
2022-04-29 来源:教学课件收藏下载本文
















• I wonder what/ who…I really want to know…

• I’m curious to…I’d love to know…

• I wonder if/whether…What I’d really like to find out is… • I’m curious about…I’d like to know more about…

3.学习一些与考古有关单词、短语和句式,如:archaeology及其派生词,curiosity, bronze, dynasty,

decoration, artifact, unearth, spear, pot等。






1.认知策略:通过-ology, -ological, -ologist等词根的学习,掌握archaeology,archaeologist, archae- ological等词,同时掌握同类词的学习方法。









(一) 导入(Lead-in)


活动方式:师生互动。教师盯着天花板的一处看30秒钟。引起全班同学一起去看。然后问:What do you see?

学生自然会回答:Nothing.然后再问Do you know what I was looking at? 学生自然会回答:No, I

don’t.然后告诉学生老师根本没有看什么,只是做一个动作而已。再问Why did you look at there after

me?学生答不上。老师告诉学生That is because of curiosity.再问What is the wordcuriosity from?


Archaeology(板书课题)并指出This is a new word for you.You may want to knowit.老师再问Do you think it is a course or a science?部分学生会答Yes.接着问Why do you think it is a science?学生会说出他们学过以-ology结尾的词。这时便可以打出幻灯片,再进行以下活动:











2.组织学生推出technological, technologist;



最后指出今天所学内容是Archaeology.再问What are the goals in learning the unit?



(三)预备(Warming up)


did they eat? Where did they live? What did their homes look like?

What kind of tools did they use? What objects have we found from

their age? What kind of entertainment did they have?












教育心理学指出新知识的学习需要一个接受的过程。本课时的主要任务为本单元的学习做好预备工作。所以要用较多的时间让学生接受考古这一新的概念。 导入部分用8分钟;















词汇:cigarette, stre, adolescent, due to, tough, mental, be addicted to…, quit, be accustomed to 等

句型:It’s amazing that…

…How easy it is to begin smoking and how hard it is to stop.

It isn’t easy to stop smoking, but millions have managed to quit…



(2)增强学生的社会责任感,培养学生关心他人, 远离有损身体健康的活动,并养成良好的生活习惯







3、学生普遍口头表达能力不强,知识面不够广泛, 因此不能用英语大胆地表达自己的观点








(1)What are they doing ?

(2)Which are healthy activities whilewhich are unhealthy activities ?






Discu the following questions with your clamates.(学生讨论,发表个人看法)

1) Have you ever smoked? If you have, have you ever tried to stop ?

2) Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?

3) Do you think smoking should be banned?


Skimming (略读)

Read the paage quickly and then answer these questions.


1) How many parts does the reading text consist of ?

2) Who wrote the letter?

3) What is the purpose of the letter?

Detail reading(详读,10分钟)

Read the paage again andfill in the chart(读课文,填表格, 获取文章重要信息)

(3)Post-reading (读后,5分钟)

Discu these questions in groups to check your


1) What kind of person do you think James’

grandfather is?

He is healthy and leads an active life.He is

knowledgeable.He reads the internet.He

appears to love his grandson.

2) What are the suggestions James’ grandfathergives to quit smoking?

a.Prepare yourself

b.Be determined

c.Break the habit


e.Get help if you need it

f.Keep trying

3、学生活动:(分组练习)思考、整理信息并发表个人看法的思维过程。把学生分成甲、乙两组, 甲组支持抽烟,乙方反对, 让他们各自列出支持与反对的理由。

Advantages (好处)Disadvantages(坏处)

amakes them happyacause terrible damage to…

bgives them energybnot enjoy sport

cenjoyablecaffect their babies healthy

drelaxingdaffect the health of non- smoker

esmell terrible

fhave the ends of the fingers turn yellow











(一) 教材地位和教学内容分析

本课是高一必修模块1第4单元的阅读课型,这单元围绕earthquakes这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。由于本单元生词量较大,并且Warming up可挖掘的东西较多,因此把Reading设计为本单元的第2课时。本课型是单元整体教学的重要环节,为学生的语言学习、语法学习提供了载体,并且是学生获取信息的主要来源。“Reading――― A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP” 具体描写1976年唐山大地震的震前、震中和震后。本篇文章词汇量大,运用了大量的动词、复杂的数字,出现许多定语从句,篇幅较长,并且采用一些修辞手法,对学生的语言阅读能力提出了更高的要求。但文章的结构较明显,较容易归纳出各部分的中心词。






shake,well,rise,smelly,pond,pipe,burst,canal,steam ,ruin,injure,destroy,brick,dam,usele,steel,shock,quake,rescue,electricity,disaster,army,organize,bur ,coal,mine,shelter,fresh,percent等,以及 right away, at an end, dig out, give out, thousands of以及一些优美句子的赏析。



b) 让学生复述课文,分析、感悟作者的写作意图。

c) 让学生运用本节课所学词汇、知识,通过采访唐山大地震幸存者的形式进行小组活动,提高学生用英语进行创造性交交际活动的能力。




c)了解自然灾害会给人类带来严重的破坏性后果,让学生进一步感悟、领会到人类应与自然 1












3)重点掌握有关地震的词汇,特别是shake, burst, ruin, injure, destroy, shock, quake, rescue, disaster, army, organize, bury, shelter。



1) 如何使学生养成科学的阅读习惯,提高阅读理解能力和语言水平。

2) 如何使学生学会提取、筛选和重组文章中的信息,并灵活运用于语言实践中,达到语言实践能力的扩展与提高。




根据新颁布的《普通高中英语课程标准(实验稿)》所倡导的教学原则及“第二语言习得论”和“整体语言教学理论”,结合文章具体内容及学生的差异性,确定本节课主要采用任务型语言教学法(Task-based Language Teaching)、合作学习教学法(Cooperative Learning Approach)、整体语言教学法(Whole Language Teaching)、交际教学法(Communicative Approach)、具体采用“P—T—P”自主学习立体模式:(Pre-task----Task-cycle----Post-task)来组织教学。









整体语言教学法要求按 “整体-部分-整体”的模式,进行语篇阅读训练,即从“整体”开始,以“整体”结束的“三段式”阅读教学法。本课采用从整体略读——分段细读——通读全文,进一步理解课文内容,即是这种教学策略的体现。



步骤一.Pre-task (Pre-reading activities)


【设计思路:先播放有关05年巴基斯坦地震的可怕MTV画面,学生的注意力马上就会被吸引到课堂上来,学生马上就联想到earthquake这一词,这时教师提出“ What do you think of the earthquake?”,学生会不约而同地回答,地震会给人类带来灾难性的后果。紧接着引导学生“Can you fortell an earthquake so that we can take measures to reduce the damages?” 通过图片,学生更易掌握地震的前兆的知识,为课文的阅读作了很好的铺垫,接着教师引导学生进行进一步探究“What should we do to protect ourselves if an earthquake happened?”通过小组讨论、合作得出结论,教师进行一定的总结。接着呈现文章的标题“A night the earth didn’t sleep” ,引导学生解读文章标题、预测文章内容,让学生在阅读过程中处于主动认知状态。学生可能一下子无法正确理解其所包含的深层含义。但估计在前面所展示的MTV画面及图片的启发下,大部分同学可能很快就能作出正确的理解---about the earthquake。另外,考虑到文章生词较多,且大部分学生对文章的背景知识了解较少。因此,在引导学生预测文章内容的同时,有必要在讨论“What kind of words will be used in the paage?

步骤二.Task-cycle(While-reading activities)



【设计思路:本环节主要是指导学生如何通过略读,在最短的时间内把握文章的大意。要求学生在2分钟之内,重点阅读各段的首句和末句,快速归纳出general idea of the paage。大部分学生很快就能找出文章的大意―――唐山大地震。该环节教师应通过限定阅读时间,及时纠正不良的阅读习惯等教学策略,来帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯,培养快速阅读理解能力。】






步骤三.Post-task(Post-reading activities)


【设计思路:本环节共设置两个任务,一是让学生复述课文;指导学生以地震前、地震中、地震后的时间线索展开复述,这样把阅读内容和所学的词汇、句型有机地结合。二是采访活动。要求学生根据自己对地震的认识,发挥自己的想象力和创造力,以小组为单位,用英语通过采访唐山大地震幸存者的形式进行活动。为了让学生更顺利地完成任务,教师可以给学生提供一些问题及采访中可能会用到的日常交际用语。本环节旨在引导学生通过读的输人,提取、筛选和重组文章中的重要语言信息,并通过用英语进行交流,达到从课文知识的巩固到自身知识的扩展与创新能力的形成。针对学生在完成任务的过程中,可能会因词汇障碍的影响,而用普通话甚至闽南语进行交流,在这个活动中,教师应贯彻“教师为主导,学生为主体,任务为基础”的教学原则,在课堂教学的不同环节扮演自身作为“设计者,研究者,组织者,促进者,协调者”的角色,并 “动态”地去发现问题,分析问题和解决问题,鼓励、督促学生坚持用英语作为课堂交流的语言。



(一) Pre-task:激发学习兴趣,明确学习任务(预计需要5分钟左右,考虑充分利用上课前的课间时间)

(二) Task-cycle:课文主体内容的教学与操练,知识的掌握与能力的过渡(预计需要28分钟左右)

(三) Post-task:展示成果,交流成果的过程,语言实践能力的扩展与提高(预计需要10分钟左右)

(四)Homework and Sum up:课文内容的巩固、延伸与拓展(第三和第四两个环节预计需1分钟左右)






Good afternoon, teachers, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my leon with you.The content of my leon is Senior English Book unit 1(A student of African wildlife/Why not carry on the good work)I’ll be ready to begin this leon from five parts.Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure, and Blackboard design.First, let me talk the teaching material.

Part 1 Teaching Material:

This unit is about(Great women and their achievements , Important people, history and methods of agriculture, Different types of English humor ,Culture differences and communication Different types of theme park)

By studying of this unit, we’ll enable the students to know some great women and their achievement and what makes the great women succeful

The knowledge of farming and Dr Yuan Longping’ achievement

And chemical farming and organic farming.

Charlie Chaplin and his funny and encouraging humor

People from different area have different body language and use the right body language to showing our feelings.

Theme park not only provide fun but also provide various knowledge and exciting experience.

this leon not only teach the students to learn the related material about

(1) the good character to be a succeful person

(2)Yuan longping’s scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life

The disadvantage of using chemical fertilizers and how to increase production in organic farming.

(3)Charlie Chaplin and his humor English jokes

(4)Different body language and the similarities in body language which make the others understand our feelings.

(5)Theme park

but also learning ability in English .

A: If Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit well.

B: It provides all-around practice about listening, speaking, reading and writing revolve around the topic, it is the expansion of this unit and give Ss a space to use the language

So it plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.

(As we know ,reading belongs to the input during the proce of the language learning.The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing .)According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind, I think the teaching aims are the followings:

1.Knowledge objects:

(1)the students can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns.

(2) the students can understand the content of the leon:

(3) the students can use the patterns to expre their thoughts in proper situation

and learn how to describe people with adjective.

Ability objects:

Ability objects of this section are

(1)To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.Especially speaking and writing ability.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(4) To improve the Ss’ reading abilities ,especially their skimming and scanning ability.3.Emotion objects:

By reading

A Student of African wildlife /why not carry on the good work,

students can learn from

(1)Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to study animal; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her succeful.

Lin Qiao zhi in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to help poor patients; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her succeful.

(2)Dr Yuan Long ping his scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life

This paage what is chemical and organic farming and their advantage and disadvantage.


Unit 3 Computers (unit 3,Book 2) 说课稿

Reading Task Who Am I ?



Who am I 出自人教版高中英语教科书第二册第三单元第一课时,本单元的话题是工厂技术,计算机的发展史和机器人。计算机对于高中生来说是较熟悉的一个话题,但“Who am I”这篇阅读材料所选语言材料属于科普说明文,内容较为抽象,文章也有一些专业术语,对高一学生来说有一定的难度。但是这篇阅读材料以第一人称的拟人手法介绍了计算机发展演变的历史和计算机在各个领域的应用,这样拟人的手法使得文章读起来妙趣横生,抽象的专业知识介绍起来也浅显易懂。这篇文章是整个单元的重点,融汇了听、说、读、写语言知识点,同时在句子表达上运用到了现在完成时的被动语态,为下一个课时的语法教学作好了铺垫。

2、说教学目标 ①知识目标


abacus.calculator.PC.laptop.PDA.calculate.universal.simplify.sum.logical.logically.revolution.operator.technology.technological.artificial.intelligence.Intelligent .solve.tube.total.web.application.finance.mobile.explore.anyhow.From…on.as a result.so…that….(2)(掌握句型)

A.Over time I have been changed quite a lot.B.First as a PC and then as a laptop ,I have been used in offices and homes sice the 1970s.C.Over time my memory has developed so much that ,like an elephant ,I never forget any thing I have been told ! D.Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me .E.I have also been put into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help with medical operations .②能力目标

(1)通过阅读训练,培养学生略读(skim),查读(scan)以及获取信息能力。 (2)培养学生在阅读时从词的构成以及上下文猜测词意的能力。

(3)通过阅读,培养学生的听说读写能力,尤其是教会学生用第一人称按时间的先后顺序描述一件事。 ③情感目标







①整体阅读教学法,让学生分别进行读前、读中、读后训练,由浅入深消化课文。 ②任务型教学法,让学生在教师指导下通过感知、体验、实践参与、合作等方式完成目标。

③开放性教学策略,如brainstorm role play.等



由于学生对计算机比较感兴趣及熟悉,教师在教学中要尽量发学生的主动学习积极性与合作精神。因此在教学中我主要引导学生用以下学法: ①五官并用法,如多动脑、动嘴、动手、动口。

②循序渐进:由浅入深地让学生掌握词汇、句型、课文内容。 ③合作学习、小组讨论


Step Ⅰ.Warming up and leading in 1.以幻灯片的方式展开此部分Warming up里有关计算机发展的七部图片,询问学生以下问题:

①What are they ?(ask the students to tell them one by one in English and spell them) ②Ask students to discu what these items have in common.③Which one can help me most in teaching English ?show students the sentence structures of giving opinions ,such as in my opinion ,I think ……

这部分设计让学生熟悉有关单词,熟悉作出决定及意见的句型,激发他们的学习兴趣 StepⅡ Pre-readirg 1.Ask the students to look at the title and the picture on P18 and gue : Who am I ? What is the paage about ? 2.Ask students to brainstorm :In which aspects have computer been used today ? Work out a list and compare it with your partner .此任务能让学生通过标题、插图预测文章内容并调动学生学习的积极性,引发学生思考。

Step Ⅲ.Reading 1.Skim the paage to check whether their predictions are right or not .2.Scan the paage again ,and do exercise 3 in pre-reading part .3.让学生从文中找出这些信息并完成下面表格: 1642: .1822:The analytical machine was wade by Charles Babbage.: .1940s: .:The first family of computers was connected to each other.1970s: .Now: .这样设计可以让学生从文章当中自主查找到所需要的信息;课文教学时教师可以让学生自由举手回答并填写以上问题,教师一边帮学生retell及校对,一边解释所涉及到各种不同类型的计算机名词,让学生由易到难掌握课文。

4、careful reading Ask students to read the paage once more and fill out the chart of requirement 2 on P19 这部分需要学生精读课文并寻找相关具体信息,建议学生碰到生词时看下上文猜测词义。 StepⅣ Listening and Speaking


2.Role play :叫学生以第一人称扮演不同时期的计算机。 StepⅤ 拓展

1.再现最初的七副图片,询问学生:What’s next ?让学生展开自己的想象力,设计下一种计算机的模样与作用,让学生分组讨论并画出其样子。 Step Ⅵ Homework Ask the students to write a paage about the development of computers.Step Ⅶ Conclusion


Unit 3 Who Am I ? 1642: The computer began as a calculating machine.1822: The analytical machine was made by …

1936:The computer grew rapidly both in size and brain power.1940s:…had grown as large as a room .1960s:The first family of computers…

1970s:computers were used in offices and homes .Now :Computer connect people all over the world.本课所倡导的教学基本理念是:







The Earthquake(Unit 4,Book 1)说课稿


高一英语第四单元的话题是“unforgettable experiences”, 整个单元的设计围绕这一话题展开听、说、读、写多种教学活动,内容涉及“谈论过去的经历”、“描述任人物、事件以及人的感觉”、“学会在一篇文章中用First, Next, Then ,Finally来组织内容”等,让学生初步了解定语从句, 学会使用关系代词who ,whom, whose, which, that 的用法。我上的这节课是本单元的课后阅读训练,它是继前面几个课时内容的延伸,单元教学内容中阅读部分安排了一篇描述洪水的文章,而这篇课文是描述地震的文章,结合目前时事,我想以此为载体让学生在完成阅读任务的基础上对地震的知识有更多的了解,所以设计了这一课时。






德育目标:通过本文的阅读让学生对地震有更多认识,加强自我保护。 确立教学目标的依据:

根据新课标要求,通过听、说、读、写四项基本语言技能的训练,使学生形成综合语言运用能力,激发学生的学习兴趣,为真实语言交际打基础。此外,每一门课程都应该尽可能结合学科特点,把培养学生的情感融化到日常教育教学中。 3、重点与难点:

(1)重点:1.利用不同的任务训练skimming, scanning, careful reading等阅读微技能;2.对地震知识的更多了解。

(2)难点: 1。阅读技能的训练;。 4.教学辅助工具:

(1) 收录机; (2)多媒体

二、教学流程: 1、新课导入

由前面的阅读文章的内容说起,那一场洪灾对于课文的主人公来说是一次难忘的经历,而我们可能会遇到各种各样的自然灾害,询问学生知道的灾害,展示图片让学生对此有所了解,然后展示一幅完美的城市图和灾后城市图进行比较,猜测发生变化的原因,从而引出课题,这样通过师生互动,激活主题,激发了学生的学习兴趣,对后面进行本文的阅读做了铺垫和准备。 2、新课的讲解

(1)不同层次的阅读技能训练; 首先是Speed reading,


b.skimming,让学生进行跳跃式阅读,了解文章的结构,教师要求学生(work in pairs)给每一部分给一个标题, 以此培养他们找寻文章或段落的主题句和 然后是careful reading ,

a,扫 读 :用多媒体展示针对每个部分提出不同问题,,学生通过扫读来获取细节信息。在通读全文梳理文章,理解主题基础上,学生熟悉了文章内容,才能掌握地震的相关知识。在这一环节中,针对各部分设计了不同的任务, 1,选择题,四个部分

2,根据上下文了解代词的指代内容,涉及全文。 3,针对第二部分回答问题



b .朗读:让学生跟读录音,掌握正确的语音语调,从整体上把握课文结构并从中得到自己的感受。这也为下一步学生讨论做好铺垫。学生通过以上活动,从基本框架到细节信息把握住了这篇文章。




在careful reading的扫读中,每个部分的问题各不相同,任务都非常有针对性,训练了学生各项不同的能力,学生表现出极大的兴趣和参与热情。这激发了学生的好奇心,这样既可提高口语表达能力,又可提高学生的想像能力。所以教师在课堂上巧妙地适时设问,是对学生进行多种思维的训练,学生的思维创造性也因此得到充分发挥。



(1)做课后练习三,了解地震的各个震级所带来的破坏完成句子,这一练习有两个目的,一方面更多的了解了地震,另一方面复习了定语从句的关系代词的用法。 (2)预习写作部分提出的问题,准备写一写汶川地震。


Oral Presentation of the Teaching Plan for Period 1, Unit 4 Earthquake, SEFC Book 1 Good morning, ladies and gentleman.Today, I feel honored to have the chance to share my teaching ideas with you.The content of the leon is new senior English for China Student’s Book 1 Unit 4 Earthquake.My representation includes six parts: teaching material; students\' situation; teaching methods and learning methods; teaching procedures; blackboard design .Now I will introduce this period in detail.Part 1: Analysis of Teaching Material I will analysis the teaching material from three aspects: its status and function, teaching aims , the key points and difficult points. Ⅰ.Status and Function

This unit is the fourth unit of this book and this leon is the first period of this unit.It is a reading paage which is about an earthquake and plays an important role in this unit because it provides a vector for students’ language and grammar learning. Ⅱ.Teaching aims My teaching aims consist of four parts: Knowledge aims; ability aims and emotional aims .①.Knowledge aims

To make students master some key words、expreions and some important verbs and verb phrases which describe earthquakes: shake; crack; fell down; lie in ruins; cut acro.

