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1) 要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。

1.有一些人认为。。。 2.另一些人认为。。。3.我的看法。。。 The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently.There are two sides of opinions of it.Some people say A is heir favorite.They hold their view for the reason of②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二).Moreover,④---------------(理由三).

While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons.Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一).Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二).Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三).

From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点).The reason is that⑨--------------------(原因).As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice.For me, the former is surely a wise choice .2) 给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点

Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一).For example, they think②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them③-----------------(为他们带来的好处).In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point.For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一).For another thing,⑤-----------------(反对的理由之二). Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that⑥------------------(我对文章所讨论主题的看法). 一.对比选择型作文模板

1. 模板一

1.Different people have different views on…1.开门见山直入主体,表明对某事人们的不同看法。

2.Some people perfer,….2.表明一部分人的看法。 3.Others tend to, ….3.另一部分的看法。

4.As to me, I agree with /to… 4.作者的看法。

5.Of course,….5.承认自己不赞同的看法有一定的合理性。 6.For example,…6.举例说明支持第五句。 7.But,…7 转折指出这种观点的不足。

8.The following reasons can account for my preference… 8 启下句过度到下段具体阐述自己所支持的观点的理由。

9.The main reason is….9.支持观点的理由一。

10.A good example to illustrate is… 10.举例说明理由一。 11.For another,…11.理由二。 12.From the foregoing,… 12.总结全文,从长远看来。

2002年6月真题:Is a test of spoken English neceary?

A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English Test (CET).Different people have different views on it.Some prefer to have such a test.Others tend to decline any kind of test of spoken English.As to me, I agree with the first statement.

Of course, a test of spoken English is very difficult to handle and the test time is not long enough to fully display participants’ ability to spoken in English.For example, if a candidate draws a topic which he of she is not familiar with, it’s hard to show his or her command of spoken English.But without such a test, some people may not have motivation to practise spoken English.The following reasons can account for my preference.

The main reason is that such a test enhances college students’ awarene of the importance of spoken English.A good example to illustrate is that several rs ago, college students only streed reading and writing skills, ignoring to building up listening and speaking ability.For another, a certificate of such a test will make job-hunting easier.From the foregoing, I think a test of spoken English is of neceity.

2. 模板二

1.There is no complete agreement among people as to ——1.开门见山直入主体,表明对某事人们的不同看法。

2.Some people consider,… 2.表明一部分人的看法。 3.However, others think, ….3.另一部分的看法。

4.Some people may say …4.观点一的理由。

5.They hold this opinion because…. 5.深入阐述观点一的理由。 6.However, others believe…6.观点二的理由。 7.They argue that,…7 深入阐述观点二的理由。 8.Personally,I am in favor of the…

8 我的看法。


10.Secondly,…10.个人看法依据二。11.Most important of all …11.个人看法依据三。

12.Taking above-mentioned factors into consideration, we/I may reasonably conclude that …12.总结全文。

3. 模板三

1.When asked about…,different people will offer different opinions.1.开门见山直入主体,表明对某事人们的不同看法。

2.Some people take it for granted that…. 2.提出观点一。 3.In their opinion, ….3.观点一的理由一。 4.Besides …4.观点一的理由二

5.However, others hold… 5.提出观点二。.6.They maintain…6.观点二的理由一。 7.And…7观点二的理由二。

8.Weighing up these arguments, I am for… 8 我的观点。

9.For one thing…9.个人观点理由一。.10.For anther,…10.个人观点理由二。 11.For instance,…11.举例说明。

12.Therefore, as stated above… 12.综上所述再次强调自己的观点。 Is a test of spoken neceary?

A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English Test (CET).When talking about it, different people will offer different opinions.Some people take it for granted that college students should take a test of spoken English.In their opinion, it is good chance for them to test their spoken English.Besides, it also make them know the importance of the spoken English.

However, others hold that a test of spoken English is unneceary in the university and colleges.They maintain that college students’ practice of spoken English is not for testing but for daily use.And they think it is hard to manage such a subjective test.

Weighing up these two arguments, I am for the first point of view.For one thing, spoken English is very important.For another, a test of spoken English can guide and supervise students to make conversation practice.For instance, when choosing books and other materials, students can pick them according to the bands of the test they want to take.Therefore, as stated above, the first point of view can hold water.





阅读下面的文字,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。(60分) 弯道超越本是赛车中的专用语,指的是在过弯道的时候超越其他人。弯道是每个车手都要面对的。相对于直道,弯道的困难大。在过弯道的时候,本来落后的可能超越,本来领先的可能被超越。 现在,“弯道超越”有了新的意义,它被广泛地适用于金融、政治等领域。弯道也有了特殊的意义,指充满困难却又蕴含机遇和挑战的时刻。只要把握好了这一时刻,就能超越对手,超越自己。





弯道,是机遇与挑战的并存;弯道,是现实与理想的集结,弯道,是成功与失败的博弈。 弯道,意味着我们应当“不放弃、不抛弃”,不懈努力,超越局限。走好人生的“弯道”,便是敢于直面挑战,勇于超越自我的人生智慧。


一个成功的人即使在人生的“弯道”处遇到强劲对手也一样可以靠自己的坚持和努力最终超越梦想。 著名导演李安在小的时候就立志要当一个导演,他努力学习,学成后在好莱坞摸爬滚打多年都没一丝骄人的成绩,他的人生走进了关键的“弯道”——是继续坚守还是放弃理想?李安毅然选择了前者。纵然赛道上高手云集,李安硬是凭不屈不挠的意志在积蓄能量,终于一部《卧虎藏龙》横空出世,昭示了李安的成功。走在人生的“弯道”处,越是竞争激烈,越要不懈坚持,李安就凭他的“不放弃、不抛弃”的精神,赢在人生的“弯道”中。















四、议论性散文开头示范 例1:常识,易知而难行。为何?仔细思索过后,便发现有太多的主客观因素在干扰我们。(2009 年广东高考:《常识,为何易知而难行》)





一致方向, 不是亮出观点, 就是导出观点。




洒满了奋斗的泪泉。”也许花开得艳丽迷人,会出乎人们的意料,然而当你看到花儿所付出的牺牲后,你便会觉得一切尽在情理之中。(2005全国高考:《小议“出人意料与情理之中”》) 分析:考生引用冰心的名言开头,既顺势引出“出人意料与情理之中”这一话题,又彰显出作者





(3)要贴切得体,切忌张冠李戴,出现常识性错误。: 例3:古人多以“三”为大,大在何处?大在刘备“三顾茅庐”的虔诚,大在孔子“三人行,必

有我师”的谦虚,更重要的则是大在“三省其身”的谦恭和谨慎。古人如此,今人又何尝不是如此?到了今天,我们同样需要这种“三省其身”的道德修养。(2007湖北《自省》) 高考作文开头围绕主题设问,或有问有答,能开启思绪,引人深思,突出主题。在作文之前,我们不妨用几分钟精心构思,用设问置疑的悬念导入,这样容易抓住人们阅读时的好奇心,吸引人们阅读,从而达到良好效果。



分析:文势流畅,节奏明快, 文意指向清晰可见。这些整齐的排比句式,有三个优势:其一,是 内容丰富,涵盖面广;其二,语言整齐,富有文采;其三,文章富有气势,扣题简洁明快。所以,语言形象,才华出众,绝妙!































) 荐高中800字作文精选 [1500字]



















“唉!”蓝兰无声地叹了一口气,默默地走出了这与自己无缘的地方。 “蓝兰,等一下!”杨君君跟上了她,说,“你怎么啦?天天愁眉苦脸的?”








