
2020-03-03 03:58:58 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文



How Does One Become a Secretary?

(1) what has made you decide to apply for a position here?

(2) My responsibilities include typing, filing, and answering telephone (3) you’re looking for an executive secretary

(4) aist me in my daily routine, dealing with correspondence (5) I am more confident that I am able to handle the office routine.5.1) I am very happy that I have the chance for this personal interview.2) I had a part-time job for three months at Far East Trade Company as a personnel aistant.3) As a secretary I usually need to deal with people from other cultures.4) My plan is to become a succeful secretary because I have been well trained for this.5) A secretary must team up with other coleagues for a smooth operation to maximize working efficiency.6) I want to ask about the salary and benefits in the company.


How Does a Secretary Work in the Office? 1) take this opportunity

2) is divided into four departments

3) Let’s deal with each one in turn

4) she’ll leave at the end of the week 5) is responsible for 1) We should go round and meet some of the staff you’ll be working with.2) Let’s start with Ling Yun.

3) I’m looking forward to seeing you next week.4) Can I have a few moments of your time? 5) You’ll be spending today and tomorrow with him.6) She is leaving us at the end of the week and then you’ll take her place.


How Does a Secretary Receive Visitors? 1) I have an appointment with Mr.Ling Yun at 11 o’clock.2).I’ve been sitting for the last three hours 3) How do you take your coffee?

A: Good morning, sir.Can I help you? B: Yes, I would like to see Mr.Ling Yun please.A: Do you have an appointment? B: No.I’m afraid I haven’t.I’m from Wilson Motors, and I’ve come to see Mr.Ling to discu sales of our new model. A: 请问,您的名字是…?

B: 福斯特,约翰•福斯特, 来自威尔森汽车公司。

A: 福斯特先生,请您坐一会,让我看看凌云先生有空没有。 B: 谢谢。

A:(通过分机,对凌云先生说)我这里有一位威尔森汽车公司的福斯特先生想要见您。 谢谢。(对福斯特先生说)凌云先生五分钟后就下来见您,福斯特先生。 那边的桌子上有一些杂志,您如果愿意可以看一看。 B: 谢谢您。


How Does A Secretary Deal with Phone Calls? 1) Does she have any time tomorrow? 2) Would you please hold the line for a moment? 3) Mr.Ling Yun has a full schedule tomorrow.4) I’ll make a note of that.5) You can contact me any day at 734 427, extension 347.6) Mr.Ling is rather busy now and would like to know what you wish to speak to him about.7) Mr.Rollin is interested in importing Chinese textile products into the U.S.8) I’ll just check Mr.Ling Yun’s schedule, and see if I can arrange an appointment for you, just a moment.a) about the order with us

b) I’ll check Mr.Ling’s schedule

c) Would Thursday be too late

d) make an appointment for you for 9:30

e) confirm the appointment


How Does a Secretary File Effectively? A: 这些文件夹是做什么用的?

B: 客户的账目。他们的名字写在文件夹的凸出边沿或者标签上,把它们编上索引, 垂直地放在文件柜里。

A: 这些不同颜色的卡片表示什么?B: 颜色表示所出售的商品是什么。 A: 这些是按照字母顺序整理的吗?

B: 是的。你会发现,一位既定客户的所有卡片都归在一起。除了帮助销售人员作结算单外, 你还需要负责发票文件。发票和个人卡片使用同样的系统。 A: 这样手续就简化多了。您怎样给发票编号呢?

B: 哦,发票的编号—通常一种商品每年的数量小于三千,所以我们用许多三千来编号。A: 我不是很明白。 B: 例如,对于商品A,我们从一编号到三千,对于商品B,从三千编号到六千,等等。 A: 听起来很实用。B: 是的,这可以使我们对已有的发票再进行一次参考核对。

1.The list of points about filing; 2.keeping two separate files for the same customer; 3.iue a list of filing instructions; 4.center the title FILING INSTRUCTIONS;5.signed by the managing director.


How Does a Secretary Deal With Meetings?

1.I’ve been working here for three months

2.I have to take minutes for Mr.Ling Yun. 3.take notes at a meeting 4. look after the office

1).Is the meeting that you have to take minutes this afternoon a big one? 2).I just make a short report.3).Could you show me a copy? 4) 你必须确保你把一切都包括在内了。首先是时间,然后是地点。 5).凌云先生说所有的司机都必须遵守城市汽车停车规则。 6).他说将来任何停车罚款都必须由司机本人支付。


How Does a Secretary Host Visitors from Abroad? 1.) let you know your schedule

2) Are you interested

3)What about the seminar

4)we’ve got a lot of questions to ask you, 1) We’ve arranged a field tour for you to an oil refinery.2) Would that be all right for you? 3) Is there any change? 4) We’ve looking forward to the seminar.5) I gue I’ll see you soon.6) Please fill out this card.7) This hotel is considered one of the best in Beijing.8) I gue they’re all part of the basic facility construction resulting from the reform and opening up policy.

UNIT 9 How Does a Secretary Deal with Speeches? 1) 东方贸易公司做生意是我一生中最愉快的经历之一。 2) 我听说世界上最可信赖的人是中国人。

3) 我已经开始后悔,因为这次访问仅仅只能谈一个合同。 4) 你们的经济改革带来的新机会使我感到非常振奋。

5) 为我们的谈判成功,为我们的友谊长存,也为你们的伟大的改革成功,干杯! 1.We’re very happy to have Mr.Jones and his party here with us tonight.2.He was among the first American businemen who came to China right after the Ping pang Diplomacy in the mid-70s.3.As our present contract is expiring next month, we’re very pleased to have you here to work with us on a new contract.

4.I firmly believe that through our mutual efforts, the new contract will further strengthen the ties between our two companies and make both of us more prosperous.5.I’d like to take this opportunity to propose a toast to the succe of the negotiation, and to the prosperity of our two companies.

UNIT 10 How Does a Secretary Make Arrangements for busine? 1) We have worked out an itinerary for your five days in Guangzhou.2) I think we should get down to work now.3) I have no objection to your proposal at all.4) We want to take this opportunity to discu other forms of cooperation.5) I wouldn’t dream of leaving London without seeing London Tower.6) We will exchange our respective ideas on our new contract in the conference room.

1) a tentative itinerary for your visit in Beijing 2) get down to busine 3) some poible new forms and methods of cooperation.

4) have a day long discuion at the conference room in this hotel 5) I’m at Being, I ought to take one in

6) I wonder if you could take me to Tiananmen Square

7) a short distance from the theater to the Tiananmen Square










