
2023-02-05 来源:导游词收藏下载本文










































这一段长城修筑在八达岭上,快看,它高大坚固,是用巨大的条石和城砖筑成的,而且城墙顶上铺着方砖,平整的很。路非常宽,五六匹战马都可以一起经过。墙上那 两米多高的垛子,上面有很多正方形的瞭望口和射口,瞭望口用来观察,射口用来射击。没三百多米有个城台。是屯兵的堡垒。





















































各位 游客:


































教学内容:第五单元作文指导 导游词









教学准备:收集的景点的资料,以及相关的故事、传说、古诗句等。 教学过程:

一、话题交流,真情融汇 1.教师模拟做导游。


我们到一个地方去旅游,为了更好的了解这个地方的风土人情,衣食住行,历史变迁,就需要请一名高素质的导游为我们作讲解。今天我们每位同学都是一名小导游,带领我们大家游览我国的历史文化遗产。 2.怎样才能当好小导游呢?


二、知识回顾,学以致用 1.单元知识回顾

? 《长城》先写远看长城雄伟壮观,然后写近看长城高大坚固,接着由此展开联想,最终称赞我国古代劳动人民的勤劳、智慧和力量。

? 《颐和园》是按照游览顺序抓住各个景物的特点来写的。

? 《秦兵马俑》围绕着中心句把内容写具体的。 兵马俑不仅规模宏大,而且类型众多,个性鲜明。



1.理解要求,典型引路。引导学生读书上的习作,把习作的要求用笔画出来。先让学生自己默读习作的要求,然后把习作的要求用笔画出来。 2.汇报:

? 内容:介绍“历史文化遗产”的导游词 ? 要求: ? 1.导游词。

? 2.选取有特点的内容向大家介绍。 ? 3.可以讲与景点有关的故事、传说。 ? 4.提示参观游览的注意事项。




各位游客朋友: 大家上午好!我是颐和园旅行社的导游员,我姓张,大家可以称我张导。今天就有我来带领大家共同游览这个清代的皇家园林——颐和园。希望我的讲解能够令各位满意,使我们共同度过这一美好的时光。

颐和园共占地290公顷,其中陆地四分之一,水面达到了四分之三。根据皇家园林建园的用途和特点,可将颐和园景区分为政治活动区,帝后生活区和风景游览区三个部分。这里是世界上造景丰富、建筑集中、保存最完整的皇家园林。 临摹后画上来的。人物画多采用我国的古典文学名著,例如《西游记》《三国演之冠。












提供的模式: 前言:是导游员在陪同游客参观、游览前,向大家表示问候、欢迎和自我介绍的话。





六、动笔作文。 板书设计:



要求: 1.导游词。

2.选取有特点的内容向大家介绍。 3.可以讲与景点有关的故事、传说。 4.提示参观游览的注意事项。 游览顺序过渡段 景物特点列数字 作比较 引用资料篇2:长城导游词


各位女士们、先生们大家早上好: 很荣幸能当你们导游,我叫xxx,大家可以叫我xx导,如果大家有什么问题,可以来问我。




现在,故事和传说都听玩了,我们可以自由玩耍,记住1小时以后,我们在这里集合,注意,不要乱扔垃圾。 长城导游词







时间如流水,一眨眼大家就要再见了,走之前我告诉大家我们公司名称“十星级隋雨青旅游集团”,以后要旅游找我哦! 1.开场白 2.景点概况 3.特色景色风光 4.故事 传说

5.提示参观游览注意事项 6.结尾

好词好句及相关资料: 1.尊敬的各位游客,你们知道宇航员们第一眼看到离我们的中国的什么吗?它就是:我们将要游览的是长城,他东起山海关,西至嘉峪关,有一万三千多里!是我国重点保护单位,已经列入《世界遗产名录》。



4.长城是中华民族的根,是中华的魂,是华夏儿女的骄傲。它始建于春秋时期,从东头的山海关到西头的嘉峪关,连续不断修筑了2000多年,总计长达6700多千米,被称这为“上下两千多年,纵横十万余里。” 5.长城又称“万里长城”,是古代中国在不同时期为抵御塞北游牧部落联盟侵袭而修筑的规模浩大的军事工程的统称。同时也是中华民族伟大力量与智慧的结晶。 6.根据历史文献记载,修建长城超过5000公里的有二个朝代:一是秦始皇时修筑的西起临洮,东至辽东的万里长城;二是汉朝修筑的西起河西走廊,东至辽东的万里长城,在1万里以上。这些长城的遗址分布在我国今天的北京、甘肃、宁夏、等10多个省、市、自治区。 7.在“居庸外镇”关城的城台上,原来嵌有一块石碑,为明朝万历年间刻制。从碑文可以看一带长城,先后经80多年时间才完成。这碑中还记录着修筑长城的时间、长度、主持官和管工头、烧头、窑匠头、泥瓦匠头和名字,以明确责任。



10.今天的长城,早已失去军事价值,而以其特有的魅力,吸引着广大中外游客,成为举世闻名的旅游胜地。随着旅游业的发展,长城这一中华民族的象征,全世界重要的文化遗产,会焕发出新的生机。以更优质的旅游服务、更优美的旅游环境迎接着大家的到来!篇3:八达岭长城导游词(3014字) 八达岭长城导游词










这里就是著名的八达岭长城,向远处看可以发现这里的长城分为南、北两峰,蜿蜒于山脊之上,龙腾虎跃,气象万千,景色十分壮观。向下方看是八达岭长城的重要组成部分瓮城,他一般修建在地形险要的交通要道上,在瓮城墙上有里外两面城墙,四面拒敌,一旦敌人攻破城关,涌入城内将受到四面围歼,如落瓮中。瓮城两门相距63.9米,西门匾额:“北门锁钥”,北门指的是京师的北大门,锁钥是指长城的坚固和险要,就像一把坚不可摧的大锁锁在这里,只要守住这道门,京师就万无一失。东门匾额:“居庸外镇”,意思是指居庸关外的又一重镇。在“居庸外镇”关城的城台上,原来嵌有一块石碑,为明朝万历年间刻制。从碑文可以看出这一带的长城,先后经80多年时间才完成。这碑中还记录着修筑长城的时间、长度和主持官的名字,以明确责任。站在城上向下看,我们可以看到来往不断的车辆和从门洞穿过的游人。这里不仅是古代重要的军事防御关口,而且也是交通要道。从这里 “路从此分,四通八达”,八达岭也因此得名。现在我们向右下方看,在登城口南侧陈列着一门大炮,名为神威大将军,这门大炮炮身长2.85米,口径105毫米。由炮身著有“敬赐神威大将”而得名,该炮射程500米,可见崇祯年间军工业的发达。

长城是由三台两墙所组成,什么是三台两墙呢?下面就由我为大家解释一下吧。三台分别是城台,敌台,烽火台。城台构造非常简单只是驻守官兵躲避风寒的地方。敌台就相对复杂了,分为两层,下层是由田、井、回等字形构成,上层有垛口和瞭望口是用来射箭和观测军情的,具 有防御功能。下面就来到了烽火台,又称烽燧,狼烟台。他是不与长城相连接的独立建筑,一旦敌人来犯,就点燃烽火,通报军情。古人讲白天点燃的烟叫做烽,晚上的火叫做燧。明代还把烽火与敌人的关系做了明确的规定,敌百余人点一烟一炮,五百人点二烟二炮,千余人点三烟三炮,五千人四烟四炮,万余人五烟五炮。就是通过这种特殊的方式使得边关的紧急军情得以快速传递到皇城之内。 说完了三台下面就来说一下两墙吧。长城外侧的高墙叫做堞墙,有垛口,具有防御功能,而内侧不足一米高的墙叫做女儿墙,又叫宇墙。长城最开始的时候是没有这座墙的,因为经常有人不慎跌落悬崖,就修建了这道墙。而墙根每隔不远的地方都有一个小水沟,雨天的时候由吐水口向外排水,以免水体冲刷墙体。而长城的墙体内部是由石头块铸成,在外面砌上砖,再在上面铺上一层石板,从而使建筑非常牢固。而我们现在就行走在墙体的顶上,非常平坦宽阔,宽处五马并骑,十人并进。








亲爱的游客们:欢迎你们来到黄山!我是你们的导游陈柯涵 。

黄山它有着"五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳"的美称。它的"奇松、怪石、云海、温泉"又有"四绝"之美誉 。






























黄山的奇松各式各样,美不胜收,今天我们就对奇松进行重点了解吧。迎客送,顾名思义,两根粗壮有力的树枝从枝干伸出,远看,真像一位热情好客的主人在迎接远道而来的游客或亲人呢。再看那边的陪客松,想必大家一定知道她的意思吧!陪客松酷似陪同客人的那位主人 。从山上往下看,黄山的景色大半尽收眼底,真是风景如画。再给大家介绍一种松树,两只"手臂"从山上伸下去,好像和游客依依不舍地告别呢!


200字黄山导游词相关文章: 1.黄山的导游词200字





























































































































所谓石窟就是在石壁山崖上开凿的洞,或是天然形成的洞,用来藏身或藏食物 。





















所谓石窟就是在石壁山崖上开凿的洞,或是天然形成的洞,用来藏身或藏食物 。

































在有句俗话,叫做“两山不能相逢,两人总能相遇”,而我也期待着与大家再次的相遇,最后,在这里祝愿大家身体健康,万事如意。 篇2:







































































Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen:

Today we will go and visit the Yueyang Tower.Yueyang Tower lies in the west of Yueyang city, nearby the Dongting Lake.It is listed as three famous towers in the south of Yangtze River, together with Yellow Crane Tower at Wuhan, Hubei province and Tengwang Tower at Nanchang, Jiangxi province.

Yueyang Tower was originally built for soldiers to rest on and watch out.In the Three kingdoms Period, Lusu, General of Wu State, trained his soldiers here and then rebuilt it as a tower to review his troops.

In the forth year (716 A.C) of Kaiyuan of Tang Dynasty, General Zhangshuo was dispatched to defend at yuezhou and he rebuilt it into a Tower named South Tower, and then Yueyang Tower.In the forth year (1044 A.C) of Qingli of Song Dynasty, Teng Zijing was stationed at Baling Jun, the ancient name of Yueyang city.In the second year, he had the Yueyang Tower repaired and had poems by previous poets inscribed on the walls of the Tower.Fan Zhongyan, a great artist and poet, was invited to write the well-known poem about Yueyang Tower, in his eay which entitled \"A Panegyric of the Yueyang Tower\", the two sentences Fan writes : \"Be the first to worry about the troubles acro the land, the last to enjoy universal happine\" have for thousands of years been a well-quoted dictum and made the tower even better known then before.

The architectural style of Yueyang Tower is quite unique.The main tower is 21.35 meters high with 4 columns, 3 stories, flying eave, helmet roof and wood construction, the helmet- roof of such a large dimension is a rarity among the ancient architectures in China.

Entering the tower, you\'ll pa the famous couplet: \"Dongting is the water of the world, Yueyang is the tower of the world.\" Moving on, there is a platform (Dianjiang tai) that once functioned as the training ground for the navy of Three-Kingdom period general Lusu.To its south is the Huaifu Pavilion in memory of Dufu (712-770AD), who was the famous poet during the Tang dynasty and wrote the famous poem and later died in the city.Stepping out of the Xiaoxiang Door, the Saint Plum Pavilion (Xianmei ting) and the Three Drunkards Pavilion (Sanzui ting) can be seen standing on two sides.In the garden to the north of the tower is the tomb of Xiaoqiao, the wife of Zhouyu, another famous Three-Kingdom general.南岳大庙导游词






















Lying at the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City, called Gu Gong, in Chinese, was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties.Now known as the Palace Museum, it is to the north of Tiananmen Square.Rectangular in shape, it is the world‗s largest palace complex and covers 74 hectares.Surrounded by a six meter deep moat and a ten meter high wall are 9,999 buildings.The wall has a gate on each side.Opposite the Tiananmen Gate, to the north is the Gate of Devine Might (Shenwumen), which faces Jingshan Park.The distance between these two gates is 960 meters, while the distance between the gates in the east and west walls is 750 meters.There are unique and delicately structured towers on each of the four corners of the curtain wall.These afford views over both the palace and the city outside.The Forbidden City is divided into two parts.The southern section, or the Outer Court was where the emperor exercised his supreme power over the nation.The northern section, or the Inner Court was where he lived with his royal family.Until 1924 when the last emperor of China was driven from the Inner Court, fourteen emperors of the Ming dynasty and ten emperors of the Qing dynasty had reigned here.Having been the imperial palace for some five centuries, it houses numerous rare treasures and curiosities.Listed by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1987, the Palace Museum is now one of the most popular tourist attractions world wide.

Construction of the palace complex began in 1407, the 5th year of the Yongle reign of the third emperor of the Ming dynasty.It was completed fourteen years later in 1420.It was said that a million workers including one hundred thousand artisans were driven into the long-term hard labor.Stone needed was quarried from Fangshan, a suburb of Beijing.It was said a well was dug every fifty meters along the road in order to pour water onto the road in winter to slide huge stones on ice into the city.Huge amounts of timber and other materials were freighted from faraway provinces.Ancient Chinese people displayed their very considerable skills in building the Forbidden City.Take the grand red city wall for example.It has an 8.6 meters wide base reducing to 6.66 meters wide at the top.The angular shape of the wall totally frustrates attempts to climb it.The bricks were made from white lime and glutinous rice while the cement is made from glutinous rice and egg whites.These incredible materials make the wall extraordinarily strong.

Since yellow is the symbol of the royal family, it is the dominant color in the Forbidden City.Roofs are built with yellow glazed tiles; decorations in the palace are painted yellow; even the bricks on the ground are made yellow by a special proce.However, there is one exception.Wenyuange, the royal library, has a black roof.The reason is that it was believed black represented water then and could extinguish fire.

Nowadays, the Forbidden City, or the Palace Museum is open to tourists from home and abroad.Splendid painted decoration on these royal architectural wonders, the grand and deluxe halls, with their surprisingly magnificent treasures will certainly satisfy \"modern civilians\".

