
2021-07-17 来源:教学工作总结收藏下载本文


2016年秋季七年级 英语上册教学计划

郭 妮 2016.9.2


城关中学 郭妮




这学年我担任七年级两个班的英语教学。七(11)班共有学生45人,男生 23人,女生22人。七(12)班有学生40人,男生18个,女生22个,这些学生有一定的英语基础,大部分学生基础较好。但个别学生学习态度不认真,课堂上不遵守纪律,当然也有个别学生不敢开中读,怕读错。












第一周(9月1日-9月2日): Starter Module 1 My teacher and my friends Unit 1 Good morning, Mi Zhou.第二周(9月5日-9月9日): Unit 2 Good morning.I’m Chen Zhou. Unit 3 This is my friend.Starter Module2 My English leon Unit 1 Open your book. Unit 2 What’s your number? Unit 3 I’m twelve.第三周(9月12日-9月14日): Starter Module 3 My English book Unit 1 What’s this in English? Unit 2 Can you help me, please? Unit 3 What colour is it? 第四周(9月18日-9月23日): Starter Module 4 My everyday life Unit 1 What day is it today? . Unit 2 What’s the weather like? Unit 3 What’s your favourite sport? 复习Starter Module1- Module4检测学生掌握情况

第五周(9月26日-9月30日): Module 1 My clamates Unit 1 Nice to meet you Unit 2 I’m Wang Lingling and I’m thirteen years old.Unit 3 Language in use 第六周(10月1日-10月7日):国庆放假 第七周(10月8日-10月14日): Module 2 My family

Unit1 Is this your mum? Unit 2 These are my parents.Unit 3 Language in use 第八周(10月17日-10月21日): Module 3 My school Unit 1 There are thirty students in my cla. Unit 2 The library is on the left of the playground. Unit 3 Language in use 第九周(10月24日-10月28日): Module 4 Healthy food Unit 1 We’ve got lots of apples.Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy? Unit 3 Language in use 第十周(10月31日-11月4日): 复习前半学期所学内容,期中考试 第十一周(11月7日-11月11日): Module 5 My school day . Unit 1 I love history. Unit 2 We start work at nine o’clock.. Unit 3 Language in use 第十二周(11月14日-11月18日): Revision module A 第十三周(11月21日-11月25日): Module 6 A trip to the zoo . Unit 1 Does it eat meat ? Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia. Unit 3 Language in use 第十四周(11月28日-12月2日): Module 7 Computers Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer? Unit 2 When do you use a computer? Unit 3 Language in use 第十五周(12月5日-12月9日):

Module 8 Choosing presents. Unit 1 I always like birthday parties Unit 2 Leons start at nine o’clock. Unit 3 Language in use 第十六周(12月12日-12月16日): Module 9 People and places .Unit 1 We’re enjoying the school trip a lot. Unit 2 They’re waiting for buses or trains. Unit 3 Language in use 第十七周(12月19日-12月23日): Module 10 Spring Festival Unit 1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival? Unit 2 My mother’s cleanig our house and sweeping away bad luck.Unit 3 Language in use 第十八周(12月26日-12月30日): Revision module B 第十九周(2017年1月3日-1月6日):总复习第二十周(2017年1月9日-1月13日): 期末考试


Module 1 My clamates(共5课时)

Unit 1 Nice to meet you(2课时 )

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)


2.能够运用所学动词be的基本句型进行简单的自我介绍。Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)

重点:掌握本单元的基本词汇和句型,正确运用be动词的各种形式造句。 难点:能够用英语进行自我介绍。 Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助) PPT课件

第1课时(Activity 1—3) Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1.Warming-up 播放英文歌曲或视频“Days of the week”来活跃课堂气氛,同时为接下来的教学内容作好准备。当学生能熟练地唱出这首歌时,英语教学就变得容易多了。 Step 2 Listening and reading 1.Listen and read.(Activity 1)


— 1 — 读、模仿。③学生两人一组练习对话。④教师让不同的小组展示对话,关注学生的发音。

2.Listen and repeat.Now point,ask and answer.(Activity 2) ①教师放录音,学生听录音。

②教师再次播放录音,学生跟读、模仿。 ③学生两人一组根据日历练习对话。 ④教师让部分小组展示对话。

环节说明:本活动以日历的形式让学生学习表示星期一至星期日的 7个词汇,然后指着日历上的具体日期来询问星期几,进而练习相关句型“What day is it today?” 教师向学生说明在西方国家Sunday is the first day of the week,让学生了解这种文化差异。 Step 3 Practice 1.Read and match.Now listen and check.(Activity 3) ①学生个体活动,完成匹配。

②教师播放录音,学生核对答案。核对答案后,教师还可以让学生继续跟读1-2遍, 为后面的活动打好基础。

环节说明:本活动考査学生阅读理解的能力,需要学生了解问句中表示星期几的单词和“tomorrow” 之后完成匹配。 2.Work in pairs.Ask and answer.(Activity 4) ①教师讲明活动要求。 ②学生两人一组练习对话。 ③学生展示对话,教师给出评价。 3.Listen and write.(Activity 5)


②如果学生拼写有困难,教师可以板书这些单词,然后带领学生总结这些单词的拼写规律及如何按照拼读规则来记这些单词。 4.Write.Now listen and check.(Activity 6 ) 教师可以让学生听录音,然后模仿。

— 2 — 5.Work in pairs.Ask and answer.(Activity 7)

环节说明:本活动是通过真实的语境,练习本单元所学的重点内容。学生通过谈论星期几引出自己最喜欢的日子,语境真实, 学生会感觉到有交流的必要。 小结训练

( C )— ________today?—It\'s Monday.A.When is it B.How is it C.What day is it D.What time is Step 4 Other activities (问题探究) 1.你最喜欢星期几?

What day is your favourite day? 2.请把它写在书上。

Please write it in your book.Step 5 Practice .作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly .Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。 Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略) Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 3 —

第2课时(Activity 4—7)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1.Warming-up T:假如今天是开学的第一天,我是你们的新老师,你们和我需要互相了解。 S1:My name is Wei lin.I\'m 13 years old.I\'m from Luyang.Where are you from? T: I\'m Ms Zhang.I\'m from America.Ss:Welcome to Cla 2 Grade 7.T:What about you? S2:„


Step 2完成教材Activities 4,5的任务

1.Work in pairs.Choose the correct answer.(Activity 4) 建议:本活动可以分成两个步骤来进行。第一步:回答问题。教师可以采用学生个体活动的形式,让学生再读一遍对话,然后选出正确的答案。第二步:问答练习。教师可以采用以下操作方案开展活动。

方案1:链条式活动,A同学提问,B同学回答,B同学提问,C同学回答„„ (Answers:1.Yes,he is.2.Yes,she is.3.No,he isn\\\'t.4.No,she isn\\\'t.

— 4 — 5.Yes,I am.) 方案2:如果学生水平较高,可以让学生按照一般现在时的一般疑问句的句式结构,组织新的问题进行提问并回答。如:“Is Daming from Wuhan?”这样能够更好地激发学生参与的热情。

环节说明: 本活动主要是通过问答的形式进一步检査学生对对话内容的理解,同时学习“be动词”的一般现在时的一般疑问句。

2.Complete the paage with the correct form of the words from the box.(Activity 5) 教师领读单词并询问学生有没有不认识的单词,然后学生个体活动完成短文,教师带领全班核对答案。

(Answers:1.students 2.Grade 3.America 4.England 5.Chinese) 环节说明:本活动要求学生运用对话中出现的重点词汇完成小短文,一方面考査学生对对话中的重点词语和信息的掌握,另一方面也考査学生对短文的理解能力。 小结训练

(C)1.Sam is English._______? A.What\'s your name B.How old are you C.What about you (A)2.Ms Li is _______.A.Chinese B.England C.America (B)3.—Are you from China?— _______.A.Yes,I\'m B.No,I\'m not C.Yes,I\'m not Step 3 Pronunciation and speaking

1.Listen and repeat.(Activity 6) 学生朗读,教师纠正不正确发音,最后听录音跟读。学生回顾学过的单词,每个读音后补充两个例词。

— 5 — 2.Work in pairs.Ask and answer.(Activity 7) 方案1 :教师可以邀请一名学生和自己一起为其他同学做示范。然后让学生两人一组互相对话。

方案2 :学生在展示阶段可以看着书上的句型结构进行问答,如果学生准备充分的话,教师可以要求学生尽量不看书,彼此面向对方。 Step 4 Step 4 Other activities (问题探究) 1.—你是美国人吗?—是的,我是。

—Are you American?Yes, I am.2.欢迎来我家。 Welcome to my home.3.她在七(6)班。

She is in Cla Six Grade Seven.Step 5 Practice .作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly .Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。 Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略) Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 6 — Unit 2 I’m Wang Lingling and I’m 13 years old.


Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)

1.能够正确使用and和but,掌握中西方在姓名拼写方面的差异。2.能够运用所学动词be的基本句型进行简单的自我介绍。 Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)


难点:正确运用连词and和but,熟练运用be动词的各种形式造句。 Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助) PPT课件

第3课时(Activity 1—2) Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1.Warming-up T:Are you from Shanghai,Lingling? S1:Yes,I am.T:Is Shanghai a big city?(用动作让学生理解) S1:Yes.T:What about Jim?

— 7 — S2:I\'m from Beijing.T:It\'s the capital of China.(用图片帮助学生理解)

环节说明:此活动的目的是复习“be动词”的用法,同时激起学生的学习兴趣。输入一些本单元的重点词汇。为后面的学习作铺垫。 Step 2完成教材Activity 1的任务

Put the sentences in the correct order.Now work in pairs.Ask and answer.①教师提问,学生回答,复习上一节课所学内容。 ②学生个体活动,把这5句话排序,形成一个小对话。 ③同桌之间相互核对答案。 ④全班核对答案。

(Answers:a—3; b—1; c—5; d—2; e—4) ⑤学生开展两人小组对话。

⑥几个小组到教室前面进行对话展示。 Step 3 Reading Read the paage and check (√) the true sentences.Now correct the false sentences.(Activity 2) 建议:本题分为两个步骤来进行。第一步判断正误,第二步改错。 第一步:判断正误 ①学生个体阅读。 ②判断正误。

(Answers:1.×2.× 3.√ 4.× 5.× 6.×)

③放录音,让学生自己核对答案。教师检査答案时可以采用下列方式: 反馈方式a:由一名学生宣读答案,然后鼓励其他学生发表不同意见。 反馈方式b:在学生阅读过程中,教师如果发现学生的答案出入比较大,可以将学生组成两人小组后再提问。


(Answers:1.David is Daming\'s English name.2.Lingling\'s English name

— 8 — is Lucy.4.Wang Hui is from Shanghai.5.Tony is 13 years old.6.Tony is from Cambridge,a small city in England.) 环节说明:本部分活动的目的是训练学生在阅读中获取具体信息的能力。 小结训练

1.Guangzhou is the capital of Guangdong.2.Everyone(每人) is in the claroom.3.Tony is my good friend,but he isn\'t in China.Step 4 Other activities (问题探究) 1.我们班上的每一个人都来自中国。 Everyone in our cla is from China.2.南京是江苏的省会吗?

Is Nanjing the capital of Jiangsu? 3.大明不在七(6)班。

Daming isn\'t in Cla 6 Grade 7.4.我十二岁,但是她不是。

I\'m twelve years old, but she isn\'t .5.他的英文名字叫Tom. His English name is Tom.Step 5 Practice .作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly .Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。 Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略) Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 9 — 第4课时(Activity 3—7)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Step 1 情境导入

T: Is everyone from China? Ss: Yes.T: Where are you from in China? S1: I\'m from Beijing,the capital of China.S2:„


Step 2 完成教材Activities 3,4的任务

1.Underline the correct words.(Activity 3) ①学生在个体活动之后进行自査,然后同伴之间核对答案。 ②教师统一核对答案,并及时表扬完成得好的学生。

(Answers:1.last 2.first 3.Daming 4.twelve 5.friend) 2.Read and complete the table.(Activity 4) 建议:本活动仍为阅读后的活动, 教师最好不要只停留在让学生填写表格的层面上,而应该在填写的基础上开展说的活动,组织学生根据图表的内容介绍大明、玲玲、王辉和托尼的情况。 小结训练

1.In our cla, everyone is (be) from China.

— 10 — 2.This is Mike\'s(Mike) friend.He is American too.3.Is Lingling your first (one) name,Wang Lingling? Step 3 Writing 1.Look at the pictures and write sentences.(Activity 5) 建议:本活动要求学生模仿例句写句子。教师可根据学生的具体情况,在让学生写之前先组织学生进行口头表达,然后再过渡到写。 ①教师向学生说明活动要求。 ②学生个体完成活动。

③ 同伴相互检査,或小组内相互检査。教师对于学生在写的过程中出现的错误及时给予更正。对于集中出现的问题,可以统一解决。 2.Write sentences about yourself.(Activity 6) ①学生两人一组,完成练习。

(Poible answers:1.My name is Sarah.2.I\'m from China.3.I\'m Chinese.4.I\'m 11 years old.5.I\'m in Cla 2.) ②学生根据同伴所写来对他/她进行介绍。如果教师经常安排学生左右两人一组活动的话,这次不妨换为前后两人。这样经常有所变化,会使学生保持新鲜感。


3.Join the sentences in Activity 6 with and.(Activity 7)

①展示“and” 的连句功能。教师给出:“My name is Lingling;I am Chinese.”→ My name is Lingling and I am Chinese. ②连句训练。学生将活动6中所写的句子用“and”连接起来。


Step 4 Other activities (问题探究)

(1 ) His name is Tom Brown.Brown is his _______.A.first name B.last name C.given name Step 5 Practice .作业课件(略)

— 11 — Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly .Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。 Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略) Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 12 — Unit 3 Language in use(1课时)

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)

1.巩固介绍自己和他人的句型,就所给信息写出介绍自己和他人的文章。2.了解中西方人姓名写法上的不同。 Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)


难点:能够用所给信息写出介绍自己和他人的文章。 Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助) PPT课件 Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1 Language practice 1.Look at the pictures and introduce the three people to your cla.(Activity 1) 学生两人一组进行活动。其中一名学生把图片中的人物介绍给同伴听,同伴在听的过程中注意发现并纠正错误,然后两名学生互换角色。这样学生在全班发言之前有一个比较充分的准备,可以增强回答问题的信心。

2.Look at the pictures in Activity 1 and complete the sentences.(Activity 2) 核对答案,并及时表扬完成得好的学生。


— 13 — (Answers: 1.Sam; is twelve; is; England; is 2.is; is not; is; is; in 3.Is; isn\'t; is; China 4.Is; she is) 3.Complete the conversation.(Activity 3)

学生先个体活动,然后两人一组互相帮助完成对话内容,最后全班核对答案。 (Answers:1.I\'m 2.from 3.Where are you from 4.How old 5.thirteen 6.4) 4.Complete the table.(Activity 4) 当学生完成本活动后,教师可以根据学生的情况,对本活动进行扩展和延伸。教师可以让学生用这些词来复述一下玲玲、大明、贝蒂和托尼的国籍,或者写出几个学生感兴趣的名人,让学生就他们“从哪里来”和“是哪国人”等进行问答练习。

环节说明:活动1-4目的在于通过口头及笔头练习的形式巩固本模块所学的重点内容,同时考査学生阅读的能力。 小结训练

1.Her English(英语的)name is Lucy.2.Emma is from America(美国).3.In China(中国),the given name is last (最后的).Step 2 Around the world 建议:教师可以多举几个外国人名的例子,让学生辨别其姓和名。 教师板书“Yang Liwei”和“Bill Gates”,并对比讲解中英文姓名顺序的区别。 然后让学生写下自己的名字和一个最喜欢的外国人的名字,并试着用英文讲解。 Step 3 Module task 1.Work in pairs.Ask and answer questions about a friend.(Activity 5) 全班活动,教师提问部分学生,学生回答,然后学生两人一组互相问答。 2.Work in pairs.Introduce yourself.Ask and answer.(Activity 6) 建议:教师应给学生充分的展示时间,并特别关注在前面几节课中比较沉默的学生,让学生从起始阶段就能体验成功,强化学生对英语学习的兴趣。因为本活动内容比较简单,教师要采用多种方式来调动学生参与的热情。 环节说明:这是要求学生向教师和同学展示自己学习成果的活动。学生应

— 14 — 能够向同学作自我介绍,能够听懂别人的自我介绍并能询问对方的个人信息。 Step 4 Other activities (问题探究)

1.王明来自哪里? Where is Wang Ming from? 2.他十二岁了。He is twelve years old.3.我和莉莉在三班。 Lily and I are in Cla 3.Step 5 Practice .作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly .Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。 Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略) Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)

本节课活动旨在让学生能够用英语表达姓名、年龄、来自于什么地方、在几年级几班等。学生完成任务较好。但要注意学生对“be 动词”的使用。

— 15 — Module 2 My family(共5课时)

Unit 1 Is this your mum ?(2课时 )

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)


3.继续学习使用人称代词(主格)和形容词性物主代词。Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)

重点:介绍自己或他人的家庭构成及成员。 难点:运用指示代词和名词所有格。 Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助) PPT课件

第1课时(Activity 1—3)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1.Warming-up.教师展示一张照片并用英语介绍: S1: Is this your family? T: Yes,it is.S1:It\'s a big family! T:This is my parents.This is my son and that is my daughter.S2:Is this your mom? T:No,that is my aunt.

— 16 — 环节说明:本活动旨在激活学生的背景知识,引出模块的中心话题,起导入话题和展示词汇的作用,为后面的学习打基础。 Step 2 Activities 1,2 1.Look at the picture.Talk about Tony\\\'s family.(Activity 1) ①教师领读方框中的单词。

②询问学生有哪些单词不认识,确保学生认识方框中的所有单词。 ③学生两人小组活动,谈论托尼的家庭成员。 ④教师请一到两个小组在课堂上展示。


2.Listen and check (√) in Activity 1 the people Tony mentions.(Activity 2) 方案1: ①教师讲明活动要求。 ②学生个体活动,然后全班核对。 方案2 :如果学生水平较高,在完成方案1之后,教师还可以再给学生提几个细节理解的问题, 让学生再听一遍录音,然后回答问题。 环节说明:本活动检査学生识别听力语段中单词的能力。 Step 3 Practice 瞧一瞧,Bob的一家子,你能看出他们的身份吗?请根据图片和家谱中的字母代号写出表示人物身份的单词。

— 17 — 1.grandfather 2.grandmother 3.father 4.mother 5.aunt 6.sister 7.brother Step 4 Other activities 1.There is a picture ______ my family on the wall (墙).A.to B.of C.with D.for 2.Wang Hua is very short (矮的).So she sits ______ the claroom.A.next to B.on the right C.on the left D.in the front of Step 5 Practice .作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly .Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。 Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略) Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 18 —

第2课时(Activity 4—7)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1.Warming-up T: Show your photos to me and tell me your family.S1:This is my family.My parents are in front of me.The woman next to me is my aunt.The boy on my left is my brother.S2:„

环节说明:此活动的目的是巩固上课时所学词汇、短语及重点句型。同时通过对话来提高学生的语言表达能力。 Step 2 Listening 1.Listen and read.Now choose the correct answer.(Activity 3) 建议:完成练习后,教师可以让学生跟读录音,并模仿,然后两人一组朗读对话。在学生熟悉对话内容之后,试着合上书本,借助手势表演出对话的内容。教师在此阶段可以教给学生一些听力的策略,如先读题进行预测等。 ①学生读句子,预测答案。

②个体活动,听录音,选出正确答案。 ③两人一组核对答案,然后全班核对答案。 (Answers:1.sister 2.aunt 3.uncle 4.cousin) 2.Underline the correct words.(Activity 4)

— 19 — 建议:如果学生水平较高,教师可以把它作为一个听后活动,让学生在听完对话后完成; 如果学生感觉困难,教师也可以让学生读后再完成本活动。 ①学生个体活动,听录音,选出正确的单词,完成短文。 ②两人一组核对答案,然后全班核对答案。

(Answers:1.right 2.left 3.in front of 4.brother) 环节说明:本部分听力目的在于训练学生从听力材料中获取有关信息的能力。 小结训练

1.The woman is Tom\'s aunt.2.—Who is the girl next to you? —It\'s my sister.3.This is my family photo(照片).4.Jack is on the right (右边)in the photo.Step 3 Pronunciation and speaking 1.Listen and repeat.(Activity 5) 建议:在完成本活动之后,可以让学生补充一些他们熟悉的词汇,以旧带新,增加学生的词汇量。



2.Work in pairs.Show each other your family photo.Ask and answer questions about your family.(Activity 6) 建议:教师需要提前布置任务,让学生把全家福照片带来,而且最好选择家庭成员比较多的照片。提醒学生在谈论过程中使用目标语言“Is this„?” / “Are these„?” Step 4 Other activities 1.吉姆在我的前面。 Jim is in front of me.2.在简旁边的那个男孩是谁?

— 20 — Who is the boy next to Jane?

Step 5 Practice .作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly .Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。 Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略) Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 21 — Unit 2 These are my parents.(2课时)

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)


2.能够运用所学知识介绍自己和家人的职业。Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)

重点:掌握本单元的基本词汇和句型。 难点:正确运用名词所有格。

Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助) PPT课件

第3课时(Activity 1—3)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1.Warming-up 利用多媒体展示一些场所的图片,教师边展示图片边说英语单词,让学生熟悉词汇,为下面的阅读活动作准备。 Step 2 Activities 1,2

1.Label the places in the pictures with the words and expreions from

— 22 — the box.(Activity 1)

①教师领读方框中的单词,学生跟读,注意学生的读音。  ②学生个体活动,把单词和图片进行匹配。

③两人一组核对答案,然后全班核对答案。鼓励学生以句子的形式呈现答案,如“Picture A is a hospital.”

(Answers :a.hospital b.bus station c.theatre d.school e.police station f.hotel)

2.Label the people in Activity 1 with the words and expreion from the box.(Activity 2)

环节说明:本活动为下面的阅读从词汇上和话题上作准备,解决阅读中可能出现的有关职业和场所的词汇问题,同时建立场所与职业之间的联系。 Answers:a.nurses b.bus driver c.actor d.teacher e.policeman f.manager) 小结训练

1.My father works in a hotel(宾馆). 2.Tom’s uncle is a doctor in a hospital. 3.There is a theatre (剧院) near our school. 4.Cheng Long is an actor. 5.Is this a bus station(车站)? Step 3 Reading Read the paage and write the letters of the pictures in Activity 1.(Activity 3)




③学生个体活动,默读,然后完成其他各小题。 

— 23 — ④两人一组核对答案,然后教师点名检査。

环节说明:本活动是活动2的延伸,不同的是,这里的信息应该从文章中获取,而不是职业与场所的直接联系,是训练获取细节信息的能力。 小结训练

( B )1.Ge You is actor and I like him very much. A.a B.an C.the D./

( D )2.are my new clamates,Mike and Jim. A.it B.This C.that D.These 3.These are Betty’s (Betty) parents.

4.These women are nurses (nurse) in this hospital. 5.My father and my uncle are policemen (policeman). Step 4 Other activities (问题探究)


1.your,job,what, brother’s ,is What is your brother’s job?

2.Tom,the,of,is, manager,theatre,the Tom is the manager of the theatre.

3.an,teacher,Sam,is,English,school,at,a Sam is an English teacher at a school. Step 5 Practice .作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly .Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。 Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略) Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 24 —

第4课时(Activity 4—7)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1.Warming-up T:Who can talk about your family?

S1:I can.My name is Wang Peng.I\'m Chinese.My mother is a nurse.My father\'s job is a policeman.

