
2020-05-01 来源:教学工作总结收藏下载本文




关键词: 大学英语口语;口语教学;教学方法 1.0 引言


2.0 大学英语口语的教学现状分析 2.1 学生方面



2.1.2 对说英语有心理障碍 第一,很多学生对英语口语课有胆怯、害羞的心里。这些心里问题使学生一说英语就紧张,一紧张就更加不知道说些什么。时间久了,形成条件反射,产生了口语表达上的障碍,进而更加害怕发言。其次,还有一部分学生会因为发音不标准和基础较差的问题产生严重的自卑感。最后,有相当一部分学生对英语口语学习不积极主动,缺乏表现欲。这样一来大部分学生基本不开口说英语。



2.3 英语口语教材的滞后





3.0提高英语口语教学的对策 3.1 提高教师素质

针对对外语教学质量的五个因素,联合国教科文组织提出了一个公式:教学质量=[学生(1分)+教材(2分)+环境(4分)+教法(3分)]x教师素质。从这个公式可以看出,提高教学质量的关键因素是教师素质,想要提高学生的口语交际能力就必须提高教师素质。 口语教学需要有整体优良性的教师素质的团队。口语教师不仅应该具备标准的语音语调、正确的语法规则、规范的英语、汉语口语表达能力,掌握以英语为母语国家的文化背景知识及相关学科知识以外,同时应具备教研、科研能力。只有教师整体素质提高了,方能“名师出高徒”。然而,很多本科院校存在着很多问题,如英语教师数量不足,教师的知识水平、教学能力不高, 并且学院往往对新教师只考核外语知识,对年轻教师的培训也只侧重语言知识的积累和语言技能的提高。忽视了对教师整体素质的培养。

3.2 改变教学观念,调整教学目标,合理配置教学资源



保罗.弗莱(巴西著名的教育学家)曾说过:教育者要比以往更具有一种科学能力来让他们理解这样一个事实,就是对学生所处的现实世界,语言和言语被学生所使用的包括口音以及并非一定能被教师的个人世界轻易接受的某些习惯、爱好、信仰、恐惧和欲望所形成的文化环境的了解是多么的重要。作为教育对象的学生也是影响教学质量的一个重要因素。“以教师为中心”转变为“以学生为中心”就是现代教学理念的一个巨大变化。在口语教学中,我们应格外重视学生的情感状态,探索降低情感障碍的方法,从而促进学生更多地“开口” 来提高其交际能力。教师应该对学生的长处和局限性有充分的了解,采用多样化的教学活动,培养和扩展学习风格,从而实现语言的交际性。


口语课堂教学的关键就是要营造和谐融洽的课堂气氛,调动学生的积极性。教学模式和方法应该灵活多样,鼓励采用教师、学生、多美丽课件和网络四者的有机结合的教学模式。相对传统的教学模式,这种教学模式有其优势,最大的优势就是能将听说有机结合有效提高课堂时间利用率。 对于口语教学方法应该形式多样。(1)可以采用小组讨论的方式,由教师设定话题将学生分组进行自由讨论,选出代表进行汇总发言。(2)可以采用课堂辩论的方式,教师可以事先给出有争议性的并且贴合大学生的话题让学生课下充分准备,课堂上按学生准备的内容鼓励学生进行辩论。(3)还可以采用角色扮演的方式,老师可以让学生自主根据所学的精读课程的内容编对话,自编自演。(4)课外监督机制可以作为教师教学的一种方式要求学生在课外多听磁带,模仿其语音、语调,逐渐形成地道纯正的口语。



4.0 总结

外语教学方法一直是被外语教学界所研究的一个重点.可是不同目的的培养, 决定了要用不同的方法。根据大学英语的口语教学的具体情况, 以学生为本,提高教师的整体素质, 改变教学观念,调整教学目标,合理配置教学资源,不断创新教学模式和教学方法,创造浓厚的英语语言环境,一定能提高口语教学质量,从而改变目前学生“难开口,开口难”的局面.参考文献

[1]吴旭东.外语课堂口语发展理论模式[J].现代外语,1996,2.[2]黄和斌.外语教学理论与实践[M].南京:译林出版社,2001,3.[3] 冯涟漪.大学英语口语教学初探[J].外语界,2005,02。

[4] 陆明、丁万江.口语教学过程中的情感因素另解 [J].外语界,2005,02。 [5] 祝询.课外监督机制在大学英语口语教学中的应用研究 [J].外语界, 200

5,04 [6]桂诗梅.应用语言学.上海外语教育出版社,1995.



























[1]Larry A Samovar.Communication between Cultures [M].Beijing,China:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Pre,2000.



I think the ideal life should be happy and comfortable, had a full and happy every day, don\'t have to worry about food and clothing live line, to do what you want to do and do, create their own value of life.


For example, you can take time out to see oneself want to see of book, saw that they meet each other and to the places they want to go.


Work is important for a person, because the work is a person value and meet the needs of the basic requirements.


To deal with the relationship between work and leisure, I think work should work in earnest, improve work efficiency, should enjoy leisure, experience the fun of life.


White-collar workers should be trained in higher education, work ability, desultory person, don\'t like it, because of the white-collar lifestyle is not healthy, such as: eat quickly, don\'t eat breakfast, exceive drinking coffee


1.What is addiction? What are the things people can easily get addicted to? An addiction is the condition of being dependent on a drug, or the crave 渴望,乞求

to do something because one cannot stop doing it.One can be addicted to cigarette smoking, drugs and the Internet.

2.Why do you think some people, especially young people, take drugs? Some people take drugs to feel good.Others take drugs to temporarily forget their problems.And still some others take drugs to reduce stre.Young people may try drugs out of curiosity, or may be tempted to take drugs because of peer preure.3.Why is drug abuse such a threat to our society?What can we do to prevent or reduce drug abuse? Drug abuse harms not just the abusers, but also their loved ones, their family and society at large.A drug addict will resort to crime and violence or any means to get money to buy drugs.The behavior will be a threat to our society.Punishment alone is not an effective way to help drug users quit drugs or stop drug users from committing crimes.In order to prevent drug abuse, we can launch drug education programs to teach young people about the risks involved, toughen laws to prevent drug offenses, and make greater efforts to crack down on drug trafficking 交通来往.毒品交易

1.What do you think are the causes of war? War breaks out because of religious conflicts,economic disputes.Throughout the history, most wars have been waged to protect the economic interests of superpower.

2.Consequences(结果,推论)of War/What damage does war do to mankind? War is a human tragedy.Millions of people die and families fall apart as a result of war.For example, in peace-time sons bury fathers, but war violates the order of nature and fathers bury sons.On the other hand, war is costly in money, resources and human lives.What is worse, disputes often persist after wars.3.What is your favorite book or movie about war?How dose it affect you and your attitude toward war? My favorite movie about war is赤壁,from the movie I know that if a country is attacked,it has the right to fight.What’s more,to prepare for war is one of the best ways to preserve peace.

1.What does aging mean?How old are people considered elderly? Aging is the natural proce of growing old .It refers to a decline in all areas of a person’s mental and physical abilities.People over 65 years old are generally considered elderly or senior citizens.2.How should we treat old people? Old people are an aet of society.They are more experienced and responsible.But Old age is often accompanied by various kinds of illnees such as heart disease, high blood preure, diabetes, etc.A typical sign of aging is forgetful-ne.So We should treat old people with respect, affection, patience, and kindne , take good care of them, especially when they are sick.

3.What problems may people have as they grow old? Many elderly people suffer from varying degrees of memory lo.A typical sign of aging is forgetfulne, decline in vision and hearing and weakening of muscle strength.

1.Why do some young people pick up smoking? Some young people may have picked up smoking out of curiosity.And some young people may have picked up smoking because they thought it was cool. 2.How harmful is smoking to smokers? Smoking is harmful to one’s health.For example,smoking is known as a fatal cause of lung cancer.Smoking is also found to be related to other types of cancer.3.In what places has smoking already been banned? Are you in favor of this policy or not? Why? I think all public places should at least partially ban smoking.Besides,all public places should create a smoke-free area for non-smokers.4.What troubles can a smoker have if he works in a non-smoking environment? Once you become addicted to smoking, it will be hard to quit the habit.Whether a smoker can give up smoking or not depends on his will, his determination and the support of his friends and family.5.Is smoking also harmful to nonsmokers? In what way? Smoking is dangerous not only to the smokers themselves but also to the nonsmokers around them.Paive smoking can also cause lung cancer.

1.What is the general attitude toward wealth in our society? Modern life is built around money.Money, whatever form it takes, is eential for buying goods and services.In a commercialized society, money ranks very high in people\'s value system.2.Do you think money can bring happine? Why or why not? Money does not necearily bring us happine.It brings you medicine, but not health.Happine does not depend on the amount of money you have.A happy man is one who is content, whether he is rich or poor.3.How is life different for the rich as compared with the not-so-rich? For the rich,good education,travel,luxury and security are all readily available.While the poor attain these with great difficulty,if at all.4.Do you think wealth is a source of happine or a source of problem.For me,wealth is a source of happune.As is known to all,modern life is built around money.Whatever form it takes, is eential for buying goods and services.

1.What is memory? Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use.2.What techniques do you use to help you remember things? Whether you can remember things well or not depends on the way you try to remember them.Don\'t try to memorize all the facts, but focus your attention on what you consider more important.It is impoible to concentrate if you are tense or nervous.Try to relax and you\'ll remember things.3.How can we improve our memory?

Memory is like a muscle ---the more it is used, the better it gets.So if we want to improve our memory,try to use our memory to the utmost.Learning new skills could stimulate our brain.

1.What is the purpose of an oral presentation?

Our performance in oral presentations will form an important part of the overall aement of our work.We are often expected to give oral presentations to our clamates and teachers.2.How can we make our presentations more effective?

In giving an oral presentation, we should not only organize information and ideas coherently but also deliver the speech in a clear and vivid way.Using charts, photos and computer graphics can help us to get our meage acro.3.What is OHP and what are its functions?

The OHP is a device which projects enlarged images from transparencies onto a screen or a white wall.Using an overhead projector enables the audience to see the charts, diagrams and photos clearly.Using an overhead projector enables the audience to follow a presentation more easily.

1) In what sense do you think we can regard the world we live in as One World? The world in which we live gives birth to the human race and nurtures the human race.Besides,Contacts between cultures promote understanding among peoples of the world.What’s more,With the rapid development of transportation means and the information technology the world is getting smaller and smaller.So we can say that........2) Do you think people in the world are largely similar? Why or why not? All human beings have the need to eat, to have shelter, and to work.They also need to love others and be loved. We, people of the world, are one big family, for together we exist, and together we try to make the world better for all.Although people in different countries have different traditions, they all seem to celebrate certain days such as New Year’s Day, Mother’s Day, Children’s Day, etc.3) What are the traditions of birthday celebrations in some Western countries? How do they differ from the Chinese ones? Cakes, lights, and candles are often aociated with the celebration of a person’s birthday in many Western countries.In China, special noodles are served for lunch in honor of the birthday person.The noodles are extra long to symbolize longevity or a long life.

1.What do cultural differences mean? People from different countries speak different languages, keep different value systems, and have different ways of looking at things.These differences are generally called cultural differences.3.What problems may be caused by our failure to recognize cultural differences? Failure to recognize cultural differences may cause many problems.On the one hand, those who are uninformed about cultural differences may have difficulty communicating with their busine aociates from other cultures.On the other hand, inability to recognize cultural differences can make mutual understanding difficult.A certain amount of small talk about the weather, family, and personal hobbies is expected before getting down to busine with your foreign aociates.4.How can we deal with cultural differences? There are many ways to deal with cultural differences.For example,we can avoid unintentionally offending others by learning the basic characteristics of other cultures.For instance, we may ask our foreign friends about their everyday customs or take time to explain certain common customs of our own culture to them.

1.What kind of friends do you think are true/good friends? A good friend is a real friend, and a real friend is a friend for life.A friend is, as it were, a second self.First, a friend is one whom you can count on, trust and talk to.Second, a friend is someone who will listen to you when you talk about your problems or before whom you may think aloud.What is more, a friend is a person who will help you if you are in trouble.Just as the saying goes: A friend in need is a friend indeed.2.How do you make friends? We should make friends with those who are kind-hearted, compaionate, caring, honest and thoughtful, because they are sincere and reliable.So don’t try to win a friend with gifts only.The only way to have a friend is to be one.3.What is true friendship? Friendship involves affection and intimacy.Friendship is based on warmth, trust and shared experience.True friendship is a plant of slow growth, the value of which can stand the test of time.True friendship is like health, the value of which is seldom known until it is lost. 4.How valuable is friendship in a person’s life? Life without friends is like life on a desert island, and life without friendship is not worth living.Sharing joy and sorrow is the way to show your deep friendship.If you tell your joy to your friend, your joy will double.And if you pour your sorrow to your friend, your sorrow will be reduced by half.5.How can we keep friendship alive? Sharing your joy and sorrow with your friends can nurture friendship and keep friendship alive; keeping your friends informed about yourself can improve friendship, and make friendship permanent; remembering important days in your friends’ lives can promote friendship and keep friendship fresh in our minds.


