„而不.. be replaced by 被„.所替代 be read online 在网上阅读

3.Make notes to complete the timeline.4.Answer the questions 1.Why were books expensive and rare before the invention of printing 2.Why did ideas spread more quickly when books became cheaper 3.What can we use instead of books to get information Homework

Finish the workbook exercises 课题

Module 4 Great Inventions Unit 3 Language practice 教学目标

德育目标:To know about some great inventions 知识目标: To practice the use of paive voice 能力目标:To complete a task about \"How to improve inventions\" 重点

被动语态: 情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词(not)+ be +过去分词 现在完成时—— have/has +been+动词的过去分词 难点

情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词(not)+ be +过去分词 现在完成时—— have/has +been+动词的过去分词 课型

Revision and application 教法

Formal and interactive practices Part I: Revision Language practice 现在完成时的被动语态: have/has(not) been +过去分词 情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词(not)+ be +过去分词 Conclusion

被动语态的构成:be +动词的过去分词 一般现在时—— am/is / are +动词的过去分词 一般过去时—— was/were +动词的过去分词

情态动词—— aux.v.(must/can/could/may„)+ be +动词的过去分词 现在进行时—— be(am,is,are)+being +动词的过去分词 一般将来时—— will be/be going to be +动词的过去分词 现在完成时—— have/has +been+动词的过去分词 主动语态改成被动语态的步骤及注意事项 1.主动语态的宾语改成被动语态的主语.2.主动语态的谓语动词改成被动语态的谓语动词.do----be done 3.注意保持时态和人称的一致.

4.带双宾的谓语动词有两种改法.当把直接宾语改成主语时,谓语动词后必须加适当的介词: to / for.如:give-- be given to 此类动词还有:pa show send„

再如:buy--- be bought for此类动词还有:make draw cook mend„

5.一些动词不定式在主动语态中省略to作宾语补足语,改成被动语态时,to必须还原.注:1.不及物动词(vi.)不用被动语态.如:happen,take place ,appear disappear„没有被动形式.**几种特殊结构

1.My uncle gave me a gift on my birthday.---- I was given a gift on my birthday.A gift was given to me on my birthday.2.We often hear him play the guitar.He is often heard to play the guitar 注意:see, watch, hear, notice, feel, make, listen to, look at等动词/短语后作宾语补语的不定式都不带to;但改成被动语态后必须带to.Part II: Language Practice Read though the sentences with the students and talk about the highlighted structures.Exercises: Activities 1~8 Finish the exx with the students according to the highlighted words of every activity.Check the answers.Homework: Finish off the workbook exercise 教学反思:

Module 5 Museums

The Teaching Plan for Unit1 You mustn\'t touch it! Topic You mustn\'t touch it! Type of leon New leon Period(s) Two Teaching Aims Ⅰ.Aims of basic knowledge: To know something about the signs around you and obey the rules.Ⅱ.Aims of emotion: More interests and better attitude to learn English.Ⅲ.Learning abilities & strategies: To talk about the signs with \"mustn\'t, can\'t, Don\'t… No….\" And Word Formation --Compound words Ⅳ.Aims of culture: To get information about the signs Teaching Aids Tape, recorder, pictures, exercise paper, small blackboard Strategies for teaching difficulties &

key points Teaching difficulties & key points: 1.The new words and phrases.2.The listening material of Activity 3.Special Strategies: 1.Give some time to the students to remember the new words.2.Talk something related with listening material before listening.Personal adjustment Teaching procedure Teaching Procedure Step1: Greeting and revision have/has been + 过去分词; 情态动词+be+过去分词

Step2: Talking: The signs around you (draw some pictures on the blackboard about sighs, ask students to gue) Step3: Listening and vocabulary 1.Match the pictures with the phrases 2.Listen and underline the correct word in each sentence 1) Read the words together and try to understand their meanings.2) Listen and check.3.Listen and read 1) Close the book and listen to the tape, then answer the question: What are they doing 2) Check the answer and listen again then finish part 5.3) Ask some students to check the answers.4) Listen and repeat.Language points: 1) look forward to 与pay attention to 中的to都是介词,后面应跟名词,代词或动名词,如: I\'m looking forward to meeting you.You must pay attention to the spelling in your writing.2) Hang on a minute! 等一下! 3) on one\'s own 单独的 4) take a photo 拍张照片

5) against 反对 be against doing sth.反对做某事 6) 几种表示禁止的表达方式: Don\'t+动词原形 No+名词/动名词 can\'t mustn\'t be not allowed to 7) No, you can\'t take a photo, either.Either在此用作副词,要与否定词连用,意思是\"也不\".如, I don\'t like coffee either.我也不喜欢咖啡.Step 4: Pronunciation and speaking 1.Listen and repeat.2.Pairwork: Talk about the rules you can or can\'t do in libraries or museums.Homework Copy the new words and recite the useful phrases.Blackboard Writing Design Language points and exercises: 完成句子.1.禁止喧哗,它违反规定.No shouting! It\'s against the rules.2.好,让我们下楼吧! Well, let\'s go downstairs.3.不要碰,禁止你碰它.Don\'t touch! You mustn\'t touch it.4.不,你也不能拍照.No, you can\'t take a photo, either.5.赶快!否则我们将迟到了.Hurry up, or we\'ll be late for school.Self- reflection The Teaching Plan for Unit2 There\'s no shouting and no running.Designed by: Yang Lijian Date: Sep.29 Topic Type of leon New leon Period(s) Two Teaching Aims Ⅰ.Aims of basic knowledge: 1.To know something about the Science Museum in London.2.Useful important phrases.Ⅱ.Aims of emotion: More interests about the Science Museum.Ⅲ.Learning abilities & strategies: 1.To get information about the Science Museum in London. 2.To understand paages involving Compound word.Ⅳ.Aims of culture: To get information about the Science Museum in London.Teaching Aids Tape, recorder, pictures, exercise paper, small blackboard Strategies for teaching difficulties &

key points Teaching difficulties & key points: Phrases and Compound word.Special Strategies: Give some time to the students to remember the new words.Personal adjustment Teaching procedure Teaching Procedure Step1 Revision

Use \"mustn\'t, can\'t, Don\'t No.\" to make more sentences about the rules for museums or libraries.(Tips: game or competition.) Step2 Reading and vocabulary 1.Read the words and talk about the pictures.2.Read the paage and answer the questions.3.Check the answers and listen to the tape.4.Complete the table and check 5.Language points: 1) allow doing sth.允许做某事.如, They don\'t allow smoking in the museum.他们不允许在博物馆吸烟.allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事.如, My parents don\'t allow me to read in the bed.我父母不允许我躺在床上看书.be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事.如, Students are not allowed to smoke.学生们不准吸烟.2) work out 计算出 3) try out 检验,试用

4) fill„with„ 用......填充......She filled the bottle with water.她用水装满了瓶子.区别:be filled with 表示\"充满\",强调动作; be full of 表示\"装满,盛满\",表示状态.Hs heart was filled with gratitude.他内心充满了感激之情.The basket was full of flowers.篮子里盛满了花.5) compare„with 与......作比较

6) drop in 顺便走访,也可用于drop in on sb.顺便走访某人.7) Above all \"首先,最重要的是\" 8) as long as so/as+adj./adv.+as 像......一样

Step 3 Writing Complete the paage then check the answers.Homework

Finish the workbook exercises.Blackboard Writing Design Language points and exercises: 单项选择.1.A: Hellow! Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight B: I\'m sorry, I can\'t.Father won\'t B me to go out in the evening.A.let B.allow C.offer D.help 2.We won\'t allow C n museum.But you are allowed _____ in the rest room.A.smoking; smoking B.smoke; smoking C.smoking; to smoke D.to smoke; to smoke 3.Be careful! The bowl C hot water.A.full of B.fill with C.is filled with D.is fulled of Self- reflection The Teaching Plan for Module5/Unit3 Language in use Topic Type of leon Revision Period(s) Two Teaching Aims Ⅰ.Aims of basic knowledge: 1.Master the key words and structure.2.To practice the use of Compound word.Ⅱ.Aims of emotion: Talk about you can or can\'t do something Ⅲ.Learning abilities & strategies: 1.To talk about the rules with \"mustn\'t, can\'t, Don\'t… No….\" Ⅳ.Aims of culture: To get information about the Science Museum in London.Teaching Aids Tape, recorder, pictures, exercise paper, small blackboard.Strategies for teaching difficulties &

key points Teaching difficulties & key points: Use the structure \"allow or not allow doing sth.\" To explain the rules.Special Strategies: Give some time to the students to remember the structures.Personal adjustment Teaching procedure Teaching Procedure Step 1: Revision 1.Finish part 1 and 2.2.Check the answers and read the sentences in language practice.3.Review:

1)No+v.-ing! 如: No smoking! 不许吸烟! No joking! 不要开玩笑! 2)祈使句

否定的祈使句同样可以用来表示\"禁止\".如: Don\'t shout.不要喊叫.Don\'t make any noise.不要吵闹.3) You mustn\'t…

情态动词mustn\'t 可以表达\"禁止\"的概念.如: You mustn\'t take photographs of the exhibits in museums.博物馆中不得给展品拍照.You mustn\'t tell it to anyone.你决不可以告诉任何人.4)You can\'t…

can\'t 可以表示\"能力\",\"可能性\",也可以表示\"不允许\".因此可以用来制止某人做某事.如: In most museums you can\'t make any noise.在大多数博物馆里不能吵闹.5) You aren\'t allowed to…

本句型用来制止对方做某事.如: You are not allowed to touch the exhibits.不要触摸展品.Step 2 Finish the all exercises then check it.Step 3 Compound words (见书本P179) Exercises: Make new words using the words in Box A and Box B.A

bed cla down home post up wet B card room site stairs work mate load sick Homework Finish off the workbook exercises Review the language points in this module.Blackboard Writing Design 1)No+v.-ing! 2)祈使句

否定的祈使句同样可以用来表示\"禁止\".如: Don\'t shout.不要喊叫.3) You mustn\'t… 4)You can\'t…

can\'t 可以表示\"能力\",\"可能性\",也可以表示\"不允许\".因此可以用来制止某人做某事.5) You aren\'t allowed to… Self- Reflection 教学反思:

Module 6 Save our world 教案设计




通过两年的学习,学生已能用英语熟练地表达自己的看法和意见。本模块的话题是环境、资源,这是学生很熟悉也较感兴趣的话题, 但同时对学生的知识储备要求较高。首先要求学生通过多种途径了解地球环境、资源的现状。其次在教师预设的任务中,要使学生有话可说,但是这个话题涉及较多的知识,学生掌握的难度较大, 如果材料处理不当,会导致学生有话想说,却无法用英语表达的尴尬场面。因此在具体安排教学内容时,可由简到难,适当降低难度与要求,让学生更好地运用课本知识,达到提高综合运用语言能力的目的。


1.语言知识目标 词汇 waste、energy、pollution、recvcle、reusable、reduce、reuse、repair、environmental、hopele、neceary、plastic、sort、harm、material 词组句型 instead of、do harm to、make a difference to、It’s+adj+to、stop from 语法 前缀、后缀构词法 功能 表达如何杜绝浪费,保护环境,拯救地球 话题 以了解地球危机重重为基础,讨论如何拯救地球为话题


听 听懂有关不同保护环境方法的对话,提高学生实际应用能力

说 能用本模块的生词、短语开展对话、讨论,介绍各自生活中保护环境的方法

读 了解地球环境的现状, 通过阅读掌握reduce,reuse,recycle的含义和重要性,进行简单的阅读技能训练

写 1.能用核心词汇写出简短的、表达观点的句子 2.能写出生存现状和保护措施,形成完整的计划性文章

演示与表达 能向全班做有关生存现状和保护措施的发言与展示 3.学习策略目标


认知策略 联系,归纳,推测等技能。

调控策略 从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误进行修改。 交际策略 学习运用恰当句子表达自己的观点。 资源策略 能利用多种途径及学习资源查找信息,用所学内容进行真实交际。 自学策略 能借助词汇图掌握单词,形成话题联想的习惯,培养学生的阅读能力技巧。 合作学习策略 关心周围的生存现状和保护措施, 交流并分享各自的观点并形成最终观点。


引导学生关注社会,关注身边的事和人,关心周围的生存现状和保护措施,对学生进行环保意识的渗透。同时让他们了解保护环境离我们很近,身边有许多机会,进而培养学生的忧患意识和主人翁意识和关爱地球之心5.情感态度目标 (1)通过开展生动活泼的教学活动,激发学生的兴趣。

(2)培养学生热爱生活、热爱自然界,培养保护环境的意识和关爱地球之心。 同时也积极鼓励学生参与社会实践活动。




重点话题:How to be green 2.教学难点


(2)能用恰当地道的英语表达对保护环境的看法。 3.突破途径



1、任务 核心任务:能够运用所学句型结构向不同的朋友交流自己关于保护环境的看法。三个环节如下:





Period One: Unit 1 It’s wasteful to throw away paper and metal.

Period Two: Unit 2 Remember three words: Reduce, reuse and recycle.Period Three: Unit 3 Language in use (1) Period Four: Unit 3 Language in use (2)


Period One: Unit 1 It’s wasteful to throw away paper and metal. Step 1: Warming-up According to the words, let the students say something about our world and describe it.设计意图: 从学生所了解的世界入手,利用学生已有的认知水平进行头脑风暴,主要为下一步世界中最主要的环境问题的引出做准备工作。

Step 2: Lead-in 1.Watch a video about our world.

2.Discu: What problems did you see?

3.Work in pairs.Say what you should do about these problems.设计意图:


Step 3: Listening

1.Look at the photos.Describe and check them.(Activities 1 and 2)

2.Listen and read.Then do Activties 6 and 7.

3.Discu: Look at Activity 5.Choose one of them and answer it. 设计意图:


Step 4: Speaking

1.Watch a video.

2.Disu: Think of some ways of environmental protection.Complete the table with the ways.设计意图:


Homework: 1.Review Unit One.

2.Workbook: Page 133 Vocabulary and Listening.

3.Choose one of the two and finish it.

(1) Think of more ways of environmental protection.

(2) Find out some problems around you and think how to solve them.Then write it down. Period Two: Unit Two Remember three words: Reduce, reuse and recycle.Step 1: Warming-up

1.Check the homework.

2.Introduce some environmental groups.

3.Do a questionnaire.设计意图:


Step 2: Lead-in

Look at the pictures.Say which things are better for the environment and why.设计意图:

利用学生最熟悉的生活用品比较,在一定的语境中进行讨论和学习词汇。小组讨论可以集思广益,加深对课文的理解。而进行有意义的交流是词汇学习的上上策,培养学生词不离句学语言的好习惯。并且让学生从自身的感受和生活的经验来判断, 激发学生热爱生活、关心生活和保护环境的意识。

Step 3: Reading

1.Read the paage.

2.Work in pairs and answer the questions.(Activity 6)

3.Read the paage again and check the things you should do.Then give reasons for what you should or shouldn’t do.(Activities 4 and 5) 设计意图:


Step 4: Writing

1.Work in pairs.Make some lists of things.

2.Make suggestions about how to be green.Give reasons,please.设计意图:





1.Review Unit Two.

2.Workbook: Page 134 Reading and writing.

3.Choose one of the two and finish it.

(1) Make suggestions about how to be green and give reasons.

(2) Make a list of things that you have done something to help our environment. Period Three: Unit three Language in use (1) Step 1: Warming-up

1.Check the homework.

2.Watch a video.设计意图:


Step 2: Practice

1.Complete the conversation with the correct form of the phrases in the box.(Activity 9)

2.Read the ideas on protecting the environment.Then practise and answer the questions.(Activities 6 and 7)

3.Work in pairs.Discu the question.(Activity 8) 设计意图:


Step 3: Discu

Work in pairs and talk about the picture.设计意图:


Step 4: Module task

1.Discu what you can do about pollution.

(1) Decide what type of pollution you want to talk about.It could be water pollutiong, air pollution, waste, cutting down forests, etc.

(2) Discu your topic.Say what you think about the problem and what can be done.



2.Make a poster to tell others to protect the environment. 设计意图:



1.Review Language in use (1).

2.Finish the module task.Period Four: Unit three Language in use (2) Step 1: Word games

1.Make new words.According as the word, make new words as many as you can.

2.Make new words.Join the words in Box A with the parts of words in Box B.Step 2: Practice

1.Do Activities 2, 3 and 4.

2.Workbook: Grammar and vocabulary.设计意图:

加前、后缀是英语中最常见的扩充词汇的方式,也是学习英语必须掌握的构词法。但常用的前缀、后缀非常多,因此应指导学生在学习的过程中自己学习,讨论,研究和发现其规律,并注意平时的积累。 Homework:

1.Review Language in use (2).

2.Finish the module work.教学反思:

Module 7 Australia教学设计

Unit 1 I’m looking for the photos that you took in Australia!

Teaching Aims and Demands: 1.Language Knowledge Key vocabulary: crocodile, shark, hand, have a look at, alongside, detail Key structure: The attributive clause with that

2.Listening skill: To understand conversations involving the Attributive Clause in listening.Improve the students’ listening ability.

Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP) Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Lead in Divide the cla into several groups and each group has two, three or more students.One student acts as a travel agent, the other students want to travel.The agent will recommend some cities or countries to the others.设计意图: 复习七八年级所学过的关于城市和国家的知识,自然的过渡到本单元的关于澳大利亚的重点对话。并且可以培养同学之间的合作与交流,提高会话能力。

Step 2 Presentation Show students a picture of Sydney Opera House and tell them ―Tony’s father has been to Australia.He visited Sydney Opera House.‖ Then get them to listen to the dialogue and answer two questions: 1.Where else did he visit? 2.What animals did he see? 设计意图: 因为是一篇较长的对话,所以让同学们带着问题去听,第一遍不要求逐字逐句听懂,但要能回答出简单的问题。

Step 3 Read and repeat Get the cla to read the dialogue.Then ask them to read in pairs.Step 4 Complete the table After the students are familiar to the dialogue, ask them to complete the table in Activity 4.设计意图: 在这一步骤中,让学生从说转移到写上,并且让同学们在完成表格的同时更加熟悉课文。

Step 5 Answer questions Get students to answer questions about the dialogue.Step 6 Grammar Show students several sentences involving The Attributive Clause in this unit.Ask them to think of the use of the word ―that‖.

设计意图: 在本单元只是呈现一下定语从句的概念,让同学们对此有一个印象,而不必强调如何去改写定语从句。在以后的两个单元的逐步练习中再让同学们慢慢地对此语法熟悉起来。

Step 7 Homework

1.Read the words and the dialogue frequently.Try to recite part of the dialogue.2.Finish some exercises in workbook Module 7.

Unit 2 The camel that I rode had a bad temper.Teaching Aims and Demands: 1.Language Knowledge Key vocabulary: grape, ham, lamb, outback, relative, sheep, spir, surfing, wine, helicopter, purple, similar, ours, cricket, rugby, sunshine, expreion, mate, temper, lifestyle Key structure: 1.The restrictive attributive clause with that 2.Reading skill: The students can read the long paage and can write some notes about it.Improve the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP) Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Play a game Get the whole cla to play a game called ―I describe, you gue‖. 设计意图: 由游戏开始上课,同学们会比较感兴趣,尤其是九年级的同学。通过游戏的形式让同学们能够较轻松地读懂并理解带定语从句的句子。 因为老师出的题目有限,所以在全班做完之后,若时间允许,还可以分小组做。

Step 2 Read and check Get the students to read the paage once or twice quickly, and after that ask them to find the information about some numbers.Then check the true sentences.设计意图: 第二单元编排了一篇长课文,教师可以把它当成阅读课来上。所以先让同学们快速阅读,然后找出一些关键句,并能够判断句子的正误。能够做到以上两点就可以了。 Step 3 Read again and write notes.Get the cla to read the paage again, but this time read it more slowly.Then ask them to take some notes for Tony.The students can finish this job individually or they can discu with their partners.设计意图: 通过做笔记,能够使同学们加深对课文的理解,并且加强同学们的归纳理解能力。 Step 4 Read and repeat After the students are familiar to the paage, ask them to read the paage after the tape.Then they can read by themselves.Step 5 Explain some useful expreions.