明清两代皇帝居住的宫城叫做紫禁城。紫禁城有两座,一在北京,一在南京。南京紫禁城是明太祖朱元璋和建文帝朱允 4位皇帝和清代10位皇帝。他们在这里君临天下,统治中国491年,将近五个世纪。









Jiuzhaigou\'s entrance gate was built shortly after Jiuzhaigou was listed into the World Natural Heritage Catalog in 1992.The gate reflects the features of Tibetan remote areas.The bark of logs wraps round the whole gate that appears primitive, but also displays the flavor of thew modern arts.It seems to tell us that you will find yourselves in the world\'s most exciting and unspoiled nature.As you know, Jiuxhaigou has been crowned with several titles: The World Natural Heritage, The World Bio-sphere Reserve, the Green Globe 21 and The State 4A-Level Scenery.Besides,each site and each image shows something more-the true eence, the spirit, and the magic of Jiuxhaigou, Jiuxhaigou\'s wonders inspire the country\'s top photographers and artists because the best of their work is here.Others expre their feelings through words, and there are numerous quotes from writers or visitors.However, many others articulate this land that seems indescribable.As the saying goes, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times.I think Jiuzhaigou\'s reputation attracts all of you to come here for a vidit.I believe, whether you are a frequent visitr or someone who simply enjoys beautiful places, the visit to Jiuzhaigou will be a perfect way to remember the unique sites and beauty of jiuzhaigou in days to come.

Jiuzhaigou scenery is licated in jiuzhaigou County, the ASbe Tibetan and Qiang Nationality Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province.Jiuzhaigou literally means nine Tibetan village gullies, which are all scattered in the scenic area.The names of the villages are Heye, Shuzheng, Zech awa, Heijiao, Panya, Yala, Jianpan, Rexi and Guodu.

Jiuzhaigou scenery has taden shape due to the geographic movement in glaciations, earthquakes and calcification.However, there is some folklore that vividly describes the formation of Jiuzhaigou.Here is a story.A long tome ago, a male and female hilly deities fell in love with each other.The man is called Dage and woman Wonuosemo, who decided to reside in Jiuzhaigou because they deeply loved Jiuzhaigou\'s birds and animals, and forests and mountains.Unexpectedly a devil called Shemozha found out that the female deity was so beautiful that ho fool in love with her, too.Two devil didn\'t like the male deity to live here in Jiuzhaigou.Therefore the devil waged a war in orser to drive the male deity out and marry the female deity.A fiere battle occurred between the deity and the devil.During the battle, the female deity was snatched away by the devil.Bewildered, the female deity dropped down to the ground her precious mirror given by the male deity.The mirror was broken into over a hundred pieces, which immediately turned into over hundred high mountains and beautiful lakes.The battle continued, and the male deity and the devil fought all the way from inner Jiuzhaigou to the entrance.Despite that, there was no sign indicating who would win the battle.At this critical moment, Zhayizhaga, the king of multi-mountains arrived to join the fight on the side of the male deity.The king first put a huge screen-shaped cliff behind the devil and then crashed the devil beneath the cliff.The devil was buried there, eith his head off the cliff.Afterwards lical people called the cliff the Devil Cliff.Now ot os called the Precious Mirror Cliff.Since then Jiuzhaigou returned to peace and looked more beautiful due to the newly added over a hundred colorful lakes and mountains.The man and womand lived together in Jiuzhaigou forever as the important deities to safeguard jiuzhaigou.

Jiuzhaigou is 47 km long from the south to the north, 29 km wide from the east to the west, covering an area of 720sq.km.In 1990 Jiuzhaigou became one of 40 best scenic spots in the country; in 2000 Jiuzhaigou was evaluated as one of the first atate 4A-level sceneries in China; in 1992 Jiuzhaigou was listed on the World Bio-sphere Reserve.

In Jiuzhaigou scenic area there are three gullies that seem to be in the shape of y.There distributed 108 lakes, 47 splashed waterfalls, 12 tirbi;emt screa,s.5 shoals and 3 Tibetan villages.All these scenic sites create a unique landscape of jiuzhaigou, to China and the rest of the world.

If you get closer to view the cliff that is over a thousand-ren cliff, you may see a bizarre figure image on the cliff.What does it look alike? It is a devil\'s face, and it is now called the Precilous Mirror Cliff.Down the cliff is a gully called Zharugou, where stands Zharu Monastery.In Sichuan Tibetan areas local Tibetan people believe in what can be properlyu described as \"Lamaism\", an ancient strain of Tantric Indian Buddhism, coupled with Tibetan Shamanism.It flourishes in regions inhabited by the Tibetan and Mongolian people.During the reign of Songzan Gapu in the 7th to 9th century, monks from India croed the Himalayas through Nepal and arrived at Tibet to spread Tantrism.Tantrism, Mahayana and Bon, the indigenous religion of Tibet, intermingled and developed into Lamaism that strongly believes in reincarnation.Lama means \"teacher\" or \"superiorbeing\".A lama must be a monk, but not all monks can become lamas.Lamaism has several sects: the Yellow, the Red, the Black and others.The YellowSect, founded by Tsong kha pa in the early 15th century, and rapidly grew into the dominant sect thanks to the support of the Qing government.The Yellow Sect perfected the Tibetan Buddhism and greatly promoted the evolution of the mergence of govetnment administration with religion the Tihetan a Buddha in your present lifetime.The monks in Zharu monastery believe in the Black Sect Buddhismthat is also called Bon.The religious activity of the Black Sect, much more influenced by the indigenous religilon, has centered on the primciplkes that everything has spirit; the Black Sect followers pray to gain happine and drive out disasters.

Yoy may be aware of the dense forest growing along the sides of the road.it mirrors together thescenic sites of main plants in Jiuzhaigou.The evergreen plants consists of Chinese pine, hemlock, fir and dragon spruce; the red-leaf plants are maple, little tiller, smoke tree and others; the yellow-leaf plants are birchm, golden-rain tree, elm, larch, poplar mix together in harmony, offering a rainbow of natural pictures that easily please to our eyes, It is commonly believe that the colerful plant scenery is one of the main features manifested in Jiuzhaigou.As autumn arrives, the plants keep changing their colors.As colorful leaves and forests are mirrored on the lakes around, the stunning color images seem to allure viewers into a dreamlike world because it is too beautiful to absorb all of them during a time-limited tour.

As you enter into Shuzheng scenic site, and start walking through it, the garden-patterned landscape might inspire your paion to write poems or paint pictures.Here is the Reed Sea.If you close your eyes, you may feel as if you were in the region of rivers and lakes in southern China.Actually the sea is a kind of moisture land that suits the growth of varied water plants.Some fiah swims in the shallow sea, and they have a strange name, called\"naked carp\"or they has no scales, but belong to the family of the carp.

The water in Jiuzhaigou is a big attraction, and is commonly considered the soul of Jiuzhaigou because ot remaons much le touched by human beings.Ginerally the water is so clean that youy can see to the bottim even at 30m in depth.Now we wrrive at the first lake in Jiuzhaigou called Shuanglonghai.You can dimly see two calcified lower banks in the shape of tibbon.Once waves in the lake surges, the two banks seem to wriggle.The local dlegend says that they are two swimming dragons.It is said that there are four dragons in Jiuzhaigou.The dragons in the laks here are two of the four, who take charge of raining and hail.Maybe because they have no strong sense of their duty responsibility, they often make mistakes, and therefore there is no rain when it should rain; there is no hail when ot should hail.Therefore Geshaer, the Tibetan hero has subdued the two evil dragons and imprisoned them at the bottom of the lake.

The water here is closely related with calcification.The water from the Rizegou Gully has rich content in the ion of calcium and magnesiu,.Due to the suitable temperature in the water hee, the flowing ion easily turns into particulate matters, which stick to plankton or tiny sediments, and depisit on the lower earth bank.narrow mounds, trunks and tree branches in the bottom.Gradually calcified segments have fully covered the objects, forming unique natural phenomenon.

Shuzheng Waterfall, one of the main scenic sites, is 11m in height and 62m in width.It is an unseen stream from the high terrace meandering among the forests down to the edge of the cliff.As it approaches the edge, trees, bushes and rocks there devert the unseen stream into may sub-ones.The sub-streams fall downwards, presenting a splendid huge waterfall and hanging off the cliff.Down below the cliff grow rich trees and bushes and protruding rocks, and the water keep splashing off these objects in varied shape.

Beyond the waterfall is a smooth terrain.Near the road is the Xiniu Lake that is 2km long and 18m deep, the largest one in Jiuzhaigou.Toward the southern end of the lake is a forest where there is a simple bridge spanning acro the lake.Nearby is a stream, and the water from the streamoffersw sweet and refreshing tastes.The local Tibetan residents think that it is a stpernatural stream, for it is said that the water from the stream can stop diarrhea and quench a thirst.The legend had it that a long time ago, ja lama from Tibet arrived here on a rhinoceros.He was so sick that he couldn\'t walk further.So he drank the water from the stream.Unexpectedly he was fully recovered and felt rejuvenated.Afterwards the lama drove the rhinoceros down into the lake, and he himself resided nearby.

Nuorilang Waterfall, located between the Rizegou and Shuzheng Gullies, is 30m in height and 270m in width.Nuorilang literally means magnificence.the water comes from Rizgou Gully.During the high-water season, the cascading waterfall lproduces a tremendous noise that revetberates in the gully.As the water hits the ground, the splashed liquik immediately moves high up into the air in the form of fine drops, which have been thrown, blown or projected, forming a splendid water curtain.Visitors often view a rainbow that appears in the curtain while the sun shines upon it.In autumn, the water gets much le.However, the waterfall presents another wonder.it seems as if the cliff hangs a colorful silk cloth matched wuth multi-colored bushed around.

As you enter the Nuorilang scenic site, Jinghai Lake appears at ypur sight.The lake, 925m in linght and 262m in width, is encircled by precipitous hills at three sides, and the olther side is open rather like an entrance gate.The hills by the lake look green and verdant, In the early morning when there is no wide, the lake is as smooth as a mirror.At this time the blue skyu, white clouds, hills and trees are all reflected in the water.The scenery in and outside the water is closely joined, and it is hard to tell which is teal one or which is a reflection.The scenery has inspired the paion of many artists and poets.A figure of speech is used here just right to describe the situation.It says, \"Inside the water birds fly, and up in the sky fish swims.\"The depth of the lake is between 10 and 20m, bit tje water so clean that you can see sof green algae move and fish swim at the bottom, and trunks in the water fully have been covered by calcified sediments that look rather like huge corals in pretty shape.

After you leave Jinghai Parkm you continue to walk for a while before arriving at another scenic site by the name of Zhenzhutan.The slope-shaped shoal is calcified, 160m in width and 200m in length.The water flows freely downwards on the strface of the shoal that appears quite uneven due to the calcification.As the water unrolls, it splashes numerous tiny drops tather like rolls and strings of snow-white pearls spraying over the whole shoal.Moreover, poplars, williws and azalea groe all over the upper part of the shoal.In May it is amazing to view the scenic beauty as you walk underfoot the rolling water spray, paing through the patches of azalea in bloom and listening to the ceadele gentle sound from swaying willows.

Wuhuaihai Lake is ine of the main scenic sites, where it is an ideal place for photographs.The algae and bryophyte grows very well in the lake.Sediments act on the sense of these plants and give rise to the clusters of multi-colorful ribbons in the strface of the lake.When maple and smoke trees around turn red in autumn, their reflection on the water resembles raging flames.encircling the ribbons in multi-colors.

The road near Wuhuaihai Lake spirals up the steep mountain.As it turns to a curve of the mountain, two lakes emerge in sight.One is called Xiongmaohai and the other Jianzhuhai.The panda and bamboo lakes join together, which indicates that pandas used to eat arrow bamboo plants and drind water here.As you know, the plant is the pandas\'chief food source, In winter the Panda Lake is frozen, but the Arrow Lake remains what it is like before.At the lower end of the lake is a Waterfall, the highest one in Jiuzhaigou.It is called the Panda\'s Waterfall that resembles a flight of three stages.The first stahge is 19m in height and 5m in width; the second one is 24m in height and 4m in width; the third one is 19m in height and 14m in width.Water falls down rebounding stages one after another before cascading into the deep valley.In midwinter the three stages hang ice-formed dripping water, which forms varied-patterns nd looks magnificent as if you found yourselves in the ice-carving world.

Not far from Rizegou Guesthouse is the Swan Lake.It is said that swans used to reside here.At the present time, the lake remains semi-marsh land eith waterweeds fully covered on the surface.In spring the lake resembles a carpet of green gra; in summer the lake is splendidly decorated with bloomed flowers; in autumn the yelliwne in the lake meets the eye in every side; in winter the lake remains a world of ice and snow.Near the upper end of the lake is an another lake called Fangchaohai.The lake leads to hills where the hill peaks raise one higher than another.However, among the hills there is a pealk that obviously towers.It is named the Sword Rock because it looks sharp on the top and wide at lower part.Paing the foot of the towering peak, you start to walk into a dense primeval forwst, where you find yourselves deep in the boundle expanse of trdds and plants, feeling as light as if you had left the world of men and became immortal beings.There are an abundance of trees that looking up you hardly see the sunshine.Some of the trees curves down like awnings; some loom up like obelisks; some stand erect like men; some recline like dragons.Beneath your feet are soft moes that grow in a thick furry ma on wet soil.When you walk through the forest, cool greenery rests your eyes, gentle breeze sooths your ears and the utter quietne refreshes your heart.

Wucaichi, 100.8m in length and 56m in width, is the smallest lake in Jiuzhaigou.However, it is commonly believed that it is richest in color.Someone says that it looks like an emerald inlaid inside the hills.Many visitors usually stop to sit by the lake and seem to feel ease at heart.The water is ruffled, and its azure translucence below the water stretches to the bottom before your eyes.you may look in amaziment at multi-colored clusters displayed at the bottow like inexhaustible treasures supplied by the Greator.Some visitors even doubt whether it is painted by the local peoplw.The water from Wucaichi neither increases nor diminishes.It soaks into the lake from Changhai Lake.As the sun xasts lights on the water, sekiments at the bottom act on the sense of algae and bryophyte plants and give rise to the multi-colorful clusters as it occurs in Wuhuaihai Lake.

After paing a col from Wucaichi Lake, you arrive at Changhai Lake which is licated at the top of Zechawa gully at 3, 100m above sea level.There are several questeins related to the lake.Hoe did the lake take shape? Why soes the lake have no exit? Is any fish in the lake? How long is the lake? Hoe deep is it?

The first question still remains a mystery.It is uncertain if it took shape due to esrthquakes, landslides or mud-rock flow.The source of the water comes from springs from the forests and snow on the mountains around.The way of draining off water in the lake is to evaporate and permeate into the ground.In the lake the water never overflows in summer, and it never dried up in winter.The lake has no fish probably because it is too cold in the lake.a legend says that a monster had eaten yp all the fish a long time ago.The lake is 7.5km in aength, and in some parts it is 103m i9n depth.

