
2020-04-18 来源:读后感收藏下载本文


Reading Report of A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Cities was written by Charles.Dicken (1812~1870),a famous English novelist, who only had a few years on the school.He become well-known writer, thanks to diligent self-study and hard work..

He lived in the transitional period that from the semi-feudal society to industrial capitalist society of England.The background of the novel and the author\'s life has a close relationship between the times .In reality, Dickens himself had great concern to the French Revolution.His interest in the French Revolution began in England which is lurking in serious social crises at that time .The society of England in later the 19th century was remarkably like the France of later the 18th century.

In the novel, with the broad real background of the French Revolution, it profoundly exposed the society contradiction between the poor and aristocrats.The poor suffered from overcrowding, hunger, repetitive labor and long hours of work.Poor peasants were exploited greatly by the aristocrats and they led a terrible life.

On the contrary, the aristocrats shared luxurious material plundered from the poor.What’s more, the upper cla bullied or even killed the poor without any mercy.So brave peasants rose up and fought against the aristocrats.

From the novel , we can easily read about the author\'s thoughts.He intensely attacks the aristocratic social cla which is diolute and cruel, and sincerely sympathizes with the depreed claes.

About the content, the novel is mainly about three parts: the unjust charge, love and revenge, which are independence but also incident cro-correlation stories together.

Dickens portrayed many vivid characters.

About positive characters, Dr.Alexandre Manette ,who\'s experience is taken as the main clue by the author,is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually .Lucie Manette, Doctor Manette\'s daughter, is beautiful and gentle .Charles Darney is graceful and noble.He is a descendant of French nobility, but diatisfying with his family\'s acts of oppreion of workers and giving up inheritance rights of property, then he lived in London as a French teacher.

Sydney Carton is a talented but cynical British lawyer,who\'s dual character, one that is both selfle and sensitive, as well as self-pitying and inconsiderate, that makes him one of literature\'s most fascinating characters.At that time he had began to love Lucie but he did not pursue her for one year.He loved Lucie, but he‟s afraid himself can bring happine to her.He once told Lucie that“ „If it had been poible, Mi Manette, that you could have returned the love of the man you see before yourself--flung away, wasted, drunken, poor creature of misuse as you know him to be—he would have been conscious this day and hour, in spite of his happine, that he would bring you misery, bring you to sorrow and repentance , blight you, disgrace you, pull you down with him.I know very well that you can have no tenderne for me, I ask for none, I am even thankful that it cannot be.’” We are easily moved by his sprit: “For you, and for any dear to you, I would do anything.If my career were of that better kind that there was any opportunity or capacity of sacrifice in it, I would embrace any sacrifice for you and for those dear to you.” He just buried his love in his heart deeply .when Darnay was to be killed ,he carried out his promise.In the end of the story , Carton was carried to execution ground, but he was quiet, for his Lucie

and her husband Darnay, he believed he had a splendid life and was worth of loosing his life .Sydney Carton saved Darnay and carried out his promise.Although he was killed instead of Darnay, he wouldn‟t die in our heart.

For me, in fact, Sydney Carton made the best and deepest impreion on me.And I believe Such unselfish deed was just the one that every reader wanted to appreciate.

On the other hand, about negative characters, in the novel, without any hesitation, Dickens exposed what the Evremonde brothers had done.In order to own a peasant woman, the Evremonde brothers forced four innocent peasants to death.While they just signed a piece of paper then they could send anyone to the prison until they let him out.How decaying they were! What‟s more, the earls regarded the poor as animals not human beings.And once when his carriage knocked down a poor child, the aristocrat only cared about his own horses but not the young poor child.When he knew the child was dead, instead of fearing guilt, “It is extraordinary to me,\' said he, „that you people cannot take care of yourselves and your children.One or the other of you is forever in the way.How do I know what injury you have done my horses? See! Give him that.\' He threw out a gold coin……”.

These circumstances made me feel the aristocrats are not human beings at all.How cruel and sinister they are.

The author used various kinds of writing techniques, such as flashback (the beginning of A Tale of Two Cities), narration interspersed with flashbacks, foreshadowing, foreshadowing and so on.It made the Structure become complete and tight and the plots become tense and dramatic.Its style is solemn and gloomy.It\'s full of worried and indignant.

What\'s a pity, in my opinion, the whole novel is the lack of humor.That is a fly in the ointment.The author also use lots of rhetoric.For instance, Dickens began A Tale of Two Cities with this famous sentence: “It was the best of times, it was the worse of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishne; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkne; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, …”It is a typical example of parallel structures.Ten used in conjunction by the \"it was ...\" constitutes a sentence to form a perfect parallel structure (which includes five sets of pairs of dual sentence).It described the spirit of the era in which this novel takes place and was easy to take the reader into the specific circumstances at the time of that era.

In addition, there are many a good sentences .For example, at the end of the novel, When Carlton was in exchange for his loved Lucie \'s happine with his own lives that he calmly embarked on a guillotine, and said that: It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known .

I was really touched by his great spirit.Many people think that love is selfish, but Sydney Carton tell us there is the purest and loftiest love in the word, although it is hidden in the deep of the heart , it is profound; although it bear a lot of torture, it make his lover happy ;although it is to devote selflely, it is not waiting for payback.This kind of love has reached a new height, it is beautiful with a little cheerle, it must become claic love.Another example, \"Sadly, sadly, the sun rose; it rose upon no sadder sight than the man of good abilities and good emotions, incapable of their directed exercise, incapable of his own help and his own happine, sensible of the blight on him, and resigning himself to let it eat him away.\" (Book 2, Chapter 5), it‟s a theory of Sydney\'s view of himself.

In conclusion, reading between the lines, I began to understand the position of humanitarian was important in Dickens‟ novels.He had a firm and obvious distinguish between mercy and evil.In A Tale of Two Cities, he showed deep sympathy to the poor.On the other hand, he strongly condemned the feudal aristocrats‟ behaviors.In the novel, we can read his thoughts that no matter the person was rich or poor, if his behaviors agreed with morality, it should be praised.If not, then it should be criticized.

More important is we can’t deny that some of Dickens’ views about humanitarian are still worth appreciating and leaning today.That is, we should agree that humanitarian is important to us.And only“love makes the world go round”.



My Opinions About A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Cities was written by Charles Dickens, who was born in Portsmouth, England in 1812.As the second of eight children, Dickens had to go to work at the age of twelve to support his poor family, and he lived a difficult childhood.This troublesome time scarred him deeply and provided him with substantial material for such stories as Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, and Great Expectations.Though just accepted only little education, Dickens became a famous writer through his struggling self-learning and extremely hard work, and he was the representative writer of realism in the 19th century.

Charles Dickens lived in the period of transition between feudalism and capitalism, when the industrial revolution originated in England swept through Europe.As large numbers of workers invaded into urban centers to earn a living, the bourgeois took advantages of the surplus of labor by keeping wages low.The poor thus remained poor, and often lived in a narrow and filthy environment.Dickens’ writing depicted various directions about this society, and provided a keen, sympathetic chronicle of the plight of the urban poor.

A Tale of Two Cities mainly about the great atrocities of French aristocrats compelled the poor citizens to resist violently.Doctor Manette spent eighteen years as a prisoner in Bastille because he intended to expose the atrocity after learning that

Marquis Evrémonde killed a beautiful farmwife and her younger brother because of his brother’s lust.After Doctor Manette was free again, his daughter Lucie got married with Charles Darnay, Marquis Evrémonde’s nephew, but chose to live in England because he could not accept the cruel injustices of the French social system and the snobbish and cruel values of his uncle.However, Marquis Evrémonde continued his atrocities.After his crazy carriage crushed over a farmer’s little baby as if nothing happen, he was killed at night.A revolutionary storm was brewing.Mr.and Mrs.Defarge were the revolutionaries in the poor Saint Antoine section of Paris.They wanted to kill all French aristocrats, including Charles Darnay.Mr.Defarge used to be Doctor Manette’s servant, so he was kind to Manettes, while his wife’s heart burned with longing for revenge.At last, Charles Darnay was judged to death, But Sydney Carton, a lawyer who loved Lucie deeply, willing to die instead of Darnay, as they had similar appearance.

From my personal point of view, the person A Tale of Two Cities described astounded me very much.Some of them were cruel, crazy and reasonle, while some of them were kind, moral and had own mind.

Sydney Carton was the person I thought the most.He was a smart attorney, without his help, Mr.Stryver could not solve any cases.But he was lazy, alcoholic, and cared nothing and nobody, he even could not find any interests in his own life, it seems that he lived just for wasting life.But he loved Lucie deeply.Finally, he

became a hero, because he sacrificed his life to save Darnay.I didn’t know why the author spent so many words to form such a strange guy at frist, he used his life to love Lucie, after all.But now, I caught it.Perhaps the terrible Carton symbolized the terrible old France, and his change in the end shown that everything could change, including the old France, a new and fine society would replace the violence.

