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5 [ 标签:电影 海上钢琴师,电影,简介 ] 电影《海上钢琴师》的英文简介

问题补充 2009-08-16 18:59 有没有中英文对照啊? 要不都不知道是什么。

隔音。 回答:2 人气:6 解决时间:2009-08-19 16:36 检举 满意答案

One piano roves on the oceans lonely,singing a pure paean and dancing in boundle dark clouds.We are anticipating a purification for the world.检举

回答人的补充 2009-08-13 09:16 1900, an abandoned baby which is taken care by one of the crews in the ship, Virginia.1900 was the year which the crew discovered the baby, thus, the boy was named 1900.The crew dies several years later and at that time, 1900 is entirely isolated.He is a genius and he knows how to play the piano without being taught.He gets his own style and wins the applause of paengers.However, he isn’t happy at all.What he is searching for is love and care, yet he cannot find them.In this eay, I will examine how 1900 suffers from loneline and how he is afraid of changes.

The only companion of 1900 is the piano; he gets used to expreing his feeling via music.Yet, can the piano share with him? Can the music be the tonic for his loneline? The poor guy has no choices; he was born to be lonely.Maybe it’s his fate.1900 always wants to attract people by his absorbing performance.Though there is, in fact, nearly no conversation between them, they even don’t know one another.He still wants to be surrounded by the crowd.1900 doesn’t want to be alone; he enjoys the time being accompanied by people.This can explain why he feels so disappointed, frustrated and he stops playing the piano when the crowd leaves as the destination is reached.1900 has to become solitary again!

One of the paengers admires his talents very much and tries to talk to him.The farmer shares with him about his misfortune and loneline.1900 knows the feeling better than anybody does as he has been suffering for 27 years! He hasn’t disclosed his feeling to others; he just says that he gets a friend sharing the similar situation.It’s a paradox that on the one hand, he wants to speak out his own feeling, which has buried in his heart for a long time, and shares with people; on the other hand, he can’t pluck up his courage to mention his situation in front of people.Maybe it is of no use to tell others or 1900 doesn’t want anyone to sympathize him.

Loneline makes him afraid of contacting strangers, lack of confidence and shy while communicating with strangers.When there’re two strangers coming to inform him the competition, he runs away and hides himself.Poor 1900 is afraid of being hurt.With no doubt, loneline adversely affects his personality.On the shipboard, a young, pure, beautiful girl has caught his attention.He loves the girl and wants to send her a gift.He doesn’t know how to initiate the conversation.1900 practices again and again in the cabinet.He is too timid to send the girl his record.His personality makes him mi a chance.1900 is very unhappy and breaks the record.Again, he just keeps his mouth shut and never shares with the others.It is obvious that he no longer wants to share, he is too tired to find opportunities to air his feeling.

Changes make 1900 scared, he wants his everyday life remains the same.For 27 years, he stays on board and never treads on land.Although his crews always persuade him to get off, he is reluctant to try.Several months after the girl had left, 1900 suddenly wants to tread on land.His reason is that he wants to listen to the voice of the sea as he can only hear it clearly on land.However, it’s true that he wants to find the girl and exprees love to her.1900 hides his feeling again.Yet, when he is on the halfway of the ladder that leads to the land, he stops.He stands there to look at the city in front of him.1900 gives up treading on land and returns to the ship.

1900 can live safely on the ship as he can see the ends of the ship.Many years later, as the ship is too old and it needs to be exploded to pieces.One of the crew knows that he will be still on the ship.He tries to find him.Before his death, 1900 tells the reasons for not treading on land when he’s walking down the ladder.“ I’m not afraid of what I can see, I’m afraid of what I can’t see”, 1900 is frightened as he can’t see the end of the city.“ Where is the end of the world?” Moreover, there’re only two thousand paengers on broad at a time.It’s a fixed number and it will not change.It can explain why 1900 prefers staying on board.