The lake,tyhe largest one in Jiuzhaigou, glimmers like jade, nibbling at the distant hills covered with snow.Green forests around grow verdant, casting shadows on the lake ,From here you have a view of the unruffled lake, floating clouds, water birds frolic below acro the lake, displaying them merrily.as you sit here, such natural beauty strikes you as vast and imagination.Whether or not a creator exists, this sight will make you feel that there must surely be one.It seems strange that such wondwrs are set in the remote areas like this, where hundreds of years may have paed before you come along to appreciate them.

The daily tour to jiuzhaigou is steadily and serenely approaching to the end.Anticipation, curiosity, delight are all held in delicate balance.Reluctantly you are prepared to return to the reality of our own everyday world after you have enjoyed the brief glimpses of Jiuxhaigou where cool greenery rests your eyes, running water soothes your ears, the great void revives your spirit and the utter quietne refreshes your hearts.江苏]南京中山陵英文导游辞

My dear friends, when you come to a city, you probably want to visit the most famous scenic spots of special interest.Nanjing has many places of historic interests and has been capital for six \"dynasties.\" But if you leave Nanjing without visiting Dr.Sun Yat-sen\'s Mausoleum, undoubtedly you have mied the most arresting and famous tourist attraction of the city. Talking about the Mausoleum we should have an idea about Sun Yat-sen, the great pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution.Mr.Sun\'s original name is Sun Wen and styled himself Yat-sen.So foreign friends would call him \"Dr.Sun Yat-sen\".Since he took \"Woodcutter in Zhoushan\" as his alias when he took part in the revolutionary activities, he was respectfully and widely called Mr.Sun Zhongshan in China.On October 12, 1866, Mr.Sun was born in a farmer\'s family in Caiheng village of Xiangshan county (the present-day zhongshan City), Guangdong Province.When he was still young, he had great expectations.He studied medicine in Honolulu, Hong Kong and some other places and after graduation he worked as a practitioner in Gangzhou, Macao and other places Later he gave up medicine as his profeion to take part in political activities.In 1905, he set up China Alliance Organization in Japan and he was elected president.He put forward the famous guiding principle- \"driving the invaders out, restoring the sovereignty of China, establishing a republic and equalizing the land ownership\" and the Three People\'s Principles-\"Nationalism, Democracy and the People\'s Livelihood.\" On October 10, 1911, the Wuchang uprising broke out and Dr.Sun as elected President of the Republic of China by representatives from seventeen provinces.On the following New Year\'s day (January 1, 1912) Mr.Sun took the oath of office in Nanjing.From then on, Mr.Sun experienced Yuan Shikai\'s usurpation, the Second Revolution, \"Campaign Protecting the Interim Constitution.\" In 1921, Mr.Sun took the position of President in Unusual Times in Guangzhou.At the first National Congre of Kuomintang held in Quangzhou in 1924, he perfected the original Three People\'s Principles and put forward Three people\'s New Principles.He also proposed the policies of \"Making an alliance with Ruia and the Communist Party of China and helping the farmers and workers.\" In November 1924, in spite of his illne, Mr.Sun went up to Beijing to discu state affairs with General Feng Yuxiang. Unfortunately, he broke down from constant overwork and paed away on March 12, 1925. The location of the Mausoleum was chosen by Mr.Sun himself.Here is exactly a good place to build a mausoleum.You may wonder: Mr.Sun was born in Guangdong but died in Beijing.For his whole life he traveled throughout China for the revolution.Why did he choose Nanjing as the venue of his tomb? It is said that far before Mr.Sun took office in 1912, the abbot of Lingu Monastery had recommended him that his place is good for fengshui, because it faces the plain and is backed up by green mountains as its protective screen.On March 31, 1912 Mr.Sun resigned as a political compromise for the sake of the union of the North China and the South China.One day of the early April, he went hunting with Hu Hanmin around the Piety Tomb of Ming Dynasty.They took a rest in the place where the Mausoleum is located now.Mr.Sun looked around and said \"If poible I would like my countrymen to allow me to have this place to bury my coffin.\" Surely, the fengshui of the Zijing Mountain is not the basic reason for the location of Mr.Sun\'s mausoleum.The basic reason is that, he said on dying \"After my death, you can bury me at the foot of the Zijin Mountain in Nanjing in memory of the Revolution of 1911, because Nanjing is where the temporary government was founded.\"So although Mr.Sun stayed in Nanjing not a long time, it had a special meaning to him.Fundamentally speaking, the reason he chose Zijing Mountain as his permanent resting-place is to commemorate the revolution of 1911 and to encourage the revolutionaries. In order to respect Mr.Sun\'s wish, the Preparatory Committee of Sun Yat-sen\'s Funeral, including his wife Song Qingling and his son Sunke, examined the area and chose the site for the Mausoleum.They delimited 2000 mu and offered a reward in newspaper for the best design of the Mausoleum.Among all the contribution, young architect Lu Yanzhi\'s design, a design in the shape of a bell, was highly praised and gained the first prize and he himself was invited to supervise the whole project as well. On March 12,1926, the first anniversary of Mr.Sun\'s death, the project got started and 3 years later, it was completed in spring of 1929.It cost 1.5 million silver collars totally.Unfortunately, LuYanzhi, the young architect with great gift, suffered when supervising the project, and died at 35, just before the completion of the Mausoleum.The completion ceremony was held on June 1, 1929 and Mr.Sun\'s remains were transported from Beijing to Nangjing.From then on, Mr.Sun has slept here for nearly 70 years. The construction of Dr.Sun Yat-sen\'s Mausoleum was an important event in the history of Nanjing.In order to meet Mr.Sun\'s coffin, the first asphalt road was built from Zhongshan Port in the west to Zhongshan Gate in the east; it is 12 kilometres in length and also called Zhongshan Road.Up to today, Zhangshan Road is still one of the most important main roads.At the same time, the city gate Chaoyang Gate which was built in Ming Dynasty was renovated and Changed its name to Zhongshan Gate.Between Zhongshang Gate and Dr.Sun Yat-sen\'s Mausoleum, a road called the Mausoleum Road was built.Just as the people of Paris take pride of their les Champs-Elysees and the people of New York, the Fifth Avenue, the nanjing people are proud of their boulevards.And the 3 kilometers long Mausoleum Road is undoubtedly the best representative of these boulevards.Along both sides of the \"green corridor\" grows the main kind of tree in Nanjing as parasols Usually Chinese people call them French plane trees, in fact they are Chinese local products.Just because Frenchmen took them from Yunnan Province to France and later they transplanted them in their leased territory in Shanghai, that is why they got such a name. Now, we are going out of the Zhongshan Gate and driving along the Mausoleum Road.The destination ahead is a square in shape of crescent.According to Lu Yanzhi\'s design, the place of the Mausoleum is like a \"duo\", a big wooden bell, which was used to announce a policy, decree or a war in ancient time.Duo\'s sound is loud and clear, implying to make the whole world peaceful and happy.The design reminds the people of Dr.Sun Yat-sen\'s well-known saying \"The revolution is far from succe and we should continue working hard.\" This saying also serves s an alert to the later generation.The crescent-shaped square is the bottom of the \"Bell of Freedom\". Now, please look to the south.There is an octagon platform structured with reinforced concrete but covered with Jinshan stone of Suzhou.The platform is divided into three layers and each layer is enclosed by stone rails.The copper \"ding\" (an ancient cooking veel) with two looped handles and two legs weighs 5000 kg.IT is 4.25 meters high and its diameter is 1.23 meters.It is one of the construction for memory of the mausoleum.The \"ding \" was built in autumn, 1933 with donation of students and teaching staff of the Zhongshan University and Mr.Dai jitao.One side of the \"ding \" is engraved with three characters \"Intelligence, Humanity and Brevity\".These three words are the school instruction of Zhongshan University.Inside of the \"ding \"stands a hexagon copper tablet on which Dai Jitao\'s mother\'s handwriting of the \"Filial Piety\" is engraved.To the bell-shaped mausoleum the \"ding \" is just like the pendulum.It seems to serve to alarm the whole nation by striking the bell. Stepping on the steps, we will see a soaring memorial archway with four columns.The archway was built between 1931 and 1933, 12meters high and 17.3 meters in width.It is made of huge Granite from Fujian Province, but its structure is in Chinese traditional wood structure style.Now, look up at the shining words inscribed on the horizontal board.The word in English mean fraternity.They were written by Dr.Sun Yat-sen.The word are taken from a Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu\'s \"Fraternity is humanity \" .It is said that Mr.Sun very much liked to write these two words to others.Dr.Sun devoted his whole life to bourgeois democratic revolution with great fraternity and struggled for the national independence and freedom fro scores of years.So we can say that \"fraternity\" is the best generalization of his life. Further from the Fraternity Archway, there is a road leading to the mausoleum.The road is 480 meters long and dozens of meters wide.The whole design of the mausoleum gives prominence to Chinese traditional style, grand, solemn and specific.In order to embody the greatne of Mr.Sun, the Mausoleum followed the example of ancient mausoleums and was built against mountains and the coffin chamber was placed at the top of the mountain that is 160 meters high.In addition, the plants of the Mausoleum are symmetric, which make it feel more solemn.Now, please look forward to the north, along the hillside, situate the mausoleum Gate, the Stele Pavilion, the Memorial Hall and the coffin chamber right behind.The pines, cyprees, ginkgoes and maples on the both sides of the road represent Mr.Sun\'s revolutionary spirit and lofty quality.They take the place of statues and stone beasts which usually flanked the sacred road in ancient times.Among the trees, cedar is one of the \"four kinds of tree for appreciation\" and has been honored as the tree of Nanjing City.The grand archway at the end of the Mausoleum Road is the formal beginning of the mausoleum area.IT is 16 meters high, 27 meters wide and 8.8 meters deep.It is made of granite from the Fujian Province, too.Inscribed on the horizontal board of the middle paage is Dr.SunYat-sen\'s handwriting.It means that the state doesn\'t belong to one family but belongs to the entire nation and the common people.This is the goal for which Mr.Sun struggled for his whole life and it is also the excellent explanation of the Democracy of the Three People\'s Principles.We have paed the gate of the Mausoleum, then in front of us is the Stele Pavilion.The 9-meter high stele in the middle of the pavilion was engraved with 24 gold-plating characters of Yan Zhenqing style, \"Chinese KMT buried Premier Sun here on June 1, 18th year of the Republic of China\".These words were written by one of the founder members of KMT, Tan Yankai.When talking about setting up a stele, Wang Jing wei and Hu Hanmin were arranged to write an inscription for Mr.Sun, but two years paed, yet nothing they could write.Because they thought that Mr.Sun\'s merits couldn\'t be generated by word, then they chose to use the present from to praise Dr.Sun without engraving an inscription. Going out of the pavilion, we\'ll see numerous layers of steps.The people of Nanjing often say that the steps in the Mausoleum ware as number as the stone lions on Lugou Bridge (known for Westerners as Marco Polo Bridge).So when coming here tourists usually ask, \"how many steps on earth are there in the Mausoleum?\" My friends, if you are interested you can count them. Now we are coming near the top platform.Look, there are two big copper \"ding\".They were contributed by Shanghai municipal government of that time.Now, please look carefully.There are two holes in the bottom of the left \"ding\".Why? Just let me tell you .In late 1937, when the Japanese army attacked Nanjing, their shooting left two holes in the left ding.Now, although the circumstances have changed, the two holes always remind Chinese people not to forget the national humiliation.Not far away, there are two bronze dings in ancient style.They are presented by Mr.Sun\'s son Sun Ke and his family. Ascending the steps, now we have reached the top of the platform.Here we can have a bird-view of what it is in the distance.The Memorial Hall is the half way up to the mountain and there are altogether 392 steps covered if you count from the archway of Fraternity.The vertical distance is 70 meters but the plane distance is 700 meters.If you count the steps from the Stele Pavilion, the number of steps is 290.In order to avoid monotone, the architect divided the 392 steps into 10 parts and every part has a platform and there are totally 10 such platforms.More marvelous, if you look up from the bottom, you can see that the steps extend to the top without stop and you cant see any platform.But if you look down from the top, you only see the platforms.The number of the steps, 392, is not a random number; it implied the number of Chinese population at that time-392 million. Now we are in front of the Memorial Hall and the coffin Chamber.They are the major parts of the Mausoleum.The construction of these two building was supervised then by Lu Yanzhi, the gift young designer.If is when he was doing these two building he died of cancer.So when the later generation mentions him they would often say, \"It is a great pity he died before his complete succe.\" The structure of the Sacrificed Hall is of an ancient wooden palace style.It is 30 meters long, 25 meters wide and 29 meter high, surrounded by smaller constructions of fortre style and two 12.6-meter-high cloud columns.Its roof, with double-eaves and nine ridges, is covered with blue glare tiles.The outside of wall is covered with granite from Hongkong.The inscription on the horizontal board is engraved with seal characters cut in relief- \"Naturalism\" \"Democracy\" and \"The people\'s livelihood\".These are the most basic and general guiding principles of Mr.Sun\'s revolutionary activities.Above \"Democracy\", there is a horizontal inscription board with Sun\'s handwriting on it, \"Fill the World with Justice\". Please follow me into the Memorial Hall.The floor is covered with white and black marble from Yunnan Province.The colors of white and black are among the traditional color for burial ceremonies in China.There are 12 black stone columns, with 0.8 meter as the diameter for each.You will see that the interiors of the walls around are inset with black marble.Now you can have a look at Mr.Sun Yat-sen\'s handwriting of \"Programme for Founding a State\", engraved on the east and west walls.The main colors of the Hall are black, white and blue, which are used to expre filial piety in China.The inside windows are inlaid with smaltos.They present western flavors especially with floods of sunshine.The style of the whole structure is a blend of the East and the West, representing the well blended doctrine of Dr.Sun Yat-sen. In the middle is the sitting statue of Dr.Sun Yat-sen in a robe.It is 4.6 meters high and the bottom is 2.1 meters wide.It was sculpted by the famous French sculptor Paul Arinsky whose native country is Poland.He was entrusted by the committee of Dr.Sun Yat-sen\'s Funeral for sculpting it.He chose the Italian marble as the material for the statue.In 1930, the sculpture was sent to the Mausoleum from Paris.Its total cost was 1.5 million francs.The sic relief below are pictures depicting Mr.Sun\'s life and revolutionary activities. Paing through the Hall, we have come to the Coffin Chamber.There are two doors that you need to get through.The outer door consists of two American-made safety door leafs which are made of copper.The nails on them and the mysterious beasts on the copper loops are typical of traditional Chinese.The horizontal inscription board was engraved with \"The noble spirit will never perish \" which was Sun\'s handwriting for the 72 martyrs\' tomb in Harangue Mound of Guangzhou .The second door is a single copper leaf engrave with seven characters \"Mr.Sun Yat-sen\'s tomb\" which were written by Zhang Jing jiang. The tomb is a half globe in shape.The design of KMT emblem is mosaicked in the vaulted dome.The floor of the round room is covered with marble.The room\'s diameter is 18 meters and the height is 11 meters .The walls are covered with pink marbles.The circular marble pit is 1.7 meters deep and 4.35 meters in diameter.It is enclose with 1-meter-high white marble rails.In the pit lays Dr.Sun Yat-sen lying statue in Zhongshan Suit.This is sculpted in accordance to Mr.Sun\'s remains by a Czechoslovakian sculptor.His copper coffin is lying about 5 meters below the sculpture.You may ask why on earth the clothes Dr.Wears for the sitting statue are totally different from those for the lying one? In those years, the leftists and the rightists inside of the KMT had severe conflicts.The rightists, headed by Chang Kai-shek wanted to restore the ancient ways and opposed revolution.They insisted that Mr.Sun should wear long robe, while the leftists insisted he wear Zhongshan Suit.Since they had different opinions thus the two statues have different clothes styles. My friends, I\'m afraid you must be concern about whether Mr.Sun remains are in the tomb or not.In fact, his remains had a unusual experience.After his death, his remain were dealt with antiseptic and placed in Biyun Monastery in Beijing in March, 1925.When the warlord Zhang Zong chang was defeated by the North Expeditionary Army and withdrew to Beijing in 1926, he ascribed his failure to Mr.Sun\'s remains and decided to burn them .It is the patriotic general Zhang Xuelian who sent troops to protect the remains.Unfortunately they were once exposed to the air though they were safe again.On May 28, 1929, Mr.Sun\'s coffin was sent to Pukou from Beijing by Jinpu Railway, and on June 1 it reached the Mausoleum.After the Grand Ceremony of Feng\'an, the coffin and the remains were put into the pit and used cement to concrete it .The bottom of the tomb is granite.Under the copper coffin, there is a specially made wooden pad and enclosing the coffin is a well-sealed crystal box.After the breakout of the Resistance War against Japan, KMT government planed to transport the remains to Chongqing and at the end of the liberation war, Chang Kai-shek planed to transport it to Taiwan this time.Because it was not an easy job to take the coffin out and the work might do damage to the remains as well, this plan was fiercely attacked by the engineering field and the left wing of the KMT.At last Chang gave up the plan.So the remains have stayed here safely up to today. Paing through the door in the back wall of the square outside you will arrive at the Mausoleum Park.The back wall of the park is an \"Exhibition of Construction of Dr.Sun Yat-sen\'s Mausoleum \".The Exhibition contains nearly 200 precious historic materials which show the construction of the Mausoleum and the proce of the transportation of Mr.Sun\'s remains. Beside the main structure, there are also some constructions around the Mausoleum built in memory of Mr.Sun.Most of the constructions are built after 1929 with the donation of those from both all trades in China and overseas Chinese.The Fraternity Pavilion on top of the Plum Hill is built with the donation of a Taiwanese compatriot.IT was completed on November 12,1993, the 127th anniversary of Mr.Sun\'s birthday. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.Sun struggled for a better China for his whole life and overthrew monarch feudalist system which lasted for more than 2000 years.He carried out the three principal policies of \"Making an alliance with Ruia and the Communist Party of China and helping the farmers and workers\" in his later days.The great feat Mr.Sun has achieved has gained great respect and praise from people from both home and abroad.After liberation, both central and local governments have exerted great efforts in preserving this excellent heritage. Now, as one of the \"Top Forty Tourist Resorts in China\" Dr.Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum receives numerous Chinese and international friends every years.People come here to pay homage to Mr.Sun.Today, the unification has become the main tendency in terms of the relations between the Chinese on both sides of the Straits.I believe that most Chinese people, from both home and abroad, are expecting from the bottom of heart the coming of the day when our country is united and getting more prosperous.At that time, when hearing this.Dr.Sun would smile and be satisfied for sure in the other world.OK, thank you very much for your cooperation.Good-bye and good luck! [北京]故宫英文导游辞