简评: 一个是品德优学习差的蓝兰,一个是学习优思想表现一般的君君,性格互补,这是人物的对比。由前面的“互不理解”到“两双手紧紧地相握在一起,似乎都想从对方寻找什么似的”,这是前后事件的对比。


丑 娘







许多现实生活中发生的事,往往需要以后才能得到公正的解释。 到60年代末,我已经是一个大小伙子了,娘已苍老了许多,






简评: 《丑娘》的中心是表现“丑娘”外表的“丑”和“丑娘”内心母爱的“美”,所以作者紧扣娘“丑”的特点来展开全篇。这个“丑”首先来自“村里人”的眼光标准,从“丑媳妇”到“丑娘”;来自上学后我对“丑”的“委屈”的印象,“黑黑的肤色”、“额头上一块大大的胎记,在黝黑的脸上是这样的显眼”;其次丑娘自己对“丑”的认同和承受,“总是像欠帐似的默默地把我揽在她的胸前”,这都是生活中种种不真切的表象。为了表现“丑娘”内心母爱的“美”,作者主要描写了丑娘的行动:“满满的一袋鸡蛋”、送别儿子上学时脸颊上“大滴大滴的泪水”、“针脚细腻结实”的“毛边布鞋”、自己病重时也交待不让儿子知道,生怕冲了儿子的“喜”……这样,将 “丑娘”外表的“丑”和“丑娘”内心母爱的“美”形成鲜明对比,突出“丑娘”无私的母爱。全文是把 “丑娘”外表的“丑”和“丑娘”一系列行动所展现出的“美” 并列在一起进行了对比,共同表现了“丑娘”对“我”无私的母爱。








我连忙上前帮他一起修好了椅子,而且悄悄地把椅子送到了教务处,两人搭着肩膀有说有笑地回家了。我想:明天谁也不知这椅子是谁修好的,老师也不会表扬我们,但我心里觉得非常踏实。 评析:












“收废纸了!收废纸了!……”这熟悉的声音又响了。 评析:




事例分析: 班 主 任











不一会儿,白老师端了一杯水回来了。“王昱单,你先把 这杯水喝了,过一会儿要是还不舒服,你就先交卷吧。”“嗯„„”她关心、爱护的目光让我感到了温暖。




虽然我现在不在白老师班了,但是我永远感谢她,感谢她对我的教育,感谢她教会了我这么多! 评析



对比选择型作文模板 模板一

Topic:_____________ 1 Different people have different views on_________________.2 It is held by some _____________.3 But it is held by others _________.4 Those who hold the first opinion think ___________________.5 In their view, ________________.6 In contrast, others think _______.7 They argue that ______________.8 As for me, I agree with /to ____.9 admittedly, __________________.10 Further more, _______________.11 Finally, _____________________. 12 In conclusion, _______________.


1:两种观点针对的问题或现象 2:观点一

3:以观点一对立的观点二 4:观点一的理由

5:深入阐述观点一的理由 6:观点二的理由

7:深入阐述观点二的理由 8:我的看法

9:个人看法的依据一 10:个人看法的依据二 11:个人看法的依据三 12:个人的结论


topic: _______________ 1 There is a pair of opposite ideas on________________________.2 Some people consider ____________.3 However, others think ____________.4 Some people may say ___________.5 They hold this view because _______.6 In contrast, others believe _________.7 They argue that _________________.8 As to me, I am in favor of ______.9 First, ________________________.10 second, ______________________.11 The most important of all _______. 12 In a word, ____________________. 信息提示:

1:两种观点针对的问题或现象 2:提出观点一

3:提出以观点一对立的观点二 4:观点一及观点一的理由 5:深入阐述观点一的理由 6:观点二及观点二的理由 7:深入阐述观点二的理由 8:我的看法

9:个人看法的依据一 10:个人看法的依据二

11:个人看法总的依据三或依据三 12:个人的结论或文章的结论

模板三:.Topic:___________________ 1.When asked about___________, different people will offer different opinions.

2.Some people take it for granted that__________________.3.However, others hold_________.4.Some people think__________.5.In their opinion,______________.6.While others maintain_________.7.They believe _________________.8.For my part, I prefer ________.9.For one thing,_______________.10.For another, ________________.11.Therefore, _________________.12.It may be safe to say_________.信息提示:

1:两种观点针对的问题或现象 2:提出观点一

3:提出与观点一对立的观点二 4:观点一及观点一的理由 5:深入阐述观点一的理由 6:观点二及观点二的理由 7:深入阐述观点二的理由 8:我的看法或偏好 9:个人看法的依据一 10:个人看法的依据二 11:个人的结论 12:文章的结论


Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Is Test of Spoken English Neceary? You should write at lest 120 words, and base your composition on the outline ( given in China ) below: 1.很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是…… 2.也有人持不同意见; 3.我的看法和打算.(模板一)

Is Test of Spoken English Neceary? 1) Different people have different views.on a test of spoken English.2) lt is held by some that adopting such a test in China is absolutely neceary.3)But it is held by others that it is unneceary.4) Those who hold the first opinion think that fluent spoken English is badly needed in today\'s society.5) In their view, a test of spoken English will bring the importance of oral English to the awarene of college students.6) In contrast, others think that good reading and writing skills will be enough for English learners\' task performance.7) They argue that fluent spoken English does not necearily mean a better future.

8) As for me, I agree with the former.9) Admittedly, the test can encourage students to try every means to improve their spoken English.10) Further more, the ability to speak English fluently is a must for us in a highly competitive society.11) Finally, 1 think that the test will help a lot in my job-seeking.12) ln conclusion, a test of spoken English is neceary. 范文二: (模板二)

Is Test of Spoken English Neceary? 1) There is a pair of opposite ideas on test of Spoken English.2) Some people consider it absolutely neceary to adopt a test of spoken English


China.3) However, others think that is unneceary.4) Some people may say that is a shame for a Chinese college student with over ten years’ learning cannot even communicate with a native English speaker.5) They hold this view because a test of spoken English will bring the importance of oral English into the awarene of college students.6) In contrast, others believe that many people do not speak English at all work.7) They argue that college students are already under considerable preure from their courses. 8) As to me, I am in favor of the former opinion.9) First, the test can encourage college students to improve their oral English.10) second, the ability to speak English fluently is a must for anyone in the more open society.11) The most important of all, the test will urge me to study harder.12) In a word, the test of spoken English is neceary.


Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Reading Selectively Or Extensively? You should write at lest 120 words, and base your composition on the outline ( given in China ) below: 1.有人认为读书要有选择; 2.有人认为应当博览群书; 3.我的看法.(模板三)

Reading Selectively Or Extensively? 1)When asked about reading, different people will offer different opinions.2) Some people take it for granted that students should read selectively.3) However, others hold that students should read extensively.4) Some people think that selective reading is the best way to study with high efficiency.5) ln their opinion, students can never overspend the precious time on non- profeional books because their time is quite limited.6) While others maintain that students should absorb all kinds of knowledge.7) They believe that students cannot get a general view about the world without extensive reading.8) For my part, I prefer the former opinion.9)For ore thing, reading selectively is not equal to reading with discrimination.10) For another, students should devote their limited time and energy to reading relevant and beneficial books.11) Therefore, reading irrelevant books only wastes their precious time.12) It may be safe to say that reading selectively is the best policy for college students to abide by in study. 范文四:

Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Do “ Lucky Number “Really Bring Good Luck? You should write at lest 120 words, and base your composition on the outline ( given in China ) below: 1.有人认为某些数字会带来好运; 2.也有人认为数字和运气无关; 3.试说明你的看法.(模板三)

Do “ Lucky Number “Really Bring Good Luck?

1) When asked about lucky numbers, different people will offer different opinions.2) Some people take it for granted that lucky numbers will bring luck.3) However, others hold that lucky numbers will never bring any good luck.4) Some people think that lucky numbers make one feel lucky and in turn one\'s lucky sense will inspire him to create lucky ideas.5)In their opinion, lucky numbers have been connected with lucks by the God.6) While others maintain that lucky numbers are actually numbers, and some people like lucky numbers just for fun.7) They believe that believing in lucky numbers is no other than a pure super- stition.8)For my part, I prefer the latter opinion.9) For one thing, lucky numbers make some people feel lucky, but a lucky mind will not produce miracles.10) For another, lucky numbers can never change the objective reality.11) Therefore, I believe the truth instead of lucky numbers.12) lt may be safe to say that what contributes to succe most is hard work rather than lucky numbers, so it is yourself who really bring you good luck. 范文五:

Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: My View on Job-Hopping.You should write at lest 120 words, and base your composition on the outline ( given in China ) below: 1.有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作, 因为…… 2.有些人喜欢经常更换工作,因为……

3.我的看法 (模板一)

My View on Job-Hopping 1) Different people have different views on job-hopping.2)It is held by some that staying on one post and watching their achievements accumulate is the best policy.3) But it is held by others that job-hopping from time to time can bring a full view of life and challenges.4) Those who hold the first opinion think that frequent job-hopping is imprudent and tactle, for constant practice in a special field makes all experts.5) In their view, the way to succe is sticking to one job for long until retirement.6) In contrast, others think that change means progre.7) They argue that they change their jobs in order to acquire more ability.8)As for me, I agree to the former opinion.9) Admittedly, my profeion leaves me little chance to change my job.10) Further more, I will spare no effort to study in the one field.11) Finally, I am in favor of my present job.12) In conclusion, this permanent job as a teacher of chemistry brings me much pleasure and excitement. 范文六:

Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Why I Take the College English Test Band 6.You should write at lest 120 words, and base your composition on the outline ( given in China ) below: 1.有人认为没有必要参加大学英语六级考试 (简称CET-6) 2.我参加CET-6考试的理由.(模板一)

Why I Take the College English Test Band 6

1) Different people have different views on whether we should take the College English Test Band 6 or not.(2)It is held by some that it is quite neceary because CET-6 is a well acknowledged test.3) But it is held by others that it is unneceary because of various reasons.