浅谈大学英语口语教学(一) 摘要:本文从大学口语教学现状入手,分析教学中存在的问题,提出提高教师素质、创设语言环境是提高口语教学质量的主要策略。 关键词:教师素质;语言环境



二、针对以上存在的问题,提出以下改进措施 1.提高教师素质


英语教师的素质包括流利、地道、规范、顺畅的英文;宽泛的知识面;普通语言学和应用语言学理论;具备科研能力;具备自己的教学方法和解决问题的能力。(刘润清,戴曼纯2003:16)然而,应用型本科院校英语教师数量不足,导致教师的知识水平、教学能力不高,学院往往对新教师只考核外语知识,对年轻教师的培训也只侧重语言知识的积累和语言技能的提高。忽视了对教师整体素质的培养。口语教学要求教师素质的整体优良性。口语授课教师除具备标准的语音语调、正确的语法规则、规范的英语、汉语口语表达能力;除掌握以英语为母语国家的文化背景知识及相关学科知识以外,同时应具备教研、科研能力。只有教师整体素质提高了,方能“名师出高徒”。2007年是高等教育本科教学质量年。教学要求提高、学生水平提高以及对教师的教学考核标准提高将给教师带来很大压力(夏纪梅2007:02)。对此,口语教师应采取积极的态度,一方面要坚持收听、收看英语广播,英语节目、阅读最新外语报刊、书籍以提高业务水平;另一方面要充分利用多种资源,包括来自学生、教材、课堂、同事、专家、社会的资源,积极参加科学研究工作,在实践中不断完善自我。 2.了解学生文化

巴西著名的教育学家保罗.弗莱曾说过:教育者要比以往更具有一种科学能力来让他们理解这样一个事实,即对学生所处的现实世界,学生所使用的语言和言语包括口音以及并非一定能被教师的个人世界轻易接受的某些习惯、爱好、信仰、恐惧和欲望所形成的文化环境的了解是多么的重要。学生作为教育对象也是影响教学质量的一个重要因素。口语教师如何了解学生心智并怎样适时进行相应的调整,使其积极主动开口说英语,需要教师深入学生中,了解他们的家庭、学习、朋友、喜好等各方面的情况。特林.芬瑟着的《学校是一段旅程》中有这样一段话:教师努力成为孩子早期阶段敏感性的保护者;成为童年中期深度感觉生活和道德方向的引领者;成为青年期观念和理想发现的陪伴者。我认为口语教师应成为学生倾诉心声的聆听者;成为学生口语意识提升的促成者。 3.创设语言环境 上世纪二十年代英国帕默(H.E.Patmer)和洪贝(A.S.Hornby)等提出了情景教学(SituationalLanguageTeaching)的理论。认为语言学习中最重要的是为学习者提供真实自然的语言学习情景,使学生自然“习得”语言。这一理论对非英语国家的英语教育及普及起到了革命性的作用。在语言能力发展过程中,包括三个环节,语言的输入(Input)、学习者的中心处理(centralproceing)和语言的输出(Output)。要想培养学生讲得一口漂亮流利的口语,首先要给他们以足够的机会去听和读,即输入语言材料,只有在语言的输入积累到一个相当量的时候,才能逐步转化为说的能力。教师可以运用课外监督机制(祝寻2005,4)要求学生课外多听磁带,模仿其语音、语调,逐渐形成地道纯正的口语。也可以为学生播放英文歌曲、放映原版电影等激发学生学习英语的兴趣。使学生更加直接、真实地了解英语国家的风土人情、文化背景、思维方式等。在教学过程中,教师可以利用Shortreportatthebeginningofcla、RolePlay.、Game.、Storytelling以及Retelling为学生创造言语处理、言语输出的平台。语境是提高教学质量的另一重要因素,也是二语习得的保障。因此,大学在外语教学中应给予高度重视。




关键词:大学英语 口语教学 解决方法












(二)培养学生用英语思维的能力 (1)鼓励学生掌握尽可能多的词组

在大学英语教学中,单词的学习,不能占用太多的课堂时间,而应该成为学生自主学习的一项主要内容。传统教学中比较重视的单词的掌握,并配以一定的例句,但在实际生活中,词组才是人与人交流的最小单位。因此,学生应以词组为单位,尽可能多地掌握词组。教师为了引导学生可以在课堂上适当地加入词组接龙竞赛之类的游戏,要求学生按顺序将自己所掌握的词组写到黑板上,这种方法一方面可以活跃课堂气氛,另一方面也可以提高学生记忆词组的积极性。 (2)地道英语/固定表达法的学习

有些地道的英语表达法可以猜出他们的意思,却很难在说的时候想到这些固定的说法。所以,教师应该引导学生多看些纯正的英语阅读材料,地道的英语影片,并有意识地积累这样的句子,比如用一个小本子把平时看到的这样一些纯正地道的句子记下来,有空时就多拿出来翻一翻,读一读,在日常的生活中也可以随时地向周围同学朋友“显示一下”,来帮助自己记忆。这样,久而久之,在很多情境下,学生们就可以按照英语的模式来表达意思了。 (3)背诵文章讲故事,培养语感




问题按照学生的水平有意识地区别开来。当同学们不再羞于开口,都敢于用英语发表自己的观点看法时,教师应格外注意给学生纠错的方法。对每个人不同的错误,教师应该有针对性地提出,学生必然能够改正;对于学生所取得的每一点进步,教师都应该注意到,并及时地予以鼓励,老师的认可最能激发学生的信心。 总之,在提高学生英语口语能力方面,教师的教学方法起着极为重要的作用,英语教师只有掌握了一定的教学技能和提高学生英语口语能力的正确策略,才能真正帮助学生切实提高口语表达能力。因此,教学中教师要把学习手段与其最终的目的即为交际的目的而掌握运用语言的能力紧密结合起来。这要求教师在课堂上采用的程序要有利于学生间的相互交流、强调学生的主动性和相互作用等。只有这样,教师在英语教学中,才能从根本上激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生学习的自觉性和积极性,培养学以致用的意识。 参考文献:

[1]庞继贤,吴薇薇.英语课堂小组活动实证研究.外语教学与研究,2000(6).[2]彭金定.大学英语教学论.湖南人民出版社, 2004.[3]王瑜生.试论大学英语口语教学.黑龙江教育:高教研究与评估, 2007, 1.[4]黄强.大学英语口语教学点滴.读与写:教育教学刊, 2007, 1

University spoken English Teaching Abstract: This paper attempts by the author in the actual teaching problems, from the impact of oral English ability of students to improve the reason as well as the corresponding solution method two aspects, on how to improve students\' oral English ability is discued.Key words: University English

teaching method With the accelerated proce of economic globalization, the political, economic, cultural and other aspects of the relationship further strengthened, students use the language more and more opportunities to communicate with their society, learn in order to practise language ability also had a higher request.While the employment and higher education more and more college students, has a high level of English for college students, education will undoubtedly increase an important weight.So, how to improve students\' English learning interest, in a more effective way to teach students\' oral English in the cla, and more tense circumstances to obtain certain effect? This paper from the following aspects.One, effect of oral English ability of students to raise the iue of

( a ) the speech not standard -- the effects of dialect College students from the country from all sides, many students are not very standard Mandarin, with a strong local accent, so from their lips speak English also has local distinguishing feature, it is with them in the stage of primary and middle schools of English education, most of basic English education teacher due to light weight ignore students\' spoken grammar in English the ability training.Therefore, such students, even if the grammar is very strong, can communicate with foreigners.Small words, phonetic symbols, to sentence, paragraph, are they the effects of dialect, not standard and said.(two ) expreion is not authentic -- effect of mother tongue thinking Almost all the students to speak in English, will experience the proce of thinking: hear English translation into Chinese -- Understanding -- Thinking in Chinese words -- translation into English expreion.Obviously, this thinking proce, must be the mother tongue thinking influence.If has always been to such logical thinking in terms of English, spoken English is never idiomatic English, but Chinese style English, even if English for many years, large vocabulary, in oral expreion is also difficult to achieve satisfactory effect.( three) shy -- a lack of confidence in the effect of Although the students have realized the importance of oral English, and how to improve spoken English is the most effective way to open the mouth, brave to say, but there are still many students due to lack of confidence and shy.In fact, in these students\' heart is very eager to have the opportunity to exercise, but due to poor foundation, with a strong local accent, fear is not the standard pronunciation, expreion is not accurate and was ridiculed by the human, thus leads to quite a part of students in the English cla always silence is golden.Therefore, these students until graduating from University, English is still not improved.Two, improve the students\' spoken English solution ( a ) to correct students\' English pronunciation, tone of voice

In university English first cla to students, illustrate the importance of correct pronunciation, the standard pronunciation is one of the basic quality of spoken english.And urge students to actively correct, in cla between the students help each other, mutual supervision.At the same time the teacher should help students to summarize some extremely error-prone pronunciation in the claroom to point out, allowing students to cause enough attention and attention.Teachers can arrange the students do some of their interest in acoustic materials Imitation and requirement in the claroom on the display,

for example, film dialogue, speeches, poetry readings, English songs.Students not only can be corrected by imitating each word accurate pronunciation can also have the sense to learn pure English in intonation and authentic table method, thereby increasing the sense of English language.If things go on like this, will receive beat all effect。

( two) to cultivate students\' competence of thinking in English ( 1) to encourage students to grasp as much as poible.In the university English teaching, vocabulary learning, not to take up too much time in the claroom, but should become students\' autonomous learning one of the main content.The traditional teaching of value mastery words, and with some examples, but in real life, the phrase is the communication between people is the smallest unit of.Therefore, students should take in order to phrases as units, as much as poible to grasp the phrases.Teachers to guide students in the claroom properly adding phrase Solitaire competition game, requests the student in order to their own understanding of the phrases on the blackboard, this method can active claroom atmosphere, but also can improve students\' memory phrase enthusiasm.( 2) English / fixed expreion method of learning Some idiomatic English expreions can gue their meaning, it is difficult to say when the fixed statement.Therefore, the teachers should guide students to read more English reading materials, English movies, and consciously to accumulate such a sentence, such as a small notebook to observe such authentic sentences down, had the time to get out of a turn, read, in the daily life can also be readily to the surrounding friends\" show\", to help his memory.So, in the course of time, in many situations, students can follow patterns in English to expre meaning.( 3) recite the story, to cultivate the sense of language Students by reciting a concise article, can alleviate the fear of difficulty, arouse their interest, more important is to cultivate their sense of language.In reading -- Reading -- recite the three steps of practice, the students have greatly increased their sentences and comprehension ability.In fact, no matter what the material, as long as the authentic English, with difficulty level of students, content is the students are interested in, insist to recite, can improve the students\' sense of language.For example, the teacher can in each speaking leon a student tells the story of the link, the students were asked to cla collection or write your own interest stories or jokes in cla to listen to everybody, in fact, as long as the student is interested in, they are in the claroom can Yong Yue performance.