He takes the piano as an example, “ There are finite keys on the piano”, and he can make “infinite music” out of it.However, the world is a piano that is too big for him.There are infinite keys in the world, how can he make music out of it? It implies that there are so many changes in the world; he can hardly face the challenges.“There are thousands of streets in the city„which one should I choose to die?” It shows that 1900 is scared by the ever-changing world and he is too tired to choose.He thinks that he can’t adapt to the changes as “ the world has paed me (him) by”.In addition, fame, fortune, girl can’t make him tread on land.1900 chooses to die on the ship rather than getting off.It can be seen that how deeply he is afraid of changes.The marvelous life of 1900 makes him become the legend.检举

回答人的补充 2009-08-16 19:06 【片名】Legend.Of.1900 【译名】海上钢琴师 【年代】1998 【国家】意大利

【片长】125 minsMins 【类别】剧情 【语言】英语 【字幕】外挂中文

【评分】7.4/10 (2,368 votes) 【链接】http://www.daodoc.com/Title?0120731 【格式】XviD + AC3 【尺寸】640 x 272 【大小】2CD 49125 mins X 15M 【导演】吉赛贝 托纳多雷 (Giuseppe Tornatore) 【主演】蒂姆 罗思 (Tim Roth) ......Novecento - 1900 普鲁伊特 泰勒 文斯 (Pruitt Taylor Vince) ......Max 克拉伦斯 威廉斯 III (Clarence Williams III) ......Jelly Roll Morton 比尔 纳恩 (Bill Nunn) ......Danny Boodmann Mélanie Thierry ......The Girl Easton Gage ......The Young 1900 I Cory Buck ......The Young 1900 II 彼得 沃恩 (Peter Vaughan) ......Music Store Owner Niall O\'Brien ......Harbor Chief Alberto Vasquez ......Mexican Machinist Gabriele Lavia ......Farmer Vernon Nurse ......Band Leader Harry Ditson ......Captain Noriko Aida ......Matre Maker



1990,这个既没有出生纪录,也没有身份证明的人,没有留下一点痕迹就在人间蒸发,就如流逝了的音符一样,渺无踪影了。 检举

回答人的补充 2009-08-16 19:07 剧情介绍:

影片从一个潦倒的小号手麦克斯的独白开始,一段唱片中的钢琴独奏勾起了他脑海中的无限往事。1900年1月1日,黑人船工丹尼在他工作的弗吉尼亚号游轮一等仓舞厅的钢琴上捡到了一个弃婴,他将这个小孩起名叫1900。1900从小在丹尼细心的关怀和善意的谎言中自由健康地成长。丹尼因意外事故不幸去世后, 1900一次无意间鬼使神差地来到一等舱舞厅的落地窗外,他第一次见到了那与他一生命运交织在一起的乐器——钢琴。夜深人静之时,1900悄悄溜入舞厅,坐在钢琴前,双手落在了琴键上——于是1900的传奇正式开始!没有任何人的指导,没有任何人的传授,甚至刚刚才听到钢琴的演奏,1900就这样与他的宿命不期而遇,展示出了他超凡脱俗的钢琴演奏天赋。