Then, Charles Darnay.He was worthy of esteem or respect.He displayed great virtue in his rejection of his uncle, Marquis Evrémonde.Money and power meant nothing to him, if they came from exploitation and oppreion.Even though he had to inherit his uncle’s bequest, he left them to the poor and lived in London throught his own effort.When he realized that he must go back to Paris to help Gabelle, one of his servants, and make right the wrong his uncle had done, he acted without hesitation because he knew that was his duty.He even refused Carton’s help after he was judged to death.I thought, Charles Darnay was a shiny diamond in that cruel and violent society, and he was a hope, the hope of equality and peace.

Third, Mrs.Defarge.How crazy this woman was.Nobody could stop her steps toward revenge, except the death.Although it said that wherever there is oppreion, there is resistance, I didn’t agree with Mrs.Defarge totally.Her resistance was inhumane, insensible and endle.For just as the aristocracy’s oppreion had made an oppreor Mrs.Defarge herself, so will her oppreion, in turn, make oppreors her victims.In the end of the novel, her death by a bullet from her own gun.It shown the

author’s belief that inordinate retaliated lust would destroy one own self.

On the whole, A Tale of Two Cities is a succeful novel.It shows us oppreion and resistance, violence and terror, revolution and vengeance, love and friendship.

I am lucky enough to live in the 21st century, when peace and development are pursued all along.Nowadays, there also are many problems and diensions among this world, but violence does not the best way problems are solved.Violence just creates more problems, something every sensible person knows.What we need are talks and communication.The time A Tale of Two Cities mentions has gone, we should do enough preparation to adapt the coming age.


The report of the A Tale of Two Cities

Recently, I read a tale of two cities.I think that it’s a good novel.

First, I want to introduce the author of this book .His name is Charles Dickens, he is an outstanding writer.He is one of the greatest writers in the 19 century.However, he had a painful childhood.He was arrested when he was 10 years old due to household debt.He had only a few years of learning.So, in his early years, his works are more about the painful children.He criticized the black of capitalism and had the sympathy for the poor.Now, let me introduce this novel.The background of this book is the French revolution.Before the revolution, the young doctor .Manette witneed the guilty of the French marquis.So he was arrested in the Bastille by the marquis.After two years, his wife died.His daughter Lucie was send to London by his friends Lorry and adopted by the Mi Pro who is a maidservant.After 18 years, he was released from the Bastille and was taken care by his old servant Defarge.His daughter wanted to take his father to London.In the travel, she met the son of the marquis Charles Darnay who hated the guilty of his father and uncle.Then they loved each other.And now, Charles Dannay’s father had died, so manette wanted to forget the painful memory and hoped his daughter happy.So he agreed with them.In 1789, France break the revolution.All of the marquises was send to the guillotine.Because the Darnay was a marquis.So the Defarge read the report which was written by the doctor.Then Dannay was sentenced to death.Now Carton who always hidden loved Lucie went to the prison and he pretended Dannay.So Dannay escaped the prison.And carton was killed.However Madame Defarge still not gave up.She wanted to killed Dannay’s wife Lucie and their young child; finally she was burned by the pro.

After read this novel, let me know about the French revolution.I think the people who lived in that period were not lucky.The poor were very sad.They were too blindne.And I was moved the carton, he died for his love, and I like him very much.

姓名: 张喜华


The Book Report of

A Tale of Two Cities




It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishne, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkne, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way

Charles Dickens(1812~1870),one of the greatest novelist in England.I have read his A tale of two cities .And this is the beginning of the book.

“A Tale of Two Cities”, one of Dickens’ works, is a well-known long story.And it has a great influence on the society at that time.When I saw the title at first, I thought it might tell something about the developing proce of two cities, which might be no fun.However, after reading it , I found I had been wrong.

It portrays a brutal, bloody and revengeful society as well as love and friendship.It happened before and after the Revolution in France.The ruthle and cruel landowners and noblemen exploited the miserable people who owned nothing, but these poor people worked for others day and night.Noblemen had the power that one word would doubtlely send others to prison.As time paed by, the noise of the coming-up revolution storm in Paris was growing louder and louder.At last, it was on the fourteenth of July, 1789 that the revolution broke out.

“The Bastille and its officers were in the hands of people, and the people wanted revenge and blood.” The true Freedom of France came.“The Guillotine, the new machine of death, cut off the heads of many, many people—not only the powerful and the cruel, but also the beautiful, the innocent, and the good.” Among the good, there was a man called Darney.Even though his father, wife and friends knew he was innocent, the people thought he was the enemy and would go to the Guillotine.

In spite of a shadow of fear and hate here and there, we can also see the great and kind persons.I think the greatest person is Mr.Manette who had been a prisoner in the Bastille for eighteen years.What he suffered was difficult to imagine, but he was still kind and loved his daughter.He did his best to save his son-in-law, whose father and uncle were the men that had ever sent him to prison.Another great man is the lawyer, Sydney Carton, a friend of Darney.Before Darney went to Guillotine, Mr.Carton changed places with him and he said, “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever know.” Besides, the story is full of love, including the love between father and daughter, the love between husband and wife, the love among friends and so on.In short, only if you have love in your heart, the life is meaningful.At the same time, the revenge will run away with you, freedom and happine will be around you.

There is no doubt that Charles Dickens is one of the greatest writers

in English.From this book, I see some true lives and moving stories from the old ages.I think you must feel the same as me that we don’t want to live in that condition.To be frank, we all look forward to living in a peaceful and love situation.Though the present life has improved a lot, there are still wars in some places.All that we need is to solve the problems in peaceful ways instead of by force.So let’s work hard together in order to make our life much more meaningful and happier, make our society more harmonious.


“A tale of two cities” is one of Dickens’s most important representative works。The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social cla is diolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depreed claes。The novel also described many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked Bastille and so on,which displayed people’s great strength。

The novel has portrayed many different people。 Doctor Manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually , Lucie is beautiful and gentle ,Charles is graceful and noble,Lorry is upright and honest ,Sydney is semblance of indifferent, innermost feelings of warm,unconventional but also selfle and lofty,Mi Pro is straightforward and loyal,Evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister…The complex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revenge has made more hatreds, loves rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as the price。

As an outstanding writer,in Dickens’s work,the language skill is eential。Each kind of rhetoric technique,like the analogy,the exaggeration,the contrast,the humorous,and the taunt are handled skillfully,and the artistry of the work is also delivered the peak。”A tale of two cities” has its difference with the general historical novel, its character and the main plot are all fictionalizes。With the broad real background of the French Revolution,the author take the fictional character Doctor Manette’s experience as the main clue,interweaves the unjust charge, love and revenge three independences but also incident cro-correlation stories together,the plot is cri-croed,and the clue is complex。The author use narrates,foreshadowing,upholstery and so many techniques,causes the structure integrity and strictne,the plot winding anxious and rich of theatrical nature,it displayed the remarkable artistic skill。the style “A tale of two cities” is solemnity and melancholy,fills indignantion,but lacks the humor of the early works。


My Commons on a Tale of Two Cities

As we all know, Charles Dickens\' novel A Tale of Two Cities is a novel based on the French Revolution in the late 1800s.In that terrible time, every moment was full of great fear.Before that great revolution, the common people, especially the peasants, were poor, hungry and unhappy.The king and the noble men maltreated the poor in many ways but they had never felt a little ashamed, on the contrary they thought they could do bad things in the nature of things.

As an outstanding writer, in Dickens\'s work, the language skill is eential.Each kind of rhetoric technique, like the analogy, the exaggeration, the contrast, the humorous, and the taunt are handled skillfully and the artistry of the work is also delivered the peak.The author use insert narrates, foreshadowing, upholstery and so many techniques, causes the structure integrity and strictne, the plot winding anxious and rich of theatrical nature, it displayed the remarkable artistic skill.The style A tale of two cities is solemnity and melancholy, fills indignation, but lacks the humor of the early works.

Besides, this novel criticizes the violence and oppreion in the society.In this novel, the author not only exprees his humanitarianism on the love between human beings, but also exprees his view according to his critics to the violence and oppreion in that society.The author

exprees his opinion on two parts.First, he criticizes the aristocrats, esp.the representative Marquis of Evremonde.Second, he also criticizes the revolutionaries in the French Revolution.However, when we see from the description of the couple, the author does not think high of the revolution.

What is more, this novel advocates the Christian love and self-sacrifice.Charles Dickens\' novel A Tale of Two Cities is eentially a tale of love, sacrifice, and, most importantly, resurrection.Dr.Manette, Charles Darnay, and Sydney Carton, all desperate men leading catastrophic lives, make great sacrifices in order to attain true physical, spiritual, and societal resurrection for themselves and the ones they love.In this novel, the author portrays some typical characters that embody the author’s view.

