
2023-04-11 来源:自我介绍收藏下载本文


Good morning/afternoon.It\'s my honor to meet you all here.My name is XXX.I\'m an outgoing,honest and warm-hearted girl.I have worked in the students union for about 2 years and I had a part-time job in RAMADA hotel in GuangGu as well as the saleman\'s job for Chef Kang in Wal-Mart.I learn much in getting along with customers.At present,i have got my CET3 certificate and i\'m preparing for my CET4 test.(I also will attend an examination to upgrate specialized subject to undergraduate course to improve myself.)I have paion in my major.so i will do my job carefully and treat customers kindly.I\'m a really quick learner if you give me the chance to join in the department of western style restaurant,you will see my good performance at work.Thanks for your time.

My hobbies are listening to music and conmunicating with people.I love your hotel.I\'m proud of myself applying for this job.I like challenges and have great interest in this job.I think the sincere communication and the witty ways in solving problems is very important.

I want to improve myself and make contributions to your hotel.I love french food culture so i learn a bit of french language.Japanese is also one of my courses in school.If i get the tip,first it is a kind of polite manners in western countries,second it is a recognition for my job.补充:

Accepting a reservation 接受预订


W: Good morning Italian restaurant.How may I help you/What can I do for you?


G: Yes, I’d like to reserve a table for tonight.


W: Certainly sir.For how many persons?(问人数)


G: Six.


W: At what time would you like it?(问时间)


G: 7:30 tonight.


W: Yes, sir.May I have your name and telephone number?(客人名字及电话)


G: It’s Smith and my number is 123456


W: Thank you very much Mr.Smith.A table for 6 at 7:30 tonight.Is that right?(确认)


G: Yes, thank you.


W: We will hold the table for 15 minutes.And we look forward to seeing you/ Thank you for calling us.


备注:1 接电话时 问候语+餐厅名+ How may I help you?/What can I do for you?/Is there anything I can do for you?

2 接受预订要问人数、预定时间、用餐形式(根据实际情况)、名字及电话。

Buffet自助餐 a la cart散点


4 注意礼貌用语

Fully booked 预订已满


W: Good evening.Italian restaurant.May I help you?


G: Yes, I’d like to reserve 2 tables at 8:00 tonight.我想订两张桌子,今晚八点。

W: I’m sorry, sir, there aren’t any table left for 8:00 tonight.But we can book one for you at 9:00.


G: No, that’s too late


W: I’m terribly sorry, sir.


G: How about tomorrow evening?


W: We are fully booked for tomorrow evening, and I can’t guarantee anything, but we’ll try our best.I hope you’ll understand.


G: I do, but I would appreciate it if you could arrange it.


W: May I have your name and telephone number?


G: David Hale…


W: I’ll call you when there is a free table for tomorrow evening at 8:00.


G: Thank you.Bye.


W: Bye.



breakfast 早、中饭

brunch6 T\' u2 Q h6 u* p 午餐

lunch,lucheon\" G9 p0 @* ^3 ~\" \\ 午茶

afternoon tea 正餐

dinner2 g- k# D\" W- u.d.y5 o; U\" E! G 晚餐

supper 点心

refreshment 自助餐

buffet 自助餐厅

self-service cafeteria 家常便饭

home-made meal, homely meal ,

pottuck 便宴


dinner) z! m- _ b\' K) ~8 N1 ` 宴会

banquet: U( ^+ |; X& T9 [! w {2 E 套菜

complete dinner% _$ H! q# u7 ]1 Q( Z& E3 R- F 中餐

Chinese food 西餐

westen food) e.x( v: i! d 主食

staple 副食


food 快餐店

snack bar- E$ K- `0 m& U# g 饭店

restaurant: ?9 h: O* k6 V# o/ Y 公共食堂

canteen 咖啡馆,咖啡店

cafe,coffe shop ! G+ G+ `% Z/ v1 f 5 H9 ~: [/ V4 }9 Q6 Q 食谱

recipe 长方面包

loaf8 |1 O$ c* f& u& c* [( ` 甜面包

bun4 f+ a\' S% a& i; A( h# N2 E 土司

toast 通心粉

macaroni 燕麦粥

oatmeal 馒头


bun 花卷


roll1 R& Y! ^: X, ?, m\' k( P\" G( l 烧饼,烙饼

griddle ) _7 Z\" w- Z6 \\, {9 L: \\# Q 另外,酒店的一些工作用语是通用的词汇,如: 7 p& m/ S- D6 @2 d Check In, Check Out, , _; {0 z# O3 S( z# y 8 _\' x2 c4 g C7 X% x9 v/ S Paid Out(结帐时的找零退款)

Rebate(退回错收的款,或因其他失误而作减扣) # v: B+ S; o: f1 B5 T) x( O% j! G) g Upgrade(客房升级,维持原房价),% a2 {\' T6 L7 w9 / C\" }


Package或Package Plan(包价计划)等。& V, R Q0 u5 O9 t


FIT (Free Individual Traveler),广义上的“散客”,与Group相对。狭意上的散客用Walk-In来表示,Walk-In(W/I)并不是说客人没车可坐,而是指那些即无协议也无预订的“边缘客人”。

Concierge 礼宾服务, “金钥匙”一般授予这个部门员工。不设礼宾部的酒店,也至少会有个行李部。4 t5 S+ l; f# A0 Z\" ~4 }1 A7 c

Steward 勤杂工 # \\# ?, C- u0 r( S0 @% y3 g 9 ^% j) s, {4 v( T% a 酒店做清洁工作的人员有三种,一是客房服务的Room maid,二是公共区域的清洁工PA (Public Area),第三种就是Steward,主要负责一些一线工作部门内部(如厨房)清洁,包括洗碗工。

Voucher(套票,西方流行的一种凭券消费方式,主要来自旅行社(T/A)。一份Voucher里往往包含了吃住行等的安排,持票人已预先向T/A付款)4 C7 [8 i.f7 ~$ V$ x, C


House Use 员工用房(如值班经理过夜使用的酒店客房)。在酒店术语中,House跟Property实际上都是指Hotel。这三个词在酒店用语里经常可以换用。象前面所说的ENT单,它实际上就是一个On House(酒店招待)。

1.Do you like to go out eating? 想不想出去吃呢? 有次我问老美出去吃东西怎么说, 他回答说一般出去吃饭, 他们只说 go to eat , go out eating 或是 eat out 而不会说 go to dinner, go for lunch, 也就是不需特地说中餐或是晚餐. 所以后来老美问我刚去哪了, 我应该要说

