
2020-03-01 23:25:10 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文



Peking University was founded in 1898 as the Imperial University of Peking.Being the first national comprehensive university in China, it was not only the highest seat of learning, but also the highest executive organ of education in the whole country.In May 1912, it changed its name to Peking University and famous educationist and enlightenment thinker Yan Fu took up its first presidency.Mr.Cai Yuanpei, who was appointed president of the university in Dec, 1916, implemented the scholarly principle of “Diversity, accommodation/inclusivene, and freedom of thought” and helped transform Peking University into the best university in China in terms of academic achievements and cultural influence.


After the nationwide readjustment/restructuring of universities and colleges in 1952, Peking University became a research-led comprehensive university comprising departments of both liberal arts and sciences.(此句按原文译则为:After…, Peking University became a comprehensive university focusing on teaching and research in both liberal arts and sciences. 这样译完全译出了中文的意思,但英文显得滑稽:哪一所高校不以教学和研究为主呢?所以译文中强调了research-led)Since the introduction of the policy of reform and opening-up, while emphasizing teaching and research in basic sciences, Peking University has made great efforts to develop applied, interdisciplinary and emerging sciences which are urgently needed by the country in its economic, scientific and technological and social development.In April, 2000, Beijing Medical University was merged into Peking University.Peking University has become a new type of comprehensive university, with such diverse branches of learning as natural sciences, technologies, engineering, humanities, social sciences, sciences of management and education, medicine and linguistic studies, playing an active role in fostering talents, conducting scientific studies and serving the country’s modernization drive.北京大学始终保持“爱国、进步、民主、科学”的传统和“勤奋、严谨、求实、创新”的学风,百余年来,北大英才辈出,为民族复兴、国家强盛做出了不可替代的贡献。据统计,北大校友中,已有四人获得国家最高科学技术奖(全国仅七人),12人成为“两弹一星”的元勋,近500人当选两院院士,北大的毕业生和教师为我国的自然科学、人文社会科学、医学、工程技术及国防事业、文化事业的发展做了奠基性和开拓性的贡献。

Peking University has all along maintained its traditions of “being patriotic, seeking progre, and embracing democracy and science” (“patriotism, progre, democracy and science”) and the spirit of “diligence, prudence/precision, factualism and innovation” in its scholarly pursuit.Over the past hundred

1 years, Peking University has nurtured generations of talented people, making indispensable contributions to the national rejuvenation and the country’s prosperity.According to statistics, among the alumni of Peking University, 4 people have won the China’s National Top Prize in Science and Technology, 12 people have rendered outstanding service in the research of nuclear bombs, atomic bombs and man-made satellites.Nearly 500 people have been elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.In summary, teachers and graduates of Peking University have made foundation-laying and pioneering contributions to the development in natural sciences, humanities and social sciences, medicine, engineering, national defense, and culture.北京大学现有普通本科学生14240人、硕士生8498人、博士生4234人,共有45个院系、271个研究所(中心)、16个国家重点实验室、18个附属和教学医院;102个本科专业、4个第二学士学位专业、221个硕士点、199个博士点;81个全国重点学科、35个博士后科研流动站。北京大学的中科院院士、教授、博士生导师、长江学者以及国家重点学科、重点实验室的数目,均居全国高等院校之首。北京大学图书馆为亚洲最大的大学图书馆,北大图书馆现有藏书703万余册。

Peking University has an enrolment of 14, 240 undergraduates, 8,498 master’s degree candidates and 4,234 doctoral candidates.It has 45 colleges and departments, 271 research institutes and research centers, 16 national key laboratories, and 18 affiliated and teaching hospitals to its name.The University runs 102 specialties for undergraduate students, 4 specialties for Second Bachelor’s Degree candidates, 221 specialties for Master’s Degree candidates and 199 for doctoral candidates.It also has 81 national key disciplines and 35 postdoctoral research stations.Peking University has more academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, profeors, doctoral tutors, and Cheung Kong Scholars than any other universities in the country.It also boasts the largest number of national key disciplines and laboratories among Chinese universities.With 7.03 million holdings, the library of Peking University is the largest of its kind in Asia.