S2:My name is Fan Lan.This is my mother.She’s an English teacher at a school.This is my father.He’s a driver.环节说明:此活动的目的是巩固上课时所学词汇、短语及重点句型。同时通过对话来提高学生的语言表达能力。  Step 2 Activity 4 Complete the table.(Activity 4) ①学生个体活动,完成图表。

②全班核对答案,教师提问个别学生,确保全体学生都能够正确填写答案。 



— 25 — 小结训练

(C)1.My brother and I are at school. A.same B.different C.the same D.difference ( A )2.— ?—I am a nurse. A.What’s your job B.How are you C.How old are you D.Where are you from ( C )3.My sister is teacher and my brother is actor. A.a;a B.an;a C.a;an D.an;an Step 3 Writing 1.Look at this sentence.Now underline capital letters and full stops.(Activity 5)

建议:本活动最好采用个体活动的方式,教师要关注每一位学生的落实情况,从英语学习的早期阶段就开始培养学生良好的学习习惯。 ①让学生观察例句中的标点和大小写。 ②在教师的帮助下,学生总结何时使用大写。

③学生个体活动,教师可以点名让几个学生到黑板上作答。 ④两人一组核对答案,然后全班核对。

⑤当天最好留一项类似的作业,继续巩固大小写和标点符号的使用。 2.Answer the questions.Write sentences.Now check capital letters and full stops.(Activity 6)

①学生两人一组,进行口头问答。 ②学生个体活动,写下答案。



— 26 — Step 4 Other activities (问题探究)


My uncle is the manager of a theatre. 2.我的工作是在警察局。 My job is at a police station.3.托尼的妈妈是个英语老师。

Tony’s mother is an English teacher. Step 5 Practice .作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly .Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。 Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略) Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)

本节课活动旨在复习所学的询问姓名和年龄的用语, 学习表示职业的问答,同时培养学生的阅读理解能力。由于本单元生词较多,大部分学生在课堂上不能掌握所有词汇的拼写及用法,教师要给学生适当的练习题来巩固。

— 27 —

Unit 3 Language in use(1课时) 第5课时(Activity 4—7)

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)

1.能够正确使用指示代词。2.掌握本单元的重要词汇和短语。 3.能够进行家庭成员介绍。 4.了解不同国家的家庭成员结构。 Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)

重点:掌握本单元的基本词汇和句型。 难点:能够准确使用人称代词和物主代词。 Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助) PPT课件 Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1.Warming-up 本模块重点展示了指示代词、人称代词、形容词性物主代词及名词所有格的用法。 教师应逐项引导学生进行归纳总结。 

1.Look at the pictures and talk about the families.〖JP〗Now write sentences about them.(Activity 1)


②教师带领学生描述第一幅图,让学生清楚如何仿照例子描述图片。 

— 28 — ③学生两人一组描述另外两幅图片。

④教师选几组学生在全班展示,及时纠正错误。  ⑤学生个体活动,写下对第

二、三幅图的描述。 ⑥小组内相互检査,教师巡视,提供指导和帮助。

2.Look at the picture and complete the sentences with this,that,these or those.(Activity 2)

①教师示范“this”和“these”以及“that”和“those”的区别。  ②学生个体活动,完成句子。

③全班核对答案,教师点名让学生说出选择答案的理由。 (Answers:1.These; This 2.That 3.that 4.Those) 3.Write sentences.(Activity 3)

①教师指导学生看例句,让学生理解活动要求。 ②学生个体写句子。 ③教师点名检査,核对答案。

4.Match the words in Box A with the words in Box B.(Activity 4) 5.Complete the paage with the correct form of the words from the box.(Activity 5)

①学生个体活动,完成短文。 ②小组内核对答案,全班核对答案。

(Answers:1.my 2.Their 3.His 4.our 5.Her 6.He 7.She 8.We)

环节说明:活动1-5旨在检查本模块的重点词汇的使用,复习巩固指示代词的用法。归纳总结人称代词的主格形式和形容词性物主代词的用法及形容词性物主代词与名词所有格之间的转换。 小结训练

( B )1.—Is man a policeman? —Yes,he is.

A.a B.this C.those D.these ( A )2.mother is a hotel manager.

— 29 — A.Her B She C.He D.You Step 2 Around the world 教师要充分利用“around the world”来拓宽学生的国际视野,不可把这部分内容作为知识点来处理。 Step 3 Module task

1.Draw your family tree.Work in pairs.Talk about each other\\\'s family.(Activity 6)

学生拿出自己的家谱,按照本活动的要求,开展两人一组的问答活动。  2.Write about your family.(Activity 7) ①学生独立完成写作任务。 

②两人一组互相阅读并修改对方的作品,给出意见。  ③小组内交流,推荐优秀作品在全班汇报展示。 Step 4 Other activities (问题探究)

1.I am a doctor.(对画线部分提问) What’s your job?

2.These men are policemen.(改为单数句子) This man is a policeman. Step 5 Practice .作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly .Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。 Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略) Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 30 — Module 3 My school(共5课时)

Unit 1 There are 30students in my cla.(2课时 )

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)


2.能够运用There be句式介绍自己的班级和学校。 Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)

重点:掌握本单元的重点词汇和句型。 难点:学习和运用There be句式。 Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助) PPT课件

第1课时(Activity 1—3)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1.Warming-up.

T:Do you like our school? Ss:Yes.T:Tell me about our school.S1:It’s very big.

T:What’s our claroom like? S2:It’s big.

— 31 — T:How many students are there in our cla? S3:There are 50 students.环节说明:本活动旨在激起学生的学习兴趣,引出模块的中心话题,起导入话题和展示词汇的作用。为后面的听力作准备。 Step 2 完成教材Activity 1的任务



②教师询问学生是否有不认识的单词,如果有,教师要给予展示或解释。 ③以图片1为例,教师提问,全班回答,引导学生描述图片中的信息。 ④学生两人一组活动,谈论图片,描述图片。

⑤教师请几组学生在全班展示,并提醒学生尽量用完整的句子来描述图片。 Step 3 Listening

1.Listen and choose the correct picture in Activity 1.(Activity 2) 2.Listen and read.Now complete the table.(Activity 3) 建议:学生先听,听完之后完成填表的练习,之后再跟读课文。 ①教师要求学生把活动3的对话部分用笔记本盖住,把注意力集中在听上,养成良好的听力习惯。

②学生先看一遍表格内容,作好听力准备。 ③学生个体活动,听录音填入正确信息。


⑤如果学生水平较高,完成本活动之后,教师还可以再放一遍录音,让学生边听边记录, 然后让学生根据记下的信息口头表述表内的内容。

(Answers:Linda’s cla—30—at the front of the claroom—a map of England Daming’s cla—40—There aren’t any pictures—a map of the world) 小结训练

( B )1.How many are there in your room? A.furniture B.pictures C.chair D.desk

— 32 — ( B )2.There isn’t water in that gla. A.many B.a lot of C.some ( C )3.—Is there a computer on Mi Zhang’s desk?

—No, . A.there aren’t B.there is C.there isn’t D.there are Step 4 Other activities 1.This is my computer (电脑).2.There is a new television (电视机)in my home.3.There are forty students in my cla,22 boys and 18 girls.Step 5 Practice .作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly .Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。 Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略) Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 33 —

第2课时(Activity 4—7)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1.Warming-up.老师展示图片,学生之间用there be 结构问答 S1:Is there a computer in your home? S2:Yes, there is.Are there any pictures in the claroom? S3:No,there aren’t.

S4:Are there trees in front of your home? S5:Yes, there are.What’s in the claroom? S6:There is a map on the wall„

环节说明:此活动的目的是巩固上课时所学词汇、短语及重点句型。同时通过对话来提高学生的语言表达能力。 Step 2 Listening

Listen and repeat.(Activity 4)




1.Listen and repeat the numbers.(Activity 5)

— 34 — 本活动的目的是帮助学生学习数字的发音及拼写。教师除了让学生听读这些数字外,还可以带领学生总结一下这些数字的拼写特点。 2.Match the words with the numbers.(Activity 6) 方案1:①学生个体活动,把单词和数字连线匹配。


方案2:①教师读英文的数字,学生按照教师读的顺序为阿拉伯数字排序。②全班核对答案。③学生在教师的引领下总结两位数数词的构成规律。 (Answers:twenty one—21;seventy—70; sixty—60; forty six—46; ninety—90; eighty—80; fifty—50; twenty—20; thirty—30; forty—40)

Step 3 Pronunciation and speaking

Work in pairs.Write about your claroom.Use numbers.(Activity 7) ①两人一组一起找出教室内设施的数量并做记录。

②两人之间开展问答,谈论设施的数量。彼此监督数字读音是否正确。 ③教师提问,全班回答。

5.Work in pairs.Talk about your ideal claroom.(Activity 8)


②两人一组开展问答,谈论各自心目中理想的教室。 ③教师让不同的小组展示,然后选出大家最喜欢的教室。



1.— ?—There are two maps. A.What’s on the wall B.What’s this C.What are these D.What are those 2.— girls are there in your cla? —There are twenty. A.How much B.How any

— 35 — C.How many D.What Step 4 Other activities —你的书包里有什么? —有一些书和一支钢笔。 —What’s in your bag? —There are some books and a pen.Step 5 Practice .作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly .Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。 Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略) Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)

本节课活动旨在巩固本单元的部分重点词汇,练习there be 句式及数词的运用。学生对“How many„?” 的句式及答句掌握得不是很好。教师布置作业让学生就家里或学校的物品进行问答。

— 36 — Unit 2 The library is on the left of the playground .(2课时)

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)

1.能够描述、判断物体之间的位置关系。2.掌握本单元的重要词汇和短语。 3.培养热爱学校热爱家园意识。 Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)

重点:掌握本单元的基本词汇和句型。 难点:能够描述、判断物体之间的位置关系。 Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助) PPT课件

第3课时(Activity 1—3)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1.Warming-up

教师展示本校的建筑结构图并提问。 T:Where is the library? S1:It’s on the left of the gate.T:Where is the science lab? S2:It’s next to the claroom.„

— 37 — 环节说明:此活动的目的是巩固上课时所学的介词及介词短语,接触一些新的介词及介词短语,引出单元的中心话题,起导入话题和展示词汇的作用。同时通过对话来提高学生的语言表达能力。 Step 2 Activity 1

Label the pictures with the words and expreions from the box.(Activity 1)




(Answers:2.gate 3.building 4.sports hall5.science lab 6.library 7.office 8.playground)

环节说明:本活动为下一步的阅读作词汇方面的铺垫,同时有助于培养学生的联想能力。 Step 3 Reading Read Betty\\\'s words,and write her clamates’ names on their desks.(Activity 2)

①教师以班级学生的位置为例来说明方框中的4个方位词或词组。②教师就班级学生的位置进行提问,检査学生对方位词的理解。  ③学生个体活动。 ④两人一组核对答案。


环节说明:本阶段的活动是训练学生学习有关方位的介词或短语。 小结训练选择方框中的词或短语填空。

— 38 —

1.There are many books in the library.

2.There is a ball behind the door.You can’t see it. 3.The pictures are on the wall.

4.Our claroom is next to the teacher’s office. 5.It is a map of the world. Step 4 Other activities (问题探究)

1.What’s in this building (建筑物)? 2.Where is the dining hall?

3.There is a shop at the school gate (大门).4.The hospital is near the hotel.(对画线部分提问) Where is the hospital? ( D )5.—Where are the boys? — in the science lab. A.It’s B.There’s C There are D.They’re Step 5 Practice .作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly .Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。 Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略) Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思


通过阅读理解掌握“behind”“between”“in front of”“on the right”这4个方位词或词组, 并为下一课时的阅读理解作好准备。但学生对此单元生词的记忆和运用上存在问题。

— 39 —

第4课时(Activity 4—7)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1.Warming-up.教师展示图片让学生说出物体的名称及位置,以巩固所学单词及短语。为下面的阅读做准备。

Step 2 完成教材Activities 3,4的任务

1.Read the paage and label the map of the school.(Activity 3)


①教师向学生说明活动要求,并让学生默读课文。 ②学生个体活动,根据文章内容,填写各建筑物的名称。

(Answers:1.library 2.school offices 4.dining hall 5.sports hall 6.science building) ③学生听录音核对答案。 ④全班核对答案。

2.Answer the questions.(Activity 4)


— 40 — 答什么,提取的信息要准确。

①学生个体阅读,寻找问题的答案。  ②两人一组问答。

③教师点名几组学生回答问题,全班核对答案。  ④如果时间允许,教师可以要求学生把答案写下来。

〖CS%0,100,0,0〗环节说明:本阶段的活动旨在训练学生阅读有关方位的文章,并要求学生能根据文章内容识别简单的地图。 (Answers: 1.There are six buildings. 2.It’s the playground.

3.There are many books,maps and computers. 4.There are 24 clarooms.

5.They are in the science building.)


( A )1.The claroom building is the school. A.in the middle of B.in middle of  C.next to D.behind ( B )2.This building is  science. A.to B.for C.at D.on ( C )3.—Is there a big playground in your school?

—Yes, .

A.it is B.they are C.there is D.there isn’t Step 3 Writing 1.Look at the sentences.Now answer the questions.Use short forms.(Activity 5)


(Answers:1.It’s 2.They’re 3.it isn’t)

2.Answer the questions about your school in Activity

— 41 — 5.Now write answers to the questions.(Activity 6) ①教师明确活动要求及活动目的。

②根据本学校的特点,教师给出学校的几个建筑物的英文表达方式,如 “claroom building”等,让学生就其方位与同伴进行问答。 做好关键词或词组的记录。 

③学生笔头描述自己的学校。 Step 4 Other activities (问题探究)

1.—教室在科学实验室前面吗?—不,不在。 —Is the claroom in front of the science lab? —No, it isn’t.

2.—你们的电脑室在哪儿?—它们在科学楼里。 —Where are your computer rooms? —They are in the science building.3.图书馆左边有什么?

What’s on the left of the library? Step 5 Practice .作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly .Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。 Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略) Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 42 — Unit 3 Language in use(1课时) 第5课时(Activity 4—7)

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)

1.能够正确运用Tere be 句式。 2.掌握本单元的重要词汇和短语。 3.灵活运用本模块的方位介词。 4.了解不同国家的学校教育。

Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)

重点:Tere be 句式的基本用法小结。 难点:能够准确运用方位介词。 Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助) PPT课件 Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1.Warming-up.①教师让学生在第

一、二单元中找出含有“there be”句式的肯定句、否定句、疑问句,教师帮助学生总结“there be”句式的特点。


1.Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions about your

— 43 — school.(Activity 1)

①学生两人一组进行问答。 ②教师点名小组展示。

环节说明: 本活动以问答的形式谈论学校的情况,复习“there be”句式。

2.Look at the picture and answer the questions.Now complete the paage.(Activity 2)


②两人一组进行问答,核对答案。 ③全班核对答案。

(Answers:1.It’s on the right of the gate.2.It’s behind the science building.3.It’s in the middle of the school.4.It’s on the left of the gate./It’s in front of the science building.5.It’s between the dining hall and the sports hall.) ④学生个体活动,完成短文。 ⑤教师提问,核对答案。 ⑥学生朗读短文。

(Answers:1.On the right of 2.claroom building 3.Behind 4.between 5.sports hall 6.trees)

3.Complete the word map with the words and expreions from the box.(Activity 3)

①学生独立完成词汇图。②全班检査。③ 3-4人一组,组内合作,丰富词汇图。④学生展示新补充的词汇。⑤教师向学生介绍通过“word map”来记忆单词的学习策略,并鼓励学生课下积极尝试。

环节说明:本活动的目的在于帮助学生复习有关学校设施的名词,同时利用词汇图培养学生构建语言认知域的意识,便于学生通过话题掌握单词。 小结训练

( D )1.He is at home 7 p.m.9 p.m.

A.from;at B.between;to

— 44 — C.from;and D.between;and ( B )2.Are there books on the desk? A.some; teacher B.any;teacher’s C.many; teachers D.much; teachers’ Step 2 Around the world 建议:教师可以上网搜索有关英国、美国、德国、日本等国家的学校的信息,来开阔学生的视野。 Step3 Module task

1.Draw a map of your school.(Activity 4)

2.Decide what to describe with the help of the words from the box.(Activity 5)

建议:教师应引导学生根据单词的提示确定描述的对象应该是学校。如果校园的设施比较简单的话,教师还可以建议学生重点介绍教室内的设施。 3.Write about your school.(Activity 6)

建议:在班内集体口头汇报后,教师可以要求学生在课下完善自己的学校介绍,然后结合所画的学校的地图,做一个海报,在班内展示。  Step 4 Other activities (问题探究)

1.The offices are behind the library.(对画线部分提问) Where are the offices?

2.There are three desks in my room.(对画线部分提问)

What’s in your room? Step 5 Practice .作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly .Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。 Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略) Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)

本节课活动旨在通过各种练习巩固本模块的词汇、短语,复习“there be”句式,同时训练学生的读图能力。从学生练习的反馈来看学生对“there be”句式的特殊疑问句掌握不好。课下要继续巩固。

— 45 — Module 4 Healthy food(共5课时)

Unit 1 We’ve got lots of apples.(2课时 )

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)

1.能够掌握本课关于食物和饮料的词组。2.能够运用have got句式谈论要购买什么食物。 Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)

重点:掌握本单元的重点词汇和句型。 难点:学习和运用have got句式。 Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助) PPT课件

第1课时(Activity 1—3)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1.Warming-up.


— 46 —

Step 2 完成教材Activities 1~3的任务

1.Work in pairs.Look at the pictures ,talk about them.(Activity 1)

2.Label the food in the pictures with the words in Activity 2. 学生需要在标号1—4的方框中分别填写“candy”“fruit”“meat”“vegetables”这几个单词。即使学生刚开始不知道这些词的含义,但在给具体食品和饮料归类时也会明白。活动中应如何介绍这几个单词,教师可根据学生的具体情况而定。(Answers:1.fruit 2.candy 3.meat 4.vegetables)

3.Label the food and drink in the pictures with the words from the box.(Activity 3)

①学生个体活动,标注自己熟悉的单词。  ②两人一组,相互帮助,完成对其余单词的标注。  ③全班核对答案,然后教师领读单词。

( Answers:a.apple b.orange c.carrot d.potato e.beans f.tomato g.chocolate h.beef i.chicken j.tea k.Juice l.coffee m.water n.milk o.cola )

环节说明:本阶段活动是为下面的听力作准备,起导入话题和展示词汇的作用。同时教师可以在词汇学习中介绍词汇分类记忆的策略,帮助学生培养上义词与下义词的概念。 Step 3 Listening

Listen and check (√) the food and drink Betty and her mother have

— 47 — got.(Activity 4)

教师说明活动要求,学生听录音,分别找出贝蒂家里已有的食物和需买的食物,然后帮助贝蒂列出购物清单。 小结训练

( B )1.Look! Some chicken on the table. And some apples in the basket. A.is; is B.is; are C.are; are D.are; is ( A )2.I want to drink some . A.milk B.milks C.coffees D.waters  ( B )3.—What are your favourite vegetables? — .

A.Potato B.Carrots C.Chocolate D.Chicken Step 4 Other activities

1.How many tomatoes (tomato) have you got? 2.Don’t eat too much chocolate (chocolate).3.Have we got any (some) potatoes in the bag? Step 5 Practice .作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly .Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。 Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略) Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 48 —

第2课时(Activity 4—7)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程) Step 1.Warming-up.T:Do you like vegetables? S1:Yes,I do.T:What kind of vegetables do you like? S1:Beans,carrots„ T:Do you like fruit? S1:Yes.T:What kind of fruit? S2:Apples„

环节说明:此活动的目的是巩固上课时所学的有关食物的名词,接触一些新的语言知识。引出单元的中心话题,起导入话题和展示词汇的作用。 Step 2 完成教材Activities 5,6的任务

1.Listen and read.Now complete the table.(Activity 5)

建议:教师可以根据学生的具体情况决定放几遍录音。对于学生容易出错的地方可以反复听,然后请做对的学生讲解理由。 ①教师向学生简单介绍听力内容。

— 49 — ②学生自己默读题,或者教师让学生读题。




2.Talk about Tony’s shopping.(Activity 6) ①教师讲明活动要求。

②教师向一名学生提问,为其他学生做示范。 ③学生两人一组活动,进行问答。 ④教师点名多组学生进行反馈。 小结训练

( A )1.There are oranges in the bag, so we don\'t need any more. A.too many B.too much C.many too D.much too ( C )2.Milk us. A.is bad to B.is good to C.is bad for D.is good for 环节说明:本阶段的活动旨在训练学生从听力材料中获取细节信息的能力。让学生掌握“have/has got”句式的功能和用法。 Step 3 Pronunciation and speaking 1.Listen and repeat.(Activity 7)

建议:为了帮助学生更好地掌握语音,同时提高学生对语音学习的兴趣,教师还可以给学生提供一些绕口令、韵句和韵诗等供他们练习。 2.Listen and choose /s/ or /z/.(Activity 8)


3.Work in pairs.Make a shopping list.ask and answer.(Activity 9)

①学生分工列出清单。 

— 50 —



李老师:你好,我的名字叫李芳。.我是你们的老师你们是我的学生。.我是中国人。我来自武汉。你叫什么名字? 玲玲:我的名字叫王玲玲

李老师:.见到你很高兴。玲玲,你来自哪里? 玲玲:我来自北京。我是中国人。 李老师:你多大了? 玲玲:我十三岁。


大明:你好,李老师。我的名字是李大明我也来自北京。我十二岁。 李老师:谢谢。你好,你来自美国吗?

托尼:不,我不是。我来自英格兰。我的名字叫托尼•史密斯。 李老师:见到你很高兴。托尼。嘿,你也是英国人吗? 贝蒂:不,我不是。我是美国人。我的名字叫贝蒂•金。 玲玲:托尼和贝蒂是我们的朋友。 李老师:好的。欢迎来到七年级四班。

1-2 大家好。我叫李大明,我的英文名字叫戴维。我12岁,我来自北京。北京是中国的首都。这是玲玲,她的英文名字叫露西。她是我的朋友。她也来自北京。 你们好。我叫王玲玲,我13岁。很高兴见到你。王辉是我的朋友,但他不在我们班。他的英文名字叫亨利。他来自上海。上海是个很大城市。


2-1 玲玲:这是你的家庭吗? 托尼:是的,它是。

玲玲:好大的一个家庭啊!这是你的妹妹吗? 托尼:是的,这是她。她叫琳达。


托尼:是的,他们是。我妈妈的父母在左边,我爸爸的父母在右边。 玲玲:我明白了。这是谁? 托尼:那是我爸爸。


第1页 (共8页)

托尼:是的。在她旁边的妇女是我爸爸的姐姐,我的姑姑利兹。 玲玲:这是她的丈夫吗?

托尼:不,那是她的兄弟,我的叔叔保罗。 玲玲:在保罗前面的男孩和女孩是谁?


2-2 我叫贝蒂·金。这是我的父母。我们是美国人。我爸爸是一名男演员,我妈妈市一家剧院的经理




3-1 大明:琳达,你在英国的教室是什么样子的?它大吗?

琳达:是的,特别大。在我们班有三十名学生,在北京你们班有多少名学生? 大明:有四十名学生,二十名女生,二十名男生。你们教室里有什么?有许多家具吗?



琳达:不,没有。但在教师的讲桌上有一台电脑。 大明:哦,在教室的墙上有一些图画吗? 琳达:是的,有,在教室的前面。 大明:有世界地图吗?



3-2 这是我们学校的地图。我们学校有六座建筑物:一个图书馆,一座办公楼,一座教学楼,一个餐厅,一个体育馆和一座科学楼。在学校中央是一个大操场。图书馆在学校大门附近,操场的左边。里面有很多图书、地图和电脑。在图使馆后面的左侧是学校的办公室。在这栋楼和餐厅之间是拥有二十四个教室的教

第2页 (共8页)


4-1 托尼的爸爸:托尼,我们去购物买些食物和饮料吧。现在,我们没有肉了。我们买鸡肉吧。




托尼的爸爸:不是,我们有许多苹果。我们没有橘子了,所以我们买些橘子吧。 托尼:好吧。买一些橘汁怎么样?

托尼的爸爸:是的,好主意!还有咖啡。我们给你妈妈买些。她没有咖啡了。 托尼:好吧,给妈妈一些咖啡,给我一些可乐。我没有可乐了。 托尼的爸爸:不要可乐!可乐对你不好!买一些茶好吗? 托尼:哦,太不好了!

4-2 对儿童健康的食物和饮料


吃合适的食物并保持健康。胡萝卜、鸡蛋和甜土豆对你的眼睛有好处。牛奶、奶酪和鱼对你的牙齿有好处。有点儿劳累吗?喝大量的美味的鸡汤吧! 记住这些是很重要的:吃好,保持健康,不要变胖! 吃面条或米饭,不吃汉堡包。 每天早上吃一顿好的早饭。



5-1 托尼:贝蒂,星期一我们上什么课?



第3页 (共8页)


贝蒂:我们上英语、语文、体育和地理。 托尼:那么下午呢?我们上数学吗?



5-2 你好!我是阿里克斯•格里诺尔。我13岁了,我在英国牛津的帕克中学上学。我工作日去上学,但在周六和周日不去。这是我的上课日。我在早上7点半起床,然后吃早饭。





6-1 导游:欢迎到北京动物园。动物园里有许多种动物,比如熊、斑马、长颈鹿和熊猫。它们来自许多不同的国家,而且它们吃不同的食物。这是狮子。 托尼:狮子吃肉吗?

导游:是的,它们吃肉。它们吃其他动物。它们很危险! 玲玲:啊!熊呢?它们吃肉吗?

导游:是的,它们吃肉,但是它们也吃植物。 托尼:看这头大象,它很高。它吃肉吗? 导游:不,它不吃。它吃植物。 玲玲:熊猫吃植物和树叶吗? 导游:当然。它们爱吃竹子。


导游:可以,咱们走吧。你看到玲玲了吗? 托尼:她在你前面!


第4页 (共8页)


导游:在那边那个黑白相间的动物。看!它在那儿! 玲玲:太有趣了。它也叫玲玲! 托尼:有叫托尼„„的熊猫吗?