FORBIDDEN CITY (紫禁城) (In front of the meridian gate) Ladies and Gentlemen: I am pleased to serve as your guide today. This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City.It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today.Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406.It took 14years to build the Forbidden City.The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi.For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 succeive emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne.In 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy. It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng (Purple Forbidden City), got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan (North Star) .The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellation of Heavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace.Because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his residence.In folklore, the term ―an eastern purple cloud is drifting‖ became a metaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, LaoZi, to the Hanghu Pa.Here, purple is aociated with auspicious developments.The word jin (forbidden) is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits to ordinary people. The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also symbolic.Red represents happine, good fortune and wealth.Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loe Plateau, the original home of the Chinese people.Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture. The Forbidden City is rectangular in shape.It is 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meter wide from east west.It has 9,900 rooms under a total roof area 150,000 square meters.A 52-meter-wide-moat encircles a 9.9-meter—high wall which encloses the complex.Octagon —shaped turrets rest on the four corners of the wall.There are four entrances into the city: the Meridian Gate to the south, the Shenwu Gate (Gate of Military Prowe) to the north, and the Xihua Gate (Gate of military Prowe) to the north, and the Xihua Gate (Western Flowery Gate ) to the west, the Donghua (Eastern Flowery Gate) to the east. Manpower and materials throughout the country were used to build the Forbidden City.A total of 230,000 artisans and one million laborers were employed.Marble was quarried from fangshan Country Mount Pan in Jixian County in Hebei Province.Granite was quarried in Quyang County in Hebei Province.Paving blocks were fired in kilns in Suzhou in southern China.Bricks and scarlet pigmentation used on the palatial walls came from linqing in Shandong Province.Timber was cut, proceed and hauled from the northwestern and southern regions. The structure in front of us is the Meridian Gate.It is the main entrance to the forbidden City.It is also knows as Wufenglou (Five-Phoenix Tower).Ming emperors held lavish banquets here on the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar year in honor of their counties.They also used this place for punishing officials by flogging them with sticks. Qing emperors used this building to announce the beginning of the new year.Qing Emperor Qianlong changed the original name of this announcement ceremony from ban li (announcement of calendar) to ban shou (announcement of new moon) to avoid coincidental aociation with another Emperor\'s name, Hongli, which was considered a taboo at that time.Qing Dynasty emperors also used this place to hold audience and for other important ceremonies.For example, when the imperial army returned victoriously from the battlefield, it was here that the Emperor presided over the ceremony to accept prisoners of war. (After entering the Meridian Gate and standing in front of the Five Marble Bridges on Golden Water River) Now we are inside the Forbidden City.Before we start our tour, I would like to briefly introduce you to the architectural patterns before us.To complete this solemn, magnificent and palatial complex, a variety of buildings were arranged on a north-south axis, and 8-kilometer-long invisible line that has become an inseparable part of the City of Beijing.The Forbidden City covers roughly one –third of this central axis.Most of the important buildings in the Forbidden City were arranged along this line.The design and arrangement of the palaces reflect the solemn dignity of the royal court and rigidly –stratified feudal system. The Forbidden City is divided into an outer and an inner count.We are now standing on the southernmost part of the outer count.In front of us lies the Gate of supreme Harmony.The gate is guarded by a pair of bronze lions, symbolizing imperial power and dignity.The lions were the most exquisite and biggest of its kind.The one on the east playing with a ball is a male, and ball is said to represent state unity.The other one is a female.Underneath one of its fore claws is a cub that is considered to be a symbol of perpetual imperial succeion.The winding brook before us is the Golden Water River.It functions both as decoration and fire control.The five bridges spanning the river represent the five virtues preached by Confucius: benevolence, righteousne, rites, intelligence and fidelity.The river takes the shape of a bow and the north-south axis is its arrow.This was meant to show that the Emperors ruled the country on behalf of God. (In front of the Gate of Supreme Harmony) The Forbidden City consists of an outer courtyard and an inner enclosure.The out count yard covers a vast space lying between the Meridian Gate and the Gate of Heavenly Purity.The ―three big halls‖ of Supreme Harmony, Complete Harmony and Preserving Harmony constitute the center of this building group.Flanking them in bilateral symmetry are two groups of palaces: Wenhua (Prominent Scholars) and Wuying (Brave Warriors).The three great halls are built on a spacious ―H‖-shaped, 8-meter-high, triple marble terrace, Each level of the triple terrace is taller than the on below and all are encircled by marble balustrades carved with dragon and phoenix designs.There are three carved stone staircases linking the three architectures.The hall of supreme Harmony is also the tallest and most exquisite ancient wooden-structured mansion in all of China.From the palace of Heavenly Purity northward is what is known as the inner court, which is also built in bilaterally symmetrical patterns.In the center are the Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Hall of Union and Peace and Palace of Earthly Tranquility, a place where the Emperors lived with their families and attended to state affairs.Flanking these structures are palaces and halls in which concubines and princes lived.There are also three botanical gardens within the inner count, namely, the imperial Garden, Caning garden and Quailing garden.An inner Golden Water River flows eastwardly within the inner court.The brook winds through three minor halls or palaces and leads out of the Forbidden City.It is spanned by the White Jade Bridge.The river is lined with winding, marble –carved balustrades.Most of the structures within the Forbidden City have yellow glazed tile roofs. Aside from giving prominence to the north-south axis, other architectural methods were applied to make every group of palatial structures unique in terms of terraces, roofs, mythical monsters perching on the roofs and colored, drawing patterns.With these, the grand contour and different hierarchic spectrum of the complex were strengthened.Folklore has it that there are altogether 9,999 room-units in the Forbidden City.Since Paradise only has 10,000 rooms, the Son of Heaven on earth cut the number by half a room.It is also rumoured that this half –room is located to the west of the Wenyuange Pavilion (imperial library) .As a matter of fact, although the Forbidden City has more than 9,000 room-units, this half-room is nonexistent.The Wenyuange Pavilion is a library where ―Si Ku Quan Shu‖- China\'s first comprehensive anthology-was stored. (After walking past the Gate of Supreme Harmony) Ladies and Gentlemen, the great hall we are approaching is the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the biggest and tallest of its king in the Forbidden City.This structure covers a total building space of 2,377 square meters, and is know for its upturned, multiple counterpart eaves.The Hall of Supreme Harmony sits on a triple ―H‖-shaped marble terrace is 8 meters high and linked by staircases.The staircase on the ground floor has 21 steps while the middle and upper stairways each have 9. The construction of the Hall of Supreme Harmony began in 1406.It burned down three times and was severely damaged once during a mutiny.The existing architecture was built during the Qing Dynasty.On the corners of the eaves a line of animal-nails were usually fastened to the tiles.These animal-nails were later replace with mythical animals to ward off evil spirits.There are altogether 9 such fasteners on top of this hall.The number nine was regarded by the ancients to be the largest numeral acceible to man and to which only the emperors were entitled. There was a total of 24 succeive emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties who were enthroned here.The ball was also used for ceremonies which marked other great occasions: the Winter Solstice, The Chinese Lunar New Year, the Emperor\'s birthday, conferral of the title of empre, the announcement of new laws and policies, and dispatches of generals to war.On such occasions, the Emperor would hold audience for his court officials and receive their tributes. This area is called the Hall of Supreme Harmony Square, which covers a total of 30,000 square meters, Without a single tree or plant growing here, this place inspires visitors to feel its solemnity and grandeur.In the middle of the square there is a carriageway that was reserved for the Emperor.On both sides of the road the ground bricks were laid in a special way seven layers lengthwise and eight layers crowise, making up fifteen layers in all.The purpose of this was to prevent anyone from tunneling his way into the palace.In the count yard there are iron vats for storing water to fight fires.In the whole complex there are altogether 308 water vats.In wintertime, charcoal was burned underneath the vats to keep the water from freezing.Why so vast a square? It was designed to impre people with the hall\'s grandeur and vastne.Imagine the following scene.Under the clear blue sky, the yellow glazed tiles shimmered as the cloud-like layers of terrace, coupled with the curling veil of burning incense, transformed the hall of supreme Harmony into a fairyland.Whenever major ceremonies were held, the glazed, crane-shaped candleholders inside the hall would be it, and incense and pine branches burnt in front of the hall.When the Emperor appeared, drums were beaten and musical instrument played.Civilian officials and generals would kneel know in submiion. The last Qing emperor Puyi aumed the throne in 1908, at the age of three, His father carried him to the throne.At the start of the coronation, the sudden drum-beating and loud music caught the young emperor unprepared.He was so scared that he kept crying and shouting, ―I don\'t want to stay here.I want to go home.‖ His father tried to soothe him, saying, ―It\'ll all soon be finished.It\'ll all soon be finished‖ The ministers present at the event considered this incident inauspicious.Coincidentally, the Qing dynasty collapsed three years later and there with concluded China‘s feudal system that had lasted for more than 2,000 years.