I just went out eating, 而不会说 I just went to dinner. 小细节多注意, 你的英文会更棒.如果要强调是去吃午餐或晚餐的话, 一般就直接说 lunch 或是 dinner.例如人家问你, \"Where did you go?\" 你就可以答说 \"lunch.\" 2.There is a Deli over there, do you like it? 那里有一家 Deli (餐厅), 你喜不喜欢呢? 美国的餐厅可分很多种, Restaurant 是一般的通称,

另外常用到的有 Deli : 供应三明治, 沙拉这种现成的, 不需再经过烹调的餐厅, 例如 SUBWAY 就可以算是 Deli. 另外还有 Grill 也随处可见, 翻译成烤肉餐厅, 多半是提供牛排, 汉堡热食类的食物.Deli 这个字是 delicateen 的简写, 可是现今在美国一般只会听到 deli 而很少听到 delicateen 了! 3.What do you like to drink? 想要喝什么? 美国餐厅的习惯, 吃饭时都会点一大杯饮料, 所以侍者一定会先问你 What do you like to drink.也有人会这么说, Can I get you something to drink?. 一般餐厅都会提供的有 Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Iced Tea, 以及 Lemonade 等.如果什么都不要, 就说 Just water.值得注意的是, 在一般的速食店提到 drink 都是指 soft drink 而言.

但是一般人说到 have a drink 时, 他们多半指的是 alcoholic, 也就是含酒精的饮料. 所以如果有人问你, \"Come on, have a drink with us.\" 他绝不是要你跟他们一起喝可乐的意思, 而是要你跟他们一起喝酒啦! 4.Are you ready to order or just a minute? 你们准备好了吗? 还是要再等一会? 通常饮料上桌之后, 大伙都还要花点时间研究一下菜单, 如果侍者看你们大概都差不多了, 他就会过来问你们, Are you ready to order or just a minute? 如果是已经准备好要点餐了, 就直接跟她说你想吃什么, 如果大家还要再研究研究, 则可以跟侍者说 Just a minute.或是 Wait a few more minutes.请他等一下, 他会说 OK.I\'ll be back.(好, 那我等下再来.) 5.Do you want to separate check? 你们要不要分开付帐? 比如说二对夫妻出去吃饭, 大家想各自付自己的, 则你们可以主动跟侍者说

We want to separate check.有时他们也会主动问你, Do you want to separate check? 或是 Do you want separate checks? 这样的话帐单就会有二张. 但有些餐厅 separate check 会多收服务费, 最好先问清楚.

如果是要一起付, 则简单地说, together 或是 one check 就可以了.6.How do you like your steak cooked? 你的牛排要几分熟? 通常点牛排, 或是在高级一点的餐厅点牛肉汉堡, 服务生都会这样问你, How do you like it cooked? 回答的方式, 全熟是 well done, 七分熟: medium well, 五分熟: medium, 四分熟: medium rare, 三分熟: rare. 老美有时在开玩笑时也用 bloody 来代替 rare 这个字, 听来是不是更传神? 所以如果各位嗜食生牛肉的话, 下次不妨试试 bloody as hell 的点法. 但请注意一下 bloody 这个字在英国英语中有点类似 fxxx 的意思, 所以除非有把握不然不要拿出来乱用.记得有一次我去一家蛮高级的法国餐厅用餐, 结果我跟他要 well-done 的牛排, 结果煮出来的东西跟橡皮一样难吃.后来老美跟我解释, 你摸摸自己头上的各部位就知道你的牛排等一下煮出来是什么样子, well-done 就是头顶, 硬梆梆的, medium well 就是额头, 稍微有点弹性.

medium 是鼻头, 软软的. rare 是下巴最柔软的部份.

我觉得这个分法蛮实用的, 跟各位分享一下.7.How do you like you egg cooked? 你的蛋要几分熟? 蛋的说法跟肉类又不一样,不要像我刚来时听人家这么问就自作聪明回答 Well done.把人家给笑掉大牙. 蛋的回答方法是 1.Scramble 炒蛋 2.Sunny side up 只煎一面的荷包蛋, (这句话很有意思, 因为荷包蛋像太阳, 所以老美用 sunny side 来形容) 3, Sunny side down 二面都煎或是 ease over.白煮蛋的话也分二种, 一种叫 soft boil 一种叫 hard boil.所谓的 soft boil 是指让蛋黄的部份还有点液体状, 而 hard boil 则是指整个的蛋黄都煮成固体状的.有些店例如 Waffle House 连 hash brown 也会问 How do you like it cooked? 这个也有很多选择, 不过一般我只会回答二种, patty (饼状) 跟 scattered (分散状) 8.Did you burn it? 你把它烤焦了吗? 记得刚来美国时烤焦了不知怎么说, 我就说 Why do you have black part on your steak, 结果人家当然也是有听没有懂, 其实烤焦了很简单, 就是 burn. 美国许多建筑物都有浓烟侦测警报, 所以每次要是有人忘了什么东西在炉子里警报大作, 真是乱吓人的.

这时如果你看到你的室友一脸无辜地站在你面前, 你就可以问他, Did you burn something? 9.Can I have some more bread? 能再多给我点面包吗? 美国餐厅中的面包吃完了可以一直拿不用钱, 所以吃不饱时就尽量吃面包吧! 另外提醒一点, 国内说的土司面包在美国就叫 bread, 所谓的土司面包 (toast) 指的是在面包上涂上一层蒜泥或是奶油下去烤的面包才叫 toast, 就像是去 \"我家牛排\" 他们给的那种面包才叫 toast.

当初一直以为我们说的土司面包就叫 toast, 造成不少误会.

故事就是有一次我去美国接待家庭住, 早餐时¥¥问我要吃什么, 因为我不想太麻烦人家, 我又刚好看到桌上有土司面包, 所以我就说 toast, 结果害人家还大费周章跑去帮我烤面包. 其实我应该说 bread.就不会造成别人的误会了.10.Can you give me a doggie bag? 能不能给我一个狗食袋? 东西点太多吃不完怎么办? 这么说就对了. 说 doggie bag 是因为不希望别人觉的你太小气, 吃不完还要带回家吃, 所以说是给狗吃的. 或是用 doggie box 代替 doggie bag 也可以, 因为大部份的餐厅给的都是盒子而不是袋子.最后提醒一点,

请不要在高级的餐厅说 doggie bag , 那是不太礼貌的, 你可以只说 Can you give me a box? 就好了.另外一种常用的讲法叫 \"Wrap it up.\"

这就相当于中文里的, 帮我打包起来的意思.