在中国大约只有1 800只熊猫,并且约有200只生活在动物园里。熊猫一天吃大约30千克竹子,它还吃植物和树叶,这种黑白相间的动物是世界各地人们的最爱。斑马是一种非洲的动物。像熊猫一样,它也是黑白相间的。它吃植物和树叶,也吃草,但是斑马不吃竹子。



7-1 玲玲:我怎样在电脑上写作业呢?我能学吗?

贝蒂:当然可以!首先,打开一个新文件,在“新文件”上点击鼠标。 玲玲:鼠标是什么?这是它吗? 贝蒂:是的。

玲玲:我在哪里点击“新文件”呢? 贝蒂:在屏幕的左边„„那儿! 玲玲:好的,下一步是什么?

贝蒂:接下来,你就在这个新文件里写你的作业。使用键盘。 玲玲:然后我做什么呢?我怎样保存这个文件呢? 贝蒂:你点击“保存”,并为它写上一个名称。 玲玲:我在哪里输入文件名呢?

贝蒂:在方框内输入。好了,然后再点击“保存”。 玲玲:好了。最后,我怎么打印我的文件呢? 贝蒂:点击“打印”按钮和“确定”按钮。 玲玲:纸怎么办?


第5页 (共8页)

7-2 谁可以在周日使用电脑? 谁和爸爸共用一台电脑? 谁在电脑上和顾客交谈? 谁有一个朋友在澳大利亚? 谁家里没有电脑? 谁玩电脑游戏?







8-1 大明:嗨,你们愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗? 贝蒂:是的,我愿意。它在什么时候? 大明:本周六,在我家。

托尼:好的!我总是喜欢生日聚会。 玲玲:太好了!


大明:在生日宴会上,我们吃面条。我们也吃生日蛋糕。但我妈妈从不做生日蛋糕。她通常买一个特殊的,并且我在聚会上切开它。 玲玲:并且我们有时送生日贺卡。 托尼:你们通常唱《生日快乐》歌吗?

大明:是的,我们总是唱《生日快乐》歌。 托尼:你们用汉语还是英语唱? 大明:我们用汉语和英语唱。

贝蒂:在中国你们得到生日礼物吗? 玲玲:有时。大明总是得到生日礼物! 托尼:那么你想要什么生日礼物,大明? 贝蒂:托尼!那是个秘密。

第6页 (共8页)

8-2 挑选生日礼物







9-1 贝蒂:你好,妈妈!


贝蒂:我正站在中国的长城上和你说话。 妈妈:真的吗?那太好了。 贝蒂:我们在进行学校旅行。


贝蒂:嗯,现在托尼正在吃一个可口的冰激凌。王辉正在拍大量的照片。玲玲正在买几件礼物和明信片。它们正在商店里出售。大明正躺在阳光下吃午餐。 妈妈:我也想要一张明信片,但是请拍一些长城的照片,通过电子邮件发给我。 贝蒂:好的。我们非常喜欢这次学校旅行。无论如何,现在是回学校的时间了。再见,妈妈!


9-2 此时此刻,世界上不同地方的人们正在做着不同的事情。在伦敦,现在是下午5点钟,人们正在下班回家。他们在等公共汽车或火车。有些人开车回家。有些人正在下公共汽车或火车。有些人正在家喝下午茶或饮料。

在莫斯科,现在是晚上8点钟,所以人们没在喝下午茶。他们正在家里或餐馆里吃晚饭。有些人正去歌剧院或看电影。有些人正在家里看电视或玩游戏。 在北京,现在是午夜1点钟,所以人们没有在吃晚饭。大部分人正在睡觉。有

第7页 (共8页)




10-1 托尼:你好,玲玲。我是托尼。在忙什么呢?你们在为春节作准备吗? 玲玲:是的,我们是。我们现在十分忙。 托尼:此刻你在做什么? 玲玲:我在扎大红灯笼。

托尼:我喜欢灯笼。它们很好看,你爸爸在帮你吗? 玲玲:不,他没有。他仍然在工作。 托尼:你妈妈在做什么?

玲玲:她在打扫房子,并收拾东西。 托尼:她真能干!

玲玲:是啊。我姑姑在扫地,我奶奶正在厨房里做饭。 托尼:大明和贝蒂在做什么?

玲玲:他们在和我爷爷一起学舞龙。 托尼:我可以加入他们一起舞龙吗? 玲玲:当然可以。赶快!

10-2 我是来自中国的李姗。春节在我国非常重要。像圣诞节一样每年都过,但不是在同一天。春节常出现在二月份,但有时也出现在一月份。我有一些春节的照片。看看它们吧!




第8页 (共8页)


7A-Module1 学案

Module1 My ClamatesUnit 1 Nice to meet you第1课时







2.能够用sb+be结构做自我介绍.【用具】 学案、录音机


Step 1 Revision合上书,默写下列单词,6号展示答案。

1. 遇见________ 2.第一 ___________ 3.英语___________ 4.班级_________

5.课___________ 6.十二___________7.十三___________ 8.年_________

Step 2 Teaching oneself

1、Read the dialogue by yourself.2、Find out the phrases.5号抢答。 来自(2个)十二岁见到你很高兴Step3Teamwork

A .Listen and read the dialogue .

B.Listen and check the true sentences .3-4号抢答。

1.Mi Li is a teacher .2.Lingling is from Beijing .

3.Daming and Lingling are friends .4.Daming and Lingling are English .

5.Wang Hua is twelve years old .

Step4 Feedback 先独自完成,然后1-2号负责小组内核对答案。

1.你来自哪里?Where _________ you ___________ ?

2.我们来自美国,我们是美国人.We come from ____________, we are _______________

3.他们的名字是李小龙和张大飞._________ ________ are Li Xiaolong and Zhang Dafei.

4.你多大?_______ ______ are you?5.很高兴见到你.______ to ______ you.


What _______ __________in English ? They are _________.

Step 5 Extension。5-6号必答。

用am , is, are 填空:

1.—Hi, I ______ Frank .What _______ your name?—My name _______ Lisa.

2.—What ______ your telephone number? —It ________ 555-80.

3.—What _______ this in English?It _______a telephone.4.They _______ from Beijing .

5.Li Ping and Wang Hui _______ from Shanghai .Li Ping _______ twelve years old and Wang Hui _______ thirteen .

6.My father ________ a teacher , my mother ________ a doctor , they _______ Chinese .

Step6 Summary


Step7 Homework



- 1 -


Module1 My ClamatesUnit 1 Nice to meet you第2课时







1.巩固本节课所学词汇和习惯用语 2.进一步练习动词be一般现在时的陈述句和一般疑问句

【用具】 学案、录音机


Step 1 Revision合上书,默写下列短语,6号展示答案。

1.来自________2.你的名字 ___________3.欢迎来到___________


Step 2 Teaching oneself。Act outthe dialogue in groups.


A:What’s your name ?

B:My name is …

A:Are you English ?

B:No ,I’m…

A:How old are you?

B:I’m…years old.

Step4 Feedback

Complete T2/T3 on P6.完成课本第6页第


Step 5 Extension

1、当表示某个国家的人时,可用句型:Sb.+ be from +国家名词.或Sb.+ be +某国人(形

容词).eg :

1) 他是英国人。He is from England .He is English .He is an Englishman .

2) 李雷是中国人。 Li Lei is from China .Li Lei is Chinese .

3) 露西和莉莉是美国人。Lucy and Lily are from America .Lucy and Lily are Americans .

2、I’m in Cla One with Daming and Lingling .我和大明、玲玲都在一班。




Step6 Summary


Step7 Homework




Module1 My Clamates

Unit2 I’m Wang Lingling and I’m thirteen years old.第3课时





1.重点词汇:city, fourteen, eleven, be from,capital ,every,very,first name, last name ,all


1、My name is…

2、I’m from…

3、I’m …years old.4、I’m in Cla One, Grade Seven.

3.语法: be 动词(am , is , are )的用法。

【重点难点】 be 动词(am , is , are )的用法。

【用具】 电脑、录音机,学案


Step 1 Revision



1.遇见________ 2.城市 ___________ 3.英语___________ 4.第一的________

5.最后的_________ 6.小的___________7.很,非常___________ 8.全体,每个_________Step 2 Teaching oneself

Listen to the tape of the text(听课本录音) ,理解课文大意,找出下列短语。3-4号展示。

1.我的名字________ 2….岁 ___________ 3.来自___________ 4….的首都________

5.我最后的名字_________ 6.他的英文名字___________7.她的朋友___________ 8.见到你很高兴_________9.在英国_________


A.Read the paage in Activity 2 and check the true sentences .完成活动2判断题,先独自完成,1-2号组织核对答案。

B.Read the dialogue in groups。以小组为单位读课文,教师抽查2-3组展示。

C.Complete the table in Act 4 in groups .(小组合作完成活动4表格)

Step4 Feedback。用am , is, are 填空:

1.He and I ________ in Cla One .

2.Mary and her friends _________ playing basketball .

3.I __________ from Beijing.4.Daming __________ my friend .

5.Daming and Lingling __________ good friends.

Step 5 Extend

Complete the Act 5 in groups .(小组合作完成活动5).Step6 Summary.本节课你学会了哪些知识?

Step7 Homework




Module 1 My Clamates

Unit2 I’m Wang Lingling and I’m thirteen years old.第4课时







1.掌握Unit 2的单词和人称代词主格并能够用他们说句子。

2.掌握句型:1.I’m……and I’m ….years old.2.Wang Hui is my friend,but he is …..3.…..is my first name .4.…..is my last name .


Step 1 Revision

写出下列单词或词组的英文。5-6号必答。 (1)我的同班同学(2)一个小城市(3)中国


(7)我(主格)(8)他(宾格)(9)她(主格)(10)城市Step 2 Teaching oneself.Read the dialogue by oneself熟读课文.

Step3TeamworkRead the dialogue in groups.小组内读课文.

Step4 Feedback。3-4号回答。用所给词汇的适当形式填空。

1.Daming______(be not) in Cla Two.

2.“___Lingling and Daming your clamates?”“No,they___(be not)”

3.Jack is from ______ (American).4.He’s in (Wang Hui)_____cla.

5.There are many big ________(city) in China.

Step 5 Extend





起修饰作用。如:my bag我的书包。名词性物主代词后面不能接名词。


名词性物主代词: mineyourhishersitsoursyourstheirs

e.g.1.Li Hua’s bike is red and yours is green.李华的自行车是红色的,而你的是绿色的。

2.That car is mine, not yours.那辆汽车是我的,不是你的。

Step6 Summary.本节课你学会了哪些知识?

Step7 Homework




Module 1 My ClamatesUnit3Language in use第5课时




【学习目标】学会用本单元的语言相互交流。, 【重点难点】掌握本单元的基本词汇

【用具】 电脑、录音机


Step 1 Revision .用am not, aren’t, 或isn’t填空。

1.Anna ________ eleven.She’s twelve.

2.Li Mei and Zhang Qian ________ teachers.They’re students.

3.Mike: “ I ________ from England.I’m from America.”

4.Linda _________ in Cla Three.She’s in Cla Two.

5.Li Meimei and Wang Fang: “We ________ twelve.We’re eleven.”

Step 2 Teaching oneself

1.Finish Exerciset1,2 on P6.

2.Read the paage “Around the world”

Step3 Teamwork

1.Make a dialogue.

2.Act out the dialogue in groups..

Step4 Feedback

1、He _____ a teacher.His name ________ Lin Feng.

2、---How old ________ Mingming and Dongdong?

---They ________ thirteen.They are only eleven.

3、--- _______ Becky from America?

---No, she ________ .She is from England.

4、Sam with his friend Helen ________ in Cla Two.They are in Cla Three.

5、---________ Lucy and Lily twins?

---Yes, they are.And both of them _______ twelve.

Step 5 Extend

Look at the pictures in Activity 2 and complete the sentences .

Step6 Summary

What did you learn ? Step7 Homework






















第一周: Starter Module 1 My teacher and my friends

Unit 1 Good mornong , Mi zhou .

Unit 2 Good mornong.I’m Chen Zhong.

Unit3 This is my friend.第二周: Starter Module2 My English leon

Unit 1 Open your book.

Unit 2 What’s your number?

Unit 3 I’m twelve.第三周: Starter Module 3 My English book

Unit 1 What’s this in English?

Unit 2 Can you help me,please?

Unit 3 What colour is it?

第四周: Starter Module 4 My everyday life

Unit 1 What day is it today? .

Unit 2 What’s the weather like?

Unit 3 What’s your favourite sport? 第五周: 国庆放假

第六周:复习Starter 部分

检测学生给你掌握情况 第七周: Module 1 My clamates Unit1 Nice to meet you

Unit 2 I’m Wang Lingling and I’m thirteen years old.Unit 3 Language in use

第八周: Module 2 My family Unit1 Is this your mum?

Unit 2 These are my parents.Unit 3 Language in use 第九周: Module 3 My school

Unit 1 There are thirty students in my cla.

Unit 2 The library is on the left of the playground.

Unit 3 Language in use 第十周: Module 4 Healthy food

Unit 1 We’ve got lots of apples.

Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy?

Unit 3 Language in use

2 第十一周: 复习前半学期所学内容.期中试时间 第十二周: 放农忙假

第十三周: Module 5 My school day .

Unit 1 I love history.

Unit 2 We start work at nine o’clock..

Unit 3 Language in use 第十四周: Revision module A 第十五周: Module 6 A trip to the zoo .

Unit 1 Does it eat meat ?

Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia.

Unit 3 Language in use 第十六周: Module 7 Computers

Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the comuter?

Unit 2 When do you use a computer?

Unit 3 Language in use

第十七周: Module 8 Choosing presents.

Unit 1 I always like birthday parties

Unit 2 Leons start at nine o’clock.

Unit 3 Language in use

第十八周: Module 9 People and places .

Unit 1 We’re enjoying the school trip a lot.

Unit 2 They’re waiting for buses or trains.

Unit 3 Language in use 第十九周: Module 10 Spring Festival Unit 1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival? Unit 2 My mother’s cleanig our house and sweeping away bad luck.Unit 3 Language in use 第二十周: Revision module B 第二十一周: 期末考试.







be动词的一般过去时(am/ is ? was; are ? were)。



(1)在中国_________ (2)南非__________ (3)在七月十八日_________

(4)从……到……__ _________ (5)……地区__________

2、复习be动词一般过去时的形式: ---No, I ________.--- Yes, I ________.课堂学习过程








He/ She was born……



( ) 1.She was born _______ Tianjin.

A.at B.in C.on

( ) 2.---______ were you born? ---On 2nd November, 1990.

A.What B.Where C.When

( ) 3.It takes us ten minutes by bike _______ my house

______ school.

A.to, to B.to, from C.from, to

( ) 4.I was born _______ a winter morning.

A.in B.at C.on

( ) 5.Who _______ your first friends?

A.was B.were C.are

( ) 6.I remember Mr.Wang was my ______ English teacher.

A.one B.first C.the first

( ) 7.This is a story book _____some colourful pictures in it.

A.have B.has C.with


1.We can take a shower (沐浴) in a b_________.

2.There is a p_______ with some fish in it.

3.Nelson Mandela wasn’t he hero of South A_______.

4.John Adams was the p_________ of the USA.

1.Betty was b______ in Quincy, USA.

2.My maths teacher was very s_______ with me.

3.What was your p_______ life like?

4.Tony is f_________ to everyone, we like him very much.

6.We have a big g_________ (花园)with lots of flowers in it.

8.He was born in a small __________ (村子) in Shandong Province.

9.My house is small, but it’s very ______________ (舒适的).

10.There were two _________ __________ (影剧院) in the small town.Task3.连词成句:

1.were , born , you , where


2.first , school , what , primary , your , what’s


3.born , small , was , village , a , I , in


4.wasn’t , in , born , Tony , China


5.President , Africa , of , he , South , was , the




科任教师:王朦朦 新课程标准提出以创新精神和实践能力的培养为重点,建立新的教学方式。并且强调教学过程是师生交往共同发展的互动过程。在教学过程中要处理好传授知识与培养能力的关系,注重培养学生的独立性和自主性,引导学生质疑、调查、探究,在实践中学习。






“学习的目的全在于应用。”在教英语语法知识,决不是要学生当“粮仓”,而是要提高学生的听、说、读、写能力。首先要放开手脚,提供机遇。充分利用新教材比较贴近生活、接近实际的特点,引导学生利用已学内容,联系课内外的具体实际,进而展开想象,不要放过每一个机会,哪怕是一个词、半句话,再加上手势,动作。只要能表达思想,就要把它利用起来。其次是化难为易。第一步我只提出十个常用动词,有意识地强调每天必用的最少次数,它们可以在动作的帮助下代替其他动词。它们是:be、have、do、come、go、get、let、ask、like、put。如have可以代替buy、borrow、lend、throw、carry等。随着学习的深化,可以逐步增加。但一定要注意我们的目的是要使学生感到不难。同时我们也规定这一阶段必练的重点句型。如let me (us) do sth.I‘d like„,I want to do„等。这些做法可以把学生从想说英语而又怕说错的畏难情绪中解放出来。







握一点一滴知识。一旦证实了自己的成功而产生成功感时便信心大增,兴趣盎然,情不自禁地想更上一层楼。对于不同程度的同学,在课堂上给予不同程度的问题,让他们回答,他们的一丁点进步也及时得到鼓励,从而使他们都觉得,只要自己认真跟着老师学,就能学得好,树立起学好英语的心理优势。在课堂教学中要求学生人人参与,加强交际的互动性。在课堂交流中,少批评,多表扬;少指责,多鼓励,努力找到学生做对的地方,英语毕竟不同于我们母语的教学,要想学好它,我们仍须坚持不懈地努力, 吃透教材,针对学生特点,因材施教,才能取得一定的成绩。孔子说过“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”














1 由于时间和精力有限,在课堂上,对于每个学生的的关注可能还不够,对于小学的心理掌握也不太有经验,在经后的工作中,我将加强对于每个同学的监督,保证每个同学都跟上进度,不落下任何一个有进取心的学生。


推荐第9篇:七年级英语上册 所有课文说课稿 外研版


一 Is this your pencil 说课稿


1、教学内容:义务教育课程标准实验教科书《英语》七年级上册第二单元《Is this your pencil》第一课时,P7,P8。

2、在教材中的地位:本课在教材中不可忽视,起到承上启下的作用。预备单元已学过What’s this in English?及其回答,现在进一步用What’s that in English?及其回答,接着用这个句型介绍出本课中的大量词汇。通过词汇进而学习Is this /that your pencil?及其肯定、否定回答。在这个过程中充分复习并运用my, your, his, her, 等形容词性物主代词。指示代词this, that及这一句型为第三单元及以后学习一般疑问句打下基础。并且这一课时的教材在原来的基础上使学生更明白英语的学习是在相互交流中有趣地进行,听、说、读、写、用就是学习的过程。为学生学习以后的内容打下坚实的心理、方法和知识的基础。



通过演示及情景教学法,使用句型What’s this /that in English? It’s a book.使学生掌握重点词汇:pen, pencil, pencil case, pencil sharpener, book, eraser,ruler, backpack, dictionary等,并且学会对物品的所属进行提问、回答,在问答中会熟练运用my, your, his, her等形容词性物主代词,即:Is this/that my/your/his/her pen? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.


a: 通过情景对话、游戏及题目的训练,使学生学会根据场景就学习用品询问物主,并正确运用对应的英语表达方式。

b: 通过听力及上下文来培养学生基本的逻辑思维能力及听音辨词的基本功。


a: 教学的过程是老师与学生及学生与学生的交往、互动、共同发展的过程,在参与、表演、运用的过程中,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。

b: 结合物体学习单词和句型的同时,培养学生的视觉美感。

c: 通过询问、辨认物主,倡导学生要保管好自己的学习用品。






a: 重点词汇:pen, pencil, pencil case, pencil sharpener, book, eraser, ruler, backpack, dictionary, that等。

b: 重点句型:

What’s this /that in English?

It’s a pencil./ It’s an eraser.

Is this/that my/your/his/her pen?

Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

难点:进一步运用my, your, his, her等形容词性物主代词,明确this/that 这两个指示代词的用法。







step 1 warming-up


a: 姓名每个人都很熟悉,每个同学又都会说,所以首先通过问答姓名,让学生在复习中运用my, your, his, her等形容词性物主代词。首先对个别同学进行提问:What’s your English name, please?

该同学回答:My name’s Gina.




转而问另一名同学:What’s her English name?

该同学回答:Her name is Gina.

然后用同样的方法引出:His name is Tom.

接着把这些问答进行于教师与小组之间,小组与小组之间,教师与全体同学之间,这样每个同学都敢于开口,都有机会开口,而且能自然地运用my, your, his, her等词了。

b: 通过几个单元的学习,学生对26个字母是再熟悉不过了。所以复习的第二项就是运用字母卡为新内容作准备,具体是:

举起一个字母卡放在胸前,问某同学:What’s this in English?

同学回答:It’s “A”.


What’s that in English?

同学回答:It’s “B”.

然后用举在胸前和举在远处这两个动作继续向个别、小组或全体同学问:“What’s this/that in English?”学生们初步理解了“this”与“that”的区别了。问完之后,顺势向同学们提议为老师唱“ABC Song”,这样不单复习了旧知,还活跃了课堂气氛。


Step 2 presentation



What’s this / that in English? It’s a book.

注意用“this”时,把物体举在胸前,用“that”时,物体举在远处或放在远处,背包体积大,干脆挂在墙上,那么用手指着背包使用“What’s that in English?”时,学生们是再明白不过的了。

用这样的方法一直教授完重点词汇,并注意和不定冠词连用,边教边读 (a) pen, (a) pencil, (a) pencil case, (a) pencil sharpener, (a) book, (a) ruler, (an) eraser, (a) backpack, (a) dictionary。然后把这些单词投影出来,重点教读、练习。






手拿物品介绍:This is my book.

然后问同学:Is this my book?

引导学生回答:Yes, it is.

手指某个男生接着问:Is this his book?

引导学生回答:No, it isn’t.It’s your book.

然后再介绍几个物品:This is his dictionary.

That is her pencil.

进行如下问答:Is this my dictionary?

No, it isn’t .It’s his dictionary.

Is this his dictionary?

Yes, it is.

Is that his pencil?

No, it isn’t.It’s her pencil.

Is that her pencil?

Yes, it is.







4、运用、巩固新知识/ step 3 practice and consolidation




step 4 use



问题:Is this / that your / his / her pen?

回答:Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.







step 5 summery and homework

让学生在愉悦的气氛中以“Good morning to you!”的歌声欢送老师,结束本课。

二 This is my sister说课稿


今天我说课的内容是人教版七年级上Unit 3 This is my sister.本单元学习的是与学生生活息息相关的家庭成员。我要谈的是本单元第一课时的教学。下面我将从以下几个方面阐述






从教材编排上说本单元是就第二单元认知物体之后学习用英语认知人,而与学生最为熟悉的人就是家庭成员。Is this your eraser? 很自然过度Is this your sister? 以前学的What’s this?转变Who is this?但本单元生词较多。出现在第一课时的就有十




1、知识目标 帮助学生四会掌握以下单词:grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, father, mother, parents, son, daughter, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, friend, these, those。并对复数形式有初步了解。

2、能力目标 通过本节课学习,学生就家庭成员相互之间应该能用英语介绍、询问、交流。并能用英语在脑子里对个家庭成员的关系进行思考。例如,见到father’s mother,他们能反应出是指grandmother。同时基本上能辨别什么时候用单数什么时候用复数。

3、情感目标 通过对家庭成员的学习,学生对自己的家庭成员会有更清晰的印象,从而激发起他们对家人的热爱。



难点:复数的认识和正确运用。汉语表达中完全没有复数概念,这是一本书,这是三本书;除了多了个数字其他没有任何变化。而英语必须这样说This is a book.These are books.所有的单词都相应的发生了变化。因此中国学生在学习复数的时候特别难。我们的语言没有这个习惯!







课堂的整体设计遵循循环记忆反复操练思路,运用情景法和交际法,分五个主要步骤进行,即:导入呈现, 巩固操练, 拓展,5分钟检测包括小组比赛和布置作业。 一. Pre-task

Step 1 warming-up

I want to be your friend.Do you want to know more about me? Do you to know about my family?