The teacher explains some useful expreions and grammar points.Step6 Homework

1.Read the words and the paage frequently. 2.Copy the words and expreions.3.Finish some exercises in workbook Module 7.Unit 3 Language in use Teaching Aims and Demands: 1.Language Knowledge Key vocabulary: water sports, grey, ancestor Speaking skill: To say sentences involving the attributive clause.Writing skill: To write sentences involving the attributive clause.Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP) Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Play a game Play another ―I describe, you gue.‖ 设计意图: 本单元是一个复习单元,以游戏引出话题,活跃课堂气氛,鼓励学生大胆表达。因为老师出的题目有限,所以在全班做完之后,若时间允许,还可以分小组做。(让同学们事先准备好图片)。在做这个游戏时,同学们能够很轻松地说出带定语从句的句子,能够在游戏当中掌握好本单元的语法重点。

Step 2 Read a dialogue Read a dialogue completed by the teacher and ask the students to make similar dialogues.Try to use the Attributive Clause.Read the conversation and pay attention to the underlined words .A: Do you want to see my photos? B: what photos? A: The photos that I took in Australia.1.A: What surprised you most in Australia?

B: The thing that surprised me most was the weather! 2.A: What do you call that famous Australian animal? The one that can jump very high.

B: Oh, you mean a kangaroo.3.A: What’s the name of that dangerous animal?

B: The one that is green? That’s a crocodile.


Step 3 Join the sentences.

Ask the students to join the sentences with “that”.(句子见幻灯片)

Step 4 Finish Activity 1 Read the paage and underline all ― that‖ in the Attributive Clause.


Step 5 Around the world Show students a picture of Australian athlete and hero.Ask students to learn from her.Step 6 Homework Finish the exercises in the workbook.教学反思:

Module 8 Photos Teaching Plan


本模块以“摄影”为话题,借此让学生描述自己最理想的摄影作品。通过本模块的学习,学生进一步学习定语从句的用法。为学生提供了充足的语言实际运用的机会。学生可以围绕这一话题进行大量的听、说、读、写方面的语言实践活动,促使学生更有意识地自觉学习英语。语法难点仍是定语从句。教学中教师应随时随地灵活利用各种素材组织教学过程和内容,充分调动学生的积极性。 教学目标: 1)语言知识: 语音 能够准确掌握句子中的单词重读。 词汇 trouble,shot,kid,expect,historic,size,beauty,category,movement,feature,include,rich, congratulation, photographer, present, ceremony, frightened 词组 on the left/right, pick up, even though 语法 能使用who, which 引导的定语从句。 功能 Measuring; Describing people and things.话题 以“摄影”为话题。 2)语言技能:

听 Identifying photos from descriptions.说 Describing photos.读 Transferring information to a table.写 Writing a description of a photograph.演示与表达 能够向他人介绍自己的摄影作品。 3)学习策略

学习一定程度形成自主学习,有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。 认知 联系,归纳,推测等技能。学习查词典,阅读报刊,上网等提高自学能力。 调控 从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误进行修改。 交际 学习运用恰当词语介绍自己的摄影作品。 资源 通过报刊、书籍、网络等其他资源获取更多简单英语的有关摄影的信息。 自学策略 能够根据自己的情况预习教材并进行拓展。 合作学习策略 能够根据小组内同学的特长分工合作, 积极参与讨论,互相学习,取长补短,注意从他人的演示中汲取经验,注意学习策略共享。 4)文化意识:乐于了解世界各地人们审美观念。


6)任务:能够描述自己的摄影作品。 教学重点和难点:

重点:1.通过谈论自己的摄影作品,训练学生的听、说、读、写能力; 2. who,which引导的定语从句。

难点: 掌握使用who,which引导的定语从句。 教学方法:



核心任务:能够收集、拍摄自己最喜欢的作品,并能运用所学句型结构谈论他们。 三个环节如下:


task –cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化使用who,which引导的定语从句来谈论摄影作品的表达能力,为完成任务做好铺垫。 post-task:达成任务,展示成果,反馈学习情况



Period 1: Vocabulary and Listening &Pronunciation and Speaking Period 2: Reading

Period 3: Writing& Around the world &Module Task Period 4: Language in use 注:教学时应根据学生的学习水平、生活实际水平、接受程度及课堂出现的临时状况进行运用、调整及筛选。 『教学设计』


Module 8 Photos

Period 1: Vocabulary and Listening &Pronunciation and Speaking 1.Teaching Aims and Demands:

1) Key vocabulary: trouble,shot,kid,expect, on the left/right, pick up, 2) Listening skill: To understand conversations involving talking about photos.Improve the students’ listening ability.

3) Emotion &Attitudes:To help the students learn more about different lives in our daily life from different photos.2.Teaching difficult and key points:To let the students know something about the Blues band, and practise making dialogue about photos.3.Teaching approach: Communicative teaching

4.Learning strategies: Bottom –up approach and listening to the tape and do some exercises.5.Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP, Blackboard) 6.Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Revision

Task 1: Recall what we have learned in Module 7.

1.Label the pictures with the words and expreions.(1).Read through the words and expreions in the box and have the Ss.Repeat them after you.

(2).Ask them to label them in the pictures on the screen.

(3).List some words which are connected with Australia.Ask students to speak out as many as they can.2.Tell something about Australia.Ask students to speak out as much as they can.

Step 2 Lead in

Task 2: Show some photos about entertainment, sport, culture, nature beauty, and lead in the topic of photos.Then learn the new words of this unit.1.Get them to enjoy some photos about entertainment, sport, culture, nature beauty, 2.Show them a picture of a concert.Let Ss gue what it is and what’s happing in this photo, then introduce the new words.3.Discu the picture, using the words in the box in Activity 1.Step 3 Listen and read Task 3: Listen to the tape and finish Activity 2 .Then check and call back the answers. 1.Play the recording while they just listen and focus on the words in Activity 1.2.Have them check their answer with a partner and play the recording again.3.Check and call back the answer from the whole cla.Task 4: Listen to the tape again and do Activity 4,5 .Then check and call back the answers. 1 Show them the questions in Activity 4.2.Play the recording and have them listen to the recording and focus on the questions in Activity 4.3.Play the recording again and have them write down the answers, then check with a partner.4.Then call back the answers from the whole cla.5.Read the conversations in Activity 3.Make sure that Ss understand the conversation.6.Complete the sentences in their own words Activity 5.Then call back the answers from the whole cla.Task 5: Let the Ss finish the Activity 6 by themselves.Then check and call back the answers. 1.Show them the questions in Activity 6.2.Have them write down the answers, then check with a partner.3.Then check and call back the answers from the whole cla.Task 6: Read 1.Play the recording again and pause after each phrase, asking the Ss.to repeat chorally and individually.2.Put the Ss.into groups of 5 to practise the dialogue.

3.They should repeat it several times, changing the roles each time.Step 4 Pronunciation

Task7: Listen and repeat the sentences in Activity7 on page 65.Make sure that they stre the underlined words.

1.Ask the Ss to listen and repeat the sentences.

2.Play the recording again.Ask the Ss to pay particular attention to the word stre.3.Ask the Ss to listen and repeat chorally and individually. Step 5 Speaking

Task 8: Work in pairs, choose a photo to talk about and finish Activity 8.Then check and call back the answers.

1.Get each of them to choose a photo.2.Ask them to work in pairs to share their descriptions.3.Call back some examples in a whole-cla setting, paying special attention to the use of the attributive clause guided by who \\ which..Step 6 Homework

1.Do Exx7.8&9 in the Wb.2.Oral work: Read the conversation of Activity 3.3.Preview Unit2 in Module 8. Period 2 : Reading 1.Teaching Aims and Demands: 1)Language knowledge: historic, size, beauty, category, movement, feature, include, rich, congratulation, photographer, present, ceremony, photographer, present, ceremony,even though 2) Reading skills: To detect and foster the students’ reading skills To get information from the reading material.

3) Emotion &Attitudes: To help the students learn more about different lives in our daily life from different photos.2.Teaching difficult and key points: To let the students know something about photo competition

and learn something about the differences among entertainment, sport, culture, nature beauty photos.3.Learning strategies: Communicative approach.4.Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, OHP) 5.Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Revision Task1:Help students to revise what was learnt in Period1of this module.1.Show them some pictures about entertainment, sport, culture, nature beauty photos. 2.Have the Ss.talk about them. Step 2 Preparation Task2: Let the Ss preview the new words and make them build the conception of entertainment, sport, culture, nature beauty photos, then lead in the Activity 1.

1.Show them some pictures about entertainment, sport, culture, nature beauty photos. 2.Have the Ss.talk about them.

Task 3: Learn the new words, then label the pictures with the words.1.Read through the words on the screen.Have the Ss.Repeat them after you.

2.Read the words separately and have them remember them. 3.Make some sentences with the words. 4.Call back the answers from the whole cla Step 3 Scanning and Skimming Task 4: Scan this paage, according to the content , finish Activity 3.Then check and call back the answers.1.Get the Ss to read the paage as quickly as poible.2.Do Activity 3 .Complete the table and write notes 3.Call back the answers from the whole cla.Step 4 Reading Task5: Let the Ss read the paage by themselves in details, and do Activity 4.Then check and call back the answers.1.Read through the sentences in Activity 4.

2.Read the paage by themselves.And ask to finish the true or false exercises.3.Check the answers with the whole cla.Task6: Use the given words to find opposite words in each sentences, and finish Activity 5.Then check and call back the answers.1.Get the Ss to listen and repeat the paage simultaneously.2.Use the given words to find opposite words in each sentences, 3.Get the students to correct the sentences..4.Call back the answers from the whole cla.5.Language points in the paage.Task7: Finish Activity 6, Then check and call back the answers.1.Get the Ss to read the paage together loudly.2.Discu the following questions in groups.

1)―…read on to find out who the winners are.‖ where do you find who the winners are?

2)―…the fun which their fans are having.‖ Why are the fans having fun?

3) ―It succefully shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous..‖ Who or what shows the rich culture? 3.Share the ideas.Step 5 Pairwork Task6:Finish Activity 7.Then check and call back the answers.1.Read through the table.2.Work in pairs.Ask and answer about the places.3.Get Ss to talk about the claroom.Step 6 Practice 1.Do Exercise 10 on page 142 in the WB.

2.Give the students some time to recall what they’ve learned in this cla.Step 7 Homework 1.Read the text.2.Retell the text.

Period 3: Writing & Around the world &Module Task 1.Teaching Aims and Demands: 1) Writing skill: To write something about a photo.Improve the students’ writing ability .

2) Reading skills: To get information from the reading material A famous photo.

3)Emotion &Attitudes:To help the students learn more about different lives in our daily life from different photos.2.Learning strategies:Top-down and Interactive approach and do some exercises.3.Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, OHP) 4.Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Revision Task1: Help students to revise what was learnt in the last cla.

1.Revise the words and phrases.2.Let the Ss.retell the text. Step 2 Writing.Task2: Write sentences about their favorite photograph.1.Ask the Ss run through the questions in Activity 8 on Page67 and w rite sentences about their favorite photograph..

2.Call back the answers from the whole cla, having individuals read their sentences. Task3: Write a short paage describing their favorite photograph 1.Ask the Ss to do this individually.2.They can exchange it with a partner for peer correction.3.Have some students read their paage out to the whole cla.Step 3 Around the world Task4: Learn something about a famous photo.1.Ask the Ss.to look at the photo about the space.Tell the Ss.some knowledge about it.2.Read the text and answer any questions the Ss have.Step 4 Module Task Task5: Making a photo show.1.Activity 10 on page 71.Ask the Ss.to write about their favorite photo, saying what /who it is and why it is important to them.2.Activity 11 on page 71.Show their photo to their group.And tell others why they like it and why it is important to them..Answer any questions their group may have.Listen to the other members of their group talk about their photos.3.Activity12 on page 71.Put all the photos on the table and talk about them in groups.Step4 Recalling Recall what we have learned today.Step5 Homework 1.Do Ex.11 on page 143.

2.Do the Self-aement on page 143.

Period 4: Language in use

1.Teaching Aims and Demands: 1)To detect and foster the students’ understanding of grammar skills (skill) 2)To master the useful words and expreions(knowledge) 3)To help the students learn more about different lives in our daily life from different

photos(emotion) 2.Teaching difficult and key points:To let the students know how to use ―Which and Who ‖ to make attributive clause

3.Teaching approach: Communicative teaching

4.Learning strategies: Formal instruction and task-based approach and interactive practice.5.Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (recorder, OHP ) 6.Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Revision Help students to revise what is learnt in 3 periods of this module.Step 2 Listen and speak Task1:Look at the photos in Activity 8,then discu them. 1.Get Ss.to describe cameras in the photos.2.Say how you think cameras have changed since their earliest beginnings.Task2: Practise listening 1.Ask the Ss.to listen to the conversation and do Activity 9 on page 70 individually. 2.Listen again and check with their partners.3.Call the answers back from the cla.Step 2 Write Task 3: Complete the paage using the correct form of the words and expreions in the box.1.Ask the Ss.to complete the paage using the correct form of the words and expreions in the box in Activity 1 and Activity 7.

2.Call the answers back from some students.Step 3 Language practice Task4: To summarize and consolidate the attributive clause guided by who/which.1..Read through the examples with the Ss.and make sure that they are familiar with the use of the attributive clause guided by who/which.2.Ask the Ss.to repeat the sentences in the box.3.Ask―Can you make other similar examples?‖

4.Focus the Ss’ attention on the ways in which they are used: who/which.Task5: Do Activity2 and Activity 3 on page 68 individually. 1.Ask the Ss.to check with a partner.2..Ask the Ss.to read out the sentences.

3.Summarize the use of the attributive clause guided by who/which.Task 6: Join the sentences with who or which.

1.Ask the Ss.to do Activity 4 on page 69 individually. 2.Call the answers back from some students.Task7: Use the knowledge of this module to make an instruction of Activity 5 . 1.talk about the two pictures.2.Then talk about the people in the two pictures.3.Now ask questions about the picture, and write down their answers. Step 4 Gue Task8: A gueing game

1.Look around the cla and describe something to their partner, using the knowledge of this module.2.Gue who/what I am describing. Step 5 Homework:

1.Finish all the exercises in the WB.2.Preview Module 9.教学反思:

Module 9 Cartoon stories Unit 1 We need someone like superman who can save Tony.Type of leon Listening and speaking Period 2 Teaching Aims Language goals:

To understand the conversation involving the use of the restrictive attributive clause; Emotional experience: To be able to retell Tony\'s experience and what his clamates did when Tony was in trouble .Learning abilities & strategies: 1.Improve students\' listening and reading skills.2.To train students\' ability of listening and speaking.Realization of culture: To ask and give information about one\'s favourite cartoon.Teaching aid Recorder, pictures, small blackboard Strategies for teaching difficulties & key points Teaching difficulties & key points Special Strategies Personal adjustment 1.The new words and phrases.ending, flash, laughing, over there, word, have a word with 2.Master the structure of restrictive attributive clause with that, Which and who.1.Remember the new words of this unit.2.do some exercises by using them,and make more sentences.Teaching procedure Step1 Greeting and revision Say hello to everyone.Revise the grammar by doing some exercises The boys _______are playing football are from Cla One.Football is a game _______is liked by most boys.The school in _______he once studied is very famouse.We bought a book ________had lots of cartoons in it.Step2 Presentation 1).Remember the words in the box of activity 1 (with time limit--30s) 2).Complete the sentences with words what you have remembered A _______________is a person who plays a part in a story, and the _______is the person who plays the main part.A ___________cartoon is one which doesn\'t make you ________, such as a ____________of a news story.A cartoon in which the hero saves someone is a story with a happy___________.A ________is a story you tell to make people laugh.Step 3 Listen and read.1.Listen to the tape carefully.2.Ask and answer in activity 4 1).What does Betty think the ending will be 2).Why is the situation no laughing matter 3).How do you think Superman can save Tony

4).When will Tony poibly find out that his friends have got the camera 5).Why does Betty says she\'ll be Superman 3.Explain the language points 1)This is serious.这是很严肃的.2)But it\'s no laughing matter.但这不是开玩笑的事情.3)to have a word with 和某人说句话 4)That\'s good news.那是好消息.5)Here you are.给你.6)in deep trouble 处于险境中 7)Oh dear!噢, 天啊! dear adj.①亲爱的, e.g.Dear Sir./ My dear.②昂贵的 (expensive) eg.That\'s a dear shop.③int.(表示伤心,焦急, 惊奇等) 呵! 哎呀 eg.Oh dear! serious (adj.) 严肃的,认真的 --- seriously (adv.) eg.Are you kidding or are you serious 你是开玩笑还是认真的

Grandma is seriously ill.祖母病的很重.4.Translation the whole conversation by students.5.Work in pairs to complete the sentences in activity 5 in your own words.Step4.Pronunciation and speaking Listen and repeat the sentences.Step5.Homework Do the WB activity 1.Learn the conversation by heart.Blackboard Writing Design 1.But it\'s no laughing matter.但这不是什么可笑的事情.2.Have a word with sb.和某人说句话.比较:Have words with sb.与某人吵架.3.That\'s a smart idea!等于that\'s a good idea.4.Be in deep trouble.处于大麻烦/险境中.Self- reflection

Unit 2

There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin.Type of leon Reading and writing Period 2 Teaching Aims Language goals:

1.To get information from the reading material about cartoon stories.2.To learn some new vocabulary.Emotional experience: To learn more expreions of describing cartoon stories.Learning abilities & strategies: 1.Improve students\' listening and reading skills.2.To train students\' ability of listening and speaking.Realization of culture: 1.To know more about many cartoon of China and abroad; 2.To write about a cartoon.Teaching aid Recorder, pictures, small blackboard Strategies for teaching difficulties & key points Teaching difficulties & key points Special Strategies Personal adjustment 1.To understand the paage, 2.To learn the restrictive attributive clause with that, who and which 1.To get the main idea of each paragraph.2.Find out the restrictive attributive clause in the paage and explain them.Teaching procedure Step1 Warming-up

1.Review the text of Unit 1

2.Let the students act out the dialogue in pairs. 3.Introduce the new words. Step 2: Reading 1.Talk about the following questions by groups.1).Do you like watching cartoons

2).What cartoons have you ever watched 3).Do you know the names of the following cartoon characters 4).Are they in recent cartoons or old cartoons

5).Use the words in the box to describe the cartoon characters.2.Listen to the paage to find out and check your answers.Name of cartoon Recent/Old Description Nemo Shrek the Monkey King Tintin Snoopy 3.Read the paage and find out the sentence which best summarizes the paage in activity 4.4.Listen to the paage again and choose the correct answer.1).The Monkey King is a cartoon character which_______.a) causes problems in heaven b) has travelled to the moon 2).Shrek is a monster who__________.a) falls in love with a prince b) was born from stone 3).Nemo is the name of a _________.a) fish which is caught by a diver b) big, fat cat which is very lazy 4).Snoopy is a lovable dog which was created by____. a) Tintin

b) Charles Brown\'s 5.Work in pairs and answer the questions in activity5.Step 3.Key words and expreions 1.favourite n.喜欢的东西/人 adj.特别喜欢的 2.series n.系列(单复同形) 3.translate v.翻译 translation n.翻译, 转化 translator n.翻译者 4.Belgian n.比利时人 adj.比利时人的 Belgium n.比利时 5.create v.创造 creation n.创造

creative adj.有创造力的

6.orange-and-white 橘白相间的 black-and-white 黑白相间的

如果用表同一方面情况(如说明性质,颜色,物质)的两个或两个以上的形容词来作定语需用and连接.7.ever since 从„开始

从他退休以来,已经在这呆五年了.He has been here for 5 years, ever since he retired.8.But it is above all the jokes played by the monkey that people remember.it 引导的强调句用来对句中某一成分加以强调.结构:\"It is (或was) +强调部分+ that (或who)„

Step 4.Homework 1.Writing: try to write a cartoon by yourself.2.Complete the activities 5~8 on P145 (WB) Blackboard Writing Design 1.fan club 影迷俱乐部

2.orange-and-white 橙白相间的 black-and-white 黑白相间的 合成词作定语 3.win the heart of sb.赢得某人的心 4.in heaven 在天宫里

