
2020-03-02 22:34:44 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Module 5

Unit 1 It’s big and light .

学习目标: 1 )语言知识目标:

1、全体学生能理解:light, hard ,broken ,department ,store, pocket ,umbrella ,sales aistant ,wheel, easy ,take;全体学生能运用:light ,umbrella, easy ,take;部分学生能运用: hard, broken ,pocket ,wheel .


2).语言技能目标; 全体学生能听懂、能说、能运用“This black bag is nice .It’s big and light.”进行对话交流 .3) 情感态度目标; 有兴趣听说英语,做游戏,乐于开口,敢于模仿


1.新授单词:light easy umbrella take 2.新授句型:It’s big and light.It’ll be easy for you to carry .3 难点:学会用英语描述和写作相关事物的特征。

Teaching aids: 图片,学习用品,录音机,单词卡,多媒体,风筝,背包 学情分析:


Teaching Procedure:

Step 1:Greetings and warming up.

1 .T :Good morning ,boys and girls.How are you today? Are you happy today ? Students:„ .T: I’m fine ,too .And I am glad , too .Now let’s sin g a song to share this nice time .Play the music : What color can you see ? Students :„ .(设计意图:用旋律为学生架起了由感性认识通往理性认识的桥梁,使学生在学习过程中保持着高昂的斗志和浓厚的兴趣) 2.Review some opposite words.T :Thank you .In this cla ,we’re going to learn Module 5 Unit 1 .It’s big and light .Before our new leon ,let’s say the opposite words .For example ;T; big 大的 。Students :small , 小的。 (设计意图:通过旧知引入新知) Step 2: New leon .1.A.Learn the key words .Show the card to learn the new words : light umbrella easy take B.Practise the key words .For example : T : show the card “1+1 =2”

T : Can you gue which word is it ? Students : gue . T: The teacher give a sticker to the student who can gue the word . The others words are the same as this style .(设计意图:用创造情境的方法学习词汇,把学生至于情境中学习,掌握词汇,根据学生的年龄特点精心的组织教学,使学生学的快,记得快,通过参与,体验,思考,交流等方式完成学习任务。) 2.Play the tape about part 1 , unit 1 .(利用短片创设情境,学生跟读,进入角色。) A.Learn the new sentence .This black bag is nice .It’s big and light .T: Show a kite to the students .Is it big ? Is it light ? Students : Yes .It’s big .It’s light .T : I think it’s big and light .And then stick it on the black board .T : I think this black bag is nice .And it’s big .And then stick the sentences on the black board .T :Show a beautiful bag to the students .Is it nice ? What color is it ? Students :„. And then stick the sentences on the black board .B .Practise the new sentences .

Talking time:

Talk about the things you take in your groups,then show,let’s see who can describe more.(设计意图:组内介绍自己的事物,小组长起到帮助后进生的作用,同时采取加分方式,让学生多说,多想,激发他们的创新与合作意识,充分调动学生的积极性)

C.Play a gueing game .Students read and gue the tiger’s questions and the teacher give some presents .3 .Learn part 2 , unit 1 .Understand the new article : A.The teacher play the tape and the students just only listen and watch it .B .The teacher show the questions and lead students to undertand them .1 .What’s wrong with Lingling’s bag?? 2.Which one do they choose at last? Why ? C.Play the tape again and the students try to find the questions .D.The students follow the teacher to read .And the teacher reminds students of pronunciation and intonation when they read the text .(设计意图:在听的环节上,我分为听三次,第一次听,整体听,第二次,这两次都是带着问题的,第三次听,听音,模仿,注意学生的语音语调问题)

E.Show four questions on the screen .Let them read in pairs and try to find the answers ,then check the questions . F.Follow the tape to read .And than students read in groups .(设计意图:在读的环节上,我先是让学生在小组内由组长带领,自主读课文,然后班内齐读,小组读,最后分角色读,南排读Lingling,北排读Ms Smart,教师读售货员,层层递进,检查学生读课文) F .Role play the dialogues at the Department Store .We ofen go shopping in our daily life,this cla I prepared some things for you.look ,you can choose anyone you like ,please make a dialogue in your group,one is a sales aisment,the others are customers,let’s see who is the best actor.(设计意图:通过进行角色扮演,让学生感受用英语购物,学以致用,同时,也激发了学生的创造能力,交流能力,以及口语表的能力和表演能力,很有趣的活动)

Step 3 : Consolidate the new knowlodge .A .The teacher leads students to read the example sentences .And let them write something for the shoes’cards . B .Every student writes something for the shoes’cards.C .Show the sentences in the cla .D .The teacher show her sentences about cards and lead the students to chant it .Step 4 : Summary and homework Summary : 1.Ask some students say out what they have learned in this cla .

2 .say a poem : My nice white kite .(设计意图:用英语歌“旧曲谱新篇”,把新学的单词、句式套入学生所熟悉的曲调中让学生演唱。这种方式正契合学生的知识结构层次,因此他们乐于参与、积极响应,学得愉快。 ) Homework : 1.Read the text .2.Try to describe some things .3.Do the exercises in Activity Book .