在美国的中餐馆打包也很有意思, 有时候你说要打包他们还会问你要不要饭? 当然要啦! 这样子下一餐的饭跟菜就通通有著落了.11.Check, please.结帐.吃完饭别忘了给钱喔! check 就是结帐的意思, 另外也可以说 buy the bill, 就跟中文里说的买单是一样的.





i am .i was born in .i graduate from senior high school and major in english.i started learning english since i was 12 years old.my parents have a lot of american friends.that’s why i have no problem communicating with americans or others by speaking english.in my spare time, i like to do anything relating to english such as listening to english songs, watching english movies or tv programs, or even attending the activities held by some english clubs or institutes.i used to go abroad for a short- term english study.during that time, i learned a lot of daily life english and saw a lot of different things.i think language is very interesting.i could expre one substance by using different sounds.so i wish i could study and read more english literatures and enlarge my knowledge.##第2篇: Good morning/afternoon everyone! It is my honor to be here and I really appreciate you offer me the chance of interview .Now I will introduce myself first .My name is……from Xiangfan in Hubei province.I\'m an honest, responsible, and warm-hearted person.I can adapt different environments quickly .Second I like this kind of field very much and I take it as my career .Till now I have one year experience in this field.As a 21 years man, I\'d like to experience more to enrich myself and then it can help me to laid good foundation for my future career .There is no use doing what we love ,we must love we do just like the field.At the same time, I am really proud of myself applying for this job.I hope you can give me a chance and I will try my best to do it better.Finally , I hope your hotel can become the best one among hotel industry。 Thanks for your time.



面试销售岗位时怎么用英文做一个自我介绍,下文是学习啦小编为大家整理的销售面试的英文自我介绍范文,仅供参考。 销售面试英文自我介绍范文一:

hello, myname is ****, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september.now i will introduce my besides, i have attend several ***hold in ****, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company.through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic ****industry.compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progre since ***,our ****industry are still underdeveloped, me, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard.but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economycan keep the growth pace still.i gue you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is myplan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that *** is one of mylifelong goal,i like mymajor ****and i wont give up,if i can pursue mymaster degree here i will combine law with myformer education.i am able to work under great preure.thanks for the chance.销售面试英文自我介绍范文二: good morning,sir.it is really my great honor to take this interview.thank you for giving the chance to me.my name is li huang,come from hunan province.i am 24 years old ,i like listening music,singing and running in my free time,especially when i am singing,i feel enjoy and relaxed.i am graduated from hunan engineering polytechic university.my major is busine english,i just paed cet 4 and cet 6 during university.i came to shenzhen after graduation, and worked for small company as a product development specialist for ebay.after that,i changed to work in ------ trade company and manage one ebay store by myself for about 3 years.i learned many interpersonal and technical skills from the working experience.so it is the time to seek a bigger and more challenging platform,gain more opportunities to show my value and learn more.that is the reason why i choose your company.i think i\'m a good team player,i am honest,positive and hardworking.so i also sincerely hope your company can choose me.i will try my best and not let you down! 销售面试英文自我介绍范文三: hi, my name’s harry, h-a-r-r-y, harry.it’s such a pleasure for me to introduce myself to you.i’ll soon graduate from guangzhou university with a bachelor’s degree in economics.as a student, my major is international economics and trade, i like it a lot, and i’ve got a pretty good academic performance.my english grade ranks no.2 in the cla of 55 students, and my clamates would always like me to give english speeches in cla.for the profeional courses i learnt, some impreed me most, like the ones “marketing” and “international busine negotiation”, both teachers gave me high compliments in front of cla which then encouraged me a lot and i appreciated it by putting more efforts into studying.well, for one thing i’m most proud of, is my english performance.i got 100 full marks once in “the university english 4”, and got as in oral tests.plus that i’m tall and white, many people may say that i’m a foreigner.well, i was an english dj in a broadcast station back to high school, and i also worked as an english translator in the canton fair once.so here i would like to say that my english ability is fully competent to the position applied.besides having a good academic performance, i was actively involved in student activities.first, i was in charge of cla athletics member of committee.then i joined the debate team, and meanwhile i also joined the new oriental english club in our school.for my outgoing personality, i served as communication department director in both departments and dedicated my hard work to both teams.during my tenure, i learnt co-working and enjoyed lots of fun there.outside the campus i did some practice jobs.i had a two month internship in shenzhen glory trading cooperation a month ago.i worked as a sales aistant, i did the inventory check, helped my comates to make the auditing reports, and in spare time i also made phone calls to cell our products.my bo was pleased with my performance and he asked me to recommend my clamates to join our team.another internship was in china unicom cooperation, guangzhou branch.our job was to promote mobile phone cards to freshmen in south china normal university.it came out that the activation rate of the released new cards surpaed 90%, and because of that our team was rewarded 1000 yuan by our company.lastly, let me tell you a bit of my interests.i recently play table tennis a lot, because i like the feeling that “one strike in a hole”.and i also like swimming, singing karaoke, watching u.s.tv shows and friends gathering.i keep the habit of learning english by reading and practicing, and i enjoy reading foreign books, especially books on psychology.for example, “the road le travelled”, it tells us to face the problems straightly and solve them at the first place they appear.i have to say that your company is my ideal company.what’s more, i have great interests in joining your sales department; it’s so like a dream job to me.i am sure that i have the potential to become a great foreign trade salesman in our company.i wish i could soon join your team.that’s all, thanks for your listening!


I am .I was born in .I graduate from senior high school and major in English.I started learning English since I was 12 years old.My parents have a lot of American friends.That’s why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English.

In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes.I used to go abroad for a short- term English study.During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things.

I think language is very interesting.I could expre one substance by using different sounds.So I wish I could study and read more English literatures and enlarge my knowledge.



i am .i was born in .i graduate from senior high school and major in english.i started learning english since i was 12 years old.my parents have a lot of american friends.that’s why i have no problem communicating with americans or others by speaking english.in my spare time, i like to do anything relating to english such as listening to english songs, watching english movies or tv programs, or even attending the activities held by some english clubs or institutes.i used to go abroad for a short- term english study.

during that time, i learned a lot of daily life english and saw a lot of different things.

i think language is very interesting.i could expre one

substance by using different sounds.so i wish i could study and read more english literatures and enlarge my knowledge.


Good afternoon Ms zhou。It’s my honor to introduce myself here.I’m from*** university and my major is tourism and hotel management .I’m an outgoing and warm-hearted girl .During the university I have worked in the students union for about 1 year and get many experiences of how to get well together with others.in my spare time ,I have a part time job in some 5-star hotels work as banquet waitreand I also worked as a trainer in the guest service center of shereton **** for half one year .there I learned many skills of how to

communicate with our guest .I have Strong teamwork and leadship skills ,above all ,I have paion in my major and hope you give me an opportunity to work in your hotelYou will see my good performance at work .thank you for your time .


my name is xx.i\'m 20 (years old).i was born at shaanxi province.i\'m very proud of being here to meet you.then i will introduce myself brifely.i graduated from repast administration department,xi\'an foreign affairs college.during the past 2 years i got many basic profeional knowledge.i like singing,drawing(painting).as far as i\'m concered i am honest optimistic person and i could work under some preure.that\'s all !thank you !