( three) teach students in accordance with their aptitude, create a relaxed atmosphere, inspire confidence As a teacher, should try to understand each student \'s level and demand, for everyone to play space; in the claroom to create a relaxed atmosphere, eliminating students\' nervousne; in practice proce, difficulty from easy to difficult, as far as poible the problem according to the student\'s level of consciousne different from.When the students no longer shy, can use English to expre their opinion, teachers should pay more attention to students\' correcting method.Each of the different errors, teachers should put forward, students will be able to correct; for each student has little progre, teachers should pay attention to, and timely encouragement, teachers can stimulate students\' confidence in recognition of the most.In conclusion, in improving students\' oral English ability, the teacher\'s teaching method plays a very important role, English teachers should master certain skills teaching and improve the students\' spoken English correct strategy, can help the students to improve the ability of oral expreion.Therefore, teachers should learn means and ultimate goal is the purpose of communication and master the ability to use language to closely combine.This requests the teacher in the claroom using the program to help students exchanges, emphasizes the students\' initiative and interaction.Only in this way, teachers in the teaching of English, can fundamentally stimulate students interest in learning, to mobilize students\' learning initiative and enthusiasm, cultivate the consciousne to learn in order to practise.[ Reference.[1 ] Pang Jixian, Wu Weiwei.Empirical study of group work in the English claroom.Foreign language teaching and research, 2000 ( 6).[ 2]Peng Jinding , The university English teaching theory.Hunan people\'s publishing house, 2004 [3 ] Wang Yusheng, Discuion on spoken English Teaching in University.Heilongjiang : higher educational research and evaluation, 2007, 1 [4 ] Huang Qiang, University Oral English teaching.Reading and writing: Education Journal, 2007, 1


























1)心理/情感因素。由于学习风格的不同,每个学习者个体认知的表现方式就不同:视觉型的学生喜欢通过观看的渠道来感知学习内容,但对口头解说等没有视象辅助的学习内容则难于理解;听觉型的学生喜欢通过谈话交流、课堂表演、听唱歌曲、磁带来学习英语;而动觉型的学生则喜欢通过读和写、动手操作学习,尤其喜欢表演动作,爱打手势,表情丰富等。但是很多学习者并不了解自己的性格特质,而盲目地运用别人认为正确的学习策略,无法形成适合自己的学习策略,故而学习效果也是事倍功半。如果教师无视学生的学习风格和个性特质,用一个模式和一种要求来教学,那效果肯定会大打折扣。 




据笔者所知,就高职院校而言,全国还没有一套统一的英语口语教材,使用的都是普通院校的教材。结果导致教学内容与高职学生的需要相关性不大,与他们的实际程度也相去甚远。俄国语言学家Volgosky的最近发展区理论(ZPD)认为课程设置与课程目标的确定要视学生的具体情况而定,要让学生有“跳一跳能摘下桃子来”的感觉。如果要求太高,学生成功无望,何来学习兴趣和学习动机?Krashen (1982)也在其第二语言习得理论中提出了著名的“i+1”输入假设(Input Hypothesis)。他认为人是通过理解比现有语言水平略高的语言输入,再通过不断积累而逐渐习得语言能力的(转引自范谊,1998)。如果学生原有的知识为i,下一个阶梯需要掌握的知识为1,这个“ⅰ+1”的学习过程必须充分而恰当,这是一个由低级往高级阶段循序渐进的动态过程。如果这个循环过程中的某个链接和台阶跨度太大,就会给学生带来压力和挫败感。










再次,有效的运用各种教学策略,保持口语课课堂交互活动的生命力(Claroom dynamics)。 高职院校的口语课教学需要教师运用多种教学策略,使课堂的交互活动始终处在一种“动态”、“积极”、“参与”、“合作”、和“成功”的状态。




3)开放式教学策略。学生是学习的主体。在口语课教学中,怎样发挥他们的主观能动性,去展开想象的翅膀,有效地开展口头交际训练呢?笔者采用了开放式的教学策略,如:brainstorm, role play, debate, project presentation, speech等活动。这些活动既有效地推动了课堂交互活动,使之充满了生活情趣和生命力,还使大学的口语课教学真正脱离了低层面的语言训练,使之朝高层次思维能力的培养方向发展。

4) 任务型活动策略。任务型教学的倡导者认为,掌握语言的最佳途径是让学生做事情,即完成各种任务。当学习者积极地参与用目的语进行交际尝试时,语言也被掌握了。当学习者所进行的任务是他们当前的语言能力发展至极点时,习得也达到了最佳状态。

其实,口语课的教学质量在很大程度上取决于教师的设计和调控。任务型教学的课堂模式强调从做中学,每项任务的提出是从真实生活实际出发的,这有利于学生建构语言的综合运用能力。笔者尝试将这一先进的教学理念引入口语教学中,以期更好地调动学生的学习积极性。笔者常常以主题为核心,结合本校学生的实际,设计不同的口语任务。这些任务由简到繁、层层递进、前后相连,由基本的课本任务(enabling task)到拓展性任务(activation task),由教学任务(pedagogical task)到真实情景中的实际演练任务(performing task),引导学生掌握口语交际的基本技能和技巧,逐步帮助学生达到交际能力的后两个层面:学生知道如何运用和应对不同的言语行为;学生懂得在不同的交际场合下采用得体的言语行为(Richards, Platt and Weber, 1985,转引自Nunan, 1999)。高职院校的口语课教学有它的特殊性和艰巨性,但只要教师深入了解学生,善用教学策略,这种局面是可以改善的。


[1]Bailey KM.Competitivene and anxiety in adult second language learning[A].Seliger and Long.Claroom oriented research in second language acquisition[M].Rowley, MA: Newbury House.1983. [2]Brown H D.Principle of language learning and language teaching[M].Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.1987.

[3]Stern H H.Fundamental concepts of language teaching.Oxford : OUP.1983.

[4]陶友兰.试论通过角色扮演训练非英语专业研究生的口语能力[J].国外外语教学,2001,(2). [5]鄢小凤.论影响交际教学法推行的文化因素[J].国外外语教学[J],2000,(1).




A、巧玲:hello。Let’talk about the Telephone today.

We know The telephone is one of the most welcome and useful inventions.No wonder more

and more families have got to use their own telephones today.电话是目前最受欢迎和最有用


The telephone makes things easy in many ways.Especially, after the mobile telephone

appears, communication becomes easier and rapider.电话在许多方面使事情变得简单,尤


小慧,can you talk something about telephone?

B 小慧:YES,To students and people going out for busine far away from their homes,

the telephone can shorten the distance between them and their families.Thus they will get

comfort whenever they are homesick or they run into trouble.With the help of the telephone,

people can keep in touch with anyone at any time and in any place for urgent help.、After all,

there is this constant reminder of how he brought the human family into closer touch.毕竟有了这


B 小慧:But I don’ know the Telephone audio principles 但是我不知道 电话的传声原理

C 美容:Each phone is attached wires, an attached microphone, an earpiece

attached ,Our voice into the telephone lines to carry current to the other

side of the handset, he heard our voices ;The other spoke, the sound of the

telephone line into a current spread of our handset ,We heard his voice.



线传到我们的听筒,我们就听到他的声音。With the development of societyTransistors replaced the old vacuum tubes ,and by the 1960s communications satellites eliminated

the neceity of landlines.Today, bundles of gla fibers carry calls on laser beams of light.



美容问:You all get the你们都明白了吧~?我们集体回答“是yes,ok”

A 巧玲:慧敏,Do you know the history of the telephone?

D 慧敏:Yes ,第一部电话的诞生It\'s the birth of the first telephone in theJune 2, 1875

telephone was born, Alexander by the Americans.Graham.Bell invented the telephone


The first voice to travel over a wire was even a surprise for its inventor.Alexander Graham

Bell.He was experimenting in his laboratory late one night, and quite by accident he

succeeded in transmitting a meage to his aistant in the next room.What Mr.Bell could

not know at the time was that that night in 1875 would mark the start of a revolution in

communications.下面我们看一个视频了解详细的历史吧~please look at theVideo .(放完后

~ B 小慧:下面由来我介绍电话种类型有哪些~ The following types of origin of

introduced me to call what ~

Our study should end here我们的学习就到这里吧~ Thank you谢谢大家


1 赶时髦(go after fashion)

A: Fashion show is around the corner, I’m so excited! 时装表演即将来临,我很兴奋!

B: Are there any good!这有什么好的!

A: I didn\'t see anything wrong with the clothes; they looked pretty nice to me.I think you don’t like it! Why?我没看出衣服有任何问题;在我看来它们都很不错。我觉得你不喜欢!为什么?

B: It was dumb.I think it\'s stupid for women to wear clothes like that.这是愚蠢的。我认为女人们穿成那样是很愚蠢的。

A: The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom.仁者见仁,智者见智。

B: Do you really think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets? 你真的认为人们可以穿那种东西走在街上?

A: Yes, I do.At least, some people certainly can.They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth.是的,我这样认为。至少,有人一定会。他们穿着时尚的衣服展示他们的时尚感和财富。

B: Well.I still think they\'re dumb.It makes more sense to spend the money on more practical purposes.我仍然认为他们是愚蠢的。把更多的钱花在更有意义的地方比较实际。

A: So you think it\'s bad if I wear it?所以你认为我穿成这样很不好吗? B: If you wear it I must speak nice! 如果你穿成这样我一定说它很好看! A: I know you will say that.我就知道你会这样说。 B: Only you know me!知我者非你莫属! 2 食品安全(food security) A :the problems of domestic food safety are appearing constantly,And have your heard problem of oranges? 国内食品安全问题不断显现,你听说过问题橘子吗?


A:There are fresh citrus maggots.County on a buried 2500 kilos, and several provinces nationwide have.有新鲜的柑橘生了蛆虫。县里埋了2500公斤,全国好几个省都有这种状况。

B: How terrible.Now the domestic food security is really bad.多么可怕。现在国内食品安全是非常糟糕的。

A: U.S.do better in this piont.在这一点上美国做的更好。

B:Ah, which the United States did manage very well.What is their experience? 啊,美国确实做的很好。他们有什么经验? A: the right OF FDA in the United States is power,and Very strict law enforcement.在美国,食品药物管理局的权利非常大,而且执法非常严格。

B:is there more succe experience?有更多的成功经验吗?

A:It\'s a fairly standard market, no hawker stalls and food in the supermarket, food into the supermarket to go through inspection, so the food will not get home as domestic so fresh.要有一个相当标准的市场,没有小贩的摊档和食品在超市,食品经过超市的检查,这样只要食物不是很新鲜就不会被带回家

B:How should people buy safe food?你认为人们该如何购买安全食品?

A:When we choose food, we must remember to check its tag, confirming whether the basic information is marked on it, including ingredients, producer, shelf life and particularly date of manufacture.选择食品时,我们一定要记住查看标签,确认上面是否标注基本信息,包括配料、生产厂家、保质期,尤其是生产日期。

B:Why does food contamination occur frequently these days?为什么食品污染问题现在频繁发生?

A:Because the food manufactures are so obseed with making money that they lose the busine ethics.They no longer take food safety as their priority.因为食品生产者惟利是图,丧失了商业道德。他们不再把食品安全当作首要问题。

3 饮食与健康(food and healthy)

A:Health is very important for our body.And healthy foods plays a very important role in it.So,what do you think is a healthy diet?健康对于我们的身体是十分重要的。而且健康的食物在这里扮演了一个十分重要的角色。所以,你认为什么是健康的饮食?

B:A healthy diet should contain all the eential nutrients.健康的饮食应包含所有必需的营养物质。

A:How could people eliminate food contamination nowadays?现在人们怎样才能杜绝食品污染事件?

B:The government should set strict rules and regulations to standardize the production of food and punish severely those violators.政府应制定严格的规章制度来规范食品生产,并且严惩违法者。

A:Why does food contamination occur frequently these days?为什么食品污染问题现在频繁发生? B:Because the food manufactures are so obseed with making money that they lose the busine ethics.They no longer take food safety as their priority.因为食品生产者惟利是图,丧失了商业道德。他们不再把食品安全当作首要问题。

A:Why do many people suffer from heart disease recently?最近为什么很多人患上了心脏病?

B:I suppose it is because the improved living conditions provide people with more refined grain and meat.Consequently, people have an exceive amount of fat which leads to heart disease.我认为这是由于生活条件改善,人们有了更多细粮和肉类。结果就摄入了过量的脂肪,从而引起了心脏病。

A:What’s your eating habit?你有什么饮食习惯?

B:I have a balanced diet and I always have meals in a regular way.我饮食均衡,而且吃饭有规律。

A:How do you keep fit?你怎样保持健康?

B:I am not particular about food and I often do exercise as long as I have free time.我不挑食,而且一有时间就会运动。

A:Do you have fast food very often?你经常吃快餐吗?

B:No, I seldom eat fast food because it’s rich in fat.And I want to keep a slender shape.不,我几乎不吃快餐,因为它含有很多脂肪。而我想保持苗条的体形。

A:What are the advantages of transgenic food?转基因食品有什么优点? B:Transgenic technology can increase the yield of the crops and give the crops such attributes as insect-resistance or drought-resistance.转基因技术可以提高农作物的产量,使它们具有抗病虫、耐干旱等特性。

A:What do you think of instant noodles? 你认为方便面怎么样?