二. Task-cycle step 2 presentation

1.learn the new words 课件展示:

a、家人。认知son, father, mother, parents, wife, husband这几个单词,并马上回顾重新呈现我的家人学生说出他们和我的关系。




e、回顾我的家人,并帮助学生罗列出family tree。

Task 1:gueing game: 老师给出一些照片,叫学生猜测是我的什么家人

2.learn the new structure

a.认识this is 和 these are 的区别

Task 2:match the correct word : 老师在黑板上给出一些单复数单词,叫学生连线 Task 3: make sentence: 用this is ../these are..造句

b.学习:is this your…/ are these ….? Yes he /she is / no, she/he isn’t.

yes they are,no they aren’t.Task 4: pair work : 叫一个学生拿着自己的家庭照片,同伴询问其身份。

Step 3 practice and consolidation

Task 5:listen and circle: 读书上的单词,听录音圈出听到的单词。

Task 6: make a dialogue: 表演对话,在讲台上指着屏幕认识David的家人。

Task 7: role play: 小组表演。假设你的朋友来到你家,你来为他介绍认识全家,有爷爷奶奶叔叔姑姑父母及兄弟姐妹堂兄妹等。

三. Post -task




Step 4 use


Step 5 summery and homework

where is my backpack? (Section A) 说课稿





1)Knowledge objectives:

(1)Ss can read, write and master the words about furniture and school things.

(2)Ss can use the prepositions: in, on, under

(3)Ss can talk about where the things are .

2)Ability objectives:

Ss can talk about where the things are.

3)Moral objectives :

Ss will learn to keep their rooms clean and tidy.


Important points :






Difficult points:







在整个教学过程中,我把Section A的内容进行变化和整合,将其分解到精心设计的一系列任务中,通过让学生自己完成任务来学习知识,掌握技能。这对于培养学生分析、解决问题的能力,激发和维持学生的学习积极性等有着独特的优势,我所要求学生掌握的内容都是通过一个个任务来完成,由易到难,由简到繁,让学生在积极参与完成任务的过程中学到知识。



(一) pre task

Step 1 Warming up

(创设情境导入新课) 1.通过互相问候增强彼此的感情。 2.复习已经学过的物体单词

(二)while task

Step 2 presentation

1、learn the new words; 讲授单词。采用多媒体展示家具的图片,让学生边看边学单词,这样做更直观、形象、印象深刻。




2、采用直观教学介词in, on, under。通过不断的变换实物方位来形象直观的引出三个介词。

3、learn the new structure Task 1: Pair work:用幻灯片出示图片让同桌之间会话。 (熟练掌握所学的重点句型及方位介词的用法。使学生学会互帮互助,学会合作交流。)

Step 3: practice and consolidation Task 2: Have a listening: 创设情境听对话,运用听关键词和推测词意进行小组竞赛抢答。 (准确排出单词的序号,让学生学会捕捉信息词和关键词,培养学生听力能力。)

(三) post task Step 4: use

Task 3: Play a gueing game: 投影出实物让学生猜它可能在哪里。教师提问:Where is /are-----? 学生以小组为单位进行讨论,并选派代表来猜:Is it/Are they-----? 猜对最多的小组获胜。


(四)summery and homework 总之,这节课我尽量体现“以人为本,以学生为主体,以教师为主导”的现代教育新理念,主要运用“任务型”的教学模式,采用灵活多样的教学形式,使学生能愉快地、积极地、高效地对新学语言进行感知、体验、学习和运用,努力使这节课具有交际性、实用性、趣味性和科学性。

四 When is your birthday? 说 课 稿

一. 学情分析:

本单元的主题是询问和谈论日期,围绕这一主题进行一系列的交际活动,使学生掌握日期的表达法,正确使用 when 引导的特殊疑问句对日期进行询问。在学习日期的表达法时要先学习序数词的构成,学生在以前的课程里已经学习了基数词,对于两种数词之间的区别一定会令学生感到头痛,教师要引导学生运用对比的方法,找出构成规律,总结特殊变化,对比强化记忆。

二. 教材分析

1.本单元旨在创造一个轻松、愉快的学习、交流环境,通过听、说、读、写来培养学生综合运用所学知识的能力。并让学生能在“做中学”(learning by doing),通过有限的课堂实践活动,使学生能根据实际情景做出正确的反应,能准确表达。

本单元是人教版新目标英语七年级( 上 )第八单元。主要围绕“When is your birthday?”这一主题展开各种教学活动,这是本单元的重点部分,也是核心教学,主要学习日期的表达。它上承Unit 7 的数字教学,包含了相关日期的英语教学,并为以后的日期的运用打下基础。因此本单元是前后知识的载体,在本单元以及今后的英语学习中都占重要的地位。






① 词汇:掌握 January-December的表达; 序数词1st-31st . ② 日常交际用语、: When is your birthday? My birthday is „.

③ 语法:日期表达法

(2) 能力目标:

在一系列的听说读写活动中,训练学生的逻辑思维,快速反应能力和实践能力,使学生能熟练应用:When is your birthday? 句型及其回答。

(3) 情感目标:

通过谈论自己、同学以及父母家人的生日,理解生日更多的含义。情感态度价值观 Section A 的学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的话题是生日。通过互相询问生日的日期,可以增进同学之间的了解和友情并学会在英语交流中注意他人的情感。


重点:掌握月份单词和序数词的用法 难点:掌握日期的表达法


本单元的教学法建议:语音教学——让学生进行模仿操练;词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义.并学会运用;口语教学——采取 pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取图文配对和对话选择的方式;写作教学——以填表、造句为主;语法教学——总结规律、抓住特征、模仿操练。


Step 一:Warming up


1.教师可在黑板上挂一幅自制的能反映出各个月份的挂历,一边指着每个月份一边介绍或播放课件,让学生边看边听介绍: This is January . This is February.„,带领学生多读几遍;然后播放 1a 部分的录音 , 让学生进行模仿。

2 . ( 学生基本掌握月份单词的读音后 ) 教师可以指着挂历说: My birthday is on May

3. When is your birthday? 从而引出本单元的重点目标语言“日期的询问和表达”。

Step 二:Presentation

1 .播放 lb 部分的录音让学生听,引导学生根据所听到的内容,选出对话的顺序,完成 lb 部分的教学任务。

2 .再播放 lb 部分的录音,引导学生展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 lc 部分口语交际的教学任务,学会运用 when 引导的特殊疑问句询问日期和谈论日期。

3 .出示单词图片或幻灯片,并播放 2a 部分的录音让学生听,引导学生跟读、模仿,完成 2a 部分的教学任务。

4 .播放 2b 部分的录音,引导学生圈出所听到的数字,完成 2b 部分中的听力训练任务。

5 .再播放 2b 部分的录音,引导学生填写表格,将姓名、月份和日期对应起来,完成 2c 部分的教学任务。

6 .引导学生展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 2d 部分口语交际的教学任务。让学生先阅读对话,再进行问答练习,运用 When is your / his / her birthday? My / His / Her




birthday is „

7 .引导学生展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 3a 部分口语交际的教学任务。让学生任选一个身份证进行对话练习,运用 When is your birthday? My birthday is

„ How old are you? I ' m fifteen .等目标语言,完成 3a 部分的教学任务。

8 .引导学生展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 3b 部分口语交际的教学任务。要求学生用自己的姓名、年龄和出生日期进行对话练习,学会运用所学目标句型,完成 3b 部分的教学任务。 born? I Was born in „等目标语言,完成 2d 部分的学习任务。

7 .展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 3a 部分口语交际的教学任务。任选一个身份证进行对话练习,运用 When is your birthday? My birthday is „ How old are you? I ' m fifteen .等目标语言,完成 3a 部分的学习任务。

8 .展开 Pairwork 活动,完成 3b 部分口语交际的教学任务。用自己的姓名、年龄和出生日期进行对话练习,学会运用所学目标句型,完成 3b 部分的学习任务。


引导学生进行 Brithday Game 游戏活动,让学生互相询问生日,然后按照年龄的大小排列顺序。通过这种方式,练习运用所学目标语言,完成第 4 部分的教学任务。 Birthday Game 游戏活动,互相询问生日,然后按照年龄的大小排列顺序。通过这种方式,练习运用所学目标语言,完成第 4 部分的教学任务。

Step 四:summery and homework

本课采用了 Claifying , Contrasting 和 Role—playing 的学习策略,利用教学图片、幻灯片、实物 ( 大挂历 ) 或制作课件 ( 反映月份特征 ) 等来展开课堂教学、Pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏活动,学习日期的询问与表达,并通过询问和谈论自己、同学以及父母家人的生日理解生日更多的含义、增进同学之间的了解。

五 Do you Want to go to movie 说 课 稿




(1)掌握谈论电影的单词 (2)掌握谈论电影的句型:

Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.What kind of movies do you like?










采用Discuing和Concluding的教学策略;利用课件来展开课堂教学,Pair work问答的口语交际活动和小组活动,进行询问和谈论喜好的课堂教学和练习。

四.教学过程: Step 1:Warming-up 采用播放课件复习电影种类:action movie , thriller, comedy ,documentary ,Beijing Opera.并询问:Do you want to go to a movie? What kind of movies do you like?

Step 2: presentation:

1、通过复习What kind of movies do you like ? I like„..等句型引导学生阅读3a 部分的句子,然后选择适当地连词and和but填空,练习I like„and I like„.she likes„.but she doesn’t like„„等谈论喜好的目标举行完成3a部分的教学任务。

2、引导学生展开Pairwork活动,完成3b部分口语交际教学任务。让学生根据部分的图画和文字说明,依次谈论人物的喜好,复习巩固所学的I like„„and I like„.she likes„.but she doesn’t like„„等目标语言。

Step 3: practice and consolidation: 学生进行游戏活动,让学生互相询问和谈论喜好。通过只能种方式,练习运用所学目标语言What kind of movies do you like ? I like„..Do you like„„? Yes, I do .No ,I don’t 完成第4部分的教学任务。

Step 4: use :make a survey about other students’ birthday

Step 5: summery and homework


六 How much are these pants? 说课稿

Hello! My name is Rao Sheng liang.I’m from Deng fang Middle School.Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas.The topic of this unit is “How much are these pants?” students learn to ask about prices, talk about clothing, and thank someone.

First, I will talk about my understanding of this unit.This Unit is talking about shopping.Many students are interested in shopping, but they know little about shopping.This leon is the first period of Unit 7, It’s very important.一.Teaching aims:




1.Knowledge aims: the vocabularies of the clothes, describe clothes, using how much to ask and talk about the prices of the clothes.

2.Ability aims: training the ability of talking about the clothes and the prices.To develop students’ability of communication with other people in English.

3.Emotional aims: To encourage students to be brave to speak English.Training the competition and cooperation.Build up the correct opinion.

4.Strategy aims: pre-reading, listening, writing and speaking

5.Culture aims: The difference between dollars and RMB.二.Teaching important and difficult points: Important points;

1.New language stuctures:

How much are these socks? They are two dollars.

How much is the blue T-shirt? It is ten dollars.2.Items of clothing, colors (black, white, green, red, blue ) Difficult points: To ask about the prices of a item and clothes 三.Teaching methods:

Second , I will talk about my teaching theories, methods and tools.While dealing with this leon, I will do my best to carry out the following opinion: Make the Ss the real masters in cla while the teacher himself acts as a director; Combine the language structures with the language functions; students will receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.

Double activities teaching method

Free discuion method

Pair work or individual work method(Learning by using, learning for using.)

Task-Based Language teaching

四.Teaching tools:

1.a projector

2.a tape recorder

3.the blackboard 4.some clothes 五.Teaching procedures:

Third , I will talk about my teaching steps.Now let me introduce my teaching procedure briefly.As we all know, “Well begun is half done.” A good beginning will not only warm the cla up at once, but also give good preparation for presentation.As language is learnt gradually but not immediately, we will do some revision to strengthen students’ memory.As a memory activator, I’ll try to find out the link between the old and the new.We can lead students by things such as songs, games, competitions, simple pictures or other media.In this leon, I’ll provide an English song. Step 1 Warming up

Listen to an English song.Let the students do the action while they are listening.Step 2 Presentation

1.Learning new words:




Task 1:After listening to the song, Show different colors, things.Let students gue.What’s this? It’s a backpack.What color is it? It’s red.(After warming, the students are excited, at the same time, they have learned the names of fruits, and they also know colors, so we can show pictures, and students can gue, everyone should be active.)

b.T: I like shopping, so I have many nice clothes.Using the CAI, teach T-shirt, sweater, skirt, bag, socks, shorts, pants and so on.We can also teach small/big, long / short.e.g.This is a red T-shirt.These are black pants. 2.learning new structures: How much is …\are these…? It is …/ they are…

Task 2: pair work : 老师先叫一个学生起来回答对话问题,然后要求学生俩俩进行对话练习,巩固新学句型。

Step3 Practice and consolidation Task 3: Gueing game

Show a new T-shirt, students gue its price.And then show them the labels .practice: how much is the T-shirt? 1 dollar=7.5 Yuan Talk about students’ own prices of the clothes.(In this step, students may know the relation of the dollars and RMB)

Task 4:Listen to the conversation, fill in the price tags.

This activity provides practice in listening for prices.

Tell the students that all the items in each group are the same price.They are going to listen to the six conversations and write down the prices on the price tags.

(This step will train the ability of the students’ listening) Step4 use

Task 5 : Make a survey

We divide the cla into many groups .Each group write down their friends’information .Then report.

This activity can improve the ability of communication.





Step5 summery and homework

In order to extend students’ability of using English, it’s neceary to give students good and proper homework.

1.copy new words

2.Make a list for own clothes, then write down in your exercises book.Introduce your clothes.

3.searching information

Give students some websites.Students will find some more information about clothes on the Internet.Then talk about in pairs.(Students can accord to their ability to choose the exercises as their homework, because the students are different.)




七 Do you like bananas 说课稿

尊敬的各位评委、老师大家好!我说课的课题是新目标英语七年级上册第6单元Do you like bananas。


本单元的主题是询问和谈论喜好,围绕这一主题进行一系列的交际活动,使学生掌握喜好的表达法,正确使用 do you like / does he like对喜好进行询问。并且通过各种任务的进行来进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣和信心,激发学生的学习热情,调动学生的参与积极性,为今后的学习打下基础。







食物单词的掌握及do you like句型的掌握 教学难点; 一般疑问句第三人称单数的用法


运用Communicative teaching method交际教学法和Task-based teaching method任务型教学法使学生通过参与、合作、探究、调查、采访、游戏等多种途径学习词汇和句子的表达。



五.教学过程: Step 1 Warm-up

1.Review the words of ball and the sentence structure: Do you have a football ? Yes , I do .No, I don’t.2.enjoy a song----Let’s have a picnic today

Step 2 presentation

1.learn the new words: task1: listing task2: pair work (利用Flash课件,将食品类单词直观地呈现给学生们,引导学生听、读新单词区分




食物单、复数并练习Do you like„?句型)

Task3: oral practice(谈论自己喜爱的食物)

2.learn the new structure: task 4: pairwork ( find out what Bill and Bob like and doesn’t like),

(用多媒体将一个表格展示给学生,引导学生根据表格的内容自编对话,即用到了句型Does he like „?将第一人称转换为第三人称,学习谈论他人的喜好并用一句话来陈述表格内容。如Bob likes bananas ,but he doesn’t like apples .) Step 3 practice and consolidation task 5: listen (get students to listen the tape and finish the exercises of on the book) task 6: Match the words with the pictures。 (practice the new structure : Do you like „? Does he like „? I like „ and I don’t like„/ he likes…/ he doesn’t like…) Step 4 use

Task 7: interview others about their likes and dislikes Step 5 summery Step 6 homework

1.ask parents about their likes and dislikes

2.make a survey about healthy food and unhealthy food 六.板书设计

八 Do you have a soccer ball 说课稿

一.The analysis of teaching material:

My speech is Section a, Unit 5.This is an important leon in Book One.And it is the first leon of this unit; it talks about recognizing objects (mainly about balls) and the simple question.The students have already known to answer it "Yes" or "No" in Unit 2, but in this unit, it's different.We know, simple question is a kind of important structure.If the students can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the students to learn the special question.And it's related to our daily life closely, so it's very useful.

New words: basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, ping-pong ball, ping-pong bat, tennis, tennis racket.

Structure: Do you have

Does he /she have 二.Teaching aims:

1.Aims on the knowledge:

To study the words about balls by showing the pictures.

To make the students know how to ask whether others have something or not, and how to answer it.

2.Aims on the abilities:

To develop the students' ability of listening , speaking, reading and writing.

To train the students' ability of communication.

3. Aims on the emotion:

⑴.To make the students be interested in good co-operation and competition.⑵To make the students love sports ,love life.

三.Teaching key points and difficult points:




Key points: How to make the students understand the new language items naturally.How to make dialogues and act them out.Difficult points:

How to make the students work well with their partners.

How to arouse their interest in learning English.

四.Teaching methods

1."Communicative" teaching method.

2."Task-based" teaching method.(Everyone knows that the main aims of learning English in middle school is to cultivate the students' basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, and their good sense of the English language.)

五.Learning methods.

Firstly, Look, listen, and say to gain language competence.

Secondly, Teamwork, exploration and participation to reach the goal.

Thirdly, Cultivate skills in listening, speaking, reading and expreing.Fourthly, Students-centered and teacher-guided learning strategies.I'm not a teacher but a guider.I'm ready to give them help whenever they need and re-correct the mistakes while talking.

六.Teaching procedure design.

Step1.Warm-up.Ask the students some easy questions to check if they have remembered the contents they had learned before.For example: What's this? Spell it, please.What color is it? Is this your pen? Is that your backpack and so on.

Step2.Presentation.1.Take out a ping-pong ball and ask the students: What’s this? Why I take out a ping-pong ball here ?I think it's the easiest and the most popular in our country.

2.Leading in new words : here I will play some short plays, they are soccer game, volleyball game, ping-pong competition and an advertisement, there is a basketball in it.

Task 1: Listening and circle the words you hear (Activity 1a.)

3.Learning the dialogue:

Make a sample dialogue with a student.Show him or her ping-pong ball and do it like this:

T: I have a ping-pong ball.Do you have a ping-pong ball (Here, you may help him answer "Yes, I do." or "No, I don't.") S: Yes, I do.

Task 2: Make the dialogue with some more students:




"Does he have a ping-pong ball” "Yes, he does." Or "No, he doesn't."

Step 3.Practice and consolidation:

Task 3:Read the dialogue by role play.But you must tell them how to do it clearly, make them to ask their partners what kind of balls they have.Use the sentence "Do you have a …"


Task 4: Group work and competition:

A: Do you have a basketball

B: Yes, I do.

A: Does he have a basketball

C: Yes, he does.

(Divide the students into groups of three and make a similar dialogue and compete each other; after they act it out you will choose a best group at the end.it can encourage them to try their best and cooperate with their group members well.)

Step4: Post-task./ use

Task 5: Starting a ball club.In this club, there are four teams: a basketball team, a soccer ball team, a ping-pong ball team and a tennis team.I will ask four students to be the captain of each team.They should ask their clamates to be their team members.If he has a basketball, he should join the basketball team.

Step 5: summery and homework

九.Can you play the guitar? 说课稿


本单元的主题是谈论能力,围绕这一主题进行一系列的交际活动,使学生掌握能力的表达法,正确使用can you/he/she/ …?yes, I can/ no, I can’t.句型对能力进行询问。并且通过各种任务的进行来进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣和信心,激发学生的学习热情,调动学生的参与积极性,为今后的学习打下基础。 二.教材分析

教学目标: 1.知识目标:

掌握关于活动的一系列动词,情态动词can 的用法 2.能力目标:

能够谈论自己以及询问他人的能力 3.情感目标:



1.重点: 生词的掌握,及 I /she/ he can …句型的掌握 2.难点: can you …?引导的一般疑问句 三.教法分析

运用Communicative teaching method交际教学法和Task-based teaching method任务型教




学法使学生通过听,读, 说,参与、合作、探究、调查、采访、游戏等多种途径学习词汇和句子的表达。 四.教学工具; 多媒体教学课件,图片,录音机


Step 1 warming up 1.enjoy a flash(about a lot of people joining their favorite club on the beginning of the term) 2.review the words about sports and use the “do you want to …”to ask about their likes and then ask them whether or not they can do all the sports they like.

Step 2 presentation 1.learn the new words: task 1: memory challenge

task 2: gue game----猜测课件中出现的各种体育运动,引出生词,并跟读巩固新词 2.Learn the new structure

Can you …?yes, I can./ no, I can’t.

Can he …? Yes, he can./ no, he can’t.

Can she…? Yes, she can./ no, she can’t.

Task 3: pair work(学生俩俩进行对话,看哪个组说出的对话多)

Task 4: 老师问其中一组同学中的一个,can he/ she…?

Step 3 practice and consolidation: task 5: listen and complete the conversation task 6: read after the tape

step 4 use

task 7 : make a survey (调查同学们会的活动)

task 8: job interview (阅读广告,轮流面试其他同学看谁适合这份工作 )

step 5 summery step 6 homework 1.read aloud the conversation 2.make sentence with the newly-learnt sentence structure 六.板书设计

七年级上 Unit 11 说课稿






what time do you …/does he/she…?句型对时间进行询问。并且通过各种任务的进行来进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣和信心,激发学生的学习热情,调动学生的参与积极性,为今后的学习打下基础。 二.教材分析

教学目标: 1知识目标:

掌握关于时间表达法,what time ..引导的问句 2能力目标:

能够谈论自己以及询问他人的日常作息安排,与人交流沟通合作能力,以及听说读写能力的培养 3情感目标:



1重点: 生词的掌握,及 时间的表达 2难点: what time …?引导的特殊疑问句 三.教法分析

运用Communicative teaching method交际教学法和Task-based teaching method任务型教学法使学生通过听,读, 说,参与、合作、探究、调查、采访、游戏等多种途径学习词汇和句子的表达。 四.教学工具; 多媒体教学课件,图片,录音机 五.教学过程:

Step 1 warming up 1.Enjoy a song 2.Review the number 1-30 and transportation means (利用多媒体创设情景,复习已有知识)

Step 2.Presentation 1.learn the new words Task 1: memory challenge (about daily life words) Task 2: match the words with the time (利用课件引出并识记新词,然后考验学生是否掌握新学词,接着引入时间的概念,使之与日常活动一一对应)

2.learn the new structure what time is it? It’s… what time do you ….? I … What time does he/she …?


Task 3:Pair work (分组竞赛,说日常作息)




Step 3.practice and consolidation task 4: listening (听录音,圈出听到的时间和活动) Task5:reading (跟读对话,巩固单词句型)

Step 4:Use

Task 6: listing your daily routines

Task 7: make a survey about other clamates’ routines

Step 5: summery

Step 6: homework 六.板书设计

七年级上 unit 12说课稿


初中学生的抽象思维能力较低,形象思维能力强,但注意力容易分散。本课拟以多种形式展示,并配以丰富的色彩,从而增强学生的兴趣和注意力。初一上学期的学生经过半学期的学习,有了一定的英语基础知识和听说能力,同时,学生们对英语学习还保持着较浓厚的兴趣且有了初步的自主、合作、探究、实验的能力。本单元的主题是谈论喜爱的学科,围绕这一主题进行一系列的交际活动,使学生掌握学科的表达法,正确使用what’s your favorite subject?句型对喜爱的学科进行询问。并且通过各种任务的进行来进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣和信心,激发学生的学习热情,调动学生的参与积极性,为今后的学习打下基础。 二. 教材分析

教学目标: 1知识目标:

掌握关于学科的表达法,及what’s your favorite subject? 引导的问句 2能力目标:

能够谈论自己以及询问他人喜爱的学科,与人交流沟通合作能力,以及听说读写能力的培养 3情感目标:



1重点: 生词的掌握,及学科的表达 2难点: 对自己喜爱学科的理由的阐述 三.教法分析

运用Communicative teaching method交际教学法和Task-based teaching method任务型教学法使学生通过听,读, 说,参与、合作、探究、调查、采访、游戏等多种途径学习词汇和句子的表达。 四.教学工具; 多媒体教学课件,图片,录音机 五.教学过程:

Step 1 warming up




1.review the structure “do you like…”

2.use the picture to review the words: interesting, fun, difficult, boring ,etc.(利用图片创设情景,复习已有知识)

Step 2.Presentation 3.learn the new words Task 1: memory challenge (about subjects) Task 2: gueing game (point out a student and ask other students to gue his or her favorite subject) (利用课件引出并识记新词,然后考验学生是否掌握新学词,利用游戏使单词的识记变的有趣并巩固新单词)

4.learn the new structure What’s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is… Why do you like …? Because it is …


Task 3:Pair work (分组竞赛,询问喜爱的学科) Step 3.practice and consolidation task 4: listening (听录音,圈出听到的学科) Task5:reading (跟读对话,巩固单词句型)

Step 4:Use

Task 6: listing your favorite subjects

Task 7: make a survey about other clamates’ favorite subjects

Step 5: summery

Step 6: homework: write a short paage My Favorite Subject

七年级下册Unit 9第二课时说课稿

Lilian090 一.说教材


今天我要说课的内容选自新目标英语(GO for it!) 七年级下册Unit 9第二课时。本课时学生主要学习过去时第三人称单复数句子的用法,在本单元中起到承上启下的作用。 2.教学目标 (1) 知识目标




本课时要求学生掌握的语言目标是词汇test, stay, practice以及短语have a party, do some reading.同时要掌握的语法目标是过去时第三人称单复数句子的用法。 (2) 能力目标

本课时通过听力、小组活动等方式培养学生听说交际能力.(3) 情感目标

由于学生刚刚接触到过去时,鼓励学生不要害怕错误,勇敢大胆地说出英语。 3.教学重难点 (1)教学重点

不规则动词及过去时第三人称单复数句子的用法。 (2)教学难点

过去时第三人称单复数句子的用法及培养学生地交际能力。 二.说教法学法



本课时采用适当的多媒体教学,结合录音机、小组活动印刷材料等多种教学手段激发学生学习兴趣,从而达到教学目标。 四.简要介绍教学过程 1.复习(1)动词的过去式



2.听力 Section A 2a.2b 3.呈现

由听力材料引入,回答问题并填表格。呈现新句型过去时第三人称单数句子。 4.Pair work 看图片,同桌互相问答,熟悉过去时第三人称单复数句子的用法。 5.Group work 采访你的组员,统计出你的组员家庭上周居家外出的人数。小组活动后,小组长汇报。 6.练习7.总结 8.作业








1.be from = come from 来自

I am from China.= I come from China.我来自中国。

Where are you from? = Where do you come from? 你来自哪儿?

