
2020-04-05 来源:辞职报告收藏下载本文


英国首相 入职 去职 所属党派


1742年起成为奥尔福德(Orford)伯爵 1721年4月4日 (1730年5月15日) 1742年2月11日 辉格党

威尔明顿伯爵 1742年2月16日 1743年7月2日 辉格党

亨利·佩尔汉姆 1743年8月27日 1754年3月7日 辉格党

纽卡斯尔公爵 1754年3月16日 1756年11月16日 辉格党

德文郡公爵 1756年11月16日 1757年6月25日 辉格党

纽卡斯尔公爵 1757年7月2日 1762年5月26日 辉格党

比特伯爵 1762年5月26日 1763年4月16日 托利党

乔治·格林维尔 1763年4月16日 1765年7月13日 辉格党

白金汉侯爵 1765年7月13日 1766年7月30日 辉格党

查塔姆伯爵(老皮特) 1766年7月30日 1768年10月14日 辉格党

格拉夫顿公爵 1768年10月14日 1770年1月28日 辉格党

诺斯勋爵 1770年1月28日 1782年3月22日 托利党

白金汉侯爵 1782年3月27日 1782年7月1日 辉格党

谢尔本伯爵 1782年7月4日 1783年4月2日 辉格党

波特兰公爵 1783年4月2日 1783年12月19日 托利党/福克斯-诺斯联合内阁

小皮特 12月19日 1783 3月14日 1801 托利党

亨利·埃丁顿 3月17日 1801 5月10日 1804 托利党

小皮特 5月10日 1804 1月23日 1806 托利党

The Lord Grenville格伦维尔勋爵 2月11日 1806 3日 1807 Whig/Ministry of All the Talents(联合内阁)

The Duke of Portland波特兰公爵 3月31日 1807 10月4日 1809 托利党

Spencer Perceval斯潘塞·帕西瓦尔 10月4日 1809 5月11日 1812 托利党

The Earl of Liverpool利物浦伯爵 6月9日 1812 4月10日 1827 托利党

George Canning乔治·坎宁 4月10日 1827 8月8日 1827 托利党

The Viscount Goderich戈德里奇子爵 8月31 1827 1月22日 1828 托利党

The Duke of Wellington威灵顿公爵 1月22日 1828 11月22日 1830 托利党

The Earl Grey格雷伯爵 11月22日 1830 7月16日 1834 辉格党

The Viscount Melbourne墨尔本子爵 7月16日 1834 11月17日 1834 辉格党


(caretaker) 11月17日 1834 12月9日 1834 保守党

Sir Robert Peel罗伯特·皮尔爵士 12月10日 1834 4月18日 1835 保守党

The Viscount Melbourne墨尔本子爵 4月18日 1835 8月30日 1841 辉格党

Sir Robert Peel罗伯特·皮尔爵士 8月30日 1841 6月30日 1846 保守党

The Lord John Ruell约翰·罗素勋爵

(afterwards PM as Earl Ruell) 6月30日 1846 2月23日 1852 辉格党

The Earl of Derby德比伯爵 2月23日 1852 12月19日 1852 保守党


The Earl of Aberdeen阿伯丁伯爵 12月19日 1852 2月6日 1855 Peelite/联合内阁

The Viscount Palmerston帕尔姆斯顿子爵 2月6日 1855 2月20日 1858 辉格党

The Earl of Derby德比伯爵 2月20日 1858 6月12日 1859 保守党

The Viscount Palmerston帕尔姆斯顿子爵 6月12日 1859 10月18日 1865 自由党

The Earl Ruell罗素伯爵

(previously PM as Lord John Ruell) 10月29日 1865 6月28日 1866 自由党

The Earl of Derby德比伯爵 6月28日 1866 2月27日 1868 保守党

Benjamin Disraeli本杰明·迪斯雷利

2月27日 1868 12月3日 1868 保守党 威廉·格莱斯顿 12月3日 1868 2月20日 1874 自由党


(1876年后称比肯斯菲尔德伯爵) 2月20日 1874 4月23日 1880 保守党

威廉·格莱斯顿 4月23日 1880 6月23日 1885 自由党

The Marque of Salisbury索尔兹伯里侯爵 6月23日 1885 2月1日 1886 保守党

威廉·格莱斯顿 2月1日 1886 7月25日 1886 自由党

The Marque of Salisbury索尔兹伯里侯爵 8月3日 1886 8月15日 1892 保守党

William Ewart Gladstone威廉·格莱斯顿 8月15日 1892 3月5日 1894 自由党

The Earl of Rosebery罗斯蠢?3月5日 1894 6月25日 1895 自由党

The Marque of Salisbury索尔兹伯里侯爵 6月25日 1895 7月12日 1902 保守党

Arthur Balfour亚瑟·贝尔福 7月12日 1902 12月5日 1905 保守党

Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman亨利·坎贝尔-班内南爵士 12月5日 1905 4月7日 1908 自由党

Herbert Henry Asquith赫伯特·亨利·阿斯奎斯 4月7日 1908 12月7日 1916 自由党

(afterwards Coalition) 大卫·劳合乔治 12月7日 1916 10月23日 1922 National Liberal/ 联合内阁

Andrew Bonar Law安德鲁·伯纳尔·劳 10月23日 1922 5月22日 1923 保守党

斯坦利·鲍德温 5月22日 1923 1月22日 1924 保守党

拉姆赛·麦克唐纳 1月22日 1924 11月4日 1924 工党

斯坦利·鲍德温 11月4日 1924 6月5日 1929 保守党

拉姆赛·麦克唐纳 6月5日 1929 8月24日 1931 工党

拉姆赛·麦克唐纳 1 8月24日 1931 6月7日 1935 National Labour/国民内阁

斯坦利·鲍德温 6月7日 1935 5月28日 1937 保守党/国民内阁 Neville Chamberlain尼维尔·张伯伦 5月28日 1937 5月10日 1940 保守党/国民内阁