B:On the one hand, it is easy to prepare and thus brings convenience to our busy life.On the other hand, it is harmful to our health since it contains preservatives.一方面,方便面易于准备,因此给我们忙碌的生活带来了便利。另一方面,由于它含有防腐剂,所以对健康有害。

4 金融危机(financial)

A:We all know that in the past couple of years ,the financial crisis attracted the worldwide attention, for it\'s the worse economic receion since the Great Depreion in the 1930s and no country is spared from the current crisis, it had more severe effects on the developed countries.我们都知道,在过去的几年中,金融危机引起了全世界的关注,自30年代大萧条起,经济衰退得越来越糟糕,并且没有一个国家能免于当前的危机,它已经严重影响的发达国家。 B:I believe that it\'s a nature link of the ecnomic cycle.There is no reason doubt that ,after the receion , recovery and prosperity would come follow, and then it enter into another cycle.我相信,这是一个自然连接的经济周期。没有任何理由怀疑,衰退之后,恢复和繁荣会跟随,再进入另一个周期。

A:As the saying goes :\" Every coin has its two side.\"Somebody went bankrupt in this financial turmoil, while some other people take the chance .For instance my cousin take the opportunity bought a suite room with a rather cheap price.常言道:“每个硬币都有两面。”在这场金融风暴的打击中,有人破产了,而其他一些人却抓住了机会。比如我的表弟趁机以一个相当低廉的价格买了一套房。

B:Of course, the government would take some effect measure to mitigate the impact of the current global economic and financial crisis rather than leave it rot.当然,政府会采取一些有效措施来减轻目前的全球经济和金融危机的影响而不让它腐烂。

A:I know.It advise the American change the way of life.我知道,它建议美国改变生活方式。

B:Do you think what caused te financial crisis?你认为是什么造成了经济危机? A:I think we can sum up the cause of our current economic crisis in one word — GREED.我想我们可以总结我们目前的经济危机的原因是一个词——贪婪。

B:What impact it will have in China.对中国会有什么影响吗?

A:The international financial crisis is becoming more and more worse, the impact on the Chinese economy is also further expansion, it even extended into every aspect of society.For example, manufacturing, energy, food, IT„ and so on..国际金融危机变得越来越糟,对中国经济的影响也进一步扩大,甚至扩展到社会的各个方面。例如,制造业,能源,食品,它„„等等。

5 互联网的利与弊(advantages and disadvantages of internet)

A:With the development of computer technology, the Internet has become more and more popular.随着计算机技术的发展,互联网越来越受欢迎。

B:Yeah, but do you think students should surf the internet after cla.?是啊,但是你认为学生在放学后应该去上网吗?

A:Yes,I do.I regard it as a great helper.是的,我这么认为。我认为网络是一个好帮手。


A:For example, you can surf the Internet for any information you need in a short time without working hard in the library.比如说,网络上你可以在很短的时间内找到任何你想要的信息,而不需要在图书管理辛苦的去查找。 B:oh,it sounds so convenient.哦,那样听起来很方便。

A:Yeah,it is convenient to communicate with others by using the Internet.是的,用互联网来和别人传递信息是很方便的。

B: However, many people think that there are many disadvantages of the Internet, because there is also some information that is not good for the students.但是,不少人认为互联网也有很多缺点,因为这里也有许多对学生来说不健康的信息。

A: That’s also true.Well, it will not only have a bad effect on study but also do harm to our health if we spend too much time to play games on line.那倒也是,而且如果花费太多的时间在网络游戏上不仅会对我们的学习造成不良的影响,而且也不利于我们的健康。

B: What do you think we should do?那你认为我们该怎么做?

A: We should make proper use of the Internet.It is of great importance for us to separate good plants from wild weeds.我们应该合理使用网络,学会分辨好与坏的能力对我们来说是很重要的。


ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.today my topic is “life”.i hope you will like it , how to say future? maybe its a nice wish.lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life. 先生们女士们,大家下午好!我非常荣幸站在这里为你们带来一段小小的演讲,我今天所要讲的主题是“生命”,我希望你们喜欢。




你对你的将来怎么看呢?可能那会是一个很美好的愿望。让我们坚定我们的目标,为之努力,并真正的享受我们的生命.篇2:大学生英语口语比赛演讲稿(绝对地道) overpopulation is my top concern hello, honorable judges and deal schoolmates.today my topic is “overpopulation is my top concern”. we may have deeply felt the inconvenience and diminished quality of life that overpopulation brings about.overburdened public transportation especially on holidays is challenging our endurance,sky-rocketing housing price discourages us purchasers,people in a few developing countries suffer from starvation and malnutrition.these hot iues have drawn my attention and raised the idea of overpopulation to my top concern. human is now beginning to overpopulate the earth and the expansion trend won’t be easily slowed down.therefore many environmental problems arise,including rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide,global warming and pollution like air pollution,water pollution, soil contamination and noise pollution.other side effects also emerge in succeion.for example, wars over resources and land increase; maes of species extinct; food ,water and foil fuels are running short; unemployment and crime rates rise dramatically and so on. generally speaking, overpopulation can result from increased birth rates, together with a decline in mortality rates due to medical advancements.furthermore, increases in life expectancy and resource availability also contribute to the rising population.in consequence, humans outgrow their available resources and the basic life would be streful in turn. so what joint efforts can we make faced with the situation? on one hand, birth control, like one-child policy which china has strictly implemented, would help to control and reduce population gradually.on the other hand, programs such as family planning education and putting women in workforce should be announced worldwide which i think will help avoid some unintended pregnancies.moreover, humans are expected to build space habitats in the foreseeable future thanks to further space exploration.that’s all, thank you! 09治本一 091210301 张成一篇3:英语口语演讲稿_ hi,everyone.today my topic is about environmental protection. we are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals.if we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive. pollution has been a serious problem for a certain time around the world.there are many causes for it.transportation is the main factor of pollution.when the waste gas from cars is released, the air is polluted.people breathing in the polluted air can develop respiratory disease.another factor is that people throw their garbage everywhere.all kinds of garbage not only spoil the splendid environment, but also cause environmental pollution.wastewater from factories is also poured into rivers and this causes water pollution concerned people have made some progre in environmental protection.governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution. still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems.people should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve our natural resources and recycle our products.we are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future. ok,we have known that we can prevent pollution if everyone makes the efforts.so,let’s do it now .thats it.thank you everyone! .今天,我们的自然环境质量已经成为一个重要问题。世界人口增长如此之快,世界已变得过于拥挤。


污染已经成为一定时期内时间范围内的一个严重问题。 原因很多,交通玉树是主要原因,当汽车排出废气时,空气就被污染了,人们呼吸了被污染的空气,会导致呼吸道疾病。 另外一个原因就是人们随处乱扔垃圾,不仅破坏了美观的环境,还污染了环境。工业废水也排入河流,引起水污染。


但更应采取措施来解决环境问题。人们应该进一步的教育,认识到问题的重要性,使用现代节育方法,以保护我们的天然资源和循环利用我们的产品。我们相信,我们可以有一个更加美好,更清洁的地方。 this years summer vacation was most enjoyable.i spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where i saw mountains and fields covered with green plants.sometimes i went swimming in the river to the west of the village, the water in which was quite clear. i kept a diary every day.besides doing farm work, i help the children in the neighborhood with their leons.all of them showed much interest in english.they could read and write well, but they could hardly understand simple english.so every day in the morning i spent about two hours helping them improve their listening and spoken english.they all made great progre.their parents all thought highly of me.i now realize that knowledge is very much needed in the countrysidethis years summer vacation was most enjoyable.i spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where i saw mountains and fields covered with green plants.sometimes i went swimming in the river to the west of the village, the water in which was quite clear. i kept a diary every day.besides doing farm work, i help the children in the neighborhood with their leons.all of them showed much interest in english.they could read and write well, but they could hardly understand simple english.so every day in the morning i spent about two hours helping them improve their listening and spoken english.they all made great progre.their parents all thought highly of me.i now realize that knowledge is very much needed in the countryside篇4:大学英语口语期末考试演讲稿

当一小部分中国富人满足的步入小康生活时,当一些无耻贪官吃好的喝好的时,贪婪地挥霍国家财产时,当一些“富二代”挥金如土时。你是否能意识到,在我们这个共和国的同一片国土上,同一片蓝天下,还有着这么多的孩子因贫困而不能上学 when a small part of the wealthy chinese meet into a well-off life standard, when some shamele corrupt official eat good drink good, spend our state property , when some second generation spend money like water.can you realize that, in our republic with a same piece of the country, under the same blue sky, there are so many children who cannot attend school because of poverty? 当我们坐在干净宽敞的教室里,我们是否能想象到,在遥远的山区,有一个地方,有这样一群孩子,窑洞是他们的教室,除了粉笔,他们没有任何桌椅,老师和学生只能坐在地上,他们穿破旧的衣服,吃的馒头早已经硬的像石头,如此恶劣的环境,作为一个城里长大的孩子,你能想象吗 as we sit in the clean and spacious claroom , whether we can imagine, in the distant mountains, a place, have such a group of children, cave is their claroom, in addition to chalk, they dont have any tables and chairs, the teacher and students can only sit on the ground, they wear old clothes, eating steamed bread have hard as a stone, such harsh environment, as a child growing up in the city, can you imagine?

当我看到这些镜头,我的心很悲凉与痛楚,我觉得命运非常不公平,为什么我们可以穿名牌衣服,吃肯德基必胜客,得到很多高端电子产品,为什么他们这么可怜,他们在这么恶劣的环境里继续他们的学习,但让我吃惊的是,据可靠数据,在中国每年至少还有100万儿童因家庭贫困仍然不能去上学。 when i see these pictures, my heart is very sad and pain, i think that fate is not fair, why we can wear famous brand clothes , eat kfc、pizza hut, get a lot of high-end electronics products why are they so poor, they in such a harsh environment to continue to their study, but to my surprise, according to reliable data, in china every year at least 1 million children from poor families still cant go to school my dear fellows, do you really think that they are born to suffer? or born to be poor? let’s make effort to donate some basic neceities and build some school for the poor children.(why) you may ask me why, ok, let me explain by this way. first of all, let’s us make effort to improve their living condition.we can through the civil society organization donate some basic neceities, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.we can use a small part of money from the donation to make sure every child in the mountains areas can eat some fruit everyday to improve their nutrition.we can require the government give them the basic allowance every month ,篇5:关于英语口语演讲稿












4、学会用自己已有的词汇表达(迪拜,阿拉伯塔酒店,又称迪拜帆船酒店)5学会猜(美国,湘雅医院)听了那么多事情你们就一定觉得我的英语很好,如果用中国应试教育的标准来说,我确实比较 low,我高中三年就高考英语及格而且是那种擦边球那种的,每次一做题目我都觉得正确答案有问题,题目明明是说我学到了什么,我学到了a正确答案确是告诉我学到了b。学到了什么不是学生说了算吗?反倒老师成我们肚子肥虫知道了。




你来,或者不不来,机会依旧就在这里,不增不减 你跟,或者不跟我,选择就在你的手里,我不舍不弃来等你们来新闪亮的大家庭里,者让新闪亮住进你的心里,默然相爱,寂静喜欢


第11篇:英语口语教学工作总结 (1000字)


我很幸运能有机会担任汉语学院本科教育一年级的口语课程。很感谢领导的信任,把这么重要的任务交给我。很感谢学校给我这个对外汉语教师行业的新生儿成长的空间。所以对于本次教学任务我很重视,也很珍惜。这主要表现在以下方面: 首先,每次课前我都会认真地准备,自己拿不准的地方求助于词典。我很清楚自己所教的对象不是普通的汉语学习者,而是未来的汉语专业人士。正确是第一位的。这当然是每一个教师首先应该追求的,但对于教未来的汉语专业人士,这一点及其重要。如果他们学到了错误的东西,是不能被社会原谅的。



除了以上表现外,本学期的教学实践给予我的更重要的是心理认识的提高。 在本学期的工作中我逐渐认识到,要成为一个好教师——学生们喜欢,教学质量高——最重要的是,“用心”。教学活动也是创造性活动,要想上好每一堂课,我们必须用心地创造。创造新颖的课堂表现形式,创造能够激发学生兴趣的教学方式,利用灵活的教学方法。课堂需要的不是灌输知识的教书匠,而是能让学生不知不觉地进入故事情节的戏剧演员。教书好比表演戏剧。在课堂上我们的任务是引导学生进入故事,让他们自主地充当某一角色,让他们感觉讲台上的一切水到渠成而非矫揉造作。要达到这个境界当然需要用心地准备,台上一分钟,台下十年功。备课的过程就是用心感受虚拟课堂的过程。课堂的每一个环节必须提前感受到。备课需要我们备得天衣无缝。







由于认真执行英语口语交际计划,落实英语口语交际教学内容,精心组织,学生的口语交际水平有了一定程度的提高,表现在口语交际时说普通话的更多了,使普通话确实成了校园的语言,表现在学生的说方言土语的现象大为减少,也就减少了脏活粗话多,文明礼仪的话多了,表现在说话的规范、完整上,用了普通话。避免了方言土语的缺陷,使得表达更为准确了;表现在学生更加落落大方了,不在有那么多农村孩子的影响,说话变的自然大方,课堂回答变得声音响亮,姿态自然了;表现在说话变的有条理畅所欲言,表达能力增强了。 现在发展情况还不够平衡,女同学优于男同学,家庭文化素质好的优于家庭素养差的,城区学生优于农村学生,但喜欢英语口语交际的情况大为改观,学生勇于表达的情况也大为改观,学生表达能力也更为改观。