2.---What’s your name?

---What’s his name?

---What’s her name?

---My name is Tom./ I’m Tom.

---His name is Daming.

---Her name is Lingling.

3.---How old are you?

---How old is he / she?

---I’m 15 years old.

---He / she is 14 years old. 4.---What cla are you in?

---What cla is he in?

---I am in Cla 1, Grade 7.

---He is in Cla 1, Grade 7.

5.Good to see you.= Nice to see you.= Glad to see you.见到你很高兴。

6.What about „= How about „ 怎么样(询问) What / How about your school life? 7.the capital of„ „的首都

Beijing is the capital of China. 8.a very big city 一个非常大的城市

Shanghai is a very big city. 9.first name = given name 名字

last name = family name 姓

10.welcome to sp.欢迎来到某地

Welcome to China.

11.I’m from China.I’m Chinese.I can speak Chinese.

I’m from England.I’m English.I can speak English. 12.I am from China, too.I can also speak English.I don’t like the book , either. 13.Is everyone here today? 今天大家到齐了吗?

14.Chinese: 中国人,中国的

I am Chinese. 中国人

I am a Chinese girl.中国的

English: 英国人,英国的

I am English. 英国人

I am an English girl.英国的

作文1 About myself.

My name is Tom./ I’m Tom.I’m a student in No.3 Middle School.I am 15 years old.I’m from China and I am Chinese.I can speak English , too.I am in Cla 1, Grade 7.I like sports./ I like doing sports.My favourite sport is basketball./ Playing basketball is my favourite sport.


My friend

This is my friend.His name is Tom.He is from America.Now he is in Beijing.He is 13 years old.He’s in No.14 Middle School.He is in Cla One, Grade One.We’re in the same cla.His father is a teacher.He teaches English.His mother is a teacher , too.His parents are in the same school.But his parents aren’t in our school.


My family Vocabulary:

A family: father—mother dad (daddy)—mum ( mom) / mummy parent –parents

uncle —aunt brother—sister son—daughter husband—wife man -- woman

boy — girl grandfather -– grandmother grandpa –- grandma grandparent – grandparents cousin B job: a driver, a farmer, a worker, a manager, a teacher, a student, a doctor, a nurse,

a singer, a writer, an actor, an actre, a policeman, policewoman,

C place: at a bus station, in a hospital, in a hotel, at a theatre, on a farm, at school,

in the shop, in a factory 1.I have an elder brother.哥哥

She has a younger / little sister.妹妹

2.This is a photo of my family.一张我的全家福

My family is a big one.


This is Jim’s family tree. 家谱

My family are watching TV now.


3.on the left 在左边

on the right 在右边

on the left / right of 在…的左边 / 右边

4.next to 在…旁边,紧挨着 = beside = near

5.in front of 在…前面 (相对独立)

in the front of 在„„前部(在…内部)

There is a tree in front of the house.

There is a blackboard in the front of the claroom.

6.at the bus station 在公共汽车站

at school 在学校

at the same hospital 在同一所医院

at a police station 在警局

7.(be) in hospital(生病)住院

in the hospital 在医院

Tom is ill in hospital because he is ill.

Tom’s father works in the hospital. 8.in the photo 照片上

There is a big house in the photo. 9.a manager of a theater = a theater manager 一个剧院经理

10.a manager of a hotel = a hotel manager 一个旅馆经理

11.a bus driver 一位公共汽车司机

a farm worker 一位农场工人 a shop worker 一名店员

an English teacher 一位英语老师

12.man – woman (men – women) a woman doctor – women doctors 女医生

a man teacher – men teachers 男老师

There are three men teachers in the office. 13.Is this / that your family? → Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

Are these / those your parents? → Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. 14.Who is this?

Who is this boy?

Who are the boy and the girl? They are my friends.


What is your mother? = What does your mother do? = What is your mother’s job?

What be + 名词(主语)?

What do / does + 主语 +do? What be one’s job? 16.介绍家庭常用的句型。

1) This is a photo of my family.

2) I have a big / small family.

3) There are ____ people in my family.They are _____ and I.

4) This is „ and this is „.

5) My father / mother is a ________ in a ________.

6) I love my family very much./ I have a happy family. 范文:

My family

I have a big and happy family.There are six people in my family.They are my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, my brother and me.This is my grandfather Henry.He is 65 years old.And Maria is my grandmother.She is 63 years old this year.These are my parents.My father is George, He is 37 years old.He is a doctor.My mother’s name is Sandra.She is 34 years old.My little brother is Tom.He is an eight-year-old boy.My name is Lily and I am 12 years old.I am a student. I love my family.

Module3 My school Vocabulary:

A: in the dining hall (have meals), in the library (read books), in the office (work),

on the playground (do sports), in the sports hall (play table tennis)

on the blackboard, in the claroom, in the computer room (play computer)

at the school gate, in the science lab, on the desk,

a map, a television, a dictionary, a teaching building, a claroom building, a science building, an office building, some furniture

B: in, on, near = next to = beside, at / in front of, in the front of, on the left / right of, in the middle of, between„and

C: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred 1.a lot of furniture, a piece of furniture :一件家俱

There is lots of furniture in my room. Furniture是不可数名词

2.a map of China, a map of the world, a map of England, a map of America 3.There is a map of the world on the wall.

There are 4 windows in the wall.4.There are many apples on the tree.

There is a bird in the tree.5.There is a tree in front of the house.

The driver is sitting in the front of the bus.

6.This is the claroom building with 24 clarooms.这座教学楼有24间教室。

7.The building is for science.


8.What is your claroom like?

→ It’s very big.

What is your brother like?

→ He is friendly.

What is the weather like today? → It’s sunny.

9.The gym is next to the office.= Next to the office is the gym. 10.go to school 上学

leave school 毕业

主语 + be +方位

方位 + be + 主语

There be句型总结:

1.there be 句型表示 在某地或某时 有某物或某人。

There be + 某物 / 某人 + 地点/ 时间

There are 50 students / 50 desks in the claroom.

There will be a party tomorrow.

2.there be句型就近原则:be动词由其后接的最近的名词来决定其单复数。

1) There is a book and some boxes on the desk.

2) There are some boxes and a book on the desk.

3) There is some water in the cup. 3.there be句型的特殊疑问句形式有以下三种变化:

① 对主语提问:当主语是人时,用"Who's+介词短语?";当主语是物时; 用"What's + 介


There are many books over there.→What's over there?

There is a little girl in the room.→Who is in the room?

② 对地点状语提问:提问地点用”Where is / are+主语”。 例如:

There is a computer on the desk.→ Where is the computer?

There are four children in the claroom.→Where are the four children?

③ 对数量提问:

How many + 复数名词 + are there + 介词短语 ?

How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 介词短语? 例如:

There are twelve months in a year.→How many months are there in a year? There is some money in my wallet.→How much money is there in your wallet? 4.there be 句型的时态:be有一般现在时,一般过去时,将来时和完成时。

There are more and more high buildings in the city. There was a knock at the door. 有人敲门。

There is going to be a meeting tonight.= There will be a meeting tonight. There has been a girl waiting for you.



1.Welcome to my school.

2.Let me tell you something about my school. 3.This is a map of my school. 4.There is / are „„ in my school. 5.It is + 方位.

6.I think my school is very big and beautiful. 7.We all like it very much.


My school

My school is very big.There is a library and some offices.The library is in front of the offices.There are some science labs, too.They are next to the offices.There is a teaching building and a sports hall.The teaching building is next to the offices and there are nineteen clarooms in the teaching building.The sports hall is next to the teaching building.There is a dining hall behind the teaching building and there are some computer rooms behind the offices.I love my school very much.


Healthy food


Fruit: apple, orange, banana, pear, strawberry, blueberry Meat: beef, pork, chicken, fish.

Vegetables: beans, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, Drink: tea, water, milk, juice, cola, coffee, Candy: chocolate, sugar Others: rice, noodles, ice cream, hamburger, bread,

表示数量:a bottle of milk, a cup of tea, a gla of water, a box of chocolate, a basket of eggs, a bowl of rice, a plate of fish, a piece of bread, a kilo of meat, a kind of fruit, many kinds if fruits 形容词(adj.): delicious, sour, sweet, hot, fresh, big, small,


1.Is your food and drink healthy? 饮食

Let’s go for a drink.一杯饮料

Milk and water are healthy drinks.饮料(种类)

I drink a gla of milk every day.

V.(动词) 喝

2.Do you have any fruit?


There are many kinds of fruits in the supermarket. 水果(种类)

3.I have too much homework to do.

I have too many books. 4.We have got some tomatoes and potatoes.

5.healthy food, unhealthy drink, be/ keep /stay healthy, be in good health, our health, 6.some bread, a piece of bread, 7.I like eating fish. n.(名词) 鱼肉

The boy caught a fish.There are a lot of fish in the river. n.鱼 Let’s go fishing. V.(动词) 钓鱼

8.Eating vegetables is good for our health.吃蔬菜对我们的健康有益。

Drinking cola isn’t good for us.= Drinking cola is bad for us.对„„有害

I am good at speaking English. 擅长

9.This film is a bit boring.

a bit + adj. a bit tired / happy 10.He plays football very well.


He is very well now.

adj.(形容词) 健康的

This is a good book.

adj.(形容词) 11.go shopping for sth.= go to buy sth.去买某物

12.have/ has got (某人)拥有

We have got a new school. Tom has got a sister. 13.too many + 可数名词复数

too much + 不可数名词


14.get fat 发胖

15.fruit and vegetables 果蔬

16.what kind of 哪种

a kind of 一种

many kinds of = all kinds of各种各样的

17.get sth.for sb.为某人买

Please get a book for me, Daming.大明,请为我买本书。

18.have a good breakfast 吃一顿丰盛的早餐

19.have something for breakfast 早餐吃

We have noodles for breakfast.

20.be good for 对„„有好处

be bad for 对„„有害处

21.a lot of = lots of = many / much 大量的,许多的

22.chicken soup 鸡汤

23.It is important for us to learn English well. It’s time to go home now. 24.I don’t like cola or coffee.

25.There is some milk in the gla.(肯定句)

Would you like some tea? (委婉语气) Have you got any brothers? (一般疑问句)

How about some orange juice? (征示意见)

She hasn’t got any brothers.(否定句)


1.Fruit and vegetables are healthy food.

5.I like orange juice. 2.My favourite food / food is _________.

6.I like eating hamburgers.

3.Eating rice is good for us.

7.I have 食物 for breakfast /lunch/dinner.

4.Drinking cola is bad for us.

8.It is / They are healthy /sweet /delicious.


Healthy food

We should have some healthy food and drink every day.I’m Kitty.I have some bread and milk for breakfast.For lunch, I have some rice with meat and vegetables.After lunch, I often eat an egg.I have some noodles and fruit for supper.They are all healthy food.

There are some healthy food and drink in our fridge.My favourite food is fish.It’s good for my teeth.And my favourite drink is juice.They are healthy and they are good for our health.

I never eat chocolate and cola.They are not healthy food.They are bad for me.

Module 5

My school life


1.Subject:Chinese, maths, English, history, art, PE, IT, science, music,

politics, biology, physics, chemistry,

2.Activity: get up, wash one’s face, brush one’s teeth, have breakfast, have lunch,

have dinner, go to school, start work, start leon, have a break, have leons, go home, watch TV, play computer games,

do one’s homework, go to bed,

3.Time: in 2014 / 2015

in spring / summer / autumn / winter on Monday / Tuesday

in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at noon, at night, at 7:00, On Monday morning / afternoon / evening, on weekdays, on weekend,

4.adj.(形容词): easy – difficult

interesting – boring


1.like v.喜欢

like doing sth. I like playing basketball after cla.

2.difficult – easy English isn’t easy.It is difficult.

3.because – so

Tom can’t go to school, because he is ill.

Tom is ill, so he can’t go to school.

4.interesting – interested

The film is very interesting. It is an interesting film.

I am interested in the film.

5.talk to sb.对„„交谈

talk with sb.跟„„交谈

talk about sb./ sth.谈论„„

6.begin – start 开始

end – finish 结束

Begin with: 以„„开始

The students begin their party with an English song.

7.work: His father works in a factory.

work v.工作

I have much work to do.

work n.总称(不可数名词) job: He finds a good job in the city. n.工作(可数名词)

8.break have a break = have a rest 休息

9.look, see, watch, read

1) Look at the blackboard, please. (看„)

2) What can you see? (看见/ 看到) 3) Let’s watch TV. (观看)

4) Let’s read English books .(阅读、看书)

10.--What’s the time? = What time is it? 几点了?

-- It is + 8 o’clock.(点钟) 11.-- What day is it today? 今天星期几?

-- It is Monday./ Today is Monday.

12.– What are our leons on Monday? / What leon do we have on Monday?

-- We have English.

have English = have an English leon / cla

have + 学科 = have a/an + 学科 + leon / cla 上…课

13.I am good at history.= I do well in history.

be good at擅长 = do well in 在„„方面做得好

14.Maths is difficult for Betty.= Maths is difficult for Betty to study Maths.

15.start work 开始工作

start leons 开始学习

16.Mr.Li makes maths leons interesting.李老师使数学课有趣。

Make + sb./ sth.+ 形容词


17.I do my maths homework first after school. 放学后我首先做我的数学作业。


(1) 顺读法: 8:10 -- eight ten 8:30 – eight thirty 8:40 – eight forty

(2) 逆读法: 8:10 – ten past eight 8:30 – half past eight 8:40 – twenty to nine


1.let me tell you something about my school day.

2.I get up at 6:30 in the morning, and then I „

3.There are 4 leons in the morning and 3 leons in the afternoon.

4.My favourite subject is English because it is interesting.

5.I go home at 5:00.

6.This is my school day.


My school day

Let me tell you something about my school day.I usually get up at half past six.Then I have breakfast.I go to school at seven.School starts at eight o’clock.I have four claes in the morning and three in the afternoon.I like P.E.and music because they are interesting.Leons finish at 5:00 pm.After school, I often play basketball with my clamates on the playground.I go home at half past five.That’s my school day.

Module 6

A trip to the zoo


(1) Animals: bear , elephant , giraffe , lion, monkey , panda , tiger, zebra ,

(2) plant , bamboo , leaf , gra,

(3) Africa , Asia , Europe , zoo , country , all over the world ,

(4) 形容词:dangerous , tall , cute , funny , large ,


1.1.a trip to „ 到„„的旅行

a trip to the zoo 2.welcome to sp.欢迎来到

Welcome to my school.

3.many kinds of... 许多种类的

There are many kinds of books in the library. 4.such as...例如

I like fruits, such as apples, bananas and pears.5.different countries 不同的国家

These animals come from many different countries. 6.look at....看一看

Look at the picture on the wall.

7.be from = come from 来自

My friend is from Beijing.= My friend comes from Beijing. 8.the black and white animal 黑白相间的动物

9.a kilo of „ 一千克

The panda eats about 30 kilos of bamboo a day. 10.as well as „ 并且,还„

The zebra eats leaves as well as gra.

11.the favourite of people = people’s favourite 人们最喜欢的

A panda is the favourite of people all over the world.

12.all over the world 全世界

People all over the world like visiting Guilin every year. 13.an African animal 一只非洲的动物

The zebra is an African animal. 14.live alone 独居

The tiger usually lives alone.

15.catch „ for food 捕食

The tiger catches many kinds of animals for food.16.go and see 去看看

Shall we go and see the pandas?


1.It is big / small / fat / thin / strong.

6.It is „ metres high / long.

2.It is / comes from „.

7.Its name is „.

3.It lives in „.

8.has got „ and it’s very nice.

4.„ is a kind of „ animal.

9.is its favourite „.

5.It is lovely / cute / dangerous.

10.It likes eating „/ playing with„. 范文:

A visit to the zoo

Welcome to the zoo.There are two new animals in the zoo.The panda’s name is Feifei.She is from China.She likes eating bamboo.She is lovely and shy.She is two years old.The other animal is a lion.His name is Karl.He is from Africa.He likes eating meat.He is very strong and dangerous.He is three years old.You will like them.

Module 7



1.turn on 打开(电器、电源)

14.check the times of trains 查找火车时刻表

2.search for information 搜索信息

15.make travel plans 制订旅行计划

3.on the computer 通过电脑

16.listen to music 听音乐

4.connect „ to/with 连接…和…

17.watch movies


5.open a document 打开文件

18.check emails


6.click on 点击

19.send emails to sb. 给某人发邮件

7.on the left of 在„的左边

20.play computer games


8.use sth.to do sth.使用某物做„

21.Search for information


9.save the document 保存文件

22.print the document 打印文件

10.write name for it 为它命名

23.work for a company 为一家公司工作 11.of course 当然可以

24.plan for our holiday 计划我们的假期

12.share sth.with sb.与某人分享某物

25.buy train tickets


13.go on the Internet 上网

26.play music




Now the computer is very popular.We can get information from the Internet.We can download music, read novels and watch films.Also, we can send emails to our friends and talk with them on the Internet.The computer is very useful.

But many students spend too much time in playing computer games.It’s bad for their health and study.We should use the computer to help us study.

Module 8 Choosing presents


1.have a birthday party for sb 为某人举行生日聚会

2.go to one’s birthday party


3.at the birthday dinner 在生日晚宴上

What do you usually do at a birthday party? 4.make a birthday cake for sb 为某人制作生日蛋糕

5.give/send birthday cards


We sometimes give birthday presents. 6.get birthday presents


Do you get birthday presents in China? 7.on one’s birthday 在某人生日那天

8.a box of chocolates


9 .a cinema ticket


10.a concert ticket


11.choose a birthday present for... 为„„选生日礼物

Which birthday presents do you choose for them? 你为他们选择什么生日礼物?

12.stay/keep healthy


13.get /take /do some exercise 锻炼

14.eleven silk scarves


15.sb spend +时间/钱+on sth 在某物上花费时间/钱

16.sb spend +时间/钱+(in) doing sth 在做某事上花费时间/钱

17.read magazines 阅读杂志

read books 看书

18.go to the cinema 去看电影

see a film 看电影

19.watch sports 观看体育赛事

20.go to concerts 去听音乐会

21.the CDs of one’s favourite songs 某人最喜爱歌曲的唱片

22.go to the football match


23.watch football matches on TV 在电视里看足球比赛

24.at weekends = at the weekend 在周末

25.stay at home


26.on Saturday evening 在星期六晚上

27.hear from sb. 收到某人的来信

It’s great to hear from you Mike.

28.watch sb.do sth.观看某做某事I always watch my little sister play football at weekends. 29.go shopping 去购物

30.at once 立刻,马上

31.buy sb.sth.= buy sth.for sb.为某人买某物

I will buy my mother some flowers tonight.= I’ll buy some flowers for my mother tonight.


1.usually, sometimes, always, often, 等词用来表示动作频率的,在英文中被称为“频度副词”,但程度上有别。一般来说可按频率大小排列:

Always >usually >often >sometimes >seldom(很少) >never (从不) 2.频度副词的位置。

(1) 在be动词之后。 Boys are always good at playing ball games.

(2) 在第一个助动词或情态动词之后。 He doesn’t often go on the Internet.

I can never search for information on the Internet.

(3) 在实义动词之前。

My father often goes to work by car.

(4) sometimes可以放在句首、句中或句末,often也可以放在句末。

Sometimes she writes to me.

She writes to me often.




My friend

John is my good friend.He always gets up at half past six.He usually goes to school at seven o’clock.He often helps his friends.His clamates like him very much.He often listens to music at home.Sometimes he plays computer games.This Sunday is his birthday.His friends are going to give him some presents. 范文(2)

My hobby

Different people have different hobbies.My hobby is collecting coins.

I got my first coin on my 8th birthday from my grandpa.It was an old Chinese coin.I like it very much.I have been collecting coins for 7 years, and I have over 2,500 coins from different countries in different shapes till now.I store them in the box under the bed.My mother often said we had run out of room to store them.Collecting coins helps me learn a lot about different cultures and history.Last year, I donated some of my coins to charity for homele children.I really think it is worth doing.

A good hobby can influence people a lot.This is my hobby.What about yours?

Module 9

People and places


1.stand in line 排队,站成一排

2.take photos = take pictures 拍照

take a photo of...给„„拍照

3.wait for sb./ sth.等侯某人/某物

I’m waiting for the bus / Tom. 4.walk on the Great Wall 爬长城

5.talk with sb on the phone


6.at the moment =now= right now 现在,此时

At this moment, in different places of the world, people are doing different things. 7.be with sb.


Are they with you? 8.be on sale 在出售

9.lie in the sun 躺在阳光下

He is having lunch and lying in the sun. 10.send sth.to sb.by email 通过电子邮件发送某物给某人

11.enjoy the trip a lot 非常喜欢这次旅行

We are enjoying the school trip a lot.

12.it’s time to do sth.= it’s time for sth.该做某事的时间了

It’s time to have lunch.= It’s time for lunch. 13.go/be on a trip to +地点


We are on a school trip.我们正在进行学校之旅。

14.get off / on 下/上(车)Some people are getting off buses or trains. 15.leave work 下班

Some people are leaving work. 16.drive home 开车回家

Some people are driving home.

17.have afternoon tea 喝下午茶

Some are having afternoon tea at home. 18.have a drink 喝一杯, 喝饮料

19.go to the theater 去剧院

20.watch a film = see a film 看电影

21.go home from work 下班回家

22.start leons 开始上课

23.see friends=visit friends 看望朋友,拜访朋友

24.call home 打电话回家

call a friend 给朋友打电话

call sb.给某人打电话

25.enjoy doing sth = like / love doing sth.喜欢做某事

26.go back to... 回

I will go back to my home town tomorrow. 27.thank sb.for sth.因某事感谢某人

thank sb.for doing sth.因做某事感谢某人

Thank you for your post card from the Great Wall. Thank you for helping me. 28.enjoy the sun 晒太阳,享受阳光

29.the homes of the movie stars 影星之家

30 .a movie star 电影明星

31.write postcards to sb.给某人写明信片

32.have a good time =have fun =enjoy oneself 玩得开心

33.play taijiquan 打太极拳

34.play yangge 扭秧歌

35.run for a bus 追赶公共汽车

36.There are several time zones.



1.How are you?

2.Let me tell you what we are doing now.

3.I am „ and my parents are „.

4.Please tell me what you are doing.

5.Best wishes.

6.See you soon.


This is a picture of a park.You can see many people in the park.There are some trees, and there are some birds in them.Under the tree, there are two old men.They are drinking and talking.There are some boys in the lake.They are swimming.Near the lake, a young man is playing football.A tall boy is flying a kite.A girl is sitting on the gra.She is eating an ice cream.A woman in a hat is reading.A man is near her.He is drawing.

Module 10 Spring Festival


1.get / be ready for......为„„做准备 We are getting ready for Spring Festival. 2.make lanterns 制作灯笼

I’m making big red lanterns. 3.learn a dragon dance 学舞龙

4.clean the house 打扫屋子

5.sweep the floor 扫地

6.cook the meal 做饭

7.be busy with sth.忙于某事

8.be busy doing sth.忙于做某事

9.be at work = be working 正在工作

10.put sth.away 把某物放好;整理 11.work hard 努力工作;努力学习

12.jion sb. 加入某人

13.hurry up 赶快

14.hurry to +地点 匆忙去某地

15.sweep away 扫走

sweep away bad luck 扫走霉运

16.have a look at... =look at...看一看

17.celebrate sth.庆祝某事

celebrate Spring Festival 庆祝春节

18.have a traditional family dinner 吃一顿传统的家庭团圆饭

19.watch a special programme on TV 在电视里看一个特别的节目

20.lucky money 压岁钱;红包

21.have a big family dinner 吃一顿丰盛的家庭团圆饭

22.on Christmas Day


23.Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐

24.tell sb.about sth. 告诉某人某事

25.help sb.with sth.= help sb.(to) do sth. 在某事上帮助某人 = 帮助某人做某事

26.on the same day 在同一天

27.a kind of dumpling 一种饺子

28.get food ready 准备好食物

29.because of 因为

30.say „ to sb.对某人说„

say happy new year to sb. 祝某人新年快乐

31.get presents from...从„„收到礼物

32.at Lantern Festival 在元宵节

33.a man with a long white beard 一个留有长白胡子的人

34.What’s happening? 怎么了?