Hi, everybody, my name is XXX.I am a girl who likes singing, and also, I like play table tenis.My favorite color is green, I think green is quite clear for us.I like eating icecream.During weekend, I often go out for riding, I like the nature, becaue it gives me calm.When I talking with my friends, I feel happy.I am a girl who likes smile.If you love your life, you can smile from your heart.So, why not, let\'s smile to each other, smile to everyone.Let\'s make a brighter world.Thank you all.



good evening, i interviewed for the job is customer service, i am college educated, but i have very rich experience, at the same time, i also love such a trade, i would like to interviewer for giving me the opportunity to , to become a member of the company, thank you!


Good morning !

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview,

I hope i can make a good performance today.I\'m confident that I can succeed.

Now i will introduce myself briefly

I am 26 years old, born in shandong province .

I was graduated from qingdao university.my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2003.

I spend most of my time on study, i have paed CET4/6 .and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.

In July 2003, I began work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao city.Because I\'m capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job.

And in August 2004,I left QingDao to BeiJing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test engineer.Because I want to change my working environment, I\'d like to find a job which is more challenging.Moreover Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of company environment.That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position.

I think I\'m a good team player and I\'m a person of great honesty to others.Also I am able to work under great preure. That’s all.Thank you for giving me the chance.


1.Good morning.I am glad to be here for this interview.First let me introduce myself.My name is ***, 24.I come from ******,the capital of *******Province.I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July ,2001.In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a cla in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you .I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time, I have broad interests like many other youngsters.I like reading books, especially those about *******.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years, I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparatively good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway, I feel great pity for our country’s team.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unle he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University, I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ******. 2.Good afternoon .I am of great hornor to stand here and introduce myself to you .First of all ,my english name is ...and my chinese name is ..If you are going to have a job interview ,you must say much things which can show your willne to this job ,such as ,it is my long cherished dream to be ...and I am eager to get an opportunity to do...and then give some examples which can give evidence to .then you can say something about your hobbies .and it is best that the hobbies have something to do with the job.

What is more important is do not forget to communicate with the interviewee, keeping a smile and keeping your talks interesting and funny can contribute to the succe.

I hope you will give them a wonderful speech .Good luck to you !

3.good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september.now i will introduce myself briefly, i am 21 years old, born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china, and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX uni.my major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years, i spend most of my time on study, i have paed CET4/6 with an ease.and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice.besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company.through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry.compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progre since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, me, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard.but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still.i gue you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal, i like my major packaging and i won\'t give up, If i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education.i will work hard in these fields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident.sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my clamates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball, playing cards or surf online.through college life, i learn how to balance between study and entertainment.by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club.i had a few glorious memory on stage.that is my pride.

3.What is your greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?) 这是很多面试考官喜欢问的一个问题,这是你展示自己的最佳机会,不要吹嘘自己或过于自负,但要让雇主知道你相信自己,你知道自己的优点。如可答:“我认为我最大的优点是能够执着地尽力把事情办好。当做完一件工作而其成果又正合我的预想时,我会有一种真正的成就感。我给自己定了一些高目标。比如说,我要成为出色的毕业生。尽管在大学一年级时我启动慢了些,但最终我以优等论文完成了学业。”

I feel that my strongest aet is my ability to stick to things to get them done.I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I’d planned.I’ve set some high goals for myself.For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction.And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor’s thesis.

4.What is your greatest weakne?(你最大的弱点是什么?)


I\'m such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done. 英语面试实战指南




①Iwhat is your major?

AMy major is Busine Administration.I am especially interested in〃Marketing〃.


②IWhich university are you attending?

AI am attending×××University.

③IHave you received any degrees?

AYes.FirstI received my Bachelor degree in English Literatureand then an MBA degree.

④IWhat course did you like best?

AProject Management.I was very interested in this course when I was a student.And I think it’s very useful for my present work.

⑤IDo you feel that you have received a good general training?

AYesI have studied in an English train-ing program and a computer training program since I graduated from university.I am currently studying Finance at a training school.介绍工作经验:显露实力,避免炫耀

①IHave you ever been employed?

②IYour resume says you have had one-year experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghaimay I ask why you left?

AI worked in a foreign rep.office for one year.HoweverI left there two years ago because the work they gave me was rather dull.I found another job that is more interesting.

③IHave you done any work in this field?

④IWhat qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be succeful in your field?

⑤IWhat have you learned from the jobs you have had?

AI have learned a lot about busine know how and basic office skills.In additionI learned at my previous job show to cooperate with my colleagues.

⑥IWhat’s you major weak point?

AI haven’t been involved in international busineso I don’t have any experiencebut I have studied this course in the International Busine Training Center of the×××Company.

⑦IWhat are your greatest strengths?(实话实说好了,不必客气,但应注意语气和表情,不要给人炫耀之感。)

⑧IPlease tell me about your working experience.

⑨IDoes your present employer know you are looking for another job?

ANoI haven’t discued my career plans with my present employerbut I am sure he will understand.性格爱好:表现积极、合作的一面

①IHow do you spend your spare time?

②IAre you interested in sports?

③IDo you think you are introverted or extroverted?

④IWhat kind of personality do you think you have?

AI always approach things very enthusiastically.When I beg in somethingI don’t like to leave it halfdone.I can’t concentrate on something new until the first thing is finished.

⑤IWhat is the most important thing for you to be happy?

ADifferent people have different ideas.I think the most important thing for me is having a good relationship with my family members and my friends.My family has always been very closeknitand my friend sand I spend a lot of time together.Without that I would be much le happy than I am.

⑥IWhat makes you angry?

ADishonesty.It’s unacceptable.

⑦IWhat are your personal weaknees?

AI’m afraid I’m a poor talker.I’m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time.That is not very good for busineso I have been studying public speaking.

⑧IAre you more of a leader or a follower?

AI don’t try to lead people.I’d rather cooperate with everybodyand get the job done by working together.工作要求:我能胜任

①IDo you think you can make yourself easily understood in English?

AYesin most circumstances.

②IAre you available for travel?

AYesI like traveling.I am youngand unmarried.It’s no problem for me to travel frequently.

③IHow about overtime work?

AOvertime work is very common in companies.I can work overtime if it’s necearybut I don’t think we will work overtime everyday.

④IHow long do you think we can depend on your working here?

⑤IDo you like regular work?