Ultimately, A Tale of Two Cities is eentially a tale of love, sacrifice, and most importantly, resurrection.Through personal sacrifices or sacrifices for those who they loved, it shows the human’s virtue and integrity.By struggling for, hunting for, and sacrificing for a better life, all of the main characters are forever resurrected in the hearts of those they love forever.


After reading “A tale of two cities”

Crazily, but truthfully, I finished reading the most part of the novel \"A Tale of Two Cities\" in just one day.Lost in the story, I felt like being together with the characters and experiencing the same exciting events.Soon it came to an end.To tell you my feelings, its infinite sadne and a strong emotion that can drive me to cry.

\"A tale of two cities\" is one of Dickens\'s most important representative works.The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social cla is diolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depreed claes.The novel also described many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked Bastille and so on,which displayed people\'s great strength.

The novel has portrayed many different people. Doctor Manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually , Lucie is beautiful and gentle ,Charles is graceful and noble,Lorry is upright and honest ,Sydney is

semblance of indifferent, innermost feelings of warm,unconventional but also selfle and lofty,Mi Pro is straightforward and loyal,Evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister.The complex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revenge has made more hatreds, loves rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as the price.Equality and fairne is what people seek, which led to the French Revolution.As a consequence, neither equality nor fairne was got after the revolution.And that\'s the tragedy of the history.I was heavyhearted when reading what Sydney Carton said before death and I burst into tears finally.As an outstanding writer,in Dickens\'s work,the language skill is eential.Each kind of rhetoric technique,like the analogy,the exaggeration,the contrast,the humorous,and the taunt are handled skillfully,and the artistry of the work is also delivered the peak.\"A tale of two cities\" has its difference with the general historical novel, its character and the main plot are all fictionalizes.With the broad real background of the French Revolution,the author take the fictional character Doctor Manette\'s experience as the main clue,interweaves the unjust charge, love and revenge three independences but also incident cro-correlation stories together,the plot is cri-croed,and the clue is complex.The author use insert narrates,foreshadowing,upholstery and so many techniques,causes the structure integrity and strictne,the plot winding anxious and rich of theatrical nature,it displayed the remarkable artistic skill.the style \"A tale of two cities\" is solemnity and melancholy,fills indignation,but lacks the humor of the early works.


My Commons on a Tale of Two Cities

As we all know, Charles Dickens\' novel A Tale of Two Cities is a novel based on the French Revolution in the late 1800s.In that terrible time, every moment was full of great fear.Before that great revolution, the common people, especially the peasants, were poor, hungry and unhappy.The king and the noble men maltreated the poor in many ways but they had never felt a little ashamed, on the contrary they thought they could do bad things in the nature of things.

As an outstanding writer, in Dickens\'s work, the language skill is eential.Each kind of rhetoric technique, like the analogy, the exaggeration, the contrast, the humorous, and the taunt are handled skillfully and the artistry of the work is also delivered the peak.A tale of two cities has its difference with the general historical novel, its character and the main plot are all fictionalizes.With the broad real background of the French Revolution, the author take the fictional character Doctor Nanette’s experience as the main clue, interweaves the unjust charge, love and revenge three independences but also incident cro-correlation stories together, and the clue is complex.The author use insert narrates, foreshadowing, upholstery and so many techniques, causes the structure integrity and strictne, the plot winding anxious and rich of theatrical nature, it displayed the remarkable artistic skill.The style A tale of two cities is solemnity and melancholy, fills indignation, but lacks the humor of the early works.

Besides, this novel criticizes the violence and oppreion in the society.In this novel, the author not only exprees his humanitarianism on the love between human beings, but also exprees his view according to his critics to the violence and oppreion in that society.The author exprees his opinion on two parts.First, he criticizes the aristocrats, esp.the representative Marquis of Evremonde.Second, he also criticizes the revolutionaries in the French Revolution.However, when we see from the description of the couple, the author does not think high of the revolution.When the revolutionaries begin their revenge, the author describes that everyone is terrible, the man is terrible, the woman crazy, and there is not a human creature at that time.We can see although the author does not show his agreement to the aristocrats’ cruelty, he does not like the bloody revolution, either.

What is more, this novel advocates the Christian love and self-sacrifice.Charles Dickens\' novel A Tale of Two Cities is eentially a tale of love, sacrifice, and, most importantly, resurrection.Dr.Manette, Charles Darnay, and Sydney Carton, all desperate men leading catastrophic lives, make great sacrifices in order to attain true physical, spiritual, and societal resurrection for themselves and the ones they love.In this novel, the author portrays some typical characters that embody the author’s view.First, he portrays some kind, upright and humane persons, such as Dr.Manette, Lucie Manette, Mr.Lorry, etc.But at the same time, he also portrays some cruel and ferocious persons, such as the Marquis of Evremonde Brothers, Mr.and Mrs.Defarge.He uses these characters to make a contrast, which clearly exprees his view.In short, what he was trying to expre is that everyone can love each other and sacrifice for others.So Sydney Carton is the supreme embodiment of Charles Dickens’ humanitarianism.

Ultimately, A Tale of Two Cities is eentially a tale of love, sacrifice, and most importantly, resurrection.Through personal sacrifices or sacrifices for those who they loved, it shows the human’s virtue and integrity.By struggling for, hunting for, and sacrificing for a better life, all of the main characters are forever resurrected in the hearts of those they love forever.

Overall, Charles Dickens is a humanitarian.And according to the analysis of the characters in A Tales of Two Cities, we can see that the author advocates the universal love and equality between human beings.And this is the basic element in a peaceful and harmonious society.Everyone should love people and only the humanitarianism can improve this situation.And A Tale of Two Cities is the best work, which embodies his humanitarianism.So that we can see that Charles Dickens is an outstanding humanitarian of the capitalistic reformism in the 19th century.



After reading \"A tale of two cities\"

\"A tale of two cities\" is one of Dickens\'s most important representative works.The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the

French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social cla is diolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depreed claes.The novel also described many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked Bastille and so on,which displayed people\'s great strength.The novel has portrayed many different people.Doctor Manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually , Lucie is beautiful and gentle ,Charles is graceful and noble,Lorry is upright and honest ,

Sydney is semblance of indifferent, innermost feelings of

warm,unconventional but also selfle and lofty,Mi Pro is straightforward and loyal,Evremonde brothers are cruel and

sinister......The complex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revenge has made more hatreds, loves rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as the


As an outstanding writer,in Dickens\'s work,the language skill is eential.Each kind of rhetoric technique,like the analogy,the

exaggeration,the contrast,the humorous,and the taunt are handled skillfully,and the artistry of the work is also delivered the peak.\"A tale of

two cities\" has its difference with the general historical novel, its

character and the main plot are all fictionalizes.With the broad real background of the French Revolution,the author take the fictional character Doctor Manette\'s experience as the main clue,interweaves the unjust charge, love and revenge three independences but also incident cro-correlation stories together,the plot is cri-croed,and the clue is complex.The author use insert narrates,foreshadowing,upholstery and so many techniques,causes the structure integrity and strictne,the plot winding anxious and rich of theatrical nature,it displayed the remarkable

artistic skill.the style \"A tale of two cities\" is solemnity and

melancholy,fills indignantion,but lacks the humor of the early works.



a tale of two cities is one of dicken most important

representative works.the novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the french revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social cla is diolute and cruel,and sincerely

sympathizes with the depreed claes.the novel also described many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked bastille and so on,which displayed peoples great strength.

the novel has portrayed many different people.doctor manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually , lucie is beautiful and gentle ,charles is graceful and noble,lorry is upright and honest ,sydney is semblance of indifferent, innermost feelings of warm,unconventional but also selfle and lofty,mi pro is straightforward and loyal,evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister......the complex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revenge has made more hatreds, loves rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as the price.

as an outstanding writer,in dicken work,the language skill is eential.each kind of rhetoric technique,like the analogy,the exaggeration,the contrast,the humorous,and the taunt are handled

skillfully,and the artistry of the work is also delivered the peak.a tale of two cities has its difference with the general historical novel, its character and the main plot are all fictionalizes.with the broad real background of the french revolution,the author take the fictional character doctor manettes experience as the main

clue,interweaves the unjust charge, love and revenge three

independences but also incident cro-correlation stories

together,the plot is cri-croed,and the clue is complex.the author

use insert narrates,foreshadowing,upholstery and so many

techniques,causes the structure integrity and strictne,the plot winding anxious and rich of theatrical nature,it displayed the

remarkable artistic skill.the style a tale of two cities is solemnity and melancholy,fills indignantion,but lacks the humor of the early works.