35.quite busy 十分忙


Spring Festival

Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.

We celebrate Spring Festival in January or February.We have many kinds

of traditions.A few days before Spring Festival, we do some cleaning to sweep away all bad luck.On the evening before Spring Festival we have a big family dinner and watch a special programme on TV.Parents usually give their children lucky money.We also play fireworks.It’s really wonderful.

We enjoy Spring Festival a lot!




1.Tom,Jim and Lily _________ American.

A.is B.am C.are D.be

2.-- _________ Lingling and Daming students? -- _________,they are.


B.Are ;Yes


D.Are:No 3.--Can you swim,Amy? -- _________.

A.Yes,I can.

B.No,She can。

C.Yes,I am.

D.No,I am not.

4.Jim can _________ football.




D.played 5.How many children _________ in the claroom?

A.there are

B.there is

C.are there

D.is there 6.There are _________ books on the desk.





7.Betty is my good friend._________ lives in Beijing now.




D.He 8.There _________ some meat and bananas on the table.




D.be 9.Your mother\'s father is your _________.


B.grand mother


D.uncle 10.Would you like _________ Dezhou with me?



C.to go

D.to go to 11.--Would you like to see a film with me? -- _________.

A.Yes,I like

B.Yes,I would

C.Yes,I would like D.Yes,I would like to 12.--Let\'s go to the football match! -- _________! A.Yes,Let\'s see a film. B.No, Let\'s go

C.Good idea

D.No,I\'d go to a football match 13.They ________ a chemistry leon on Tuesday.A.do B.go C.have 14.We have breakfast _________ half past ten _________ the morning.




D.at,on 15._________ favorite food is bread.

A.My sister

B.My sisters

C.My sister\'s

D.My sisteres 16.How many _________ can you see in the picture?




D.woman 17.I like English,_________ I like Chinese,too.





18.Are there _________ animals in the zoo?





19.--Does the tiger eat meat? -- _________.

A.Yes,it is doesn\'t B.Yes,it does C.No,it isn\'t D.No,it doesn\'t

20.--_________ do you play computer games7 --Sometimes.


B.How often


D.Where 21.---Hello, Yang Ling.How are you?---_______________.A.Fine, thanks. B.I\'m nine.

C.I\'m Amy.

D.I\'m tall 22.Hi,I\'m Sally .______my twin sister, Sue.A.They\'re


C.It is

D.This is 23.---What\'s your aunt?

---She is ____________.A.a woman

B.a man

C.a driver

D.helpful 24.____ are you? I’m thirteen ____.

A.How, year old

B.How, years old C.H ow old, year old

D.How old, years old 25.Jie Min usually gets up _______.A.at six thirty B.at thirty six C.on six thirty D.on thirty six 26.---How many _____are there in your school?

---Only one.A.library

B.a library


D.any libraries 27.---Are there_ ____ reading rooms in your school? ---Yes, there are.A.some



D.an 28.I _______ at seven.A.go to the school

B.go to a school C.go to school

D.go school 29.--- Is Peter __________ cousin?

---Yes, he is.A.Andy\'s


C.Andys \'

D.Andies 30.---Is there a poster on the wall?

---No,._____.A.it isn\'t

B.there isn\'t

C.there is

D.there aren\'t 31.---_____my cat?

--- Look! It\'s in the middle of the garden.A.What\'s



D.How\'s 32.Rick often does ______ homework at 6:00.A.her B.his


D.your 33.---What\'s ______ the tree, Mum?

---Some birds.A.on



D.in 34.---What cla are you in?

---I am in_____.A.cla one B.Cla One

C.One Cla D.Cla one 35.Mike, and this is______ new bike.A.He\'s, his

B.She\'s, his

C.She\'s, her

D.He\'s, her 36.Would you like _____tea?

A.some B.a C.any D.many 37._____morning she gets up at six.

A.Every day B.On every C.In every D.Every 38.Do you have any colour pens?

Sorry, I don\'t have_____.I think he has_____.




D.any...some 39.Are they from ______?




D.Canada 40.The map_____China is_____the wall.




D.of...at 41.Our teacher often talks_____us____English. A.to...on B.with...on C.with...in

D.to...at 42.It\'s very nice______meet you.




D./ 43.______are good friends.

A.Mike and I B.I and Mike C.Mike and me D.Me and Mike 44.Are ______here today?

A.all we

B.all of we C.we all

D.all of boys 45.I\'d like______a cup of tea.

A.to eat

B.to drink


D.drink 46.There are many green _____in the trees.

A.the leaves


C.leaves 47.Before you shut your computer, don\'t forget to _____this document.



C.open 48.Tony ______birthday parties.

A.likes always B.always likes C.always like 49.This is a wolf, and it\'s ______European wolf.



C.an 50.Let\'s _______football on the playground.


B.play the

C.to play 51.We have Chinese _____eight o\'clock..



C.at 52.I switch _____ the computer and open a new document.



C.off 53.Chicken and tomatoes.

A.What; for

B.What; /

C.How; for

D.How; / 100.Oranges are a kind of ________.




D.fruit 101.–Does your friend like milk?

-- _________.

A.Yes, she like.

B.No, she does. C.Yes, she doesn’t

D.No, she doesn’t.102.–Does your English teacher sing very _____ ?

--Yes, She does.




D.well 103.There are _____ fruit on the table.

A.lots of

B.lot of C.a lot D.lots for 104.This is my sister , ______name is lily.


B.she is


D.her 105.There _____ three students and a teacher in the claroom.




D.am 106.That is ____ room.

A.Lily and Lucy

B.Lily and Lucy’s

C.Lily’s and Lucy’s

D.Lily’s and Lucy 107.______ your sister ______ ice cream?

A.Have , got

B.has, got

C.Is , there

D.Are , there 108.Let’s _________.

A.go home

B.to go to home C.go to home D.to go home 109.The boy ______ hamburgers very much.So he eats a lot.A.like

B.likes C.don’t like D.doesn’t like 110.—

Does your son like carrots? — ________.

A.Yes, she does

B.Yes, he is

C.No, he doesn’t

D.No, she doesn’t 111.Our friend ______ like salad.





112.-Do they like hamburgers?

-Yes, they like ____ very much.




D.its 113.My sister likes English ________.

A.a lot of


C.lots of

D.a lot 114.Aunt Li likes ________ bananas.




D.eatting 115.The green shorts are _____ sale for $25.A.for B.on


D.at 116.—______colour do you like?

—White and red.A.Who


C.How much

D.How 117.—______ is that hat?

—$15.A.How much B.Which C.What color D.How many 118.We write ________ our pens.A.use B.for C.in

D.with 119.I want ______ shopping.

A.to go to


C.go to

D.to go

120.How ______apples does she want?

A.any B.someC.much

D.many 121.I want to buy a shirt _______ my father.A.to B.on


D.in 122.Let’s go and have _______ his new CD.

A.look at B.a look at

C.a look D.the look at 123.–Are these your shoes?

–Yes, ___________.A.they’re B.they are

C.these are

D.there’re 124.I like sports.My friend Allan ______likes sports.A.too


C.and D.also 125.We have ________ students.A.fourty –four

B.four – fourty

C.forty – four

D.four –forty 126.How much ______ do you want? A.tomatoes B.bananas C.hamburgers

D.chicken 127.--- Thank you very much.

--- ____________.A.Here you are

B.You’re welcome

C.Thank you too

D.Not thanks 128.When _______ your mother\'s birthday? A.am

B.is C.are

D.does 129.New Year\'s Day is in ____________.A.December

B.October C.January

D.February 130.Our school trip is _______May.A.in



D.to 131.We have English concert ______July 5th each year.A.in B.on C.at

D.to 132.This shop ______ all kinds of clothes.A.sell



D.buy 133.What _______ of movie do you like? A.color B.kind



134.Jim often goes to movies ____________ his friends.A.and B.to C.for

D.with 135.What\'s the name ______ the movie, do you know? A.with

B. at C.of

D.off 136.I often go to the shops _______ weekends.A.for

B.on C.in

D.over 137.They often play basketball _____ Wednesday afternoon.


B.in C.on


138.Jack ______ like baseball______ volleyball.

A.don\'t; or

B.doesn\'t; or C.don\'t; and D.doesn\'t; and 139.Can Lucy _____ Chinese?




140.My grandfather ______ stay ______ home and watch TV.A.like, at

B.like, in

C.likes to, at

D.likes to, in 141.Do you often go to _____ football games ______ your friends? A.see, and B.look at, with C.watch, and

D.watch, with 142.He doesn’t clean his room for ____ days.


B.a little

C.a few

D.little 143.Do you like ________ books?



C.see D.seeing 144.Don\'t talk ______ others! Listen to the teacher.

A.for B.to C.on 145.What do you have ________ lunch? A.at B.on C.for 146.I usually watch TV _____ Sunday evening.A.in

B.on C.at  147.—Are they good at ______? —Yes, they are.

A.swim B.to swimC.swimming D.the swim 148.Can he play_______ ping-pong?


B.a C.an


149.There isn\'t _______ coke in the gla.


B.any C.a D.an 150.School ______ at nine o\'clock.A.begin B.take C.starts

151.My sister can play__guitar,my friend Jack can play__ baseball.


B.the;a C./;the

D.the;/ 152.—________?

—It\'s seven o\'clock.A.What time is it? B.What day is it?

C.What is it time? 153.My grandfather always watches the early news ______ TV.A.at



154.— ________

— They’re standing on the Great wall.

A.What’s the boy doing? B.Where are the boys?

C.What do they do?

D.How are the boys? 155.— Is Betty going home now ? — _________

A.No, she isn’t. B.Yes, she does.

C.No, she doesn’t

D.Yes, she’s leaving home to school. 156.Tom is _____ lots of pictures now.




D.to take 157.We are ____ a school trip.





158.Some are having _____ afternoon tea at home or walking to pubs and having ___ drink.

A.a; the

B.the; /

C.an; a

D./ ; a

159.It’s five now.Most people in London are leaving ___ work and going ____ home.

A.to; to

B./; /

C.for; to

D.from; for

160.Some are waiting ____ buses at bus stops and others are running ____ trains.

A.for; for

B.to; for

C.for; at

D.In; at

161.At the moment, people there __ , washing or getting__ .A.don’t get up; drees

B.get up; dreed

C.aren’t getting up; dreed

D.are getting up; dre 162.— ____________ — They’re listening to the teacher.

A.What are the students doing?

B.Where are the students? C.What do the students often do?

D.How are the students? 163.— ____ your father ______ ? — Yes he is.

A.Does; work

B.Is; working

C.Does; smoke

D.Where’s ; now 164.—_______

— She’s cooking the meal.

A.What’s your mother doing?

B.Where’s she? C.How is she? D.Why is she at home? 165.— Are your clamates listening to your teacher ? — ____________ .

A.Yes, we are.B.No, we aren’t C.Yes, he is. D.No, they aren’t.They are doing exercises.

166.— Can your mother help you ? — _____ .She’s at work.

A.No, she isn’t.

B.Yes, she is. C.Yes, she can.

D.No, she can’t



本周三我讲的是七年级上Module 10 Unit 1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival ?内容是关于春节前的准备。教学重点是掌握现在进行时的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句,教学难点是掌握关于准备春节的短语:get ready for, clean the house, sweep the floor, cook the meal, learn a dragon dance, make lanterns, put away, at work.因为本节课是听说课,所以主要是以学生的听和说为主,以小组竞赛为主要学习方式。我的教学设计如下:


课前2分钟铃,播放的是silent night,提醒学生本节课我们将要学习关于节日的一课。用一些关于春节的图片导入,提问学生这些图片是关于什么的。学生答:春节。然后导入本节课要学习的题目。



2、小竞赛:通过带有学生头像的动图,提问what is he/ she doing ?引出现在进行时的句子构成:be(am, is, are)+doing。

3、三听(关于春节的对话) 一听(合书),选择正确的答案 二听(看书),回答问题 三听(边听边跟读),画出中文对应的英语句子



5、猜猜看游戏。第一个根据声音猜正在做什么。第二个根据图片猜正在做什么。最后引出listen, look用于句子开头时用现在进行时。

6、给出一些关于圣诞节的图片,引出圣诞节的一些活动,并用所给短语造句。最后引出 “Different countries have different traditional ways .”









1、口语的应用应该注意语气和语调,特别是提问时应该用 “某某,please”, 而不是生硬的stand up。





Module 8 Time off Unit 1 I can hardly believe we’re in the city centre.

一、教学目标(Teaching aim)

1、知识目标(Knowledge aim)

(1)在教学过程中学习和巩固单元新授单词 和短语hardly, sights, thirsty, waste ake up, point out, at the top of (2)熟练掌握that引导的宾语从句的句型结构和用法并运用该句型描述家乡的名胜

2、能力目标(Ability aim)


3情感目标(Moral aim)


二、教学重点(Teaching focus)

The object clauses(that引导的宾语从句)

教学难点(Teaching difficulty)

1.The object clauses That引导的宾语从句中从句人称的变化 2 宾语从句时态的变化 2.hard和hardly的区别

教学过程(Teaching Procedures)

1 导入(Lead-in)

(1) 展示北京部分名胜古迹图片,引出旅游经历话题。

(2.) 听课文Part 1 ,让学生看和描述北海公园的照片,为对话部分的学习做准备

2词汇学习(Vocabulary learning)


3 Reading and listening (1)Listen to Part 3 and answer the following questions.(2)Complete the sentences about Beihai Park.(3)Read the dialogue and mark T or F.通过本环节,让学生完成对对话部分的理解,对学过的重点句型进行巩固和复习,并要熟悉对话中的宾语从句的结构。




如I gue (that)…

I’m sure (that)… I know (that)…

I can’t believe (that)… I think (that)…

6、Homework (1)Introduce another place of Beijing in English.(必做) (2)Talk about another place of interest in your home town.(选做)


月考复习资料(Module1~~~Module4)I Greetings (基本问候语)

1.Hello/ Hi 你好 2.Good morning/ afternoon/ evening 早上/下午/晚上好

3.———How do you do? 你好!(第一次见面时)

———How do you do?你好!

4. ———How are you?(你好吗?)

———I’m fine./ I’m OK/ I’m very well./ Just so—so(一般般).And you?——— I’m fine, too(也).Thank you.

5. ———Nice to meet you!(见到你很高兴!)

——— Nice to meet you,too!(见到你我也很高兴!)

II 重点句型

1. What’s your name, please? (请问你叫什么名字?)

什么是 你的 名字 请

2. My name is ……/ I’m … (我的名字是。。。/我是。。。)

我的 名字 是 我是

3. This is …… (这位是。。。)

这位/个 是

4.———What’s this in English? (这用英语怎么说/ 这是什么?)什么是 这个 用 英语

——— It’s a book.(它是一本书)

它是 一本 书

5.——— What are these? (这些是什么?)

什么 是 这些

——— They are books./ These are books.(他们是书/ 这些是书)他们 是 书 这些 是 书

6.——— How many desks are there? (有多少张桌子?)

多少 桌子 有

--------- There are ten desks.(有十张桌子)/ There is (only) one desk./ 仅只有一张桌子)

有 十(张) 桌子 有 仅仅 一(张) 桌子

There is no desk.(没有桌子)

有 不 桌子

7.------- What colour is the tree? (这棵树是什么颜色的?)

什么 颜色 是 这(棵) 树

------- It’s green.(它是绿色的)

它是 绿色

------- What colour are the flowers? (这些花是什么颜色的?)什么 颜色 是 这(些) 花

------- They’re blue.(他们是蓝色的)

它们是 蓝色

8.------ How do you spell “blue”? (怎样拼写“blue”)

怎样 你 拼写 蓝色




Module 1 Unit1 Go straight on 教学目标:

1、让学生掌握turn left urn right go straight on。

2、学会用Where's ...? 来问路。


1、会用Where's ...? 来打听道路。

2、能听懂turn left urn right go straight on。 教学难点: left rignt go straight on 的正确发音。

教学准备:小红旗、糖果、若干卡片、自制小地图、多媒体课件、简易地图 (学 生每两人一张) 教学过程: Step1.Warming-up T: Hello! Boys and girls! Nice to see you! Ss: Hello! Mi Gao! Nice to see you ,too! T: I'm happy ! Are you happy? Ss: Yes! T: So let's sing a song , ok? (教学意图:上课前的热身运动,边唱边表演符合小学生的年龄特点,吸引了学生的注意力,稳定了学生的情趣,也活跃了课堂气氛。) Step2.Presentation 1.T: Sam wants to go to Daming's home , but he is lost , let' s have a look .(播放课件)

2.T: There are some places in the claroom .Can you show me where's the school park zoo KFC supermarket? (事先把几幅相应的图片贴在教室的各个角落)

1 The Ss point them out T: Is the school on my left ? (学生听不懂,用中文翻译一遍)

(教学意图:以情境引入教学,并使用多媒体课件辅助,更易使学生快速进入学习意境,以听指的方法来复习学过的单词,既巩固了旧知,又自然地引出了新知:left / right ) 3.Teaching the two words : left / right (出示单词卡片) 4.Practicing the two new words: A.Gueing where's the sweet .(猜对的学生,把那个糖果给他) B.踏步练习:left , right,(分组练习)

T: Let 's do some exercises and we're going to have a competition.The group which does better will get 10 points.5.指定一名学生上来再做一组练习后,发出新指令:Turn left ! (学生没有反应,不明白什么意思,教师用肢体语言表示其意) 6.出示卡片:Turn 师带读 7.贴出标志图: 1Turn left Turn right 8 .Competition.规则:每组选一名同学上台,听教师指令,做左转、右转,做错的同学淘汰下去,最后一名站在台上的同学就是胜利者,可为自己小组加10分。

(教学意图: 学习新词时,采用猜糖果游戏和踏步练习的形式进行操练,学生兴致极高,课堂气氛非常活跃;同时引入竞争机制,贯穿整个教学过程,使全体学生保持一种学习的积极状态,并培养学生的竞争意识和合作精神。)

9.Teaching the phrase : Go straight on Show a map and ask the Ss : " If I want to go to the KFC , how can I go there ? " (学生用中文回答: 向前直走)教师给予肯定并用英语说: Go straight on.并做相应的肢体动作。

2 10.出示课题卡片: M2 U1 Go straight on! 11.贴出标志图,并带读该词组 Go straight on Step3 .Consolidation 1.大小声练习.2.学生发指令,教师做动作.3.Playing games : Help the other Ss get the flag.游戏规则: 请两名学生上来,一个蒙着眼睛,一个用turn left urn right go straight on来指方向,帮助找到小红旗.顺利找到者,可各为自己的小组加10分.4.出示一张自制地图,指名提问:Where's the ...? 教师根据学生的回答在地图上画出行走路线.出示词条: A : Where's the ...? B : 带读两遍.5.Pair work .学生拿出课前发的简易小地图,两两合作,一个问,一个答并画出路线.(做完了,请几组学生上台展示) Step 4.Homework.Tell your clamates and friends where your home is and how to go there Unit 2 It’s at the station.








1)、能听懂老师发出的指令,迅速做出反应。 2)、能根据提供的信息,完成新词的学习与训练。 3)、能运用所学知识进行简单的英语交流。






七、说教学过程 (一)、导入设计

1、Warm up:Sing a song.—left foot, right foot, left foot, right…以此把学生带入今天的课堂。这样学生就自然地进入到一个良好的英语氛围,当歌声落下,我热情地和学生打招呼,与学生用英语进行简单的交谈。出示课件和简笔画,用Excuse me.Where is…?进行看图问答,复习问路和指路使用的语言。请全班同学为踊跃举手的同学鼓掌,肯定他们的努力,鼓励他们大胆尝试。

2、Let’s go to a place.Look!Here we are.把本课的hill, station, house,rain等图片展出。使用单词卡片学习单词hill, station ,house, rain。反复操练后,接着开展I can read!活动,检测学生对单词的熟练程度。(二)、新课呈现

1)、用简笔画添上一条铁轨。Let’s go by rain.邀请学生们一起坐着这辆火车去游玩,播放CD-ROM,为了更好地完成课程目标,我给学生下达了任务:让他们注意看图中火车分别进行到什么位置?这些内容用英语又怎样表述呢?为了更好地帮助学生听懂录音,同时把Where is train_? It’s _.写在简图的下方。

4 2)、儿童的心理特点是好奇的,所以我选在这个时候为学生的疑问对故事中表示位置的介词进行讲解:把火车头对着山顶开,然后说:We are up the hill。然后操练和检测;用同样的方式学习down the hill,near the houses,at the station。 3)、再听一遍录音,带读课文。 (三)、巩固操练


1、Read and match.2、Lisening.

3、Read and complete.4、Look and say(SB活动3).


画出从学校到家的路线图,运用本单元学过的知识向同学介绍从学校到家的路线;向家人介绍从家到学校的路线。 Module 2 Unit1.She's reading a book

1、Language knowledge 学习单词和短语"write、letter、picture、friend、take pictures、talk to、little、play with"和句型"This is...He's/She's…"

2、Language skills 能够听、说、认读单词,能够讲述正在发生的事情。

3、Sentiment 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激励学生积极参与活动,逐步养成自觉学习的好习惯。

三、Teaching key points 掌握本课语言结构。能听、说、认读单词和短语,并能熟练运用新知识。

四、Teaching difficult points 灵活运用知识讲述正在发生的事情。


五、Teaching procedure

1、Warming up Greerings Free talk 老师和学生互相问好。在自由谈话中,随机向不同的学生提问:"What do you do at the weekend?"引导学生使用下列词组:play football、play basketball、play table tennis、swimming、watch TV等。老师要求学生回答问题时带上动作,在他/她做动作的同时,老师向全班同学说:"Look! He's playng football .She's swimming."使用这种方法呈现更多新语言。

2、Presentation 学习单词、短语。


3、Learn the text 请学生仔细观察图画,认真阅读课文,帮助学生弄清楚故事内容和情节:Sam正在展示自己的绘画作品,其中有Lingling写信的画,Daming照相的画,Amy打电话的画,还有Tom玩玩具火车的画。

请学生对照着书听录音,老师帮助学生学习本课的语言结构,并使用不同的方式进行练习。例如:模仿录音,个人展示,根据课文内容问题:“What is Amy doing? What is Sam doing? What is Tom doing?”等。 向学生简单说明:在英文中,当描述一个正在发生的动作时,我们要使用现在进行时。现在进行时是“am/is/are”加上动词“ing”形式构成的。

4、Practice Play a game 玩一个“神算”游戏。在老师给出的图片中,让同学自己选择一张,在选择之前先算一算你能选到哪一张,如果选择的图画与自己算的一样时,那就是“神算”。

5、Production 仿照课文内容,以小组为单位编个小故事,并在班里展示。


6、Cooling down Review the leon and end the cla.

七、Homework 结合本节课所学的英语知识,画出你的家人正在做事的图画,下节课向全班同学讲述。 Unit 2 What are you doing?


1.知识目标:watching TV, talking to … taking pictures ,reading a book ,writing a letter, playing with ,listening to music, What are you doing? I ' m … What is he/she doing? ---He/She is …

2.情感目标:养成积极主动的学习态度,能大胆开口,积极参与各项学习活动,善于与同学交流。 3.能力目标:用英语进行交流,养成用英语思维的良好习惯,提高学生的创造力和实践能力。 重点难点:


二、预习学案 预习目标:

通过预习能够认读简单的词汇,理解课文内容,了解如何询问正在做的事情。 预习内容: 1.复习上节课学过的内容:talking to … taking pictures , writing a letter, playing with 。 2.根据上节课所学内容,找出本单元所学短语,及正在做的事情,在预习本上作好记录。



1.同学做动作.老师问What is she/he doing?多说几遍,找同学回答。


(二)小组合作,自主学习1.自主学习单词(Task 1)

(1)Listen and underline the new words and the difficult words.