4) Those who hold the first opinion think that English is useful to everyone in the long run.5) In their view, CET-6 is an excellent opportunity to train students\' adaptability to examinations.9) In contrast, others think that the test has little effect on improving the study of college students.7) They argue that test scores sometimes even can\'t reflect the true level of\' students.

8) As for me, I agree with the former.9) Admittedly, with the development of our society, English is Becoming more important for us.10) Further more, CET-6 is a good opportunity for us to test our English level.11) Finally, even a failure may stimulate greater progre in our study.12) In conclusion, taking CET-6 is vital for each college student. 范文七:

Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: My View on Opportunity.You should write at lest 120 words, and base your composition on the outline ( given in China ) below: 1.有人认为机会是极少的, 另一些人认为人人都会有某种机会; 2.你的看法如何?写出你的观点,说明你的理由,并且适当举例; 3.在你的文章结尾处不要忘记写出你的结论.(模板一)

My View on Opportunity 1) Different people have different views on opportunity.2) It is held by some that only the luckiest can obtain a few opportunities in this world.3) But it is held by others that everybody has his opportunities sometime in his life.

(4) Those who hold the first opinion think that they are not lucky enough to have opportunities.5) In their view, not every- body has an opportunity in his life.6) In contrast, others think that people mied most opportunities just because they had no awarene to seize an opportunity when it came.(7)They argue that wise men catch opportunities rather than wait for them, for example, many people had watched apples falling from the tree, but only Newton discovered the Law of Gravity.

(8)As for me, I agree to the latter opinion.9) Admittedly, no one is denied to opportunities.10) Further more, everybody has an opportunity to be succeful in his life.1l) Finally, I believe that everyone is equal in front of opportunities in many cases.12) In conclusion opportunities are only for the prepared minds



Reading Selectively or Extensively 1) 有人认为读书要有选择 2) 有人认为应当博览群书 3) 我的看法

Example 1:

There is a heated debate over reading.It is commonly accepted that students should read extensively.In contrast, others think that students should read selectively.Those who hold the first opinion suggest that students should absorb all kinds of knowledge.In their view, students cannot get a general view about the whole world without extensive reading.However, others think that selective reading is the best way to achieve high efficiency.They argue that students should not overspend time on non-profeional books because their time is quite limited.Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the latter opinion.First of all, reading selectively is not equal to reading with discrimination.Furthermore, students must spend their limited time on reading relevant (有关的,中肯的,有重大作用的)and beneficial books.Thirdly, reading irrelevant books only wastes our time.Therefore, reading selectively is the best policy in study.

Example 2

Recently, we may hear quite different opinions on reading.Most people take it for granted that students should read selectively.However, others hold that extensive reading may bring more benefits.A dominant idea is that selective reading is the best way to attain high efficiency.In this opinion, students cannot overspend their time on non-profeional books.Neverthele, the objectors think that students should absorb all kinds of knowledge.They argue that students cannot get a general view without extensive reading.

As to me, I prefer the former opinion.On the one hand, reading selectively is not equal to reading with discrimination.On the other hand, students can only devote their limited time to reading relevant books.Therefore, reading selectively is a practical method in study.In conclusion, reading selectively is the best policy for us.



1) When it comes to there is no complete agreement among people.2)Some people take it for granted that___

4)Those people who hold the former opinion believe由一 .5) In addition, 观点一的理由二.6) However, still others advocate the later opinion.7) They argue8) Besides, they hold that 9) Weighting up these two arguments, 10) For one thing,11) For another,12) Taking above-mentioned factors into consideration, we/I may reasonably conclude that模板套用

Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?



3)我认为。。。 Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists

1) When it comes to whether the university campus should be open to tourists, as more and more people list famous university as tourist attractions, there is no complete agreement among people.2) Some people take it for granted that the university campus should

embrace tourists acro the country.3) However, others maintain that the university campus should be closed to tourists.

4) Those people who hold the former opinion believe that refusing tourists is contradicting universities proclaimed spirit of openne.5) In addition, as a public place, no university has the right to reject taxpayers to enter its grounds.6) However, sill others advocate the latter opinion.7) They argue that too many tourists will add a burden to the security department of the university.8) Besides, they hold that these tourists will destroy the quiet environment and influence students’ study.

9) Weighing up these two arguments, I prefer the former opinion.

10) For one thing, it enables high school students to get a general understanding of the university and stimulates them to study hard.11) For another, a university should be a public place which imparts the spirit of openne.12) Taking above-mentioned factors into consideration, I may reasonably conclude that the university campus should welcome all tourists.


1)Nowadays still many people believe / For years many people have held2) Even some people 该观点.3) However, I hold the entirely different view.

4) Of course,5) For example,

其合理性的例子/ 进一步阐述其合理性.6)But it doesn’t mean that 8) The following reason can account for my argument.9) Firstly, 理由一.10) A good example to illustrate is 例子.11) In addition / Moreover / What’s more, 理由二.12) To conclude/ From the foregoing, 模板套用

Do “Luck Numbers”Really Bring Good Luck?

1) 有些人认为某些数字会带来好运

2) 我认为数字和运气无关

Do “Luck Numbers”Really Bring Good Luck?

1) For years many Chinese people have held “lucky numbers”

like “8”can bring them good luck.2) Even some people spare no expense to get their telephone numbers or car numbers to include “8”.3) However, I hold the entirely different view.

4) Of course, “lucky numbers” do have an influence on people who believe those “lucky numbers”.5) That’s because with the faith in “lucky numbers”, those people will be in better conditions.6) But it doesn’t mean that “lucky numbers” really bring good luck.7) In my opinion, numbers are only numbers, which have nothing to do with one’ luck.

8) The following reasons can account for my argument.9)

Firstly, any numbers cannot change the reality and make a miracle.10) A good example to illustrate is a seriously injured man should be treated as soon as poible but not wait till his “lucky” date.11)What’s wore, if lucky numbers really worked, nobody would have to work hard any more.12) To conclude, we should work hard instead of depending on lucky numbers to bring us a happy life.


1) Nowadays 提出主题.2) It is no doubt that 该主题 brings / bring about several / many advantages/ benefits to 受益对象.3) Above all, 优点一.4) Furthermore/ Moreover / In addition, 优点二。

5)However, problems may also arise.该主题 has / have also some disadvantages./ is /are also harmful.6) For one thing, 缺点一.

7) For another, 缺点二.

8) Weighing the advantages and disadvantages/ pros and cons, 我的观点.9) Undoubtedly, 我的理由.10) But it is worth nothing that 需要注意到的事项.11) Therefore / To conclude, 总结全文.

The Pros and Cons for College Students to Take Part-time Jobs

1 大学生做兼职的利与弊2我的看法 The Pros and Cons for College Students to Take Part-time Jobs

1) Nowadays many college students take part-time jobs in

their spare time.2) It is no doubt that taking a part-time job

brings about several advantages to college students.3) Above all, part-time job provide students a valuable chance to put their knowledge into practice.4) Furthermore, students can get some money to help relieve the burden on their families.

5) However, problems may also arise.6) For one thing, some students may neglect their studies due to their failure in manage their time spent on part-time jobs.7)For another, not knowing how to protect themselves, some students may be cheated or hurt by their employers.

8) Weighing the advantages and disadvantages, I think that we college students should step out of campus and take some part-time jobs.9) undoubtedly, it offers us opportunity to know the society.10) But it is worth nothing that we cannot put too much time and energy in part-time jobs and neglect our study .

11) To conclude, if the schedule permits, doing part-time jobs in spare time is a good choice for college students.

Making Friends Similar or Different ?

1) 很多人认为交性格相似的朋友比较好

2) 另一些人则认为还是交性格互补的朋友比较好

3) 我的看法


■ 考场作文指导(切记要反复点题) .......



★ 考场作文评分标准:



三类作文(28——32分)基本符合题意,中心基本明确,内容较充实,结构较完整,语言基本通顺,字迹清楚,标点错误不多,错别字不多,不足700字,但字数相差不大。 四类作文(24——28分)基本符合题意,中心不明确,内容不充实,结构不完整,语句不通顺,语病不多,错别字和标点错误较多,字数相差较大。


★ 注:


























多少悲,昨夜梦魂中,还似旧时逢佳节,眉开眼笑喜相聚,花月正春风。 多少泪,断脸复横颐,心事莫将和泪说,凤笙休向泪时吹,肠断更无疑。




茫茫人海中,我与外婆之间有了一条菊花链。 漫漫人生中,我和坚毅之间有了一架菊花桥。习习春风中,我开始走向朝霞。







被爱的幸福,如影随形(修改前) 06级学生

很小很小的时候,爸爸就牵着我的手,教我学会走路,领我体会了过马路的感觉„„ 很快到了觉得很光荣的上学年龄,我兴奋而又激动,早早的准备好了新书包,新学具,迫不及待地催促爸爸,蹦蹦跳跳的期盼着去上学。而他却简单一句“我们没空,你自己去上学”后消失在我的视线里。顿时,我有一种哭不出来的难过。一路上,不停地疑惑着爸爸的冷漠,心痛着爸爸的抛弃,甚至涌现出不再需要他们的念头!