3、奏响“三步曲” 口语交际要有趣味性。我在这方面奏响三步曲:既:看一看,演一演,练一练。





1、途径还不够广,基本上只局限在口语交际课上,今后,要采取多种途径,如每日一辩, 紧密结合当天班内发生的事进行辩论,再如叙述见闻,自我介绍,一周小结等,这样才会更生动。


口语交际途径多,口语交际与阅读教学也有千丝万缕的联系,不能把二者割裂开来, 在这方面也觉得很不足。






关键词:大学英语口语 社交策略


根据Oxford(1990),第二语言学习是一个由直接策略和间接策略两2部分6个子项组成的策略系统,包括:(1)元认知策略(Metacoganitive Strategies)(如集中注意力、有意识地寻找练习机会,自我学习计划的制定,学习过程的监控和学习结果的自我评估等);(2)情感策略(Afective Strategies)(如减低焦虑程度、自我鼓励、了解自己的情感状态等);(3)社交策略(Social Strategies)(如询问问题,以及在学习的过程中学习伙伴相互帮助共同促进,培养合作学习技能等);(4)记忆策略(Memory Strategies)(如归类和意象等);(5)认知策略(Coganitive Strategies)(如推理、分析、概括和操练等)和(6)补偿策略(Compensation Strategies)(如根据上下文猜测以及迂回表达法等)。





(2)在课堂内外除非是迫不得已,一般不愿主动用英语进行口头交际,其原因与不敢用英语提问大体相同。教师在设计课堂口语交际活动时,可适当地采用支架式教学(instruc—tional scafolding),通过提供媒介支架(如播放相关的音频及视频文件)、任务支架(如在多媒体课件中详细列明需完成的口语交际任务的每一个步骤的具体内容和要求)、材料支架(如对音频及视频文件中相关的交际功能性句型进行提炼并列举同类的经典句型,要求学生当堂重复并在虚拟的交际情境中灵活运用),从而帮助学生们通过先听先看获得有效的语言输入,再说再谈从而顺利地完成语言输出,能用地道的英语进行口语表达,最大地优化口语学习效果。而在设计课后口








[1]Oxfor& R.Language Leam~ Swategies:What Every Teacher Should Know M .Rowley,Ma-Newbury House.1990


[3]WedeU, Martin& 刘润清.Language Teaching& Learning from Theory to practice M.北京:高等教育出版社,1995





When a small part of the wealthy Chinese meet into a well-off life standard, when some shamele corrupt official eat good drink good, spend our state property , when some \" second generation\" spend money like water.Can you realize that, in our republic with a same piece of the country, under the same blue sky, there are so many children who cannot attend school because of poverty?


As we sit in the clean and spacious claroom , whether we can imagine, in the distant mountains, a place, have such a group of children, cave is their claroom, in addition to chalk, they don\'t have any tables and chairs, the teacher and students can only sit on the ground, they wear old clothes, eating steamed bread have hard as a stone, such harsh environment, as a child growing up in the city, can you imagine?

当我看到这些镜头,我的心很悲凉与痛楚,我觉得命运非常不公平,为什么我们可以穿名牌衣服,吃肯德基必胜客,得到很多高端电子产品,为什么他们这么可怜,他们在这么恶劣的环境里继续他们的学习,但让我吃惊的是,据可靠数据,在中国每年至少还有100万儿童因家庭贫困仍然不能去上学。 When I see these pictures, my heart is very sad and pain, I think that fate is not fair, Why we can wear famous brand clothes , eat KFC、pizza hut, get a lot of high-end electronics products why are they so poor, they in such a harsh environment to continue to their study, but to my surprise, according to reliable data, in China every year at least 1 million children from poor families still can\'t go to school

My dear fellows, do you really think that they are born to suffer? Or born to be poor? Let’s make effort to donate some basic neceities and build some school for the poor children.(Why)

You may ask me why, ok, let me explain by this way.

First of all, let’s us make effort to improve their living condition.We can through the civil society organization donate some basic neceities, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.we can use a small part of money from the donation to make sure every child in the mountains areas can eat some fruit everyday to improve their nutrition.We can require the government give them the basic allowance every month

Second, build some school for the poor children.When it comes to build schools or helping a child to go to school, you must think that it may cost us a lot of money.Because such kind of thing is far away from us, But if I told you that, according to statistics, if you want to build a school in distant area, the cost is 20thousand Yuan .what’s that represent? as we all know, our company has seven thousand staff, each one donated20 Yuan, 20 thousand Yuan is enough to build 7 school in distant area, helping9 students to go to school.20yuan is not a big deal for us but Your kindne can change a child’s life.

Lastly, our company will



Wealthy and money A:Do you heard that marry someone who is high rich handsome or someone who is white rich beautiful?Why people so urly to chase the rich ? B: Modern life is built around money.As the saying gose :If you have money, you can make the ghost push the millstone for you.A:But money can\'t stand everything.such as health and happine B: Money can buy certain comforts and offer some security.In addition, it is also the answer for everything.Beauty is potent, money is more potent! A:I don\'t agree with you ,Although money can buy almost everything but can\'t stand everything,even money can\'t stand wealth .I think wealth is something that you own and cherish.

B:Like what?

A:For example,I have a lot of friends,this is my wealth.B:I have a warm family.this is to say I am wealthy too.A:Yes,money is neceary ,but money can\'t stand wealth.

Anti-smoking/addiction A:Do you realize that the rate of the smoking is higher and higher?recently,I realized that some students aged 15 to 19 smoke in the street.B:Maybe,and I also realized that these smokers are very young.Did they addict to it? A:Year,some people may picked it up because of curiosity,or they think it looks

very cool.But once you pick it up,you would addict to it,and it will be hard for you to quit.

B:I can\'t agree with you more ,addiction is the condition of being dependent on something .it\'s very horrible,because you can\'t stop doing it although you really want to.This is what addictions are.A:So,in order to keep away from addiction,you\'d better keep away from smoking.As the saying goes:nip in the bod.B:Year,we should take some measure for it.Maybe the first thing is to tell people how harmful it is to smoke,and how danger when you addict to it.A:And don\'t forget to tell them that smoking is not only a waste of money but is also a danger to one\'s health B:And others health too A:What about then did and addict to it? B:Whether a smoker can give it up or not depends on one\'s will.What\'s more,anti-smoking group may give a hand.A:Hope they can get out of the nightmare,and live a happy life.

Future career /Dream and ambitions A: What\'s your plan for the future? B:Do you mean my future career? A:Or your dream,ambitious,what \'s your plan ? B:When I was a little girl ,I want to become a scientist, as my age goes on ,I finally found that it isn\'t realistic.A:year,when we were kids,our dream are almost big,we don\'t know how big of ourselves,when I was young ,I really want to be an engneer,Now,I realized it was a big distance for me.B:but our childhood is really happy.we do really want to do something that can make us happy.When I was a little girl,I really want to be a cake cooker.I always think cake will sweet people\'s moon.A:how cute we are!But now we have to face the real world.B:So I will be an accountant as the things goes,but I will try hard to be a CPA.What about you ? A:Maybe the same as you .Say in the future, which city do you prefer to work in? B: Well...I don\'t like big city like Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou, although big city means more job opportunities.maybe a city like Qingdao suit me better .What about you ? A: I would prefer work at our hometwon you know.I love my family,and I love my hometown .So I want to go back to my hometown .B:Hope you have a good job and good life.A:Thank you!Same to you!

Friendship A:hey,Jane,you seem have many friends,I just saw all the people you watch smiled to you .B:of course I have,I really cherish the friendship.I think this is my biggest wealth.what do you think about friendship ? A: I think friendship is the most beautiful things in the word.True friendship is someone who will help you when you need them ,as the saying goes :a friend in need is a friend indeed.what do you think about it ? B:I think a person can have many friends but only one or two bosom friends.A good friend,as it were,a second self.you can see a lot of things on yourself from your true friend A:year I can\'t agree with you more.True friend can sharing your sorrow,and

double your happy,as the saying goes ,if you tell your joy to your friend,your joy will double.B:yes ,life without friend is like life on a desert island.A:a good friend is a friend for life.B:but true friend needs communicate with heart.and you must be honest to your friend ,any emotion can\'t stand the lier.A:maybe this is a only way to win a true friend,if you own a true friendship ,then cherish it,because it will be a biggest wealth in your life.B:hope everyone can get happine from friendship.

Campus life

A:we have moved into the new student apartment building for months,so exciting! B:you are so satisfied with your dorm

A:actually,firstly the dormitory is a four-room apartment,and it has a balcory and bathroom ,Secondly,there is a short distance between our dormitory and restaurant.B:wow,how I envy you ,what do you usually do in dorm ?Is it same with the Junior high school life? A:there is a quite different change in campus life.Oh ,just studying ,singing,watching move, or playing games.but we own lots of time to do what you want to do

B:yes ,I really agree with you .I still remember we just studys for long time and spend little time on other activities when we were a junior high students.A:that\'s true.campus life is colorful.we can do a lot of things that we want to do ,such as part time job,join some clubs,take part in some activities,Do you often take part in these activities? B:yes ,I think we can benefit from it,for example,on the one hand,we both enjoy ourselves,and get to know a lot of friends,on the other hand, we can get a lot of experience,in a word,campus life is more useful for us to develop, A:I can\'t agree with you more ,hope students can cherish the wonderful life,being a happy person .















学 院: 外国语学院

学 期: 2008-2009学年第一学期

学 时 18 教 材 《大学英语基础口语教程第一册》

(Let’s Talk Book 1)

授课教师 大学英语口语精品课程组

授课对象 2008级普本

上课地点 南、北校区、学院路校区

上课时间 周一至周五

授课题目(Teaching Title):

Unit 12 Foreign Customs

授课类型(Cla Type):

Lecturing and practice

授课课时安排(Teaching Periods):

2 periods

本授课单元教学目标(Teaching Objectives):

In this unit students are required to:

1.master the basic vocabulary related to Western wedding.

2.learn to describe the different manners between Chinese and Western customs.

3.learn the proper way to behave in Western society.

本授课单元教学重点(Main Points of Teaching):

1.Instruct Students to speak and behave properly in western society concerning some important events.

2.Analyze the different manners between Chinese and Western countries.

本授课单元教学难点(Difficult Points of Teaching):

Instruct the students to use cultural-related words to describe and compare the proper manners in Chinese and western events.

教学手段(Teaching Aids)

Multimedia (audios, videos, pictures, texts), blackboard.

本授课单元教学步骤及时间分配 (Teaching Procedures and Time Allotment):

1.Warming-up Activities (about 15 minutes)

1.1 Role play: A Typical Western Wedding (about 10 minutes)

Student are aigned the task in the previous cla.They are asked to perform a typical western wedding.Useful materials and information should be collected before the cla.(about 10 minutes)

1.2 Wedding-related Vocabulary and Oath of Wedding: (about 5 minutes)

After the role play, the wedding-related vocabulary and Oath of Wedding should be introduced to all the students:

Wedding-related Vocabulary

Bride bridegroom bridesmaid groomsman Pastor ring oath church

Oath of Wedding


Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God and in the face of this congregation to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate, instituted in the time of man’s innocence.

If any man can show any just cause or impediment why they may not be lawful joined together, why they may not be lawfully joined together, let him speak now or for ever hold his peace.

Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickne an health and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her for as long as you both shall live.

Bride and Bridegroom: Yes, I do.

2.In-cla Activities

2.1 Individual Work (about 8 minutes)

.1.1 Comparison: Differences between a typical western wedding and a traditional Chinese wedding.

Students are required to compare the weddings and make a discuion on their differences.

Sample for reference:

Chinese Wedding:

• Color of wedding dre: White

• Location of wedding celebration: Lobby of home

• Wedding proce: presided by the master of ceremony • Others: fire cracks, character of double happine •

Western Wedding

• Color of wedding dre: White

• Location of wedding celebration: Church • Wedding proce: presided by pastor

• Others: ring, flower, cake, bridesmaid, groomsman

2.1.2 Video Clip: (about 15 minutes)

Watch the video.What mistakes do the man made in the dinner party?

Students are required to watch a 5-minutes short video about culture conflict and to find out the wrong thing the man did in the dinner party.