②.Ability aims To develop the student’s Listening, speaking reading and writing ability, especially their predicting, skimming and scanning ability.To train the Ss’ abilities of studying by themselves and cooperating .③.Emotional aims;

To improve their environmental protection consciousne.To makes students know the importance of unity.Ⅲ.Key points and difficult points;

The important points is to help the student know some knowledge about the earthquake and to improve their reading ability.And the difficult point is using the learned phrases and sentence patterns to expre one’s ideas.

Part 2 Analysis of the students The students are in Grade 1, They have known something about the Earthquakes.Some long sentences are difficult for them to understand.So I will help the students in different levels to learn English.Part 3 Teaching method Ⅰ.Teaching Methods In this period, I will adopt communicative method, task-based method, situational method and inductive teaching method

- 1

Task one- I will first tell the students this paage can be divided into 3 parts and let them find out the topic sentence of each part.(6\') Task two-Fill the blanks to learning the structure of this material and sum up the main idea of each part.(4\')

( Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work;) Step 3: Careful reading ( about 20 minutes) Purposes: By finding out some detailed information of the text and training the ability of extracting the information.I can help the students understand the text better. And proper competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning. “Task-based” teaching method is used here to develop the Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.Task one-What happened before the earthquake? (para1.) Please fill in the blanks according to the text.(6\')

Task two-What happened during the earthquake? (para2.-3.) Please complete the chart, and do the T or F.(8\') Task three-What happened after the earthquake? (para4.) Please finish the following matching.(6\')

( Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work;) Step 4: Enlightenment (about 2 minutes)

- 3




Good afternoon, teachers, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my leon with you.The content of my leon is Senior English Book 4 Unit 1(A student of african wildlife/Why not carry on the good work)I’ll be ready to begin this leon from five parts.Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure,and Blackboard design.First, let me talk about the teaching material.

Part 1 Teaching Material:

This unit is about

(Great women and their achievements

Important people,history and methods of agriculture

Different types of English humour

Culture differences and intercuritural communcation

Different types of theme park)

By studying of this unit, we’ll enable the students to know some great women and their achievement and what makes the great women succeful

The knowledge of farming and DrYuan Longping’achivevment

And chemical farming and organic farming.

Charlie Chaplin and his funny and encourageing humour

People from different area have differert body language and use the right body language to showing our feelings.

Theme park not only provid fun but also provid various knowledeg and exciting experience.

this leon not only teach the students to learn the related matreial about

(1) the good character to be a succeful person

(2)Yuan longping’s scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life

The disadvantage of using chemical frtilizers and how to increase production in organic farming.

(3)Charlie Chaplin and his humour

English jokes

(4)Different body language and the similarutues in body language which make the others understand our feelings.

(5)Theme park

but also learning ability in English .


If Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit well.


It provides all-around practice about listening, speaking, reading and writing revolve around the topic,it is the expansion of this unit and give Ss a space to use the language. So it plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.

(As we know ,reading belongs to the input during the proce of the language learning.The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing .)According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind,I think the teaching aims are the followings:

1.Knowledge objects:

(1)the sutdents can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns.(2) the students can understand the content of the leon: (3) the students can use the patterns to expre their thoughes in proper situation and learn how to describe people with adjective.Ability objects: Ability objects of this section are (1)To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.Especially speaking and writing ability.(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(4) To improve the Ss’ reading abilities ,especially their skimming and scanning ability.3.Emotion objects:

By reading

A Student of African wlidlife /why not carry on the good work, students can learn from

(1)jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to study animal; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her succeful.Lin Qiaozhi in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to help poor patients; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her succeful. (2)Dr Yuan Longping his scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life.This paage what is chemical and organic farming and their advantage and disadvant age.(3)Charlie Chaplin to be optimistic to face the life’s hardships and find out the covert funny of our life.This paage jokes and its great effect to make people laugh.

(4)this paage the importance and neceity of body language

A and its differences between different cultures.


and how to use body language to show people’s feeling.

(5)this paage learning knowledge have many ways , we can learn knowledge and play as well in the theme park or other special situation.

What is the most difficult in teaching proce? Can you gue? I say one of the teaching difficult is how to enable the students to use new words and phrases in proper situation all through their daily life.The students also find it difficult to describe their experience with the build logic and well organized language (and learn from Great women their good qualities.)

Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stre the important points and break through the difficult points? According to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’learning background ,I will use the following methods .

Part 2 Teaching Methods:

“Communicative” Approach(交际教学法),

“Whole language teaching” (整体语言教学法) and “Task-based” language teaching (任务教学法).

That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue.According to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论), I adopt the

Situtional Language Teaching method(情景教学)

Task-Based Language Teaching method (语言任务教学)

in my teaching.

Part 3 Studying Methods:

Students of this stage are quick in thought and they are eager to show what they know and they have a certain ability to read .But they are lack of geography knowledge , the cultural background of those foreign countries and the courage to expre they ideas.Therefore, Acceful leader should care for their learning strategy,in this leon,I will teach my students to master the following strategy;

1)Basic learning strategy;

The students can get the meaning of the words and phrase

2)Practice strategy;

Practice can help the students get the general idea and have a better understanging of the language.

And Communication strategy

In a ward, I’ll

1.Teach the students how to be succeful language learners

2.Let the students pa ―Observation—Imitation—Prasctice‖ strategy to study language.

Part 4 Teaching Procedure

New English proverb saids that the students are real master.In this leon they are English learners and real master .So teacher should act as a guider, an organizer and a director who play a role when neceary in teaching procedure.

Step 1 Lead-in.

I think the most useful method to lead the students to learn is interest stimulating and discuion by themselves.1.At beginning I will let Ss to discu: after a glance of the title and the pictures of this paage , what do you think the paage is about? (2.At beginning I will ask Ss which place they like most and what is it famous for.Then we will do the listening part to get some information and then do the following exercise)

(1)And let them to know something about the story of Jane goodall /lin qiaoyin and her full love activity.

(2)And ask the following questions

A What would you do if there was no rice to eat tomorrow?

Who do you think is the greastest hero for hungry people in the world.?


What do you know about farming? What will you do to increase the crop production.?

(3)a And write down you idea in one senrence,then skim the paage to see if you are right.

B And tell the Ss a funny joke.

(4)a I will ask one student to make a gesture and let another student to gue what its meaning.

B I will ask one student to use body language to expre his feeling and let another student to gue what its meaning.(5)a what do you think a theme park is? With a clamate discu what you might do in a theme park.

B What exciting experience do you want to have?

Step 2 Reading

1) canning:Then studSents are going to read the paage as quickly as they can to find out the main idea and answer the following(/ture or false) questions

(1)a Who is the student?

What animals were observed?

B Who is the main character in this text?

What was her job?

Who was her small book intended for?

(2)a when and who become the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output?

What did Yuan Longping invent ?

B Why are chemical fertilizers so popular in farming today?

What is organic farming?

(3)a 1)humor is always kind.

F 2)charlie chaplin was born in a rich family


3)he solved a sad situation by using nonverbal humor


4)he ate the shoes bacause he thought that was very funny F

5)charlie chaplin devoted his whole life to making films T

B Then I will let students work in pairs to read the jokes in part one.paying attention to the rhythm and intonation

(4)a what did I do to the airport

did those international students have the same body language? If not ,give an example.

B And perform the feelings you can find out in this paage to our clamates..

(5)a What does dollywood mainly show and celebrates?

And in england’s Camelot park what can you experience?

B What theme park is mentioned in this paage and what is the theme park’s main content

2)Then we will come to the Close reading part : As we know , audio-visual method make the students have bettter understanding of the paage, so I play will the tape part by part to let my students to find out the the general idea of each paragraph and pick up their hand to give the answer.

3)Then I will let students have a diuion about the text ,then answer some questions in detial.

(1)a (What was the writer doing in the forest?

What did she discover about chimps

How did jane try to protect the lives of chimps in their nature habitat?) and do exercise three.

B And write down three of Lin Qiaozhi’s achievements then give the answer.

(2)a (who is Yuan Longping? How much do you know about him?

What is his job? What are his achievement?

What do you think we can learn from him? Why?)

B What are some of the problems caused bu chemical fertilizers.

How to keep the soil fertile in organic farming.

(3)a 1)what is behind fun?

2)Why people like little Tramp?

3)Do you think charlie chaplin’s eating boiled shoes funny? why?

B Then do exercise .change the story into a dialogue and act it in groups of three—li ming ,wang fei and a narrator.pay special attention to the rhythm and intonation of what you say and try to bing out the humour.

(4)a What people from colombia usually do when they meet people?

What is the france custom when adults meet people they know?

B What does smiling means to most people?

How to show that I am bored?

(5)a what activeties you can do in these three diffenent theme park?


What are three times and three places you can visit at Futuroscope?

And this (will make the students pay more attention to themselves and people around them and) check the S’s scanning which may be an important reading fields

The last reading is to emphasize and consolidate the new language of the section .I will play the tape and students are going to read the paage as to make the students to imitate the pronouncatin and intonation.After reading the students will have a discuion in pairs/ Ask and answer the following questions

(1)a about what make jane goodall and the other females great women.

B 1.For whom and for which purpose did Lin Qiaozhi write a little book about how to look after babies? Why do you think it was neary?

2.Why do you think the write chose to study at medical college?

(2)a What advantage and disadvantage do you see in Yuan Longping’s life? Would you like to have a life like his? Why?

B If you are a farmer which method would you choose? Why?

(3)a Why do you think charlie chaplin was so succeful?

B What is the effort of jokes in our daily life?

(4)a And find out every country the writer mentioned with the according culture when people greet each other.

B Why should we bu careful with our body language? Why is it important to watch as well as listen to others?

(5)a If you have a chance to one of these three parks,which would you visit? Why?


And try to retell the first paragraph.

This part can enable students to understand the given material better, to make the students grasp the useful phrases, grammar and sentences pattern for making suggestions and replying on the base of reading the dialogue fluently.

Step 3 Learning about language

After reading, I will teach the students the paage in detials about vocabulary and grammar.

1 1)new words: behave shade

observe respect argue


intend deliver



human being lead a …life crowd in

by chance

carry on

look down upon

For example devote oneself/sth to sb/sth

It means to give one’s time,energy to sb/sth; dedicate

He devoted his life to the promotion of world peace.

3)grammar: Subject-verb agreement

There are two sentences in this leon

„our group are all going to visit them in the forest

„.our group is going to be very tired and dirty by the afternoon

We can see from the sentences that the projcetes are the same but the

predicates are different .why ?

Because the former group means all of us ,it presents many people,the later group means the group as a whole,it is just one group.

2. new words:struggle expand rid therefore export regret focus reduce comment

phrase: thanks to rid of be satisfied with

would rather

lead to fouce on keep…free from/of

structures: mainly about persuasion

I’d rather…

It’s better to …

I’d prefer …because….

This is good value because …


Grammar:the –ing form as the subject and object

Be used as subject, we can find some sentences in this paage,

for exanple: Since then ,finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal

Spending money on himself or leading a comfortable life also means very little to him

Just dreaming for things ,however,costs nothing

Be used as object, for exanple:

As a young man, he saw the great need for increasing the rice output.

Dr yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could feed more people.


Grammer :

Over the past half century, using chemical fertilizers has become very common in farming .

They demage the land by killing the helpful bacteria and pests as well as the harmful ones Organic farmers ,therefore, often prefer using nature waste from animals as fertilizer.

3. new words:entertain overcome direct slid whisper react

phrase:up to now badly off pick out star in

pick off cut up cut down cut off

structures: the structures to expre one’s emotions, such as

How wonderful!

It surprises me that….

I couldn’t laughing when…

I don’t think that’t funny at all.

Grammar: the –ing form as the predicative, attribute ,attribute and object complement .we can find some sentences in this paage, for exanple:

1.作表语as the predicative

The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted!

2.作定语as the attribute,

He grew more and more popular as his charming character, the little tramp, became known throughout the world.

3.作宾语补足语as the attribute and object complement

How did the little tramp make a sad situation entertaining?

4. new words: represent approach defend likely ease

phrase: defend against be likely to in general ai ease

lose face turn one’s back to

structures: about prohibition , warnings and obligation,such as

do not…

keep away from …

be careful when…

you must…

you will need to….

Grammar: the –ing form as the attribute and adverbial .we can find some sentences in this paage,

for exanple:

3.作定语as the attributeer

„I saw several young people enter the waiting area….

4.作语as the adverbial

I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them.


new words:theme swing preserve advance

phrase: be famous for no wander be moddelled after

in advance

get close to come to life

structures: about asking the way and giving direcions

where is the …?

Can you show me where….?

How can I get to …?

On the north/south/east/west side of the park

Follow the path to…..

Grammar: we will learn three kinds of different vocabular they are word formation ,derivation ,conversion

for exanple:indoor outdoor southeasten horseback


disagree enlarge amusement careful

water(n&v) don’t water the plants with dirty water

mind(n&v) hemazing has an a mind

I don’t mind having dog in the house ,if it is clean.


In the paage there will be some vocabulary and structures that are different to gue their meaning and make compenhencen of this paage difficult to Ss.So I will give the words in the blackboard and let the Ss to fill in the blacks of sentences to expre their precise meaning and usage.

Then the students will do a pair work revolve around the vocabulary and grammar which they have just learned and make short dialogues with them .I will give them some minutes and ask some pairs to act their dialogue out in front of the whole cla.Then we will deal with some exerises in the workbook to emphasize the new knowledge.Such as filling the miing words in the blanks.And retell the story in their own words.Of course, students will make some mistakes in retelling ,I will corrcet them in time .

Step 4 Post-reading Practice

I say to learn is to use.After the reading, students will have some practices.It will be the most interesting part to students .why? Because I will leave students time to talk together.

1.a The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles.Student A will act as an ordinary person and say what makes it difficult to succe.Student B will act as a great women who has the good character.Student C will act as a interviewer who ask Student B what makes her succe.Student D will have a summarze.

B The Ss will have a work in groups of four to descrebe Lin Qiaozhi’s character and quality.Such as kind helpful devoted hard-working

2.a The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles.Student A will act as a person who come from Africa who’s country is lack of food.Student B will act as a great scientist who has been working on crop.Student C will act as a interviewer who ask Student B how to solve the problem .Student D will have a summarze.

B The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles.Student A will act as achemical farmer who tell us how to grow crop in chemical method.Student B will act as a great scientist tell us the disadvantage of this method.Student C will act as a organic farmer who tell ue the way solve the problem .Student D will have a summarze.

3.a Work in groups of four .I will give the students a material of humour and let students performance them infront of the claroom.

4.b The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles .I will show Student A a picture and let the student to performan its meaning to student B.Then Student B will gue its meaning and then performan what he gue to Student C .Student C will do expre that he gue by using body language to Student D .at last,Student D will gue and give the answer.

5.Work in groups of four.Discu what is the purpose of theme park ? what kind of people do you think will visit this theme park?

Most students can take their parts in this activities, especially for the Ss who have trouble in English,.In the group activities, they can speak a little English.Without doubt, this will encourage them to speak English.In fact,it is a kind of demand of human being.A famous educator says:‖ In one’s mind ,there is always a kind of deeply rooted demand, this is the hope to feel oneself a finder and explorer.In student’ s spirits, such demand is specially strong.‖ So I will give every student a chance to spesk English in our claroom.This part also leads to the emotion objective of this leon ,that is to have moral education in this step.

You can see that the way I teach reading is to follow the bottom up teaching method.I will introduce the vocabulary first and then sentences, structures and last the language focus.

Step 6 Homework

Then Ss will Summarize the whole leon, and arrange the homework.

1.Do the remaining exerises in the workbook .Check the mastering of knowledge of this leon.

2 a (1)write a short paage to describe a women you admire most .


write a short paage to describe a women you admire most .

(2)a Design a placard focus on world food day in 2010

B Do exercise 3 to write a summary of this paage following the procedure;

1.wirte the main idea in you own word

2.rewrite topic sentence of each paragraph

write the summary.

(3)Ask esch student to give a joke and present it in cla next period.

(4)Write a short paage about the experience you misundestand one’s body language or a body language you like most ,why?

(5)Write a short paage to introduce a theme park.

Purpose of my design: I think homework is so important that the students should use English as much as they can in cla and after cla.It is neceary for the students to master the knowledge they learned.This contents is an extension of the previous leon, to meet the need of increing communicating and writing demands of some students and bring their personality into play .

Part 5 blackboard Design

Blackboard design should be think for a thing that attract the student’ s attention and let them to write down the important teaching points.I will divide the blackboard into two parts .The left part will be used to write the important vocabulary and grammar and their usage.It will be reserved for the whole cla.The right part will be precious explanation, I will write some sentence of the words ,phrases and structures to explan their meaning .

No matter which steps is taken ,the purpose is to provide teacher and studends with information and internal demand to improve teaching skill and learning quality.strategy and approach will help students become more independent and the succeful learner.

That’s all.Thank you.



Good afternoon, teachers, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my leon with you.The content of my leon is Senior English Book 4 Unit 1(A student of african wildlife/Why not carry on the good work)I’ll be ready to begin this leon from five parts.Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure,and Blackboard design.First, let me talk about the teaching material.Part 1 Teaching Material: This unit is about(Great women and their achievements , Important people,history and methods of agriculture, Different types of English humour ,Culture differences and intercuritural communication Different types of theme park)

By studying of this unit, we’ll enable the students to know some great women and their achievement and what makes the great women succeful The knowledge of farming and DrYuan Longping’achivevment And chemical farming and organic farming.Charlie Chaplin and his funny and encourageing humour People from different area have differert body language and use the right body language to showing our feelings.Theme park not only provid fun but also provid various knowledeg and exciting experience.

this leon not only teach the students to learn the related matreial about (1) the good character to be a succeful person

(2)Yuan longping’s scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life

The disadvantage of using chemical frtilizers and how to increase production in organic farming.(3)Charlie Chaplin and his humour English jokes (4)Different body language and the similarutues in body language which make the others understand our feelings.(5)Theme park but also learning ability in English .A:

If Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit well.B:

It provides all-around practice about listening, speaking, reading and writing revolve around the topic,it is the expansion of this unit and give Ss a space to use the language So it plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.(As we know ,reading belongs to the input during the proce of the language learning.The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing .)According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind,I think the teaching aims are the followings: 1.Knowledge objects: Knowledge objects of this section are 来源:(http://blog.sina.com.cn/) - 高中英语说课稿模板_清风无尘_新 (1)the sutdents can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns.(2) the students can understand the content of the leon: (3) the students can use the patterns to expre their thoughes in proper situation


and learn how to describe people with adjective.

Ability objects: Ability objects of this section are (1)To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.Especially speaking and writing ability.(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(4) To improve the Ss’ reading abilities ,especially their skimming and scanning ability.3.Emotion objects: By reading

A Student of African wlidlife /why not carry on the good work, students can learn from

(1)jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to study animal; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her succeful.

Lin Qiaozhi in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to help poor patients; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her succeful. (2)Dr Yuan Longping his scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life

This paage what is chemical and organic farming and their advantage and disadvant age.(3)Charlie Chaplin to be optimistic to face the life’s hardships and find out the covert funny of our life.this paage jokes and its great effect to make people laugh.(4)this paage the importance and neceity of body language A and its differences between different cultures.B

and how to use body language to show people’s feeling.