(On the stone terrace of the Hall of Supreme Harmony) This is a bronze incense burner.In it incense made of sandalwood would be burnt on important occasions.There are altogether 18 incense burners, representing all of the provinces under the rule of the Sing monarchs.On either side of the Hall, 4 bronze water-filled vats were placed in case of fire.Next to the terrace on either side, there is a bronze crane and tortoise, symbols of longevity.This copper-cast grain measure is called ―jialiang.‖ It served as the national standard during the Qing dynasty.It was meant to show that the imperial ruler were just and open to rectification.On the other side there is a stone sundial, an ancient timepiece.The jialiang and the sundial were probably meant to show what the Emperor represented: that he was the only person who should poe the standards of both measure and time. In the very forefront of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, there are 12 scarlet, round pillars supporting the roof.The hall is 63 meters from east to west and 37 meters from north to south.It is 35 meters in height.In front of this architecture, there stands a triple terrace with five staircases leading up to the main entrance.It has 40 gold doors and 16 gold-key windows with colored drawings on the pillars and beams.In the middle of the hall, a throne carved with 9 dragons sits on a 2-meter-high platform.Behind the throne there is a golden screen and in front of it, there is an imperial desk.The flanks are decorated with elephants, Luduan (a legendary beast), cranes, and incense barrels.The elephant carries a vase on its back that holds five cereals (i.e.rice, two kinds of millet, wheat and beans), which was considered a symbol of prosperity.As ancient legend has it that luduan can travel 18,000 li (9,000 kilometers ) in one day and knows all languages and dialects.Only to a wise adjust monarch will this beast be a guardian. The Hall of Supreme Harmony is also popularly known as Jinluan Dian (gold bell hall or the throne hall).The floor of the hall is laid with bricks that turn it into a smooth, fine surface as if water has been sprinkled on it.The so-called golden brick, in fact, has nothing to do with gold.Reserved exclusively for the construction of the royal court, it was made in a secretive, and complex way, and, when struck, sounds like the clink of a gold bar.Each brick was worth the market price of one dan (or one hectoliter) of rice. The hall is supported by a total of 72 thick pillars.Of these, 6 are carved in dragon patterns and painted with gold and surround the throne.Above the very center of this hall there is a zaojing, or covered ceiling, which is one of the Specialities of China\'s ancient architecture.In the middle of the ceiling is a design of a dragon playing with a ball inlaid with peals.This copper ball, hollow inside and covered with mercury, is known as the Xuanyuan Mirror and is thought to be made Xuanyuan, a legendary monarch dating back to remote antiquity.The placing of the caion above the throne is meant to suggest that all of China\'s succeive emperors are Zuanyuan\'s descendants and hereditary heirs.Now you might have noticed that the Xuanyuan mirror is not directly above the throne.Why? It is rumored that Yuan Shikai, a self-acclaimed warlord-turned emperor moved the throne further back because he was afraid that the mirror might fall on him.In 1916 when Yuan Shikai became emperor, he removed the original throne with a Western-style, high-back chair.After the foundation of the People\'s Republic of China in 1949 the throne was found in a shabby furniture warehouse.It repaired and returned to the hall. (Leading the tourist to the bronze vats either on the east or the west) the water vats in front of the palaces or house were called ―menhai,‖ or sea before the door by the ancient Chinese.They believed that with a sea by the door, fire could not wreak havoc.The vats served both as a decoration and as a fire extinguisher.They were kept full of water all year round. During the Qing Dynasty, they were altogether 308 vats in the palace enclosure.They were made of gilt bronze or iron.Of course, the gilt bronze vats were of the best quality.When the allied forces (Britain, Germany, France, Ruia, the United States, Italy, Japan and Austria) invaded Beijing in 1900 under the pretext of suppreing the Boxer Rebellion, the invaders ransacked the imperial compound and scraped and gold off the vats with their bayonets.During the Japanese occupation of Beijing, many vats were trucked away by the Japanese to be made into bullets. (In front of the Hall of Complete Harmony) The square architecture before us is called the Hall of Complete Harmony.It served as an antechamber.The Emperor came here to meet with his countiers and add his final touches to the prayers which would be read at the ancestral Temple.The seeds, snowers and prayer intended for spring sowing were also examined here.The two Qing sedan chairs here on display were used for traveling within the palace during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. (In front of the hall f Preserving Harmony) This is the Hall of Preserving Harmony.During the Qing Dynasty, banquets were held here on New Year\'s eve in honour of Mongolian and Northwestern China\'s xingjiang princes and ranking officials.The Emperor also dinned here with his new son-in-law on the wedding day.Imperial examinations were also held here once every three years.During the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were three levels of exams: the county and prefectural level, the provincial level and national level.The national exam was presided over by the emperor.The civil service exam in ancient China started during the Han Dynasty.It served the purpose of recruiting Confucian scholars to the ministers and high officials.During the Tang and Qing dynasties reinstituted and ancient system.Once every three years, three hundred scholars from all over the country came to Beijing and took exams for three day and night.This system was abolished in 1905. (Behind the hall of preserving harmony) this is the largest stone carving in the palace.It is 16.73 meters long, 3.07 meters wide and 1.7 meters thick.It weighs about 200 tons.The block was quarried in Fangshan County, roughly 70 kilometers away.To transport such a huge block to Beijing, laborers dug wells along the roadside half a kilometer apart, and used the groundwater to make a road of ice in the winter.Rolling blocks were used in the summer.In 1760, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty ordered the carving of the existing cloud and dragon design in place of the old one which dated back to the Ming Dynasty. Note : From here, the tour can be conducted via three different routes: a western route (Route A), a central route (Route B) or an eastern route (Route C) .The commentary for each follows. Route A Ladies and Gentlemen: You have seen the three main halls of the Forbidden City.Now I \'d like to show you around the hall of mental cultivation and the imperial garden.The hall of mental cultivation is situated is in the western part of the innermost enclosure and is symmetrical to Fengxian (enshrinement of forebears) Hall in the east.This hall was built during the Ming Dynasty.IT is a H-shaped structure consisting of an antechamber and a main building.The hall is surrounded by corridors.In front of the hall is the Office of Privy Council. Before Emperor Kangxi of Qing the Dynasty came to power the Hall of Heavenly Purity served as the living quarter of the emperors.Emperor Yongzheng chose to live in this hall and attended to every day state affairs from here.For the sake of protecting cultural relics, this hall is not open to the public.You can have a look at the inside from the door.The central hall was the audience chamber where the emperor read memorials, granted audience to officials and summoned his minsters for consultation.The western chamber of the hall was where the emperor read reports and discued military and political affairs.The hall consists of many inner rooms and is decorated with images of Buddha and miniature pagodas.On the screen wall there hangs a picture of two emperors in the Han costume.In a southern room there three rare calligraphic scrolls, hence the name of the room ―Sanxitang‖ (Room of Three Rare Treasures) .The room on the eastern side is of historical interest because it was here that Empre Dowager Cixi usurped power and made decisions on behalf of the young emperor.A bamboo curtain was used to separate them. Empre Dowage Cixi was born in 1835 in Lu\'an Prefecture of shanxi province.She\'s of Manchurian nationality and her father was a provincial governor from south China.When she was 17 years old, she was selected to become a concubine of Emperor Xianfeng and moved into the Forbidden City.She gave birth to a son when she was 21years old and was made a concubine the following year.When the emperor paed away in the summer of 1861, her son ascended the throne and title of Cixi, meaning ―Holy Mother‖ was conferred upon her and she became the Empre Dowager.In that same year Empre Dowager Cixi carried out a count coup d\'etat and ruled behind the scenes with another empre dowager, Ci\'an, for 48 years.She paed away in 1908 at the age of 73.It was in reference to this situation that the term ―attending to state affairs behind a bamboo curtain‖ developed.In 1912, Empre dowager Longyu declared the abdication of the last Qing emperor Puyi.They were allowed to remain in the Forbidden City for the next 13 years.The royal family was forced to move out permanently in 1924. Behind the central hall were the living accommodation of 8 succeive Qing emperors.Three of them actually paed away here.The side rooms flanking the hall were reserved for emprees and concubines.Now let\'s continue with our tour.It will take us to the Hall of heavenly purity, the hall of union and peace, the palace of earthly tranquility, and the imperial garden. Route B (Inside the Hall of heavenly Purity) Ladies and Gentlemen: We are now entering the inner court.From the Gate of Heavenly Purity northward lies the inner court where the emperors and emprees once lived.The Hall of heavenly Purity is the central hall of the inner court, and was completed during the Reign of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty.There are 10 pillars supporting the entire structure and the hall is 20 meters in height.In the center of the hall there is a throne.Above it hangs a plaque with an inscription that reads ―Be open and above-board,‖ written by Shenzhi, the first emperor of the Qing Dynasty.Beginning with Qianlong\'s reign, the name of the succeor to the throne was not publicly announced.Instead, it was written on two pieces of paper, one to be kept on the emperor\'s person throughout his reign, and the other placed in a small strongbox that was stored behind his plaque.The box was opened only after the emperor paed away.Altogether there where 4 emperors who ascended the throne in this way, namely Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang and Xian feng. The hall of heavenly purity was where the emperors lived during the Ming and Qing dynasties.According to tradition, extravagant annual banquets were held here on New Year\'s Eve in honour of royal family members.Foreign ambaadors were received here during the late-Qing period.Two important ―one thousand old men\'s feasts‖ of the Qing Dynasty were also held here.All the invitees had to be at least 65 years of age.This hall was also used for mourning services. (Inside the Palace of Union and Peace) this hall sits between the Hall of heavenly Purity and the Palace of Earthly Tranquility, symbolizing the union of heaven and earth, as well as national peace.It was first built in 1420 and reconstructed in 1798.The hall is square in shape, and is smaller than the Hall of complete Harmony.You will see a plaque here inscribed with two Chinese characters, wu wei, which were handwritten by Emperor Qianlong.A throne sits in the middle of the hall with a screen behind it.Above the throne there hangs a caion, or covered ceiling.The emperor held birthday celebrations and other major events here. In 1748 during Emperor Qianlong\'s reign, 25 jade seals representing imperial authority were kept in this hall.No seals were allowed out of the room without the prior consent of the emperor.On each flack there is a water clock and a chiming clock. (Inside the palace of earthly tranquility) This used to be the central hall where succeive Ming emprees lived.During the Qing dynasty, it was converted into a place where sacrifices and wedding ceremonies were held.The room on the western side was used for sacrifices and the room on the east was the seeding chamber. Route C Ladies and Gentlemen: You have seen the three main halls of the Forbidden City.Now I\'d like to show you around scenes of interest along the eastern route.The first is the Treasure Hall.This mansion is called the Hall of Imperial Zenith.This is where Sing Emperor Quailing lived after abdication.Nearly 1,000 artifacts and treasures are on display here, among which the Golden Hair Tower is one of the most famous.This tower is 1.53meters in height and its base is 0.53 meters in circumference.It was built under the order of Emperor Quailing to be used to collect fallen hair in commemoration of his mother.There is also a ―Day harneing Water Jade Hill‖ on display here.Yu was a legendary monarch of the remote Ixia dynasty.Under his leadership, the people learned how to harne the Yellow River.This jade aemblage, 224 centimeters in height and 5 tons in weight, is the largest jade artwork in China.This mat was woven with peeled ivory.These artifacts are among China\'s rarest treasures. (In front of the Nine-Dragon Screen) This is the Nine-Dragon Relief Screen.Erected in 1773,it is 3.5 meters in height and 29.4 meters in width.Underneath is a foundation made of marble.The surface of the screen is laid with a total of 270 colored, glazed tiles in the design of 9 dragons, some rocky mountains, clouds and the sea.It was meant to ward off evil spirits The ancient Chinese regarded 9 dragons, some rocky mountains, clouds and the sea.It was meant to ward off evil spirits.The ancient Chinese regarded 9 as the largest numeral and the dragon as a auspicious beast.The 9 dragons are different in color and posture and all are made of glazed tiles.Interestingly a piece of the third dragon from the left is made of wood.It is believe that when the Nine-dragon Screen was almost finished, a piece of glazed tile was damaged.Emperor Qianlong was scheduled to inspect the work the following day.Using quick wits, the craftsman in question molded the miing piece with clay and sailed through the imperial inspection.Later, he asked a carpenter to carve a wooden one to replace the one made of clay. (Approaching the Imperial Garden) Behind the Palace of Earthly Tranquility and trading the north-south axis is the imperial Garden.There are old trees, rare flowers and exotic rock formation in this garden.It cover a space of 11,700 square meters, or roughly 1.7 percent of the Forbidden City.Most of the structures in the garden are symmetrically arranged.However, each is different in terms of pattern and decoration.Woods clumps of bamboo screen off the garden and strengthens its deep and serene atmosphere. There main structure of the Imperial Garden is the Qin\'an Hall.Positioned in the central-northern part of the garden, this hall is flanked by other halls and pavilions on the east and west.The hall sits on a marble pedestal.The Taoist deity of Zhenwu is enshrined here and emperor would pay homage here a quarterly basis.Taoist rites were held during the reign of Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty.In front of the hall there is a cypre that is 400 years old.In all there are a dozen such rare trees in the garden, and most of them are cyprees or pines.To the northwest of the hall, there is the Yanhui (Sustaining Sunshine) Pavilion and to the northeast there lies the Duixiu (Accumulated Refinement) Hill.This Hill was built over the foundation of the Guanhua (Admiring Flowers) Hall of the Ming Dynasty.It is 14 meters in height and made of al kinds of rocks quarried in Jiangsu province.At its base stand two stone lions, each carrying a dragon shooting water 10 meters up into the air from its mouth.There are meandering paths leading to the hilltop.At the top of Duixiu Hill sits the Yujing (Imperial Viewing) Pavilion.Traditionally, On the day of the Double Ninth Festival (the ninth day of the ninth lunar month), the emperor, his consort, and his concubines would climb up to Yujing Pavilion to enjoy the scenery.At the southeastern corner of the Garden is Jiangxue (Crimson Snowy) Verandah.Nearby to the southwest lies Yangxing Study (study of the cultivation of nature).The yangxing study was used as a royal library during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty.The last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Puyi once studied English there.In front of the Jiangxue Verandah some Chinese flowering crabapples grow.The structure got its name from the crabapples who blooms from crimson to snowy white.In front of the Verandah, there grows a rare flower that was brought from henna Province under the order of Empre dowager Cixi.In the northeast is Chizao Tang (Hall of Using Flowery Language), once used as a library where rare books were stored. There are also specific pavilions symbolizing the four seasons.The halls of Wanchun and Qianqiu, representing spring and autumn respectively, are square in shape and are coupled with multiple eaves and bell-shape and are coupled with multiple eaves and bell-shaped ridges.The halls of Chengrui and Fubi, dedicated to winter and summer, are characterized by two verandahs and bridges at their bases.Paths were paved with colorful pebbles and arranged in 900 different designs. The Imperial Garden can be acceed through the Qiong yuan (Jade Garden ) West gate or the qiong yuan east gate.A third gate, the shunzhen (Obedience and Fidelity) Gate, opens to the north.Its doors are laid in glazed tiles and it was only used by the empre or concubines. As our tour of the Forbidden City draws to a close, I hope that I have helped you understand why the Palace is a treasure of China and one of the cultural relics of the world.It is under the strict protection of the Chinese government.Since 1949 when the people\'s Republic of China was founded, nearly one trillion RMB was spent on its restoration and refurbishment.The Forbidden City has undergone four major facelifts to date.Each year, the government earmarks a large sum to gather, sort and study cultural relics.The Palace now contains a total of 930,000 cultural relics.Well, so much for today.Let\'s go to board the coach.Thank you!