麦克斯初登上弗吉尼亚号的一个夜晚,狂风大作,波涛汹涌。整条船在不断的左右摇摆,麦克斯也被摇的东倒西歪,呕吐的一塌糊涂。就在这时,麦克斯遇上了那个令他一生难忘的人。那个人带他来到舞厅,坐在钢琴前,放开了脚闸,弹了起来。在轻盈动听的旋律中,他们两个随着钢琴一起在大厅中如流水般滑行回旋,那样悠然自得,那样轻松洒脱,仿佛两个天使在童话世界中自由地飞翔。他们在飘飘仙乐中冲破了落地窗,一路弹着钢琴滑过了走廊,一直撞进了船长的房间。那是怎样的轻舞飞扬,怎样的诗意浪漫!那个弹奏出天籁之音的人——就是1900,从此他与麦克斯成为终生的朋友。另外一个令人难忘的场景是1900与JAZZ大师的较量,两个同样是天才级的人物,但1900的谦逊、宽容、细腻、俏皮,令他更胜一筹。 1900的一生都是在船上度过的,即使遇到了他的初恋、即使有音乐制作商录制唱片的吸引,他也未曾离开过船半步(尽管他曾有过打算)。最后当游船已经报废并要被炸毁时,1900依然选择与巨轮共存亡,麦克斯的劝说也无法使他回心转意。这个落入凡间的精灵终于要回到天堂去了。在巨轮被炸毁的前一刻,1900的双手在凭空弹奏,那纤巧的手指随着影片背景音乐的节奏在上下轻盈地起伏,仿佛在演奏着扣响天堂大门的乐曲,只要你看过这部片子,那个镜头就会永远定格在你的脑海中。 不知有没有一部电影会让你看过几次之后还回味无穷?我相信这部影片一定会。影片中无论是人物还是音乐,都会令人难以忘怀,不管看过几遍,影片接近结尾时1900的那段独白还是会让人泪流满面。真希望那艘船会永远航行下去,真希望这部影片永不结束,那么1900就会永远为人们弹奏,我们也就会永远陶醉在优美的琴声中了。 检举

回答人的补充 2009-08-16 19:19 One piano roves on the oceans lonely,singing a pure paean and dancing in boundle dark clouds.We are anticipating a purification for the world.一架钢琴roves对海洋寂寞,一个纯粹的歌唱和舞蹈的赞歌无限的黑暗clouds.We是预计净化的世界。1900, an abandoned baby which is taken care by one of the crews in the ship, Virginia.1900 was the year which the crew discovered the baby, thus, the boy was named 1900.The crew dies several years later and at that time, 1900 is entirely isolated.He is a genius and he knows how to play the piano without being taught.He gets his own style and wins the applause of paengers.However, he isn’t happy at all.What he is searching for is love and care, yet he cannot find them.In this eay, I will examine how 1900 suffers from loneline and how he is afraid of changes.1900年,一个被遗弃女婴是照顾由一名船员在船舶上,弗吉尼亚州。 1900年是这一年的船员发现了婴儿,因此,该男童被评为1900年。船员去世几年后,在那个时候, 1900年是完全孤立的。他是一个天才,他知道如何弹钢琴,而教。他得到自己的风格,并赢得了掌声的乘客。但是,他不开心了。他正在寻找的是爱和照顾,但他无法找到他们。在这一篇,我会研究如何1900患有孤独和他害怕变化。