Guided by the principle of “more solid grounding, le emphasis on specialty, individualized/tailored instructions and a diverse range of specialization in senior grades”, the University has vigorously carried out teaching reforms, practicing general education in lower grades and a wide-range specialized education in senior grades in order to cultivate creativity, independent thinking and the ability for further study.In terms of teaching administration, Peking University has steadily pursued the credit system based on optional courses.Under this system, the University has increased the proportion of optional courses and established general courses for the purpose of quality education.It also encourages students to select courses of other specialties, work on a minor specialty or get a second Bachelor’s degree.Those who get required credits are allowed to graduate early and model graduates are recommended to graduate school without taking part in entrance-exams to postgraduate programs.Peking University has 17.5 national research and

2 teaching staff training bases, ensuring a steady supply of qualified personnel for teaching and research.随着教学科研经费的增加,北京大学的硬件设施得到了长足的发展。崭新的现代化理科教学楼群、亚洲高校最大的大学图书馆和即将建成的文科教学楼群是北大新的标志性建筑,这些建筑群与历史悠久的皇家园林式建筑相映生辉,使美丽的燕园既古朴幽雅又不失现代气息。学生住宿条件也有很大的改善,校园网已经通达每一间学生宿舍,学生可以在轻松舒适的环境中去遨游知识的海洋,成为信息时代的弄潮儿。

With the increase in funds for teaching and scientific research, Peking University has seen great improvement in its teaching facilities.The brand-new modern Science Building complex, the biggest university library building in Asia and the Liberal Arts Building complex soon to be completed, are the new landmarks of Peking University, forming a pleasant contrast with the age-old royal garden-style buildings on campus, and giving the beautiful Yanyuan a look both modern and ancient.Accommodation for students has also been improved.With acce to the university network, students can surf the web in a more relaxed and comfortable environment.


Peking University is an open institution with a global vision.There are more than 4,000 overseas students from nearly one hundred countries studying here.Every year heads of state or government from other countries pay visits to the University.The year 2003 saw presidents of Harvard, Tokyo University, Waseda University, among others, come to visit our university, 9 Nobel laureates and 6 heads of state or government give speeches on our campus.北大是校园文化最活跃的高校,正式注册的学生社团近百个,山鹰社、爱心社等学生社团已发展成为北大的品牌社团,其影响力走向社会。每年一度的文化节、科技节、运动会、创业大赛、“挑战杯”学术论文竞赛、十佳歌手大奖赛、未名诗会已经成为北大人施展才华的大舞台。学校每年数百场高水平的公开演讲、学术报告更是为学生创造了接触学科前沿、感受多元文化的阵地。

With about one hundred registered student societies, Peking University boasts the most vibrant campus culture.The influence of such famous student societies in Peking University as the Mountaineering Aociation of Peking University, Loving Heart Society of PKU is going beyond the campus and being felt by the general public.Cultural festival, science festival, sports meet, pioneering competition, “Challenge Cup” thesis competition, Prize Contest for Ten Best Singers and Weiminghu Lake Poem Society have provided an excellent stage for students at Peking University to display their brilliance.And the several hundred high-level public speeches and academic lectures have given students at the university a great opportunity to learn about disciplinary frontiers and experience diverse cultures.“北大人”——这个光辉的名字不仅代表着优秀与才华,更代表着勤奋和责任。北大的传统渗透到每个北大人的血液里,鞭策每一个北大人不懈努力,为今日之北大与明日之中国而奋斗不息。

“Beidaren”, the people of Peking University, represents not only excellence and talent, but also diligence and responsibility.The traditions of Peking University are running in the blood of every person of Peking University, encouraging them to strive unceasingly for a better future of the University and of China.











北京大学 自荐信