My Commons on a Tale of Two Cities This term I read the novel a tale of teo cities according to our English teacher .Honestly, this is not only the first time I read this almost world- famous novel but also the first time I read an English book.I deeply believe that for me the inner true eence can only be found after a dozen of times reading,so I just have some uncomplicated commons on it.As we all know, Charles Dickens\' novel A Tale of Two Cities is based on the French Revolution in the late 1800s.it is one of Dickens\'s most important representative works.the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social cla is diolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depreed claes In that terrible time, every moment was full of great fear. the common people, especially the peasants, were poor, hungry and unhappy.The king and the noble men maltreated the poor in many ways but they had never felt a little ashamed, on the contrary they thought they could do bad things in the nature of things.The novel sride 18 years .the author take the fictional character Doctor Nanette’s experience as the main clue, interweaves the unjust charge, love and revenge three independences but also incident cro-correlation stories together, and the clue is complex.18 years before, in 1757, because of knowing a terrible secret, Dr.Manette was picked up and sent to the Bastille--- one of the most terrible prisons in the world, by the noble Marquis St.Evremonde.18 years after ,in 1775, His only daughter, Lucie Manette, fell in love with Charles Darnay, the nephew of the Marquis St.Evremonde, which abandoned the noble degree to live by himself. “Let the past be past.” Thought Dr.Marnette, and was preparing to have a happy new life with his daughter and her hus band.But the revolution of France broke, and because of his family, Charles Darnay was denounced--- denounced by a letter which was wrote by Dr.Marnette himself 18 years ago! What a cruel strike! Isn’t it? Though he was innocent, poor Charles would have been sent to the guillotine.

The story seems to be over, but There is another man we might refer to, that is Sydney Carton, the lawyer of England, the good friend of Manette’s families, who took after Charles very much.It was he, finally be killed instead by his own mind.Why? As you may ask, I want to ask the same question.That is because---I gue---love.And of course, the HOPE, yes, the HOPE.When Sydney was killed as Charles, there was much hope on his face.What was he thinking about as he went to his death? If we could have listened to his thoughts, we might have heard beautiful things:

in my view, Mr.Carton is the real hero.What kind of love will lead a person to save an irrelevant person\'s life with his own life, just because she loves this man, and if he died, she\'ll suffer from deep sorrow? How much has he sacrificed in order to earn the happine of the one she loves? To some degree, he\'s helping his enemy.He has both the bright side and the dark side.He used to be Stryver\'s \"jackal\" who acts as the most humblest capacity.He used to be indifferent to troubles of others.When she appears, he gives his life to her.

As an outstanding writer, in Dickens\'s work, the language skill is eential.Each kind of rhetoric technique, like the analogy, the exaggeration, the contrast, the humorous, and the taunt are handled skillfully and the artistry of the work is also delivered the peak.

But as for me the most thing the novel impereed me is this novel criticizes the violence and oppreion in the society.The author exprees his opinion on two parts.First, he criticizes the aristocrats, esp.the representative Marquis of Evremonde.Second, he also criticizes the revolutionaries in the French Revolution.when we see from the description of the couple, the author does not think high of the revolution.When the revolutionaries begin their revenge, the author describes that everyone is terrible, the man is terrible, the woman crazy, and there is not a human creature at that time.We can see although the author does not show his agreement to the aristocrats’ cruelty, he does not like the bloody revolution, either.

What is more, this novel advocates love and self-sacrifice.Dr.Manette, Charles Darnay, and Sydney Carton, all desperate men leading catastrophic lives, make great sacrifices in order to attain true physical, spiritual, and societal resurrection for themselves and the ones they love.

Overall, Charles Dickens is a humanitarian.And according to the analysis of the characters in A Tales of Two Cities, we can see that the author advocates the universal love and equality between human beings.And this is the basic element in a peaceful and harmonious society.Everyone should love people and only the humanitarianism can improve this situation.And A Tale of Two Cities is the best work, which embodies his humanitarianism.So that we can see that Charles Dickens is an outstanding humanitarian of the capitalistic reformism in the 19th century.

That\'s my understanding of a part of this book.And I\'ll read it again to catch more.


My Commons on a Tale of Two Cities

This term I read the novel a tale of teo cities according to our English teacher .Honestly, this is not only the first time I read this almost world- famous novel but also the first time I read an English book.I deeply believe that for me the inner true eence can only be found after a dozen of times reading,so I just have some uncomplicated commons on it.

As we all know, Charles Dickens\' novel A Tale of Two Cities is based on the French Revolution in the late 1800s.it is one of Dickens\'s most important representative works.the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social cla is diolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depreed claes In that terrible time, every moment was full of great fear.the common people, especially the peasants, were poor, hungry and unhappy.The king and the noble men maltreated the poor in many ways but they had never felt a little ashamed, on the contrary they thought they could do bad things in the nature of things.

The novel sride 18 years .the author take the fictional character Doctor Nanette’s experience as the main clue, interweaves the unjust charge, love and revenge three independences but also incident cro-correlation stories together, and the clue is complex.

18 years before, in 1757, because of knowing a terrible secret, Dr.Manette was picked up and sent to the Bastille--- one of the most terrible prisons in the world, by the noble Marquis St.Evremonde.18 years after ,in 1775, His only daughter, Lucie Manette, fell in love with Charles Darnay, the nephew of the Marquis St.Evremonde, which abandoned the noble degree to live by himself.

“Let the past be past.” Thought Dr.Marnette, and was preparing to have a happy new life with his daughter and her hus band.But the revolution of France broke, and because of his family, Charles Darnay was denounced--- denounced by a letter which was wrote by Dr.Marnette himself 18 years ago! What a cruel strike! Isn’t it? Though he was innocent, poor Charles would have been sent to the


The story seems to be over, but There is another man we might refer to, that is Sydney Carton, the lawyer of England, the good friend of Manette’s families, who took after Charles very much.It was he, finally be killed instead by his own mind.Why? As you may ask, I want to ask the same question.That is because---I gue---love.And of course, the HOPE, yes, the HOPE.When Sydney was killed as Charles, there was much hope on his face.What was he thinking about as he went to his death? If we could have listened to his thoughts, we might have heard beautiful things:

in my view, Mr.Carton is the real hero.What kind of love will lead a person to save an irrelevant person\'s life with his own life, just because she loves this man, and if he died, she\'ll suffer from deep sorrow? How much has he sacrificed in order to earn the happine of the one she loves? To some degree, he\'s helping his enemy.He has both the bright side and the dark side.He used to be Stryver\'s \"jackal\" who acts as the most humblest capacity.He used to be indifferent to troubles of others.When she appears, he gives his life to her.

As an outstanding writer, in Dickens\'s work, the language skill is eential.Each kind of rhetoric technique, like the analogy, the exaggeration, the contrast, the humorous, and the taunt are handled skillfully and the artistry of the work is also delivered the peak.

But as for methe most thing the novel impereed me is this novel criticizes the violence and oppreion in the society.The author exprees his opinion on two parts.First, he criticizes the aristocrats, esp.the representative Marquis of Evremonde.Second, he also criticizes the revolutionaries in the French Revolution.when we see from the description of the couple, the author does not think high of the revolution.When the revolutionaries begin their revenge, the author describes that everyone is terrible, the man is terrible, the woman crazy, and there is not a human creature at that time.We can see although the author does not show his agreement to the aristocrats’ cruelty, he does not like the bloody revolution, either.

What is more, this novel advocates love and self-sacrifice.Dr.Manette, Charles Darnay, and Sydney Carton, all desperate men leading catastrophic lives, make great sacrifices in order to attain true physical, spiritual, and societal resurrection for themselves and the ones they love.

Overall, Charles Dickens is a humanitarian.And according to the analysis of the characters in A Tales of Two Cities, we can see that the author advocates the universal love and equality between human beings.And this is the basic element in a peaceful and harmonious society.Everyone should love people and only the humanitarianism can improve this situation.And A Tale of Two Cities is the best work, which embodies his humanitarianism.So that we can see that Charles Dickens is an outstanding humanitarian of the capitalistic reformism in the 19th century.

That\'s my understanding of a part of this book.And I\'ll read it again to catch more.


Tell them the story

——A tale of two cities

英语师范061 康婷婷 0607012030

To those who doesn’t know the story ,we must let them know, there was once a different world than the one they see ……A crazy ,dark and cold society ,where many people—— the beautiful , the innocent ,and the good were sentenced to death by the crazy , unreasoning “good” citizens .Let them know, there was once a kind gentleman, who touch people’s spirit and hearts deeply……

It was a novel based on the French Revolution in the late 1800s.In that terrible time, every moment was full of great fear.Before that great revolution, the common people, especially the peasants, were poor, hungry and unhappy.The king and the noble men maltreated the poor in many ways but they had never felt a little ashamed, on the contrary they thought they could do bad things in the nature of things.