Winston Churchill温斯顿·丘吉尔 1940年5月10日 1945年5月23日 保守党/联合内阁

Winston Churchill温斯顿·丘吉尔 1 1945年5月23日 1945年7月26日 保守党/过渡政府

Clement Attlee克莱门特·艾德礼 1945年7月26日 1951年10月26日 工党

Sir Winston Churchill温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士 1951年10月26日 1955年4月6日 保守党

Sir Anthony Eden安东尼·艾登爵士 1955年4月6日 1957年1月10日 保守党

Harold Macmillan哈罗德·麦克米伦 1957年1月10日 1963年10月19日 保守党

道格拉斯-宏Alec Douglas-Home

(从1963年起称道格拉斯-霍姆爵士) 1963年10月19日 1964年10月16日 保守党

Harold Wilson哈罗德·威尔逊 1964年10月16日 1970年6月19日 工党

爱德华·希思 1970年6月19日 1974年3月4日 保守党

Harold Wilson哈罗德·威尔逊 1974年3月4日 1976年4月5日 工党

James Callaghan詹姆斯·卡拉汉 1976年4月5日 1979年5月4日 工党

玛格利特·撒切尔Margaret Thatcher 1979年5月4日 1990年11月28日 保守党

约翰·梅杰John Major 1990年11月28日 1997年5月2日 保守党 托尼·布莱尔Tony Blair 1997年5月2日 在任 工党


英国首相温斯顿?丘吉尔是在第二次世界大战期间,带领英国人民取得反法西斯战争伟大胜利的民族英雄,是与斯大林、罗斯福并立的“三巨头”之一,是矗立于世界史册上的一代伟人。他不仅是一代名相,也是一代文豪,一生留下了无数精彩著作与演说,并最终被授予诺贝尔文学奖。这样的成就在二十世纪的政治家中是绝无仅有的。 丘 吉尔出身于声名显赫的贵族家庭。祖先的丰功伟绩、父辈的政治成就以及家族的荣耀和政治传统,对丘吉尔的一生产生了巨大的影响,他们为丘吉尔提供了学习的榜样,树立了奋斗目标,也培育了他对祖国的历史责任感,成为丘吉尔一生孜孜不倦地追求和建功立业的强大驱动力。丘吉尔从小性格孤僻而且倔强,不擅长与人交流,自制力差,经常违反规定。他不感兴趣的科目成绩都很差,但记忆力的天赋让他在文学和历史方面成绩优秀。他从小就对军事有浓厚的兴趣。这也让他进入了一所军事院校,并最终以一个骑兵军官的身分迈出了他风云生涯的第一步。 然而和平的年代里军人的机会并不多。丘吉尔就利用这些时间广泛阅读,闲不住的个性又驱使着他四处参加殖民军事活动。这不仅让他积累了军事上的经验,也给了他小试文笔赚取稿费的机会,更重要的是他的传奇经历让他获得了上流社会的认同。这个时期获得的专业技能、社交经验与经济资本为他步入政界做好了准备。 丘吉尔最被人铭记的是作为一个政治家和反法西斯斗士时他百折不挠的韧性和从不屈服的战斗意志。作为一名政治家,他在保守、自由两党之内都经历了许多次升沉起落。但每次他都能以自己不屈不挠的努力最终达到自己的目的,终于登上首相宝座。在英国历史的严峻关头,面临法西斯主义的狂潮。他多次发出战斗到底的誓言,并最终带领英国人民取得了胜利。 还有一点值得注意的是,丘吉尔一生都是顽固的反共分子。但是在二战的关键时刻,他从英国人民的根本利益出发,以一个杰出政治家高度的勇气和灵活性,毅然与苏联结盟,确保了最后的胜利。丘吉尔的人生内涵极其丰富,其人生历程有许多值得我们借鉴的地方。以下节选其传记得五个精彩片断,与大家分享。 首先,坚持多学习,多写作,多经历,多总结。在资历尚浅的时候,抓紧时间读书学习。从政后一旦赋闲在家就四处游历,广泛写作。年轻时他在印度军队中“每天阅读四小时或五小时的历史和哲学著作”。在短短的时间内就从这些经典名著中吸收了丰富的思想营养。通过阅读吉本的《罗马帝国衰亡史》、麦考利的《英国历史论文集》、柏拉图《共和国》和温伍德?里德的《人类殉难记》等著作,他的思想变得更加深刻,也使他逐渐形成了某种人生信念。这些著作也影响了他日后的写作风格。他一生几经沉浮,最长一次在家赋闲十年之久。但在此期间,他完成了几部巨著,以至于“二十世纪没有人比他的稿费拿得更多”。当然他也从这些写作的过程中总结了一段时间以来的功过得失,为东山再起做好准备。(原书P40) 丘吉尔作为一位行伍出身的政治家,理论修养先天不足是不奇怪的,尤其是在从政的头几年中。他的一位传记作者写道“如果问起丘吉尔,根据他的观点,世界应该发生些什么样的变化,哪些东西需要改造,他准会陷入窘境” 但是这并不妨碍他在多个职位上留下卓著的政绩。这是为什么呢?首先“他是一个沽名钓誉和精力旺盛的人,也是一个好出风头的人,并且迫不及待地要成为事件的核心人物。”正所谓“共产党员一块砖,哪里需要哪里搬”对于政府的任命决不挑三拣四而且已全部的热情能够投入进去。其次,作为一个外行领导,他擅长听取内行的意见,能把自己的思想同下属的技能结合起来。第三,执行决策时果断、有魄力,善于把事情办成。(原书89页) 成功男人的背后都有一位默默奉献的妻子,丘吉尔则是这句话的最好诠释。他的妻子克莱门娜外柔内刚,不仅将家庭生活照顾得井井有条,还能在政治生活中为他出谋划策。甚至在他公务繁忙时亲自走上街头发表竞选演说。在与丘吉尔共同生活的岁月中,克莱门蒂娜对自己的丈夫有了最深切、员彻底的了解,她对丘吉尔坚定的信念、坚毅的性格以及杰出的才能都抱有极大的信心。即使在丘吉尔十年下野,远赴法国参战期间,他也始终不渝的支持着他。因为她知道在丘吉尔看来,只有在政治上建功立业,为英国人民尽自己的历史责任才是人生的根本意义之所在。(原书129页) 丘吉尔个性张扬,行事决断。以至于得罪了不少人,他的民愤之大,甚至与组织联合政府时他最亲密的政治伙伴也不敢给他一个内阁职位。他曾经在山穷水尽的时候脱离保守党转投自由党,这一行为使他政治上焕发了新生,在英国的政治体制下也无可厚非。但是丘吉尔做事从来不留余地,他退党后攻击自己原来的同时,对自己原来的政见冷嘲热讽,造成了严重后果。他不注意经营自己的环境,往往他倒台的时候,他的同事也跟着一起倒霉。但是这样的人为什么能在关键时刻就任首相呢?答案应该是:才能和魅力。只有在在生死存亡的时刻,一切党派分歧个人恩怨才能被忘记。这一点在下文中还会有分析。(原书144页) 丘吉尔的坚毅与勇气充分表现在他的演讲中,这里摘录其中一部分与大家分享。 “永远,永远,永远不要放弃” “我没有别的,只有热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水贡献给大家。”“我们将战斗到底。。。。。。即便我们这个岛屿或这个岛屿的大部分被征服并陷于饥饿之中”“ 我们要这样勇敢地承担,以便在英帝国和它的联邦存在1000年之后,人们也可以这样说:‘这是他们最光辉的时刻。’” 读完整本传记后,回过头来想丘吉尔的整个政治生涯,在深深的钦佩之余也有些许的疑问,这样一位个性张扬,做事毫无顾忌,一度民愤冲天的人,怎能在政界驰骋六十年之久?我思考了许久,得出了两方面的答案: 首先,人格方面,丘吉尔有着无比的激情与历史责任感。祖先的荣耀激励着他,内心对功名的渴望驱动着他,给了他无比的动力与毅力。曾经有这么一个笑话,丘吉尔对新议员们说,“知道是什么让我登上首相宝座的吗?是虚荣心!赤裸裸的虚荣心!”十年下野可以让所有的政治家意志消沉,但是丘吉尔不仅没有放弃,反而养精蓄锐,等待时机,最终登上了其政治生涯的又一个高峰。 其次,策略方面,丘吉尔思路清晰,手段有力。虽然不是个理论家,但他绝对是个战略家,他的眼光兼顾长远和眼下,宽广而又细致。二战期他的一系列举措就是有力的佐证。同时它还是一位实干家,他在各个职位上都善于利用手中的职权,充分利用各种资源实现自己的政治理念。虽然有时行事鲁莽,但有了这两方面的优点。连他政治上的对手也说;“丘吉尔是大家一致认为永远不能成为首相的人,可是他同样也是在这危急关头获得大家一致欢迎,认为是唯一能出任领袖的人。人们不能不喜欢他.他的才能与朝气是无与伦比的。” 总之,丘吉尔是一位人生极为丰富的人物,也是一位经常被人误会和曲解的人物;他有一些明显的弱点,但更具许多极为突出、超乎常人、出类拔萃的优点。通过阅读他的传记我更深刻的理解了领导魅力的内涵,让我受益匪浅。