¡¡¡¡Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest Yunnan Plateau neighboring the southeast side of the Tibetan Plateau which is considered to be the \"Roof of the World\".It is impreive because of its scenery and lush vegetation.±¾ÎÄÀ´Ô´:¿¼ÊÔ´óÍø ¡¡¡¡Lijiang boasts of breath-taking wonderful sights such as Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and its modern maritime glacier, the only one of its kind in the southern end of the Northern Hemisphere; Tiger Leaping Gorge; the world - famous grand canyon; Lugu Lake, the cultural cradle of the \"Matriarchy\" of the Yongning Mosuo people in Ninglang.Lijiang Town is officially called \"Dayan Town\"¡ª¡ª \"Dayan\" literally means a \"great inkstab\", a graphic description of the town¡¯s location on a piece of rich flatland fed by a river and surrounded by green mountains.¡¡There is no other town in China like Dayan which incorporates the folkways of so many people and the architectural styles of both north and south China.¡¡¡¡The people of Naxi, while developing their land of snow-clad mountains and turbulent rivers since ancient times, have to their credit the \"Dong Ba Culture\" seen as one of the world wonders, a culture all-embracing while unique.¡¡¡¡All these natural sceneries and these cultural treasures of the minority peoples have been continuously drawing tourists from all over the world and have recently vote Lijiang as one of the favorite destinations in China.¡¡¡¡Notes: ¡¡¡¡1.Lijiang Àö½- 2.Roof of the World ÊÀ½çÎݼ¹ 3.Jade Dragon Snow Mountain ÓñÁúѩɽ ¡¡¡¡4.Tiger-leaping Gorge »¢ÌøÏ¿ 5.Lugu Lake ãò¹Áºþ 6.Dayan Town ´óÑÐÕò ¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡ladies and gentlemen , welcome to Fenghuang, the place where we\"re arriving is \"one of the two most beautiful town in China\"----the old town of fenghuang, ¡¡¡¡it\"s a very important point that connects huaihua hunan and tongren guizhou together.and it\"s the hometown of mr shengcongwen.¡¡¡¡ fenghuang has wonderful natural landscapes,it\"s very hot for travelling since the old time.even a lot of teleplays were produced here.fenghuang is also a dradle for famous people ,shencongwen and xiongxiling are both spent their childhood here.¡¡¡¡now, let\"s set out to enjoy these fantastic good views.¡¡¡¡ THE FORMER RESIDENCE OF SHENCONGWEN ¡¡¡¡This is the former residence of shencongwen,a very famous auther, archaeologist and historian in china.¡¡¡¡lined in the zhongying street in the south part of the fenghuang old town, the residence is a typical spacious ancient countryard with special tectonic style of ming and qing dynasty.walk into the yard, you can find that there is a small patio in the center of the countryard.which is built with red rock.around the patio , there are about 10 rooms which are small but decorated by special carved wooden windows .it\"s so beautiful.¡¡¡¡ his countryard is built by mr shen\"s grandfather in 1866 on dec.28,1902.shencongwen was born in the old countyard.and spent his childhood here.in 1917,when he was 15 years old, mr shen left family and joined the army.from 1917 to 1922, mr shen had lived with soildiers, farmers, workers and some other ¡¡¡¡ common people,and know their tragic lives.this special experience stunned up his enthusiasm of writhing .so in 1919, mr shen went to beijing alone, and began his hard writing .after his series of works WEST OF HUNAN &FRINGE TOWN were punished, mr shen became nation -wide well -known.at that time, he was even ¡¡¡¡as famous as luxun, another famous auther in chiese literature area.it\"s said that shencongwen is the one who is the most poible to win the prize.¡¡¡¡mr shen devoted all his life to writing,his 5-million word works are though as the precious legacy to the world literature.meanwhile, these works are also very ¡¡¡¡veluable date for researching the history of hunan province and even china.¡¡¡¡this 100-years-old countyard was renovated in 1989.the 1st room on the right hane is for displaying mr shen\"s photos.and what displayed in the 2nd room are mr shen\"s handwritingarticles.at the left side,you \"ll find a list of mr shen\"s ¡¡¡¡work of different additions.in the center of the middle room .there is a mr shen\"s line drawing hanging on the wall.the left fringle room is mr shen\"s bedroom and another one on the right is full of marble desks and chairs.



永定土楼(YongDing Hakka Earth Building Complex) Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Please allow me on behalf of XIXI travel Service to extend our sincere welcome to you! My name is LinXi,and I will be your guide during your stay in LongYan.This is the driver MR.Zhang,he is a veteran.His bus number is F-12345,If you have any question or special interests, please don’t hesitate to let us kown,We’ll try to do our very best to make your stay of LongYan pleasant and enjoyable .I’m sure most of you will be impered by LongYan .We really ask for your understanding and cooperation,and we hope your visit to our city will be a happy experience.各位游客朋友们,大家好!我先代表我们西西旅行社真诚的欢迎大家!我叫林玺,我将陪伴你们游玩龙岩,今天和我一起为大家服务的呢还有我身边的这位张师傅,张师傅驾驶技术娴熟,他的大巴车号码是F-12345。如果你有什么问题和特殊的要求,请告诉我们,我们会尽力让你们在龙岩有一个愉快的旅程。我相信大部分的人可以对龙岩有一个好的记忆,我们非常希望得到你们的支持和配合,我们希望你们可以在这里玩的开心。

Today we are going to visit YongDing Earth Buildings,which is called the World’s Unique Mountain Residence and the mysterious oriental ancient castels.Among all the residences in the world,Yongding Earth Buildings are famous for its long history, unique style, grand scale, ingenious structure,complete function,and rich culture.It is known as one of China’s five traditional folk residences,and deserves the fame of a fancy ancient architecture in China.

There are over 23000 Earth Buildings of different styles in Yongding,the main styles of which are mansion-style, square and round.Among them , there are over 360 round Earth Buildings,which are most typical.


Today the place we’ll visit is the Hakka Earth Building Folk and Culture Village at Hongkeng of Yongding.Because we have too many earth buildings here, so today we will visit the most famous Zhencheng Building,which is known as the prince of earth buildings.OK, Look, this is zhencheng building.Now, please raise your eyes, and look at the 3 characters above the door.Do you know why it was named Zhencheng Building? In fact,for this building,the name Zhencheng comprises two Chinese chatacters Zhen and Cheng, which were taken from the owner’s forefathers Lin fucheng and Lin pizhen for memory.In order to honor them, people selected one character from each of his two sons’ name, and “Zhen Cheng” means that no matter to the country or to the family, we should obey the rules as to be a moral person.


Zhencheng building is made up of two circles: the outside one is earth structure and the inside one is brick structure.The outside wall is 16 meters high, kitchens and dining rooms are on the first floor, warehouses are on the second floor, bedrooms are on the third and the forth floor.There are 218 bedrooms here, now more than 40 families are living in the building.Ok my dear guest, my first question for you! Why there isn’t any windows on the first and second floor? As a matter of fact, when Hakkas moved here, they was frequently invaded by other nations.So once they close the main gate and the two doors beside, it was difficult for the enemies to break in.And this is one of the 5 functions of the earth building------Defence.


OK now let’s go into the building.Do you feel warm? Yeah, since the wall is thick, it can prevent heat and keep warm.So it’s warm in winter and cool in summer.好,现在我们走进土楼里面去看看。大家一进来是不是觉得特别暖和?是的,土楼因墙体厚实,隔热保温,因而具有冬暖夏凉的功能。

You can see ,between each unit ,there is a fireproof wall.Normally ,one unit accommodates one family.With the doors closed, you will have your own courtyard,while with all the doors opened,the whole building is a big family.And the third function is its fireproofing.As you have just seen, if there is fire in one unit,it will

just not go to other units.what’s more, people have dug two wells in the building which will provide the water for the fire.


The most conscious trait of the design of the earth building is quakeproof.In the last two years, since Wenchuan and Yushu earthquake have happened in our country, the quakeproof function of the building was greatly concerned.Fortunately, the ancestors here took consider of this function hundreds of years ago.Look, the outside circle tilted inwards as it went up and became the wall which is .Besides, some bamboo and firs were put into the wall in order to strengthen the pull and prevent the quake.土楼的设计最大的特色莫过于他的防震功能。近两年,我们国家经历了汶川大地震、玉树大地震等,房屋防震功能的考虑越来越受到人们的重视。但是土楼的先民们在百年前就考虑到了这个重要的功能。大家请看外环楼的墙体,他是随着高度的增加渐向内倾斜,形成下大上小、向心力强的墙体。并且在墙体中放入了竹片、杉木条,增加了墙体的拉力,大大提高了抗震能力,防震效果明显。

There is another important function, that is environmental friendly.The earth building is made of earth, when it is pulled down, it’s still earth.This attracts the great attention of environmentalists.土楼还有一个重要的功能,那就是环保功能了。土楼取之于泥土,拆毁后回归自然,特别适宜环保,这引起了环保界的极大兴趣。

That’s all for the 5 functions.OK,My dear guides, How time flies! At the end of the tour, on behalf of Xixi Travel Servece again, I am glad to welcome all of you here next time to enjoy the trip for earth building.That’s all , Thank you!


鼓 浪 屿

Good morning,ladies and gentleman.Please allow me on behalf of xx Travel Service to extend our sincere welcome to you .My name is Linxi, and I will be your guide during your stay in xiamen.This is our drive, Mr chen, and his bus number is D-12345.If you have any questions or special requets,please don’t hesitate to let us know.We’ll try our best to make your stay of xiamen pleasant and enjoyable.We really ask for your understanging and cooperation, and we hope your visit to our city will be a happy experience.Today we will visit GULANGYU Islet after breakfast,our tour bus awaits outside,so please take your personal belongings and follow my instructions to board the bus.It will take us 5 minute to get to the ferry.

Now,please pay attention to the islet on your left.This’s Gulangyu Islet, our destination for today.Gulangyu Islet, is 600 meters off the southwest shore of xiamen acro the xiamen Strait.This tiny,1.91 square kilometers islet has a population of le than 20,000.In April 1995, Gulangyu become a national key scenic spot and No.1 of Fujian Province’s Top ten Sites.


A popular xiamen saying goes that you cannot say you\'ve visited xiamen unle you\'ve visited gulangyu.Or more exactly,unle you\'ve visited sunlight rock and set foot on the sky wind stand,file peak of sunlight rock.OK,My dear ,now we will enter sunlight rock scenic area from the front gate.We are now at Dragon Head Hill.Just inside the gate we come to one of xiamen’s most famous temples, the Sunlight Temple.Its former name was Lotus temple .It was founded during the Ming Dynasty and rebuilt over 400 years ago,in 1956.It bathes daily in the first rays of the morning sunshinehence ,so its name Sunlight Tenple.


Turing right we will go to the memory hall of Zheng chenggong, Inside the

memory hall we will see a bronze statue of him .Words describing his entire life are cared at the bottom of it .The form on its right has shown all of the great events in his life.He was born in Japan in 1624 and returned to China at the age of 7.On April 21st ,1661,he led his troops to Taiwan and retake it from the Dutch after they had colonized it for over 38 years.He died in taiwan the follow year,1662,at

the tender age of 39.In memory of him,we have displayed some photos and modles to show the places he visited and the battle ship he used.

After visiting the Zheng chenggong Memorial Hall, now we are going through the old summer cave.Its name suggests that people liked to escape to its cool interior during sweltering summers,Go upstairs and we can see a gate in front of us.This is the entrance to the Dragon Head Hill Fortre.The gate was 157cm.the same height as Zheng chenggong.So if you are taller than that you need to bow,just as if you were showing respect this great person.


OK,Let’s go out the memory hall now.Though the peak of sunlight rock is not very high,only 92.7 meters above sea level,but it will give you a fine view below and

beyond ,a scenic that generously and candidly unwinds before you .Now I can\'t wait to take you to the top and show you the beautiful panoramic view of xiamen.Please watch your step while you are climbing the stairs.篇二:河南八大经典(英语导游词)



(自我介绍)hello, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Henanprovince。First, please let me introduce myself to you.My name is apple , I?ll be your local guide during your stay here ,This is MrZhang ,our driver ,He is conscientious and seasoned.(有责任心和经验)。So you are in good hands when riding inhis coach, to avoid getting a wrong bus .we?d better remember the number andthe features of our bus .the number is 21806 and its color is red, if you haveany special interests, please let me know, my job is to smooth your way and trymy best to answer your questions ,we highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.I hope that during your stay in Henan you can not 0nly satisfy your eyes andstomach but also experience the real Chinese culture and have a better understandingof the Chinese people , it will take ushalf an hour to our destination, ShaoLin Monastery.During this time, I?dlike to give you a brief introduction about Henan province.

(介绍河南)Henan province ,also called ?yu? for short,meaning a man pulling an elephant ,is situated right in the heart of China ,soit is also named ?central Plain? or ?centralState?, covering an area of 167000 square kilometers, with a total populationof 100 million ,which is the largest of all provinces in China.

As we all know, the Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilization, is our mother river.Andit runs through 8 cities of Henan province, as its name means ,the province islocated to the southern bank of the Yellow River,

A great number of history books andexcavation have proved that 8000 years ago, Chinese ancestors started thecivilization here.So every year, many Chinese descendants from home and abroadto worship the fathers.The last few years has seen the development of Henan province.Especially in the industry and agriculture.The GDP of Henan has been ranked top in the middle area.

Henanprovince is famous not only for its long history and rich culture,but also forits beautiful natural scenery.For the overseas tourists , Henanprovince is just like a natural history museum with splendid culture civilization.

Zhengzhou,which is the capital and largest city of Henanprovince in central China.A prefecture-level city, it also serves as the centre of political, economic,technological, and educational of the province, as well as a majortransportation hub for Central China.Zhengzhou is also named mall city .It wasonce the capital of Shang dynasty 3500 years ago

and now is a modern commercialcity.That makes it closely relate to shang, which means commerce and trade inchina.Because of that, Zhengzhouis one of the Eight Great Ancient Capitals of China and holds important statusof modern mall center in connection with other places.

Zhengzhou experiences amonsoon-influenced, four-season humid subtropical climate, with cool, drywinters and hot, humid summers.Spring and autumn are dry and short.

Well, our bus is coming tothe downtown area of Dengfeng city.Dengfeng has a long history.A number ofsites in and around the township are well worth visiting them.Foremost on thelist is the Shaolin Temple the birth place ofboth Kungfu and Zen Buddhism.

Nowladies and gentlemen, our destination has arrived, please carry your items withyou, and get down the bus one by one carefully.Then let?s visit it together.


