
2020-03-01 18:43:56 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Social networking, good or bad? Hello, ladies and gentlemen.I’ve been privileged to deliver this speech tonight.I really fancy this kind of face-to-face talk cause I can judge from all your expreions whether I convince you or not and maybe after this kind of communication we can both benefit.Social networking is based on the Internet for the purpose of helping people construct online social platform.Since 2003 the first social networking software was invented, it has developed hugely and now in China, the coverage of major social network like sina microblog and wechat is 60 percent averagely, and it’s even higher in the cities.It brings us convenience and has been deeply aociated with our daily life, especially for teenagers and college students.However, it also come up with quite some problems to people’s relationship and social life.Today I’m going to talk about a few of them in order to draw attention.Recently on the Internet, there are people of a kind called the phubbings or smartphone addicts.They are supposed to be those who are always staring at their phone screens and too busy chatting online to have a talk with people in front of them.For now it’s more and more common to see that two or more people sitting at a table without talking or chatting.They seem to be obseed with their phones.Toward this, scientists have carried out a lot of research on this phenomenon to discover why people are addicted to their phones and social networking.And here comes the conclusion.Human as a kind of social animal must live in a social group in which there are necearily competitions among members.Social networking provides a platform to people so that they can show themselves to others.And this can give them a feeling of fulfillment which in real life is always deficient.They just enjoy the admiration and superiority on the Internet which can be hardly experienced in real.It’s said that through social networking, we can have acce to people who have common more points with us.Thus it becomes far more relaxing and interesting to communicate with others online.But some people are just going too far.On the surface, with this addiction to phones people would have le time to concentrate on the things that really matter and when working the efficiency of staff should be reduced for the disturbance of ringing phones.It will do more harm to students because this time-consuming activity can subordinatetruly important things like studying, where they ground their future.With the distraction of social networking, teenager students may not pay enough attention to claes and tasks.And continuously refreshing your social networking in your bed or chairs makes you form some bad habits such as procrastination or sloth.In a deep way, the overusing of social networking can make people dependent on and lost in the virtual world.This could drag those addicted people out of the real life, isolated them from society and real social life.If they cannot go out to meet friends or make new acquaintance, their social circles is surely to be confined in a small area.For teenagers who are preparing to enter this world, social skill is the most fundamental to expre ideas and cooperate with others.Lacking this skill can keep people out of normal social life and should result in a sense of solitude and rejection.For example, those who have numerous friends online actually can’t find company offline so they have to turn to social networking so as to meet their need for communication.This lack of social experiences is likely to affect teenagers in a bad way because they don’t have experiences on empathy and sympathy.So when they get into society this kind of ignorance can make them indifferent and unsympathetic.If this indifference became a common phenomenon, I couldn’t imagine how hard life would be.So in the end I must admit that technology has brought huge convenience to our daily life.More important I want to say is we should make use of it instead of being controlled by technology.Heads up my friend, embrace this colorful world.