英首相卡梅伦口出狂言狂妄得很。他抵达日本出席G7峰会时强硬表态称,“中国必须尊重海牙仲裁法庭的裁决结果”。 任何不抱政治私利或不带偏见的国家,都会支持中国在南海问题上的正义立场。卡梅伦唯美国马首是瞻打小算盘,斯文扫地。

“中国必须”? 1986年尼加拉瓜诉美支持游击队反政府仲裁案,海牙法庭判美国败诉并送交判决书,美国当着记者的面当场撕了。那时英国怎么不说“美国应该”? 双重标准两面人,英国霸权主义的伎俩暴露无遣。





\"Her Majesty the Queen has asked me to form a new government and I have accepted.


\"Before I talk about that new government, let me say something about the one that has just paed.


\"Compared with a decade ago, this country is more open at home and more compaionate abroad and that is something we should all be grateful for and on behalf of the whole country I\'d like to pay tribute to the outgoing prime minister for his long record of dedicated public service.

与十年前相比,这个国家对内更加开放,对外更加富有同情心,我们都应该为此感到高兴。我谨代表这个国家,对长期致力于公共服务的前任首相深表赞扬。 \"In terms of the future, our country has a hung parliament where no party has an overall majority and we have some deep and preing problemsand that the politicians are always their servant and never their masters.很明显,我们的任务之一就是重建对政治体系的信任。是的,这就要求我们清理开支、改革议会、保证对人民的管理并确保政治家始终是人们的公仆,而非主人。 \"But I believe it is also something else.It is about being honest about what government can achieve.Real change is not what government can do on its ownthat those that can should, and those who can\'t we will always help.


\"I want to make sure that my government always looks after the elderly, the frail the poorest in our country.


\"We must take everyone through with us on some of the difficult decisions we have ahead.


\"Above all it will be a government that is built on some clear values.Values of freedom, values of fairne, and values of responsibility.总而言之,这将是一个建立在有着清晰价值观上的政府——这个价值观就是自由、公平和责任。

\"I want us to build an economy that rewards work.I want us to build a society with stronger families and stronger communities.And I want a political system that people can trust and look up to once again.我希望我们能够打造这样一个让工作有所回报的经济体制,我希望我们能够建设一个拥有更坚固家庭、更完善社区的社会,我希望带来一个人民能够信任并且再次令人民尊敬的政治体系。

\"This is going to be hard and difficult work.A coalition will throw up all sorts of challenges.


\"But I believe together we can provide that strong and stable government that our country needs based on those values - rebuilding family, rebuilding community, above all, rebuilding responsibility in our country.


\"Those are the things I care about.Those are the things that this government will now start work on doing.