Proper answer:

a.Greet people in his own way

b.Talk to the people not besides him

c.Take retire as retard and keep talking about it d.Compliment the lady with improper word

e.Perform extremely stupid in using restroom.f.Bring his friend without being permitted

2.1.3 Listening Practice (about 7 minutes)

2.2 Pair Work (about 10 minutes) 2.2.1 Discuion in pairs

Western Manners: Discu with your partner what we should pay attention to in the western countries according to the following situations: having dinner, greeting, visiting others home Samples for reference:

Having dinner: knife and fork ; you have your own plate of food ; Eat up all the; food on your plate; Do not put food on the plate of your guests with your own fork; Go Dutch; tips

Greeting: The simplest thing to say is \"Good morning,\" \"Good afternoon\'\" or \"good evening.\" This greeting is given to one whom you know only slightly, or to any one you are paing quickly.\"How are you\" is usually used when you are not in such a hurry.No answer is expected other than \" Fine, thank you.\" \"hello\' is the commonest form of greeting between good friends.

Visiting other’s home: When invited to luncheon, dinner, or supper, it is very impolite to arrive late, as it is usually planned to have the meal at the exact hour given in the invitation.

After the meal is over it is not polite to leave for at least half an hour, lest you seem to have come only for the meal.An evening dinner invitation usually implies that you stay for the whole evening.

2.2.2 Dialogue Practice (about 15 minutes)

Imagine a visitor from the United States is coming to China.Give advice on these topics:

Driving a car, giving gifts, traveling by bus or subway, eating in a restaurant respecting older people, using busine cards, eating on the street, standing in line, using the telephone


A.I will go to China next week.

B.Really? How long will you stay there?

A.For several months.So would you please tell me some thing that I should pay attention to during my stay in China?

B.Of course.First, you should get accustomed to the Chinese traffic.In the street, there are a lot of transportation tools.Bus, cars, motorcycle, bicycle.

A.Well, do it mean a busy traffic?

B.Yeah.In fact, the problem traffic jam is extremely serious in China. A.Oh, I see.Anything else? I’ve heard that Chinese eating manner is greatly different with our US.Is that true.

B.Well, nowadays there are a lot of western restaurants in China.But Chinese has their own dinning customs.For example, in a typical Chinese dinner, each dish is shared.Chopsticks are used instead of knife and fork.One person would like to pay the bill as his treat.

A.Well, it seems that there are so many differences between the two countries.

B.Take it easy.Chinese people are hospitable.You are surely to have good time there.

2.3 Group Work (about 20 minutes)

Debate: Should Chinese celebrate Western Holidays?

Each group presents their own ideas on the topic first.Then a free debate will be directed among students. Sample:

We should celebrate western holidays

I think we should celebrate western holiday.First, it\'s a good way for globalization, and we can know more about the culture in other country.Secondly, foreigners will also have a chance to know more about the Chinese culture.Thus, we could avoid some cultural misunderstandings.First,I do not think it is a bad things ,and the holiday is a good thing ,many people could celebrate not only the Chinese people but also the American, and so on.Second, many people go aboard every year, and they should adjust themselves to the aboard environment,so the must to celebrate the holiday,so I think we should celebrate it,and other people that come from union.

We should not celebrate western holidays

To begin with, there are so many meaningful traditional festivals in China, from which people could have a rest and get relax.In the festival, without the burden of work, people call on relatives, visit their respected teachers, and chat with their best friends.Though the temperature is very could in that time, the atmosphere among people is very warm and happy.Besides, there are other meaningful and instructive festivals in China, such as Autumn Day, National Day, Pure Bright Festival, etc.Furthermore, western festivals have the cultural and historical origins in the western countries, which are not known and comprehended by Chinese people.There are so many western festivals, which are originated from or related with Christian or Catholicism which are not believed in by the majority of Chinese people.We could not gain the happy feeling since we could not understand these holidays’ meanings.Finally, there are negative aspects on unhealthy people in the western festivals which should not be celebrated by us.All Saints Day is a very thrilling festival, in which people put the horrible or sinister mask upon their faces.Though these kinds of actions help people to boost their courage, it is dangerous to the unhealthy people or ill people with heart diseases or cerebrovascular diseases.


Get prepared for Unit 16 The future

Prepare a presentation: What I would be like in ten years.Task description:

A group consisting of 4—5 students will give the presentation.The main content should mainly about one’s future life ten years later, for example, career, marriage, children.


1.《新时代交互英语》视听说第一册,赵勇主编,清华大学出版社,2004。2.《英语口语教程》初级,吴祯福主编,北京外国语大学出版,1993。 3.《英语口语教程》第一册,姚保慧主编 高等教育出版社,1998。



6.http://www.daodoc.com/publish/portal0/ 7.http://ts.hjenglish.com/

8http://www.daodoc.com/article.php?articleid=81 9.http://www.daodoc.com/


第一篇 场景

B: 你看上去心情不好,怎么啦?

B:You look a bit down today? What happened? A:我昨天晚上在电话上和父母吵架了。我想去听周杰伦的演唱会,但是他们觉得是浪费钱和时间。

A: I had an argument with my parents last night on the phone.I told them I wanted to go to Jay Chou‟s concert, but they think it‟s a waste of time and money.B: 别想太多,最好好好和你父母谈谈。现在父母和孩子之间有代沟很正常。

B:Don„t worry.You‟d better have a good talk with your parents, telling them why you want to go to the concert.It‟s normal that nowadays, there is generation gap between parents and their children.A问B:代沟?什么是代沟? AB: Generation gap? What is it? B:代购就是指不同年代的人在生活,思维方式和行为方式中存在的差异,C你与你父母之间存在代沟吗?

B: Generation gap means that people of different generations share different opinions on ways of life, thinking and behavior.A:哦,了解了。那么你和你父母之间有代沟么?

A:Ok,Isee.Then how about you and your parents? Is there generation gap between you? B: 当然,我想每个家庭或多或少都存在吧。C&D,你们觉得呢? B:Yes, we have.And I think actually there is some kind of generation gap in every family.C&D, how do you think? C:我同意你的看法。其实我也和我父母经常对很多事情有不同的看法,所以有时也有争吵。

C:I agree with you.Actually my parents and I often think differently about a lot of things, thus sometimes we also have argument with each other.D:我也同意你们的看法。但是幸运的是虽然我和父母有很多观点不一样,但是我们从来不会有争吵。

D:I also share the same opinion as you guys.But I think lucky for us, we never argue with each other even though we have different views on a lot of things.C: 是吗?那你和你父母是怎么样达到相互理解的呢?如果你们对一个问题存在分歧的时候,你们会怎么做?

C:Oh really? Thenhow could your parents and you share mutual understanding?And if there is divergence on a problem, what would you do? D:我父母经常坐下来与我促膝长谈,我们经常分享欢乐与悲伤.并且我们也经常站在对方的角度去考虑问题。如果我们在一个问题上发生分歧,我们双方都会把我们自己的观点列出来,然后权衡一下总的利和弊,再做出最终的决定。

D: My parents and I often sit up together talking with each other and we share our happine and sadne.And we try to see things in the position of each other.And if we have different opinions on a problem, then we both side will list our own views and then try to look at them all.We will final make a decision based on the overall weight of pros and cons.C:嗯这倒是个消除代沟的好方法.C: yup, this is really a very good way to bridge the generation gap.B:确实是。并且我觉得正因为有代沟,所以每个家庭里面就会发生很多特别的故事。

B:Exactly.And actually because of the generation gap, Ithink every family has a lot of special stories.C:是的。A, 你家什么故事最令你印象深刻,能给我们大家分享下么?

C:Right.A, what family stories impreed you most? Can you share with us? A:最令我印象深刻的应该就是曾经在与父母吵架后而离家出走。但是我身上没钱,所以在挨饿两顿饭后,坚持不住了不得不回家向父母道歉。其实现在回想一下还真是可笑。

A: I remember once I ran away from home after an argument with my parents.But I had no money, thus after I had nothing for two meals, I felt so hungry that I had to go home and apologized to my parents.Now when I think about it, I really think I am too childish at that time.B&C&D: 大笑。。。


A: B,你怎么去评判一个人? A:B,how do you judge people? B:我会首先看他的行为举止,再听取一下别人对他的判断

B: First, Iwill judge him by his behaviors.Then I will refer to others for their opinions on this person.C:我赞同B的方式,并且我觉得在我们的日常生活中给别人留下好印象很重要。

C: I also share the same way to judge people like B.And I think it‟s vital to make a good impreion on others in our daily life.D:哦,为什么给别人留下好印象很重要?

D:ooh, why it is important to make a good impreion on others? C:我认为给别人留下一个好印象会让自己更受欢迎,所以能交到更多的朋友

C: It will make you more popular if you make a good impreion on others and which can help you to make more friends.A:确实是这样。比如你去参加面试,如果你给别人留下了很好的第一印象,那么你会比别人有更多的优势, 会有更多几率获得这份工作。

A:That‟s true.For example, if you go for an interview, if you make a very good first impreion on the interviewers, you have more advantages over others.You have more chances to get the job.D:那么我们怎么才能给别人留下好的印象呢?

D:Then how can we make a good impreion on others? B:首先我们必须得有礼貌然后在与人交谈时要显得落落大方, 然后最重要是要有自信

B:In my opinion, Ithink we must be polite and socially graceful while talking with others.And most important, we need to be confident with ourselves.A:是的我也认为有礼貌与有信心是必要的条件

A: Right.I also think being polite and confident is very important to make good impreions on others.

第三篇 B:What is AIDS? A:艾滋是一种能破坏人体免疫系统的疾病,会使人对感染和疾病没有防御能力。比较糟糕的是现在没有药物能够治愈它。

A: AIDS is a disease that break down the body‟s immune system and leaves a person defensele against infections and illne.What‟s worse is that right now no medicine available is helpful, thus AIDS is incurable.B:听起来好可怕 B:Sounds terrible.C:是呀,我们该怎么办啊? C: Right, what should we do about it? D:不用担心,只要了解艾滋病的相关信息就可以避免我们被感染上。

D:Don‟t worry, we can protect us from being infected as long as we try to know about it.B:松一口气了。只要能预防,那么就没有那么可怕了。那么感染上AIDS的症状有哪些呢?

B:Ok thatis a relief.As long as there is a way to prevent it, it‟s not so terrible.Then what are the symptoms of AIDS? A:有很多症状。比如体重急剧下降,反复的发烧或者经常夜间盗汗,经常感觉不明原因的疲劳等等。

A: There are a lot of HIV symptoms.Such as Rapid weight lo, recurring fever or profuse night sweats, profound and unexplained fatigue etc.C:好吧,那我以后得注意下这个了。那么艾滋可以通过哪些方式传染呢?

C: ooh, ok.Iwill pay attention to it in the future.Then what are the ways of AIDS infection? D:艾滋病主要通过血液和其他体液传播。人们可能因为没有预防措施的性行为或者输入被感染的血液而被感染艾滋。

D:HIV spreads through blood and other body liquids.People transmit HIV by having unprotected sex or by receiving infected blood transfusions B:我也听说艾滋也会通过母婴传播,是真的吗?

B:I also heard that people can transmit HIV through birth.Is this true? D: 是的。母婴也是传播HIV的一种方式。 D: That‟s correct.That‟s also one way to spread HIV.C:那么我们怎么保护我们不被感染呢?

C:Then how to prevent ourselves from being infected? A:不要和别人共用注册器皿以及采取有预防措施的性行为。 A: Don‟t share drug injection equipment and have protected sexual activity.D:同样要摄取足够的营养,加强锻炼

D:Besides, we also need to have enough nutrition and exercise more.A: 是的 A: Rigt.C;谢谢 A&D.学到了很多 C:Thank you A&D.I learned a lot.B: 是的,谢谢你们。 B: Right, thank you very much.


A: Cheers, my friends(干杯朋友们),we are going to college this year.Really looking forward to it (真的很期待).BCD: Cheers.A: Actually every time I think about it, I feel very excited.I am always imaging about my college life(我经常幻想我的大学生活).I think it must be very exciting, colorful and full of fresh things(我想我的大学生活一定会激情四射,多姿多彩).B, what do you think your college life will be? B: I think my college life is going to be meaningful and colorful.C: Do you have any plans to make your college life meaningful and colorful? B:In my opinion, making a lot of friends is important to make our college life meaningful.I plan to join as many clubs(社团)or activities as poible to stay active during my college life.I want to learn to socialize with other people(和人交际) so that I can improve my interpersonal skill(社交能力).The more friends I have, the more meaningful my college life will be.C: Right.I also hope my college life will be meaningful.Besides acquiring knowledge(除了获取知识),I want to gain more practical experiences(积累更多实际的经验) like finding more part time job(找兼职) to be fully prepared for stepping into the society(为踏入社会做充分的准备).A: Come on, D.Don‟t focus on eating(不要只吃).Tell us how you are expecting your college life.(告诉我们你是怎样期待你的大学生活的) D:haha, you know guys, eating yummy food is the most enjoyable thing in my life.So how can I just talk in front of so much good food? Ok, just a joke.Now to be serious(言归正传), talking about my college life, I want it to be succeful.A:ooh, ambitious(雄心壮志呀).Any plan to make it?(有计划怎么实现么?) D: Yes, I have.First, besides the major I am admitted to, I want to study for another major on economics.(首先除了我现在被录取的专业,我还想修另一个经济学专业).Thus I will acquire two degrees the time I graduate from the university.(这样我毕业的时候会拿到双学位).This is my plan for studying.Then at the same time, like C just mentioned(像C刚刚说的), I will make full use of my part time(充分利用业余时间)to do more part time job.In this way, I will acquire more practical experiences.B: Nice guys.I think we all are going to have a very wonderful and unforgettable college life.Cheers for it.


