
2020-03-02 16:50:53 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

WHO IS HIM Benedict Timothy CarltonCumberbatch is a renowned British actor, who was born in London in 1976 and graduated from the Manchester University.His first leading role is Stephen Hawking in the television film Hawking in 2004, and since then he has starred in the Star Trek Into Darkne as Khan, The Fifth Estate as Julian Aange and The Imitation Game as Alan Turing.It was not until 2010, whenCumberbatch began playing Sherlock Holmes in the TV series Sherlock, did he gain world recognition.He has received numerous awards and nominations for acting, including three Primetime Emmy Award nominations, winning Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie for Sherlock.His portrayal of Alan Turing in The Imitation Game earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor.In 2014, Time magazine included him in its annual Time 100 as one of the \"Most Influential People in the World\".He has also appeared on the covers of GQ, Time and The Hollywood Reporter\'s \"New A-list\" iue.Meanwhile, Cumberbatch has narrated numerous documentaries for the National Geographic and the Discovery Channel.He was also the narrator of the BBC South Pacific.没错,本期Person of the Week我们介绍的就是卷福——本尼迪克特•康伯巴奇!(撒花~)他1976年出生于英国伦敦,1997年毕业于英国曼彻斯特大学戏剧专业,1999年开始自己的演艺生涯。

他似乎很喜欢接演“聪明的怪人”(oddballs & genius)的角色。第一个使他大获好评的角色便是当今这世界上公认最聪明的人——霍金(《霍金的故事》2004);而让他一炮而红的福尔摩斯,也是高智商,反社会和毒舌的代名词;他曾经在变身内心狂热而不随流俗的天才艺术家梵高(《梵高:画语人生》2010);在2013年的《第五阶层》中,我们被他对维基解密创始人朱利安•阿桑奇的演绎所深深折服。在奥斯卡大热影片《模仿游戏》里他更是为我们展现了计算机之父,同时也是二战英雄——艾伦•图灵的传奇一生。 2013年他第一次登上《时代周刊》,成为《时代周刊》国际版10月号封面人物。得益于《神探夏洛克》第三季的900万人次的超高收视率,他于2014年获得第66届艾美奖迷你剧/电视电影类的最佳男主角,也入选《时代周刊》“全球百大最具影响力人物”榜单。而今年他凭借《模仿游戏》中艾伦•图灵一角获得第87届奥斯卡金像奖的最佳男主角提名。 本尼迪克特还为英国广播电视公司2009年的纪录片《南太平洋》担任旁(sheng)白(you),他也曾为《国家地理》和《发现频道》节目担任配音。

WHY DO WE LOVE HIM 12345 \"Brainy is the new sexy.\"天才最性感。You lower the IQ of the whole street.(图片) He is humorous even in his irony.他每句话都有着极高的吐槽值。

I am SherLocked.我整个人都夏洛克了.


He has brilliant eyes (in part because of HeterochromiaIridum), a rich and sexy voice, and the ‘best’ name on earth! 他的眼睛随着光线不同能呈现出灰、绿、蓝的效果,具有高贵、冰冷而神秘的特质,他的声音低沉而富有磁性,他的名字简直不能更赞。(不是真爱粉谁能完整而正确地讲出他的全名啊)

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He is an expert-level photo bomber.他还是奥斯卡抢镜王。 4(动图)

He did the Ice Bucket Challenge for the Motor Neurone Disease Aociation.作为明星模范,他完成了一次,哦不,是六次冰桶挑战。

HOW DO PEOPLE SEE HIM “The best Sherlock Holmes on screen”teeth chattering, but still smiling, still in awe.He had to be thawed out on a radiator before his parents returned home (\"I had turned blue\").卷福被采访时谈到自己第一次死里逃生的经历:在他还是小baby时的某个冬天,他的姐姐Tracy为了安抚哭哭啼啼的小卷福,把他放在屋顶让他安静一会(这是亲姐吗摔!)然后忙着和朋友在厨房聊天,直到看见窗外飘起了雪=_=才赶紧跑上楼,发现小卷福脸上挂着幸福而安详的笑容(牙齿不停地打颤),马上把他抱在暖气片上取暖。他笑着回应记者:“当时我都冻紫了。”

For the 2012 London Olympics, he featured in a short film on the history of London, which began the BBC coverage of the opening ceremony.2012年7月27日伦敦奥运会开幕,卷福站在格林尼治O2体育馆的圆顶上,对全世界观看开幕式的观众,轻松而不失大气地说道“Let the games commence!”(盛宴开始!)









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