这些是我关心的事情,也是这个政府即刻开始致力于处理的事情。 \"Thank you very much.\"



PRIME MINISTER CAMERON: Thank you, and apologies for keeping you waiting.It\'s a pleasure to welcome President Obama here today.We\'ve just been having a barbecue in the gardens of Number 10 Downing Street with some of our service -- armed-service personnel from the United States and from the UK.And it was a great reminder of the incredible debt that we owe all of them and their families for their service, for their sacrifice, for all they do to keep us safe.It was a great event and it was wonderful to have Barack and Michelle there.It was also probably the first time in history, as we stood behind that barbecue, that I can say a British Prime Minister has given an American President a bit of a grilling.So I\'m going to hold onto that.Over the past year I\'ve got to know the President well.And whether it\'s in routine situations like sitting round the G8 table, or the slightly le routine of getting a phone call in the middle of the night, I\'ve come to value not just his leadership and courage, but the fact that to all the big international iues of our time, he brings thoughtful consideration and reason.And I know that today, Mr.President, you\'ll be thinking of the dreadful tornado in Miouri and all those who\'ve lost livelihoods and lost their lives and loved ones.And our hearts in Britain go out to all those people, too.Barack and I know well the shared history of our countries.From the beaches of Normandy to the Imjin River, our soldiers have fought together.From labs in Cambridge, Maachusetts, to Cambridge, England, our scientists have decoded DNA and cured diseases together.And in millions of interactions every day, including our maive busine relationship, our people forge friendships together.That is what makes this relationship special.But what makes it eential is that it\'s not just about history or sentiment; it is a living, working partnership.It is eential to our security and it\'s eential for our prosperity.And I feel every day just how important this partnership is.The President and I, together with my Deputy Prime Minister, have just had some excellent discuions.We\'ve been talking today about the two things we care about most -- getting our people jobs and keeping our people safe.Because every night millions of British and American people take the same worries to bed with them.They\'re asking if they can find a good job, if they\'re going to get a paycheck next month, and if there will be work for their children when they grow up.The stark truth of the world today is that no country is owed a living.We\'ve got to pay our way and we\'ve got to earn our way.And that is what the President and I are determined to do.Barack and I did not come into politics to cut public spending, but neither did we seek office to see our great economies decline or to land our children with unsustainable debts.And that is why in the second half of this decade, we\'re making sure that debt ratios will be falling on both sides of the Atlantic.At the same time, we\'re investing in our roads and railways, in science and innovation, and above all, in our young people.And down the line, the succe of all this won\'t be measured in export figures or trade flows; it will be in the feelings of the factory worker, whether they\'re in Phoenix or the shopkeeper in Liverpool or the engineer in Ohio -- the people who know if they work hard, then prosperity will be there for them and the promise of a better life there for their children.As well as the economy, the President and I had some very good discuions on security.Now, Americans and Brits, you don\'t need to explain terrorism to one another.Both our people have suffered at its hands, and indeed they have died together.My wife Samantha was in Manhattan on 9/11, and I\'ll never forget the five hours of trying to get hold of her.And she\'ll never forget the New Yorkers that she met that day or the sense of solidarity that she felt that day and that we have felt ever since that day.And today, as we come up to its tenth anniversary, we should remember the spirit of that city and the sympathy we feel with those who lost their loved ones.Now, there are those who say that this terrorist threat is beyond our control, and we paionately believe that is wrong.We can defeat al Qaeda, and the events of recent months give us an opportunity to turn the tide on their terror once and for all.I believe there are three actions we must take.First, we must continue to destroy their terrorist network, and I congratulate the President on his operation against bin Laden.This was not just a victory for justice, but a strike right at the heart of international terrorism.In this vital effort, we must continue to work with Pakistan.People are asking about our relationship, so we need to be clear.Pakistan has suffered more from terrorism than any country in the world.Their enemy is our enemy.So, far from walking away, we\'ve got to work even more closely with them.At the same time, this is a vital year in Afghanistan.British and American forces are fighting side by side in Helmand, right at the heart of this operation.We\'ve broken the momentum of the insurgency, and even in the Taliban\'s heartland, in Kandahar and central Helmand, they\'re on the back foot.Now is the moment to step up our efforts to reach a political settlement.The Taliban must make a decisive split from al Qaeda, give up violence, and join a political proce that will bring lasting peace to that country.We are agreed to give this the highest priority in the months ahead.Second, we must reach a conclusion to the Arab-Israel peace proce.Again, I congratulated the President on his recent speech on the Middle East, which was bold, it was visionary, and it set out what is needed in the clearest poible terms -- an end to terror against Israelis and the restoration of dignity to the Palestinians; two states living side by side and in peace.

Yes, the road has been, and will be, long and arduous, but the prize is clear.Conclude the peace proce and you don\'t just bring security to the region; you deny extremists one of their most profound and enduring recruiting sergeants, weakening their calling and crippling their cause.That is why whatever the difficulties, we must continue to pre for a solution.Our third action must be to help elevate the changes in North Africa and the Arab world from a moment in history to a turning point in history.We\'ve seen some extraordinary things -- protesters braving bullets, bloggers toppling dictators, people taking to the streets and making their own history.If global politics is about spreading peace and prosperity, then this is a once-in-a-generation moment to grab hold of.It is not a time for us to shrink back and think about our own iues and interests.This is our iue and this is maively in our interests.Those people in Tahrir Square and Tripoli just want what we have -- a job and a voice.And we all share in their succe or failure.If they succeed, there is new hope for those living there and there is the hope of a better and safer world for all of us.But if they fail, if that hunger is denied, then some young people in that region will continue to listen to the poisonous narrative of extremism.

So the President and I are agreed we will stand with those who work for freedom.This is the meage we\'ll take to the G8 tomorrow when we push for a major program of economic and political support for those countries seeking reform.And this is why we mobilized the international community to protect the Libyan people from Colonel Qaddafi\'s regime, why we\'ll continue to enforce U.N.resolutions with our allies, and why we restate our position once more: It is impoible to imagine a future for Libya with Qaddafi still in power.He must go.In all of these actions, we must be clear about our ambitions.Barack and I came of age in the 1980s and \'90s.We saw the end of the Cold War and the victory over communism.We saw the invasion of Kuwait by Saddam Huein and the world coming together to liberate that country.Throughout it all, we saw Presidents and Prime Ministers standing together for freedom.Today, we feel just as paionately about extending freedom as those who came before us; but we also know that idealism without realism does no good for anyone.We have learned the leons of history.Democracy is built from the ground up.You\'ve got to work with the grain of other cultures, and not against them.Real change takes time.And it\'s because of this we share the view that our partnership will not just continue, but it will get stronger.And this is a partnership that goes beyond foreign affairs.At home, we have similar goals -- to bring more responsibility to our societies, and to bring transparency and accountability to our governments.In all these ambitions, our countries will continue to learn from each other and work with each other.And as ever, it has been a pleasure to talk to the President, and an honor to have him with us today.Mr.President.




