(5)this paage learning knowledge have many ways , we can learn knowledge and play as well in the theme park or other special situation.

What is the most difficult in teaching proce? Can you gue? I say one of the teaching difficult is how to enable the students to use new words and phrases in proper situation all through their daily life.The students also find it difficult to describe their experience with the build logic and well organized language (and learn from Great women their good qualities.) Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stre the important points and break through the difficult points? According to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’learning background ,I will use the following methods .Part 2 Teaching Methods: ―Communicative‖ Approach(交际教学法), ―Whole language teaching‖ (整体语言教学法) and ―Task-based‖ language teaching (任务教学法).

That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue.According to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论), I adopt the

Situtional Language Teaching method(情景教学)

Task-Based Language Teaching method (语言任务教学) in my teaching. Part 3 Studying Methods:


Students of this stage are quick in thought and they are eager to show what they know and they have a certain ability to read .But they are lack of geography knowledge , the cultural background of those foreign countries and the courage to expre they ideas.Therefore, Acceful leader should care for their learning strategy,in this leon,I will teach my students to master the following strategy;

1)Basic learning strategy;

The students can get the meaning of the words and phrase 2)Practice strategy;

Practice can help the students get the general idea and have a better understanging of the language.And Communication strategy In a ward, I’ll

1.Teach the students how to be succeful language learners 2.Let the students pa ―Observation—Imitation—Prasctice‖ strategy to study language.Part 4 Teaching Procedure

New English proverb saids that the students are real master.In this leon they are English learners and real master .So teacher should act as a guider, an organizer and a director who play a role when neceary in teaching procedure.Step 1 Lead-in.I think the most useful method to lead the students to learn is interest stimulating and discuion by themselves.1.At beginning I will let Ss to discu: after a glance of the title and the pictures of this paage , what do you think the paage is about? (2.At beginning I will ask Ss which place they like most and what is it famous for.Then we will do the listening part to get some information and then do the following exercise) (1)And let them to know something about the story of Jane goodall /lin qiaoyin and her full love activity.(2)And ask the following questions A What would you do if there was no rice to eat tomorrow? Who do you think is the greastest hero for hungry people in the world.? B

What do you know about farming? What will you do to increase the crop production.? (3)a And write down you idea in one senrence,then skim the paage to see if you are right.B And tell the Ss a funny joke.(4)a I will ask one student to make a gesture and let another student to gue what its meaning.B I will ask one student to use body language to expre his feeling and let another student to gue what its meaning.(5)a what do you think a theme park is? With a clamate discu what you might do in a theme park.B What exciting experience do you want to have? Step 2 Reading

1) canning:Then studSents are going to read the paage as quickly as they can to find out the main idea and answer the following(/ture or false) questions (1)a Who is the student? What animals were observed?

B Who is the main character in this text?


What was her job? Who was her small book intended for?

(2)a when and who become the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output? What did Yuan Longping invent ?

B Why are chemical fertilizers so popular in farming today?

What is organic farming? (3)a 1)humor is always kind.

F 2)charlie chaplin was born in a rich family

F 3)he solved a sad situation by using nonverbal humor

T 4)he ate the shoes bacause he thought that was very funny F 5)charlie chaplin devoted his whole life to making films T B Then I will let students work in pairs to read the jokes in part one.paying attention to the rhythm and intonation (4)a what did I do to the airport did those international students have the same body language? If not ,give an example.B And perform the feelings you can find out in this paage to our clamates..(5)a What does dollywood mainly show and celebrates? And in england’s Camelot park what can you experience?

B What theme park is mentioned in this paage and what is the theme park’s main content

2)Then we will come to the Close reading part : As we know , audio-visual method make the students have bettter understanding of the paage, so I play will the tape part by part to let my students to find out the the general idea of each paragraph and pick up their hand to give the answer.3)Then I will let students have a diuion about the text ,then answer some questions in detial.(1)a (What was the writer doing in the forest? What did she discover about chimps How did jane try to protect the lives of chimps in their nature habitat?) and do exercise three.B And write down three of Lin Qiaozhi’s achievements then give the answer.(2)a (who is Yuan Longping? How much do you know about him? What is his job? What are his achievement? What do you think we can learn from him? Why?) B What are some of the problems caused bu chemical fertilizers.How to keep the soil fertile in organic farming.(3)a 1)what is behind fun? 2)Why people like little Tramp? 3)Do you think charlie chaplin’s eating boiled shoes funny? why?

B Then do exercise .change the story into a dialogue and act it in groups of three—li ming ,wang fei and a narrator.pay special attention to the rhythm and intonation of what you say and try to bing out the humour.(4)a What people from colombia usually do when they meet people? What is the france custom when adults meet people they know? B What does smiling means to most people? How to show that I am bored?


(5)a what activeties you can do in these three diffenent theme park? B

What are three times and three places you can visit at Futuroscope? And this (will make the students pay more attention to themselves and people around them and) check the S’s scanning which may be an important reading fields

The last reading is to emphasize and consolidate the new language of the section .I will play the tape and students are going to read the paage as to make the students to imitate the pronouncatin and intonation.After reading the students will have a discuion in pairs/ Ask and answer the following questions

(1)a about what make jane goodall and the other females great women.B 1.For whom and for which purpose did Lin Qiaozhi write a little book about how to look after babies? Why do you think it was neary? 2.Why do you think the write chose to study at medical college? (2)a What advantage and disadvantage do you see in Yuan Longping’s life? Would you like to have a life like his? Why B If you are a farmer which method would you choose? Why? (3)a Why do you think charlie chaplin was so succeful? B What is the effort of jokes in our daily life? (4)a And find out every country the writer mentioned with the according culture when people greet each other.B Why should we bu careful with our body language? Why is it important to watch as well as listen to others? (5)a If you have a chance to one of these three parks,which would you visit? Why? B

And try to retell the first paragraph.This part can enable students to understand the given material better, to make the students grasp the useful phrases, grammar and sentences pattern for making suggestions and replying on the base of reading the dialogue fluently.

Step 3 Learning about language After reading, I will teach the students the paage in detials about vocabulary and grammar.1 1)new words: behave shade

observe respect argue


intend deliver



human being lead a …life crowd in

by chance

carry on

look down upon

For example devote oneself/sth to sb/sth It means to give one’s time,energy to sb/sth; dedicate He devoted his life to the promotion of world peace.3)grammar: Subject-verb agreement There are two sentences in this leon

…our group are all going to visit them in the forest

….our group is going to be very tired and dirty by the afternoon

We can see from the sentences that the projcetes are the same but the

predicates are different .why ? Because the former group means all of us ,it presents many people,the later group means the group as a whole,it is just one group.2. new words:struggle expand rid therefore export regret focus reduce comment phrase: thanks to rid of be satisfied with

would rather


lead to fouce on keep…free from/of structures: mainly about persuasion I’d rather… It’s better to …

I’d prefer …because….

This is good value because …


Grammar:the –ing form as the subject and object Be used as subject, we can find some sentences in this paage, for exanple: Since then ,finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal Spending money on himself or leading a comfortable life also means very little to him Just dreaming for things ,however,costs nothing Be used as object, for exanple: As a young man, he saw the great need for increasing the rice output.Dr yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could feed more people.B

Grammer :

Over the past half century, using chemical fertilizers has become very common in farming .They demage the land by killing the helpful bacteria and pests as well as the harmful ones Organic farmers ,therefore, often prefer using nature waste from animals as fertilizer.3. new words:entertain overcome direct slid whisper react phrase:up to now badly off pick out star in pick off cut up cut down cut off structures: the structures to expre one’s emotions, such as How wonderful! It surprises me that….

I couldn’t laughing when… I don’t think that’t funny at all.

Grammar: the –ing form as the predicative, attribute ,attribute and object complement .we can find some sentences in this paage, for exanple: 1.作表语as the predicative The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted! 2.作定语as the attribute,

He grew more and more popular as his charming character, the little tramp, became known throughout the world.3.作宾语补足语as the attribute and object complement How did the little tramp make a sad situation entertaining? 4. new words: represent approach defend likely ease

phrase: defend against be likely to in general ai ease lose face turn one’s back to

structures: about prohibition , warnings and obligation,such as do not…


keep away from … be careful when… you must…

you will need to….

Grammar: the –ing form as the attribute and adverbial .we can find some sentences in this paage, for exanple: 3.作定语as the attributeer

…I saw several young people enter the waiting area….4.作语as the adverbial I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them.5.

new words:theme swing preserve advance

phrase: be famous for no wander be moddelled after

in advance

get close to come to life

structures: about asking the way and giving direcions where is the …?

Can you show me where….? How can I get to …?

On the north/south/east/west side of the park Follow the path to…..

Grammar: we will learn three kinds of different vocabular they are word formation ,derivation ,conversion for exanple:indoor outdoor southeasten horseback


disagree enlarge amusement careful water(n&v) don’t water the plants with dirty water mind(n&v) hemazing has an a mind I don’t mind having dog in the house ,if it is clean.


In the paage there will be some vocabulary and structures that are different to gue their meaning and make compenhencen of this paage difficult to Ss.So I will give the words in the blackboard and let the Ss to fill in the blacks of sentences to expre their precise meaning and usage.Then the students will do a pair work revolve around the vocabulary and grammar which they have just learned and make short dialogues with them .I will give them some minutes and ask some pairs to act their dialogue out in front of the whole cla.Then we will deal with some exerises in the workbook to emphasize the new knowledge.Such as filling the miing words in the blanks.And retell the story in their own words.Of course, students will make some mistakes in retelling ,I will corrcet them in time .

Step 4 Post-reading Practice I say to learn is to use.After the reading, students will have some practices.It will be the most interesting part to students .why? Because I will leave students time to talk together.1.a The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles.Student A will act as an ordinary person and say what makes it difficult to succe.Student B will act as a great women who has the good character.Student C will act as a interviewer who ask Student B what makes her succe.Student D will have a summarze.B The Ss will have a work in groups of four to descrebe Lin Qiaozhi’s character and quality.


Such as kind helpful devoted hard-working

2.a The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles.Student A will act as a person who come from Africa who’s country is lack of food.Student B will act as a great scientist who has been working on crop.Student C will act as a interviewer who ask Student B how to solve the problem .Student D will have a summarze.B The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles.Student A will act as achemical farmer who tell us how to grow crop in chemical method.Student B will act as a great scientist tell us the disadvantage of this method.Student C will act as a organic farmer who tell ue the way solve the problem .Student D will have a summarze.3.a Work in groups of four .I will give the students a material of humour and let students performance them infront of the claroom.4.b The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles .I will show Student A a picture and let the student to performan its meaning to student B.Then Student B will gue its meaning and then performan what he gue to Student C .Student C will do expre that he gue by using body language to Student D .at last,Student D will gue and give the answer.

5.Work in groups of four.Discu what is the purpose of theme park ? what kind of people do you think will visit this theme park? Most students can take their parts in this activities, especially for the Ss who have trouble in English,.In the group activities, they can speak a little English.Without doubt, this will encourage them to speak English.In fact,it is a kind of demand of human being.A famous educator says:‖ In one’s mind ,there is always a kind of deeply rooted demand, this is the hope to feel oneself a finder and explorer.In student’ s spirits, such demand is specially strong.‖ So I will give every student a chance to spesk English in our claroom.This part also leads to the emotion objective of this leon ,that is to have moral education in this step.You can see that the way I teach reading is to follow the bottom up teaching method.I will introduce the vocabulary first and then sentences, structures and last the language focus.Step 6 Homework Then Ss will Summarize the whole leon, and arrange the homework.1.Do the remaining exerises in the workbook .Check the mastering of knowledge of this leon.2 a (1)write a short paage to describe a women you admire most .b

write a short paage to describe a women you admire most .(2)a Design a placard focus on world food day in 2010 B Do exercise 3 to write a summary of this paage following the procedure; 1.wirte the main idea in you own word 2.rewrite topic sentence of each paragraph write the summary.(3)Ask esch student to give a joke and present it in cla next period.(4)Write a short paage about the experience you misundestand one’s body language or a body language you like most ,why? (5)Write a short paage to introduce a theme park.Purpose of my design: I think homework is so important that the students should use English as much as they can in cla and after cla.It is neceary for the students to master the knowledge they learned.This contents is an extension of the previous leon, to meet the need of increing


communicating and writing demands of some students and bring their personality into play . Part 5 blackboard Design

Blackboard design should be think for a thing that attract the student’ s attention and let them to write down the important teaching points.I will divide the blackboard into two parts .The left part will be used to write the important vocabulary and grammar and their usage.It will be reserved for the whole cla.The right part will be precious explanation, I will write some sentence of the words ,phrases and structures to explan their meaning .No matter which steps is taken ,the purpose is to provide teacher and studends with information and internal demand to improve teaching skill and learning quality.strategy and approach will help students become more independent and the succeful learner.That’s all.Thank you.





Good afternoon, teachers, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my leon with you.The content of my leon is Senior English Book 4 Unit 1(A student of african wildlife/Why not carry on the good work)I’ll be ready to begin this leon from five parts.Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure,and Blackboard design.First, let me talk about the teaching material.

Part 1 Teaching Material:

This unit is about (Great women and their achievements Important people,history and methods of agriculture Different types of English humour Culture differences and intercuritural communcation Different types of theme park)

By studying of this unit, we’ll enable the students to know some great women and their achievement and what makes the great women succeful The knowledge of farming and DrYuan Longping’achivevment And chemical farming and organic farming.Charlie Chaplin and his funny and encourageing humour

People from different area have differert body language and use the right body language to showing our feelings.Theme park not only provid fun but also provid various knowledeg and exciting experience.

this leon not only teach the students to learn the related matreial about (1) the good character to be a succeful person

(2)Yuan longping’s scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life

The disadvantage of using chemical frtilizers and how to increase production in organic farming.(3)Charlie Chaplin and his humour English jokes (4)Different body language and the similarutues in body language which make the others understand our feelings.(5)Theme park but also learning ability in English .A:

If Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit well.B:

It provides all-around practice about listening, speaking, reading and writing revolve around the topic,it is the expansion of this unit and give Ss a space to use the language.So it plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.(As we know ,reading belongs to the input during the proce of the language learning.The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing .)According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind,I think the teaching aims are the followings: 1.Knowledge objects: Knowledge objects





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()the sutdents can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns.(2 the students can understand the content of the leon: (3)the students can use the patterns to expre their thoughes in proper situationand learn how to describe people with adjective.Ability objects: Ability objects of this section are (1)To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.Especially speaking and writing ability.(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.(4) To improve the Ss’ reading abilities ,especially their skimming and scanning ability.3.Emotion objectsBy reading

A Student of African wlidlife /why not carry on the good work, students can learn from

(1)jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to study animal; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her succeful.

Lin Qiaozhi in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to help poor patients; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her succeful.

(2)Dr Yuan Longping his scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life

This paage what is chemical and organic farming and their advantage and disadvant age.(3)Charlie Chaplin to be optimistic to face the life’s hardships and find out the covert funny of our life.this paage jokes and its great effect to make people laugh.(4)this paage the importance and neceity of body language A and its differences between different cultures.B

and how to use body language to show people’s feeling.

(5)this paage learning knowledge have many ways , we can learn knowledge and play as well in the theme park or other special situation. What is the most difficult in teaching proce? Can you gue? I say one of the teaching difficult is how to enable the students to use new words and phrases in proper situation all through their daily life.The students also find it difficult to describe their experience with the build logic and well organized language (and learn from Great women their good qualities.) Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stre the important points and break through the difficult points? According to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’learning background ,I will use the following methods .Part 2 Teaching Methods: “Communicative” Approach(交际教学法), “Whole language teaching” (整体语言教学法) and “Task-based” language teaching (任务教学法).

That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue.According to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论), I adopt the Situtional Language Teaching method(情景教学) Task-Based Language Teaching method (语言任务教学) in my teaching. Part 3 Studying Methods:

Students of this stage are quick in thought and they are eager to show what they know and they have a certain ability to read .But they are lack of geography knowledge , the cultural background of those foreign countries and the courage to expre they ideas.Therefore, Acceful leader should care for their learning strategy,in this leon,I will teach my students to master the following strategy; 1)Basic learning strategy;

The students can get the meaning of the words and phrase 2)Practice strategy;

Practice can help the students get the general idea and have a better understanging of the language.And Communication strategy In a ward, I’ll

1.Teach the students how to be succeful language learners 2.Let the students pa ―Observation—Imitation—Prasctice‖ strategy to study language.Part 4 Teaching Procedure

New English proverb saids that the students are real master.In this leon they are English learners and real master .So teacher should act as a guider, an organizer and a director who play a role when neceary in teaching procedure.Step 1 Lead-in.I think the most useful method to lead the students to learn is interest stimulating and discuion by themselves.1.At beginning I will let Ss to discu: after a glance of the title and the pictures of this paage , what do you think the paage is about? (2.At beginning I will ask Ss which place they like most and what is it famous for.Then we will do the listening part to get some information and then do the following exercise) (1)And let them to know something about the story of Jane goodall /lin qiaoyin and her full love activity.2)And ask the following questions A What would you do if there was no rice to eat tomorrow? Who do you think is the greastest hero for hungry people in the world.? B

What do you know about farming? What will you do to increase the crop production.? (3)a And write down you idea in one senrence,then skim the paage to see if you are right.B And tell the Ss a funny joke.(4)a I will ask one student to make a gesture and let another student to gue what its meaning.B I will ask one student to use body language to expre his feeling and let another student to gue what its meaning.(5)a what do you think a theme park is? With a clamate discu what you might do in a theme park.B What exciting experience do you want to have? Step 2 Reading

1) canning:Then studSents are going to read the paage as quickly as they can to find out the main idea and answer the following(/ture or false) questions

(1)a Who is the student?

What animals were observed?

B Who is the main character in this text?

What was her job?

Who was her small book intended for?

(2)a when and who become the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output?

What did Yuan Longping invent ?

B Why are chemical fertilizers so popular in farming today?

What is organic farming?

(3)a 1)humor is always kind.


2)charlie chaplin was born in a rich family


3)he solved a sad situation by using nonverbal humor


4)he ate the shoes bacause he thought that was very funny F

5)charlie chaplin devoted his whole life to making films T

B Then I will let students work in pairs to read the jokes in part one.paying attention to the rhythm and intonation

(4)a what did I do to the airport

did those international students have the same body language? If not ,give an example.

B And perform the feelings you can find out in this paage to our clamates..

(5)a What does dollywood mainly show and celebrates?

And in england’s Camelot park what can you experience?

B What theme park is mentioned in this paage and what is the theme park’s main content

2)Then we will come to the Close reading part : As we know , audio-visual method make the students have bettter understanding of the paage, so I play will the tape part by part to let my students to find out the the general idea of each paragraph and pick up their hand to give the answer.

3)Then I will let students have a diuion about the text ,then answer some questions in detial.

(1)a (What was the writer doing in the forest?

What did she discover about chimps

How did jane try to protect the lives of chimps in their nature habitat?) and do exercise three.

B And write down three of Lin Qiaozhi’s achievements then give the answer.

(2)a (who is Yuan Longping? How much do you know about him?

What is his job? What are his achievement?

What do you think we can learn from him? Why?)

B What are some of the problems caused bu chemical fertilizers.

How to keep the soil fertile in organic farming.

(3)a 1)what is behind fun?

2)Why people like little Tramp?

3)Do you think charlie chaplin’s eating boiled shoes funny? why?

B Then do exercise .change the story into a dialogue and act it in groups of three—li ming ,wang fei and a narrator.pay special attention to the rhythm and intonation of what you say and try to bing out the humour.

(4)a What people from colombia usually do when they meet people?

What is the france custom when adults meet people they know?

B What does smiling means to most people?

How to show that I am bored?

(5)a what activeties you can do in these three diffenent theme park?