5.mke a me 搞得乱七八糟 see a me 看到狼籍一片 „„

Self- reflection

Unit 3 Langugage in use Type of leon Revision and application Period 2 Teaching Aims Language goals: To summarize and consolidate the language knowledge in this module.Emotional experience: To learn something about cartoons, to complete a task involving making a cartoon story Learning abilities & strategies: 1.Review the paive voices that students\' have learned.2.To train students\' ability of words and speaking.Realization of culture: Learn how to describe cartoon heroes, how to make a cartoon.Teaching aid Formal and interactive practice, task-based activities Strategies for teaching difficulties & key points Teaching difficulties & key points Special Strategies Personal adjustment To train students\' ability of words and speaking.To be able to help each other in communication.Exercise method.Writing and Oral practicing method.Teaching procedure Step 1.Greeting and revision 1.Review the text of Unit 2 2.Complete the sentences with which, who or that.1) The man_______we met was a cartoonist.2) He drew a dog___________had six legs.3) The cartoon and the cartoonist _________you\'re talking about is very famous.4) I know a teacher_______________is also a cartoonist.5) The picture____________I like best is the first one.6) Did the children watch a cartoon____________was drawn by Alice last Friday 3.Join the sentences with who, which or that.There\'s a Chinese artist.You must meet him.There\'s a Chinese artist (who) you must meet.Step 2 Language practice 1.Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole cla.2.Ask them what language point is demonstrated. Attributive Clauses (引导词的省略) Step4.Vocabulary 1).Complete the paage with the correct words in activity 8.2).Complete the paage with the correct phrases in the box in activity 9.Step5.Grammar 1.Attributive Clauses The cartoons (which / that) I like have lots of jokes.在英语中,如果定语从句的引导词在从句中作宾语就可以省略,无论从句修饰的是人还是物.eg.Did you go to the talk ○ the famous cartoonist gave at your school The cartoonist ○ we spoke to still uses pen and paper to make his drawings 在英语中,如果定语从句的引导词在从句中作主语就不能省略,否则会造成结构混乱,影响表达.I\'ve got a camera which has got his name on it.Perhaps it\'ll be a cartoon which has a happy ending.It tells the story of a monkey who leads a group of monkeys.eg.I\'d love to have a teacher who was a cartoonist.He could make leons that are usually boring more interesting.2.Exercises 1.Do the exercises 1.2.3 in WB.2.多项选择.从下列ABCDE中选出符合题意的任意项.A.which B.that C./ D.who E.whom (见附表)

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Module1Module 2



























Module 3
















16.照顾,护理9.第六 10.第七 11.第八 12.第九 13.第十 14.第十二 15.第二十 16.在…..之中 17.演说,讲演 18.开拓者,先驱者 19.种植,栽植 20.玉米,谷物 21.接下来的,接着的22.摆放 23.摆放餐具 24.盘,碟 25.大量,众多 26.丰富的,充足的 17.工具,器械 18.发明,创造 19.那时候 20.有用的,有益的 21.休息,睡眠 22.他自己 23.做成,设法完成 24.继续 25.加拿大

Module 4Module 5Module 6 1.月台,站台1.往楼上,在楼上1.吉他 2.会议,集会2.作业,研究项目2.未能及格 3.关上,合上3.展览。展览会3.考试 4.锁,锁住4.规则,法则4.乐器 5.任何人5.违反法则5.协议 6.叫(某人)起床6.遇上麻烦,处于困境6.习惯

7.钟,时钟7.尾,尾部7.养成…..的习惯 8.发出铃声8.粗绳,绳索8.学生课业




15.最终决定,最后一句话 16.拜访






Module 7Module 8Module 9 1.讨论,谈论1.是….的缩写,代表1.挂,张贴 2.相似的,近似的2.记忆,回忆2.网站 3.思想家3.决定3.邮件 4.有判断力的4.中午,正午4.成百上千 5.评论5.座位,座椅5.一页,页 6.影响,作用于6.踢6.电子的

7.道理,意义,合理性7.生气的,恼火的7.满的,充满的 8.合情理,明智,有意义8.跳高8.修补

9.猜想,推测,相信,认为 9.能力10.冒险10.跨栏赛跑11.南方的11.创办,创立12.逃走,逃跑12.比赛,赛跑13.死的,去世的13.记录14.邻居14.方法,办法15.葬礼15.跨栏赛跑16.活着的16.颈,脖子17.邦,州17.运动员18.为….付出代价18.亚洲的,亚洲人19.举止,行为,情节19.患有,经受20.日常的,普通的20.勇气,胆量21.对话21.自豪感,骄傲

Module 101.我们这就试试18.现在,当时2.中心的,在中心的19.阶段,时期

3.相符的20.精灵,神灵,精神 4.根据21.关系 5.高度22.亲戚 6.羊,绵羊23.色拉 7.帽子24.葡萄 8.使保持25.袋鼠

9.避开26.懒散的,懒惰的 10.剪刀 11.羊毛 12.日记 13.写日记 14.讨厌,憎恨 15.蚂蚁 16.刷,刷子


9.存储器,存储量 10.说明书 11.借给,借出 12.合适地

13.浏览,快速的阅读 14.由…制成 15.木材,木头 16.一次

17.用手,靠手做 18.发展,进步19.交易,买卖20.扩张,蔓延



Module 11Module 12 1.打赌,下赌注1.造成 2.整体的,普遍的2.制造厂 3.标准,水准3.工业,行业 4.感觉,直觉看法4.污染 5.困难5.回收利用 6.合适的6.敌人,仇人 7.添加7.庄稼,作物 8.最近8杀死,弄死 9.菜单10.今晚11.获胜者12.冲,跑13.女衬衫14.裙子15.歌手16.祝贺17.男校长18.授予,呈递9.石油 10.较小的 11.土瓷,瓷器 12.分开,分隔 13.塑料

14.政策,方针 15.再次使用

16.用过的,二手的 17.瓶 18.扔掉 19.重说

20.减少,减低,缩小21.午餐盒 22.吨 23.很多 24.橡皮 25.回收利用 26.迅速的 27.步骤 28.孙子 29.孙女



科任教师:王朦朦 新课程标准提出以创新精神和实践能力的培养为重点,建立新的教学方式。并且强调教学过程是师生交往共同发展的互动过程。在教学过程中要处理好传授知识与培养能力的关系,注重培养学生的独立性和自主性,引导学生质疑、调查、探究,在实践中学习。






“学习的目的全在于应用。”在教英语语法知识,决不是要学生当“粮仓”,而是要提高学生的听、说、读、写能力。首先要放开手脚,提供机遇。充分利用新教材比较贴近生活、接近实际的特点,引导学生利用已学内容,联系课内外的具体实际,进而展开想象,不要放过每一个机会,哪怕是一个词、半句话,再加上手势,动作。只要能表达思想,就要把它利用起来。其次是化难为易。第一步我只提出十个常用动词,有意识地强调每天必用的最少次数,它们可以在动作的帮助下代替其他动词。它们是:be、have、do、come、go、get、let、ask、like、put。如have可以代替buy、borrow、lend、throw、carry等。随着学习的深化,可以逐步增加。但一定要注意我们的目的是要使学生感到不难。同时我们也规定这一阶段必练的重点句型。如let me (us) do sth.I‘d like„,I want to do„等。这些做法可以把学生从想说英语而又怕说错的畏难情绪中解放出来。







握一点一滴知识。一旦证实了自己的成功而产生成功感时便信心大增,兴趣盎然,情不自禁地想更上一层楼。对于不同程度的同学,在课堂上给予不同程度的问题,让他们回答,他们的一丁点进步也及时得到鼓励,从而使他们都觉得,只要自己认真跟着老师学,就能学得好,树立起学好英语的心理优势。在课堂教学中要求学生人人参与,加强交际的互动性。在课堂交流中,少批评,多表扬;少指责,多鼓励,努力找到学生做对的地方,英语毕竟不同于我们母语的教学,要想学好它,我们仍须坚持不懈地努力, 吃透教材,针对学生特点,因材施教,才能取得一定的成绩。孔子说过“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”














1 由于时间和精力有限,在课堂上,对于每个学生的的关注可能还不够,对于小学的心理掌握也不太有经验,在经后的工作中,我将加强对于每个同学的监督,保证每个同学都跟上进度,不落下任何一个有进取心的学生。




Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1: It’s more than 2000 years old.托尼:我们给《世界奇观》节目打电话,加入讨论吧。我觉得自然奇观比人造奇观更有趣。而且我认为巨人之路是最神奇的自然奇观。







Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big .





我俯视着距我一英里之遥的银色的科罗拉多河。即使你把世界上最高的两栋建筑物叠在一起放在谷底,它们仍就到不到了顶。然后我眺望峡谷的另一边。它大约在15英里之外,也许更远。最后,我向左右遥望,大峡谷向两边延伸, 长达200多英里。大峡谷不仅仅是大,而是巨大!


Module 2 Public holidays

Unit 1 My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

托尼: 玲玲, 10月1日是中国的国庆节,对吗?

玲玲: 是的。 中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。从那时开始,中国人(每年)都庆祝国庆节。(国庆节时)到处都有鲜花和国旗,我们休假3天。

托尼: 这个国庆假期你有什么计划吗?

玲玲: 有。我和爸爸妈妈准备去山东省拜访一些朋友。我们会一直待在那里,直至假期结束。和朋友们在一起期间,我们会去青岛玩一天。贝蒂,你们的国庆节是什么时候呀?

贝蒂: 我们的国庆节叫独立日,在7月4日。从1777年以来,我们一直庆祝这个节日。独立日是一个公共假日,但我们只放一天假。那一天有各种各样的节日活动。这个时间是休假季节的开始,大多数人都会在七月或八月的某段时间休假。

玲玲: 那天有什么特别的事情吗?

贝蒂: 嗯,到处都可以看到美国国旗。我们通常会去一些好地方野餐。孩子们玩得可开以了。我们也可以在公园里观看乐队演奏乐曲。

大明: 托尼,你们英国也过国庆节吗?

托尼: 不,我们没有。我们放假两天庆祝圣诞节。假期一开始,我们一家就会去某人好玩的地方。

Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America .


感恩节是美国的一个节日。人们在每年十一月的 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

李老师: 大明,谁是你的英雄?你要选择谁来讲述呢?

大明: 邓亚萍!她是我的英雄,因为她是世界上最棒的乒乓选手之一,而且我喜欢打乒乓球。

李老师: 那就给我们讲讲她!

大明: 嗯,她五岁开始练球。她训练刻苦,所以后来成了一名伟大的乒乓球选手。 李老师: 她赢过哪些比赛呢?

大明: 她获得过许多次世界冠军,包括四枚奥运会金牌。她24岁时退役。



大明: 是的。邓亚萍说她并不比任何人聪明,但她拥有非常坚强的意志。

李老师:我明白了。嗯,我觉得她不仅是一位出色的运动员,而且还是一个好学生。 大明: 是的。而且北京奥运会成为世界体育运动的一次胜利,也有她的功劳。她就是最棒的!

李老师: 她是一位真正的英雄。

Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own.我的英雄---白求恩大夫







Module 4 Home alone

Unit 1 I can look after myself, although it won’t be easy for me .

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)



妈妈:贝蒂,这次拉萨会议对我们来说非常重要,但是很遗憾你不能和我们一起去。 贝蒂: 我也是(很遗憾),但是我不能两周不上课。


贝蒂: 好的,妈妈!我能照顾好自己,尽管那对我来说不那么容易。

贝蒂: 嗯, 要保证每天都吃大量的新鲜水果和蔬菜。我还给你留了许多你喜欢的饼干。

贝蒂: 别担心。我能做简单的饭菜。 爸爸:早上也没人叫你起床了。

贝蒂: 没事的,我的闹钟很响,肯定能把我叫醒。 妈妈:我总觉得忘了什么事情,但就是想不起来。


贝蒂: 说的就是你们的火车!妈妈,再见!爸爸,再见! 妈妈:我知道了!我还没给你留我们在拉萨的地址呢? 贝蒂: 发短信给我吧。旅途愉快! 妈妈:再见了,宝贝!

贝蒂: 再见, 两周后再见了!

Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.



哦,我的愿望实现了!尽管父母对离开我非常担心,但他们不得不出差几天。现在,我的机会来了!我终于能玩得开心了! 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)


Module 5 Museums

Unit 1 Don’t cro that rope .(贝蒂、玲玲和大明在博物馆三楼。) 贝蒂: 多好的博物馆啊!

玲玲: 真是太棒了,对吗? 我们去楼上的动物展厅吧。我需要一些有关研究性学习的资料。

贝蒂: 我也是。我们走吧!等一下,大明去哪里了? 玲玲: 他在那里!他在那里干什么?

大明: 嗨,贝蒂,玲玲!快过来看看猴子展览。 保安:请勿喧哗!这是违反规定的。 贝蒂: 哦,不会吧!大明又惹麻烦了?

大明: 看那只猴子的尾巴!我要从这里进去„„.保安:快停下! 不要越过那条绳子!你没看到这个标识吗,孩子? 禁止进入! 大明: 噢! 为什么不能进? 保安:因为它关闭了.玲玲: 对,大明.你看那个标识。

大明: 哦,没错。太不好了!嗯,那我就拍张照片„„ 保安:对不起。请勿拍照, 看到了吗? 大明: 这个博物馆哪来这么多规章制度。难怪这个地方没什么人呢! 贝蒂: 大明,不能没有礼貌。 玲玲: 哦不!

贝蒂: 怎么了,玲玲?

玲玲: 我的手机!我的手机不见了!哦不!我该怎么办?


玲玲: 那可是一部新手机啊!我一定要找到它,要不然妈妈会处罚我的! 贝蒂: 我想没事的,玲玲。我们现在去看看。 大明:是的,我们下楼!

Unit 2 If you ever go to London , make sure you visit the Science Museum .





By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)




Module 6 Problems

Unit 1 If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed.爸爸: 托尼,你又在弹吉它,你家庭作业完成了吗?

托尼: 没,还没有,但是今天作业不多。如果我晚饭后开始做,睡觉前肯定能做完。而且,你不是想让我学一门乐器吗?

爸爸: 我想让你养成一回家就做家庭作业的习惯。如果你现在开始做,晚饭前你就能做完了。

托尼: 是的,但是放学后我想休息一下。我还想去图书馆做点志愿者工作。 爸爸: 那么你现在不做作业了?

托尼: 不做, 没有必要现在做。我迟点儿再做。

爸爸: 真遗憾!我真的认为你不应该如此频繁地去图书馆。 托尼: 为什么?我可以在图书馆干活儿,而且还能在那里看书。

爸爸: 托尼,这不行。如果你老是做这些与学习无关的事,你就没时间学习了。 托尼: 你的意思是不想让我去社区服务,不让我增加对世界的认知吗?

爸爸: 我不是这个意思。但你要权衡哪件事情最重要。我不想让你考试不及格。 托尼: 但是„„

爸爸: 没完成家庭作业之前,你什么也不能干。我很抱歉,但这是我的最终决定 。

Unit 2 If you tell him the truth now , you will show that you are honest .


你有困难吗?那就给《新标准杂志》的戴安娜写信,寻求她的建议吧。 亲爱的戴安娜:



By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)











Module 7 Great books Unit 1 We’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas.杰克逊先生:你好,贝蒂。怎么了?

贝蒂:我想参加者一个网络小组,讨论一些伟大的作家写的名著。 杰克逊先生:那么,你认为伟大的作家都有谁啊? 贝蒂:嗯,可能有孔子和萨士比亚吧。 杰克逊先生:真的吗?我承认他们都很伟大,因为至今还有很多人在阅读他们的著作。但是我更愿意把孔子描述为一位教育家和思想家,而非作家。他是一位非常睿智的人。为了参与讨论,你们都得做些什么啊?


杰克逊先生:我明白了。现在,孔子的思想仍然在影响着我们,萨士比亚的戏剧对我们来说也仍然很有意义。人们一直以来并且将来仍然会阅读这些名著作。顺便问一下,你觉得19世纪美国伟大的作家马克.吐温怎么样啊? 贝蒂:他是一位重要的作家,但我觉得他不像孔子和萨士比亚那么有名。 杰克逊先生:对,但他的小说仍然很受欢迎。他的一本小说《汤姆.索耶历险记》是我非常喜欢的。


Unit 2 It is still read and loved .>的书评


By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)


书的主人公汤姆和他的波莉阿姨一起生活。他是一个活泼聪明的男孩。他不喜欢人们告诉他做什么,所以他总是遇到麻烦。他和他最好的朋友哈克„芬恩逃到密西西比河中部的一个岛上。汤姆遇到更多的麻烦,因为一个名叫印 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

托尼: 我不同意!这不公平! (托尼生气地离开了。)

玲玲: 记住要传球,而不是踢球,托尼!

贝蒂: 他真的生我们的气了,所以会全力以赴去赢得这场比赛来证明我们错了。 玲玲: 干得好,贝蒂!我太希望他们这次能赢了。我们一定到场为他们加油。

Unit 2 He was invited to competitions around the world.刘翔--为赢而战



在2001年5月,刘翔在对日本赢得了他收个国际110米跨栏比赛。在2004年,他为中国赢得了 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)



Unit 2 Will books be replaced by the Internet ?




印刷术是在中国隋唐时期发明的 。后来,印刷术的发展使更快更便宜地制造书籍成为可能。书的交易形成了,更多的人学者读书,知识和思想比以前传播得更快了。在某种程度上,我们把纸和印刷术的发明与20世纪因特网的引入相媲美。


现在电脑和因特网在教室中被使用。报纸和杂志已经能够在线阅读 。那么传统的印刷术未来的方向是什么?书籍将被因特网取代吗?让我们拭目以待。

Module 10 Australia

Unit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.托尼:爸爸,我需要你的帮助。老师让我们选择一个我们想去的国家,想像我们就在那里,然后给家里的父母写一封信。我选择了澳大利亚,我该如何写呢?






托尼:是的,当然了。那就是他们为什么说英语的原因。您在那儿的时候记日记了吗? 爸爸:记了,你可以读读。


爸爸:我讨厌到处都有蚂蚁。我得把它们从我衣服上掸掉,特别是裤子上。 托尼:在您的裤子上有蚂蚁!太有趣了!

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)


Unit 2 The game that they like most is Australian football.亲爱的妈妈、爸爸:

我现在是在澳大利亚的中部给你们写这封信。现在,我们在艾尔斯岩附近。在 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)


Unit 2 The photo which we liked best was taken by Zhao Min.








Module 12 Save our world

Unit 1 If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved.玲玲:上完有关环境的课后,我对未来非常担心。污染是我们的大敌,我们必须和它作斗争。如果河流受到污染,农民就不能用河水去浇灌庄稼。


贝蒂:路上的车非常多,这些车过多地耗油,也造成了污染。 大明:但是我们仅仅是学生,对这些工厂和汽车无能为力。

贝蒂:谈论我们不能做的事是没有意义的。我们应该想一些我们能做的事。 大明:比如说„„? 玲玲:你认为我们可以使我们的学校变成绿色学校吗? 大明:什么是绿色学校? 玲玲:在绿色学校里,每个班都收集可循环再生或再利用的废物。然后学校卖掉它们,筹集到的资金可以用来帮助贫困地区的学生。


By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)



Unit 2 Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle.


你有多“绿色”?回答下列问题,找出答案。 你步行或骑自行车去上学吗? 你仅仅因为时髦而买新衣服吗? 离开房间时你关灯吗?


你买塑料饮料吗?瓶子空了时你怎样处理它们? 你将废品分成可回收利用的和丢弃的吗?








By wlonely


M1U1 托尼:我们给《世界奇观》节目打电话,加入讨论吧。我觉得自然奇观比人造奇观更有趣。而且我认为巨人之路是最神奇的自然奇观。

玲玲:嗯,我没有见过巨人之路,所以我不知道该不该同意你的看法。你为什么会喜欢它呢,托尼? 托尼:哦,两年前我浏览了巨人之路。它非常大,由大约4万多块石块组成,大多数石块都有六个面。巨人之路位于北爱尔兰东海岸,绵延数百米。





M1U2 自然界的一大奇观




我俯视着距我一英里之遥的银色的科罗拉多河。即使你把世界上最高的两栋建筑物叠在一起放在谷底,它们仍就到不到了顶。然后我眺望峡谷的另一边。它大约在15英里之外,也许更远。最后,我向左右遥望,大峡谷向两边延伸, 长达200多英里。大峡谷不仅仅是大,而是巨大!


M2U1 托尼: 玲玲, 10月1日是中国的国庆节,对吗?

玲玲: 是的。 中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。从那时开始,中国人(每年)都庆祝国庆节。(国庆节时)到处都有鲜花和国旗,我们休假3天。 托尼: 这个国庆假期你有什么计划吗?