The Marquis of Evremonde was the representative of the hateful noble men.He and his brother killed a beautiful girl ,her brother ,and her father .Dr Manette ,who knew their scandalsclearly ,was put into prison for no good reasons for 18 years .During the dark and long period ,he was mentally and physically damaged .Her daughter, Lucie ,was a gentle and beautiful girl .She was loved by two young gentlemen at the same time——Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton .Though Charles was a

French man and Sydney was an Englishman, the two men looked like each other very much, but Lucie only fell in love with Charles .On the day of Lucie’s marriage to Charles Darnay, Charles told Dr Manette that he was the nephew of The Marquis of Evremonde.In order to save his daughter’s happine, Dr Manette put his hate for the hateful family aside and pretended to know nothing.Try to think about it ,in those years that was full of anger and revenge ,if a person were treated like that ,he must hate the whole family of the noble extremely, just like Madame Defarge, whose family was destroyed by TheEvremondes brother ,but he forgave him! We can see how calm and wise Dr Manette was .But the past hadn’t disappeared and been forgotten ,the terrible thing was waiting for them ——because of his special status, Charles ,who was very kind to others and did everything he could to redeem his family’s crime ,was sentenced to death! Sadne hang over them day and night ,and hero always appear at this time——Sydney Carton .

“ Darnary counted the hours——nine, gone for ever, ten, eleven, twelve, gone for ever”, in fact ,he counted the time for Sydney ——the brave man would give his life to keep her dear Lucie’s love alive.In the prison, he made Charles aswoon and put on Darnary’s clothes.When Charles was safe, he waited for death lonely and calmly.Then he met with an innocent pure girl, they gave encouragement to each other so when they faced death they wouldn’t be too afraid.The atmosphere

around the Guillotine was terrible, but Sydney was very calm——he died for love! He knew that what matters are the lives we touch when we are alive.

“It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far ,far better rest that I go to, than I have ever known.” He could never see his dear motherland, England, but he had a hope for the bright future——a happy and peaceful life in his motherland ,and all over the world.

Let’s tell them the story , and pray for the unforgettable man : Explain that life a gift we must cherish

And that we mustn’t be selfish when it is time to let go



My Opinions About A Tale of Two Cities A Tale of Two Cities was written by Charles Dickens, Portsmouth, second of eight children, Dickens had to go to work at the age of twelve to support his poor family, and he lived a difficult childhood.This troublesome time scarred him deeply substantial material for such stories as Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, and Great Expectations.Though just accepted only little education, Dickens became a famous writer through his struggling self-learning and extremely hard work, and he was the representative writer of realism in the 19th century.Charles Dickens lived in the period of transition capitalism, when the industrial revolution originated in Europe.As invaded into urban centers to earn a living, the bourgeois took advantages surplus of labor by keeping wages low.The poor thus remained poor, and often lived in a narrow and filthy environment.Dickens’ writing directions about this society, and provided a keen, sympathetic chronicle of the plight of the urban poor.A Tale of Two Cities mainly about the great atrocities compelled the violently.Doctor Manette spent eighteen years as a prisoner in Bastille because he intended to learning that Marquis Evrémonde killed a beautiful farmwife and her younger brother because of his brother’s lust.After Doctor Manette was free again, his daughter Lucie got married with Charles Darnay, Marquis Evrémonde’s nephew, but chose to live in England because he could not accept the cruel injustices of the French social system and the snobbish and cruel values of his uncle.However, Marquis Evrémonde continued his atrocities.After his crazy carriage crushed over a farmer’s little baby as if nothing happen, he was killed at night.A revolutionary storm was brewing.Mr.and Mrs.Defarge were the revolutionaries in the poor Saint Antoine section of Paris.They wanted to kill all French aristocrats, including Charles Darnay.Mr.Defarge used to be Doctor Manette’s servant, so he was kind to Manettes, while his wife’s heart burned with longing for revenge.At last, Charles Darnay was judged to death, But Sydney Carton, a lawyer who loved Lucie deeply, willing to die instead of Darnay, as they had similar appearance.

From my personal point of view, the person A Tale of Two Cities described astounded me very much.Some of them were cruel, crazy and reasonle, while some of them were kind, moral and had own mind.

Sydney Carton was the person I thought the most.He was a smart attorney, without his help, Mr.Stryver could not solve any cases.But he was lazy, alcoholic, and cared nothing and nobody, he even could not find any interests in his own life, it seems that he lived just for wasting life.But he loved Lucie deeply.Finally, he became a hero, because he sacrificed his life to save Darnay.I didn’t know why the author spent so many words to form such a strange guy at frist, he used his life to love Lucie, after all.But now, I caught it.Perhaps the terrible Carton symbolized the terrible old France, and his change in the end shown that everything could change, including the old France, a new and fine society would replace the violence.

Then, Charles Darnay.He was worthy of esteem or respect.He displayed great virtue in his rejection of his uncle, Marquis Evrémonde.Money and power meant nothing to him, if they came from exploitation and oppreion.Even though he had to inherit his uncle’s bequest, he left them to the poor and lived in London throught his own effort.When he realized that he must go back to Paris to help Gabelle, one of his servants, and make right the wrong his uncle had done, he acted without hesitation because he knew that was his duty.He even refused Carton’s help after he was judged to death.I thought, Charles Darnay was a shiny diamond in that cruel and violent society, and he was a hope, the hope of equality and peace.

Third, Mrs.Defarge.How crazy this woman was.Nobody could stop her steps toward revenge, except the death.Although it said that wherever there is oppreion, there is resistance, I didn’t agree with Mrs.Defarge totally.Her resistance was inhumane, insensible and endle.For just as the aristocracy’s oppreion had made an oppreor Mrs.Defarge herself, so will her oppreion, in turn, make oppreors her victims.In the end of the novel, her death by a bullet from her own gun.It shown the 3/4

author’s belief that inordinate retaliated lust would destroy one own self.

On the whole, A Tale of Two Cities is a succeful novel.It shows us oppreion and resistance, violence and terror, revolution and vengeance, love and friendship.

I am lucky enough to live in the 21st century, when peace and development are pursued all along.Nowadays, there also are many problems and diensions among this world, but violence does not the best way problems are solved.Violence just creates more problems, something every sensible person knows.What we need are talks and communication.The time A Tale of Two Cities mentions has gone, we should do enough preparation to adapt the coming age.


双城记英文观后感(精选多篇) 第一篇:双城记 爱—幸福的基本元素 -----------双城记观后感








ataleoftwocitiesisoneofdickens\'smostimportantrepresentativeworksthenovelprofoundlyexposedthesocietycontradictionbeforethefrenchrevolution,intenselyattacksthearistocraticsocialclaisdioluteandcruel,andsincerelysympathizeswiththedepreedclaesthenovelalsodescribedmanymagnificentscenesliketherevoltpeopleattackedbastilleandsoon,whichdisplayedpeople\'sgreatstrength thenovelhasportrayedmanydifferentpeopledoctormanetteishonestandkindbutsuffersthepersecutionactuallylucieisbeautifulandgentlelorryisuprightandhonest



,,evremondebrothersarecruelandsinisterthecomplexhatredishardtosolve,thecruelrevengehasmademorehatreds,lovesrebirthinthehelledge,buttakethelifeastheprice asanoutstandingwriter,indickens\'swork,thelanguageskilliseentialeachkindofrhetorictechnique,liketheanalogy,theexaggeration,thecontrast,thehumorous,andthetauntarehandledskillfully,andtheartistryoftheworkisalsodeliveredthepeakataleoftwocitieshasitsdifferencewiththegeneralhistoricalnovel,itscharacterandthemainplotareallfictionalizeswiththebroadrealbackgroundofthefrenchrevolution,theauthortakethefictionalcharacterdoctormanette\'sexperienceasthemainclue,interweavestheunjustcharge,loveandrevengethreeindependencesbutalsoincidentcro-correlationstoriestogether,theplotiscri-croed,andtheclueiscomplextheauthoruseinsertnarrates,foreshadowing,upholsteryandsomanytechniques,causesthestructureintegrityandstrictne,theplotwindinganxiousandrichoftheatricalnature,itdisplayedtheremarkableartisticskillthestyleataleoftwocitiesiolemnityandmelancholy,fillsindignantion,butlacksthehumoroftheearlyworks 第三篇:双城记赏析英文