ANoI don’t like regular work.I am interested in different projects with new opport unities and new challengebut I can do regular work if the company needs me to do so.

⑥IWhat salary do you expect?

AShall we discu my responsibilities with your company first?I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job.

⑦IDo you work well under preure?

AWorking under preure is exciting and challenging.I don’t mind working under preure.I work well under the secircum stances.People canI Can.

⑧IDo you have any particular conditions that you would like the company to take into consideration?

ANonothing in particular.

⑨IHow soon can you begin working for us?

AI need about two to three weeks for neceary formalities.I will quit then transfer to your company.面试结束:礼貌道别

①IAny questions?

AWhen will I know your decision?

②IHow can we get in touch with you?

③IWe will notify you of our decision by mailis this convenient for you?

④IThank you for your interest in our company.

AThank youMr.Smith.Goodbye.Thank you for your time.

⑤IYou will be hearing from us very soon.Please send the next applicantin on your way out.

AOK.Thank you very much.




1.I have been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting company.



Everyone knows how to introduce themselves, right? It\'s just like those name tags organizers pa out at networking events, \"Hello, my name is…\" Unfortunately, a lot of job seekers have a tough time getting beyond that very basic introduction.Sure, they can chat about where they grew up or their favorite book or movie, but when it comes time to say something smart and relevant about their job search interests, it gets a little tricky.


Do you have a pitch about you, your skills, and accomplishments ready to use the next time someone asks what you\'re looking for? While conventional wisdom used to dictate you prepare a two-minute \"elevator pitch,\" most elevator rides don\'t last two minutes, and most people\'s attention spans certainly don\'t.


Instead of the two-minute pitch, you should think about how to share relevant information about yourself quickly and succinctly so your target audience doesn\'t have time to start mentally planning out their grocery shopping list while they\'re waiting for you to stop talking about yourself.


If you can\'t introduce yourself to a potential contact in 30 seconds or le, you may mi some important opportunities to

impre someone important.


To create an impreive pitch, know the answers to the following questions:


1.What is your goal or objective?


2.What do you offer? Identify the skills and accomplishments that make you stand out from other people in your industry.


3.What do you do? Include information about your goal or objective as it relates to your target audience.


4.What problems do you solve? Every job description stems from a company\'s problem or specific need.Make sure you know how your contributions will make a difference for the organizations you target.


5.What results do you create? Think about your accomplishments in your current or past positions.


Use this format to plan your reply:


I work with (target audience) to (what problem do you solve).This is how (your results).


I collaborate with non-profit organizations that support women\'s causes to create, organize, and run fundraising events that

raise money from previously untapped donor bases.Last year, we increased donations by more than 50 percent and broke all of our fundraising records.


Keep in mind: One trick to a succeful pitch is to eliminate jargon or other language your target audience won\'t understand.This is especially important for career changers: don\'t rely on lingo from your previous career to appeal to new networking contacts.

Focus your comments to appeal to your new audience and you\'ll be much more succeful impreing them with your knowledge, skills, and abilities.


With a well-planned, succinct, targeted introduction, you\'ll inspire additional conversation with your networking contacts.Prepare to ask for a formal meeting to share ideas and insights, but always be ready to detail your expertise in-depth and on the spot if someone asks.Always be ready to answer questions about how you accomplished your goals and solved problems in the past and to explain how those experiences make you a good fit for your targeted opportunity.




My name is XXXXX.It is my pleasure to be here.I am XXXX years old and i graduated from XXXX school.I specialise in XXXX(专业)。 I am a hardworking and optimistic person.I always like challenges.I am a billingual(english and chinese) person.I am very

interested in this job because this is where my interests lie.I will like to answer any of your questions.Thank you.第二篇

Good morning !

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview,

I hope i can make a good performance today.I\'m confident that I can succeed.Now i will introduce myself briefly (先介绍你自己)

I am 26 years old,born in XX province .

I was graduated from XX university.my major is XX.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of XX.

I spend most of my time on study,i have paed CET4/6 .and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.


I think I\'m a good team player and I\'m a person of great honesty to others.Also I am able to work under great preure.(最后表个决心)

That’s all.Thank you for giving me the chance.


I was born in --.There are -- people in my family.We get on well with each other.I

graduated in 200- at a senior middle school.I am studying in a --- college.I am familiar with the operation of the software such as Excel,office,Word,PowerPoint,Foxmail,

CorelDRAW,Outlook, FlashMx,Firework,Illustrator.I can work as a ----man.I am patient, diligent and careful with my learning and adaptable to it.I can work step by step from the beginning.

I have high vocational quality.

Finally, if I can be hired in your company , I will certainly play my strength and go ahead with your company together.


My name is XXXXX.It is my pleasure to be here.I am XXXX years old and i graduated from XXXX school.I specialise in XXXX(专业)。 I am a hardworking and optimistic person.I always like challenges.I am a billingual(english and chinese) person.I am very interested in this job because this is where my interests lie.I will like to answer any of your questions.Thank you.


This is ***.I am 23(岁数),graduated from ****(校名) in 2005.And my major is Computer Infromation Management.I have 4 years working experience of Production Plan in a large scale foreign enterprise, and can use SPA, Excel and other office software fluently.I am able to adjust myself for a new job quickly.Please give me a chance, believe I can make you feel satisfied and can do a very good job.


introduce myself

Hello, everyone!

My name is Winnie.I\'m a 15 years old girl.I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.

I\'m an active, lovely, and clever girl.In the school my favorite subject is math.Perhaps someone thinks it\'s difficult to study well.But I like it.I believe that if you try your best, everything can be done well.

I also like sports very much.Such as, running, volleyball and so on.

I\'m kind-hearted.If you need help, please come to me.

I hope we can be good friends!

OK.This is me .A sunny girl.


My name is Xu Fangyan.You can call me Betty.I\'m a girl.I\'m 13.I\'m 154 centermeters tall.I\'m in Xinqi Primary School.I\'m in Cla 1, Grade 6.My clamates are very nice to me.We often help each other,and learn from each other.I have many hobbies.Such as drawing,writing, singing ....I like playing badminton best.It\'s good for my health.There are 3 people in my family.They\'re my father,mother and me.We love each other.My phone number is 86889886.You can call me if you like .


1、What is your greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?)


I feel that my strongest aet is my ability to stick to things to get them done.I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I’d planned.I’ve set some high goals for myself.For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction.And

even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor’s thesis.2、What is your greatest weakne?(你最大的弱点是什么?)

你不应该说你没有任何弱点,以此来回避这个问题。每个人都有弱点,最佳策略是承认你的弱点,但同时表明你在予以改进,并有克服弱点的计划。可能的话,你可说出一项可能会给公司带来好处的弱点,如可说:“我是一个完美主义者。工作做得不漂亮,我是不会撒手的。”I\'m such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done.