玲玲: 有。我和爸爸妈妈准备去山东省拜访一些朋友。我们会一直待在那里,直至假期结束。和朋友们在一起期间,我们会去青岛玩一天。贝蒂,你们的国庆节是什么时候呀?

贝蒂: 我们的国庆节叫独立日,在7月4日。从1777年以来,我们一直庆祝这个节日。独立日是一个公共假日,但我们只放一天假。那一天有各种各样的节日活动。这个时间是休假季节的开始,大多数人都会在七月或八月的某段时间休假。 玲玲: 那天有什么特别的事情吗?

贝蒂: 嗯,到处都可以看到美国国旗。我们通常会去一些好地方野餐。孩子们玩得可开以了。我们也可以在公园里观看乐队演奏乐曲。 大明: 托尼,你们英国也过国庆节吗?

托尼: 不,我们没有。我们放假两天庆祝圣诞节。假期一开始,我们一家就会去某人好玩的地方。





这个节日是旅行非常频繁的时候,因为这个时候朋友、家人都相聚来庆祝节日。在节日期间还有很多其他可看可做的事情。我们住在纽约市,所以去观看梅西感恩节大游行。大游行沿着几条街道进行,在著名的梅西百货公司结束。感恩节是圣诞季的开始,我们开始逛街购买礼物。足球在感恩节也是重要的,因为有许多球队进行比赛。和许多美国人一样,我们通常在电视上观看比赛,尽享乐趣。 M3U1 李老师: 大明,谁是你的英雄?你要选择谁来讲述呢?

大明: 邓亚萍!她是我的英雄,因为她是世界上最棒的乒乓选手之一,而且我喜欢打乒乓球。 李老师: 那就给我们讲讲她!

大明: 嗯,她五岁开始练球。她训练刻苦,所以后来成了一名伟大的乒乓球选手。 李老师: 她赢过哪些比赛呢?

大明: 她获得过许多次世界冠军,包括四枚奥运会金牌。她24岁时退役。

李老师:后来她做了什么呢?她开始在北京读清华大学,后来到国外大学深造。刚开始的时候,她的英语并不好,她还是刻苦努力,7年后,她获得了剑桥大学的博士学位。她无论做什么,都不放弃。 李老师:真是太不可思议了!

大明: 是的。邓亚萍说她并不比任何人聪明,但她拥有非常坚强的意志。


大明: 是的。而且北京奥运会成为世界体育运动的一次胜利,也有她的功劳。她就是最棒的! 李老师: 她是一位真正的英雄。 M3U2 诺曼●白求恩是中国最有名的英雄之一。他是一位加拿大医生。他来到中国,帮助中国人民并为他们而献身。




白求恩大夫为中国人民所作的工作使他成为中国人民心目中的英雄。有许多关于他的书籍和电影,而且在中国和加拿大,人们现在仍然怀念他。 M4U1 妈妈:我们是哪个车次?


妈妈:贝蒂,这次拉萨会议对我们来说非常重要,但是很遗憾你不能和我们一起去。 贝蒂: 我也是(很遗憾),但是我不能两周不上课。

妈妈:你记住我交待给你的所有的事了吗?特别要注意家门,在家时工关好门,离开家时要锁好门。 贝蒂: 好的,妈妈!我能照顾好自己,尽管那对我来说不那么容易。

贝蒂: 嗯, 要保证每天都吃大量的新鲜水果和蔬菜。我还给你留了许多你喜欢的饼干。 贝蒂: 别担心。我能做简单的饭菜。 爸爸:早上也没人叫你起床了。

贝蒂: 没事的,我的闹钟很响,肯定能把我叫醒。 妈妈:我总觉得忘了什么事情,但就是想不起来。

(广播:乘坐T27次列车前往拉萨的旅客们,请马上到2号站台上车,你的火车要开了。) 贝蒂: 说的就是你们的火车!妈妈,再见!爸爸,再见! 妈妈:我知道了!我还没给你留我们在拉萨的地址呢? 贝蒂: 发短信给我吧。旅途愉快! 妈妈:再见了,宝贝! 贝蒂: 再见, 两周后再见了!

M4U2 作为一个男孩,就像其他所有男孩一样,我想做个男子汉。但我父母为我做一切事情。实际上,他们安排了我生活中的分钟。尽管他们爱我,但我对他们有点儿满。“郑晨宇,做作业!”“练钢琴!”“关了电视!”对于他们的指令,我非常厌烦,以至于我真希望他们别管我。





M5U1 (贝蒂、玲玲和大明在博物馆三楼。) 贝蒂: 多好的博物馆啊!

玲玲: 真是太棒了,对吗? 我们去楼上的动物展厅吧。我需要一些有关研究性学习的资料。 贝蒂: 我也是。我们走吧!等一下,大明去哪里了? 玲玲: 他在那里!他在那里干什么?

大明: 嗨,贝蒂,玲玲!快过来看看猴子展览。 保安:请勿喧哗!这是违反规定的。 贝蒂: 哦,不会吧!大明又惹麻烦了?

大明: 看那只猴子的尾巴!我要从这里进去…….保安:快停下! 不要越过那条绳子!你没看到这个标识吗,孩子? 禁止进入! 大明: 噢! 为什么不能进? 保安:因为它关闭了.玲玲: 对,大明.你看那个标识。

大明: 哦,没错。太不好了!嗯,那我就拍张照片…… 保安:对不起。请勿拍照, 看到了吗? 大明: 这个博物馆哪来这么多规章制度。难怪这个地方没什么人呢! 贝蒂: 大明,不能没有礼貌。 玲玲: 哦不! 贝蒂: 怎么了,玲玲?

玲玲: 我的手机!我的手机不见了!哦不!我该怎么办?

保安:不要担心,女士!到楼下失物招领处去。也许手机在那里。 玲玲: 那可是一部新手机啊!我一定要找到它,要不然妈妈会处罚我的! 贝蒂: 我想没事的,玲玲。我们现在去看看。 大明:是的,我们下楼!

M5U2 欢迎来到伦敦最友好的博物馆。大多数博物馆都禁止喧哗、乱跑,而且禁止触摸任何东西。但是科学博物馆不一样。。。。。。这里是嘈杂的!人们谈论他们在这里能看到和能做的事情。博物馆内也有些噪声很大的机器。如果你想要得到关于科学的所有问题的答案,你来对地方了。




对各个年龄段的人来说科学博物馆是有趣的。在那里,你总能发现新的东西并玩得很快乐。博物馆免费进入,所以你可以在那里待几分钟或者一整天。它每天从上午十点到下午六点开放。所以如果你去伦敦的话,一定要参观科学博物馆。它是全世界我最喜欢的博物馆。 M6U1 爸爸: 托尼,你又在弹吉它,你家庭作业完成了吗?

托尼: 没,还没有,但是今天作业不多。如果我晚饭后开始做,睡觉前肯定能做完。而且,你不是想让我学一门乐器吗?

爸爸: 我想让你养成一回家就做家庭作业的习惯。如果你现在开始做,晚饭前你就能做完了。 托尼: 是的,但是放学后我想休息一下。我还想去图书馆做点志愿者工作。 爸爸: 那么你现在不做作业了?

托尼: 不做, 没有必要现在做。我迟点儿再做。

爸爸: 真遗憾!我真的认为你不应该如此频繁地去图书馆。 托尼: 为什么?我可以在图书馆干活儿,而且还能在那里看书。

爸爸: 托尼,这不行。如果你老是做这些与学习无关的事,你就没时间学习了。 托尼: 你的意思是不想让我去社区服务,不让我增加对世界的认知吗? 爸爸: 我不是这个意思。但你要权衡哪件事情最重要。我不想让你考试不及格。 托尼: 但是……

爸爸: 没完成家庭作业之前,你什么也不能干。我很抱歉,但这是我的最终决定 。

M6U2 致戴安娜

你有困难吗?那就给《新标准杂志》的戴安娜写信,寻求她的建议吧。 亲爱的戴安娜:





史蒂夫 亲爱的史蒂夫:

噢,天哪!你犯了两个错误。太糟糕了,当你爸爸告诉你不要用他的电脑玩游戏时,你却用它玩了。更糟糕的是,你没告诉他关于那件事。如果你现在告诉他真相,他会生你的气,但至少能显示出你是诚实的。 你应该向你爸爸道歉,也要付修理电脑的费用。如果你主动放弃你的零花钱,你爸爸会意识到你的歉意。 记住下一次要和大卫踢足球,不要再玩电脑游戏!



M7U1 杰克逊先生:你好,贝蒂。怎么了?

贝蒂:我想参加者一个网络小组,讨论一些伟大的作家写的名著。 杰克逊先生:那么,你认为伟大的作家都有谁啊? 贝蒂:嗯,可能有孔子和萨士比亚吧。

杰克逊先生:真的吗?我承认他们都很伟大,因为至今还有很多人在阅读他们的著作。但是我更愿意把孔子描述为一位教育家和思想家,而非作家。他是一位非常睿智的人。为了参与讨论,你们都得做些什么啊? 贝蒂:嗯,我们每人要读一本自己喜欢的书,并写一篇书评,以便参与讨论。

杰克逊先生:我明白了。现在,孔子的思想仍然在影响着我们,萨士比亚的戏剧对我们来说也仍然很有意义。人们一直以来并且将来仍然会阅读这些名著作。顺便问一下,你觉得19世纪美国伟大的作家马克.吐温怎么样啊? 贝蒂:他是一位重要的作家,但我觉得他不像孔子和萨士比亚那么有名。

杰克逊先生:对,但他的小说仍然很受欢迎。他的一本小说《汤姆.索耶历险记》是我非常喜欢的。 贝蒂:太好了!那你为什么不加入讨论并向我们介绍一下它呢?

M7U2 >的书评 贝蒂金



书中我最喜欢的部分是汤姆和哈克在密西西比河岛上冒险的那部分。起初,他们很高兴。但是当他们听说大家都以为他们死了时,他们感到很难过,所以他们回家了。当他们看到他们的家人和邻居们来到教堂的葬礼上时,他们藏起来看了一会 然后,汤姆和哈克突然出现。刚开始,大家看到他们都很惊讶,但是发现他们还活着(每个人都)很高兴。


M8U1 玲玲: 你好, 托尼! 你看起来很累。

托尼: 对。我正在训练,为下周的那场重要比赛做准备。 贝蒂: 你们和哪个队比赛? 托尼: HAS 。 玲玲: HAS代表什么? 托尼: 海淀全明星队。

贝蒂: 噢,是的。这将是一场艰难的比赛。上次比赛中他们不是把你们打败了吗? 托尼: 是的,打败了。但是…… 玲玲: 比分是多少?

贝蒂: 如果我没有记错的话,海淀全明星98分,北京国际巨人52分。

托尼: 但是大明上次没有被选上参加比赛。那真是个糟糕的决定。我们没有他打不好比赛。 玲玲: 那可不是借口!

托尼: 但是现在大明回来了。这个赛季两只球队没有多大差异。 贝蒂: 比赛什么时候进行?

托尼: 下周六中午。如果你们想有好座位的话,你们应该在11点半之前来。你们来吗? 贝蒂: 我不确定。你认为他们会赢吗,玲玲?

玲玲: 绝对不可能!今年你们和海淀全明星队打过多少场比赛? 托尼: 嗯,大概三场。 贝蒂: 那他们赢过几次呢? 托尼: 呃,几乎都是他们获胜。

贝蒂: 不对!所有的比赛他们都获胜了!面对事实吧,托尼!你们没有机会了! 托尼: 我不同意!这不公平! (托尼生气地离开了。)

玲玲: 记住要传球,而不是踢球,托尼!

贝蒂: 他真的生我们的气了,所以会全力以赴去赢得这场比赛来证明我们错了。 玲玲: 干得好,贝蒂!我太希望他们这次能赢了。我们一定到场为他们加油。

M8U2 刘翔--为赢而战




刘翔训练非常刻苦。事实上,他训练如此刻苦,以至于伤了他的脚。从2008年开始,他饱受脚伤的折磨,但是他没有放弃。尽管他错过了一些比赛,但是在2012年他仍然重返世界110米跨栏比赛第一名的位置。 遗憾的是,他的脚伤阻止了他完成2012年伦敦奥运会。但是他仍然是勇气和成功的象征,并且我们继续以他为骄傲。 M9U1 托尼:爸爸, 我可以借一下你的照相机吗? 爸爸:做什么用呢?




爸爸:有可能。过去,我们主要从纸质书中获取信息。有些书甚至有几千页厚。现在,伴随着电脑和电子科技的发明,我们从网络上获取信息变得非常容易。互联网比图书要强大得多。 托尼:但是,关于照相机……? 爸爸:哦,可以。给你。自从你妈妈的生日之后,我就没用过,存储卡有可能都满了。 托尼:好的。这可以解决。我有一个空的存储卡。说明书在哪里?

爸爸:在相机包里。因为它是你妈妈送给我的生日礼物,所以你必须保证要保管好它。如果一定要借给其他人的话,你要告诉他们如何正确使用它。 托尼:我保证。

M9U2 书籍将被因特网取代吗?


纸是大约2000年前在中国被首次创造出来的。在它的发明之后,人们开始在纸上写字来制书。在那个年代,书是靠手工制作的,一次只能制作一本。因此,书籍又少,价格又贵。所以,很少有人有机会学者读书。 印刷术是在中国隋唐时期发明的 。后来,印刷术的发展使更快更便宜地制造书籍成为可能。书的交易形成了,更多的人学者读书,知识和思想比以前传播得更快了。在某种程度上,我们把纸和印刷术的发明与20世纪因特网的引入相媲美。


现在电脑和因特网在教室中被使用。报纸和杂志已经能够在线阅读 。那么传统的印刷术未来的方向是什么?书籍将被因特网取代吗?让我们拭目以待。

M10U1 托尼:爸爸,我需要你的帮助。老师让我们选择一个我们想去的国家,想像我们就在那里,然后给家里的父母写一封信。我选择了澳大利亚,我该如何写呢?

爸爸:别担心!我有一些去年在澳大利亚拍的照片,也许可以帮到你。我们来看一看吧。这块岩石叫做艾尔斯岩,位于澳大利亚中部。据当地人说,这是一个奇特而具有魔力的地方。 托尼:哦,看起来很大啊!它有多高?

爸爸:348米。这是悉尼歌剧院。它就像一艘巨大的帆船,三面环水。这一张是大堡礁。 托尼:它是位于澳大利亚东北海岸吗?


托尼:是的,当然了。那就是他们为什么说英语的原因。您在那儿的时候记日记了吗? 爸爸:记了,你可以读读。


爸爸:我讨厌到处都有蚂蚁。我得把它们从我衣服上掸掉,特别是裤子上。 托尼:在您的裤子上有蚂蚁!太有趣了! 爸爸:当时可并不有趣!

M10U2 亲爱的妈妈、爸爸:




澳大利亚人讲英语,但是用他们自己的方式。例如,当他们说“G\'day!”和“No worries.”时,他们的意思是“你好!”和“不要担心。没问题!”

在第二天,我们去骑马了。我骑的马很懒,因此我远远落后于别人,但是我喜欢慢的、轻松的骑马。 今晚晚些时候,我们会乘飞机回到悉尼,然后回家。这真是一次令人愉快的旅行。 爱你们的 托尼

M11U1 大明:托尼,你会参加摄影比赛吗?

托尼:当然了!我今年要赢过何忠,我不会让他赢两次的! 大明:何忠是谁?

托尼:就是去年摄影大赛获胜的男孩! 大明:那个在学校舞会上拍照的人?

托尼:对。问题是他真的很厉害。而且今年摄影比赛的整体标准高了很多。 大明:我感觉我们能解决这些小问题。他们为今年选择的比赛主题是什么? 托尼:“自然”、“故乡与他乡”、“城市与人”,还有“音乐”。






M11U2 摄影比赛结果

今晚我非常高兴在这里宣读这次摄影比赛的获胜者。我们对本年度的比赛感到非常满意。与往年相比,我们收到了更多的(参赛)照片。尽管所有的照片都很出色,但是我们只能遗憾地说我们不能给每个人都颁奖。 获得大自然主题将的是15岁的李伟。李伟拍的是香山公园的树。他的照片展示了山上不同的色彩。 城市与人那一组中我们最喜欢的照片是赵敏拍摄的。赵敏只有12岁。她的照片展示的是一个刮大风的夜晚一个冲过马路的人。这个人是一个穿着女衬衫和裙子的漂亮女孩,她在保护她的书免受阵雨淋湿。 音乐类最佳照片是何忠拍摄的。他拍摄的疯狂足迹乐队的照片表现了歌手贝基•王与乐队在一个音乐会上的表演。何忠设法展示了这支大的新乐队的动感与声音,以及他们的粉丝所感受到的快乐阳光。



M12U1 玲玲:上完有关环境的课后,我对未来非常担心。污染是我们的大敌,我们必须和它作斗争。如果河流受到污染,农民就不能用河水去浇灌庄稼。


贝蒂:路上的车非常多,这些车过多地耗油,也造成了污染。 大明:但是我们仅仅是学生,对这些工厂和汽车无能为力。

贝蒂:谈论我们不能做的事是没有意义的。我们应该想一些我们能做的事。 大明:比如说……? 玲玲:你认为我们可以使我们的学校变成绿色学校吗? 大明:什么是绿色学校?

玲玲:在绿色学校里,每个班都收集可循环再生或再利用的废物。然后学校卖掉它们,筹集到的资金可以用来帮助贫困地区的学生。 大明:好主意!



M12U2 怎样才能变成“绿色”?

你有多“绿色”?回答下列问题,找出答案。 你步行或骑自行车去上学吗? 你仅仅因为时髦而买新衣服吗? 离开房间时你关灯吗?

购物时你自己带包而不是要塑料袋吗? 你买塑料饮料吗?瓶子空了时你怎样处理它们? 你将废品分成可回收利用的和丢弃的吗?

我们都需要一个健康的环境,但我们每天制造废物,这对我们的环境是有害的。每天重复这三个单词:减少、重复利用和回收利用。 减少

减少意思是“少用”。不要浪费东西。这节约钱并造成更少的污染。不要点多余你能吃完的食物。你不需要灯时关掉它们。买新东西前,想想是否真有必要,因为也许旧的恰恰一样好! 重复利用

重复利用的意思是“再使用”。尽可能长时间地使用东西。照料它们以便他们会持续使用。如果可能,修理它们。不要扔掉它们而买新的。不要用纸杯或纸袋。用陶瓷杯子和布包更好,因为它们可以用许多次。 回收利用一起是“将某件东西变成别的东西再利用”。虽然将一些东西变成别的东西需要能量,但是那比扔掉或者烧掉它们好。我们每年扔掉许多垃圾,我们必须改变。将你的垃圾分成塑料、玻璃、纸和橡胶。为整个社区制定一项回收利用政策。购买像再生纸之类的产品来帮助节约树木。




Module 1 Wonders of the world ’s more than 2000 years old.托尼:我们给《世界奇观》节目打电话,加入讨论吧。我觉得自然奇观比人造奇观更有趣。而且我认为巨人之路是最神奇的自然奇观。







Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big .

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)





我俯视着距我一英里之遥的银色的科罗拉多河。即使你把世界上最高的两栋建筑物叠在一起放在谷底,它们仍就到不到了顶。然后我眺望峡谷的另一边。它大约在15英里之外,也许更远。最后,我向左右遥望,大峡谷向两边延伸, 长达200多英里。大峡谷不仅仅是大,而是巨大!


Module 2 Public holidays

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) Unit 1 My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.托尼: 玲玲, 10月1日是中国的国庆节,对吗? 玲玲: 是的。 中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。从那时开始,中国人(每年)都庆祝国庆节。(国庆节时)到处都有鲜花和国旗,我们休假3天。

托尼: 这个国庆假期你有什么计划吗?

玲玲: 有。我和爸爸妈妈准备去山东省拜访一些朋友。我们会一直待在那里,直至假期结束。和朋友们在一起期间,我们会去青岛玩一天。贝蒂,你们的国庆节是什么时候呀?

贝蒂: 我们的国庆节叫独立日,在7月4日。从1777年以来,我们一直庆祝这个节日。独立日是一个公共假日,但我们只放一天假。那一天有各种各样的节日活动。这个时间是休假季节的开始,大多数人都会在七月或八月的某段时间休假。

玲玲: 那天有什么特别的事情吗?

