
2020-03-03 10:02:51 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

The place I’d like to visit most

1.where would you like to visit?

2.why do you want to be there? (give at lease two reasons)

3.what can you learn while traveling there?

( 样卷)The place I’d like to visit most is America.

First of all, many high-tech products are made in America, and I want to buy them.What’s more, American people are very friendly and I can talk with them in order to improve my English.In addition, I can learn western culture and customs there.

In one word, I can improve myself in America, so it is the place I’d like to visit most.(9)

1.World is beautiful.There are many places as beautiful as pictures.The place I’d like to visit most is France.

It is said that France is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.I want to see the sunset and sunrise of France with my parents.I’m sure that the view will be impreive.Second, I’ve heard that the food in France is really tasty.I’d like to have a try.

Life is a voyage.I can learn different culture and customs while traveling there.I can also practice my foreign language at the same time.I’d life to visit France when I grow up.(xu qingyi)

2.In the middle of the U.S.A, lies a metropolis names Chicago.And it’s the place I’d like to visit most.

Although Chicago is not as famous as New York City.It has more advantages and it’s more attractive to me.I can imagine that when I walk on the path of the country road, nothing can be more enjoyable than this.The quiet and peaceful life there attracts me most.Also, Chicago is the origin of the country music, which is my favourite kind of music, I can hear more about country music there.

That’s Chicago! I can experience different culture and customs while traveling.Birds are whistling, wind is blowing over my face.In my eye, it’s a wonderful paradise! (guyu)

3.With the history of more than two thousand years, the Great Wall is definitely the most attractive destination to visit.

Winding its way trough the mountainous areas, it has defended the attacks from the enemies up till now.and it also marks the spirit of us Chinese – never giving up.That’s the most important thing for me to learn in order to be a real Chinese citizen.

The Great Wall was the glory of our past.With the help of it, I will be the hope of our future! That’s why I’m sp eager to call at it! (huyiqian)

4.The place I’d like to visit most is the countryside of France.

As we all know, France is famous for its romantic culture and customs as well as nice natural views as well.Imagine, the bright sunshine warms everybody and brightens every corner.The stunning yellow flowers shining under the clear sky.How fantastic it is! Besides, the air of countryside is so fresh that you can take a deep breath and exercise your body while waiting for the wonderful sunrise.

The last but the most important, I can learn about claical culture while traveling there.(wang xin yue)

The place I’d like to visit most is London, That’s my dreaming place.

I want to be there to visit the London Bridge, the Big Ben, the Waxwork Museum and so on.The places of historical interest always draw my attention.In addition, I know London is a modern city so that I can know the latest fashion.What’s more, my favourite singer Adele is British, I really want to know what inspires her to create so many amazing songs.All in all, I really want to visit London.

While traveling there, I can learn the local culture and broaden my horizon.I can’t help imagining how wonderful it will be if I go there.

London, it is the place I’d like to visit most.

Fang Jie

There are many famous places in the world, but the place I’d like to visit most is the capital of France—Paris.

You may ask why I’d like to visit there.There are several reasons.First, Paris is another word for romance.It is a city full of love.Second, it has a long history.Finally, there are many places of interest.We will broaden our mind and get a lot of knowledge.

Generally speaking, if I go there, I can learn a lot.I can see different culture and improve my speaking skill.It is really a good place to visit.

Zhu Qiurong

The place I’d like to visit most is Britain.I can’t wait to visit Britain.

Britain is surrounded by the ocean.Its view must be beautiful.What’s more, there are many places of interest in Britain.These draw my attention.

I can learn the traditional culture of Britain while traveling there.It is interesting to learn about other country’s culture and customs.During the trip, I can improve my listening and speaking abilities.I think the trip will be both enjoyable and rewarding.

I’d like to visit Britain sometime in the future.I hope my dream will come true.

Xu Liang

When I was young, my mother always told me stories about Australia.In my opinion, Australia is a beautiful country.And it has become the place I’d like to visit most.

My aunt lives in Australia, we keep in touch with each other by phone.She often tells me that the sky there is blue, the breeze blows gently everywhere.And I can get a lot of knowledge from the local museums.People there are very friendly.So I’d like to visit there.I can learn traditional culture there.It is really exciting.

I hope I will visit Australia someday.

Tang Shiyin

The place I’d like to visit most is Wuzhen.As a famous tourist attraction, it is as beautiful as a


When you walk in the narrow street, you can hear the old songs everywhere.The people who live there are kind, too.They always welcome the tourists with warm heart.

We should experience the beauty of life in a small town like Wuzhen.Slowing down the steps of the life, and you can realize your colourful dream in real life.

Tan Zhili

The place I’d like to visit most is Italy.Several months ago, I received a few photos from my friend Maggie, who had just came back from the country.The interesting culture, fantastic environment and friendly local citizens amazed me a lot.In addition, traditional Italian food tastes delicious, such as pizza, fried chicken wings and chocolate puddings! Last but not least, I can also learn not only much from Italian history and customs, but also the kindne and honesty of Italian people.What a wonderful country to visit Italy is!

Song Jiayuan


Paris is romantic and has a lot of scenic spots, so it attracts me a lot.

The first reason for why I’d like to visit Paris is that I’m now learning French.As a language learner, it’s neceary to practice with local people.Second, visiting such a historical city can enrich my knowledge.During the trip, I can experience the sights, sounds, tastes and smells ofthe French culture and customs.

Paris is really a place worth visiting, so it’s the place I’d like to visit most.


The place I’d like to visit most is France.This country always leads people to think of romance and freedom.It has a long history and people there are proud of their country , their nationality, their language and food so much.I’m eager to see Effel Tower, Louvre Palace and other places of historical interest with beautiful and mysterious stories.But I’m even more looking forward to meeting the French there.I am learning French now.It’s really a difficult language.When you hear it for the first time, you may think it’s not so beautiful as you thought.But you’ll fall in love with its special pronunciation .I’ll visit France as soon as I have a chance.


Sichuan was a beautiful place before a terrible earthquake hit it on May 12th, 2008.But in my eyes, the disaster made it even more fascinating for its dignity.And that’s the place I’d like to visit most.The first reason is that I want to see how it looks after the recovery.In the light of the reports, a lot of students still have to study in dangerous houses, I am really worried about them and I want to do something for them.The second reason is that I was deeply moved by the spirit of people there.Although some of their families may have been dead, they didn’t stop moving on to their new life.Besides, there are a lot I can learn while traveling there, for example, the belief of never giving up.Through the TV news, they taught me that life was never like a game, I can never quit because of the fear.In a word, the beauty of courage makes Sichuan strong and charming and that’s the place I’d like to visit most.

Among all the countries, Australia is certainly my dream destination in my heart.First, Australia is famous for beaches and coasts and considered as one of the best places for traveling.It is very pleasant to lie on the beach with the sun shining on a breezy day.Second, it attracts me a lot because of its friendly, warm-hearted and hospitable people.I can learn its culture and customs while traveling there.Australia is really the place I’d like to visit most.


It is Provence that the place I’d like to visit most is.

Just close my eyes and try to imagine,” A purple field is right in front of me, he smooth touch of the breeze bring the fresh fragrance everywhere, a sense of romance spreading all over.” How awesome it is! The reason why I want to be there is not only the atmosphere of love there but also the friendline of the local people.There sea so much to see and to do there.

While traveling there, I can learn to find the beauty of our world.As a matter of fact, how to discover something new in my life is also one thing I can learn from the travel.

Xu yue8

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