Well, ladies and gentlemen:

Here weare, Shaolin Temple, in the region of SongMountain, Dengfeng City, Henan Province, is reputedto be the Number One Templeunder Heaven.Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei dynasty , had the templebuilt to accommodate the Indian master Batuo ,ShaolinTemple means “temple in the thickforests of Shaoshi Mountain”.Shaolin Temple embraces many exciting attractions; the first sight we see is the Shanmen Hall.Hung on its top is atablet reading \'Shaolin Temple\'.The tablet wasinscribed by the Emperor Kangxi during the Qing Dynasty.Under the stairs ofthe hall stands two stone lions made in the Ming Dynasty .The hall enshrinesthe Maitreya Buddha.Next we arrive at the Hall of Heavenly Kings.The gate of the hallis guarded by two figures depicting Vajra .Inside the hall are figures of theFour Heavenly Kings who are responsible for inspecting peoples\' behavior,helping the troubled, and bleing the people.Please follow me, this is the Mahavira Hall.The Mahavira Hall?s center is just before your eyes.Both importantcelebrations and regular prayers are held here.18 Buddhist Arhats stand alongthe eastern and the southern walls of the hall.Buddhas of the Middle, East andWest are enshrined in this hall, respectively Sakyamuni Buddha, PharmacistBuddha and Amitabha Buddha.On both sides in front of the hall of Mahavira, standthe Bell tower and the Drum Tower symmetrically .They were used to report hoursfor the temple .Normally the bell is used in the morning while the drum, in theafternoon, hence the saying “morning bell and afternoon drum”.

Having seen the highlights in the temple courtyards ,let?s visitanother leading section of the Shaolin Temple Sightseeing Zone , named the Pagoda Forest which stands at thefoot of Shaoshi Mountainabout half a kilometer

west to Shaolin Temple.It is aconcentration of tomb pagodas for eminent monks and abbots of the temple.Arough count shows more than 240 tomb pagodas of various sizes from the Tang,Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties , making it the biggest pagoda forestin China.Most of the pagodas are stone and brick structures.Their shapes are varied,including polygonal, cylindrical, vase-like, conical and monolithic, making thepagoda forest an exhibition of ancient pagodas, carvings and calligraphy ofvarious dynasties.

Besides, it isknown that martial arts have been practiced at the temple throughout itshistory.A legend had it that Bodhidharma found monks weak and unhealthy afterlong time meditation practices, so he developed the martial arts to strengthenthem, which formed the basis of Shaolin Kungfu.However the unique aspect ofShaolin culture is the combination of Shaolin Kungfu and Chan Buddhism.

Ok ,ladies andgentlemen, the explanation of the Shaolin Temple has come to an end .Now youcan have a free look and take some pictures as well .See you on the bus an hourlater .Wish you a pleasant tour .Thank you!


(自我介绍)hello, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Henan province。First, please let me introduce myself to you .My name is Apple , I?llbe your local guide during your stay here ,This is Mr Zhang ,our driver ,He isconscientious and seasoned.(有责任心和经验)。So you are in good hands when riding in his coach, to avoid gettinga wrong bus .we?d better remember the number and the features of our bus .thenumber is 21806 and its color is red, if you have any special interests, pleaselet me know, my job is to smooth your way and try my best to answer yourquestions ,we highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.I hope thatduring your stay in Henan you can not 0nly satisfy your eyes and stomach butalso experience the real Chinese culture and have a better understanding of theChinese people , it will take us half anhour to our destination, Park with ?Up-theRiver-on-Chingming-Festival? views in Kaifeng.During this time, I?d like to give you a brief introduction about Henan province.

(介绍河南)Henan province ,also called ?yu? for short,meaning a man pulling an elephant ,is situated right in the heart of China ,soit is also named ?central Plain? or ?centralState?, covering an area of 167000 square kilometers, with a total populationof 100 million ,which is the largest of all provinces in China.

As we all know, the Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilization, is our mother river.Andit runs through 8 cities of Henan province, as its name means ,the province islocated to the southern bank of the Yellow River,

A great number of history books andexcavation have proved that 8000 years ago, Chinese ancestors started thecivilization here.So every year, many Chinese descendants from home and abroadto worship the fathers.The last few years has seen the development of Henan province.Especially in the industry and agriculture.The GDP of Henan has been ranked top in the middle area.

Henanprovince is famous not only for its long history and rich culture,but also forits beautiful natural scenery.For the overseas tourists , Henanprovince is just like a natural history museum with splendid culture civilization.

(介绍开封)While Kaifeng is located on the alluvial plainson the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, which is a key tourismcity along the banks of the river.It is 70 kilometers from Zhengzhou, the provincial capital.(地理位置)

The city has a history of around 2700 years,serving as the capital for 7 dynasties, Kaifeng reached its peak when servingas the capital of the Song Dynasty, which is equal to the the Tang dynasty inChinese history ,they both scored great achievements in many fields .Its magnificence,grandne and splendor made it the center of the politics, economy and culturein China ,as well as a flouring metropolis (大都市)of the world,papermaking, gunpowder, printing and compa ,Chinese four great inventions were all discovered here and been used widely.

Kaifengis also famous for its flowers, the chrysanthemum.Every autumn, aroundOctober, there will be many visitors come here to enjoy flowers.And the wholecity will be decorated with flower here and there.

The bustling sight of Kaifeng was vividly reflected in the famouspainting Up the River on Qingming Festival by Zhang Zeduan.the park we aregoing to visit is just named after the painting.The painting described thespectacles on the flouring Bian River on Chingming Festival;all the constructions in the park were of typical Song Style with an adoptionof some modern technology.So when you walking in to the park, you?ll find youthrough time and space to the Song Dynasty.

Now ladies and gentlemen, our destination hasarrived, please carry your items with you, and get down the bus one by onecarefully.Then let?s visit the dreaming park together and enjoy the claicalatmosphere.

Park withUp the River on chingming Festival

Welcome to the Park with Up the River on ChingmingFestival, After seeing the grand Opening ceremony, please follow me .Iwill take you to an ancient Kaifeng of a thousand years ago.

Walking into the gate ,the first sight we see isthe three-by-sixteen-meter hug relief on a screen wall.In front of which thereis a big statue of Zhang Zeduan, the well known Northern Song painter with hisfamous scroll painting in his hands, titled A Deep Love for Dongjing, as asymbol

Of greetings and welcomes to visitors,

Now let me give a brife introduction about thefamous painter and his great scroll painting, Zhang zeduan was called Zhengdao,was born in present Shandong Province in the Northern Song Dynasty and died inSouthern Song .His was travelling to Kaifeng to study when he was young, andwas accomplished in painting.He had once served as a painter in the paintingstudio of the Imperial Academy.

While the famous painting UP the River on QingmingFestival is really a mirror to the flourish and prosperity of the capital city Kaifeng in the NorthernSong Dynasty.It describes all kinds of people and objects,they were reflectedvividly .from which we can see the whole Northern Song ,So it is really animportant evidence for historicans and scholars in the study and research ofpolitics , economy , culture ,science, architecture, military defenses and thesociety in the Northern Song Dynasty.

The park covers an area of about 33hectares.consisting of 8 functional parts including the areas of hotels ,folk custoe, food street, culture andentertainment , flowers and birds, bustling capital, shopping plots andcomprehensive service based on the scroll painting.there are so much interestingthings for you to see in the park.You can go through the rainbow bridge, mountthe city gate.have a visit to the Hongfu Monastery, go shoppong in the silkstore, have a stay in an ancient post house, have a taste of seasonable food inthe restaurant of ancient style, and so on.you can also visit a traditionalweave room ,enjoy the popular acrobatics and other folk arts like the new yearpainting house, paper-cut .local kite and puffed-sugar-figures,etc.

Now, let?s first go to the Rainbow Bridgewhich was well-known in the northern song dynasty.As one of the 10 famousancient bridges in China,it was a wooden-structured bridge built in 1050 AD, playing a very importantrole both land and waterborne transportation.While it was destroyed inwarfare.the present Rainbow Bridge was set up 1998completely following the original pattern and style in painting.It?s a singlearched bridge, 25 meters long and 5 meters wide, with 2 ornamental columns, and2 nine-meter high vertical shafts on both sides, on top of the shafts is a dogvaneformed by a plate with a white crane standing on.The crane can be turned withwind and tells the direction of the wind when it points to a certain positionof the croed wooden bar.The river under the bridge was BianRiver, which was originated from theancient Luo Riverin Luoyang.Theriver was a most important and bsiest water artery for transportation fromnorth to south in the North Song Dynasty, it linked the three big river ,theyellow river ,the Yangse River, and the Huai River.it had brought so manyadvantages to the development of the North Song Dynasty, boats and veels busyat carryong foods and grains sailed from south to north day and night ,so agreat number of hotels ,restaurants, shops were built densely along the banks,which brought more benefits to the capital city


Good morning, boys and girls! Welcome to Hebei University of Engineering.I am your

guide Joyce .Today, we are going to visit the building of architecture department.We hope that all of you will feel as good as today’s sunshine and enjoy yourselves here.In the following time, we will have a visit on the building of architecture department.During the tour if you have any questions or some good ideas please point them out, I’ll try my best to satisfy you.Wish you a wonderful journey! So what are we waiting for? Let’s go!

Look! The grand building behind me is the most characteristic one in this school.It belongs to the institute of urban construction.On my left lies the building No.6 and the architecture school leans against the building No.7.And now you see on my right is the south gate of this university.It’s said that the design chart comes from the students in this building.Don’t you think they are so awesome? Do you want to go inside to see it? Let’s go!

Look at the gate of the building, do you feel it’s solemn and grand? After entering the hall, the great ancient scholar Mozi’s famous speech was engraved on the marble wall.It told the later generation that the principle of constructing the ancient palace.It’s just for convenience and not for beauty and pleasure.However, people in the following time violated the principle.Now follow me let’s see some other things.This is a construction building model and here is a something like pillar.On the left of the pillar there is multimedia room, let’s come in and have a look.So do you think it’s more spacious and brighter than our claroom? Walk out of the claroom, a corridor appears in front of us, on the wall paste some design charts, later you’ll see more design charts.Besides the corridor lies a courtyard, the west and east walls were covered with lots of green Boston ivy.So do you feel a little cool in the hot summer’s day? Actually, except for

entertainment, there is another use of the courtyard.Can you gue what the function is?Yes, this room is also used to be the job hunting site to offer a platform or opportunities for our students to show themselves.Now let’s get back to the corridor.At the end of the corridor there is a closed corridor, on both sides of the walls paste some landmark design charts of Handan City, like

cultural art center and library.Next, we’ll see a window filled with many constructive materials to let our students observe and learn.

After visiting the first floor, let’s move on to the second floor and before we go upstairs, I’ll show you another thing.What’s this? I believe you have gueed that it’s a corner of the pavilion.

Now let’s go upstairs! Is it fabulous to see the first floor’ scenery on this point? On the

second floor, there is a space for us to have a rest.Let’s take some break! Ok, having taken some rest, let’s move on again.The southern part of the building has some offices and reference rooms.There are still rows of stones piled construction, as well as the introduction of the Architecture School.The environment and equipment engineering department, water supply and some other departments were set up in this college.Now let’s move to the northern part of this building, this part is the headquarter of models.Do you know the graduate of the Architecture School Dong Shuen, the chief architect and engineer of the Bird\'s Nest? A very excellent senior, do you agree with me?

Time flies, our visit is coming to an end and it’s very difficult for me to say goodbye to you.I highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.I don’t expect that all of you will remember me, but I really hope that my service is of help to you.Thank you very much and best wishes to you.


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Distinguished Ladies and gentlemen:

Good morning!

On behalf of our travel agency to you a warm welcome! Welcome to the beautiful city of The Mountain Tai, the State Tourism and Cultural City of the Tai’an!

This is Mr., our driver, who has many years of driving experience, so you may rest aured but sitting well in his car.My Chinese name is #%¥, you can call me Mi *。 I come from The Unit Holiday Travel Agency.Then the next time, I come to you on service, so my job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your question, and be your guide.

My telephone number is ********, if you have any special interesting, please tell your tour leader or me, we will try our best to make your stay in Tai’an a pleasant one.We highly appreciate your understanding and co-operation.

Ok.Next time I must tell you that: the Mountain Tai is tall and steep, very steep in some places.So you must pay special attention to safety, to do “walk not viewing, viewing not walk”, especially advantageous location, but also to “simply walk down, not looking up view”.

Ok! Now, I want to chat about the Mountain Tai with you.The mountain Tai is located in the central of ShanDong Province, East of The Yellow Sea, West of The Yellow River.The mountain Tai, ancient DongYue, also know as DaiZong、DaiShan.Since ancient time, also know as“the Five Sacred Mountains Domination”.It formed 27 to 28 billon years ago, the total area of 426 square kilometers, 1545 meters sea level Peak Yuhuang Ding.With the surrounding low mountains and hills, its relative height over thirteen hundred meters, which is giving a pull to sky momentum.Based on the large and concentrated, giving a “rock solid” “heavy as Mountain Tai” natural feeling, so people warm to praise her.

For the climate, fertile land, they become a thriving ancient human heart and the birthplace of ancient culture.For thousands of years, they have been The East’s political, economic and cultural center.According to legend, in ancient times, 72 emperors had come here to worship Heaven and Earth.Many writers also left inscriptions and steles here, and it gains the reputation as “a Natural Museum of a Art”

In China, many emperors including the first Chinese Emperor Qin Shihuang, the Emperor WuDi of Han Dynasty, Emperor XuanZong of Tang Dynasty, and Emperor KangXi、QianLong of Qing Dynasty and so on, held grand sacrificial ceremonies on its summit.It’s so-called “fengshan”.the “feng”, is built the round alter at the very top of the mountain to Heaven; the “shan”, is built the square alter under the mountains to Earth.If generation Emperor can high offer sacrifices to heaven and earth on the Mountain Tai, they will be to the world as peace and harmony symbol of peace and prosperity, the emperor himself seems to have become “the son of the Heaven”.

Therefore, the image of emperors became the spokesman for TaiShan, and left a lot of cultural relics in the number of mountains of the Mountain Domination Position.

Mt.Tai was also named the world cultural and heritage by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization( UNESCO) in December 1987, with the ancient building complex comprising its main contents.In 2006, the ancient buildings on Mt.Tai succefully entered the list of the Sixth Batch of National Key Protection Units of Historical Relics approved by the State Council, China’s cabinet.The ancient buildings were constructed along a nine-kilometer winding path.The important parts of the buildings are the Guandi Temple, Queen Mother’s Pool, Red Gate Palace, South Heaven Gate, Three Officers Temple, and Temple of Universal Illumination.

Emperors over the course of two thousand years came to worship on Mountain Taishan.The Temple to the God of Mt.Taishan(daimiao), at the base of Mount Taishan and the Azure Cloud Temple(bixiaci) at its peak are the two best-known sites.The Azure Cloud Temple is the best-preserved ancient structure on Mountain Tai.The well-preserved state of the ancient building complex is attributed to the scientific and systematic protection and management by related authorities.



As is known to all, the silk road into xinjiang, south, north is divided into three sections, the word.And of every faith scenery lets a person miand thoughtful.Therefore, it is the silk road trip to travel.