贝蒂: 嗯,到处都可以看到美国国旗。我们通常会去一些好地方野餐。孩子们玩得可开以了。我们也可以在公园里观看乐队演奏乐曲。

大明: 托尼,你们英国也过国庆节吗?

托尼: 不,我们没有。我们放假两天庆祝圣诞节。假期一开始,我们一家就会去某人好玩的地方。

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America .


感恩节是美国的一个节日。人们在每年十一月的 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 行。大游行沿着几条街道进行,在著名的梅西百货公司结束。感恩节是圣诞季的开始,我们开始逛街购买礼物。足球在感恩节也是重要的,因为有许多球队进行比赛。和许多美国人一样,我们通常在电视上观看比赛,尽享乐趣。

Module 3 Heroes later.李老师: 大明,谁是你的英雄?你要选择谁来讲述呢?

大明: 邓亚萍!她是我的英雄,因为她是世界上最棒的乒乓选手之一,而且我喜欢打乒乓球。

李老师: 那就给我们讲讲她!

大明: 嗯,她五岁开始练球。她训练刻苦,所以后来成了一名伟大的乒乓球选手。

李老师: 她赢过哪些比赛呢?

大明: 她获得过许多次世界冠军,包括四枚奥运会金牌。她24岁时退役。


By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 李老师:真是太不可思议了!

大明: 是的。邓亚萍说她并不比任何人聪明,但她拥有非常坚强的意志。


大明: 是的。而且北京奥运会成为世界体育运动的一次胜利,也有她的功劳。她就是最棒的!

李老师: 她是一位真正的英雄。

Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own.





By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 力地工作。他在西班牙治疗伤员的经验在中国非常有用。他为当地的医生和护士开设培训课程,而且写书以便他们能够学习他是如何治疗病人的。




Module 4 Home alone

Unit 1 I can look after myself, although it won’t be easy for me .




贝蒂: 我也是(很遗憾),但是我不能两周不上课。

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 妈妈:你记住我交待给你的所有的事了吗?特别要注意家门,在家时工关好门,离开家时要锁好门。

贝蒂: 好的,妈妈!我能照顾好自己,尽管那对我来说不那么容易。

贝蒂: 嗯, 要保证每天都吃大量的新鲜水果和蔬菜。我还给你留了许多你喜欢的饼干。

贝蒂: 别担心。我能做简单的饭菜。 爸爸:早上也没人叫你起床了。

贝蒂: 没事的,我的闹钟很响,肯定能把我叫醒。 妈妈:我总觉得忘了什么事情,但就是想不起来。 (广播:乘坐T27次列车前往拉萨的旅客们,请马上到2号站台上车,你的火车要开了。)

贝蒂: 说的就是你们的火车!妈妈,再见!爸爸,再见!


贝蒂: 发短信给我吧。旅途愉快! 妈妈:再见了,宝贝! 贝蒂: 再见, 两周后再见了!

Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)



哦,我的愿望实现了!尽管父母对离开我非常担心,但他们不得不出差几天。现在,我的机会来了!我终于能玩得开心了! 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)


Module 5 Museums

Unit 1 Don’t cro that rope .(贝蒂、玲玲和大明在博物馆三楼。) 贝蒂: 多好的博物馆啊!

玲玲: 真是太棒了,对吗? 我们去楼上的动物展厅吧。我需要一些有关研究性学习的资料。

贝蒂: 我也是。我们走吧!等一下,大明去哪里了? 玲玲: 他在那里!他在那里干什么?

大明: 嗨,贝蒂,玲玲!快过来看看猴子展览。 保安:请勿喧哗!这是违反规定的。 贝蒂: 哦,不会吧!大明又惹麻烦了?

大明: 看那只猴子的尾巴!我要从这里进去…….保安:快停下! 不要越过那条绳子!你没看到这个标识吗,孩子? 禁止进入! 大明: 噢! 为什么不能进? 保安:因为它关闭了.玲玲: 对,大明.你看那个标识。

大明: 哦,没错。太不好了!嗯,那我就拍张照片…… 保安:对不起。请勿拍照, 看到了吗? 大明: 这个博物馆哪来这么多规章制度。难怪这个地

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 方没什么人呢!

贝蒂: 大明,不能没有礼貌。 玲玲: 哦不!

贝蒂: 怎么了,玲玲?

玲玲: 我的手机!我的手机不见了!哦不!我该怎么办?


玲玲: 那可是一部新手机啊!我一定要找到它,要不然妈妈会处罚我的!

贝蒂: 我想没事的,玲玲。我们现在去看看。 大明:是的,我们下楼!

Unit 2 If you ever go to London , make sure you visit the Science Museum .




By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 如,你能弄清楚人们是如何从地下挖煤并用它来创造能量的。在一个展厅里他们甚至会解释X光是如何让你看到你身体内部的。




Module 6 Problems

Unit 1 If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed.爸爸: 托尼,你又在弹吉它,你家庭作业完成了吗? 托尼: 没,还没有,但是今天作业不多。如果我晚饭后开始做,睡觉前肯定能做完。而且,你不是想让我学一门乐器吗?

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 爸爸: 我想让你养成一回家就做家庭作业的习惯。如果你现在开始做,晚饭前你就能做完了。

托尼: 是的,但是放学后我想休息一下。我还想去图书馆做点志愿者工作。

爸爸: 那么你现在不做作业了?

托尼: 不做, 没有必要现在做。我迟点儿再做。 爸爸: 真遗憾!我真的认为你不应该如此频繁地去图书馆。

托尼: 为什么?我可以在图书馆干活儿,而且还能在那里看书。

爸爸: 托尼,这不行。如果你老是做这些与学习无关的事,你就没时间学习了。

托尼: 你的意思是不想让我去社区服务,不让我增加对世界的认知吗?

爸爸: 我不是这个意思。但你要权衡哪件事情最重要。我不想让你考试不及格。

托尼: 但是……

爸爸: 没完成家庭作业之前,你什么也不能干。我很抱歉,但这是我的最终决定 。

Unit 2 If you tell him the truth now , you will show that you are honest .

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)









By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 亲爱的史蒂夫:






Module 7 Great books

’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas.杰克逊先生:你好,贝蒂。怎么了?


杰克逊先生:那么,你认为伟大的作家都有谁啊? 贝蒂:嗯,可能有孔子和萨士比亚吧。


By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 为一位教育家和思想家,而非作家。他是一位非常睿智的人。为了参与讨论,你们都得做些什么啊?


杰克逊先生:我明白了。现在,孔子的思想仍然在影响着我们,萨士比亚的戏剧对我们来说也仍然很有意义。人们一直以来并且将来仍然会阅读这些名著作。顺便问一下,你觉得19世纪美国伟大的作家马克.吐温怎么样啊? 贝蒂:他是一位重要的作家,但我觉得他不像孔子和萨士比亚那么有名。



Unit 2 It is still read and loved .





By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 活泼聪明的男孩。他不喜欢人们告诉他做什么,所以他总是遇到麻烦。他和他最好的朋友哈克„芬恩逃到密西西比河中部的一个岛上。汤姆遇到更多的麻烦,因为一个名叫印 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 托尼: 对。我正在训练,为下周的那场重要比赛做准备。

贝蒂: 你们和哪个队比赛? 托尼: HAS 。 玲玲: HAS代表什么? 托尼: 海淀全明星队。

贝蒂: 噢,是的。这将是一场艰难的比赛。上次比赛中他们不是把你们打败了吗?

托尼: 是的,打败了。但是…… 玲玲: 比分是多少?

贝蒂: 如果我没有记错的话,海淀全明星98分,北京国际巨人52分。

托尼: 但是大明上次没有被选上参加比赛。那真是个糟糕的决定。我们没有他打不好比赛。

玲玲: 那可不是借口!

托尼: 但是现在大明回来了。这个赛季两只球队没有多大差异。

贝蒂: 比赛什么时候进行?

托尼: 下周六中午。如果你们想有好座位的话,你们应该在11点半之前来。你们来吗?

贝蒂: 我不确定。你认为他们会赢吗,玲玲? 玲玲: 绝对不可能!今年你们和海淀全明星队打过多

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 少场比赛?

托尼: 嗯,大概三场。 贝蒂: 那他们赢过几次呢? 托尼: 呃,几乎都是他们获胜。

贝蒂: 不对!所有的比赛他们都获胜了!面对事实吧,托尼!你们没有机会了!

托尼: 我不同意!这不公平! (托尼生气地离开了。)

玲玲: 记住要传球,而不是踢球,托尼!

贝蒂: 他真的生我们的气了,所以会全力以赴去赢得这场比赛来证明我们错了。

玲玲: 干得好,贝蒂!我太希望他们这次能赢了。我们一定到场为他们加油。

Unit 2 He was invited to competitions around the world.




By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 海平后来成为他的教练。2001年创立了一个特殊的项目,用来帮助年轻运动员。刘翔就在他们之中。他的赛跑被记录,并且他被和世界上最好的体育明星作比较。孙海平用这些信息改变对刘翔的训练方法。

在2001年5月,刘翔在对日本赢得了他收个国际110米跨栏比赛。在2004年,他为中国赢得了 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 这些照片将发布在学校的网站上。其他班的同学、甚至生活在国外的人们,都有可以看到这些照片。




托尼:但是,关于照相机……? 爸爸:哦,可以。给你。自从你妈妈的生日之后,我就没用过,存储卡有可能都满了。




Unit 2 Will books be replaced by the Internet ?

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)




印刷术是在中国隋唐时期发明的 。后来,印刷术的发展使更快更便宜地制造书籍成为可能。书的交易形成了,更多的人学者读书,知识和思想比以前传播得更快了。在某种程度上,我们把纸和印刷术的发明与20世纪因特网的引入相媲美。


现在电脑和因特网在教室中被使用。报纸和杂志已经能够在线阅读 。那么传统的印刷术未来的方向是什么?书籍将被因特网取代吗?让我们拭目以待。

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Module 10 Australia

Unit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.托尼:爸爸,我需要你的帮助。老师让我们选择一个我们想去的国家,想像我们就在那里,然后给家里的父母写一封信。我选择了澳大利亚,我该如何写呢?








By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 托尼:太棒了!你不喜欢澳大利亚的哪些方面呢? 爸爸:我讨厌到处都有蚂蚁。我得把它们从我衣服上掸掉,特别是裤子上。

托尼:在您的裤子上有蚂蚁!太有趣了! 爸爸:当时可并不有趣!

Unit 2 The game that they like most is Australian football.亲爱的妈妈、爸爸:

我现在是在澳大利亚的中部给你们写这封信。现在,我们在艾尔斯岩附近。在 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 海边的乡村碧绿。田野里和小山上有许多羊,但是乡村中部没有树和草,只有岩石和沙子„„还有袋鼠!

澳大利亚人讲英语,但是用他们自己的方式。例如,当他们说“G\'day!”和“No worries.”时,他们的意思是“你好!”和“不要担心。没问题!”

在 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 大明:我感觉我们能解决这些小问题。他们为今年选择的比赛主题是什么?



托尼:但是北京不是我的故乡。我的故乡是剑桥。 大明:没关系。你可以拍一些北京的照片,再加上一些最近拍的剑桥的照片。

托尼:好主意。我堂弟在颐和园和中国小孩放风筝的那张照片怎么样?还有他 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 山公园的树。他的照片展示了山上不同的色彩。





Module 12 Save our world

Unit 1 If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved.玲玲:上完有关环境的课后,我对未来非常担心。污染是我们的大敌,我们必须和它作斗争。如果河流受到污染,农民就不能用河水去浇灌庄稼。


By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 污染使人生病,甚至可以让人丧命。污染危及我们的健康。




大明:比如说……? 玲玲:你认为我们可以使我们的学校变成绿色学校吗?






Unit 2 Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle.

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)


你有多“绿色”?回答下列问题,找出答案。 你步行或骑自行车去上学吗? 你仅仅因为时髦而买新衣服吗? 离开房间时你关灯吗?


你买塑料饮料吗?瓶子空了时你怎样处理它们? 你将废品分成可回收利用的和丢弃的吗?







By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文) 虽然将一些东西变成别的东西需要能量,但是那比扔掉或者烧掉它们好。我们每年扔掉许多垃圾,我们必须改变。将你的垃圾分成塑料、玻璃、纸和橡胶。为整个社区制定一项回收利用政策。购买像再生纸之类的产品来帮助节约树木。


By wlonely



Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1: It’s more than 2000 years old.托尼:我们给《世界奇观》节目打电话,加入讨论吧。我觉得自然奇观比人造奇观更有趣。而且我认为巨人之路是最神奇的自然奇观。







By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big .





我俯视着距我一英里之遥的银色的科罗拉多河。即使你把世界上最高的两栋建筑物叠在一起放在谷底,它们仍就到不到了顶。然后我眺望峡谷的另一边。它大约在15英里之外,也许更远。最后,我向左右遥望,大峡谷向两边延伸, 长达200多英里。大峡谷不仅仅是大,而是巨大!


By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Module 2 Public holidays Unit 1 My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.托尼: 玲玲, 10月1日是中国的国庆节,对吗?

玲玲: 是的。 中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。从那时开始,中国人(每年)都庆祝国庆节。(国庆节时)到处都有鲜花和国旗,我们休假3天。

托尼: 这个国庆假期你有什么计划吗?

玲玲: 有。我和爸爸妈妈准备去山东省拜访一些朋友。我们会一直待在那里,直至假期结束。和朋友们在一起期间,我们会去青岛玩一天。贝蒂,你们的国庆节是什么时候呀?

贝蒂: 我们的国庆节叫独立日,在7月4日。从1777年以来,我们一直庆祝这个节日。独立日是一个公共假日,但我们只放一天假。那一天有各种各样的节日活动。这个时间是休假季节的开始,大多数人都会在七月或八月的某段时间休假。

玲玲: 那天有什么特别的事情吗?

贝蒂: 嗯,到处都可以看到美国国旗。我们通常会去一些好地方野餐。孩子们玩得可开以了。我们也可以在公园里观看乐队演奏乐曲。

大明: 托尼,你们英国也过国庆节吗?

托尼: 不,我们没有。我们放假两天庆祝圣诞节。假期一开始,我们一家就会去某人好玩的地方

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America .


感恩节是美国的一个节日。人们在每年十一月的 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Module 3 Heroes Unit 1 She trained hard, so she became a great player later.李老师: 大明,谁是你的英雄?你要选择谁来讲述呢? 大明: 邓亚萍!她是我的英雄,因为她是世界上最棒的乒乓选手之一,而且我喜欢打乒乓球。

李老师: 那就给我们讲讲她!

大明: 嗯,她五岁开始练球。她训练刻苦,所以后来成了一名伟大的乒乓球选手。

李老师: 她赢过哪些比赛呢?

大明: 她获得过许多次世界冠军,包括四枚奥运会金牌。她24岁时退役。



大明: 是的。邓亚萍说她并不比任何人聪明,但她拥有非常坚强的意志。


大明: 是的。而且北京奥运会成为世界体育运动的一次胜利,也有她的功劳。她就是最棒的!

李老师: 她是一位真正的英雄。

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own.








By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Module 4 Home alone Unit 1 I can look after myself, although it won’t be easy for me .妈妈:我们是哪个车次?



贝蒂: 我也是(很遗憾),但是我不能两周不上课。 妈妈:你记住我交待给你的所有的事了吗?特别要注意家门,在家时工关好门,离开家时要锁好门。

贝蒂: 好的,妈妈!我能照顾好自己,尽管那对我来说不那么容易。

贝蒂: 嗯, 要保证每天都吃大量的新鲜水果和蔬菜。我还给你留了许多你喜欢的饼干。

贝蒂: 别担心。我能做简单的饭菜。 爸爸:早上也没人叫你起床了。

贝蒂: 没事的,我的闹钟很响,肯定能把我叫醒。 妈妈:我总觉得忘了什么事情,但就是想不起来。


贝蒂: 说的就是你们的火车!妈妈,再见!爸爸,再见! 妈妈:我知道了!我还没给你留我们在拉萨的地址呢? 贝蒂: 发短信给我吧。旅途愉快! 妈妈:再见了,宝贝! 贝蒂: 再见, 两周后再见了!

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.



哦,我的愿望实现了!尽管父母对离开我非常担心,但他们不得不出差几天。现在,我的机会来了!我终于能玩得开心了! 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Module 5 Museums Unit 1 Don’t cro that rope .(贝蒂、玲玲和大明在博物馆三楼。) 贝蒂: 多好的博物馆啊!

玲玲: 真是太棒了,对吗? 我们去楼上的动物展厅吧。我需要一些有关研究性学习的资料。

贝蒂: 我也是。我们走吧!等一下,大明去哪里了? 玲玲: 他在那里!他在那里干什么?

大明: 嗨,贝蒂,玲玲!快过来看看猴子展览。 保安:请勿喧哗!这是违反规定的。 贝蒂: 哦,不会吧!大明又惹麻烦了?

大明: 看那只猴子的尾巴!我要从这里进去…….保安:快停下! 不要越过那条绳子!你没看到这个标识吗,孩子? 禁止进入! 大明: 噢! 为什么不能进? 保安:因为它关闭了.玲玲: 对,大明.你看那个标识。

大明: 哦,没错。太不好了!嗯,那我就拍张照片…… 保安:对不起。请勿拍照, 看到了吗? 大明: 这个博物馆哪来这么多规章制度。难怪这个地方没什么人呢!

贝蒂: 大明,不能没有礼貌。 玲玲: 哦不! 贝蒂: 怎么了,玲玲?

玲玲: 我的手机!我的手机不见了!哦不!我该怎么办? 保安:不要担心,女士!到楼下失物招领处去。也许手机在那里。

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

玲玲: 那可是一部新手机啊!我一定要找到它,要不然妈妈会处罚我的!

贝蒂: 我想没事的,玲玲。我们现在去看看。 大明:是的,我们下楼!

Unit 2 If you ever go to London , make sure you visit the Science Museum .







By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Module 6 Problems Unit 1 If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed.爸爸: 托尼,你又在弹吉它,你家庭作业完成了吗?

托尼: 没,还没有,但是今天作业不多。如果我晚饭后开始做,睡觉前肯定能做完。而且,你不是想让我学一门乐器吗?

爸爸: 我想让你养成一回家就做家庭作业的习惯。如果你现在开始做,晚饭前你就能做完了。

托尼: 是的,但是放学后我想休息一下。我还想去图书馆做点志愿者工作。

爸爸: 那么你现在不做作业了?

托尼: 不做, 没有必要现在做。我迟点儿再做。

爸爸: 真遗憾!我真的认为你不应该如此频繁地去图书馆。 托尼: 为什么?我可以在图书馆干活儿,而且还能在那里看书。 爸爸: 托尼,这不行。如果你老是做这些与学习无关的事,你就没时间学习了。

托尼: 你的意思是不想让我去社区服务,不让我增加对世界的认知吗?

爸爸: 我不是这个意思。但你要权衡哪件事情最重要。我不想让你考试不及格。

托尼: 但是……

爸爸: 没完成家庭作业之前,你什么也不能干。我很抱歉,但这是我的最终决定 。

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Unit 2 If you tell him the truth now , you will show that you are honest .






我没告诉他关于电脑游戏的事,因为我不想让他生我的气。现在我感觉难受。我不确定电脑工程师是否能把文件找回来。我应该告诉他关于电脑游戏的事吗?我应该花钱修理电脑吗? 你的朋友,








By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Module 7 Great books Unit 1 We’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas.杰克逊先生:你好,贝蒂。怎么了?


杰克逊先生:那么,你认为伟大的作家都有谁啊? 贝蒂:嗯,可能有孔子和萨士比亚吧。



杰克逊先生:我明白了。现在,孔子的思想仍然在影响着我们,萨士比亚的戏剧对我们来说也仍然很有意义。人们一直以来并且将来仍然会阅读这些名著作。顺便问一下,你觉得19世纪美国伟大的作家马克.吐温怎么样啊? 贝蒂:他是一位重要的作家,但我觉得他不像孔子和萨士比亚那么有名。



By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Unit 2 It is still read and loved .