The only companion of 1900 is the piano; he gets used to expreing his feeling via music.Yet, can the piano share with him? Can the music be the tonic for his loneline? The poor guy has no choices; he was born to be lonely.Maybe it’s his fate.1900 always wants to attract people by his absorbing performance.Though there is, in fact, nearly no conversation between them, they even don’t know one another.He still wants to be surrounded by the crowd.1900 doesn’t want to be alone; he enjoys the time being accompanied by people.This can explain why he feels so disappointed, frustrated and he stops playing the piano when the crowd leaves as the destination is reached.1900 has to become solitary again! 唯一的伴侣1900年是钢琴;他能用来表达自己的感受通过音乐。然而,可以在钢琴分享他吗?音乐是可以的补品,他孤独?这个可怜的家伙没有选择;他出生是寂寞。也许这是他的命运。 1900年总想吸引人们的他吸收性能。虽然事实上,几乎没有他们之间的谈话,他们甚至不知道对方。他还希望周围的人群。 1900年不想单独的时候,他喜欢的人陪同。这可以解释为什么他感到非常失望,沮丧和他停止弹钢琴当人群离开作为目标达成。 1900年已成为孤立了!One of the paengers admires his talents very much and tries to talk to him.The farmer shares with him about his misfortune and loneline.1900 knows the feeling better than anybody does as he has been suffering for 27 years! He hasn’t disclosed his feeling to others; he just says that he gets a friend sharing the similar situation.It’s a paradox that on the one hand, he wants to speak out his own feeling, which has buried in his heart for a long time, and shares with people; on the other hand, he can’t pluck up his courage to mention his situation in front of people.Maybe it is of no use to tell others or 1900 doesn’t want anyone to sympathize him. 一名乘客钦佩他的才华非常,并试图和他谈谈。农民股份,他对他的不幸和孤独。 1900年的感觉并不比其他人更好,他一直遭受了27年!他没有透露自己的感受给他人,他只是说,他得到朋友分享类似的情况。这是一个矛盾,一方面,他要站出来说话了自己的感觉,它埋在他的心了很长一段时间,和股票的人;另一方面,他不能鼓起他的勇气提及他局势的人前。也许这是没有用的,告诉他人,或1900年不想让任何人同情他。Loneline makes him afraid of contacting strangers, lack of confidence and shy while communicating with strangers.When there’re two strangers coming to inform him the competition, he runs away and hides himself.Poor 1900 is afraid of being hurt.With no doubt, loneline adversely affects his personality.On the shipboard, a young, pure, beautiful girl has caught his attention.He loves the girl and wants to send her a gift.He doesn’t know how to initiate the conversation.1900 practices again and again in the cabinet.He is too timid to send the girl his record.His personality makes him mi a chance.1900 is very unhappy and breaks the record.Again, he just keeps his mouth shut and never shares with the others.It is obvious that he no longer wants to share, he is too tired to find opportunities to air his feeling.孤独使他害怕接触陌生人,缺乏信心和害羞而沟通陌生人。当有两个陌生人在今后向他通报的竞争,他逃跑和隐藏自己。普尔00年是害怕受到伤害。毫无疑问,孤独产生不利影响他的个性。在船上,一个年轻,纯洁,美丽的姑娘引起了他的注意。他喜欢的女孩,希望送她的礼物。他不知道如何开始交谈。 1900年的做法,再在内阁中。他太胆小的女孩向他的纪录。他的性格使他错过了机会。 1900年是非常不愉快,并打破了纪录。再次,他只是让他闭嘴,从不与其他股票。很显然,他不再想份额,他是太累找到机会,他感觉空气 我的补充 2009-08-13 09:16 1900, an abandoned baby which is taken care by one of the crews in the ship, Virginia.1900 was the year which the crew discovered the baby, thus, the boy was named 1900.The crew dies several years later and at that time, 1900 is entirely isolated.He is a genius and he knows how to play the piano without being taught.He gets his own style and wins the applause of paengers.However, he isn’t happy at all.What he is searching for is love and care, yet he cannot find them.In this eay, I will examine how 1900 suffers from loneline and how he is afraid of changes.

The only companion of 1900 is the piano; he gets used to expreing his feeling via music.Yet, can the piano share with him? Can the music be the tonic for his loneline? The poor guy has no choices; he was born to be lonely.Maybe it’s his fate.1900 always wants to attract people by his absorbing performance.Though there is, in fact, nearly no conversation between them, they even don’t know one another.He still wants to be surrounded by the crowd.1900 doesn’t want to be alone; he enjoys the time being accompanied by people.This can explain why he feels so disappointed, frustrated and he stops playing the piano when the crowd leaves as the destination is reached.1900 has to become solitary again!

One of the paengers admires his talents very much and tries to talk to him.The farmer shares with him about his misfortune and loneline.1900 knows the feeling better than anybody does as he has been suffering for 27 years! He hasn’t disclosed his feeling to others; he just says that he gets a friend sharing the similar situation.It’s a paradox that on the one hand, he wants to speak out his own feeling, which has buried in his heart for a long time, and shares with people; on the other hand, he can’t pluck up his courage to mention his situation in front of people.Maybe it is of no use to tell others or 1900 doesn’t want anyone to sympathize him.