It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview,I hope I can make a good performance today.I\'m confident that I can succeed.Now i will introduce myself briefly.

My name is weimengmeng ,a 24 years old girl ,born in shandong province.I will graduatefrom Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science & Technology soon.My major is Information Management & Information System.In the past two years,I learned a lot which contributes my maturity.I am open-minded,quick in thought and very fond of English.I have paedEnglish CET-6 with high scores Besides,I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.

It is my long cherished dream to be …and I am eager to get an opportunity to do…

That\'s all.Thank you for giving me the chance.


I feel that my strongest aet is my ability to stick to things to get them done.I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I\'d planned.I\'ve set some high goals for myself.For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction.And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor\'s thesis.

5.What is your greatest weakne?(你最大的弱点是什么?)


I\'m such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done.



英语自我介绍范文 ` General Introduction I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R.China.With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D.graduate program.Education background In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools.During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department.I was granted First Cla Prize every semester,In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admiion test.At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department.In the second semester, I became teacher aistant that is given to talented and matured students only.This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university.Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.Research experience and academic activity When a sophomore, I joined the Aociation of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research.With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system.It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST.I aumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant.This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.

In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the Ph.D.program.My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.面试时如何自我介绍

面试时,我们会面对形形色色的问题,而最令人哑口无言的,往往是一些最简单和最常见的题目,比如\"请你自我介绍一下\"。.大多数应征者的反应是--我应该如何作答呢? 其实要懂得应对此问题,就要先做好准备

You\'ll have a better chance of impreing the interviewer if you think about this question before the interview.The first thing to realize is that the question, \"Tell me about yourself,\" provides you with a great chance to promote your strong points.This is particularly important when applying for a job that is different from what you have done in the past.You need to show the interviewer that your previous jobs provide you with skills that can be used in the new job.WHAT TO TALK ABOUT 如何介绍?


Around this skeleton should be the meat of your answer; your le obvious, but important skills.Here are some of the skills that you might want to mention.你可以介绍自己是:

Problem solver 解决问题能手 Creative thinker 充满创意 Accurate 小心谨慎

People person 与人相处融洽 Team player 合群 Organized 组织力高

This doesn\'t mean that you just say, \"I\'m a great problem solver.\" Instead, explain how you used your problem-solving skills at your previous job.事例比自我夸耀更能说明问题。 自我介绍的时间不要过长,最好是一至三分钟。最初你可能会觉得时间太长,但当你真正要介绍自己三项特质时,你就会发现时间不够用了。 WHAT TO SAY 应说什么?

What you actually say, in terms of the words you use, is something that you have to decide.You need to create an answer that sounds natural and, at the same time, interesting.背答案估计没有人愿意听。The way to determine whether your answer is natural is simply by writing a first draft of the answer and then read it out loud.When you do this, you\'ll probably spot things that you have to change.当你构思答案时,你要想想应该如何说出,内容要令人感兴趣,不沉闷,避免滔滔不绝地只说自己的强项。

Here are some final things to think about when answering the question \"Tell me about yourself.\" Mention major awards or accomplishments that relate to your career; 阐述工作上的重要成就或奖项

Promote your strengths, but do not mention any of your weaknees; 推销自己的长处,但不要提及自己的弱点

Try to be funny if you can, but don\'t force it; 可以的话,尽量说得幽默有趣

Summarize your career and education, but don\'t recite a list; 概括说出你的工作经验和学历,但切勿背诵 Don\'t start with your date of birth; 不用提及你的出生日期

Avoid information that is not career-related.The fact that you own a dog won\'t get you a job 避免说一些与职业无关的事,例如:你有一只狗,这并不能为你争取到工作 Always answer this question 经常思考和解答这条问题 Try to sound natural 对答要自然

Relax and enjoy yourself! 放松心情,尽力而为。祝你面试成功!





1. 2. 3.
















12、导致你成功的因素是什么 回答要短,让考官自己去探究,比如只一句话:“我喜欢挑战性工作。


















接下来由这部份个人基本情况,自然地过渡到一两个自己本科或工作期间圆满完成的事件,以这一两个例子来形象地、明晰他说明自己的经验与能力,例如:在学校担任学生干部时成功组织的活动;或者如何投入到社会实践中,利用自己的专长为社会公众服务;或者自己在专业上取得的重要成绩以及出色的学术成就。 接下来要着重结合你的职业理想说明你应考这个公务员职位的原因,这一点相当重要。你可以谈你对应考单位或职务的认识了解,说明你选择这个单位或职务的强烈愿望。原先有工作单位的应试者应解释清楚自己放弃原来的工作而做出新的职业选择的原因。你还可以谈如果你被录取,那么你将怎样尽职尽责地工作,并不断根据需要完善和发展自己。当然这些都应密切联系你的价值观与职业观。不过,如果你将自己描述为不食人间烟火的、不计较个人利益的“圣人”,那么考官们对你的求职动机的信任,就要大打折扣了。









自我介绍也是一种说服的手段与艺术,聪明的应试者会以公务员考录的要求与测试重点而组织自我介绍的内容,你不仅仅要告诉考官们你是多么优秀的人,你更要告诉考官,你如何地适合这个工作岗位。而与面试无关的内容,既使是你引以为荣的优点和长处,你也要忍痛舍弃,以突出重点。 (2)自我介绍要有充分的信心。


应试者在谈自己的优点的一个明智的办法是:在谈到自己的优点时,保持低调。也就是轻描淡写、语气平静,只谈事实,别用自己的主观评论。同时也要注意适可而止,重要的、关键的,要谈,与面试无关的特长最好别谈。另外,谈过自己的优点后,也要谈自己的缺点,但一定要强调自己克服这些缺点的愿望和努力。 特别指出的是,不要夸大自己。一方面从应试者的综合素养表现,考官能够大体估计应试者的能力;另一方面,如果考官进一步追问有关问题,将令“有水份”的应试者下不了台。









这些例子很多画蛇添足似的自我介绍不但不会为你的形象增添色彩,会“越抹越黑”!。 7自我介绍结束






想一矢中的,首先必须认清自我,一定要弄清以下三个问题。 你现在是干什么的?你将来要干什么?你过去是干什么的?