书的主人公汤姆和他的波莉阿姨一起生活。他是一个活泼聪明的男孩。他不喜欢人们告诉他做什么,所以他总是遇到麻烦。他和他最好的朋友哈克…芬恩逃到密西西比河中部的一个岛上。汤姆遇到更多的麻烦,因为一个名叫印 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Module 8 Sports Life Unit 1 Daming wasn’t chosen for the team last time.玲玲: 你好, 托尼! 你看起来很累。

托尼: 对。我正在训练,为下周的那场重要比赛做准备。 贝蒂: 你们和哪个队比赛? 托尼: HAS 。

玲玲: HAS代表什么? 托尼: 海淀全明星队。

贝蒂: 噢,是的。这将是一场艰难的比赛。上次比赛中他们不是把你们打败了吗?

托尼: 是的,打败了。但是…… 玲玲: 比分是多少?

贝蒂: 如果我没有记错的话,海淀全明星98分,北京国际巨人52分。

托尼: 但是大明上次没有被选上参加比赛。那真是个糟糕的决定。我们没有他打不好比赛。

玲玲: 那可不是借口!

托尼: 但是现在大明回来了。这个赛季两只球队没有多大差异。 贝蒂: 比赛什么时候进行?

托尼: 下周六中午。如果你们想有好座位的话,你们应该在11点半之前来。你们来吗?

贝蒂: 我不确定。你认为他们会赢吗,玲玲?

玲玲: 绝对不可能!今年你们和海淀全明星队打过多少场比赛?

托尼: 嗯,大概三场。 贝蒂: 那他们赢过几次呢?

托尼: 呃,几乎都是他们获胜。

贝蒂: 不对!所有的比赛他们都获胜了!面对事实吧,托尼!你们没有机会了!

托尼: 我不同意!这不公平! (托尼生气地离开了。)

玲玲: 记住要传球,而不是踢球,托尼!

贝蒂: 他真的生我们的气了,所以会全力以赴去赢得这场比赛来证明我们错了。

玲玲: 干得好,贝蒂!我太希望他们这次能赢了。我们一定到场为他们加油。

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Unit 2 He was invited to competitions around the world.




在2001年5月,刘翔在对日本赢得了他收个国际110米跨栏比赛。在2004年,他为中国赢得了 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Module 9 Great Inventions Unit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future ? 托尼:爸爸, 我可以借一下你的照相机吗? 爸爸:做什么用呢?





托尼:但是,关于照相机……? 爸爸:哦,可以。给你。自从你妈妈的生日之后,我就没用过,存储卡有可能都满了。




By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Unit 2 Will books be replaced by the Internet ?




印刷术是在中国隋唐时期发明的 。后来,印刷术的发展使更快更便宜地制造书籍成为可能。书的交易形成了,更多的人学者读书,知识和思想比以前传播得更快了。在某种程度上,我们把纸和印刷术的发明与20世纪因特网的引入相媲美。


现在电脑和因特网在教室中被使用。报纸和杂志已经能够在线阅读 。那么传统的印刷术未来的方向是什么?书籍将被因特网取代吗?让我们拭目以待。

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Module 10 Australia Unit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.托尼:爸爸,我需要你的帮助。老师让我们选择一个我们想去的国家,想像我们就在那里,然后给家里的父母写一封信。我选择了澳大利亚,我该如何写呢?










托尼:在您的裤子上有蚂蚁!太有趣了! 爸爸:当时可并不有趣!

By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Unit 2 The game that they like most is Australian football.亲爱的妈妈、爸爸:

我现在是在澳大利亚的中部给你们写这封信。现在,我们在艾尔斯岩附近。在 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Module 11 Photos Unit 1 He’s the boy who won the photo competition last year! 大明:托尼,你会参加摄影比赛吗?

托尼:当然了!我今年要赢过何忠,我不会让他赢两次的! 大明:何忠是谁?

托尼:就是去年摄影大赛获胜的男孩! 大明:那个在学校舞会上拍照的人?



托尼:“自然”、“故乡与他乡”、“城市与人”,还有“音乐”。 大明:我觉得何忠会选择“音乐”这个主题。你为什么不选择“故乡与他乡”这个主题,拍一些北京的照片?



托尼:好主意。我堂弟在颐和园和中国小孩放风筝的那张照片怎么样?还有他 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Unit 2 The photo which we liked best was taken by Zhao Min.








By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Module 12 Save our world Unit 1 If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved.玲玲:上完有关环境的课后,我对未来非常担心。污染是我们的大敌,我们必须和它作斗争。如果河流受到污染,农民就不能用河水去浇灌庄稼。


贝蒂:路上的车非常多,这些车过多地耗油,也造成了污染。 大明:但是我们仅仅是学生,对这些工厂和汽车无能为力。 贝蒂:谈论我们不能做的事是没有意义的。我们应该想一些我们能做的事。

大明:比如说……? 玲玲:你认为我们可以使我们的学校变成绿色学校吗? 大明:什么是绿色学校?





By wlonely 2015外研版九年级上册英语课本翻译(对话+课文)

Unit 2 Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle.


你有多“绿色”?回答下列问题,找出答案。 你步行或骑自行车去上学吗? 你仅仅因为时髦而买新衣服吗? 离开房间时你关灯吗?

购物时你自己带包而不是要塑料袋吗? 你买塑料饮料吗?瓶子空了时你怎样处理它们? 你将废品分成可回收利用的和丢弃的吗?








By wlonely


Module 8 Time off Unit 1 I can hardly believe we’re in the city centre.

一、教学目标(Teaching aim)

1、知识目标(Knowledge aim)

(1)在教学过程中学习和巩固单元新授单词 和短语hardly, sights, thirsty, waste ake up, point out, at the top of (2)熟练掌握that引导的宾语从句的句型结构和用法并运用该句型描述家乡的名胜

2、能力目标(Ability aim)


3情感目标(Moral aim)


二、教学重点(Teaching focus)

The object clauses(that引导的宾语从句)

教学难点(Teaching difficulty)

1.The object clauses That引导的宾语从句中从句人称的变化 2 宾语从句时态的变化 2.hard和hardly的区别

教学过程(Teaching Procedures)

1 导入(Lead-in)

(1) 展示北京部分名胜古迹图片,引出旅游经历话题。

(2.) 听课文Part 1 ,让学生看和描述北海公园的照片,为对话部分的学习做准备

2词汇学习(Vocabulary learning)


3 Reading and listening (1)Listen to Part 3 and answer the following questions.(2)Complete the sentences about Beihai Park.(3)Read the dialogue and mark T or F.通过本环节,让学生完成对对话部分的理解,对学过的重点句型进行巩固和复习,并要熟悉对话中的宾语从句的结构。




如I gue (that)…

I’m sure (that)… I know (that)…

I can’t believe (that)… I think (that)…

6、Homework (1)Introduce another place of Beijing in English.(必做) (2)Talk about another place of interest in your home town.(选做)



Module 1 Unit1 Go straight on 教学目标:

1、让学生掌握turn left urn right go straight on。

2、学会用Where's ...? 来问路。


1、会用Where's ...? 来打听道路。

2、能听懂turn left urn right go straight on。 教学难点: left rignt go straight on 的正确发音。

教学准备:小红旗、糖果、若干卡片、自制小地图、多媒体课件、简易地图 (学 生每两人一张) 教学过程: Step1.Warming-up T: Hello! Boys and girls! Nice to see you! Ss: Hello! Mi Gao! Nice to see you ,too! T: I'm happy ! Are you happy? Ss: Yes! T: So let's sing a song , ok? (教学意图:上课前的热身运动,边唱边表演符合小学生的年龄特点,吸引了学生的注意力,稳定了学生的情趣,也活跃了课堂气氛。) Step2.Presentation 1.T: Sam wants to go to Daming's home , but he is lost , let' s have a look .(播放课件)

2.T: There are some places in the claroom .Can you show me where's the school park zoo KFC supermarket? (事先把几幅相应的图片贴在教室的各个角落)

1 The Ss point them out T: Is the school on my left ? (学生听不懂,用中文翻译一遍)

(教学意图:以情境引入教学,并使用多媒体课件辅助,更易使学生快速进入学习意境,以听指的方法来复习学过的单词,既巩固了旧知,又自然地引出了新知:left / right ) 3.Teaching the two words : left / right (出示单词卡片) 4.Practicing the two new words: A.Gueing where's the sweet .(猜对的学生,把那个糖果给他) B.踏步练习:left , right,(分组练习)

T: Let 's do some exercises and we're going to have a competition.The group which does better will get 10 points.5.指定一名学生上来再做一组练习后,发出新指令:Turn left ! (学生没有反应,不明白什么意思,教师用肢体语言表示其意) 6.出示卡片:Turn 师带读 7.贴出标志图: 1Turn left Turn right 8 .Competition.规则:每组选一名同学上台,听教师指令,做左转、右转,做错的同学淘汰下去,最后一名站在台上的同学就是胜利者,可为自己小组加10分。

(教学意图: 学习新词时,采用猜糖果游戏和踏步练习的形式进行操练,学生兴致极高,课堂气氛非常活跃;同时引入竞争机制,贯穿整个教学过程,使全体学生保持一种学习的积极状态,并培养学生的竞争意识和合作精神。)

9.Teaching the phrase : Go straight on Show a map and ask the Ss : " If I want to go to the KFC , how can I go there ? " (学生用中文回答: 向前直走)教师给予肯定并用英语说: Go straight on.并做相应的肢体动作。

2 10.出示课题卡片: M2 U1 Go straight on! 11.贴出标志图,并带读该词组 Go straight on Step3 .Consolidation 1.大小声练习.2.学生发指令,教师做动作.3.Playing games : Help the other Ss get the flag.游戏规则: 请两名学生上来,一个蒙着眼睛,一个用turn left urn right go straight on来指方向,帮助找到小红旗.顺利找到者,可各为自己的小组加10分.4.出示一张自制地图,指名提问:Where's the ...? 教师根据学生的回答在地图上画出行走路线.出示词条: A : Where's the ...? B : 带读两遍.5.Pair work .学生拿出课前发的简易小地图,两两合作,一个问,一个答并画出路线.(做完了,请几组学生上台展示) Step 4.Homework.Tell your clamates and friends where your home is and how to go there Unit 2 It’s at the station.








1)、能听懂老师发出的指令,迅速做出反应。 2)、能根据提供的信息,完成新词的学习与训练。 3)、能运用所学知识进行简单的英语交流。






七、说教学过程 (一)、导入设计

1、Warm up:Sing a song.—left foot, right foot, left foot, right…以此把学生带入今天的课堂。这样学生就自然地进入到一个良好的英语氛围,当歌声落下,我热情地和学生打招呼,与学生用英语进行简单的交谈。出示课件和简笔画,用Excuse me.Where is…?进行看图问答,复习问路和指路使用的语言。请全班同学为踊跃举手的同学鼓掌,肯定他们的努力,鼓励他们大胆尝试。

2、Let’s go to a place.Look!Here we are.把本课的hill, station, house,rain等图片展出。使用单词卡片学习单词hill, station ,house, rain。反复操练后,接着开展I can read!活动,检测学生对单词的熟练程度。(二)、新课呈现

1)、用简笔画添上一条铁轨。Let’s go by rain.邀请学生们一起坐着这辆火车去游玩,播放CD-ROM,为了更好地完成课程目标,我给学生下达了任务:让他们注意看图中火车分别进行到什么位置?这些内容用英语又怎样表述呢?为了更好地帮助学生听懂录音,同时把Where is train_? It’s _.写在简图的下方。

4 2)、儿童的心理特点是好奇的,所以我选在这个时候为学生的疑问对故事中表示位置的介词进行讲解:把火车头对着山顶开,然后说:We are up the hill。然后操练和检测;用同样的方式学习down the hill,near the houses,at the station。 3)、再听一遍录音,带读课文。 (三)、巩固操练


1、Read and match.2、Lisening.

3、Read and complete.4、Look and say(SB活动3).


画出从学校到家的路线图,运用本单元学过的知识向同学介绍从学校到家的路线;向家人介绍从家到学校的路线。 Module 2 Unit1.She's reading a book

1、Language knowledge 学习单词和短语"write、letter、picture、friend、take pictures、talk to、little、play with"和句型"This is...He's/She's…"

2、Language skills 能够听、说、认读单词,能够讲述正在发生的事情。

3、Sentiment 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激励学生积极参与活动,逐步养成自觉学习的好习惯。

三、Teaching key points 掌握本课语言结构。能听、说、认读单词和短语,并能熟练运用新知识。

四、Teaching difficult points 灵活运用知识讲述正在发生的事情。


五、Teaching procedure

1、Warming up Greerings Free talk 老师和学生互相问好。在自由谈话中,随机向不同的学生提问:"What do you do at the weekend?"引导学生使用下列词组:play football、play basketball、play table tennis、swimming、watch TV等。老师要求学生回答问题时带上动作,在他/她做动作的同时,老师向全班同学说:"Look! He's playng football .She's swimming."使用这种方法呈现更多新语言。

2、Presentation 学习单词、短语。


3、Learn the text 请学生仔细观察图画,认真阅读课文,帮助学生弄清楚故事内容和情节:Sam正在展示自己的绘画作品,其中有Lingling写信的画,Daming照相的画,Amy打电话的画,还有Tom玩玩具火车的画。

请学生对照着书听录音,老师帮助学生学习本课的语言结构,并使用不同的方式进行练习。例如:模仿录音,个人展示,根据课文内容问题:“What is Amy doing? What is Sam doing? What is Tom doing?”等。 向学生简单说明:在英文中,当描述一个正在发生的动作时,我们要使用现在进行时。现在进行时是“am/is/are”加上动词“ing”形式构成的。

4、Practice Play a game 玩一个“神算”游戏。在老师给出的图片中,让同学自己选择一张,在选择之前先算一算你能选到哪一张,如果选择的图画与自己算的一样时,那就是“神算”。

5、Production 仿照课文内容,以小组为单位编个小故事,并在班里展示。


6、Cooling down Review the leon and end the cla.

七、Homework 结合本节课所学的英语知识,画出你的家人正在做事的图画,下节课向全班同学讲述。 Unit 2 What are you doing?


1.知识目标:watching TV, talking to … taking pictures ,reading a book ,writing a letter, playing with ,listening to music, What are you doing? I ' m … What is he/she doing? ---He/She is …

2.情感目标:养成积极主动的学习态度,能大胆开口,积极参与各项学习活动,善于与同学交流。 3.能力目标:用英语进行交流,养成用英语思维的良好习惯,提高学生的创造力和实践能力。 重点难点:


二、预习学案 预习目标:

通过预习能够认读简单的词汇,理解课文内容,了解如何询问正在做的事情。 预习内容: 1.复习上节课学过的内容:talking to … taking pictures , writing a letter, playing with 。 2.根据上节课所学内容,找出本单元所学短语,及正在做的事情,在预习本上作好记录。



1.同学做动作.老师问What is she/he doing?多说几遍,找同学回答。


(二)小组合作,自主学习1.自主学习单词(Task 1)

(1)Listen and underline the new words and the difficult words.

7 (2)学习新单词 listen to ,music, read ,掌握词组listen to music, read a book,根据卡片练习句子I’m listening to music /reading a book ./ watchingTV, (3)小组展示 2.课文学习

(1)Listen and point.播放录音,主要培养学生的认读能力,至少听两遍。 (2)Listen and repeat.再次拨放录音,学生边指边读。 (3)小组对话练习.分角色朗读.3.学唱歌曲。


根据上节课学过及新学的词组,句型同桌练习,或者小组练习.根据图片或者动作进行对话练习:如:are you doing? I’m listening to musicq


1.What is he /she doing ?的问答。

找同学到讲台上每一个人做一个动作不动.其他同学进行问答.2.对正在进行的动作进行描述.巩固练习.也可以采取you say I do ,you do I say ,you say I draw等形式.3.小结归纳

归纳总结本节课的所学的内容.What are you doing? I’m listening to musicq What is he /she doing ? 4.教师、小组、个人评价


Ⅰ.写出下列单词的现在分词形式。 do swim take play read listen write


What Ⅱ.下列句子各有一个错误,你能找出来并改正吗? 1.What are he doing? 2.I'm watch TV.3.This is my father.She is reading a book.4.I'm doing I homework.5.What are you doing? I listening to music.




Unit2 What are you doing? G1 G2 G3 G4 I’m listening to music watching TV reading a book Module 3 Unit 1 What are they doing ?


1.学习询问他人正在做什么事情。 2.描述他人正在做的事情。

3.学生能够听、说、认boat che row soybean milk drink hungry 。 4.通过创设和谐的氛围,让孩子们轻松愉快地学习英语,并形成良好的英语语 感。 重点、难点:

1.学说问句What are they doing? 2.掌握句型They’re 动词+ing [+宾语]

9 3.能清晰准确地发出本课所教的单词的音

二、预习学案 1.预习课文补全单词 b t ch s r s b n milk dr k h ry 2.用“ ”标出询问动词的ing形式,反复阅读,理解句子意思。 3.在笔记本上记录自己预习后的疑惑,准备交流。



1.师生齐唱M2 中的小诗,并配以动作。

2.教师快速向学生出示几组词,每组包含一个动词,请学生说出这个动词。师板书:read , write ,listen ,play , talk …

3.请学生说这些动词的-ing形式。4. 齐读黑板上的动词及其-ing形式。



教师模仿动作后提问:What am I doing? (我正做什么?)引入句子: I’m doing taijiquan.。 3.请全体学生一起边做动作,边说:I’m doing taijiquan.4.自主学习单词(Task 1)

(1)Listen and underline the new words and the difficult words.(2) Listen and read the new words and the difficult words 3 times.(3)Read the words by yourself.5.小老师检查单词(Who can teach?) 6.单词句型运用(Task 2)

以小组为单位,用所学词汇造句,进行运用,找出本模块重点句型what are they doing?进行替换、拓展、

10 对话等情景练习,然后小组进行展示。



2.教师通过提问:What is he/ she doing ?复习He’s/ She’s 动词+ing。 3.请该生所在组的成员模仿该生的动作,并做动作边说:I’m动词+ing [+宾语]。

4.教师故作不解状问:What are they doing ? 后又释然说:Oh.They’re 动词+ing [+宾语],并板书。 5.教师指着黑板上的句子,请学生跟说多遍。

6.小组合作挑选黑板上所提供的任一动词(不能重复),做出相应的动作,其他学生回答问题:What are they doing ?



3.四人小组中,请学生A 和B向学生C和D模仿一个动作,然后由C和D提问:A 和B在做什么? 4.让小组内学生互换角色。

5.请几位学生到教室前模仿动作,教师提问:What are they doing ?然后让全班或个别学生回答。

四、课堂检测 1.选择单词补全句子

riding playing rowing drinking doingThey’re Taijiquan.They’re a dragon boat.They’re che.They’re soybean milk.They’re on a bus.2.英汉互译 上车 在湖上

under the tree play che 许多 row a boat



1.抄写单词:row , play, drink, boat, milk 2.收集有关人物或动物正在进行某种动作行为的照片、图片、图案,并用英语说说他们正在做什么?


Unit 1 What are they doing? What are they doing?

They are rowing a dragon boat.On the lake They are doing Taijiquan.In the park They are playing che.Under the tree Unit 2 What ’s the elephant doing? 教学目标

a、知识目标:能听懂、会说本课句型―What are they doing? They are… What is Amy doing ? She is… b、技能目标:培养学生听、说、做、读的能力。



本课时的教学重点是掌握句型―What are they doing? They are…What is Amy doing ? She is…?, 难点是培养学生在实际情景中运用对话的能力,教师抓住这个重点内容,通过大量的 会话练习,做不同人称的 替换训练,进一步突破了难点。


三、说教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up.

1、Greetings and sing an English song.

2、Let’s do.

T: doing taijiquan ,rowing a dragon boat,playing che,drinking soybean..

12 Ss: Do the actions.(师先发指令,生做动作,再利用多媒体课件依次播放图片,让学生看图说出完整的句子, 如:They are doing taijiquan.( rowing a dragon boat,playing che;drinking soybean..) Step 2 Presentation.(创设情景,引入新课。)

1、师先示范―跑的动作,让学生跟着做动作,边做边说:―I’m running.师适时提问:―What is the teacher doing?引导学生回答:―The teacher is running .

2、师再分别出示Amy ―跑的动作并提问, ―What is Amy doing?学生模仿前面的 句子说:―Amy is running .or she is running .师再分别出示Daming(看电视 ) 的动作并提问,―What is Daming doing? 学生跟着说―Daming is watching TV.or He is watching TV .师同样出示Sam and Daming (打篮球 )以及Amy and Lingling(打乒乓球 ) 的动作并提问,

T: What are Sam and Daming doing? Ss: They are playingbasketball.Boys: What are Amy and Lingling doing? Girls : They are playing table tennis .

