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【红色】vermillion 朱红;crimson 绯红;scarlet 猩红;cardinal 深红;fuchsia 紫红;pink 粉红;magenta 品红;garnet 石榴红;rose 玫瑰红;cerise 樱桃红;peach 桃红;carmine 胭脂红;wine 酒红;ruby 宝石红;coral 珊瑚红。

【书的词汇】bestseller 畅销书;abridged edition 节选版,删节版;adaption 改编版;advance copy 样书;all rights reserved 版权所有,不得翻印;afterword 后记;allusion 典故,引文;annotation 注释;appendix 附录;bargain book 特价图书;book fair 书展,书市 The broader than the sea, is the heart; the most beautiful is not the future, today.最宽广的不是大海,是人心;最美好的不是未来,是今天。

【春运购票词汇】卧铺:(of train) sleeping berth/ sleeper硬卧:(of train) hard sleeping berth/hard sleeper软卧:(of train) soft sleeping berth/soft sleeper一等座:busine cla(First cla)二等座:economy cla……哦,还有票贩子(黄牛党):ticket scalper Smile and let everyone know that today you\'re a lot stronger than you were yesterday。用微笑告诉世人,今天的你比昨天更加强大。 【不同茶的英文表达】绿茶-Green tea,白茶-White tea,黄茶-Yellow tea,黑茶-Dark tea,红茶-Black tea。青茶-Oolong tea,普洱茶Pu\'er tea,酥油茶 butter tea,抹茶matcha tea,奶茶 milk tea。

【各种护肤用品】洗面奶 facial cleanser;保湿霜 moisturizers;护手霜 hand lotion;日霜 day cream;晚霜 night cream;面膜 facial mask;磨砂膏 facial scrub;沐浴露 body wash;防晒霜 sun screen;眼部啫喱 eye gel。

【喝酒的英语口语】hit a bar 去酒吧;grab a beer or two 喝两杯;get a refill 把杯子满上;bottoms up 干杯;take a sip 小喝一口;buzzed 有点醉;hangover 宿醉;alcoholic 酒鬼;don\'t get wasted/drunk 不要喝醉。

【口语短句】She has definitely croed the line.她太过分了。Sorry, you\'ve got the wrong number.你打错号码了。Who wears the pants in your family? 你家谁说了算?You\'re nothing but a cry baby.你就会抱怨。It has been a standing joke.那可是经典笑料。

One kind word can warm three winter months; an acute word cuts deep than a sharp weapon.良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人胜利刃.Let\'s keep it between us.这事就我俩知道。Your explanation doesn\'t hold water.你的解释站不住脚。I\'ll take a pa.我不去了。Don\'t judge a book by its cover.别以貌取人。He\'s got a memory like a sieve.他记性很差。You never know.谁知道呢。口语小资料,大家一定要记录好哟,时常看看,读读,运用好好,呵呵

【2013年最好看的美剧】ScreenCrush网站评选:1.权力的游戏 Game of Thrones 2.福尔摩斯:基本演绎法 Elementary 3.绿箭侠 4.混乱之子 Sons of Anarchy 5.公园与游憩 6.副总统 Veep 7.大西洋帝国 Boardwalk Empire 8.汉尼拔 9.广告狂人10.绝命毒师Breaking Bad Man can not have dignity without loving the dignity of his fellow.不尊重别人的尊严,就不会有自己的尊严.ardent 热情的;devoted 热心的;content满足的;relieved放心的;crazy狂热的;dismal沮丧的;concerned焦虑的;intense紧张的;abashed羞愧的;indifferent冷漠的;begrudge羡慕的;desperate绝望的;contrite悔悟的;profane亵渎的;jealous嫉妒的。

In the world the most eternal happine is ordinary, in the life most long-time has is to cherish.世界上最永恒的幸福就是平凡,人生中最长久的拥有就是珍惜。

【谢耳朵损人小短句】Poser!耍大牌;stingy bastard!小气鬼;Nerd 书呆子;Same difference半斤八两;You just don\'t appreciate it.不识抬举;How did it come to this!岂有此理;Playing with fire 找死;Lucky bastard! 狗屎运;Don\'t play innocent!别装蒜;That\'s rubbish!胡扯。

Be yourself and stay unique .Your imperfections make you beautiful , lovable and valuable .做最特别的自己,正因为你的不完美,你才如此的美丽、可爱、珍贵!

不可以貌取人 Never judge a book by its cover,英雄所见略同 Great minds think alike,事出有因 Every why has its wherefore,有备无患 Good watch prevents misfortune.知足常乐 Content is happine,否极泰来 Adversity leads to prosperity。 【春运购票词汇】卧铺:(of train) sleeping berth/ sleeper硬卧:(of train) hard sleeping berth/hard sleeper软卧:(of train) soft sleeping berth/soft sleeper一等座:busine cla(First cla)二等座:economy cla……哦,还有票贩子(黄牛党):ticket scalper The usual excuse of those who cause others trouble is that they wish them well.给别人造成麻烦的人通常的借口是出于好意.Smile and let everyone know that today you\'re a lot stronger than you were yesterday。用微笑告诉世人,今天的你比昨天更加强大。 Forget yesterday; cherish today; fight for tomorrow.Stick to the right things and stop chasing the wrong things.昨天,略去。今天,珍惜。明天,争取。对的,坚持。错的,放弃。





英语 每日一句