所以,第一个问题,你是干什么的?现在是干什么的?回答这个问题,要点是:你是你自己,不是别的什么人。除非你把自己与别人区别开来,在共同点的基础上更强调不同点,否则你绝无可能在众多的应征求职者中夺魁。 对于这第一个问题,自我反省越深,自我鉴定就越成功。











中文面试自我介绍材料 英文英语面试自我介绍

Good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september.Now i will introduce myself briefly, I am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX uni.my major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have paed CET4/6 with a ease.and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice.besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company.through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry.compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progre since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, me, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard.but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still.i gue you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education.i will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident.sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my clamates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online.through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment.by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club.i had a few glorious memory on stage.that is my pride.


I’m an Aries.Arians are supposed to be courageous leaders but troublesome followers.Half true.I’m definitely a troublesome.follower.(我是牧羊座的。 牧羊座的人据说是很有胆识的领导人物,但同时也是很会惹麻烦的部属。说对了一半,我的确是个麻烦的部属。) I’m a Leo.Some good Leo traits are: broad-minded, loving, faithful.Bad traits are: boy, patronizing.I’m a typical Leo.I’m faithful but patronizing.6park.com (我属狮子座。狮子座的优点是心胸宽阔、有爱心,以及忠诚;缺点则是专横、自以为是。我就是典型的狮子座,忠诚却又自负。)

2、I’m a person of principle.I do NOT compromise.Because I don’t smoke , I do NOT wear a T-shirt with a Marlboro logo, even if somebody gives one to me free.我是个有原则的人,绝对不会妥协。因为我不抽烟,所以我也不会穿印有万宝路字样的T恤,即使有人免费送给我。

I’m a great salesman.I could sell a knockoff Windows 2000 to Bill Gates. 我是一个很棒的推销员,我能把盗版的Windows 2000卖给比尔*盖茨。

3、I love shopping! My mom(friends) says, I should become a legislator ‘cause I bring so many bills into the house.我酷爱买东西!所以我妈(朋友)说我应该当国会议员的。因为,我把那么多的bill(账单/请愿书/法案)带进了the house(家里/议院)。

以上一些简单自我介绍只是个参考,希望想学英语的同学或是想把英语说得更漂亮的人士能够举一反三做出更具魅力符合自己个性的自我介绍。 强人的自我介绍(中英对白,强推~~!!!)

Good monring.It\\\'s a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself.My name is Philip Wong, and I am a candidate for the position of Overseas Sales Representative.? ? My background and work experience are tailor-made for this position.I studied marketing as an undergrad here in Taiwan, and in 1985, I received my MBA from the University of Texas School of Busine.For five years now, I have utilized my skills and knowledge as the Aistant Director of Exports for magic kitchen Supplies.? ? Action Appliances is a forward-looking company.I am aware that you are expanding into new markets, particularly in the U.S.Thus you are going to need aggreive, take-charge sales representatives.At magic Kitchen, during my five years there, we expanded our U.S market share by 25%.This is just one example of my ability to go out there and sell products.? ? A position with your company would be both a learning experience and a great opportunity.I look forward to becoming part of the Action team.Thank you.Philip在应征面试时,是这样介绍自己的:

? ? 早安,很高兴能在这儿跟各位介绍自己;我是Philip Wong,来此应征海外业务代表。 ? ? 我的背景和工作经验使我足以胜任这份业务代表的工作,我在台湾念大学,主修行销,1985年,再从美国德州大学的商学院得到工商管理硕士的学位。过去五年来,我以这些专业知识及技巧担任神奇厨具用品公司的外销部副主任。

? ? Action电器公司是个高瞻远瞩的公司,我知道你们正在开拓市场,尤其要在美国闯下一片天地;正因为如此,你们需要一位积极,肯负责的业务代表。在神奇厨具用品公司,我们将产品在美国的市场占有率提高了25%,这正足以证明我有能力在当地推销产品。 ? ? 如果能够进入贵公司工作,对我来说将是个大好机会,又可以好好继续学习。我希望能成为Action电器公司的一员,谢谢。? 面试常见37个问题

1.\"Tell me about yourself\"


2.\"Why are you interested in this position?\"

你为什么对这份工作感兴趣? 3.\"What are your strengths?\"


4.\"What is Your Biggest Weakne?\"


5.\"Why do You Feel You are Right for this Position?\"

为什么你认为自己适合这个职位? 6.\"Can you give me the highlights of your resume?\"


7.\"Why did you choose your major?\"

你为什么选择这个专业? 8.\"What are your interests?\"


9.\"What are your short and long term goals?\"


10.\"Tell me how your friends/family would describe you?\" 如果我向你的朋友或者家人询问对你的评价,你认为他们会怎样说?

11.\"Using single words, tell me your three greatest strengths and one weakne.\"


12.\"What motivates you to succeed?\"

你 争取成功的动力是什么?

13.\"What qualities do you feel are important to be succeful in _____ (i.e.customer service)?\"


14.\"What previous experience has helped you develop these qualities?\"


15.\"Can you give me an example of teamwork and leadership?\"


16.\"What was your greatest challenge and how did you overcome it?\"


17.\"Why should I hire you over the other candidates I am interviewing?\"


18.\"Do you have any questions?\"


19.\"What are your compensation expectations?\" 你去年的收入是多少?你对于报酬有什么样的期望?

General Questions: 20.\"What was your greatest accomplishment in past time?\" 在过去的日子里,你觉得自己最大的成就是什么?

21.\"Have you ever been asked to do something unethical? If yes, how did you handle it?\"曾经有人要求你去做一些不道德的事情吗?如果有,你是怎么处理的呢?

22.\"What do you do if you totally disagree with a request made by your manager?\"如果你完全不同意你上司的某个要求,你怎么处理?

Leadership Questions: 23.\"When in a group setting, what is your typical role?\"


24.\"How do you motivate a team to succeed?\" 你怎么激励团队达到成功?

Teamwork Questions: 25.\"Have you been in team situations where not everyone carried their fair share of the workload? If so, how did you handle the situation?\"


Problem-Solving Questions: Problem-solving questions demonstrate your ability to come up with solutions to difficult situations and your ability to think on your feet.

26.\"How do you prioritize when you are given too many tasks to accomplish?\"


27.\"Why are manhole covers round?\"


Organizational and Planning Questions: Organizational and planning questions demonstrate how you approach your job and how you think.If someone appears disorganized, more likely than not, that candidate will be rejected.

28.\"Tell me about a goal you set for yourself and how you accomplished it.\" 分析:给自己的工作和生活设定有效的计划并按计划执行是一个非常好的习惯,如果你现在还没有这个习惯,不妨开始学着去做。至少,你应该知道怎么去制订计划并执行。 29.\"Do you typically achieve what you set out to do?\" 分析:直观上感觉面试官是在考察你是不是一个有恒心和毅力的人,因此回答“是”无疑是一个稳妥的答案(如例一)。但是很可能所有应聘者都会给出肯定的答案,你不妨尝试做点改变(如例二)。


It is my great honor to have the opportunity for this interview, and I hope I can make a good performance today.Now I will introduce myself briefly.