1fullofromanticelementsinthesuspensenovel---ataleoftwocities xxstrongromanticelementsindickens’novelitisgenerallyregardeddickensasarealist,butnotaromanticwriterhowever,frenchhistoriankazhathinksthatdickensiseentiallyaromantic,heclaifieddickensandthebrontesistersasaromanticwriter,tothackeraycalledrealistshisargumentonthelaterresearchondickensisveryenlighteningbritishnovelist,georgegiingandjesterdaytonfoundtheromanticismindickens’creations,giingthinkthatdickensandshakespeare,arethesupremeidealist,heevendirectlycalleddickensa\"romanticrealism\"[1];jesterdaytonthatshapedthecharactersofdickensisnotapersonlike\"god\",hecalledenglanddickens,\"thelastmythofwriters,perhapsthegreatestmythofwriters\"[2]modernbritishpoettseliotsaidthat\"dickens\'scharactersandthecharactersdanteandshakespeare,like,allbelongtothescopeofpoetry\"[2]indeed,thespiritofidealismtotheromanticwaydickenscanneverexcludeinhiswork,romanticloveisoftendescribed;thestruggleofgoodoverevilisromantic;figureofjoysandsorrowsoflifeanddeathisoftenromanticpartingspecifictothe\"taleoftwocities,\"thenovel,carltonandprocompleteoftheirnobleactsareontheveryromantic,evenwhencruncherfrombadtogoodarealsoveryimpaioned,romanticandexcitingatmosphereataleoftwocitiesisatruereflectionofthetimesthatallkindsofconflictanddiscord,quirks,depreion,vitalityandtheirunusualwealthalthoughthedetailsofcharlesdickensdescribedunique,thecharacterharpanddetailedobservationoftheexternalcharacteristics,hemaybedescribedasa\"realist\"isnotappropriate xxasuspensenovelwithwonderfulstorydickensisgoodatcreatingsuspenseataleoftwocitiesisparticularlysuccefulindramatizedtheplightofindividualswithpersonalityconflictsbyagoodstructureandthetenseatmosphereinthesocialhistoricalbackgroundatthebeginning,thewriterdidn’ttellusthereasonwhydtmanetteasaprisonforxxyearswhencharlesdarnayasktodrmanettethathewanttomarrylucie,manetteseemedtobeawareofwhatcauseforalarm,againandagaintostopdarnay,askedhimtorepeatthemorningofthemarriage;thesameevening,manetteagainfallill,thespiritofitlostinthedaysofthebastille even(

荐好:)wonderedforamomentthereader,however,notbeexplaineddickensreaderscannothelpasking:whatisthelinkofdarnay\'slifeexperienceandmanette?untiltheendofthebook,peopleknowsthelinkofdamayandmanettebyuseofsuspense,dickensmakethemanetteasapersonwhoseethebrightsideofhumannature,andbringawonderfulstoryandthebeautyofworksofartforreaders 2thebenevolencespiritandinthenovel xxthejustificationoftherevolutionataleoftwocities\"waswritteninthexxthcenturyxx\'s,aperiodofrapideconomicdevelopmentofcapitalismthecapitalistdevelopmentbringsevilsandimpoverishmentofworkingpeople\'slivesleadthebritishsocietytotheedgeoftheoutbreakofasocialrevolutionasearlyasxx~xxyearsinxxc,theworkingclatofightforpoliticalrights,onagrandscaleacrothecountrylauncheda\"chartermovement\"whichlenincalledastheworld\'sfirstbroad,trulyma,political,proletarianrevolutionarymovement[3]andthismakesdickensclearlyawareofthexx\'sbritainandxxthcenturyfrenchsocietyisverysimilarforthisreason,hedecidedtocreateanovelsetinthefrenchrevolutiontocriticizethebritishsocialreality,provideareferenceforthecontemporaryenglish,itisthebackgroundthatthenovel\"taleoftwocities\"inxxxxcomeout\"taleoftwocities\"isahistoricalthemeofthenovel,butdickens\'sfocusisfirmlytargetedatthereallifeworksofthelatexxthcenturyfrenchandbritishsociallife,extensivedescriptionsofthefrenchrevolutionbrokeouttoexploretherootcausesaretothefrenchrevolution\'svariouocialcrisisandtherealityofbritishsocietytogether,inanancientmetaphorforthemodernuseofway,warnedthebritishrulersofthebourgeoisie:thecruelexploitationandoppreion,thepeople\'sextremepovertyistherootoftherevolution,ifnotalleviatethesufferingofthecivilianpopulation,thenthecurrentoutbreakofrevolutioninbritainisinevitablenovelstosocialconflictsbeforethefrenchrevolutionshowsverydetailedandreal,whetherincitiesorinruralareas\",hungerrampanteverywhere\",themajorityofthepeopleto\"mulberrygra\"forthefood,whiletheupperclaisextravagant,bullypawomen,amongthecountrydonotsee\"afacewithanyrespect,\"unbearableoppreion,thepeoplearereadyto\"hangwitharopeandpulleytotheenemy\"in xxxx,charlesdickensonthe\"taleoftwocities\"creativeexperience,said:\"ispentalotoftimeandefforttocreate\"taleoftwocities\",afternumerouschanges,finallysatisfiedabletorepaymycreationyoureffortinanywayanymoneyandotherthings,butthenovel\'sthemeofthemeaningandthejoyofcreationiscomplete\"[4]indeed,thedeepthinkingofthisfordickens,regardleoftheirhistoricalsignificancerevealedandsocialsignificance,orpoeitsownaestheticvaluesareworthydescendantsminingandexploration xxforgivenethoughtandthebenevolencespirit\"taleoftwocities\"isacontroversialnovel,thelowerrevolutionaryimagemadamedefargeofthenovelimpactaementisanimportantfactorliangshiqiusaid:\"dickensreadthecarddependsonwhichofthe\"frenchrevolution\",wasdeeplymovedanddeterminedtotrytowriteahistoryoftheromanskarayandsenttwocarsforhisreferencebook,butmostarenotcharlesdickenscanadausedbecausehedidnotwanttowritethehistoryoftherevolutionhavebeencareyandthebeststructureintheformer,nottowritetheneceary,aslongashecapturestheatmosphereofthatera,withastorytoillustratethebloodshedwillonlyleadtomorebloodshed,onlylovecansavetheheartsofcatastrophe\"[5]thisisinsightfuldickensisthefrenchrevolutionastheonlycarriertoreflectthesharpclaantagonismsandintenseclatruggle,asreflectedinthisclaantagonismandclatrugglehahownawiderangeofpeopleandhumannature,theexpreionofspecificeventsthatgoesbeyondandhaveamoregeneralsenseofthingsdickensinthenovelshapedthewaylucie,manette,darnayandcarltontheidealofhumanitariancharacter,inthattheyembodiedakindofhumanityasthecoreofthechristmapiritbestembodiesthespiritofthislovetobepartofthebritishlawyercarlton,purelyforlove,hisunconditionalpracticethe\"iwantforyouandyourlovedonesandmakeallthesacrifices\"ofthepromise,helplucie\'shusbandescapetheprisontoarrangearoadawayfromthedanger,whilehereplacedarnayontheguillotinethelordsaid:iamtheresurrection,lifeisinme;believesinme,thoughdead,yethewilllive;whoeverlivesandbelievesinmewillneverdie\"intendedtoemphasizethespiritofcarlton\'sbenevolenceandaltruismworldforever conclusion ataleoftwocitiesbycharlesdickenhowseffectivelythenovelist’saimtopointouttheinjusticeofoppreionandthejustificationoftherevolutionhowever,dickenhowshitrongcriticismontheexceofbloodshedduringthefrenchrevolution,especiallyinhisconsiderationoftheinnocent(likecharlesdarnay)beingpunishedalongwiththeguiltyhefeelsthattheoldwaysofoppreionmustbechanged,andthatmuchoppreionandmuchmiseryinevitablyleadtorevolution,butwhentherevolutionactuallycomes,hethinksthatitistooviolentandthatthelebloodshedthebetterthechiefandthebestportrayedfigureisthebenevolencespirittheleaderoftherevolution 第四篇:双城记英文读后感 mycommonsonataleoftwocities asweallknow,charlesdickens\'novelataleoftwocitiesisanovelbasedonthefrenchrevolutioninthelatexxxxsinthatterribletime,everymomentwasfullofgreatfearbeforethatgreatrevolution,thecommonpeople,especiallythepeasants,werepoor,hungryandunhappythekingandthenoblemenmaltreatedthepoorinmanywaysbuttheyhadneverfeltalittleashamed,onthecontrarytheythoughttheycoulddobadthingsinthenatureofthings asanoutstandingwriter,indickens\'swork,thelanguageskilliseentialeachkindofrhetorictechnique,liketheanalogy,theexaggeration,thecontrast,thehumorous,andthetauntarehandledskillfullyandtheartistryoftheworkisalsodeliveredthepeaktheauthoruseinsertnarrates,foreshadowing,upholsteryandsomanytechniques,causesthestructureintegrityandstrictne,theplotwindinganxiousandrichoftheatricalnature,itdisplayedtheremarkableartisticskillthestyleataleoftwocitiesiolemnityandmelancholy,fillsindignation,butlacksthehumoroftheearlyworks besides,thisnovelcriticizestheviolenceandoppreioninthesocietyinthisnovel,theauthornotonlyexpreeshishumanitarianismonthelovebetweenhumanbeings,butalsoexpreeshisviewaccordingtohiscriticstotheviolenceandoppreioninthatsocietytheauthor expreeshisopinionontwopartsfirst,hecriticizesthearistocrats,esptherepresentativemarquisofevremondesecond,healsocriticizestherevolutionariesinthefrenchrevolutionhowever,whenweseefromthedescriptionofthecouple,theauthordoesnotthinkhighoftherevolution whatismore,thisnoveladvocatesthechristianloveandself-sacrificecharlesdickens\'novelataleoftwocitiesiseentiallyataleoflove,sacrifice,and,mostimportantly,resurrectiondrmanette,charlesdarnay,andsydneycarton,alldesperatemenleadingcatastrophiclives,makegreatsacrificesinordertoattaintruephysical,spiritual,andsocietalresurrectionforthemselvesandtheonestheyloveinthisnovel,theauthorportrayometypicalcharactersthatembodytheauthor’sview ultimately,ataleoftwocitiesiseentiallyataleoflove,sacrifice,andmostimportantly,resurrectionthroughpersonalsacrificesorsacrificesforthosewhotheyloved,itshowsthehuman’svirtueandintegritybystrugglingfor,huntingfor,andsacrificingforabetterlife,allofthemaincharactersareforeverresurrectedintheheartsofthosetheyloveforever 第五篇:双城记英文读书报告 thereportoftheataleoftwocities recently,ireadataleoftwocitiesithinkthatit’sagoodnovel first,iwanttointroducetheauthorofthisbookhisnameischarlesdickens,heisanoutstandingwriterheisoneofthegreatestwritersinthexxcenturyhowever,hehadapainfulchildhoodhewasarrestedwhenhewasxxyearsoldduetohouseholddebthehadonlyafewyearsoflearningso,inhisearlyyears,hisworksaremoreaboutthepainfulchildrenhecriticizedtheblackofcapitalismandhadthesympathyforthepoornow,letmeintroducethisnovelthebackgroundofthisbookisthefrenchrevolutionbeforetherevolution,theyoungdoctormanettewitneedtheguiltyofthefrenchmarquiohewasarrestedinthebastillebythemarquisaftertwoyears,hiswifediedhisdaughterluciewaendtolondonbyhisfriendslorryandadoptedbythemiprowhoisamaidservantafterxxyears,hewasreleasedfromthebastilleandwastakencarebyhisoldservantdefargehisdaughterwantedtotakehisfathertolondoninthetravel,shemetthesonofthemarquischarlesdarnaywhohatedtheguiltyofhisfatherandunclethentheylovedeachotherandnow,charlesdannay’sfatherhaddied,somanettewantedtoforgetthepainfulmemoryandhopedhisdaughterhappysoheagreedwiththeminxxxx,francebreaktherevolutionallofthemarquiseswaendtotheguillotinebecausethedarnaywasamarquiothedefargereadthereportwhichwaswrittenbythedoctorthendannaywaentencedtodeathnowcartonwhoalwayshiddenlovedluciewenttotheprisonandhepretendeddannaysodannayescapedtheprisonandcartonwaskilledhowevermadamedefargestillnotgaveupshewantedtokilleddannay’swifelucieandtheiryoungchild;finallyshewasburnedbythepro afterreadthisnovel,letmeknowaboutthefrenchrevolutionithinkthepeoplewholivedinthatperiodwerenotluckythepoorwereverysadtheyweretooblindneandiwasmovedthecarton,hediedforhislove,andilikehimverymuch 姓名:张喜华



