
2020-03-01 21:54:20 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

PEP三年级下册Unit2 第四课时


1.能听、说、认读本课的新句子:Come on./Let’s watch TV./Who’s this„/How funny?



掌握funny的正确发音,了解Come on和Who’s this„的意思。




教师带一张照片,学生自带家庭照片若干张,磁带和投影仪,Mike, BaiLing, MiWhite, MrBlack的头饰,Come on/ Let’s watch TV/Who’s this„He’s/She’s my„/ How funny?句条和本课图片。


(一).Warm up/Revision

1.Let’s chant.( Part A ) Let students stand up and chant together.


T:Good afternoon, boys and girls! Ss: Good afternoon, MiYan!

T: How are you today? Ss: Fine, thank you. T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.

3.Daily talk.

T: Boys and girls, look at the blackboard.Who’s that girl?

Ss: She’s BaiLing.T: Who’s that boy? Ss: He’s Mike.

T: Who’s that woman? Ss: He’s Mi White.

T: Who’s that man? Ss: He’s Mr Black.


(1)教师指着一男一女学生说T: Boys and girls, look.This is my friend„.And this is my friend„(repeat)Who is your friend? Now, introduce your friend, please.(repeat) ( about 5~8persons)

T: Well done! Now, show me your family photos.Introduce your family members like this(出示句条This is my„And this is my„贴到黑板上)`This is my„And this is my„’(about5~8persons)

(2)T: Great! Now, look at this photo.(教师出示自己的照片,指着自己说)This is Mi Yan.(教师指着Mi Wu )Look, who’s this woman? She’s my teacher Mi Wu.(repeat)Oh,„who’s this boy?(指着一个学生的家庭照)S⒈:He is my brother.T:Cool!T:Show me your photos.Let me see.„,who’s this girl?(教师指着另一学生的照片问)S⒉:She is my sister.T:Oh,really?T:Who’s this man?(教师指着第三个学生照片)S⒊:He’s my father/grandfather.T: Cool! T: Who’s this woman?(教师指着第四个学生)S⒋:She is my mother/grandmother.T:Cool!

(教师出示句条)Read after T: Who’s this„?He’s/She’s my„.

T: Who’s this girl?She’s my friend BaiLing.(教师指着BaiLing回答,学生跟读)T: Who’s this boy?He’s my friend Mike.(教师指着Mike回答学生跟读)

Ss practice in pairs,then talk.(about 5 groups)

(3)T: Come on, boys and girls.Look, what’s this?(point the TV)Ss: TV.T:I like watching TV.(教师做按遥控器的动作,重复说一遍)Do you like watching TV? (教师做按遥控器的动作,重复说一遍)Ss: Yes.T: OK.Come on.Let’s watch TV.Now, read after me.Come, come.(教师出示句条Come on.)Ss: Come, come.T: On, on.Ss: On, on.T: Come on.Ss: Come on.(repeat) T: TV,TV, watch TV.(教师出示句条Let’s watch TV.) Ss: TV, TV, watch TV.T: Let’s watch TV.Ss: Let’s watch TV.T: Come on.Let’s watch TV.(教师做按遥控器动作)Ss: Come on.Let’s watch TV.(read after T for three times)

T: You can say‘Come on, MiYan.Let’s watch TV.Come on,„.Let’s watch TV.’Understand? Ss: Yes.T: OK.Let’s have a try.T get one S to say: Come on, MiYan.Let’s watch TV.T: Great!(T can get three persons to say ‘ Come on, MiYan.Let’s watch TV.’and T answer ‘Great!’) S⒈say ‘Come on,„.Let’s watch TV.’S⒉say‘Great!’ S⒉say Come on,„.Let’s watch TV.’then S⒊ say ‘Great!’(about a group)

T: Come on, boys and girls.Let’s watch TV.Ss: Great!

T: Come on, boys and girls.Let’s panit.Ss: Great!