3、Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Q1: What are Sam and Daming doing? Q2: What are Amy and Lingling doing? Q3: What is Amy doing? Q4 ―What is Daming doing? Step 3 Practice.

1、Play a game ―I act, you gue.一个学生做动作,另一个学生躲在其身后, 全班齐问What are you doing? S2根据动作猜出并回答:―I’m…‖教师让全班同学评出最佳默契奖,并以stickers奖励。

2、Play a game again―find your friend.‖


13 话,让他们寻找自己的朋友,看谁找得快。

这游戏能让学生在完成任务的过程中,不断操练What are theydoing? They are…,What is he/she doing ? He/ She is…能极大地激发学生学习英语的兴趣,巩固所学的新授知识。 Step 4 What is he/she doing ? He/she is … What’s he doing ? What’s Liuxiang doing He’s playing football .He’s runnin

What’s Yaoming doing ? What is Dengyaping doing ? He’s playing basketball.She’s playing table tennis Module 4 Uint 1 Do you want some rice? 一.教学目标 1.知识目标

1)掌握并运用单词:Chinese fast food want some make nice chopsticks difficult 2) 熟练运用句型:“Do you want some ?” “Yes, please./ No, thank you”、“Have you got?” “Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.” 2.能力目标

能运用所学的语言知识在创设的情境中进行熟练的交际,并在此基础上能将其应用于日常生活之中。 3.情感目标



14 1.教学重点:掌握句型Do you want some...?Yes, please.No, thank you.并能就食物的选择向他人提问或回答他人。

2.教学难点: chopsticks、difficult的发音及新句型的运用。



四、教学过程 step

1、Warming up 1、Greetings

2、Revision T: Today we will learn the new leon.First, let's review some words of food.( 复习以前学过的食物的单词,全体学生齐读一次。)

3、Free talk T: Can you tell me what your favorite food is? My favorite food is noodles, what is yours? S:My favorite foot is chicken.T: Chicken is very nice.(教学nice) 句型:Have you got _____ in these days? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.(此处的教授要迅速,简明,以免时间不足) step

2、presentation and practice

1、T: I have got some nice food.Look.(Show the food cards and ask) T:Noodles、rice、dumplings、hamburgers and hot dogs are fast food.

(Show the card and read “fast food”)And noodles、rice、dumplings are Chinese fast food.(explain “Chinese fast food” )Yes, hamburgers,hot dogs and sandwiches are Western fast food.

2、T: dumplings、noodles and rice are Chinese fast food .Do you like Chinese fast food?

15 Ss:...教学Chinese / fast food(小火车读)

3、T: Boys and girls, look at me please, what foot I is this? Ss: Noodles.T: Yes, you are right.I like noodles.Do you know how to making noodles? Ss:...T:(出示图片)Look, what is he doing? Ss:…..

T: He's making noodles.(随机教学 making noodles)

4、T: I want some noodles.What do I need? (用体态语帮助学生理解句意,同时拿出筷子) S: T: Yes, chopsticks.教学 chopsticks (把单词为两个部分chops / ticks)告诉学生这个词语用复数

5、T: Chopsticks are difficult.教学 difficult (个人读,小组读,齐读)

6、教授句型Do you want some...?Yes, please.No, thank you.T: Do you want some...? 1)板书Do you want some...? 2)引导学生回答Yes, please.No, thank you并板书

7、practice /先个别后整体/ 1)老师轮流指着实物图片提问Do you want some...? 2)全班开火车操练


Listen to the text and answer the questions: 1.Does Amy want some rice? 2.What is the man doing? 3.Are chopsticks difficult for Amy?

16 全班跟读3遍,分角色跟读并表演。 Step3 extension 请学生看书上或者挂图上的五幅图,老师指着图问:What’s this? 引导学生学生说出食物的名称,然后指着图单个向学生提问:Do you want some…?要求学生用Yes,please./ No, thank you.回答。最后两人一组练习。

Play a game: Do you want some rice? 食物问答接龙。

饭馆订餐游戏,四个同学一组,每组有两张菜单Chinese fast food and western fast food.创设去饭馆订餐的情境表演对话(一名服务员、三名顾客)学生进行对话: A: Excuse me, can I help you? B: I want to east fast food.A: Do you want some _____? B: Yes, please.No, thank you.A: Do you want some _____? C: Yes, please.No, thank you.A: Do you want some _____? D: Yes, please.No, thank you.A: Anything else? B: That’s all, thank you A: You’re welcome.Step

4、homework 1) Ask your parents and friends what kind of food they want.2) Write the new words.板书设计:

Module5 unit1 Do you want some rice? Do you want some_____? Chinese fast food Yes, please.Western fast food No, thank you.Scores

17 Unit 2 How much is it? 教学内容:Students’ book Module4Unit2

学习任务:What are you doing ? I’m making dumplings/ I’m cooking vegetable.Do you want some ? Yes , please ./ No , thank you .教具:实物:饺子,蔬菜,勺子,围裙 卡片,教师资源包CD 教学过程 一.Warming up Greeting 二.Chant : left foot ,right foot ,left foot right 三.Review 展示卡片 T:What’s this ?

Ss : cake, rice , noodles , fish(学生快速读出) T: Do you want some …

Ss: Yes ,please ./ No , thank you.四.实物导入

1.T:老师今天带了二种好吃又有营养的东西,大家猜猜是什么?(学生猜)① 全班读② 个别读③ 小组读 2.同法教学vegetable ①唱反调(师大声读单词,生小声;反之师小声生大声) ②全班读单词 五.巩固单词 Play a game:猜单词


dumpling 师拿出饺子教学师把刚刚复习的单词和新授单词的卡片藏起来,给学生三次机会猜猜藏的是哪两张,如果学生两张都猜错了,师说―no‖。如果猜对一张师说―YES‖但是不给学生看卡片,两张都猜对了给学生看卡片读出单词,并给予奖励。

六.情境中学句型 1. I’m making dumplings.

T:今天老师非常高兴,所以要大展厨艺(带上围裙,包饺子),now ,look here ,What am I doing? 想不想知道老师在干什么吗?要用英语怎么问呢? Ss:What are you doing ?(板书) T:I’m making dumplings.Do you want some?(板书) 采用不同形式读句型I’m making dumplings.( 如:师读快,生读慢;师读慢,生读快) 2. I’m cooking dumplings.

T:接下来,老师要展示每二样厨艺,Look here(师抄菜),想知道Mi Lin 正做什么要用英语怎么问 Ss: What are you doing? (板书) T: I’m cooking vegetables.Do you want some.(板书) 采用不同形式读句型I’m cooking dumplings.(如:男女分开读,小组读) 七.学课文


1.T:Now open your book ,turn to page20.今天Sam 和Amy去Darming家做客,我们来看看Daming 一家做了什么好吃的请他们。(播放CD—ROM)

T:他们来到Daming 家,看到Daming正在making dumplings,他们两个不知道Daming在干嘛,他们是怎么问?

S1:What are you doing ,Daming? T: Daming 是怎么回答? S1: I’m making dumplings?

19 全班跟着CD—ROM读。 2. 情境表演

师去学生家做客,学生正在包饺子 T: What are you doing ? Ss: I’m making dumplings .Do you want some ? T: Yes ,please.(2)学生第二部分

1.T:Daming家除了Making dumplings 还做了什么好吃的? Ss: Cooking vegetables.T: Daming 急匆匆来到厨房里,看到妈妈正在cooking vegetables他是怎么问的? SS: What are you doing? T: mother是怎么回答的? Ss: I’m cooking vegetables.Read after the CD-ROM 2.巩固练习①师做抄菜动作

Ss: What are you doing ? T: I’m cooking vegetables.Do you want some ? Ss: Yes ,please./ No, thank you .②Play a game 听音乐传花,音乐一停,拿到花的学生做抄菜的动作,其他学生问 What are you doing ?此生回答I’m cooking vegetables.Do you want some ?操练对话。 3. 表演课文对话

20 小组合作,表演课文对话。 八.扩展练习

Play a game: Copy 不走样

请几名学生上台,站成一排,师传给第一个学生一句话(如:I’m rowing a boat.),此学生根据这句话做出动作,并把动作一一传下去,等到最后一个学生做完动作,全班问最后一名学生:―What are you doing ?‖此学生根据自己的理解回答,最后师说出答案,给答对的学生奖励。 九.总结 Module 5 Unit 1 Can you run fast? 教学目标

1 知识目标 Knowledge aim 掌握本课主要生词并能熟练的听说认读 run fast jump high jump far ride fast 及听懂理解会说Can you 的句型和肯定回答Yes, I can.否定回答No ,I can`t.2 能力目标 Ability aim 能听懂理解会说Can you 句型,并在实际情景中进行应用。 3 情感目标 Emotion aim 通过各种活动,使学生之间相互了解。激发其学习英语的兴趣,树立学好英语的信心.教学重点难点: 教学重点 Teaching Points 会听说认读本课词组 run fast jump high jump far ride fast 教学难点 Teaching difficults 能运用can you 句型进行对话。

动词 run 和 ride 读音上的区分 fast 和 far 在读音上的区分。 教学方法: 游戏法、交际法 师生活动过程:

21 1.Warming up 师生之间自然地的问好。教师告诉学生I like sports .询问学生是否喜欢sports 。引导学生理解sports 的意思。

2.Teaching proce .点击课件,出现各种学生熟悉的运动。带领学生一起回忆这些运动。并且说出句型can you 就学生熟悉的动作进行询问。引导学生用yes ,I can 或者no, I can’t 进行回答,同时把板书can you 写在黑板上。引导学生回答。根据教师的表情进行肯定和否定的训练。

图片演示本课中的新词:run fast .教师问学生:can you read it ?引导学生自己读出来。将词组写在黑板上,并让学生跟读。请单个学生进行操练。以行为单位开火车操练。在操练的过程中教师适当对学生的发音进行纠正。

教师边做动作演示run fast 边说“I can run fast ,can you ?”先询问全班同学。再询问个别同学,引导学生回答。并让他问我can you run fast ? 请2到3名自告奋勇的同学接受全体同学的询问。

出示图片演示ride fast .教读该词组。并强调该词组与前面的run fast 在读音上的区别。全班读。叫个别学生读。并适当纠正不标准的读音。教师问全体同学can you ride fast ? 再引导个别同学回答。请回答问题的同学再问其他同学。

图片演示jump far .教师边演示边说I can jump far .can you ?引导学生回答。教读词组。分组读。学生随着教师的手势不断变换声音的大小达到熟练的效果。重点强调far 跟 fast 的区别,让学生注意不要混淆。全班将词组带到句型中读。分组读句子。第一组读大声,第二组读小声。

图片演示jump high .教师边做动作边问学生“I can jump high ,can you ?”并将jump high 写在黑板上。指导学生读。叫自告奋勇的学生读给全班听。教师读大声,学生读小声,并且跟随教师的手势不断变换声音的大小。让自告奋勇的学生来问其他同学。给予奖励。

一二组根据老师手中的图片问三四组,三四组根据老师的表情回答。再变换组。 学生自由问答。要求学生站起来大声地对话。请自告奋勇的学生上来表演。并给予奖励。 3.跟录音读课文。四个小组分别扮演四个角色读。

22 4.Expand with extension(拓展与外延) Unit2 Can Sam play football? 学习任务:

1掌握词汇: make a cake ,play the flute,wash clothes,draw a dragon 2掌握句型:Can you …?Yes,I can / No,I can’t.教学重点与难点:

使用Can询问他人的能力并讲述自己的能力。 教学用具:

头饰,教师资源包CD,图片 教学过程: I.Warmer 1.Greetings 2.开展小游戏:

展示动物头饰,学生抢答:tiger,fish,monkey,bird,frog;将头饰发给5名学生,依次问 T:Can you fly, tiger?Tiger:No, I can’t.T: Can you fly, bird?Bird:Yes, I can.T: Can you swim,monkey?Monkey:No,I can’t。 T: Can you swim,fish?Fish:Yes,I can。 T: Can you jump,frog?Frog:Yes,I can。

引导学生唱自编小诗:I’m a tiger.I can run, run, run, run.I’m a bird.I can fly, fly, fly, fly.

I’m a fish.I can swim, swim, swim, swim I’m a frog.I can jump, jump, jump, jump.I’m a monkey.I can climb, climb, climb, climb.

23 II.Presentation:

1. 教师做动作,引导学生先后说出:make a cake,play the flute。再由此引出短语wash clothes,draw a dragon板书并教授

2. 教师询问学生:Can you make a cake/ play the flute/…? 3. 同桌互问

4. 开展游戏―互相帮助(就自己不能做的事情寻求帮助)

学生A不会洗衣服,要使用Can you wash clothes?向其他同学提问并寻求帮助,直到找到一名Yes,I can 能够帮助他的同学为止。每名同学都要为自己―不能做‖的事情寻求其他同学的帮助。游戏结束。可以请部分学生向全班汇报I can’t make dumplings, but Lanlan can.She can help me.I can cook vegetables, but Maomao can’t.I can help him.5. 学习歌曲

T:大家想不想做热心的孩子? 别人遇到困难了,伸出你热情的手,说Can I help you ? 1.播放录音,仔细听,感受节奏和旋律。 2.进一步对can的用法加深

3.再放录音,学生跟唱,并做出相应的动作,教师适当指导。III.学习课文 1.打开课本part1教师向学生讲解Sam Amy Lingling Daming不同头像所代 表的回答。


3.分别扮演Sam Amy Lingling Daming小组四人以他们的口吻进行回答练习Can you make a cake? Yes, I can/ No, I can’t.Can you play the flute? Yes, I can/ No, I can’t.………….IV.Practice 展示图片的动作:write a letter, row a boat, take a picture,read a book, do taijiquan, make Chinese

24 food, play che, make soup 1.四人一组,运用Can you…句型调查谁是多面手,能力强。 2.选出两组汇报调查结果 V.小结: 本节课我们同学表现非常出色,很好的运用了―can‖来了解他人的能力,以便对你有所帮助。 VI.作业: 1将今天所学的歌曲表演给好友或家人。

2收集学过的动词或动词词组,用I can描述自己能做到的,用I can’t描述不能做到的。 Module 6 Unit 1 Can I have some sweets? 一.学习目标: 知识目标:

1.听读并理解生词soup,sweets,bread,biscuits,fruit,dark,turn on,light在课文中的运用。 2.能够使用Can I have some 这类语句。 3.听懂会读并理解课文。 能力目标:

能够听、说、认读单词,能够用本课的功能用语和他人交流。 情感目标:

培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激励学生积极参与活动,积极与他人合作。 学习重难点:

掌握语言结构Can I have some ...?极其回答Yes, you can./Sorry, you can’t.能听、说、读单词,并能熟练运用新知识与他人对话。


我会写(将下列字母组合成正确的单词)。 wsetse derba ibicuts posu


三、教学过程: 热身复习:


2、教师先把全班学生分成两大组,规定回答问题对者得贴画,贴画多的那个小组获胜。培养竞争意识。教师展示图片,一名同学扮演老师大声问:Can you do morning exercises/swim/jump/run/wash clothes?小组回答:Yes,I can./No, I can’t.通过此活动复习Can you ? 自主学习:


2、播放录音,回答问题: Who is on birthday? How old is Amy?

Can Amy have some food at first? Can Amy have some food at last?







Can I have some soup? Yes, you can.Yes, you can.Can I have some sweets? Yes, you can.Yes, you can.Can I have some bread? Sorry, you can’t.Sorry, you can’t.

26 Can I have some biscuits? Sorry, you can’t.Sorry,youcan’t.



五、课后作业:听读课文三遍。Unit 2 Happy Halloween! 教学目标:

1、听懂、会说、会读词汇:today, of course

2、能灵活运用重点句型Can I have some? Yes, of course.Here you are./ sorry, you can’t.

3、让学生初步了解西方万圣节的习俗 教学重点

词汇:today, of course 第2单元的英语诗。

难点 词汇halloween的发音。 教学过程

一、Warming-up 复习上节课的重点单词oup, sweets, bread, light, biscuit, fruit及句型结构an I have some soup? Yes, you can./ Can I have some sweets?Sorry, you can’t.

二、Leading-in T:在中国有许多节日,如劳动节、国庆节等等。在西方国家有一个孩子们非常喜欢的节日—万圣节,教师讲解万圣节的传统。



27 在今天的课文中,我们将看看Tom是怎样过万圣节的?

三、Learn the text


2、教授重点单词halloween 重点句型1.Can I come in ? Yes, of course.2 .Can I have some sweets? Here you are.巩固练习句子



Can I have some soup?Can I have some fruit?Yes, you can.Yes, you can.And you can have some rice.They’re all very nice.

6、Activities a play a game:SB4 b practice the dialogue

四、Homework Module 7 Ⅰ.Teaching goals: 1.Aims of Target language knowledge and skill 1)Function: Can use ― There is /are to talk about Photos.

2)The students learn and can listen, read , say and use the sentences: There is a girl in this photo.She’s riding a horse.I can’t see her face.There are twelve boys on the bike.3)The pupils can listen, read and say the vocabulary:there is, horse, there are, have a look, sheep, vegetable, climb, face,fruit, chicken, bear,pig

28 Can use: there is, there are,horse.2.Aims of emotion and attitude Pupils can actively participate in cla learning activities.3.Aims of learning strategy Pupils can Actively cooperate with others to complete the study task Ⅱ.Teaching important and difficult points.1.Important points:Ss can listen, read and say the sentences: There is a girl in this photo.She’s riding a horse.I can’t see her face.There are twelve boys on the bike.2.Difficult points:can can listen, read , say and use the sentences: There is a girl in this photo.She’s riding a horse.I can’t see her face.There are twelve boys on the bike.ect to describe the Pictures or scene .Ⅲ.Teaching aids CD-ROM, pictures,cards, courseware Unit One There is a horse in this photo.Teaching Procedures Step One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min) 1.Greeting,then say the chant : ―Can I have some soup?‖

2.Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Let’s do asking and answering like this: What is he/she doing? He is…(激活知识) 3.Show the picture of the text .(Amy is riding a horse) get Ss look at the picture and ask :What can you see?(Help Ss answer) 4.Watch and listen to the CD-ROM.(整体感知如何描述图画) 5.Watch ,listen and reapeat.(学着说,并提醒学生注意模仿语音语调,感知今天要学的内容There is …的语用,为新课学习做铺垫) Learn:horse 注意与house的区别,用图片进行比较。

29 Step Two:Task presentation(about1min) 向班级推荐手抄报的图片,并用There is ..in the photo.He/She is…描述自己推荐的图片。 Step Three:text learning(about15min) 1.play the CD-ROM.Get Ss watch and listen and thinking :1)What are Sam and Amy talking about? 2.Ss try to answer the question.(1,2整体感知课文)They talking about photos.3.Sam, Amy, Daming are talking about photos.How are they talking about them? Listen again(进一步感知课文) 4.Show questions, listen and try to answer the questions(带问题听录音,试着回答,进一步了解课文内容,为学习目标语句打基础) 2What’s in photo 1? 3) What’s in photo 2? 4) What’s in photo 3?