A:Hey, guys.Have you read the news about one college student who helped to raise the fallen granny but later was asked to compensate for the medical expense? B: No, not yet.How could that happen? A:Because the granny lied and said the college student was the one who pushed her down(推倒她).This really shocked me(让我震惊).I really cannot understand why the granny told the lie and hurt a person who actually saved her life.C: Actually nowadays,this kind of thing does happen now and then.(事实上,现在这样的事情时有发生)

More and more people are lacking ofhonesty.(越来越多人缺乏诚实)

B:What‟s your definition of “honesty”?(你是怎么定义诚实的?)

C: For me, honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act.(行为公道正派) D:I agree with you.But I think nowadays, more and more external conditions force people to tell a lie(外界条件迫使人们说谎).For example, employees lied to their Bo because they want to get a better position; students lied to their parents because they don‟t want to be punished.B:That‟s true.But I think honesty is one of the great virtues we cherish in Chinese tradition.Thus nowadays, we should also cherish it.And as a college student, I think we can do something to stand up for honesty.For example, we should make sure we ourselves always tell the truth to set good example for others.And then we need to propagate that honesty is the best policy among others.D: That‟s right.Let‟s do it together and make the society more beautiful and harmonious (和谐的)。


A:Just now I saw Tom, he is always so hurry, he walks so fast.B: It‟s normal, isn‟t it?(很正常不是吗?)Don‟t forget he is an American.All Americans are so hurry in anywhere and anytime.C: You are right.I heard that Americans believe no one stands still.(没有人会停止不前)If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind.(如果你不往前,你就会落后)This attitudes results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring.(正是这种态度观念造就了一个致力于研究实验开发的名族)Time is one of the elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor.D: But why do many people cherish time? B: In the current competitive society, time is money.It is a precious resource and many people have a rather acute sense of the shortne of each lifetime.A: Right.And also the rapid development of the world give people so much preure that they become more and more hurried.D: Yes, right.Actually nowadays we can see a lot of people rushing everywhere.They seem to try to save any time they have.So, what do you think is a waste of time? A: In my opinion, a lot of students spend their time playing computer games all day is a kind of wasting time.Or some people spend all day idling is also a kind of time waste.B: I totally agree with you.Then how do you think we can make full use of our time in our study? C: I think we can get up early in the morning to study English or other courses which need memorizing.And during the day, while we are having the leons, don‟t waste time talking or sleeping, listening carefully to our teachers.And at night, finish the homework first and then can go on to do some other things for relaxing.D: Good suggestion.Let‟s do it from now on.


A: 嗨,朋友们,我最近我在打算向我的女友求婚。但她是一个外国人,我父母对此还有些担忧。

如今,人们经常对多文化婚姻持保留意见,因为种族和文化差异可能使婚姻生活复杂化。然而,仍有很多人拥有和谐和幸福的多文化婚姻。你们怎么看?你介意和不同文化背景的人结婚吗? A:Hi guys, I‟m thinking propose to my girlfriend recently.But since she is a foreigner, my parents still have some concerns.Nowadays, people often harbor reservations about a mixed marriage because racial and cultural differences may complicate the marriage life.However, still many people have harmonious and happy marriages acro nations.How about you guys? Would you mind marrying a person from a different culture or nation? B: 嗯, 考虑到文化冲突,其实我不太接受多文化婚姻。首先,我认为对我来说,很难爱上不同的文化背景的人。俗话说物以类聚人以群分。来自不同文化的人可能会在观点,行为上有冲突。我们怎么去处理异族婚姻带来的文化差异呢?

B: Hmm, due to the cultural crush, actually I don‟t prefer a mixed marriage.First of all, I think for me, it‟s difficult to fall in love with someone from a different culture.There‟s a saying that birds with the same feather, block together.People from different culture might have many conflicts in their values, opinions, behaviors.How to deal with the cultural difference in mixed marriage?


C:I think understanding each other is very important for a marriage.If there is mutual understanding between the couple, then I don‟t think the cultural crash is a big iue.On the contrary, I think it‟s a good thing.It‟s very interesting to know different people‟s opinions to one thing.This kind of small conflicts can also inspire you to accept fresh things or opinions.And once you can try your best to understand and respect each other, you can have much more fun in a mixed marriage.D:是的,我同意c。有许多因素可能会导致一个失败的婚姻,如误解,冷漠,和其他失衡因素。但我认为最大的问题可能是不当的沟通。面对文化冲突,在忽视或批判你的爱人之前,首先,你可以与他/她进行积极沟通,让他/她知道你的疑惑和感受,并努力了解接受他/她的真实想法和感受。只要沟通恰当,我相信你们可以战胜文化冲突。因为首先你们相爱,而爱的基础是信任和理解。

D: Yes I agree with C.There are many factors might lead to a failed marriage, such as misunderstanding, apathy, and other imbalances.But I think the biggest iue might be the improper communications.When cultural crush occurs, before ignore or judge your lover, first you can communicate with him/her in a proper way, to let him/her know your questions and feelings, and try to understand what he/she think and feel.I believe that you can work through the conflicts with harmonious communications, because first of all you love each other.And the foundation of love is trust and understanding.A:好吧,我想我知道如何说服我的父母了。我相信我和女朋友会有一个非常和谐幸福的多文化婚姻生活。

A: Ok, I think I know how to persuade my parents.And I believe my girlfriend and I will have a very harmonious and happy mixed marriage life.B&C&D: 提前恭喜了!

B&C&D: Congratulations in advance!


A:嗨,老兄,最近怎么样?有什么新鲜事么?我太无聊了。 A: Hey buddy, anything special these days? I am so bored.B: 没呀。不过我上周去我姐姐家了,感受很深,现在的小孩真的被宠坏了。。。 B: Nothing.I visited my sister last weekend.I have to say how spoiled nowadays children are.C:是呀,现在好多小孩都被宠坏了。我知道一个事情,你们听后肯定都觉得很不可思议。

有一个上海复旦大学的学生找不到回学校的路了,然后警察不得不送他回学校。结果他的爸爸居然说这是他家小孩第一次独自旅行。不过很讽刺的是,他们其实是上海本地人。。。 C: That‟s true.Nowadays, a lot of children have been spoiled.I knew 1 story totally unbelievable: One college student from Fu Dan University got lost on his way to school.The policeman had to escort him back.His father said it was the 1st time his son went on a long journey alone.Ironically, they are local, they are from SH.B: 我完全相信这种事会发生。我想我姐姐的小孩也是被溺爱的。她是家里面的独女,父母又忙于工作,绝大多数时间都是奶奶在照顾她。所以她父母觉得亏欠她太多,基本上她奶奶是对她有求必应的。在他们眼里,她就说掌上明珠。

B: It is poible.I believe it.My sister‟s baby, Lily, is so overindulged.She is the only child.Her parents are busy at work.And most of the time Granny takes care of her.Her parents think they owe her too much, thus they grant whatever is requested.Lily is the apple of their eye.A:是的,这是一个父母现在溺爱小孩的原因。同时,现在有些父母,因为他们自己的童年很苦,现在自己有余钱了,就希望给他们的孩子创造更幸福舒适的童年,所以经常给他们买很多玩具,帮他们做任何事情。

A: Right.That‟s one of the reasons why parents spoil their child.And also there are some parents who have bitter childhood.Now since they have more spare money, they try their best to make their children‟s life happier, more comfortable.Thus they buy them many toys, help them do everything.D:唉,其实父母溺爱会带来很严重的后果。他们的小孩会变得很自我中心,生活也不能自理,并且很容易染上坏习惯。我觉得真的父母应该意识到溺爱孩子的这些后果,停止溺爱,多注重家庭教育,引导孩子往积极向上的方向发展。

C: Too bad.Actually parents‟ spoiling their children will bring bad effects.Their children will become self-centered and will be unable to live independently, and also easily to acquire bad habits.I think parents should realize these bad effects of spoiling children.And they should stop spoil their children by paying more attention to their family teaching.Raise their children in a positive, healthy and upward direction.


Unit 1 Roll over, Beethoven! A: Hi, where are you going? B: We are going to the KTV.Nowadays many people go there to relax and chat with each other.And I can sing whatever I like to the accompaniment of the music from the TV.C: Yeah, because of the stre of the final exam, we want to choose a way to relax.So we decide to go to sing the karaoke.To my mind, after singing loudly or screaming for a while, I can feel relaxed and forget my worries.By the way, do you like singing? A: No, I’m not good at singing.But I like listening to the music.Music can really affect people’s lives.For example, one may change his or her mood after listening a song.And now quite a few students prefer to listen to the music while doing homework to increase their efficiency.D: I agree with you.Music means a lot in our life.Personally, I prefer pop music.We can easily understand pop songs.What’s more, anyone can sing pop songs without much difficulty since they require little profeional training.B: Eh, I like Lady Gaga best.She is the one who sings pop songs.She has a gift for music.And she is quite different from others, such as her clothes, her voice.After listening her songs, I always in high spirits.C: That sounds her songs have magic power.I like fast music, and some of her songs are fast music.So maybe I know your feelings.Fast music can always make a happy atmosphere, and everyone can enjoy themselves.D: Yeah, when I listen to the fast foreign songs, I will feel I am in that city.But I don’t feel lonely because of the music.A: That sounds great.It’s really a good time to spend in KTV.Shall we go there together? B: Of course.

Unit 2 What’s on at the theater? A: Hey, do you always go to the theater to see the movies? B: Yes, personally I prefer watching movies at the theater than watching them at home.Because the sound effect is much better and the presence of an audience can create a good atmosphere.C: Oh, you are just the opposite to me.I don’t like to go to the theater.I prefer to stay at home and watch movies on DVD.It’s more comfortable to stay at home.I can drink coffee or tea or do something else while I am watching.In this way, I will feel more relaxed.D: I agree with you.The tickets of movies are always expensive.And if you buy a DVD, it will only cost you maybe 5 Yuan.What’s more, you can watch it many times, and can stop the movie at any time.A: Yeah, as for me, I like the movies that touch me deeply.So it’s a good choice for me to buy a DVD and watch it again and again.I know everytime I watch it I will have different feelings.B: You are right.But it’s not suitable for action movies.If you in the theater, you can feel the great sound effect.You can also enjoy better scenes, especially foreign movies.C: I like Chinese movies more.With the same background, I can easily aociate the scenes and lines.Sometimes I can even predict what is going to happen from the speaker’s tone or gesture, it makes me feel familiar.D: It’s true, we can always understand Chinese movies better.And I have another habits that I like to see the movies first.If I read the book first, I will know the outcome of the movie in advance.So the movie will lose much of its appeal to me.ABC: Oh, we are the same at this point.

Unit 3 Every Jack has his Jill A: what’s wrong with you? You look so upset.B: eh… to be honest, I just broke up with tom.C: oh! that’s too bad, I’m so sorry to hear that.I thought you were made for each other.B: well.At first, everything is fine , we work together and at weekends we can go to a movie or maybe just have a cup of coffee together, both of us feel happy and released.D: So, what’s wrong now? B:you know, with the time paing by, I just want to settle down but he just wants a career.Actually , I really don’t want to broke up with him since we have been together for 3 years.But how can I do now? A: I know that.These things can always bother woman.It’s different to choose from a career and a family.But you really should think it over.C: yes .I totally agree.Marriage is important for a woman .B: hey.Talk about you lucy .I heard ted proposed to you ,is that true? D: yes .he proposed to me last week.C: it’s a good news,lucy.Congratulations! D : thank you.But I don’t know whether I should accep it .A: I know he is 4 years younger than you , but he is mature at his age.B: yes! He is a kind man and he treats every body well.D: but how can my mother accep this fact?

C:don’t worry please.You mother will understand you .she will be on your side .B: I agree.Every jack has his jill.All of us will have a happy ending.D: I hope so.