I\'m sometimes asked why so much of a Prime Minister\'s time is spent on foreign affairs when there are so many preing problems here at home.

And I\'ve got some sympathy with this point of view, not least because I know more than anyone what needs to be done here.

But I also know that in a world which is increasingly interdependent, building good relationships between countries has never been more important.For Britain\'s national interests.

Next week I will meet Vladimir Putin, the Acting President of the Ruian Federation here in London.

When I was growing up, like many of you, the Cold War was at its height.Our relations with Ruia and the old Soviet Union were characterised by hostility and mutual suspicion.Since then, we have witneed a transformation which few people would have believed poible.

President Putin arrives here as the democratically-elected leader of a country in the midst of a maive transformation.

He was the overwhelming choice last month of the people of Ruia in free and fair elections.

And while much has changed, Ruia remains a great and powerful country - and an increasingly important partner for us in busine.

It\'s a country with which we share a continent and many common concerns and interests.

Ruia is the European Union\'s largest trading partner.

Many British firms are already playing their part in rebuilding and modernising its economy and many more firms want to follow their example.

Ruia is also a country, freed of the shackles of communism and dictatorship, which has the potential to make a huge contribution for good in the world.Its soldiers serve alongside ours in Bosnia and Kosovo, and we work closely with Ruia in the United Nations Security Council where we are both Permanent Members.

All of this explains why the decision to continue building a strong relationship with the new democratic Ruia must be the right one.

And it is a relationship that Ruia is keen to foster as well.Britain is here seen as having something of a pivotal role, because of our place in Europe, the close relationship with our European partners but also the fact that we\'ve got a close partnership with the United States of America.

However I understand why there is some controversy about President Putin\'s visit, just as there was over my decision to accept his invitation to meet him in St.Petersburg last month.

Off course there is real concern over what is happening in Chechnya.

Last month when I met President Putin, we talked this over in detail together.I can understand Ruia\'s need to respond to the threat of force from extremists and terrorists.But I am also clear that the measures taken should be proportionate and consistent with its international obligations.Ruia should allow full acce to international organisations which have a role to play in Chechnya and I hope that Ruia will act on the clear leon from similar such conflicts around the world: that there are no purely military solutions.Political dialogue is eential.

So of course I will take the opportunity of the visit to London to repeat our concerns, clearly and frankly to President Putin.

But I believe that the best way to ensure that Ruia responds to these international anxieties is through engagement not isolation.

And this chance to talk directly and frankly about matters of difference as well as iues of shared concern demonstrates why meetings of this kind are so important.

It\'s a fact that today problems and solutions rarely stop at national borders.Events in one country quickly spill over to their neighbours.

We live in a global economy.Economic decisions made in one country have an impact on the other side of the world as we saw with the Asian economic crisis a couple of years ago.Politics too, however, is becoming increasingly globalised.

So it is more vital than ever that we maintain friendships between countries and leaders, build new ones and share experiences and views for the benefits of our citizens. It is in the end only by building alliances and winning arguments that Britain, for example, was able to help shape a new economic agenda agreed at last month\'s European summit which focued the whole direction of European economic policy far more strongly, rightly so, on jobs and future prosperity and economic reform.

It\'s only through our ties with the United States and European partners that we were able to act succefully together to stop ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and allow one million people who otherwise would be refugees in Europe, allow them to return home.

We have already seen greater co-operation between Ruia and this country than anyone could have forecast just fifteen years ago.But we have to build on this, consign the Cold War relationship to the past and grasp the opportunity for real partnership in the future.A partnership from which not just both our countries, but also Europe as a whole, can benefit.And we can see this already despite our differences.

We have worked together, in bringing stability to the Balkans.There is increasingly close co-operation, for instance, between our security forces in tackling international organised crime and drugs.

This co-operation has to be in the best interests of our two countries and our citizens.And like all such relationships, it can only be enhanced by direct and personal contact.

For some Britain is an island, and as a result of being an Island, and we should almost try to isolate ourselves as much as poible from the world around us.But this inward-looking view is not the true leon of British history.

My belief, paionate belief, is that our historic role has been of a Nation outward-looking and engaged.

For me Britain thrives when we make allies, argue our corner; take our case out to the world.That\'s why we will be having this meeting with President Putin in London next week and why I will continue working at home and abroad to do all I can to protect our security, promote British interests, British jobs and British prosperity.


I make no apologies for returning to the subject of drugs so soon.As I said three weeks ago, the threat drugs pose to our children is something which terrifies all parents.

Some of you may have seen the TV programme on Wednesday night about the death of Leah Betts after taking ecstasy.Not long ago, I sat downset up as one of the first priorities of the new Scottish Parliament.

Its an exciting initiative intended to co-ordinate action against drugs north of the border and one we will be watching closely. But whether we do things slightly differently in Scotland to England, or in the UK to the rest of the Europe, or indeed in Europe to the rest of the world, the real leon for all of us is that we can only win this war against drugs together.

There is a great deal of good work already going on internationally particularly in Europehelping those countries that want to join us.

We are already helping them economically to prepare for European Union membership.But we must also help them in the fight against international crime and drugs.Not just for their own sakes now but for the future of an enlarged European Union.

Britain will be setting a lead by expanding our own anti-drugs programmes with these countries.

Increasing the aistance, for instance, we already give in training police and customs officers.Providing the extra resources they need from sniffer dogs to computer software to spot money laundering.