What are three times and three places you can visit at Futuroscope?

And this (will make the students pay more attention to themselves and people around them and) check the S’s scanning which may be an important reading fields

The last reading is to emphasize and consolidate the new language of the section .I will play the tape and students are going to read the paage as to make the students to imitate the pronouncatin and intonation.After reading the students will have a discuion in pairs/ Ask and answer the following questions

(1)a about what make jane goodall and the other females great women.

B 1.For whom and for which purpose did Lin Qiaozhi write a little book about how to look after babies? Why do you think it was neary?

2.Why do you think the write chose to study at medical college?

(2)a What advantage and disadvantage do you see in Yuan Longping’s life? Would you like to have a life like his? Why?

B If you are a farmer which method would you choose? Why?

(3)a Why do you think charlie chaplin was so succeful?

B What is the effort of jokes in our daily life?

(4)a And find out every country the writer mentioned with the according culture when people greet each other.

B Why should we bu careful with our body language?

Why is it important to watch as well as listen to others?

(5)a If you have a chance to one of these three parks,which would you visit? Why?


And try to retell the first paragraph.

This part can enable students to understand the given material better, to make the students grasp the useful phrases, grammar and sentences pattern for making suggestions and replying on the base of reading the dialogue fluently.

Step 3 Learning about language

After reading, I will teach the students the paage in detials about vocabulary and grammar.

1 1)new words: behave shade

observe respect argue


intend deliver



human being lead a …life crowd in

by chance

carry on

look down upon

For example devote oneself/sth to sb/sth

It means to give one’s time,energy to sb/sth; dedicate

He devoted his life to the promotion of world peace.

3)grammar: Subject-verb agreement

There are two sentences in this leon

„our group are all going to visit them in the forest

„.our group is going to be very tired and dirty by the afternoon

We can see from the sentences that the projcetes are the same but the

predicates are different .why ? Because the former group means all of us ,it presents many people,the later group means the group as a whole,it is just one group.

2. new words:struggle expand rid therefore export regret focus reduce comment

phrase: thanks to rid of be satisfied with

would rather

lead to fouce on keep…free from/of

structures: mainly about persuasion

I’d rather…

It’s better to …

I’d prefer …because….

This is good value because …


Grammar:the –ing form as the subject and object Be used as subject, we can find some sentences in this paage,

for exanple:

Since then ,finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal

Spending money on himself or leading a comfortable life also means very little to him

Just dreaming for things ,however,costs nothing

Be used as object, for exanple:

As a young man, he saw the great need for increasing the rice output.

Dr yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could feed more people.


Grammer :

Over the past half century, using chemical fertilizers has become very common in farming .

They demage the land by killing the helpful bacteria and pests as well as the harmful ones

Organic farmers ,therefore, often prefer using nature waste from animals as fertilizer.

3. new words:entertain overcome direct slid whisper react

phrase:up to now badly off pick out star in

pick off cut up cut down cut off

structures: the structures to expre one’s emotions, such as

How wonderful!

It surprises me that….

I couldn’t laughing when…

I don’t think that’t funny at all.

Grammar: the –ing form as the predicative, attribute ,attribute and object complement .we can find some sentences in this paage,

for exanple:

1.作表语as the predicative

The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted!

2.作定语as the attribute,

He grew more and more popular as his charming character, the little tramp, became known throughout the world.

3.作宾语补足语as the attribute and object complement

How did the little tramp make a sad situation entertaining?

4. new words: represent approach defend likely ease phrase: defend against be likely to in general ai ease

lose face turn one’s back to

structures: about prohibition , warnings and obligation,such as

do not…

keep away from …

be careful when…

you must…

you will need to….

Grammar: the –ing form as the attribute and adverbial .we can find some sentences in this paage,

for exanple:

3.作定语as the attributeer

„I saw several young people enter the waiting area….

4.作语as the adverbial

I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them.


new words:theme swing preserve advance

phrase: be famous for no wander be moddelled after

in advance

get close to come to life

structures: about asking the way and giving direcions

where is the …?

Can you show me where….?

How can I get to …?

On the north/south/east/west side of the park

Follow the path to…..

Grammar: we will learn three kinds of different vocabular they are word formation ,derivation ,conversion

for exanple:indoor outdoor southeasten horseback


disagree enlarge amusement careful

water(n&v) don’t water the plants with dirty water

mind(n&v) hemazing has an a mind

I don’t mind having dog in the house ,if it is clean. B

In the paage there will be some vocabulary and structures that are different to gue their meaning and make compenhencen of this paage difficult to Ss.So I will give the words in the blackboard and let the Ss to fill in the blacks of sentences to expre their precise meaning and usage.

Then the students will do a pair work revolve around the vocabulary and grammar which they have just learned and make short dialogues with them .I will give them some minutes and ask some pairs to act their dialogue out in front of the whole cla.Then we will deal with some exerises in the workbook to emphasize the new knowledge.Such as filling the miing words in the blanks.And retell the story in their own words.Of course, students will make some mistakes in retelling ,I will corrcet them in time .

Step 4 Post-reading Practice

I say to learn is to use.After the reading, students will have some practices.It will be the most interesting part to students .why? Because I will leave students time to talk together. 1.a The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles.Student A will act as an ordinary person and say what makes it difficult to succe.Student B will act as a great women who has the good character.Student C will act as a interviewer who ask Student B what makes her succe.Student D will have a summarze.

B The Ss will have a work in groups of four to descrebe Lin Qiaozhi’s character and quality.Such as kind helpful devoted hard-working

2.a The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles.Student A will act as a person who come from Africa who’s country is lack of food.Student B will act as a great scientist who has been working on crop.Student C will act as a interviewer who ask Student B how to solve the problem .Student D will have a summarze.

B The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles.Student A will act as achemical farmer who tell us how to grow crop in chemical method.Student B will act as a great scientist tell us the disadvantage of this method.Student C will act as a organic farmer who tell ue the way solve the problem .Student D will have a summarze.

3.a Work in groups of four .I will give the students a material of humour and let students performance them infront of the claroom.

4.b The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles .I will show Student A a picture and let the student to performan its meaning to student B.Then Student B will gue its meaning and then performan what he gue to Student C .Student C will do expre that he gue by using body language to Student D .at last,Student D will gue and give the answer.

5.Work in groups of four.Discu what is the purpose of theme park ? what kind of people do you think will visit this theme park?

Most students can take their parts in this activities, especially for the Ss who have trouble in English,.In the group activities, they can speak a little English.Without doubt, this will encourage them to speak English.In fact,it is a kind of demand of human being.A famous educator says:‖ In one’s mind ,there is always a kind of deeply rooted demand, this is the hope to feel oneself a finder and explorer.In student’ s spirits, such demand is specially strong.‖ So I will give every student a chance to spesk English in our claroom.This part also leads to the emotion objective of this leon ,that is to have moral education in this step.

You can see that the way I teach reading is to follow the bottom up teaching method.I will introduce the vocabulary first and then sentences, structures and last the language focus.

Step 6 Homework

Then Ss will Summarize the whole leon, and arrange the homework.

1.Do the remaining exerises in the workbook .Check the mastering of knowledge of this leon.

2 a (1)write a short paage to describe a women you admire most .


write a short paage to describe a women you admire most .

(2)a Design a placard focus on world food day in 2010

B Do exercise 3 to write a summary of this paage following the procedure;

1.wirte the main idea in you own word

2.rewrite topic sentence of each paragraph

write the summary.

(3)Ask esch student to give a joke and present it in cla next period.

(4)Write a short paage about the experience you misundestand one’s body language or a body language you like most ,why?

(5)Write a short paage to introduce a theme park.

Purpose of my design: I think homework is so important that the students should use English as much as they can in cla and after cla.It is neceary for the students to master the knowledge they learned.This contents is an extension of the previous leon, to meet the need of increing communicating and writing demands of some students and bring their personality into play .

Part 5 blackboard Design

Blackboard design should be think for a thing that attract the student’ s attention and let them to write down the important teaching points.I will divide the blackboard into two parts .The left part will be used to write the important vocabulary and grammar and their usage.It will be reserved for the whole cla.The right part will be precious explanation, I will write some sentence of the words ,phrases and structures to explan their meaning .

No matter which steps is taken ,the purpose is to provide teacher and studends with information and internal demand to improve teaching skill and learning quality.strategy and approach will help students become more independent and the succeful learner.

That’s all.Thank you.

Unit 16 Leon 63 Hello, everyone.Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas.My topic is life in the oceans taken from Leon 63 of Unit 16 in SEFC(2).It is made up of four parts.Part 1 My understanding of this leon The analysis of the teaching material: This leon is a reading paage.It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit.Leon 62 and Leon 63 are a whole unit.By studying Leon 63, Ss can improve their reading ability, learn more about the sea and the life in the oceans.At the same time, we should get the students to understand some difficult sentences to comprehend the paage better.The Ss should do some listening, speaking and writing, too.Of course, the Ss should receive some moral education.Let the Ss understand the sea better, love the sea and save the sea and the life of the sea.Teaching aims: 1.Knowledge aim: Understand the main idea of the text.2.Ability aim: Retell the text in their own words.3.Emotional aim: Make the Ss love the life of the sea and do something to stop it being polluted.Key points / Teaching important points: How to understand the text better.Teaching difficult points: 1.Use your own words to retell the text.2.Discu the pollution of the sea and how to save the sea.Something about the Ss: 1.The Ss have known something about the sea and sea life through the Internet and other ways.2.They are lack of vocabulary.3.They don’t often use English to expre themselves and communicate with others.4.Some Ss are not active in the cla because they are afraid of making mistakes.Part 2 My teaching theories, methods and aids Before dealing with this leon, I’ll do my best to carry out the following theories: Make the Ss the real masters in cla while the teacher himself acts as director; Combine the language structures with the language functions; Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.Teaching method: Double activities teaching method Question-and-answer activity teaching method Watch-and-listen activity Free discuion method Pair work or individual work method Teaching aids: 1.a projector 2.a tape recorder 3.multimedia 4.the blackboard Part 3.Teaching steps / procedures I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading ability.The entire steps are: Greetings, Revision, Lead-in and preparation for reading, Fast reading(scanning), Listening, Intensive reading, Preparation for details of the text, Consolidation, Discuion, Homework Step 1 Greetings Greet the whole cla as usual.Step 2.Revision 1.Ask students some questions to revise the last leon(show them on the screen).a.How much salt do the oceans contain per thousand parts of water?(35 parts of salt.3.5% by weight)

b.What is coral? Why are corals not found in deep water? c.Why is the Dead Sea called the Dead Sea? 2.Check the homework(made a survey about the sea or sea life by surfing the Internet or asking for help from other people).Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their survery results and prepare for the new leon.Step 3.Lead-in and preparation for reading Show them some pictures and let them talk each other, and then use the pictures about sea and life in the oceans to learn new words, for example, Antarctica, huge whale, sperm whale, squid and so on.Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study.Bring in new subject: Life in the oceans.Step 4.Fast reading Read the paage as quickly as they can.I show the questions on the screen and let them get the main idea of each paragraph: 1.Why can living things live in such oceans around the Antarctica? 2.What does the whale feed on? 3.What is the difference between the sperm whale and other whales? Method: Read the text individually, use question—and—answer activity.Purpose: Improve the students’ reading ability.Understand the general idea of each paragraph.Step 5.Listening(book closed)

1.Listen to the tape then do an exercise(wb page 90, part 1) 2.True or false exercise.(on the screen)

Train the Ss’ listening ability and prepare for later exercises.Step 6.Intensive reading Read the paage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen.1.How much does a whale eat at a time? 2.Do all the whales feed on small fish? 3.How deep can a sperm whale dive? It is also called depth reading or study reading.It means reading for detailed information.Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability) to find out some different sentences and details of the text.Step 7.Preparation for details of the text on the screen 1....its heart slows to half its normal speed.slow-v.to become / make slower.2....using sound wave Present participle used as adverbial.3.provide sth.for sb.provide sb.with sth.4.at a time: each time 5.grow to a length of...Purpose: Train the Ss’ ability of understanding and using laguage.Step 8.Consolidation 1.Find out the topic sentences.2.Retell the paage according to the topic sentences.Purpose: I want to know if my students understand the whole text really and if they master what I mean to tell them in this cla.What’s more, I want to let them have the ability of introducing and analyzing expreion.At the same time, I will write down the topic sentences on the blackboard according to what the students find, so they can retell it easily.Step 9.Discuion Show them some pictures about the polluted sea and many living things which are in danger and ask them: What are their opinions about it? In order to let them have free choice, I give them another topic: The sea is being polluted.What should they do? Purpose: I mean to give them emotional education.I give them multi-media pictures to arouse their interest of study and their love for life.I mean to make them realize: The sea is in danger! I teach them to do their best to help it and do something from now on.Everyone should do something to love and protect our home.Step 10.Homework Write an article Saving the sea.I want to improve the ability of their writing.At the same time, train the ability of do-it-yourself and looking up the information by themseleves.Part 4.Blackboard design Unit 16 Leon 63 Topic Sentences: 1.Some living things can live in Antarctica.(what) 2.The whale feeds on small fish.(what)

3.The sperm whale feeds on squid.(difference) Discuion: 1.The whales are in danger.What’s your opinion about it? 2.The sea is being polluted.What should we do? In my opinion, the blackboard design can reflect the teacher’s ability of mastering the text and leading the students to master the text easily.In this text, the design is not easy to write.I write the topic sentences on the blackboard in order to tell the students that this is of the importance in this cla.The discuion is of the difficulty.I want to make the design inductive, instructive and artistic.



Good afternoon, teachers, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my leon with you.The content of my leon is Senior English Book 4 Unit 1(A student of african wildlife/Why not carry on the good work)I’ll be ready to begin this leon from five parts.Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure,and Blackboard design.First, let me talk about the teaching material.

Part 1 Teaching Material: This unit is about(Great women and their achievements , Important people,history and methods of agriculture, Different types of English humour ,Culture differences and intercuritural communication Different types of theme park)

By studying of this unit, we’ll enable the students to know some great women and their achievement and what makes the great women succeful

The knowledge of farming and DrYuan Longping’achivevment

And chemical farming and organic farming.

Charlie Chaplin and his funny and encourageing humour

People from different area have differert body language and use the right body language to showing our feelings.

Theme park not only provid fun but also provid various knowledeg and exciting experience.

this leon not only teach the students to learn the related matreial about

(1) the good character to be a succeful person

(2)Yuan longping’s scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life

The disadvantage of using chemical frtilizers and how to increase production in organic farming.

(3)Charlie Chaplin and his humour

English jokes

(4)Different body language and the similarutues in body language which make the others understand our feelings. (5)Theme park

but also learning ability in English .


If Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit well.


It provides all-around practice about listening, speaking, reading and writing revolve around the topic,it is the expansion of this unit and give Ss a space to use the language.

So it plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.

(As we know ,reading belongs to the input during the proce of the language learning.The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing .)According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind,I think the teaching aims are the followings:

1.Knowledge objects:

Knowledge objects of this section are :

(1)the sutdents can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns.

(2) the students can understand the content of the leon:

(3) the students can use the patterns to expre their thoughes in proper situation

and learn how to describe people with adjective.

Ability objects:

Ability objects of this section are

(1)To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.Especially speaking and writing ability.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(4) To improve the Ss’ reading abilities ,especially their skimming and scanning ability.

3.Emotion objects:

By reading

A Student of African wlidlife /why not carry on the good work, students can learn from

(1)jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to study animal; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her succeful.

Lin Qiaozhi in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to help poor patients; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her succeful.

(2)Dr Yuan Longping his scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life

This paage what is chemical and organic farming and their advantage and disadvant age.

(3)Charlie Chaplin to be optimistic to face the life’s hardships and find out the covert funny of our life.

this paage jokes and its great effect to make people laugh.

(4)this paage the importance and neceity of body language


and its differences between different cultures.


and how to use body language to show people’s feeling.

(5)this paage learning knowledge have many ways , we can learn knowledge and play as well in the theme park or other special situation.

What is the most difficult in teaching proce? Can you gue? I say one of the teaching difficult is how to enable the students to use new words and phrases in proper situation all through their daily life.The students also find it difficult to describe their experience with the build logic and well organized language (and learn from Great women their good qualities.)

Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stre the important points and break through the difficult points? According to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’learning background ,I will use the following methods .

Part 2 Teaching Methods:

“Communicative” Approach(交际教学法),

“Whole language teaching” (整体语言教学法)

and “Task-based” language teaching (任务教学法).

That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue.According to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论), I adopt the

Situtional Language Teaching method(情景教学)

Task-Based Language Teaching method (语言任务教学)

in my teaching.

Part 3 Studying Methods:

Students of this stage are quick in thought and they are eager to show what they know and they have a certain ability to read .But they are lack of geography knowledge , the cultural background of those foreign countries and the courage to expre they ideas.Therefore, Acceful leader should care for their learning strategy,in this leon,I will teach my students to master the following strategy;

1)Basic learning strategy;

The students can get the meaning of the words and phrase

2)Practice strategy;

Practice can help the students get the general idea and have a better understanging of the language.

And Communication strategy

In a ward, I’ll

1.Teach the students how to be succeful language learners

2.Let the students pa ―Observation—Imitation—Prasctice‖ strategy to study language.

Part 4 Teaching Procedure

New English proverb saids that the students are real master.In this leon they are English learners and real master .So teacher should act as a guider, an organizer and a director who play a role when neceary in teaching procedure.

Step 1 Lead-in.

I think the most useful method to lead the students to learn is interest stimulating and discuion by themselves.1.At beginning I will let Ss to discu: after a glance of the title and the pictures of this paage , what do you think the paage is about? (2.At beginning I will ask Ss which place they like most and what is it famous for.Then we will do the listening part to get some information and then do the following exercise)

(1)And let them to know something about the story of Jane goodall /lin qiaoyin and her full love activity.

(2)And ask the following questions


What would you do if there was no rice to eat tomorrow?

Who do you think is the greastest hero for hungry people in the world.?


What do you know about farming?

What will you do to increase the crop production.?

(3)a And write down you idea in one senrence,then skim the paage to see if you are right.

B And tell the Ss a funny joke.

(4)a I will ask one student to make a gesture and let another student to gue what its meaning.

B I will ask one student to use body language to expre his feeling and let another student to gue what its meaning.(5)a what do you think a theme park is? With a clamate discu what you might do in a theme park.

B What exciting experience do you want to have?

Step 2 Reading

1) canning:Then studSents are going to read the paage as quickly as they can to find out the main idea and answer the following(/ture or false) questions

(1)a Who is the student?

What animals were observed?

B Who is the main character in this text?

What was her job?

Who was her small book intended for?

(2)a when and who become the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output?

What did Yuan Longping invent ?

B Why are chemical fertilizers so popular in farming today?

What is organic farming?

(3)a 1)humor is always kind.


2)charlie chaplin was born in a rich family


3)he solved a sad situation by using nonverbal humor


4)he ate the shoes bacause he thought that was very funny F

5)charlie chaplin devoted his whole life to making films T

B Then I will let students work in pairs to read the jokes in part one.paying attention to the rhythm and intonation

(4)a what did I do to the airport

did those international students have the same body language? If not ,give an example.

B And perform the feelings you can find out in this paage to our clamates..

(5)a What does dollywood mainly show and celebrates?

And in england’s Camelot park what can you experience?

B What theme park is mentioned in this paage and what is the theme park’s main content

2)Then we will come to the Close reading part : As we know , audio-visual method make the students have bettter understanding of the paage, so I play will the tape part by part to let my students to find out the the general idea of each paragraph and pick up their hand to give the answer.

3)Then I will let students have a diuion about the text ,then answer some questions in detial.

(1)a (What was the writer doing in the forest?

What did she discover about chimps

How did jane try to protect the lives of chimps in their nature habitat?) and do exercise three.