Unit 4 Beware of ads.A: hey .where are you going ? you are in such a hurry.B: happy to meet you here.I’m going to the supermarket o buy the diet pill.C: you must have seen that ad.B: yes .it says the effect of it is amazing.I can’t wait to try it.D: be clam ok? Ads are not always believeable.A: yes , one of my clamates has tried that diet pill.She said it doesn’t work at all.B: really? I ‘m considering recommend those products to my family.C: if I were you , I wouldn’t trust those commercials .actually , I don’t trust commercials at all.D: yes .and as I know , the extra costs of advertising will be paed on to the consumers.A: of course.More advertising means higher costs to consumer.But ,advertising can also leads to consumer brand loyalty.B: maybe you are right.I should be more careful about ads.D: yes, but some ads are interesting and amazing, they can bring us impulse buying.C:just like “things go better with coke ” .sounds fantastic! A: yes .good commericals can bring great benefit.B: however, thank you for saving me from the false diet pill ads.

Unit 5 Does you best friend have 4 legs? A: you seem so happy.Is it because you got A at the last week’s exam? B: eh…maye.C: maybe? what’s does that mean? B: Because i got A at the exam ,my mother bought me a little dog.D: a little dog? That sounds so great! B: yes.I can show you pictures.Look.A: oh , it\'s so smart.B:yes.I call him petty.He is only 2 months old when he came to my family.C:but he looks really strong at his age.As you know, my dog maybe is much smaller than him,though he is already 1 year old.D:yes.I went to her(指C) home last week,her dog really seems small, if the dog hide in somewhere ,you are hard to find him.A:haha.I know there is a dog called cup dog.It is just small as a cup.B: how cute they are.Dogs are people\'s best friends, i really cannot understand why there are still many people hurt them.C:dogs can company us in many ways.There are cute animals, i really cannot understand what these people are thinking.D: we should be kind to all animals.

Unit 6 fashion A: Hi , my friends ! B: Hello, A, How are you? A: I’m fine, thank.How’s it going? C: Nothing serious.D: A, You look great today , and that dre suits you very much.A: Really ? You look nice too.B: Hey, I have read a fashion magazine just now.It shows the lastest fashion.Look at these clothes, they are all designed by top fashion designers! C: it’s really cool but not very practical.I won’t wear it when I go to school.D:I agree with you .what’s more ,they are too expensive and people like us don’t have enough money to afford it.A: You are right.In my opinion, fashion changes quickly .And maybe it’s up-to-date today but out of fashion tomorrow.we shouldn’t blindly go after fashion and we should create ourselves own style.B: I think some people wear fashion clothes to show off theirs wealth.In my view, a person’s inside is more important than his or her appearance.We cannot just judge a person by these appearence.C: Yes I think so.maybe sometimes, we can try to use the money to do some more meaningful things.D: That’s true.But following fashion trend is not wrong .Fashion plays an important role in helping us expre our freedom and personality and It have a lot benefits to people.For example, it makes me feel more confident and people are willing to make friends with me.but If my clothes are out of date, people will judge me as a person with no taste get away from me.A: We just should follow fashion trend in a appropriate way.B:yes.We should have our own ideas about fashion.

Unit 7 money

A: I have seen a movie just now.A girl in the movie give up her boyfriend for money, and she married a man who is rich but she didn’t love.I can’t understand why she did so.B: I gue she would regret for what she had done.Love is always important than any other things including money.A: You are right.In the end of the movie ,she lost everything and she found true love was more important than material enjoyment .C: It’s really a meaningful movie.Money can buy a big house ,can buy a beautiful car but can’t buy happine and health.D: However we all need money , and you can’t have a good life without it.If you have enough money, you can live more comfortable.What’s more ,you can do many things you want to do.C: That’s right , everyone want to be rich ,but we should get money in a appropriate way.

A: So what would you do if you get a billion dollars? B: I will buy whatever things my parents like.I want them to live a comfortable life .I will give them a pleasant living entertainment since they really have do many things for me.C: I may use the money to do some good things.If I have chance ,I will donate it to a charity organization.D: I will travel around the world and go some places that I can enjoy wonderful scenery.A: That sounds great.Maybe one day we can make a big money.D: If you want to make a large of money , you must be hardworking then.B:Yes, i totally agree with you .No one can succeed without working hard. Unit 8 A:I heared that someone had been murdered several days ago,oh,it’s horrible!

B:The murderer is so cold-blooded.I think he should be sentenced to death! C:Death penalty?Don’t you think it very cruel?

D:You are a caring person.But,for a country,laws are neceity.C:But death penalty will kill someone.Though they are guilty ,they should be given another chance .it isn’t respect for lives.B:Think about it!What kind of people should be sentenced to death?of course,the bad guys,they are brutal ,aggreive and even worse! D:Yeah,the murderer who was arrested today is such a person.A:Everyone should be responsible for his behavior.Now that he commited crimes,he should dare to face the consequence.C:OK,you are right.But why do these guy commit crimes?I can’t understand .I love my family,I love my life.If me ,I’m sure I would not do this stupid thing.D:The bad environment around a person can urge he to do something wrong,especially for children.B:And person always desire for benefits.Greed is a natural characteristic of people.If they cannot get the things they want, maybe they will try an illegal way, that cause them to stole or rob other people.A:He want to ,so he do .Who knows!

Unit 9 A:What happened to you? You look a me! B:hey,what’s up? Tell us,maybe we can solve the problem together.C:Uhhhh…I fell off my bike .But it’s ok,not too serious.D:You should be careful!Whatever you do ,you need to remember this! A:How did it happen? C:A dog barked suddenly.I turned to have a look and then I bumped into another bike.B:That’s horrible.It was the dog’s fault.But how can you blame a dog in this situation? D:My brother almost died in an accident last week.He is skillful in driving.But he doesn’t like wearing seatbelt when he is driving.A:A survey shows that one in 75 people have been injured this year .We all should be more careful.When you are driving,you’d better wearing a seatbelt.

B:Yeah,we also should avoid speeding and drunk driving ,it’s too dangerous.I know that many teengers speeding just for fun and many car accidents happened because of drunk driving.Since we know these things are dangerous, why do we continue doing these things.C: After this time ,I really realized that we all should cherish our life .A:Cheer up!Everything is ok.B:I hope you will better soon.We all be here with you.C:Thank you.D:Maybe we can go eating something ,I ‘m hungry.

Unit 10 A:What’s the matter with you?You look so down.B:We will have a big exam tomorrow and I’m afraid I’ll fail.C:Have you been studying? B:Yeah,of course,I study all the time.But once I pick up the exam paper,all my knowledge is gone.My head is filled with noise and the words on the page became unclear.D:That’s hard to believe.A:I think you are too nervous.C:Maybe you are fear of exam .It is a kind of illne.If your symptom is too serous, I suggest that you should find a doctor to help you overcome this fear.B:Maybe you are right.Are you guys afraid of anything particular? A:Oh,I’m afraid of walking alone in an open field at night.It’s horrible.

C:I’m afraid of taking bus.It makes me nauseous.D:Let me see… going to the dentist really unnerves me.A:I think so.I’ll do anything to stay out of the dentist chair.C:If we could have the courage to try the things we are afraid of,maybe we can not fear of them anymore.D:Just go and try it!C, Is it your mean? B:Thank you .Maybe i should be relax and just have a good sleep today.Now I’m more confident about tomorrow exam.ACD: Believe yourself! Good luck! B: yes.Just think about the coming summer vacation.



A person can have many friends but only one or two bosom friends.We regard some of our friends as our intimate friends, and others as ordinary friends.Those who are unfaithful to us can’t be called our friends.

A good friend is a real friend, and a real friend is a friend for life.A friend is, as it were, a second self.First, a friend is one whom you can count on, trust and talk to.Second, a friend is someone who will listen to you when you talk about your problems or before whom you may think aloud.What is more, a friend is a person who will help you if you are in trouble.Just as the saying goes: A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Friendship involves affection and intimacy.Friendship is based on warmth, trust and shared experience.True friendship is a plant of slow growth, the value of which can stand the test of time.True friendship is like health, the value of which is seldom known until it is lost.

Life without friends is like life on a desert island, and life without friendship is not worth living.Sharing joy and sorrow is the way to show your deep friendship.If you tell your joy to your friend, your joy will double.And if you pour your sorrow to your friend, your sorrow will be reduced by half.

Dealing with cultural differences

People from different countries speak different languages, keep different value systems, and have different ways of looking at things.These differences are generally called cultural differences.Cultural differences are subtle and are often unrecognized or overlooked.It is upsetting to find people who behave differently from us.We may, at first, aume that something is wrong with them..

Cultural backgrounds may influence people’s way of thinking.First, cultural background influences what people consider to be good manners or bad manners.Second, it influences what they consider to be polite or rude.Third, it influences what they consider to be on time or late.

Failure to recognize cultural differences may cause many problems.On the one hand, those who are uninformed about cultural differences may have difficulty communicating with their busine aociates from other cultures.On the other hand, inability to recognize cultural differences can make mutual understanding difficult.

There are many ways to deal with cultural differences.First, we can avoid unintentionally offending others by learning the basic characteristics of other cultures.For instance, we may ask our foreign friends about their everyday customs or take time to explain certain common customs of our own culture to them.

One world

In a sense, the world is a very complicated network, in which , people of the world are one big family.The world in which we live gives birth to the human race.For together we exist, and together we try to make the world better for all.Although people in different countries have different traditions, they are eentially the same everywhere.They will go through the same life stages in their life, babyhood, childhood, adolescence, youth, middle age and senior age.All human beings have the basic needs to eat, to have shelter and clothing, and to work.

They also need to love others and be loved.They all seem to celebrate certain days such as New Year’s Day, Mother’s Day, Children’s Day, etc.

Admittedly there are differences among people from different cultures.With the rapid development of transportation means and the information technology the world is getting smaller and smaller.Contacts between cultures give great acce to promote the mutual understanding among peoples of the world.

Explaining procees

We are often expected to give oral presentations to our clamates and teachers.Our performance in oral presentations will form an important part of the overall aement of our work.

Many students find giving an effective oral presentation difficult and streful.In giving an oral presentation, we should not only organize information and ideas coherently but also deliver the speech in a clear and vivid way.Using charts, photos and computer graphics can help us to get our meage acro and to make our presentations clear, interesting and memorable.The use of visual aids such as overheads, slides, and computer images can add interest to teaching and learning.

OHP is short for overhead projector.It is a device which projects enlarged images from transparencies onto a screen or a white wall.Using an overhead projector enables the audience to see the charts, diagrams and photos clearly.In our daily life, we are often required to explain to others how to perform a certain task.My major difficulty is that I can’t find the right verbs to describe certain actions.I have to use nonverbal means such as gestures and pictures besides language to make myself understood.


Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use or the proce by which people store and retrieve information.

There are 2 kinds of memory, Short-term memory and long-term memory.A short-term memory is temporary, as it is stored for a very short time in the brain.Long-term memory refers to the storing of information for a longer period of time.

Some people get photographic memory but others have a memory like a sieve .People may hold the opinion that a good memory is something you were born with.But I think it in a different way.Whether you can remember things well or not depends on the way you try to remember them and how often you recall them.Don\'t try to memorize all the facts, but focus your attention on what you consider more important.Memory is like a muscle , which is built up by frequent use.That is to say, the more it is used, the better it gets; The more it is neglected, the worse it gets.There are many things you can do to help you recall past events, such as keeping a diary, buying postcards, taking photos and making video films.


Modern life is built around money.Money, whatever form it takes, is eential for buying goods and services.The rich are supposed to be able to satisfy their personal wishes without difficulty.For the rich, good education, travel, luxury and security are all readily available, while the poor attain these with great difficulty, if at all.

Money in itself is neutral.Money can buy certain comforts and offer some security, but it is not the answer for everything.Money is man\'s greatest source of joy as well as his greatest source of anxiety.Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.Money and wealth trap people into various obligations.

Money does not guarantee happine.Money brings you food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health.Those who have some means think that the most important thing in life is love.The poor know that it is money.Riches are not an end of life, but an instrument of life.Happine is not attained by accumulating / amaing wealth.We will be disappointed if we count on wealth or physical comforts alone for happine.Because Happine does not depend on the amount of money you have.A happy man is one who is content, whether he is rich or poor.The greatest wealth is contentment with a little.


Aging is the natural proce of growing old or a decline in all areas of a person’s mental and physical abilities.People over 65 years old are generally considered senior citizens.Some old people are rather conservative and they are slow to accept new things.They think they are always right and yearn to be recognized, admired and praised by the young.Many elderly people have difficulty remembering recent events but may retain vivid memories of what happened to them a long time ago .

The old have a long past and a short future before them while the young have a short past and a long future before them.However ,old people are an aet of society as they are more experienced and responsible.We should treat old people with respect and kindne.It makes sense for us to keep them up-to-date and take good care of them, especially when they are sick.

Aging comes to everyone after they reach a certain age.However, an elderly person may remain young at heart.The elderly should enjoy their remaining years in happine.