So we are going to set a lead internationally.Keith Hellawell is doing this with INTERPOL and the United Nations.But we are also going to do more at home.

In the next few days, we will be unveiling the new Criminal Justice Bill.This will give police new powers to help break the link between drugs and crime.For the first time, they will be able to test for drugs suspects they have arrested for a whole range of offences.

Its a controversial move but one that I am convinced is right.Because I know you expect us to do all we can to combat the threat drugs pose to our families, our communities and our country.And that\'s what we will continue to do, whether at home or abroad.



I want to talk today about a subject on which I\'ve probably spent almost as much time as anything else since I became Prime Ministeron government, on decommiioningthe best for a generationthe most important Agreement that has happened and a historic achievement in relations between Britain and Ireland since the Treaty 80 years ago. I believe that we, during that week of two years ago, got the balance right and the institutions were working extremely well, responding to the real needs of real people.All sides were beginning to reach out to each other.

Tragically therefore the institutions are in suspension.Above all else, the Prime Minister and myself and all of the Parties are determined to put them back in place at the earliest poible date.It\'s our highest priority to do that.We believe that the institutions are working for Loyalists and Republicans, for Unionists and Nationalists and can make Northern Ireland prosperous.

The economic prosperity in the North is beginning to grow.Peace is at its strongest ever.

Violence thankfully has practically stopped in all its respects.And if we can continue to renew our collective commitment to the Good Friday Agreement we can restore the institutions and bring forward the implementation of all the Agreements and all its aspects. I agree fully with the Prime Minister that on iues of human rights, on equality, of the implementation of many parts of the Agreement, that it\'s worked extraordinarily well.

We are seeing peaceful cooperation between communities.We are seeing greater cooperation North and South and in the period that the north south bodies were operating, we saw the prosperity of the islands moving forward.

And what is true of our excellent economic relations holds good for cooperation in sports and politics, in culture and social life. I am proud of the quality of the relationships between Ireland and Britain that\'s been built up by Tony Blair and I over the last two years.And I wanted to publicly acknowledge the role which everybody plays to do that and particularly what the British Government have done.

I believe that strong Anglo-Irish relations are a great source to our country and I am determined to make them stronger in every way moving forward.The relations between Ireland and Britain on the economic front have never been better.And the level of economic inter-dependence between us has never been greater.

And for all of these reasons, and the fact that our people are now again travelling acro the sea - an enormous part of tourism and an enormous part of investment, last year 3.4 million people visited Ireland from Britain, this new relationship which we have built up together can be completed and we can see the Good Friday Agreement in all its respects in an inclusive way with all of the parties working together succefully implemented.

I look forward on the other side of the Easter break to continuing this work with the British Prime Minister and thank him for the enormous amount of involvement and commitment and dedication he\'s given to it over the last three years.


in 2009 we said goodbye to harry patch, the last survivor of the generation of soldiers who risked their lives for britain in the great war.as we mourned him, we remembered too all those who have laid down their lives in the defence of this country we love.

last year was particularly tough for our forces in afghanistan, and we face some more difficult months ahead.in late december we were reminded at this decade’s end, just as we were at its beginning, that there is a terrorist threat which puts our safety and security at risk and which requires us to take on al qaeda and the taliban at the epicentre of global terrorismthose who think things can never change, and those who believe they have to.and i think the vast majority of people are in the second camp.we are a nation that looks to the future, combining responsibility with fairne, compaion with aspirationa crisis that hit britain hard because the financial sector is such an important part of our economy.but this is a nation of fighters and believer

s who meet each challenge with strength and sacrifice.we fought back against receion because we stood together and did not leave people isolated to face a difficult future on their own.

britain has learnt the bitter leons of previous receionsand if the experience of the last receion had been repeated, people’s chances of having a job would have been four times worse after they became unemployed, repoeions twice as bad and company insolvencies two and a half times worse.

the decisions taken by alistair darling and all the ministers of this government have meant that we have already seen off the worst of the receion.there is no denying it has been painful for somemore than at any point since records of this began in the 1980s, and fewer businees closed in 2009 than in 2008.

and i am confident that if we continue with the tough decisions we have made, unemployment will start to drop this year, and more small businees will open and flourish.

that wasn’t inevitable; it was the change we chose.and so my meage today is simple; don’t wreck the recovery.the recovery is still fragile, and it needs to be nurtured in the interests of those who were hit hardest by the receionthey simply want a bit of help to own their own home, set up their own businees and give their children the best start in life.

because everyone who is willing to work hard and aim high deserves a fair shot at meeting their aspirations.my whole life in politics has been about trying to provide a ladder of opportunity, so that what matters is not where you come from but what you have to contribute.and that is the vision that will guide this government in the tough decisions ahead.

so let me talk to you about my key priorities for the coming yearand people with such high aspirationsand it is this strategy that means we are also able to cooperate with president obama on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, and with our european neighbours and others on defeating catastrophic climate change.

so those are my priorities.my belief is that this is going to be a great decade for a great nation.if we continue to make the right decisions to unleash all the talent that is to be found in these islands, we have much to look forward to - and you and your families have my warm best wishes for the year ahead.


英国首相虎年新春贺词(双语) Dear Friends: 亲爱的朋友们:

I wanted to wish you a very happy Chinese New Year as we enter the year of the Tiger, a year traditionally aociated with good fortune and power.在即将迈入象征着好运和力量的虎年之时,我祝大家虎年春节快乐。

In this auspicious year, the Government will continue to promote the values we share in common with the thriving Chinese community: a belief in hard work, enterprise, community spirit and strong families.We are doing all we can to ensure economic stability and job security and I am proud that many Chinese entrepreneurs continue to create employment and contribute to the nation’s GDP.