B And write down three of Lin Qiaozhi’s achievements then give the answer.

(2)a (who is Yuan Longping? How much do you know about him?

What is his job? What are his achievement?

What do you think we can learn from him? Why?)

B What are some of the problems caused bu chemical fertilizers.

How to keep the soil fertile in organic farming.

(3)a 1)what is behind fun?

2)Why people like little Tramp?

3)Do you think charlie chaplin’s eating boiled shoes funny? why?

B Then do exercise .change the story into a dialogue and act it in groups of three—li ming ,wang fei and a narrator.pay special attention to the rhythm and intonation of what you say and try to bing out the humour.

(4)a What people from colombia usually do when they meet people?

What is the france custom when adults meet people they know?

B What does smiling means to most people?

How to show that I am bored?

(5)a what activeties you can do in these three diffenent theme park?


What are three times and three places you can visit at Futuroscope?

And this (will make the students pay more attention to themselves and people around them and) check the S’s scanning which may be an important reading fields

The last reading is to emphasize and consolidate the new language of the section .I will play the tape and students are going to read the paage as to make the students to imitate the pronouncatin and intonation.After reading the students will have a discuion in pairs/ Ask and answer the following questions

(1)a about what make jane goodall and the other females great women.

B 1.For whom and for which purpose did Lin Qiaozhi write a little book about how to look after babies? Why do you think it was neary?

2.Why do you think the write chose to study at medical college?

(2)a What advantage and disadvantage do you see in Yuan Longping’s life? Would you like to have a life like his? Why?

B If you are a farmer which method would you choose? Why?

(3)a Why do you think charlie chaplin was so succeful?

B What is the effort of jokes in our daily life?

(4)a And find out every country the writer mentioned with the according culture when people greet each other.

B Why should we bu careful with our body language?

Why is it important to watch as well as listen to others?

(5)a If you have a chance to one of these three parks,which would you visit? Why?


And try to retell the first paragraph.

This part can enable students to understand the given material better, to make the students grasp the useful phrases, grammar and sentences pattern for making suggestions and replying on the base of reading the dialogue fluently.

Step 3 Learning about language

After reading, I will teach the students the paage in detials about vocabulary and grammar.

1 1)new words: behave shade

observe respect argue


intend deliver



human being lead a …life crowd in

by chance

carry on

look down upon

For example devote oneself/sth to sb/sth

It means to give one’s time,energy to sb/sth; dedicate

He devoted his life to the promotion of world peace.

3)grammar: Subject-verb agreement

There are two sentences in this leon

„our group are all going to visit them in the forest

„.our group is going to be very tired and dirty by the afternoon

We can see from the sentences that the projcetes are the same but the

predicates are different .why ?

Because the former group means all of us ,it presents many people,the later group means the group as a whole,it is just one group.

2. new words:struggle expand rid therefore export regret focus reduce comment

phrase: thanks to rid of be satisfied with

would rather

lead to fouce on keep…free from/of

structures: mainly about persuasion

I’d rather…

It’s better to …

I’d prefer …because….

This is good value because …


Grammar:the –ing form as the subject and object

Be used as subject, we can find some sentences in this paage,

for exanple:

Since then ,finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal

Spending money on himself or leading a comfortable life also means very little to him

Just dreaming for things ,however,costs nothing

Be used as object, for exanple:

As a young man, he saw the great need for increasing the rice output.

Dr yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could feed more people.


Grammer :

Over the past half century, using chemical fertilizers has become very common in farming .

They demage the land by killing the helpful bacteria and pests as well as the harmful ones

Organic farmers ,therefore, often prefer using nature waste from animals as fertilizer.

3. new words:entertain overcome direct slid whisper react

phrase:up to now badly off pick out star in

pick off cut up cut down cut off

structures: the structures to expre one’s emotions, such as

How wonderful!

It surprises me that….

I couldn’t laughing when…

I don’t think that’t funny at all.

Grammar: the –ing form as the predicative, attribute ,attribute and object complement .we can find some sentences in this paage,

for exanple:

1.作表语as the predicative

The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted! 2.作定语as the attribute,

He grew more and more popular as his charming character, the little tramp, became known throughout the world.

3.作宾语补足语as the attribute and object complement

How did the little tramp make a sad situation entertaining?

4. new words: represent approach defend likely ease

phrase: defend against be likely to in general ai ease

lose face turn one’s back to

structures: about prohibition , warnings and obligation,such as

do not…

keep away from …

be careful when…

you must…

you will need to….

Grammar: the –ing form as the attribute and adverbial .we can find some sentences in this paage,

for exanple:

3.作定语as the attributeer

„I saw several young people enter the waiting area….

4.作语as the adverbial

I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them.


new words:theme swing preserve advance

phrase: be famous for no wander be moddelled after

in advance

get close to come to life

structures: about asking the way and giving direcions

where is the …?

Can you show me where….?

How can I get to …?

On the north/south/east/west side of the park

Follow the path to…..

Grammar: we will learn three kinds of different vocabular they are word formation ,derivation ,conversion

for exanple:indoor outdoor southeasten horseback


disagree enlarge amusement careful

water(n&v) don’t water the plants with dirty water

mind(n&v) hemazing has an a mind

I don’t mind having dog in the house ,if it is clean.


In the paage there will be some vocabulary and structures that are different to gue their meaning and make compenhencen of this paage difficult to Ss.So I will give the words in the blackboard and let the Ss to fill in the blacks of sentences to expre their precise meaning and usage.

Then the students will do a pair work revolve around the vocabulary and grammar which they have just learned and make short dialogues with them .I will give them some minutes and ask some pairs to act their dialogue out in front of the whole cla.Then we will deal with some exerises in the workbook to emphasize the new knowledge.Such as filling the miing words in the blanks.And retell the story in their own words.Of course, students will make some mistakes in retelling ,I will corrcet them in time .

Step 4 Post-reading Practice

I say to learn is to use.After the reading, students will have some practices.It will be the most interesting part to students .why? Because I will leave students time to talk together.

1.a The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles.Student A will act as an ordinary person and say what makes it difficult to succe.Student B will act as a great women who has the good character.Student C will act as a interviewer who ask Student B what makes her succe.Student D will have a summarze.

B The Ss will have a work in groups of four to descrebe Lin Qiaozhi’s character and quality.Such as kind helpful devoted hard-working

2.a The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles.Student A will act as a person who come from Africa who’s country is lack of food.Student B will act as a great scientist who has been working on crop.Student C will act as a interviewer who ask Student B how to solve the problem .Student D will have a summarze.

B The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles.Student A will act as achemical farmer who tell us how to grow crop in chemical method.Student B will act as a great scientist tell us the disadvantage of this method.Student C will act as a organic farmer who tell ue the way solve the problem .Student D will have a summarze.

3.a Work in groups of four .I will give the students a material of humour and let students performance them infront of the claroom.

4.b The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles .I will show Student A a picture and let the student to performan its meaning to student B.Then Student B will gue its meaning and then performan what he gue to Student C .Student C will do expre that he gue by using body language to Student D .at last,Student D will gue and give the answer.

5.Work in groups of four.Discu what is the purpose of theme park ? what kind of people do you think will visit this theme park?

Most students can take their parts in this activities, especially for the Ss who have trouble in English,.In the group activities, they can speak a little English.Without doubt, this will encourage them to speak English.In fact,it is a kind of demand of human being.A famous educator says:‖ In one’s mind ,there is always a kind of deeply rooted demand, this is the hope to feel oneself a finder and explorer.In student’ s spirits, such demand is specially strong.‖ So I will give every student a chance to spesk English in our claroom.This part also leads to the emotion objective of this leon ,that is to have moral education in this step.

You can see that the way I teach reading is to follow the bottom up teaching method.I will introduce the vocabulary first and then sentences, structures and last the language focus.

Step 6 Homework

Then Ss will Summarize the whole leon, and arrange the homework.

1.Do the remaining exerises in the workbook .Check the mastering of knowledge of this leon.

2 a (1)write a short paage to describe a women you admire most .


write a short paage to describe a women you admire most .

(2)a Design a placard focus on world food day in 2010

B Do exercise 3 to write a summary of this paage following the procedure;

1.wirte the main idea in you own word

2.rewrite topic sentence of each paragraph

write the summary.

(3)Ask esch student to give a joke and present it in cla next period.

(4)Write a short paage about the experience you misundestand one’s body language or a body language you like most ,why?

(5)Write a short paage to introduce a theme park.

Purpose of my design: I think homework is so important that the students should use English as much as they can in cla and after cla.It is neceary for the students to master the knowledge they learned.This contents is an extension of the previous leon, to meet the need of increing communicating and writing demands of some students and bring their personality into play .

Part 5 blackboard Design

Blackboard design should be think for a thing that attract the student’ s attention and let them to write down the important teaching points.I will divide the blackboard into two parts .The left part will be used to write the important vocabulary and grammar and their usage.It will be reserved for the whole cla.The right part will be precious explanation, I will write some sentence of the words ,phrases and structures to explan their meaning . No matter which steps is taken ,the purpose is to provide teacher and studends with information and internal demand to improve teaching skill and learning quality.strategy and approach will help students become more independent and the succeful learner.

That’s all.Thank you.




2.说学生:谈谈学生的知识与能力结构,明确说课内容的难易程度。3.说教法:谈谈本节课要实施的教学手段、方法以及教具的使用。 4.说学法:谈谈学习方法的运用以及将要实现的目标。



Good afternoon, everyone, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my leon with you.The content of my leon is Senior English Book1 Unit 16 XXX.I’ll be ready to begin this leon from five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure, and Blackboard design.First, let me talk about the teaching material.

The analysis of the teaching material

This unit is about…….By studying of this unit, we’ll enable the students to know …..and develop the interest in …….At the same time ,Let the students learn (……..This leon plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.This is an important leon in Book One.From this leon, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each paage.Therefore, this leon is in the important position of the teaching material.If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.As we all know ,reading belongs to the input during the proce of the language learning.The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing .So I think the teaching key and difficult points and teaching objects are the followings:

1.Key points:

How to understand the text better 2.Difficult points: 1) retell the text with their own words 2) discu the topic of the reading text as for the students: take use of the background knowledge of the students the vocabulary of the students the consciousne of students to communicate with others be afraid to make mistakes

3.Knowledge objects: a)The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns b)The Ss can understand the content of the leon.c)The Ss can use the patterns to expre their thoughts in the proper situation.4.Ability objects: (1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.(3) To Improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.

5.Emotion or moral objects: moral education and combine theory with practice.Second, talk about the students.say something about the students’ knowledge conditions and whether the students are familiar with the teaching material.Third, let me say something about my teaching methods.Since the students are (not) familiar with the teaching material.how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stre the important points and break through the difficult points? So I think good teaching methods are very important.I will the following teaching methods.Q&A Watch and listen Free discuion’

Pair work or individual work Teaching tools Fourth, talk about the studying methods.

Instruct the students to learn the teaching material effectively.Tell them some useful studying methods for example………

Fifth, teaching Procedure: I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading ability.Step 1 greetings Step 2 revision 1) ask students some questions to revise the last leon 2) check the homework purpose: consolidate what they studied before, and prepare for the new leon Step 3 lead-in and preparation for reading Purpose: arouse the interest of the students Step 4 fast reading Let the students read the paage individually as quick as they can and answte some questions Purpose: improve the students’ reading ability Step 5 listening Close the book and listen to the tape, then do an exercise Step 6 intensive reading

Read the paage carefully again and answer some detailed questions.Purpose: further understand the text to find some different sentences and details of the text.Step 7 explain the details and difficult sentences Purpose; train the ability to understand and use language.Step 8 consolidation 1) find out the topic sentences 2) retell the paage according to the topic sentences Purpose: make sure the students understand the whole text, and develop the ability of introducing and analyzing expreion.

Step 9 discuion Discuu some practical problems about the topic.Purpose: receive the moral education.Step 10 a five-minute quiz Step 11homework Part 5 Blackboard Design.

Say something about the purpose of your blackboard design.The above is the content of my teaching today.Thank you for listening.



一:说教材:Analysis of the teaching material

(1) 教材的地位与作用(status and function): (2) 教学目标:(teaching objectives)

1>知识目标(knowledge objective) 2>能力目标 (ability objective ) 3>情感目标 (moral objective) (3) 教学重难点(Teaching key points and difficult points) 二:说学生:Analysis of students (1)学生的知识基础:

(2)学生基础能力分析(自学能力(Autonomous learning),思维能力和动手能力等)



三:说教法:Analysis of teaching methods 1.任务型教学法 task-based language teaching 2.交际型教学法 communicative language teaching 四:板书设计 blackboard design 五:说教学程序 Teaching procedures Step 1.Greetings Step 2 Revision Step 3 Leading-in Step 4 Fast reading Step 5 Intensive reading Step 6 Details of the text (language points) Step 7 Discuion Step 8 Homework

Good moring,teachers.Today I’m very glad to voice my teaching ideas.My name is *** ,my number is *,the subject I apply to teach is **,I’ll talk about it in five aspects.First,Analysis of the teaching material The text is the first leon of Unit 1from Senior High English Modul 1,published by Beijing Normal University Pre.The headline is ___and the title of the article is __.This is a reading paage.It plays a very important part in this unit.By studying of this leon,the students can improve their reading ability;learn more about lifestyle,they can choose a better lifestyle according to their own live.At the same time,the students should do some reading,discuion exercises.So in my opinion,the teaching objectives are the followings: Konwledge objectives:let the students know different lifestyles,and they can erpre their own lifestyles by using the key words,such as relaxing、streful.Ability objectives:Train the students’reading ability,such as fast reading skill,intensive reading skill,and cultivate students’ English expreion ability.Moral objectives: Via learning the leon,the students should have a healthy lifestyle.Teaaching Key points and difficult points: The key points are making the students master the information about different lifestyle annd can give their opinions about others’lifestyle.The difficult points are making the students expre their own lifestyle in English.Second,Analysis of the students: The students are lack of vocabulary They don’t often use English to expre thmselves and communicate with others.They are not active in the cla because they are afraid of making mistakes.Third.Analysis of teaching methods Before dealing with this leon.I’ll do my best to carry out the following theories:make the students the real masters in cla while the teacher myself act as a director,so I’ll adopt task-based language teaching and communicative language teaching.Teaching aids: Due to the limitation of the condition,I’ll use the blackboard as my teaching aid.Forth,Teaching procedures: Step 1 Greetings Greeeting the cla as usual Step 2 Revision Step 3 Leading-in Through this part I want to arouse the students’interest of study Step 4 Fast reading Let the students read the paage as quickly as they can.and then ask some questions about the main idea of each paragraph In this part,the students read the text individually.And the question-and-ask activity method will be used.Through this part ,the students’reading ability will be improved,And the students will understand the general idea of each paragraph.Step 5 Careful reading

Read the text carefully again,and answer some detail questions to improve the students intensive reading skill Step 6 details of the text In this part,I will explain some difficult sentences,structures and phrase to the students.The purpose is to train the students’ability of understanding and using language Step 7 Discuion I plan to divide the students into groups to discu their own lifestyle and their parents’lifestyle Step 8 Homework In order to improve the students’writing ability,the students should write an article about the result of the discuion.At the same time,train the ability of autonomous learning and look up the information by themselves Above is the lecture note of my leon ,Thank you for listening



1.Good afternoon, everyone, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my leon withyou.The content of my leon is Senior English for China Book1B Unit 16 Scientists at work.I’ll be ready to begin this leon from five parts.Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure,and Blackboard design.First, let me talk about the teaching material.Part 1 Teaching Material: This unit is about science and scientists.By studying of this unit, we’ll Enable the students to know the serious attitude towards science and develop the interest in science.At the same time ,Let the students learn how to give instructions.this leon plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.This is an important leon in Book One.From this leon, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each paage.Therefore, this leon is in the important position of the teaching material.If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.As we all know ,reading belongs to the input during the proce of the language learning.The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing .According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind,I think the teaching aims are the followings: 1.Knowledge objects: a)The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns b)The Ss can understand the content of the leon. c)TheSs can use the patterns to expre their thoughts in the proper situation.2.Ability objects: (1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(3) To Improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.3.Emotion or moral objects: a)By completing the task,theSs increase their interest and set up self-confidence in science; b)Teach the Ss what is “science”, put the moral education in the language study. now,let’s come to the Important points and the Difficult points. Well, how to achieve the teaching objects better, how to stre

the important points and break through the difficult points? As is known to us all,The modern teaching demands the teacher should improve the students’ ability.A good teaching method requires that the teacher should have the leading effects.According to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’learningbackground ,I will use the following methods . Part 2 Teaching Methods: In my opinion,the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language.So in this leon I’ll mainly use “Communicative” Approach(交际教学法), “Whole language teaching” (整体语言教学法)and “Task-based” language teaching (任务教学法).That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue.According to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论), I adopt the TSA method(情景教学) and TBLT method (语言任务教学)in my teaching, namely Total Situational Action and Task-based Language Teaching.Theformer is a “scene — activity” teaching method .It establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss .The latter offers the Ss an opportunity to complete the tasks in which Ss use

language to achieve a specific outcome.The activity reflects real life and learners focus on meaning, they are free to use any language they want.At the same time, I’ll make use of the modern electricity teaching equipments and all kinds of teaching means, it can develop the Ss creativity in learning English.Part 3 Studying Methods: ......说课的“六个切忌”



















我们知道说课是演说。演说当然要与听众进行情感勾通和交流,切忌呆立不动,板着面孔,目无表情照稿宣科,或背诵稿子。说课者靠什么和听众进行情感沟通和交流?无外乎语言、表情和肢体。要有效进行语言交流和沟通,说课前要认真揣摩稿子文字和内容,画出叙述和转述的句子,画出陈述句反问句和其他特别的句子,画出融情和煽情点,分别标上相应的符号,注明轻重缓急,用合适的语调语速自行练习传情达意,如用不同的语调语速表达陈述句转述句和反问句等。有条件还可以把说课录下来,自己边听边捉摸边改进。说课时,该幽默则幽默,该调侃则调侃,该喜笑怒骂则喜笑怒骂„„言语传情是也。其次还得用目光和脸部表情与听众交流沟通,依据说课内容,该柔则柔,该凶则凶,该舒眉展眼则舒眉展眼,该眉头紧锁则眉头紧锁,眉目传情是也;该笑则笑,该悲则悲,该严肃则严肃,该认真则认真,脸部传情是也。同时还得调动肢体语言传情表意,如挥手示意,劈掌示意,手指示意,握拳示意,点头示意,摇头示意,抬腿示意,踏步示意,侧身示意,弯腰示意等。对用肢体语言专情,最好事先有个设计,避免临床时手忙脚乱。 (刊发于《名师说课小学语文》2013年第1期)















• I wonder what/ who…I really want to know…

• I’m curious to…I’d love to know…

• I wonder if/whether…What I’d really like to find out is…

• I’m curious about…I’d like to know more about…

3.学习一些与考古有关单词、短语和句式,如:archaeology及其派生词,curiosity, bronze, dynasty,

decoration, artifact, unearth, spear, pot等。






1.认知策略:通过-ology, -ological, -ologist等词根的学习,掌握archaeology,

archaeologist, archae- ological等词,同时掌握同类词的学习方法。









(一) 导入(Lead-in)


活动方式:师生互动。教师盯着天花板的一处看30秒钟。引起全班同学一起去看。然后问:What do you see?

学生自然会回答:Nothing.然后再问Do you know what I was lo(转载自第一范文网http://,请保留此标记。)oking at? 学生自然会回答:No, I

don’t.然后告诉学生老师根本没有看什么,只是做一个动作而已。再问Why did you look at there after

me?学生答不上。老师告诉学生That is because of curiosity.再问What is the word

curiosity from?