Brief introduction of the first description: xinjiang is located in China\'s northwest border regions in China, also called, the second-largest pasture, ecological environment.North of continental climate, the winters are long and hard, summer, autumn season and hot chirp is not obvious, relatively strong, solar radiation temperature changes.So remind everybody must pay attention to prevent bask in the night and temperature is too big and prepare appropriate clothes.Meanwhile, xinjiang has the advantageous sunshine, light, heat and planting trees and the crops of thermophilic melon, improve sugar accumulation.So a luscious taste the melon and fruit in xinjiang.

Our first stop was the urumqi.It is the farthest from the oceans of the world cities, capital of xinjiang uygur autonomous region, meaning \"beautiful\", but also the ranch along.We recommend the attraction is the natural pasture, carefree nanshan pasture flocks, paolo maldini, compose in green graland, spruce, combining the deep valley, and a 20 meters high, the waterf-all.Here you can live on the shores of the ZhanFang, taste herdsmen Nang, dairy products, roast lamb kebabs, ZhuaFan hand, etc.Bake complete sheep is a choice JieYang surrounding xinjiang, or under the age of two lambs as raw materials, to fat with flour and entrails, feet, salt water, eggs, pepper, alone powder evenly into paste, in the whole body, then add the sheep are soaking pit, Nang bake until cooked.Baked sheep, golden oil, fragrance waft through the meat, delicious! You can rent a horse galloping on the kazakh nomads, acrothe vast graland of the thick forest.Also can realize kazak ethnic customs: racing nomads, thanks to the sheep, chasing girls.Urumqi seasons all appropriate, each have different seasons.

Our second station is well known in turpan: it\'s very hot and dry the lowest place.Is extremely arid region unique ecological environment and the representatives of the oasis civilization.You may have noticed that a foot on this land, and we are the only dry! The sun is so frankly, the baking temperature has reached 50 to 60 degrees Celsius, i.e., steaming eggs.You also don\'t too boring, let us imagine a pleasant trip to the sauna.First, we went to the fire, the authors of shanxi, surrounded by the farmhouse here, secluded spot, vines with green, a very cool and refreshing and comfortable come, here is the \"HuoZhou\" summer in heaven.In these grape, as long as the timbrel rang, men and women will be averted dance.Believe that everyone heard that song familiar \"to\", covering your journey has a small talk \"uncle\"? How does not show guide So now you for it.

Small guide a bit embarraed, here but dance, unexpectedly township in here, please everybody to me.Now please follow me to visit the shadow of raisins for washing room.Raised my hand against the grapes can be picked you can\'t decapitation, later will have to taste the free of grapes, let everybody fan.

To see the city will be KanErJing, it is spots with wall, the beijing-hangzhou grand canal and called China\'s three projects, it is the source of life of the local people.Because it is in the ground, also very cool and refreshing and comfortable.

Now we came to the tomb ASiDaNaturpan.Because the climate is hot dry form natural germ-free environment, so

the dead bodies and objects, although calendar millennium items without corruption, the body is due to rapid dehydrate and formed the pyramids in Egypt mummy \"than\" also mummified corpses of exotic, some even seems visible eyes eyelash.

Now we reached the place, also is the hami melon is executed.Two thousand years ago, here is the han dynasty ZhangQian first opened the silk road fortre, known as \"the macroscopic throats, western\".As the saying goes, (Motivational model yuedu.mipang.com)\"the east sea crab hami melons as shrimp,\" beauty of hami words can\'t expre.Silk road and the graland culture were also it nurture...

Millions of years ago CengFanHua noisy here, all the time, the flowers are circulation of vast desert mysterious buried.Numerous archaeological explorers have again and again into a history to touch, the dust, touch the soul of hundreds of years ago.Loulan ancient site actually is the capital of kingdom \".Have LuoBuBo beside the river, clear.After the han and the tarim river water diverted, though, because human resource and spent a cro-sectional note glacier diversion into loulan, but soon, the time of ancient lou-lan and waste water.From ancient lou-lan died in history!


永定土楼(YongDing Hakka Earth Building Complex)

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Please allow me on behalf of XIXI travel Service to extend our sincere welcome to you! My name is LinXi,and I will be your guide during your stay in LongYan.This is the driver MR.Zhang,he is a veteran.His bus number is F-12345,If you have any question or special interests, please don’t hesitate to let us kown,We’ll try to do our very best to make your stay of LongYan pleasant and enjoyable .I’m sure most of you will be impered by LongYan .We really ask for your understanding and cooperation,and we hope your visit to our city will be a happy experience.各位游客朋友们,大家好!我先代表我们西西旅行社真诚的欢迎大家!我叫林玺,我将陪伴你们游玩龙岩,今天和我一起为大家服务的呢还有我身边的这位张师傅,张师傅驾驶技术娴熟,他的大巴车号码是F-12345。如果你有什么问题和特殊的要求,请告诉我们,我们会尽力让你们在龙岩有一个愉快的旅程。我相信大部分的人可以对龙岩有一个好的记忆,我们非常希望得到你们的支持和配合,我们希望你们可以在这里玩的开心。

Today we are going to visit YongDing Earth Buildings,which is called the World’s Unique Mountain Residence and the mysterious oriental ancient castels.Among all the residences in the world,Yongding Earth Buildings are famous for its long history, unique style, grand scale, ingenious structure,complete function,and rich culture.It is known as one of China’s five traditional folk residences,and deserves the fame of a fancy ancient architecture in China.There are over 23000 Earth Buildings of different styles in Yongding,the main styles of which are mansion-style, square and round.Among them , there are over 360 round Earth Buildings,which are most typical.我们今天将要去参观的是被称为是世界上独一无二的山区建筑,神秘的东方古堡——永定土楼。世界上所有的民居建筑,永定土楼以其悠久的历史、独一无二的外形、壮丽的规模、巧妙的结构、完整的功能以及丰富的文化内涵被誉为是中国传统的五大民居之一,被誉为中国古代建筑奇观。永定县土楼共2万3千多座,其中以方楼、圆楼为主,典型的圆楼的数量有360多座。

Today the place we’ll visit is the Hakka Earth Building Folk and Culture Village at Hongkeng of Yongding.Because we have too many earth buildings here, so today we will visit the most famous Zhencheng Building,which is known as the prince of earth buildings.OK, Look, this is zhencheng building.Now, please raise your eyes, and look at the 3 characters above the door.Do you know why it was named Zhencheng Building? In fact,for this building,the name Zhencheng comprises two Chinese chatacters Zhen and Cheng, which were taken from the owner’s forefathers Lin fucheng and Lin pizhen for memory.In order to honor them, people selected one character from each of his two sons’ name, and “Zhen Cheng” means that no matter to the country or to the family, we should obey the rules as to be a moral person.现在请大家抬头看门上的三个汉字,大家知道为什么这栋楼要叫振成楼吗?其实啊,这个楼名是因为纪念楼主林丕振和林福成,从他们名字当中各取一字嵌入联首(振纲立纪,成德达才),振成的意思是无论国还是家,都应当遵纲守纪,才能造就有德有才之人。

Zhencheng building is made up of two circles: the outside one is earth structure and the inside one is brick structure.The outside wall is 16 meters high, kitchens and dining rooms are on the first floor, warehouses are on the second floor, bedrooms are on the third and the forth floor.There are 218 bedrooms here, now more than 40 families are living in the building.Ok my dear guest, my first question for you! Why there isn’t any windows on the first and second floor? As a matter of fact, when Hakkas moved here, they was frequently invaded by other nations.So once they close the main gate and the two doors beside, it was difficult for the enemies to break in.And this is one of the 5 functions of the earth building------Defence.振成楼由内外两环楼构成,外环是土木结构的,内环则是砖木结构。他的外墙高16米,一层为厨房、膳厅,二楼是仓库,三四层是卧室。共有218个房间,现在还有40多户人家住在土楼里。好,各位游客,我的第一个问题来了,有谁知道,为什么土楼的一二层都不设窗户呢?原来啊,客家人刚迁移到这里的时候,常遇外敌入侵,只要关上大门和左右两个边门,敌人就很难入侵了。这就是我们土楼5大功能里的第一个功能—防盗防卫功能。

OK now let’s go into the building.Do you feel warm? Yeah, since the wall is thick, it can prevent heat and keep warm.So it’s warm in winter and cool in summer.好,现在我们走进土楼里面去看看。大家一进来是不是觉得特别暖和?是的,土楼因墙体厚实,隔热保温,因而具有冬暖夏凉的功能。

You can see ,between each unit ,there is a fireproof wall.Normally ,one unit accommodates one family.With the doors closed, you will have your own courtyard,while with all the doors opened,the whole building is a big family.And the third function is its fireproofing.As you have just seen, if there is fire in one unit,it will just not go to other units.what’s more, people have dug two wells in the building which will provide the water for the fire.大家看,在楼内的每个单元之间,都设有防火墙。通常,一个单元就是一户人家,当把防火门关上时,你就拥有自己的空间,当打开防火门时,整个楼就是一个大家庭。还要向各位说一说土楼的第三个功能—防火功能。大家看,一旦楼内发生了火灾,火势不致蔓延,并且楼内挖有两口水井,也为扑火提供了水源。

The most conscious trait of the design of the earth building is quakeproof.In the last two years, since Wenchuan and Yushu earthquake have happened in our country, the quakeproof function of the building was greatly concerned.Fortunately, the ancestors here took consider of this function hundreds of years ago.Look, the outside circle tilted inwards as it went up and became the wall which is .Besides, some bamboo and firs were put into the wall in order to strengthen the pull and prevent the quake.


There is another important function, that is environmental friendly.The earth building is made of earth, when it is pulled down, it’s still earth.This attracts the great attention of environmentalists.土楼还有一个重要的功能,那就是环保功能了。土楼取之于泥土,拆毁后回归自然,特别适宜环保,这引起了环保界的极大兴趣。

That’s all for the 5 functions.OK,My dear guides, How time flies! At the end of the tour, on behalf of Xixi Travel Servece again, I am glad to welcome all of you here next time to enjoy the trip for earth building.That’s all , Thank you! 以上就是土楼的五大功能,由于时间关系,今天的土楼讲解就先告于段落了,在即将结束我们的土楼游览的时候,我也再次代表我们西西旅行社非常欢迎大家可以再来感受我们土楼的魅力,谢谢!


Good morning,ladies and gentleman. Please allow me on behalf of xx Travel Service to extend our sincere welcome to you .My name is Linxi, and I will be your guide during your stay in xiamen.This is our drive, Mr chen, and his bus number is D-12345.If you have any questions or special requets,please don’t hesitate to let us know.We’ll try our best to make your stay of xiamen pleasant and enjoyable. We really ask for your understanging and cooperation, and we hope your visit to our city will be a happy experience.Today we will visit GULANGYU Islet after breakfast,our tour bus awaits outside,so please take your personal belongings and follow my instructions to board the bus.It will take us 5 minute to get to the ferry. Now,please pay attention to the islet on your left.This’s Gulangyu Islet, our destination for today.Gulangyu Islet, is 600 meters off the southwest shore of xiamen acro the xiamen Strait.This tiny,1.91 square kilometers islet has a population of le than 20,000.In April 1995, Gulangyu become a national key scenic spot and No.1 of Fujian Province’s Top ten Sites.


A popular xiamen saying goes that you cannot say you\'ve visited xiamen unle you\'ve visited gulangyu.Or more exactly,unle you\'ve visited sunlight rock and set foot on the sky wind stand,file peak of sunlight rock.OK,My dear

,now we will enter sunlight rock scenic area from the front gate.We are now at Dragon Head Hill.Just inside the gate we come to one of xiamen’s most famous temples, the Sunlight Temple.Its former name was Lotus temple .It was founded during the Ming Dynasty and rebuilt over 400 years ago,in 1956.It bathes daily in the first rays of the morning sunshinehence ,so its name Sunlight Tenple.


Turing right we will go to the memory hall of Zheng chenggong, Inside the memory hall we will see a bronze statue of him .Words describing his entire life are cared at the bottom of it .The form on its right has shown all of the great events in his life.He was born in Japan in 1624 and returned to China at the age of 7.On April 21st ,1661,he led his troops to Taiwan and retake it from the Dutch after they had colonized it for over 38 years.He died in taiwan the follow year,1662,at the tender age of 39.In memory of him,we have displayed some photos and modles to show the places he visited and the battle ship he used.After visiting the Zheng chenggong Memorial Hall, now we are going through the old summer cave.Its name suggests that people liked to escape to its cool interior during sweltering summers,Go upstairs and we can see a gate in front of us.This is the entrance to the Dragon Head Hill Fortre.The gate was 157cm.the same height as Zheng chenggong.So if you are taller than that you need to bow,just as if you were showing respect this great person.向右走我们来到的是郑成功纪念博物馆,在纪念博物馆里我们可以看到他的青铜像。在雕像的上方,有用文字记载着许多他一生的相关事迹。在其右边展现了他一生的伟大事迹。郑成功,出生于1624年,日本,在七岁时回国。1661年4月21日,他带领军队,收复了荷兰殖民者统治三十八年的台湾。次年1662,郑成功逝世,年仅三十九岁。为了可以加深对他的了解,我们可以浏览一些照片以及他曾经游览过的地方、所用过的战船。参观完郑成功纪念馆,我们现在要去古避暑洞。

OK,Let’s go out the memory hall now.Though the peak of sunlight rock is not very high,only 92.7 meters above sea level,but it will give you a fine view below and beyond ,a scenic that generously and candidly unwinds before you .Now I can\'t wait to take you to the top and show you the beautiful panoramic view of xiamen.Please watch your step while you are climbing the stairs.


Here we are .From here you can see buildings of past, present and future,side and side, each having a special flavor.Gulangyu is called the “museum of international architecture” becase the tiny islet has more than 1,000 houses in varied european styles of the 18th and 19th .看看我们这里。从这里你可以看到过去、现在、未来的建筑,它们紧挨着,当明媚的太阳洒满在这块土地时,每一种都有自己独特的风格。鼓浪屿被称为“世界建筑博物馆”因为在这个小岛上,拥有十八世纪和十九世纪不同的欧洲格。

After descending the stairs we will take the cable car to the other part of sunlight scenic area.Now please await your turn for the cable car,and two people board each car as you follow the cable car staffs instructions.


Ok! my dear friends ! How time flies! when we exit this gate we will have finfished our tour of sunlight rock scenic area .At the end of tour, on behalf of xx travel serves again, I’m glad to welcome all of you here next time to visit gulangyu .OK ,That’s all ,Thank you .


