
2020-03-03 09:36:55 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


Characters: ABCDEF

Time: 6:45


A : Oh, there is no time before the final examination.But I still have to study math, Java, English……Oh~~ why do I have so many tasks to do?....…Ok, ok let me make a plan.En, it’s about 7:00.From 7 to 10…..yes, I have almost 3 hours to study.One hour for math, one hour for Java and one hour for English.Ok, let’s begin.

A : Hello?

B :Hello, A? This is B speaking.

A :Oh, minister.What’s matter?

B :Do you have time tonight? We are going to hold a very crucial meeting at 7:00.It may last one hour.I hope you can come.

A :Starting at 7:00 pm and lasting one hour…… E m ……I’ll still have two hours.Maybe I can finish the study plan, if I do it as fast as poible.

A : Ok, B.I’ll attend the meeting at 7;00.And where is it?

B : It’s at 111 of 4 block.

A : Got it.See you then.

B : See you.

A :it’s……6:45.Ok, I have 15 minutes to study before the meeting.

A : What? Another call?

A : Hello, this is A.

C : Hi, A.This is C.

A :Oh, C.What’s the matter?

C : Yeah, A, I have good news to tell you.

A : Really? What’s that?

C : You have been elected to attend the formal speech contest, for your great performance in the first speech test.So there is a meeting later, and it maybe last one hour.

A : Wait!! A meeting?

C : Yeah.You can greet many other contestants at the meeting.I think you should attend it.

A : Oh, no.But I have a study plan tonight.

C : Come on, man.Don’t hesitate.I must inform others now.Be sure to come.Bye .

A : Shit, Another meeting.Let me see……Ouch, only one hour left for me to study!?

A : Ok, ok.Maybe I should give up the English study tonight.And try my best to finish the rest of the task well.

D : Are you tired of selecting thousands of books in the huge book store?

Do you want to be succeful in communicating in English?

Now, just look at this book:

It not only give you the most popular slang, but provide the background information.

No matter the English standard you are now, you surely can use it, for the content is simple and fresh, even if you are a excellent speaker of English, you still can learn lots of helpful idiom or the American value, and this will help you understand the other phrase better.

A : Shut up, foolish.

E : Oh.What!? Are you studying? Who are you, man? You mustn’t be A.

A : Be quiet please.I’m studying Java.

E : Oh, oh, I’m so sorry, boy.

E : En.The Array?! Why do you study so seriously tonight?

A : Oh, you know.The final examination is around the corner.I don’t want to fail in the examinations, so I have a small study plan that covers our some important subjects.Today is the first day of my plan, but……you see, two meetings again.I am really disgusted by the confused things.

E : Oh, meeting always besides you.But I think you should pay more attention to your study.It\'s the most fundamental thing in your university life after all.

A : Yes, I really know that.But somebody says the study is only a small part of my university life, and someone even says that \"there is no difference between 60 scores and 100 scores\".

E : What? Oh my god.Do you believe that? The study is not important in our university life? If that is true, what does he think is the most crucial thing? The club?

A : En...They say yes.But...I can\'t make my choice now.

E : Come on, man.It\'s time to think this carefully and make your own decision.We obtain knowledge by studying, and nowadays knowledge means power.The more you study, the more succeful you will be.

A : Yeah, I know it.But the clubs also bring me some important things.

E : Oh, A.Ignore it please.Do your have unlimited time in your university life? So please choose the most valuable thing to do.We are students, who should devote ourselves to the study.Believe in me and this is absolutely right.

A : Well, E.Thank you for your advice.I will think it carefully.

E : Ok, A.Good luck.

A : En......I think what E said is correct.So......it seems that I should choose one of the meetings to attend and save time for me to study tonight.Now that, let me see......which meeting is more important?

A : Hello.This is J.

F : Hello A, this is F.How is everything going?

A : Oh, don\'t mention it.I was really confused.

F : Sure? What happened?

A : Well.You know the final examination is coming, but I haven\'t prepare well yet.I have a large quantity of work to do.

F : Oh, it sounds terrible.So you decided to study hardly?

A : Of course.Today is the first day of my great study plan.But it fails.

F : Why does it fail? A meeting?

A : En......yes.

F : Well done, man.It\'s your style.You are a meetings-man!!

A : Oh, don\'t kid me.I\'m very depreed and confused by the future.

F : Ok, A.I will tell you the true way.

A : Are you serious?

F : Of course.As a university student, I think it\'s good for you to join many clubs.

A : You mean......the study isn’t important?

F : No, no, no…It’s no doubt that the study is important.But I think you don’t need to pay too much attention to it.70 scores or 80 scores will be ok.So you can have a lot of time to do more

valuable things.

A : More valuable things? Are they the club activities?

F : Yeah, you got it.

A : Really?

F : Oh, believe in me please.You can acquire social skills, making new friends by joining clubs, can’t you?

A : Yeah, I know, But is it more important than study?

F : Of course, A.You aren’t a senior high school student now, the university is colorful.If you devote all your time to study, I think your university life is not completed.

A : Ok, F.Thank you for your advice, but I was very confused now.I just want to think about it myself in the one hour left.

F :En… Ok… I’m sorry to hear that… But I have a bad news for you.

A : What is it?

F : En… There is a meeting tonight, lasting one hour.From 9:00 to 10:00.

A : Must I attend it?

F : I’m afraid… yes.

A : ……


英语课堂展示 张老师