I am pleased too that through the Government’s plans to expand the teaching of Mandarin in our schools, children will, including in some cases in primary school, learn of the magnificent contribution of Chinese culture to the world.通过政府的推广,越来越多的学校开始教授汉语,这也让我感到非常高兴。英国的孩子们,包括某些地区的小学生,将领略到中国文化对世界文化的卓越贡献。 And as we celebrate Shanghai Expo 2010, our pavilion will be the showcase to the world of our culture, and our chance to encourage and support Chinese and UK busine growth through the cooperation between our two nations.在上海世博会即将到来之际,英国馆将成为向世界展现英国文化的窗口,也将成为通过合作激励中英经济交流的契机。 So as we join in the celebration of the New Year with Chinese communities all around the world, please do pa on my warm best wishes for the New Year to your family and friends.在这个我们与全世界华人共同欢庆佳节的时刻,请将我最真诚的祝福带给你们的家人和朋友。



How well our children do at school is vital, of course, to the youngsters themselves and their families.

A good start at school, a good education, makes a huge difference to children\'s chances in later life.

But the quality of education our children receive also matters to the country as a wholeand so popular have they proved with teacherslike Thomas Telford School in Shropshire where every pupil achieved five or more A* to C grades in their GCSE exams last yearwhose results are improving at 50 per cent more than the average levelfor the future of our children and for our country


It’s a New Year and there’s a lot that is new in our country today: two million new private sector jobs created since 2010; a new spirit in our clarooms with over one million more children learning in schools that are good or outstanding; for over 24 million hard-working people, there’ve been new tax cuts and for three million of the lowest paid, no income tax whatsoever.There are tens of thousands of new homeowners, thanks to our Help to Buy scheme; new security for those retiring after a life of work, with the state pension increased by £800 so far and by £950 next year.And the world is looking at Britain in a new way, with our economy growing faster than any other major developed nation。


None of this happened out of thin air.It’s because we put in place a long-term plan with some clear values at its heart.Ours must be a country where if you put in, you will get out; where if you want to work, there are decent jobs; where if you put the hours in, you keep more of your own money; where if you’re raising your children the best you can, you can expect they’ll get a proper education; and where if you’re willing to save, you can buy a home of your own; and of course where when you retire, you will have dignity and security in old age。


Our long-term plan is working.Our country is being turned around.But let us be clear:


With this New Year comes new challenges.The global economy remains uncertain, and many countries continue to struggle。


And against that backdrop, Britain has a choice: between the competence that has got us this far or the chaos of giving it up, going backwards and taking huge risks.在这一大环境下,英国也面临选择:是坚持下去,提高国家的竞争力,还是选择不安,放弃、倒退、承受巨大的风险。

So I say this should be our resolution: to stick to the plan, stay on course to prosperity, and keep doing the important, long-work of securing a better future。


2015 can promise to be a great year for our country- if we make the right choices together。


And for now, I’d like to wish you, your family and your friends a very Happy New Year。




HER MAJESTY the queen has asked me to form a new government and I have accepted。 Before I talk about that new government, let me say something about the one that has just paed.Compared with a decade ago, this country is more open at home and more compaionate abroad, and that is something we should all be grateful for。

On behalf of the whole country I\'d like to pay tribute to the outgoing prime minister, for his long record of dedicated public service。

In terms of the future, our country has a hung parliament where no party has an overall majority and we have some deep and preing problems – a huge deficit, deep social problems and a political system in need of reform。

For those reasons, I aim to form a proper and full coalition between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats.I believe that is the right way to provide this country with the strong, the stable, the good and decent government that I think we need so badly。

Nick Clegg and I are both political leaders who want to put aside party differences and work hard for the common good and for the national interest.I believe that is the best way to get the strong government that we need, decisive government that we need today。

I came into politics because I love this country, I think its best days still lie ahead and I believe deeply in public service.And I think the service our country needs right now is to face up to our really big challenges, to confront our problems, to take difficult decisions, to lead people through those difficult decisions, so that together we can reach better times ahead。

One of the tasks that we clearly have is to rebuild trust in our political system.Yes, that’s about cleaning up expenses; yes, that’s about reforming parliament; and yes, it’s about making sure people are in control and that the politicians are always their servants and never their masters。

But I believe it’s also something else.It’s about being honest about what government can achieve.Real change is not what government can do on its own.Real change is when everyone pulls together, comes together, works together, when we all exercise our responsibilities to ourselves, to our families, to our communities and to others。

And I want to help build a more responsible society here in Britain, one where we don’t just ask ‘what are my entitlements?’ but ‘what are my responsibilities?’.One where we don’t just ask ‘what am I just owed?’ but more ‘what can I give?’.And a guide for that society, that those who can, should, and those who can’t, we will always help。

I want to make sure that my government always looks after the elderly, the frail, the poorest in our country.We must take everyone through with us on some of the difficult decisions that we have ahead。

Above all, it will be a government that will be built on some clear values – values of freedom, values of fairne, and values of responsibility。

I want us to build an economy that rewards work, I want us to build a society with stronger families and stronger communities, and I want a political system that people can trust and look up to once again。

This is going to be hard and difficult work.A coalition will throw up all sorts of challenges.But I believe together we can provide that strong and stable government that our country needs, based on those values – rebuilding family, rebuilding community, above all rebuilding responsibility in our country。 Those are the things that I care about, those are the things that this government will now start work on doing。。

Thank you。



I want to speak today about the devastating outbreak of foot and mouth disease, to say what we are doing to control and eradicate it, and how everyone can play their part in ensuring this can be achieved as quickly as poible.

The situation is indeed grave for British farming.The funeral pyres of farm animals are the worst nightmare for the livestock farmers.And it is not just the financial lo, maive as that is, which is the cause of so much pain for farmers, the heartbreak also comes from all the hard work and planning, often over many years, that has ended with their animals being slaughtered and burned.This also explains why there is such a tremendous feeling of dread and anxiety throughout farming, an industry which has suffered difficult times in recent years.I want to offer my sympathy to all those farmers whose livestock has been infected.I also promise them and the wider industry that the government will do what it can to help over this very difficult period.I can also reaure all farmers and the general public that everything poible is being done to contain this disease, to eliminate it, and in the longer term to put in place any new controls needed to prevent it happening again. It is why we imposed the total ban on the movement of livestock last Friday, and have placed exclusion areas around the farms affected.It is likely there will be more cases in animals already incubating the disease, but we hope however that the controls that have been put in place will prevent the further spread of the disease. I want too to pay tribute to the tremendous efforts of the State Veterinary Service in identifying, tracing and controlling this disease.But for their work we would now be facing an even bigger problem than we are.