Archaeology(板书课题)并指出This is a new word for you.You may want to know

it.老师再问Do you think it is a course or a science?部分学生会答Yes.接着问Why do

you think it is a science?学生会说出他们学过以-ology结尾的词。这时便可以打出幻灯片,再进行以下活动:











2.组织学生推出technological, technologist;



最后指出今天所学内容是Archaeology.再问What are the goals in learning the unit?



(三)预备(Warming up)

活动形式:分组评论。谈论课本上的四幅图画。先指出中华民族有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。每年都有许多西方人到中国来旅游。如果你想为他们提供帮助,就得学会用英语谈论中国古代人的饮食起居、文化娱乐、生产工具等。然后用What did they eat? Where did they live? What did their homes look like?

What kind of tools did they use? What objects have we found from

their age? What kind of entertainment did they have?





















Unit 5 the Silver Screen



本单元围绕the Silver Screen(影视) 这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。影视作为人类文明的一大体现,作为当今社会人们主要休闲、娱乐方式之一,是一个非常贴近生活、具有时代性、可挖掘性的教学主题。

本单元所选的语言素材涉及中外名片、著名演员、著名导演, 具有典型的时代气息,有利于学生了解外国文化,增强世界意识。正如新课程标准中的教学建议所提:学习中文影视文化有利于“拓展学生的文化视野,发展他们跨文化交际的意识和能力”;在利用现代教育技术观看影视片断、影视海报的教学过程中,“拓宽了学生学习和运用英语的渠道”;同时本单元的教学对教师本身的中外文化修养、广阔的知识面等方面有非常高的要求,体现了师生共同不断更新知识结构以适应现代社会发展对英语课程的要求的“与时俱进”的理念和思想。







(1).对国外著名影星、导演及他们作品的了解。如教材中涉及的Meryl Streep,KeanuReeves,Steve Spielberg等,以扩大学生知识面、文化视野。如何填补学生这方面知识缺乏的信息沟。





1.学习、掌握关系副词when,where.,why 引导的定语从句及介词+关系代词引导的定语从句。


如: career, director, script, play a role in ,Oscar, award, studio, scene, follow-ups等。


如:graduate, attack, creature, owe…to…, take off等。


如:What’s the film about?

What do you think about the story of the film?

How do you feel about the film?

I like / don’t like the film because…

The film is about…I think the ending of the film is …




2.从Keanu Reeves 艰辛的成功途中(In the begin did many small jobs, then played in many cheap films.)我们可以学习到:要成就事业需付出辛勤劳动,要有持之以恒、坚持不懈的恒心与毅力。

















(一) Warming up

这部分的重点是引出本单元的话题---电影,了解学生对电影的熟悉程度并充分发挥学生的想象力。同时训练学生说的能力。 活动步骤:

1.师生互动:教师提一些问题如Do you like seeing films? How often? Favorite actor? Actre? Film? 在此过程中教师可展示一些学生熟悉并喜欢的名演员、名片的海报,从视觉上激发学生对本话题的兴趣。

2.小组活动:教师选取几副不同题材的电影画面(可选取教材外的其它画面),要求学生进行小组合作,每小组选一幅画面进行讨论What is happening in this scene? What happens before/after the scene? 要求学生不拘泥于已知的电影内容,发挥自己的想象力,给出各种不同的观点。



本单元的听力是培养学生捕捉特定信息的能力,并让学生熟悉interview这种形式。Task: To discu what questions the reporters will ask when interviewing famous directors.


1.师生互动:教师设置开放性的问题,进一步启发学生思考,并为过渡到听力部分做准备。问题可设置为:Of course these films now are very popular and succeful, and what does the succe of the films bring to the actors? 学生各抒己见,金钱、荣誉、名气,成为公众人物后带来一个问题They received a lot of interviews。

2.小组活动:教师引出问题What questions will you ask when interviewing an actor?通过小组讨论,收集尽可能多的问题,一方面让学生预测听力中可能会出现的问题,同时也对interview这种形式有所了解。






Task: To interview famous actors and directors in different ways.


1、师生互动:教师可设置问题了解学生对电影大奖及获奖演员的了解程度,为接下来的两位演员的介绍作好铺垫。问题可为Can you tell me some famous awards to the films in the world? Try to tell the famous actors, actrees and the films you know that have won the Oscar.

1.班级活动:教师可为学生播放分别由Meryl streep和Keanu Reeves主演的电影Out of Africa《走出非洲》和 speed《生死时速》片段,并可展现他们主演的其它电影的海报,让学生在视觉上对这两位演员及他们的表演有所了解。


Birth (time/place)


Beginning of the acting career



3.小组活动:选两位学生,一位当主持人,一位当Meryl streep/Keanu Reeves,其他同学充当观众,模仿央视“艺术人生”的形式作一访谈,要求主持人留一些时间给观众提问。


1)Why are they so popular and succeful?

2)What is needed to be an actor/actre?

3)Would you like to be an actor/actre one day? Why(not)?

6.小组活动:教师播放电影“home alone”《小鬼当家》片段,将原声消去,让学生分组给出对白及表演,最后可让学生互评哪一组做得最好。

(四)Word Study(提前):




在教学过程中,先利用图片,实物等教具对学生进行直观的教学,使之有更清晰的认识后,再辅之以语境,利用语境来推测词义,达到猜词的效果。如给出The Matrix和The Matrix Reloaded的电影海报,学生很容易得出:The Matrix Reloaded is the follow-up of The Matrix。通过这样的铺垫,学生在做第七小题时,只要利用好文中的线索Speed II, Juraic Park III就可以轻而易举的得出follow-ups。



作而突出导演的重要作用。Task: To experience being a director (write one scene of the film and act it out).


1.师生互动:教师提问If you want to make a film, who do you

need to invite?通过此问题引出电影制作过程中所需的各种角色,如photographer, actor/actre, editor, director等等


1)教师可设置这样的讨论题:What part would you like to play in making a film?根据选择分组,让他们讨论选择各角色的理由。同时讨论各角色在电影制作中所做的不同工作。通过讨论,学生不难发现,在电影的制作过程中,导演起了非常关键的作用。


Think of one scene you are quite familiar with and act it out.

a.What would the scene be like and what happens in it?

b.Who are the main actors in that scene and what do they do?

c.Write a short dialogue and act it out


本篇阅读材料是人物传记,介绍了著名导演Steven Spielberg 的成长经历以及他的主要成就和作品。通过文章的学习,旨在了解西方的电影文化背景以及学习名导Steven Spielberg的那种对自己的事业坚持不懈、孜孜以求的精神。



分别给出阅读材料中提到的五幅电影(Jaws, E.T., Juraic Park, Schindler’s List, Saving Private Ryan)的图片,把学生分成不同的小组,对图片进行预测,各个小组根据不同的图片猜想影片的大概内容及主题。


快速阅读课文的Para3—5 , 查找出有关这5部电影内容和主题的信




1) When and where was he born?

2)When did he start making films?

3)What did he use to make films at first? and later?

4)What was his dream?


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.I’m fxj from Guihua middle school.It’s my great honor to be here sharing my teaching plan of communication workshop of Unit 14.My presentation consists of six parts: analysis of the students, analysis of the reaching material, the teaching objectives, the key points and important points, teaching procedures and self-aement of the plan.

Part 1 the analysis of students My Students from senior two have finished learning 4 modules, which embodies them basic linguistic knowledge and knowledge skill.Secondly, they are very active and are always willing to speak out English.Thirdly, long-term learning groups contributes to realize the 3A( Awarene-Autonomy-Authenticity) principle in the cla.

Part 2 the analysis of teaching material Writing a letter of application lies in the last part of unit 14.From warm-up to leon 4, unit 14 aims to cultivate Ss’ knowledge of future career in terms of personality, interview, job skills & quality. Communication Workshop requires students to output their knowledge acquired from previous leons.Therefore, this leon guides the students to discover and apply what they learn to real life situations.

Part 3 Teaching aims.According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus, and after studying the teaching material, in this leon, students are expected to : to use sentence pattern and linking words in the letter of application.to organize and write a complete letter of application Besides, this leon also aims to develop Ss confidence to present their character and strength.

Part 4 key points and difficult points Therefore, the key point lies in using sentence pattern and linking words properly while writing.However, students might have difficulty in well organizing their information into a clear and complete letter.

Part 5 Teaching Procedures I divide the reaching procedure into five steps.Step 1 lead-in I will play a short video of famous soap opera Love Apartment to arouse Ss’ interest and lead into the topic of this leon.Then I will let Ss to skim the Ads and CV, ask them to guest what post Meiling applied for.To check the prediction, Ss come to the second step: reading

1 Step 2 Reading There are 3 tasks in step 2.Task 1 students complete the Q&A miion, and pay attention to the details of the paage.By doing this, Ss have a clear picture of what should be covered in the letter.

Task 2 Matching.To help Ss order the letter in the next step, I design a mindmap, which is of great importance in this leon.Ss will finish this task by filling the frames of the mindmap.Task 3. Ss will identify the underline linking words according to the context.

Step 2 is a procedure of language input.By finishing this, Ss have already know the content and frame of the letter, which contributes a lot to writing.

Step 3 Writing.Step 3 adopts cooperative study to complete the writing objective.“task-based’ teaching method is used to guide Ss to write step by step.Besides, mindmap works as a frame to help student clarify their materials.To reduce the difficulty, I use the position as a reporter for school news to develop this step.

Task 1 students brainstorm information points for every paragraph.By asking what they have learned in this unit, I remind Ss to refer to the knowledge in previous leons.Results will be put into the specific place of mindmap.

Task 2 Learning groups work out the Chinese meaning of appointed sentence patterns and then present the result to the cla.They have to draw others attention to some difficult words during the presentation.Afterwards, Ss choose suitable sentence patterns for their own letter and take down to the mindmap.

Task 3 when Ss finish task 2, they have accumulated sufficient material for the letter.So in task 3, they are going to organize materials into complete paragraphs.To write a logical and organized paragraphs, linking words are required to use in every paragraph.

At last, students only need to add heading, greeting and other details to the paage.They have well fulfilled the objective of writing a letter of application.

From words to sentences, and to the paragraph, Ss find it easy to complete the letter.It’s the mindmap that simplify the writing.

Steps 5 Role play

2 Ss exchange their letters and find out the best letter with the reference of score chart.

The purpose of this step enable Ss to find out mistakes in the letter and borrow good expreions from others.

Step 6 Aignment Students polish their wiring after cla.

That’s all my design of this leon.

I think that using the mindmap as guidance is a really good way to help student organize their writing.Besides, the cla is student-oriented, students are forced to learn automatically and individually, which helps to cultivate their ability of language learning in the future.

Thank You for your listening.




Good afternoon, distinguished teachers.It is my great pleasure to be here sharing my leon with you.The content of my leon is (English, Book …, Unit …) I will be ready to begin this leon from five parts: analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure, which and blackboard design.First, let me talk about the teaching material.

This unit is about…(大体)

By studying of this unit, I will enable the students to know …(具体) This leon also teaches the students to learn the related material about (主题) While studying it, all-around practice about listening, speaking, reading and writing revolve around the topic will be provided.

According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus, after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind and their intelligence level, I think the teaching aims of this unit are as followings.knowledge object: after learning this unit, students can understand the content of the leon.They can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns to expre their thoughts in proper situation.ability object: Ss’ four basic English skills will be developed, especially their speaking and reading ability.What’s more, their ability of working in pairs and intercultural communication competence will be improved as well.

emotion object: by reading the text, students can learn from interest, (personality, mercy, scientific research spirit) proper attitudes toward life, optimistic to face the life’s hardships and find out the covert funny of our life…

Then, what is the most difficult part in the teaching proce? I say one of the teaching difficulties is how to enable the students to use new words and phrases in proper situation all through their daily life.Moreover, they may also find it difficult to understand and use the logic and well organized language in the text.

Well, how to stre the important points and break through the difficult points? According to the modern social communication teaching theories and students’


learning background, I will use Student-oriented communicative teaching, Situtional language teaching, and Task-based language teaching.That is to say, through free discuion and interaction, I will enable Ss to get a better understanding of the key points of this leon.Accordingly, lucid text description, vivid pictures, slid show, and the tape recorder, all of them can be the teaching means in order to facilitate students’ language learning.

In fact, a succeful leader in cla should care much for students’ learning strategy as well.Students of this stage are quick in thought.They are eager to show what they know and have the certain ability to read.Therefore, in this leon, I will teach my students to master the Basic learning strategy, Practice strategy, and Communication strategy and let them pa “Observation—Imitation—Practice” strategy to study language.

As is known to all, students are the real master of the cla.So the teacher should act as a guider and an organizer who plays a role when neceary in teaching procedure.In this leon, I divide my teaching procedure into six steps: lead-in, reading, explanation of linguistic points, post-reading practice, free discuion, and aignment.

I think the most useful method to lead the students to learn is interest stimulating and discuion by themselves.At beginning, I will let Ss discu: (after a glance of the title and the pictures of this paage, what do you think the paage is about? Then we will do the exercise in the Introduction part)…

Then, students are going to read the paage as quickly as they can to find out the main idea.Moreover, students will be required to have a discuion about the paage, and answer some questions I have raised in detail.The rhythm and intonation during their reading will be asked to pay much attention to.Then we will come to the Close Reading part: I will play the tape part by part to let my students find out the general idea of each paragraph and pick up their hand to give the answer.Consequently, students will pay more attention to themselves and people around them.They are greatly activated and their motivation for participating in cla


improved.Moreover, this will check their scanning competence, which is actually an important reading ability.

After reading, I will teach students the paage in details.Vocabulary and phrases will first be expatiated in this section.When it comes to grammar, relevant sentences will be asked to be found out in the paage.In the paage, there will be some vocabulary and sentence structures that are difficult to gue their meanings, which make comprehension of this paage complex to Ss.Therefore, I will pay much attention to them.Moreover, typical sentences in the paage will be emphasized and the analysis of them will be done by students or by myself.Of course, students will make some mistakes and I will correct them in time.Then we will deal with some exercises beside the text or in the workbook to emphasize and consolidate the new knowledge.

To learn is to use.After learning the paage, students will have some practices.It will be the most interesting part to students for I will leave them time to talk together.The main form is role-play.Students are divided into several groups and there are two or four persons in each group with different roles.They will discu different topics concerning about the paage and they will be asked to show in front of the whole cla voluntarily.In the group activities, they should try to speak English as much as poible.After all, “An English teacher who mies any chance to ask his or her students to speak English is not a good one.”

Afterwards, Ss will summarize the whole leon, and I will arrange the aignment.During the proce, questions about this leon are encouraged to be freely raised and discued in cla.After cla, students should do the remaining exercises in the workbook; write a summary of this paage, and I will check the mastering of knowledge of this leon next period.The aignment is an extension of the previous leon, meeting the need of increasing communicating and writing demands of some students and bringing their personality into full play.What’s more, the feedback is also quite neceary for further teaching.

At last, I want to talk about the blackboard design.It should be suitable to


achieve the purposes that attract students’ attention and let them write down the important teaching points.I will divide the blackboard into two parts.The left part will be used to write the important vocabulary and grammar and their usage.It will be reserved for the whole cla.The right part will be precious explanation.I will write some sentences concerning about words, phrases and structures in order to explain their meanings in detail.No matter which steps are taken, the purpose is to provide the teacher and students with information and internal demand to improve the teaching skill and learning quality.Strategies and approaches in this leon are favorable for students to become more independent and succeful learners.What’s more, after cla, the teacher’s reflection on the teaching proce and students is also imperative.After all, students are the real master of the cla and democratic, active, initiative and harmonious student-oriented cla should always be the pursuit of teachers in their teaching.That’s all.Thank you very much.



高中英语说课稿:《SB1B U6L1》




1.知识目标:学习掌握一些新的单词和短语,如:apologize,apology,fault,situation,oops, introduce,forgive,interrupt,forgiveme,etc.2.能力目标:使学生能够用英语进行自我介绍、道歉、怎样得到别人的许可等。 3.德育目标:使学生了解中西方餐桌文化的差别,以使得学生能比较、认识它们各自的特点。





1.学生们缺乏一些相关的词汇 2.学生们很少用英语来表达和交流


五、教学方法和手段 1.双边活动教学法 2.问题导入法 3.兴趣激发法 4.比较学习法 5.情景模拟法













人教版高一英语(上)Unit 5 The Silver Screen Integrating Skills说课

各位评委、各位老师,上午好。我今天说课的题目是人教版高一英语(上)第五单元的第五课时---综合技能课。 一.说教材


本单元围绕The Silver Screen这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。影视作为人类文明的一大体现,作为当今社会人们主要休闲、娱乐方式之一,是一个非常贴近生活、具有时代性、可挖掘性强的教学主题。语言素材广泛,涉及中外名片、电影明星、著名导演,有利于学生了解中外文化,增强世界意识。素材选择兼顾高一学生的知识面、已有词汇、生活经历等,体现了教材编写的“以学生为中心”,以及“听说领先,读写跟上”的教学理念。 二.说学情


1.首先,由于我所任教的是一所农村中学,而本单元的主题是The Silver Screen,涉及中外名片、著名演员、著名导演。农村学生对于外国名片、外国演员的了解有一定的局限性,因此需要教师在本单元开始前及本单元的前三个课时做好大量的铺垫。但本节课的内容是中国的名导演张艺谋所导演的名片《一个都不能少》,学生对此会较感兴趣,会很积极,会有较强的表现欲。

2.学生在9年级上期第6单元已经接触过对电影《黄河渔夫》(Yellow River Fisherman)和演员Kim Amy的评论,有一定的基础。

3.学生刚升入高中一年级,口头表达能力不强,知识面不够广泛,因此要多鼓励他们用英语大胆地说,大胆地写出自己的观点。 教材重组

经教材分析,结合我班学情,我将教材进行了重组,使本单元可以用六个课时完成。 1 将WARMING UP,SPEAKING和Workbook中的TALKING整合在一起,设计成一节任务型的“口语课”。

2 将LISTENING 和Workbook中的LISTENING整合在一起,设计成一节 “听力课”。 3将PRE-READING, READING和POST-READING三个活动整合在一起上一节“阅读课

(一)”。4将LANGUAGE STUDY 与Workbook中的PRACTISING的语法练习题整合在一起上一节“语法课”。

5 将INTEGRATING SKILLS 中Reading and Writing 上成一节“读写课。

6 将Workbook中INTEGRATING SKILLS” 上成一节“阅读课

(二)(泛读课)。我今天要说的就是本单元的第五课时----读写课。是使学生的语言技能由听说读上升到写的一个重要环节。 三.说教学目标

由于这一节课的主要任务是在阅读的基础上写一篇影评,因此我确立了以下几个教学目标: 1.语言目标Target language ①学生能运用以下重点词汇和短语

stay away, primary school, leader, take one’s place, lock sb.up, run after, bring sb.back, determine, live, on the air, comment, think highly of.② 通过阅读影评《一个都不能少》,提高学生的读、写能力,熟悉并会使用电影评论的框架。

1.First, tell the story in your own words.2.Second, make comments on different things about the film, for example: How do you feel about the film? What is the film about? Are the actors/actrees very good or not? What do you think of the ending of the film? 3.Finally, give your opinion about the whole of the film.I like /don’t like this film because „ 2.能力目标Ability goals ①通过让学生读该篇课文,发展学生读的能力,提高学生写的能力——即写影评的综合语言运用能力。

②通过小组活动,指导学生积极与人合作,与人交流,培养他们的团队合作精神。 3.情感意识目标


②通过了解世界著名影视文化,培养世界意识;通过中外影视文化对比,加深对中国影视文化的理解。 教学重点



这堂课的教学难点在于通过学习,提高学生的读(输入)和写(输出)的综合能力。 四说教学方法(Teaching methods): 上述教学目标和重难点的确定是基于“TEFL教学理论及方法”和“整体语言教学理论”,其中渗透当前课程改革的一些理念。为达成上述教学目标,我将运用以下教学方法以达成目标: 1.任务型教学法(Task-based method)