泪水朦胧中,我看到您被无数风霜吹打过的脸庞上,仍然挂着一丝不轻易察觉的微笑。在时光的催促下,您老了,可是您那深沉的爱永远不会老。(字数689) 被爱的幸福,如影随形(修改后) 06级学生







六岁,你为了逼迫我练习写字而夜夜作陪,当年的苦不堪言成了我现在得意的资本; 八岁,你为了锻炼我的身体连同自己扔进游泳池,当年你的残忍成就了我现在的健康; 十岁,你为了增强我的胆量强行自己绑上蹦极,当年你的坚持换来了我现在的坚强; „„

现在我十六岁了,一路走过的旅途中,成长的足迹,有我的一半,也有您的一半。 幸福的青鸟就这样,一直陪伴着我走过车水马龙,走过灯火阑珊,走过青葱岁月。 条条皱纹是岁月的见证,丝丝银发是沧桑的印记。泪水朦胧中,我看到您被无数风霜吹打过的脸庞上,仍然挂着一丝不轻易察觉的微笑。在时光的催促下,您老了,可是您那深沉的爱永远不会老。



以下两篇文章都是eay类型。内容也一样,都是讨论骑自行车的好处。“bicycle”是中国人写的考试范文,“why cycle?”是一个英国人为“号召伦敦人多用自行车”的活动写给网上读者的。请大家注意下面几个方面

一, 用词

“bicycle”作者的用词是中国式的。从题目就可以看出来。骑自行车的通常说法是 “cycling” 或“riding a bike”,骑自行车的人是“bicyclist”或“cyclist”。如果根据作者的标题,不应该是讨论骑自行车的问题,应该是讨论自行车本身诸如发明、改进、用途、价格、式样、功能等问题。文中其他的用词,大家可以自己找。

二, 句式

“bicycle”的作者句式单一,几乎就是一个又一个简单句顺序排列,而且少有用形容词和副词修饰句子,使句子过于平淡。重点不突出,句式无起伏,词汇有限,并在文章中重复使用,如:“骑自行车”,作者仅用“bicycles”或“riding bikes”或“they”造简单句。而“why cycle?”的作者用同样的词对句子做各种修饰。虽然文体是eay, 但因为是登在网上的,要照顾各个层次的读者,所以作者的句式和用词都趋于简单,但并不单调。

三, 文章结构




Bicycles have become more and more popular in China.People ride bikes to their work places, to shopping areas, to schools, and so on.During the rush hours, you can often see a boiling sea of bicycles running in all directions.With the largest number of bike riders in the world, China is often referred to as the kingdom of bicycles. (主题句不明显,不知道作者想要说什么:自行车越来越流行,要讨论流行趋势?自行车那么多,要讨论自行车对城市的影响?中国是自行车王国,要讨论中国的自行车历史? )

More and more

Increasing number of bikes

It becomes increasingly significant

Compared with cars, bikes have many advantages(这应该是主题句,在这么短的文章里应该放在第一段).First, they are not very expensive, and almost every family can afford them.(这句话分成2Second, they are very handy and convenient though they are not so fast as cars.With a bike, you can go anywhere you like, and you don’t have to look for a large parking place.By riding bikes, you can avoid traffic jams and thus save the time and the money for taking taxis(同第一点一样,但这一点思路有些乱).Third, they do not cause air or sound pollution(没有解释,这一点肯定拿不到好分数).

Riding bikes does good to your health if you ride it regularly(这应该是文章要论述的第四点,但没有连接词,又分了段,打乱了文章的整体结构).In modern times, people are usually too busy to spare any time for physical exercise.Riding a bike to your work place

(2个句子的顺序换aeroplane aerobics一下比较好。因为前面已经说了有益于健康,读者等着听解释,但作者却换了话题。第一句话应该是第二句话的原因。)

Therefore, a bicycle is really an important means of transportation in China.It has been very useful, convenient and neceary ever since it was invented.And I do believe it will still be so in the future.(结论态度不鲜明,没有紧扣主题句。 应该重述四个优点,然后给出结论)

英国人写的 Why cycle?

作者: Alix Stredwick, 摘自London Cycling Campaign 的网站。There are many good reasons to cycle.: (第一句话就是主题句,西方人的习惯)Cycling is the most efficient means of getting around London.(好处之一)1 Many journeys we make are shorter than two miles or le and these are usually faster on a cycle than travelling by car, bus, tube, train or taxi.(进一步解释,加强说服力)。3Not only is cycling good for you, it is also fun and available to all(好处之二).

4It is a chance to get out of the house or workplace, to be active and to be sociable(解释).5Getting a bike needn\'t be expensive and upkeep is low cost and easy.(好处之三,这三个好处只是泛泛说明,一般是前面的论点比后面的更重要,所以句子一个比一个短)) Save money(开始论述第一点)

Using a bike to replace your regular form of transport is a great way to save money(主句,符合论点).It\'s well documented that cycling is the best value way to travel around London(引用统计结果,有绝对说服力).Compared to cars, bicycles are much cheaper to buy and maintain, and you don\'t have all the added costs of fuel, Vehicle Excise Duty and parking.

Save time(论点二)

For a typical London journey, cycling is faster than the car, public transport, taxis or walking(主句,符合论点,第一段).Remember that cycling is a door to door service.On a bicycle you can easily cover five miles in half an hour and be confident that you\'ll arrive on time(解释如何省时间).Car or bus journeys take longer and depend on traffic, or irregular bus services行车省时间).For longer trips, you can combine bike and public transport: leaving your bike at the station or sometimes taking it on the train/tube at off-peak times.See the LCC information booklet \"Transporting Your Bicycle\" for further information.(进一步解释,


Become healthier(论点三)

Cycling is an excellent way to get fit and live longer(主句,符合论点).By riding a bike you\'ll be incorporating exercise into your daily life.Remember that to stay healthy you need 30 minutes of exercise per day: that 15 minute cycle to work is the perfect prescription for losing weight and getting fit(解释。口气不是说教,而像是你的保健顾问,说服力强)attacks, high blood preure and other illnees.The benefits, says the British Medical Aociation, far outweigh any risks aociated with cycling.(论据二)

By getting fitter and escaping the frustrations of traffic jams and enjoy your day more.(论据三)

It has been shown that by cycling you will breathe fewer fumes than those in cars or buses, so are le likely to suffer from respiratory diseases(论据四).inspire expire




When it comes to ____ ,different people hold different views .

Some contend that____.For one thing,____ .For another,___ .In spite of all these claims, others maintain that ____,They point out that____ .Another instance often cited is that____ .

It’s no easy task to find a satisfactory answer to the iue.As for me, there’s some truth to both arguments .It’s advisable to ______.


Recently, ____What amazes us most is_____.It is true that _____.

There are many reasons explaining ______.The main reason is_____ ,What is more, _____,Thirdly, _____.As a result, _____.

Considering all these, _____.For one thing, ____For another, ____.In conclusion, ____.


With the ____of____,So it is of great importance for us to____ .On the one hand____, On the other hand____,

However, we have figured out many ways to _____.Firstly, ____So long as____ .Secondly____, Thirdly____.In fact____, That is because ____.

In a word,________ .


As can be clearly seen from the graph/table/chart (As is shown in the table/figure), great changed have taken place in_______, The _________ have/has skyrocketed/jumped from _____ to _____.

When it comes to the reasons for the changes, different people give different explanations.Here I shall just give a few.To begin with, ______What’s more,___________, Last but not least, ________.While it is desirable that ___________, there are still some problems and difficulties for __________ Firstly, __________ ,In addition, __________ ,In a word, __________ .


1.Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our aattention, one of which is that....


2.As to whether it is a bleing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes.aa

然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。(Hold different attitudes 持不同的看;Come up with different attitudes 有不同的看法)

4.People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting


5.As to whether it is worthwhile ....., there is a long-running controversial debate.It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.


6.In the proce of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma.


7.Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that....


8.The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history, with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention.


9......plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the present world, there comes a question, is it a bleing or a curse?\"


10.Now we are entering a new era, full of opportunities and challenges,



问题的常用词:question, problem, iue

1.Recently, the iue of ......has been brought into public focus.


2.Now we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations, and great changes have taken place in people\'s attitude towards some traditional practice.