Charles Dickens is one of the most outstanding novelists in the 19th century,and he is the greatest representative of English critical realism ,and he also is a humanist.He is a prolific writer with a lot of works and many his works make a great difference.Most of his works reflect the darkne and cruel of the society under the oppreion of the bourgeoisie.He exprees his anger and hated to the noble bourgeoisie and his sympathy to the lower cla with the help of his novels.This kind of love and hate exactly give expreion to his humanitarianism thoughts.

A Tale of Two Cities is one of his masterpieces among his numerous writings with the theme of humanitarianism.Its characters and main plots are under the real background of the French Revolution.It tells a story about how the nobility oppre and exploit people and how the peoplecontend with the feudal aristocracy.

In this novel, Dickens succefully created four kinds of sharply different images.The first one is the ideal positive characters.It takes Dr.Manette ,his daughter Lucie Manette and his son-in-law Charles Darnay as representatives.They are righteous,virtuous and humane which are the embodiments of the humanitarianism that Dickens actively advocates.The second one is the self-sacrifice image.It takes Sydney Carton as a representative.He sacrifice his life in order to make Lucie live happily with her husband and her father.He is the embodiment of the humanitarian spirit of altruism.The third type is the revolutionary.It takes Defarge couple as representatives.They suffer oppreion and exploitation from the feudal aristocracy and they fight against the feudal aristocracy and aim ta overturning the aristocratic rule.The fourth type is the nobility and bourgeois baddy.It takes marquis Evremonde family as representative.They abuse the privilege and treat people with violence.This intensifies the contradiction between people and the nobility and finally the French Revolution breaks out in time.In A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens uses his sharply words to criticize the cruel of the bourgeoisie and shows his sympathy to the normal people for their miserable sufferings.

This paper will focus on analyzing the main characters and researching the humanitarianism in A Tale of Two Cities.After the research,we can have a good knowledge of A Tale of Two Cities and have a better understanding of the French Revolution and the humanitarianism embodies in the novel.

Key Words:Charles Dickens;A Tale of Two Cities;character analysis; humanitarianism;

第14篇:双城记 赏析 英文

1 Full of romantic elements in the suspense novel ---a Tale of Two Cities

1.1 Strong romantic elements in Dickens’ novel It is generally regarded Dickens as a realist, but not a romantic writer.However, French historian Kazha thinks that Dickens is eentially a romantic, he claified Dickens and the Bronte sisters as a romantic writer,to Thackeray called realists.His argument on the later research on Dickens is very enlightening.British novelist, George Giing and Jester Dayton found the romanticism in Dickens’ creations, Giing think that Dickens and Shakespeare, are the supreme idealist, he even directly called Dickens a \"romantic realism \" [1 ] ; Jester Dayton that shaped the characters of Dickens is not a person like\" God \", he called England Dickens,\" the last myth of writers, perhaps the greatest myth of writers \" [2] .Modern British poet T.S.Eliot said that \"Dickens\'s characters and the characters Dante and Shakespeare, like, all belong to the scope of poetry\" [2] .Indeed, the spirit of idealism to the romantic way Dickens can never exclude.In his work, romantic love is often described; the struggle of good over evil is romantic; figure of joys and sorrows of life and death is often romantic parting.Specific to the \"Tale of Two Cities,\" the novel, Carlton and Pro complete of their noble acts are on the very romantic, even when Cruncher from bad to good are also very impaioned, romantic and exciting atmosphere.A Tale of Two Cities is a true reflection of the times that all kinds of conflict and discord, quirks, depreion, vitality and their unusual wealth.Although the details of Charles Dickens described unique, the characters sharp and detailed observation of the external characteristics, he may be described as a \"realist\" is not appropriate.

1.2A suspense novel with wonderful story Dickens is good at creating suspense..A Tale of Two Cities is particularly succeful in dramatized the plight of individuals with personality conflicts by a good structure and the tense atmosphere in the social historical background.At the beginning , the writer didn’t tell us the reason why Dt.Manette as a prison for 18 years.When Charles Darnay ask to Dr.Manette that he want to marry Lucie, Manette seemed to be aware of what cause for alarm, again and again to stop Darnay, asked him to repeat the morning of the marriage; the same evening, Manette again fall ill, the spirit of it Lost in the days of the Bastille.

Even wondered for a moment the reader, however, not be explained Dickens.Readers can not help asking: what is the link of Darnay\'s life experience and Manette? Until the end of the book, people knows the link of Damay and Manette .By use of suspense, Dickens make the Manette as a person who see the bright side of human nature, and bring a wonderful story and the beauty of works of art for readers.