My name is eric.22 years old.And I was born and raised in Changsha, a city of glorious history.I graduated from ….With the four years\' study in finance, I acquainted myself with deep knowledge in this field.I have paion for what I have learned, because of which I have got good academic performances.In addition, I\'ve also paed College Enlish Test band 6 in my undergraduate study and the microsoft word excel and power point are the basic skills during college.

Besides, I was also actively involved in student activities.I was a team member of the financial interest group in my college.There I learned a lot of commercial case that broaden my horizon in the economic field.

At the end of the undergraduate, I had a two month internship in Hunan Sun future company, which is the largest future company in the Hunan province.

I worked at the customer service center of the company’s headquarter and functioned as two roles.First I am in charge of the client\'s materials in headquarter and branch departments; Second, I supplied enquiry and account service to the clients and kept good cooperation work with other departments.From these daily affairs I learned a lot from the whole company\'s running and mastered numerous knowledge about futures, especially had a direct understanding toward the organization and the function of each department.

During my spare time, I like long-distance running & Mountain-climbing.These help me to have an invincible will and a spirit of enterprise by means of paing body\'s limits.Additionally, I do a lot of reading when I have time.Through reading a plenty of newspapers and books, I broaden my horizon in economic field, especially by studying The Economic Observer systematiclly, I grasp the knowledge of economy to a great extent.

As for my character, I would say, precisene and carefulne in my character give me confidence in doing the basic work in your company, which are tedious, monotonous and high strength required in some people\'s eyes.

That’s all.Thank you for giving me the chance.


My name is Zhao Wanjun.Wanjun is my given name.Wan means sweet and Jun means person, so my name means a sweet-tempered girl.I actually am! But you can call me June, for your convenience, j-u-n-e, it\'s similar to my Chinese name Jun.I am from Enping, a small city in the southwest of Guangdong province, near HongKong and Macao.Maybe you have never been there before, it\'s well known for the hot springs there.

In 2003, I got the highest score in the College Entrance Examinations in my city and entered Zhongshan University.My major is Computer Science.My GpA ranks in the top 40% among all students, but I have stronger C++ programming skills than many others.Also, I was the first one to learn Java in my cla.

I was chosen by a teacher of mine to participate in his project.The project was about a LAN chat room, and I developed the instant meaging system in it.I was the only female student in this project team.

Besides study and the project, I worked in the Student Union for two years, first year as a member, next year promoted to be the General Secretary.My colleagues describe me as a reliable and considerate person.

IBM is top on my job hunting list for of the reasons you hear every day.I look forward to joining a famous company as it means good training, good pay, and good people to work with, just like you gentlemen!

Technical Support Engineer is my ideal job because I have both a technical background and the ability to deal with clients.Also, traveling isn’t a problem although I am a woman.


Good morning!

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for interview.

I hope i can make a good performance today.I’m confidence that i can succeed.

Now i will introduce myself briefly.

I’m 20 years old,born in Guangdong province.

I was graduated from xxx university.My major is Busine English.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2005.

I spend most time of my study,i have paed CET4/6.and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time..............

I think i am a good team player and i am a person of great honesty to others.Also i am able to work under great preure.

That’s all.Thank you for giving me the chance.


My name is Zhao Wanjun.Wanjun is my given name.Wan means sweet and Jun means person, so my name means a sweet-tempered girl.I actually am! But you can call me June, for your convenience, j-u-n-e, it\'s similar to my Chinese name Jun.I am from Enping, a small city in the southwest of Guangdong province, near HongKong and Macao.Maybe you have never been there before, it\'s well known for the hot springs there.

I graduated from Guangzhou University two years ago.I had great performance in university, two scholarships, two awards of Excellent Student Cadre, and one impreive award of Full Attendance, which means I never mied a single cla that semester!

My first job was receptionist and secretary in an electronic company, but I left in le than a year simply because I had little work to do there.At that time I could finish a day\'s work in several hours.I couldn\'t bear the boredom of having nothing to do, so I quit.

My current job is a very busy one.I work at Leshi pharmaceutical Company.Leshi, as you can see on my resume, specializes in the wholesale of Chinese medicine, the annual sales are about 50 million RMB.I am one of the eight customer service representatives.I provide services to about fifty customers, inputting orders, pushing payments, handling complaints and so on.Last year I ranked number two of the eight representatives in the annual Satisfaction Survey.Sales reps gave me 4.5 and customers gave me 4.2 out of the full score of 5 for the services I provided.

I\'m interested in Ciba for two reasons.The first reason is that I look forward to joining a big international company.The second reason is that I feel I meet your requirements.Although I\'ve never worked in fine chemistry companies, the two-year experience in a pharmaceutical company has made me a qualified customer service representative who can meet the high standards.I believe you know that the pharmaceutical busine usually has very strict requirements and high standards.In addition, I am sure I can learn how to use Oracle ERp in a short time, as I am very familiar with Hejia ERp, which is quite similar, and I use the English version at my present job.That\'s about all.


Gong moming eyeryone, it is my preasare to introdace myself to

You here.Now, I gonna introduce myself driefly,my neme is

hexongfeng ,I am twenty-one years old.Im from chongqingwanzhou

, now I wane to be a property consaltane.I gradaated from Chongqing

real estate college.My major was management and appraisal my

education is a specialise quahfications, I am a happy and healthy college

stadents.So I spent mose of my time on stady so that I have got many the

thild prize scholarhip.I was stademt boby president.So I spemt mose of

my time on student union work so that I have got many outstanding

student leader.In may 2012, real estate compay in chongqiong ,iattendel a

compay clerk job,so I have a property consuleame job seatch intentionis.Thank you for your opportaunity


Hello! Everyone!

I am very pleased to be able to participate in the interview of your company !Firstly,let me introduce myself to you! My name is JiangBo,I am come from Yunnan province,I was born in 1991.My major is NC equipment application and maintenance!

Today is a special day.Why not? I am a optimistic, self-confident, easy-going person.I think whenever I lose heart,I whould never give up.No matter when, I know my parents and friends have given me the greatest support and encouragement.Everything will be OK! I am the member of the organization in my cla,it makes me do everything better and better.It is not only give me a sence of the responsibility,but also it gives me a careful heart.Through this work,I know how to make a plan of the activities,share the happine and sorrow with my clamates.The most importand is that I kow the power of the tea work,and so on.

I chose here because I think the company can give me a more challenging work and a better development platform.I think in my constant efforts, will soon be integrated into the company and will become a good employee, I believe that all of us united in collaboration with a brighter tomorrow! Thanks!