5.At present, some people think ....while others claim ...Both sides have their merits.


6.People rarely reach an absolute consensus on such a controversial iue.


12.There is a good side and a bad side to everything, it goes without saying that...


22.People, who advocate that ..., have their sound reasons (grounds)


观点的用词:Attitude, opinion, 与其搭配的动词以及词组:Take, have, come up with,set forth, put forward等。

28.But on the other hand, there are also quite a few people who strongly advocate that..,.

30.However, there are a large number of people who hold a different view concerning this case.


问题用词:Iue, phenomenon,后接介词, on, over等。

38.Personally, I side with the latter (former) opinion...就我个人而言,我支持后者(前者)___________。39.Personally, I am in favor of the former point of view.就我个人而言,我较同意前一种看法。40.To my point of view 我认为47.When considering opinions of both sides, I am inclined to ...对两种观点进行综合考虑之后,我较认同_________________。48.If it is up to me to make a choice between ...and ...I would rather choose ...over...如果要我在____和____之间进行选择,我宁愿选择_____而不会选择______。表达不确定的用词:May, seem, be likely to, poible, probably, perhaps, be said that, be said to...

51.in my mind , the following factors/reasons/causes need to be taken into consideration


52.There are several reasons for this phenomenon/why...-(as follows).


53.And I would like to present two explanations for this:


55.There are numerous reasons why ____, and I would like to explore a few of the most important ones here.为什么___________,原因很多,在此列举几个较为重要的原因。

81.As the proverb goes: \"every coin has its two sides\", ....is no exception.

俗语有云:\"万事万物都有两面性。\" ________也不例外。

88.....undoubtedly plays an increasing significant role in modern life.


89.With the development of the society, ...is increasingly important.

90.The merits of this is obvious...


91.As we know, ...bring many benefits and convenience to people.

众所周知,_______ 为我们的生活带来很多好处。

92.There are no le than three advantages in ..as rendered below.

97.Some people deem it is a dangerous signal and call for public awarene of the negative effects it has brought about.有些人认为这是一种危险的信号,因此需关注其给社会带来的负面影响。

98.Of course, nothing in the world is perfect, so is...

104.From what has been discued above, we may finally draw the conclusion that...


108.From what has been discued above, we can see ...does more harm than good to us.Therefore, I strongly approve of the motion that...

从以上论述可知,_____ 对我们百害而无一利。


For example,

For instance,

It can be given a concrete example,

Take ...for an example, it is a very obvious case

There is one impreive example I want to mention here.

Let\'s see an example.

It is best illustrated if given the following example.

Let me provide an example.

Perhaps the most important example of ...is that...

As I remember,/ I now still remember that.

I will never forget that

To illustrate this, there is an example that is very persuasive.

An instance that accompanies this reason is that...

An example can give the details of this argument, ...

It is a forceful example to demonstrate the importance of ...

History presented many examples of...

In order to see this point clearly, let us see an example.











1.Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?




2.Lectures or Discuions?




3.The Pros and Cons of College Students’ Taking Part-time Jobs.



4.Spring Festival Gala on CCTV

1) 许多人喜欢在除夕观看春节联欢晚会

2) 有些人却提出取消春节联欢晚会

3) 在我看来……


1.There is a general discuion nowadays on the problem of _____.Some argue/ hold that _____, but others set forth a totally different argument about the iue.


2.In reaction to the phenomenon/ In answer to the problem/ In response to the on-going social change, some people believe _____; in their minds, _____.Others maintain _____; in their eyes, _____.


3.Personally, I side with the former/ latter opinion.

就我个人而言,我支持前/ 后一种观点。

4.I am of the opinion that priority should be given to _____.


5.When we consider A versus B on the basis of _____, shouldn’t we think that the latter/ former

is a better _____?


6.With the development of _____, A will prove to hold greater superiority over B.


7.It may be briefly summed up as follows.


8.From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that_____.


9.From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the



10.I cannot entirely agree with the idea that_____.


11.In my opinion, it is more advisable to do _____ than to do_____.


12.This case has aroused echoes throughout the country, with more and more people following

its lead, but ideas about it vary widely.


13.The other side of the coin has voiced strong opposition saying that_____.


14.A public debate has arisen as to the phenomenon of_____.


15.There is a long-running debate as to whether_____.


16.There is no doubt that _____ has its drawbacks as well as merits.


17.People’s views on _____ vary from person to person.Some hold that _____.However, others

believe that_____.


18.There are different opinions among people as to_____.







Spring Festival Gala on CCTV

It has been a hot topic for a long time whether the CCTV Spring Festival Gala should be cancelled or not.Many people hold that CCTV Spring Festival Gala offers a wonderful

opportunity to celebrate this traditional festival, for the Chinese all over the world can share the same happine and excitement brought by the TV program.In addition, many performances are very impreive, and some can even positively affect our life value.

However, every coin has two sides.Some people hold that CCTV Spring Festival Gala should be cancelled.One of the most significant reasons may be that this form of celebration force people to spend the eve more paively.What’s more, a great proportion of the programs are not attractive enough.

As to me, my favor goes to the former opinion, because CCTV Spring Festival Gala gives us another option to celebrate this important moment.However, it is eential to improve the quality of the programs, and I hope some better forms of celebration will be created in the near future.


本篇文章结构完整,框架合理,主题突出,详略得当。第一段用It has been a hot topic for a long time whether the CCTV Spring Festival Gala should be cancelled or not.引入话题,并根据提纲要求提出支持举办春晚的观点及理由。第二段用However, every coin has two sides.将笔锋一转,提出对立观点和理由。第三段以 As to me, my favor goes to the former opinion,开头,表达自己对春晚的支持,并同时表明对春晚改进的期望。





Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?With the development of tourism, many university campuses are open to tourists.

Opinions on whether the university campus should be open to tourists vary from individual to individual.Some people hold the idea that university campus should be open to tourists.In their opinion, the opening of campus will stimulate the tourist industry, which contributes to making more money for renewing teaching buildings and libraries.However, others think differently.Opponents hold that the inflowing of tourists may disturb the normal teaching activities.

In my viewpoint, I prefer the latter one.For one thing, the interests of university and its students should be taken into account seriously.For another, too many tourists will add a burden to the security department of the university and ruin the quiet environment that students need to study effectively.After all, how shortsighted would it be to develop our university at the cost of order and safety.



Aignment: The Pros and Cons of College Students’ Taking Part-time Jobs.




Tips on Writing by Comparison and Contrast








1)多背诵。多研究和记忆近十年四级真题中该类型的经典范文,掌握其中的经典句型2)用词考究,句式多变。避免重复使用被用烂的词和句子,如:think, first, second, third;和文章脉络;抑或多掌握几个比较经典的作文模板,练习准确套用。 Every coin has two sides等。在句式的使用方面,建议多考虑尝试使用倒装句、强调句等特殊句式。避免出现满篇都是简单句。

3)勤默写。在掌握经典句型和范文的基础上,反复默写核对,查找错误,逐步改进。4)勤仿写。在前面的基础上,参照其它一些模拟题目,利用已熟练掌握的句型或范文5)要有时间和速度概念。考试时要求在30分钟内完成写作部分,所以自己在平时练习最后要做到熟练掌握,不出错。 结构不断练习,达到运用自如的程度。 的过程中务必要注意把握时间和准确度的关系,尽量做到两者呈正比。即:速度快,准确度也高。


模板 1:

When it comes to , people sometimes find it difficult to reach a consensus due to their experiences and different values.

Those who advocate 观点一 believe that it is le likely to 具体内容if 条件, since 原因说明.For one thing, 支持论据一.For another, 影响或方面can appear and even cause 结果.Neverthele, those who insist on 观点二say that people can 支持论据.First of all, one may always go after in order to.Furthermore, onlycan keep one abreast of time.Most important of all,is the source of power.

All in all, I think we should look at both sides of the coin.That is because the significance of观点一can be overvalued as well as that of观点二.Based on the above statements, I do think we should realize that.In conclusion,.6)临场莫紧张,相信自己。 总之一句话,就是“勤能补拙,熟能生巧”。

模板 2:

Recently, there is a prevalent phenomenon that .However, there is no consensus of opinions among all the individuals as to the view of the case.Some would maintian the belief that观点一, while others can’t find their agreement to it.The following lines will convey the arguments of the two sides with discrepancies.

For those who lend their support to the positive trend, their reasons are in varied forms.To begin with,is of extreme significance in the whole view.A prominent example is that实例.Additionally, 论据二 is so indispensable that most individuals would consider it as the major cause of the iue.We can easily notice the fact that .

For those who tend to terminate the iue, they come up with some novel ideas to counter the discuion above.First of all,is always on the top of their list.Take myself as an example, .Furthurmore,provides adequate justifications for the continuence of the iue.For instance, .