这篇文章内容易懂,我设计了一些任务,通过感知、体验、参与和合作等活动方式,使学生的主体地位得到充分体现。例如,要求学生阅读文章,填写信息表。 2.多媒体教学法

这一单元以影视为主题,利用多媒体展示电影片段,帮助学生用自己的话概括主要内容,提高课堂教学效率,增强学生学习兴趣.3.合作学习法.(Cooperative method)

学生通过小组合作,两人合作等学会积极与人合作,与人交流,培养他们的团队合作精神。 4.学案导学法

教师根据所授内容的重.难点设计学案,引导学生自主学习,强化双基.把握重难点.五.教辅手段 (完成教学目标离不开必要的教辅手段) 1.A computer 2.A projector


教学过程是课堂教学的中心环节,我计划通过以下步骤来完成教学任务: Step1.Lead-in (5\') Activity1.Duty report(2’)

Share information about Zhang Yimou 活动一:交流学生课前所完成的学案中的张艺谋的个人信息表。使学生对张艺谋及其主要作品更为熟悉。然后在多媒体上呈现张艺谋的有关信息表格:

Activity2 Enjoy the film Not One Le (3’)

活动二:欣赏电影《一个也不能少》的片断,激起学生兴趣及对中国教育现状的思考。提问《一个也不能少》的有关情节,为阅读作铺垫。 Have you ever heard of/seen it? Who plays the main role in it? What is the story about? Step 2 Reading (15) Activity1.Fast reading ( Judging True or False) 活动一:学生快速阅读,了解文章大意,并快速对学案中所给的五句话做出正确与否的判断。(4\')(该活动的目的是训练学生快速寻找文章细节的能力。)

( F )1 Mr.Gao’s mother is ill and he asks Minzhi to take his place instead ; (F )2 The 13-year-old girl is able to teach the pupils as well as Mr.Gao; ( T )3 Generally speaking, “the young teacher”Minzhi is in charge of the childen well; ( F )4 Finally the leader of the radio station invited her to speak on the air; ( T )5 People like this film only because it is simple but moving.Activity2 Careful reading (6\') 活动二: 学生仔细阅读,勾出文章中的疑点、难点,教师进行必要的解释并在黑板上板书。(使学生学会主动学习) 为使语言点得以巩固,我设计了学案练习3和4,要求学生课后完成。 Language points: 1)take sb’s place/take the place ofsb/sth./take place 2)live, living, alive,lively 3) determine to do sth/ be determined to do sth.4)not only„ but also...Activity3 Over-all reading (complete the table on page 35) 活动三: 整体阅读(个人活动)

阅读Not One Le;回答问题,填写课本35页信息表。通过填写表格,让学生抓住文章的主要内容。(5\')

Step 3 Before writing (3’) Activity 1: Discuion 活动一:(小组活动)学生分成4人小组,根据上面表格,讨论影评的写作思路;鼓励学生用英语大胆地讨论,发表个人观点.我认为要学会写,首先要学会说.因此我设计了这一活动,让学生把这节课所学的运用到实际问题中去.(教师将讨论结果写在黑板上) Activity 2:Read TIPS on page35 to help you on how to make comments on a film.活动二:学生读35页上的提示,巩固写影评的步骤。 Step 4 While writing (10’) Activity 1.Write a short paage about a film you have seen .(80 words).活动一:(个人活动) 模仿前面所学,写一篇80字左右的影评。为了让学习有困难的学生不至于无话可说,我在屏幕上给出以下框架(以降低写作影评的难度)。 The story is about ____________.I think the story is_________.The actors/actrees are ________.The ending of the film is__________.The plot(情节)is ________.The scenes(场景)are__________.In a word, I think it is a _______film.I think/don’t think it is worth seeing.Step 5 After writing (5’) Activity1.Evaluation (3\') 活动一:评估(两人活动) 交换作文,从影评内容、时态、单词拼写、所用词汇等方面相互交流、修改。

Activity2.Presentation (2’) 活动二:展示(班级活动) 推荐一名学生在班上交流所写影评。 Step 6 Consolidation.(2\') 总结归纳:(个人活动) 总结归纳本节课所学内容,加深记忆。 Step 7.Homework

学生再次修改作文,并工整、清晰地卷写。使学生养成好的写作习惯。 Recorrect your writing and copy it clearly and tidily.


最后,我谈我的板书设计.我将黑板分成三部分。正上方写本课标题;左边用来写语言点;右边用来写影评的一些要素。这样的设计使本节课的要点清晰明了,使学生更容易抓住重点,其他的教学内容将通过多媒体的方式展示,这样将更节约师生的时间。 Unit 5 The Silver Screen --- Integrating Skills Language points: 1)take sb’s place take the place ofsb/sth.take place 2) determine to do sth be determined to do sth.3)live, living, alive,lively 4)not nly„ but also

How to make comments on a film: 1.First, tell the story in your own words.2.Second, make comments on different things about the film, for example: How do you feel about the film? What is the film about? Are the actors/actrees very good or not? What do you think of the ending of the film? 3.Finally, give your opion about the whole of the film.I like /don’t like this film because „

Learning plan 1.Try to find information about Zhang Yimou and fill in the table before cla.

2.Fast reading ( Judging True or False) ( )1 Mr.Gao’s mother is ill and he asks Minzhi to take his place instead ; ( )2 The 13-year-old girl is able to teach the pupils as well as Mr.Gao; ( )3 Generally speaking, “the young teacher”Minzhi is in charge of the childen well; ( )4 Finally the leader of the radio station invited her to speak on the air; ( )5 People like this film only because it is simple but moving.3.Translate the following phrases.( Try to find them in this text) 不在家,外出 代替,就座

小学 将某人锁于某处,将某人监禁起来 送回某人 正在/停止广播 对„ 高度评价

4.Do the following exercises after cla.1) Not only______learn for our country, but(also) we’ll work for the future.A.we do B.do we C.will we D.we will 2) Not only I but also you _______ to blame.A.is B.are C.be D.am 3) Fill in the blanks using live, living, alive A 150-year-old man in a lonely mountain cave since he was young.He was badly bitten by some scorpion(蝎子) days ago.Yesterday some reporters found him still and they interviewed him .He said that though he lived alone but he a happy life.

高中英语优秀说课稿《Unit 1 John Snow defeats King Cholera》



该课文John Snow Defeats King Cholera 是人教版高中英语必修5第一单元的一篇文章,这是一篇阅读课。文章介绍了有名医生John Snow 是如何通过考察、分析和探究的科学方法,发现并控制“霍乱”这种传染疾病的。通过学习这篇课文,使学生感悟到科学家的周密观察、勇于探索、认真分析的科学精神,使学生了解到科学发现的全过程具有其科学的严密性。该课文出现了英语重要语法知识--过去分词的用法。


根据该教材的特点以及高中英语课程标准,我拟定下列教学目标 1) 语言知识目标

词汇:defeat attend expose cure outbreak control absorb severe valuable strict pump 等

语法:过去分词作定语和表语 2) 语言技能目标

练习并培养学生的听、说、读和写的能力,侧重培养和提高学生的阅读理解能力 3) 情感目标

培养学生的科学探索精神,培养学生科学人文精神相融合的素养 4) 学习策略目标


5) 文化意识目标


重点:理解所读课文;把握过去分词的用法 难点:利用所学词汇、句型,围绕主题进行叙述



三、教学设计 根据课文内容的特点,根据高中英语课程标准的要求,为实现该课的教学目标,以提高学生阅读理解能力为重点,加强学生听说读写综合能力,我设计以下教学步骤

Task 1 任务1为导入教学环节,是学生进入阅读材料和完成各项教学任务的热身活动。通过这个活动,激发学生学习动机,调动其主观能动性。具体作法如下:让学生说出自己熟知的科学家姓名、其发明、工作、生活的情况。完成此任务将使学生学到知识、尝到乐趣、获得聪明、受到鼓舞。

T: Name some famous scientists you know and tell something about them.S: Charles Darwin---He was British.He wrote the Origin of Species.S: Thomas Edison---He was an American inventor.He invented electric light bulb.S: Stephen Hawking---He is a British.He studied black holes of space.Task 2 任务2 呈现教学材料,设计学习任务,要求学生按时完成学习任务。练习学生阅读方法,利用Scanning阅读法,阅读课文,学生通过自主学习的方式,通过探究,独立思考,观察和分析,浏览课文,寻找相关信息,在下表填写,并口头叙述。达到听说读写综合能力练习的目的。

Task 3 再读课文,完成以下判定正误题。要求学生对读到的信息进行理解和整理,通过讨论的学习方式,在学生语言交流的互动过程中,重组信息,作出判定。从而提高学生学会分析问题、处理问题和解决问题的能力。

Task 4 任务4 课后作业。要求学生查阅有关霍乱知识的文章,向医生了解什么是霍乱,人类感染后回出现什么症状。并说出还有哪些传染病。



第16篇:高中英语说课稿 教案

高中英语全英文说课稿模板(精品) Interpretation

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.It’s my great honor and pleasure to be here sharing my leon with you.

I have been ready to begin this representation with five parts.Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching aims, the important and difficult points, the studying methods, and the teaching procedure. Part 1 Teaching Material

The content of my leon is New Senior English for China Book___ Unit_______.This unit is about____________________ (topics).By studying of this unit, we’ll enable students to know_________________________ and develop the interest in___________________.At the same time, let the students learn how to____________________ (functional items).From this leon, it starts___________________________(structures).(As we all know, reading belongs to the input during the proce of the language learning.The input has great effect on output, such as speaking and writing.) Therefore, this leon is in the important position of this unit.If the Ss can master it well, it will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this unit. Part 2 Teaching Aims

According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), and after studying the teaching material, the teaching aims are the followings: 1.Knowledge objects (语言目标:语音,词汇,语法,功能,话题)

(1)The Ss can master the usage of the important words and expreions.

(2)The Ss can use the __________________ (grammar) in the proper situation.

(3)The Ss can understand the content of the leon, talk about ___________________ (information) and get their own idea about _______________________________.2.Ability objects (技能目标:听,说,读,写)

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing

(2) To guide Ss to set up effective studying strategies.

(3(3) To improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.

(4) To train the Ss’ abilities of studying by themselves and cooperating .3.Emotion or moral objects (情感目标:兴趣,自信,合作,爱国,国际视野)

(1)By completing the task, the Ss increase their interest in ____________________and set up self-confidence in _____________________.

(2)Teach the Ss_________________________, put the moral education in the language study.Part 3 the Important and Difficult Points Based on the requirement of the syllabus.

The important points are__________________________ such as ______________.The difficult points are_________________________ for example_____________.Part 4 Teaching Methods

As is known to us all, a good teaching method requires that the teacher should help Ss develop good sense of the English language.For achieving these teaching aims, (after the analysis of the teaching material and teaching aims,) I will use the following methods according to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论) . 1.Communicative Approach(交际教学法)

2.Whole Language Teaching(整体语言教学法) 3.Task-based Language Teaching (任务教学法)

4.Total Situational Action (情景教学) a “scene — activity” teaching method , it establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss.At the same time, CAI (电脑辅助教学) can provide a real situation with its sound and picture, it can develop the Ss creativity in learning English.Part 5 Teaching Procedure Step 1.Lead-in.(_____min)


Purpose of my design: (1) to catch Ss’ attention about the cla/topic/paage.

(2) To set up suspense/develop interest in _______________.

Step 2.Pre-reading

Task 1.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _____min) Let Ss _____________________________________________________________ Task 2.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _____min) ___________________________________________________________________

Now, let’s see what happened to the____________/ let’s check whether it is right or not.Purpose of my design: (1) to get to know something about the _________________.(2) To have a better understanding about the importance of ___________________.Step 3.While-reading

Task 1.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _____min)

Skimming: Ss should read the material fast to find out the main idea/topic sentence for each paragraph.

Para 1 ___________________

Para 2 ___________________

Para 3 ___________________ „

Task 2.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _____min) Scanning: Listen to the tape part by part to finish ___________________________.

Task 3.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _____min)

Scanning: Guide Ss to read the material carefully and take some important notes, then answer the following questions.

Task 4.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _____min)

Scanning: Ask Ss to read the material carefully and find out the correct answers to finish the following chart.

Purpose of my design: Enable students to understand the given material better by using different reading skills.And proper competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning. “Task-based” teaching method is used here to develop the Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.Step 4.Post-reading

Task 1.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _____min) (接task3)Ask Ss to close books and finish the summary according their notes.

(接task4)Retell the story /Sum up the paage in Ss’ own words according to the chart.

Task 2.(Individual work, pair work, group work, cla work; _____min) Discu _______________________________________________with other group members and then choose a reporter to share their opinions about ____________________________________ with the whole cla.

Purpose of my design: I think If the Ss can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English.Most Ss can take their parts in the activities, especially for the Ss who have trouble in English study.

Step 5.Homework

1.__________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________

Purpose of my design: Homework is so important and neceary for to master the knowledge they learned after cla.It will check whether the Ss achieve the teaching aims.


8B Unit 3 Online Travel

Reading Around the world in eight hours

Good afternoon, everyone.Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 3 Reading Part A.Around the World in Eight Hours.I’ll prepare to say the leon from three parts.

Part One: Analysis of the Teaching Material (一) Status and Function

This is an important leon in this book.Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their society sense.It can help students to attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing.Therefore this leon is in the important position of the teaching material.3.Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English.(二) Analysis of the students

Most students are interested in computer games.So this topic can greatly attract their interests.It can accelerate them to learn English and geography well.After learning this leon, they will know English and geography are as important as computer .Without much knowledge ,you won’t be able to learn computer well.

(三)Teaching aims and Demands 1.Knowledge objects

To understand the aim of an educational CD-ROM and what the character can do To infer meaning from keywords, context and existing knowledge.To master the Paive voice.2.Ability objects

To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.To train the students how to use their own words to expre their ideas.Ability objects

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(3) To develop the Ss’ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.

3.Moral objects (1) Through different teaching methods to make students be interested in study.(2) Dare to expre their opinions in English.

(3) Love to know more knowledge about Olympic Games.Make an effort to contribute to Beijing Olympics.

(四)Teaching key and Difficult point

1.Key points To review the Present perfect tense.To learn the Paive voice.To tell more about the CD-ROM.To retell how the game is played To understand the whole paage and answer teacher’s questions 2.Difficult points: The Paive voice.To retell how the game is played Key points:

(1).Be able to expre words,phrases and sentences in English.

(2).Know about the history of the Olympics and amazing Olympic athletes.2.Difficult points:

Be able to talk about Olympics in oral English.

(五) Teaching Equipment

Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, Software: PowerPoint and so on.They will be needed in this leon.

Part Two: The Teaching Methods

1.Communicative teaching method 2.Audio-visual teaching method 3.Task-based” teaching method

As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language.So in this leon I’ll mainly use “Communicative” teaching method, “Audio-visual” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method.To use these methods are helpful to develop the students’ abilities.

Part Three: Studying Procedures

Step 1 Arouse students’ interest by telling them that they are going to read about a new educational CD-ROM.Explain that the game is set in different countries and involves a tour around the world Step 2 Tell students that the first paragraph of the reading paage explains the background to the game .Listen to the tape.Ask some questions to check understanding, e.g.What’s the name of the new educational CD-ROM? What can it help you to do? Who is the designer? Step 3 Tell students that the second paragraph of the reading paage introduces the main character of the game .Ask some questions to check understanding, e.g.Who is the main character of the game? How old is he? What does he like doing? What was he doing when he fell asleep? Step 4 Tell students that the third and fourth paragraphs of the reading paage, on page41, explain how the game is played.Ask them to read the rest of the reading paage on page 41 Step 5 Ask some questions to check understanding, e.g.How can you earn a point? What will happen if you have earned a point? What will happen if you have earned enough points? How many levels does the game have? How long does it take you to finish the game? What do the questions test? What will you see on the screen when you reach a new place? What can you learn about when you reach London? What will you see when you pa a level? What happened to the places you have visited? Step 6 Read the whole paage and then ask some students to retell how the game is played(in 5steps) 1 See a golden cloud with instructions on it 2 See clouds with information about different places; See clouds with questions on them 3 Get a point every time you answer a question correctly 4 A cloud will come down and carry you off to a new place 5 See a world map.The old place is marked in bright purple If poible, ask students to discu what they have learned from the paage.(with their own words) Step7 Use the following keywords to try to retell the paage.Paragraph1. a new educational CD-ROM, Around the world in Eight Hours. Come out, interesting, at the same time, be designed by, the all-time favorite CD-ROM Paragraph2. Main character, love traveling, lie on the gra, fall asleep Paragraph3.be written on, different colors with questions on them Every time you answer a question, earn enough points, come down, Carry off Pargraph4 Play the role of, take „an hour to finish, travel around, Test your knowledge of, a lot of useful information, for example Paragraph 5 Be the best , get it in sold out Step 8 Homework 1 Translating the following phrases: 2 Try to recite the text.

Design of the blackboard

1) The Present perfect tense.A new educational CD-ROM has just come out.When you have earned enough points,„.„„..Carry you off to a place you have never visited before.The places you have visited are marked„ 2) The Paive voice.It is designed by Nancy Jackson.These words were written on it.The places you have visited are marked in bright purple.Get it now before it is sold out Part Four Teaching steps

I’ll finish this leon in six steps.Step1 Warm-up

Play a song about Olympics, lead in cla.Talk about the title “Higher, Faster, Stronger.” Free talk about questions:

Have you watched the Olympics on TV? What’s your favourite Olympic sport? Do you think the Olympics are important? Why or why not?

Purpose of my designing: Draws out this cla study content with the song, stimulates the students’ study interest.


Learn new words in groups:

Places: Greece, Athens, Sydney, Mexico City, Los Angles Time: ancient, modern, BC, AD Medals: gold, silver, bronze

Sports and events: race, sprint, long jumping, shooting.

I’ll use CAI to present the whole text.I’ll write the key points on the Bb while they are watching.After watching, I’ll teach them to read the words and sentences on the Bb.Make sure they can read them well.

Purpose of my designing: To present the text by CAI is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings.CAI can provide a real situation with its sound and picture and it makes the relationships between the Ss better.Step3.Practice

First play the tape recorder.Let the Ss listen and imitate the text.Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation.Then finish the exercises on the computer.

Purpose of my designing: This step is employed to make the Ss get the general idea of the text.At the same time let the Ss have a chance to practice their listening and spoken ability.Step4.Play a gueing game.Divide the cla into several large groups.In each group students will take turns miming a sports activity and the other students will take turns gueing.Instruct the groups to choose a timekeeper and scorekeeper.Answers should be specific and both give the name of the game and describe the action.Purpose of my designing: I think it is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by imitating and at the same time it is neceary to provide situations to review learned knowledge.Step5.Knowledge development

The 2008 Olympics had been succefully held in Beijing.What do you know about the emblem of Beijing Olympics? What does it stand for? Show CAI and watching.

The emblem of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.The emblem has a single Chinese character on a red seal and means \"Chinese seal-dancing Beijing.\"Below it, there are the words \"Beijing 2008.\"The character in the emblem is \"jing.\" It means \"capital\" of China and it is also like a runner or a dancer.The running figure of the emblem shows the spirit of the Olympic -faster, higher and stronger.Purpose of my designing: Raises student\'s feeling of national pride.Step6.Homework:

Give the homework with the song 《阳光体育之歌》 playing.

(1).Search for more information of the Olympics on the Internet.

(2).If you’re a volunteer of Beijing Olympics.What can you do for our country?

Purpose of my designing: Realizes the textbook and the life link, develops student\'s study space.Part Five Blackboard Design

Leon One Higher, Faster, Stronger

Places: Greece, Athens, Sydney, Mexico City, Los Angeles Time: ancient, modern, BC, AD Medals: gold, silver, bronze

Sports and events: race, sprint, long jumping, shooting.