7 (2)学习新单词 listen to ,music, read ,掌握词组listen to music, read a book,根据卡片练习句子I’m listening to music /reading a book ./ watchingTV, (3)小组展示 2.课文学习

(1)Listen and point.播放录音,主要培养学生的认读能力,至少听两遍。 (2)Listen and repeat.再次拨放录音,学生边指边读。 (3)小组对话练习.分角色朗读.3.学唱歌曲。


根据上节课学过及新学的词组,句型同桌练习,或者小组练习.根据图片或者动作进行对话练习:如:are you doing? I’m listening to musicq


1.What is he /she doing ?的问答。

找同学到讲台上每一个人做一个动作不动.其他同学进行问答.2.对正在进行的动作进行描述.巩固练习.也可以采取you say I do ,you do I say ,you say I draw等形式.3.小结归纳

归纳总结本节课的所学的内容.What are you doing? I’m listening to musicq What is he /she doing ? 4.教师、小组、个人评价


Ⅰ.写出下列单词的现在分词形式。 do swim take play read listen write


What Ⅱ.下列句子各有一个错误,你能找出来并改正吗? 1.What are he doing? 2.I'm watch TV.3.This is my father.She is reading a book.4.I'm doing I homework.5.What are you doing? I listening to music.




Unit2 What are you doing? G1 G2 G3 G4 I’m listening to music watching TV reading a book Module 3 Unit 1 What are they doing ?


1.学习询问他人正在做什么事情。 2.描述他人正在做的事情。

3.学生能够听、说、认boat che row soybean milk drink hungry 。 4.通过创设和谐的氛围,让孩子们轻松愉快地学习英语,并形成良好的英语语 感。 重点、难点:

1.学说问句What are they doing? 2.掌握句型They’re 动词+ing [+宾语]

9 3.能清晰准确地发出本课所教的单词的音

二、预习学案 1.预习课文补全单词 b t ch s r s b n milk dr k h ry 2.用“ ”标出询问动词的ing形式,反复阅读,理解句子意思。 3.在笔记本上记录自己预习后的疑惑,准备交流。



1.师生齐唱M2 中的小诗,并配以动作。

2.教师快速向学生出示几组词,每组包含一个动词,请学生说出这个动词。师板书:read , write ,listen ,play , talk …

3.请学生说这些动词的-ing形式。4. 齐读黑板上的动词及其-ing形式。



教师模仿动作后提问:What am I doing? (我正做什么?)引入句子: I’m doing taijiquan.。 3.请全体学生一起边做动作,边说:I’m doing taijiquan.4.自主学习单词(Task 1)

(1)Listen and underline the new words and the difficult words.(2) Listen and read the new words and the difficult words 3 times.(3)Read the words by yourself.5.小老师检查单词(Who can teach?) 6.单词句型运用(Task 2)

以小组为单位,用所学词汇造句,进行运用,找出本模块重点句型what are they doing?进行替换、拓展、

10 对话等情景练习,然后小组进行展示。



2.教师通过提问:What is he/ she doing ?复习He’s/ She’s 动词+ing。 3.请该生所在组的成员模仿该生的动作,并做动作边说:I’m动词+ing [+宾语]。

4.教师故作不解状问:What are they doing ? 后又释然说:Oh.They’re 动词+ing [+宾语],并板书。 5.教师指着黑板上的句子,请学生跟说多遍。

6.小组合作挑选黑板上所提供的任一动词(不能重复),做出相应的动作,其他学生回答问题:What are they doing ?



3.四人小组中,请学生A 和B向学生C和D模仿一个动作,然后由C和D提问:A 和B在做什么? 4.让小组内学生互换角色。

5.请几位学生到教室前模仿动作,教师提问:What are they doing ?然后让全班或个别学生回答。

四、课堂检测 1.选择单词补全句子

riding playing rowing drinking doingThey’re Taijiquan.They’re a dragon boat.They’re che.They’re soybean milk.They’re on a bus.2.英汉互译 上车 在湖上

under the tree play che 许多 row a boat



1.抄写单词:row , play, drink, boat, milk 2.收集有关人物或动物正在进行某种动作行为的照片、图片、图案,并用英语说说他们正在做什么?


Unit 1 What are they doing? What are they doing?

They are rowing a dragon boat.On the lake They are doing Taijiquan.In the park They are playing che.Under the tree Unit 2 What ’s the elephant doing? 教学目标

a、知识目标:能听懂、会说本课句型―What are they doing? They are… What is Amy doing ? She is… b、技能目标:培养学生听、说、做、读的能力。



本课时的教学重点是掌握句型―What are they doing? They are…What is Amy doing ? She is…?, 难点是培养学生在实际情景中运用对话的能力,教师抓住这个重点内容,通过大量的 会话练习,做不同人称的 替换训练,进一步突破了难点。


三、说教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up.

1、Greetings and sing an English song.

2、Let’s do.

T: doing taijiquan ,rowing a dragon boat,playing che,drinking soybean..

12 Ss: Do the actions.(师先发指令,生做动作,再利用多媒体课件依次播放图片,让学生看图说出完整的句子, 如:They are doing taijiquan.( rowing a dragon boat,playing che;drinking soybean..) Step 2 Presentation.(创设情景,引入新课。)

1、师先示范―跑的动作,让学生跟着做动作,边做边说:―I’m running.师适时提问:―What is the teacher doing?引导学生回答:―The teacher is running .

2、师再分别出示Amy ―跑的动作并提问, ―What is Amy doing?学生模仿前面的 句子说:―Amy is running .or she is running .师再分别出示Daming(看电视 ) 的动作并提问,―What is Daming doing? 学生跟着说―Daming is watching TV.or He is watching TV .师同样出示Sam and Daming (打篮球 )以及Amy and Lingling(打乒乓球 ) 的动作并提问,

T: What are Sam and Daming doing? Ss: They are playingbasketball.Boys: What are Amy and Lingling doing? Girls : They are playing table tennis .

3、Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Q1: What are Sam and Daming doing? Q2: What are Amy and Lingling doing? Q3: What is Amy doing? Q4 ―What is Daming doing? Step 3 Practice.

1、Play a game ―I act, you gue.一个学生做动作,另一个学生躲在其身后, 全班齐问What are you doing? S2根据动作猜出并回答:―I’m…‖教师让全班同学评出最佳默契奖,并以stickers奖励。

2、Play a game again―find your friend.‖


13 话,让他们寻找自己的朋友,看谁找得快。

这游戏能让学生在完成任务的过程中,不断操练What are theydoing? They are…,What is he/she doing ? He/ She is…能极大地激发学生学习英语的兴趣,巩固所学的新授知识。 Step 4 What is he/she doing ? He/she is … What’s he doing ? What’s Liuxiang doing He’s playing football .He’s runnin

What’s Yaoming doing ? What is Dengyaping doing ? He’s playing basketball.She’s playing table tennis Module 4 Uint 1 Do you want some rice? 一.教学目标 1.知识目标

1)掌握并运用单词:Chinese fast food want some make nice chopsticks difficult 2) 熟练运用句型:“Do you want some ?” “Yes, please./ No, thank you”、“Have you got?” “Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.” 2.能力目标

能运用所学的语言知识在创设的情境中进行熟练的交际,并在此基础上能将其应用于日常生活之中。 3.情感目标



14 1.教学重点:掌握句型Do you want some...?Yes, please.No, thank you.并能就食物的选择向他人提问或回答他人。

2.教学难点: chopsticks、difficult的发音及新句型的运用。



四、教学过程 step

1、Warming up 1、Greetings

2、Revision T: Today we will learn the new leon.First, let's review some words of food.( 复习以前学过的食物的单词,全体学生齐读一次。)

3、Free talk T: Can you tell me what your favorite food is? My favorite food is noodles, what is yours? S:My favorite foot is chicken.T: Chicken is very nice.(教学nice) 句型:Have you got _____ in these days? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.(此处的教授要迅速,简明,以免时间不足) step

2、presentation and practice

1、T: I have got some nice food.Look.(Show the food cards and ask) T:Noodles、rice、dumplings、hamburgers and hot dogs are fast food.

(Show the card and read “fast food”)And noodles、rice、dumplings are Chinese fast food.(explain “Chinese fast food” )Yes, hamburgers,hot dogs and sandwiches are Western fast food.

2、T: dumplings、noodles and rice are Chinese fast food .Do you like Chinese fast food?

15 Ss:...教学Chinese / fast food(小火车读)

3、T: Boys and girls, look at me please, what foot I is this? Ss: Noodles.T: Yes, you are right.I like noodles.Do you know how to making noodles? Ss:...T:(出示图片)Look, what is he doing? Ss:…..

T: He's making noodles.(随机教学 making noodles)

4、T: I want some noodles.What do I need? (用体态语帮助学生理解句意,同时拿出筷子) S: T: Yes, chopsticks.教学 chopsticks (把单词为两个部分chops / ticks)告诉学生这个词语用复数

5、T: Chopsticks are difficult.教学 difficult (个人读,小组读,齐读)

6、教授句型Do you want some...?Yes, please.No, thank you.T: Do you want some...? 1)板书Do you want some...? 2)引导学生回答Yes, please.No, thank you并板书

7、practice /先个别后整体/ 1)老师轮流指着实物图片提问Do you want some...? 2)全班开火车操练


Listen to the text and answer the questions: 1.Does Amy want some rice? 2.What is the man doing? 3.Are chopsticks difficult for Amy?

16 全班跟读3遍,分角色跟读并表演。 Step3 extension 请学生看书上或者挂图上的五幅图,老师指着图问:What’s this? 引导学生学生说出食物的名称,然后指着图单个向学生提问:Do you want some…?要求学生用Yes,please./ No, thank you.回答。最后两人一组练习。

Play a game: Do you want some rice? 食物问答接龙。

饭馆订餐游戏,四个同学一组,每组有两张菜单Chinese fast food and western fast food.创设去饭馆订餐的情境表演对话(一名服务员、三名顾客)学生进行对话: A: Excuse me, can I help you? B: I want to east fast food.A: Do you want some _____? B: Yes, please.No, thank you.A: Do you want some _____? C: Yes, please.No, thank you.A: Do you want some _____? D: Yes, please.No, thank you.A: Anything else? B: That’s all, thank you A: You’re welcome.Step

4、homework 1) Ask your parents and friends what kind of food they want.2) Write the new words.板书设计:

Module5 unit1 Do you want some rice? Do you want some_____? Chinese fast food Yes, please.Western fast food No, thank you.Scores

17 Unit 2 How much is it? 教学内容:Students’ book Module4Unit2

学习任务:What are you doing ? I’m making dumplings/ I’m cooking vegetable.Do you want some ? Yes , please ./ No , thank you .教具:实物:饺子,蔬菜,勺子,围裙 卡片,教师资源包CD 教学过程 一.Warming up Greeting 二.Chant : left foot ,right foot ,left foot right 三.Review 展示卡片 T:What’s this ?

Ss : cake, rice , noodles , fish(学生快速读出) T: Do you want some …

Ss: Yes ,please ./ No , thank you.四.实物导入

1.T:老师今天带了二种好吃又有营养的东西,大家猜猜是什么?(学生猜)① 全班读② 个别读③ 小组读 2.同法教学vegetable ①唱反调(师大声读单词,生小声;反之师小声生大声) ②全班读单词 五.巩固单词 Play a game:猜单词


dumpling 师拿出饺子教学师把刚刚复习的单词和新授单词的卡片藏起来,给学生三次机会猜猜藏的是哪两张,如果学生两张都猜错了,师说―no‖。如果猜对一张师说―YES‖但是不给学生看卡片,两张都猜对了给学生看卡片读出单词,并给予奖励。

六.情境中学句型 1. I’m making dumplings.

T:今天老师非常高兴,所以要大展厨艺(带上围裙,包饺子),now ,look here ,What am I doing? 想不想知道老师在干什么吗?要用英语怎么问呢? Ss:What are you doing ?(板书) T:I’m making dumplings.Do you want some?(板书) 采用不同形式读句型I’m making dumplings.( 如:师读快,生读慢;师读慢,生读快) 2. I’m cooking dumplings.

T:接下来,老师要展示每二样厨艺,Look here(师抄菜),想知道Mi Lin 正做什么要用英语怎么问 Ss: What are you doing? (板书) T: I’m cooking vegetables.Do you want some.(板书) 采用不同形式读句型I’m cooking dumplings.(如:男女分开读,小组读) 七.学课文


1.T:Now open your book ,turn to page20.今天Sam 和Amy去Darming家做客,我们来看看Daming 一家做了什么好吃的请他们。(播放CD—ROM)

T:他们来到Daming 家,看到Daming正在making dumplings,他们两个不知道Daming在干嘛,他们是怎么问?

S1:What are you doing ,Daming? T: Daming 是怎么回答? S1: I’m making dumplings?

19 全班跟着CD—ROM读。 2. 情境表演

师去学生家做客,学生正在包饺子 T: What are you doing ? Ss: I’m making dumplings .Do you want some ? T: Yes ,please.(2)学生第二部分

1.T:Daming家除了Making dumplings 还做了什么好吃的? Ss: Cooking vegetables.T: Daming 急匆匆来到厨房里,看到妈妈正在cooking vegetables他是怎么问的? SS: What are you doing? T: mother是怎么回答的? Ss: I’m cooking vegetables.Read after the CD-ROM 2.巩固练习①师做抄菜动作

Ss: What are you doing ? T: I’m cooking vegetables.Do you want some ? Ss: Yes ,please./ No, thank you .②Play a game 听音乐传花,音乐一停,拿到花的学生做抄菜的动作,其他学生问 What are you doing ?此生回答I’m cooking vegetables.Do you want some ?操练对话。 3. 表演课文对话

20 小组合作,表演课文对话。 八.扩展练习

Play a game: Copy 不走样

请几名学生上台,站成一排,师传给第一个学生一句话(如:I’m rowing a boat.),此学生根据这句话做出动作,并把动作一一传下去,等到最后一个学生做完动作,全班问最后一名学生:―What are you doing ?‖此学生根据自己的理解回答,最后师说出答案,给答对的学生奖励。 九.总结 Module 5 Unit 1 Can you run fast? 教学目标

1 知识目标 Knowledge aim 掌握本课主要生词并能熟练的听说认读 run fast jump high jump far ride fast 及听懂理解会说Can you 的句型和肯定回答Yes, I can.否定回答No ,I can`t.2 能力目标 Ability aim 能听懂理解会说Can you 句型,并在实际情景中进行应用。 3 情感目标 Emotion aim 通过各种活动,使学生之间相互了解。激发其学习英语的兴趣,树立学好英语的信心.教学重点难点: 教学重点 Teaching Points 会听说认读本课词组 run fast jump high jump far ride fast 教学难点 Teaching difficults 能运用can you 句型进行对话。

动词 run 和 ride 读音上的区分 fast 和 far 在读音上的区分。 教学方法: 游戏法、交际法 师生活动过程:

21 1.Warming up 师生之间自然地的问好。教师告诉学生I like sports .询问学生是否喜欢sports 。引导学生理解sports 的意思。

2.Teaching proce .点击课件,出现各种学生熟悉的运动。带领学生一起回忆这些运动。并且说出句型can you 就学生熟悉的动作进行询问。引导学生用yes ,I can 或者no, I can’t 进行回答,同时把板书can you 写在黑板上。引导学生回答。根据教师的表情进行肯定和否定的训练。

图片演示本课中的新词:run fast .教师问学生:can you read it ?引导学生自己读出来。将词组写在黑板上,并让学生跟读。请单个学生进行操练。以行为单位开火车操练。在操练的过程中教师适当对学生的发音进行纠正。

教师边做动作演示run fast 边说“I can run fast ,can you ?”先询问全班同学。再询问个别同学,引导学生回答。并让他问我can you run fast ? 请2到3名自告奋勇的同学接受全体同学的询问。

出示图片演示ride fast .教读该词组。并强调该词组与前面的run fast 在读音上的区别。全班读。叫个别学生读。并适当纠正不标准的读音。教师问全体同学can you ride fast ? 再引导个别同学回答。请回答问题的同学再问其他同学。

图片演示jump far .教师边演示边说I can jump far .can you ?引导学生回答。教读词组。分组读。学生随着教师的手势不断变换声音的大小达到熟练的效果。重点强调far 跟 fast 的区别,让学生注意不要混淆。全班将词组带到句型中读。分组读句子。第一组读大声,第二组读小声。

图片演示jump high .教师边做动作边问学生“I can jump high ,can you ?”并将jump high 写在黑板上。指导学生读。叫自告奋勇的学生读给全班听。教师读大声,学生读小声,并且跟随教师的手势不断变换声音的大小。让自告奋勇的学生来问其他同学。给予奖励。

一二组根据老师手中的图片问三四组,三四组根据老师的表情回答。再变换组。 学生自由问答。要求学生站起来大声地对话。请自告奋勇的学生上来表演。并给予奖励。 3.跟录音读课文。四个小组分别扮演四个角色读。

22 4.Expand with extension(拓展与外延) Unit2 Can Sam play football? 学习任务:

1掌握词汇: make a cake ,play the flute,wash clothes,draw a dragon 2掌握句型:Can you …?Yes,I can / No,I can’t.教学重点与难点:

使用Can询问他人的能力并讲述自己的能力。 教学用具:

头饰,教师资源包CD,图片 教学过程: I.Warmer 1.Greetings 2.开展小游戏:

展示动物头饰,学生抢答:tiger,fish,monkey,bird,frog;将头饰发给5名学生,依次问 T:Can you fly, tiger?Tiger:No, I can’t.T: Can you fly, bird?Bird:Yes, I can.T: Can you swim,monkey?Monkey:No,I can’t。 T: Can you swim,fish?Fish:Yes,I can。 T: Can you jump,frog?Frog:Yes,I can。

引导学生唱自编小诗:I’m a tiger.I can run, run, run, run.I’m a bird.I can fly, fly, fly, fly.

I’m a fish.I can swim, swim, swim, swim I’m a frog.I can jump, jump, jump, jump.I’m a monkey.I can climb, climb, climb, climb.

23 II.Presentation:

1. 教师做动作,引导学生先后说出:make a cake,play the flute。再由此引出短语wash clothes,draw a dragon板书并教授

2. 教师询问学生:Can you make a cake/ play the flute/…? 3. 同桌互问

4. 开展游戏―互相帮助(就自己不能做的事情寻求帮助)

学生A不会洗衣服,要使用Can you wash clothes?向其他同学提问并寻求帮助,直到找到一名Yes,I can 能够帮助他的同学为止。每名同学都要为自己―不能做‖的事情寻求其他同学的帮助。游戏结束。可以请部分学生向全班汇报I can’t make dumplings, but Lanlan can.She can help me.I can cook vegetables, but Maomao can’t.I can help him.5. 学习歌曲

T:大家想不想做热心的孩子? 别人遇到困难了,伸出你热情的手,说Can I help you ? 1.播放录音,仔细听,感受节奏和旋律。 2.进一步对can的用法加深

3.再放录音,学生跟唱,并做出相应的动作,教师适当指导。III.学习课文 1.打开课本part1教师向学生讲解Sam Amy Lingling Daming不同头像所代 表的回答。


3.分别扮演Sam Amy Lingling Daming小组四人以他们的口吻进行回答练习Can you make a cake? Yes, I can/ No, I can’t.Can you play the flute? Yes, I can/ No, I can’t.………….IV.Practice 展示图片的动作:write a letter, row a boat, take a picture,read a book, do taijiquan, make Chinese

24 food, play che, make soup 1.四人一组,运用Can you…句型调查谁是多面手,能力强。 2.选出两组汇报调查结果 V.小结: 本节课我们同学表现非常出色,很好的运用了―can‖来了解他人的能力,以便对你有所帮助。 VI.作业: 1将今天所学的歌曲表演给好友或家人。

2收集学过的动词或动词词组,用I can描述自己能做到的,用I can’t描述不能做到的。 Module 6 Unit 1 Can I have some sweets? 一.学习目标: 知识目标:

1.听读并理解生词soup,sweets,bread,biscuits,fruit,dark,turn on,light在课文中的运用。 2.能够使用Can I have some 这类语句。 3.听懂会读并理解课文。 能力目标:

能够听、说、认读单词,能够用本课的功能用语和他人交流。 情感目标:

培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激励学生积极参与活动,积极与他人合作。 学习重难点:

掌握语言结构Can I have some ...?极其回答Yes, you can./Sorry, you can’t.能听、说、读单词,并能熟练运用新知识与他人对话。


我会写(将下列字母组合成正确的单词)。 wsetse derba ibicuts posu


三、教学过程: 热身复习:


2、教师先把全班学生分成两大组,规定回答问题对者得贴画,贴画多的那个小组获胜。培养竞争意识。教师展示图片,一名同学扮演老师大声问:Can you do morning exercises/swim/jump/run/wash clothes?小组回答:Yes,I can./No, I can’t.通过此活动复习Can you ? 自主学习:


2、播放录音,回答问题: Who is on birthday? How old is Amy?

Can Amy have some food at first? Can Amy have some food at last?







Can I have some soup? Yes, you can.Yes, you can.Can I have some sweets? Yes, you can.Yes, you can.Can I have some bread? Sorry, you can’t.Sorry, you can’t.

26 Can I have some biscuits? Sorry, you can’t.Sorry,youcan’t.



五、课后作业:听读课文三遍。Unit 2 Happy Halloween! 教学目标:

1、听懂、会说、会读词汇:today, of course

2、能灵活运用重点句型Can I have some? Yes, of course.Here you are./ sorry, you can’t.

3、让学生初步了解西方万圣节的习俗 教学重点

词汇:today, of course 第2单元的英语诗。

难点 词汇halloween的发音。 教学过程

一、Warming-up 复习上节课的重点单词oup, sweets, bread, light, biscuit, fruit及句型结构an I have some soup? Yes, you can./ Can I have some sweets?Sorry, you can’t.

二、Leading-in T:在中国有许多节日,如劳动节、国庆节等等。在西方国家有一个孩子们非常喜欢的节日—万圣节,教师讲解万圣节的传统。



27 在今天的课文中,我们将看看Tom是怎样过万圣节的?

三、Learn the text


2、教授重点单词halloween 重点句型1.Can I come in ? Yes, of course.2 .Can I have some sweets? Here you are.巩固练习句子



Can I have some soup?Can I have some fruit?Yes, you can.Yes, you can.And you can have some rice.They’re all very nice.

6、Activities a play a game:SB4 b practice the dialogue

四、Homework Module 7 Ⅰ.Teaching goals: 1.Aims of Target language knowledge and skill 1)Function: Can use ― There is /are to talk about Photos.

2)The students learn and can listen, read , say and use the sentences: There is a girl in this photo.She’s riding a horse.I can’t see her face.There are twelve boys on the bike.3)The pupils can listen, read and say the vocabulary:there is, horse, there are, have a look, sheep, vegetable, climb, face,fruit, chicken, bear,pig

28 Can use: there is, there are,horse.2.Aims of emotion and attitude Pupils can actively participate in cla learning activities.3.Aims of learning strategy Pupils can Actively cooperate with others to complete the study task Ⅱ.Teaching important and difficult points.1.Important points:Ss can listen, read and say the sentences: There is a girl in this photo.She’s riding a horse.I can’t see her face.There are twelve boys on the bike.2.Difficult points:can can listen, read , say and use the sentences: There is a girl in this photo.She’s riding a horse.I can’t see her face.There are twelve boys on the bike.ect to describe the Pictures or scene .Ⅲ.Teaching aids CD-ROM, pictures,cards, courseware Unit One There is a horse in this photo.Teaching Procedures Step One:Warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min) 1.Greeting,then say the chant : ―Can I have some soup?‖

2.Show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.Let’s do asking and answering like this: What is he/she doing? He is…(激活知识) 3.Show the picture of the text .(Amy is riding a horse) get Ss look at the picture and ask :What can you see?(Help Ss answer) 4.Watch and listen to the CD-ROM.(整体感知如何描述图画) 5.Watch ,listen and reapeat.(学着说,并提醒学生注意模仿语音语调,感知今天要学的内容There is …的语用,为新课学习做铺垫) Learn:horse 注意与house的区别,用图片进行比较。

29 Step Two:Task presentation(about1min) 向班级推荐手抄报的图片,并用There is ..in the photo.He/She is…描述自己推荐的图片。 Step Three:text learning(about15min) 1.play the CD-ROM.Get Ss watch and listen and thinking :1)What are Sam and Amy talking about? 2.Ss try to answer the question.(1,2整体感知课文)They talking about photos.3.Sam, Amy, Daming are talking about photos.How are they talking about them? Listen again(进一步感知课文) 4.Show questions, listen and try to answer the questions(带问题听录音,试着回答,进一步了解课文内容,为学习目标语句打基础) 2What’s in photo 1? 3) What’s in photo 2? 4) What’s in photo 3?