As can be concluded from the arguments above.Personally, facing with this controversial matter, what we must insure is that the eence must be absorbed.I sincerely wish that some combinations should be suggested.If it could be realized, our life would be flooded with harmony.


There has been an undesirable/growing trend in recent years towards .A recent survey showed thatpercent of respondents rankedas their top priority, compared to the standpoint that.Why is it hard for people to arrive at an agreement on this hot iue ? The views of each side will be illustrated in the following lines.

Those who are on the side of the former view maintain that .First and foremost, .In addition, .However, those who agree with the latter one are of the opinion that.To begin with, .What’s more, .It is self-evident that 事实.

As far as I am concerned, it is sensible that we can see clearly the iue critically.The positive side of it we may make better use of; the negative side of it we may spare no effort to avoid.Only in this way can we guarantee that everything will move forward healthily and smoothly.Thus, the world will be likely to be the one we all are dreaming of.三、常用分段句式



1) Along with the advance of the society more and more problems/iues are brought to our attention, one of which is that....


2) As society develops, people are attaching much importance to....


3) As to whether it is worthwhile ....., there is a long-running controversial debate.It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.


4) Now we are entering a new era, full of opportunities and challenges.Recently, the iue of ......has been brought into public focus/concern.


5) Now we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations, and great changes have taken place in people\'s attitude towards some traditional practice.


6) Recently the iue of whether or not ...has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public.



1) People rarely reach an absolute consensus on such a controversial iue.


2) People from different backgrounds would put different interpretations on the same case.不同行业的人对同一种问题的解释不尽相同。

3) When it comes to ..., most people believe that ..., but other people regard ...as ....


4) When faced with...., quite a few people claim that ...., but other people think that...



Those who advocate ...believe that ....The following factors need to be taken into consideration.One very important argument for .....is that....Besides, another more eential factor is that....The third but not the least to be taken seriously is that....



1) However, there are a large number of people who hold a different view concerning this case.然而,还有许多人对此持相反观点。

2) Whereas, there are some others who consider it from another or a totally different angle.然而,还有一些人从另外一个角度看待这个问题。


1) When considering opinions of both sides, I am inclined to ...


2) Personally, I side with the latter (former) opinion...


3) Personally, I am in favor of the former point of view.


4) As far as I am concerned, I am inclined to be on the side of the latter view.


5) Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that...考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论...。



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay entitled 1.Some people are strongly against campus love.

2.Some people accept it.

3.My view.Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay entitled




【参考范文】 When it comes to , people sometimes find it difficult to reach a consensus due to their experience and different values.

Those who advocatebelieve that it is le likely to if , since .For one thing, .For another, can appear and even cause .

Neverthele, those who insist on say that people can .First of all, one may always go after in order to.Furthermore, only can keep one abreast of time.Most important of all, is the source of power.

All in all, I think we should look at both sides of the coin.That is because the significance of can be overvalued as well as that of .Based on the above statements, I do think we should realize that .In conclusion,




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay entitled





Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay entitled





Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay entitled below:






Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay entitled





Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay entitled You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:










































“困难”一词中有一个多音字是(),它在本词中的读音是( );它的另一个读音是(),按这个音组词是()。“兴高采烈 ”中的“兴”的读音是(),另一个读音是(),组成一个词是()。


坦然() 也许()反义词:贫穷()困难() 3、根据意思选填词语。


形容心里平静,没有顾虑。()不怕危险和困难;有胆量。() 使双方相识或发生联系。()有意思地(那样做) () 4、精彩选择。




(2)爸爸给我讲了一个故事,从故事中我懂得了( )




如果被他们看见了 等一开学他们会怎么说他们也许会说哎呀呀知道吗杨莉新放假捡破烂儿来着






模版一:要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为。。。



The topic of-(主题)is becoming m0re and m0re popular recently.There are two sides of opinions of it.Some people say A is their fav0rite.They hold their view f0r the reason of-(支持A的理由一)What is m0re,-理由二.M0reover,-(理由三).

While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons.Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一).Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二).Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三).

From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点).The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因).As a matter of fact,there are some other reasons to explain my choice.F0r me, the f0rmer is surely a wise choice.


There is a widespread concern over the iue the -作文题目.But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.A majority of people think that -观点一.In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows:in the first place,原因一.Furthermore,in the second place,原因二.So it goes without saying that +观点一。

People,however,differ in their opinions on this matter.Some people hold the idea that -观点二.In their point of view,on the one hand,原因一.On the other hand,原因二。Therefore,there is no doubt that 观点二。

Aa far as I am concerned,I firmly support the view that 观点一或观点二。It is not only because _______,but also because_______.The more_______,the more_______.

Chapter One 文章开头句型

1-1 对立法 : 先引出其他人的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法或者偏向于某一看法, 适用于有争议性的主题.例如:

[1].When asked about....., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that .......But I think/view a bit differently.[2].When it comes to ...., some people bielive that .......Others argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true .There is probably some truth in both arguements/statements , but (I tend to the profer/latter ...) [3].Now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that ....They claim/ believe/argue that ...But I wonder/doubt whether.....



1.常见的形容词(词组)、副词作插入语的有:sure enough(果然); strange; worse still(更糟糕的是);most important(最重要的是); honestly; obviously; however; otherwise; luckily; unfortunately; besides; first; second; especially; surprisingly等。 例如: Worse still, the lion could even carry off the baby in its mouth.We must do the experiment carefully; otherwise you\'ll get another result. Honestly, I don\'t need it at the moment. He likes the country, especially in spring

2.常见的不定式有:to tell the truth; to be short(简单地);to begin with(首先); to be sure(自然、当然、果然);to be honest/frank; to make things worse; to make a long story short; to speak of(值得一提的是),to be fair ,to sum up(概括地说) 等。这些插入语表示说话人的态度,在句子中作独立成份。例如:

1,________ the truth, this is all Greek to me.

• A.Tell

B.To tell



[Key: B] That\'s a good idea, to be sure! To make things worse, many of the men have gone off to cities in search of higher pay.3.常见的现在分词短语有:generally speaking; frankly speaking; judging from/by; talking of(谈到); considering(考虑到,因为是);putting it mildly(说得客气一点)等。这些分词用来修饰全句。例如: Judging from appearance, he seems to be a strong man.4.常见的介词短语有:in fact; in addition; in a word; on the other hand; in other words; in one\'s opinion; in that case; by the way; of course; as a rule(通常);to one\'s surprise; for example; on the contrary(相反);in a way(在某点上、在某种程度上); for one thing; for another (thing)等。例如:In a way, I think we both won in the game

5.常见的从句有:if you don‘t mind; if you like; if you please; if neceary; if any; if I may say so; if convenient; as it happens等。例如:

You can, ________, come to join us in the game.

A.if you please

B.if you poible C.if you happy

D.if you neceary

[Key: A]

6.常见的固定短语:as a result; that is (to say); what\'s more; as above; all in all(总之),等。例如:

All in all, they have had a wonderful time today.


1.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy

2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard

3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology

4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges

5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that…

6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development

7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention

8.不可否认 It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that…

9.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discuion/ debate

10.有争议性的问题 a controversial iue

11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument

12.一些人 …而另外一些人 … Some people… while others…

13.就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally,

14.就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on…

15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons

16.双方的论点 argument on both sides

17.发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in…

18.对…必不可少 be indispensable to …

19.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes:

20.…也不例外 …be no exception

21.对…产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive/ negative effects on…

22.利远远大于弊 the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages。

23.导致,引起 lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in

24.复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon

25.责任感 / 成就感 sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement

26.竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation

27.开阔眼界 widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision

28.学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills

29.经济/心理负担 financial burden / psychological burden

30.考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into account/ consideration

31.从另一个角度 from another perspective

32.做出共同努力 make joint efforts

33.对…有益 be beneficial / conducive to…

34.为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society

35.打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for…

36.综合素质 comprehensive quality

37.无可非议 blamele / beyond reproach

39.致力于/ 投身于 be committed / devoted to…

40.应当承认 Admittedly,

41.不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty

42.满足需求 satisfy/ meet the needs of…

43.可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information

44.宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources

45.因特网 the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写)

46.方便快捷 convenient and efficient

47.在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life

48.环保(的) environmental protection / environmentally friendly

49.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progre

50.科技的飞速更新 the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology

51.对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this iue

52.支持前/后种观点的人 people / those in fovor of the former/ latteropinion

53.有/ 提供如下理由/ 证据 have/ provide the following reasons/ evidence

54.在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way

55.理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice

56.…必然趋势 an irresistible trend of…

57.日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition

58.眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest

59.长远利益.interest in the long run

60.…有其自身的优缺点 … has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages

61.扬长避短 Exploit to the full one’s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones

62.取其精髓,取其糟粕 Take the eence and discard the dregs。

63.对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to

64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information

65.跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of …

66.采取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth

67.…的健康发展 the healthy development of …

68.有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides。

No garden without weeds。



Dictions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Is A Test of Spoken English Neceary? You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 1) 很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是…… 2) 也有人持有不同意见…… 3) 我的看法和打算

Is A Test of Spoken English Neceary? A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of College English Test (CET).