Purpose of my designing: Presents the text key content clearly on the blackboard, favors the student to knowledge grasping.


Good morning, ladies and gentleman.Today, I feel honored to have the chance to share my ideas about how to teach reading.

In the reading proce, I will focus on students’ long-term development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategies.In other words, students are guided to read efficiently and independently.

My teaching plan will include 3 sections.They’re analysis of the reading material, identifying the teaching aims and teaching procedures.

Section 1 Analysis of the teaching material

The selected teaching material is a magazine article taken from the Project section of Module 11, Unit 2 of Advance with English.The article is about British students who take a gap year, which is intended to develop the theme of the unit, that is, Getting a job.After analyzing it carefully, I find the article has two unique characteristics.First, it’s a long paage with 688 words, much more than the usual texts.Second, it deals with a new topic, that is, a gap year.The topic is unfamiliar to most students.

Section 2 Indentifying the teaching aims

Based on the analysis of the teaching material, I have chosen the following as the teaching aims of my leon:

The 1st aim: Students learn the skills and strategies to read a prolonged text.

The 2nd aim: Students get a better understanding of what a gap year is.

The 3rd aim: Students are encouraged to figure out the implied meaning.

The 4th aim: Students are familiar with various expreion_r_r_r_r_rs or approaches to expre the same thing or idea.

Section 3 Teaching procedures

In order to achieve the teaching aims mentioned above, I decide to choose guided reading and Task-Based Teaching as the main teaching approach.With the teaching methods, I can guide students to use effective reading strategies to comprehend the text, solve problems and complete different tasks.The teaching procedures include four parts.They’re getting ready, focusing on main facts, reading between the lines and responding the text.

Part 1.Getting ready

Reading begins before a book is opened.It’s important to activate students’ existing background knowledge and draw their attention to the topic of the text.In this part, I will use the pre-reading activities to increase students’ concentration, arouse their curiosities, fire their imagination and give them a purpose for reading.The part consists of two tasks:

Task 1: A time machine.I start my leon by asking senior 3 students what the date is.Then, I go on to show a picture of a time machine.I tell students that the machine with a magic power will bring them to their graduation from high school, which is 1 year away.At that point, I get them to imagine where they are and what they are doing.

After it, I give a summary of their presentations as follows: After leaving high school, most of Chinese students go straight to university.Yes, at this time next year, most of you will be studying in a university.

(With the task, I inspire students’ former knowledge and imagination about graduating from high school and going to college, which can draw their attention to the theme of the reading material and get them ready for the following reading.)

Task 2: Brainstorming.After the summary, I go on to show some more pictures of British students fresh from high schools, and tell students that more and more students in the UK are doing something different instead of going straight to university.After that, I play the tape of Para.1 and get students to catch the answer to the question: They will travel or work on projects for up to a year before entering university.

(With the task, I excite students’ desire to know more about what their British equivalents will do before going to college.With the question in mind, students will definitely be eager to listen to the tape to find the answer.)

Part 2.Focusing on main facts

During the part, I will ask the students to answer the question—What does the author say? Students are supposed to get a main idea of the text and understand the basic meaning of the text.Questions of this kind are not very difficult and they can be answered directly from the text.The part includes six tasks:

Task 1: Three examples.I move on to tell students as follows: Last year, Carol Smith, Daniel and Martin Johnson, 3 students from the UK, went to some remote places and did something special.After the instructions, I play the tape of Paragraphs 4-6 and get students to complete the following table.

Task 2: Matching.After listening, I get students to open books and scan the three paragraphs to check the answers to the previous table.Then they’re required to complete another table with a second reading.(With the task, I get students to listen to the three paragraphs instead of reading them, thus reducing the amount of reading time and reliving their psychological burden, otherwise students would be discouraged by such a long article.)

(With the task, students learn to use a table to gather the main facts about the three British students.They’ll come to know that a table is of great help in their future reading.)

Task 3: Scanning for a detail.I get students to scan the rest paragraphs and find the answer to the question: What do people call the year off between finishing school and starting university? In doing so, I introduce the theme of the article and write on the blackboard the title: Mind the gap year.

(With the task, students are expected to grasp the theme of the article.The task serves as a bridge,which connects the main facts in Paragraphs 4-6 to the opinions about the gap year in the rest paragraphs.)

Task 4: Definition of the gap year.Students watch a VCR with a question in mind: What three types of activities do the UK students choose to do during a gap year? The key is: Many students use that time to travel, learn new skills or become a charity volunteer.

(The task serves as a supplementary to the second task of Part 1.With the task, students are expected to know more about the gap year.)

Task 5: History of the gap year.I play a second VCR and get students to answer the question: When did the gap year start in the UK?

(The task enables students to have a good knowledge of the history of the gap year.)


Unit 2 English around the world

I Teaching Aims:

1.To develop Ss’ basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.Reading is the focus in this leon.Reading skills for Ss include (predicting, skimming, scanning and digesting.)

2.To encourage Ss to practice, participate, and co-operate in the claroom activities.

3.To get Ss to know something about English varieties, and have a better understanding of the importance of how to use a particular type of English variety.As for teaching approaches, I think the best choice would be task-based one.

II Teaching Approaches

Communicative approach and Computer-Aisted Instruction are to be used in the course of this leon.And I will try my best to limit TTT, that is, limit Teacher Talking Time and increase STT (Student Talking Time).

So during this leon, emphases are to be laid on:

1.Student-centered teaching

2.Task-based learning

3.Activity-based teaching (individual work; pair work; group work; cla work)III Teaching Aids:

1.a projector

2.a multi-media computer system

They are for showing Ss some pictures, some audio files, some visual files, some topics or reading tasks.

IV Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Warming-up & lead-in

Activity 1 Free talks (cla work)

I will invite Ss to answer the following Qs.

Q1: Do you know there is more than one kind of English?

Q2: Can you understand the different kinds of English that people are using?

Q3: If so, why? If not, why?

Activity 2 Picture-talking (individual work)

I will show some pictures (a football, an eraser, a flat and a lift on the screen.) on the screen.Guiding Qs may be:

T: What’s this? ( Point to the football.)

S: It’s a football.

T: Yes.An Englishman usually calls it a football.But what do Americans usually call it? S: a soccer.

T: What about this one? ( Point to the eraser.)…

T: Well, as we know, there is more than one kind of English in the word.They are different from one another in some ways.Why has English changed over time? What will world English be in

the future? Do you know? Well, today, the paage “The Road To Modern English” will tell us.Now please open your books and turn to page 9.

Goal: To lead up to the topic, get Ss to warm up and arouse their interest in the topic.

Step 2 Pre-reading

Activity1 Look and gue (cla work)

In this activity, Ss are required to look at the title/subtitle and gue what they will read.Activity2 Brain-storming (cla work)

In this activity, Ss are encouraged to think of as many words as poible to describe the phenomenon of English varieties.

Goal: To develop Ss’ reading skill---predicting and present some new words in the paage such as subway, elevator, petrol, gas, official, voyage, conquer, native, come up, apartment, actually, base, at present, gradually,vocabulary, make use of, latter, identity, fluently, frequently, usage, command …

Step 3 Reading Activity 1 Skimming (cla work)

Ss are required to go through the whole paage quickly to get the general idea and pay special attention to the first or last Para of the article (or the first sentence or the last sentence of each Para.)

Goal: To develop Ss’ reading skill --- skimming, that is, how can we get the general idea of a paage as quickly as poible.

Activity 2 Scanning (group work)

Encourage Ss to read the paage again, exchange their understanding of the paage with their group members and work together to fill in the following form:



Main idea

Detailed information

1 a.topic sentences/introduction

b.examples/supporting ideas


Goal: To develop Ss’ reading skill---scanning, that is, how to find out the clue of a story and motivate Ss to cooperate with each other.

Activity 3 Report (cla work)

Invite some group members to report their work to the whole cla.Goal: To overcome Ss’ shyne and stimulate Ss to speak in public.

Activity 4 Further understanding and word study (pair work)

Encourage Ss to discu the following Qs in pairs (A PowerPoint will be used here to present some blank-filling exercises and multiple choices.)

It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as ___ as a ___ English speaker.One reason is that English has a large ___.It also has different usage in different English speaking countries.If you use “flat” instead of “___”, people in America will know you have learned British English.If you use the word “___”instead of “lift” in Britain, people will know you have studied American English.

Q1: Which of the following statements is true or not true?

Goal: To help Ss to gue the meaning of certain unknown words and understand the paage exactly.

Step 4 Post-reading

Activity1 Role-play(pair work)

Suppose one student is a British and the other is an American.Ss are encouraged to put themselves in the situation and make a face-to-face dialogue.

Activity2 Discuion (Group work)

Topics may be : Q1: When did five to seven million people speak English? Q2: Why did English begin to be spoken in many other countries?

Q3: Which country may have the largest number of English learners?

Activity3 Retelling the story (group work)

Retell the history of English and tell the differences of ancient English and modern English, British English and American English.

Goal: These post-reading activities are intended to develop Ss’ speaking and logical thinking.Step 5 Homework

Task 1 Write a summary of the paage (about 100 words) (Individual work)

Goal: To spur Ss to consolidate what they have learned.

Task 2 Look up some more information about … (Individual work)

Encourage Ss to go to the school library or get on the Internet if poible to consult related English websites on the topic.

Goal: To encourage Ss to study English spontaneously and independently after cla, arouse Ss’ interest in traditional Chinese culture and develop Ss’ culture awarene and cro-culture communicative skills.

That’s all for my presentation.Thank you very much.Bye-bye.



Good morning, my distinguished judges.It’s my great honor to stand here sharing my teaching ideas with you.I’m number candidate.May I begin my analysis of my teaching plan now?

(OK, Thank you!) As to my interpretation, it contains the following main parts: the analysis of the teaching material, the students, the teaching objectives and the teaching procedure, now, please allow me to introduce them one by one.

Well, firstly, let me talk about the analysis of teaching material.

The content of my leon is from senior high school English book of People’s Educational Pre Unit , The topic is .This leon is about .Through the learning of this leon, students will be able to .

Then, here comes my analysis of the Ss.

Senior high school students are independent in thinking and cooperative in discuing.Most of them have a good way of learning and a strong desire of seeking knowledge.However, some of them are still diffident in speaking English and are easily to scatter their attention.All these element shall be taken into consideration when I am implementing my teaching activities.

Now let’s move to the next part--teaching objectives

According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus, I will set the teaching aims as follows:

First, Knowledge objectives: (语言目标:语音,词汇,语法,功能,话题)

1.Students are able to grasp the main idea of the whole paage and each separative paragraph.

2.Student will master the usage of adverbial clauses of conceion and the important expreions such as ..

Second, Ability aims (技能目标:听,说,读,写)

1.By using the reading strategies of skimming and scanning, students can catch the general idea and detailed information of the part within a limited time.

2.Through finishing tasks in groups, students will cultivate their ability of sharing opinions with others.

Third, Emotional aims (情感目标:兴趣,自信,合作,爱国,国际视野)

1.Students can foster their interest and desire in learning English.[page]

2.Students develop their confidence in expreing themselves.

By completing the task,

(1) the Ss will increase their interests in

(2) the Ss will set up self-confidence in _____________.

(3) the Ss will have the bravery of facing ,

(4) the Ss will have the consciousne of

(5) the Ss will can appreciate the beauty in .

Well, next I will talk about the important points and difficult points.

In order to achieve the teaching goal and with consideration to the actual teaching condition, I will establish the important points and difficult points as follows.

The important points are the useful words, phrases, and sentence patterns.

The difficult points mainly focus on how to use different reading strategies for different reading purposes.

Here comes my Teaching methods& learning methods

According to the analysis of teaching material and Ss, I will mainly adopt the Communicative Approach and Task-based Language Teaching Approach, which means I will invite the students to further their understanding of the paage by fulfilling various tasks and cooperate with their group members.

As to the study methods, I will have the students to study in a relaxed atmosphere.they will cultivate their cooperation ability through group work and pair work and they will form a good habit of independent thinking by solving problems on their own.

Now let’s come to the most important part of my lecture---The analysis of the Teaching Procedures

To fulfill the teaching aims and stre the important points and difficult points, I will arrange my teaching procedures as the following steps.

Step one: “Warming up and Leading-in”.As we all know that “interest is the best teacher”, so here, I will play a short English video about to cultivate Ss’ learning interests and create a relaxing English learning atmosphere.

Step two: Pre-reading.In this step, I will ask students the question that and invite them to look at the title to predict what the paage is about.No matter what their answers are, I will give them positive feedback.

Purpose: during the independent thinking stage, students will recall their learned knowledge.Although not all the answers are correct, they will be more concentrated on the textbook and become more eager to read more.

Step three: While Reading.It will cost me 20 minutes and consists of extensive reading and intensive reading activities.

First comes the Extensive reading activity.I will introduce the reading tip of skimming to facilitate their reading, I will say to them that “when doing skimming, lets focus on the key words and sentences of each paragraph instead of reading the paage sentence by sentence, I will give you 3 minutes, after skimming, you are expected to tell me how many parts can the whole paage be divided into and the what are them about.”

Purpose: the task can impart the students with the reading strategies of skimming, which can greatly improve their reading comprehension ability and independent thinking ability.

Then, let’s move to another important reading activity--intensive reading, this time, students should read the paage very carefully, at the same time they should underline the words and phrases which they don’t understand, and discu with their partners the following questions:

Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

Besides, students are also required to finish the match practice below through paying attention to :

Next, I will explain some important language points.For the new words, I will lead the Ss to gue the meaning of the new words according to the context.For the sentences, I will demonstrate the sentences via my course-ware with the key parts deliberately colored and invite the students to work out the grammar rules by group work.For example, .After that, I will give them more examples and ask them to do the translating exercise to help them better understand the usage of .

By doing these two tasks, Ss will on one hand have a further understanding of the whole paage, on the other hand, they will also be able to use the target language of in their communication.They’ll also experience the sense of achievement in finishing the relative difficult tasks.

Step four: Post-reading.It will cost 10 minutes.Here, I will arrange two tasks to strengthen students’ understanding of the reading part.[page]

Task 1: discuion

Students work in groups and discu the topic: ? After a ten-minute discuion, representatives of some groups will be invited to do the report.

Task 2: retelling

Here I will show my students a short paage with key words and phrases miing, and then ask some students to do the retelling by filling the blanks orally.

The reasons why I set these two activities are that all the students can have their opportunities of expreing their own ideas, and by working in groups, Ss will raise their cooperation awarene and appreciate the excellent thought of others.As the teacher, I can check if my cla have already grasped the knowledge just as I expected.

Then, at the end of the cla is step five: summary & homework.

I will ask some students to share what they have learned before I make a final conclusion.I will summarize the cla like this: “ ”.In this way, Ss can make a self-aement and some of them are able to gain a proud sense.

As for the homework, students are required to search more information about , they can refer to various information sources for help.Homework is so important in that it can train their self-study ability.

Now let’s focus on the last part.Blackboard Design

In order to show the important points and difficult points in a more clear way, I will divide the blackboard into three parts.On the left, I’ll write down the main idea of each part, the middle part is reserved for the important points, and on the right, I will write down some tasks.

That’s all for my presentation, I appreciate your attention very much! Thank you very much!


Unit 1 Friendship

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It’s my great honor to stand here to talk about my leon.The content of my leon is friendship.I will present my leon from the following parts: teaching material, teaching methods, learning methods, teaching important and difficult points, teaching procedures. I.Analyzing Teaching Material 1.Analyzing the Position of the Leon

This leon is taken from the New Senior English for China, Student’s Book1, and Unit1 Friendship.It is the second period of this unit.Unit 1 mainly talks about friendship and the problems appearing in it.Today’s leon focuses on Reading and Comprehending.In warming-up and Pre-reading, the students have learned some vocabulary and expreions about friendship.Therefore, when talk about best friend, they will be more interested and have more ideas & opinions.Reading part is a diary of Anne, which talks about Jewish girl Anne how to hide away from Nazis, how to get on with friend and how much she longed for friend.By studying this paage, not only will students train their reading skills and learn some new words and expreions, but also they will learn to appreciate the beauty of English and Anne’s positive attitude for life.2. Analyzing the Students

Although the students have the basic of listening, speaking, reading and writing, they still need many opportunities to practice what they have learned and expre their ideas, feelings and experience.3. Analyzing Teaching Aims According to the requirement of the New English Curriculum Standard and combining with the students’ practical situation, the teaching aims of this unit as follow: (1).Knowledge Aims:

① The Ss can master the new words and some useful expreions.(具体单词句型列出来)

② The Ss can understand the text and finish the exercises in Comprehending.(2).Ability Aims: 1 The students can develop the skills of communication and talk about friend and ○friendship.Then, discu the problems occurring in the friendship and give suggestions.2improve the students’ reading skills and help them develop some reading strategies, ○such as, skimming, scanning, gueing, key sentences and so on.(3) Moral Aims:

1 To help the Ss understand the importance of friendship and know how to cherish ○it.2 To help the students build the correct attitude to friendship and know friends do ○not just limit among human beings.3 To cultivate students’ ability to cooperate with each other.○4.Analyzing Teaching important points and difficult points Based on analyzing the characters of the students, the teaching material and the teaching aims, the teaching important points and difficult points should be: (1).Teaching important points 1 To help the students master the whole paage and develop their reading skills& ○strategies.2 To help the Ss master the new words, phrases and useful structures.(具体单词句○型列出来,还可以把难的句子列出)

3 To help the students to appreciate the literature works.○(2).Teaching difficult points 1 How to teach the students use different reading skills and strategies in their ○reading.2 To help the students understand the real meaning of friends and friendship.○II.Teaching and Learning Methods

According to the New Curriculum Standard, the teacher should be the guide, organizer and the cooperator in teaching.During the cla, the teacher should guide the students to learn by themselves rather than tell everything to them.Therefore, I mainly use the following teaching methods in this cla.Task-based teaching approach, Communicative teaching, cooperative learning and discuion

III.Teaching procedures step1.Leading-in (5mins) The students will work in their groups to discu these two questions: 1.What is important in your life? 2.What do you think a real friend is like? After give some comments, I will play the song “friends”, which will help the students to have a deeper understanding about friends.Step2.Reading and Comprehending(时间) 1.Background information(时间) Before the cla, I will introduce some background information about the paage and Anne to students.It can help students understand the text and the situation of Anne.They can also know why Anne took diary as her friend.2.Gueing(时间) In this step, I will encourage the students to gue the main story line of the paage according to the pictures and title.Then, they will talk about their results to cla.3.Fast reading(时间) 该部分要罗列出学生所要完成的任务

The students use skimming and scanning to prove their gueing and get the main idea of the text.This step mainly focuses on develop the students’ reading skills and the ability of gathering information.Therefore, the students will be told that ignore the new world and phrases, what they will do is get the general idea.

4.Detailed reading该部分要罗列出学生所要完成的任务,如,回答什么问题等

The students read the paage individually and finish the exercise of comprehending.After the students finishing the exercises, I will check the answers and explain some difficult points of each paragraph.5.Discuion.

In order to practice the students’ ability of using language, I designed the following questions for students discuing.

1.What would you do if you are lost in the forest?

2.What things do you need most and what are you going to do kill the time.3.What / Who would you choose to be your friend? After discuion, the student will have a better understanding about the importance of friendship and know how to cherish it.6.Conclusion简短的对本节课做一个小结

IV.Homework 1.The students will read the paage again and try to retell it.

2.I will provide some important vocabulary and the students will look up their meanings and usage.V.The design of blackboard.(如:黑板可以分为两部分,第一部分写重点词汇句型,难句等;第二部分写上一些例子) .The expected effect of teaching After learning this unit, the student will understand the friend and friendship and know how to deal with the problems appearing in friendship.In their daily life, they will have a correct sense of friendship.At the same time, they can use the important words, phrases and structures of thus unit to expre their ideas and opinions in their communication.