(4)T: Come on, boys and girls.Let’s watch TV.Ss: Great!

T:OK.Let’s watch TV.(turn on TV)Look, who’s this boy?(教师指着小丑)He’s a clown.Look at the eyes, so small.Look at the mouth, so big.Look at the ears, so big.Wow, how funny!

T: Read after me.(出示句条Wow, how funny!)Funny, funny, how funny! Ss: Funny, funny,how funny!(three times)T:I say ‘Look at the clown’and you say ‘Wow, how funny!’OK? Ss: OK! T: Boys, look at the clown.Bs: Wow, how funny! T: Girls, look at the clown.Gs: Wow, how funny! T: Boys and girls, look at the clown.Ss: Wow ,how funny!

(三) Consolidation

T: Boys and girls, open your books and turn to page 17.Look at your books and listen to the tape.(Listen to the tape for two times.)

T: Now, read after me. (Read after T for two times.)

Let’s talk: Boys to be Sarah, girls to be BaiLing.

Girls to be Sarah, boys to be BaiLing. T to be BaiLing, Ss to be Sarah.

(四) Practise

First,let Ss listen to the tape again.Then Ss practice in paris , finally,let Ss come to the blackboard to act.(3-5groups)


(1)Listen to the tape at home.

(2)Talk with the clamate after cla.


教学内容:Part B Let’s learn and Let’s chant Part C Culture 教学目标:

知识目标:学习单词sister, brother要求学生能听、说、认读。

能力目标:复习巩固感叹词“Wow!”和学习句子“What a big fish!” 能有节奏地唱歌谣,复习巩固本课所学单词。

情感目标:对中西餐饮食习惯和chopsticks, fork, knife三个单词有初步的认识。

教学重点:能听说、认读单词sister, brother;能说感叹词“Wow!”和句子“What a big fish!”

教学难点:能听说、认读单词sister, brother;能说感叹词“Wow!”和句子“What a big fish!” 教具准备:挂图,照片 教学过程: 一.Warm-up.1.Sing the song “Father and Mother” 2.Everyday practice.3.Show a picture and ask: T: Do you know who he is ?Ask me please.Come on !Who can try? A: Who’s that man? T: Gue.A: Is he your dad/friend„? T: No, he’s my grandpa.二.Presentation 1.Listen and read: Part B Let’s talk Act it.2.Look at the photo: This is my family. Then lead out: This is my sister.This is my brother. Teaching the words:“sister” and“brother” 3.Ask and answer: T: Who’s that woman/girl/boy? A: She’s my mom/sister.He’s my brother.4.Teaching the sentence:“Wow! What a big fish!” 三.Practice 1.Read the words of family tree.2.Game: Let’s practice 3.Find out the right words and right photos 4.Let’s chant 四.Culture 五.Aement Activity book P11


教学内容:Part B Let’s say and let’s do Part C Let’s check.教学目标:

知识目标:能听、说、认读字母Hh, Ii及以该字母为首的单词。 能力目标:能做TPR活动。完成Let’s check。

情感目标:了解西方人的用餐习惯,并能在情境中云吞用。 教学重点:字母的教学,并在此基础上,巩固学过的单词。 教学难点:字母教学,发挥想象,记住字型。 教具准备:教学图片、卡片、四线格。 教学过程: 一.Warm-up.1.Greeting: 2.Let’s chant: Part a 3.Game: Find the right word as quickly as you can 二.Presentation 1.Revision: review the word Aa-Gg 2.What’s the next? Oh! It’s Hh.Read the word some times.. Notice: prononciation of “Hh” Teaching the “Ii” as Teaching “Hh” 3.Show the picture: T: What’s this? S: It’s a hamburger.T: Do you like it.S: Yes.(No) Leading out the word: hamburger Teaching “hot dog/ice-cream/ice”in the same way.4.Listen and read.三.Practice 1.Writing 2.Game 3.Let’s do 四.Let’s check 五.Aement Activity book P12







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