Model One Is A Test of Spoken English Neceary? A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of College English Test (CET).This news causes a heated debate over the neceity of the test.It is commonly accepted that such a test in China is very neceary.In contrast, others think it unneceary.Those who hold the first opinion suggest that the speaking ability is very important in today’s society.In their view, a test of spoken English will urge college students to improve their oral English.However, others think that writing skills would be enough for daily use.They argue that spoken English does not necearily mean better opportunities.Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the former idea.First of all, English, as a language is a tool for oral communication.Furthermore, the ability to speak English fluently is a must for us in the more open China.Thirdly, the test will help us in our job seeking.Therefore, the test of spoken English is neceary.

Model Two Is A Test of Spoken English Neceary? A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of College English Test (CET).We may hear quite different comments on this idea.Most people take it for granted that such a test is neceary for college students.However, others hold a different opinion.A dominant idea is that English as a language is a tool for oral communication.In this opinion, such a test will make college students realize the importance of oral English.Neverthele, the objectors think that many people need not use oral English at work.They argue that the test may not reflect the true level.As to me, I prefer the former opinion.On the one hand, I like exchanging ideas with foreigners.On the other hand, the ability to speak English fluently is a must for us in the more open China.Therefore, the test will give more incentive to our oral English.In conclusion, the test of spoken English is neceary.

Model Three Is A Test of Spoken English Neceary? A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of College English Test (CET).Different people will offer quite different ideas on this news.Many people aert that such a test is unneceary in China.However, others believe that it is neceary.Some may proclaim that fluent oral English does not neceary mean better opportunities.They maintain such an idea because many people need not use oral English at work.In contrast, the objectors think that a fluent spoken English is badly in need in today’s society.They argue that English as a language is a tool for oral communication.As far as I am concerned, I agree to the latter opinion.First, the test can encourage college students to improve their spoken English.Second, the ability to speak English fluently is a must for us since China will continue her open-door policy.Last but not least, I like exchanging ideas with foreigners.In a word, the test of spoken English is neceary.


模板一:Nowadays, the influence of _________proves to be profound.And there has been a very controversial debate as to ________.

People in favor ofAalways provide the following evidence.Firstly, ____.Secondly, ______.Finally, ___________.

In short, I agree that _______.

Will Internet Replace Books?

Nowadays, the influence of Internet proves to be profound.And there has been a very controversial debate as to whether or not Internet will replace the book as the main source of information.

People in favor of the traditional information sources always provide the following evidence.Firstly, the history of human civilizaition is the written history.Secondly, people are free to choose any posture and place that make them comfortable when reading.Finally, traditional information sources like books ar relatively stable and reliable to preserve the human information well.

While others prefer the Internet.In the first place, the Internet has been bringing a lot of changes to our life.Secondly, we can find almost all of the information we need from the Internet.At the same time, we are able to proce the data more rapidly and accurately from the Internet than from books.

In short, I agree that as a source of information the Internet will one day replace books.I am eagerly looking forward to that day.

模板三:Those who preferAhave their own reasons, while some other people prefer B.As for me, both A and B have merits and demerits.

First and foremost, _______ .Moreover, ______.Last but not least, _______.

On the contrary _____.In addition, _____.What’s the commonest,_______.

Either __ or ______.I believe______.

Compare Urban Areas with Rural Areas

Those who prefer urvan life have their own reasons, while some people prefer to live in rural areas.As for me, both urvan life and rural life have merits and demerits.

Urban citizens can appreciate a more colorful life than rural citizens.Townspeople are well-informed because they have the easier acce to news.Townspeople can buy what they want at any time of a day as there is an adequate supply of goods.

On the contrary ,medical studies have proved that rural residents can live longer than urban residents, because they are free from a contaminated environment.In addition, the crime rate in the city is several times higher than in the countryside.What\'s the commonest, the life in the city is much more expensive than in the countryside.

Either an urban or a rural area gives pleasure and trouble.But I believe the subruban area has the excellences of both, because people they can appreciate not only the conveniences and variety of urban life but also peace and safety of the country.

模板四:When it comes to ____ , people’s opinions differ.Many people believe that ____ .For one thing, ___ .For the other thing, _____.

Some people, however, take a different attitude.They regard that _____ .In their views, ____ .Furthermore, _____ .

As far as I am concerned, ____ .On one hand, ___ .On the other hand, _____ .So ___ .

模板五:When asked _____ , people have different opinions.Many people believe that _____ .On the one hand,____ .on the other hand, ____ .All these point to the indispensability of ____.

However, others claim / argue that _____ .As far as they are concerned, _____ .Moreover,____.As for me, _____ .Because ____ .What’s more, ______.Therefore, _____.

模板六: There is no consensus of opinions among people as to ____ .Some people who are in favor of the idea of ____ hold that _____ .For one thing, ____ .For another,____ .Therefore,____ .

However, those who insist on ____ argue that ____ .In their opinion, ___ .In addition, ___ .Thus____ .In my viewpoint, _____ .That is to say,_____ .In a word, ____ .

模板七:There is a heated debate over ___.It is commonly accepted that ___ .In contrast, others think __ .Those who hold the first opinion suggest that ____ .In their view, ____ .However, others think ____ .They argue that____ .

Considering one after another, I stand on the side of ____ .First of all,_____ .Furthermore, _____ .Thirdly, _____ .Therefore, ____ .

A Good Major or a Good University.1.学生在报考大学时面临两种选择—选好专业还是好大学。有人认为应该选择好专业2.也有人认为应该选择一所好大学3.我的看法

范文一When asked to choose between a good major or a good university before college enrollment,

people have different opinions.Many people believe that a good university means great advantage for job application after graduation.On the one hand, a good university has good reputations, which adds credits for its graduates.On the other hand, a good university has all sorts of channels to help graduates get a good job.All these point to the indispensability of a good university.

However, others claim that a good major is all that counts.As far as they are concerned, excellent teaching staff of a good major makes sure that the student are sufficiently trained in the chosen field.

Moreover, if one chooses a major that is most needed by the society, not only will he/she find a job easily, but they will contribute much to the society.

As for me, such choice should be made according to our academic interest.Because whether a major or a university is good depends on how we look at it.If certain major or university fits our interest, it will be considered good.What’s more, interest is the best teacher, so a choice of our own interest can help us overcome difficulties in the study.Therefore, let our interest decide for us.

范文二 There is no consensus of opinion among people as to the choice between a good major or a good university before college enrollment.Some people who are in favor of the idea of having a good major hold that it can ensure one’s future succe.For one thing, a good major, even in a common university, can help its students become rare talents, thus gaining in advantages for future competition.For another, a good major boasts various exclusive learning recourses which makes it highly poible for students to further their education.Therefore, a good major is more important.

However, those who insist on choosing a good university argue that graduates from famous

universities are popular in talent market.In their opinions, a good university can give students confidence, which is very helpful in their study and future work.In addition, a good university has a set of educating system, incomparable with common university.Thus it is wiser to choose a good university.

In my viewpoint, a good university should be my only choice.If there is a chance, who doesn’t want to enter Bejing or Qinghua, Harvard or Yale? That is to say, a good university is worthy of every effort.In a word, a good university is of great importance in one’s future development.

The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life(重要) 1.很多人认为学校应该要求大学生住在宿舍内,赞成理由是…2.很多人认为学校不应该强制要求大学生住宿舍,理由是…3.在我看来,…

范文一:When it comes to whether university authorities should require students to live in dormitory, people’s opinions differ.Many people believe that there are great advantages of dormitory life.For one thing, students have the chance of enjoying the friendship of their roommates.This can be the most

precious memory they have later in life.For another thing, university dormitories do not cost much, while living off campus can be very expensive.Let alone the iue of security.

Some people, however, take a different attitude.They regard dormitory as an undesirable place.In their view, since 4 to 8 people live in one dormitory, there is not enough privacy.Furthermore, dormitory is troublesome because it is very likely that one could have clashes with his dorm mates.

As far as I am concerned, students benefit greatly from dormitory life.On one hand, dormitory life provides precious leons on how to communicate with others.On the other hand, students do not feel lonely.There are always people of the same age around.And when they have trouble, there are always helping hands in the dormitory.So why should students live off campus while there is a good life right in here?