引导学生回答每个问题后连起来描述:There are talking about photos.There is …in photo 1…(板书There is a horse in this photo.There is a sheep in this photo.…) 相机教学单词。

5.Try to say:There is a… in/on/under/… 6.listen and repeat.7.Work in group: retell the text.(A group of four把打乱顺序的课文句子重新排列好,强化对课文内容的理解) Step Four: practise(about10min) 1.Listen and say(P40 Activty 3) 跟读模仿语音语调

2.Look at the picture.(P40 A4),明确要求后,四人小组用there is…描述图片内容,共同完成任务。给学生三分钟练习,然后以小组为单位向全班展示。 3.Finish Ex 1,3,4(课堂活动用书),巩固所学知识

30 Step Five: Task completion.(about 7min) T show some pictures, Ss talk about them and choose one describe it: There is a…in this photo.She/He is…

1.Ss talk about the Cla Paper.(四人小组讨论手抄报的内容,合作画一幅画或推荐一幅图,作为班级手抄报的图片,并用There is…He is…来描述图片。意在发挥学生的学习主动性,运用所学知识) 2.Ss report.Step Six Summary and homework(about 2min) 1.Summary together.2.Finish ―一起作业‖ 3.Finish Ex2(AB book) 4.以小组为单位为班级手抄报准备图片 Writing Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike.Learning: fruit, chicken, bear,pig There are twelve boys on the bike.Teaching Procedures Step One: Warm-up and lead-in(about 8min) 1.Great and say a chant.1) Great each other.2) Say a chant.(U1) 2.Rivew: 1) Work in pair:Look at the picture and talk about it.There is a… in this photo./There is an…in this photo.He is…(doing sth)/She is..(doing sth)

31 3.Lead-in:Listen,point and say.1)Look and the picture, watch and listen the CD-ROM(整体感知) 2)Watch, listen and point.3)Watch, listen and repeat.(pay attention to imitate the pronunciation and intonation) Write the sentences on the blackboard.There is a boy on the bike.There are twelve boys on the bike.Step Two: Task prensentation Where is Daming? What is he doing?大明正在给大家介绍手抄报的内容。学完课文后我们也要选出班级手抄报的图片,谁的图片将入选呢? Step Three: Text learning.(about 15min) 1.listen and think.What are in Daming’s photos?

2.Look at pictures and think how to intruduce them.3.Listen and point 4.Group work: try to answer the question ―What are in Daming’s photos?‖ 5.T Guide the student to answer the question and write them on the blackboard.There is a panda in the photo.There are three chickens in the photos There is bear in the photo.There are eleven pigs in the photo.6.To compare: There is…, There are…用色笔标出要点

7.Show the pictures and learn the new words: fruit, chicken, bear, pig.8.Listen and repeat.( (pay attention to imitate the pronunciation and intonation) 9.Work in pair: describe the picture of the text.Then report.Step Four: Practise(about10min) 1.Point and say.(SB U2 A3)

32 2.Learn a song.Three Green Parrots 3.Finish SB U2 A5.(remember the pictures quilkly, then say it:There is… There are…) 4.Finish AB.U2.Ex.1 Step Five: Task completion.(about 7min) 四人小组合作用There is… There are… He/She is… They are…介绍图片。然后请一人向全班介绍。大家一起选出好的图片,被选中的图片所在的组每人得一颗星以示鼓励。 Step Six Summary and homework(about 2min) 1.Summary together.2.Finish ―一起作业 Module 8 Unit 1 we’re going to visit Hainan 教学目标


(1)能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:children,tomorrow,from,China,swim,sea及短语: by plane (2)能听懂、会说并认读下列句子We’re going to go to Hainan tomorrow.I’m going to swim in the sea.


能听懂并能在图片的帮助下运用―be going to‖句型讲述自己的计划和即将发生的事情。


(1)培养学生将学到的知识运用于真实的生活场景中的能力,使学生具有一定 的社会交流意识,引导学生关注生活,热爱生活。 (2)激发学生热爱祖国大好山河的情感。 教学重点; 1 学习运用be going to 句型。 2 掌握单词及词组:

33 children/ tomorrow/ by plane/ get up/ from China/ swim in the sea/ visit .教学难点: 能够正确理解运用be going to 句型。 教具准备:

挂图、教师资源包CD、图片、挂历、一张中国地图 教学过程: I.Warming up 唱歌曲 I can’t do it.II.Revision: 1.复习以前学习过的动词及词组:run/ ride/ play/ swim (复习动词是为了更好的学习本节课be going to句型做铺垫) 2.Do duty report ―What day is today? What is the date today? III.Presentation: 1.教师出示当天的日历,指着的日期说 ―Today is 并出示新的一月份的

挂历对学生说:Our winter holiday is going to be in January.And I am going to go to Hainan in winter holiday.(复习对比日期,使学生初步了解be going to 的含义) 2.学习句型 I am going to go Hainan.(为学生讲解be going to 的含义,并且学说, 同时讲解be going to 的用法。 3.学生谈论What are they going to do at this weekend ? 4.出示中国地图,指着沈阳告诉学生 I am going to go to the zoo in Shenyang this weekend.So I am going to get up at 6 o’clock in the morning.( 学说 get up) 指着海南说And I am going to go to Hainan.I am going to swim in the sea.

34 ( 出示图片,边做动作边学说swim in the sea) 5.教师出示一张老爷爷的照片,告诉学生I am going to visit my grandpa, too.( 学说 visit my grandpa) IV.Practice: 1.猜一猜:What is he she going to do tomorrow? 第一组:学生根据图片来猜:可以出示―**、石林、泰山、世博园、东方明珠等风景名胜,学生可以说出 ― He is going to go to Beijing.等句子。

(这个活动不仅能够操练目标语言be going to ,更能够激发学生对祖国大好河山的热爱,加深对中国地理知识的了解。) 第二组:听声音猜。

播放―游泳的声音、打篮球的声音、跑步的声音、飞机的声音。学生可以说出 :He is going to swim/ play basketball等

(听录音猜,可以增加活动的趣味性,使学生更加踊跃的参与到课堂教学活动中。另一方面,可以引出 句子going to go by plane.这个新句型) 2 .学说by plane 3.放课文录音,第一遍学生听,第二遍学生指书跟读。讲解课文中 from China/ children等语境语。 4.运用任务:出示中国地图,小组讨论 : Where are you going to go? What are you going to do there? ( 这个任务活动是有意义的操练本节课的重点语句,学生在真实地语境中运用本节课所学知识,谈论的过程中达到了语言的输出,做到了学以致用,强化记忆。) 在讨论结束后,进行汇报。 5.完成课堂活动用书

26、27页。V.Summary: Today we have learned the sentence pattern ―be going to .We can use it when we talk about the plan tomorrow or in the future.VI Homework

35 Read text and talk about your plan at this weekend or about the winter vacation with your clamates.Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse 一.教学目标:

1、1知识目标:1)能听懂、会读、会说、会抄写单词stone, camel ,visit 2)能听懂、会读、会说句型:we’re going to do sth.

2、技能目标:能听懂会唱歌曲:―We’re going to go to the zoo.‖ 二.教学重点:visit的不同用法 三.教学难点:stone ,camel,visit 四.情感目标:通过对本课的学习,使学生了解有关明陵的历史、地理位置及其概况的知识,激发学生热爱历史、热爱祖国的热情。培养学生认真学语言,乐于用语言的意识,并通过歌曲的学习,促进学科间的交流。 五.教学准备:挂图,教师资源包CD,教学卡片(动物类) Teaching steps: Step1: Warmer


2、Sing a song --听Module7 unit2的歌曲并跟着老师做动作。

3、Say a chant: We’re going to We’re going to go to +place I’m going to I’m going to go to+place She is going to She is going to go to +place He is going to He is going to go to +place They are going to They are going to go to +place

4、Lead in: I’m going to check your homework.Who can tell me something about the Ming Tombs.请一两个同学把收集到的有关the Ming Tombs的资料与其他同学分享。 Step2:Presentation 课文呈现:Ms Smart and her students have been to the Ming Tombs.What did theyn see in the Ming

36 Tombs? – Lions, camels and elephants.T: We’re going to learn the Unit2 We’re going to visit the Ming Tombs.(板书) 小朋友,你知不知道十三陵景区有什么有意思的东西。那里有许多动物的石雕。那么,石雕包括哪些动物?在那里发生了什么样的故事?Please open your books and turn to page 28.And then answer my questions – (1).Who are going to visit the Ming Tombs? Ms Smart and her students.(2).When are they going to visit the Ming Tombs? Tomorrow 交代任务:We can’t visit the Ming Tombs now, but Mi Wang have a good idea——We’re going to go to the zoo and visit animals.Steps 3 Practice

1、Let’s see some animals.(图片)Teach words: stone ,camel。




4、T:Do you like stone animals or alive animals? Ss: Alive animals.T:Let’s see .(出示动物卡片)We’re going to visit animals.教单词visit.

5、操练We’re going to visit +animal的语言结构。在黑板上画动物园,请学生用We’re going to visit+动物的语言结构说句子,说对的学生可得到英语书写的动物卡片,并贴在动物园他们喜欢的位置。 Step 4: Production 1.请学生四人为一组,制定游园路线图,并做汇报。引导学生通过连词then来达到句子的连续性,和完整性。

e.g.A: We’re going to visit the lions.B: Then we’re going to visit the pandas.

37 2.Game:邀请同学一起去旅行,几个学生一组,每人想出一个自己想要去的地方,相互询问:―I’m going to go to …Do you want to go with me?‖ 被问到的学生根据自己的喜好回答。每个学生都要努力找到旅伴。 Step5 Sing a song 学唱歌曲We are going to go to the zoo Step6: Cooler 请同学们总结visit的几种用法。 Homework:


2、预习Module 8 Unit 1。

3、请有兴趣的同学在课后自由结成小组,开展活动―We’re going to go to the zoo,可以在活动时使用相应的动物头饰和卡片。 Module 9 Unit 1 Are you going to run on sports day?


1、1 技能与知识目标

1)基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:for, metre , every day , good luck, come on.2)基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型: ―What are you going to do for Sports Day ? ―I’m going to….‖

二、教学重点、难点: 词汇-- for, metre, every day, good luck, come on.句型—What are you going to do for Sports Day? I’m going to ……

三、教学准备:教师资源包CD,教学卡片,挂图。Teaching steps: Step 1:Warmer 1.Greetings

38 T: Good morning , children.Ss: Good morning, Ms Sun.T: How are you today? Ss: I’m fine, thanks .And you? T: I’m great.Thank you so much.

2.Sing a song –―I’m going to go to the zoo.‖ 3.Listen and do.T: The Sports Day is coming soon.Let’s do some training.Basketball , basketball , play basketball; Football , football , play football ; Run , run , run fast ; Jump , jump , jump high ; Ride , ride , ride fast .Step2: Presentation T: Our Sports Day is coming .I ’ m going to take part in some of the sports games .What are you going to do for Sports Day? Ss: I’m going to … (引导学生回答)

S1:I’m going to play football/play table tennis/swim…..[

T:Today we’re going to learn the Module 8 Sports Day Unit1 What are you going to do? (板书) 1) 教师拍手以歌曲形式操练。 ―What are you going to do? ―I’m going to run.―I’m going to run.―What are you going to do? ―I’m going to run.T:Oh, I’m going to run the 100 metres.教授:run the 100 metres

39 T:Look!(展示挂图,指着挂图上Daming跑步的图) Daming is going to run the 100 metres on Sports Day.Do you want to know who is the winner of the game? Now, let’s learn the text first and try to find it out.Please open your books and turn to page 30.Listen to the tape and then answer my questions.Q1: What are the children going to have? Q2:What is Daming going to do on Sports Day? Q3:What is he going to do for it? Step3:Practice Game1:―传卡片

T: Boys and girls , let’s play a game,ok? Ss: OK! A :What are you going to do? B: I’m going to play football.

进行词卡传递,速度由慢到快,拿到词卡的学生要用句子回答教师及全班的提问。 Game2:―猜猜我要做什么

老师请单个学生到教师前面模仿做某事的动作,并提问:―What am I going to do?‖把全班分为男女生两组,使用―You are going to…猜测。老师要鼓励学生模仿过去学习过的所有动作。 Step 4: Production T :―You are super! And now you can do the task.Please work in groups and try to finish the task.(1)学生活动--- 完成运动会报名表。(2)请部分学生展示对话。 (3)讲解课文。(4)跟读课文。

(5)学生自由读课文。(6)全班读课文。(7)分角色表演课文故事。 Step5: Cooler T: Cla is over.See you next time.Ss: See you.Homewok:




3、预习Module 8 Unit 2.Unit 2 I’m going to do the high jump.教学目标: 1,能听懂,会用日常交际用语―I’m going to do……对―what are you going to do? 作出相应的回答。 2能理解听懂,会说 run the 200 metres、long jump、high jump 等词 教学重点难点: 重点:理解掌握run the 200 metres、long jump、high jump等词的意义并懂得在实际语境中运用。 难点:理解并懂得在日常生活中灵活运用 what are you going to do ? I am going to ….等句型进行交际 教学方法: 游戏法、小组合作探究。 教学过程: Step1: Warm-up (准备活动) 1 Greet 2 游戏:Gue,Gue You Gue。 老师表演一些关于运动的动作,学生根据表演猜词组。然后老师出示卡片,让学生读词组,高低声音变换读、扬声降调读,男生女生读,指名读 。(play football,play basketball,swim ,run,the 100 metres,the 200 metres ) Step2: Presentation (呈现活动) 出示运动会场景图,指名提问学生:What are you going to do for sports day? 让学生根据刚才出示的卡片回答。几个之后,教师出示― the long jump、―the high jump两张卡片,示范说―I’m going to do the high jump― I’m going to do the long jump(边说边做动作重复几遍) Step3: Imitation Practice(模仿性操练) 1 老师带学生读几次句子

2老师拿出运动项目卡片,提问学生―what are you going to do for sports day ?,引导学生回答―I’m going to do the high jump― I’m going to do the long jump (多提问几个,答得好的给予奖励。)

41 3让学生在同桌间互相练习,接着让他们开火车组组比赛。最后再请小老师上台提问几位 Step4: consolidation Practice(巩固性操练)

1 Play a game :找一个同学上台看老师的提示作动作,另一人提问―What are you going to do ?并猜测答案,三次猜测机会,全班同学当裁判,最后表演者给出正确答案,(―Yes, I’m going to do…… )如不对就换提问者上台表演 2 play a chant : 边放音乐,边教学生读(I’m training for sports day.I’m training every day.I’m going to run, and I’m going to win.I’m training every day.Come on ,come on ! Good luck, good luck! Good luck on sports day! ) Step5: development(拓展性活动)

1 play a game:让学生们分成5人一组,每人轮流当小记者,去采访组员们:打算参加什么运动项目。然后完成下面表格;

name She/he is going to do…… 2 dialogue A:what can you do ?do B: I can run fast/jump high/jump long.A: you are going to run the 200 metres / do the high jump/ do the long jump.B: ok! 第28/32页

Step6 : 复习歌曲―What are you going to do?‖ Step7: Homework 学生回去列出有关运动的词组,并用―What are you going to do for sports day? I am going to…… ? 造一组对话。

八、板书设计: sports day unit2

42 runthe 100 metres run the 200 metres the long jump the high jump What are you going to do for sports day ? I’m going to do the high jump/ the long jump/ run the 200 metres.Module 10 Unit 1 We have a big family dinner.授课时数:一课时 教学目标: Happy New Year! At Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner.功能:

表达节日问候以及描述过节时的风俗习惯 教学用具:a recorder, word cards, pictures 教学程序:


老师出示事先准备好的一些食物卡片,询问学生:“What do you like?”引导学生回答:“I like...”老师根据学生的回答把不同的食物卡片分发给学生。然后询问学生:“What have you got?”引导学生回答:“I’ve got...”或者学生以小组为单位回答:“We’ve got...”


老师播放过春节的音乐或者爆竹声,带领学生进入课文的主题。等音乐完毕,老师问学生:“What is it about?”学生可以用中文说:“春节”。老师借机教授新单词“Spring Festival”。然后老师继续提出问题:“What do we say at Spring Festival? What do we have at Spring Festival?”请学生以小组为单位进行讨论,然后向全班汇报。 第29/32页


1)老师把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,通过播放录音或教学VCD呈现SB Unit1活动1的内容。请学生边看图

43 或动画片边听课文录音,尽可能多地理解课文内容。听过第一遍录音后,老师可以提一些问题,请学生带着问题听第二遍录音,例如:“What’s the book about? What is Spring Festival? At Spring Festival, what do we have?”听过第二遍录音后,请学生试着回答上述问题。听第三遍录音时,请学生打开书,边听边跟读,同时画出新单词。老师讲解新单词,帮助学生理解课文。

2)完成SB Unit1活动2。请学生再听课文录音并逐句跟读,老师注意纠正学生的语音。最后请学生分角色朗读并表演课文。邀请几组学生上前表演课文故事。学生也可以对课文故事进行改编。


4、课后作业 个别完成

1)听录音,朗读SB Unit1活动1的课文,并试着背诵。

2)收集有关其他节日的图画或者照片,并了解其风俗习惯。例如:中秋节人们吃什么和做什么。下节课前向同学们介绍自己收集了解到的节日知识。 Module 10 Unit 2 Merry Christmas 授课时数:一课时 教学目标:

We have Christmas in England.We sing songs.We have a Christmas tree.We give presents.We eat peanuts and sweets.功能: 第30/32页

表达节日问候以及描述过节时的风俗习惯 教学用具:a recorder, word cards, pictures 教学程序:



1)请学生到教室前面,拿着自己过春节是场景的图画或者照片向同学描述自己是如何过春节的。 2)请学生展示收集到的关于其他节日的图画,并在全班进行汇报交流。学生可以说:“At...we say...We have...”


1)老师播放SB Unit2活动4的圣诞歌曲,请学生欣赏。老师也可以在教室里挂一些圣诞小饰物来烘托气氛。欣赏歌曲过后,老师询问学生:“What festival is it?”引导学生回答:“Christmas.”老师教授新单词“Christmas”。 2)假定今天是圣诞节,老师扮演成圣诞老人,向学生问候圣诞快乐,并介绍西方人过圣诞节的风俗习惯。


1)老师把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音,呈现SB Unit2活动1的内容。请学生边听录音边指出相应的图画。放第二遍录音前,老师提出一些问题,例如:“What are they? What do they say on Christmas Day? What do they do on Christmas Day?”请学生带着问题继续听录音,试着找到具体的答案。听第三遍录音时,请学生打开书,边听边跟读,同时画出新单词与难点。老师讲解新单词与难点,帮助学生理解并掌握课文内容。

2)老师可以播放录音,每句话后停顿,请学生跟读。老师注意纠正学生的语音。 3)最后请学生以小组为单位分角色表演课文,并在全班展示。

4)完成SB Unit2活动3。把全班学生分成若干个三人小组。老师告诉学生他们将就节日庆祝展开讨论。每组对话都要和一种节日有关。


1)学习SB Unit2活动4的歌曲。老师出示圣诞节的图片营造出节日的气氛。 2)学习SB Unit2活动6的字母。


5、课后作业 第31/32页

45 个别完成









M10 Lao She Tea House

Unit2 It takes place in a teahouse.教材分析:


学情分析: 通过本单元的学习,学生进一步学习动词不定式的用法,通过小组学习讨论,增加了学生的合作精神.教学方法: 自主 互助 合作 探究 ; 讨论; 精讲 教学目标: 语言知识目标:

1.能够正确的使用本单元所学的单词和词组。2.能够掌握动词不定式作宾语的用法和双宾语结构。 3.能够简单地介绍一部电影或剧目并做出评价。 语言技能目标: 1能够能够听懂文章大意,了解老舍茶馆,并感知动词不定式的用法。 2.能够运用阅读策略获取信息,了解有关老舍的生平,并能回答文章中的问题。


重点是介绍一些一定要跟动词不定式的动词;短语take place,see...as的用法。


教学方法:利用图片和课件教新单词和短语,小组交流合作完成对课文的整体把握。 教学过程:

Step1 Revision and lead-in (复习第一单元的基本知识,导入第二单元。) 老师提出3个问题: 1.What does Sally like to do?

2.Why did Sally want to go to Lao She’s Tea house? 3.What is Lao She most famous for ? 然后找学生回答。(个体加分) Teacher:OK,你们还想知道老舍和他的茶馆的一些情况吗?


Step2 Teaching words

(借助图片和课件学习新单词和短语,了解老舍的有关情况。) Step3 Reading

1.速读课文,完成Activity1 匹配小标题和段落。(让个别学生回答,加分。)



4.再细读课文,完成Activity3。(每个小组回答一个,小组加分) 5.巩固知识点。每小组推出一名学生,一个说出短语,另一个翻译,回答错的,换下一组的学生。(给小组加分) 6.总结本单元所见到的含双宾语的动词。(个人加分)

7.教师把关键词写在黑板上,让学生对老舍的情况,做一汇报。以加深学生对老舍及其茶馆的了解。 Step4 Writing 让学生回答课本P83活动4-5的问题 。(小组结对子完成,小组加分)

(全班对各小组和个体学生进行合理评价) Step5 说说这堂课的收获 Step6 当堂小测验

1 单选(5个小题)

2.完成句子 (在句子中翻译短语) Step7 Homework

写一篇自己喜欢的电影或者戏剧。 教学反思