引导学生回答每个问题后连起来描述:There are talking about photos.There is …in photo 1…(板书There is a horse in this photo.There is a sheep in this photo.…) 相机教学单词。

5.Try to say:There is a… in/on/under/… 6.listen and repeat.7.Work in group: retell the text.(A group of four把打乱顺序的课文句子重新排列好,强化对课文内容的理解) Step Four: practise(about10min) 1.Listen and say(P40 Activty 3) 跟读模仿语音语调

2.Look at the picture.(P40 A4),明确要求后,四人小组用there is…描述图片内容,共同完成任务。给学生三分钟练习,然后以小组为单位向全班展示。 3.Finish Ex 1,3,4(课堂活动用书),巩固所学知识

30 Step Five: Task completion.(about 7min) T show some pictures, Ss talk about them and choose one describe it: There is a…in this photo.She/He is…

1.Ss talk about the Cla Paper.(四人小组讨论手抄报的内容,合作画一幅画或推荐一幅图,作为班级手抄报的图片,并用There is…He is…来描述图片。意在发挥学生的学习主动性,运用所学知识) 2.Ss report.Step Six Summary and homework(about 2min) 1.Summary together.2.Finish ―一起作业‖ 3.Finish Ex2(AB book) 4.以小组为单位为班级手抄报准备图片 Writing Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike.Learning: fruit, chicken, bear,pig There are twelve boys on the bike.Teaching Procedures Step One: Warm-up and lead-in(about 8min) 1.Great and say a chant.1) Great each other.2) Say a chant.(U1) 2.Rivew: 1) Work in pair:Look at the picture and talk about it.There is a… in this photo./There is an…in this photo.He is…(doing sth)/She is..(doing sth)

31 3.Lead-in:Listen,point and say.1)Look and the picture, watch and listen the CD-ROM(整体感知) 2)Watch, listen and point.3)Watch, listen and repeat.(pay attention to imitate the pronunciation and intonation) Write the sentences on the blackboard.There is a boy on the bike.There are twelve boys on the bike.Step Two: Task prensentation Where is Daming? What is he doing?大明正在给大家介绍手抄报的内容。学完课文后我们也要选出班级手抄报的图片,谁的图片将入选呢? Step Three: Text learning.(about 15min) 1.listen and think.What are in Daming’s photos?

2.Look at pictures and think how to intruduce them.3.Listen and point 4.Group work: try to answer the question ―What are in Daming’s photos?‖ 5.T Guide the student to answer the question and write them on the blackboard.There is a panda in the photo.There are three chickens in the photos There is bear in the photo.There are eleven pigs in the photo.6.To compare: There is…, There are…用色笔标出要点

7.Show the pictures and learn the new words: fruit, chicken, bear, pig.8.Listen and repeat.( (pay attention to imitate the pronunciation and intonation) 9.Work in pair: describe the picture of the text.Then report.Step Four: Practise(about10min) 1.Point and say.(SB U2 A3)

32 2.Learn a song.Three Green Parrots 3.Finish SB U2 A5.(remember the pictures quilkly, then say it:There is… There are…) 4.Finish AB.U2.Ex.1 Step Five: Task completion.(about 7min) 四人小组合作用There is… There are… He/She is… They are…介绍图片。然后请一人向全班介绍。大家一起选出好的图片,被选中的图片所在的组每人得一颗星以示鼓励。 Step Six Summary and homework(about 2min) 1.Summary together.2.Finish ―一起作业 Module 8 Unit 1 we’re going to visit Hainan 教学目标


(1)能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:children,tomorrow,from,China,swim,sea及短语: by plane (2)能听懂、会说并认读下列句子We’re going to go to Hainan tomorrow.I’m going to swim in the sea.


能听懂并能在图片的帮助下运用―be going to‖句型讲述自己的计划和即将发生的事情。


(1)培养学生将学到的知识运用于真实的生活场景中的能力,使学生具有一定 的社会交流意识,引导学生关注生活,热爱生活。 (2)激发学生热爱祖国大好山河的情感。 教学重点; 1 学习运用be going to 句型。 2 掌握单词及词组:

33 children/ tomorrow/ by plane/ get up/ from China/ swim in the sea/ visit .教学难点: 能够正确理解运用be going to 句型。 教具准备:

挂图、教师资源包CD、图片、挂历、一张中国地图 教学过程: I.Warming up 唱歌曲 I can’t do it.II.Revision: 1.复习以前学习过的动词及词组:run/ ride/ play/ swim (复习动词是为了更好的学习本节课be going to句型做铺垫) 2.Do duty report ―What day is today? What is the date today? III.Presentation: 1.教师出示当天的日历,指着的日期说 ―Today is 并出示新的一月份的

挂历对学生说:Our winter holiday is going to be in January.And I am going to go to Hainan in winter holiday.(复习对比日期,使学生初步了解be going to 的含义) 2.学习句型 I am going to go Hainan.(为学生讲解be going to 的含义,并且学说, 同时讲解be going to 的用法。 3.学生谈论What are they going to do at this weekend ? 4.出示中国地图,指着沈阳告诉学生 I am going to go to the zoo in Shenyang this weekend.So I am going to get up at 6 o’clock in the morning.( 学说 get up) 指着海南说And I am going to go to Hainan.I am going to swim in the sea.

34 ( 出示图片,边做动作边学说swim in the sea) 5.教师出示一张老爷爷的照片,告诉学生I am going to visit my grandpa, too.( 学说 visit my grandpa) IV.Practice: 1.猜一猜:What is he she going to do tomorrow? 第一组:学生根据图片来猜:可以出示―**、石林、泰山、世博园、东方明珠等风景名胜,学生可以说出 ― He is going to go to Beijing.等句子。

(这个活动不仅能够操练目标语言be going to ,更能够激发学生对祖国大好河山的热爱,加深对中国地理知识的了解。) 第二组:听声音猜。

播放―游泳的声音、打篮球的声音、跑步的声音、飞机的声音。学生可以说出 :He is going to swim/ play basketball等

(听录音猜,可以增加活动的趣味性,使学生更加踊跃的参与到课堂教学活动中。另一方面,可以引出 句子going to go by plane.这个新句型) 2 .学说by plane 3.放课文录音,第一遍学生听,第二遍学生指书跟读。讲解课文中 from China/ children等语境语。 4.运用任务:出示中国地图,小组讨论 : Where are you going to go? What are you going to do there? ( 这个任务活动是有意义的操练本节课的重点语句,学生在真实地语境中运用本节课所学知识,谈论的过程中达到了语言的输出,做到了学以致用,强化记忆。) 在讨论结束后,进行汇报。 5.完成课堂活动用书

26、27页。V.Summary: Today we have learned the sentence pattern ―be going to .We can use it when we talk about the plan tomorrow or in the future.VI Homework

35 Read text and talk about your plan at this weekend or about the winter vacation with your clamates.Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse 一.教学目标:

1、1知识目标:1)能听懂、会读、会说、会抄写单词stone, camel ,visit 2)能听懂、会读、会说句型:we’re going to do sth.

2、技能目标:能听懂会唱歌曲:―We’re going to go to the zoo.‖ 二.教学重点:visit的不同用法 三.教学难点:stone ,camel,visit 四.情感目标:通过对本课的学习,使学生了解有关明陵的历史、地理位置及其概况的知识,激发学生热爱历史、热爱祖国的热情。培养学生认真学语言,乐于用语言的意识,并通过歌曲的学习,促进学科间的交流。 五.教学准备:挂图,教师资源包CD,教学卡片(动物类) Teaching steps: Step1: Warmer


2、Sing a song --听Module7 unit2的歌曲并跟着老师做动作。

3、Say a chant: We’re going to We’re going to go to +place I’m going to I’m going to go to+place She is going to She is going to go to +place He is going to He is going to go to +place They are going to They are going to go to +place

4、Lead in: I’m going to check your homework.Who can tell me something about the Ming Tombs.请一两个同学把收集到的有关the Ming Tombs的资料与其他同学分享。 Step2:Presentation 课文呈现:Ms Smart and her students have been to the Ming Tombs.What did theyn see in the Ming

36 Tombs? – Lions, camels and elephants.T: We’re going to learn the Unit2 We’re going to visit the Ming Tombs.(板书) 小朋友,你知不知道十三陵景区有什么有意思的东西。那里有许多动物的石雕。那么,石雕包括哪些动物?在那里发生了什么样的故事?Please open your books and turn to page 28.And then answer my questions – (1).Who are going to visit the Ming Tombs? Ms Smart and her students.(2).When are they going to visit the Ming Tombs? Tomorrow 交代任务:We can’t visit the Ming Tombs now, but Mi Wang have a good idea——We’re going to go to the zoo and visit animals.Steps 3 Practice

1、Let’s see some animals.(图片)Teach words: stone ,camel。




4、T:Do you like stone animals or alive animals? Ss: Alive animals.T:Let’s see .(出示动物卡片)We’re going to visit animals.教单词visit.

5、操练We’re going to visit +animal的语言结构。在黑板上画动物园,请学生用We’re going to visit+动物的语言结构说句子,说对的学生可得到英语书写的动物卡片,并贴在动物园他们喜欢的位置。 Step 4: Production 1.请学生四人为一组,制定游园路线图,并做汇报。引导学生通过连词then来达到句子的连续性,和完整性。

e.g.A: We’re going to visit the lions.B: Then we’re going to visit the pandas.

37 2.Game:邀请同学一起去旅行,几个学生一组,每人想出一个自己想要去的地方,相互询问:―I’m going to go to …Do you want to go with me?‖ 被问到的学生根据自己的喜好回答。每个学生都要努力找到旅伴。 Step5 Sing a song 学唱歌曲We are going to go to the zoo Step6: Cooler 请同学们总结visit的几种用法。 Homework:


2、预习Module 8 Unit 1。

3、请有兴趣的同学在课后自由结成小组,开展活动―We’re going to go to the zoo,可以在活动时使用相应的动物头饰和卡片。 Module 9 Unit 1 Are you going to run on sports day?


1、1 技能与知识目标

1)基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:for, metre , every day , good luck, come on.2)基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型: ―What are you going to do for Sports Day ? ―I’m going to….‖

二、教学重点、难点: 词汇-- for, metre, every day, good luck, come on.句型—What are you going to do for Sports Day? I’m going to ……

三、教学准备:教师资源包CD,教学卡片,挂图。Teaching steps: Step 1:Warmer 1.Greetings

38 T: Good morning , children.Ss: Good morning, Ms Sun.T: How are you today? Ss: I’m fine, thanks .And you? T: I’m great.Thank you so much.

2.Sing a song –―I’m going to go to the zoo.‖ 3.Listen and do.T: The Sports Day is coming soon.Let’s do some training.Basketball , basketball , play basketball; Football , football , play football ; Run , run , run fast ; Jump , jump , jump high ; Ride , ride , ride fast .Step2: Presentation T: Our Sports Day is coming .I ’ m going to take part in some of the sports games .What are you going to do for Sports Day? Ss: I’m going to … (引导学生回答)

S1:I’m going to play football/play table tennis/swim…..[

T:Today we’re going to learn the Module 8 Sports Day Unit1 What are you going to do? (板书) 1) 教师拍手以歌曲形式操练。 ―What are you going to do? ―I’m going to run.―I’m going to run.―What are you going to do? ―I’m going to run.T:Oh, I’m going to run the 100 metres.教授:run the 100 metres

39 T:Look!(展示挂图,指着挂图上Daming跑步的图) Daming is going to run the 100 metres on Sports Day.Do you want to know who is the winner of the game? Now, let’s learn the text first and try to find it out.Please open your books and turn to page 30.Listen to the tape and then answer my questions.Q1: What are the children going to have? Q2:What is Daming going to do on Sports Day? Q3:What is he going to do for it? Step3:Practice Game1:―传卡片

T: Boys and girls , let’s play a game,ok? Ss: OK! A :What are you going to do? B: I’m going to play football.

进行词卡传递,速度由慢到快,拿到词卡的学生要用句子回答教师及全班的提问。 Game2:―猜猜我要做什么

老师请单个学生到教师前面模仿做某事的动作,并提问:―What am I going to do?‖把全班分为男女生两组,使用―You are going to…猜测。老师要鼓励学生模仿过去学习过的所有动作。 Step 4: Production T :―You are super! And now you can do the task.Please work in groups and try to finish the task.(1)学生活动--- 完成运动会报名表。(2)请部分学生展示对话。 (3)讲解课文。(4)跟读课文。

(5)学生自由读课文。(6)全班读课文。(7)分角色表演课文故事。 Step5: Cooler T: Cla is over.See you next time.Ss: See you.Homewok:




3、预习Module 8 Unit 2.Unit 2 I’m going to do the high jump.教学目标: 1,能听懂,会用日常交际用语―I’m going to do……对―what are you going to do? 作出相应的回答。 2能理解听懂,会说 run the 200 metres、long jump、high jump 等词 教学重点难点: 重点:理解掌握run the 200 metres、long jump、high jump等词的意义并懂得在实际语境中运用。 难点:理解并懂得在日常生活中灵活运用 what are you going to do ? I am going to ….等句型进行交际 教学方法: 游戏法、小组合作探究。 教学过程: Step1: Warm-up (准备活动) 1 Greet 2 游戏:Gue,Gue You Gue。 老师表演一些关于运动的动作,学生根据表演猜词组。然后老师出示卡片,让学生读词组,高低声音变换读、扬声降调读,男生女生读,指名读 。(play football,play basketball,swim ,run,the 100 metres,the 200 metres ) Step2: Presentation (呈现活动) 出示运动会场景图,指名提问学生:What are you going to do for sports day? 让学生根据刚才出示的卡片回答。几个之后,教师出示― the long jump、―the high jump两张卡片,示范说―I’m going to do the high jump― I’m going to do the long jump(边说边做动作重复几遍) Step3: Imitation Practice(模仿性操练) 1 老师带学生读几次句子

2老师拿出运动项目卡片,提问学生―what are you going to do for sports day ?,引导学生回答―I’m going to do the high jump― I’m going to do the long jump (多提问几个,答得好的给予奖励。)

41 3让学生在同桌间互相练习,接着让他们开火车组组比赛。最后再请小老师上台提问几位 Step4: consolidation Practice(巩固性操练)

1 Play a game :找一个同学上台看老师的提示作动作,另一人提问―What are you going to do ?并猜测答案,三次猜测机会,全班同学当裁判,最后表演者给出正确答案,(―Yes, I’m going to do…… )如不对就换提问者上台表演 2 play a chant : 边放音乐,边教学生读(I’m training for sports day.I’m training every day.I’m going to run, and I’m going to win.I’m training every day.Come on ,come on ! Good luck, good luck! Good luck on sports day! ) Step5: development(拓展性活动)

1 play a game:让学生们分成5人一组,每人轮流当小记者,去采访组员们:打算参加什么运动项目。然后完成下面表格;

name She/he is going to do…… 2 dialogue A:what can you do ?do B: I can run fast/jump high/jump long.A: you are going to run the 200 metres / do the high jump/ do the long jump.B: ok! 第28/32页

Step6 : 复习歌曲―What are you going to do?‖ Step7: Homework 学生回去列出有关运动的词组,并用―What are you going to do for sports day? I am going to…… ? 造一组对话。

八、板书设计: sports day unit2

42 runthe 100 metres run the 200 metres the long jump the high jump What are you going to do for sports day ? I’m going to do the high jump/ the long jump/ run the 200 metres.Module 10 Unit 1 We have a big family dinner.授课时数:一课时 教学目标: Happy New Year! At Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner.功能:

表达节日问候以及描述过节时的风俗习惯 教学用具:a recorder, word cards, pictures 教学程序:


老师出示事先准备好的一些食物卡片,询问学生:“What do you like?”引导学生回答:“I like...”老师根据学生的回答把不同的食物卡片分发给学生。然后询问学生:“What have you got?”引导学生回答:“I’ve got...”或者学生以小组为单位回答:“We’ve got...”


老师播放过春节的音乐或者爆竹声,带领学生进入课文的主题。等音乐完毕,老师问学生:“What is it about?”学生可以用中文说:“春节”。老师借机教授新单词“Spring Festival”。然后老师继续提出问题:“What do we say at Spring Festival? What do we have at Spring Festival?”请学生以小组为单位进行讨论,然后向全班汇报。 第29/32页


1)老师把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,通过播放录音或教学VCD呈现SB Unit1活动1的内容。请学生边看图

43 或动画片边听课文录音,尽可能多地理解课文内容。听过第一遍录音后,老师可以提一些问题,请学生带着问题听第二遍录音,例如:“What’s the book about? What is Spring Festival? At Spring Festival, what do we have?”听过第二遍录音后,请学生试着回答上述问题。听第三遍录音时,请学生打开书,边听边跟读,同时画出新单词。老师讲解新单词,帮助学生理解课文。

2)完成SB Unit1活动2。请学生再听课文录音并逐句跟读,老师注意纠正学生的语音。最后请学生分角色朗读并表演课文。邀请几组学生上前表演课文故事。学生也可以对课文故事进行改编。


4、课后作业 个别完成

1)听录音,朗读SB Unit1活动1的课文,并试着背诵。

2)收集有关其他节日的图画或者照片,并了解其风俗习惯。例如:中秋节人们吃什么和做什么。下节课前向同学们介绍自己收集了解到的节日知识。 Module 10 Unit 2 Merry Christmas 授课时数:一课时 教学目标:

We have Christmas in England.We sing songs.We have a Christmas tree.We give presents.We eat peanuts and sweets.功能: 第30/32页

表达节日问候以及描述过节时的风俗习惯 教学用具:a recorder, word cards, pictures 教学程序:



1)请学生到教室前面,拿着自己过春节是场景的图画或者照片向同学描述自己是如何过春节的。 2)请学生展示收集到的关于其他节日的图画,并在全班进行汇报交流。学生可以说:“At...we say...We have...”


1)老师播放SB Unit2活动4的圣诞歌曲,请学生欣赏。老师也可以在教室里挂一些圣诞小饰物来烘托气氛。欣赏歌曲过后,老师询问学生:“What festival is it?”引导学生回答:“Christmas.”老师教授新单词“Christmas”。 2)假定今天是圣诞节,老师扮演成圣诞老人,向学生问候圣诞快乐,并介绍西方人过圣诞节的风俗习惯。


1)老师把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音,呈现SB Unit2活动1的内容。请学生边听录音边指出相应的图画。放第二遍录音前,老师提出一些问题,例如:“What are they? What do they say on Christmas Day? What do they do on Christmas Day?”请学生带着问题继续听录音,试着找到具体的答案。听第三遍录音时,请学生打开书,边听边跟读,同时画出新单词与难点。老师讲解新单词与难点,帮助学生理解并掌握课文内容。

2)老师可以播放录音,每句话后停顿,请学生跟读。老师注意纠正学生的语音。 3)最后请学生以小组为单位分角色表演课文,并在全班展示。

4)完成SB Unit2活动3。把全班学生分成若干个三人小组。老师告诉学生他们将就节日庆祝展开讨论。每组对话都要和一种节日有关。


1)学习SB Unit2活动4的歌曲。老师出示圣诞节的图片营造出节日的气氛。 2)学习SB Unit2活动6的字母。


5、课后作业 第31/32页

45 个别完成









M10 Lao She Tea House

Unit2 It takes place in a teahouse.教材分析:


学情分析: 通过本单元的学习,学生进一步学习动词不定式的用法,通过小组学习讨论,增加了学生的合作精神.教学方法: 自主 互助 合作 探究 ; 讨论; 精讲 教学目标: 语言知识目标:

1.能够正确的使用本单元所学的单词和词组。2.能够掌握动词不定式作宾语的用法和双宾语结构。 3.能够简单地介绍一部电影或剧目并做出评价。 语言技能目标: 1能够能够听懂文章大意,了解老舍茶馆,并感知动词不定式的用法。 2.能够运用阅读策略获取信息,了解有关老舍的生平,并能回答文章中的问题。


重点是介绍一些一定要跟动词不定式的动词;短语take place,see...as的用法。


教学方法:利用图片和课件教新单词和短语,小组交流合作完成对课文的整体把握。 教学过程:

Step1 Revision and lead-in (复习第一单元的基本知识,导入第二单元。) 老师提出3个问题: 1.What does Sally like to do?

2.Why did Sally want to go to Lao She’s Tea house? 3.What is Lao She most famous for ? 然后找学生回答。(个体加分) Teacher:OK,你们还想知道老舍和他的茶馆的一些情况吗?


Step2 Teaching words

(借助图片和课件学习新单词和短语,了解老舍的有关情况。) Step3 Reading

1.速读课文,完成Activity1 匹配小标题和段落。(让个别学生回答,加分。)



4.再细读课文,完成Activity3。(每个小组回答一个,小组加分) 5.巩固知识点。每小组推出一名学生,一个说出短语,另一个翻译,回答错的,换下一组的学生。(给小组加分) 6.总结本单元所见到的含双宾语的动词。(个人加分)

7.教师把关键词写在黑板上,让学生对老舍的情况,做一汇报。以加深学生对老舍及其茶馆的了解。 Step4 Writing 让学生回答课本P83活动4-5的问题 。(小组结对子完成,小组加分)

(全班对各小组和个体学生进行合理评价) Step5 说说这堂课的收获 Step6 当堂小测验

1 单选(5个小题)

2.完成句子 (在句子中翻译短语) Step7 Homework

写一篇自己喜欢的电影或者戏剧。 教学反思






通过训练学生的听、说、读、写,使学生掌握最基本的语言知识和语言技能,从而培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力;寓教于乐,使学生养成良好的外语学习习惯,为将来的学习打下坚实的基础。 以教材为载体,密切结合教材,在课堂上努力创设各种情景夯实语言知识及语言技能,从而激发学生主动学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的记忆、观察、思维及想象能力,为学生的终身学习奠定基础。












(一)、继续培养学习习惯。外研版版英语教材是针对7-9年级英语学习者的特点而编写,起点为零。话题环环相扣,因此单词、句型再现率特别高,使学生的词汇量和语言知识像滚雪球一样不断循环滚动,逐渐增大,学生的英语水平呈螺旋式逐步提高。从七年级开始便着手培养学生的听、说、读、写四方面的能力,由于教材好教易学,这使得培养学生学习英语的良好习惯不太困难。如:要求学生把每天所学的单词、句型当天记好,第二天再进行听写, 并及时批改。每学完一个单元进行一次测验,并及时批改和评讲。狠抓课堂、作业和测试, 要求学生整理作业或测验中的错题,还要求他们在每次测验练习后写自我评价,总结其中的得与失。在课堂教学中,,让学生在紧张有序、轻松愉悦的课堂氛围中表现自己,听说读写能力也随之得到了提高。并对他们的课堂活动加以评价,适时表扬,帮助他们树立起信心,保持对英语浓厚的兴趣。


⑴ 抓好早读,强调学生背诵重点的句型、对话和段落。

⑵ 课堂上多创设让学生多听、多开口说英语的机会。收集一些相关的课外资料,图片或音像等,找一些适合的话题,让学生用英语聊天。特别关注发生在学生身边的事,鼓励他们用英语说话。







1、单词、词组过关。利用自修时间、早读时间,让学生代表带读,并抽时间在课堂让学生听写单词. 并把学过的词组归纳,帮助学生记忆的同时还要用词组造句 2、句型过关。组织学生结对子,一有空就你问我答,营造学习氛围,同时加强笔头的练习,使学生能熟能生巧





















第一周(9月7日—12日) Module1 Wonders of the world 第二周 (9月14日—19日)Module2 Public holidays 第三周 (9月21日—26日)Module3 Heroes 第四周 (9月28日—10月2日)Module4 Home alone 第五周 (10月4日—9日)M odule5 Museums 第六周 (10月12日—16日)Module6 Problems 第七周 (10月19—23日)Module1-6 Revision moduleA 第八周 (10月26日—30日) 期中考试 第九周 (11月2日—6日)Module7 Great books 第十周(11月9日—13日) Module8 Sports life 第十一周 (11月16日—20日)Module9 Great inventions 第十二周(11月23日—27日) Module10 Australia 第十三周 (11月30日—12月4日)Module11 Photos 第十四周 (12月14日—18日)Module12 Save our world 第十五周 (12月21日—25日)Module6-12 Revision module B 第十六周(12月28日—1月1日)总复习第十六周(1月4日—8日)期末考试




任课老师 周毅




Module 1 How to learn English?学习提建议的表达方式及回答 Module 2 My home town and my country 初次学习形容词比较级

Module 3 Sports 继续学习形容词比较级 副词比较级 不规则比较级 Module 4 Planes, ships and trains 学习最高级 Module 5 Lao She Teahouse 动词不定式1 不定式作宾语 Module 6 Animals in danger 动词不定式2 不定式作宾补和状语 Module 7 A famous story 过去进行时

Module 8 Accidents 带有状语从句的过去进行时 Module 9 Population 冠词,大数字

Module10 The weather 表示可能的情态动词 may,might,probably Module11 Way of life 描述规则的情态动词 must,musn't, can, cannot, need, needn't Module 12 Help 表示建议或指令的情态动词,must,can, could











四、学习进度安排 第一周Module 1 第二周Module 2 第三周Module 3 第四周Module 4 第五周 阶段性检测及复习第六周Module 5 第七周 Module 6 第八周 期中考试 第九周Module 7 第十周Module 8 第十一周Module 9 第十二周Module10 第十三周阶段性检测及复习第十四周Module11 第十五周Module12 剩余时间复习、练习及准备期末考试;根据教学具体情况时间安排略有变化。




教 学 工 作 总 结



