范文二:There is a heated debate over whether students should be required to live in dormitory.It is commonly accepted that dormitory life is a very important part of college life, so students should live in dormitory.In contrast, others think that students have the right to choose other places for accommodation.Those who hold the first opinion suggest that dormitory life is colorful and interesting.In their view, when young people live in one dormitory, they tend to create and enjoy a culture of their own.However, others think dormitory life can be annoying.They argue that dormitory is always crowded and one can hardly feel convenient and comfortable.

Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the first group.First of all, I am interested in living with students from different places so that I can contact with special cultures.Furthermore, I can learn how to get along with other people from dormitory life.Thirdly, I like making friends and dormitory life gives me such chance.Therefore, I think dormitory life is worthy of living.

Marks or Abilities? 1.在大学,一些学生认为学习成绩是最重要的2.在大学,一些学生认为培养个人的能力是最重要的3.你的看法

When it comes to the task of college students, students’ opinions differ.Many students believe that marks are very important.For one thing, they think that their primary task is to study and learn from

teachers and textbooks.For another, they seldom take part in other activities, for they are afraid that those activities will affect their study.

Some students, however, take a different attitude.They regard it is more important to develop one’s own practical ability.In their views, college students should not learn from the textbook knowledge, they should also learn from outside the textbook.Furthermore, one’s own practical ability is of primary importance.

As far as I am concerned, we should first study hard, then try to develop our abilities at the same time.On the one hand, study is our primary task.On the other hand, we shouldn’t neglect our own practical abilities, for when we enter the society, we need various abilities.So the sound foundation of knowledge along with practical abilities is eential for us to be useful for the society.

Electronic Dictionaries Are not Good


There is a heated debate over electronic dictionaries.It is commonly accepted that using the electronic dictionaries has many advantages.In contrast, others think using electronic dictionaries has more disadvantages.

Those who hold the first opinion suggest that it is more convenient to pre some keys on the machine.In their views, they should catch up with the new development of the science and technology.However, others think electronic dictionaries are not good.They argue that constant use of such electronic device may cause side effects.

Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the latter.First of all, electronic dictionaries do not contain as much information as a qualified dictionary compiled by authorities of the field.Furthermore, some explanations in them are so simple that they cam certainly cause misunderstanding.Thirdly, a lazy attitude towards language learning is always most inefficient in the long run.Therefore, a learner should have a good dictionary on hand and treat the electronic dictionary as a makeshift.


Communicating by Telephone or by Letter?



Making friends with people of similar or different personalities




Reading selectively or extensively?






(1) There is a heated debate over __________.(2) It is commonly accepted that __________.

(3) In contrast, others __________.

(4) Those who hold the first opinion suggest __________.(5) In their view, __________.(6) However, others think __________.(7) They argue that __________.

(8) Considering one after another, I stand on the side of __________.(9) First of all, __________.(10) Furthermore, __________.(11) Thirdly, __________.(12) Therefore, __________.

对比选择型模板 2


(1) Different people will offer quite different ideas __________.(2) Many people aert __________.(3) However, others believe __________.

(4) Some may proclaim __________.(5) They maintain such an idea because __________.

(6) In contrast, the objectors think __________.(7) They argue that __________.

(8) As far as I am concerned, I agree to __________.(9) First, __________.(10) Second, __________.(11) Last but not least, __________.(12) In a word, __________.


Second English papers Each nation has its own characteristic festivals that reflect the culture of itself.In China, asour country and westerncountries become increasingly closer,more and more chinese accept western culture.However, some western festivals sometimes even more popular than traditional festivals, foreign cultural’s influence should not be underestimated.The main The main group of celebratingwesternfestivals is youth group which takes students as the main force.People celebrate festivals such as Valentine\'s day, mother\'s day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.In fact, because of the Chinese way of thinking, western holidays in China is just popular for Christmas and Valentine\'s day, not all western holidays attract people\'s attention.According to a survey ofCentral China Normal University, many college students know the existence of western festivals, but little of them know about their cultural connotations.In addition to Christmas, respondents



western festivals’meaning are le than 10%.Referring to the way to celebrating, in General, during the Festival, people send gifts such as flowers and greeting cards.They sing with friends, and bleor send meages to each other;lots of people are going to relax during the festival:shopping, inviting friends to restaurants, dancing, and so on.On the whole, Chinese celebrate western holidays with




four anda

characteristics: paion

for universality,particularity,blind consumption As the saying goes,1000 readers have 1000 Hamlets in mind.people have different viewson whether Chinese should celebrate western holidays.Some people who are keen on Western festivals, argued that China\'s traditional festivals are too rigidand there are many festivals with feudal thinking.On the contrary,westernfestivalswhich flamboyantand






freedom.addition, westernholidaysmake people who’re under heavy social preure have a chance to relax.At the same time, some experts believe that the celebration of Western holidays are an inevitable trend of cultural exchanges.Huang Kemin, aSociologistbelieves that celebrating western holidays is aform of cultural communication.In some cases, it’ll fill vacancies inChinese culture.




that celebratingWestern festivals can enhance the friendship ofclamates and make the claes more solidarity.Duringa festival, Most of the supermarkets and restaurants provide promotions that benefitconsumers, these festivals also has a catalytic role to economic development.Opponents believe thatChina has its own history and local culture for thousands of years, the Western Festival don’t suit China\'s needs for cultural development.Also, due to blind worship,people often losttraditional culture.Celebratingwestern holidayswill shake the traditional culture’tatus in the minds of nationals and endanger the inheritance and development of traditional culture.For example, many young people celebrate Valentine\'s day, but they don\'t knowChinese Lovers’s Day.In addition,owing to the cultural invasion,many countries arewary of foreign holidays .To guarantee Chinese cultural’s independence, western holidays cann’t be allowed to develop freely.At the same time, many people celebrate Western festivals for following the fashion .The effectof cultural exchanges isn’t obvious.In addition, the blind pursuit of consumption and enjoyment causesmoney worship,hedonism and other bad ideas.

Just my personal opinion, we should celebrate western holidays withrational thought, and we shouldn’t lose ourselves.Towards western Festivals, we should take its eence and discard the dregs.For instance,ThanksgivingDaycan be advocated for making our culture advance as it reflects one of Chinese traditional virtues- gratefulne; others, such as Halloween,should be treated calmly because it’s religious.Cultural integration is the trend of the historical development.So we should not implement \"isolationism\".Under the premise of enhancing awarene of traditional culture and revitalizing Chinese culture, we can activelyenter the world that has frequent cultural exchanges.Festivalsare important means of cultural transmiion which host the important cultural.They’re the crystallization of human wisdom.Rich festival lights up our lives, for our life has various colors.Let us take the broad mindand appreciate the colorful festivals!










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For primary and secondary school students, private schools the traditional education teaching methods, private school students to wear school uniforms, obey strict rules, have an after school homework and so on, the old methods and strict teaching students.Parents think for public school students are too indulgent, giving too much freedom, conducive to child growth.Second, the number of private school students per cla rarely, generally not more than 30.Limited teachers, teachers have the energy to take care of each student\'s learning progre.Private school students because of the strict rules and accommodation and food are higher than public schools, parents can rest aured that their children\'s school life.The third, with most of the Comparison of public schools, private school students test scores are relatively high.

However, after entering the University, students to enter the public university to learn more knowledge, because in public universities, teachers are more powerful, more authoritative academic research and discuion, let students have the opportunity to contact with the outside world.School with better facilities, better campus environment, lets the student be able to spend in the beautiful campus rich and beautiful university time.So, public university is student better choice.

Both public schools and private schools are designed to enable students to receive a better education.Therefore, the school itself should conscientiously fulfill their obligations to complete their miion, responsible for every student.



-_- Max

Education is the problem what is all parents are concerned about.And English, as a communication tool is increasingly being needed, it holds an important position in the world.So lot of parents choose to let their children abroad to study.But compared with foreign schools and Chinese schools, there are many differences, and this proce of adaptation is difficult.

In China, English is not our native language, but English is as important as the other main courses.So, students will pay attention to English.As in Kaplan often practice speaking, always discu a topic in small groups, Is the same in China.And another same point is writing aignment.Whether in China or Singapore, the two schools will often give writing aignment to help students apply their newly learned grammar and vocabulary.

The difference is that ways of learning.In China, the teacher\'s the focus on vocabulary and grammar., and neglect other aspects, such as speaking and listening.But in Kaplan is the development of all aspects, not exam-oriented education.And the other difference is homework.As we all know, the amount of homework Chinese school is among the best in the world.Our school homework also is very much.It makes the students miserable.But Kaplan on the contrary, the right amount of exercise makes the students could learn effectively.

In my opinion, Kaplan’s learning style is more suitable for me to learn English.I like the easy way of learning.