I also want to thank the farming and livestock industry itself for the way it has reacted to this crisis, for their advice and their co-operation in putting in place the tough controls needed.Everything we have done has been in full consultation with the National Farmers Union.

I can understand too why there may be general concern in the public at large.The scenes of burning carcaes on our farms are disturbing.But it is important to remember that foot and mouth disease has no implications for human health or food.

But though we are not at direct risk from this disease, we can play a part, unknowingly, in spreading it.Foot and mouth disease is a highly infectious virus which can be picked up by us on our boots, clothes and cars and carried many miles.By staying away from farmland, by keeping off any footpaths through or next to farms or open land with livestock, we can help the efforts to eradicate this disease.

We are giving local authorities today the power to enforce the temporary closure of footpaths and rights of way, but we hope people will voluntarily stay away in any case.

Farmers, of course, are not producers of our food simply, they are also guardians of our countryside.Their hard work and dedication has created and protects the countryside we cherish and enjoy visiting.So by staying away from farmland areas, unle we have good reason, we can show our support for farmers in these difficult times and help contain and then eradicate the disease from Britain as soon as poible.Thank you.














[原文] 篮球是用球向悬在高处的目标进行投准比赛的球类活动。由于最初是用装水要的篮筐作投掷目标,故名“篮球”。现代篮球运动已经发展 成为一项具有灵活巧妙的技术和变化多端的战术相结合的竞赛活动。从事篮球运动能促使人体的力量、速度、耐久力、灵活性等素质全面发展,并能提高内脏器官、感觉器官和神经中枢的功能;它对培养勇敢、机智、集体主义和组织纪律性等品质都有很大益处。 下面来看看篮球的发展概况:

篮球是1891年 由美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德(旧译春田)市基督教青年会训练学校体育教师J.奈史密斯博士创造的,起初,他将两只桃篮分别钉在键身房内看台的栏杆上,桃 篮上沿距离地面3.05米,用足球作比赛工具,向篮投掷。投球入篮得1分,按得分多少决定胜负。每次投球进篮后,要爬梯子将球取出再重新开始比赛。以后逐 步将竹篮改为活底的铁篮,再改为铁圈下面挂网。到1893年,形成近似现代的篮板、篮圈和篮网。 最初的篮球比赛,对上场人数、场地大小,比赛时间均无严格限制。只需双方参加比赛的人数必须相等。比赛开始,双方队员分别站在两端线外,裁判员鸣哨并将球掷向球场中间,双方跑向场内抢球,开始比赛。持球者可以抱着球跑向篮下投篮,首先达到预定分数者为胜。


中广网 07月09日 08:48

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当然,这届奥运会的篮球比赛的水平还不高,最后的总决赛是在美国队和加拿大队之间进行的,两队的比赛结果是19∶8,美国队获得了奥运会首届篮 球比赛的冠军。我国著名篮球裁判舒鸿先生担任了本场比赛的临场裁判工作。 时至今日,虽然奥运会篮球比赛只设男女2个团体项目,各有金、银、铜3块奖牌,但各国都非常重视奥运会的篮球比赛,可以说奥运会篮球比赛已成为当今世界篮 球大赛中最重要的赛事。

从历届奥运会篮球比赛来看,世界强队多集中在欧美,美国男、女篮尤为突出。在过去的16届男子篮球和8届女子篮球奥运会比赛中,美国男篮获得了 12次冠军(前苏联获得2次冠军,前南斯拉夫和阿根廷各获得1次冠军);美国女篮获得5次冠军(前苏联获得2次冠军,独联体1次)。




中共东大地乡纪委人员组成: 纪委书记:李同刚 纪委委员:袁 浩
















































七、坚持请示汇报工作制度。纪委经常向党委和 上级纪委请示汇报工作,主动取得领导的支持,以保证决策的准确性和工作的主动性。































真落实政策,采取切实措施,真正把问题解决在基层,把矛盾化解在萌芽状态,使首接首办信访事项有一件办一件、办一件了一件,最大限度地减少群众越级上访和重复信访。对政策已落实到位、问题已解决到位,但信访人仍不接受处理意见的,要深入细致地做好思想工作,教育、引导信访人接受处理意见;对经教育仍重复上访和越级信访的,要会同有关部门对信访人认真进行“三个讲清楚”的法制教育,并做好稳控工作;对违法上访特别是违法进京非正常上访的,除开展 “三个讲清楚”法制教育外,必要时还要积极配合有关部门依法处理。












































第一条 党风廉政守则的总体要求是:以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,以马克思主义的世界观、人生观和价值观为价值取向,以做一名遵纪守法、廉洁奉公、依法行政和人民满意公仆的为奋斗目标,为共产主义事业奋斗终身,做一名人民满意的公仆。

第二条 每一位干部,要牢记党的全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,自觉做到权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋,坚决杜绝以权谋私、钱权交易以及权利滥用的行为。各部门的第一责任人,除管好自己的干部外,有义务对相关办室的党风廉政行为进行监督,不得知情不报,更不得互相隐瞒、包庇。对知情不报或互相隐瞒、包庇但事后被发现的,除追究当事部门的责任外,还要追究知情不报部门的连带责任。

第三条 无论哪一级干部,都要自觉遵守党的政治纪律、组织纪律、经济工作纪律和群众工作纪律,无论在什么场合,都要以党性原则严格要求自己,做到四不得:







(1)同党中央保持高度一致,不阳奉阴违、自行其是; (2)遵守民主集中制,不独断专行、软弱放任; (3)依法行使权力,不滥用职权、玩忽职守; (4)廉洁奉公,不接受任何影响公正执行公务的利益; (5)管好配偶、子女和身边工作人员,不允许他们利用本人的影响谋取私利;

(6)公道正派用人,不任人唯亲、营私舞弊; (7)艰苦奋斗,不奢侈浪费、贪图享受; (8)务实为民,不弄虚作假、与民争利。