Loneline makes him afraid of contacting strangers, lack of confidence and shy while communicating with strangers.When there’re two strangers coming to inform him the competition, he runs away and hides himself.Poor 1900 is afraid of being hurt.With no doubt, loneline adversely affects his personality.On the shipboard, a young, pure, beautiful girl has caught his attention.He loves the girl and wants to send her a gift.He doesn’t know how to initiate the conversation.1900 practices again and again in the cabinet.He is too timid to send the girl his record.His personality makes him mi a chance.1900 is very unhappy and breaks the record.Again, he just keeps his mouth shut and never shares with the others.It is obvious that he no longer wants to share, he is too tired to find opportunities to air his feeling.

Changes make 1900 scared, he wants his everyday life remains the same.For 27 years, he stays on board and never treads on land.Although his crews always persuade him to get off, he is reluctant to try.Several months after the girl had left, 1900 suddenly wants to tread on land.His reason is that he wants to listen to the voice of the sea as he can only hear it clearly on land.However, it’s true that he wants to find the girl and exprees love to her.1900 hides his feeling again.Yet, when he is on the halfway of the ladder that leads to the land, he stops.He stands there to look at the city in front of him.1900 gives up treading on land and returns to the ship.调整使1900年害怕,他希望他的日常生活中保持不变。 27年来,他能留在船上和陆地上从未胎面。虽然他的工作人员总是劝他下车,他是不愿意尝试。几个月后,女孩已经离开, 1900年突然想胎面的土地上。他的理由是,他要听的声音,大海,他只能听到它明确的土地上。然而,这是真的,他希望找到女孩,并表示对她的爱。 1900年再次隐藏自己的感受。然而,当他是中途的梯子,导致土地,他停止。他站在那里看城市在他的前面。 1900年放弃踩在土地和返回船舶

1900 can live safely on the ship as he can see the ends of the ship.Many years later, as the ship is too old and it needs to be exploded to pieces.One of the crew knows that he will be still on the ship.He tries to find him.Before his death, 1900 tells the reasons for not treading on land when he’s walking down the ladder.“ I’m not afraid of what I can see, I’m afraid of what I can’t see”, 1900 is frightened as he can’t see the end of the city.“ Where is the end of the world?” Moreover, there’re only two thousand paengers on broad at a time.It’s a fixed number and it will not change.It can explain why 1900 prefers staying on board.1900年能安全生活在船上,他可以看到两端的船舶。许多年过去了,作为船舶太旧,它需要爆炸碎片。其中一名船员知道他将仍然在船舶上。他试图找到他。他去世之前, 1900年讲述了为何不踩的土地当他走下阶梯。 “我不怕,我可以看到,我怕什么我看不到” , 1900年是害怕,他看不到结束的城市。 “哪里是世界的尽头? ”此外,只需要支付2000名乘客的广泛的一次。这是一个固定的数目,它不会改变。它可以解释为什么00年宁愿留在船上。

He takes the piano as an example, “ There are finite keys on the piano”, and he can make “infinite music” out of it.However, the world is a piano that is too big for him.There are infinite keys in the world, how can he make music out of it? It implies that there are so many changes in the world; he can hardly face the challenges.“There are thousands of streets in the city„which one should I choose to die?” It shows that 1900 is scared by the ever-changing world and he is too tired to choose.He thinks that he can’t adapt to the changes as “ the world has paed me (him) by”.In addition, fame, fortune, girl can’t make him tread on land.1900 chooses to die on the ship rather than getting off.It can be seen that how deeply he is afraid of changes.The marvelous life of 1900 makes him become the legend 他把钢琴作为一个例子, “有有限的钢琴键上的” ,他可以“无限音乐”了。然而,世界是一个钢琴是太大了。有无限的钥匙在世界上,怎样才能使他的音乐了吗?这意味着有这么多的变化在世界上,他很难面对挑战。 “有成千上万的街道...哪一个城市,我应该选择死亡? ”这表明, 1900年是害怕的不断变化的世界,他是太累选择。他认为,他无法适应这种变化,为“世界已经过去了我(他)的” 。此外,名气,财富,女孩不能让他踩在陆地上。 1900年选择了死在船上,而不是下车。可以看出,有多深,他害怕变化。精彩生活的00年使他成为传奇人物