2 The benevolence spirit and in the novel.

2.1The justification of the revolutionA Tale of Two Cities\" was written in the 19th century 50\'s, a period of rapid economic development of capitalism.The capitalist development brings evils and impoverishment of working people\'s lives lead the British society to the edge of the outbreak of a social revolution.As early as 30~40years in 19c , the working cla to fight for political rights, on a grand scale acro the country launched a \"charter movement.\" Which Lenin called asthe world\'s first broad, truly ma, political, proletarian revolutionary movement[3] And this makes Dickens clearly aware of the 50\'s Britain and 18th century French society is very similar .For this reason,he decided to create a novel set in the French Revolution to Criticize the British social reality, provide a reference for the contemporary English, it is the background that the novel \"Tale of Two Cities\" in 1859 come out.\"Tale of Two Cities\" is a historical theme of the novel, but Dickens\'s focus is firmly targeted at the real life.Works of the late 19th century French and British social life, extensive descriptions of the French Revolution broke out to explore the root causes are to the French Revolution\'s various social crisis and the reality of British society together, in an ancient metaphor for the modern use of way, warned the British rulers of the bourgeoisie: the cruel exploitation and oppreion, the people\'s extreme poverty is the root of the revolution, if not alleviate the suffering of the civilian population, then the current outbreak of revolution in Britain is inevitable.Novels to social conflicts before the French Revolution shows very detailed and real, whether in cities or in rural areas \", hunger rampant everywhere\", the majority of the people to \"mulberry gra\" for the food, while the upper cla is extravagant, bully Pa women, among the country do not see \"a face with any respect,\" unbearable oppreion, the people are ready to \"hang with a rope and pulley to the enemy.\" In

1859, Charles Dickens On the \"Tale of Two Cities\" creative experience, said: \"I spent a lot of time and effort to create\" Tale of Two Cities \", after numerous changes, finally satisfied.Able to repay my creation your effort in any way any money and other things, but the novel\'s theme of the meaning and the joy of creation is complete.\"[4] Indeed, the deep thinking of this for Dickens, regardle of their historical significance revealed and social significance, or poe its own aesthetic values are worthy descendants mining and exploration.

2.2 Forgivene Thought and the benevolence spirit \"Tale of Two Cities\" is a controversial novel, the lower revolutionary image Madame Defarge of the novel impact aement is an important factor.Liang Shiqiu said: \"Dickens read the card depends on which of the\" French Revolution \", was deeply moved and determined to try to write a history of the Romans.Karay and sent two cars for his reference book, but most are not Charles Dickens Canada used because he did not want to write the history of the revolution have been Carey and the best structure in the former, not to write the neceary, as long as he captures the atmosphere of that era, with a story to illustrate the bloodshed will only lead to more bloodshed, only love can save the hearts of catastrophe.\"[5] This is insightful.Dickens is the French Revolution as the only carrier to reflect the sharp cla antagonisms and intense cla struggle, as reflected in this cla antagonism and cla struggle has shown a wide range of people and human nature, the expreion of specific events that goes beyond and have a more general sense of things.Dickens in the novel shaped the way Lucie, Manette ,Darnay and Carlton the ideal of humanitarian character, in that they embodied a kind of humanity as the core of the Christmas spirit.Best embodies the spirit of this love to be part of the British lawyer Carlton, purely for love, his unconditional practice the \"I want for you and your loved ones and make all the sacrifices\" of the promise, help Lucie\'s husband escape the prison to arrange a road away from the danger , while he replace Darnay on the guillotine.The Lord said: I am the resurrection, life is in me; believes in me, though dead, yet he will live; whoever lives and believes in me will never die.\"intended to emphasize the spirit of Carlton\'s benevolence and altruism world forever.


A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens shows effectively the novelist’s aim to point out the injustice of oppreion and the justification of the revolution.However, Dickens shows his strong criticism on the exce of bloodshed during the French Revolution, especially in his consideration of the innocent(like Charles Darnay) being punished along with the guilty.He feels that the old ways of oppreion must be changed, and that much oppreion and much misery inevitably lead to revolution, but when the revolution actually comes, he thinks that it is too violent and that the le bloodshed the better.The chief and the best portrayed figure is the benevolence spirit the leader of the revolution.


18 years before in 1757, because of knowing a terrible secret, Dr.Manette was picked up and sent to the Bastille--- one of the most terrible prisons in the world, by the noble Marquis St.Evremonde.18 years after in 1775, His only daughter, Lucie Manette, fell in love with Charles Darnay, the nephew of the Marquis St.Evremonde, which abandoned the noble degree to live by himself.“Let the past be past.” Thought Dr.Marnette, and was preparing to have a happy new life with his daughter and her hus band.But the revolution of France broke, and because of his family, Charles Darnay was denounced--- denounced by a letter which was wrote by Dr.Marnette himself 18 years ago! What a cruel strike! Isn’t it? Though he was innocent, poor Charles would have been sent to the guillotine.The story seems to be over thus far, but, wait! There is another man we might refer to, that is Sydney Carton, the lawyer of England, the good friend of Manette’s families, who took after Charles very much.It was he, finally be killed instead by his own mind.Why? As you may ask, I want to ask the same question.That is because---I gue---love.And of course, the HOPE, yes, the HOPE.When Sydney was killed as Charles, there was much hope on his face.What was he thinking about as he went to his death? If we could have listened to his thoughts, we might have heard

beautiful things:“It’s the time.May God forgive me.But I see the death of all who hate.I see a new France, growing from out of the old.I see a beautiful Paris filled with happy people.And I see the lives which I have saved.They are happy in England.There is a boy-child in lucre’s arms.And he is named Sydney.He will grow old and bring love to my name.It is a far, far better thing that I do than I have ever done.It is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.


When this thesis is completed, i would like to give my sincere gratitude to all the teachers and students who give me a lot of great help.

Firstly, I am sincerely appreciate my supervisor Prof.Shi Falin.Thanks for his warm care and careful guidance.During the writing proce,he helps me a lot.From the thesis proposal,architecture of the paper to the finally paper,he give me a ardent guidance.And he puts forward many valuable advices no matter the topic selection and conception of thesis,or the research methods.He gives me a lot of careful and meticulous edification and generous help.Especially his wide range of knowledge,rigorous attitude toward research and strict working style make me learn a lot.Without his help,there would not have been this thesis presented.

Secondly, i would give my sincere gratitude to all my good friends for they offer me a large number of materials and suggestions.They also.supervise me and spend their free time to help me revise my paper and point out my inadequacies and they also offer me their suggestions and amendments.Without their positive and unselfish help,i can not finish my paper in time.

Finally, i would like to thanks my teachers and students again for their great help.


In 1757, young doctor Manette was suddenly forced to visit a patient by Marquis St.Evremonde brothers when he was walking.In the Marquis mansion, he witneed the deaths of a crazy peasant woman and a teenager.And he was informed the inside story that for a moment of happine Marquis Brothers killed the family.He refused the bribery and wrote a letter to the court to accuse them.Unexpectedly, the defendant got the letter and Dr.Manette was sent to the Bastille--- one of the most terrible prisons in the world, by the noble Marquis St.Evremonde.Two years later, his wife died of sadne and his daughter Loucie was received by his friend in London.18 years later, he was released and Lucie came to pick him up to London to live.And on the way, they encountered youth Charles Darnay and got his attentive care.Charles Darnay was the nephew of the Marquis St.Evremonde, who abandoned the noble degree to live by himself.In the proce of getting along, he fell in love with Lucie sincerely.For his daughter’s happine, Marnette decided to let the past be past and agree to their marriage.In 1789, the revolution of France broke, and nobles were sent to death.In order to rescue his housekeeper he returned back to French in a risk.As soon as he got, he was arrested.Marnette and his daughter arrived after hearing this news.Due to Marnette’s testimony, Darnay was released.But just several hours later, he was arrested again.In court, a bloody letter was presented that was written by Marnette when he was in prison to curse Darnay’s family.Finally Darnay was sentenced to be dead.

Just then, Sydney Carton, a lawyer aistant, who had been secretly in love with Loucie, came to Paris.He bribed the jailer, entered prison and replaced Darnay.Marnette,Darbay succefully.But Sydeney died.

and Loucie escaped French










































再一个人物就是露西了。她本人的出场就已经敲定了她是一个富有同情心的弱小而又坚强的女子。对于被囚禁了十八年的老父,她用自己的爱帮助他走过一个个难关。她先找回了自己的父亲,帮他脱离的肉体上的束缚,而对于父亲那深刻入脑海中的不定期的苦难的回忆,只有她才能最快、最轻柔地安慰住父亲那不定的心,这一点是连老友洛瑞都束手无策的。还有的就是在法庭上的作证,她相当地用情,“面对着这样的同情,这样动人的青春和美貌,被告此时的心情,比面对所有看热闹的人群要难受多了。”等等描写的句子都显得露西极有同情心;最终吻别丈夫的时候,她还是坚持下来了,和所有面对悲剧的人一样,坚强地面对;虽然后来还是有些力不从心,但她还是爱的化身。 说道女儿不免要提到她的父亲。亚历山大•马奈特的身世很值得人去琢磨,到底受到多大的冤屈,多大的经历,多大的思想创伤,都令我们去思考。他受到女儿的关心后,同样地力所能及地回报他的女儿。他最终展现的,是一位作为父亲,用爱关心自己的女儿的情节。同样的,本人认为他也有他的极大的不幸。这号人物的身世十分坎坷,而最终并为实实在在地为女儿带来幸福,旧病复发,满屋子寻他的活计,就是这时,他才显得苍老又无依无靠。一个悲剧导致另一个悲剧的发生。















